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This document outlines a communications protocol for Codenet printers. It details various commands that can be sent to the printers to control printing functions and retrieve status information.

This document is a reference for the Codenet Communications Protocol, outlining the various commands that can be sent to Codenet printers to control printing functions like inserting barcodes or text. It also provides information on retrieving printer status and details various revisions and modifications that have been made to the protocol.

The document mentions two types of dot codes (dot matrix symbologies) that can be printed - Snowflake and ID Matrix. Dot codes require intercepting the message command and processing the dot code part separately from the rest of the print job data.

B Enovia Reference No.

Document Reference No. :

: Doc-0003328
Revision : 8
Status : Issued

Codenet Communications Protocol

Copyright © 2010, Domino UK Limited. The contents of this document are confidential and may not be disclosed
to any third party without prior written permission.
CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

Modification Record

Issue Date Author Changes (Including the change authority)

A Original
B Reviewed
C Added Domino Part Number 27164
D Added dotcode commands
E Added Code 128 information for embedded
F Added download without save command
(OQ) and dotcode magnification mod (z)
G Added 1.15 updates; Insert Logo, Insert
barcode text, Embedded Code 128 barcodes,
Julian Date, Language Date/Time; Status
Polling; Unicode character commands.
H Added W, c, OH and info regarding CS00123
more extended commands
I Changed details regarding the command @
J Merged in some data missed out from an
earlier edition, (Change Height and Double
space) Added section detailing operation of
the Unicode Page Change commands.
Paginated to separate sections. Removed
reference to CS00123

K Added Code 128 Auto codeset ABC

information for embedded barcodes
L Added External Serial Number Reset,
Rollover and Update
M Removed Reference to Snowflake 2 d codes
N Removed Handshaking section
O Added Liquid Level Command for PI-OEM
P Removed set from Printer Identity
Q Added table information on the Print Height
command ‘OH’
R Some general updating
S Included A-Series plus notes
T Updated differences table for A-Series plus in
Section 16. Change request 390. Checked by
moderator RW.
U Added the User Function Enable to the
embedded commands. Change request 529.
Checked by moderator RW
V Changes to Barcode commands for A-Series
plus (Section 9.9 and 8.6). Change request 560
(CS00145 Codenet protocol update for Aplus Barcodes).

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

Checked by moderator RW.

W Updated the ‘f’ command ( Bar Code Ratio,
Added TCP/IP implementation statements
Included Variable response length details
Verified by The moderator R. Wilkins
X 28May08 T. Doan Added A-Series plus notes for various
Checked by moderators: Cameron Edgar,
Yafei Ping and Dimitris Saravacos
1 10Jun08 R.Wilkins Moved to Software Quality Process document
format and numbering/issuing convention.
1A 09Sep08 S. Luke Additions for support of A-Series plus Duo
2 10Oct08 S. Luke Changes after review 262. Checked by
moderator K. Telfer
3 30 Oct 08 D Saravacos Changes for change request 5653 as part of
peer review 270 (QRCodes). Checked by
moderator K. Telfer
4 25 Nov 08 O. Escudero Changes for defect DPSCM01515 as part of
Lara peer review 278. Checked by moderator D.
5 18 Feb 09 Stephen Added Explanation, corrections and examples
Chapman for OL as customers were not understanding
5A 24 Jul 09 Mariusz Changes in the Dotcode command to include
Boguszewski new options BEST_FIT and Alignment
6 04 Aug 09 Mariusz Reviewed by Steven Luke and Dimitris
Boguszewski Saravacos.
7 10 Aug 09 Dimitris Added ‘Insert Updateable Text Field’
Saravacos command
8 15 Feb 10 Stephen Added OM and ON

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

1. Purpose of document.......................................................................................7

2. References ......................................................................................................7
2.1. Glossary................................................................................................................7
2.2. Document References ..........................................................................................7
2.3. Explanation of printers..........................................................................................7

3. Hardware........................................................................................................8
3.1. Serial Connection for MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo...................................................8
3.2. Serial Connection for A-Series and A-Series plus...................................................8
3.2.1. Baud Rates ...........................................................................................................9
3.2.2. Data Word ...........................................................................................................9
3.3. TCP/IP connection............................................................................................10
3.4. User Ports Codebox 2, Codebox 3 and Solo......................................................10
3.5. User Ports Macrojet and Casecoder ....................................................................10

4. Flow Control ................................................................................................ 10

4.1. Hardware handshake...........................................................................................10
4.2. Software handshake. ...........................................................................................11

5. Printer Variants ............................................................................................. 11

5.1. A-Series plus Duo Support..................................................................................11
5.2. Example Duo Message........................................................................................11

6. Protocol ....................................................................................................... 13
6.1. General...............................................................................................................13
6.2. Initialisation Commands .....................................................................................14
6.3. Print Control Commands ...................................................................................14
6.4. Printer Status Commands ...................................................................................14
6.5. Global Format Commands..................................................................................14
6.6. Embedded Format Commands ...........................................................................14
6.7. Application Specific Commands .........................................................................14
6.8. Extended Commands .........................................................................................14

7. Initialisation Commands and Responses ........................................................... 15

7.1. Software Reset (SW_RESET) 'ETX' 03h ...........................................................15
7.2. Printer Identity (PRINT_ID) 'A' 41h ................................................................15
7.3. Printer Configuration (PRINT_CONFIG) 'B' 42h.............................................16
7.4. Set the Printer Real Time Clock (INIT_CLOCK) ‘C’ 43h ................................17
7.5. Read/Load Month Name Table (INIT_DATE_MONTHS) 'D' 44h..................18
7.6. Read/Load Day Name Table (INIT_DAYS) 'E' 45h ..........................................19
7.7. Load/Read Character Set (CHAR_SET) 'X' 58h ..............................................19
7.8. Read/Load Alpha Hours Characters (INIT_ALPHA) 'Y' 59h .............................21
7.9. Read Checksums (READ_CHECKSUM) '!A' 21H 41h....................................21

8. Printer Control Commands and Responses ...................................................... 22

8.1. Print Go Delay (SET_DELAY) 'F' 46h ...............................................................22
8.2. Auto-repeat Printing (SET_REPEAT) 'G' 47h ...................................................22
8.3. Auto-reverse Printing (SET_AUTOREV) 'H' 48h .............................................23
8.4. Printing Acknowledgement Flags (SET_ACK) 'I' 49h.........................................23

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

8.5. Flight Time Compensation (SET_FLIGHT_TIME) 'J' 4Ah ................................24

8.6. Product Detector Assignment (SEL_P_GO_IN) 'K' 4Bh.....................................25
8.7. Active Product Detect Signal Level (SEL_P_GO_LEVEL) 'L' 4Ch .....................25
8.8. Product Detect Signal Persistence Time (SET_P_GO_TIME) 'M' 4Dh ..............26
8.9. Software Print Go (SOFT_P_GO) 'N' 4Eh........................................................26
8.10. Get message from store and put online. 'P' 50h .................................................27
8.11. Head Enable (HEAD_ENABLE) 'Q' 51h ...........................................................27
8.12. Clear All Messages (CLEAR_ALL_MESS) 'R' 52h .............................................28
8.13. Store Message with Name as 3 digits. 'S' 53h ......................................................28
8.14. Product Counting (PROD_COUNT) 'T' 54h ...................................................31
8.15. Read/Update Serial Number (SERIAL) 'U' 55h.................................................31
8.16. Read Stroke Output Period (STROKE_PERIOD) 'V' 56h................................32
8.17. Read Modification Level (MOD_STATE) 'W' 57h ............................................33
8.18. Get Software Real-time clock (GET_SW_RTC) 'Z' 5Ah..................................33
8.19. Continuous Printing (SET_CONTINUE) '[' 5Bh ..............................................34
8.20. Auto-inverted Printing (AUTO_INV) '\' 5Ch....................................................34
8.21. Handle Text (INSERT_TEXT) ’<’ 3Ch...........................................................35
8.22. External Message Select (EXTERNAL_SELECT) '@' 40h................................35
8.23. External Serial Number Reset, Rollover and Update ']' 5Dh ............................36
8.24. Read Liquid Levels (LIQUID_LEVELS) 'y' 79h ................................................36

9. Printer Status Commands and Responses ......................................................... 38

9.1. Status Reporting Mode (STATUS_REPORT_MODE) '0' 30h .........................38
9.2. Status Request (STATUS) '1' 31h.......................................................................38

10. Global Format Commands and Responses........................................................ 40

10.1. Reverse Message Print Sequence (MESS_REV) 'a' 61h.......................................40
10.2. Print Message Bold (MESS_BOLD) 'b' 62h ........................................................40
10.3. Print Message Double Space (DOUBLE_SPACE) 'c' 63h ...................................41
10.4. Reverse Individual Characters (CHAR_REV) 'd' 64h ........................................41
10.5. Inverted Printing (CHAR_INV) 'e' 65h .............................................................41
10.6. Barcode Thickness Ratio (BAR_RATIO) 'f' 66h ...............................................42
10.7. Global Print Format (SET_FORMAT) 'g' 67h ...................................................43

11. Embedded Commands and Responses ............................................................. 44

11.1. Handle Text (INSERT_TEXT) ’<’ 3Ch............................................................44
11.2. Start Double Space printing of messages (START_DOUBLE_SPACE) 'c' 63h ...44
11.3. Change Unicode Page (SET_UNICODE_PAGE) 'h' 68h ..................................44
11.4. Select Character (SEND_CONTROL_CHAR) 'i' 69h ......................................45
11.5. Insert Serial Number (INSERT_NUM) 'j' 6Ah ..................................................45
11.6. Start Bold Characters (START_BOLD) 'k' 6Bh..................................................46
11.7. Select 2nd Character Font (FONT_2) 'l' 6Ch .....................................................46
11.8. Insert Logo (INSERT_LOGO) 'm' 6Dh.............................................................46
11.9. Insert Date/Time (INSERT_CLOCK) 'n' 6Eh..................................................47
11.10. Offset Date/Time (OFFSET_CLOCK) 'o' 6Fh .................................................48
11.11. Insert Time Conditional Print String (TIME_COND) 'p' 70h ............................48
11.12. Insert Barcode (INSERT_B_CODE) 'q' 71h .....................................................49
11.13. Line Separator (NEW_LINE) 'r' 72h ..................................................................52
11.14. Stop Double Space printing of messages (STOP_DOUBLE_SPACE) 's' 73h ......52
11.15. Select 1st Character font (FONT_1) 't' 74h.........................................................52
11.16. Set Character Height (SET_HEIGHT) 'u' 75h....................................................52

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

11.17. Stop Bold (STOP_BOLD) 'v' 76h ......................................................................52

11.18. Insert Language Date/Time (INSERT_LANGUAGE_CLOCK) 'w' 77h ..........53
11.19. Insert Bitmap (INSERT_BITMAP) 'x' 78h .......................................................54
11.20. 2D Codes (INSERT_D_CODE) ‘z’ 7Ah ...........................................................54
11.21. User Function Enable (USER_ENABLE) '+' 2Bh ..............................................57
11.22. Insert Updateable Text field (INSERT_UPDATEABLE_TEXT) '|' 7Ch .........58

12. Application Specific Commands & Responses................................................... 59

12.1. User Function Execute (USER-EXEC) '*' 2Ah..................................................59
12.2. User Function Enable (USER_ENABLE) '+' 2Bh ..............................................59

13. Extended Codenet Commands ‘O’ 4Fh ............................................................ 60

13.1. External Data Queues 'OE' 4Fh 45h ...................................................................60
13.2. Print Height (PRINT_HEIGHT) 'OH' 4Fh 48h ................................................60
13.3. Store Message with variable length name 'OM' 4Fh 4Dh ....................................61
13.4. Get message with variable length name from store and put online.......................62
'ON' 4Fh 4Eh....................................................................................................................62
13.5. Configure External Data Queue 'OP' 4Fh 50h...................................................62
13.6. Download message without save 'OQ' 4Fh 51h ..................................................63
13.7. Sequence Control (SEQUENCE_CONTROL) 'OS' 4Fh 53h ...........................64
13.8. Get Current Status ( STATUS_POLL ) 'O1' 4Fh 31h.........................................64
13.9. Get Current Alert (ALERT_POLL) 'O2' 4Fh 32h ..............................................65
13.10. Store Bitmap (STORE_BITMAP) 'OL' 4Fh 4Ch ...............................................65

14. Print Message Entry....................................................................................... 67

14.1. Codebox 3 Example ...........................................................................................68
14.2. A-Series Example ...............................................................................................69
14.3. A-Series plus Example.........................................................................................70
14.4. A-Series plus Duo Example.................................................................................71

15. Negative Acknowledgement Error Codes ......................................................... 72

16. A-Series plus Status Reporting ........................................................................ 75

16.1. Ink Monitor Status Grouping Table....................................................................75
16.2. Fault Monitor Status Grouping Table .................................................................76
16.3. Interface Status Grouping Table..........................................................................77

17. Appendix 1 – Compatibility guide ................................................................... 78

18. Appendix 2 – Codebox 3 items ....................................................................... 83

18.1. Codebox 3 Front Panel Protocol ........................................................................83
18.2. Ink and Fault monitor Status Bit Allocation ........................................................88
18.3. Error return codes ..............................................................................................89
18.4. CRC16 Generation............................................................................................90
18.5. Codebox 3 Front Panel Dot Code Protocol........................................................91
18.6. Error return codes specific to Dot Coding ..........................................................92

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

1. Purpose of document
This document sets out to specify the protocol for communication between a remote controller and the A-
Series, A-Series plus and A-Series plus duo printers using CODENET protocol. This protocol is a subset
of the 51000-Series Codenet protocol. Due to fundamental differences in the technologies it is not possible
to support all 51000-Series commands. This document will also set out which commands are not supported
and which commands will respond differently. See the command summary for the commands that respond
differently. In some cases commands have become handlers that return the parameters sent by the host
taking no action on the data.

2. References
2.1. Glossary
Term Definition
Duo message The message for an A-Series plus Duo printer which contains the
information for both jets.
Jet 1 / Jet 2 On a Duo printer, “Jet 1” / “Jet A” is the jet on the left with the wiring
box at the top and the mounting plate at the back

2.2. Document References

Reference Title Version

2.3. Explanation of printers

Printer name or Explanation
MJ Macrojet – valvejet drop on demand printer
CC Casecoder – valvejet drop on demand
CB2 Codebox 2 - Developed from Codebox 1 which was the
industries first continuous ink jet with viscosity control. Uses
pocket terminal to communicate to it via codenet commands.
CB3 Codebox 3 - A major upgrade of the Codebox 2 with a user
Solo Similar to CB3 but in a stainless steel cabinet that can be washed
down. Can have more that one head.
A-Series Launched in 1998 as a major upgrade to the CIJ printer.
Replaced CB3 and Solo printers.
A-Series plus Launched in 2008
A-Series Plus Duo Launched in 2009 it has two jets in a single head.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

3. Hardware
The Codenet protocol can be used on
• A-Series via a serial RS232 interface
• A-Series plus and A-Series plus duo either RS232 or Ethernet TCP/IP interface.

