Hot e Lympics
Hot e Lympics
Hot e Lympics
a. To generate food , beverage and rooms revenue by offering student packages
during the prelude
b. To promote and showcase Hotel Stotsenberg among schools and other future
c. To get extra sales in food and beverage , ticket selling and booths
d. To tie up and enhance relationship with Colleges and Universities in Region III ,
in order to help their students in acquiring knowledge on the latest trends in Hotel
and Restaurant operations
e. To enhance friendly competition and camaraderie between Colleges and
Universities in Region III.
f. To focus on the innate skills and artistry of student chefs and to showcase the
various elements of the food and beverage services in the hotel and restaurant and
tourism industry;
g. To provide students and the general public with a holistic experience of a student
competition and exhibition of food preparation and services in the hotel and
restaurant industry.
111. TICKET PRICE : Final Competition - P 100 / day / pax ( P 10 goes to the seller )
VI. THEME : East Meets West ( Fusion of Western and Asian Cuisines /
Cocktails )
Should wear the prescribed Dress Code - Chef’s uniform of their school for
participants of Culinary competitions and , black pants (male) or black skirt
(female ) , white long sleeve and black bow tie for cocktail mixing , bed making ,
napkin folding ,table skirting and table setting competitions
Schools should follow the limited number of participants per category together
with their coaches
Coaches can only give instructions before the competition and not during the
actual competition . Coaches should immediately leave the competition area as
soon as the competition starts .
Participants and Coaches should observe proper decorum and behavior while
inside the competition proper. No bad mouthing , cursing or sign of bad behavior
towards other team/s or competitor . Our Hotel security reserves the right to evict
person or earring participants , and will be automatically barred from the
competition .
Participants should come at least one(1) hour before the competition .Late arrival
( 15 minutes or over ) will be automatically disqualified .
Only fully registered participants and coaches will be given badges bearing their
name , picture and title of the competition .These may be claimed two(2) days
prior to the competition dates at the Hotel Marketing office . All competitors must
wear their badges during the entire competition dates and will entitle them to a
free entrance .This is non-transferable and non-replaceable .Loss or transfer will
technically disqualify any competitor.
All participants are required to follow all rules and regulations of the competition
Official alternates shall be allowed only with valid justification and upon the
judges approval
All participants are required to observe proper dress code during the awarding
ceremony .
All participants are advised to abide by fundamental cleanliness
Judges should come from a school, organization or hotel and restaurant
establishment with a knowledge or expertise on the competition that they are
No judge should come from a participating school
Results should be tabulated by an audit team and ranking shall be posted on the
over-all tally board
Judges will be assigned to various competition categories and must elect a team
leader who will act as a chairperson in cases of complaints filed
In case of a valid complaints , the complaining party shall put it in writing
address to the Chairperson of each event , just before the final tallying of scores.
A deliberation shall be conducted and a verdict shall be reached on or before the
final tallying of scores . After the final tallying of scores have been established ,
the decision of the judges are final and the competitors and coaches shall abide by
A recipe for all dishes will be required ( Form 1 – Culinary Recipe Form ) with
its brief description and ingredients and methods of preparation .This will be one
of the criterion for judging .
Preparation should be made in two (2) plates /preparation , one for the tasting
judge and one for exhibits
All exhibits should be identified by their proper names both on entry forms and
the exhibit tables .No identification of personal , business or school affiliation is
allowed until the judging is completed .
The ingredients & trimmings should harmonize with the main part of the dish and
conform to contemporary standards of nutritional values in quality & color.
Unnecessary ingredients should be avoided. Acceptable and practical cooking
methods should be applied .
Dressing the rims of plate results in an unacceptable appearance
Meat should be carved properly & cleanly .Roast beef should be done medium
with no blood drawing during glazing
Meat & Vegetable juices should not make a dish look unappetizing
Vegetables must be turned or cut uniformly . Points will be deducted if not
In order that garnishes, trimmings, and dressings stays fresh longer, they should
not be cooked completely soft, but should be glazed in aspic.
