شركة توتال Fundamentals of Petroleum-اساسيات هندسة النفط

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The key takeaways are that reservoir engineering aims to optimize hydrocarbon recovery from reservoirs over their lifetime through continued study and analysis. It involves characterizing reservoir rocks and fluids, evaluating hydrocarbon volumes, modeling fluid and pressure behavior, and managing production.

The main objective of reservoir engineering is to set up an optimal development project to maximize hydrocarbon recovery from a reservoir as part of an overall economic strategy, and continue studying the reservoir's behavior over its lifetime to derive information for optimal production.

The main reasons to select a cased hole completion are protection of the formation from drilling fluid damage, isolation of water zones, and provision of structural support to an unconsolidated formation.


Exploration & Production· Field Operations




Iraq - 2007




' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - © 2007 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

""""""" """"'" Exploration & Production - Field Operations





Part I

© 2007 ENSPM Formation Industne -IFP Training

1t~ ________R_e rin_9_ _ _ _ _ _ 0
-- TOTAl.

Provide, over 2 days, an understanding of the main
concepts used in hydrocarbon development projects:

~ better understanding of upstream problems to be solved

~ presentation of a clear and simplified overview of all people
involved in such projects
~ presentation of the tools used for field development
~ knowledge of the basic vocabulary to communicate with
people involved in hydrocarbon field development


_ Reservoir Engineering Overview Course: ~

._,-- __________=
M~MA Y ___________ ~

.L Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Reserves & Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
8. Reservoir Simulation Models
9. Reservoir Management
10. Economics

~-------- ~
Basic document used for this course A
_.r........ TOTAL


Deftlopmeot ~
I Cont.1 i

Reservoir Engin eering Overview Co urse:

... . H I.......

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fl uid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~

10. Economics and Reserves ~


SEC · f

~ _________ _V_O_IR_?_ (_1/_2}_________ ~

W_ha_t _is_a_R_E_S _E R
_.,...... TOTAL

- One or more RESERVOIR ROCKS:

• Porous and permeable media
- Containing HYDROCARBONS:
• Liquid or gaseous
- Which are TRAPPED:
• Impermeable rock barrier on top
• one or several pay zones



ie,0 ______ W_h_at_ i_s _a _re_s_e_rv_o_ir_? --'(_2/2.. .}:. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

_.,....- TOTAL


SEC · r
What is Introduction

-- ____
. ..
, ,.....
) ______ ~


• The goal of reservoir engineering is to set up a
development project that attempt to optimise the
recovery of hydrocarbons as a part of an overall
economic policy
• Reservoir specialist thus continue to study the behaviour
of the reservoir throughout the life of the field to derive
the information required for optimal production from
the reservoir
knowledge of:
• Volumes of hydrocarbons (oil and/or gas) in place
• Recoverable reserves (estimated on the basis of several
alternative production methods)
• Well productivity potentials

~ _______W
ha_t_is_r_e_se_N_O (2_12_) _______ ~
_.T....... TOTAl..


through the knowledge of:
• Oil/GaslWater Production
• Evolution of reservoir pressure
• Management of the field operations (number of wells, water
and gas injection, type of production method)
• Setup the future production installations
• Check the economic interest of the field
• Optimize the development scheme
• Establish a long term development plan


__---'-"R=ES=E!.'-'.RV-'--'O~IR~E""_N'_"'G:.!!CIN,-",,-E~ER~'S~W~O",-,-R-,-,-,K,,-!!•••_ _ _ g

Building a model of the reservoir

Is not an easy task

SEC - i


~~ _ _ _ _ _ _M
_U_S_LY_ ._•• _ _ _ _ _ _ g
............. TOTAL

Reservoir pattern I

,-----:-A-na-=-Io-gy-w--:-It:-h-----, /
other fields
1 ~ Manual

Simulation Model

Production forecasts


jf~ ___________ IM_A_G_E _of_th_e_F_ie_ld___________ ~

... .,. . .... TOTAL

Shapes and Volumes

Fluids External envelop
Iso contours top-base
Type of fluids, contacts
PVT, composition
Aquifer extension

Internal scheme
Correlations, layering
Facies variation
Tectonic framework
Petrophysics Faults
Drains, barriers Fractured areas
Micro fractures



~~ __________
RE_S_E_RV_O_IR_ R_O_C_KS___________ ~
_.T. ....
- Shaly SANDSTONE (80% of reservoir) - Quartz & shale

- CARBONATES : Limestone & Dolomite

F 1 mm

Quartz and Feldspars Debris of various types (-clasts)

with shaly cement buried In a calcite cement

Shaly cemented sandstone Skeletal limestone

,ie~ g
.... . r.......
(as a function of the depth)

Hydrocarbons formed
20 0
Immature biogenic CH 4
zone CO2 H2O
1 Geochemical fossils
65 Early gas

110 3

4 ~

Tempi )
Depth Ikm) •


SEC · 1"


~ ____________~(~PR~I~M~AR~Y~a~n=d~S=E~CO~N~D=A~R~Y~m~ig~r~at~iO~n)~______________

- ~
Vsol~ \ Primary
Source rock


Classification & characteristics of Introduction

jf~ __________ T~~

~P~S~___________ ~
t ... . .. . . . . . .

• Due to the deformation of rocks, simple anticlines or faults
• Due to variations in facies, the rock becoming laterally
• Examples: sandstones lenses in shale/sandstone units, depositional or
erosional pinch outs, and carbonate reefs

- COMBINED traps:
• Eroded anticlines, traps associated to salt domes

• Closed areas bounded by the deepest closed isobath ~•
• CI osure: height between the uppermost and the lowermost I
(spill point) isobath, generally a few dozen or hundred meters: f
- the practical closure is the height Impregnated with hydrocarbons ~
SEC- - the filling ratio is the ratio between the practical closure and the closure i

-- ______
..... . 1 _ _ _
s _ty_p_es_o_f_T_~
S ______ ~


" anticline .......... -- -- -

,~ ~---~~


"""-- "

"" .........
d --_..-"





SEC - !
Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:
. ...-. -

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fl uid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~

10. Economics and Reserves ,!,



CHARACTE RISAT10 N Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

~~ ______~O~F~R~
_ . , ..... - TOTAl..


must have the following properties:
• Must be a p'0rous media able to store the hydrocarbons.
This capability is called the rock POROSITY (noted 0) ::
• Allows the flow of hydrocarbon. This property is called
the rock PERMEABILITY (noted k) ::
• Contain enough hydrocarbons. This is called the
hydrocarbon rock SATURATION (noted 5) ::
- THE MAIN METHODS to determine these rock
properties are:
• Analysis of cores samples taken during the drilling of the
• Interpretation of Well Logs and Well Tests

Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

jf~ __________P_O_RO_U
_S_M ____________ ~
t.. . r__

~__ pore (micron 10-3 mm)

residual porosity porosity


Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

~~ ____________
PO_R_OS_IT_Y____________ ~
.... ,-- TOTAL

(same size)
- DEFINITION: '" #0.5
" =PORES Volume
I TOTAL Volume
(common values between Rhomboedrical
0.01 to 0.35) (same size)

• The grain shape and their

• The repartition of the grain
sizes •
• " is not related to the grain
size for a given assembly of ~
same size spherical grains

~ J
- - - - _._---- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -

-............- ___________
_B_IL_IT_Y____________ ~
Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks


k characterise the fluid flow trough a given porous


Q k (Poutput - P1nput> f ,, f\
- = - X -----''-=''-=-'-:-----'''-''-=- Q ,,
A IJ. L ,, A

\ ,.'
• 1 to several thousands of milliDarcy:
- k Is directly related to the size of the connection between the pores
- Be careful, porosity and permeability are not directly linked
» Example : pumice stone has a very high porosity but no
permeability as pores are not connected together

Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

e DARCY's Experiment ~
.......... ----------- 'W'

DIS PIIHCIPJ8 A smn KT f1gg }:OfUIt LHI' 1 IVII-il·SII.

. . III ~ 1oIU11I'.u."'I ~"AC. PI.IIC:U \lLlJli
.4.1: ~lLTl.\G[ DfS 'E1UX

' . . . .- ._ _ 00 ..." . _ .. _ ....... r. .. ~..-_

BE~lly DAIlCY !
-...c.... ,_ .......

'"'-or .. ~ ~ i...... .

-.,,,.......... ' ' ' ' ' ..n ...... " .. ........ , . . . . . 11

.".. .

Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

~ ___________
SA_T_UAA IO_N___________ ~
. ..._ .. TOTAL

S =Relative amount of fluids inside the pores
= =
Sw Water volume I Total pore volume water saturation
So = 0" volume I Total pore volume = oil saturation
Sg = Gas volume I Total pore volume = gas saturation
Sw+So+Sg =1
• Water/Oil case:
- water of often the wetting fluid water •
matrix ~
• Oil/Gas case: ~
- Oil is the wetting fluid f
• Water/Gas case: f
- water is always the wetting fluid !

sec - .i•

PHASES EQUILIBRIUM in porous media

Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
Example of a field with an aquifer

011 zone: So =1 -Swl

example 2O%<$wl<25°,,"

011 saluratlon

Water 011 or gas


ulfe"---""'"W .
L I'll 100


- _______I_NT_E_R_ST_IT_IA_L_W_A_TE_R____________ ~
Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

_.,_. TOTAL

• Oil moved water during the migration process

• Water is often the wetting fluid
• Initial water is called interstitial or connate water:
- this water is irreducible (saturation Swl)
- and then reduce the hydrocarbon In place (volume W)
• Water-oil example:
WboHom = Rock Volume x 13 x (1-Swi)


~ !

____________L_OG_S____________ ~
Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

.... . ""1 .... TOTAL

- WHAT ARE THEY USEFUL FOR? cable tension


• Recognition of reservoirs (lithology, Recording

porosity & saturation) system
• Knowledge of wells characteristics
(diameter, inclination, cementing, formation-hole

• Comparison between wells to

identify well marker correlation Winch Cable


• Electrical (PS, resistivity .•• )

• Rad ioactivity (GR, Neutron, Density, TOT)

• Sonic
• Auxiliaries (calliper, deviation, cementing ...)
• Others (RFT, production ...)

!IF.. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

~ ____-W~.-_____L_O_G_S_C_OR_R_E_U_T_IO_N_S________________ ~
... . .... ,._ WELL 3




Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
-------------------------------- ~



SEC · !
MEASU REM ENT OF Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks

~~ ________~R~O~
S ___________ ~
_.1. . .... TOTAL

• Measurements on core plugs
• Well logs Interpretation
• Measurements on core plugs
• Well tests Interpretation (be careful investigation scale
• (Measurements on core plugs)
• Well logs Interpretation


~ ____________~C~O~
O~NS~________ ~
.....""..... TOTAL

• Shaliness, Porosity, Saturation, Net to Gross (statics)
• Capillary Pressure, Permeability (dynamics)

• Assessing Original Oil or Gas in Place
• Rock typing
• Supplying Data for Upscaling
• Populating (partially) the Reservoir model

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~
10. Economics and Reserves f


~~ _ _ _ _C_O_M_PO_S_IT_IO_N_O_F_F_LU_I_DS_ _ _ _ _
. . .,.........

OIL =E (C1 to C4) + C5+

LIGHT oils Gas + Oil (surface conditions)
(d < 0.86)
MEDIUM oils Gas/Oil « (surface conditions)
(0.86 <d < 0.92)
HEAVY oils E Gas & Oil (surface conditions)
(d > 0.92)

GAS =C1 + C2 to C4 + E C5+

DRY gas Gas (surface conditions)
WET gas Gas & E Condensate (surface conditions)
CONDENSATE gas Gas & Condensate (surface conditions)
Fluid studies

~~ __________
__&_Ll_GH_T_O_IL___________ ~
'~ • • T_ _


Type of 011 Llgth Medium Heavy

Speci! gravity 0.80 to 0.82 0.83 to 0.90 0.91 to 1

Formation Volume Factor (bottom holo to suriaco volumo. 3 to 2 1.5 1.1 to 1
Solution gas oil ratio (sm' of ga.' ..om' of 011) 300 to 200 100 10 to 0
'API 45 35 25 to 10

Viscosity (cP) < 1 cP some cP up to 1 P

Water viscosity: 1 cP
Gas viscosity: 0,01 to 0,04 cP



....,--.. P~
~----------- ~ TOTAL


Single phase
011 •
"I-- ~
Bubble point ~
.......... ___ Dlphaslc oll+gas


Total volume j
PVT BEHAVIOUR Fluid studies

~~ __________~o~f=an~hy~d=ro=c=a~rb=o=n_____________ "
.... ........

- Pressure - Volume Diagram ::

- Pressure - Temperature Diagram ::




Fluid studies
- Pressure - Volume Diagram r-.
_.,......... --------- TOTAL

Tcc (crHlcal condenutlon temperature)

Critical point

Bubble curli:::t::;::;

Bubble pressure: pressure at witch the first bubbles of gas appear from the 011 at a given temperature

Fluid studies
~ Pressure - Temperature Diagram
... . ,......
---------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL

Critical Point Tc Tcc (critk:ll c:onden••Uon temperature)

Bubble curve

Dew point curve

Wet gas Dry gas

"Oil" "Gas"
reservoir reservoir
I Cont.I
sec -

Fluid studies

Vapour pressure curves
for some light hydrocarbons
. . .,....-
...__..._...-.-..-- ...........-....
:!!!~ ---~=-=-= =---- - -

'~n~ ' C

T............ · C

Fluid studies
~ PT diagram for different methane-ethane mixtures r-.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL
.... . ,........ ~




Fluid studies
PT diagram in function of the gas composition r-.
--------- ~


2 2,_

n-Butane 1,_ 1,_ 1,_
j-PMtane 1,_ 1,_
n-Pentane 1 1
n-Hexane 1
n-HeptIlM 0,_

100 100 100 '00 100,00

-100 · 50 o
Fluid studies

~~ _ _ _ "P_VT
_ '_'T_E_
GY_ :_G_LO
RY_ _ _ g
. . .""".- TOTAL

• PVT study of a fluid

• Saturation curve of a fluid
• Bubble curve
• Dew point curve
• Critical point
• Bubble point & bubble pressure at Tglven: PB
• Dew point & dew point pressure at Tglven: Pop
• Standard conditions (gas)
• Stock oil conditions (oil)
• Solution GOR: RS(p,T) :::
• BO(p,T) & FVF, Bg(p,T)


Fluid studies
- PVT terms illustration: R., B. & Bg r-.
_.,....- --------- TOTAL

Legend: Gas
Oil I
I Free gas
I Rs(p,l]<

; ;,;,
; ;;,
;; >-.............v ,
; ;
-r -
, "_
7" - _

~ ___ ~ __ lI!:JI Stock tank


(P, T)' (P, T)ref



jf~ ______~
OG~Y~______ ~
' .. . r . . . . .

• Production GOR: GOR






~ ____________~C~O~N~C~LU~S~IO~N~S~________ ~
... ,. . .....

• Formation Volumetrics Factors: Bo, Rs, Bg, IJ vs Pressure

• Phase Behaviour

• Assessing Original Oil or Gas in Place
• Interpretating Well Tests
• Performing no Simulation studies: Material Balance
• Populating the Reservoir Simulation model

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:
lH. '_

1. Introduction
2. Characterisati on of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of H~drocarbons in Qlace
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fl uid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~

10. Economics and Reserves ~



Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place

~~ _____D_E_FIN_IT_IO_N_S_________________ ~
.. . TOTAL


• Originally Oil In Place (OOIP), Originally Gas In Place (OGIP)
Static evaluation

• Volume of hydrocarbon produced or to be produced
• Initial, remaining or ultimate reserves
Dynamic evaluation requiring knowledge
of the production profile

• Reserves/OOIP or reserves/OGIP

VOLUMES IN PLACE Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place

~~ __~&~U~N~
Y ________________ ~
• TOTAl..

