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BMVcoin-7 Billion People To Earn 7 Trillion

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Our Blockchain Marketplace coin will create

Value for all your social media actions &

Business Transactions.
04. Abstract

14. OxyChain

22. ICO Road Map

28. BMV Coin

31. Oxyloans

34. Market size &


39. GBPA

42. Team


The purpose of this white paper is to present BMVcoin or BMVtoken to potential token holders in
connection with proposed / future ICO. The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does
not imply any elements of contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide relevant and reasonable
information to potential token holders for them to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis
of the company with the intent of acquiring BMVcoins.

Noting in this white paper shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for
investment, nor does it in anyway pertain to an offering or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities
in any jurisdiction. This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject to, laws or
regulations of any jurisdiction, which are designed to protect investors.

We are in constant touch with regulators worldwide, as and when we see matured Blockchain based ICO
regulations we will adopt it. Please refer detailed legal disclaimer in last page.


Inspired by Blockchain and Cryptocurrency benefits, we are a group of 15 CXOs,

launching our first utility coin, “BMVcoin” & our own Blockchain, “OXYCHAIN” from
our UK office.

BMVcoin is World’s first marketplace coin on

Blockchain to circulate between “Buyer–Seller”,
“Lender - Borrower”, “Farmer -Consumer”,
“Manufacturer–User", Community and Investors.
OXYCHAIN is the Private Blockchain platform where
multiple marketplace Apps / Applications can be
launched and run by businesses independently. This
platform provides opportunity for businesses and
individuals to use Public Tokens / Private Tokens for

One of our platforms on OXYCHAIN, OxyBlocks will

curate 1000s of Blockchain projects, identifies “USD
Billion Scalable” projects and validates whether
BMVcoin would be rightly integrated into business.
BMVcoin / BMVtoken is integrated with all such USD
Billion scalable businesses and enable them to go
OXYCHAIN live. This will help us multiply Token/Coin rotation
and ensures great returns for all investors who
participates in our ICO life cycle.

OXYCHAIN and BMVcoin together sees an opportunity to move millions of businesses onto Blockchain based
marketplace and use BMVcoin as settlement utility.

We enable “businesses to penetrate into world markets”, “billions of people to learn and earn through services
and Blockchain based social media activities” thus indirectly creating “million jobs” and “trillion-dollar
marketplace economy”.

We enable “businesses to penetrate into world markets”, “billions of people to learn and earn through services
and Blockchain based social media activities” thus indirectly creating “million jobs” and “trillion-dollar
marketplace economy”.

In 2015 we group of 15 CXOs believed in Peer 2 Peer concept, as initial test
business model we picked-up Peer 2 Peer lending – marketplace for loans i.e.

Business fulfilled & new opportunities

• We served 100+ customers.
• We enabled USD 2 Million+ Disbursement
• We served people from multiple backgrounds
and we fulfilled their dreams.
• We are convinced with Peer 2 Peer is best model
to serve unserved & others.
• Start-ups are looking to raise funds through
debts as they failed to raise equity
• Blockchain and Crypto currency rush is big
• No good platform to compare various Blockchains
available and Cryptos available

Challenges & experiences One of the best alternative

cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin
• One of the Asian nations restricted lending
• Bitcoin has proved need for alternative
& borrowing exposure to USD 15, 384 / 15
currency, its growth enabled many companies
Ethers and one-one is restricted to USD
to launch cryptocurrencies/ coins and made
765 or 0.765 Ethers.
them available to everyone. Today we have
• One of the middle east countries restricted
13000+ coins floating in the market and their
peer 2 peer lending to Small and Medium
acceptance is high.
Business which is highly risky. Lender has
limited choice. • With latest experience in “Peer 2 Peer,
• Lending and Borrowing in cross border Marketplace and Blockchain” we 15 CXOs and
scenario got currency exchange loss and 20 Investors realized that combination of
huge fee in Remittance. Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and
• Start-ups are struggling to raise funds Marketplace platforms can resolve century old
• Availability of Blockchain consultants, problems in real-time.
architects, and developers is big challenge
What is Blockchain?
A Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed
digital ledger that is used to record transactions
across many computers so that the record cannot
be altered retroactively without the alteration of
all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the
network. Blockchain for Techie and Business Pro in
simple words, https://oxyloans.com/blockchain-

What is an online marketplace?

An online marketplace is a type of e-commerce
site where product or service information is
provided by multiple third parties, whereas the
marketplace operator processes transactions.

• Our role is to enable people to understand that

“USD/INR/GBP today is translating into
Cryptocurrency/Coin for tomorrow”.

What is ICO?