3.1. Serial Connection for MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo

The data communication channel is based on a full duplex signalling RS232C serial interface. Serial Input
pin connections as follows:
25 way D-type Connector Pin-out (RS232C)
Pin No Function
1 0v Shield, (protective ground)
2 Rx Data input to printer
3 Tx Data output from printer
4 RTS to printer (input)
5 CTS from printer (output)
7 0v Signal ground
9 +5v (supply to data terminal)
13 Internal control
Note : (pin 13 should be linked to pin 24 to disable current loop)

3.2. Serial Connection for A-Series and A-Series plus

Serial Input pin connections as follows...

Bulgin Pin No Signal Function D-Type Pinout

1 1
2 Tx Data output from 2
3 Rx Data input to printer 3
4 DSR Input 4
5 0v Signal ground 5
6 DTR Output 6
7 CTS Input 7
8 RTS Output 8
9 Screen Shell

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

3.2.1. Baud Rates

Using the codenet command ‘B’ 42h part 'FF', the baud rate can be set to any one of those listed below,
provided that communication is initially established at one of the default rates set by switches 1 and 2 on
the serial interface DIL switches. The alternative rate is retained in battery-backed memory and will only
be reset to the switch settings following a clearing of the battery backed memory.

• Various types of A-Series printers have different sets of Baud Rates so check on the printer before
setting the baud rate to see if it is acceptable.
• All A-Series plus can handle 38400, 57600, 115200. There will be no jumper links for the A-Series
plus. The default Baud rate, 9600, will be set in the UI.
Available rates are as follows:-

Baud Printer DIL Switches 1, 2

MJ, CC, CB2, CB3
75 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
150 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
300 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, Off Off
600 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
1200 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
2400 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, On Off
4800 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
9600 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, Off On
19200 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, On On
110 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
38400 A-Series, A-Series plus
57600 A-Series plus

3.2.2. Data Word

The Data Word is made up as follows:
• 8 Data Bits
• 1 Stop Bit
• No Parity

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

3.3. TCP/IP connection

A-Series plus supports Codenet over TCP/IP. The default Port ID for connecting to an A-Series plus
printer is 7000.

A-Series plus has the following available ports: 3001, 3002, 9100, 9101, 9102, 9103, 7000, 7001,
7002, and 7003

Note: A-Series plus only supports 6 connections at any one time.

3.4. User Ports Codebox 2, Codebox 3 and Solo

• Pin "J" Forward/Reverse printing
• Pin "K" Spare Input
• Pin "L" Spare Output
• Pin "M" Spare Output
• Pin "N" Spare Output
• Pin "P" Spare I/O

3.5. User Ports Macrojet and Casecoder

• Pin "J" Print go # 1
• Pin "K" Print go #2
• Pin "L" Spare Output
• Pin "M" Spare Output
• Pin "N" Forward/Reverse Printing
• Pin "P" Spare I/O

4. Flow Control
This section is for MJ, CC, CB2, CB3 and Solo printers. Flow control is provided in either software or
hardware and is switch selected.

4.1. Hardware handshake.

Data entry.
The RTS output line will be asserted (+12V) whenever the printer is ready to receive data. The RTS
output line will be de-asserted (-12V) whenever the printer is not ready for data entry.

Data output.
Whenever the CTS input line is asserted (+12V), the printer will be enabled for the sending of data.
Whenever the CTS input line is de-asserted (-12V), the printer will suspend data output.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

4.2. Software handshake.

Data entry.
The printer will send a single ASCII <XOFF> (013H) character whenever it requires data entry to be
suspended. The printer will send a single ASCII (011H) character whenever it becomes ready to receive

Data output.
Whenever the printer receives an <XOFF> character it will suspend its data output. Transmission from
the printer will be enabled whenever it receives an character.

• When using software hand shake, CTS and RTS signals must not be connected.
• When the flow control state becomes <XOFF> from the printer, or NOT RTS, the printer will
continue to buffer any characters received for subsequent processing up to a maximum of 32
characters. Any further characters received will be discarded. Even though the printer requires
data entry to be suspended, the printer will accept and process flow control state change requests or
change in CTS state, and the software reset command <SW_RESET>.

5. Printer Variants
5.1. A-Series plus Duo Support
A Duo printer is an A-Series plus which has two jets each of which can print an individual region of a
message extending up to 8 lines subject to the message formats selected. The way that the Codenet
protocol is to be used for describing such a Duo message, which must contain the message information for
both jets, is to treat it as one large message. The message information is given in a left-to-right, top to
bottom manner and line feeds are used to cause the message information that follows to be entered on the
following line starting at the first unoccupied column position. For Duo messages we assume that a line
feed given at the lowest line of the top jet allows the message information for the bottom jet to be
described. This is illustrated in the example below.
The messages for each jet can use different message formats, and these shall be given by the printer
configuration command (see 7.3).
The global information for a message given by Codenet will still apply to the whole Duo message, i.e. the
global format Codenet commands act on both jets.
Any restrictions on the number of message elements, such as serial numbers or barcodes, which held for A-
Series plus are valid for the whole of the Duo message across both jets.
Within this document any reference to A-Series plus also applies to the Duo variant, unless specified

5.2. Example Duo Message

The following diagram shows an example Duo message created with a 4 line mixed upper region (Jet 1)
and a 2 line mixed lower region (Jet 2).

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

Describing this message in the left to right, top to bottom manner you would give the following

1. text AB
2. change line height to 3
3. text C
4. line separator
5. line separator
6. change line height to 1
7. text DEF
8. line separator
9. text GH
10. line separator
11. change line height to 2
12. text IJ
13. line separator
14. change line height to 1
15. text KL

Note that the lower region is effectively treated as a continuation of the upper region in terms of describing
the message.
A further example of message creation is also given in section 13.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

6. Protocol
6.1. General
This section gives general information on the Codenet protocol described in this document.
• All references to hexadecimal values will be shown as the number followed by a lower case 'h'. All
reference to digits or characters refer to characters as defined in the standard ASCII chart. For
example, '1' will be represented by the character code value (31h) and 'Y' by character code value
• For clarity there is a 'slash' character (/) shown between the various parameters in the commands.
It is not to be transmitted as part of the data.
• Unless otherwise stated individually below, all interface messages to and from the printer
commence with "Escape" <ESC> (1Bh), may include one or more parameter fields, and end with
"End of text" <EOT> (04h).
• With some exceptions, a positive or negative acknowledgement of requested information will
usually be returned by the printer to indicate reception and interpretation of a command.
• A positive acknowledgement consists of a single character, ASCII <ACK> (06h).
• A negative acknowledgement consists of a 4 character sequence, ASCII <NACK> (015h) followed
by a 3 ASCII digit error code.
• Most commands come in two forms: a 'setting' form that conveys parameter information to the
printer to set up some feature or other, or a 'query' form that asks the printer for current settings of
that parameter information.
• Most commands can be changed from the setting ("do this") form to the query ("tell me") form by
replacing their relevant parameter fields with a single "query" character, ASCII '?' (03Fh).
• The SW_RESET command consists of a single ASCII <ETX> (03h) character.
• The printer ignores (discards) any <NULL> (00h), <LF> (0Ah), or <CR> (0Dh) characters that it
may receive irrespective of when and where they occur.
• Commands to the printer break down into 7 groups. Each of the 7 groups is introduced below
and formalised in detail later.
• Many commands have either a head selection field or jet selection field. A head assignment field
refers to the printhead, and for a multi-jet machine such as the A-Series plus Duo the value of 1
refers to the whole printhead containing all jets. A jet assignment field, however, refers to
individual jets whether they are on the same or separate printheads.
• On a single-headed printer, where reference is made to a print head number, this should always be
• If the head or jet number is invalid for the printer then the command shall always be responded to
with a NAK.

For A-Series plus:

• The User shall be able to configure the Response Package Length to “VARIABLE” or “FIXED”.
“VARIABLE” Response of Package Length means ACK is one byte (06h), and NACK is four
bytes (15h, A, B, C. Where A, B and C represent a three-character error code). “FIXED”
Response of Package Length means both ACK and NACK are four bytes (06h, 00h, 00h, 00h and
15h, A, B. C. Where A, B and C represent a three-character error code).
For A-Series plus Duo:

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

• The value of a head assignment field should always be 1.

• The jet assignment field of a command shall be 1 for Jet 1 and 2 for the Jet 2 (Jet 1 is on the left
with the wiring box at the top and the mounting plate at the back).

6.2. Initialisation Commands

These commands do such things as requesting the printer's identity and setting up the real time clock, etc.

6.3. Print Control Commands

These commands are, in the main, concerned with the control of operational features of the printer. For
example, they identify which product detector to use for which head, assign message stores to print heads
and direct the loading of a new print message.

6.4. Printer Status Commands

These commands allow the host system to control the unsolicited generation of status change reports and to
obtain such reports on demand.

6.5. Global Format Commands

These commands exert control over the orientation of printed messages and affect all characters printed.

6.6. Embedded Format Commands

These commands are embedded within the text of stored print messages. Some of them affect the
following characters until the end of the message, or until cancelled later in the message.

6.7. Application Specific Commands

These commands are included for use by special versions of the program. On the standard program version
they will have no effect other than to solicit a negative acknowledgement from the printer.

6.8. Extended Commands

These commands access some of the additional features of the A-Series printers.

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7. Initialisation Commands and Responses

7.1. Software Reset (SW_RESET) 'ETX' 03h
Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series
This command causes a restart of the printers operating program.

Format: <ETX> 03 Hex

Response: NONE, (start up sequence should follow)

Note: This command is only used under exceptional circumstances when it is required to force a software
restart remotely. For example, it could be used when the printer's stroke pulse source is derived from a
shaft encoder and the stroke pulses cease during an already active printing cycle (production line stopped).
This command is not a RAM reset. It is only equivalent to powering up the machine again.

7.2. Printer Identity (PRINT_ID) 'A' 41h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command instructs the ink jet printer to return its variant type. It should be the first to be sent to
establish the communications link.

Query Format : Esc/A/?/Eot

Response to Query: Esc/A/ AA/BBBBB/CC/DD/Eot
AA = 2 digits specifying the printer type.
BBBBB = 5 characters specifying the PSB firmware part identity.
CC = 2 characters specifying the firmware issue.
DD = 2 digit Codenet identity 00 to 99 (not used, default 00)
Field 'AA'
00 Codebox
01 Solo
02 Solo Twin Head
03 A300
04-19 not allocated
20 Macrojet
21 Casecoder
22 A-Series plus A100
23 A-Series plus A300
24 A-Series plus Duo
25-99 not allocated

Example of usage:

To printer:

Esc Command ID Payload Eot

1B 41 3f 04

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From Printer:

1B 41 30 33 35 36 30 30 36 30 31 30 30 04
ESC A 0 3 5 6 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 EOT
ESC Command ID Printer Type Build part Number Firmware Not Used EOT

7.3. Printer Configuration (PRINT_CONFIG) 'B' 42h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command is normally used to request the ink jet printer to return its configuration data. It should be
sent in order to determine the commands which are applicable to the particular installation. It may also be
used to command the alteration of certain configuration values marked with *. Such changes will take
effect on completion of the command acknowledgement.

Set Format: Esc/B/A/BBBBBBBB/CCC/DDD/EE/FF*/G*/H/Eot

Query Format: Esc/B/?/Eot

A = 1 digit, number of jets.

BBBBBBBB = 4 pairs of configuration data for heads/jets 1 to 4.
CCC = 3 digits maximum number of messages
DDD = 3 digits maximum message length (A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series Duo =
EE = 2 digits specifying the barcode format.
FF* = 2 digits, baud rate selector 00 to 12.
G* = Flow control selector H = RTS/CTS or S = XON/XOFF
H = 1 digit, number of user application commands, default = 0
 head not present
 single line
 twin line (CIJ only)
 twin line + large
 triple line (CIJ only)
 triple line mixed (CIJ only)
 four line (CIJ only)
 9 drop proportional (CIJ only)
Field 'EE'
0 None

1 Code 39

2 Interleaved 2-of-5

3 Not Used

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Field Baud Printer DIL Switches 1, 2

'FF' Rate
MJ, CC, CB2, CB3
00 75 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
01 150 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
02 300 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, Off Off
03 600 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
04 1200 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
05 2400 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, On Off
06 4800 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
07 9600 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, Off On
08 19200 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus, On On
09 110 MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus,
10 38400 A-Series, A-Series plus
11 57600 A-Series plus

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• * Only fields 'FF' and 'GG' can be changed.
• For A-Series plus if the transport layer is TCP/IP then the serial communication information
returned by the command (fields ‘FF’ and ‘G’) will be ignored.

7.4. Set the Printer Real Time Clock (INIT_CLOCK) ‘C’ 43h
Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command sets the printer internal real time clock to the date and time given in the command
parameters (default is the software creation date).

Set Format: Esc/C/AA/BB/CC/CC/xx/EE/FF/GG/Eot

Query Format: Esc/C/?/Eot

AA = 2 digit number for century (19 or 20)

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BB = 2 digit number for year-of-century (00 - 99)

CC = 2 digit number for month-of-year (01 - 12)
DD = 2 digit number for day-of-month (01 - 31, dependent on month)
xx = 2 digit Not used (always set to 00)
EE = 2 digit number for hour-of-day (00 - 23)
FF = 2 digit number for minute-of-hour (00 - 59)
GG = 2 digit number for second-of-minute (00 - 59)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set : positive or negative acknowledgement

• A-Series plus only supports year (2001 to 2038)

7.5. Read/Load Month Name Table (INIT_DATE_MONTHS) 'D' 44h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command allows the text strings used for month name entries to be set up or returned to the terminal.


Query Format: Esc/D/?/Eot

AAA = 3 characters for month 01 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default JAN)

BBB = 3 characters for month 02 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default FEB)
CCC = 3 characters for month 03 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default MAR)
DDD = 3 characters for month 04 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default APR)
EEE = 3 characters for month 05 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default MAY)
FFF = 3 characters for month 06 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default JUN)
GGG = 3 characters for month 07 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default JUL)
HHH = 3 characters for month 08 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default AUG)
III = 3 characters for month 09 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default SEP)
JJJ = 3 characters for month 10 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default OCT)
KKK = 3 characters for month 11 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default NOV)
LLL = 3 characters for month 12 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default DEC)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set : positive or negative acknowledgement.

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7.6. Read/Load Day Name Table (INIT_DAYS) 'E' 45h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command allows the text strings used for day name entries to be set up or returned to the terminal.


