Robert Moss: Live Your Dreams!
Robert Moss: Live Your Dreams!
Robert Moss: Live Your Dreams!
In Robert Moss’ native Australia, the Aborigines say that the Big
stories are hunting the right people to tell them, and live them. All we
need to do is to put ourselves in a place where they can find us,
beyond the tame lands of conventional thinking.
In this entertaining, high-energy workshop, we'll learn how to get guidance on our life
issues by playing synchronicity games like "putting our questions to the world" and
tracking the messages and opportunities that come through chance encounters and
unexpected occurrences. We'll learn how to live more richly and deeply by becoming
open to the unexpected and playing with the Trickster -- who is our devil when we
insist on following old road maps, but our friend when we are ready to improvise and
Living by synchronicity isn't merely about getting messages. It is about growing the
poetic consciousness that allows us to taste and touch what rhymes and resonates in
the world we inhabit, and how the world-behind-the-world reveals itself by fluttering
the veils of our consensual reality. This is a path of natural magic, and when we follow
it we'll find that we move beyond self-limiting beliefs into a world filled with juice and
In many indigenous languages, the word for shaman means “one who dreams,”
implying one who dreams strong, one who dreams true, one who has unusual access
to healing and energy through dreaming. In this high-energy adventure, we'll learn the
core techniques in the shaman's way of dreaming, including:
The art of dream travel: how to journey smoothly beyond the body into other
times and other dimensions --Dream reentry: using personal dream images as
portals to multidimensional reality
Tracking: entering a partner's dreamspace (with permission!) to bring guidance
and healing
Timefolding: scouting the possible future and visiting other life experiences
Shapeshifting: journeying with the animal powers -- Dream enactment:
developing personal rituals and spontaneous art to celebrate the powers that
speak to us in dreams We'll share wonderful sacred teaching stories and
travelers’ tales and learn how -- like authentic shamans.
The voice of the heart calls us to live from our deeper life purpose [poslani] and
manifest our best and bravest dreams. The heart center is where we find courage to
face life’s challenges, move beyond self-limiting beliefs and take the creative leap that
can fill our world with magic and healing. The heart center is also where we experience
joy, and pain, most deeply.
The voice of the heart is sometimes swamped by the noisy clutter of everyday life and
the racket of other people who are forever trying to tell us who we are and what we
can and cannot do. We may try to silence that voice because we are scared of being
hurt if we open to the truth of our strongest emotions. In this exciting new workshop,
we will grow a safe and healing space where we can open our hearts and reclaim the
vital energy of the selves we have lost through trauma or heartbreak or refusing to
follow our heart’s deepest desires. We will find our True North, our life’s flawless
compass, in the thinking of the heart, so much wiser than the calculations of the head.
With the help of the powerful techniques of Active Dreaming we will grow visions of
possibility for ourselves and for others, and gather hummingbird medicine: the ability
to stay steady and heart-centered in the midst of constant motion. We’ll improvise
spontaneous ritual, performance and expressive art to honor our visions, and will help
each other to find the energy and resources to live the path with heart – the only path
worth following.
*All prices in EUR already include international transfer fee charged by our bank.