Initial coin offering (ICO) is a means of crowdfunding via use of cryptocurrency, which can be a source
of capital for start-up companies. In an ICO, a percentage of the newly issued cryptocurrency is sold
to investors in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and

Vision: Mission:

To be trustworthy and To support 1000s of

preferred Utility Coin on Blockchain projects that are
Blockchain enabling citizens curated by our partner
and enterprises across the OxyBlocks and support them
world to connect and with the supply of Coins to
exchange goods and meet one trillion-dollar
services using BMVcoin. worth rotation by 2024.

Target 2018: Target 2019: Target 2020:

Support first set of USD Billion Support second set of 50 Support third set of 100 companies
dollar scalable to use our companies to use our BMVcoin2 to use our BMVcoin3and Go live
BMVcoin and Go live with ICO to and Go live with ICO to raise USD with shared ICO to raise USD 40
raise USD 10 Million and create 20 Million and create USD 999 or Million and create USD 999 Million
USD 999 Million Assets supply. more Million Assets supply. Assets supply.


The Global Crisis revealed significant weakness

in the current systems and some of the
vulnerabilities already showed their impact on
interconnected global markets.

Existing systems running on traditional

centralized channels are slow and full of
intermediaries, higher fee, bureaucracy, time
consuming and extensive paper work.

Blockchain technology will bring decentralized

world-wide access to Individuals, enterprises
and governments can be a good solution to solve
age old challenges.
Blockchain being a modern digital technology, we
hardly have 7000 people to offer its services and
7 Billion people to receive on the other end.
Due to huge demand and supply gap, access to
Blockchain services and Blockchain consultants,
Blockchain ecosystem will be challenged.

OUR SOLUTIONS OXYCHAIN is implemented in launching
Blockchain based marketplace platforms in
the areas of Lending, Remittance, Wallets
End to End Marketplace platform solution on and Funds Raising, “comparison of various
Blockchain. ICO/Cryptos/Blockchains”, Knowledge and
BMVCOIN sharing.

Utility that is used for settlement in all our Using OXYCHAIN, we will enable 100’s of
marketplace platforms. companies to launch their own Blockchain
based marketplace
OXYCHAIN (A Blockchain based platform for Marketplaces)


To Enable millions of business to take the

benefit of Blockchain technology and
Marketplace platform for borderless,
frictionless World


To provide Billions of individuals to earn USD

1 Million Future of money, cryptocurrencies
by 2021 and One million business to access
Blockchain marketplace technology to earn
Trillion dollar by 2030 indirectly creating
millions of Jobs.

OXYLOANS (Peer 2 Peer lending platform integrated with Blockchain)


To be trustworthy and preferred FinTech

platform enabling citizens across the world
to connect and exchange funds directly from
lender to borrower


Our FinTech platform to witness USD 1

Billion funds disbursement by 2024,
indirectly creating 160,000 new jobs.

BMVCOIN (Our Blockchain Marketplace coin will create Value for all your social media actions and
business transactions)


To be trustworthy and preferred

Cryptocurrency or Coin on Blockchain
enabling citizens and enterprises across the
world to connect and exchange goods and
services using BMVcoin


To support 1000s of Blockchain projects that

are curated by our partner OxyBlocks and
support them with the supply of Coins to
meet one trillion-dollar worth rotation by

GBPA (Blockchain based non-profit association to widespread knowledge)


To widespread the power of Blockchain

technology by dissemination of knowledge to
individuals and entrepreneurs, help the
governments in creating the right policies. Trusted expert in a Blockchain field


To inspire communities by training 10 million

people in Blockchain, enable 1 million
companies to embrace Blockchain by 2030,
indirectly creating 10 million jobs.

11 who wants to learn Blockchain.

OXYBLOCKS (A Blockchain based marketplace for Blockchain projects and community)


To be trustworthy and preferred online

marketplace on Blockchain enabling citizens
and enterprises across the world to connect
and execute Blockchain projects.


To curate 1000s of Blockchain projects and

enable 15 projects that are “USD 1 billion
scalable” to go live by 2020, indirectly
Blockchain development company
creating one million new jobs.
Enterprise adopting Blockchain |OxyExperts
OxyInfluencers | OxyCurators | OxyPartners
OxyAccelerators | OxyFollowers

OXYLENDS (A Blockchain based marketplace for lending and borrowing against Cryptos)


To be trustworthy and preferred Blockchain

based online marketplace enabling lenders
Requests Cryptos
and borrowers execute loan against


Our Blockchain based marketplace to witness Lends Cryptos

One Billion funds disbursement against 2-3
million ethers by 2024

OXYCOMPARE (A Blockchain based marketplace to compare ICOs, Blockchains,
Cryptos and Mining)


To review ICOs, Blockchain products &

services and Cryptos and enable people to
take right and knowledgeful decision


To review 500 ICOs per year, 100 Blockchain

products and services per year, top 30
cryptos and become undisputed leader in
comparison market by 2020

OXYREMIT (A Blockchain based marketplace to compare world-wide Remittance offerings)


To enable user to find the best choice for

international remittance and introduce
crypto usage for low rate, accurate and high
speed Remitter - The owner of the account
that sends the payment

To onboard 500 remittance companies and

enable USD billion funds transfer by 2023

Beneficiary - The owner of the account

that receives the payment.