Query Format: Esc/E/?/Eot

AAA = 3 characters for weekday 1 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default MON)

BBB = 3 characters for weekday 2 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default TUE)
CCC = 3 characters for weekday 3 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default WED)
DDD = 3 characters for weekday 4 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default THU)
EEE = 3 characters for weekday 5 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default FRI)
FFF = 3 characters for weekday 6 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default SAT)
GGG = 3 characters for weekday 7 (AAA-zzz or space) (Default SUN)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

7.7. Load/Read Character Set (CHAR_SET) 'X' 58h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, Solo.
This command may be used to read a character set from the printer or load a character set to the printer.
The checksum is the sum of all hexadecimal values in the 'char set data' portion of the command, calculated
modulo 64K, ( last significant two bytes ) , derived by simply adding all the HEX data in the character set,
then sent as four ASCII characters. When B=X, the checksum value returned by the printer is the same as
that for B=A.
When downloading character fonts to RAM, the data will be lost during power down unless suitable
battery backed RAM devices of sockets are used. Some, older, "Serial Interface" cards will need to be
modified to allow RAM in the second character set.

Printers:- A-Series
This command may be used to read the logos from a Codebox character set and store them in the A-Series
Label Store. The logos are extracted and stored with the names "1" to "8". The query command will return
the logos in the same format if they are stored with the above names. The command will only work
with 16 drop and 21 drop logos. The command was designed for use with the DOS version of Jetlink

Set Format: Esc/X/A/B/...char set data.../CCCC/Eot

Query Format: Esc/X/A/B/?/Eot

A = 1 digit, character set store selector 1 or 2 ( Not used on A-Series)

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B = 1 character, portion selector

X = nothing 0 Characters for 0 bytes of data
A = full character set 16384 Characters for 8192 bytes of data
B = 7x5 character data 480 Characters for 96x5 strokes
C = 7x7 character data 672 Characters for 96x7 strokes
L = logo portion only 8192 Characters for 4096 bytes of data
/...char set data.../ = stroke data in ASCII characters 30 to 39, 41 to 46
CCCC = check sum as ASCII characters 30 to 39, 41 to 46

Response to Query: negative acknowledgement

Response to set: negative acknowledgement

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7.8. Read/Load Alpha Hours Characters (INIT_ALPHA) 'Y' 59h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command allows the 24 characters used with the Alpha Hour option to be set up or returned to the

Set Format: Esc/Y/AAA......AAA/Eot

Query Format: Esc/Y/?/Eot

AAA......AAA = 24 Characters (A-z 0-9 or space)


Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

7.9. Read Checksums (READ_CHECKSUM) '!A' 21H 41h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo

Query format: Esc/!A/?/Eot

Response to Query: Esc/!A/AAAA/BBBB/CCCC/Eot

AAAA = 4 ASCII digit Programme (IC7) Checksum

BBBB = 4 ASCII digit Character Set 1 (IC9) Checksum
CCCC = 4 ASCII digit Character Set 2 (IC7) Checksum

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8. Printer Control Commands and Responses

8.1. Print Go Delay (SET_DELAY) 'F' 46h
Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will set the delay between receiving a print go signal and starting printing. The delay is
measured in stroke go pulses.

Set Format: Esc/F/A/BBBB/Eot

Query Format: Esc/F/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
BBBB = 4 digits, delay value. 0000 to 9999 (default 0000)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to Set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• A300 and A-Series plus will interpret delay values of 0 and 1 as 2
• A-Series plus supports the delay value from 00000 to 65535 (Field BBBBB).

8.2. Auto-repeat Printing (SET_REPEAT) 'G' 47h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command specifies the number of additional times that a message is printed for each print-go
command signal, provided that the signal remains in the active state. Entering 99 signifies continuous
printing while the print-go signal is active.

Set Format: Esc/G/A/BB/CCCC/Eot

Query Format: Esc/G/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
BB = 2 digits repeat number 00 to 99 (99 = continuous default 00)
CCCC = 4 digits repeat pitch, 0000 to 9999 strokes (default 0000)

Response to Query : as command string format, with current values.

Response to Set: positive or negative acknowledgement


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• A-Series and A-Series plus will interpret repeat pitch values of 0 and 1 as 2
• For A-Series plus, the returned repeat value is 5 digits (Field CCCCC).

8.3. Auto-reverse Printing (SET_AUTOREV) 'H' 48h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series

This command causes the direction of the printed message to be reversed after a set number of prints, or (if
set to 999) to be controlled by an external signal.

Set Format : Esc/H/A/BBB/Eot

Query Format: Esc/H/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4

BBB = 3 digits 000 to 254 (999 = external default 000)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• When set to 999, if the user port is not detected or not enabled, the printer will acknowledge the
request but no action will be taken.

8.4. Printing Acknowledgement Flags (SET_ACK) 'I' 49h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes a character to be sent out of either the serial port or over the TCP/IP interface of the
printer after each printed message.

Set Format : Esc/I/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/I/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 char 1 to 4 or A to Z (default is 'OFF')

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value, or negative acknowledgement.
Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• The print acknowledgement is transmitted as the single character specified, without a command
header or terminator.

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• If field B = a, b, c or d, then printing acknowledgement codes (1CH), (1DH), (1EH) or (1FH) will
be generated, respectively. ASCII 'space' turns the function off.
• If field B = space the function is turned off

8.5. Flight Time Compensation (SET_FLIGHT_TIME) 'J' 4Ah

Printers:- CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command sets the time of flight compensation, which is a means of keeping the printed text in the
same place irrespective of changes in substrate speed.
The delays between detecting the print go signal and having the drops arrive at the substrate is a
combination of three different delays:
• The time the photocell takes to ‘see’ the product.
• The time the programme takes to prepare the message.
• The time it takes for the drop, once charged, to arrive at the substrate.
There is an initial compulsory pre-print delay which is reduced more and more as the line speed increases
so that at low line speeds there is a small delay before the first drops are charged, but at high line speeds the
first drops are charged immediately.

Set Format: Esc/J/A/CCC/Eot

Query Format: Esc/J/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-
Series plus Duo.
CCC = For MJ, CC, CB3, CB3, Solo 3 digit flight delay 000 to 255
For A-Series 3 digit flight delay 000 to 063
For A-Series plus and A-Series plus Duo 4 digits flight delay 0000 – 9999

Response to Query: as command string format but with B, fixed data (Esc/J/A/B/CCC/Eot), and
current value.
Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement
• The default values will vary from one program to another and unless advised to change it should be
left at the default.
• If the code moves back down the product at high speeds increase the value BBB, if the code is
advanced at high speeds decrease the value of BBB.
• When messages are printed very close together the print go signal may be ignored because the last
print is not finished yet. In these cases the flight time delay can be reduced. However the code
will move as the line speed varies, and there needs to be a minimum of 4 ms between the end of
one print and the beginning of the next for the other parts of the system to function correctly.
• Support for D = PRODUCT_DETECTOR_RESPONSE will not be provided on A-Series
plus printers.

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Printers:- CB2, CB3, Solo,

This is an alternative to the command above, and is used when the time of flight, label preparation time,
and product detector response, are to be set individually.
Set Format: Esc/J/A/C/ddd/Eot
Query Format: Esc/J/A/C/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4

C = 1 character sub command character
S = drop flight time as in the above command.
P = label preparation time 000 499 @ 100µS (default 020 or 2mS).
D = product detector response time 000-999 @ 10µS (default 010 or 100µS)
ddd = 3 digit value as detailed below

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

Note: The default values will vary from one program to another and unless advised to change it should be
left at the default.

8.6. Product Detector Assignment (SEL_P_GO_IN) 'K' 4Bh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo
This command selects which print go input is used for a given print head.
Set Format: Esc/K/A/B/Eot
Query Format: Esc/K/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4

B = 1 digit print go input select 0 to 2 (0 disables default is 1)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Note: It is invalid to have two heads using two photocells if they are both using the same message
number. Any such attempt will solicit a negative acknowledgement.

8.7. Active Product Detect Signal Level (SEL_P_GO_LEVEL) 'L' 4Ch

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command selects the logic high or low level as the trigger for the Print Go signal.

Set Format: Esc/L/A/B/Eot

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Query Format: Esc/L/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit product detector select (1 or 2). For A-Series and A-Series plus this will only
be 1
B = 1 character (H or L) signal level

Response to Query : as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

Note: During first initialisation, or initialisation following the reset of the battery-backed memory, the
printer monitors the product detector input and assumes that the values read correspond to their inactive

8.8. Product Detect Signal Persistence Time (SET_P_GO_TIME) 'M' 4Dh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command sets the minimum time (number of strokes) for which a change in state of a product
detector signal has to persist before it takes effect.

Set Format : Esc/M/A/BB/Eot

Query Format: Esc/M/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit product detector select 1 or 2.

BB = 2 digits minimum persistence, 00 to 99 strokes

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

• As this is a number of strokes not real time care must be taken when the print signal is a fixed
duration pulse and stroke pulses are from a shaft encoder, at low product speeds the print signal
duration may not be long enough to initiate a print.
• A300 will interpret persistence values of 0 and 1 as 2
• For A-Series plus the Product Detect Signal Persistence Time value can be set up to 9999 (Field
BBBB), but can be returned up to 65535.

8.9. Software Print Go (SOFT_P_GO) 'N' 4Eh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command will initiate printing as though a print-go signal had been received at the nominated
product detector.

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Set Format : Esc/N/A/Eot

A = 1 digit print go input 1 or 2. (2 is only available on a Macrojet)

Response to Set: Positive or negative acknowledgement.

8.10. Get message from store and put online. 'P' 50h
Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command is used to put a message on-line from the store.

Set Format : Esc/P/A/BBB/Eot

Query Format: Esc/P/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. (Heads 2, 3 and 4 are only available on a Macrojet).

BBB = 3 digits message buffer select 001 to MAX_NUM_MSG

Response to Query: As command string format.

Response to set: Positive or negative acknowledgement.

• Due to the extensive message checking that MJ, CC, CB, CB3 and Solo printers software carries
out the next message may not be available to be printed for 250-750ms
• For MJ and Solo printers it is invalid to have two heads using two photocells if they are both using
the same message number. Any such attempt will result in a negative acknowledgement.
• For A-Series plus the message slot ID is the BBB (3 digits) field
• For A-Series plus Duo the message to head assignment shall still apply to both jets – i.e. there will
be no functionality to access each jet individually.

8.11. Head Enable (HEAD_ENABLE) 'Q' 51h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command enables or disables printing on the specified print head.

Set Format: Esc/Q/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/Q/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. (Heads 2, 3 and 4 are only available on a Macrojet).

B = 1 character head enable Y = enable or N = disable

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

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Note: For A-Series plus Duo the command shall apply to both jets – i.e. there will be no functionality to
enable or disable one jet individually.

8.12. Clear All Messages (CLEAR_ALL_MESS) 'R' 52h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will take all messages off-line

Set Format: Esc/R/Eot

Response to Set: Positive or negative acknowledgement

8.13. Store Message with Name as 3 digits. 'S' 53h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will allow messages to be sent to the message store and stored using a 3 character/digit
message name. The command also allows the message to be queried.

Set Format: Esc/S/AAA/.. message text ../Eot

Query Format: Esc/S/AAA/?/Eot

AAA = 3 digit message buffer number 001 to MAX_NUM_MSG, Although on some

printer types this can be characters but it is always advised to use digits.
..message text.. = ASCII characters (20H-7FH) or embedded format commands.

Response to Query: as command string format. Esc/S/AAA/.. message text ../Eot.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• For MJ when there is more than one head, the default message numbers will be 001 to head 1, 002
to head 2, etc.
• Care should be taken if a message containing a serial number is assigned to two heads. The serial
number will be incremented as both heads print. The serial numbers printed by one head may not,
therefore, be continuous.
• For A-Series products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 063
• For A-Series plus products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 127 for an A100 plus and 255 for other A-
Series plus variants. The message buffer number will be used as the message name and its location.
If the location (number) is already occupied on the printer, it shall be overwritten.
• For A-Series plus products, the message shall be stored / read from the current message store
Worked examples:

1) Transfer a simple message to the printer store.

To printer

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1B 53 39 39 39 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 04
ESC S 9 9 9 H e l l o W o r l d EOT
ESC Command Message Message Data EOT
ID Name

From Printer


2) Transfer complex message to printer

We are going to create the following message and store it on the printer as message named 123.

1B 53 31 32 33 1B 75 31 31 2D 37 1B 75 34 33 32 1B
ESC S 1 2 3 ESC u 1 1 - 7 ESC u 4 3 2 ESC
ESC Command Message ESC Font Message ESC Font Message ESC
ID Name Height data Height data

75 32 31 36 1B 75 31 37 1B 75 32 31 36 1B 75 31
u 2 1 6 ESC r 1 7 ESC u 2 1 6 ESC u 1
Font Height CR Message Font Height Message Font Height
data data

37 20 20 20 20 1B 75 33 32 31 1B 75 31 37 1B 72
7 ESC u 3 2 1 ESC u 1 7 ESC r
Message data Font Height Message Font Height Message CR
data data

1B 75 31 32 2D 37 37 1B 75 32 31 36 1B 75 33
ESC u 1 2 - 7 7 ESC u 2 1 6 ESC u 3
Font Height Message data Font Height Message Font Height

32 31 1B 72 33 2D 37 1B 75 32 31 36 31 36 1B 75 31 37
2 1 ESC r 3 - 7 ESC u 2 1 6 1 6 ESC u 1 7
Message CR Message data Font Height Message data Font Height Message
data data

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1B 72 1B 75 31 34 2D 37 37 37 20 20 20 20 37 04
ESC r ESC u 1 4 - 7 7 7 7 EOT
CR Font Height Message data EOT

From Printer


3) Transfer a message that embeds a Serial number in a Bar Code and also prints the serial number
as a number next to it as illustrated below. The Bar Code type used is 2 of 5 interleaved with no
check sum

To printer

1B 53 37 38 39 1B 71 32 1B 6A 31 4E
ESC S 7 8 9 ESC q 2 ESC j 1 N
ESC Command Message ESC Insert 2of5 ESC Insert Serial Not
ID Name Barcode interleaved Serial num Batch
no Number ID Linked

30 36 30
0 6 0
Numeric Field Width First

30 30 30 30 30 39 39 39 39 39 39 30 30 30 30 30 31 59
0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 1 Y
1st Numeric Limit 2nd Numeric limit Numeric Step Size Has

4E 30 30 30 36 37 38 39 30 30 30 30 30 4E 1B 71 30 1B
N 0 0 0 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 N ESC q 0 ESC
No Start Value No of times each Numeric ESC End of ESC
suffix number will be steps barcode
or repeat printed

6A 32 4E 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 39 39 39 39 39
j 2 N 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9
Insert Serial Not Numeric 1st Numeric Limit 2nd Numeric limit
Serial Num Batch Field
Number ID Linked Width

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30 30 30 30 30 31 59 4E 30 30 30 36 37 38 39
0 0 0 0 0 1 Y N 0 0 0 6 7 8 9
Numeric Step Size Has No Start Value
leading suffix
zeros or

30 30 30 30 30 4E 04
0 0 0 0 0 N EOT
No of times each Numeric End of
number will be repeat steps file

From Printer


8.14. Product Counting (PROD_COUNT) 'T' 54h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command resets or reads the specified product counter within the printer.

