Study of Energy Management System For Distributed Generation Systems
Study of Energy Management System For Distributed Generation Systems
Study of Energy Management System For Distributed Generation Systems
Abstract--Along with the increasing distributed generation and microgrids must be an important aspect of sustainable
systems, the improvement of information technologies, the energy development during electric utility deregulation and
development of the power market and the shock of serious restructuring efforts.
blackouts, microgrids will play an important role during electric
utility deregulation and restructuring efforts. Therefore,
Because of the increasing variety and scale of distributed
traditional energy management systems (EMS) face many resources, the advances in information technologies, the
opportunities and challenges. A new generation of EMS is being development of power market and several serious blackouts,
developed to meet these challenges. Based on current state of the existing EMSs are faced with many opportunities and
research on distributed generation systems and a review of the challenges. A new generation of EMS is being developed to
development of EMS, this paper summarizes aspects to be meet these challenges. Based on the current status of research
considered for development of a new generation of EMS.
Besides, the objectives and development of relevant EMS on distributed generation systems and a review of the
software are presented, which will apply to a laboratorial development of EMS, this paper summarizes aspects to be
microgrid containing a photovoltaic generation subsystem, a considered for the development of a new generation of EMS.
wind energy generation subsystem, fuel cells, batteries and Besides, the objectives and development of relevant EMS
ultracapacitors. And the proposed EMS software will be software are presented, which will be applied to a laboratorial
developed by using advanced computing technologies to microgrid containing a photovoltaic energy system, a wind
conform with the IEC61970 standards.
energy system, fuel cells, batteries and ultracapacitors. Based
Index Terms--distributed energy systems, distributed generation on the existing achievements, the EMS software will be
systems (DGS), energy management system (EMS), microgrids
1 developed by using advanced computing technologies to
conform with the IEC61970 standards.
Nowadays, power production is centralized in large-scale II. THE STATUS OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEMS
units with the distant transmission at high voltage levels and Distributed generation systems (DGS) can separate from
bulky distribution systems. Although there are many the grid and provide power directly to a small number of
advantages in such high-capacity networks, there are also users. They can also provide energy to users together with the
disadvantages. For example, in high-capacity networks, it is grid. DGS are new energy systems that are based on the
difficult to track loads flexibly and easy to make local faults optimization of resources, environment and efficiency by
expand. These problems could lead to serious blackouts identifying optimum operational methods and capacity
[1]-[2]. In order to adapt to changes quickly and make up for [2]-[3]. Distributed generation sources principally include gas
deficiencies, in recent years, many attentions are paid to turbines, internal combustion engines, microturbines,
distributed generation systems and microgrids. The main photovoltaic cells, wind generators, biomass combustions,
benefits of these systems include that they supply power fuel cells, batteries, ultracapacitors and other renewable
locally, reduce grid investment, operation costs and energy and storage systems. In recent years, photovoltaic (PV)
transmission line loss, complement the grid reciprocally, generation and wind power generation have been quickly
decrease network capacity, shorten the gap between peak and developed.
valley loads, and increase reliability as well as reduce The microgrid is a new energy supply and network
environmental pollution[1]-[5]. Distributed energy systems management technology that appeared by the end of last
century. It could allow renewable and clean resources to
1 penetrate into a utility and achieve demand-side management
This work is supported by the MOE of P.R.C under Grant 306004.
Yingyuan Zhang is with Research Center for Photovoltaic System and maximum utilization of existing energy. A microgrid
Engineering, MOE, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei system could operate in stand-alone or grid-connected mode
University of Technology, Hefei, China. (e-mail: [email protected]). and could switch between the two modes seamlessly by using
Meiqin Mao is with Research Center for Photovoltaic System
Engineering, MOE, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei static switches. Users of DG systems could obtain large
University of Technology, Hefei, China. (e-mail: [email protected]). quantities of cheap power from the grid and also return
Ming Ding is with Research Center for Photovoltaic System energy to the grid when their production capacity is surplus
Engineering, MOE, School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei
University of Technology, Hefei, China. (e-mail: [email protected]). [6]-[10]. Therefore, when the microgrid concept was put
Liuchen Chang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer forward, it immediately attracted attentions of worldwide
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada. experts in both the energy and power industries. Many
(e-mail: [email protected]).
countries carry out basic scientific research in this field. The more analyse, and make more judgment and scheduling
European Union, the United States, and Japan all carry out decisions [11]-[12].
research on DGS from different aspects. In China, the Because of the increasing variety and scale of distributed
research on DGS and microgrids is underway. resources, and the introduction of microgrid technology, a
At present, the majority of DGS are new energy systems or new EMS must be considered for distributed energy systems
renewable energy generation systems, e.g., combined heat and microgrids. [5]-[10], [14].