OXYCHAIN is the Private Blockchain platform where multiple marketplace Dapps / Applications can be
launched and run by businesses independently. This platform provides opportunity for businesses and
individuals to use Public Tokens / Private Tokens for transactions.

Design Approach
The design approach for the solution has been considered based on the following typical parameters
involved in performing a transaction on Blockchain.

1. Cost of performing the transaction on Blockchain

a) Low : Transaction Confirmation Cost / Transfer value less than 1 Percent
b) Moderate : Transaction Confirmation Cost / Transfer value between 1 Percent to 2 Percent
c) High : Transaction Confirmation Cost / Transfer value greater than 2 Percent

2. Turn Around Time in obtaining transaction confirmation on Blockchain

3. Ability to Tokenize the transaction value

4. Impact of crypto currency fluctuation on the business process

5. Is Value created through User experience



Cost of transaction on Blockchain Moderate High Low

Acceptable Turn Around Time for Transaction

Up-to 2 Minutes Up-to 5 min Up-to 5 min

Ability to Tokenize transaction value High Low Very High

Impact of Crypto Currency Fluctuation High High Moderate

Is value created through user experience Yes Yes Yes

• Pivoting on the cost of transaction and Ability to Tokenize transaction value, coupled with User
Experience, the Hybrid model of Public Chain and Private chain is put in place. This approach allows
to consolidate Token transfer process on Public Chain to attain economies of scale while providing
the comfort of immutability and anonymity of transactions through private chain.

• With the approach of Public / Private Hybrid Chain, the typical parameters transform as depicted


Cost of transaction on Blockchain Low Free Low

Acceptable Turn Around Time for Transaction

Up-to 2 Minutes Up-to 5 min Up-to 5 min
Ability to Tokenize transaction value Very High High Very High

Impact of Crypto Currency Fluctuation Low Low Low

Is value created through user experience Yes Yes Yes


• Example 1: Loyalty Tokens are awarded to

users of OxyCompare platform on Private
Chain. The user will be awarded a Token on
Public platform upon accumulation of Loyalty
points. The token award is handled through
smart contract.

Example 2: Lender and Borrower matching

happens on Private Chain. Post the Lender and
Borrower agree on the Loan terms and conditions,
the Agreement will form part of the Public Chain.
The recovery transaction through EMI will happen
on Public / Private Chain.

A critical part of this design approach is to have seamless reporting from Public and Private chains.
OXYPORT.IO is the place you could check various activities among different business applications that
happen on OXYCHAIN.

Technology Selection Approach

• As a proven public chain offering Tokenization of value and the ability to create multi user wallets,
rules engine based smart contracts offering transaction processing and transaction approval
mechanism, Ethereum Main Net has been chosen to be the Public Chain. Tokenization of value offers
the route to Initial Coin Offering to expand the distributed applications scope of wider audience or

• Multichain has been selected to be the Private Chain for its simplicity of deployment, general skill
availability to develop APIs through Java Script using JSON-RPC and the optimized infrastructure on
which it can work leading to savings in Total Cost of Maintenance and Operations. Besides, Multichain
provides the opportunity to connect using Dapps, Conventional Mobile Applications and Web
Applications thus providing gateway for creating seamless User Experience.

Below image is a representation of handshake between the layers of OXYCHAIN

What is Unique about this Design

• OXYCHAIN is the answer to create Market Place Solutions on Blockchain with ease, reliability, and
being immune to crypto currency fluctuations while maintaining visibility through Tokenization of

Market Place Platform:

• The overall solution offers deployment of various marketplaces on the Hybrid Model, where
traceability of Goods or Services coupled with verifiability of proof of work in the form of Token
transactions between different parties.

Single Sign-On and Transactional Data Integrity:

• The solution approach offers the ability to demarcate transactional data of each of business
applications yet present a seamless experience for End user with Single-Sign-On.

• Private Chain is designed in such a way to compartmentalize data pertaining to business applications
while maintaining the User Identification across the compartments.

Ability to off-load business application:

• The simplicity of the solution is that, the application owner can sell out the business application, in
which case the compartmentalized data pertaining to that business application alone is passed on to
the new Investor/s.


“7 Billion people to earn 7 trillion US dollars by 2118”

• How Supply, Rotation and Time are directly proportion to 7 trillion

earnings? Our roadmap till 2118 – we are planning for next one,
three, fifty and hundred years.

• Supply: 999 million

• Rotation: 399.6 million BMVcoins are allocated for rotation.

• Rest 599.4 are allocated to GBPA Association, Investors

Association, Partners Association, Founders and Team. Over a
period, all 999 million coins will come into rotation.

