6QCD-DCT-Houghton Paper

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Effect of Oil Condition On Pinion Gear Distortion

Conference Paper · September 2012


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2 authors:

Lynn Ferguson D. Scott Mackenzie

DANTE Solutions, Inc. Houghton International, Inc.


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Effect of Oil Condition on Pinion Gear Distortion
B. Lynn Ferguson
Deformation Control Technology, Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA

D. Scott MacKenzie
Houghton International, Inc., Valley Forge, PA, USA

Keywords: quench oil, distortion, computer simulation, residual stress, phase transformations


As quench oil ages through use, its cooling power changes. Effectively, this means its
viscosity changes, its vaporization behavior and thus its heat transfer characteristics. This paper
reports the effect of new, mildly used and over-used quench oil on the distortion of a carburized
8620 steel pinion gear. The quenching characteristics for these three oil conditions, as measured
by a standard quench probe, are used as the base heat transfer data sets. The local heat transfer
coefficients applied to the part surface are modified according to the local velocity field as
computed by a CFD model of the base oil. The predictive software DANTE is used to compute
the dimensional change, residual stress state and phase distribution for the three cases, and
comparisons will be presented.


Distortion of steel parts is a common problem that is associated with quench hardening.
During quenching, there are steep thermal gradients which generate internal stress. Hardening of
steel necessitates transformation of austenite to martensite and other possible phases such as
bainite, and these phase transformations introduce additional stress due to associated volume
changes. Together, the thermal and transformation induced stresses can lead to significant
dimensional change from the incoming green dimensions. The quenchant used to quickly cool
the parts plays a significant role in the amount of dimensional change because the quench media
dictates the nature of the thermal gradients, the stress levels, and the final phase make-up of the
The cooling curve for marquenching oil has been found to change with use time.[1] As
the oil condition changes, Figure 1 shows that the maximum cooling rate increases and the part
temperature at which maximum cooling occurs also increases. These changes in the
characteristics of the oil are associated with oxidation and changes in viscosity.
Agitation of the oil also plays an important role in terms of heat transfer during
quenching. For example, Table 1 presents data for a fast quench oil that shows heat transfer
coefficient to triple as the velocity is increased from still conditions to 0.76 m/s.[2]
Marquenching oil was reported to have a similar heat transfer coefficient to the fast oil at an oil
velocity of 0.51 m/s.
Prior work published from a study of quenching racked pinion gears of carburized AISI
8620 steel in a marquenching oil reported distortion measurements for two rack positions.[3]
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was applied to determine local velocities of the
quench media around the racked parts.[4] Finite element modeling was used to predict the
dimensional change of gears at two specific locations, with overall bow of the pinion being the
main measure of distortion.[3] The local heat transfer coefficients applied in these models were
determined by relating the base oil heat transfer coefficient data and the local velocity by a
power law. The agreement between the predicted and measured bow values was good.
In this paper the effect of oil condition on dimensional change, metallurgical phase
fractions and distribution, and residual stress state of the same pinion gear is examined using
finite element analysis. Heat transfer coefficients for new and oxidized oil were defined by
modifying HTC data based on measured cooling curves.

Figure 1 Effect of oil age on cooling rate.[1]

Table 1. Effect of Agitation on Heat Transfer. [2]

Oil Velocity, m/s HTC, W/(m2*°C)
Still 2000
Fast Oil at 60° C 0.25 4500
0.51 5000
0.76 6500
Marquenching Oil at 150° C 0.51 5000
Conventional Oil at 65° C 0.51 3000

Oxidized Marquenching Oil

Figure 2 shows the cooling curves for Houghton marquenching oil 355 for virgin and
oxidized conditions; the cooling curves were measured using an IVF quench probe. The testing
conditions were 1 liter of hot oil (121º C) with no agitation. From these cooling curves,
characteristic quenching behavior of the oils was determined and is reported in Table 1. The
cooling curves and the data derived from the curves are in agreement with the published findings
for the effect of oil use time on quenching characteristics.
Figure 2 Cooling curves determined for Houghton 355 marquenching oil using the IVF probe.

