CDM 2015 Summary
CDM 2015 Summary
CDM 2015 Summary
Springfield House
Laurelhill Business Park
Stirling FK7 9JQ
the Regulations now apply to any project with two or more contractors
domestic clients, previously exempt from the Regulations, will now have to comply
A new role is created, the Principal Designer, who becomes responsible for many duties previously those of the CDM Co-ordinator
some duties formerly carried out by the CDM Co-ordinator will become the direct responsibility of the Client
During the consultation with industry, RIBA voiced their members' concern about the ability of designers to discharge the co-ordination function effectively
without recourse to third-party advice.
Concerns were also expressed that client duties would be too onerous on small and occasional clients, and it was suggested that in such situations clients
would pay for professional advice which might not be forthcoming from the principal designer.
The policy objectives behind the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 are to:
In addition, the Client has a stand-alone duty to give notice (the F10) to the HSE if the construction work is scheduled to:
last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project; or
exceed 500 person days.
A Client must appoint a designer with control over the pre-construction phase as Principal Designer and a contractor as Principal Contractor. The
appointments must be made as soon as is practicable, and in any event, before the construction phase begins.
The Regulations define a “designer” as any person (including a client, contractor or other person referred to in the Regulations) who prepares or modifies a
design; or arranges for, or instructs, any person under their control to do so,
If the Client does not appoint either, he must carry out their duties himself.
The Domestic Client’s duties
A “Domestic Client” is a client for whom a project is being carried out which is not in the course or furtherance of his business.
Where the Client is a Domestic Client, his duties must be carried out by
the contractor where there is only one contractor; or
the Principal Contractor where there is more than one contractor,
Where a Domestic Client does not appoint a Principal Designer, the first designer appointed during the pre-construction phase will be deemed to be
appointed as the Principal Designer.
to ensure
and to liaise with the Principal Contractor regarding any information which the principal contractor may need.
The Principal Designer may also fulfil the Client's duties where there is a written agreement between the Client and the Principal Designer.
Many Clients, particularly Domestic Clients, may require advice and assistance from the Principal Designer to carry out their duties.
The Regulations do not require a designer to perform all the duties of a Principal Designer directly, and it will be possible to engage a specialist consultant to
perform all or some of the duties.
Duties of Others
The duties of the Principal Contractor, contractors generally and of designers other than the Principal Designer are generally unchanged.
As previously, they must not start design or construction work unless they are satisfied that the Client is aware of his duties under the Regulations.
Kirk and Marsh Ltd Springfield House, Laurelhill Business Park, Stirling FK7 9JQ
Specialist Construction Consultants