• We trust 999 million coins will be rotated one-time by 2020

• We trust 999 million coins will be rotated 50 times by 2030

• We trust 7 trillion will be the size of settlements by 2050

• We trust 7 billion people will earn 7 trillion USD by 2118

Opportunity for every human: Convert his/her social interactions into social currency using
which every person can buy milk, bread, Internet and luxury goods as well.
Example: People upload photos on Internet. They like, comment, publish white papers in portals such as
Facebook, LinkedIn and make the Owners of FB & LI rich by Billion & Trillion times.
In Blockchain & Crypto World, every task you do, you will be rewarded with tokens (Crypto Currencies /
Digital Currencies). So, you will also become a millionaire when your community becomes a billion-dollar

Opportunities for every entrepreneur:

• By Participating in Blockchain based social world, people already earned / created USD 240 Billion
Crypto Assets such as Bitcoin, Ether & others. We have many Exchanges who take crypto currencies
such as Bitcoin, Ether and give fiat currency (i.e. dollar, GBP, Rupee and other). By 2030, this will be no
less than 6 trillion which will be equal to the size of India’s future GDP.

• It is time for a business professional to embrace Blockchain technologies and access USD 240+ Billion
worth crypto currencies. It is a wonderful tech high-way to create earning opportunities to all your
stake holders.

How to create new customer base and retain?
• 1. Enterprise to sell your goods for existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether and BMVcoin.

• 2. Enable to learn &earn: Entrepreneurs to allow all customers / users to earn BMVtokens by
offering some real work and enable them to redeem in market.

• Allow people (users/customers) to follow you on Twitter, LinkedIn & Facebook -encourage them
to like, publish and comment - give them some BMVcoin /BMVtokens.

• BMVcoin partners will accept Tokens &give some goods or service thus you create value to your
own product & BMVtoken, retain the customer forever.

Earning Capacity for All Community Members

• BMVcoin is a firm believer in motivating participants, we enable every user to earn BMVtokens. We
are working on marketing BMVtokens and bring more participants who can create larger Ecosystem in
accepting BMVtokens by offering their services and products.

• Every user will grow along with the community.

BMVcoin is creating a responsible earning opportunity:

• We empower every human to earn BMVcoins by doing social media activities in the online world and
real work in the physical world.

• We empower tech companies &enterprises to integrate with BMVcoin which enables high user
retention, increase revenues and penetrate world markets.

• We empower Individual & Institutional Investors to participate in the growth of the BMVcoin.


We will target Angel Investors Round, Private ICO, Pre-ICO and ICO to generate USD 10 Million fund for
curated “USD Billion Dollar scalable” Companies. As MVP (Minimum Viable Product) goes into revenue
model, we will target rotation of BMVtokens which is well integrated into business. High rotation by our
marketplace companies will result in BMVtokens as most valuable tokens in the world of Blockchain.

• All our partners are legitimate, and all our businesses are ethical.

• BMVtokens will be rotated between marketplace stakeholders.

• In case of OxyBlocks, BMVcoin/BMVtoken is rotated between Blockchain development companies,

Enterprise adopting Blockchain, OxyExperts, OxyInfluencers, OxyCurators, OxyPartners,
OxyAccelerators and OxyFollowers.

• In case of OxyLoans, BMVcoin/BMVtoken is rotated between Lenders (“individuals, companies,

corporates as lenders”), Borrowers (“start-ups, enterprises as borrowers”), lawyers, collection
professionals, physical address verification professionals, valuers, followers, enthusiasts, curators,
auditors, partners etc.


Our company will issue BMVcoin / BMVtokens according

Tentative Plan
to the following plan.

$ 10 million worth of BMVtokens cap for this ICO.

Token sale volume $ 20 million hard-cap.

Token Issue volume Up to 999 million tokens life time cap.

Token Price at Issue USD 0.10 or 10 Cents
Website Link https://BMVcoin.com
Accepted forms of
ETH, Any Cryptocurrency, Any Fiat currency
Angel Investors: Q1, 2018: 100% Bonus
Minimum Buy 10000 lot.

April, Q2, 2018: 80% Bonus
Minimum Buy 8000 lot.
Angel Investors and
Private-ICO Start Date May, Q2, 2018: 60% Bonus
Minimum Buy 6000 lot.

June, Q2, 2018: 40% Bonus

Minimum Buy 4000 lot.