Set Format: Esc/T/A/0/Eot (Reset counter)

Query Format: Esc/T/A/?/Eot (Interrogate counter)

A = 1 digit, counter identity 1 or 2.

Response to Query: Esc/T/A/NNNNNN/Eot – where NNNNNN = 6 digits product count.

Response to Reset: positive or negative acknowledgement

• The count is of photocell transitions and not necessarily codes printed. For example, on a CIJ
machine the HV may be 'OFF'.
• For A-Series plus response to query will be NNNNNNNNNN a 10 digit number padded with
leading zeros.
• For A-Series plus counter 2 (“Prints since power on”) can only be reset if it is configured to be
persistent (“Resettable counter 2”). A NAK will be returned on attempting to reset or query
counter 2 if it is non-persistent (“Prints since power on”).

8.15. Read/Update Serial Number (SERIAL) 'U' 55h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command is used to read back or update the next value of the specified serial number to be used for
printing in the specified message.

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Set Format: Esc/U/AAA/B/C..C/Eot

Query Format: Esc/U/AAA/B/?/Eot

AAA = 3 digit message buffer number 001 to MAX_NUM_MSG

B = 1 digit serial number identity 1 or 2
C..C = current or new serial number value.

Response to Query: as command string format.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• Any serial number update value must comply with the width and range limits used to create
the number in the first place.
• For A-Series products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 063
• For A-Series plus products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 127 for an A100 plus and 255 for other A-
Series plus variants. The message buffer number will be used as the message name and its
location. If the location (number) is already occupied on the printer, it shall be overwritten.

8.16. Read Stroke Output Period (STROKE_PERIOD) 'V' 56h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will return the current stroke output period.

Query Format: Esc/V/?/Eot

Query Response: Esc/V/NNNNN/Eot – NNNNN = 5 digits stroke output period in uS.

Note: A response of ????? will mean that the stroke period exceeds the measurement capability of the
printer, i.e. very slow stroke rate.

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8.17. Read Modification Level (MOD_STATE) 'W' 57h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

On MJ, CC, CB this command is used by the Pocket Terminal to identify the functions allowed on a
particular machine's software. If the software is release _20 or earlier the response will be NAK 003. The
command is Query only and returns the Release Number or Modification Status of the Software.

On A-Series, A-Series plus this command is only implemented in order to maintain compatibility.

Query Format: Esc/W/?/Eot

A = the Modification Status

Query Response: Esc/W/A/Eot

Note: A = Always returns 2 for A-Series and A-Series plus.

8.18. Get Software Real-time clock (GET_SW_RTC) 'Z' 5Ah

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command is used as ‘what if ’ enquiry to read back the various ways the clock would be printed if
offset by the enquiry parameters.

Set Format : Esc/Z/YYY/DDD/HHH/MMM/Eot

Query Format: Esc/Z/?/Eot

YYY = 3 digits years offset (000-099)

DDD = 3 digits days offset (000-366)
HHH = 3 digits hours offset (000-023)
MMM = 3 digits minutes offset (000-059)

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

Response to Query: Esc/Z/AA/BBB/CCCC/DD/EEE/FF/GG/HHH/II/J/KK/LL/M/Eot
AA = 2 digits day of the month (00-31)
BBB = 3 digits Julian day of the year (000-366)
CCCC = 4 digits year number (1900-2199)
DD = 2 digits month number (00-12)
EEE = 3 digits month name (Jan-Dec)
FF = 2 digits hour-of-day (00 to 23)

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GG = 2 digits quarter hour count (00 to 96)

HHH = 3 digits day of the week (Mon-Sun)
II = 2 digits week of the year (01-53)
J = 1 digit day of the week (1-7)
KK = 2 digits minutes of the hour (00-59)
LL = 2 digits seconds of the minute (00-59)
M = 1 character Alpha hour (A-z 0-9)
• The M field is only returned if MOD_STATE >0
• This is used to read the clock (with offset) not to set it, if you want to "set" the printer's real-time
clock the INIT_CLOCK command “C” should be used.
• On A-Series and A-Series plus this command is only implemented in order to maintain
compatibility it will not Set or Get any data.

8.19. Continuous Printing (SET_CONTINUE) '[' 5Bh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command is similar to Auto Repeat, but the printing will continue without having to set a "Number
to Print" field. More importantly, any clock or numbering data will be updated before each print.
Set Format: Esc/[/A/B/CCCC/Eot
Query Format: Esc/[/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. (Heads 2, 3 and 4 are only available on a Macrojet).

B = 1 character on/off, "Y" = On, "N" = Off
CCCC = 4 digits inter message pitch - 0000 to 9999

Response to Query: as command string format.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• The pitch is from the front of one message to the front of the next message.
• The accuracy of the repeat pitch will be subject to many variables, especially the inclusion of clock
and numbering, so accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
• A-Series and A-Series plus will interpret pitch values of 0 and 1 as 2
• A-Series plus, the returned repeat value is 5 digits (Field CCCCC).

8.20. Auto-inverted Printing (AUTO_INV) '\' 5Ch

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series
This command will cause every other print to be printed upside down. This is used, for example, to print
onto cables where the codes need to be read from either direction.

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Set Format : Esc/\/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/\/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4. (Heads 2, 3 and 4 are only available on a Macrojet).

B = 1 character on/off "Y" = On "N" = Off

Response to Query: as command string, with current value

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

8.21. Handle Text (INSERT_TEXT) ’<’ 3Ch

Printers:- A-Series plus

This command reserves a number of spaces within a message.

Set Format: Esc/</A/Eot

Query Format: Esc/</?/Eot

A = Number of spaces

Response to set : positive or negative acknowledgement

Response to Query : as command string, with current value

8.22. External Message Select (EXTERNAL_SELECT) '@' 40h

Printers:- CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus

This command is used to enable or disable external message selection. Once enabled this facility will allow
the selection of one of a number of pre-defined messages.

Set Format: Esc/@/A/Eot

Query Format: Esc/@/?/Eot

A = 1 character Y or N

Response to Query: as command string format.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• For A-Series printers the only valid messages names which may be used are 001-063.
• For A-Series plus A100 the only valid messages names which may be used are 001-127.

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• For A-Series plus A300 and A-Series plus Duo the only valid messages names which may be used
are 001-255.
• For CB2, CB3, Solo
User ports are connected as follows:
• J = Bit0
• K = Bit1
• N = Bit2
• P = Bit3
All inputs are active low.
1. A selection of message number 0 (all inputs high) will assign message 16
2. Changing a message can take 250-750mS depending on the type of data in the message.
3. This facility is not available on Macrojet and Casecoder due to the limited number of user
ports, and the use of user ports for print go.
4. This facility is only available if MOD_STATE > 0.

8.23. External Serial Number Reset, Rollover and Update ']' 5Dh
Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

Set Format: ESC/]/A/B/C/D/E/F/GG/HH/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series plus
B = 1 digit serial number select 1 or 2
C = enable or disable internal updates (each character either E or D)
D = Disable or active high or low for rollover (each character either H, L, or D)
E = Disable or active high or low for update (each character either H, L, or D)
F = Disable or active high or low for reset (each character either H, L, or D)
GG = Rollover pulse width (01-99– 00 ignore)
HH = Input pulse width (01-99 – 00 ignore)

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

8.24. Read Liquid Levels (LIQUID_LEVELS) 'y' 79h

Printers:- A-Series

This command will return the current Ink and Makeup levels

Query Format: Esc/y/?/Eot

Query Response: Esc/y/AAABBB/Eot

AAA = 3 digits that represent the Ink Level

BBB = 3 digits that represent the Makeup Level

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Note: This command is ONLY available for the A-Series PI-OEM machine variant.

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9. Printer Status Commands and Responses

9.1. Status Reporting Mode (STATUS_REPORT_MODE) '0' 30h
Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command sets the mode for the reporting of status changes.

Set Format: Esc/0/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/0/?/Eot

A = Unsolicited reporting Y = enable, N = disable (Default N)

B = Mode control 0 to 7 (On CB, CB3 and Solo default from DIL switch 4, ON=1 OFF=7
0 = No Error Reporting
1 = Serial Interface Status
2 = Fault Monitor Status
3 = Serial Int. and Fault Monitor Status
4 = Ink Monitor Faults
5 = Serial Int. and Ink Monitor Status
6 = Fault Monitor and Ink Monitor Status
7 = Serial Int. Fault Monitor and Ink Monitor Status

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Note: Whatever the setting of field A the errors selected in field B are logged for inspection with the
STATUS command 31h.

9.2. Status Request (STATUS) '1' 31h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause the printer to send its current or historical status, whether unsolicited reporting is
enabled or not. Unsolicited status reports will be generated (without asking) if reporting is enabled and a
change of status occurs. The printer buffers the last 16 status change reports in a FIFO queue until this
command is received requesting "historical" status. It then transmits the oldest report that it has buffered
and deletes it. If no reports have been buffered by the printer since the last status request was serviced, then
a single current status message will be returned to the host system. This is also the case when "current"
status is requested.

Query Format: Esc/1/A/?/Eot

Query Response: Esc/1/A/SSS/B/HHMM/Eot
A = 1 character, H = historical, C = current.

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B = 1 digit jet number (0 if not applicable)

HHMM = 4 digits, status change time (24 hour clock)
SSS = 3 digits, giving the current status 000 to 999
Field 'SSS'
0xx = Status changed from abnormal to normal.
1xx = Status changed to abnormal (Warning).
2xx = Status changed to abnormal (Printing inhibited).
9xx = Undefined status codes.
Where xx =
00 Printer Ready - Normal = 000; Fault condition = 100
01 Printer SW (re)start - memory retained OK
02 Printer SW (re)start - memory cleared to defaults
03 Lid detected open
04 Charge circuit (failed = 104; recovered = 004)
05 Solvent level - low = 205; OK = 005
06 Solvent empty - displays as 206
07 Ink Level - OK = 007; Low = 107
08 24 Hours to sump expires (Only displays as 108)
09 2 Hours to sump expires (Only displays as 109)
10 Head purge (activated = 110; deactivated = 010)
11 Stroke Rate (OK = 011; Too Fast = 111)
12 Printer SW (re)start - head configuration changed (Only displays as 112)
13 Printer SW (re)start - first character set absent (Only displays as 213)
14 Printer SW (re)start - incompatible first character set (Only Displays as 214)
15 Second character set absent (Only displays as 115)
16 Incompatible second character set (Only Displays as 116)
17 Missed output stroke(s) due to high stroke rate (Only displayed as 117)
18 Ink bag (empty = 118; OK = 018)
19 Not Used See Other below
20 Ink monitor (normal = 020)
21 Viscosity out of normal working range (Only displays as 221)
22 Viscometer timed out (Only displays as 222)
23 Wrong sump installed (Only displays as 223)
24 Sump empty - supersedes ink low 107, (Only displayed as 224)
25 Sump expired -supersedes sump 2 hours warning 109, (Only displayed as 225)
26 EHT supply (failed = 226; recovered = 026)
27 Ink on charge electrode (detected = 227; OK = 027)
28 Phase lock (lost = 228; recovered = 028)
29 Charge circuit (tripped off = 229; recovered = 029)
30 Modulation (failed = 230; recovered = 030)
31 Jet alignment (miss-aligned = 231; OK = 031)
32 Temperature out of normal working range (Only displayed as 232)
33 Pressure out of normal working range Only displayed as 233)
99 Undefined Alert (Only displayed as 999)
Other Undefined Condition (software error).

• For A-Series plus printers, the following values (in field ‘SSS’) are unsupported: 01, 02,
03,12,13,14. ( A negative Ack will be returned to any request)
• For A-Series plus Duo printers, field ‘B’ shall indicate the affected jet – a value of 1 shall indicate
jet 1, a value of 2 shall indicate jet 2 and a value of 3 shall indicate both jets.

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10. Global Format Commands and Responses

Global commands act on every message that is to be printed once they are switched on. Global commands
are in addition to embedded ones so if you have set via embedded command to print bold using the global
bold as well will create a bold, bold message.

10.1. Reverse Message Print Sequence (MESS_REV) 'a' 61h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause all messages to be printed starting from the last field back to the first with each
message field reversed until it is switched off.

Set Format: Esc/a/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/a/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 character Y = reverse or N = forward

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Note: For A-Series plus Duo printers this setting shall be common for both jets.

10.2. Print Message Bold (MESS_BOLD) 'b' 62h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause all message to be printed out in bold characters (each vertical stroke to be printed
twice) until it is switched off.

Set Format: Esc/b/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/b/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 character Y = bold or N = normal

Response to query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Note: To achieve printing of individual message elements in bold use command k.

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10.3. Print Message Double Space (DOUBLE_SPACE) 'c' 63h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series plus
This command will cause the message to be printed out with double spacing.

Set Format: Esc/c/A/B/Eot

Set Query: Esc/c/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 character Y = double or N = normal

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Notes: See embedded commands for the A-Series version of this command which not Global.

10.4. Reverse Individual Characters (CHAR_REV) 'd' 64h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes each individual field in the message to be printed in reverse, or forward if "message
reverse" is in force.

Set Format: Esc/d/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/d/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 character Y = reverse or N = forward

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

10.5. Inverted Printing (CHAR_INV) 'e' 65h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes the characters to be printed upside down.

Set Format: Esc/e/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/e/A/?/Eot
A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.

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B = 1 character Y = invert or N = normal

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

Note: For A-Series plus Duo printers this setting shall be common for both jets.

10.6. Barcode Thickness Ratio (BAR_RATIO) 'f' 66h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command is used to adjust the ratio of bar and space element thickness employed in barcode printing.
It allows the user to optimise the readability of the resulting barcode.

Set Format: Esc/f/A/B/C/D/E/F/Eot

Query Format: Esc/f/A/B/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 digit barcode type 1 to 9
C = 1 digit strokes for thin bar / space 1 or 2 (A-Series plus : The module width 1 to 10)
D = 1 digit strokes for thin-medium bar / space 0 to 7 (A-Series plus : Space to module
width ratio 1 or 2 which maps to 1:1 or 2:1)
E = 1 digit strokes for thick-medium bar / space 0 to 8 (A-Series plus : Wide to module
width ratio 0 to 8 which maps to 2.0:1 to 2.8:1. The resulting ratio will be the wide ratio
multiplied by the module width and rounded up to the nearest integer)
F = 1 digit strokes for thick bar / space 2 to 9 (A-Series plus : This is not used)

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Field 'B'
1 = Code 39
2 = 2 of 5 Interleaved
3 = USPS
4 = EAN / UPC

Fields C,D,E,F
Code 39 - Element widths : narrow 1, wide 3 (A-Series plus :Default module width is 1 space to module
width ratio is 1:1 and wide to module width ratio is 2:1)
Interleaved 2 of 5 - Element widths : narrow 1, wide 3 (A-Series plus : Default module width is 1, space to
module width ratio is 1:1 and wide to module width ratio is 2:1)

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EAN/UPC - Element widths : narrow 1, medium_1 2, medium_2 3, wide 4 (A-Series plus : The
widths can be increased or reduced only by changing the module width).

