Lewatit Monoplus TP 260: Product Information
Lewatit Monoplus TP 260: Product Information
Lewatit Monoplus TP 260: Product Information
Lewatit® MonoPlus TP 260 is a weakly acidic, macroporous cation exchange resin with chelating amino
methyl phosphonic acid groups designed for the selective removal of heavy metal cations and alkaline earth
The monodisperse, uniform sized beads of Lewatit® MonoPlus TP 260 are mechanically and osmotically
more stable than ion exchange resin beds with heterodisperse bead size distribution. Additionally they offer
superior kinetic behavior which leads to faster uptake of cations and a better utilization of capacity. Due to
its modified polymer structure and substitution grade it is for example suitable for use in:
• fine polishing of brine fed to chloralkali membrane cells, e.g. by removal of Ca2+, Mg2+, Ba2+, Sr2+; in the
absence of Fe3+ ions
• fluoride (F) removal using aluminum (Al) doped Lewatit® MonoPlus TP 260
• antimony (Sb) and tungsten (Bi) removal from copper containing electrolyte
• uranium (U) removal from crude phosphoric acid
• titanium (Ti) removal from recycled battery acid
• aluminum (Al) removal from urea solutions
• lead (Pb) and strontium (Sr) removal from BF4- containing waste water out of PCB production
• removal of iron(II), nickel and zinc from 5 % gluconate containing liquid metal working
Heavy metal and alkaline earth cations are removed out of neutralized process and waste waters in
following order (decreasing affinity):
Uranium (UO 2 2+ ) > Lead > Copper > Zinc > Nickel > Cadmium > Cobalt >> Calcium > Magnesium >
Strontium > Barium >>> Sodium.
The special properties of this product can only be fully utilized if the technology and process used
correspond to the current state-of-the-art. Further advice in this matter can be obtained from Lanxess,
Business Unit Liquid Purification Technologies.
Common Description
Delivery form Na+
Functional group Aminomethylphosphonic
Matrix Styrenic
Structure Macroporous
Appearance Beige, opaque
Specified Data
Uniformity coefficient max. 1.1
Mean bead size d50 mm 0.63 (+/- 0.05)
Total capacity (H+ form) min. eq/L 2.4
Operating temperature max. °C 80
Operating pH range during exhaustion 1-12
Bed depth for single min. mm 1000
Back wash bed % 4
expansion per m/h
Specific pressure loss kPa*h/m2 (15°C) 1.1
kPa*h/m2 (15°C)
Max. pressure loss kPa 250
during operation
Specific flow rate max. BV/h 5-25
Freeboard during backwash min. vol. % 100
HCl regeneration concentration approx. wt. % 4-10
HCl regeneration quantity co-current min. g/L resin 150
Regeneration contact min. minutes 20
Slow rinse at min. BV 5
regeneration flow rate
Fast rinse at service flow min. BV 5
NaOH conditioning concentration approx. wt. % 4
NaOH conditioning, di- quantity min. g/l resin 80-96
Conditioning contact time min. minutes 20
Slow rinse at conditioning flow rate min. BV 5
Fast rinse at service flow rate min. BV 5
The safety data sheet must be observed. It contains additional data on product description, transport,
storage, handling, safety and ecology.
In the European Community Ion exchange resins have to be disposed, according to the European waste
nomenclature which can be accessed on the internet-site of the European Union.
It is recommended to store ion exchange resins at temperatures above the freezing point of water under
roof in dry conditions without exposure to direct sunlight. If resin should become frozen, it should not be
mechanically handled and left to thaw out gradually at ambient temperature. It must be completely thawed
before handling or use. No attempt should be made to accelerate the thawing process.
The experience has shown that the packaging stability for reliable resin containment is limited to 24 months
under the storage conditions described above. It is therefore recommended to use the product within this
time frame; otherwise the packaging condition should be checked regularly.
This information and our technical advice – whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials – LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
are given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights Liquid Purification Technologies
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of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to check
50569 Koeln
its validity and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and Germany
uses. The application, use and processing of our products and the products manufactured
by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and, therefore, entirely +49-221-8885-0
your own responsibility. Our products are sold in accordance with the current version of [email protected]
our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.