Booklet Drugs&Drinking
Booklet Drugs&Drinking
Booklet Drugs&Drinking
What Do The
Scriptures Really
Books of The Holy Scriptures
As Written in The Book of Yahweh
The following information is given to assist you with the true names
of the Apostles and Prophets within The Holy Scriptures.
At this time, we are in the Last Days and this prophecy has
truly come to pass. Much of today’s society is highly engrossed
in pleasing themselves. One of the tools used by today’s so-
ciety to please themselves is drugs.
Reading from The Mind, by Richard M. Restak, M.D.,
Bantam Books, 1988, pages 105-107, we find the following
information about the use of drugs.
Throughout history human beings have been conduct-
ing an uncontrolled experiment on the mind. They have
used, and often abused, substances capable of acting on
the brain to produce pleasure so overwhelming that the
mind is wholly concentrated on attaining this pleasure.
It becomes the motivating force in their lives—more
important than food,, even life
This drug taking is found worldwide. It exists in ev-
ery culture. The drugs may be alcohol, which can be dis-
tilled from a wide variety of substances; cocaine, whose
source is the coca leaf; marijuana, hashish, and related
substances derived from cannabis, a hemp plant; and
the opiates, from the poppy, which have morphine-like
properties, and include opium, morphine, and heroin.
Today, in addition to these naturally occurring sub-
stances, there are a wide variety of synthetic drugs—
among them prescription sedatives, barbiturates, am-
phetamines, and mood-altering medications such as
tranquilizers—whose potential for abuse is also often
When we talk about the potential for abuse, we mean
that a substance has the capacity to induce dependence
in those who use it, whatever their need may be: the in-
tense pleasure these substances arouse, or the blocking
out of a reality the user finds frightening, disturbing, or
in some other way unendurable. Some authorities make
a distinction between psychological and physical depen-
dence. Psychological dependence is a form of obsessive
behavior whose objective is the attainment of pleasure
or the avoidance of unpleasantness...
Physical dependence, which technically is termed ad-
diction, occurs when the brain itself becomes biochemi-
cally changed because of the continuing consumption of
a drug. Tolerance develops, causing the user to need in-
creasing amounts of the drug for it to have its customary
effect. Because of these biochemical changes in brain func-
tion, an abrupt stopping of the drug causes acute physical
and mental symptoms, the withdrawal syndrome.
But whether or not there are changes in the brain,
dependence so persistent and consuming that individ-
uals organize their lives so as to sustain the behavior
can properly be called addiction. Dr. Richard Miller, the
director of a drug treatment program near Sacramen-
to, California, says, “Of all the drugs and the compul-
sive behaviors that I have seen in the past twenty- five
years, be it cocaine, heroin, alcohol...all have one com-
mon thread. That is the covering up, or the masking,
or the unwillingness on the part of the human being to
confront and be with his or her human feelings.
Addiction to drugs is the most visible and shattering
of all forms because it threatens the fabric of society it-
self. All too often, the risks—whether the anguish of the
withdrawal syndrome or a drug’s harmful or even poten-
tially fatal consequences—do not matter to the addict.
The drive to secure the drug is overwhelming. Abuse of
addicting drugs has become epidemic in recent years,
at appalling cost not only to the individuals whose lives
(and the lives of those close to them) have been shat-
tered by drugs, but to the civility and very structure of
the social order.
The $110,000,000,000
Problem: Drugs
America’s love affair with illegal drugs is costing a for-
tune in death, addiction, and lost productivity—and it’s
getting worse each year. According to Federal statistics,
the U.S. population smokes, snorts, inhales, injects, and
swallows more than $110,000,000,000 in illegal drugs
annually. America has the highest level of teenage drug
abuse of any industrialized nation in the world. Accord-
ing to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the average
age of the first drug use is 13. One-third of children aged
12 to 17 (6,200,000 children) already have experimented
with drugs. Sixteen percent still use marijuana. Twen-
ty percent of high school seniors have tried cocaine or
crack, its powerfully addictive derivative. The Weekly
Reader reports that nearly one-third of our fourth grad-
ers already are being pressured to try alcohol and mar-
In school or out, drugs are definitely big business—
bigger, in fact, than the American automotive industry.