Theoretical closure

MDT from
another well

sec -

Volume in place: Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place

~~ __~CA~L=C~
N ~(1~/2)~_______________ ~
... .. T........

- EXAMPLE: Originally Oil In Place OOIP

N • OOIP (m' surface conditions) for an homogeneous,

constant thickness reservoir
VT • Total volume impregnated by oil (m')
cI> • Average porosity
hu· Net thickness (m) having an average porosity cI>
hI • Total thickness (m)
SWI • Irreducible Saturation in water
Bo· Volumetric formation factor for oil (m'/m')

Volume in place: Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place

~~, _____C=a=IC=U=la=tiO=n~(~~2~)____________________ ~
....,........ TOTAL

- EXAMPLE: Originally Gas In Place OGIP

G = VT X <I> x hu (1- S .) x _1_

h WI B
t G

G - OGIP (m' standard condilions) for an homogeneous,

constant thickness reservoir
VT - Total volume impregnated by oil (m')
<I> - Average porosity
hu - Net thickness (m) having an average porosity <I>
hI - Total thickness (m)
Swi - Irreducible Saturation in water
BG - Volumetric formation factor for gas (Std m3 /m3 )


HYDROCARBONS IN Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place

if'~ -'-P.LA E-"'C~OCllN~

looL::uoC..... CL.....U......Sn.! .1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~
_......... TOTAL

• Assessments in Reservoir conditions
• Transformed in Surface (reference) conditions

• Take into account all Parameters Uncertainties

• For providing Mini, Median and Maxi estimates



SEC · !
Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:
. . . .~
, , . ..."

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single ~hase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~

10. Economics and Reserves ,•z



SEC - f

Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test

_.1__ ________
W_EL_L_T_ _______________ ~

- GOALS: determination of:

• Well productivity index: PI
• Reservoir static pressure: SP
• hk product
• Well bore skin: SKIN
• Drainage radius of the well during the test: R
• Heterogeneity in the vicinity of the well
• Type and evolution of produced fluid
• To create a pressure perturbation around the well by
producing the well at a given flow rate
• Utilisation of the basic fluid flow equations to relate the
pressure transient measured in the hole to the
characteristics of the well bore and the formation

RADIAL FLUID FLOW SinglephaseFluidFlow-WellTest

~~ ______~a=r=ou~n~d~t=he~w=e=lI~b~o~re~_______________ ~
.... . T. . _ _

_1 'oom

100m" - h

rw well radius
R drainage radius
h formation thickness

For an homogeneous infinite medium of constant thickness

& at a constant flow rate:
The change of the pressure in the well P with the time t follow an integral
exponential law
After a very short period of production time the pressure P is
proportional to the logarithm of the time log(t) , the coefficient of
proportionality being function of the permeability of the reservoir

Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test

.... ......... TOTAL

three-phase SuIface samples taken here
WL winch
,..- . y Wellhead
~~ ;Ll metering

--- tubing
__ casing
Downhole measurements
test (Pwfdownhole sampling)
layer perforations

~~" ____D_R_I_L_L_S_T_E_M
_ T_E
_ S_T_R_I_N_G____S_in_g_'e _Ph_as_e _Flu_id_"_'O_W_- Wg
I~ . I"'.'"

Running In Flow p,....ur. Eq,,*lnllon RlverN Pulling out

bulld-up circuilltlng

~ SCHEMATIC Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test

~ ____~
... .,........ TOTAl..

Period used for


WELL TESTING: SinglephaseFluidFlow-WellTest

~~ ______~p~r=o=
bl=e=m=s=to~c=o=n=si=d=er~_______________ "
,. ........

SKIN zone
• The well bore is sometimes damaged
by the drilling process (mud Invasion, ___ ) ~ /skin <o
• In some cases, the well bore
properties can be enhanced by a I ~_ ..
mechanical fracturing or by acidizing r~ Pressure profile
• These phenomena are characterised .. ~ skin >0

by the skin (> 0 if well bore damage & < 0 if

• At early times of the test, part of the
hydrocarbon comes from the well " Surface rate
volume itself so the sand face o· 1 1-'---::::-.-----
reservoir production rate is not ~_ Formation rate
• Since the well rate is never constant
during the production period, build up
Well bore storage
periods are used instead for well test

WELL TEST RESULT SinglephaseFluidFlow-WellTest

~~ ______~E~~ ~M~P~L~
E _______________ "
... ....
,- ~

- ~p =f (log t) DIAGRAM:
• The slope m is inversely
proportional to the permeability
• The higher m, the lower the
permeability m =68 psi/cycle
• A well bore skin > 0 move the
line toward the right


Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test

~ ____D_
ER_IV_A_T_ E _PL_O_T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ g
Iff . ' .......

- Log (~P) =f (log t) DIAGRAM:

I Derivative I~

skin >0
skin <0

1 hkJ-
.- •
Well bore storage
I hki
hk ~
SEC - 1

Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test

*-s Derivative diagnostic plot FlI
~ ----------- .,.,
. .... . 1 .......

i i

1 ••••• - ' ' ' '
~~- - . , .....- - -~- • 0,5

Closed reservol - -
Sealing fault

--. #- -- . "
" "
~ ~ 1111 well bon!

c ......
, .... hk near
Radial flow " hk ....
'Ir from 11'1, WIll bore

, Lateral variation of permeability I

... .., .., ..,.. .., ... ~
SEC - i
WELL TESTS Single phase Fluid Flow- Well Test

~~ __________~C~
US~IO~N~S~__________ ~
... ........
, , TOTAl.

• PI, skin, hk, Investigation radius
• In depth Reservoir characterization: faults, channels,
change of reservoir properties

• Performing a well diagnosis (Reservoir monitoring)
• Improving the Well performance by treatments

• Supplying data for Upscaling

• Populating the Reservoir model

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:

.... . T . . . . _

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~
10. Economics and Reserves

CAPILLARY DOUBLET Multi phase Fluid Flow

~~ ________&~J~A~M~
FF~EC~T~__________ ~
'... . r.... .


• Wettability - angle e
• Capillary pressure - height h water

1 1
PA - PB = 20'(- - - }cos 9
r R


Multi phase Fluid Flow

*-s Residual drops trapped behind the water front ~
~ ---------- V!"
... . T.... . . .

Residual oil




jf~ ________ ~C~ ON~C~E~

PT_______________ ~
,. . .,

• Extension of Darcy's law to each fluid:

oll (pOil pOll)
= k Xk,
Q oil outlet - Inlet
- X -'----"''''''''--,------''-='-'-
S ~oll L Wate, oil system
• Water, oil, and gas
• Relative permeability

s.. •


• SWI: irreducible water saturation I
• So,: residual oil saturation i
• Sgc: critical gas saturation
SEC · 1


-- _____
OClNC. 1",...,L.....U'-SI
Multi phase Fluid Flow

NS""---_ _ _ _ _ _ ~

• Relative Permeabilities
• Capillary Pressure
• Oil or Gas trapping (ROS)

• Conventional Reservoir studies
• Populating the Reservoir Simulation model

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:
'~ .T "'.'"

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Flu id Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Primar)ll Secondar)l and Tertiar)l Recover)l
8. Reservoir Sim ulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~
10. Economics and Reserves

SEC - f

ReselVes & Recovery

~ ______
) _________ ~
..."., ....- TOTAL

- PRIMARY Recovery:
The reservoir energy is the only one used to produce

- SECONDARY Recovery:
Energy used to produce the reservoir is external, such as
water or gas injection

- TERTIARY Recovery:
Complex methods such as miscible fluid injections,
thermal methods, chemical methods .. .

Reserves & Recovery

k~ Recovery mechanism (2/2) g

...... .....

Conventional oil TOTAL


- - - - - --1 '-==:::j::=~----l PRESSURE


_______P_R_IM_A_R_Y_RE_C_O_VE_R_Y____________ g
Primary Recovery

-... ... .-..... TOTAL



• Initial pressure ~
• Rock compressibility
• Oil and gas compressibility
• Gravity drainage, capillary forces



_.......... ________~s=im=p~l=ifi=e=d~ex~p=la=n=a=ti=on~_____________ ~
-- TOTA'-

surface water

Oil water

• Pressure PI at the water-oil contact is equal to the weight of the water

column: PI = Pwgh
• Weight of the oil column in the well at the water-oil contact Is equal to:
Po =Pogh'
• Overpressure a the well head Is the equal to:
dP = Pwgh - Po9h'
• If Pw& Po = 1 & 0.8 g/cm 3, h & h' = 2300 & 2400 m then dP =37 bar 11,,1

UNDER SATURATED & Primary Recovery

Af~ ____~S~A~T~
OI~R___________ ~
_.,..... TOTA'-

Under saturated oil reservoir

The oil is under saturated

when he initial reservoir
pressure Is higher than the
bubble point pressure
Expansion all + gas
of dissolved

Saturated oil reservoir

The oil is saturated when g~
the initial reservoir pressure all
is equal to the bubble point
pressure water

If P \ P<P b and free gas !

" ,
__ E
NA_G_E_S_C_ _E_S_ _ _ _ g
Primary Recovery


- Enhanced drainage with horizontal wells:


- Typical applications:

the horizontal well the horizontal well

drains more faults prevents water coning



~~~ ______~P~ER~F~
. . . . T..... _
O~RM~A~NC~E=S____________ g


Single phase OIL P> Pb <10%
Two phase OIL P< Pb 5 to 25%
OIL with GAS CAP 10 to 40%
OILwith AQUIFER support 10 to 60%

GAS 60 to 95%
CONDENSATE 40 to 65%

I Average OIL 25% I

I Average GAS 75% I

Secondary & Tertiary Recovery
~~ _____S_EC_O_N_DA _V_E_RY_____________ ~


ENERGY IS TOO LOW to maintain primary recovery



• Water injection at the bottom of the oil zone or into the

• Gas injection at the top of the oil zone or into the gas cap
• Injection of gaseous hydrocarbons (dry gas Injection Into gas
condensate reservoirs)


Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~ _____s_e_c_O_
~_&__ _______________ ~
_ . . .... iii


artificial recovery:

• Water flood
• Flooding by (Immiscible) hydrocarbon gases


"Tertiary" recovery:

• Miscible methods (C02, CH4 , etc .. )

• Chemical methods (polymers, micro emulsions, etc ..)
• Thermal methods for heavy oils (steam, in situ combustion)

Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~ ____W _R_G_A_S_IN_J_EC_T_IO_N____________ ~
_A_T_ER_ O
.. ........
., , TOTAl..
Production wells

Water Injection wells


Gas Injection wells

Production wells


Oil zone

sec -

Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~ _____R _____________ ~
_.,....... TOTAl..


E. - Superficial efficiency
Ev • Vertical efficiency
Em • Microscopic efficiency





IMPROVEMENT & Secondary Tertiary Recovery

~ ~O~
Y ______________ ~
, .... 0 f""'''' TOTAL

,, 0, ,I
, •
,, 0, ,
, • I .. Injection well
....... _, '~ , • production well
Two-spot Three-spot --- pattern boundary

regular four - spot skewed four - spot five - spot

~-.I\ 0 6 - .

.~-4. •
lIr--.d: 0 ~-6

seven - spot Inverted seven - spot

,.. ........ -V"""i' ... 1+1_ .....
, , I I I I I I I

+ + +
0 0 4-+H·
~~+-'4 I I I I I I I I I
, , I I I I I I I
+• +• + ....... '<1 - 0- ....
I I I I I o~--t-ot0
t-6-t- -t.6.
lit • A


normal nine - spot Inverted nine - spot direct line drive staggered line drive


TERTIARY RECOVERY: Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~~ ________A~C~T~IO~
NS~______________ ~
',. . T...... TOTAL


carbonic and miscible
action on miscibility hydrocarbons aas
microscopic micro-emulsions
trapping Lower the interfacial
tension surfactants chemical
Increase the polymers
water viscosity
action on carbonic gas: CO2 miscible
~acroscoplc reduce the
trapping crude oil viscosity steam injection thermal
in situ combustion

Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

-- ___T_
,..... . . ..
_D_S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ g


• Molecular mass of some millions
• Viscosity increase from 1 cp to 10 cp
• Mixing of crude oil, surface tension modifiers, miscible
alcohol with water and oil
• Lowering of the mobility ratio M to lower Sor
• Requires proper thermodynamic conditions
- GAS CYCLING (condensates):
• Maximize recovery of liquid hydrocarbons
- OTHERS ... :
• thermal, steam injection
• WAG, CO2 , N2 , •••


Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~~ _ __ T_ert_i_ary
_______ g
... . T_ _


....... :

I .... rrt..."
........ -.11.."
I ........
," I
-'fn __ I I '1 1

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 $/bbl

PRODUCTION MECHANISMS Secondary & Tertiary Recovery

~ _ _----'C...."O.......,N......C....
IO<..U N.....
S _ _ _ __ ____ g
... . 1.... ' . .

• Natural Depletion
• Solution Gas Drive Primary
• Active Aquifer Drive
• Gas Cap Drive

• Water Flooding
• Unmiscible Gas Injection
t Secondary

• Miscible Gas Flooding
• Mobility Ratio Control: steam, polymer injection
• Miscible Flooding: surfactants t Tertiary
or EOR

• Selecting the best suited mechanism(s)

• Taking into account the properties of reservoir & fluids

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:


1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fl uid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Prim ary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~

10. Economics and Reserves ,~

Reservoir Simulation

~~ ______R_ES_E_R_VO_IR
_D_E_L_ ____________ ~
...... . . -

- Conventional methods:
• geological maps, OOIP evaluation, analytical evaluations
(material balance), utilisation of analog computers

- Mathematical modelling of reservoirs:

• integration of geological model, petrophysical model and
dynamic production data
• reservoir management tool

~ •
- ~

/ I
SEC- 1

Reservoir Simulation

~~ ______
_D S ___________ ~
... . T. .... . .


• BLACK OIL: the composition of the fluids is constant
(mostly used assumption)
• COMPOSITIONAL: the composition of the fluids is
variable, Oil is represented by any number of
• DUAL MEDIA: matrix and fissures are both

Reservoir Simulation

jf~ _____R
_E_S_ER_V_O_IR_S_IM_U_LA_T_IO_N____________ ~
... . T. . . . . . .



SEC - f


~~, ____________~C~O~N~C~
S _________ ~
_.,. .... TOTAL


• Reservoir Fluid Flow Simulation

• Initialization
• History Matching
• Prediction Forecasts and Reserves

• Integrating all previous Reservoir (structural, geological,
anarytical) Models and their Uncertainties •
• Providing Reserves and Forecasts for different
development scheme ~
• Helping select the Optimal (technical + economicalt
Development Project •

Reservoir Engineering Overview Course:
.... . r_ .. _

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fl uid Proprties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Single phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Recovery
8. Reservoir Simulation Models

9. Reservoir Management ~
10. Economics and Reserves J


Reservoir Management

~~ ______P _C_H_A_RT____________ ~
. . .._...
-- TOTAl.
Geological/geophysical data
Well logs Well tests
Core analysis PVT analvsls

v,.41,Sw!,$OI"k,k"cp k, 5, P, T, 8, R.,j.L, C

+ +
Reservoir characteristics
FluIds In place

Well completion f-i Natural drainage mechanism
Surface facilities (and) assisted drainage
<- f-
Injection facilities (PI,QI)
e Estimation 01 recovery
u Initial well productivity <-
Initial fiekj production 10 to
~ Number of wells 15% of reserves the first year


I Model selection ~ReselVolr mooelln1

(sections. weU, 3D full field model)

- l
,./ Model

Reservoir performances t ------ I
forecllst tor every scenario

Economic optimization
Final choice

- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -

Reservoir Management
jf~ ______D_EV
_ E_L_OP_M _R_O_JE_C_T___________ ~
_E_NT_ P
, TOTAl..

Exploration Development Production

geophYSI~ Exploration Development
wells Reservoir
5 Studies Deyelopment Wells
Transportation drilling
II Geophyo'"
develop Prod. Build
10 up
Reservoir Production
Studies plateau

20 Production


Abandonm' r t

Part of
Total cost 10t020% 40t060% 20t050%


~ Reservoir Engineering Overwiew Course: ~

~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--"'-' V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'ffI
-- SL....,
' . . . 1 . . . .. . .

1. Introduction
2. Characterisation of Reservoir Rocks
3. Fluid Properties
4. Volumetric Evaluation of Hydrocarbons in place
5. Sing le phase Fluid Flow - Well Test
6. Multi phase Fluid Flow
7. Reserves & Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
8. Reservoir Simulation Models
9. Reservoir Management
10. Economics and Reserves

Economics and Reserves

),ft~ _________D_E_FIN_IT_IO_N_S_____________ ~


• Originally Oil In Place (OOIP), Originally Gas In Place (OGIP)
Static evaluation

• Volume of hydrocarbon produced or to be produced
• Initial, remaining or ultimate reserves
Dynamic evaluation requiring knowledge
of the production profile

• Reserves/OOIP or reserves/OGIP


if'~___ _TY VE_S_ _ _ _ _ _ 0

. . .,---- TOTAL

• Can be estimated with reasonable certainty & to be
recoverable under specified economic conditions
• 80 to 90 % confidence level
• Less certain than proved ones
• 50% confidence level
• Reserves not yet discovered .:.::.
• 10% confidence level C"il
.2 •
E ~

Any Reserve estimate is linked 0

c i
to a Field Development scenario
Ql ii
0 •
Reserves: a technico / economical concept <:) technical risk G ~

SEC · !
~~ _____O_I_L_R_E_
-- SE_R_V_E_S~(a_S_
O)_in_G_T___________ C)
.N . r .......
Non Conventional TOTAL
Conventional resources
o 30
Cumu lative 50·60 50
Production Reserves 0
20 110 143 Futu re N

Disco ve ries ~ro

8 1-100 ?

25 "0
10 Enhanced Recovery Co

100 15 •

Non Recoverable Oil


* Current • Offshore
** Expected 2020

_.1__ ______~&~P~
1/2~)____________ ~

Proven Reserves: 142 Gt (01.01.2001)

World Production: 3,6 Gt (2000)

Reserves •
Production •
Consumption .

Central "n.~.", America

Source : BP Statistical Review
July 2001

i!:'~ ___W_o_rl_d_re_s_e_rv_e_
s _&-'-p_ro_d_u_c_ 2)______ 0
-....... TOTAL

?' (crude & condensates) LJ Consumption 2000
f1\ REFINING capability .... Main routes for crude oJI
lU (as of 1.1-20001 0
And petroleum products
All dara in 1(]I tons


MAJOR FACT Economics