Note: For A-Series plus Duo printers this setting shall be common for both jets.

10.7. Global Print Format (SET_FORMAT) 'g' 67h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command sets the global attributes for the printed message orientation, collectively.

Set Format: Esc/g/A/B/C/D/E/F/Eot

Query Format: Esc/g/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select, 1 to 4. This shall be always 1 for A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series
plus Duo.
B = 1 char, reverse message Y or N
C = 1 char, print all bold Y or N
D = 1 char, double space Y or N
E = 1 char, invert Y or N
F = 1 char, reverse characters Y or N

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

• No support for option F in A-Series plus .The request will always return N for that option.
• For A-Series plus Duo printers all settings are common to both jets.

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11.Embedded Commands and Responses

These commands are embedded within the entered text of individual print messages. They have effect over
parts of the printed message and are additional to any global format commands that may be in force at the
time of printing. They affect the specified message only.
Note that all of the commands in this group have no "End Of Text" character and normally solicit no
response from the printer. However, any unrecognised, out of range or invalid value entered, or an
excessive print message length, will cause a negative acknowledgement to be generated when the next "End
Of Text" character is encountered.

11.1. Handle Text (INSERT_TEXT) ’<’ 3Ch

Printers:- A-Series plus

This command adds a number of spaces within a message.

Set Format: Esc/</A/Eot

Query Format: Esc/</?/Eot

A = Number of spaces

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

Response to Query: as command string format, with current values.

11.2. Start Double Space printing of messages (START_DOUBLE_SPACE) 'c' 63h

Printers:- A-Series
This command will cause all the message from that point forward to be printed out with double spacing
until the command is switched off or the EOT is encountered.
Format: Esc/c/
Note: For all other printers see command c in the global section.

11.3. Change Unicode Page (SET_UNICODE_PAGE) 'h' 68h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

Characters are by default from Unicode page number 00. This page number can be altered with the
following command;

Format Esc/h/XX/
XX = A two digit hex page number in upper case.

E.g. ESC\h\10 would change the Unicode page to 0x10 (Dec 16).

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11.4. Select Character (SEND_CONTROL_CHAR) 'i' 69h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

Selects a specific character from the current Unicode page.

Format Esc/i/XX/

XX = A two digit character number in upper case.

E.g. ESC\i\32 would select Unicode character 0x32 from the currently selected page.

11.5. Insert Serial Number (INSERT_NUM) 'j' 6Ah

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes a serial number to be included in the message starting at the current line and column
position, and with the current character attributes. Up to 2 independent or batch linked serial numbers per
print message may be entered and may be positioned anywhere in the associated print message, see notes
for variations of this. Each of these serial numbers and their characteristics are initialised using the following
control string.

Format Esc/j/A/B/CC/D..D/E..E/F..F/G/H/I/JJ/KK/L..L/MMMMM/N/
A = 1 digit serial number identity 1 or 2
B = 1 character batch link flag Y or N (Y is valid only when A=2)
CC = 2 digits numeric field width 00 to 16
D..D = first numeric limit 0..0 to 9..9, width as "CC"
E..E = second numeric limit 0..0 to 9..9, width as "CC"
F..F = numeric step size 0..1 to 9..9, width as "CC"
G = 1 character leading zeros print flag Y or N
H = 1 character prefix/suffix select P, S or N
I = 1 digit number of alpha prefix/suffix chars 0, 1 or 2
JJ = prefix/suffix characters 1st limit AA to ZZ, width as "I"
KK = prefix/suffix characters 2nd limit AA to ZZ, width as "I"
L..L = start value AA0..0AA to ZZ9..9ZZ, width as "CC" plus "I"
MMMMM = 5 digit repeat printing count for each value 00000 to 50000
N = 1 character, step order select A = Alpha N = Numeric.


• For two batch linked serial numbers, number 2 will be stepped on by the rolling over of number 1.
Field "B" is always ignored for serial number 1. It is also ignored if serial number 2 is the only one
• A value of "00" in field "CC" specifies an alpha only serial number. A value of "0" in field "I"
specifies a numeric only serial number. If both are zero, the embedded command will be rejected.

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• If leading zeros are suppressed, i.e. field "G" is "N", then spaces will be printed in place of any
leading zeros. However, for a serial number embedded in a barcode, leading zeros will always be
printed and suppression will be ignored.
• If the first limit value is less than the second limit value, then an incrementing number will be
generated: if it is greater, a decrementing number will be generated. When both limits are equal, a
fixed number will be generated.
• The start value, field "L..L", must lie within the range bounded by the specified limits.
• When using an Alpha increment, the Alpha prefix/suffix is incremented first whereas when using
Numeric, the numeric part will increment first. Every message can have its own serial number
associated with it. This serial numbering information is remembered for message ‘n’ when the
printer switches from printing message ‘n’ to printing any of the other defined messages. In this
way, serial numbering of a product by message ‘n’ can be resumed at a later stage from where it left
off. The contents of the serial numbering definition together with the next serial number value to
be printed for the message (in the start number field) will be read back whenever the stored
message is used again.
• For A-Series and A-Series plus A100+ printer there is a limit of 1 serial number per message.
• For an A-Series and A-Series plus A200+/A300+ or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of
2 serial numbers per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.6. Start Bold Characters (START_BOLD) 'k' 6Bh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
After this command is entered all characters entered will be printed double width (each vertical stroke is
printed twice). This is additional to any global commands set at the time of printing. It remains in force
until the stop bold characters command is found.

Format Esc/k/

11.7. Select 2nd Character Font (FONT_2) 'l' 6Ch

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series
Characters entered following this command will be printed using the 2nd character font until a select 1st
character font command is encountered.

Format Esc/l/

Note: For A-Series this command will be acknowledged but no action will be taken.

11.8. Insert Logo (INSERT_LOGO) 'm' 6Dh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes the specified pre-defined Domino style logo (.lgo) to be inserted into the print
message starting at the current line and column position.

Format: Esc/m/A/
A = 1 character logo selector.


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• Prior to implementing a logo, character height must be set to the appropriate character height
applicable to the type of printer. Character height should be restored to the required value
following logo entry. In the HEADER information for the logo there is a description field. The
description field must contain a single character. This character is used in the protocol to insert the
required logo.
• A-Series plus supports any character for the character logo selector (Field A), but is not case-
sensitive. Therefore, any lower case value will select the same logo as it’s upper case equivalent.
• For A-Series, A-Series plus and A-Series plus Duo there is a limit of 16 logos per message. For a
Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.9. Insert Date/Time (INSERT_CLOCK) 'n' 6Eh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command causes a specified date or time field to be inserted into the message starting at the current
line and column position and with the current character attributes. The printed value will be derived from
the printer's real time clock data taking into account any applicable offsets. A maximum of 4 entries of each
field type is permitted in each print message, i.e. 1 per offset.

Format Esc/n/C/X/
C = 1 digit clock selector 1 to 4
X = 1 character as below
Char Field Print range
A Date (day of month) 01 to 31
B Day of year 001 to 366
C Julian year (year of decade) 0 to 9
D Year (year of century) 00 to 99
E Year 1979 to 2199
F Month # 01 to 12
G Month (from INIT_DATE_MONTHS) Jan to Dec
H Hours (hour of the day) 00 to 23
I Quarter hours (from 00:00:00) 01 to 96
J Day (from INIT_DAY) Mon to Sun
K Week no (to BS47450) 01 to 53
L Day # (from Mon to Sun) 1 to 7
M Minutes 00 to 59
N Seconds 00 to 59
O Alpha Hour (from INIT_ALPHA) A to Z or User Defined
P Julian Day (Feb 29 = Day 366) 001 to 366

• Week numbering conforms to BS 4760 : 1971. (ISO/R 2015 "Numbering of Weeks")
• Options G, J, and O may be set by means of the commands INIT_DATE_MONTHS,

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• Options G, J, and O are not allowed embedded within a barcode.

• For MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, Option O only available if MOD_STATE > 0
• For an A-Series plus or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 16 clock fields (date or time)
per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.10. Offset Date/Time (OFFSET_CLOCK) 'o' 6Fh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command applies a user-supplied positive offset to inserted date or time fields in the print message.

Format Esc/o/A/B/CCC/
A = 1 digit clock selector 1 to 4
B = 1 character offset type selector
CCC = 3 digits offset value.

Field 'B' Field 'CCC' Offset Type

A 000 - 099 Years (carry from days modulo 100 carry to Century)
C 000 - 366 Days (carry from hours modulo 365 or 366 leap years)
E 000 - 023 Hours (carry from minutes, modulo 24 carry to days)
F 000 - 059 Minutes (modulo 60 carry to Hours)

• Prior to printing a given message that incorporates embedded clock fields, the printer operating
program generates up to four message specific clocks by applying any defined positive clock offsets,
encountered in the message, to the printer's system real-time clock. These message specific clocks
are then used in the updating of any relevant clock strings in the print buffer.
• Current year and any year offset must be taken into consideration in order to allow for offset
periods which straddle one or more leap days
• Offset date/time command fields may occur at any point within the stored print message.
• Offsets reset to zero when another message is sent unless a new offset is requested in that message.
• If using Codenet part number 51064 then Field A is used for months offset

11.11. Insert Time Conditional Print String (TIME_COND) 'p' 70h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This embedded format command allows the user to define a sequence of characters to be substituted in the
entered print message if the time of printing falls within a pre-defined pair of limits. This is useful for
marking products on a work shift basis. A maximum of 5 characters is allowed in a time conditional string
and up to 4 such strings can be specified for each print message. Time conditional strings may be grouped
together for use as alternatives which are substituted at the time of printing.

Format Esc/p/A/B/CCCC/DDDD/E/F...F/B/CCCC/DDDD/E/F...F/
A = 1 digit, number of alternative strings 1 to 4
B = 1 digit, time conditional string identity 1 to 4
CCCC = 4 digits, start time 0000 to 2359

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DDDD = 4 digits, end time 0000 to 2359

E = 1 digit, string length 1 to 5
F...F = plain characters to be printed (as length field 'E')

• Where time conditional fields occur in the same place in the entered print message they will be
interpreted as time conditional alternative print strings and the length of the longest one will be that
used to reserve print buffer space. In this case, if the time limits associated with the time conditional
strings overlap each other then the string with the lower identity number will be the one printed.
• Start and end times will be compared at the time of printing with the printer's real time clock hours
and minutes to determine whether a time conditional string is to be substituted into the printed
• Outside of the active time limits for any of the entered time conditional strings their positions in
the printed message will be printed as spaces to the same string length.
• Time conditional strings are not allowed embedded within a barcode.
• For an A-Series plus or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 4 time conditional fields (also
known as shift codes) per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.12. Insert Barcode (INSERT_B_CODE) 'q' 71h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause the following text to be printed in bar encoded format until a matching
terminating command is encountered. The bar code must be terminated with the relevant terminator.

Format: Esc/q/A/..........Esc/q/0/
A = 1 digit, barcode type 1 to 9, 0 to end the bar code
Field 'A'
0 = Bar Code Terminator
1 = Code 39
2 = 2 of 5 Interleaved, No checksum
3 = USPS (Not implemented)
4 = EAN / UPC
5 = Codabar (Not implemented)
6 = Code 128 code set B
7 = 2 of 5 Interleaved, Modulus 10 factor 3 checksum
8 = Code 128 Auto codeset ABC
9 = Code 93 (Automatic calculation of check digits) - A-Series plus only.

Format for EAN/UPC : Esc/q/A/B/C....C/B/Esc/q/0

A = Bar code type EAN/UPC = 4
B = Number of digits $ = 8, & = 12, @ = 13
C....C = Digits to be encoded, (including check digit)

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Note: Prior to entering a barcode start command, character height must be set to the maximum character
height applicable to the type of printer. Character height should be restored to the required value following
entry of the corresponding barcode end command.

Bar Code Characteristics

Code 39
Character set : 0 to 9 A to Z space - . $ / + % start / stop characters (See Note).
Element widths : narrow 1, wide 3 (See Note).
Nominal widths : Each character consists of 3 wide + 5 narrow
• For display purposes the start/stop character is usually shown as an asterisk '*'.
• The inter character gap is set to 1 narrow space.
• In A-Series plus the asterisks are not valid within the Barcode text. They are added
automatically as the start and stop characters.
• The default Barcode ratio and inter character gap are set to 2:1 and 1:1 the module width
respectively and can be changed using the Barcode Thickness command.
Interleaved 2 of 5
Character set : 0 to 9, start, stop (generated by the Ink Jet)
Element widths : narrow 1, wide 3 (See Note)
Nominal widths : start pair 8, digit pair 18, stop pair 10
• Message starts with a pair of start characters, 8 elements. All digits are printed as pairs,
therefore there needs to be an even number of digits. If an uneven number is specified then
add a leading zero. Message ends with a pair of stop characters, 10 elements.
• In A-Series plus the default Barcode ratio and inter character gap are set to 2:1 and 1:1 the
module width respectively and can be changed using the Barcode Thickness command.

Character set : 0 to 9 - $ : / . + and 4 start / stop characters
Element widths : narrow = 1, wide = 3
Nominal widths : 0-9 - $ 11 elements all others 13 elements

Code 128 (MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo)

Character set : ASCII character set 20H to 7EH
Element widths : narrow = 1, med.1 = 2, med. 2 = 3, wide = 4
Nominal widths : 11 elements

Code 128 (A-Series, A-Series plus)

Character set is codeset B, alphanumeric and punctuation.
A modulo-103 check digit is added by default.

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Code 128 Auto (A-Series, A-Series plus)

Character set is codeset A, B, C, alphanumeric and punctuation. The codeset selection is handled
automatically by the printer.
A modulo-103 check digit is added by default.

Character set : 0 to 9
Element widths : narrow = 1, med.1 = 2, med. 2 = 3, wide = 4
Nominal widths : 7 elements

EAN 8 $ [5 dig. manf. code] [2 dig. art. code] [chk dig.] $

EAN13 @ [nat.dig.] [6 dig.manf. code] [5 code] [chk.dig.][nat.dig.] @

UPC12 & [6 dig. manf. code] [5 dig. art. code] [chk.dig.] &

• Within a bar code Logo’s, Time Conditional Clock and Clock fields 'GG' 'JJ' and 'O' are not
• With EAN and UPC bar codes the check digit must be included as the software does not calculate
• With EAN and UPC bar codes only simple numbers are allowed, (no clock or serial numbers)
• With EAN 13 the first digit must be inserted again at the end as digit number 14. This allows the
"country code" to be read correctly irrespective of scanner direction. In A-Series plus this is not
supported i.e. 13 digits are expected.
• For A-Series and A-Series plus A100+ printer there can be no barcodes in a message.
• For A-Series, A-Series plus A200+/A300+ and A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 4
barcodes or 2D codes per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

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11.13. Line Separator (NEW_LINE) 'r' 72h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause the text that follows to be entered on the following line starting at the first
unoccupied column position.

