Gmrt2466 Iss 3

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Superseded in part by GMRT2466 Iss 4 and RIS-2766-RST Iss 1 Railway Group Standard
with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Date February 2010

Railway Wheelsets

This document mandates requirements
for the design, manufacture and
maintenance of wheelsets and their

This document contains requirements

that are amended under the Railway
Group Standards Code (Issue Three)
as a small scale change. Reference to
the amended requirements is made in
the ‘Issue record.

Copyright in the Railway Group Standards is owned by

Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited. All rights are
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Published by:
Rolling Stock Standards Committee on 09 October 2009
Block 2 Angel Square,
1 Torrens Street
London EC1V 1NY

© Copyright 2010
Authorised by RSSB on 10 December 2009 Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force and supersedes GMRT2466 Iss 2 on 03/04/2010
Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue
Railway in part by
Group GMRT2466 Iss 4 and RIS-2766-RST Iss 1
with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

Issue record
Issue Date Comments
One June 2003 Original document, superseded: GM/T0083 issue
one, GM/TT0089 issue one, GM/TT0120 issue
one, GM/RT2020 issue one, GM/RT2023 issue
one, GM/RT2025 issue two, GM/RT2026 issue
two, GM/RT2027 issue one, GM/RT2028 issue one
and GM/RT2451 issue one including compliance
Two August 2008 Supersedes issue one

Three February 2010 Replaces issue two

Small scale change amendment – addition to Table
1 and associated note together with new clause
2.9.3, correction of reference in, revision of
4.18.1, addition of new clause 4.18.2 (following
clauses re-numbered), revised drawing number in
Table A.1 in Appendix A, new Appendix D and note
to identify where drawings can be obtained,

Amended or additional parts of revised pages have been marked by a vertical black line in
the adjacent margin.

Superseded documents
The following Railway Group documents are superseded, either in whole or in part as

Superseded documents Sections Date when

superseded sections are
GM/RT2466 issue two August 2008 All 03 April 2010
Railway Wheelsets

The authoritative version of this document is available at
Uncontrolled copies of this document can be obtained from Communications, RSSB,
Block 2 Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY, telephone 020 3142 5400 or
e-mail [email protected]. Other Standards and associated documents can also be
viewed at

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Superseded in part by GMRT2466 Iss 4 and RIS-2766-RST Iss 1 Railway Group Standard
with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

Section Description Page

Part 1 Purpose and Introduction 5

1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Introduction 5

Part 2 Requirements for Design 7

2.1 Methodology 7
2.2 Axle design 7
2.3 Wheel design 7
2.4 Axle bearing design 7
2.5 Flange design 7
2.6 Selection of tread profiles 8
2.7 Materials 8
2.8 Axle materials 8
2.9 Monobloc wheel material 8
2.10 Wheelset assembly 9

Part 3 Requirements for Manufacture and Assembly 10

3.1 Supporting information 10
3.2 Materials 10
3.3 Component testing 11
3.4 Assembly 12
3.5 Wheelset testing 12
3.6 Wheelset identification 13
3.7 Corrosion protection 14
3.8 Handling and care of wheelsets 14
3.9 Records to ensure traceability 14
3.10 Qualification of wheelset suppliers 14

Part 4 Requirements for Maintenance 15

4.1 Maintenance plan 15
4.2 Handling and care of wheelsets 15
4.3 Corrosion protection 15
4.4 Wheelset tread profile requirements 15
4.5 Maximum force 15
4.6 Tread requirements 15
4.7 Profile discontinuities 18
4.8 Inspection after identification of wheel flat and tread run-out 18
4.9 Flange requirements 18
4.10 Advice of wheel damage to the infrastructure manager 19
4.11 Profile limits 19
4.12 Tread roll-over and rim face bulging 19
4.13 Monitoring and recording of cracks 19
4.14 Limits for permissible cracks 19
4.15 Tread cavities 20
4.16 Back-to-back dimension 20
4.17 Diameter difference between wheels on the same axle 20
4.18 Limits for tread run-out and wheel wobble 21
4.19 Wheel tread profile alignment and symmetry 21
4.20 Wheel centre to tyre integrity 22
4.21 Inner rim damage 22
4.22 Axle MPI inspection 22
4.23 Balancing 22
4.24 Electrical testing 22

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with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

Part 5 Safety at Obtuse Crossings 23

5.1 Low speed rule 23

Part 6 Application of this document 24

6.1 Application – infrastructure managers 24
6.2 Application – railway undertakings 24
6.3 Health and safety responsibilities 24

Appendices 32
Appendix A Wheelset Profile Limits 32
Appendix B Branding 35
Appendix C Safety at Obtuse Crossings 48
Appendix D Quenched and Tempered Monobloc Wheels 52

Definitions 53

References 56

Table 1 Monobloc wheel material 8
Table 2 Wheelset flat criteria 16
Table 3 Tread run-out criteria 17
Table 4 Speed limits for recovery of vehicles with wheel flats 18
Table 5 Wheelset back-to-back dimensions 20
Table 6 Tread run-out and wheel wobble limits 21

Figure 1 Datum for measuring axle body run-out, tread run-out and wheel wobble 25
Figure 2 Wheel wobble 26
Figure 3 Wheel tread run-out 26
Figure 4 Diagrams identifying parts of the wheel 27
Figure 5 Step in flange and sharp flange 28
Figure 6 Toe radius build-up 28
Figure 7 False flange 29
Figure 8 Wheel tread roll-over 29
Figure 9 Wheel rim distortion 30
Figure 10 Critical areas for cracks in wheel tread 30
Figure 11 Inner rim damage 31

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with effect from 02/12/2017
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Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

Part 1 Purpose and Introduction

1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 This document mandates requirements for the design, manufacture and
maintenance of wheelsets and their components.

1.2 Introduction
1.2.1 Background The implementation of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs)
mandated through a series of European Union Directives has resulted in a review
of all requirements mandated in Railway Group Standards. Under the Strategy for Standards Management Rail Safety and Standards Board
(RSSB) has given a commitment to review all of its standards with a view to
mandating only those requirements that define the interface and the need for
co-operation between different categories of duty-holder to manage risk safely. A review of the requirements set out in standards associated with railway
wheelsets has resulted in a revised Railway Group Standard on this topic.

1.2.2 Principles The requirements of this document are based on one of the following principles:

a) This document mandates only those requirements that define the interface
and the need for co-operation between different categories of duty-holder
to manage risk safely.

b) This document mandates requirements that are necessary only to support

an Open Point in a TSI and meet an essential requirement of the relevant
EU Directive

c) This document mandates requirements that are necessary only for

interworking on non TSI compliant GB infrastructure.

1.2.3 Support to Essential Requirements The EU Directives applicable to Interoperability mandate that each TSI is required
to address a number of essential requirements. In supporting specific open
points in Rolling Stock TSIs, in particular the as yet un-published Conventional
Rail Rolling Stock TSIs, the following essential requirements are addressed. The directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the conventional rail system together
with the consolidated legal version (without preamble) according to Directive
2004/50/EC of 29 April 2004 contains within Annex 3 Essential Requirements the
following relevant essential requirements.

General Requirements
1.1.3. The components used must withstand the normal or exceptional
stresses that have been specified during their period of service. The safety
repercussions of any accidental failures must be limited by appropriate

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Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

1.2.4 Supporting documents The following Railway Group documents support this Railway Group Standard:

a) GM/RC2494 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Design

b) GM/RC2495 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Manufacture

c) GM/RC2496 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Maintenance

d) GM/GN2497 Guidance on Railway Wheelset Tread, Gauging and Damage


e) GM/GN2498 Guidance on Railway Wheelset Handling [proposed].

