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M. Matevski

1. Fear

They arrive late they arrive exhausted the horses of space

that distant hinted rumble of forgotten speech
Ceaselessly they stamp with their unshod hoofs
on you slippery earth so beautiful and peaceful
they stamp blending into darkness
Oh where faced with this cotton mass
of horizon without outline
faced with the dark flesh of earth and night
solid flesh firmly kneaded
by a flood of eyes and the death of space
Where oh where shall I go roaring and boundless sea
you monotonous
exhausted horizontal expanse
eager for the whirlwind's cleansing
Where oh where
you thick dough of rain and earth
shall I go
stones in my hands and mud in my eyes

2. Song

From where come you familiar unforgettable

song you hopeless child you naïve
grass arrow and clay bird
you dry and endless footpath through the rain
silvery footpath playful viper
where do you lead me
Ever hinted at in water and in darkness
sweet mane and coarse
considerately bold
always the grisly flesh of earth and night
sharp mane unquiet sword of light
on the silvery footpath of space
like a lightbeam like lightning
Oh carry me off carry me off my childhood
carry me off you poem eternal unforgettable age
you greathest illusion without metaphor
window clumsily opened roughly deep
for all eternity's colours.
Carry me off through this rain winding footpath
so you can tenderly return me to that little harbour
to that soft home of dreams
3. Horses

They arrive late they arrive exhausted the horses of space

(pale rains aimless and mute)
at the manger of my hands at the window
Feed yourselves I say feed yourselves you're
sweaty and damp from the hot steam that rises
from the night's flanks
Play wildly till you shout
leap you bird with your forgotten wings
goat-legged dancer you exhausted mare
let's leap through this window
together and then back again
without ever halting
through the shadowy clarity of space

(Translated by Zoran Anchevski)

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