~~~ ___A=E~E~EC~T~IN~G~O~I_L~IN~D~US~T~R~Y+(1~5~la~styy~ea~rs~)______ ~


• TOTAL-PETROFINA-ELF 1998 (ELF en 2000)
• EXXON-MOBIL en 1998
• REPSOL-VPF in 1999


• I.N.O.C.
• N.I.O.C.
• K.P.C.
• A.D.N.O.C.
• P.D.V.S.A.
• Others: SONANGOL, N.N.P.C.

~ ___
_ E_S
_IN_C_E_T_HE_ L E_ _ _ g
_A_S_T _DE_C_A_D_
.... ,.......

Brent price


4. Major merges




'99' 1992 1993 1994 1995

'99' 1997 1998 '999 2000 200' 2002


~~ ___________
_A_Y_?___________ g
- --
... ...... TOTAL

ao,oo -,--- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- -----,

- Brent ($Albl)
60,00 -- - ---- ----- ----------- ----------------------------- _ ______ _
- Brent ($ 2003 !bb~

50,00 - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - ---

40,00 - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -. --

20,00 ------- --- --

10,00 -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - . - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -

1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1m!2 1983 1984 19a5 1986 1987 1988 19891990 1991 19921993199419951996 19971998 1999 2000 2001 20022003

~ __________~CO~N~C~LU~S~IO~N~S____________ ~
IN . ' . . . . . .


• Assess at any time the Remaining Reserves of his fields

• Provide Production forecasts for such fields

• Ensure the wells are producing at their potential

• Perform Reservoir Monitoring (with Production I Completion)

• Lead Reservoir Management (wIth G&G,

Field Development Planning) ~


it'~ ________
ON S"---___________ ~
- FOR REACHING THESE GOALS, Specific Specialities


• Petrophysics: Core and OH Logs interpretation

• Reservoir Fluids Properties

• Well Test Design and Analysis

• Production Logs Design and Analysis, Production History

• Conventional Reservoir studies: Material Balance,

analitycal methods, deckine curve analysis, etc .. .

• Reservoir Simulation on Full Field model

- AN INTERFACE DISCIPLINE, part of Integrated teams
• Joint Work with Geophysicists and Geologists (upstream)
• Joint Work with Drilling I Production I Development (downstream)

'0""""",, ~oumu. Exploration & Production - Field Operations





Part II

© 2007 ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

--... --------------- O
- -""', TOTAL




*-s WELL INITIATION : Summary ~

--------- 'WI'

• During this 1 week-training in "Petroleum Engineering", the presentation

concerning "Well Initiation", is subdivided in:
- 1) Introduction
- 2) Well design
- 3) Drilling - DST - Completion
- 4) Well Operations Offshore
• The objectives of this training are:
- to get a general overview of well techniques
- to learn the main vocabulary used in drilling & completion.



SEC · 1
~ --------------_ O
::::'::::3 TOTAL


1) Introduction



!!h WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction A

. . ........, ---------- ~ TOTAL

• G(eological) & G(eophysical) studies identified a trap;

• or already an exploration well has discovered a structure;
• The "Operator" of the block has decided in agreement with
partners to drill:

WELL INITIATION : 1) Introduction
Seismic Campaign & Geophysical Studies
~~ -------------------
,",. ft",., .. TOTAL

A seismic campaign can cost

several 10 millions $

WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Example: Blocks in Norway
__T_'" - - - - - - - - - -


8O,,' t2 .3rN
x-ut; t7 5/n1.

1iO"-I~ __
, I I
~ , --t' --
\ t-l / ,.-.
WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
example of traps

_."..... ..




WELL INITIATION : 1) Introduction
e n s p nn Seismic profile
________________________________________________________________________________ __


. ," . -__ ...
- ..........
. ......,.. .,.
.... ... .. ......
u ... ,.
TIM. -.cT1OM
-...ac..... _h"
_I ....
,- -...,.,
"" - ,
.... T. - . . .
..00,,,, ITItiCIU" "utc:ITI.• '
¥aOCIn ....... t.,.,.

WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Tasks Repartition within an Oil & Gas Company
enspm - - - - - - - -
_ . ,.:3 TOTAL

• Subject to further agreement from General Management, the

proposal for the well location belongs to:
- Exploration Direction (after Geological/Geophysical studies) for
« Exploration Wells »,
- Reservoir Department for « Development Wells », once a
discovery has been considered economical.
• The « Drilling & Completion» Department(s)
will act as in charge of the works, but following order from




~ Process_
WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Exploration I _
Development_ _ _
ens pm
_ . 1'......,ii
_ _ _


• In Exploration, Geological & Geophysical studies identifies

a « Prospect ». Considering the local contractual & tax
conditions, the exploration investments have to be
compared with possible « Reserves» (in case of
• For a Development, after estimation of CAPEX & OPEX with
« Reserves », still according contractual & tax conditions,
ratio of « Return on Investment» will have to be calculated
and considered economical.


WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Schematic of an "Onshore Well" with Rig in place
e naprn
.... . .. ..01.' . .
- - - - - - - - - -



SEC - f

~ Schematic
WELL INITIATION : 1) Introduction
once the well has _
been drilled &-completed
_ . no....,..
_ _ _ _ _ --- - . :_ _ _


WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Exploration & Development Process
. e naprn
_ _,_,ii
- - - - - - - -


Phase explo Phase "Project" Phase "Production"

G & G studies Dev & Eco studies

Explo drilling Dev wells MaintenancelWO
DST Const prod facilities Sup wells/Aban


~ Deep_
WELL INITIATION : 1) Introduction
Offshore Development (including Subsea Wells)

- -,_,"
_ _ _ _ _ __




SEC - 1
WELL INITIATION : 1) Introduction A
/~~5, _______________O_ff_Sh_O'_._~_~_lo_pm_._nt_w_lth_O_n_sh_o_~_P'_Od_u_Ctl_On_F_aC_Ili_tl._S________________ ~


WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
How are working "Oil & Gas" Companies

- -.. ..
e nspm

- -,.." ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


• In a country, the local authorities (Mines Ministry) are in charge of

awarding blocks for HC research, to "Operators".
• An operating company or operator is usually an "Oil & Gas Company".
This company owns the rights to drill the well{s) and afterward to
produce HC on the corresponding block.
• The "Oil & Gas Company" is responsible toward local authorities of all
works performed on the area.
• For tasks like drilling, construction of production facilities,--- the
operator hires the services of specialised contractors.
WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
How are working " Oil & Gas" Companies
-- e n e p rn
. . . .,.........
- - - - - - - -

• In addition to exploration / development studies, & seismic campaign,

for the well(s) realisation the "Oil & Gas Company" will be in charge of:
- contracting all services for the different tasks required by the well like:

- drilling rig
- cementing/logging/testing---companies
- and co-ordination/follow up of the works.
NB: the operator is always the final responsible; cost of a well: from 1M $
to 10/20/30 .. .M$



WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
DIFFERENT TYPES OF "011 & Gas" wells
-- eneprn
_ _Tn,., ..
_ _ _ _ _ _ __


• Objectives of Exploration well's:

- recognise all geological targets;
- recover information's required (rock/fluid
characteristics .....
NB: a lot of uncertainties
• Objectives of Development well's:
- be a good producer (injector)
- performance optimisation; learning curve
NB: cost of wells represent around 1/3 of CAPEX

WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
TYPES OF "Oil & Gas" wells
ensprn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

,... . no ........

• Work-over! complementary wells !Intervention:

In addition to drilling!completion, during the life of an oil
field, the "Well Department" of the Oil & Gas company will be
in charge of:
- interventions ( coiled tubing, stimulation ..)
- maintenance of the wells, with possible


WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction

ensprn ________________________________________________ __

... . , -,... TOTAL

The Oil Creek

WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
--... ..
- eneprn
,,. . ,.. ,
- - - - - - - - - -

Replica of the original

Drake well



WELL INITIATION: 1) Introduction
Historic - Cable Rig
-- ensprn
,,, . ,,,.,.,Q
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



SEC- 1
-- --------------_ O
_ _,_,ii


2) Well Design

SEC· 1

*-s WELL INITIATION: 2) Well Design A

_.,........ -------------------- TOTAL ~

• Geo-sciences specialists of the Oil company (geologists,

geophysicists) will settle the geological part of the well
programme with:
- lithological description,
- pore/frac pressures prognosis,
- temperature prognosis.
• According these information's, the drilling engineer will
design the well architecture.


~eneprn - -
-_ _ _ _
Budget _ __

• Once the well architecture has been fixed, the Drilling

Engineer will calculate the forecasted duration of the well and
estimated budget.
• In agreement with partners, with assistance from "Contract &
Purchase Dept", the Drilling/Completion Department will
select the Rig/Services Companies & all Consumables (Call
for Tender process).
• After finalising all contracts, the Drilling Dept will settle for
partners approval an AFE (autorisation for expenditures)


SEC · f

Drilling Programme
eneprn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



• Introduction

• Basic data
• Drilling program
• Different casing
- Casing siring
• conductor pipe
• surface cas ing
• Intermediate casing
• production casing
- tubing

• Casing cementing
• Design Criter ia

• Standard casing design

• Well architecture
• Deviated and horizontal wells



Geological Programme

Geological Programme

• geographical Implantation: site, environment,

surface localization, specific constraints, reference wells, ...

• Objectives: main, secondary objectives, tolerances on target(s)

• lithological column:
description of the sequence of formations, levels, age,
characteritistics, true vertical depth of each level

• expected pore pressure profile LOT/RFT/DST ...

• expected temperature profile ~

• geological survey program ~

• Coring and logging program I

• Characteristics of expected fluids= gas, oil, H2S or CO2, ... i
SEC- 1

Example of Lithological Prognosis
__n_, -" _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ __

Dri lling

Well: XXXX
Y: 3 123 356
X: 337250
Y: 3 122 825 ".
NAT 1625


Dn l og"U
D ", ~, . ·_
lIjud pt . .....
ud ."',,"".....,
E"""""' lrIOIic
r:OW ....It'i.oI'KIw:
Mud do ..it, io ..... out
G.. k>g1lM
H'Sdoltcl ... ·.iIIm.

hyd_io .....""
"" .... 1(121
us .. ".rU5

RI. ...r.......".. ....

~ensp rT1 _ _
Example of Pore/Frac Pressure Prognosis
_ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ . u.....,.. TOTAL
I ..............
II 100 200 300 400 500
.. 600
..700 .. .. 800 .. 900 1000 Pre_ure(b_.

·I i'I~~
. i.... ·'
.. "~ '. D~ .. ..
~ ~ 000. ~ RAe rU I I ..
: LO
.. .. I......
1 f2~ ~~~r B' U"'
I , I';
, I ' : 1000 ..
' · ~ 1\l '\~ ~l'~t"
\ : t<I' >,

. ~,

•m .
. · U~
."..::J r. . . ..

r\ ~' \t,; ',1',', .1 .: ....

II r- < -< I,
'~ ,'\ I \ ~ ~ " 1
.. ..

, !F
, "
.. .. .. ..
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\. ~.
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~ .. 1\ ~,
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I~ ~
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~ ~ .1:s 1\ .. '\ "-

i i• , ,~

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ,
.. r~.
" .
~. ,. :zI"-- ,-'"

Example of Pore/Frac Pressure Prognosis
ensprT1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
-, -.. TOTAL

)-I~ :-'"- ~ ,:~, -~ --~ "(::n:il;-+f~

i ~ ~~, 1
OOOi...... A UR PR ;SU,. I ............. ...... ...... . ........1
1.17: i...... \~ ~§~ ::: L. . . . . . . ... .... . . ,. . . . . . -B' :~., . . . . . 1
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, i ~ ~.. . . ' ~ '\ . ' ..",,: ::;, ::::.. ... . ................................................. ......i
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ii I, ~" !
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............ ..................

i '" .xxi...... \ '\, ! :. .~ .. -':" ~ ~. ~ . ... ::::::.::., ..............................1

I; , \ \ 1 '\ . . ~ -- :.::: ~ ~ , , 1
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rt .h,:' """i......
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I ! :;i ........................... ...... .................. ..,.01\ .1.• ''c'' ....... ~., ....., ot-: . ..t. kI~.. ..... ~. ':> ~ .".; 2.40
, EquiV.IlH.Jd weigtt
~e n eprn _ _
_ _ _ _
of Temperature Prognosis __
_ _ n",.,ii


,•! •I
,r- r 1
' I:;;~ :" -" 1 " "T~::~i :~rf~
000 ~
i.... .. \ \

\ ~"
~- - - - --

i. . .... .... ..... . . . ...... . . ,r::.:.;'-'=r----J, . . ,....,i


I .' ' """ ii...... \,,\'. ~~ ""','" ', I

§ "
<,c I,..,. ".... ~, . am
._.~,....... i

:.. ". \ <, . ". . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . ".