and power (CHP) systems, combined cooling, heat, and
power (CCHP) systems, PV generation systems and wind
energy systems. DGS are not widely used because of IV. DEVELOPMENT OF EMS FOR DISTRIBUTED GENERATION
imperfect technologies of DGS, the immature power retail SYSTEMS
market, the lack of appropriate control measures for the A. Hardware Platform
influence of DGS on the grid and other factors. Therefore, At present, a hardware platform of distributed generation
DGS have been a hot topic for research in recent years. system has been established. It includes photovoltaic
generation subsystems, wind energy generation subsystems,
fuel cells, batteries and ultracapacitors. Moreover, there are
III. A REVIEW OF EMS conventional generating units, high voltage DC flexible, and
An Energy Management System (EMS) is a modern supervisor control and data acquisition subsystem. And the
dispatching automation system mainly aimed at power functions to be added are power quality analysis subsystem,
generation and transmission systems. It provides real-time parallel inverters subsystem, real-time weather measuring
grid information to dispatchers, as well as makes decisions subsystem and others.
about dispatching, network management and control. The B. Software Platform
EMS can enhance safety, improve power quality and improve Based on the hardware platform, a software platform is
the economic operation of the grid. Apart from the basic being developed, which is aimed at microgrid including
Supervisor Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), an EMS various distributed generators and storage devices. A new
also contains Power Advanced Softwares (PAS) which are generation of EMS involving a variety of power advanced
used for energy analysis and management of the grid and applications is being developed in order to implement the
Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) [11]. As an integrated simulative operation and energy management of a microgrid.
technology, dispatching automation is growing along with It is expected to carry out real-time energy management and
the improvement of power system operational theories, dispatching on the basis of the hardware platform.
control measures, computer technologies, communication Although the introduction of DGS has significant
and power electronic technology. advantages such as optimizing the use of energy, enhancing
Dispatching automation roughly experienced three stages economic benefits and environmental benefits, their inherent
of development. In the first stage, the dispatching center and characteristics make the power flow probablely in
the plants within the system could only use the telephone to bidirections. This will have a profound impact on the entire
gather relevant data and control scheduling. network. If DGS are put into operation blindly, they will
The second stage was remote technology, which made the endanger the security and stability of the whole grid.
dispatching center, the plants, and the substations gather Two aspects should be focused on to develop the new
various operating parameters and switch states by using EMS. The first is to perform research on the differences
remote measurement and communication technology. between DGS and conventional generation systems, the
Through remote adjustment and control, the dispatching impact of introducing DG systems, the control technologies
center could make some switches work or not work. The for system components, optimal flow methods and
Remote technology is still an important part of dispatching dispatching strategies for microgrids composed of various
automation. distributed resources. The second is to comply with related
The third stage was the application of computer standards and to use advanced computing technologies
technology to the dispatching department. SCADA systems, extensively to develop the EMS software [6]-[10], [12]-[25].
which are composed of computers and corresponding In summary, based on existing achievements, the new
communication equipments, are widely used in power generation of EMSs should:
dispatching departments. And SCADA systems play a major 1) Comply with a series of IEC 61970 standards. The
role in the security, stability and operation of the whole standards are based on long-term experiences of dispatching
power system. automation technologies. They are also applied to
In the 1960s, digital computers began to be used for dispatching automation technology in reverse. The IEC
Economic load Dispatching Control (EDC) of power systems. 61970 standards are constituted by the 57th workteam of
Since then, many automatic monitoring and control issues international electrical technical committee. They have
have been researched, achieving significant economic defined application program interface of EMS, primarily
benefits. Based on SCADA functions, EMSs provide safety involving CIM and CIS. They facilitate the integration
analysis and safety control functions as well as other among different applications of EMS developed by different
scheduling management. This means that dispatchers can do companies, the contacts between EMS and other systems
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within dispatching center, and communications models These depend on new network and distributed control
among EMS of different dispatching centers. theories, computing and evaluating methods so that to
2) Establish models of DGS. They can be divided into two support distributed microgrid operated reliably, effectively
levels: component-level and system-level. Compared with and flexibly.
traditional EMS, the new generation of EMS for distributed 7)Consist of appropriate optimization algorithms. There
generation systems consists of some generating subsystems are many subsystems in new EMS for distributed generation
such as wind energy generation subsystems,photovoltaic systems, and they are very different from each other.
generation subsystems,fuel cell subsystems, microturbine Consequently, the optimization algorithm and solution is
generation subsystems; some storage subsystems such as more complex contrasted with the traditional EMS.
batteries and ultracapacitors; and other auxiliary equipments, Economic dispatch is a very complex optimization problem.
