Practical Design of Cold-Formed Steel Z Sections With Lapped Connections

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The paper discusses design rules and expressions for multi-span cold-formed steel Z sections with lapped connections in modern roof systems under both gravity loads and wind uplift.

The scope of work is to study the structural behavior of bolted moment connections between cold-formed steel sections and establish that due to discontinuity of load paths along section flanges, lapped connections may not develop full moment resistance or flexural rigidity of the sections.

Four common types of member configurations found in practical roof systems are: single span systems, double span systems, continuous systems with sleeves, and continuous systems with lapped sections, with lapped systems being the most common.

Advances in Steel Structures, Vol.

Chan, Teng and Chung (Eds.)
© 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 445



H.C. Ho and K.F. Chung

Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Horn, Hong Kong, China.


Based on the findings of an experimental investigation on generic lapped connections between cold-
formed steel Z sections, it was established that due to discontinuity of load paths along section flanges
of the sections, the lapped connections may not be able to develop full moment resistance nor the full
flexural rigidity of the lapped sections. Consequently, reduction in both the strength and the stiffness
of the lapped connections should be allowed for in practical design of cold-formed steel Z sections.
This paper presents a number of design rules and expressions for multi-span cold-formed steel Z
sections with lapped connections in modem roof systems under both gravity loads and wind up-lift.


Cold-formed steel purlins, Lapped connections, Effective flexural rigidity. Moment resistance ratios.
Design development.


Cold-formed steel sections are economic building materials in construction, and they are commonly
used as secondary structural members such as purlins to support roof systems in industrial buildings.
The most common shapes of the cold-formed steel purlins are Z sections, and the section depths
typically range from 100 to 350 mm while the thicknesses range from 1.2 to 3.0 mm. Common yield
strengths are 280 and 350 N/mm^, but recently, steel with high yield strength up to 450 N/mm^ may be
found in some propriety purlins for improved structural economy. Typical spanning capacities of cold-
formed steel Z sections range from 4.5 to 12 m, depending on section dimensions, steel grades,
connection details and bracing configurations. As cold-formed steel sections are very weak against
twisting, sag rods or bridgings are often provided during erection to prevent excessive member twisting
before installation of roof claddings. Four different types of member configurations may be found in
practical roof systems with different degrees of continuity: (i) the single span system, (ii) the double
span system, (in) the continuous system with sleeves, and (iv) the continuous system with lapped
sections. Among all, the lapped system is the most common system due to simple and effective
connection configurations between lapped sections at the purlin-rafter connections.

Although many research and development projects have been executed with extensive full-scale test
programs for the product development of modem roof systems to achieve maximum structural
efficiency, few test data was published. Nevertheless, a number of experimental investigations on the
effects of lateral restraints on the structural performance of cold-formed steel purlins (Toma &
Wittemann 1994; Chung & St. Quinton 1996; Laine 1998) were available in the literature. Design
rules (Fenske & Yener 1990; Murray 1994; Epstein et al 1998) complementary to current codes of
practice were also reported. In general, a number of design assumptions on both the effectiveness of
lapped connections over supports and the effect of lateral restraints provided by roof systems and
bracings are always made. In some cases, empirical expressions and data are also employed with
limited ranges of applicability. It is generally considered that roof systems based on design to current
codes of practice (AISI 1996; AS/NZ 4600:1996; Eurocode 3: Part 1.3 1996; BS5950: Part 5 1998) are
structurally too conservative to acquire market competitiveness. A generalized and rational design
method based on structural and design principles is highly desirable.


In order to improve the buildability of cold-formed steel structures, a series of research and
development projects was undertaken by the authors to study the structural behaviour of bolted
moment connections between cold-formed steel sections. Based on the findings of an experimental
investigation on generic lapped connections between cold-formed steel Z sections, it is established that
due to discontinuity of load paths along section flanges of the sections, the lapped connections may not
be able to develop full moment resistance nor full flexural rigidity of the lapped sections.
Consequently, reduction in both strength and stiffness of the lapped connections should be allowed for
in practical design of cold-formed steel Z sections. This paper presents a number of design rules and
expressions for modern roof systems using multi-span cold-formed steel Z sections with lapped


In order to enable effective bolted moment connections between lapped Z sections, a practical generic
lapped connection between Z sections is proposed after considering ease of installation as follows:
• Only the webs of Z sections are bolted together which in turn attach onto the rafters through hot
rolled web cleats; section flanges are not connected.
• Six bolts per connection are used as a minimum configuration where four bolts are assigned to
resist moment while the other two bolts are assigned to resist lateral load.
In general, the proposed moment connections are not able to develop full moment capacity of the
connected sections due to discontinuity of load paths along section flanges in the sections.


