Department of Environment and Natural Resources: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quczon Citj
Tel. Nos. (632) 929-66-26 to 29 (632) 929-62-52
Website: http:/ 1 E-mail: [email protected]

DENR Administrative Order

NO. 2008 - 22



Pursuant to Executive Order No. 192, and to directly involve the citizenry in the
protection and conservation of the country's environment and natural resources,
the following guidelines on the deputation of environment and natural resources
officers are hereby issued for the guidance of all concerned:

Section 1. Scope and Coverage. This Order shall apply to individuals or

groups that are willing to be involved in the protection and conservation of the
country's environment and natural resources through the issuance of a
deputation order by the DENR. This does not include protected areas with
existing systems on deputation as defined in their specific RepublicActs.

Sec. 2. Definition of Terms: For purposes of this Order, the following

terms shall be construed to mean as follows:

a) Deputy Environment and Natural Resources Officer (DENRO) -

individuals or groups duly deputized by the DENR, for a period of one
year or longer, over a specific area of jurisdiction and sector (e.g.
Forestry, Mines) as stated in the.deputationorder.

b) Special Deputy Environment and Natural Resources Officer (SDENRO)

- persons or entities duly deputized by the DENR, to act on specific
case or cases for a specified period under a special deputation order.
SDENROs must have knowledge and technical capability on the
enforcement of particular environment and natural resources laws,
rules and regulations.

Sec. 3. Functions and Duties of DENROISDENRO

3.1 Assist in the enforcement of laws, rules and regulations governing

environment, forestlands, mineral lands, protected areas (i.e. national
parks, marine resources and sanctuaries) and other lands of the public
domain under the jurisdiction of the DENR within their locality;

3.2 Assist in the issuance of apprehension receipts, seizure orders and

notices of administrative hearings including the proceedings necessary for
the conduct of the administrative adjudications of illegally procured,
transported, owned/possessed and/or utilized forest products, wildlife
(flora and fauna), minerals and other natural resources.

3.3 Arrest, even without warrant, any person who has committed or is
committing in histher presence any of the offenses provided in
environmental and natural resources laws, rules and regulations.
Deliver within the period prescribed by law from the time of arrest and
seizure, the offender including the apprehended natural resources
products, toolslequipment and conveyances and coordinate with the
appropriate official designated by law to conduct preliminary investigation
prior to the filing of information in Court through the CENRO or PENRO or
Regional Executive Director, where it is most expediently available.

Act as witness in Court for the speedy prosecution of criminal complaints

against violators of environmental and natural resources laws, rules and

Assist in the conduct of environment and natural resources information

campaign, such as meetings, public assembly, and other extension
activities within their areas of jurisdiction in coordination with DENR
officers and personnel of other government or private agencies involved in
similar work; and

Submit monthly accomplishment reports to the CENRO or to the Field

Operations Office or in the case of SDENRO, the Regional Technical
DirectorlRegional Director or Bureau Director having jurisdiction over their
area of responsibility, using the standard reporting form attached as
"Annex 1"

Sec. 4. Individualls and Groups Qualified for Deputation

4.1 Filipino citizen (natural born or naturalized) of legal age.

4.2 Duly elected or appointed local government officials, except for members
of the Protected Area Management Board as may be designated by the
DENR Secretary.

Military and Police Officers;

Environment and Natural Resources Officers (ENROs) of the local

government units;

Company Foresters and Concession Guards of TLA Holders and other

tenurial instrument holders such as Forest Land Grazing Management
Agreement (FLGMA) and Socialized Industrial Forest Management
Agreement (SIFMA) and Industrial Forest Management Agreement

Qualified employees of Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement

(FTAA) and Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) holders and
other holders of environment and natural resources agreements;

Participants of the Community-Based Forest Management Program

(CBFMP), Community Based Program in Protected Areas (i.e., Protected
Areas Community Based Resources Management Agreement holders),
Ancestral Domain Management Program (ADMP), and other
mernberslofficers of Multi-Sectoral Committees created under andlor by
virtue of DENR rules and regulations.