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with effect from 02/12/2017
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Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

Part 2 Requirements for Design

2.1 Methodology
2.1.1 To achieve consistency within a chosen methodology and industry practice where
British Standards, European Standards or Association of American Railroads
(AAR) standards are adopted to comply with this standard the applicable full suite
of British Standards, European Standards or AAR standards shall be applied.
Except where otherwise defined within this document, it is not permissible to use
selected elements only, nor mix between the regimes for design, manufacture
and maintenance of railway wheelsets.

2.1.2 Wheelsets shall be designed using actual, or predictions, of service loads so that
the fatigue life is not finite. The design shall withstand all the foreseeable inputs
under which the vehicle is to remain fully operational. The design shall be
capable of being manufactured and maintained in accordance with this

2.1.3 All new designs of wheelset shall be validated using methods appropriate to the
application to demonstrate that the design satisfies the requirements of the
standards and complies with the requirements set out in this document.

2.1.4 GM/RC2494 provides recommendations for wheelset design, in particular

requirements for applications in the UK.

2.2 Axle design

2.2.1 Axles shall be designed using a proven method to satisfy the requirements of 2.1
of this document.

2.2.2 The axle design shall define the non-destructive testing (NDT) requirements for
manufacturing and all phases of the wheelset life.

2.3 Wheel design

2.3.1 New wheelset designs shall use monobloc design wheels.

2.3.2 The width of the wheel rim (the distance between the flange back and the outside
face of the rim) shall be within the range 127 to 150 mm.

2.3.3 For monobloc wheels only, it is permissible to reduce the rim thickness at the final
re-profiling such that the fatigue life of the wheel rim becomes finite. The
predicted fatigue life of the wheel after the final re-profiling shall be not less than
three times the remaining service life.

2.3.4 New wheel designs shall make provision for balancing without the need for holes
in the wheel.

2.4 Axle bearing design

2.4.1 The axle bearing design life shall be determined using a proven method.

2.5 Flange design

2.5.1 The nominal flange angle of a new tread profile design shall be in the range 68
to 70 .

2.5.2 The radius between the flange tip and the flange back blend, when new, shall not
be less than 10 mm.

2.5.3 The flange toe radius, when new, shall not be less than 10 mm.

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Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

2.6 Selection of tread profiles

2.6.1 The wheel tread profile for new wheelset designs shall be selected from those
listed in Appendix A. The tread profile shall be chosen to suit the vehicle and
suspension design, taking account of the effect on the wheel / rail interface,
vehicle dynamics, and wheel / rail wear and maintenance.

2.7 Materials
2.7.1 Axle and wheel materials shall be selected from the range defined in 2.8, Axle
materials, and 2.9, Monobloc wheel material, consistent with the chosen design

2.8 Axle materials

2.8.1 The axle material shall be selected from the following:

a) BS EN 13261 Grades A1T, A4T or A1N

b) BS 5892, Part 1, Grade A1T or Grade A4T. The hydrogen content shall be
in accordance with BS EN 13261.
c) Association of American Railroads standard M-101 Grade F.

2.9 Monobloc wheel material

2.9.1 The wheel material shall be selected from approved grades of steel for particular
applications as set out in Table 1.

Wheel type BS 5892, Part 3 BS EN 13262 (only AAR

applies to rim chilled

Freight, integral R7E X X

brake disc wheel
Freight, cheek R8E X X
mounted brake
disc wheel
Other freight R7T or R8T ER7 or ER8 M-107/M-208
wheels class B
All passenger R8T or RS8T ER8 X
Other wheels R8T ER8 M-107/M-208
class B

Table 1 Monobloc wheel material

Notes: RS8T is not recommended for use on tread braked wheel applications.

X No approved grades of steel available.

2.9.2 Monobloc wheels manufactured in accordance with the requirements of BS 5892

Part 3 shall have hydrogen content in accordance with BS EN 13262.

2.9.3 Monobloc wheels manufactured by the quenched and tempered heat treatment
process in accordance with UIC 812-3 (withdrawn) shall comply with the
requirements as set out in Appendix D.

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with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

2.10 Wheelset assembly

2.10.1 Wheels, and other components that are secured to the axle by interference fit,
shall be designed to remain secure for the service life and over the wheelset full
operational temperature range, including thermal effects of the environment and
service operation.

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with effect from 02/12/2017
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Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

Part 3 Requirements for Manufacture and Assembly

3.1 Supporting information
3.1.1 GM/RC2495 provides recommendations for manufacture and assembly of railway
wheelsets, in particular requirements for applications in the UK.

3.2 Materials
3.2.1 Steel properties All materials shall be sampled to demonstrate that the material from which the
component is manufactured is homogeneous and free from macro-segregation
that is likely to have a detrimental effect on performance. The metallurgical
content shall be consistent with material grade. Failure to satisfy the
requirements of the specified tests shall result in the complete batch of
components being rejected.

3.2.2 Axle material Axles shall be manufactured using the material defined by their design.

3.2.3 Monobloc wheel material Monobloc wheels shall be manufactured using the materials defined by the

3.2.4 Wheel centre material Wheel centres shall be manufactured to the requirements of BS 5892 Part 2. The
approved grade of steel is Grade U.

3.2.5 Tyre material Replacement tyres to be fitted to wheelsets of existing designs shall be
manufactured to the requirements of BS 5892 Part 4. The approved grades of steel are either B5E or B6E, dependant upon the

3.2.6 Retaining (Gibson) ring material Retaining rings shall be manufactured to the requirements of BS 5892, Part 5.

3.2.7 Other material Any wheelset components not described above shall be manufactured to the
requirements of the applicable British Standard or European Standard. The
materials and processes shall be selected and controlled to ensure that the
finished components perform their intended duty safely.

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Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

3.3 Component testing

3.3.1 Axle testing Axles manufactured in accordance with BS 5892 Part 1 shall be subject to all the
mandatory tests listed. They shall also be subject to the following optional tests
in BS 5892 Part 1:

a) Impact test (BS 5892 Part 1 clause 8.3.4)

b) Ultrasonic testing (BS 5892 Part 1 clause 9.3.1) to demonstrate that the
axle body is transparent to ultrasound

c) Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) (BS 5892 Part 1 clause 9.3.2), or

inspection process of at least equivalent sensitivity, over the whole surface
area, excluding the axle ends. This testing shall be carried out after finish
machining and prior to fitment of any components. Axles manufactured in accordance with BS 5892 Part 1 shall also be subject to
the micrographic cleanliness examination requirements set out in BS EN 13261
clause 3.4.1. Axles designed in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 13103 or

BS EN 13104 shall satisfy the requirements for axle testing set out in
BS EN 13261. Axles designed in accordance with AAR regulations shall be tested in accordance
with the requirements of AAR standard M-101. In addition the axles shall be
subject to magnetic particle inspection (BS 5892 Part 1, 9.3.2), or an inspection
process of at least equivalent sensitivity, over the whole surface area, excluding
the axle ends. This testing shall be carried out after finish machining and prior to
fitment of any components. For the detection method chosen in accordance with the design requirements, no
detectable transverse cracks in the axle shall be permissible.

3.3.2 Monobloc wheel testing Monobloc wheels manufactured in accordance with BS 5892, Part 3 shall be
subject to all the mandatory tests listed. They shall also be subject to the
following optional tests in BS 5892, Part 3:

a) Uniformity of rim hardness (BS 5892, Part 3, section

b) Ultrasonic test (BS 5892, Part 3, section 8.3.7). The wheel rims shall be
ultrasonically tested for internal defects. It is permissible to ultrasonically
test the wheel rim using the method specified in BS EN 13262.

The rejection criteria for the defect level shall be dependent upon the
application as follows:

i) Wheelsets operating up to 125 mile/h − defect larger than 2 mm

ii) Wheelsets operating above 125 mile/h − defect larger than 1 mm.

c) Residual stress for rim chilled wheels (BS 5892, Part 3, 10.6). Monobloc wheels manufactured in accordance with BS 5892, Part 3 shall also be
subject to the micrographic cleanliness examination requirements set out in
BS EN 13262 clause 3.4.1.