Pre-Sale End Date: 01-July-2018, 9:59am IST

Q3, July-Aug-Sep: 20% Bonus
Minimum Buy 2000 lot.
ICO Start Date: 01-Oct-2018, 10am IST
ICO End Date: 31-Dec-2018, 10am IST


Total BMVcoin / BMVtoken Supply: 999 Million

S# Description % Actual

GBPA 10,000 Co-Founder Campaign (4.1%)

1 BMVCOIN Partners / Merchants Association (3%) 10.1% 100,899,000

BMVCOIN Investors Association (3%)

2 Angel Investors, Pre-ICO and ICO 25% 249,750,000

3 Founder and Inception Co-Founders 9.9% 98,901,000

4 BMVcoin Community for Mining 10% 99,900,000

5 Team and Technology 5% 499,50,000

6 Rotation purpose 40% 399,600,000

100% 999

GBPA - Global Blockchain Pioneers Association is non-profit association. We are supporting 4,100 GBPA Co-
Founders community to spread their Vision and Mission.

Please visit http://gbpa.io/ for more details.


S# Description Allocation Distribution
in Millions
• GBPA 10,000 Co-Founder
Campaign (4.1%) 10 Chief Co-Founder: 25,000 coins each.
50 Partner Co-Founder: 20,000 coins each.
• BMVCOIN Partners / Platinum Co-Founders: 15,000 coins each.
1 Merchants Association 100,899,000 Gold Co-Founders: 10,000 coins each.
(3%) Note: We are expected to customize
distribution as per Investors and Merchants
• BMVCOIN Investors request.
Association (3%)
Angel Investors, Pre-
2 249,750,000 Distributed as per the purchase.
ICO and ICO, Post-ICO

Founder and Inception 15-Members, Distributed as per the equity

3 98,901,000
Co-Founders investment. Till date invested USD 300,000

Our BMVcoin will be used by many partners and

their stakeholders, doing various activities and
acquiring points.
BMVcoin Community
4 99,900,000 We are allocating 1 BMVcoin / BMVtoken for
for Mining
every 10,000 points.
Once user aggregates 100,000 points = we
allocate 10 Tokens in Blockchain.

Up to 30% - core team: Business / Marketing /

customer / Success
Up to 25% - R & D and Technical support
Team and Technology
5 499,50,000 Up to 20% - Global Expansion
Up to 10% - Legal, IP and other services
Up to 5% - PR / Events / Promotions
Up to 10% - Reserve / Miscellaneous

All the BMVcoin partner companies will use

BMVtokens for payment settlements, we will be
6 Rotation purpose 399,600,000 using 399.6 Million for rotation as we have
limited supply we are expecting enormous
commercial growth.

BMVcoin reserves all rights to direct these funds to certain area based on business opportunities and market
situation with the goal of growing both business and company valuations in mind.

• We will announce sale proceedings on March-

01, How we collect payment will be announce
in website, https://bmvcoin.com/

Token Distribution Event

• After the BMVtoken sale is over, a personal
account will be automatically generated at
Ico.bmvcoin.com for every token holder.
BMVtokens will be issued & transferred to
these accounts.

• Once this step is complete, BMVtoken holders

may anytime transfer their BMVtokens to any
third-party wallet supporting ERC-20 standard.


We Encourage: Asset Management, Exchanges & Wallets, Browsers & Social, Media & Advertising,
Trading, Crowd Funding & Lending, DAO & Token Launch, Predication Markets, Identity & Internet of
Things, Health Care and Insurance, Payments & Banking, Financial Services, Computing & Storage,
Infrastructure and Development.

We don't Encourage: GAMBLING and GAMING (Anything that we avoid for our own children and
doesn't create impact on society)


Vision: Mission:
To be trustworthy and preferred Utility or Our Blockchain based BMVcoin to support
Coin on Blockchain enabling citizens and 1000s of Blockchain projects that are curated by
enterprises across the world to connect OxyBlocks and support them with supply of Coin
and exchange good and services using to meet one trillion-dollar revenues by 2024
BMVcoin. and 6 trillion by 2030.


• BMVcoin is an Idea of "A Group of 15 Investors who are CXOs, Entrepreneurs and Aspirants". We trust
that it is necessary for the world to move onto blockchain to embrace its benefits.

• Every participant earns money while learning & adopting Cryptocurrency on BMVcoin – FREEDOM to
fulfil dreams.

• BMVCOIN management team invites world-wide merchants, restaurants, online platforms, all kinds of
business houses, software development companies and corporates to partner with us to access
millions of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency based payment customers.

• We have allocated 3% of our BMV coins to registered partners. We are targeting to on-board 5000
partners where each partner is allocated with 5000 BMVCOINS.

• Upon completion of 5000 registered partners we will create BMV World-wide merchants’ association
targeting 1-million merchants’ registration. The initial 5000 merchants will be entitled for premium

• Partners section will updated frequently, please review https://bmvcoin.com/ for regular updates.

Our Partners & Extended Partners

Exchanges We Plan To Be Listed On:


What we do?
• Popularize BMVcoin, make it available to Individuals and entrepreneurs, integrate with “Billion Dollar
Scalable” companies that are curated by OxyBlocks.

