Substation Automation Concept
Substation Automation Concept
Substation Automation Concept
Application General
Substation Automation includes a complete ABB can offer a comprehensive range of
range of flexible object terminals, including numerical object terminals for generation,
all necessary functions for substation control transmission, distribution and industry. These
and substation monitoring systems. All of the state of the art products offer many new pos-
building blocks are based on state of the art sibilities in protection and control. Communi-
numerical technology, compatible with con- cation of load and fault data gives a new
ventional equipment. The new, improved dimension to protection and control. The
technology can thus be implemented step by Substation Automation concept even allows
step from stand-alone protective relays to the connection of existing or new static/elec-
complete coordinated protection and control tromechanical relays.
Substation Automation concept
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However the information from these relays is lines, transformers, etc. are controlled and
limited to data from signal contacts included protected from the lower bay level. A number
in the relays. of dedicated object terminals are provided for
bay level protection and control. This struc-
Separate transducer for voltage and currents ture simplifies future retrofit or expansion;
can however be added to conventional relays. i.e. the installation of additional bays.
Signals from the conventional relays can be The distributed structure increases the avail-
hardwired to the numerical ones. By this ability, because an internal fault will affect
arrangement both existing relays and new only a small part of the equipment. Since the
numerical relays can communicate via a com- most important functions are located at the
mon fibre-optic bus. This makes the concept bay level, the operation of a bay can be main-
suitable for partial retrofit as well as com- tained even if an internal fault occurs at the
pletely new installations. station level. The equipment for each bay is
housed in one or more cubicles which can be
The ABB Substation Automation concept has assembled and tested at the factory. This
five corner stones: reduces on-site erection and commissioning
work. Information is transferred between the
- Protection
two levels via a serial interbay bus.
- Communication
Station-oriented signal collection and the
- Control
serial transmission of information between
- Monitoring the two levels considerably reduces the
- Tools amount of cabling required. Disturbance free
transmission has been achieved by using a
One of the main advantages of ABB Substa- fibre-optic bus.
tion Automation is that it may include build-
ing blocks from various product ranges and ABB has the experience
generations. High performance and total Over the years, ABB has designed and manu-
quality are the major requirements for each factured protective relays and control equip-
building block. ment for substations in power transmission
and distribution systems. The experience thus
Continuity for old and new products includ- gained has served as the basis for designing
ing openness for the future such as for new modern numerical protection and control
sensors or intelligent switchgear. equipment which can ensure more efficient
and reliable operation.
The ABB Substation Automation concept
enables efficient power network management The first commercial microprocessor-based
by providing modular solutions for protec- control system in a substation was installed
tion, control, monitoring and communication by ABB in 1983. Since then, ABB has deliv-
for substations. ered numerous systems throughout the world.
This unique experience has been very valu-
A two-level communication structure able when designing the building blocks of
The entire station is controlled and supervised the today’s Substation Automation concept.
from the higher station level, while individual
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Fig. 1 ABB Substation Automation, with 500 series terminals and COMBIFLEX
Protection and Series 100 Terminals The REB 100-series includes the busbar pro-
control Each module in the terminals is based on rack tection. REB 100 is based on the well known
mounted printed board assemblies. Analogue ultra-high speed differential measuring
terminals auxiliary functions can be added in a separate method used in RADSS. This allows CT-satu-
rack. ration as well as sharing of CT-cores with
other protections. One 19” 6U rack can adapt
Series 100 is based on existing stand-alone 12 lines with test switch and 18 lines without.
relays for transmission and generation. The 100
number series is used to describe different hard-
ware combinations of each terminal.
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Protection and control Series 200 Terminals These IT based terminals are suited for gener-
terminals (cont’d) The same terminal can be used for more than ation, transmission and distribution applica-
one object and various functions. The selec- tions. A local HMI and PC connection at the
tion is made in the software and choice of front gives fast access to terminal data at
CPU capacity. commissioning and service. In addition listed
terminals below all have two independent
Series 200 is dedicated to complex applica- communication ports for control and monitor-
tions which require many functions included ing.
in one hardware module.