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Group GMRT2466 Iss 4 and RIS-2766-RST Iss 1
with effect from 02/12/2017
Issue Three
Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets Monobloc wheels that have been approved in accordance with BS EN 13979-1
for their design shall satisfy the test requirements as set out in BS EN 13262. Monobloc wheels manufactured in accordance with the requirements of AAR

specification M-107/M-208 for their design shall satisfy the test requirements set
out in M-107/M-208.

3.3.3 Tyre testing Tyres shall be subject to the mandatory tests and optional requirements of
BS 5892, Part 4 to ensure the safety and integrity of the tyre. It is permissible to
ultrasonically test the tyre using the method specified in BS EN 13262 with a
defect ≥ 2 mm being a cause for rejection. The ultrasonic testing dead zone shall
be no greater than 10 mm from the test surface.

3.4 Assembly
3.4.1 Assembly of wheelsets Wheelsets shall be assembled in accordance with the requirements of the
respective standard, BS EN 13260 or BS 5892 Part 6 or AAR Manual of
Standards and Recommended Practices Section G - Part II. Wheelsets shall be measured and inspected in accordance with the applicable
standard. The following inspections shall be included:

a) Conformity of back-to-back dimension, as set out in 4.16 of this document

b) Conformity of tread profile as selected from Appendix A of this document.

3.4.2 Assembly of other components Other components, bearings, axleboxes, brake discs, etc fitted to the wheelset
shall not damage or adversely affect the integrity of the assembled wheelset. Corrosion protection shall be applied in accordance with the design specification.

3.4.3 New and used components It is permissible for wheelsets to be assembled with used components or a
combination of new and used components that comply with their original design. Specific requirements for branding of wheelsets and wheelset components are
set out in 3.6 of this document.

3.4.4 Tyre security (shrink fit) Tyres shall be fitted to wheel centres to ensure security throughout the wheelsets’
service life. Tyre installations using retaining rings shall use only single piece ring, make up
pieces are not permitted.

3.5 Wheelset testing

3.5.1 Wheelset NDT Axles of assembled wheelsets shall comply with the appropriate NDT acceptance
criteria defined by the design, see 2.2.

3.5.2 Wheelset electrical continuity The wheelset shall be tested to comply with the requirements of the respective

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Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

3.5.3 Wheelset balancing Wheelsets shall be balanced in accordance with the requirements of the
respective standard; BS 5892 Part 6 or BS EN 13260 or AAR Manual of
Standards and Recommended Practices Section G - Part II. Wheelsets that operate at speeds in excess of 125 mile/h and up to 140 mile/h
shall have wheelset out of balance less than 50 gram.metres. Wheelsets that physically cannot be dynamically balanced, typically due to axle
mounted drives, shall be shown to have the equivalent imbalance within the
permitted tolerance by calculation. The tread run-out for wheelsets that cannot
be physically balanced shall be minimised.

3.6 Wheelset identification

3.6.1 Branding All wheelsets and components of wheelsets shall be branded in accordance with
the respective requirements of:

a) Appendix B of this document

b) BS EN 13260, BS EN 13261 and BS EN 13262
c) AAR specification M-101 and M-107/M-208 and Recommended Practices:
Section G: Wheel and Axle Manual of that document. Wheelsets shall not have labels or bands attached as a means of identification as
an alternative to branding; the arrangements contained in UIC 813, clause, paragraph 2 are not permitted. Any markings on re-used components which refer to the original wheelset shall
be erased and the wheelset records endorsed. Illegible or obscured brandings
shall be erased and the component shall be re-branded according to the
requirements of this document.

3.6.2 Unique identification of axles Each new axle shall be branded with a unique serial number, allocated from the
wheelset assembler's own series of numbers. Axles shall not be given the
number of:
a) An axle it replaces
b) A previously scrapped axle. Particular attention shall be given to the inclusion of the wheelset assembler's

3.6.3 General stamping requirements Wheelset branding shall be in accordance with the appropriate standard, cold
stamping is the preferred method. The stamping shall not create stress raising features in the component, such as
sharp corners or notches. Stamps shall be of a rounded profile that does not
produce sharp indentations in the wheelset components. In avoiding stress
raising features the fully worn wheel condition shall be considered. The branding
shall in no circumstance create a notch in the chamfer at the edge of the tread

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Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets Automated processes shall be assessed for their suitability of marking wheelset
components to meet the requirements of of this document. The branding shall be of a size and depth such that the information is clearly
legible when the appropriate surface coating or protection is applied at any stage
of the wheelset life.

3.7 Corrosion protection

3.7.1 After completion of all tests on the wheelset, the corrosion protection shall be
completed or applied, as required by the design specification.

3.7.2 Overhangs and other moisture traps at the axle to wheel interface and similar
locations shall be treated in accordance with the design specification.

3.8 Handling and care of wheelsets

3.8.1 Wheelsets which are not in service under vehicles and wheelset components
prior to assembly shall be protected, stored, handled and transported in a manner
which is not detrimental to the wheelset / component life. Guidance is set out in

3.9 Records to ensure traceability

3.9.1 Records shall be maintained so that wheelsets, axles, monobloc wheels, wheel
centres and tyres are identified against one wheelset manufacturer, casting batch
and year of manufacture. These records shall include: cast number and
manufacturer’s code, and year of both component manufacture and wheelset

3.9.2 A list of the suppliers and their branding codes is published on the RSSB website.

3.10 Qualification of wheelset suppliers

3.10.1 GM/RT2470 sets out the arrangements for qualification of suppliers of railway
wheelsets, component manufacturers and wheelset assemblers.

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with effect from 02/12/2017
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Railway Wheelsets Date February 2010

Part 4 Requirements for Maintenance

4.1 Maintenance plan
4.1.1 All wheelsets shall remain compliant with the requirements, including limits, set
out in this document. This shall be achieved through examinations in accordance
with a wheelset maintenance plan.

4.1.2 The maintenance plan shall identify all specifications, procedures and processes,
including examination, inspection and testing, for wheelset maintenance, which
shall be applied at a frequency adequate to ensure that the wheelset is at all
times in a compliant condition.

4.1.3 GM/RC2496 provides recommendations for wheelset maintenance, in particular

requirement for applications in the UK.

4.2 Handling and care of wheelsets

4.2.1 The requirements for handling and care of wheelsets are set out in 3.8 of this

4.3 Corrosion protection

4.3.1 After testing the axle and wheelset, corrosion protection shall be reinstated, to the
requirements set out in 3.7 of this document.

4.4 Wheelset tread profile requirements

4.4.1 The tread, when newly profiled, shall be as defined by the design for the
wheelset / vehicle combination and selected only from those listed in Appendix A
and applied to each wheel of a wheelset.

4.4.2 The tread, when newly profiled, shall comply with the requirements set out in the
respective standard, BS 5892, Parts 3 and 6, EN13260 and AAR Manual of
Standards and Recommended Practices.

4.5 Maximum force

4.5.1 Where it is established, for example by wheel impact load detection equipment,
that any defect in a wheel contributes to producing a total vertical force of more
than 350 kN per wheel, the wheelset shall be examined.

4.6 Tread requirements

4.6.1 Flats damage requirements Where wheel flats are found, the length of the flat around the circumference of
the wheel shall be measured to the outer edge of any discolouration or of the
worn / damaged area, whichever is the greater. Action for a measured flat shall
be taken as set out in Table 2.

