Impact of Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Msmes) On Customer Acquisition and Retention
Impact of Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Msmes) On Customer Acquisition and Retention
Impact of Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Msmes) On Customer Acquisition and Retention
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 18, Issue 1 .Ver. III (Jan. 2016), PP 91-101
I. Introduction:
1.1 Importance of Small businesses to the Indian economy
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in the economic and social
development of India. The MSME sector contributes in the manufacturing output, employment and exports. It
plays a key role in the development of the economy with their effective, efficient, flexible and innovative
entrepreneurial spirit. MSME sector has emerged as a dynamic and vibrant sector of the economy. It is expected
that Indian economy will grow by over 8% per annum until 2020.
The major advantage of this sector is its generating employment at low cost. The MSME sector is
highly heterogeneous. There are different size of the enterprises, variety of products and services and level of
technology. It helps in the industrialization of rural and backward areas. It reduces regional imbalances. It
provides equitable distribution of national income and wealth.
Some Highlights of THE MSME Sector:
a) MSMEs contribute about 40% of India‟s total exports.
b) MSMEs contribute about 45% of India‟s manufacturing output.
c) This sector has given employment to 73 million people.
d) MSMEs manufacture more than 6,000 products.
e) MSMEs are the backbone of the GDP in India. Their contribution to GDP is 8%.
1.2 Social Media: Social media are defined as “a second generation of Web development and design, that aims
to facilitate communication, secures information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide
Web” (Paris, Lee, & Seery, 2010, p. 531). There are numerous social media sites; among the most popular are
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (Jain, 2010). In 2010, Facebook announced it had over 500 million users; in
the same year, Twitter reported 75 million users (Paris et al., 2010; Owyang, 2010). On average, consumers
spend more than 5.5 hours per day participating on social media websites (Nelsonwire, 2010). With their
increasing use, these sites are perceived as tools for creating online communities of users who share interests,
activities, and objectives (Bolotaeva & Cata, 2010). The Internet has revolutionized communication, allowing
individuals and organizations to overcome geographical and time constraints, which in turn allows consumers
and companies to connect around the world at any time (Harris & Rae, 2009). Social Media and online
communities allow people to gather together on the Internet for various reasons, including searching for and
sharing information, discussing communal issues, and making inquiries (Wang & Fesenmaier, 2004). With rapid
changes in information technology, these online activities are now performed via a new form of communication
technology known as „Web 2.0‟ or social media (Gretzel, Kang, & Lee, 2008).
1.3 Use of social media for business: Many companies view the use of social media as a profitable marketing
tool from which they can derive several benefits. First, companies can obtain vast amounts of feedback
regarding their products and brands by monitoring consumers‟ online conversations, thus enabling them to
resolve problems quickly and work to improve future brand performance (Madupu, 2006). Second, social media
provides a real-time resource regarding market trends and consumer needs. Companies can use these resources
to modify advertising messages and develop special targeted features for future products. Third, companies can
observe whether their brands are truly suited to consumers‟ lifestyles and can learn which features of their
products make them special or unique in consumers‟ eyes (Kozinets, 1999). Through social media, companies
allow consumers to become involved, directly or indirectly, in creating new products and brands (Sawhney &
Prandelli, 2000). Overall, the popularity of social media has heavily influenced many firms‟ marketing activities
in recent years.
1.4 Role of social media in small businesses: We have reached a stage where we „eat, sleep and breathe social
media‟. Social media has become a mainstream way of communicating – for individuals as well as businesses.
Small businesses today can hardly ignore the impact of going social. Social media plays a vital role in marketing
and creating relationships with customers. In today‟s social media driven environment, it is essential for Micro
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) to understand Facebook, Twitter, and the strategies behind using
social media for growing their business. With limited barriers to entry, small businesses are beginning to use
social media as a means of marketing. Unfortunately, many small businesses struggle to use social media and
have no strategy going into it. As a result, without a basic understanding of the advantages of social media and
how to use it to engage customers, countless opportunities are missed. The research aims to acquire an
understanding of how Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) can use social media marketing
strategies for customer acquisition and retention.
