"Behavior of Investors For Investing in Various Sectors Regarding Equity Market". The Report Contains

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Myself Ashish L. Sorathiya, student of Vivekanand College for B.B.A.

who is presently undertaking education in the spare of “Bachelor of Business

Administration” which covers total business activities.

As students of management, I must be encouraged by the growth and

rapid developments taken place in Various Sectors, in India. Still recently,
management is growing baby. Keeping in mind the ever development field of
management and great demand for Finance in our country, our university (VNSGU) has
arranged specialization program in many field of management. Thus, it is our moral and
obligatory duty to take this part of our studies with great enthusiasm and seriousness
and give it the due importance.

My report gives information about the “Behavior of Investors for

Investing in Various sectors regarding Equity market”. The report contains
graphical representation & interpretation with each graphs and charts. For the
preparation of this report, I have used simple random sampling method for survey
purpose. This training proved to be an experience, which is required to become a true
student of management and administration.

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