Artificial bindings may be used for creams
The amount of gelatin used in aspic may exceed normal quantities , but not to the
extent that the style of presentation is dependent on the extra gelatin content
Plate arrangement & decoration should be practical and appealing, and should
comply with daily standards.
Dishes prepared hot but displayed cold should be glazed with aspic
Sauce boats should be filled half way .Aspic used should refer to the products
Plated portions must be proportionate to the dish and the number of persons
Portion weight should be generally keeping with the standard of acceptable
practice and nutritional value
Meat slices should be served with the carved surface upwards and not left as when
Food prepared hot should not be placed on buffet platters or mirror
Eggs should be put on glass , porcelain or on aspic glazed dishes
Do not use non- edible items such as bases , however croutons are allowed
If fruit is used to garnish meat , it should be cut into small pieces or sliced thinly
Lastly , is a matter of urgent necessity that the punctual presentation on each
exhibit is done on an appointed time
Hot Food :
Earthenware dishes(oven proof)
Chinaware’s ( china ,porcelain ,ceramics)
Lined copper dishes
Stainless steel platters
Imitation pewter
Silver platters
Glass containers , but not drinking glasses or wine glasses
Any non-porous surface
Cold Food :
Silver platters and trays
Stainless Steel
Mirrors and other glass containers , but not drinking glasses or wine glasses
Polished Wood
Chinaware’s ( china ,porcelain ,ceramics )
Polished Wood
Carved fruits and vegetables
Any other approved food surface
No logos allowed
Each team will set up their table the day itself of the competition dates and set up
will be left during the two(2) days of competition for judging
Gazebos, walls , ceilings and carpets are not allowed
Place setting is from minimum of two(2) to a maximum of ten(10) persons
Place setting includes chair , table napkins / other linens , Chinas , flatware’s,
The set up of a service table and wine bucket is allowed
Menu printed in menu cards are required ; with a brief background on the title in
conjunction with the theme and menu courses.
Table centerpiece and other decorations matching the table theme setting is
Participants are required to provide their own watcher or waiter in proper attire
throughout the whole show
The use of ironing equipments during the set up is allowed
Competitors are responsible for the security of their display , The Hotel is not
liable for any lost items in the table setting .
Participant should be in uniform; black pants (no black denims), white long
sleeved blouse/polo, black leather shoes and black bow tie
Participant must execute the (6) basic folds , and (1) original creative fold
Participants must execute “ ALL “ his/her napkin fold within two (2) minutes on
20” X 20” sized napkins
Participants should bring and use his/her own white table napkins
Background music is allowed but will not be judged
Participants found to have ironed napkins patterned to the folds will be
Participants shall be wearing black pants/ slacks (no black denims) white long
sleeved shirt/blouse, black leather shoes and black bow ti9e (male) and sash
Organizer will provide table but participants shall provide own cloth for skirting,
pins, thumbtacks, etc.
A ready made or sewn skirting used shall be disqualified
Ready made decorations are allowable
The team must execute the skirting within 30 minutes only on 4 ft diameter round
table and 2 ft 30 inches in height, which will provided by the organizer
The team shall register an hour before the contest proper & report to the
committee for briefing
No pre-ironed tablecloth will be allowed (disqualifications)
The Hotel will extend privileges to a maximum of three (3) coaches or any
school representative , on one (1) De Luxe Room per school with “NO” free meal
In case that the participant opted to check-in at Hotel Stotsenberg
To set up a table for a four (4) course menu with accompanying wines
Method/ Preparation
* Mis en Place 0-20 points
* Creativity / Artistry 0-40 points
* Accuracy of Set up 0-20 points
* Menu Knowledge 0-20 points
0-80 points
There shall only be one(1) entry per school
To display a variety of four (4) different plated hot or cold fusion desserts, displayed
There shall only be one(1) entry per school
Cold Appetizer Platter for eight (8) persons / serving on the platter with one plated
portion for display. Platter may include showpiece
1. Prior to the day of competition, the hotel shall announce the main ingredient
for the main course
2. Recipe for three (3) portions required to be submitted on competition day
Day of Competition
Competitors will register one hour and thirty minute before actual start of the
competition and will submit their recipe in three (3) Copies at the registration
Should a team forget or be short of recipe copy, points will be deducted
Competitors will proceed to collect their main ingredient
Competitors will be given thirty (30) minutes to set-up their mise-en-place and
prepare the main ingredient for cooking
The teams will be given a tot6al of three (3) hours were the starter/Soup needs to
be served after 2 hours
The team will be given ten (10) minutes to clean the area
Teams who are late for their registration will be disqualified
The rules must be strictly followed. Teams who will bring in cooked items will be
Teams cannot wear any uniform with logo, any pin or name tag which identifies
the establishment
No observers are allowed in the competition area
One (1) judge will oversee the mise-en-place and correct preparation in the front.