1 " ..
~ -,

i= i ' ~ ~ '~,~. .I.. ...:::::.. .............. ...l

~:~ ~ ~.::: <. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' 1

~ '-k., j
! ~. ,."j. "... I .'.\TMAl OJ\ :: ' : ; ..
Ij i
iii, ~
ii! ; ".-

i...... ,, -2(~ ~:~ ,<

\ \ ~~ ·1 .·. ·.. . . ·. ·. . . ·. .·. .·. . ·. .·'. .
.,.j·....·H-+++-HH -+-i:""........ ~ ...... ~~ . . . ...... ,,,,....."......."................ . . . ;
! ! i,." .. " \ \
1 ". ;;>; .. ~' ~
\ f~ r--. :;: ~~ ... i
.," : :: ~~ ~~ ;;~ ..~';. ..<. . . . . . . . . '1
k' ; \ GO "") .\

1 ! ~ =i·,,·. .HHHHH HHfT'H :............................. "...:., ..... :~ ~'" .....................·........i

I i .•
4 i . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... \~... .. \,k, . ~. 2 ., ~1p .......~..~~ ... .
20 40 so 80 100 12) 1<10 HI) leo 2«1
.. . ...
Templl'atwe ("C)

~ ens prn well architecture

_ _ _with position _
_ of casing shoes
_ __
WELL INITIATION: 2) Well Design 0
i:':':= TOTAl..

"" ....


14' . 1 8
3 100m

''''''m ..,. . . ::::r''::r
.... , i "
.. "
• ~ '- '<- ~.. X
~ ~ ~,'
, .. : . . . \ > ": -:= ~~''''''
Iher 7" \ " r\
SOOOm ... .. " .. ..
I ... .. ... .. ';" ...
In El" 4"' 12 5425 m Equiv. mud weight

example for positioning the casing shoes
,,. . "",,,.,.
- - - - - - - -

1"'- 1.5 1.6 t.7 U



example for positioning the _
casing shoes
_.,...... ..
e n sprn
_ _ _ _ _ __


Casing 18

A) Cnm!ctmuddntrlry BJ Mod dens/ry 100 /Ugh

(ilG. Ll Influ.lnc. of/ ,./JCIU" pnSJu.r., pon pn:ISU" and mud dmsity
on 1M location and~,. of casing shot>.s

JL'n2J""m ~­

~ ensprn - -_ _ _ _ _ _
Drilling & Casing Programme
:....,.= TOTAL


• Introduction
• Basic data
• Drilling program
• Different casing
- Casing string
conductor pipe
• surface casing
• intermediate cas ing
• production casing
- liner
- tubing

• Casing cementing
• Design criteria

• Standard casing design ~
• Well arc hltecture
• Deviated and horizontal wells >


~ Drilling
& Casing Programme
--ens p rn
_ _ _ _ _ _ __



• Basi c data of G eo log Ical Rep ort
• Description of equipment: drilling rig, logistics,
wellhead, .••
• Casing programme: well architecture, pipe/equipment
et casing desi gn

• Mud and cementing programmes

• Drill string and BHA design
• Bft programme
• Directi onal programme
• Logging and coring programme
• If required, test design (If DST open hole)

WELL INITIATION: 2) Well Design 0
Duration - Budget
enaprn - - - - - - - - - -
... _ u ..."" TOTAL

• The forecasted duration of the well will be determine

according experience of the area.
This prognosis has to be optimised, but has to remain
It is duty of the drilling engineer to explain his proposal. ( bad
example which has not to be followed: The Chanel Tunnel!!!)





Duration - Budget
_ ....
.. ""'
- - - - - - - -

Well 3O/1o-e
20 eo H'" ,,.
0 '0
'" " 0


h ""
no 0000

." ,,. ..-I-;

Example of Typical Well Budget Lines
enspnn ------------------------------------------------------------------------
=Ji:.3 TOTAl..


N8t168 Oay Rate OperatiOnal Rete Remark

code DMc~ WO/'Wlervice. KUSD KUSD
101 radiolocalisatiOn
102 aea bottom surwy
103 ,.a bottom c:1Mn up
onshore well sile
accec& """"
100 environment

20' rig dally rales
202 catering
203 oth ... services
205 rig common coel (mob .• accept.)



Example of Typical Well Budget Lines
enspnn ------------------------------------------------------------------------
!::':rSi'iZi TOTAL


Oe.scrdion WOfklMNic:eS ~~~ ... '~tional
nate ~""'~

<0' lu. llubricrlts
<02 ~or.bits
<03 mud/completion products
cement &0 .ddttI"....
cungttbg • acceuories
<.. weN head It. Xmal I,..
down hole tools
401! m""""'"""""

ensprn Example of Typical Well Budget Lines
________________________________________________________________________________ __

IN . ' ...... "



~'~"""',;. Description worll/S8fvICes


302 Cflmtr'ltlnglpumplng
DSTlprocb:1ion teel
"" mud~
305 fUel 8fIOIi'\tIer & equipment
306 dir8Ctionai drll ing
307 turbodriHing

"'" csgftbg hllfldlng + IirKIf S8f ....
AOV/Sub sea. MMe_ •

315 VSP
31. wei ho4d aorvicol
313 !*'foratlon/8llmulation
". ""'
insp.lrepa.ir doWn hole eqpt.
wee.1hef forflCaatllelecom .
3 •• wire in6
31. coiod tubing
320 coring services
32' r&n~ down Mitt rtqUIprnflnt
322 gyron.ntallurtace equip.
323 MWD
"". reservoir analysis
325 miscellaneous
aoo ~ supply base



~ensprn _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Example of Typical Well Budget Lines
... .. nA..

08scriOtton workJurvices

SOl sit9 I'luparvism

I.~.Y ~'1ale

50. ganeml driling

00. supply/stand by boals
603 heliCopter & utran&pOrt
004 normal roftd transportation
OOS rig mow (trucka)
606 rig mow (hel mow)
001 consumabkt tranaponatlon (heloo)
totnl h&ltco Iran$p. (608 + 607)

700 insuranco

sus TOTAL 7
OV.RH ....DS
905 warehouse & purcha$e1ee
.06 explo. stod< finane. int.
901 S.,
900 Sout


1) localisation of Ihe well (onshore or offshore)
eneprn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






2) The well has been drilled & completed
_ _ "",M'N
- - - - -- - - - -



~ Intermediate casing strings
WELL INITIATION: 2) Well Design 0
enepm - - - - - - - - - -
:::":'~ TOTAL

The different casing strings are

- to protect fresh water surface
- prevent hole from caving
- allow contain formation's pressure
with mud SG
- allow installation of production
string (tubing) in the last


Drilling phases
.. __ ,ii ---------­


(U~ :1VIl)


.. .p.ullIII.-tdM
~ ...,....,

....... - -+1

FIG. 1. Drillillg (llId Casi/lg program

Diameter of usual Casing Strings & typical Onshore Completion


-- -------------------------------------------------------


11 JI2~ (444 nvn)

1"\ VR" (.\ 40 mm)

121.4" (JII mm)

"5/8" (224 mm) IntcnTll.'diatc casing strin -- '-

- - -- - - - G.'110'



- - - - -- -
_I u:r o fl
u..., I...,,,,
{3JOO m )--l"
""" -

~~I=== .'_
. . _-. ·.....--. ........
oe .......

S3l4" (l46mm)
-1'2000 ft (VMIn}-
oe............ _ _ _ ~.--... . ,,_

~- --------------- O
_ _Til,,,,.,..


3) Drilling (Onshore basis)

The Drilling Rig & Drilling Operations




~ What
has to be done?
--ens prn
.... . n .... ,iii
_ _ _ _ __ _ _ __


• To drill and complete a well, you will need:

1) to contract a drilling rig (onshore or offshore)
2) to contract all services companies in charge of:
• fluid, directional drilling,MWD, cementing,
logging, mud logging, running casings, coring, DST, ...
3) to purchase all consumables like:
• fuel, bits, casings/tubings, mud products, wellhead,
completion eqUipment..
4) to contract all transport services (trucks, boats, helicopters.

_ WELL INITIATION : 3) Drilling ~

~ -------- ~
=-= TOTAl..
• This part of the presentation will comprise:
3-a) the drilling rig with the main functions/components which are:
- power
- hoisting
- rotating
- pumping
- safety/well control
3-b) the drilling operation's which are:
- prepare the location & installing the rig
- normal drilling
- casing & cementing including wellhead
- special operations: coring, logging, fishing ...




3) Drilling (based on Onshore Well)

3a) The drilling Rig


SEC - 1
m WELL INITIATION: 3a) The Drilling Rig A
..,. . , -, -------- ~
--.. TOTAl..

3-a) the main functions/components of a drilling rig are:

- power: mechanical, electrical

- hoisting : to lift all equipment in the well
- rotating: include RT, Power Drive + drill string, bits
- pumping : include pumps, mud tanks, solid control
equipment (shale shakers, desanders ... )
- safety/well control equipment


WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig 0
e n sprn _ _ _ The
_ main_ components
_ or functions
_ _ __

'" , TOTAl..
, ,..~
.... ----- ~ _ .... -.
------;m=am:; -fU~n:; c'rl't~lo'-n;-;s;-co"'n; -; ;a- 0
drilling rig:
...-. - "
- energy: thermic motors +
l----- T~ .....1 0 _. . . - \~, '
compound or electric
groups (DC/DC-ACIDC)
~- "- ·- - t - hoisting: mast,
'N'_~ _ ~ drawwork, cable, crown &
travelling blocks
- rotation: RT, top-drive,

_._-. - pumping: mud pumps, •~

tank, stand pipe, injection ~
head I
+safety: BOP i

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
The main Components or functions
e n s!:!!! - - - - - - - - - -
_ . ,,. TOTAL

Onshore or Offshore, for

drilling, a rig has the
same mains functions:
- energy/power
- hoisting
- rotating
- circulating/pumping
+safety (BOP)

Fipn I . A tIriJJiPI& rig

rot.w • bit to JriJI • 7Wfl.

... ,....
0- _ _

---- --
c... ..... lllilt l .. fC'Ol'IflfT1OllAL
Z7. _ IOfAn ICJ

---_- ... . -
~;- i~-- ,,....1Iott 21._

:',,'. - : =--
~-- .~[~
, ...
......._ ...... , ...... kMt)
Z9. ....
~. ­

•. .u. ItDt.-y 0IIIy) tIost
... ..-
.. ...
to. ................. COIItftIII


1l. Ikd rk c.. TtIy l4. OriUt t'1
t;: 15.1fOI'I~'"
14. FNl!t...
f5. [iICtrkII CoIInI n SI.,
JO. . . . . .
M. MJ4 ""'"
nlllt; . . ~ llAtrOU1' . . . 0110

II. ... '-N ,PIts) )I. ....IIt ..... ~
ft. fIDer .. , . 4O.1t.- ....... ~
lo. ~s.,nto. .q, MWw;t1ft
u. _ _
... -"""" ... Or_sw..
- - ....
ZJ. ,.. . . . U. CDIIMt_ ""'''

......,.en __
... c.o.-

...... ..-


=F.s WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Power System ~
:::':':'.= ---------- TOTAL ~

Mechanical rig with




~ WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Power System ~
~ ---------- ~
'.. . n .... '..

Diesel engines


~ WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Power System ~
~ -------- ~
,. . .""',., TOTAL

Diesel engines + electric generators

sec -
_ WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Power System ~
~ -------- ~
," . ",AI. " TOTAL


Central control on an electric rig which can be



_ WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Power System ~
~ -------- ~
"''' . T......... TOTAL

F.~, 6. Diesel-eJta;*

~ ensprn - _
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System
_ _ _ _ _ _ __
::":':'..E TOTAL

When visiting a drilling (or workover) rig, the 1st thing which is
seen is the tower (mast or derrick).lt is part of the hoisting
system which allows to Run In Hole or Pull Out Hole ( RIH -
POH) the drill string ( Drill Pipes, Drill Collars).
At the end of the drill string is fixed the rock bit which is
drilling.The bit need to be changed after 20/30/40 ... 100 hours
rotation. For this purpose, it is necessary to POH & RIH all the
The hoisting equipment will be used also to RIH the
casings/tubings/DST string and even the electrical logging


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System
- -,. ,...,.
--e nsprn _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Mouffle fixe

Mouffle mobile U NO!

TRAy .......

- -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
-----=--_---=---=--_ __
Components - The Hoisting System
e n sprn _ _ _


• La tour de forage
. . Types de structures
• derricks (pyramidal ~ 4 pleds. fue)
• mat (forme de A, artkull , repllable)

"''''>goo -..
I~ ..", • .
~ Io ~'>PP '~' I d. r.,.....
Of,.....,.... I"""",.... {"'I.

• mit houbanne (tCkscoplque)



WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System _ __
.... . n".. ' ••
_ _ ~_----=---=----





SEC- !
~ Components
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
- The Hoisting System: The Substructure
. e n Bprn

... . ....
, """'
_ _ _ _ _ _ __


The substructure will have to support all the loads in the mast (ie
the drill string .. ) + the mast itself and usually the draw-work with

~ Components
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
· The_
Hoisting System · The Draw-work
--e n s p rn
_.. .. ,,,.....,
_ _ _ _ _ __


..... """"

Il<- ROT".., ".... CLUTCH

SEC - Draw-work electrical.

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System - The Draw-work
_e n_sprn
:lli1ilI - - - - - - - - - -

(') _ .. .!.-_ ..__ _. F,wu ".:ew

(1) __ _

111 . . - -
m __
tl ...... _ ....

.. ....- ....
. .

_- Draw-work electrical.


WELL INmATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System - The Draw-work
- _ _ _ _ _ __


The draw-work can be driven by electric motors or a mechanical

compound_ Most of the time, there is 3/4 speeds on the draw-work +
one reverse_

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Hoisting System · Drawwork - Auxiliaries
:~:~ -------;::::::=========~-
_ft._Colo -." --
..... -- -
- ."
- ._

1'DII m

• me""



: I I

-..- • I I

- ~
r I
il= I I :
.-.. r
~ : I
I i I

1-': ...-

... ~
1_1,111 ~

..... .--...
: •
Drilling line on the draw-
work. Drilling line has to be slip & cut

~ ensprT1 _ _
WELL INITIATION : 3-0) The Drilling Rig · Components
The Hoisting System - Draw-work & Drilling line
_--=--:.._ _ _ ~ __

Dead line anchor

IIOUO_ fi"gurr 5.
ti~::.,,, Imew
D~lIdli"r lie-

WELL INITIATION : 3·0) The Drilling Rig· Components
The Hoisting System - Draw-work & Drilling line
eneprn ---~----=------
=-~ TOTAl.

Dead line anchor.

Drilling line reel from which it is
slip & cut to replace worn-out line.


WELL INITIATION : 3·8) The Drilling Rig · Components
Hoisting System - Crown & Travelling blocks
. ..
~ . ,-
- - - - - - - - - -

Crown block
Travelling block

WELL INInATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig - Components
Hoisting System· Crown & Travelling blocks
--e n apn-.
- ...........
- - - - - - - -

Drilling line

Travelling block



Kelly spinner •z
hoose i


WELL INInATION : 308) The Drilling Rig· Components
Hoisting System· Crown & Travelling blocks
- - - - - - - - - -

Crown block

Travelling block




WELL INITIATION: 3-.) The Drilling Rig - Component.
Hoisting System· Crown & Travelling blocks
e n e p rn ------------------------------------------------------------------------
:r.r.= TOTAL.