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Date February 2010 Railway Wheelsets

Vehicle type Wheel flat length Vehicle to be removed from

Any vehicle permitted to Above 60 mm Immediately
operate above 125 mile/h Above 40 mm to On completion of the journey.
and up to 140 mile/h 60 mm The speed shall be limited to
125 mile/h until the vehicle is
taken out of service
Within 24 hours of the fault
30 to 40 mm
being found
Passenger or personnel Above 60 mm Immediately
vehicles operating at speeds 40 to 60 mm Within 24 hours of the fault
up to and including being found
125 mile/h
Non-passenger vehicles, Above 60 mm Immediately
locomotives, power cars, 40 to 60 mm On completion of the journey
driving van trailers, on-track
Freight vehicles up to 17.5 Above 80 mm Immediately
tonnes axle load 60 to 80 mm On completion of the journey.
The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Freight vehicles equal to or Above 70 mm Immediately
over 17.5 tonnes axle load 50 to 70 mm On completion of the journey.
The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Other vehicles Above 60 mm Immediately
40 to 60 mm On completion of the journey.
The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Table 2 Wheel flat criteria For wheels smaller than 660 mm, the small wheel criteria set out in
RIS-1530-PLT shall apply.

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4.6.2 Tread run-out Where the presence of tread run-out is established, by measurement (see Figure
3 dimension H), action shall be taken as set out in Table 3.

Vehicle type Tread run-out Vehicle to be removed from

Any vehicle permitted to Above 1.3 mm Immediately
operate above 125 mile/h and
up to 140 mile/h
0.7 mm to 1.3 mm Within 24 hours of the fault
being found
Passenger or personnel Above 3.0 mm Immediately
vehicles operating at speeds
up to and including 125 mile/h
1.3 mm to 3.0 mm Within 24 hours of the fault
being found
Non-passenger vehicles, Above 3.0 mm Immediately
locomotives, power cars,
driving van trailers and
1.3 mm to 3.0 mm On completion of the journey
on-track machines
Freight vehicles up to 17.5 Above 5.0 mm Immediately
tonnes axle load
3.0 mm to 5.0 mm On completion of the journey.
The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Freight vehicles equal to or Above 4.0 mm Immediately
over 17.5 tonnes axle load
2.0 mm to 4.0 mm On completion of the journey.
The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Other vehicles Above 4.0 mm Immediately

2.0 mm to 4.0 mm On completion of the journey.

The speed to be restricted to
60 mile/h
Table 3 Tread run-out criteria

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4.6.3 Permitted speed for recovery of vehicles with flats or tread run-out When flats, or tread run-out are found, and in order to move the vehicle to where
the defect can be rectified, the requirements set out in Table 4 shall be applied.

Damage Speed restrictions

Flat length longer than 100 mm A vehicle shall not be moved except to clear the
running line and at a maximum speed of
5 mile/h or with the use of a wheelskate.
Tread run-out greater than 8.0 mm Further movement shall be with the
authorisation of a technically competent
authority and the infrastructure manager
Flat length 70 mm to100 mm long Speed restriction of 35 mile/h
Tread run-out 5.0 mm to 8.0 mm
Flat length up to 70 mm long Speed restriction of 60 mile/h
Tread run-out 3.0 mm to 5.0 mm

Table 4 Speed limits for recovery of vehicles with wheel flats

4.7 Profile discontinuities

4.7.1 There shall be no wear or damage of the profile which creates discontinuities in
the profile shape of the tread or the flange. There shall be no circumferential step
in the flange profile greater than 1.5 mm (see Figure 5). A wheelset with such
features shall be removed from service within 24 hours of the fault being found.

4.8 Inspection after identification of wheel flat and tread run-out

4.8.1 Tread damage in excess of the criteria requiring immediate wheelset removal
from service, as set out in 4.6 and 4.7 of this document, can be the cause of
underlying damage to the wheelset and other parts of the vehicle, including
bearings, suspension, etc. The railway undertaking shall ensure that all tread
damage is rectified by re-profiling and that the wheelset and associated
suspension components remain serviceable.

4.9 Flange requirements

4.9.1 Minimum flange radius The flange tip shall not wear to form either a sharp flange or toe radius build-up
(see Figures 5 and 6), as gauged in accordance with the guidance set out in
GM/GN2497. A wheel flange failing these criteria shall be withdrawn from service
within 24 hours of the fault being found.

4.9.2 Flange back No point in the flange back blend shall be closer to the vehicle centre-line than
the flange back, refer to Figure 4.

4.9.3 False flange A false flange (see Figure 7) shall not exceed 2.0 mm.

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4.10 Advice of wheel damage to the infrastructure manager

4.10.1 The railway undertaking shall advise the infrastructure manager of wheelset
damage that may have adversely affected the track over which it has been
operating. These are to include wheelsets that have been removed from service

a) Wheel flats that exceed criteria for vehicle to be removed from service, as
set out in 4.6 of this document.

b) Tread run-out that exceed criteria as set out in 4.6 of this document.

c) False flange exceeding the limits defined in of this document.

4.10.2 The railway undertaking shall identify the vehicle, the train formation it had been
operating within and the routes on which it had been operating prior to being
removed from service.

4.11 Profile limits

4.11.1 Dimensional limits
4.11.1 Railway undertakings shall establish dimensional limits to ensure that the safety
limits set out in Appendix A of this document are not infringed between
examinations. The limits shall include the minimum rim and tyre thickness.
Railway undertakings shall ensure that the required dimensions and tolerances
are specified for each wheelset / vehicle combination and that these dimensions
are recorded in the wheelset database.

4.12 Tread roll-over and rim face bulging

4.12.1 Up to 5 mm of roll-over is allowed in-service provided no cracks in the roll-over
shall extend into the tread or the rim face (see Figure 8).

4.12.2 In-service local tread collapse in the form of a rim face bulge in excess of 2 mm
(see Figure 9) is not permitted and such a feature shall cause the wheelset to be
removed from service within 24 hours of the fault being identified.

4.13 Monitoring and recording of cracks The maximum length of multiple or isolated cracks in wheel tread or web shall be
assessed by measurement and recorded. Limits for permissible cracks shall be
set out in the appropriate maintenance procedure for the specific wheelset
design / vehicle application and, where required shall not exceed those specified
in 4.14 of this document.

4.14 Limits for permissible cracks

4.14.1 Wheelsets designed and manufactured to BASS design codes The maintenance criteria included in 4.14.2, 4.14.3 and 4.14.4 are derived from
the safe operating experience of wheelsets designed and manufactured to the
British Rail (BR) bogie and suspension section (BASS) design codes and
associated British Standards that operated on the BR network.

4.14.2 Cracks in the wheel tread, rim or flange Where cracks are found in the transition between tread and rim, on the outside
face of the rim, in the flange or in any roll-over (see Figures 8 and 10), then the
wheelset shall be removed from service immediately. Any move to a repair
facility shall be at a speed restricted to 45 mile/h or less.

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4.14.3 Multiple cracks on the tread Where multiple small cracks are found in the tread and one of the cracks exceeds
40 mm in length the wheelset shall be removed from service within 24 hours of
the fault being identified.

4.14.4 Isolated cracks on the tread Where an isolated crack longer than 30 mm is found in the tread, the vehicle shall
be removed from service immediately. Where an isolated crack longer than
20 mm is found in the tread, the wheelset shall be removed from service within
24 hours of the fault being found.

4.14.5 Wheelsets designed and manufactured to other design codes No limits for permissible cracks are set for wheelsets designed and manufactured
to design codes other than BASS design codes. Limits shall be derived by
comparison with the limits set for wheelsets designed to BASS design codes,
taking into account the specific characteristics of the wheelset concerned.

4.15 Tread cavities

4.15.1 The wheelset shall be removed from service within 24 hours of either of the
following faults being found:

a) Any single cavity greater than 15 mm long circumferentially around the


b) Any two cavities, separated by less than 50 mm, having a total length in
excess of 15 mm circumferentially around the wheel.