Four (4) Judges will be at the backstage to judge on correct preparation,
Professional Serving, Presentation & Taste
The thirteen (13) finalists will compete in a team of Three (3) members during the
competition day
Specific guidelines, pointers for the judging criteria:
All ingredients to be provided by the participant except for the main course which
will be provided by the hotel
Vegetables can be peeled, cut or turned, however not cooked in any form
Sidings can be pre-pared but not cooked
Fresh pasta dough can be pre-prepared. Filled pasta such as ravioli and others
have to be filled on the spot
Farces (fillings) can be pre- prepared but not cooked
Marinades can be pre-prepared
Basic stocks such as veal, chicken etc. can be pre-prepared. It is not allowed to
have finished sauces
Garnishes can be pre-prepared but not cooked
Garnishes made out of dough can be pre-prepared but not cooked
All small wares, tools, blenders, etc. to be provided by the participant. Organizer
will only provide 2-gas burners per team, one common refrigerator/ freezer,
working area and plates
Guidelines for Assessment:
Mis-en-place 0-10 points
Orderly preparation of materials, neat working area & style, clean working
clothes, accurate techniques, adherence to work schedule and punctual completion of
work. Special attention will be given to the hygienic and sanitary handling of food items
e.g. tasting while cooking
To cook on the spot freshly made Asian noodles main course for two (2) persons
Single entry per school, one(1) participants per team and one (1) alternate
The alternate needs to be changed prior to the competition start, a change of
participant during the competition will lead to disqualification
All ingredients to be used shall be provided for & brought in by the participants
Except for the working area and table which shall be provided by the organizer,
all other cooking equipments, utensils and gadgets to be used shall be brought in by the
Basic Rules:
1. Participants must register one (1) hour before the actual competition & report
to the committee for briefing. Participants who shall be late will be
2. Three (3) copies of the recipe shall be submitted upon registration
3. Ingredients shall be checked to ensure rules are followed
4. Participants are given 15 minutes for mis-en –place and set up
5. Execution & actual cooking shall be limited to 45 minutes only
6. Another 20 minutes shall be provided for arrangement and presentation
7. The other 10 minutes shall be used for housekeeping and cleaning
8. Vegetables can be peeled & pre- cut, but not cooked in any form
9. Meat & seafood items can be ready portioned, but not cooked
10. Noodles can be made ready to cook
11. Basic stocks such as veal, chicken, pork etc. can be prepared in advance.
Ready made sauces are not allowed
12. Garnishes can be pre-prepared, but not cooked
13. Participants who will be bringing cooked items will be disqualified
14. Participants must wear their chefs uniform (no logo, no name, no
15. Two (2) judges (front) will oversee the mis- e- place and professional
preparation. Two (2) judges (back) will judge the professional serving method,
presentation and taste
16. All small wares, tools, blenders, water pail, extension line etc. shall be
provided and brought in by the participants
17. The organizer shall provide the working tables and electrical outlet only
Judging Criteria:
Orderly preparation of materials, neat working area and style, clean working
clothes, accurate techniques, adherence to work schedule and punctual completion of
work. Special attention will be given to the hygienic and sanitary handling of food items
e.g. tasting while cooking
Practical and easily digestible preparation, free of unnecessary details & extras.
Any side dishes should compliment the main dish in quantity, flavor and color should be
in keeping with nutritional teaching Strictly observe the minimum number of side dishes.