Format Esc/r/

• After receiving a "Line Separator" character the software will revert to the default of non-bold first
character set. Therefore, an attribute set in one line must be set again if required in the next line.
• For an A-Series plus Duo printer the line separator shall be used to give the message information
for both jets in the same Codenet command.

11.14. Stop Double Space printing of messages (STOP_DOUBLE_SPACE) 's' 73h

Printers:- A-Series
This command will stop the message from being printed out with double spacing.
Format: Esc/s/

11.15. Select 1st Character font (FONT_1) 't' 74h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series
Characters entered following this command will be printed using the first character font until a select
second character font command is encountered.

Format Esc/t/

Note: For A-Series this command will be acknowledged but no action will be taken.

11.16. Set Character Height (SET_HEIGHT) 'u' 75h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
Characters entered following this command will be printed with the specified height, if valid and available.
Not all print formats have all character sets present.

Format Esc/u/A/
A = 1 to maximum height for printer type 1, 2, or 3

11.17. Stop Bold (STOP_BOLD) 'v' 76h

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo, A-Series, A-Series plus
Characters entered following this command will be printed single width (each vertical stroke is printed
once). This has no effect on any additional global commands in force at the time of printing.

Format Esc/v/

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11.18. Insert Language Date/Time (INSERT_LANGUAGE_CLOCK) 'w' 77h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

This command is very similar to (INSERT_CLOCK) but has an additional field which determines which
counting format is to be used.

Format Esc/w/C/X/A/
C = 1 digit clock selector 1 to 4
X = 1 character clock type
A = 1 character language type
Clock Type X
Char Field Print range
A Date (day of month) 01 to 31
B Day of year 001 to 366
C Julian year (year of decade) 0 to 9
D Year (year of century) 00 to 99
E Year 1979 to 2199
F Month # 01 to 12
G Month (from INIT_DATE_MONTHS) Jan to Dec
H Hours (hour of the day) 00 to 23
I Quarter hours (from 00:00:00) 01 to 96
J Day (from INIT_DAY) Mon to Sun
K Week no (to BS47450) 01 to 53
L Day # (from Mon to Sun) 1 to 7
M Minutes 00 to 59
N Seconds 00 to 59
O Alpha Hour (from INIT_ALPHA) A to Z or User Defined
P Julian Day (Feb 29 = Day 366) 001 to 366
Language type A
Char Language
1 Arabic
2 Farsi

• Week numbering conforms to BS 4760: 1971. (ISO/R 2015 "Numbering of Weeks")
• Options G, J, and O may be set by means of the commands INIT_DATE_MONTHS,
• Options G, J, and O are not allowed embedded within a barcode.

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• For an A-Series plus or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 16 clock fields (date or time)
per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.19. Insert Bitmap (INSERT_BITMAP) 'x' 78h

Printers:- A-Series plus
This command causes the specified pre-stored bitmap to be inserted into the print message starting at the
current line and column position. This is similar to the ‘m’ command with the difference that any bitmap
with a name up to five characters can be inserted into the print message.

Format: Esc/x/A/B…B
A = 1 digit, bitmap name length 1 to 5.
B…B = 1 to 5 characters bitmap name.
• Prior to implementing a bitmap, character height must be set to the appropriate character height
applicable to the type of printer. Character height should be restored to the required value
following bitmap entry.
• For an A-Series plus or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 16 bitmaps per message. For a
Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.20. 2D Codes (INSERT_D_CODE) ‘z’ 7Ah

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will cause the following text to be printed in 2-D code format until a matching terminating
command is encountered. The 2-D code must be terminated with the relevant terminator. Unlike the
barcode command each 2-D code has its own independent attribute block. Upto 4 different 2-D codes hay
be inserted into a message

Format: Esc/z/A/B/CC/DD/EE/F/G/H/I/..........Esc/z/0/
A = 1 digit, 2-D code type 1 or 2, 0 to end the dot code

Field 'A' Description

0 Bar Code Terminator

1 DataMatrix

2 QRCode (A-Series plus specific)

B = 1 digit, 0 to 6 for DataMatrix or 1 to 2 for QRCode

Field 'B' Description

0 Numeric only (DataMarix)

1 Alpha only (DataMatrix)

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2 Alpha numeric (DataMatrix)

3 Upper case only

4 Lower case only

5 Punctuation

6 8 bit ASCII

Field 'B' Description

1 QRCode model 1
2 QRCode model 2

CC = 2 digits, 00 to 99 (DataMatrix error code correction) or 00 to 03 (QRCode error correction level)

Field 'C' DataMatrix

00 000

01 010

02 040

03 050

04 060


06 080


08 100

10 120

26 200

Field 'C' QRCode

00 L
01 M

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02 Q
03 H

DD = 2 digit, Rows 00…99 the number of rows for DataMatrix, 21, 25 or 29 for QRCode.
EE = 2 digit, Column 00…99 the number of columns for DataMatrix, 21, 25 or 29 for QRCode.
Note: QRCodes must be square i.e. the values for DD and EE must be the same.

When DD = 00 and EE = 00 then the printer will automatically choose the largest possible size for the 2D
code that fits in the currently selected print format.

F = 1 digit magnification 0 to 4 for DataMatrix (Available only in A-Series releases 1.15 and later),
0 or 1 for QRCode.
Note: Certain combinations of dotcode sizes and magnifications (Eg 16x48 and x4) are unavailable. Both 0
and 1 denote a x1 magnification (default) to the 2D code.

G = 1 digit field alignment option, this option will align the 2D code bitmap to the top or the bottom. The
following example shows a 2D code of 10 rows aligned at the top and bottom respectively.

Field 'G’ Alignment

0 Align to the top (default)
1 Align to the bottom

H = 1 digit field supplementary 3 (currently unused)

I = 1 digit field supplementary 4 (currently unused)

Example – DataMatrix
• Store to message 001
• Size 2 character (16 drop)
• Code type ID Matrix
• Format 0 (numeric)
• ECC 26 (ECC 200)
• Rows 10
• Columns 10
• Supplementary data (0, 0, 0, 0)
• Data to be encoded 1234

ESC\S0011234ESC\u2 ESC\z1026101000001234ESC\z0\EOT

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Example - QRCode
• Store to message 001
• Size (32 drop)
• Code type QRCode
• Model 2
 (L error correction level)
• Rows 29
• Columns 29
• Supplementary data (0,0,0,0)
• Data to be encoded in hex 0x8140 0x0030 0x0031

• QRCodes can support Unicode characters so each static character i.e. a character not part of a
dynamic field must be send as a combination of 4 ASCII characters 0x30 – 0x39 and 0x41 – 0x46.
For example, the ASCII 0x31 (1) must be sent as 0x30, 0x30, 0x33, 0x31 and the Unicode
character 0x8140 must be sent as 0x38, 0x31, 0x34, 0x30. The valid Unicode character range is
0x0000 – 0xFDFF.
• A-Series plus only supports DataMatrix ID of 200.
• For A-Series and A-Series plus A100+ printer there can be no 2D codes in a message.
• For A-Series, A-Series plus A200+/A300+ and A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 4
barcodes or 2D codes per message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

11.21. User Function Enable (USER_ENABLE) '+' 2Bh

Printers:- A-Series plus
This command is used to embed a custom script within a message. If the script doesn’t exist or the
maximum number of scripts per message has been reached then a NAK will be returned at the next Eot.

Format: Esc/+/…Script Name…

Script Name: Is the filename of the script including the file extension (.csf). The extension is used to show
where the name ends, so if this is omitted a NAK will be returned at the next Eot.
Note: This command is only supported in A-Series plus from build version 02.01.0014.

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11.22. Insert Updateable Text field (INSERT_UPDATEABLE_TEXT) '|' 7Ch

Printers:- A-Series plus
This command inserts an updateable text field into the A-Series plus message. The field can be populated
with data sent via Ethernet or RS232 using the External Protocol.

Format: Esc/|/AAAA/BB/CCCC/DD/E
AAAA = 4 digits, length range from 0001 to 1024.
BB = 2 characters in hex (e.g. comma = 2C) in the range from 00 to 7D.
00 implies that the external data is not delimited. If set to 00 then the offset will be used
to extract the set of data from the external data buffer. E.g. 00 is sent to the printer as 30
CCCC = 4 digits, offset within the external data buffer, range from 0000 to 1023.
DD = 2 digits, index (used for delimited data only) range from 01 to 16.
E = 1 digit, method that will be used to fill the external data buffer with data -
0 (RS232) or 1 (Ethernet).
• Example 1:
o The external data sent to the buffer is 0123456

o AAAA – updatable text field length - is set to 0003
o BB – Delimiter – is set to 00 no delimiter.
o CCCC - offset within external data buffer - is set to 0001
o DD – Index – is set to default 01 as it is not used in this example.
o E - Comms method – is set to 1 for Ethernet

o The data inserted into the message is 123

• Example 2:
o The external data sent to the buffer is 0123,456,ABCD

o AAAA – updatable text field length - is set to 0004
o BB – Delimiter – is set to 2C (,)
o CCCC - offset within external data buffer - is set to 0000 as it is not used in this example.
o DD – Index – is set to 03
o E - Comms method – is set to 1 for Ethernet

o The data inserted into the message is ABCD

• For an A-Series plus or A-Series plus Duo printer there is a limit of 16 Updateable Text Fields per
message. For a Duo printer this limit applies across both regions.

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12. Application Specific Commands & Responses

The following commands have no action on the standard printer and will solicit a negative
acknowledgement if entered. This command set is used when the Applications Department create “special”
features for specific applications. These commands are not used in A-Series or A-Series plus printers

12.1. User Function Execute (USER-EXEC) '*' 2Ah

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo
Sending this command to the printer in its command form, if applicable, will cause the specified user
function to be executed or set up in some way, but only if it is enabled and implemented. Use of the
command in its enquiry form, if applicable, will solicit information from the specified user function.

Set Format: Esc/*/A/P...P/Eot

Query Format: Esc/*A/?/Eot
A = 1 digit, user function selector 1 - 9
P...P = any applicable parameter fields required
Response : If function disabled or invalid parameters received or command not implemented, then negative
acknowledgement, otherwise positive acknowledgement or information response (as defined for specific
user function).

12.2. User Function Enable (USER_ENABLE) '+' 2Bh

Printers:- MJ, CC, CB2, CB3, Solo
This command is used to enable or disable the specified user function, if the function has been

Set Format: Esc/+/A/B/Eot

Query Format: Esc/+/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit, user function selector 1 - 9

B = 1 character Y = enable or N = disable

Response to Query: as command string format, with current value.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

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13. Extended Codenet Commands ‘O’ 4Fh

A previously unused command character '0' (4FH) has been used to access the extended commands. This
set of the extended commands is only available on the A-Series or A-Series plus printers.

13.1. External Data Queues 'OE' 4Fh 45h

Printers:- A-Series plus

Use in conjunction with Command OP. The following extended command OE allows external data to be
sent to the printer storing the external data block in the corresponding queue of the connection i.e. RS232
or TCP. The command also allows for the external data queues and historic log to be cleared:

Set Format: Esc/O/E/AAAA/B…B/Eot

AAAA External data block length 0001 to 1024, use 0000 to clear the queues.

B…B The data only without start and end characters.

If AAAA = 0000 you now need to choose the queue to clear
• 0= TCP
• 1 = RS232
• 2 = Historic Log

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

13.2. Print Height (PRINT_HEIGHT) 'OH' 4Fh 48h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

This command allows control of the print height

Set Format: Esc/O/H/AAA/Eot

Query Format: Esc/O/H/?/Eot

AAA = 50-100 representing a percentage of the print height (See table below)

Response to Query: Returns the current value for the print height
Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

Approximate table for values sent using the Print Height command
Value On A-Series Value On A-Series
Value Sent Command
Printer plus Printer
0 to 30 Esc/O/H/020/Eot 0 or NAK NAK

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30 - 50 NAK
Esc/O/H/050/Eot 0%
55 55%
Esc/O/H/055/Eot 10 %
60 60%
Esc/O/H/060/Eot 21 %
65 65%
Esc/O/H/065/Eot 30 %
70 70%
Esc/O/H/070/Eot 40 %
75 75%
Esc/O/H/075/Eot 50 %
80 Esc/O/H/080/Eot 60 % 80%

85 Esc/O/H/085/Eot 70 % 85%

90 90%
Esc/O/H/090/Eot 80 %
95 95%
Esc/O/H/095/Eot 90 %
100 100%
Esc/O/H/100/Eot 100 %

Note: The actual percentage supplied (AAA field) is used as value for A-Series plus

13.3. Store Message with variable length name 'OM' 4Fh 4Dh
Printers:- A-Series plus
This command will allow messages with a variable length message name to be sent to the message store and
stored with that name. The command also allows the message to be queried.

Set Format: Esc/OM/AA/... message name .../... message text .../Eot

Query Format: Esc/OM/AA/... message name .../?/Eot

AA = 2 digit number of characters in message name from 01 to 50,

… message name ... = message name in ASCII characters (20H-7FH).
… message text ... = ASCII characters (20H-7FH) or embedded format commands.

Response to Query: as command string format.

Esc/OM/AA/... message name .../... message text .../Eot.
Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.


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1B 4F4D 0 5 42 45 41 4E 53 41 42 43 44 04
ESC OM 30 35 B E A N S A B C D EOT
ESC Command Length of Message Name Message data EOT
ID Message

13.4. Get message with variable length name from store and put online.
'ON' 4Fh 4Eh
Printers:- A-Series plus

This command is used to get a message with a variable length name and put it on-line for printing.

Set Format : Esc/ON/A/BB/... message name .../Eot

Query Format: Esc/ON/A/?/Eot

A = 1 digit head select. Set to 1.

BB = 2 digit number of characters in message name from 01 to 50,
… message name ... = message name in ASCII characters (20H-7FH).

Response to Query: As command string format.

Response to set: Positive or negative acknowledgement.


1B 4F4E 1 0 5 42 45 41 4E 53 04
ESC ON 31 30 35 B E A N S EOT
ESC Command Print Length Message Name EOT
ID Head of
Select Message

13.5. Configure External Data Queue 'OP' 4Fh 50h

Printers:- A-Series plus

The following extended command can be used to configure the external data protocol on the printer:

Format: Esc/O/P/AA/B/CC/DDDD/E/F/GG/H/I/J/Eot

AA Start character in hex e.g. 02h (STX). FFh implies no start character.

B Type of external data: ASCII = 0 or Unicode = 1.

CC End character in hex e.g. 03h (ETX). FFh implies no end character.

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DDDD The length of the external data block if no start and end characters are defined. The maximum
length shall be 1024. If you have a start and end character defined then set this to the default
max size of 1024 and it will be ignored.