REB 551 Breaker protection terminal
The terminals have unique flexibility - a large REC 561 Bay terminal with a vast array
number of software modules are available for of functions for one or several
system adaption. The terminal can be used for bays at transmission and
more than one object by selecting pretested subtransmission level.
software modules and the appropriate CPU
capacity. RED 521 General differential protec-
tion terminal
REG 216 is designed for generator and trans- REL 501 Line distance protection ter-
former applications. A complete generator minal
transformer block protection unit, including REL 511 Line distance protection ter-
disturbance recording, can be accommodated. minal
It can be divided into sub 1 and sub 2 for
REL 521 Line distance protection ter-
maximum redundancy. A personal computer
can be used for the on-site configuration and
setting of the software library provided. REL 531 Line distance protection ter-
Series 300 Terminals REL 551 Line differential protection
Each terminal is mounted within one compact terminal
case which also has all interfaces. The func- REL 561 Line differential protection
tion selection is made in software and internal terminal
REO 517 Protection and Control termi-
REG 316, the numerical generator protection nal for Railway power system
terminal can include all important functions RES 505-C1 Disturbance recording and
required for protection and monitoring of fault location terminal
generators, motors and unit transformers. RES 521 Phasor measurement terminal
RET 521 Transformer protection termi-
The desired functions can be selected from a
comprehensive library.
Series 500 Terminals Several options are available for all terminals
The Substation Automation Concept provides such as e.g., disturbance recorder, event
a full range of numerical protection and con- recorder and breaker related functions. All
trol terminals. terminals can be configured with a large
Depending on the application each terminal is amount of binary inputs and outputs that are
named according to the following designation programmable. These can e.g. be used for
system, “REx 5xx”. control of switchgear equipment.
The letter indicates the terminal type, e.g. L The REO 500 object terminal has a unique
for Line and T for Transformer. The three flexibility. It can be delivered as e.g. a basic
digits indicates in what series the terminal is overcurrent relay or as an integrated protec-
designed. tion and control terminal, depending on
selected options.
The 500-series is the latest serie in state-of-
art-technology terminals for protection, con- Pre-configured terminals (C-terminals) for
trol and monitoring. A common hardware and cost-effective engineering and commission-
software platform is used. ing are also available.
Substation Automation concept
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REL 531 high speed line distance protection RET 521 transformer protection terminal is
terminal is used for protection of overhead used for protection of two or three winding
lines and cables in solidly grounded networks power tansformers, generator-transformer
at high requirements for fast operating times blocks and reactors.
(less than one cycle). The terminal is also
suitable for series compensated networks and Voltage regulations for single or parallel
performs one-, two- and/or three-pole trip- transformers with on load tap changers can be
ping. included.
All line distance protection terminals are suit- The above terminals can communicate with a
able for protection of heavily loaded lines and Substation Automation system, see Fig. 1. In
multicircuit lines. The terminals can also be addition to this, local printout from event
used to provide back-up protection for power recorder and disturbance recorder can be
transformers, busbars etc. included separately or as back-up.
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Tools CAP 540 Terminal tool box SMS 510 Substation Monitoring
CAP 540 is used throughout all stages of nor- Application
mal operation from engineering, parameter The SMS 510 substation monitoring system
setting, commissioning and power system is an overall substation monitoring system
disturbance evaluation. It can also be used to that gives you essential information about
clear front indications, switch setting groups your electrical transmission and distribution
and turn autoreclosure on/off. The engineer- process. This information comprises all mea-
ing work can be done off-line on the PC. sured, recorded and calculated data such as
indications, settings and diagnostic informa-
A disturbance upload and an analyzer tool is tion available in the protection and control
included in the tool box for fault data presen- terminals from ABB. Setting and resetting
tation. facilities for the protection and control termi-
nal are also provided by the product.
