Respres Outline
Respres Outline
Respres Outline
The introduction is a description of the problem addressed by the research. This section
typically includes at least some of the following topics:
1. Statement of the problem and its significance.
a. Example A:
i. 500 000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year.
ii. Most skin cancers are the result of UV radiation.
b. Example B:
i. Many cutaneous conditions are associated with AIDS.
ii. Data on the prevalence of skin disorders from prospective,
controlled studies are lacking.
2. A careful analysis of facts that have some bearing on the problem, presented in a
systematic and orderly fashion.
a. Example A:
i. A popular source of UV radiation is tanning beds.
ii. However, tanning beds are promoted to the public as “safe” due to
their use of UVA, not UVB, radiation.
iii. UVA radiation causes erythema, allergic reactions, corneal burns,
retinal damage, and cataracts and produces degenerative and
neoplastic changes.
iv. Federal guidelines mandate that consumers be warned of these
potential complications.
b. Example B:
i. Several skin conditions have been reported in association with
ii. Presentation of skin diseases in AIDS is often atypical, more
severe, explosive, extensive, and recalcitrant.
3. Review and evaluate the literature pertinent to the problem.
a. Example A:
i. One other pub lished study on tanning beds suggests that customers
are inadequately warned about potential dangers (Bruyneel-Papp F,
et al. Am Acad Derm. 1988;18:1030-8).
b. Example B:
i. There is a newly observed association between AIDS and
seborrheic dermatitis, but the actual prevalence is unknown
(Eisenstat BA. N Engl J Med. 1984;311:189).
4. Provide a succinct, precise, and unambiguous statement of the research problem
or question.
a. Example A:
i. How much do proprietors of tanning salons know about the risks
of tanning beds and tanning?
b. Example B:
i. What is the relative prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis patients
with AIDS?
5. Provide a precise statement of the hypothesis (most commonly found in analytical
research) or the objectives of a study (most commonly found in survey and
descriptive research).
a. Example A:
i. To study reasons for the continued popularity of tanning salons and
evaluate the proprietor’s knowledge of the risks of tanning.
b. Example B:
i. Seborrheic dermatitis occurs more frequently in patients with
AIDS as compared to a control population.
The methods should be described with sufficient detail that another investigator can
replicate the study under comparable conditions. The methods section needs to be
presented in a logical order to facilitate understanding.
1. Present the study design.
a. Example A:
i. A survey of tanning establishments.
b. Example B:
i. Cohort study of patients with AIDS.
2. Provide a clear description of the sample.
a. Mode of selection, how representative the sample is, information about
possible biases.
b. Example A:
i. Tanning establishments in one medium-sized, midwestern
community that were located in the phone book.
ii. All establishments were contacted in person by the authors.
c. Example B:
i. All patients with the diagnosis of AIDS seen at an urban
dermatology clinic during a one- year period were enrolled in the
study (the “cases”).
ii. All cases must fulfill the CDC criteria for AIDS.
iii. Cases were compared to age and sex-matched patients without
AIDS (the “controls”).
3. Provide information about the measures.
a. Example A:
i. Perceived reasons why patrons visit tanning salon.
ii. Size of tanning salon (number of tanning beds).
iii. Knowledge of safety regulations.
iv. Knowledge of the adverse affects of tanning.
v. How the power and UV wavelength of tanning beds are measured.
vi. How patrons are informed of potential hazards.
vii. How often complications occur.
b. Example B:
i. Detailed dermatological examination performed on each case and
ii. Diagnosis of seborrheic dermatitis made by clinical examination
and excluding other mimics.
iii. Grading system for seborrheic dermatitis severity was developed
and applied to all cases.
4. Provide information about the instrument.
a. Reliability, validity, and standardization of the test and psychometric
characteristics of scales or tests used.
b. Example A:
i. Interview consisted of a 13-question, multiple-choice format.
ii. Author generated and administered.
iii. Reviewed by dermatologists for content accuracy.
iv. Piloted for clarity.
c. Example B:
i. Clinical examination was performed by authors.
ii. Diagnosis confirmed by attending faculty.
iii. Biopsies performed when diagnosis in doubt.
iv. Reliability of scale was validated by chart review.