The original recipe is authoritative where classical dishes are concerned. Meat should be
carved properly & cleanly. Roast beef, should be just medium (pink). Points will be
deducted for vegetables, which are not cut or turned uniformly. Portion weight should
correspond to normal portion consumed and the accepted norms
Main meals and side dishes should be in proportion to one another. The dishes
should be reciprocally complimentary in both content and color. The arrangement of the
plates should be practical, neat, pleasant, conducive to everyday serving and not
cluttered. Bases and non-edible items should be avoided. New preparation and serving
methods, outstanding combinations in simple, modern ways shall be considered
Taste 30 points
The natural flavor of the dish should be the predominant factor in gauging
palatability. Sufficient seasoning should bring out the typical flavor of the dish
To display the students’ knowledge and speed in executing bed making techniques .
Single entry per school, Two (2) participant and one alternate
One participant to concentrate on the beddings , and the second participant to
finalize the décors
The alternate needs to be changed prior to the competition start a change of
participant during the competition will lead to disqualification
Materials/ Tools
Basic Rules
Judging Criteria
Speed 35 points
Sequencing 35 points
Creativity 15 points
Overall Appearance 15 points
To display students culinary skills through their creativity and speed in table
Single entry per school, one(1) participant per team and 1 alternate
The alternate needs to be changed prior to the competition start a change of
participant during the competition will lead to disqualification
Equipment / Tools
The organizer shall provide the table to be used for the competition, however the
participants must bring their own materials (any color), pins and thumbtacks, including
ready made decorations
Basic Rules
1. Participants shall be wearing black pants/ slacks (no black denims) white long
sleeved shirt/blouse, black leather shoes and black bow ti9e (male) and sash
2. Participants shall provide own cloth for skirting, pins, thumbtacks, etc.
3. A ready made or sewn skirting used shall be disqualified
4. Ready made decorations are allowable
5. The team must execute the skirting within 30 minutes only on 4 ft diameter
round table and 2 ft 30 inches in height, which will provided by the organizer
6. The team shall register an hour before the contest proper & report to the
committee for briefing
7. No pre-ironed tablecloth will be allowed (disqualifications)
Judging Criteria
Speed 20 points
Neatness 25 points
Creativity 25 points
Difficulty and design 30 points
Single entry per school, one (1) participant and (1) alternate
The alternate needs to be changed prior to the competition start a change of
participant during the competition will lead to disqualification
The participant shall bring in and provide own fruits and vegetables to use.
Tools / Utensils
Any special tools; utensils and gadgets for execution and presentation shall be
brought in and provided by the participants
Basic Rules:
1. Participants must register and report to the committee for briefing one (1) hour
before the actual competition
2. Execution time limit is two (2) hours and (30) minutes only
3. Participants shall bring in and provide all the materials and tolls they would
need during the competition
4. Participants must wear their Chefs uniform during the competition
5. Pre-assembled skeletal base or form will be allowed
6. Toothpicks and barbecue sticks are allowed, no wires
7. The participants can use any fruits, vegetables or tubers or combination.
Combinations shall all be fruits, vegetables and tubers
8. All carving shall be done during the actual competition and in the contest area
9. All wastage should be gathered in a container or garbage bag since it will be
judged if materials used are maximized.
Judging Criteria:
Single entry per school, one (1) participant, and (1) alternate
The alternate needs to be changed prior to the competition start, a change of
participant during the competition will lead to disqualification
Basic Rules
1. Participant should be in uniform; black pants (no black denims), white long
sleeved blouse/polo, black leather shoes and black bow tie
2. Participant must execute the six (6) basic folds and (1) original creative fold
Sailing Boat
Double lotus
Bishops Hat
Fan with stand
Original Creative Fold
3. Participants must execute “ ALL” his/her napkin fold within two (2) minutes
on 20” X 20” sized napkins
4. Participants should bring and use his/her own white table napkins
5. Background music is allowed but will not be judged
6. Participants found to have ironed napkins patterned to the folds will be
Judging Criteria
Speed 40 points
Neatness 30 points
Creativity 30 points
1. There shall be only two (2) entries per school
2. All Contestant /entries base on category must fill up the official entry form. The
organizer reserves the right to reject any entry which does not contain original
recipe and/or conform with the rules .
