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Outer Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
Size Standard X-Heavy XX-Heavy
Diameter 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
.035 .049 .068 .068 .095 .095
1/8 0.405
.138 .1863 2.447 2.447 .3145 .3145
.049 .065 .088 .088 .119 .119
1/4 0.540
.2570 .3297 .4248 .4248 .5351 .5351
.049 .065 .091 .091 .126 .126
3/8 0.675
.3276 .4235 .5676 .5676 .7388 .7388
.065 .083 .109 .109 .147 .147 .187 .294
1/2 0.840
.5383 .6710 .8510 .8510 1.088 1.088 1.304 1.714
.065 .083 .113 .113 .154 .154 .218 .308
3/4 1.050
.6638 .8572 1.131 1.131 1.474 1.474 1.937 2.441
.065 .190 .133 .133 .179 .179 .250 .358
1 1.315
.8678 1.404 1.679 1.679 2.172 2.172 2.844 3.659
.065 .109 .140 .140 .191 .191 .250 .382
1 1/4 1.660
1.107 1.806 2.273 2.273 2.997 2.997 3.765 5.214
.065 .109 .145 .145 .200 .200 .281 .400
1 1/2 1.900
1.274 2.638 2.718 2.718 3.631 3.631 4.859 6.408
.065 .109 .154 .154 .218 .218 .343 .436
2 2.375
1.604 2.638 3.653 3.653 5.022 5.022 7.444 9.029
.083 .120 .203 .203 .276 .276 .375 .552
2 1/2 2.875
2.475 3.531 5.793 5.793 7.661 7.661 10.01 13.70
.083 .120 .216 .216 .300 .300 .437 .600
3 3.500
3.029 4.332 7.576 7.576 10.25 10.25 14.32 18.58
.083 .120 .226 .226 .318 .318 .636
3 1/2 4.000
3.472 4.973 9.109 9.109 12.51 12.51 22.85
.083 .120 .237 .237 .281 .337 .337 .437 .531 .674
4 4.500
3.915 5.613 10.79 10.79 12.66 14.98 14.98 19.01 22.51 27.54
.247 .355 .710
4 1/2 5.000
12.53 17.61 32.53
.109 .134 .258 .258 .375 .375 .500 .625 .750
5 5.563
6.349 7.770 14.62 14.62 20.78 20.78 27.04 32.96 38.55
.109 .134 .280 .280 .432 .432 .562 .718 .864
6 6.625
7.585 9.289 18.97 18.97 28.57 28.57 36.39 45.30 53.16
.301 .500 .875
7 7.625
23.57 38.05 63.08
.109 .148 .250 .277 .322 .322 .406 .500 .500 .593 .718 .812 .906 .875
8 8.625
9.914 13.40 22.36 24.70 28.55 28.55 35.64 43.39 43.39 50.87 60.63 67.76 74.89 72.42
.342 .500
9 9.625
33.90 46.72
.134 .165 .250 .307 .365 .365 .500 .593 .500 .718 .843 1.000 1.125
10 10.750
15.19 18.65 28.04 34.24 40.48 40.48 54.74 64.33 54.74 76.93 89.20 104.1 115.7
.375 .500
11 11.750
45.55 60.07
.156 .180 .250 .330 .406 .375 .562 .687 .500 .843 1.000 1.125 1.312
12 12.750
21.07 24.20 33.38 43.77 53.53 49.56 73.16 88.51 65.42 107.2 125.5 139.7 160.3
.156 .250 .312 .375 .437 .375 .593 .750 .500 .937 10.93 1.250 1.406
14 14.000
23.06 36.71 45.68 54.57 63.37 54.57 84.91 106.1 72.09 130.7 150.7 170.2 189.1
.165 .250 .312 .375 .500 .375 .656 .843 .500 1.031 1.218 1.437 1.593
16 16.000
27.90 42.05 52.36 62.58 82.77 62.58 107.5 136.5 82.77 164.8 192.3 223.5 245.1
.165 .250 .312 .437 .562 .375 .750 .937 .500 1.156 1.375 1.562 1.781
18 18.000
31.43 47.39 59.03 82.06 104.8 70.59 138.2 170.8 93.45 208.0 244.1 274.2 308.5
.188 .250 .375 .500 .593 .375 .812 1.031 .500 1.280 1.500 1.750 1.968
20 20.000
39.78 52.73 78.60 104.1 122.9 78.80 166.4 208.9 104.1 256.1 296.4 341.1 379.0
.218 .250 .375 .562 .687 .375 .968 1.218 .500 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.343
24 24.000
55.37 63.41 94.62 140.8 171.2 94.62 236.1 296.4 125.5 367.1 429.4 483.1 541.9
.312 .500 .375 .500
26 26.000
85.60 136.2 102.6 136.2
.312 .500 .625 .375 .500
28 28.000
92.26 146.8 182.7 110.6 146.8
.250 .312 .500 .625 .375 .500
30 30.000
79.43 98.93 157.5 196.1 118.6 157.5
.312 .500 .625 .688 .375 .500
32 32.000
105.6 168.2 209.4 230.1 126.7 168.2
.344 .500 .625 .688 .375 .500
34 34.000
123.7 178.9 222.8 244.8 134.7 178.9
.312 .500 .625 .750 .375 .500
36 36.000
118.9 189.6 236.1 282.3 142.2 189.6
.375 .500
42 42.000
166.7 221.6
.375 .500
48 48.000
190.7 253.8
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