5. Describe operational or field procedures followed to collect data.
a. Describe where, when, and how data were collected.
b. Example A:
i. Midwestern college town with a population of 450 000.
ii. Data collected between January 1990and April 1990.
iii. Interviewers identified themselves as physicians and explained the
purpose of the study.
iv. All responses recorded on a standard interview form by the
c. Example B:
i. Large, urban, university-associated dermatology clinic.
ii. Data collected between November 1983 and October 1984.
iii. Data collection and recording performed by authors.
6. Describe the statistical treatment of the data.
a. Describe how the data will be reported (frequencies, means, ratios,
standard deviations, etc.).
b. If appropriate, describe what statistical tests were used for each unique
category of measures, the p value or confidence interval, and the power of
the study (especially if the results are not statistically significant).
c. Example A:
i. Descriptive data reported as means and ranges, frequencies, and
d. Example B:
i. Descriptive data reported as means, ranges, frequencies, and
ii. Proportions of cases with seborrheic dermatitis were compared to
proportions of controls by chi-square analysis or Fischer’s exact
iii. Relative risk calculations and confidence intervals.
iv. Alpha value set at 0.05 (p < 0.05).
This consists of a logical and orderly presentation of the collected data. Confine remarks
to the objective findings; eschew a subjective or speculative presentation. Consider how
best to display data by using charts, tables, figures, or graphs.
1. Present response data and reasons for dropouts or incomplete data set.
a. Example A:
i. 31 of 34 tanning salons participated.
ii. 1 tanning salon could not be located.
iii. 1 proprietor refused.
iv. 1 set of data incomplete.
b. Example B:
i. 18 patients with AIDS enrolled.
ii. 15 patients with HIV infection enrolled.
iii. 30 randomly selected, age and sex-matched controls enrolled.
iv. 3 patients with HIV excluded because there was not a detailed
dermatological examination prior to their deaths.
2. Present pertinent demographic data.
a. Example A:
i. Mean age of patrons 26 years, range 2 to 65 years.
ii. 48% of establishments had 2 or fewer tanning beds.
b. Example B:
i. AIDS patients included 17 men and 1 woman.
ii. HIV patients included 12 men.
iii. Age range 25 to 47 years.
iv. Risk factors for AIDS included homosexuality (14), intravenous
drug use (3), and sexual contact with an IV drug user (1).
3. Present study data.
a. Example A:
i. “Most Important” reasons for tanning.
1. 32% appearance.
2. 71% prevent sunburn.
3. 13% skin treatment (acne).
4. 13% relaxation.
ii. Presence of tanning guidelines.
1. 55% age restrictions.
2. 84% frequency of exposure.
3. 97% duration of exposure.
iii. “Always” informed patrons about hazards.
1. 90% corneal burns, vision problems, and skin burns.
2. 80% pruritus, rash, allergic reaction, and
3. 61% skin cancer.
iv. Range of UVB radiation in tanning bed.
1. Mean 3.3%, range 0.7% to 5.0%.
2. 13 did not know.
3. Some beds were entirely UVB radiation for “quick tan.”
4. UV wavelength measured by written light source
5. No measure of power output.
b. Example B:
i. AIDS patients had at least one of the previously described
cutaneous disorders.
1. 15 candidiasis, 13 herpes simplex.
ii. 15 of 17 AIDS patients (83.3%) had seborrheic dermatitis.
1. 3 severe, 9 moderate, 3 mild.
iii. 5 of 12 HIV patients (41.7%) had seborrheic dermatitis.
1. 3 mild, 2 severe (AIDS vs. HIV, p < 0.02).
iv. 3 of 30 control patients (10%) had seborrheic dermatitis.
1. All mild cases (AIDS vs. controls, p < 0.001. HIV vs.
controls p = 0.07).
v. Severity of seborrheic dermatitis correlated with short-term
1. 6 AIDS patients died, 3 developed severe seborrheic
dermatitis, and 2 developed moderate dermatitis within 1
year to 6 months of death.
a. Relative risk calculation 2.5 (95% CI = 1.9-3.3).
2. 2 HIV patients with severe seborrheic dermatitis went on to
develop AIDS during study; 1 died.