The default configuration in the terminals and LIB 520 High voltage software
the pre-configured terminals can easily be modules
adapted to the customer’s needs with the con-
figuration tool. The configuration consists of Application
function blocks, logic gates and timers etc. The high voltage software modules are a
The functions blocks included in a terminal complement to the standard MicroSCADA
are available in a library of functions, where software and provides an easy-to-build and
the engineer can pick a function and connect easy-to-use HSI for supervision, control, dis-
it according to the requirements. turbance collection and SMS functionality in
510 CAP
540 LIB
Basic package
Setting Parameter
Setting Parameter
Disturbancehandling Disturbance
DisturbanceUpload Disturbance
Evaluation Voltage
Configuration Option
Option Alarm
Connection Option
Option On-line
Tool Option
Option On-line
System The system structure is divided into two lev- Station level
structure els; bay level and station level. The bay level Design
consists of distributed terminals, whereas The result of high requirements of availability
operator stations and gateways belong to the is the use of two independent and autono-
station level. mous units on station level; the operators
workplace (HSI) for control and monitoring
Together all units combine control, monitor- of the substation in the station, and the gate-
ing, recording and report generation in a hier- way (GW), for communication with a remote
archy system that supervise its own hard- and control centre. Whenever the independence
software. requirements are lower the function of all
these units can be combined in the HSI.
The entire substation is controlled and super-
vised from the station level, while individual
lines, transformers, etc., are protected, con- Human system interface (HSI)
trolled and monitored from the terminals at Design
bay level. Using a “mouse”, the operator can operate,
control and supervise the substation by mov-
Information is transferred between the two ing the cursor on a color video display unit
control levels via a serial data bus. The sta- (VDU) to symbols or text. The necessary
tion level equipment is connected to the bay information is displayed in windows. Along
level computers via the interbay bus. Bay-ori- with the windows and data, symbolic push-
ented signal collection and the serial trans- buttons of any size can be located anywhere
mission of information between the two on the VDU.
control levels considerably reduces the
amount of cabling required. From the HSI, the operator can also read and
change the settings of all numerical protective
Disturbance-free communication is achieved relays which are connected to the system via
by using fibre-optic links. the fibre-optic bus. This HSI provides the
operator with an excellent overview of the
complete substation, and gives easy access to
the various functions.
5HPRWH 606
Fiber optic
transceiver 5([ [[ 5([ [[ 5([ [[ 5([ [[ 5([ [[
Fig. 4 SA System supervision
Workplaces In the ABB Substation Automation concept ferred to the operator. This information is
the human system interface is structured in selected to give a clear and fast view about
workplaces/levels. what is happening. Printout from the distur-
bance recorder modules can be obtained.
The operator’s workplace centrally in the
substation and with remote gateway. Fig. 5a shows an example of pictures which
the operators can select from the monitor.
The protection and control engineer’s
workplace with local and/or remote PC. The single line diagram gives rapid informa-
tion about the status. Each bay, for example a
These workplaces can be used separately or transformer bay can be monitored and load,
combined. The important thing is that the oil temperature, etc. can be logged.
Substation Automation offers this very com- In Fig. 5b the event list is shown which is
prehensive and flexible way of working. continuously updated.
Fig. 5b) Event list
Fig. 5 SCS, operators workplace
The protection and control engineer’s installed can be connected to both the front
workplace and rear SPA port. When CAP 540 is installed
The protection and control engineer’s work- on a station local PC automatic upload of dis-
place can be located locally (in the substa- turbance data and transfer of disturbance
tion) and/or remotely. It is possible to call any reports to a remote fax is possible. It is also
station via the local telephone system and possible to only have a modem in the station.
order information to be transferred. Data From the remote CAP 540 PC it is possible to
compression and local expert programs can connect to both stations with a station local
be used to limit this information. PC and stations with only a modem connec-
tion. In order to work with remote IEC
CAP 540 is a software package installed in 61131-3 configuration it is required to only
the workplace, locally and/or remotely, for have a modem connection in the station with-
support to the protection and control engi- out the station local PC. With CAP 540 it is
neer. possible to save disturbance data in
COMTRADE format on a ftp Server. This
CAP 540 architecture requires LAN/WAN connection.