In 1986, over $1,000,000 in cash and tangible assets (not
including drugs) was seized each day by the Drug En-
forcement Administration—more than $373,000,000 per
The financial impact on American business and gov-
ernment is even more staggering. Drug abuse added
nearly $1,000,000,000 to the nation’s health care bill in
1987. The nation’s manufacturing facilities, government
services, and other business operations lost more than
$60,000,000,000 in productivity in 1987 as employees
worked under the influence of illegal drugs. Of all crime
in the U.S., 60-70% is drug-related. In California alone,
the economic impact of drug abuse on the state’s taxpay-
ers is estimated at more than $17,600,000,000 annually.
Other states report similar costs.
4 You shall observe and do My judgments, and keep My ordi-
nances, to walk in them. I am Yahweh.
5 You must therefore keep My statutes, and My judgments,
which, if a man does, he will live through them. I am Yahweh.
What Is Sin?
Yahweh inspired Shaul to write in:
II Timothy 3:16-17—
16 All Scripture that is given through inspiration of Yahweh is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness:
17 That the man of Yahweh may become perfect, thoroughly
furnished for every righteous work.
Who alone can give life.
Yahweh has given us, through these Scriptures, the perfect
way of Life. If everyone lives by Yahweh’s Way there would
be perfect peace upon this planet at this very time.
Some people think their way is better than Yahweh’s Way.
Other people who have more understanding can see instantly
that their way would bring hurt to themselves and to others.
Yahweh, having more understanding above all others, has
given a perfect way which brings hurt to none, but rather joy
and peace for those who follow in His Way. Yahweh tells us in:
I Yahchanan 3:4—
Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Law; for sin is the
transgression of the Law.
was without having Yahweh’s Laws to guide him, how much
more do we need the Laws to guide us in our quest for eternal
life? Since only the Scriptures can guide us to truth and life,
then we need to search the Scriptures to see what they really
say about the use of drugs and alcohol.
The first thing I want you to notice is the phrase gall and
wormwood. Most people in the world today read over these
words without ever realizing the meanings they possess.
The word gall is translated from the Hebrew word rowsh
which is listed as word #7219 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary
and means:
The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, by Benjamin
Davidson, page 671, gives us this information about the
word rowsh.
-VIII. a poisonous plant; according to some, hemlock;
others, colocynth.
Gesenius, the poppy, whence opium; and then for po-
sion in general.
What few people in this world never realize is that the He-
brew words translated gall and wormwood describe the plant
sources of chemicals which cause the users to lose control of
their mental faculties.
Most of the known substances that are abused as rec-
reational drugs have their etymology in the words gall and
We read earlier that the Hebrew word rowsh, translat-
ed gall, refers directly to the opium poppy. Reading from
Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary Of The English
Language, Unabridged, Second Edition, copyright 1968, by
The World Publishing Company, we find that opium is:
ō’, n. [L. opium; Gr. opion, from opos,
vegetable juice.] a narcotic drug prepared
from the juice of the unripe seed capsules of
the opium poppy: it contains such alkaloids
as morphine, codeine, and papaverine, and
is used as an intoxicant and medicinally to
relieve pain and produce sleep. A full dose is
intoxicating and exhilarating, but its effects
are dangerous and fatal if taken in large
quantities. It is heavy, of a dense texture, of a
brownish-yellow color, has a faint smell, and
its taste is bitter and acrid.
search for pleasure, new drugs or derivatives of old drugs are
developed or introduced nearly every day. Commonly, under
the heading of Narcotics, are listed:
Opium: a yellow to dark brown, addicting, narcotic drug
prepared from the juice of the unripe seed capsules of the
opium poppy: it contains such alkaloids as morphine, co-
deine, and papaverine, and is used as an intoxicant and
medicinally to relieve pain and produce sleep.
Morphine: (Greek Morpheus Gr. Mythology the God
Of Dreams, son of Hypnos...The God Of Sleep) A bitter,
white or colorless, crystalline alkaloid, derived from opi-
um and used in medicine to relieve pain.
Codeine: (Greek [kodeia-a poppy head]) An alkaloid,
derived from opium and resembling morphine, but mild-
er in its action and less habit forming; used for the relief
of pain and in cough medicines.
Heroin: [fr. Heroin, a trademark] (1898): a strong-
ly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 that is
made by acetylation of but is more potent than morphine
and that is prohibited for medical use in the U.S. but is
used illicitly for its euphoric effects.
onomy 29:18 is speaking of the wrongful use of these drugs?