• We take minimum 0.5% to 5% as fee across the platforms (on average 2%) for facilitating the business and

• Revenue projections from each platform will be updated soon,

Transactions volume in USD Million across marketplace platforms

2 Million

8 Million 4 Million
Revenue Revenue

2018 2019 2020

• Short-term assets creation: Users, Data and Transactions.

• Long-term assets creation: Demand creation for BMVcoin, our asset is directly proportioning to
number of BMVcoins held by (investors, mining professionals, customers, partners and founders) *
Value of the coin.

• We are curating 1000s of Blockchain projects and taking “Billion Dollar Scalable” projects to live, we
are confident that 10+ such companies will transform our coins into 7.5 Billion digital assets and rest to
create another 7.5 Billon digital assets with a revenue target of 1 Trillion by 2024 and 6 Trillion by


In 2017 “what we see as 1-minuteon Internet” will transform as “1-minute on Blockchain soon”. By 2030,
we will see a new set of organizations doing 100timesmore business on Blockchain than what they are
doing now. Our target is we should have 15 BMVcoin integrated Blockchain companies leading the growth.

In 2017 This is what Happens in an Internet Minute

900,000 16 Million
3.5 Million Logins Text 4.1 Million
Search Messages Videos Viewed

70,017 3,42,000
Hours Apps Downloaded

Spent Online
Posts uploaded

1.8 Million 4,52,000

Snaps Tweets Sent

15,000 9,90,000
Gif’s Sent via Swipes

New Accounts
Created 156 Million
40,000 Emails Sent
50 Hours
Voice – First Listened
Devices Shipped



To Enable millions of business to take the benefit of Blockchain technology and Marketplace platform for
borderless, frictionless World.

To provide Billions of individuals to earn USD 1 Million Future of money, cryptocurrencies by 2021 and
One million business to access Blockchain marketplace technology to earn Trillion dollar by 2030 indirectly
creating millions of Jobs.

Community Members:
All Individuals, All Small and Medium Businesses, All Corporates.

How BMV Coin is Integrated

For every USD 100 Loan, BMV Coins are transacted 4 times on our Blockchain and 5% fee, 20-100%
interest p.a. In total, 425-505 coins are transacted for every 100 USD Loan

“My heartful thanks to OxyLoans for arranging cash on time.

Really a right time help to our business. PurpleGlossy now
completely relaxed and working on projects only. PurpleGlossy is
energized with OxyLoans”
To be trustworthy and preferred online marketplace on Blockchain enabling citizens and enterprises
across the world to connect and execute Blockchain projects.

To curate 1000s of Blockchain projects and enable 15 projects that are “USD 1 billion scalable” to go live
by 2020, indirectly creating one million new jobs.

Community Members:
Blockchain development company | Enterprise adopting Blockchain |OxyExperts | OxyInfluencers |
OxyCurators | OxyPartners | OxyAccelerators | OxyFollowers |OxySocial

How it works:

How BMV Coin is Integrated

Market Size & Opportunity
Coin market will follow Bitcoin. Its market is world market and Size is multiplying on monthly basis.

USD 300 Billion Market Cap as on Jan-2018

World’s top 10 coin-friendly countries


Three countries with the largest number of coin miners


Top countries where Bitcoin is legal


Top 20 countries ranked by active Bitcoin nodes per capita


10 Cities leading Bitcoin adoption


Size of Bitcoin Projects and Cryptocurrencies lying on the Blockchains will be equal to GDP of largest
democratic country i.e. INDIA by 2030 i.e. 6 Trillion.

Current INDIA GDP is USD 2.264 Trillion and estimated to reach 6 Trillion by 2030.

Size of Cryptocurrency as on 26th Nov: USD 200 Billion. Reference, https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-


Size of Cryptocurrency as on 20th Dec

We will see 3-4 Blockchains leading the size of Apple that are equal to $3-4 Trillion and rest of the
companies doing $3-4 Trillion business on Blockchain.

We can’t separate Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, we will encounter 20 odd Cryptocurrencies taking over
the world.

Our asset is not just IP (Blockchain), Users, Traffic, Data and
Transactions but Cryptocurrency- Therefore, BMVcoin /BMVtoken

The issuance is capped at999 Million BMVtokens and no additional issuances are planned.

From the very beginning, the issuance token mass is designed to support the growing volume of
transactions inside of the eco system during the scaling which implies ongoing organic growth of the
BMVtoken buying power.

The tokens could be split up to 8th decimal point position, so the growth of their value won’t be a
problem for processing transactions of any viable size within BMVcoin Eco system.

• 1 BMVcoin /BMVtoken = 10,000,000 RAD Coins (10 Million)

This will enable coin usage simple even though 1 BMVcoin / BMVtoken reaches USD 1 Million.

1.Limited supply: BMVcoin supply is limited to
999 million.