_.s.. _._
, ....
A""' .. .. ", ..

'-C'o_~ _
. ...... _ _ R .....

1 " _ ,~ _

, ,,,_ ,~ ....,,., ....., ,_ ..... .."--, _

~ c~ . ,


WELL INITIATION: 3-0) The Drilling Rig - Component.
function _
" with Rotary Table
--e n sprn
," _"",.. ,iI
_ _ _ ...........:.--_ __


r::f-- - ...........

WELL INITIATION : 3-3) The Drilling Rig· Components
_with Rotary
- 'Table
--e n sprn
_ _ _ - - - -_ _ _


... ""' ..._-

,.~ __ , --
~ "' .V'fr 1J


WELL INITIATION: 3·a) The Drilling Rig. Components
2 Rotary Systems: Top Drive I Rotary Table
.... ..... ..
, ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Rotary + kelly
Top Drive

Trip can be
but mast has
to be high.

WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig - Components
Rotary systems : Top Drive & Top Drive + bottom hole motor
e n s p rn

.. . . ~-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


~ fonelion rotation lIE fonelion rotation

moutlemobh mouOe mobJ1e

tst lmmobDe t
~_ _ _ _ _ _ S"

1 - - - - - - - " ... 5"

_ _- - - ...... . t ....

- - - - - - masH· tfats


WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig - Components
Rotary systems:
_ _ _Top Drive


"', . Tu... ,ii

- - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____


• r


SEC- f
WELL INITIATION : 3·0) The Drilling Rig. Components
Rotary systems: Top Drive
0 .

........ ....
. enBp rn
, ,
- - - - - - - -

Drill string can be POR and

RIR with circulation /
rotation. Safety of operations is
therefore greatly increased
(kick, stuck pipe prevention).