Members of DENR-accredited non-government organizations as defined

under DENR Adm. Or. No. 52, s. 1992 ("Amending Department
Administrative Order No. 120, s. 1989, Otherwise Known as the "General
Rules and Regulations on the Participation of Non-Governmental
Organizations in the DENR Programs");

4.9 Other individuals that may be deputized upon the discretion of the Secretary.

Sec. 5. Additional Qualifications

Prospective DENROISDENRO should possess the following qualifications

5.1 Resident of, or assigned to, the area specified in the deputation order;

5.2 Knows how to read and write;

5.3 Physically fit and mentally sound;

5.4 Of good moral character;

5.5 Should have passed the orientation or training courses under Section 8

5.6 Willing to perform the functions and duties of a DENROISDENRO without

compensation; and

5.7 Not engaged in business which involves licensing requirements from DENR
or has no conflict of interest with the task helshe may perform under the

Sec. 6. Deputation Procedures for DENRO

6.1 General Procedures

6.1.1. Application for deputation of individuals and members of groups with

community and up to region-wide membership shall be processed and
approved in the respective regions.

6.1.2. Application for deputation of members of groups with multi-regional andlor

nationwide membership shall be processed at the Central Office.

6.1.3. The application period is January 1 - March 31. However, the Secretary
may deputize an individual or grouplorganization, any time as deemed

6.2 Specific Procedures

6.2.1. For Individuals

a. Applications shall be submitted to the nearest CENR Office

accompanied by the following documents:

1. Endorsement from the organization headlemployer, or barangay

clearance signed by 'the Barangay Chairman
11. Biodata with ID picture
iii. Certificate of good moral character issued by the Barangay
Chairman of the area or from the Parish Priest/Ministerllmam
where the applicant resides
iv. Police clearance

v. Sworn Statement that the applicant is willing to perform the

functions and duties of a DENROISDENRO without

b. The CENRO shall receive the application, check the completeness of

the documents and validate that the applicant has no record of
violations of any ENR rules and regulations. Only applicants with
complete documents and found to have no record of violations of any
ENR rules and regulations shall be recommended for training.

Non-qualifying applicants shall be informed in writing stating reasons

for rejection of application such as derogatory records, failure to
comply with provisions of agreements in previous dealings with DENR
and other governing agencies and other similar grounds.

c. The CENRO within two (2) working days from the submission of
application shall forward the application and all pertinent documents to
the PENRO.

d. Within two (2) working days, the PENRO shall evaluate the documents
and forward the applications to the RED.

e. The RED shall authorize the Regional HRD Staff to conduct training of
qualified applicants which will commence fifteen (15) days after the
end of the application period.

f. The trainees shall be evaluated by the Regional HRD Staff based on

performance criteria to be developed by the Office of the
Undersecretary for Field Operations. Those who do not pass the
performance evaluation shall be informed in writing within 5 days after
the last day of the orientationltraining.

g. The RED shall issue all deputation orders to successful trainees after
clearance from the Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations.

For members of groupslorganizations with community and up to region-wide


a. Group applications shall be submitted to the Regional Office

accompanied by the following documents:

i. Certified copy of Certificate of Registration with the SEC, CDA,

NClP or other accrediting office;
ii. Certificate of organization's accreditation issued by the DENR;
iii. Sworn Statement by the presidentlhead of the group that the
members who will be deputized are willing to perform the
functions and duties of DENROISDENRO without compensations;
iv. List of members who will be deputized and their biodata with
group certification that they are:

physically and mentally fit; and

of good moral character
The Office of the RED shall validate that the applicant has no
record of violations of any ENR rules and regulations. Only
applicants with complete documents and found to have no record of
violations of any ENR rules and regulations shall be recommended
for training

Non qualifying applicants shall be informed in writing stating the

grounds for rejection the application such as derogatory records,
failure to comply with provisions of agreements in previous dealings
with DENR and other governing agencies and similar

The RED shall authorize the Regional HRD Staff to conduct training
of qualified applicants which will commence fifteen (15) days after
the end of the application period.

The trainees shall be evaluated by the Regional HRD Staff, based

on performance criteria to be developed by the Office of the
Undersecretary for Field Operations. Those who do not pass the
performance evaluation shall be informed in writing within 5 days
after the last day of the orientationltraining.

The RED shall issue all deputation orders to successful trainees

after clearance from the Office of the Undersecretary for Field

6.2.3 For merr~bersof groupslorganization with multi-regional andlor nationwide


Group applications shall be submitted to the Office of the

Undersecretary for Field Operations accompanied by the same
documents as in Item g Sec. 6.2.2.

The Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations shall receive

the application and validate that the applicant has no record of
violations of any ENR rules and regulations. Or~lyapplicants with
complete documents and found to have no record of violations of
any ENR rules and regulations shall be authorized for training

Non qualifying applicants shall be informed in writing stating

reasons the grounds for rejecting the application such as
derogatory records, failure to comply with provisions of agreements
in previous dealings with DENR and other governing agencies and

The Undersecretary for Field Operations shall authorize the conduct

of the training to qualified applicants which shall commence fifteen
(15) days after the end of the application period. However, for the
grouplorganization that has regional memberships, members may
be allowed to attend the traininglorientation conducted by the
Regional HRDS.

The grouplorganization members who have undergone the

traininglorientation shall be evaluated by the Regionallcentral
Office HRDS, based on a set of criteria that have been developed.
Those who pass shall be recommended for deputation. Those who
are not fit to be deputized based on the evaluation by the HRDS
shall be informed in writing within 5 days after the last day of the

e. The Secretary or hislher authorized representative shall issue the

group1 organization deputation order for those who passed the

Sec. 7. Deputation Procedures for SDENRO. SDENROs shall be

deputized by the Regional Executive Directors, based on the recommendation of
the Regional Technical Director or Regional Director concerned. At the
Central Office, the Secretary or hislher authorized representative shall issue the
Deputation Order, upon the recommendation of the Undersecretary for Field
Operations and the Bureau Director concerned.

7.1 Within three (3) months of the effectivity of this Order, and continuously
thereafter, the Offices of the Regional Executive Directors and Bureau
Directors shall come up with a list of potential SDENRO based on the
required technical expertise pertaining to their sectors; provided that said
potential SDENRO shall possess the additional qualifications listed in
items 5.2 to 5.7, Section 5 hereof.

7.2 Potential SDENROs shall be invited by the REDS and Bureau Directors to
become members of the pool of SDENROs, and upon their agreement, will
undergo an orientation program to be conducted by the RegionalIBureau
Human Resources Development Staff. The modules for the program shall
be designed by the HRDS Central Office and shall be ready for
implementation within three (3) months from the effectivity of this Order.

7.3 Those who have undergone the orientation program shall comprise the
pool of SDENRO from where the RTDsIRDslBureau Director may
recommend a SDENRO for deputation should the need arise.

7.4 The Offices of Regional Executive DirectorslBureau Directors shall

maintain a data base of the potential SDENRO, copy furnished the Office
of the Undersecretary for Field Operations.

Sec. 8. Orientation and Training.

8.1 The Human Resources Development Service of the DENR in coordination

with the concerned bureaus and the Office of the Undersecretary for Field
Operations shall prepare standard orientation and training modules and
materials to be used in the training and orientation for prospective
DENROISDENRO. The traininglorientation module shall consist of, but
not limited to, basic knowledge on environmental and natural resources
laws, rules and regulations, investigation report preparation, preparation of
and filing cases in court and surveillance techniques

8.2 To update DENRO, SDENRO and members of the SDENRO pools on

environment and natural resources sector including laws, rules and
regulations, training shall be conducted once a year Failure of the DENRO
or the SDENROs to attend the training shall be a ground for the automatic
revocation of their deputation orders. Failure of the SDENRO pool
member to attend training shall be ground for dropping himlher from the
pool. The Regional Executive Director shall be responsible for the regular
evaluation of the DENROslSDENROs. The Regional Human Resources
Development Division shall submit a report to the HRDS Central Office for
purposes of monitoring the said activity.
w 6
Sec. 9. Performance Evaluation of DENROISDENRO. The performance and
compliance of the DENRO shall be evaluated by the CENRO or the
Undersecretary for Field Operations. The performance of the SDENRO shall be
evaluated by the respective RTDsIRDslBureau Directors. The Office of the
Undersecretary for Field Operations (OUFO) shall formulate the criteria, standard
and evaluation system to be used in the performance evaluation.

Sec. 10. Revocatioflermination of the Deputation Order. The Deputation

Order of DENROISDENRO may be revoked by the approving authority on any of
the following grounds:

10.1 when the specific case that gave rise to the approval and issuance of the
Special Deputation Order is terminated or ceases to exist even prior to the
expiration of the said deputation order.