In conventional design of cold-formed steel purlins, the following assumptions are usually made:
a) Multi-span purlins are assumed to be continuous over internal supports, and thus, the moment
coefficient, the shear force coefficient and the deflection coefficient derived from basic structural
analysis on prismatic sections are applicable; these coefficients are taken as basic design
parameters for load effects.
b) Lapped connections are assumed to be full effective, i.e. both the moment resistances and the
flexural rigidities of the lapped sections are twice of those of the single sections. In some cases, the

Structural enhancement due to lapping may be ignored conservatively, i.e. the lapped connections
are considered merely as continuous sections without any increase in strength and stiffness,
c) The minimum lap lengths for full strength and stiffness connections are usually obtained from tests
over a typical range of section depths and span lengths. The minimum lap lengths are then
assumed to be applicable to all lapped connections with all span lengths.
It should be noted that while a long lap in a multi-span roof system will definitely increase the moment
resistances of the lapped connections at internal supports, the increased flexural rigidity of the lapped
connections, however, will inevitably attract more moments, i.e. both the moment resistances and the
applied moments of the lapped connections are increased. Moreover, fixed length lapped connections
will behave differently in multi-span roof systems of different spans. Consequently, it is important to
quantify or even to 'engineer' the effect of lapped connections in multi-span roof systems for improved
overall structural efficiency.

Effectiveness of Lapped Connections from Tests

Based upon the findings of an experimental investigation (Ho and Chung 2002) in lapped connections
between cold-formed steel Z sections with different lap lengths, as shown in Figure 1, the moment
resistances of the lapped connections were found to range from 0.79 to 1.60 of the moment capacities
of the connected sections. Moreover, the effective flexural rigidities of the lapped connections were
found to range from 0.103 to 1.415 of those of the connected sections. Thus, the lap lengths are shown
to have significant effects on both the strength and the stiffness of the lapped connections, and hence,
on the structural performance of the roof systems. It implies that in extreme situations, the
assumptions in Items a) to c) mentioned above may under-estimate the design hogging moments while
over-estimate the connection resistances at the same time, or vice versa.

Design Parameters for Lapped Span Beams under Gravity Loads

In order to allow for the presence of lapped connections in muhi-span beams, a structural analysis
using force method is carried out on a two lapped span beam and a four lapped span beam respectively
with non-prismatic members. Figures 2 and 3 present the design coefficients for moment, shear and
support reaction at critical positions of the two and the four lapped span beams respectively. Analytical
expressions of the design coefficients are fully presented in Appendix. These design parameters are
applicable to fully restrained beams under gravity loads with lapped connections similar to those tested
in the experimental investigation. Figure 4 presents the variations of the moment coefficients for
sagging and hogging moments against different lap lengths in two lapped and four lapped span beams.
The moment resistances of the lapped connections obtained from the experimental investigation are
also provided in Figure 4 for easy comparison. It is shown that the values of the moment coefficients
differ significantly from those obtained for fully continuous beams. Moreover, for beams with
different span lengths, the moment coefficients for both sagging and hogging moments differ
significantly for short lap lengths although the differences diminish when the lap length increases. It
should also be noted that for beams with short lap lengths, the hogging moment is reduced while the
sagging moment is increased when compared with those in fully continuous beams. Depending on the
support conditions and the connection configurations, there exist optimal lap lengths in beams where
both the hogging and the sagging moments are equal, representing a highly desirable situation with
high structural efficiency. However, additional checks against combined bending and shear on the
cold-formed steel sections at the end of lap should be carried out to ensure structural adequacy of the

Design Parameters for Purlins under Wind Up-lift

For purlins under gravity loads, the compression flanges are effectively restrained with roof cladding
through fasteners. However, for purlins under wind up-lift, the compression flanges are usually
unrestrained, and thus, lateral torsional buckling may be critical. While roof cladding is generally

considered to be effective to provide partial restraints to the purlins, intermediate restraints such as sag
rods and bridgings are always provided during erection to prevent excessive overall twisting during the
installation of roof claddings. It is possible to utilize solely these intermediate restraints to reduce the
member slendemess of the purlins to achieve full restraint condition. Intermediate restraints will
reduce the effective lengths of the purlins, Lg, and at the same time, modify the associated bending
moment envelopes for lateral torsional buckling check through the use of the design parameter Cb
(AISI 1996). Both Lg and Cb in purlins under typical support conditions are presented in Table 1 for
practical design. Normally, two intermediate restraints in purlins of practical section depths and span
lengths will achieve full restraint condition, and the moment capacities of purlins are readily mobilized.