WE LL INITIATION : 3·a) The Drilling Rig . Components ~

~~~~~ ____________________ Ro_ta_~_s_y_
W______________________ ~

Installing a Top Drive requires a

high mast, as the total length of
this equipment is around 30ft.



~ ------===-----------,-
WELL INInATION : 3·a) The Drilling Rig
Rotary systems : Down Hole Motors or Turbi ne

Positive displacement motor

Specifically in directional drilling, mud motors & turbine are

used. Nevertheless, they are not part of the rig itself.

~e nsprn -
WELL INITIATION: 3·a) The Drilling Rig
Rotary system : The Drill String
_ _ _ _ _ __
..., Drill StrIng The driU "";"!! (fig_ ) ' ) i. mOtdeop o f . b£ drill "i1M' lind .p<!ci')
hoellVy-...... nod pip- COIned drill •..,n.1$.


--- rn-----
---- rn[JJ'---
~-- -,-.. .......
, _>o<,,~

The drill string does not belong always to the drilling contractor
WELL INITIATION: 3-a} The Drilling Rig
Rotary system : The Drill String

DP range 2: length - 30 ft
DP range 3: length - 40 ft
most common is range 2 as
derrick/mast are 125 to 150 ft tall


WELL INITIATION: 3-a} The Drilling Rig
Rotary system : The Drill String
ensprn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
''' . ",a.•.ii TOTAL

DC on pipe rack

DP & DC are flexible

enough to drill directional
wells with BU gradient up to

WELL INITIATION: J.a) The Drilling Rig
Rotary system: The Drill String
enep rn - - - - - - - - - -
_ . TIiiii5i TOTAL

In surface, rotation can

be transmitted to drill
string by kelly or top

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig 0
_.. _,.
Rotary system: The Swivel - Kelly - Kelly bushing - Rotary Table

eneprn - - - - - - - -



WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotary system : handling the Drill String
_ . no......
- - - - - - - - - -



WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Hanging the Drill String in the Rotary Table
- -,..",.,
- - - - - - - -

Figure 5- The rotary table assembly and slips hold the drill stem.

sec ·
WELL INITIATION: 3-a} The Drilling Rig
making up a DP In the R.T with spinning chain (old system)
eneprn -----~--
- . "'~ TOTAl..


WELL INITIATION: 3-a} The Drilling Rig
Rotary System : handling string equipment
_ . ,...,


FiptY 7:. Spirrnins '1l1t"(fU:b

Spinning wrench replace chain

WELL INITIATION: 3-8) The Drilling Rig
Rotary System: handling string equipment

.... . T . .'.' . .
- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Iron roughneck allows

combination of spinning tongs &
torque wrench.


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotary System: Accidents on Drill String
e n e prn _ _ _ _ _ _ __
' .... . n .... ' . .

Swelled thread box, because of

not enough make-up torque washout
WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rolatlon Funcllon: The Drilling Bits
.. naprn
- - - - - - - - - -

Even if the Drill Bits are not part of the Rig itself, they are a major actor
of the function rotation.

While rotating the string,

the rock bit turn on

Pipn J. DriJIin,F1IU4 tools mJ MIriMtel tbt Jir mtJ arries

eunmp ~ tht s.iftl«,


WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotation Function: The Drilling Bits
... -..
enaprn - -_ _ _ _ _ _
, ".,., TOTA'-

Bit type PDC

Mud motor

sec -
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotation Function: The Drilling Bits
. ~~ - - - - - - -- - -
- -y-," TOTAL

Drill Collar or HWP are

used to apply weight on the

• Approximately, neutral
point is around 85% ot total
DC weight.





WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig 0
-- ensprn Rotation Function:
_ _ _ _ _ The Drilling
_ __Bits __

........ ..
, ,., TOTAL

Tooth bit Insert bit

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotation Functi on: The Drilling Bits
ensp rn
..... . u .... ,..
- - - - - - - -

Jet effect of the drilling fluid

ejected from the nozzles """"'" f • . • f NM raJ.«
1itc • .n.IOtf'<.,~ J
ft~" ",,_ ,.


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Rotation Function: The Drilling Bits
enap"., _ _ _ _ _ _ __

' ... . T . . '.' . .


Diamond bits

PDC (polycristalline diamond compact)

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System
e neprn
_ _ u ....,..

- .....



~en6prn Components
_ _ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
- Circulating
_ System _ _ _


haute pression I I-~""'Hf-------t



>---••.cd'obturateur. de Pults

Pompa de lorage --rr1~C!'I-'

----. Ga,,"',".ede forage

+ traitement boue

OUtll de Forage

WELL INITIATION: 3·a) The Drilling Rig
Components· Circulating System
. ensprn _ _ _ _ _ _ __
. . . ......
, ", TOTAL

The fluid (usually mud but

can be also air, foam, N2 ...
is circulated down-hole
through the bit.
Purposes of the drilling
fluid are to
-coo 1 the bit
- clean the hole
eventually transport data of
MWD & turn the mud


WELL INITIATION: 3·a) The Drilling Rig
Components· Circulating System
--e n sprn
..... . n .... ' ...
_ _ _- - - - ' - _ - - " - - ' - - - - -_ __


• I.II·II,,(jOFCl:I IIl\(j
• ()\TRB.\I.,\VI (>I' H)JUv]\II()N I'RISSlRL
• I'O\\IR TO \IlI) \IOTOJ{
• (jL()U)(i1('\i 1"1 ()J{\l\TIO"S (\llId L()~~ill~) •

SEC - i
A-ensprn --_-'--_---=-~
WELL INITIATION: 3 a) The Drilling Rig

Components· Circulating System

_ __
... . u ".. ,.. TOTAL


SEC· f

WELL INITIATION: 3 a) The Drilling Rig
Components· Circulating System
..... ...... ..
, ,

• VISCOSIFILR: bcntonitc/attapulgitc! biOJloly_

a III idon!( -VI (-'po IYl1l0rcs
• I'LlJIDII-IANT: starch lignosull()llatc lignitc
• Ph CO\JTROI.: caustic soda
• I !cavy \\cight additi\cs : Cacl2!baritchclllatitc •
• LOST CIRCL LATI01'\ additi\ cs:
grallul ar Ii bruu sill a kc

SEC- f
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System _
e n eprn _ _ _ _ _ __

'" . u ..,.... TOTAL

Drilling mud in tanks


SEC - 1

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System_
--e neprn
''' . n",.,''
-_~_~ __




WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System _
e n ap."
," -",..,.,
_ _ _ _ _ __


Mud is pumped through the stand

pipe in the rotary hose, the swivel
& finally the drill string


SEC · !

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System
," _"'A,. ,ii
_ _ _- - - ' - - _ - - ' - - ' - - -_ __


Cuttings are eliminated from the mud by


WELL INIllATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - Circulating System _
_ -,_ ,ii
_ _ _ ~_----::...~ __


Degazeur horizonta l

Degasser to remove gas from mud


_ WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Well Control System ~
~ -------------------------- ~
,....,..,., TOTAl.

While drilling, the " Bottom Hole Pressure" created in the well by the
column of fluid (mud ..... ) has to be kept always> the "Formation
or Pore Pressure". If not, formation's fluid will enter in the bore-
hole and a kick will occur.
If a kick is not properly controlled, a major accident called "Blow
out" may happen.
It is for this reason that the rule of 2 barriers to keep during "Drilling
& Completion" the control of the well is applied. These 2 barriers
are in drilling:
- the fluid
- the BOP control system

!!As WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig Components - The Well Control System ~
-------- 'ifI


WELL INITIATION : 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control_
System_ __
' .... . nll.. ' . .
- _ _ _ _ _




SEC· !
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
=~ ----~------~-----
''''' TOTAL


•! "


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
_ __ ,a ------'------------'----



WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System - BOP stacks
en s p rn
...' . 'N....'.
- - - - - -- -

Surface BOP
Subsea BOP


~ _ _Components - The Well Control System

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig 0
--e n sprn
,... . 1'. . . . , . .
_ _ _ _ __


I . D_1IOI'
1 OoNtUIO'
1 1.'1i1i111ljooo!

.. ""'.. Fl. ..........

1. ~Ut(l'
• . ~ .. '-l;pooI
, c.o .. _--..
Source Cameron
to. H _
II, "",_e..,o
,l . • _fl.G<Io_
1I.. I!\O.OIIOtFl'.. _
BOP stack Onshore
It . lWlIIiotIOooIor
11. 1:roOo CGWoI ColI>tolo
1\ (iiCc_. H _

" ' ..... '""1
''' ''''-r......'_
YiII"'- _ _ _ .

~- ........
T.I, w.. r_\koI_ . ~


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
- - -

Source Cameron
BOP stack Offshore

'- _,_c__ .. -._

1 ......... -

1 ...... _ U . ... 1/rh.1o .........

7 __ c..nt~

.. _ -

1 _ _- _
..... ' - - P...

• _H:K¥IIoI ..
...... c - _
u.- _ _ , .....

, . " ., ~

1).w..r.... _
11. a..o
l l . . III_.
1, Cc;\oIe_


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
....- ....
_ _ _- ' - - - - -_ _- - - ' - -_ __


PMA :s 31 .3 MPa 101 " . "...5 ....0 Of 5Q)O PII WP

Source SNEA(P)

CHICK VAl. .....


CHICJ[ Viol. ...

~ensprn ---...:....---~---
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
:::'":"=:i TOTAL

PMA So: 62.7 MIla tor PSi • 61.' MPo Of 10000 PIi wp

Source SNEA(P)





• •

- "

----------~---------­ IPICIACSTACIt-W(~"""'ortwe~ . . . . . . )


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
e n sprn
... . n .... '_.
_ _ _- ' - - -_ _- - - ' - -_ __


19'O~3JOl}P B "" .. ~-~
m~. ~
SEC - !
~ ------=------------.:.----
WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System
o Copyri,llhl 2002 ENS PM f onn l'i on Indus t ic


eu p.,."ulilo,. I"O........TION
2I1'O l'.DH lP II"", .. INDU8Tl'Uii


WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig
Components - The Well Control System

ensprn __________________________________________________________________ __

,u . nA .• ,N.
C COpyriiUlt 2002 EN'S PM Fonn o'i on]nd uu i.

WELL - CONTROL EQUIPEMENT : BOP Commandes a distance

,-,..... " , . . . -
I'Iftn... ... _ _ .nlltllll\.

C.. p.,loulilo"
~7.. ·l!31P'm
19'07'110J lP8"",.- INOVSTl'llI!

WELL INITIATION: 3-a) The Drilling Rig

- -y....,"
Components - The Well Control System


Subsea BOP & commandes

...... -
- -""'-'- O TOTAl..


3) Drilling (based on Onshore Well)

3b) Drilling Operation's


~ WELL INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's ~

~ ,.
_.. ,...... ---------- ~ TOTAl..

3-b) the drilling operation's consist mainly in:

- prepare the location & install the rig

- normal drilling
- casing & cementing including wellhead
- special operations: coring, logging, fishing ...


WEll INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's
The Drill Site
ens p rn
I. . . "
- - - - - - - - - -

IIi Onshore platform sketch

This site was designed without

mud pits. All the
cuttings/liquids were treated
immediately before being
disposed (in agreement with a
very strict regulation).


WEll INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's
The Drill Site
_a_ ,. - - - - - - - -

Usually concrete base supports the rig.

WELL INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's
Moving Onshore
e nsE - - - - - - - - - -
_ . '_tii

The total load to be transported for a moving Onshore is depending of the rig size.
It can be from 200/300 t for a small rig up to several 2000/3000 for an heavy duty.
Number of truck trips can be up to 1001120.
Heli-transportable Rig can be splitted in loads of 2/3t to be able to move the rig by

!Is WELL INITIATION : 3- b) Drilling Operation 's Rigging Up A

~ -------- ~
- . ~,

Classical substructure. The BOP will be located between the

soil level and the rig floor.

_ ~
~ _ _WELL
_ INITIATION: 3· b) Drilling Operation's Rigging Up
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ \i#
- . ~,.,-

Self elevating Substructure by activating winches.


_ WELL INITIATION: 3· b) Drilling Operation's Rigging Up ~

..... ,.... -------- TOTAL

Raising the mast. Contrary to a mast, a derrick has to be

erected up piece by piece. Very important to check verticality
& centralisation of the mast with the well..
B WELL INITIATION: 3· b) Drilling Operation's Normal drilling A
~ ---------- ~
_."'...,. TOTAL

The bit is lowered in the hole

with the drill string: DC+DP
Before tagging the bottom, the
kelly or the top drive is
connected. While lowering the
string, the pump is started
slowly and rotation start. Once
arriving on bottom, drilling
parameters are adjusted.


B WELL INITIATION: 3· b) Drilling Operation's Normal drilling A

~ ---------- ~
_ . ,,,...... TOTAL

Kelly in the Rat hole Top Drive

_ WELL INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's Normal drilling A
~ -------- 'tI
,..... ....... .. TOTAL

Drill string suspended with slips in Engaging the kelly bushing in

theRT theRT


_ WELL INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation's Normal drilling A

- _-
...... .. ---------- 'tI TOTAL

Control cabin on an offshore rig

Indicator to adjust weight on bit

WEll INITIATION: 3- b) Drilling Operation' s
Normal drilling ; making a connection
_.,.... ..
_ _ _ _ ~__=____ _ __

. '11(. 1.7 b. Ajoot de lile : vbsa~ de Iii kelly "",r 1M Ii~ Ibms I.. n")OI~c _
!tole. c. NOLlI lk II,c: viuili'C de III bU)' ~ ,Ie la 'i~ sur I. ,arn,IUR'_
Jill- 1.1 •. AJOUI lie ti~e: miw en piau ci"une lice dans Ie
mouse-hole: ISo/f,re : A wimt'r rif (Iii wd/ drilllifg. P"nj.
11. Mise ,"n plac.. 4e In kelly, repritt ti ll for..
,....(/ drilJi"6· P" ...~}.
($,.....(:#: ,t ,Jrinwr "I oil


WEll INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
ensp." Drill String :
________________________ DP______________________________
& DC in the mast ___




WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Drill String: DC in the elevator
ensprn - - - - - - - - - -

. \,

.., .

, -
I" i

\ II \ .....

, ! ( \

... -
':'> .

~I L. 1

.. ", - \



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
ensp rn _ _ _ _Drill String:
_ DC _
in the slips
_ _ __
... . n ...' . .

DC suspended in the slips

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s 0
Drill String automatic handler
. . . ..
ensprn - - -_ _ _ _ _
, ~-,

Drill Pipes
Automatic handling



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Tripping out hole
e n aprn
_ _,_,ii
- - _ - - ' - - ' - - - - ' - - - -_ _ _ _


FII_ 1.8 Mano:uvre de I. garniture. a. Mise en place des I!Ic!valC~un.

b. Remontu d'une lonlucur (triple). c. Ranaement de 1. lon,ueur sur
Ie sommier (S~ back) (Sourt"e: A primer oj oil well drilling. Petu ).

!!F.s WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's A.
~ Running casing 'fill
;rr~ ----------------------~~~~----------------------

Casing elevator & casing

spider. The spider will
suspend the casing string
while picking up a new joint Working from
Joint of casing in the
with a single joint elevator stabbing board
to guide the

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing Running
. . . .. .. ------~~~------
, ,. ,.,

Stabbing one joint of casing

in another.

WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
Casing cementing
e n s prn - - - - - - - -
,~ . ,..".

Casing cementing

&:;Rolesof the cement:

~ transfer the weight of casing string to borehole.
~ Insure annulus seal above formation.
~ Isolate reservoirs.
~ maintain sweillnglflowing zones (shale. salt •...)

&:; Slurry characterlsllcs (waler + additives and Portland cement:

~ compresslveslrenglh: 200/270 bars (3000/4000 psi)
~ 1 sack (94Ib) cement + 5 gal water => ± 1.90 SG
~ Also benlonlte cement:
~100 kg cement + 107.61 water + 3 kg bentonite
==> ± 1.65SG



WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing cementing
..... ..
""' - ,
- - - - - - - -


LANDING ZONE ___-i:.....,... "ZONE



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing cementing - starting the cement job
e n aprn --------------------------------------------------~-------------------------
=...~ TOTAl.

~l--- Bot tom plug

Drilling mud

Start of cementing job:

Bottom plug release

landing colar

Casing shoe

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing cementing: pumping slurry
... .... ..
e n s p cn
, ,

Dilling mud ------\'>

- -- -- - Cement slurry

Cementing job In progress :

Cement slurry pumping

Bottom plug)

Landing colat

=---- C••lng ahoe "'

~ Casing cementing:
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
releasing the top plug
ensprn _ _ _ _ _ _ __

top plug

- - - Cement s tlrr),

Cement job In progress :

The full volume of cement
has been mixed
Release of top plug

Bottom plug

Landing cola,

Casing shoe ..


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
_. ..... ..
sn a p rn
., ,
Casing cementing:
_ __ _ displacement;
_ _ slurry goes
_ up in the_
annulus _ _


Dl1lHng mud

Cementing Job In progress:

Circulation of the cement
slurry In the annular space
Top plug

Cement .rLWr y - - - - - '

Bottom plug
Landing col.,

Casing shoe

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing cementing: end displacement - bumping the plug
--.. ..
,,. -"""' ,
- - - - - - - - - -

DrilNng mud ---+

End of cementing job

Top plug lands on collar
Cement slurry Is In place In
the annular space
Pressure test of the casing

Cement slurry - - -

Top plug

Landing colar

Casing shoe 94


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
--snaprn _ __ Casing: column
_ _ up to
_ surface _
& liner _ __
'" _TN.. ,ii TOTAL

"''''''''ri..' lOO'lE...'I'IoIP''''''''';.,).......,
Casing 15 I
1st drilling diameter
1 1st casing LJ.: - -
2nd dr Illing diameter
I 2nd casing ~I- --
='! --
3rd cki lling diameter
- -
I3'" .,.,". .- 1
4th drilling diameter --- -
I 4th casing
__ 0--
LaBt drilling diameter ---" --
I L_t casing damelBr L ~-'-'--'
m -
WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
enspnn Primary Cementing
______________________________________ Job
______________________________________________ ___


_ _, _,ii

u _ _


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's

....... -..
.... .....
, ,
Liner Cement Job
________________________________________________________________________________ ___


I'1g. 1.11 I', i nd lle II.: l ~ pr• .:.:.JI.rc .I.:" I.. .:i Ul~ III"l i ".\ J~. h ll~ I'"
, Smt~ .' Ih nwlll Sd .(",.,F'I.'ry:rr ).

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Casing Threads

enep~ ----------------------------------------------------------
_ •TIIfI"T.iii



WELL INITIATION: lob) Drilling Operation's
Conductor Connectors

e n sprn ______________________________________________________________________________________ __

,n • no ••• ,. .
Conductor Connectors

11I>Iitw, p ~nt..<I
VII.,"" __ ,",IafIlli:' . .....,.. 1'Ioocoo"':"UooIlt... !IIlI'~
ALT·' Squn •• joint

v..... . . . ~~
..... " Ulilh-oM"CIOJI! ~"'.
~"'~""""'I " ~"'~UI\­

_ll.<IIriII . ....Jldhl:* .....
....... r., ....
... ...,.c.-""_b>. ~_I •
__~­ . -.. T".'If~ ... .....-.,. 1M.tl:r ..t ....old>JwI
.... ""_*c_.:Iniplrloo
._ _ .... "... ..... 10'1. ~ ' '!'.,.q' .
f Of_ ~ "'"

r"l11:.. __""'""'~ , - ..... 1)!V'I't!rI .... ~ . ~:IIolJ'

--....---- -

1'IItIl(I.'IIIDOII ... IIC~_tIbI. .. ~.

r.) _ __
_ 'IH-MI;~
_ _" ' WIoIoI~'''''d''''11
. ~;O ..... ~ . . .
· 1"1__ l1li1115 .... """''''' ''' .... -..d-..._ _ _
. ~~~~.:ionlll!l IIICNt<IM"l'IiQI'IIit...." ,
.. Fastrn-.. .... <1I _ _
.. ~-
.. 1.M'4de.~~"""". + ~:I'Wf ... ~~"'~_ + -'c.t""'''''_ """,,_
.... -..u.._ ....- <t!

. ~ ...
. . ::.c.:-~'"~-QIII + ~-~
r~I ·IAG)"""'b - 1
~~t'WW;rI ~
. ~\.. II"'~lUI~
~ ... ...u:K~ ~ + Ra::M" .. -eiugllr'
. ~31~~J

• """ _ _ lo:>ooJ _ _ ,
. 1«...-Do!Ioo,I-"'II"*

.. ~1ioIlI1!MI""'01
n. .• A~"'-':'
... s;...",:a ...,1t'P'

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
enBp"" - - - - - - - -
.... _ T. . . . ''''


Once, the casing has been run, the wellhead is installed & afterward,
the BOP. These equipment's are tested before resuming drilling.


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well head types
.. .. .... ..
s nBp".,
,. , ,
- - - - - - - -

--_ .._. . .. _- ._
--.. --......... -......... ... - -. - ...-..-
...,--_ _, ... · _.,__
.. ......--
-_._-----_ .... --.-
- ... - ..- ..

__ _--_ -
-..... ... -~-... - ·

~ u __
......... , ~ ,.... ~ --
_ _ ..... _ . ... _ .. _ .... w-:

.. --.-~
.. .... _--"" ·. ..... ....
~.::::.':.. ...

_ . . "" _a ". u . . "'.....,... .-_.. ___..
~ Classical Well head
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
. . ... .-...
, ,.,
- - - - - - - -

Fignre l. Mart 11ltJ/s Trqui,... " ve"I1/ strings IJf(;Iujn!{. c<pcb (If u,bKb Figrwr 18. u mdipg 'he roriM8 ill1lol1JM rnmifn"";ng Ihtr (",riug ft'ring
ftn'C II sp«iflc 1'U'1'pQSe i1lt/IfJnllru III tbe nmrplctioJf oft~ 1:',/1. TI.'rigbt ~ tb, u.,JlJmuJ, UNt4if] with" l'II;;n( himgtr tbnt sufY i",IN
lnsillghtilt/ (tnt! tt"/I tbt II" ,, /lltd kl71'rt'U ,bt Ollltr Itml ;'lIur strmlJ1.


~ Formation Evaluation
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
--e n s " ."
.... . yll4 . . , . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ __

Analysing cuttings recovered on the Shale Shakers is the 1st

method to determine hydrocarbon's presence?

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Formation Evaluation
... ...
, """'
- - - - - - - -



WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
Formation Evaluation
--- ,..
en6prn - - - - - - - -

Mud Logging cabin will follow specifically on "Exploration Wells" the

following parameters:
- flow-meter: in/out
- mud specific gravity: in/out
- active mud tanks level
- drilling parameters: WOB, RPM, ROP, torque, stand pipe
& annulus pressure •

- mud temperature ~

- gas in mud

- mud conductivity
WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Formation Evaluation - electrical logging
ensp~ ----------------------------------------------------------
=~ TOTAl..

The following rock characteristics can be measured by Electrical Logging

Tools or MWD:
- Shale natural radioactivity with Gamma Ray
- porosity with Neutron: created radioactivity f (atoms H)
- Density : decreasing y ray f (density)
- Sonic : amplitude sonic signal
- Resistivity: Rw with SP :difference salinity formation water/filtrat
Rt: Induction, Laterolog
Rxo: invaded zone


~ - -_Formation
_ -_
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
electrical _
logging _ __
.. ~ . n ....' ••

ILos .u...... phks dllT~_ ... I

lt~"'''''''''''''"fi> 1h'''. La p...,..... ,L_.1In.
Gamma-Ray for shale
.....--HftflJO..,...._ . . ,."....~ .. _ril ........ "'~

-But? Caliper for reservoirs

1'!1 ..........toIti"d~ ..... _ ... lnI_,
• ~lIIcat"'''noc:IIn ~ -=-I:00I,"_.,,,,, etc:...
o Df-,""... d_ ... 11ukk'II (......... . - I t f )

'Inf_""""~_(""_Ion) NeutronlDensity for

porosity, lithology,
_o-IIII" !
• "'llfIo",'IM: 1.(onnatlolZ!l polIr: contact gas/oil
.~" I·~
_1 .......... I0000 .... ''''"
· "rrit .... .........-
• tIi~~lnmt: __ lIonItkll'a MocWk! de "-",oW Resistivity for contact
'1,I"U<ktdlMl: 'vohl,"", el mo;JUYe _ _ _ des ""kill-.
water/oil & Sw

or -.ct.u-bulk!

IItI.olnp,W"._.••",,,,, _,

.. l ....*'IIlU~· 1'11.
uk ..... S... , . . .

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
ensprn Formation Evaluation· electrical logging
----____________________________________________________________________________ __

_.... ....

I- 011til~ pour .targUer

Shales: Gamma-Ray
/ . Outlls de por05lt~ apparc~te 0- [
... IIeU'"m mcwl"e de"
.....-bllo,. de Ia ud'-'1hiU
P",YOqlfe (t.m:llon des .1000n 11) Porosity: Neutron, Density,
... densili _ _ re MI'Mtfn ... d_ d. ".YOfUIC'ment y
(ronctJuR lIot I. det.5lt' 1':~..'trontqUf da mU!tu) Sonic
... ..mJI~ nteO;IU''t d"llne onlk ~

I- OotUs de rhisthite
Rw ... poIarlsnlfflll:'lpolltllnie I'S
Resisitivity: Ps, Induction,
IIUtmntc de sal/nUl flUte eau,. nlll'll' er OOIl(.'
Rt ... nllW'rocllspoliOlllrJl (induction + l a r~l"<)lol,;l
t'ftwoi (IV ('rilt"" do <:OO1"II1!t!I -> IMe "k~

Rxo ... Ulkrodbl*""lir.~ (hwtllcfion + 1",leroffill)

Mnd", JIi rt'lC'lliIb.RlilllIl":> za_la~-e.


~ Formation
_Evaluation· electrical _
logging _ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
e n s prn

_ _ _ _ _


0-"""-" ., ... 1-

O- ...~., .... -"'t~.-

6-_ _
... ·_

,. ...... . /' .... 10..0 1. ..

;. . . 1.0 .... ,

I· Rllppcb & lloliOtlll :oJ

_ . . - .. _ ... ,._ M110 rod ..
0= V,/VI
• • • ntiuol /lit "y4l'<itnrbtlru I
Sk - Vhc:lVp
SIIc = I-Sw

_ -
• Qwmt.itI.·.. ~...... "'" ,
Vhc: - 0 .SI~. VI
........ ........,.
. . _ _...

S..- = Vw/Vp

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Formation Evaluation - coring ______________________________

eneprn ----______________________________________________

- . ~-, TOTAL



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
e ne~

... . n .... '...

Formation Evaluation - coring
- -____________________________________


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
ens p m
.... y-,..
- - - - - - - -

Losing equipment in the hole results most of the time in expensive &
dangerous fishing operations. But unfortunately, it happens.
The most common causes are:
- twist off or parting string
- sticking, (differential pressure, key seat)
- bit, tool failure
- foreign objects like handling tools, logging ...
Generally in open-hole, after one or two attempts to recover the fish, if
negative, the well will be side-tracked.


~ Fishing· examples
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
e n s pm
' ... . r .... ' ..
- -_ _ _ _ _ _


" eaulIE t. P"..n:U """ .-1"0 '"U...cAl. . nAIl CA UDD

F lOllU 2. P I'''. I"n)Ca . " aL(ItlG ltl )lO " OWl . , .U; '!:Al. r",Tl(ItIZ

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
e n epnn Fishing - tools
----__________________________________________________________________________________ ___

""""""" TOTAL

g _.-
_<I:;; _
. I ~

'. -=.-
: I •

IS ........ ' c.,,_. ('!o,,,,...

"1.11.11 (;QU lb .. b ~"' ___
,,,,, l
Lv OJ.Ii ...... Ole .... M'·... ""ur(' hy_M~"""'",~, ~ ""

--- "". lot "-I. c..<.o1 .... ..,.., ~,;~_. ~ ......

_""" ......... 10 """. E.... . - ri o .rf..,..-~
'" f'ri',.;po ...., «IMUIIN "". u~ y.....,.. ••li't ~r"'. ·
I\QIII< U "be.,.. I,'.t.<) ~ !WI< <uouOlk. i .............
pi ....... _ ..............
~"'_. ~ ,' , a,. ..
""..,....""-~ 1 1o
d. 10
"", n"", ,-a

Overshot is the most common WC_ r _lu",

fishing tool for external catch


~ Fishing
WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
tools : mill , overshot
enspcn _ _ _ _ _ _ __
... . 1'...... , . .

I ,-

(Junk mill)

C~ Iloe rcplch.,c
ro .. cr~hoI')

/Sauru' . 8,101""11/.
Alman! pcrn,Qllul
" .. "',. . D ri/f",,, IlId"7U;C~j.

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
----=-------=-----_ _ __
Fishing strings
ensprn - _ _ _

Overshot engaging the


"IGtI . . il. ()YEUMOTaNGAGIIO" .lnI


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
_ __
Fishing: side tracking in a casing
enaprn - _ _ ---=-_~__=___
_ . ,_iii


•• 4. 1
! II

.!!. ~

=- I

i §
I ~
I::>l" _,, ..
L--r. ,u ,..~, ,, ~
'\, t
SEC - !
~ -------------------------------------
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Fishing: side tracking in open hole

~-...:::<::-..--- . --
::.:- ~~~ -


- - --- -----.Joe..~ I
------- .~

FII. 1I.l3b O¢rntto n de ~id~Hra ck open hole en trou lubt
avec pose d' un bouchon de ciment . -- -:c-- -. ~

------- .,-... -------
_-~ CiMENT

;- ---.~
.' .


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
Directional Drilling
e n 6 p rn
_ .. n . ..,"
- _ _ _ _~ _ _ __









WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling
. enep rn
_.no. ....
- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _






~ en6prn
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
_ _ _ _ _ ---=--_ _ __
Directional Drilling

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling
_ _ u .. __
eneprn - - - - - - - -

_ <_.'::"r.' ~::::.:..
-...... ....

Application cases for

Directional Drilling

0 11 00
O O eo
0 00 0
0 00 0

-_..- -
° '!!''°L.-'JIHL..J.:lJt:J.9.!!.eJ
....... . ........


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
Directional Drilling
ene prn - - - - - - - -

raorn.s t"OltAOl':: lIORIW"'"TAL


Ii MO l'liTF.E!J tI1 lNf';f"N"'~ N SEt'AKi:1i:s

...... -
. . CIMllilktltkm ell Fonae hori7.onla l

,,",,0' RaYOIl lboiyon

Tn.. ".,. IIwyen lon,
4 IJ1i - 4 ;v. <<Om "'-ZHIII > lNm
> 1,4°110 DI «," -/J1t 1ft >O.lJG/ JO N

6·' ...... < 46N 46 -lOt .. > 200 ..

>1,15"11'111 <1,2$°11, .. >O,25QI1. 1ft

8111-" " <!s. 5J-lttm > lCIIUI

>1"/10 III < ) °111 m >8,2V /IOm
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling
enaprn - - - - - - - - - -
:::-:r~ TOTAL

-- --
-- f-----'="==- - -- j
/ .-... i

-- - . . --

-- -

..... ~ ~-'r"'---::==-!
- - - ---- - -

~ _ _ _ _Directional
_ Drilling
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
e n a prn
,"" _noA'.'.
~ _ _ __


vertical phase

radius of
CLrValU, -
10 ~ stabilized phase
z Phase
build up

10 ~
departure 0

z= Zk + R sin 1+ U cos I
0= R (1 - cos I) + U sin I
I • sincosI I Z sin 1_ 0 cos I = Zk sin I + R sin 2 1_ R cos I + R 0052 1

(Z- Zk) slnl +(R · O)cos I =R oll = lg 1/2 R (H') - 2t (Z -Zk)- (1 - ")(R - 0)= 0

(Z - Zk) --/(Z - Zk)' - 0 (2R - 0)

I' (2R -0) -21 (Z -Zk)+ 0= 0 1=
1= 2 arctgl

~ _ _ _ _Directional Drilling
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
--" n ap."
_- - ' -_ _ __


CJrtr". ....ft _

I"IotalIn!IbII _ _

Positive displacement motor


~ _ _ _ Directional Drilling
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
e n ap." _ _ _ __

- -"_,.'" TOTAL

o =-11
' ,, ":. '-



~ --------=-------=--------
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling - starting the deviation
::-:-~ TOTAL

.... Le., outlls d'amorce de deviation

• Wblpstock
• Jetting
• Raccord coud' + OlUttur de fond

t I
I --:> 1

_.- I
, !.
, ,l
, .


- -.- -
....." - ~

U f

J.U.i.ng Datleoting tool i

SEC · 1

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling· keeping the deviation
e n sprn _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- . Y~ '"

.... MoIa_ de._

. c ......,. _ I"OUItina (lMIIIdap, 1«k ... ."" .11)

• Carallwe n. ~ . . 110ft
aftC I"IIttIW4. e..u + ......,. cs. roM

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling - keeping the deviation
:~~ ~========~~=======----- TOTAL

~ ..........
,0\ c ' -
- ... !.-


_ ~
~:!. _ it; I

,., ~. ~ ~

ro, •

c it
.....,." ,,-
f i!~--'--

, 0\ ... , it " __ •
';, c::~~


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
_. _,.
Directional Drilling· controlling the deviation

en9prn - - - - - - - -



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling - controlling the deviation
e napnn -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.~ TOTAl..


-_ .."---------------- EAST (m~

EAST (m ) . . . . .


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s

Directional Drilling - controlling the deviation - different type of strings
e n e p rn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
..,. TOTAl..

~ensprn -
WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling - specific applications
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ •..=ii


· Deviated wells with a flnallndlnatlon >= 90 °

· Simple shape or double build up according to departure

· purpose: - .. ..,. ,--.
- increases the drain In the reservo ir,
- open communication between Isolated or fractured beds,

- produces thin or heavy oil beds, •z
• decreases risk of water coning. <
· Cost: 1.5 a 3 time tha cost of a vertical well. 1 19
SEC · 1

~ ensprn Directional _
_ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Drilling - specific
_ applications _ _ _






~" nap"" Directional _
_ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Drilling - spec:ltlc
_ applications _ _ _
- . ~-= TOTAL


2250 T - - -...........
2300 --- -----
- - - - - - - _ - : .__
---- 4GP...J1!)RA

r ·--·_._..... _--.....---....
-_ . ---_....
------- - - -------
~~~~~~-- -,.::::::~-~-::.::-~-~-:::.=~=:- - =:::::::::~:: - .
TARGET - - - - - - ___ ~_----
F3@ -2480m ------_ .......