10.2 when the DENROISDENRO is found to be ineffective in the

implementation of DENR laws, rules and regulations based on ,the
performance evaluation as provided for in Section 9 hereto;

10.3 when found guilty in an administrative proceeding that helshe violated the
Terms of Reference (TOR) for deputation; the DENR can also file a case
against himlher.

10.4 when the DENROISDENRO fails to attend the training referred to in item
8.1, Section 8 hereof; and

10.5 when the DENROISDENRO fails to submit monthly accomplishment

reports for three (3) consecutive months.

Sec. 11. Renewal of Deputation Orders for DENROs. The results of the
Regional Offices performance evaluation and attendance to the training as
provided in item 8.1, Section 8 hereof shall be the bases for the renewal of the
Deputation Order for DENROs with prior clearance from the Office of the
Undersecretary for Field Operations.

II. eneral Procedures

.I Application for renewal of deputation of individuals and
members of groups with community and up to region-wide
membership shall be processed and approved within the
respective regions.

11.1.2 Application for renewal of deputation of members of groups with

multi-regional andlor nationwide membership shall be
processed at the Central Office.

11.2 Specific Procedures

11.2.1At least one month before the expiry of the Deputation Order,
DENROs shall manifest their intention to remain as DENROs by
submitting an application for renewal to the CENROIRegional
OfficeIUndersecretary for Field Operations as the case may be.
The renewal application shall be accompanied by a medical
certificate and Sworn Statement that the applicant is willing to
continue to undertake the functions and duties of a DENRO without
compensation. The group's renewal application shall be
accompanied by Sworn Statement by the presidentlhead of the
organization or Copy of the Board Resolution indicatin~t h 9 q
memberls listed islare willing to continue to be,%hou
compensation, list of members that are willing to continue to be
deputized and medical certificates of the listed members. Only
DENROs with complete renewal applications and documentation
shall be accepted.

11.2.2 The CENROIOffice of the Undersecretary for Field Operations shall

evaluate the application for renewal and validate that the DENROs
have no record of violations during the period helshe was appointed
as DENROs. The renewal application shall be transmitted to the
RED or the Secretary or hislher authorized representative
recommending for approvalldisapproval of the application.

11.2.3The RED or the Secretary or hislher authorized representative shall

issue the deputation order before the date of termination of the
original deputation order.

Sec. 12. DENROISDENRO Desks. A Special Desk for DENROISDENRO shall

be created in the Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations that shall keep
the master list of all the DENROsISDENROS, the database of SDENROs pool
members and other documents pertaining to such matters. Copies of Deputation
and Special Orders shall also be furnished to the said Office by the Regional
Offices. A Regional Desk shall also be created to provide guidance and direction
over DENROsISDENROs operating within its jurisdiction.

Monthly reports on the activities and accomplishments of

DENROslSDENROs shall likewise be submitted to the Office of the
Undersecretary for Field Operations for monitoring purposes.

Sec. 13. Funding. All expenses relative to the implementation of this Order
which includes the conduct of orientation and trainings, processing of the
applications and maintenance of data bases shall be charged to the respective
funds of the Regional Offices and other concerned DENR Offices.

Sec. 14. Transitory Provision. All deputized DENROISDENRO prior to the

approval of these guidelines shall remain deputized, but will be subject to the
procedure for renewal set forth in this Order. Applications for deputation that were
received prior to issuance of these guidelines shall still be processed in
accordance with these guidelines.

Sec. 15. Repealing Clause. All orders, circ~~lars, memoranda inconsistent

herewith are hereby repealed andlor amended accordingly.

Sec. 16. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
complete publication in newspaper of general circulation and fifteen (15) days
upon submission of a opy to the Office of the National Administrative Registry

P u b l i c a t i o n : !?he P&lippirle ::tnr.
October 3 , 2CK)Z
R e g i s t r a t i o n : OIl;L7?,TJ.?. Law Center
October 6 , 2008
FOR The Undersecretary For Field Operations

THRU Channels

SUBJECT , : Reportof Depl~tyEnvironmentand NaturalResourcesOfticers (DENRO)

For the Month of 200-


A. Prevention

0. Detection

( C. Seizure

A. Information,
Campaign -.

B. Cases Filed

Prepared By: AllESTED BY:


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