And there are more. The drugs listed as stimulants include:
Cocaine: A bitter, crystalline Alkaloid that is obtained
from coca leaves and was once used as a local anesthet-
ic, can result in physiological and psychological depen-
dence, and produces intoxication. A highly addictive
derivative of cocaine known as CRACK has recently
received a great deal of media attention because of its
devastating effects on its users’ lives.
Amphetamines: A white, crystalline compound used as
stimulants for the central nervous system. A drug used
to overcome mental depression, fatigue, etc., and to less-
en the appetite in dieting.
Methamphetamine: An amine used in the form of its
crystalline hydrochloride as a stimulant for the central
nervous system and in the treatment of obesity.
2. Its continued use leads to delusional thinking. After
one to three years of continuous use, the pathological
forms of thinking begin to take over the thought pro-
a sin. Many other people believe there can never be enough
alcohol in their wine cellars or at their parties.
What is right? What is wrong? Is it a sin to drink a little
wine or strong drink? Since we are to live by every word of
Yahweh as our Savior Yahshua tells us to do in Mattithyah
4:4, just what do the Scriptures say concerning drinking and
drunkenness? Notice the following Scripture which is often
skipped, or ignored, by many preachers today.
Deuteronomy 14:26—
Then you shall spend that money for whatever you desire to
have: for oxen, or for sheep, or FOR WINE, OR FOR STRONG
DRINK, or for whatever you desire to have. You shall then eat
there in front of Yahweh your Father, and you shall rejoice: you
and your household.
The words strong drink are translated from the Hebrew word
shekar, listed as word #7941 in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary
and means: an intensely alcoholic liquor.
which was previously provided was completely consumed by
the guests, Yahshua’s mother came to Him and asked Him
what they should do. The complete story of Yahshua’s turning
the water into wine is written in Yahchanan 2:3-11.
The Wedding Feast had progressed so far that they were
surprised that the host had saved the best wine to be served
last. It was customary to serve the best wine first and to serve
the poorest wine last. When our Savior made wine to serve
at this Wedding Feast, He made the best.
The usual explanation from those who make their own
interpretations of the Scriptures is that the wine our Savior
made was not alcoholic—there was no alcohol in it.
The Greek word for the wine Yahshua created is the same
Greek word for wine written in Ephesians 5:18, where it
is definitely shown that if you drink too much, you will get
The word translated wine in both Yahchanan 2 and Ephe-
sians 5:18 is the Greek word oinos which is listed as word
#3631 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary.
I Timothy 5:23—
No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for your stom-
ach’s sake and your frequent infirmities.
The Apostle Shaul knew the benefits that wine mixed with
water had on the human body. From antiquity people have
mixed a small amount of wine with unfamiliar water when
they traveled to places they were unaccustomed to. Wines
have many beneficial aspects for many different ailments.
Wines were used externally as an antiseptic in wounds, and
also for soaking foods to kill harmful bacteria on the skins
of fruits or vegetables. It was used as a blood builder and to
strengthen the circulatory system.
In the book, Wine Appreciation, by Richard P. Vine, Facts
on File, 1988, we read the following information on page 77.
Nutritional aspects of wine. Studies have shown the
presence of minerals and vitamins in wine. Wine is an
effective iron supplement, and 80 percent of the iron in
wine is present in the ferrous form that is readily avail-
able for use in the human body.
drank as much as one and one-half gallons of li-
quor per day.
...It is important to relate that only approximately
500 cases of fetal alcohol syndrome to date have been
described in medical literature.
...We should also note that it is somewhat misleading
to attribute all the affects of the fetal syndrome solely
to the amount of alcohol consumed, since many of these
women were also heavy smokers, some used hard drugs,
and many had poor diets.
sparkles in the cup. It goes down sweetly;
32 But in the end it bites like a serpent, and stings like an adder.
33 Your eyes will stare at strange women, and your mind will
imagine perverse things.
34 Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the middle of the
sea, or like one who lies on the top of a mast.
35 You will say: They hit me, but it did not hurt. They beat me, but
I did not feel it. When will I wake up, so I can take another drink?
5), associating it with moral insensitivity (Isa. 5:11-12,
22-23; Amos 2:8), licentiousness (Hos. 4:11-12, 18), and
forgetting Yahweh (Hos. 4:11-12; cf. Job 1:4-5). Drunk-
enness and gluttony are among the charges against the
insubordinate son (Deut. 21:20).