Smart contract can be

reviewed, https://etherscan.io/token/0xa25d9e3c17

2.The utility of currency: BMVcoin is used as

“Transaction Settlement Utility” in our marketplace

Today top marketplace applications such as amazon,

souq, snapdeal use USD, AED and INR as settlement,
we visualize such growth will come to our
marketplace platforms and BMVcoin will have greater

3.Example of utility: In one of the marketplace

platforms i.e. OxyLoans, Borrower and Lender must
pay 4% and 1% as facilitation fee respectively. Going
forward, the same can be paid using BMVcoins.

Given the context, BMVcoins can be purchased either

from platform or market.

4.Innovation: Innovation in the project can affect

the price. Sometimes this results in a currency gaining
ground, sometimes this alone is not enough but it is a
price factor.

Innovation in BMVcoin: To disrupt marketplace

industry and enable settlement with low fee. We
have allocated 10% of coins to be spent in innovation.

We have identified 65+ IPs to be filled which will drive

our price.

6.Media: The media reporting on BMVcoin in
either a positive or negative way can influence the

7.Investors: People see the investors’ confidence

in cryptocurrency which will encourage them to
invest. More investors, more demand for currency,
the higher the price of the coin. To express our
gratitude, we have allocated 3% of total supply to
investors welfare association

8.Legal and Government: Legal and

government issues can influence the price, if a
Government regulates with less tax component prices
of all cryptos will appreciate.

9.Acceptance: More merchants accept our

BMVcoin, demand will increase which results in 100
years sustainability. To win the hearts of partners/
merchants, we have allocated 3% of total supply to
merchants’ welfare association.


BMVcoin is used as settlement utility in multiple marketplace platforms hence demand will be continuous.

Benefits to the BMVcoin buyer:

• Risk is distributed

• Investment in diversified marketplace platforms

• No investment locking period, coins can be sold from the day-01 it is listed in exchange.

• Benefits to the participating companies:

• Marketing cost is saved

• Creating larger impact by collaboration.

• Shared access to customers acquired by all marketplace platforms, Cross selling and up selling
opportunities within the collaborated Blockchain based network

Benefits to User
• User gets continuous discounts on various products against BMVcoins, ranging from 10-90% discount

• BMVcoins can be used across the world-countries

• User can earn BMVcoins against service or earn coins by mining

BMVCOIN founders sponsored to build 10,000 Co-Founders campaign with Global Blockchain Pioneer
Association (GBPA), Investors Association and Merchants Association. GBPA is active from Dec-19-2017.
Our founder Radhakrishna.Thatavarti has taken chairman role to drive GBPA vision and mission with great

Vision: To widespread the power of Blockchain technology by dissemination of knowledge to individuals

and entrepreneurs, help the governments in creating the right policies.

Mission: To inspire communities by training 10 million people in Blockchain, enable 1 million

companies to embrace Blockchain by 2030, indirectly creating 10 million jobs.

About Global Blockchain Pioneers Association (GBPA) Co-Founders Campaign

• Inspired by Tandem and RAND Europe

• Why should you join our 10,000 strong GBPA Co-Founders community? Bitcoin and Ethereum
Blockchains and respective cryptocurrencies have just opened doors for massive transformation. While
humans embrace technology, we should help them with policy ideas, education, regulation and simple
tools 38

• Inspired by Tandem and RAND Europe

• Why should you join our 10,000 strong GBPA Co-

Founders community? Bitcoin and Ethereum
Blockchains and respective cryptocurrencies have
just opened doors for massive transformation.
While humans embrace technology, we should help
them with policy ideas, education, regulation and
simple tools

• GBPA Co-Founders mission is both simple and

incredibly complex: We exist to help policymakers
make decisions that are based on the best available
information. At GBPA Co-Founders community, our
results are fueled by the best data, the strongest
methods, and the brightest minds. We would be
World’s largest Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

• We want to motivate our Co-Founders by offering few 1000s of coins as a token of appreciation for joining
the community. Our teams will do adequate screening to accept the right people. So please register and give
us max 7-days to confirm your Co-Founder membership.

• 101 Million BMVcoins are allocated for our GBPA Co-Founders, Investors Association and Partners

• 10 Chief Co-Founders: 25,000 coins will be allocated as a token of appreciation upon successful acceptance,
In total 250000 coins.

• 50 Partner Co-Founders: 20,000 coins will be allocated to each as a token of appreciation upon successful
acceptance, In total 1,000,000 coins.

• 100 Platinum Co-Founders: 15000 coins will be allocated to each as a token of appreciation upon successful
acceptance, In total 1500,000.

• 9840 Co-Founders: 10,000 coins will be allocated to each as a token of appreciation upon successful
acceptance, In total 98,400,000 coins.