3. All contestant must submit necessary certification or requirements which shall be
attached to the entry form .
4. All entries should be submitted to the organizer through FAX or personal hand
delivery only at least forty eight(48) hours before the actual event /
competition .A copy of the acknowledgement from the organizer will also be
faxed backed to the contestant .Late submission will be disqualified .
5. The organizer and/or the sponsor reserves the right to have exclusive property of
all entries and to exclusively utilize in anyway to promote ____________
6. The competition is organized in cooperation with ______________.
Taste Presentation
Presentation 0-15 points
Taste 0-20 points
Color Combination 0-10 points
Name Association 0-05 points
50 points
1. The Hotel shall maintain general security for its premises and properties
2. All participants , coaches, judges , school officials and viewing public shall abide
with the security and safety measures of the Hotel
3. All items brought inside the Hotel shall be declared and fill up the Necessary –
Ingress-Egress Form . Upon egress , all items shall be subject to inspection
before bringing out .
4. Holding area for all participants and coaches will be at the Teofila Hall
5. The hotel security reserves the right to evict or barred from entering the hotel
premises any person who shows bad behavior or earring individuals .
6. All participants , coaches ,judges , and event officials should always wear the
prescribed official I.D.’s while entering the competition area
7. Participants should fill up the necessary Borrowers Form for all equipments and
utensils that being supplied by the Hotel and , responsible and accountable for any
loss, damage or theft.
8. The Hotel shall not be held responsible for claims ,demands ,and expenses
resulting from damage ,loss or theft .
1st meeting sponsors and booth May 12 Concerned Free coffee /tea /drinks
owners Dept.Heads during meeting .Discuss
Hotelympics ,
sponsorship ,displays
4th Meeting COHREP May 5 Danny H Discuss , participants per
Chef Henry school , per event .
Meeting with Stosenberg May 21 Danny H Reports Status
Department Heads Department
Final Meeting sponsors and booth June 9 Concerned Dept. Discuss any concern
owners Heads
Makes Action Plan for June 10 Danny H For approval
5th Meeting COHREP June 16 Danny H Finalized competition and
Chef Henry Pre-Lude .Finalize
schedule of trainings per
Approval Action Plan June 18 Danny H Routing
Meeting with Stotsenberg June 18 Danny H Reports Status
Department Heads Department
Pre-Lude June & All concerned Training starts .
July Departments
Final Meeting with Stotsenberg August 3 Danny H Finalize logistics
Department Heads Department heads
Parade of Schools July 6 All participants Final briefing also
Ingress July 6 All concerned
Competition Aug.7-8 All concerned
A. Pre-Lude:
1. Target school participants : 12 schools
2. Target schools to get the “ No Room Package “ – 8 schools
3. Target schools to get the “ Full Board/Room Package “ – 4 schools
4. Package Breakdown : Average 30 participants per school
C. Banquet
E. Training Fee 200.00 Amenities(8hrs) 100.00
( w.LCD & Wide screen)
2 nd Day 2 nd Day
Breakfast 1 hour Arrival
1st Seminar - 1st Part - Introduction to 1st Seminar - - 1st Part – Introduction
Culinary - Lecture 2 hours to Culinary - Lecture 2 hours
AM Snacks Minutes AM Snacks 30 Minutes
1st Seminar - - Tour of the Kitchen 1 hour 1st Seminar - - Tour of the Kitchen 1 hour
Lunch 1 hour Lunch 1 hour
2nd Seminar - Skirting Making and Napkin 1½ 2nd Seminar - Skirting Making and
Folding hours Napkin Folding 1 ½ hours
PM snacks Minutes PM snacks 30 Minutes
Check Out hours Out of the Hotel Last hours
Estimated “No Room Package” = 8 schools x 30 average participants x 2 days rate =
P 444,000.00
Estimated “Full Board/Room Package” = 4 schools x 30 average participants x package
P 339,600.00
TOTAL 278,767.60