CAP 540 supports the architecture shown in
figure Fig. 6. Computers with CAP 540
The CAP 540 Terminal Tool Box offers the edit your parameters in advance and write
user all the necessary functionality in order to them to the terminal later when it is available.
work efficiently with the protection and con-
trol terminals in every step of the terminal life In addition, an simple monitoring function
cycle. The terminal function libraries in the with access to service values is included. The
tools can be automatically adjusted to match simple monitoring functionality lets you
the ordered terminal. upload several power system values like cur-
rents, voltages and frequency. Service values
Parameter setting tool include list of terminal events, current status
With the parameter setting tool, you can read of internal signals, self supervision, LED sta-
parameters from the terminal, edit the param- tus, etc. The tool can also monitor communi-
eter values and write them to a terminal. You cation for the line differential function and
can also change parameter setting groups, display internal measurements from functions
compare terminal and PC-file parameters or like the automatic reclosing function.
Disturbance handling
After the disturbance list has been uploaded Curve forms and data can then be printed for
the fault data can be uploaded and displayed documentation by the operator.
with the graphical disturbance viewer and
analysis program.
The monitoring function provides an on-line The configuration can be printed on a user-
check of all internal signals in a 500-terminal. defined form which gives documentation of
It offers a window into the terminal, where the configuration that matches the terminal
the commissioner can see all changes in sig- completely.
nal status. With this tool, the commissioner
obtains a powerful help.
The Intelligent The Substation Automation concept can be the breakers are installed in panel 1. In panel
terminal adapted to various degrees of requirements 2 the line 2 equipment can be placed and in
and complexity. Fig. 11 shows an example of panel 3 the line 3 equipment can be placed.
a terminal which is appropriate for a 220 kV As an alternative, the subsystem 1 equipment,
line. Main 1 protection is REL 521 and main with main 1 protection for both lines, can be
2 protection is REL 531 which means the dis- placed in cubicle 2 and subsystem 2 equip-
turbance recorder module is included in REL ment in panel 3.
521. For a substation with one and a half
breaker arrangement the panel layout is These line bays are operated through the
shown in Fig. 12. The equipment related to workplaces in Fig. 3.
Substation Automation concept
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Fig. 11 Single breaker arrangement, one transmission line and duplicate protection.
Fig. 12 Breaker and a half arrangement with three breakers two transmission line and duplicate
protection per bay.
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The intelligent ABB Substation Automation offers a unique For a technical proposal please contact your
station range of state of the art components which nearest ABB representative. The following
management can be combined with conventional relays to information is required:
give total coordinated protection and control.
- One line diagram of the high voltage
These products can be used as stand-alone but
can also be upgraded, step by step, to form - Protection, control and monitoring
the “Intelligent substation”. ABB Substation functions included per terminal
Automation offers workplaces for the opera-
- Performance level required for main
tor, relay engineer and service engineer.
These workplaces include software packages
for statistics, setting calculation, disturbance - Functions included per workplace
evaluation, automatic testing and other expert - Existing equipment to be interfaced
programs. with
ABB Substation Automation also offers great - Remote communication required
flexibility and can give technical and eco- The selection of suitable terminals is based
nomical optimum solutions for different on customer requirements on performance
requirements on performance and availabil- and the functions to be included.
Substation Automation concept
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LIB 520
High voltage software modules 1MRK 511 126-BEN
REB 100
Busbar protection terminals 1MRK 505 007-BEN
REB 551
Breaker protection terminal 1MRK 505 093-BEN
RED 521
General Differential protection 1MRK 505 031-BEN
REF 541/543/545
Feeder terminals 1MRS 751818-MDS
REG 216
Generator protection terminal 1KHA-000 602-SEN
REG 316
Generator protection terminal 1MRK 502 004-BEN
REM 543/545
Motor and Generator terminals 1MRS 751406-MDS
RE0 517
Multi-functional terminals
for railway application 1MRK 506 135-BEN
LON bus Connection Devices 1MRS 750435-MBG
RES 521
Phasor measurement terminal 1MRK 511 115-BEN
RES 505-C1
Overcurrent protection terminal 1MRK 505 121-BEN
RET 521
Transformer protection terminal 1MRK 504 013-BEN
REx 5xx
Protection, Monitoring and Control
Solution for Transmission Networks 1MRK 500 049-SEN
SMS 510
Substation Monitoring System 1MRS 751973-MBG