• In total, we have allocated 101, 150,000 coins i.e. (101 Million) (10.125%)

• As a Co-Founder, you’ll be invited to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency masterclasses, breakfasts, and feedback
sessions. You’ll get timely access to our products, which means you can also tell us how to improve them to
better suit you, and you’ll generally get the glowing satisfaction of being part of building something new.
• Our Co-Founders will be part of everything what we do. Our work is as transparent and open as
possible. Every Co-Founder will get a short Code, in future every coin rotation and every
transaction will hold one of the Co-Founders short code which means our 10,000 Co-Founders
will enjoy the growth and continue gaining the part fee as royalty.

• You can do as much or as little as you want. No strings. No ties.

• I sincerely welcome you to create trillion-dollar community.


• Traditional and digital methods for marketplace promotion campaign:

• Television, radio, print, events, sponsorship, search PPC, SEO.

• Social Medial, influencer outreach, affiliate, CRO, remarketing, merchandising, marketing automation.

• Omni channel campaigns, messenger bots, community

• Personalized loyalty program, Re-engage e-mail campaign


• ICO campaign is totally unique – target audience are Blockchain and Cryptocurrency community. Just
3-years old market.

• For Press Release : http://ico-prmarketingservices.com/

• For reaching out influencers: http://crypto-influencer.com/

• Starting from FEB, our CEO and Team will conduct Road Shows in Top 20 Blockchain influencing


Radhakrishna Thatavarti Rama Devi Subash

Founder and CEO Managing Director – India Operations
Director - Technology

HS Teji Ganesh Rayapudi Nalluri Subbarao

Global Sales And Innovation Strategist, Managing Director, INDEX LLC, Dubai Senior Vice President,
Financial Services Business Management Services

Pravallika Kadiveti Sama Srinivas Hansel Barboza

Consultant at Price Waterhouse Head Structures at Engineers Office Head – Merchant Acquiring Business at
Coopers (PwC) [EO], ME (Str-ind) MIStructE (UK) Bank Muscat

Sreedhar Reddy Sreenivasarao Yenduri Sesha Soma

Director of IT at EVER STAR EQUIPMENT RENTALS Founder and CEO at
ALDAR properties PJSC, LLC, DUBAI. Sphere Technologies FZE
University of London

Karthyic Subramanian Krishna Meka L V, Maithri

Retail banking : Wealth Management Chief Partner Officer Chief Partner Officer
Sales & Distribution Bank Muscat Managing Director at Finwest Senior technical Architect at AT&T
Corporate Services Private Limited

Jaya Gopal Lakshminrusimham Rajesh Dhuddu

Chief Partner Officer Vemuganti Chief Partner Officer
CEO at Cozy Infosystems Pvt Ltd Chief Partner Officer SVP|Nasscom Blockchain SIG
Partner –India & Africa at Fifth Chair|CBS Alumni Club Chair
Chrome Blockchain Monk -Mentor
43 Tedx Speaker
Knowledge Orchestrator

BMVcoin must pass through lot of risks, we will list

out all the risks and plan the mitigation and
contingency. We will update the same in website.

• Market Risk
• Regulatory Risk

BMVcoin and respective business are world-wide,

we have observed that 80% of the world-markets
are in favour of launching regulation in favour to

We are wide spread with respect to business

concepts and geographies, we have balanced and
mitigated majority of risks.


The purpose of this white paper is to present OxyChain & BMVcoin to potential token holders in
connection with proposed / future ICO. The information set forth below may not be exhaustive and does
not imply any elements of contractual relationship. Its sole purpose is to provide relevant and reasonable
information to potential token holders for them to determine whether to undertake a thorough analysis
of the company with the intent of joining our projects and acquiring our utility coins - BMVCOINS.

Noting in this white paper shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for
investment, nor does it in anyway pertain to an offering or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities
in any jurisdiction. This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject to, laws or
regulations of any jurisdiction, which are designed to protect investors

We are in constant touch with regulators worldwide, as and when we see matured regulation we will
adopt it.
The product token is not a digital currency, security, commodity or any other kind of financial instrument
and has not been registered under the securities Act, the securities laws of any state of the United States
or the securities laws of any other country, including the securities laws of any jurisdiction in which a
potential token holder is a resident

BMVCOIN cannot be used for any purpose other than as provided in this white paper, including but not
limited to any investment, speculative or other financial purposes
Certain statements, estimates and financial information contained herein constitute forward-looking
statements or information. Such forward looking statements or information involve known and unknown
risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates
or the results implied or expressed in forward-looking statements

This English language white paper is the primary official source of information about OxyChain and
BMVCOIN. The information contained herein may from time to time be translated into other languages or
used during written or verbal communications with existing and prospective customers, partners etc.
During such translation or communication some of the information contained herein may be lost,
corrupted or misrepresented.

The accuracy of such alternative communications cannot be guaranteed. In the event of any conflicts or
inconsistencies between such translations and communications and this official English language white
paper, the provisions of this English language original documents shall prevail.


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