Table2. Characteristic Data for Houghton 355 Marquenching Oil

Derived from the Cooling Curves in Figure 2.
Baseline 355 Oil 0.8 mg/l KOH 1.0 mg/l KOH 1.2 mg/l KOH
Maximum Cooling Rate 77.4 Cº/s 78.2 Cº/s 89.2 Cº/s 93.6 Cº/s
Temperature at Start of 611.4º C 614.7º C 655.6º C 683.3º C
Temperature at Start of 407.5º C 388.2º C 376.1º C 393.2º C
Theta 1 700.9º C 720.0º C 771.0º C 849.6º C
Theta 2 457.5º C 464.2º C 465.5º C 494.7º C
Hardening Power 87.8 218.8 336.6 304.8

The heat transfer coefficient data predicted by Houghton from the cooling curve data
using the IVF software are shown in Figure 3.[5] These curves are in qualitative agreement with
the reported effects of oxidation on cooling rate and temperature. However, these curves are for
quenching the IVF probe in still oil, and they cannot be used directly as heat transfer coefficients
for actual quenching of a racked load of parts in an agitated oil tank. Heat transfer coefficients
used to simulate the actual process should be determined by quenching parts instrumented with
thermocouples to measure local cooling curves. Alternatively, CFD can be used to calculate
local velocities.
Figure 3 Heat transfer coefficient data supplied by Houghton for baseline and oxidized marquenching oil.[5]

Because experimental data for oil velocity and oxidized conditions using a commercial
quench tank were not available, arbitrary HTC data were defined to use in models for baseline
and heavily oxidized conditions (TAN=1.2). This was done to explore the effect of the HTC
curve shape on predicted distortion for these carburized 8620 pinion gears. The method for
defining the HTC data to be used in the models was to first modify the HTC curves reported in
Figure 3 (high temperature end), and then use equation (1) to determine HTC values over the
range of oil velocities and part surface temperatures experienced in the quenching process.
Equation (1) shows that local velocity and temperature are thought to impact the HTC value.

HTCmod(V,T) = A(V) * B(T) *Vc(V) * HTC eq(1)

Where A(V) is a multiplier that is a function of oil velocity

B(T) is a multiplier that is a function of temperature
V c(V) is a multiplier that is a power function of local oil velocity
HTC is the “still” oil HTC.

Figures 4, 5 and 6 show HTC vs. temperature curves for various oil velocities. Using oil
velocities calculated from CFD analysis reported in reference [3] for rack position A11, the top
corner, HTC curves for the average oil velocity, the average ± standard deviation velocities
denoted as major and minor, and the maximum and minimum velocities are shown in these
figures. For comparison purposes, Figure 7 shows the HTC curves for the average oil velocity.
Figure 7 illustrates the key issues that were considered in this paper. The HTC data
representing oxidized is noticeably higher when part surface temperatures exceed 600 C,
indicating poor stability of the vapor phase and limited film boiling. Also, for the estimated
HTC data for baseline oil (base2) and the “test” oil, the main difference is the peak heat transfer.
Figure 4 Estimated HTC data as affected by oil velocity for “base” marquenching oil.

Figure 5 Estimated HTC as affected by oil velocity for oxidized marquenching oil (TAN=1.2).
Figure 6 Estimated HTC as affected by oil velocity for “test” oil.

Figure 7 Comparison of HTC curves for average oil velocity for marquenching oil.

Heat Treat Process to be Simulated

The heat treat process simulated was identical to that reported in reference [3], and it is
shown in Figure 8. The racked parts are preheat to 510 C and then transferred to a multiple zone
furnace for carburization and preparation for quenching. The DANTE software was used for
these simulations. This included the material data for carburized 8620 resident in DANTE’s
database. Tempering was not modeled as distortion and changes in residual stress during low
temperature tempering are considered to be negligible.

Figure 8 Process cycle use to carburize and quench harden 8620 steel pinion gears.

A three dimensional model was built to represent the pinion; the same model used in
references [3 & 4] was used for this study. Gear teeth were not modeled as the CFD model in
reference [4] considered the pinion head to be a truncated cone. As mentioned, gear A11
positioned at the top outside corner of the rack was the gear modeled in this study. The predicted
CFD velocity map is shown in Figure 9, and these were the velocities used to define the local
heat transfer coefficients.
Results of the three simulations are best reviewed by comparing the predicted bow
distortion, the final residual stress states and differences in the timing of phase transformations
that were predicted by the quench hardening process.
Figure 9 Oil velocity profiles (m/s) predicted by CFD.[4]

Simulation Results

Figure 10 shows the predicted bow of the pinion gear as determined by plotting the radial
displacements of the model centerline over the length of the pinion. The shaft length ranges
from 0 to 175mm, and the pinion head covers from 175 mm to 232 mm. As shown, the HTC
data used for the baseline marquenching oil, curve labeled base2, produce predicted bow values
of 32 microns. The predicted bow for the oxidized oil with a TAN of 1.2 was on the order of 17
to 18 microns. The highest predicted bow was nearly 53 microns for “test” oil HTC data.

