WKS 6 Forest Harvesting Lockout Sawmill Isolation

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Safe practices for Isolation of all sources of energy in Sawmills

Lockout is the use of a lock to render machinery or equipment inoperable or to

What Is Lockout? isolate an energy source. The purpose is to establish “zero energy”. This is
where all sources of energy including electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical
and stored energy are isolated so that they pose no danger.
The purpose of zero energy and lockout is to prevent the release of an energy source that could activate
moving parts on equipment or machinery.

Hold Cards - are not considered to be best practice for lockout.

Key Safety Messages Emergency Stops/Electrical Interlocks - must not be used
to routinely stop machinery or as a sole method of lockout.
Over-run of Machinery - any lockout procedure must ensure that entry is restricted until
the machinery is stopped and/or provide braking systems.(as a rule of thumb any machine
that takes more than 10 seconds to stop should have a system in place to ensure safe
entry e.g. timed delayed interlocked gates)
Switch Gear – access to switch gear is by authorised persons only. The door to this
equipment is to be locked at all times.

= Employers, supervisors and employees all have individual

Why Lockout Is Important responsibilities regarding lockout under the HSE Act.
= Lockout is important for operators, maintenance staff, contractors,
cleaners and any other person required to work near moving parts of machinery.
= Every year, workers in New Zealand are killed or seriously injured because machinery or equipment
was not properly locked out. For example, accidents where workers are caught in machinery can
result in severed fingers, crushed limbs, or death. These accidents can be prevented if machinery
is locked out properly.

A worker noticed that the chains

Case Study had dropped off the double idler
sprocket at the bottom of the
sawmill unscrambler. He turned the power
off but did not lock out the power source. He
then started to put the chains back on the
Meanwhile, another worker noticed that the
unscrambler was not running and turned the
power back on. The machine started up and
the worker suffered serious injuries.
A simple, effective lockout procedure would
have prevented this injury.
Situations may arise during normal production work when some
When Lockout Is Not Required production-related work needs to be done. Follow these steps
in making a decision about whether or not lockout is required
during normal production work:
1. Decide if there is a risk of injury to workers from the movement of the machinery or equipment or
exposure to an energy source while the activity is carried out. All sources of hazardous energy must
be considered, such as pneumatic/hydraulic systems and suspended equipment that could roll or fall.
2. If there is no risk of injury, then lockout is not required (e.g. an operator would normally be in view
of their control panel at all times)
3. If there is a risk of injury, decide if the machinery or equipment is effectively safeguarded to protect
workers from the risk. If there are effective safeguards in place, then lockout is not required.
4. Safe work procedures must be followed during the activity.

Sometimes machinery or equipment has to be energised

Working on Energised Equipment for a specific task – for example, when making fine
adjustments or doing troubleshooting that can only be done
with part of the equipment working. In those cases, only the parts that are vital to the maintenance
process may remain energised.
Work on energised equipment must only be performed by workers who:
= Are qualified to do the work.
= Have been authorised by the employer to do the work.
= Have been provided with and follow written safe work procedures (e.g. permit to work). This may
also include additional supervision.

Once you have determined that lockout is

Five Basic Steps to Locking Out required, follow these five basic steps to locking
out all sources of energy.
1. Identify the machinery or equipment that needs to be locked out.
2. Shut off the machinery or equipment. Make sure that all moving parts have come to a
complete stop. Also ensure that the act of shutting off equipment does not cause a
hazard to other workers.
3. Identify and de-activate the main energy-isolating device for each energy source. This
may include:
= Disconnecting the electrical power to the pump or compressor.
= Closing the valve feeding the cylinder.
4. Apply a personal lock to the energy-isolating device for each energy source, and ensure
that all parts and attachments are secured against inadvertent movement.
5. Test the lockout to make sure it’s effective and to verify that each energy source has
been effectively locked out.(First ensure that all workers are in the clear and that no
hazard will be created if the lockout is not effective).
= Test the lockout to make sure zero energy is effective. (e.g. press start button)
= Test to make sure the pump or compressor won’t start and that the flow doesn’t bypass
the valve.
= Make sure there is no residual pressure in the lines, reservoirs, or accumulator feeding
the cylinder. Bleed any residual pressure.
= Check to ensure that there is zero energy in the system.(mechanically support any
raised load.
= Rule out inadvertent start up – consideration must be given to light beams, pressure
sensors and computer controlled systems that may activate a machine automatically.
If a number of workers are working on machinery or equipment —
Group Lockout Procedure particularly if a large number of energy-isolating devices must be locked
out - you can use a group lockout procedure. This procedure reduces
the number of locks required and saves time.
Before implementing a group lockout, a knowledgeable person must plan the procedure ahead of time
and develop a written group lockout procedure. This written procedure must be conspicuously posted
at the place where the system is in use.