4.16 Back-to-back dimension

4.16.1 The back-to-back dimension shall be within the range set out in Table 5.

Wheelset type Dimension range

All new, re-wheeled or re-tyred wheelsets with outside 1360 to 1362 mm

Re-profiled and in-service wheelsets with outside bearings 1360 to 1363.3 mm
Any wheelset with inside bearings 1358 to 1360 mm
Class 373 (Eurostar) 1357 to 1363 mm
Steam locomotive 1360 to 1362 mm
Table 5 Wheelset back-to-back dimensions

4.17 Diameter difference between wheels on the same axle

4.17.1 The maximum variation between wheel diameters following profiling for wheels
on the same axle shall be in accordance with the requirements of BS 5892,
Part 6, Table 2 or BS EN 13260, Table 3. Figures 1 and 2 L – L1 indicate the
measurement position.

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4.18 Limits for tread run-out and wheel wobble

4.18.1 When new, or following re-wheeling or re-tyring, the tread run-out and the wheel
wobble (see Figure 2, dimension H, and Figure 2, dimension G, respectively)
shall not exceed the values set out in Table 6.

Maximum tread run-out Maximum wheel wobble

(mm) (mm)

All vehicles permitted to operate 0.20 0.30

at speeds greater than
125 mile/h and up to and
including 140 mile/h
Locomotives and coaching stock 0.25 0.40
operating at speeds up to and
including 125 mile/h

Freight vehicles operating at 0.30 0.40

speeds greater than 75 mile/h
and up to and including
100 mile/h
Freight vehicles operating at 0.40 0.50
speeds between 60 and
75 mile/h

Freight vehicles operating at 0.50 0.50

speeds up to and including
60 mile/h

All other vehicles As BS 5892, Part 6

AAR wheelsets New AAR wheelsets shall comply with the

requirements in rules 1E12 and 1F4 of AAR Manual of
Standards and Recommended Practices Section G –
Part II.
Table 6 Tread run-out and wheel wobble limits

4.18.1a When a wheelset is re-profiled, the maximum tread run-out shall be as set out in
Table 6. The maximum allowable wheel wobble shall not exceed 0.75 mm for all

4.18.2 Resilient wheels when new, re-wheeled or re-tyred shall have a maximum wheel
wobble of 0.75 mm for all vehicles.

4.18.3 Resilient wheels shall have a maximum wobble of 1 mm following re-profiling.

4.19 Wheel tread profile alignment and symmetry

4.19.1 When newly turned, the wheel tread profiles on each wheel shall be aligned with
the wheelset axis.

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4.19.2 Wheel tread profile shall be within a geometric tolerance of ± 0.25 mm of the

4.19.3 On new or overhauled wheelsets the outside face of the rim of the wheel or tyre
shall be flat to within ± 0.25 mm.

4.20 Wheel centre to tyre integrity

4.20.1 The wheel centre to tyre interface shall be maintained to ensure integrity
throughout its service life, with particular attention to the inspection and
rectification of wheel centre interface surfaces.

4.21 Inner rim damage

4.21.1 Wheels shall be scrapped where damage on the inner surface of the rim exceeds
4 mm in depth. No damage with sharp, internal angles shall be permitted. It is
permissible to grind out damage less than 4 mm deep by grinding 1 mm deeper
than the damage and blending in the hollow over a length of five times the depth
as shown in Figure 11. The rim shall then be proved to be defect-free by MPI,
taking note of any machining processes that could mask any cracks.

4.22 Axle MPI inspection

4.22.1 Except for hollow axles subject to internal NDT inspection. Axles shall be subject
to MPI or equivalent process during overhaul.

4.23 Balancing
4.23.1 Wheelsets shall be dynamically balanced to the design requirements when re-
tyred, repaired or overhauled, when this is reasonably practicable.

4.24 Electrical testing

4.24.1 At overhaul the electrical resistance testing of wheelsets shall be undertaken.

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Part 5 Safety at Obtuse Crossings

5.1 Low speed rule
5.1.1 Vehicles / wheelset arrangements shall comply with the ‘low speed rule’ set out in
Appendix C of this document under all loading conditions. This rule covers the
low speed operation over crossings on curves with applied lateral forces from
external sources such as the wind and adversely canted track.

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Part 6 Application of this document

6.1 Application - infrastructure managers
6.1.1 There are no requirements applicable to infrastructure managers.

6.2 Application - railway undertakings

6.2.1 Scope The requirements of this document apply to all work associated with design,
manufacture and maintenance of railway wheelsets.

6.2.2 Exclusions from scope There are no exclusions from the scope specified in 6.2.1 for railway

6.2.3 General compliance date for railway undertakings This Railway Group Standard comes into force and is to be complied with from
03 April 2010, except as specified in 6.2.4. Where the dates specified in 6.2.4
are later than the above date, this is to allow railway undertakings sufficient time
to achieve compliance with the specified exceptions. After the compliance dates or the date by which compliance is achieved if earlier,
railway undertakings are to maintain compliance with the requirements set out in
this Railway Group Standard. Where it is considered not reasonably practicable
to comply with the requirements, authorisation not to comply should be sought in
accordance with the Railway Group Standards Code.

6.2.4 Exceptions to general compliance date There are no exceptions to the general compliance date specified in 6.2.3 for
railway undertakings.

6.3 Health and safety responsibilities

6.3.1 Users of documents published by RSSB are reminded of the need to consider
their own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and their own duties
under health and safety legislation. RSSB does not warrant that compliance with
all or any documents published by RSSB is sufficient in itself to ensure safe
systems of work or operation or to satisfy such responsibilities or duties.

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Figure 1 Datum for measuring axle body run-out, tread run-out and wheel wobble

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Figure 2 Wheel wobble

H = tread run-out

Figure 3 Wheel tread run-out

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Note: refer to GM/RC2495 for permitted gap between the tyre snip end and the wheel
centre, dimension X.

Figure 4 Diagrams identifying parts of the wheel

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Figure 5 Step in flange and sharp flange

Figure 6 Toe radius build-up

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Figure 7 False flange

Figure 8 Wheel tread roll-over

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Figure 9 Wheel rim distortion

Figure 10 Critical areas for cracks in wheel tread

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Figure 11 Inner rim damage

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Appendix A Wheelset Profile Limits

The content of this appendix is mandatory

A.1 Wheelset profile limits

A.1.1 The dimensions shown below are the limits of wheel tread wear.
A.1.1.2 The profiles for steam locomotives shall be defined by individual assessment,
useful information is contained in MT276.
A.1.1.3 The flange height and thickness dimensions shown in Table A.1 have been
rounded from the dimensions derived from the profile drawings; where greater
accuracy is required the dimensions and tolerances on the drawings shall be

Tread profile Drawing Flange thickness details Flange height details

number / (mm) (mm)
specification (see note 1) (see note 1)
As new Minimum As new Maximum
(W) (worn) (X) (Y) (worn) (Z)
P1 S8 C2-8006234 28 24 30 36.5
P5 S8-C2-8003908 31.5 27 29 33
P6 S8-C2-8006238 28.5 24 30 36.5
P8 S8-C2-8006239 28.5 24 30 36.5
P9 S8-C2-8006240 25 21 30 36.5
(see note 2) (21.5) (18)
P10 F-C-00234 31 27 28 33
P11 C1-C1-9016365 28 24 30 34
RD9 A1-C1 8700150 26 24 30 36.5
P12 RV-CO-2400412 28.5 24 30 36.5
(formerly WRISA 2)

Eurostar NF.F01-115 32.5 26 28 36

(see note 3) (1/40 profile and
135 mm rim)
S1002 BS EN 31 24 28 33
EPS BS EN 28 24 30 36.5
(see note 4) 13715:2006

Table A.1 Flange height and thickness by tread profile

Note 1: For datum points at which flange thickness and height are measured (see Figures
A.1 and A.2).
Note 2: The dimensions in brackets are applicable if the Datum Face V of the tread profile
is used for measurements (see Figures A.1 and A.2).
Note 3: For the Eurostar (NF.F01-115) profile the dimension 13 mm in Figures A.1 and
A.2 is reduced to 10 mm.
Note 4: The limits specified for the EPS profile are consistent with those defined for the
safe operation of the P8 profile.