Lapped connections affect significantly the structural behaviour of multi-span cold-formed steel purlins
in terms of both strength and stiffness. This paper presents a number of design rules and expressions
for multi-span purlins with lapped connections in modem roof systems under both gravity loads and
wind up-lift. The proposed design methods aim to improve the structural efficiency of design-based
systems for increased market competitiveness at reduced product development efforts.

The project leading to the publication of this paper is supported by the Research Grants Council of the
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Project No. PolyU5040/99E), and the
Research Committee of the Hong Kong Polj^echnic University (Project No. G-W309).

AISI specification for the design of cold formed steel structural members. (1996). American Iron and
Steel Institute.
BS5950: Structural use of steelwork in buildings: Part 5: Code of practice for the design of cold-
formed sections. (1998). British Standards Institution.
Chung KF and St. Quinton D. (1996). Structural performance of modem roofs with thick over-purlin
insulation - experimental investigation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 40:1, 17-38.
Coldformed steel structure code AS / NZ4600 : 1996. (1996). Standards Australia / Standards New
Epstein HI, Murtha-smith E and Mitchell, JD. (1998). Analysis and design assumptions for continuous
cold-formed purlins. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. 3:2, 60- 67.
Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1.3: General rules - Supplementary for coldformed thin
gauge members and sheetings, ENV1993-1-3. (1996). European Committee for Standardization.
Fenske TE and Yener M. (1990). Analysis and design of light gage steel roof systems. Thin-Walled
Structures 10:3,221-234.
Ho CH and Chung KF. (2002). An experimental investigation into lapped moment connections
between Z sections. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Steel
Structures. December 2002, Hong Kong (in press).
Laine M. (1998). Design of steel purlins based on testing: Test methods and interpretation of test
results. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 46:1-3, 189-190.
Murray TM. (1994). North American approach to the design of continuous Z- and C- purlins for
gravity loading with experimental verification. Engineering Structures 16:5, 337-341.
Toma T and Wittemann K. (1994). Design of cold-formed purlins and rails restrained by sheeting.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 31:2-3, 149-168.
Willis CT and Wallace B. (1990). Behavior of cold-formed steel purlins under gravity loading.
Engineering Structures 116:8, 2061-2069.

APPENDIX Expressions for Design Parameters

Two lapped span
_{5 + 3/]){a-\){l-fif+5
^2,0 = ^2,0 ^ ^ where (a)
4[(a-l)(l-^) + 1
^ 2 1 = ^^2 1 ^ ^ where (b)

Mj ,0 = ^210 ^-^^ where (c) M2 0 = rn2 0 ^I^ where ^2,0 ~ '2, (d)

^2,1 = ^2,1 ^ ^ where ^2,1 = ^2,1 (e) F2 0 = V2 0 qL where V2 0 = 1 - r^j (f)

F^?!//* lapped span

c,,a +c..a+c,.
^4,1 = ^4,1 ^ ^ where (g)
c,.a +c,,a+c,,
where C4, = 32 - 204y5 + 516y5' - 622y^' + 297y^'
C42 = 204y5 - 804y^' +1126y^' - 609y5'
C44 = 7 - 4 8 y ^ + 1 3 2 y 5 ' - I S O / ? ' + 1 2 0 y 9 '
C45 = 48y^ - 204y5' + 324y5' - 240y^'
c,, =12^'-\44/]'+12013'

1 c.^a +C4oa+C4,
^ 4 , 0 = ^4,0 ^ ^ where (h)

where C47 = 1 3 - 9 6 y ^ + 2 7 6 y ^ ' - 3 7 8 y ^ ' + 2 3 7 y 5 '

C48 = 96y^ - 420y5' + 666y5' - 465y5'
C49 = 1 4 4 y ^ ' - 2 8 8 y ^ ' + 2 2 8 y ^ '
n 4,0
where ^-''41 qL (i)
^ 4 , 2 = ^4,2 ^ ^

^4,21 = ^4,21 ^^^ where W4 21 = - — G) M4 j = ^41 ^Z^ where W41 = r4 2 - (k)

M,4,10 = ^4,10 ^^^ (4-^4,0)^

wherd ,w^ j^ 1-- (1)

(m) F4,~ = V41" ^Z where V4," = 1 - ^4 2 (n)

^4,2 = n,2 ^^ where

where ^^4,1 (P)

~" M,l •^4,1 (o) F4 0 = V4 0 qL where v,
•4,0 ~ '*4,0 ' ^

a is the effective flexural rigidity of lapped connection;

P is the lap length coefficient where 2Lp = 2 (3 L; 2 Lp is the total lap length and L is the span length
q is the applied uniformly distributed load.
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