E 0 = disable ACK/NAK.
1 = enable ACK/NAK. This is the ACK/NAK given when a packet of data is received. Some
external devices like checkweighers do like anything returned from the printer.

F 0 = Do not write each packet of data to historic log.

1 = Write each packet of data to historic log. The historic log holds 1000 entries.

GG 00 to 10 (ASCII) The number of duplicate packets allowed before an alert is set. Each packet is
checked against the entries in the historic log. 00 means that any duplicates in the last 1000
packets will be flagged as errors. 10 allows for 10 duplicates to occur before an alert is raised.

H 0 = Overwrite entries in historic log after 1000 entries.

1 = Clear historic log when it is gets to 1000 entries and start again.

I 0 = Delete historic log on printer shut-down,

1 = Keep historic log on printer shut-down.

J 0 = Keep data in the external data queue when you change the printed message.
1 = Clear external data queues when you change the printed message.

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

13.6. Download message without save 'OQ' 4Fh 51h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus
This command will allow messages to be downloaded directly to the SGB. A Three digit number is
required for the SGB to reference this message however it is not stored in the message store.
This command is available in A-Series releases of 1.14 and later.

Format : Esc/O/Q/AAA/.. message text ../Eot

Or Esc/O/Q/AAA/?/Eot

AAA = 3 digit message buffer number 001 to MAX_NUM_MSG

..message text.. = ASCII characters (20H-7FH) or embedded format commands.

Response to Query: NAK

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement

• For A-Series products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 063
• For A-Series plus products, MAX_NUM_MSG is 127 for an A100 plus and 255 for other A-
Series plus variants. The message buffer number will be used as the message name and its location.
If the location (number) is already occupied on the printer, it shall be overwritten.

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13.7. Sequence Control (SEQUENCE_CONTROL) 'OS' 4Fh 53h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus

This command allows control of the Printer Sequencing (Sequence On/OFF)

Set Format: Esc/O/S/A/Eot

Query Format: Esc/O/S/?/Eot

A = 0 for Sequence Off, 1 for Sequence On

Response to Query: As command string

Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement.

13.8. Get Current Status ( STATUS_POLL ) 'O1' 4Fh 31h

Printers:- A-Series, A-Series plus
This command is used to query the status of the printer and the condition of the front panel LEDs.
Query Format: Esc/O/1/?/Eot
Response to Query: Esc/O/1/AAA/BB/Eot
AAA = Status value 3 digits 0-255
BB = State of the front panel indicator LEDs - this is a 2 digit HEX-ASCII value, representing
the bit-field of the indicator state.

Bit 0 Green On

Bit 1 Amber On

Bit 2 Red On

Bit 3 0

Bit 4 Green Flashing

Bit 5 Amber Flashing

Bit 6 Red Flashing

Bit 7 0

Note: A-Series plus supports the following states of the front indicator LEDs: -

Printer’s States:

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Assigned Bits: Ready To Print Warning Alert Fault Alert Transitional

Green ON Bit 0 1 0 0 0

Amber ON Bit 1 0 1 0 0

Red ON Bit 2 0 0 1 0

Not Used Bit 3 0 0 0 0

Bit 4 0 0 0 1

Bit 5 0 0 0 0

Red Flashing Bit 6 0 0 0 0

Not Used Bit 7 0 0 0 0

Note: A-Series plus does not support the Amber and Red Flashing bits, so the returned values for these
Bits will always be 0.

13.9. Get Current Alert (ALERT_POLL) 'O2' 4Fh 32h

Printers:- A-Series
This is used to obtain a list of the current active alerts on the machine.
Query Format: Esc/O/2/?/Eot
Response to Query: Esc/O/2/AA/BBB/C…./Eot
AA = the number of alerts following in this message 2 decimal digits, minimum 00, maximum
BBB = the ID of the first alert following, the value is enumerated in the table in section9.2)
C = the state of the alert: 0 = not accepted, 1 = accepted
BBB and C are repeated AA times to give details of all the currently active alerts.

13.10. Store Bitmap (STORE_BITMAP) 'OL' 4Fh 4Ch

Printers:- A-Series plus
This command stores a Windows compatible monochrome bitmap in the logo store on the compact flash.
Subsequently, the bitmap can be inserted into a message via the ‘m’ or ‘x’ commands.

Set Format: Esc/O/L/A/B…B/C…C/Eot

A = 1 digit, telling us the number of characters in the bitmap name. Excepted values are from
and including 1 to and including 5. Note this must not include the extension so IMG.bmp
is only 3 characters.
B…B = the name of the bitmap excluding the extension. Min 1 character and Max 5 characters in
the example shown in A above this would be IMG.

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C…C = The hex values of the bitmap eg 0F is sent as 3046. Excepted values are from the range=
0x30 to 0x39 or 0x41 to 0x46 bitmap data. Maximum number of characters you can
encode is 2048. A 219x32 bitmap is 2016 bytes.
Response to set: positive or negative acknowledgement
Note: The Bitmap MUST be 2 colour black and white and conform to the bitmap (.bmp) standard.


To work out the values of C….C look at the following. We have a 16x16 logo called img.bmp. Open the
logo in hex editor and you will see the hex values for each byte of it. Each byte is represented by a Hex
value as circled. The value circled is 42 but we need to break this down to two digits 4 and 2 and send each
of these digits down as a hex values so 42 becomes 3432. When 3432 enters the printer it is stored back as

The name of the logo (B…B) is img which means it is 3 characters long (A) we end up with the following
protocol string (you will need to fill in the rest of the values illustrated by ……..)

Esc/O/L/3/img/34323444374530303030303030 ….….. 30304546464630303030/Eot

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14. Print Message Entry

The following are rules for converting the source of a required print message into a "message storage"
interface command string.
• The print message comprises of a number of non-overlapping parts, i.e. the entire message print area is
• The required print message is defined in terms of a sequence of field descriptions from left to right for
each line in turn, top to bottom, as each new field is encountered.
• For A-Series plus Duo printers the whole Duo message is described as if the message for the bottom jet
follows immediately from the message in the top jet, i.e. the line immediately below the bottom line of
the message for the top jet shall be the top line of the message for the bottom jet.
• Each field in the print message may be one of the following types:
 Plain printing character
 Selector for a logo
 Selector for a clock string, with or without an offset value
 Time conditional string of plain printing characters
• Set-up information for a printer generated alphanumeric serial number string
• Selector and string for printer generated bar-coding, the string portion of which may contain any
combination of the above field types (subject to limitations of the Bar Code type) as sub-fields.
• Field types are selected by means of embedded commands in the interface command string, with the
exception of plain printing characters, which are the default.
• Print message fields can have a number of attributes. These are:
 Field size
 Bold or non-bold printed
 Selected from one of two printer character sets
• Attributes are selected by means of including embedded commands in the interface command string.
Once selected, an attribute applies to all subsequent field descriptions on the same source line until
• Initial selections assumed at the start of each source print line:
• Character / field size 1
• Non-bold
• Character set 1
• Plain printing character field expected
• Left-most print field on the line

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14.1. Codebox 3 Example

An example of a triple line print message printed from store 5, this would have been entered by
means of the command string:

And as a Hex string this would be sent as:

1B 53 30 30 35 41 42 1B 75 32 43 1B 75 33 44 1B 75 31 1B 72 1B 6B 47 48 1B 76 4A 4B 04

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14.2. A-Series Example

An example of a triple line print message printed from store 025:

This would have been entered by means of the command string:


^[S025 AB ^[u2 C ^[u3 D ^[u1 ^[r EF ^[r GH ^D

Store AB Size C Size D Size Line EF Line GH End

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14.3. A-Series plus Example

To create the following message shown in the A-Series plus editor

and store it in message location 006, with the name ‘006’ then the following Codenet command would be


^[S006 AB ^[u2 CD ^[u4 E ^[r ^[u1 FG ^[u3 H ^[r ^[u1 IJK ^[u2 LM ^D

Store AB Size CD Size E Line Size FG Size H Line Size IJK Size LM End

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14.4. A-Series plus Duo Example

To create the following message shown in the A-Series plus Duo editor

and store it in message location 018, with the name ‘018’ then the following Codenet command would be


^[S018 AB ^[u2 CD ^[r ^[u1 EFG ^[r ^[u2 HI ^[u1 JK ^[r ^[r ^[u1 NOPQ ^D

Store AB Size CD Line Size EFG Line Size HI Size JK Line Line Size NOPQ End

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15. Negative Acknowledgement Error Codes

Negative acknowledgement error codes consist of 3 ASCII digits which are transmitted to the controller
following the negative acknowledgement control character.

000 Software error (this error code should never occur)

001 Specified character set not present

002 Invalid command header, <ESC> expected

003 Unrecognised command code following <ESC>

004 Unexpected characters occurred before <EOT>

005 Invalid head selector

006 Out of range print acknowledgement character

007 Command parameter out of permitted range

008 Print message number out of range

009 Syntax error

010 Print message too long for message store

011 Print message too long for print buffer

012 Invalid embedded format command

013 Invalid character in print message

014 Invalid number of lines in print message

015 Invalid character size specified in print message

016 Cannot load message

017 Specified print message number is invalid

018 Message assigned to another product detector

019 Cannot assign logo to single line head

020 Command not implemented

021 Logo ID invalid for specified character set

022 Invalid character set specified

023 Invalid checksum field

024 Checksum error

025 No character set RAM available

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026 Character set download error

027 Command rejected printing disabled

028 Clock ID out of range

029 Invalid clock field selector

030 Duplicate clock field specified

031 Time-conditional string has duplicate time field

032 Serial number out of range

033 Serial number increment value too big

034 Identifier out of range

035 Numeric field too long

036 Non-numeric character encountered

037 Both numeric and pre/suffix lengths are zero

038 Non-alpha character encountered

039 Invalid step order selected

040 Invalid product detector identity specified

041 Too many time-conditional strings specified

042 Time-conditional string identifier out of range

043 Time-conditional string time limit out of range

044 Time-conditional string too long

045 Invalid barcode type specified.

046 Command invalid in barcode string.

047 Maximum character size must be selected first.

048 Invalid character for barcode type

049 Invalid character count for barcode

050 The printer is busy with Auto Repeat de-assert photocell

051 An internal printer error caused the command not to be processed

052 The requested file could not be found

301 There are too many MRC

401 Wrong language ID out of range

402 Ignore send acknowledge

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403 MRC exceed maximal width

404 Invalid 2D Code type

405 Invalid 2D code format

406 Invalid 2D code ECC

407 Invalid 2D Code rows number

408 Invalid 2D Code columns number

409 Invalid 2D Code magnification factor

410 Invalid 2D Code alignment

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16. A-Series plus Status Reporting

Refer to the tables below for the A-Series plus status reporting mode.

Note: On an A-Series plus Duo printer all alerts relating to the printhead shall apply to either jet.

16.1. Ink Monitor Status Grouping Table

The ink monitor status reporting messages are single bytes, sent to host controller via RS232 or Ethernet
when an internal ink system related event occurs.

Description Internal printer event

No faults on ink bus

Viscosity out of range Viscosity out of range

Ink system fault Ventilation failure

Fluid sensor fault
Gunbody temperature high
Gunbody temperature low
Too much ink
Ink heating failed
Too much make-up
Excessive ink pressure
Ink pressure loss
Abnormal ink pressure
Ink temperature high
Pressure sensor input error
Solvent Level sensor input error
Ink Level sensor input error
Ink Temperature sensor input error
Head Temperature sensor input error

Ink reservoir timed out Ink change due – Replace Ink Reservoir
Beware! Ink Reservoir change overdue

Viscometer error Viscometer fault

Ink reservoir has less than 24 Ink change needed in less than 24 hrs
hours to go

Make-up empty No make-up

Add make-up cartridge

Ink reservoir has less than 2 Ink change needed in less than 2hrs
hours to go

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16.2. Fault Monitor Status Grouping Table

The fault monitor status is created by switching bits on and off. The byte that is sent to the host controller
via RS232 or Ethernet is a combination of the following bits:

Description Internal printer event

High voltage fault Deflection EHT has tripped off

Charge fault Drop break-off position is low

Drop break-off position is high
Drop charging has failed
Charge detection has failed
Ink detected on charge electrode
Jet modulation has failed

Gutter fault Gutter dry

This bit is always cleared

Printer ready Set when:

• Status = Ready To Print
Cleared when:
• Deflection EHT has tripped off
• Gutter dry
• Status = Sequencing On
• Status = Sequencing Off
• Status = Ink System On – Jet Off
• Status = Jet On – Modulation Off
• Status = Jet On - HV Off
• Status = Head Bleed In Progress
• Status = Modulation Reset
• Status = Printer Standby
• Status = Manual Operation
• Status = Fault Condition
• Status = Printer Initialising
• Status = Head Flushed
• Status = Jet Running
• Status = Phase Locked
• Status = Modulating
• Status = Fault Recovery Attempt
• Status = Printer Off
• Status = Printing Disabled

Make Up Cartridge Low Make Up Cartridge Low

Ink Cartridge Empty Ink Cartridge Empty

Reservoir Level Too Low Reservoir Level Too Low

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16.3. Interface Status Grouping Table

These bytes are sent to host controller via RS232 or Ethernet when an event occurs. Bit 3 is always set.
A print trigger has been received and the delay count is finished but there is no message ready to
Stroke rate too fast for the program, or when matrix speed check is enabled, stroke rate is too fast for
An invalid control character has been received, or a parameter for a control character is invalid.
The message (in strokes) is longer than the aperture.
Print trigger received while delay is being counted, or after delay count is ready, the printer is still
An invalid logo has been selected in the message.
Message numbers not in sequence, or message number and semaphore input mismatch.
Message checksum correct.
Message checksum incorrect.
Status unknown (this should only occur when the SGB board is waiting for a status message from the
PSB board after power up).
Printer off.
Sequencing off.
Sequencing on.
Printer running with jet and HV on
Print acknowledge 1.
Acknowledge clear messages.

