TAFJ R18 Release Notes

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This release notes document outlines the new features and changes introduced in TAFJ R18 including configuration enhancements, database enhancements, and changes to DBTools.

Configuration enhancements, database enhancements including multi-column support and locking, changes to DBTools and dictionary cache, documentation updates, and changes to TAFJEE, TAFJConfigurationWeb and TAFJRestServices are some of the main enhancements introduced in this release.

Multi-column support and changes to handling of numeric fields have been added for database functions like tafjexistsCol(), tafjexistsColClob() and tafjexistsColBlob(). GET request support has also been removed from TAFJRestServices.

R18 Release

Temenos Application Framework Java (TAFJ)

Release Notes

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Table of Contents

IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION...............................................................................................3

Release Highlights................................................................................................................ 3
Configuration Enhancement.............................................................................................. 3
Database Enhancements................................................................................................... 3
Multi-column support...................................................................................................... 3
Locking........................................................................................................................... 3
DBTools............................................................................................................................. 4
Dictionary Cache............................................................................................................... 4
Documentation.................................................................................................................. 4
IDE, Variable Initialisation Check.......................................................................................4
TAFJEE............................................................................................................................. 4
TAFJConfigurationWeb.................................................................................................. 4
TAFJRestServices......................................................................................................... 4
Sanity check................................................................................................................... 5
Execute servlet.............................................................................................................. 5
T24 Features..................................................................................................................... 5
Breaking change................................................................................................................ 5
201072........................................................................................................................... 5
201612........................................................................................................................... 5
201606........................................................................................................................... 6
201607........................................................................................................................... 6
201708........................................................................................................................... 6
201710........................................................................................................................... 7
201712........................................................................................................................... 7
201801........................................................................................................................... 7
System Component Requirements....................................................................................8
INSTALLATION OF THE SOFTWARE................................................................................................... 9
Upgrading TAFJ.................................................................................................................... 9
Upgrading T24 on TAFJ........................................................................................................ 9

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This section outlines new features in TAFJ R18 and contains important
information for upgrading clients. If you are upgrading from an earlier
release of TAFJ, please read and understand all the release information
details for each release before starting the installation.

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of any new TAFJ components or features and advice
regarding any components which have been replaced, deprecated or modified.

Configuration Enhancement
Properties, usually stored in the TAFJ properties file, can now be stored at database level in
a technical table named “TAFJ_CONFIGURATION”. This table is automatically created on
first use if it doesn’t already exist.
The configuration service is making use of the same datasource than the one use for T24.
No additional setup is required from end user perspective. This mode is not available for
standalone application.
To switch from a configuration stored on disk in the properties file, to a database
configuration, the system property ‘tafj.configuration’ has to be set at application start up.
‘tafj.configuration’ value represents the configuration name (or configuration ID).

If the configuration identified by the ID ‘production’ doesn’t exist in the

TAFJ_CONFIGURATION configuration table, it will be automatically created by the
configuration service. It can then be refine through the properties management console in
TAFJEE. Same as when using properties file, when making change to a configuration, the
application needs to be restarted.
Not making use of system property ‘tafj.configuration’ means using the properties file and
unchanged behaviour.
Refer to TAFJ setup and TAFJ As for more details.

Database Enhancements

Multi-column support

For tables needing super-fast indexing, a table can be turned into a pseudo-relational table
where multi-values are stored in NVARCHAR columns. While this approach provides worse
performance in terms of reads due to the fact a dynamic array needs to be constructed out of
all of the columns, it will provide better indexing speed for single-value columns.


Now there is a hybrid locking mechanism implemented such that some locks can be taken at
the database by row locking. Non-existant locks (locks on records that do not exist yet) are
still locked by a secondary lock manager. For example, to set up database row level locking
with ORCL locking handling the non-existant records, the following properties would be set.

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temn.tafj.locking.mode= DATABASE
temn.tafj.jdbc.db.locking.secondary.lockmanager = ORCL

DBTools is now secured, you need to define user and password to be able to login into
DBTools. Refer to DBTools documentation for more details.
All DBTools actions are also being logged to keep trace of command used and user.

Dictionary Cache
Dictionary entries can now be cached by setting the key
Note that this should be used in single server mode only. Cluster configurations and multi-
node server configurations coming next year.

A run book is now available covering T24 java configuration for all supported stack.

IDE, Variable Initialisation Check

Variable initialisation is enforced when using the IDE. Non initialised variables will be
considered as a compilation error. Option can (but should not) be turned off in the IDE.



A new web application is available to manage Database stored configurations.

It is made of 2 components:
- JSF - GUI based application to manage the current Database runtime configuration,
to edit, add and delete properties.
- REST based API (JAXRS) to interact with the configuration service and manage
Database configurations: creation, copy, edition etc…
Refer to TAFJ AS documentation for more details.


A new JAX-RS based webservice component is available in TAFJJEE_EAR, it is intended to

replace former Axis2 based webservice component.
This new component could be secured through basic authentication and related TAFJJEE
client is now accepting user / password parameters. Refer to TAFJ AS documentation for
more details.

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Sanity check

A sanity check is available through TAFJEE servlet, this tool runs a validation of the
application server configuration by comparing what is expected at application level (TAFJEE)
and what is effectively configured at application server level in terms of resources and
parameters. Refer to TAFJ AS documentation for more details.

Execute servlet

Messages / actions posted to the EXEC queue for processing are being logged and reported
to the Execute servlet page. A notification is also reported on action completion.
It allows following tSA / command history and status.

T24 Features

LOGOFF has been fixed to time out tSA exceeding T24 time out value.