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Note 5: Copies of the tread profile drawings can be obtained from;

Document Services Team
Serco Assurance – Raildata
East Wing Ground Floor
Derwnent House
rtc Business Park
London Rd
DE24 8UP
Tel: 01332 262443

Figure A.1 Flange height and thickness - new

Key W = Flange thickness (new)

Y = Flange height (new)
A = Flange thickness datum - 13 mm for UK profiles
- 10 mm for EN profiles

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Figure A.2 Flange height and thickness - worn

Key X = Flange thickness (worn)

Z = Flange height (worn)
A = Flange thickness datum - 13 mm for UK profiles
- 10 mm for EN profiles

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Appendix B Branding
The content of this appendix is mandatory when complying with a)

B.1 Axle branding

B.1.1 Forged axle identification
B.1.1.1 Axles in the as forged or rough machined condition shall be branded, as set out in
Figure B.1. The stamping shall be at one end only and shall be light but legible.

B.1.2 Axle end branding

B.1.2.1 Before the wheel seat is finish machined the markings, except for the inspector's
stamp, shall be recorded for inclusion in the records associated with the finished
axle. The branding shall be applied by cold stamping at one end only as soon as
the areas to be stamped have been finish machined in the positions shown by:

a) Roller bearing axle, as shown in Figure B.2

b) Plain bearing axle, as shown in Figure B.3

c) Roller bearing axle with thrust pads, as shown in Figure B.4

d) Plain bearing axle with thrust pads, as shown in Figure B.5.

B.1.2.2 The branding shall be applied at the gear wheel end of a driven axle.

B.1.2.3 Axles supplied in the finish machined condition shall have the brandings as
required in B.1.1.1 and Figure B.1 stamped onto the axle end. This branding
shall be identified by the use of ‘&’ either side of the additional information, for
example ‘& SP 95 SC5761 &’.

B.1.3 Axle end additional branding

B.1.3.1 Assembled axles shall have the axle end additionally branded as shown in:

a) Figure B.4 for roller bearing axles

b) Figure B.5 for plain bearing axles.

B.1.3.2 The branding shall be dressed to remove any raised burrs. For hollow axles,
where the end cap is not removed for ultrasonic inspection of the axle, it is
permissible to etch additional branding inside in the bore.

B.2 Monobloc wheelset branding

B.2.1 Monobloc branding
B.2.1.1 Monobloc wheels shall be branded by stamping during manufacture, as shown in
Figure B.6, wheel rims that have been ultrasonically tested shall include ‘UT’ in
the branding. The cast identity shall be stamped. Where practicable the oil
injection plug shall be machined on the same radial line as the branding.

B.2.2 Monobloc wheelset branding

B.2.2.1 When assembled onto an axle, both monobloc wheels shall be branded on the
inside face of the wheel, as shown in Figure B.7. Where inside face branding is
not practicable, because of the proximity of a gear wheel for example, then it is
permissible to stamp on the outside of the wheel only, at the same radial and
circumferential location. The branding shall be diametrically opposite the
branding on the rim applied during manufacture.

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B.3 Tyred wheelset branding

B.3.1 Wheel centre branding
B.3.1.1 Wheel centres shall be branded during manufacture, as shown in Figure B.9.
When machined, the oil injection plug shall be located diametrically opposite the

B.3.2 Tyre branding

B.3.2.1 Tyres shall be branded during manufacture, as shown in Figure B.9. The
branding shall be below any last turning groove which may be present and shall
not intrude into the chamfer machined at the edge of the wheel tread. The edge
of the wheel tread shall not contain any notches or other stress raising features.

B.3.3 Assembled tyre branding

B.3.3.1 When a tyre is fitted to a wheel centre the additional information, as shown in
Figure B.10 (items 12, 11 and 5) shall be cold stamped onto the tyre in the
position shown.

B.3.4 Tyred wheelset branding

B.3.4.1 When assembled onto an axle, both tyred wheels shall be additionally branded
on the inside face of the wheels, as shown in Figure B.10. Where inside face
branding is not practicable, because of the proximity of a gear wheel for example,
it is permissible to brand the outside face adjacent to the brands applied during
manufacture. The branding shall be diametrically opposite the branding on the

B.3.5 Material grades

B.3.5.1 The grade of material codes set out in Table B.1 shall be used when branding
wheels, wheel centres and tyres. The branding requirements are as set out in
this document.

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Grade of material Code

B.R. SPEC. 107 A
B.R. SPEC. 100/108B B
B.R. SPEC. 100/108C C
B.R. SPEC. 100/108D D
B.R. SPEC. 100/108E E
B.R. SPEC. 167(C52TS) F
B.R. SPEC. 118A H
B.S. 5892 Pt 4 Grade B5 5
I.S.O. 1005 Pt 1
U.I.C. 810-1
B.S. 5892 Pt 4 Grade B6 6
I.S.O. 1005 Pt 1
U.I.C. 810-1
B.S. 5892 Pt 3 Grade R7E 7E
I.S.O. 1005 Pt 6 Grade R7T 7T

U.I.C. 810-3
B.S. 5892 Pt 3 Grade R8E 8E
I.S.O. 1005 Pt 6 Grade R8T 8T

U.I.C. 810-3
B.S. 5892 Pt 2 Untreated U
Normalised N
Table B.1 Wheelset unique identification codes

B.3.5.2 At overhaul and re-assembly of wheelsets:

a) The axle serial number shall be checked to establish that it is not


b) The branding shall conform to the requirements of this document.

B.3.5.3 Where the number is not unique, has no assembler's code or is in any way
deficient, railway undertakings shall require the latest assembler to allocate an
axle serial number from its own number series. The number shall be branded on
the axle according to the requirements of this document. The wheelset records
shall be endorsed, recording both the new serial number and the replaced serial

B.3.6 Removal of branding codes

B.3.6.1 When it is necessary to erase the existing branding on a wheel, the marks shall
be peened out and erased by filing. The new or reinstated data shall be cold
stamped in the relevant location, as required by this document.

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B.3.7 Assembler’s identification

B.3.7.1 When the wheelset is repaired or overhauled by a different contractor from the
original assembling contractor, then on re-assembly the latest assembler's code
shall be stamped on the axle end, see Figures B.4 and B.5, or stamped to comply
with AAR requirements, as appropriate.

B.3.8 Wheel branding

B.3.8.1 On re-assembly the monobloc wheels shall be branded in accordance with one of
the following: as set out in B.3.5 or UIC or AAR requirements, as appropriate, and
tyred wheels shall be branded, as set out in B.3.6 or UIC requirements. The
latest assembler's code shall be added where the wheel is not new and where
the wheelset has been repaired or overhauled by a different contractor from the
original assembler.

B.3.9 New tyre branding

B.3.9.1 When a wheel centre is re-tyred the new tyre shall have the branding completed
as is shown in Figure B.10 (items 11, 12 and 5), or as set out in UIC

B.3.10 Axle geometry codes

B.3.10.1 The axle geometry codes set out in Table B.2 shall be included in the axle
branding for the following axles:

a) Axles reclaimed by modifying their geometry

b) Replacement axles where the geometry of the new axle differs from the
original, due to the inclusion of transition radii, stress relief grooves, etc.

Code Reclaimed axle geometry

R Re-profiled
G Stress relieving grooves added
G1 25 mm (1 inch) stress relieving grooves added
WG Wide stress relieving grooves added
Table B.2 Axle geometry codes

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2 Manufacturing contractor’s code.

3 Year of manufacture.

4 Cast identity.

5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

Figure B.1 As forged condition axle markings

7 8
69323 R

12 mm

For freight only

6 For ready identification of 140 mm diameter journals from 5½” diameter

journals (freight vehicles only):
a) Stamp the number 140 on both ends
b) Paint both ends with white paint to BR Catalogue No 28/44300.