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17. Appendix 1 – Compatibility guide

A-Series compared to 51000 A-Series plus compared to A-
Software reset <ETX> SAME as SAME as A-Series
User function ‘ * ‘ UNSUPPOR UNSUPPORTED
execute TED
enable TED
Status reporting ‘0' SAME as SAME as A-Series
mode 51000
Status request ‘1’ SAME as SAME as A-Series
External ‘@’ DIFFERENT Ext. Message SAME as A-Series
Message Select Select Enable
Printer identity 'A' DIFFERENT Printer Type '03' DIFFERENT Printer Type
'22' for A100
plus and ‘23’
for A300 plus.
Printer 'B' DIFFERENT Max Msgs '999' DIFFERENT Max Msgs
configuration & others '255' for A300
plus and ‘127’
for A100 plus.
Baud rates
38400 (10),
57600 (11) and
115200 (12)
are supported.
Printer real 'C' SAME as DIFFERENT Years less than
time clock 51000 2001 are not
Calendar date 'D' SAME as SAME as A-Series
months 51000

Calendar days 'E' SAME as SAME as A-Series


Print go delay 'F' DIFFERENT '0000' & '0001' DIFFERENT '0000' & '0001'
read as '0002' read as '0002'.
Four or five
digit delay is
supported. Five
digit delay is

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Auto-repeat 'G' DIFFERENT '0000' & '0001' DIFFERENT This does not
printing read as '0002' apply to the
Instead, any
thereafter will
include this
Auto-reverse 'H' DIFFERENT Values upto UNSUPPORTED
printing '254'. No
Setting print 'I ' SAME as SAME
ack. flags 51000

Flight time 'J' DIFFERENT Label Prep Time DIFFERENT Label Prep
compensation Fixed Time Fixed. If
flight of time is
greater than 63,
63 is returned.
Product detect 'L' SAME as SAME as A-Series
signal level 51000
Product detect 'M' DIFFERENT Strokes read as DIFFERENT Persistence can
persistence µs be 2 or 5 digits.
time A five digit
persistence is
Software print 'N' SAME as SAME as A-Series
go 51000
Message to 'P' SAME as SAME as A-Series
head 51000
Head enable 'Q' SAME as SAME as A-Series
Clear all 'R' DIFFERENT All Messages SAME as A-Series All Messages
messages taken off-line taken off-line
Message 'S' SAME as SAME as A-Series
storage 51000
Product 'T' SAME as DIFFERENT The ‘prints
counting 51000 since power
up’ counter can
be reset and
provided it is
configured as
counter 2’

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Current serial 'U' SAME as SAME as A-Series

number 51000
Read stroke 'V' SAME as SAME as A-Series
period 51000
Read Mod or 'W' DIFFERENT '2' returned as SAME as A-Series '2' returned as
Release modification modification
state state
Read / load 'X' SAME as Partial support UNSUPPORTED
character set 51000 see comms doc
for details
Alpha hour 'Y' SAME as SAME as A-Series
characters 51000
Get software 'Z'
real-time clock
Continuous '[ ' SAME as SAME as A-Series This does not
printing 51000 apply to the
Instead, any
thereafter will
include this
Auto Invert '\ ' SAME as UNSUPPORTED
Checksums D
External Serial ] NEW SAME as A-Series
Number Reset,
Rollover and
Read Liquid y NEW Partial support UNSUPPORTED
Levels see comms doc
for details
Print Height OH DIFFERENT Applies to all
Store message OM New
with variable
length message
Put message ON New
with variable
length message
name on line
Sequence OS

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Download 'OQ'
without save
Get Current 'O1'

Reverse 'a' SAME as SAME as A-Series
message print 51000
Print message 'b' SAME as SAME as A-Series
bold 51000
Double spaced 'c' DIFFERENT embedded DIFFERENT Global
printing command command
Reverse 'd' DIFFERENT ACKed but NO SAME as A-Series
individual ACTION
Inverted 'e' SAME as SAME as A-Series
printing 51000
Barcode 'f'' DIFFERENT ACKed but NO DIFFERENT Supports
thickness ratio ACTION module width,
space to
module width
and wide to
module width
Global print 'g' SAME as DIFFERENT For message
format 51000 bold, double
space and
‘NNN’ is
message bold,
double space
and reverse
characters is
Change 'h' NEW SAME as A-Series
Unicode Page
Select 'I' NEW SAME as A-Series
Insert serial 'j' SAME as SAME as A-Series

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number 51000
Start bold 'k' SAME as SAME as A-Series
characters 51000
character font ACTION
Insert logo 'm' SAME as Logo name SAME as A-Series
51000 restrictions
Insert date / 'n' SAME as SAME as A-Series
time 51000
Offset date / 'o' SAME as SAME as A-Series
time 51000
Time 'p' SAME as SAME as A-Series
conditional 51000
print string
Insert barcode 'q' SAME as see comms doc SAME as A-Series see comms
51000 for spec doc for spec
Line separator 'r' SAME as SAME as A-Series
Space printing
of messages
character font ACTION
Set character 'u' SAME as SAME as A-Series
height 51000
Stop bold 'v' SAME as SAME as A-Series
Insert Language 'w' NEW SAME as A-Series
Insert bitmap 'x' UNSUPPORTE NEW
2D Codes ‘z’ NEW Different Has extra QR
User Function '+' UNSUPPORTE NEW
Enable D

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18. Appendix 2 – Codebox 3 items

18.1. Codebox 3 Front Panel Protocol

The format of the messages does not follow the convention of the 51000 Protocol to allow the
CB3 front panel to be able to easily recognise a message destined to be serviced by it, instead of
being passed on the Serial Interface Card. In addition some messages are covered by a CRC16
checksum to ensure any transmission errors are discovered.

Basic Request Format

< STX >< Command >< Qualifier >< ETX >
< STX > The message start character
< Command > A single ascii character
< ETX > The message end character
< Qualifier > Specific to a command and typically will consist of a
filename or directory name

Basic Data Format

< STX >< Command >< Qualifier >< ; >< DATA >< CRC16 >< ETX >
< STX > The message start character
< Command > A single ascii character
< ETX > The message end character
< Qualifier > Specific to a command and typically will consist of a
filename or directory name
<;> The header is completed with a ‘;’ (semicolon)
< DATA > The data must all be ascii characters
< CRC16 > A two byte CRC16 check value sent as 4 ascii characters.

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Get File from CB3

Requests a file be sent from one of the drives in the CB3, 'A' being the ROM drive containing the
code and the fixed files and 'B' being the RAM drive with the variable data. Wildcards are not
allowed and the maximum file size is 32K bytes. The drive must be specified
Format: < STX > A < Filename >< ETX >
Response: < STX > A < Filename > ; < Length >< Data >< CRC >< ETX >
Filename Must be in quotes and must include the drive letter of the CB3 but
no directory separator (e.g. "b:afile.txt")
Length 4 hex-ascii characters which give the length of the following data
block up to the check value.
Data Up to 32K bytes ( transmitted as 64K hex-ascii characters )
CRC Two byte check value using the CRC16 algorithm and sent as 4
hex-ascii characters. The CRC covers the data block only.

Send File to CB3

Sends a file to the CB3 'B' drive, wildcards are not allowed in the filename and the maximum file
size is 32K bytes. The drive must be specified
Format: < STX > B < Filename >< Length > ; < Data >< CRC >< ETX >
Response: <ACK> or <NAK>
Filename Must be in quotes and must include the drive letter of the CB3 but
no directory separator(e.g. "b:afile.txt")
Length 4 hex-ascii characters which give the length of the following data
block up to the check value.
Data Up to 32K bytes ( transmitted as 64K hex-ascii characters )
CRC Two byte check value using the CRC16 algorithm and sent as 4
hex-ascii characters. The CRC covers the data block only.
NAK 3digit error code

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Get CB3 Directory List

Enables a remote system to interrogate the CB3 and receive a list of the files on a drive.
Wildcards are allowed. The data is returned formatted as a continuous string with < CR >< LF >
following each directory entry.
Format: < STX > C < Dir Specifier >< ETX >
Dir Specifier Must be in quotes and must include the drive letter of the CB3 but no directory
separator(e.g. "b:*.*"). Must have a full path ( e.g. "b:" is invalid ).
Response: < STX > C < Dir Specifier >< Length > ; < Dir Data >< CRC >< ETX >
Dir Specifier Must be in quotes and must include the drive letter of the CB3 but no directory
separator(e.g. "b:*.*"). Must have a full path ( e.g. "b:" is invalid).
Length 4 hex-ascii characters which give the length of the following data block up to the
check value.
Dir Data The directory listing is transmitted as a sequence of ascii characters in fixed
fields, an eight character field, a three character extension field and a length field
with a <CRLF> as a line separator.
CRC Two byte check value using the CRC 16 algorithm and sent as 4 hex-ascii
characters. The CRC covers the DirData block only.

Delete a File from CB3 RAM Disk

Allows a file to be deleted from the CB3 'B ' drive.
Wildcards are not allowed in the filename.
Format: < STX > D < Filename >< ETX >
Filename Must be in quotes and must include the drive letter of the CB3 but no directory
separator(e.g. "b:afile.txt")
Response <ACK> File has been deleted as requested
<NAK> + < NAK CODE > Incorrect reception
NakCode 3digit error code

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

Get Inkmonitor Data from CB3

The dynamic data sent by the inkmonitor card and displayed on the CB3 front panel is sent to the
PC. The data includes the temperature, the ball fall-time and the expected ball fall-time.
Format: < STX > E < ETX >
Response <STX> E <Length > ; < InkData >< CRC ><ETX>
Length 4 hex-ascii characters which give the length of the following data
block up to the check value.
InkData The data is transmitted as 6 hex-ascii characters representing 3
Byte 0 Ink temperature
Byte 1 Actual ball fall-tine / 2
Byte 3 Expected ball fall-time / 2
CRC A two byte check value using the CRC 16 algorithm and sent as 4
hex-ascii characters. The CRC covers the inkdata block only.

Get Ink and Faultmonitor Status from CB3

The status bits sent from the ink and fault monitor cards to the CB3 front panel may be obtained
for inspection.
Format < STX > S < ETX >
Response < STX > S < Length > ; < FaultData >< CRC >< ETX >
Length 4 hex-ascii characters which give the length of the following data
block up to the check value.
FaultData The data is transmitted as 8 hex-ascii characters representing 4
Byte 0 Fault monitor status bits
Byte 1 Fault monitor status bits
Byte 2 Ink monitor status bits
Byte 3 Ink monitor status bits
CRC A two byte check value using the CRC 16 algorithm and sent as 4
hex-ascii characters. The CRC covers the inkdata block only.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

Remote Jet-On Command

The command will toggle the ‘Jet On’ port bit. The action of toggle off will also turn off the EHT
if it is on. The response only indicates the fact that the command has been successfully received.
To observe the machine response use the Status Command.
Format < STX > J < ETX >
Response <ACK> The command has been received and actioned
<NAK> Incorrect reception
NakCode 3digit error code

Remote EHT-On Command

The command will toggle the ‘EHT On’ port bit. The action will only occur if the Jet is on,
otherwise the action will be ignored. The status can be monitored to observe the results of the
action as the action of the machine to the command is too slow to allow the condition to be
returned as a response to the command.
Format < STX > H < ETX >
Response <ACK> The command has been received and actioned
<NAK> Incorrect reception
NakCode 3digit error code

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

18.2. Ink and Fault monitor Status Bit Allocation

The descriptions below refer to true logic, in that a '1' will indicate the state described.

Byte 0 Bit0 "EHT fault "

Byte 0 Bit1 "Charge fault "
Byte 0 Bit2 "Gutter fault "
Byte 0 Bit3 "Modulation Fault "
Byte 0 Bit4 "Reservoir low "
Byte 0 Bit5 "Make-up low "
Byte 0 Bit6 "Ink low "
Byte 1 Bit0 "Shutting down "
Byte 1 Bit1 "Printer Ready "
Byte 1 Bit2 "EHT active "
Byte 1 Bit3 "Jet active "
Byte 1 Bit4 "Flush low "
Byte 2 Bit0 "Fan fail "
Byte 2 Bit1 "Electronics is overtemp"
Byte 2 Bit2 "1st Warning"
Byte 2 Bit3 "2nd Warning"
Byte 2 Bit4 "Reservoir timeout "
Byte 2 Bit5 "No ball detected "
Byte 2 Bit6 "Viscosity overrange"
Byte 3 Bit0 "Pump off "
Byte 3 Bit1 "Heater not ready."
Byte 3 Bit2 "Heater fault "

NOTE: Other bits are undefined and may be in any state.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

18.3. Error return codes

Listed are the error return codes received from the Codebox 3 when communicating using the
described protocol. Note that these should not be confused with those used by the Codenet
protocol, which may have similar numbers.

Error Code Description

100 Data Count Error - The count of the data received did not match the number
of bytes expected from the header data.
101 Error in data received - Part of the data in the message did not match what
was expected by the command
102 File Open Failed - The CB3 front panel failed to open the file requested,
either the file does not exist, it cannot be written to, or there is insufficient
103 Error in header - One or more parameters in the header are incorrect
104 Command Error - The command sent was not recognised
105 No Header - No header was located in the data sent.
106 Data Timeout - Data was expected but none arrived within the timeout
107 CRC Error - The calculated CRC and that sent with the data did not math
108 Memory Allocation Error - The CB3 was unable to obtain sufficient
memory to service the request.

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

18.4. CRC16 Generation

The CRC16 used by the transfer routine is calculated from a table driven system to achieve fast
operation and simple code. The table and the macro used to do this is printed below. The whole
of the data below can be maintained in a header file.

// CRC table
unsigned short crctab[256] = {
0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef,
0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6,
0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de,
0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485,
0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d,
0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4,
0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc,
0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823,
0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b,
0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12,
0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a,
0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41,
0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49,
0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70,
0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78,
0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f,
0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067,
0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e,
0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256,
0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d,
0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405,
0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c,
0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634,
0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab,
0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3,
0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a,
0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92,
0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9,
0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1,
0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8,
0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0

Software Function: “updcrc( data, sum)”

Description: computes CRCS’s based on the initial value ( sum )and the data
(data )
Input(s): data - unsigned byte - data to be added to CRC value
sum - unsigned int - starting value for CRC
Return(s): sum - new value of CRC
Notes: #define updcrc(d, s) (crctab[((s >> 8) & 0xff)] ^ (s << 8) ^ d)
#endif //CRC16_H

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CS00145 Codenet Communications Protocol

18.5. Codebox 3 Front Panel Dot Code Protocol

Two Dot Code symbologies have been provided as an option. SNOWFLAKE and ID MATRIX.

To access the Dot Code functions the Bar-Code embedded command has been extended to add

Printing Dot Codes

To print Dot Codes the Front Panel has to intercept the Message Command and process the Dot
Code part. The STX F part tells the Front Panel that this message needs to be processed to print
Dot Codes.
Before Dot Codes can be printed, the feature must be enabled and the relevant Dot Code
parameters selected from the Service Menu.

Format < STX > F ; <ESC> S 001<Message Data> <EOT> < ETX >

Example Message

12 34
56 78

<STX> F ; <ESC> S001 12 <ESC> u2 <ESC> q9 1234 <ESC> q0

<ESC> u1 34 <ESC> r 5678 <EOT> <ETX>

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18.6. Error return codes specific to Dot Coding

These errors will only be displayed when Dot Codes are transmitted.

Error Code Description

110 Call to third party libraries returned an error code. Perhaps the wrong type
of data is being encoded or the data capacity has been exceeded.
111 Conversion failed, this is an internal error and indicates that an Issue 7
protocol command has failed a syntax check. Try sending the command
without the ESC q’s, to determine the syntax error.
112 The RS-232 transmission between the Front Panel and the Serial Interface
has failed.
113 Not Applicable.
114 Dot Code feature disabled. Use the command to enable the Dot Codes.

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