grid-connected inverters, high voltage DC flexible, weather The algorithm must improve the economics as far as possible,
equipments etc.. satisfying security constraints and power quality
Because of the varieties and diverse characteristics of requirements. Traditional methods, such as heuristic methods,
generating units, mathematical models of components and dynamic programming, mixed-integer programming, and the
random models of contributing power of DGS are required. Lagrangian relaxation method, are difficult to solve the
Simultaneously, CIM models are needed to be expanded and problem completely. It is difficult to find the global optimal
added. And the database is also to be amended. solution using these methods, either as a result of their
In distributed generation systems, new generating and oversimplification or because of restrictions of the methods
dispatching strategies should be adopted so that system-level themselves. Over the past 10 years, with the development of
models of control, operation and optimization configuration computers, artificial intelligence, and bionic optimization
could be established. algorithms, some new optimization algorithms have
3) Forecast about renewable energy capacity of DG units developed rapidly and attracted attentions. These include
and simulation of future weather situations. The accurate Tabu Search, simulated annealing algorithms, artificial neural
prediction of capacity provided by PV cells and wind networks [21], genetic algorithms, immune algorithms, ant
turbines (both short and long-term) is crucial to planning a colony optimization algorithms[22], particle swarm
reasonably distributed microgrid system and key to ensuring optimization algorithms[23] and multi-agent methods[24].
that the microgrid operates reliably. But most researches are still at an early stage, and there are
4) Reconsider unit commitment in distributed microgrid many issues for further study. One key issue is how to
systems. Traditionally, unit commitment is based on the balance the convergence speed and optimization quality of
combination of different thermal generating units. In these algorithms. It is a direction to research effective and
distributed microgrid systems, the variety of units and the practical optimization methods combined with traditional
characteristics of each power supply require a new power methods, modern intelligent optimization algorithms, parallel
production schedule to meet requirements. processing technology and dispatching knowledge and
5) Adjust power flow among microgrids. For DGS, power experiences.
flow is used to evaluate the impact on the grid when DGS 8) Use new computer and communications technologies to
operate in grid-connected mode. Power flow is also the basis make progress in dispatching automation and integration
of stability analysis to the grid and other theoretical research technology. New EMS software must make a qualitative leap
work. in architecture, performance and functions through the
The grid is transformed from radial-type into a network development of components, object-oriented technology,
spread with power supplies and users because of DGS. middleware and multi-agents. And the proposed EMS
Meanwhile, the output of photovoltaic cells and wind engines software should be better in openness, reliability and
is random due to the effect of weather. These along with load flexibility. Related technologies include distributed object
changes make the power flow uncertain. When DGS supply computing technology, commercial database technology,
more power than the current load requires, part or even all of database and communications middleware technology,
the flow could be reversed. Traditional flow control methods object-oriented technology, web technology based on
will be no longer suitable. New solutions must be found. Internet/Intranets, CORBA, object-oriented databases, UML,
6) Comprise proper dispatching and management XML, network security technologies, cross-platform
strategies for microgrids. In order to guarantee that technologies and so on. Modular PASs and EMSs can be
microgrids can operate efficiently, reasonable dispatching developed using these advanced technologies, and further can
and management strategies should be investigated, which be conveniently combined, added or removed.
involve the randomness of actual production, the uncertainty 9) Performe on different states in history, current and
of power flow, the operational diversity of the microgrid, the future prediction and training (as for traditional EMSs) to
power market, and new energy policies. The strategies could allow users to analyze different network models and
integrate local thermoelectric demand, weather conditions, operating modes.
pricing, fuel consumption, power quality requirements,
wholesale/retail service demands, demand side management
requirements, and the level of congestion to make decisions.
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cells generating subsystem, microturbine generating
subsystem, conventional generating units, batteries and VIII. BIOGRAPHIES
ultracapacitors. It can be used to carry out experimental
verification and simulation research of distributed generation Yingyuan Zhang received the B.Sc. degree in
system, develop power advanced applications and analysis electrical engineering and its automation from Hefei
software. University of technology in 2005. She is currently
pursuing the Ph.D. degree and her research interest is
distributed power generation.
[1] Liang Cai-hao, Duan Xian-zhong, “Distributed generation and its
impact on power system”, Automation of Electric Power Systems, vol. 25, no.
12, pp. 53-56, June 2001.
[2] Wang Jian, Li Xing-yuan, Qiu Xiao-yan, “Power system research on
distributed generation penetration”, Automation of Electric Power Systems,
vol. 29, no. 24, pp. 90-97, Dec. 2005. Meiqin Mao received the B.Sc., M. Sc. and Ph.D.
[3] Huang Qi, Chen Zhi-gang, Huang Ke, Qin Kai-yu, “Distributed power degree in electrical engineering from Hefei
generation and integrating technology”, Thermal Power Generation, vol. 34, University of technology in 1983, 1988 and 2004
no. 10, pp. 7-12, Oct. 2005. respectively. She is now a Professor with School of
[4] R. Lasseter, PSERC Background Paper “Distributed generation”, Sep. Electrical and Automation Engineering, Hefei
2003. University of Technology (HFUT) China. She has
published over 30 papers in national journals. And
DRPT2008 6-9 April 2008 Nanjing China