Philippians 4:5—
Let your moderation be known to all men; Yahweh is at hand!
The word drunk in this verse comes from the Hebrew word
shakar, as Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, page 396, shows us.
The meanings of the Hebrew word shakar, as shown in
Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon, page 823, show us that being drunk
means being out of control of one’s mind and actions.
mentary, Volume Devarim, Pages 146 and228, shows
that this phrase is correctly translated Yahweh will hold
all of his sins against him; he has acted; sinned, pre-
sumptuously. He is as a drunkard totally out of control.
The word sober in I Kepha 4:7, is the Greek word sophreno,
which the Analytical Greek Lexicon by Harper, page 396,
shows us to mean: to be in one’s right mind.
... to be of a sound mind, be in one’s right mind, be sane...
desires a righteous work.
2 An elder, then, must be blameless, in unity as husband and
wife, vigilant; alertly watchful, sober, of righteous behavior, given
to hospitality, able to teach,
3 Not given to wine, no striker; violent, not greedy for filthy lucre,
but patient, not quarrelsome, not covetous;
8 In the same way, deacons must be grave; dignified, reverent,
not double-tongued; equivocal, telling a different interpretation, not
given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
Titus 1:7-8—
7 For an overseer must be blameless as the manager of The
House of Yahweh; not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given
to wine, no striker; violent, not greedy for filthy lucre;
8 But a lover of hospitality, a lover of righteous men, sober, just,
holy, temperate; self-controlled.
Titus 2:2-3—
2 That the elders be sober, grave; dignified, reverent, temperate;
self-controlled, and sound in the faith, in the love of Yahweh, and in
patient endurance.
3 In the same way, that the deaconesses be reverent in their
behavior, not false accusers; gossips and slanderers, nor given to
much wine, but teachers of righteous things.
The Apostle Shaul wrote that he would not let himself be-
come overpowered by or under the control of even something
that was lawfully allowed to him, such as alcohol or food.
How much more, then, does this apply to things that Yahweh
condemns, such as recreational drugs?
I Corinthians 6:12—
All lawful things are permissible for me, but not all things are
advantageous. All lawful things are permissible for me, but I will
not be overpowered by any of them.
Some would have us add to Yahweh’s commanded Word
by banning all alcoholic beverages at Yahweh’s Feasts. They
seem to want to blame Yahweh’s Law for their own weakness
rather than striving to overcome the weaknesses they have.
But what about alcoholics? you may ask. Let me say, I
have seen alcoholics turn to Yahweh’s Way and overcome
their problem. They now Praise Yahweh for the knowledge
they have gained and the new freedom they now enjoy.
Yahweh’s way is right. You will not have sorrow or woe from
obeying Yahweh. It is only when we disobey that hurt comes.
Use alcohol sensibly, use it to rejoice before Yahweh and
to His glory. To use alcoholic drink in the wrong manner is
to bring dishonor and condemnation upon ourselves.
2. PHARMAKOS, an adjective signifying ‘devoted to
magical arts,’ is used as a noun, a sorcerer, especially
one who uses drugs, potions, spells, enchantments...
In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent,
was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals
to occult powers, with the provision of various charms,
amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant
or patient from the attention and power of demons, but
actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious
resources and powers of the sorcerer.
Thayer’s Greek Lexicon on page 649, under the word phar-
makeia (sorcery) refers us to the Hebrew word lahatim. Ac-
cording to the Hebrew-Aramaic- English Dictionary by Marcus
Jastrow, page 693, the word tells us that sorcery (recreational
drug use and drunkenness) is the work of demons.
of cocaine from Bolivia and Peru, the endless supply of
marijuana, quaaludes, and other illicit drugs from Co-
lumbia—and from American farms and laboratories—
are wrecking this society. Indeed, no Soviet espionage
team could weaken America’s military preparedness to
the extent that drug abuse is rendering us naked to our
The curse of drugs has seeped down through our
colleges and high schools into our elementary schools.