Figure 10 Bowing distortion predicted for the three HTC sets of values.

The predicted residual stress states and the phase make-up of the quenched pinions for
the three different HTC data sets are slightly different from one another and reflect the
differences in bow distortion reported in Figure 10. Because of the differences in local velocity
of the oil during the quench, the residual stress state is not uniform in either the circumferential
or lengthwise directions. Figure 11 shows minimum principal stress, and it is included as a
representative for all three cases, as it illustrates the variation in surface and internal stress due to
local quench condition differences. The stress magnitudes and extents of coverage are slightly
different for the three cases, but the appearances are similar. Because the gear teeth have been
eliminated, the stress state reported in the head is not accurate, and the focus is on the shaft. The
cut view in Figure 11 is across a plane that includes the highest surface compression.

Figure 11 Surface and cross section residual stress profile for quenched pinion using baseline oil. (Units are MPa)

For comparison of the three HTC data set effects, Figures 12 through 14 show the
differences succinctly. These figures are for a ring of nodes 65.7 mm from the end of the pinion,
and the radius of the nodes places them at ** mm under the surface so they are inside the case-
core interface diameter. The figures show temperature, radial displacement and austenite
fraction over the quenching period for four nodes of the ring positioned at 90° to each other.
Ideally, the temperature, displacement and austenite fractions would be identical, so the
differences shown reflect the differences for the three quenches. In these figures, the spread in
the temperature history curves, the differences in the radial displacement curves, and the spread
in the austenite decomposition curves indicates the amount of nonuniformity at these nodal
locations. The result is an axial bending moment to cause bowing and a change in the cross
section from a true circle to a poorly formed oval. The noncircularity is shown in Figure 15, as
simple size change would have produced horizontal lines in this graph.

Figure 12 Temperature, radial displacement and austenite fraction predictions for the baseline marquenching oil.
Figure 13 Temperature, radial displacement and austenite fraction predictions for oxidized marquenching oil.

Figure 14 Temperature, radial displacement and austenite fraction predictions for”test” marquenching oil.

Figure 15 Radial displacement predictions for a ring of nodes along the pinion shaft showing non-circularity for
the three different HTC data sets.


This study is by no means conclusive or final in nature. There is still much work to be
done. For example, the original CFD model assumes a single set of static conditions from which
velocities were calculated. From these assumptions, this study makes some further assumptions
about differences in oil behavior in terms of heat transfer. The results are definitely interesting,
but further experimental work and validation are required.
Interesting predictions from this study on these carburized 8620 gears include:
• Distortion as measured by bow of the gear decreased as the peak value of the
HTC, the value of HTC during nucleate boiling, decreased.
• Bowing distortion also decreased as film boiling was decreased, which in this
case was for oxidized marquenching oil.
• The nonuniformity in local oil velocity produced nonuniform decomposition of
the austenite which caused bending and out-of-round distortions in all three
The heat transfer coefficient data used to simulate quenching processes should be
determined from experimental measurements made using the process conditions.
Alternatively, CFD calculations can be made to estimate the HTC values for the actual
process. HTC data derived from quench probe data using a small sample of still oil are
not directly useful for process simulation. Cooling curves determined by quench probes
are great for providing the data for which they were intended – that is, checking the
condition of the oil or comparing the basic characteristics of various quenchants.


The authors would like to acknowledge Charlie Li and Andy Freborg of DCT for their
valuable discussions. The work of ** at Houghton Intl. who performed the quench probe tests is
also gratefully acknowledged.


[1] G.E. Totten, C.E. Bates and N.A. Clinton, Handbook of Quenchants and Quenching
Technology, 1993, p 154-158.

[2]. C.Bates, “***”, ASMI Metals Handbook, v4, p 72, 19**.

[3] A. Kumar, H. Metwally, S. Paingankar and D.S. MacKenzie, “Evaluation of flow uniformity
around automotive pinion gears during quenching,” Z.Werkst. Warmebeh. Fertigung, 62(6),
2007, p 274-278.

[4] D.S. MacKenzie, Z. Li and B.L. Ferguson, “Effect of quenchant flow on the distortion of
carburized automotive pinion gears,” Z.Werkst. Warmebeh. Fertigung, 63(1), 2008, p 15-21.

[5] Data supplied by Houghton International, Inc., 2012.

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