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s number allocation).

8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold stamped after the serial

Figure B.2 Branding on finish machined roller bearing axles

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7 8
69323 R

12 mm

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s number allocation).

8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold stamped after the serial

Figure B.3 Branding on finish machined plain bearing axle

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5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s
number allocation).
8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold
stamped after the serial number.
9 Original assembling contractor’s code.
12 Latest subsequent assembling contractor’s code. To
be used when a wheelset has been repaired or
overhauled by a different contractor from the original
assembling contractor.

Figure B.4 Axle end branding of roller bearing axles

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5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s number allocation).
8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold stamped after the serial
9 Original assembling contractor’s code.
12 Latest subsequent assembling contractor’s code. To be used when a
wheelset has been repaired or overhauled by a different contractor
from the original assembling contractor.

Figure B.5 Axle end branding of plain bearing axles

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1 Grade of material.
2 Manufacturing contractor’s code.
3 Year of manufacture.
4 Cast identity.
5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).
13 Ultrasonic code, wheel rims that have been ultrasonically tested
shall be stamped UT.

Figure B.6 Branding on monobloc wheels during manufacture

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5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s number allocation).
8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold stamped after the serial
9 Original assembling contractor’s code.
10 Tyre profile.
11 Date of assembly of wheelset.
12 Latest subsequent assembling contractor’s code. To be used when a
wheelset has been repaired by a different contractor from the original
assembling contractor.

Figure B.7 Branding on monobloc wheels after assembly

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1 Grade of material.
2 Manufacturing contractor’s code.
3 Year of manufacture.
4 Cast identity.
5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

Figure B.8 Branding on wheel centre during manufacture

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1 Grade of material.
2 Manufacturing contractor’s code.
3 Year of manufacture.
4 Cast identity.
5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

Figure B.9 Branding on tyres during manufacture

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5 Inspector’s stamp (optional).

7 Axle serial number (from assembling contractor’s number allocation).
8 Axle geometry code, if applicable, to be cold stamped after the serial number.
9 Original assembling contractor’s code.
10 Tyre profile.
11 Date of assembly of tyre or wheel centre as applicable.
12 Latest subsequent assembling contractor’s code. To be used when a wheelset
has been repaired by a different contractor from the original assembling contractor.

Figure B.10 Branding on tyres and wheels following assembly

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Appendix C Safety at Obtuse Crossings

The content of this appendix is mandatory

Note: Where the diameter of a wheel, when fully worn, is 660 mm or greater, and the
chosen tread profile is in accordance with Appendix 3, it is permissible to assume
that this rule is satisfied.

C.1 Low speed rule

C.1.1 To ensure the safe operation of wheelsets through obtuse crossings the ‘low
speed rule’ shall be satisfied. The derailment risk is assessed by the wheelset
lateral displacement when passing through a crossing gap. Too much will result
in contact with the tip of the point rail (L2 in Figure Appendix C.1) on a part of the
flange where there may be insufficient contact angle to ensure guidance into the
correct path. The acceptable magnitude of the sideways displacement for a
given wheel profile is defined, at low speed, on the basis that the flange contact
angle is greater than 45 .

C.1.2 The ‘low speed rule’ requires that the following inequality shall be met:

LucΨo + ∆slip + 5 Lug < ∆crit formula (1)


Luc is the unchecked length m

Ψo is the steady-state angle of attack mm

∆slip is the lateral slip distance mm

Lug is the unguided length m

∆crit is the allowable sideslip mm

C.1.3 The most critical of these terms is the lateral slip distance. The vehicle types
most at risk are two axled high-sided vehicles with low axle loads.

C.1.4 Two cases of wind loading and track cant shall be considered:

a) A wind speed of 25 m/s and zero track cant

b) A wind speed of 17.5 m/s combined with an adverse track cant of 3 .

C.1.5 The resultant external lateral force on the vehicles is then given by the greater of:

Fext = 0.46 Aw

or Fext = 0.23 Aw + 0.05 W formula (2)

Aw is the area exposed to the wind m

W is the total vehicle weight kN

Fext is the resultant lateral body force kN

C.1.6 Compliance with the inequality (1) shall be at the crossing angles identified in
Table C.1.

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C.1.7 The procedure for applying formula (1) is as follows:

a) Determine the value of ∆crit the maximum permissible sideways

displacement in the gap for the wheel profile chosen, refer to Figure C.2.

b) Choose the crossing angle to be considered.

c) Determine the unchecked length Luc for the crossing angle being
considered, refer to Table C.1.

d) Determine the unguided length Lug for the crossing angle and wheel
diameter being considered, refer to Figure C.3.

e) Determine the minimum curve radius Rmin for the crossing angle being
considered, refer to Table C.1.

f) Determine the steady state angle of attack of the leading wheelset,

assuming the vehicles to be running on a constant curve of radius equal to
the minimum permissible radius for the crossing angle being considered.
Assume a wheel / rail friction coefficient of 0.1, a track gauge of 1438 mm
(nominal gauge plus 6 mm maintenance allowance) and full allowable
wheel flange wear. Add to this calculated angle of attack value an
allowance for the permissible wheelset yaw misalignment tolerance in the
vehicle to give the Ψo value to substitute in formula (1). In determining the
steady state angles of attack of the wheelsets, the external lateral forces
on the vehicles should be neglected.

g) Superimpose on the steady state curving situation in f), above, an external

force applied to the vehicle body of Fext as determined by formula (2).
Calculate the value of ∆slip for the leading wheelset which would occur if its
flange force were suddenly removed, assuming a wheel / rail friction
coefficient of 0.1.

h) Check that the inequality of formula (1) is satisfied.

i) Repeat b) to h) for the remaining crossing angles.

C.1.8 The vehicle design shall minimise the generation of lateral loads by buffers and
drawgear and by other inter-vehicle constraints. The possibility of braking
systems causing wheel locking is be minimised to avoid the occurrence of
exceptionally low lateral adhesion levels.

C.1.9 The vehicle design shall minimise the generation of lateral loads

Crossing Gap Stagger Unchecked Minimum

angle (67 N) (1391/2 N) length curve radius
(1 in N) mm mm L uc R min
m m
1 in 8.0 536 87 0.449 500
1 in 7.5 502 93 0.409 400
1 in 6.5 433 107 0.326 240
1 in 5.5 371 126 0.245 160
Table C.1 Obtuse crossing data

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Nominal gauge 1435 mm

Nominal check gauge 1391 mm
Nominal flange way 41 mm

Figure C.1 Obtuse crossing layout

Figure C.2 Definition of ∆crit

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Figure C.3 Unguided length (as a function of wheel diameter and crossing angle)

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Appendix D Quenched and Tempered Monobloc Wheels

Manufactured to UIC 812-3 (withdrawn)
The content of this appendix is mandatory when complying with 2.9.3.

D.1 Quenched and tempered monobloc wheels, condition E

D.1.1 General manufacturing requirements
D.1.1.1 Monobloc wheels manufactured by the quenched and tempered heat treatment
process in accordance with UIC 812-3 (withdrawn) shall comply with the
requirements of BS EN 13262, except for the specific requirements set out in
Appendix D.

D.1.2 Chemical composition

D.1.2.1 The chemical composition shall be in accordance with the requirements set out in
BS EN 13262.

D.1.3 Heat treatment – quench and temper (UIC 812-3 clause 4.2)
D.1.3.1 Heat treatment by immersion quench and temper, condition E, shall be
understood to mean heating the wheel for sufficient time to bring it uniformly to a
temperature exceeding the transformation temperature of the grade of steel by
about 25ºC, cooling by immersion quenching in a bath containing suitable liquid,
followed by tempering at a minimum temperature of 500ºC. The wheel is then left
to cool in still air.

