The Creators College of Science & Commerce: 1 Term
The Creators College of Science & Commerce: 1 Term
The Creators College of Science & Commerce: 1 Term
1st term
Lecturer Name:Tehseen MCQs
Class: 8th & 9TH Time Allowed 20 min Total Marks: 10
1. Ms. Aisha was busy in dissecting and analyzing the heart of frog. Probably she is a:
a. Cell biologist b. Taxonomist c. Histologist d. Palaeontologist
2. Al-Qanun fil-Tibb is the famous book of:
a. Bu Ali Sina b. Jabir bin Hayyan c. Abdul Malik Asmai d. Ibn Nafees
3. According to five Kingdom system of classifications mushrooms belong to:
a. Plantae b. Fungi c. Animalia d. Protista
4. The level of organization which is represented by the heart of frog is:
a. Organ b. Tissue c. Organism d. Organelle
5. One of the following is not a macromolecule:
a. Glucose b. Sucrose c. Fatty acid d. Protein
6. Which bio-element makes most of the composition of organism’s body?
a. Hydrogen b. Carbon c. Oxygen d. Nitrogen
7. Which one is the first step in biological method?
a. Hypothesis b. Experiment c. Observations d. Deduction
8. What is the best way to analyse the data collected from experiments?
a. Reading the data and drawing conclusions b. Discussion with scientists
c. Simple calculations on calculator d. Application of statistical
9. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of a hypothesis.
a. it must be consistent with all available data b. It must be testable
c. It must be correct d. Must make deductions
10. Deductions are made from:
a. Observations b. Hypothesis c. Experiment results d. Solution of biological problem
11. Which mosquite can transmit plasmodium in human beings?
a. anopheles b. Culex c. Aedes d. All of these
12. Which of the following kingdom possesses the simplest organism?
a. Fungi b. Monera c. Protista d. Plantae
13. Which kingdom includes organisms with cell wall but without cholorophyll?
a. Protista b. Fungi c. Plantae d. Animalia
14. Maximum biodiversity is found in:
a. Forests b. Grasslands c. Deserts d. Mountains
15. The organelle which provides energy to the cell:
a. Golgi apparatus b. Ribosome c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus
16. Inside the nucleus, granular material is called:
a. Cytoplasm b. Protoplasm c. Nucleoplasm d. Cell sap
17. The nervous tissue has the ability to:
a. contract and relax b. Transmit the impulses c.Prepare secretion d. Provide energy
The Creators College of Science & Commerce
1st term
Lecturer Name:Tehseen Class: 8th & 9TH
Time Allowed 20 min Total Marks: 10
Attempt any 10 Question following
1 Define Biology and discuss any five branches of biology?
2 What do you know about nomenclature and there importance?
3 Define Classification and explain basic aims ?
4 Which species are endanger in Pakistan?
5 Write a note on mitochondria?
6 What is the difference between animals and plant cell?
7 Define turgidity and turgid pressure?
8 What is deforestation?
9 Explain Fluid Mosaic Model?
10 Write a note on Cell wall & also describe Ribosome’s?
11 Which steps are taken to conserve Biodiversity in Pakistan?
12 Write a note on Cellular Organization?
Attempt any 3 Question following
Q1 Explain Biological methods?
b Explain different causes of Malaria?
Q2 a Describe the nervous muscular and epithelial tissues
b. Write a note on cell membrane ,Plastids, and Golgi bodies
Q3 Difference between Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell
b.Define the following
Plasmolysis , Diffusion, Endocytosis, Exocytosis , species
Q4 what is conservation of biodiversity and explain human impact on biodiversity