I 123


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's

Directional Drilling - specific appllcaUons
enap"., --------------------------------
- -""'..... TOTAL





SEC - i•
~ensprn -
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Directional Drilling - specific applications
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




SEC · r

~ ensprn _ _ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
--=----=--_ _ __
Directional Drilling - specific applications
:=::'7.3 TOTAL

.~~---------- O
_ . ,JiiTii:



SEC · f

e n s prn _ _ _ DST_ (Drill Stem_
Test) _ __


- Get informations about the well & the reservoir
- create a variation of flow rate & afterward keep the sama flow rate
during a period of time.
- record the variations of formation pressure
- take sampling
- record bottom hole temperature
IMPORTANT: from the accuracy of these measurements, depends the
right conclusion concerning the profitability of an 0 & Gas project

WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
ensprn - - - - - - - -

On an exploration well, the only way to identify with accuracy the

fluids of the reservoir is to perfonn a well test or DST. The other
techniques like coring, cuttings/indices analysis, logging will only give
presumption but not certitude. Moreover with a DST, it will be feasible
to measure the well potential
IP = Q/ilP
In fact, a well test in casing consist in completing temporarily the well
& measuring the true productivity.

In the past, well tests were also perfonned with packer in open-hole,
but more & more this technique is replaced by using tools like RFT, or
MDT which give better infonnation.


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill_
Stem Test)_
e n e prn
_ .. , iiAtiiiii
- _ _ _ __


Most of the times, a DST will includes the following phases:

- RIH the DST string, & setting the packer
- 1st flow (once casing is perforated)
- 1st BU (or Virgin Pressure of the reservoir)
- 2d flow with surface sampling
- possibly 3d flow, 3d BU
- reverse circulation
- POH DST string

WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
enspm - - - - - - - -
.. ,ii

Oil well:
- only I flow rate is necessary to determine the Productivity Index:

- at least 2 flow rates are necessary to determine the Productivity




_........ .. -------- "
-- ,

Cap,d" de d,b" d'uD pult,

(cas d'UD te:oulement permanent et radial dr(ula1re)

Nob: Pew . . ,..... ....... <........... ",.-.>: PovWI pults"pz(t.lCllll'fr'l...)I

Q-I.(.c - p.) Q- c(rJ-rl)- ."OC.,Ju<1

n_lP ... C .... etI ..... WtljAIIIIIS

PF: Bottom Hole Pressure BHP

PG: Pore or Formation Pressure (Pression Gisement)
h: usable thickness - k: permeability - 11 : viscosity - S: skin
IP: Productivity Index - C: Well flow Capacity
sec -
WELL INITIATION: 3 b) Drilling Operation's

Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test) Perforating0

ensprn - - - - - - - -
=:":"~ TOTAL



WELL INITIATION: 3 b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing:
- - - - ' -DST

(Drill Stem Test)_

e nsprn _ _ _ -_ _ _ __
_ • •_ii

'4- Ti.,e<ou cubing

Packer (non ancre)

Packer set; flowing

Packer set: BU
RIH Tester (ouvert)

1><8-- Packer (anere)

=;;f;"",_iii._J;EoP=;- Enregistreurs
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
enep rn - - - - - - - - - -
i:":'i"'= TOTAL



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
--e n s prn
_ _ _Well
- ' -DST

~"-~.~ --------------
- - - (Drill
- - , .Stem
Test) _
, . -_



r.:::"'.':C ~~,------
... ....., ......... --------

~- ----~------

..... __. ............. WI _ _ _ _ __

1..=c.... ; ... ,. .....- - - - - - -
=: ,~'~~~----------

----------- - --
... -
~~------- Ir4

....... -......., ............ ,.. ........ c.... ---

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
enaprn - - - - - - - -
=:-~ TOTAL



WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
_ _,_,ii
- -_ _ _ _ __


SlIt VI"'"


....."" ....
-... --
-"- --..

..... - ..----¥~

~~ ..............-I.

CL08ID 01'1"

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
enaprn -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rr.v...~ TOTAL


Dlua" ~, •

+-_ _ 1 k>inlI CO\lU ...nto!

SectloI1 tnf&WtJre

+--- Crq,ln<'


~e n aprn _
WELL iNITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
_ _
Well testing:
DST (Drill_
Stem Test)_ __

; ,

Fllo 1l.1I Diatramme de test Iype (Souru: LAI g10/08it' fJU flflidf'~­
en i'xploitation pi.lm/i~n!. Oiv. GioloNil!. SNeAP,.

WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Well testing: DST (Drill Stem Test)
_ __ ,ii - - - - - - - - - -

Debit de gaz
!Debit proionge
r- '14
W ..!., ..!., ..u Temps

Pression de fond

P wi
r "--~f1 1" -/

I 2
? ?

~ ?
\ ~Prc:SSion

en debit


Test isochrone: gas well


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
_ _Kick Control
. . . .. ..
~ ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ __






WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
-... ..
'". ,"' ,
- - - - - - - - - -


D~IU 1001'

Mud pumpa:
."' ...
A .........rBQf> ---8JrJ
Pipe ..",. BOP


~ Kick Control
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
ensprn _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ .nA..... TOTAL



SEC · f
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
ensprn - - - - - - - -
==-~ TOTAL

Circulation keeping· BHP constant - Summary

4 pbases :

Starting or cbanging Q (stopping .. .) :

- keep CP constant

Circulating with original mud:

- keep DPP constant and equal t o ICP

Replacing original mud by kill mud inside the string :

- follow variation from ICPto FCP, or with Driller's keep CP= SIDPP
(ICP Wltil kill mud arrives at the swivel level)

Replacing fluid by kill mud in the annulus:

- keep DPP (onstant and equal to FCP

r~;:lli;ajpim -
."..1 Con.aI · Ch' pOor .
I ' C I - 'TION
. ,iO.. "-'O ' "'R _n INcua",,_


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
e n a pnn
_ .. ,_ii
----------______________________________________________________________________ __

o Copp ':Jh<lOOl ENSPM formd Olllrxlun i .


Driller's Method

1st part: inOux evacuation with Original Mud

- phase <D : When pump at SCR, DPPshould be equal to [CPo Ifoot, keep DPP
equal to the value given by the circuit

2- d part : replacement of Original Mud by Kill Mud

- phase (l) : - If the annulus is dean and the cho. well adj usted
=> nothing to do
- However check that DPP follows the correct graph aM that Q>
remains constant = SlDPP (if the annular is clean and full of OMW
mud only)

w•• C O"' OI· Chop"'"

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
o CCJp)'riIN 2001 ENSI'M Fo<ma' OO1 Tndu..i .

(1 ......" ' " '

-- ~ ________ JL ___
, I
' i
! i
: !i ~----~------~-------
i !

; , .. "
....1\i \
! If -i- 1 \. I
, 'I ------- ' \ "
-- - ------ i ,,' , i 1 \!
i ':
I. i" !
i '\ I
....-...:.----l"' : j i '. - - - - - _.!'!!II!_

-...I ... .-.-1+ -.- - - ---

! I I j
i : l
" ...... ........
i i


r=-."'!...i - -

~~/!1~ ­
W.. Co n~ o l · C""pto' .

n"o.,."'n' ..... . 1. ~~~


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
_...... ..
- - - - - - - - - -

c C<>pyn a/ll ~ ENSPM Fctmdoft Ind..n i e


-- -

(2"" ..

,u . . . .

- .......
"':'- 1 .
......... u

WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's 0
'" . ~.... '.'"
- - - - - - - - - -
Kick Control



_.."ou,re"" 18 superie ur
ou chapeau

Garnitures d 'etancMitt!

_ _ Llgne d 'ouverture

Piston de manoeuvre

Ligna de farmelure

Bride d'assemblage


WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation' s
Kick Control
_.. ........
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


~ ----~~~~~~~~------
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control - Sub Sea BOP




SEC - f

~ensprn _ _ _
WELL INITIATION: 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control
- Surface
BOP _ _ _ _
:;:-m::.:i TOTAL

SEC - 1
WELL INITIATION : 3-b) Drilling Operation's
Kick Control - Choke
.. nap"" - - - - - - - - - -
- . """~ TOTAl..





@Copyright 2005 ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

1 ARCHITECTURE OF A BORE HOLE ............................................................................................... 5

2 HISTORICAL NOTES ......................... .................................................................................................. 9

3 PRINCIPLES OF ROTARY DRILLING AND TURBODRILLING ................................................ 9

4 BITS.......................................................................................................................................................... 12

5 DRILLING FLUIDS ............................................................................................................................... 16

6 DRILLING EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................... 17

7 DRILLING RIGS .......... ......................................................................... ................................................. 20

7.1 On shore drilling ..................................................................................................................................... 20
7.2 Off-shore drilling .................................................................................................................................... 20

8 CASING AND CEMENTING................................................................................................................ 24

9 FISHING ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 26

10 DIRECTIONAL DRILLING ................................................................................................................. 26

© ENSPM FonnatiOD Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

Drilling for oil includes all operations involved in reaching porous, permeable rock that
may contain liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons in the subsoil.

Location of a bore hole is decided on following geological and geophysical studies

performed on a sedimentary basin. These studies give an idea of subsoil make-up and
likelihood of finding deposits but they can not definitely say whether hydrocarbons are
present. Drilling alone can confirm hypotheses made and show what type of fluids are
contained in the rock.

Uncertainty as to the type of fluids trapped in the subsoil and complexity of sedimentary
deposits both explain the high percentage of negative exploration drilling operations (one
productive operation out of twelve attempts) and drilling's large share in the total cost of

1 Architecture of a bore hole

An oil well's profile depends on its depth (from a few hundred meters to 9 000 m) and its

This profile is summarized in the drilling and casing program (figure I a & b) for the well
which defines characteristics and different successive phases of drilling. Between these
phases, the hole is "eased" by a string of steel tubes or casing.