While large corporations all over the world are leading their countries forward with rapid innovation
and expansion, small businesses are playing a vital role in grassroots economic development. Small businesses
provide a platform for wider employment and economic opportunity at the local level. Since the inception of the
internet forty years ago many new applications have been created. One of the most recent innovations to emerge
is web 2.0, „a collection of web services which facilitate certain behaviors online, such as community
participation and user-generated content‟ (Chaffey and Smith, 2008: 499). Examples include the micro-blogging
site Twitter, the social networking site Facebook, and the video-sharing site YouTube. Circle (2009) lists these
particular web 2.0 applications among the top future marketing trends. The addition of a Masters‟ degree in
social networking at Birmingham City University further illustrates this growing trend of using social media for
communications and marketing purposes (Birmingham City University, 2009). Many organizations have begun
to realize the power and potential of these new communication channels. Social media is already successful as a
marketing channel for many large global brands. However, the most recent social media marketing industry
report indicates social media marketing is still in the preliminary stages of development. „A significant 97% of
marketers surveyed are using social media to market their business, but 23% have only been doing so for a few
months or less‟ (Stelzner, 2013). This research aims to uncover the social media marketing strategies used by
Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) for customer acquisition and retention.
owner-managers, reliance on customer recommendations is more suited to the resources available to their
business (Stokes & Lomax, 2002).
Networking is a widely cited marketing activity for SMEs and is important during their establishment,
development, and growth (Walsh & Lipinski, 2009). Siu (as cited in Walsh & Lipinski, 2009) found that in
marketing their firms, SMEs rely heavily on their personal contact network. Traditionally, economic structures
favor larger firms; however, today‟s economy is distinguished by relationships, network, and information,
favoring some of the characteristics of SMEs (Walsh & Lipinski, 2009). Rather than relying solely on their
personal contact network, small businesses rely on the networks of customers as well. Today, these customers
can be reached through electronic word of mouth, or eWOM. Marketing in small businesses relies heavily on
word of mouth recommendations for customer acquisition. Word of mouth marketing involves monitoring what
is being said for marketing purposes, engaging in brand related discussions, involving people and their social
networks for marketing purposes, and more (WOMMA, 2011). The Word of Mouth Marketing Association
(2011) recognizes all word of mouth marketing techniques as being based on the concepts of customer
satisfaction, two-way conversation, and transparency. The association describes the basic elements of word of
mouth marketing as: “Educating people about your products and services; identifying people most likely to
share their opinions; providing tools that make it easier to share information; studying how, where, and when
opinions are being shared; and Listening and responding to supporters, detractors, and neutrals” (WOMMA,
2011). Eddy, Nathan (2013) explains that majority of small business or 66% of 1,000 respondents such as
websites, social media, and online advertisement plan to invest in digital marketing. Frativelli, Fabio et al.
(2015) relies on the study of side effects of Communities of Practice (CoP), namely on those activities that are
potentially in conflict with the main and publicly declared objectives (statements) of the company to which the
CoP's members belong.
2011). Consumers are able to generate new business and promote or help a brand by tweeting, blogging,
reviewing, following, etc. Loyal customers also help generate “online word of mouth” which is very important
for SMEs. Engagement with consumers provides SMEs with opportunities to use social media as a tool for their
marketing strategies (Reyneke et al., 2011). However, many small business owners struggle to effectively reach
their customers (Small Business Trends, 2011).
Social media offers an abundance of services on the Internet. This makes it complicated for companies
to know which ones to use and how to use them. The types of social media include: social networks (Facebook,
Myspace, and LinkedIn), micro-blogs (Twitter, Plurk, and Friend Feed), reviews and ratings (Yelp, Amazon,
and Trip Advisor), video (YouTube and Vimeo), and more. Social media is very popular. Facebook has 1.19
billion monthly active users as of September 30, 2013 with over 50% of active users logging on every day
(Facebook, 2013). Hutter, Katja et al. (2013) analyze how social media activities, in specifically the Facebook
page of a car manufacturer, and user interactions with these brand related activities affect the perception of
brands and ultimately influence consumers purchase decision.
Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee (2015) explores the new economic challenge of China with regard to its
innovation strategies to support high-tech small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Hutter,
4. Identification of variables: Based on the gap analysis, the following variables are identified in the present
The independent variable is social media participation and the dependent variables are customer
acquisition, customer retention and increased market share, sales and profitability.
5. Theoretical construct:
6. Objectives of the study: In the era of globalization multinationals and few large Indian companies have
strong financial muscles and spend heavily on marketing. On the other hand, Micro Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSME‟s) neither have the money power, reach, nor the ad spend. This motivated the researcher to
conduct a study based on the following objectives.
1. To study and understand the concept of social media marketing and its role in the Micro Small and Medium
Enterprise (MSME) sector.
To study correlation between the sales obtained by a successful marketer and the time spent on social media
To study and understand the social media marketing tactics those are most effective for customer acquisition
and retention.
Based on the above objectives, the following hypotheses can be formulated
7. Formulation of hypothesis
While framing hypothesis for this study, the researcher has considered views of different marketers and other
researchers. This research will test the following hypothesis.
1. H1: Social media participation has a positive influence on brand awareness.
2. H2: Social media participation has a positive influence on brand trust.
3. H3: Brand awareness has a positive influence on customer acquisition.
4. H4: Brand trust has a positive influence on customer retention.
5. H5: Customer acquisition and retention has a positive influence on market share.
6.H6: There is a correlation between sales revenue and time spent on social media marketing
7. H7: Social media marketing is positively related to acquisition of customers.
8. H8: Market share depends on the use of social media marketing strategy
9. H9: Social media marketing is positively related to retention of customers.
10. H10: Social media marketing is related to creation of brand awareness.
8. Research Methodology:
This study investigates Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) using social media for
customer acquisition and retention. The companies selected were from a wide array of industries ranging from
jewelry to handicrafts and food products. Many of these MSME‟s have various social media pages and have
incorporated unique features (e.g., promotions) in order to encourage member participation. The MSME‟s were
chosen based on the success of their social media pages (Facebook). The success of these Facebook pages was
based on a high number of fans as well as a high number of postings by members (Preece et al., 2004). A sample
of 50 companies was selected.
Exploratory research will be used to study the social media marketing strategies used by Micro Small
and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) for customer acquisition and retention. This exploratory work will take the
form of in-depth interviews with small business owners, respective industry experts and customers.
10a. Questionnaire Development: One part of the questionnaire examined levels of community participation,
brand trust, and brand commitment (i.e., endogenous variables). All items in this part were measured using a 5-
point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). To measure community
participation, four items were adapted from Koh and Kim (2004) and Casaló et al. (2007): “I take an active part
on the brand‟s Facebook page”, “I usually provide useful information to other members” and “In general, I post
messages and responses on the brand‟s Facebook page with great enthusiasm and frequency”. These items
served to gather more detailed information regarding member behavior than do assessments of use frequency or
log-in times (Casaló et al., 2008; Madupu, 2006).
The second part of the survey also included the questions regarding brand trust and brand commitment. All
items for the two constructs were measured using a 5-point Likert- type scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree)
to 5 (strongly agree). Brand trust was measured using items from Chiang and Jang‟s (2006) and Wilkins,
Merrilees, and Herington‟s (2010) work. Respondents were asked to rate the extent of their agreement with the
following four statements: “What the brand says about its products/service is true”, “I feel I know what to
expect from the brand”, “the brand is very reliable”, and “the brand meets its promises”. To measure brand
commitment, three items were adapted from Ahluwalia (2000): “if the brand were not available for reservation it
would make little difference to me if I had to make reservations at other hotels/restaurants”, “I consider myself
to be highly loyal to the brand”, and “when another brand has a special deal I generally stay at the hotel/ visit the
restaurant with the better deal”.
Open-ended questions were also included in this part of the survey.
The questionnaire also discusses how companies use social media strategies to retain their present customers
and add new customers. It also talks about how much time is spent on social media strategies and the impact of
social media strategies on ROI.