Illegal drugs are playing havoc with our business com-
munities, with sales of marijuana, heroin and cocaine
commonplace on Wall Street. Drug abuse has become
the scourge of professional athletics, the curse of our
entertainment world from Hollywood to Broadway, a
shame of Congress. It is a tragedy that touches every
type of family in this land.
by Carl T. Rowan
Not only will the black-market drug users and drug dealers
suffer, if they do not repent, but doctors who dispense the
abominable, government controlled drugs for illicit purposes,
will also suffer if they do not repent.
How you react to this knowledge is your prerogative. It
is Yahweh’s prerogative to throw drug users into the lake of
fire. Whether they are addicts or moderate users, it is sin with
the same wages—death by fire.
To those Yahweh calls out who are ensnared by drunken-
ness or drug abuse, He says repent!
Yahshua’s Example
When Yahshua Messiah was suffering terribly and was nailed
to the stake, something was offered to Him to ease His pain.
Yahchanan Mark 15:23—
Then they gave Him wine mingled with myrrh to drink, but he
would not accept it.
Yahshua knew that His suffering and death were in fulfillment
of the Prophecies concerning Himself.
The Scriptures plainly show that in order to be the perfect
sacrifice for sin it was necessary for Yahshua to bear all the
suffering, in His own body, that sin brings.
I Kepha 2:24—
Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we,
having died to sins, should live for righteousness; by Whose stripes
you were healed.
In order for Yahshua to pay the death penalty for us, that
our sins earned, He had to endure the great pain that was
inflicted upon Him.
Isayah 53:4-5—
4 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet
we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by Yahweh, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised
for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
and by His stripes we are healed.
drugs by today’s society continues to grow worse.
Throughout the Holy Scriptures we find that the Babylonian
system, which was in opposition to Yahweh’s Laws, never
died. It merely changed names as it spread throughout the
world with the same practices of Godworship, including the
use of drugs for pleasure and escape. The Book of Revelation
shows us this same Satan inspired Babylonian Religious-Gov-
ernmental System, very active in these Last Days. Satan,
by continually teaching against Yahweh and His Laws, has
caused the inhabitants of this world to act as one who is drunk,
empty-headed, and out of control.
Revelation 17:3-5,2—
3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the midst of god-
worshipers (worshipers of Elohim); and I saw a woman sitting on
a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven
heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and
decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls, having a golden
cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
5 And upon her head was a name written: MYSTERY BABY-
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication;
practiced idolatry: godworship (the worship of elohim), and the in-
habitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
Drug use has victimized the young and old of all nations.
The use of drugs causes drug users to think they see and
realize wonderful things that they never knew before. They
encourage others to use drugs so they can feel and see the
same things. All these people are deceived by Satan through
Nimrod’s Babylonian confusion.
Revelation 18:23—
And the light of a lamp will shine no more at all in you. And the
voice of the bridegroom and of the bride will be heard no more at
all in you—for your merchants were the great men of the earth; for
by your sorceries all the nations were deceived.
ment first established by Nimrod, and soon to be reestab-
lished by Satan.
If you care anything about your eternal life, don’t be an
idolatrous partaker of Nimrod’s religion by clouding your
mind with Satan inspired recreational drugs. Remember the
warning given to us in Yahweh’s Law.
Deuteronomy 29:18-19—
18 I solemnly entreat you to enter into the covenant and oath, for
fear that there may be among you a man, woman, clan, or tribe this
day whose heart would turn away from Yahweh our Father, to go and
worship the gods (elohim) of those nations; for fear there should
be among you a root that brings forth gall and wormwood—poison
and bitterness: the consequences of practicing godworship (the worship
of elohim and teraphim).
19 I solemnly entreat you to enter into the covenant and oath, so
it will never come to pass, when that one hears the words of this
curse, that he can congratulate and delude himself in his heart, and
erroneously think: I will have peace and safety, even though I persist
in going my own way. Yahweh will hold all of his sins against him;
he has acted; sinned, presumptuously. He is as a drunkard totally
out of control.
may be able to stand righteously before Yahweh.
I Kepha 4:7—
But the end of all things is at hand; therefore, be sober and
watchful in your prayers.
Luke 21:34-36—
34 So be on your guard—see to it that your minds are never
clouded with carousing, drunkenness, or anxieties and worries of
this life—so that day will not come upon you unexpectedly,
35 For it will come, like a trap, on all those who dwell on the
face of the whole earth.
36 Because of this—watch, and pray always that you may be
accounted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass,
and to stand before the Son of Man.