3. No control patient with seborrheic dermatitis died.
Restate the problem, and briefly summarize the methodology and findings. Do not
introduce new findings that were not presented in the results. Draw conclusions that are
based upon the data, and accept or reject the research hypothesis (if stated). Discuss the
generalizability of the results beyond the stud y, state its limitations, make
recommendations for future studies, and make final recommendations based upon the
1. Restate the problem.
a. Example A:
i. UVB causes skin cancer and skin damage.
ii. Tanning beds advertised as safe because they use UVA.
iii. FDA states that UVA radiation provides no benefit to human
iv. Data from many studies suggest that UVA radiation may pose a
threat to human health.
b. Example B:
i. Seborrheic dermatitis is associated with a number of medical
ii. An increased prevalence of this and other skin conditions has been
noted in patients with AIDS.
iii. No prospective, controlled studies have been performed.
2. Summarize conclusions.
a. Example A:
i. Tanning beds are not entirely free of UVB radiation—in fact, UVB
radiation in tanning beds is equal to that in sunlight.
ii. Proprietors are aware of government guidelines but fail to follow
iii. Proprietors are not knowledgeable about tanning hazards.
iv. No establishment measured the power output of tanning beds.
v. Patrons are not fully informed of dangers.
b. Example B:
i. There is a significant increase in seborrheic dermatitis in patients
with AIDS compared to controls.
ii. There is a significant increase in seborrheic dermatitis in patients
with AIDS as compared to HIV- infected patients.
iii. The severity of seborrheic dermatitis may have short-term
prognostic significance.
3. List support for the study’s findings found in the literature.
a. Example A:
i. One previous study (see Bruyneel- Rapp) supports findings.
b. Example B:
i. One previous observational study noted an increase in seborrhe ic
ii. Seborrheic dermatitis may be the result of infection with
Malassezia, Candida, or bacteria and may explain its occurrence
and severity in patients with altered immune status.
4. Study generalizability.
a. Example A:
i. Limited to similar cities that lack legislation for regulating tanning
b. Example B:
i. Generalizable to patients who meet CDC requirements for AIDS
and HIV infection and seek care from a specialty clinic.
5. Study limitations
a. Example A:
i. Biased in favor of tanning industry due to nature of survey.
ii. Survey limited to one midwestern city.
b. Example B:
i. Small study size.
ii. Patients seen at specialty clinic, not in general medical population.
6. Accept or reject the research hypothesis.
a. Example A:
i. No hypothesis in this descriptive study.
b. Example B:
i. Accept research hypothesis.
7. New questions
a. Example A:
i. Are the results replicable in other communities?
ii. Would results be different in a community with tanning bed
b. Example B:
i. Are results replicable in a general, non-referral population?
8. Final recommendations based upon the data
a. Example A:
i. Tanning beds pose a potential health threat.
ii. Most proprietors are ignorant of the dangers.
iii. Regulation of the tanning industry should be considered.
b. Example B:
i. The occurrence of severe seborrheic dermatitis in homosexual men
and IV drug users should suggest the diagnosis of HIV infection or
By completing a topic outline, you will have a first draft of all the possible topics you
could present at the meeting. Since the presentation is only 10 minutes long, you will
need to make decisions about what to keep and what to cut. How do you decide what to
cut? The best method is to prioritize the topics in your outline. First, identify the basic
information in the four major categories that you simply must present. This represents the
“must say” category. If you have done your job well, the retained content will answer the
following questions:
After you have identified the “must say” content, identify information that will help the
audience better understand the research. Call this the “elaboration” category. Finally,
identify the content that you think the audience would like to know, provided there is
enough time, and identify this as the “nice-to-know” category.
Preparing a presentation is an iterative process. As you begin to “fit” your talk into the
allotted time, certain information you originally thought as “elaboration” may be dropped
to the “nice-to-know” category due to time constraints. Use the following organizational
scheme to efficiently prioritize your outline.
A = Must Say.
B = Elaboration.
C = Nice-to-Know.
4. Remember that this is an iterative process; your decisions are not final.
5. Review the outline with your mentor or interested colleagues, and listen to
their decisions.