D.1.4 Mechanical properties (UIC 812-3 clause

D.1.4.1 The rim characteristics are set out in Table D.1.

D.1.4.2 Tensile test specimen for wheel in heat treatment condition E need be taken only
from the wheel rim, as set out in BS EN 13262.

D.1.5 Rim hardness characteristic (UIC 812-3 clauses 5.2.4 & 5.2.5)
D.1.5.1 The minimum Brinell hardness values applicable to the whole wear zone of the
rim shall be equal or greater than the values set out in Table D.1.

D.1.5.2 The measurement of hardness at rim-web transition is not applicable to wheels

heat treated to condition E.

D.1.6 Residual stress (UIC 812-3 clause 5.2.6)

D.1.6.1 The assessment of residual stress is not applicable for monobloc wheels heat
treated to condition E.

Equivalent Steel grade Minimum Brinell Minimum impact

hardness value test values
UIC 812-3 EN 13262 KU (Joules)
R6 ER6 217 15
R7 ER7 229 15
R8 ER8 241 15
R9 ER9 255 10
Table D.1 Condition E hardness and impact characteristics

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Association of American Railroads.

The structure, including cartridge bearing adaptor, which houses, or is in contact with, the
axle journal bearing and provides an interface with the bogie and / or suspension

Axle run-out
The total radial displacement measured at the centre of the axle when it is rotated on
rollers supporting the wheelset bearing journals.

Cold stamping
Alpha-numeric stamping performed on the component whilst it is at ambient temperature.

Any fault(s) in a component, or assembly, which may prevent the component, or assembly,
from fulfilling its design purpose.

Design life
The total time or distance over which a wheelset is intended to provide a defined standard
of performance while subject to a pre-defined regime of maintenance, repair and overhaul.

Freight vehicle
Vehicles designed and used for carrying payloads which do not include people.

Hollow axles
An axle that has a hole through its centre. Such axles may be tested to a routine, internal,
non-destructive testing process.

Inner rim
Inside horizontal surface of the wheel rim.

Inspect / inspection
Determine conformity to required standards.

Interference fit
The shrink or press fit between a wheel centre and a tyre or between the axle and any
item, other than a wheelset bearing.

Magnetic particle inspection

Magnetic particle inspection (MPI) is a method of detecting surface, or near surface,
discontinuities in magnetisable materials by the generation of a magnetic flux within the
material and the application of suitable ferromagnetic particles to the surface, so as to
render the discontinuity visible.

The routine process of examination, inspection, measurement and lubrication which,
together with the completion of identified repairs, ensures the wheelset remains safe
throughout its current service life.

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All the processes and assembly operations which culminate in the production of a
completely new wheelset.

Monobloc wheel
A wheel comprising a hub, a wheel web and rim with the full wheel tread profile
manufactured from a single piece of steel as a single entity.

Non-destructive testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is the process of examination of a wheelset to enable its
integrity to be assessed by a means which does not compromise the service life or the
design life of the wheelset.

Non-passenger vehicle
Vehicles such as locomotives, power cars, driving van trailers and on-track machines that
do not carry people other than operational staff in the course of their duties.

Any attention given to the wheelset when it is removed from a vehicle or bogie and when
an interference fit is broken (excluding the removal of axle journal bearings).

Passenger vehicle
Vehicles designed and used for carrying passengers who are fare-paying customers.

Personnel vehicles
Vehicles used for the carriage of non-operational staff, including contractors.

Power cars
A non-passenger vehicle which provides, as its principal function, traction power for a
trainset of which it is an integral part.

Retaining ring (Gibson ring)

A split ring of material used to retain the tyre on the wheel centre.

The physical attention given to the wheelset to enable it to remain safe throughout its
current service life. Such attention does not require the breaking of any interference fit.
Re-profiling of wheel treads is not deemed to be a wheelset repair.

Rolling contact fatigue

A series of fine, typically closely spaced cracks in the centre of the wheel tread which
eventually form a complete circumferential band of cracks but may be more extensive.

A burr of extruded material forming on the outer rim side of the wheel during service by
plastic deformation.

Service life
The time or distance over which a wheelset safely continues to meet defined technical
standards before overhaul is required.

Sharp flange
A sharp corner on the flange tip.

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Technically competent authority

A company, or person, having proven competence in a particular technology or process
and being independent of the company requiring the services of the technically competent

Toe radius build-up

Extruded material on the flange tip.

Transverse crack / indication

A linear indication obtained when carrying out NDT which lies transverse to the longitudinal
axis of the axle, or which lies at an angle of 45º or greater measured to the longitudinal

Tread run-out
The total radial displacement measured at the wheel tread when the wheelset is rotated on
rollers supporting the wheelset bearing journals.

Tyred wheel
A wheel which comprises at least a wheel centre and a separately manufactured tyre.

Union Internationale de Chemins de Fer.

Ultrasonic testing
Ultrasonic testing is a process in which high frequency sound waves are transmitted
through materials such that the reflections can be analysed to find imperfections in the
material. Ultrasonic axle testing (UAT) is when the process is applied to railway axles.

Wheel centre
The wheel hub, web and rim on which a tyre is fitted.

A complete unit comprising an axle and two complete wheels together with any gear
wheels, brake discs, etc, but without axle bearings and their end caps, spacers, seals and
other associated fittings. The wheels may be either tyred or monobloc, Figure 1 of this
document identifies the relevant features.

Wheelset component / components

These are the individual element(s) that when assembled in accordance with the
requirements of the requisite standards produce a wheelset. The constituent components
vary for different types of wheelset but typically comprise; axle, monobloc wheel, (or wheel
centre, tyre, retaining ring), gear wheel, brake disc, etc.

Wheelset database
A documented, maintained set of up-to-date data for each wheelset design, and each type
of vehicle.

Wheel wobble
The total axial displacement of the internal wheel face when the wheelset is rotated,
measured at the flange back, measured at 60 mm beneath the flange tip.

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The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards CD-ROM
give the current issue number and status of documents published by RSSB. This
information is also available from

Documents referenced in the text

RGSC 01 The Railway Group Standards Code
Railway Group Standards
GM/RT2470 Wheelset Supplier Qualification
RSSB documents
GM/RC2494 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Design
GM/RC2495 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Manufacture
GM/RC2496 Recommendations for Railway Wheelset Maintenance
GM/GN2497 Guidance on Railway Wheelset Tread, Gauging and Damage
GM/GN2498 Guidance on Railway Wheelset Handling [proposed].
RIS-1530-PLT Engineering Acceptance of Possession-Only Rail Vehicles and
Associated Equipment
Other references
AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices - Section G,
Part II - Wheel and Axle (Shop) Manual (600 Series)
2001/16/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of
19 March 2001 on the interoperability of conventional rail system
2004/50/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of
29 April 2004 (Amending Directive 2001/16/EC)
BS 5892 Railway Rolling Stock Materials
BS EN 13103 Railway applications – Wheelset and bogies – Powered axles –
Design method
BS EN 13104 Railway applications – Wheelset and bogies – Non-powered axles -
Design method
BS EN 13260 Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Wheelsets – Product
BS EN 13261 Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Axles - Product
BS EN 13262 Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Wheels – Product
BS EN 13715:2006 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Wheels - Wheels tread
BS EN 13979-1 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Monobloc wheels -
Technical approval - Forged and rolled wheels
M-101 AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices - Axles,
Carbon Steel, Heat-Treated
M-107/M-208 AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices - Wheels,
Carbon Steel
MT276 Examination Schedule for Preserved Steam Locomotives Running on
BR Lines
UIC 510-2 Trailing stock: wheel and wheelset, condition concerning the use of
wheel of various diameters
UIC 810-1 Technical specification for the supply of rough rolled non-alloy steel
tyre for traction and trailing stock
UIC 813 Technical specification for supply of wheelsets for traction and trailing
stock – tolerances and assembly

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