Breaking change


A new property is available at MDB level to configure the time to live for the responses sent.
Default behaviour is unchanged, time to live is unlimited, and doesn’t require any change.
To have a response expiration the following property has to be added at ejb-jar.xml level for
the related MDB.
<description>the response time to live in milliseconds from its dispatch timdefault is zero is

Refer to TAFJ-AS documentation for detailed explanation.


Webservices components:
TAFJServices.war, axis2 based webservices component is deprecated.
TAFJRestServices.war, JAX-RS based webservices component is replacing it.
For back compatibility reason, both archives are packaged in TAFJJEE_EAR until R17-AMR
and TAFJServices.war removal.
Refer to TAFJ-AS documentation for more details.
TAFJEE client:
TAFJJEE client classes, e.g. TAFJJEEClientFactory, part of TAFJClient.jar have been re-
factored to match the new JEE services available, JAX-RS webservices, Websocket
endpoint etc…

Client applications should migrate to make only use of classes which are part of

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package com.temenos.tafj.jee.client;

instead of formerly

package com.temenos.tafj.j2ee.client.impl;

package com.temenos.tafj.j2ee.client.impl;


TAFJ is using SLF4J as logging API and is shipped with a default logger configuration for
log4j (TAFJTrace.properties).
This won’t make any difference from end user perspective since SLF4J-API and SLF4J-
LOG4J12 are part of the application classpath.
These libraries are part of standard TAFJ_HOME/lib distribution.
For application server setup, please refer to the related TAFJ documentation.


Following above mentioned 201606 migration to SLF4J logging API, the class loading setup
required in weblogic stack might be a concern for some.
Hence 201607 gives the ability to use either SLF4J or log4j2 as the main logging API.
The default API being used is now log4j2 with a provided default logger configuration,
TAFJTrace.properties. Log4j 2 properties format is not compatible with former log4j 1.2
When upgrading to 201607, existing TAFJTrace.properties will be overridden to match log4j2
Log4j2 libraries are part of standard TAFJ_HOME/lib distribution, SLF4J libraries introduced
in 201606 have been removed of the default lib directory.
For application server setup, please refer to the related TAFJ documentation.
To preserve backward compatibility please note this is still well possible to keep using former
log4j 1.2 setup but this is not recommended as further logging enhancements are not going
to be supported when using log4j 1.2.
It could be either behind SLF4J as in 201606 or natively with little configuration change.
See TAFJ standalone documentation for more details.


Numeric comparisons on Multi-value numeric fields is handled. A new parameter to indicate

the field type is added at the 5th position of tafjexistsCol(), tafjexistsColClob() and
tafjexistsColBlob() functions. This parameter is set to 1 for numeric type field and 0 for string
type field.

The functions should be properly reloaded for the changes to get reflected.
Refer to the documents TAFJ-H2Install.pdf, TAFJ-MSSQLInstall.pdf, TAFJ-Oracle Install
12c.pdf, TAFJ-DB2 Install.pdf to reload the functions in the respective database.

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TAFJRestServices GET request support is removed.


Adding Stored Functions tafjsplice, tafjupcase and tafjlowcase. These functions are now


Database stored configuration. Properties file is still available but properties can be stored in
database (does not apply to standalone mode).

Page 7
System Component Requirements
The following table shows the minimum recommended Temenos components and release
numbers which are designed to run with TAFJ.

Component Release JDK

Temenos Application Framework Java R18 Supported JDK
TAFJ JDK 1.8.x

Application Server Version

WebSphere 9.x.x
WebLogic 12c (12.2.x)
jBoss 7.x EAP

DataBase Server Version

DB2 DB2 v11.1 / DB2 v10 zOS

Oracle 12c
MS-SQL 2015

Broker (JMS) Server Version

WebSphere MQ 8.x

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Transfer the archive to the target machine and unzip the archive to a
suitable directory.
Execute the scripts Setup_TAFJ.Rxx_Y.

Upgrading TAFJ
If you have an earlier version of TAFJ installed you should stop all TAFJ processes, services,
and save any system configuration files before proceeding with the installation of TAFJ.
Upgrade Summary
Transfer the archive to the target machine and unzip the archive to a
suitable directory.
 Setup environment variable JAVA_HOME to path where java is installed.
 Setup environment variable TAFJ_HOME to path where TAFJ is already installed.
 Setup environment variable ECLIPSE_HOME to the folder %TAFJ_HOME
 Execute Patch_TAFJ.Rxx_Y.

Upgrading T24 on TAFJ

If you have an earlier version of T24 on TAFJ installed you should stop all TAFJ processes,
services, and save any system configuration files before proceeding with the installation of
Upgrade Summary
 From DBTools under TAFJ_HOME/bin execute the TEMP-RELEASE
option with valid parameters as below.
Ex: DBTools - TEMP.RELEASE <path_to_temp_release>
<path_to_precompiled> -bp {path_to_BP_folder} -i
Where in –bp and –i are option parameters.
 Check that the TEMP.RELEASE is pointing to the correct upgrade
path under SYSTEM>TEMP.RELEASE file.
 Run T24.PRE.RELEASE(logout and login with a new session)

You are now ready to follow any pre-release procedures described below:
 Respond to the Model Bank question appropriately.
 Provide a USER id as requested.
Once this is complete you are ready to sign on to T24 to initiate the upgrade service.
 Start the TSA.SERVICE record BNK/T24.UPGRADE.
 Authorise any CONVERSION.PGMS records.
 Initiate the service RUN.CONVERSION (TSM must also be run)
 Recompile any local code (New inserts provided by the release and
or TAFJ upgrades require this)

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Once this is finished the record review and authorisation process can

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