10 b. Reliability: Cronbach alpha has been used to check the reliability of the scales and the value has been
found to be more than 0.7.
10 c. Sampling strategy
Hence the target population is MSME‟s using social media marketing. The sample size has been taken to be
around 50 MSMEs. Judgment Sampling is used to select MSMEs.
The data was collected between August 1 and October 31, 2015.
12. Testing of hypotheses: The testing of hypotheses gave the following results:
Hypothesis Test used Significance value Status of Comment
1. Social media Regression 0.001< 0.05 Accepted Social media
participation has a participation has a
positive influence on strong influence on
brand awareness. (H1) brand awareness.
2. Social media Regression 0.018< 0.05 Accepted Social media
participation has a participation has a
IV. Results :
(a) General results from MSMEs using social media:
1. Regarding social media usage, Facebook is the most popular social media when it comes to presence. A
higher majority of the respondents were present on this platform followed by Instagram which had 81% of the
respondents present. A photo sharing social application has gained popularity and has also started advertising.
45% of the respondents were present on twitter which is on the third position in terms of usage by marketers and
companies followed by Blogs 26%, Youtube and LinkedIn at 21%.
2. Regarding social media platforms by ranks, Facebook received most important status followed by Instagram
and twitter. The data follows the usage pattern shown by previous table. Least important players turned out to be
google+ and snapchat. Pinterest received least important hits as awareness indicates lack of awareness and
3. 60% of the respondents had creating brand awareness as the most important objective to be engaged in social
media marketing. Recruitment was the least preferred objective for social media marketing.
4. More than 75% companies spend upto 5 hours every week on social media marketing.
5. Facebook users updated and posted content more often than all the other platform users, Instagram follows
the lead of facebook in content posting frequency. Youtube and pinterest see an average frequency of 1-2 posts a
week that suggests the time and cost for content creation which leads to lesser frequency of updates. Pinterest is
used to update one board once a week.
6. Majority of the users on Facebook and Instagram have an average response time of 1-6 hours after receiving
feedback in forms of comments, replies and likes. Twitter has seen a faster response time by the companies to
their followers on social media.
7. Afternoon 12-4 pm is the most popular time to post messages on social media platforms like facebook and
Instagram to ensure maximum reach. Evening 4-8 pm received highest number of responses for twitter.
8. With respect to Social media marketing budgets, more than 50% companies feel that at least 10% of overall
marketing budget should be assigned to social media marketing.
9. With respect to Social media revenues, more than 50% companies feel that at least 10% of overall sales
revenue is obtained from social media.
10. Share on social media, contests and discount on next purchase/ coupons are the most popular customer
acquisition and engagement strategies.
11. All the respondents used images as content for social media marketing followed by videos and blog posts.
Visual stimulus is better received.
12. Majority of the respondents used external agencies for social media marketing. Social media marketing is
seen as a specialist activity.
13. According to our findings, approximately a week‟s time is spent on creating social media marketing
campaigns. Due to the dynamic and interactive nature of social media it is important to stay up to date with
current happenings and be quick to respond with social media campaign.
14. Most of the companies have organized weekly deals/promotions for online users. Only 28% companies have
not done so.
15. Qualitative metrics like expert opinion, general estimations are mostly used by companies in order to
understand social media marketing efforts.
15. Limitations
The social media marketing strategies used by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME‟s) for
customer acquisition and retention have been studied in Mumbai and the conclusion cannot be used as a
generalization of customers all over India. Major research has not been undertaken on social media marketing in
India. Very specific research on social media marketing strategies used by MSME‟s is not available in the
Indian context. The study has focused on Micro Small and Medium Enterprises only. The study also faces
limitations of sample size, time and experience. A variety of companies exist and it will be unfeasible for the
scope of this research to cover every industry. The limitations of the collected data make it difficult to make
generalizations across industries, companies, and locations.
16. Scope for Further Research: There is scope for further research in the area of social media marketing
strategies of large businesses and MNC‟s. Research can also be conducted on social media marketing strategies
in other sectors such as Hospitality, Tourism, Retail etc.
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