In some cases, lockout must be maintained between shift changes to

Continuity of Lockout maintain lockout continuity. Procedures must be implemented for shift or
personnel changes. This includes the orderly transfer of control of locked-
out energy-isolating devices between outgoing and incoming workers.
If locks have not been left on the control devices between shifts, then the workers coming on shift must
ensure that lockout is re-established if necessary.

Before releasing machine to production operations, the

Releasing Machines From Lockout following steps should be observed by the workers who
applied the devices:
1. Remove all non-essential items (tools, spare parts etc.)
2 See that all equipment components are operationally intact, including guards and safety devices.
3. Inspect for obstructions, incomplete work, etc. Where necessary perform a team inspection using
appropriately trained workers to check specifics such as hydraulics, pneumatics, etc.
4. Repair or replace safeguards or safety devices before removing lockouts.
5. Remove each lockout device following the correct removal sequence.
6. Make a visual check before restoring energy to ensure that every one is physically clear of the
7. Develop and follow a special procedure to ensure the integrity of the lockout where workers are not
available to clear their personal locks due to sickness, absenteeism, etc.

Correct lockout of a machine does not necessarily mean that there are no other
Other Hazards hazards present. Be aware of such things as tripping and fall hazards, if working
at height or in awkward locations. Safe working platforms must be provided in all
areas a worker is likely to go.

A worker turned off the log

Case Study kickers and entered the
machine to undertake
work. He had to go in and out of the
machine several times. The computer
operated system was programmed to
automatically activate the kickers every
five logs i.e. every fifth time the light beam
was broken. His injuries included a broken
arm and severe bruising. Correct lockout
should have included de-activating the
light beam/computer control.
The employer is responsible for establishing the lockout
Employer Responsibilities For Lockout system to be implemented within the workplace.
Procedures for lockout must be written. Depending
on the size and complexity of the operation, other aspects of the lockout system may have to be
established in writing – for example, emergency lock removal and multiple point lockout. These procedures
become supplements to the health and safety program.
Each personal lock must be marked or tagged to identify the person who applies it. For example, the
worker’s name could be engraved on the lock or referenced by a serial number in a document.

Supervisors must ensure that correct lockout

Supervisor’s Responsibilities For Lockout procedures are in place and being followed at all
times. Routine monitoring of operator lockout
procedures should be recorded by supervisors.

All employees who work on machinery or equipment

Employee Responsibilities For Lockout requiring lockout are responsible for:

= Locking out the energy-isolating device.

= Removing their personal locks on the completion of their work.
= Keeping control of the keys to personal locks throughout the duration of the work.

Safe work procedures for maintenance, cleaners, contractors and

Information and Training production are essential. All must understand and use a well-established
lockout systems.

Companies must ensure that all contractors meet company lockout

Contractor Co-ordination requirements before commencing a job.

= Guidelines For Guarding Principles and General Safety for Machinery. OSH 1995
Further Reading = Guidance Notes for Electrical Interlocking for Safety in Industrial Processes. OSH 1994
= AS 4024 Part 1 1996: Safeguarding of Machinery

= European Standard EN 1037:1995 – comprehensive discussion of energy dissipation, isolation devices, locking devices
and design strategies to prevent unintentional start-up

This information sheet has been prepared by the “OSH ACC Rotorua Timber Processing Group”
Further Information which consists of representatives from ACC, OSH and local timber processing companies. This
leaflet contains notes on good practice which you may find helpful in considering what you need
to do. It is a reference tool for managers/supervisors/foremen to help them ensure that safe working practices are being
carried out at their timber processing sites.
This publication may be freely reproduced except for advertising, endorsement or commercial purposes. The information
is current June 2003. Please acknowledge the source as being “OSH ACC Rotorua Timber Processing Group”.

www.acc.co.nz Acknowledgements: Workers Compensation Board of British Columbia www.osh.govt.nz

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