Non Oriented A677

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Non-Oriented Electrical Steel Fully Processed (FP) ASTM A677

Core Loss by Thickness

Watts/lb 15 Kilogausses Typical
Former ASTM 60HZ Electrical Some Typical
AISI Type Type Resistivity Characteristics Applications
Thick Max w/lb Microhm-CM

Lowest core loss of conventional Small power transformers

36F145 .0140 1.45 45-55
M-15 grades. Excellent permeability & rotating machines
- .0185 1.60 45-55
at low inductions. of high efficiency.

36F155 .0140 1.55 45-55 Low core loss, good High-reactance cores,
M-19 47F165 .0185 1.65 45-55 permeability at low and generators, stators of high-
64F200 .0250 2.00 45-55 intermediate inductions. efficiency rotating equipment.

36F165 .0140 1.65 45-55 Low core loss, good High-reactance cores,
M-22 47F180 .0185 1.80 45-55 permeability at low and generators, stators of high-
64F210 .0250 2.10 45-55 intermediate inductions. efficiency rotating equipment.

High-reactance cores,
36F175 .0140 1.75 45-55 Low core loss, good
generators, stators of high-
M-27 47F190 .0185 1.90 45-55 permeability at low and
efficiency rotating equipment
64F225 .0250 2.25 45-55 intermediate inductions.
and relays.

Good core loss, good Small generators, high-

36F185 .0140 1.85 40-50
permeability at all inductions efficiency, continuous
M-36 47F200 .0185 2.00 40-50
and low exciting current, good duty rotating A-C and D-C
64F235 .0250 2.35 40-50
stamping properties. machines and transformers.

Good core loss, good Small generators, high-

36F195 .0140 1.95 35-45
permeability at all inductions efficiency, continuous
M-43 47F210 .0185 2.10 35-45
and low exciting current, good duty rotating A-C and D-C
64F250 .0250 2.50 35-45
stamping properties. machines and transformers.

36F205 .0140 2.05 35-45 Good stamping properties.

Small motors, generators,
M-45 47F240 .0185 2.40 35-45 Good permeability at
ballasts, and relays.
64F275 .0250 2.75 20-30 high flux densities.

Good stamping properties.

47F280 .0185 2.80 20-30 Small motors, generators,
M-47 Good permeability at
64F320 .0250 3.20 20-25 ballasts, and relays.
high flux densities.

8050 Austin Avenue • Morton Grove, Illinois 60053

800-486-4756 • F. 847-966-0322

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