In most cases an oil well includes two or three drilling phases to put the following in
• surface casing to keep back unconsolidated surface layers. It is between 100 m and 1 000
m long or intermediate. It is also used to support the wellhead.
• protection casing, if needed, to keep out layers or fluids that might hinder drilling. For
example, in caving formations, in zones containing high-pressure fluids ...
• production casing, if the well produces to isolate the production zone. A tube (tubing)
for the fluid to flow through is run into this casing.

These lengths of casing are cemented with slurry pumped between the walls of the hole and
the casing just after the latter is run in.

Before the surface casing is run in, beginning the bore hole consists in :
• the civil engineering crew placing a conductor pipe before the rig arrives, when drilling
is on shore.
• driving in the sub-sea conductor with an air hammer as soon as the rig arrives on the site
in off-shore drilling, in order to get down through the water depth if the rig rests on the

© EN$PM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Trai1ling

Basic drilling

U20m 20m
~";,/ OJ Surfare
Drilling_2A" (61Omm)
Drilling 17 112"
enginreing crew before
rig arrives on site

Drill pipes _________ f- a.ing

- (244mm)
Drill colan; ---1+ Cement
Rock", _ _ _ _~I"-!\
--,----- 2500m 2500m

Drilling 12114"
(311 mm)


Drilling 8 112"


Drilling 5 3/4"

FIG. 1a Drilling and Casing program

© ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling


jf..f". Conducmrpipe
26" (660mm)

:t/~ ~80ft
20" (50Smm)
171/2" (444mm) -----4.::.::::. I

I Swface casing string
13 3/S" (340 mm)
~ I +-8ooft (240m~

12114" (311 mm)
9 5/S" (224 mm) I of-+-- Intennediate casing string

i il ,,·j~I---+--8-OO-0-ft-(2::~
8 112" (216 mm) ! ::}

I {:.
7" (178mm)

53/4" (146mm) -----t.}.:..;. II +----


5" (127 mm) ------+.:~:".:::.A.~.: :{: Liner

001 DP9B08 /.!i //.:.~ +-12000 ft (3600m~

FIG. 1b Drilling and Casing program

© ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

Basic drilling

The tubes composing these columns are made of improved plow steel, 9 to 14 m long with
special threading on the ends, joined together by coupling. They are about 1 centimeter thick
and diameters range from 114 mm to 500 mm Lengths and diameters for different drilling
phases are chosen based on information from geologists and from neighboring bore holes
about the types of formations and fluids that may be encountered during drilling.

For example, the drilling and casing program is the following for a 5 000 m deep well
drilled to deposits in the PAU region (south of France) :
• Drilling in 445 mm diameter from the surface to 1 000 m depth.
• Surface casing diameter 340 mm placed between the surface and 1 000 m depth.
• Drilling in 311 mm from I 000 m to 3 500 m depth.
• Protection casing 245 mm in diameter placed from the surface to 3 500 m
• Drilling in 216 mm from 3500 m to 5 000 m
• Production casing 178 mm in diameter placed from the surface to 5 000 m
• Drilling in the pay zone in 146 mm from 5 000 m to 5 500 m

On the other hand, a bore hole to a depth of 550 m, drilled in the Edjeleh field in the Sahara
was carried out in the following way:
• Drilling in 311 mm and casing in 245 mm at a depth of about 40 m
• Drilling in 200 mm and casing in 140 mm at about 550 m

When the architecture of the bore hole has been designed, the following can be calculated
and provided for:
• choice of drilling rig,
• duration of different operations,
• necessary supplies,
• consumption of products and equipment, and finally,
• overall duration and cost price of the bore hole.

The world's deepest producing well was drilled to a depth of 9 583 m

© ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

2 Historical notes
When "Colonel" Drake drilled his first oil well in August of 1859 to a depth of twenty
three meters near Titusville, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., he naturally used the cable tool system of
drilling. This method uses the impact of a heavy bit hanging from a cable which transmits an
alternating movement created by a spring board. This process, whose principle has been
known since ancient times (3 000 years B.C., the Chinese were digging deep, narrow holes
using this method to extract salt), was used for drilling almost all of the wells in Pennsylvania
during the second half of the 19th century. As long as drilling was limited to the hard, well-
consolidated formations, it was well adapted.

When prospecting was begun in other regions with more severe drilling conditions it was
necessary to adapt the method. This is how the rotary drilling process came into being. The
first experiments with this technique seem to have been made on the Corsicana field in Texas
at the beginning of this century, and its popularity grew by giant steps, after J.F. LUCAS
discovered the Spindletop field near Beaumont, Texas, using a rotary drilling rig in 190 I.

3 Principles of rotary drilling and turhodrilling

This method uses milled-tooth bits or diamond bits on which there is weight and rotary

The rock is chipped away by roller-bit teeth or scratched and crushed by diamond bits due
to the combined action of weight and rotation.

The bit is rotated by the way of the drill pipes (steel pipes, 9 m long attached together by
threaded joints) connecting the bit to the surface. It is possible to rotate all the pipes and the
bit owing to the uppermost pipe named Kelly with a square or hexagonal cross section which
fits into a housing of the same shape rigidly locked into a rotary table driven by an engine
(figure 2). An alternative is to rotate the pipes using a power swivel driven hydraulically
(figure 3) or electrically.

Weight on the bit is provided by 100 m to 200 m of very thick pipes called drill collars
which weigh 100 to 300 daN/m and are placed just above the bit. The drill collars also help to
keep the hole vertical because their diameter is closer to the bit diameter.

To get rid of rock fragments broken off the bottom by the bit, the circulation of fluids is
used. This technique, which was invented by a French engineer, Mr. FAUVELLE in 1845,
consists in injecting drilling mud (a mixture of clay and water) into the drill string. It goes
through openings in the bit, or nozzles, and up through the annulus between the hole walls and
the drill pipe. It sweeps the cuttings along with it up to the surface. Before the mud is sent
back into the circuit, it has to be sent through a mechanical system to remove cuttings. Some
cuttings are recovered and studied by geologists to find out more about penetrated formations.

© ENSPM Fonnation Industrie -IFP Trairung

Basic drilling


Rig floor
e :::::~em
® Swivel sub


ID/== ~::r upset

Rotary table -

\) Lower upset
Kelty saver sub


Rubber protector (optional)

Tool joint box member

u---- Drillpipe

~ Tool joint pin member
rgl Crossover sub

00 Drill collar

~IZJ Bit sub

Working face--
~ Bit

FIG. 2 Terminology of the drill string

© ENSPM Fonnatiotl Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling


rT\--~ Swivel "b


Kelly drive


\:,/ Kelly saver sub

Ke lly tenninology
Rubber protector

. r -hJ"+---- -...

!II~.---- Tool joinl breeker

~Ht--- linkeo:lapler


Power swivel assembly

FIG. 3

o ENSPM Fonnation Industri, - . ~

IFP Tralnmg
Basic drilling

A vanatlOn on this technique consists in rotating the bit with a drilling turbine or
downhole motor placed just above it. Rotation is starded off with the drilling fluid. In this
case, the drill string does not rotate and power is supplied directly to the bit. These turbines
(figure 4) are made up of 100 to 250 stages, each one of which has a moving element and a
fixed part. Their output is around 150 H.P. which can supply rotation speeds ranging from 700
to I 000 R.P.M. with pressure drops from 60 to 100 bars. Downhole motors are based on the
principle of the Moineau pump, uses the other way.

4 Bits
Roller bits or rock bits have generally three milled-toothed cones, mounted with bearings
on the axes of three arms that are welded together. The bit can be screwed on to the drill
collars by a threaded joint.

Mud passes through openings in the axis of conventional rock bits, whereas jet bits have
openings on the sides. In the second case, bits are equipped with small-diameter; calibrated
opening to increase drilling fluid speed and make bottom-hole scavenging more efficient.

The number and length of teeth on cones depend on the type of formation to be drilled
(figure 5). Drilling parameters are chosen according to the formations penetrated and rotation
speeds generally range between 50 and 300 R.P.M. Weight on the bit is between 250 and
I 000 daN per centimeter of bit diameter. For example, a 311 mm-diameter bit for hard
formations could be used at 100 R.P.M. and 30 000 daN.

The rate of penetration depends on the type of formation, and ranges from one to two
meters per hour in hard formations to thirty meters per hour and more in soft formations. A
rock bit rarely lasts longer than twenty four to eighty hours ; the work it performs has the
following consequences:
• teeth become worn and can even be worn away completely,
• bearings wear out and can sometimes cause a cone to be lost in the hole,
• bit diameter decreases in abrasive formations.

In hard formations, diamond bits (figure 6) are often used. They have industrial diamonds
set in a very strong matrix. The size and number of diamonds as well as the shape of the bit
depend on the formations drilled. A new family of diamond bits called RDe with industrial
diamonds laid on a tungsten carbide support can drill softer formations than conventional
diamond bits. The bits have a long lifetime and a high penetration rate - 700 to 800 m - drilled
in a hundred hours. They are more expensive than rock bits.

Managing drilling operations, i.e. choosing bit and drilling parameters (weight and rotation
speed in particular) that give a minimum cost price per meter drilled, is a critical operation.
Formations encountered in the subsoil are extremely heterogeneous, and predicting the type of
rock that will be found is still very difficult. Despite progress made in the last few years, the
driller still knows little of what is happening at the bottom ofthe hole.

e ENSPM Formation ll1dustrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

FIG.4 Turbodrill

o ENSPM Fonnalion Induslrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

Tungsten carbide bit Steel loath bit

with sealed journal bearings with sealed journal bearings

Compact Outer end 01 tooth

Inner end 01 tooth


Carbide looth or
Nose 01 cone

Rock bit elements

Pilol pin

Locking nn'g _---,="

Q·ring seal

Compensator nozzle bevel


- - _.Shank bo'e
Marking on top of shank
Bit size
Bit assembly number
001 MC9836
Serial number

Fig. 5 Three-cone bit terminology

o ENSPM Fonnation lndustrie - LFP Training

Basic drilling

Junk slOl --.,--,i~a:::Q.

Examples of PDC bilS

Inlerchangeable (Source; Reed T()(){ Co.).

Break.er slo'- - -";;

TSP bilS
002MC9836 (Source: ElI.mnclll Chrisll'll!J~n) .

FIG.6 Diamond bits

o ENSPM Fonnation lodustrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

5 Drilling fluid
Drilling fluid not only raises drilling cuttings, but also fulfills the following functions:
• it cools down the bit,
• it keeps back the walls of the hole and stops cave-ins by the hydrostatic pressure it
exerts laterally,
• it keeps back fluids under pressure that may be contained in the formations,
preventing any kick of gas, oil, or even water.

The drilling fluid flow rate must keep cuttings from falling back down to the bottom of the
hole. The mud upflow speed in the annulus must be around 25 to 50 mlmin which means flow
rates of about 2 400 IImin with a 311 mm drilling diameter and I 200 I/min with 216 mm

Drilling mud is generally composed of 5 to 10 % special clay added to water. There are
various products to adjust its characteristics to desired values. For example:
• tannins or polyphosphates to reduce viscosity ; starches to decrease filtrate, i.e.
decrease the amount of water likely to filter through the walls of the hole.
• baryte (BaS04) to increase the density of mud so that bottom-hole hydrostatic pressure
during drilling remains higher than pressure of fluids contained in the formations (for
example, 10000 daN ofbaryte per cu.m of mud whose density is 1.2 daN/liter, increases
the mud density to 1.8 daN/liter and exerts 720 bars of pressure at a depth of 4 000 m).

Mud is constantly checked and prepared according to the formations it is used to drill.
Different types of mud can be used to drill particular types of rock, for example saturated salt-
water mud for drilling salt formations.

If formations contain no water and are well consolidated, they can sometimes be drilled
using air as drilling fluid. In this case a compressor battery is used providing about 40 cu.
mlmin at 20 bars.

Mud volume in circulation is between 150 and 200 cU.m according to depth and diameter.

Drilling mud is also a drilling parameter, not only because of its density, viscosity and
filtrate which influence rate of penetration, but especially because of the hydraulic pressure it
gives to bit nozzles which aid in cleaning the bottom of the hole.

© ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

6 Drilling equipment (figure 7)

Drilling equipment is built for running in and pulling out the drill string to change bits,
rotate the string and pump drilling fluid during drilling.

The hoisting function uses a group of components including:

• a derrick or drilling mast 45 m high to run in, pullout and vertically rack drill pipes,
generally in segments of three, 9 m long joints ;

• a drawworks, with a main drum equiped with a mechanical band brake and an auxiliary
electromagnetic brake, connected to a gear box with 2.4, or 6 drive ratios. The
drawworks is used in tripping the drill string, whose weight is about 30 000 daNIl 000
m, at an average of 800 mlhour. A block and tackle system (with 8, 10 or 12 lines)
composed of drilling cable rolled up on the drawworks drum, goes through the crown
block at the top of the derrick and onto a travelling block with a hoisting hook attached.
The cable is attached to a fixed point at the foot of the derrick. The weight hanging from
the hook can be read constantly by measuring the tension on the cable. All of this is
driven by either diesel engines with a unit output of 400 to I 000 H.P. and connected
together by mechanical transmission, or a diesel-electric group with diesel engines
driving direct or alternating-current generators. The electrical energy supplied by the
latter is transmitted by cables to electric motors located on the drawworks.

The power required for drill string trips varies with depth, and ranges from 500 H.P. at
2000 m to 2 000 H.P. at 6000 m

The pumping function uses a group of components including (figure 8) :

• Mud tanks (usually three or four), where mud is stored, with a unit capacity of 20 to 40
• Mud pumps with two or three single, or double acting, horizontal pistons.

They pump up mud from the tanks and to the drill pipes through a delivery pipe, then the
standpipe, the mud hose and the swivel. The swivel has conical roller thrust bearings and lets
the drill pipes rotate, whereas all above is stationary.

The pumps can provide flow rates ranging from I 000 to 3 000 IImin at pressures from 100
to 300 bars. Their output is about 700 to 1 600 H.P. and they are driven by either drawworks
engines or separate engines. There are usually two to three pumps on heavy rigs. Mud make-
up, maintenance and mixing are carried out by auxiliary centrifugal pumps, that are also used
to remove solids from the mud that goes out of the shale shaker and hydro cyclones.

In addition there are other equipments such as generators, water and diesel oil tanks,
warehouse, work shop, etc ...

© EN$PM Fonnation Industrie ~ IFP Training

Basic drilling

Rotary drilling rig 003MC9836

1. Derrick 16. Shale shaker
2. Engines 17. Mud tanks
3. Drawworks lB. Stand of three
4. Mud pump joints of pipe
5. Crown block 19. "Rathole" where
6. Traveling block kelly is kept
7. Hook during tripping
B. Swivel 20. Close-up of rotary
9. Kelly table
to. Rotary table
11. Blowout preventers
12. Drillpipe
13. Drill coliar
14. Bit
15. Cemented casing

FIG. 7 Rotary Drilling unit

10 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

Stand pipe
Gooseneck Mud hose


Shale tank



FIG. 8 Mud circuit

© ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

7 Drilling rigs
All the equipment shipped to the drilling site for a well at 4 500 - 5 000 m depth totals
around I 000 tons. Depending on where the borehole is located, this equipment is laid out in a
particular way.

7.1 On shore drilling (figure 9)

The various field components are divided up into about fifty easily-handled packages, to
allow quick moves from one well to another with trailer trucks. All the equipment can
sometimes be placed on tracked vehicles in desert regions and transported in one unit with no
preliminary dismantling.

If necessary, specialized equipment can be temporarily brought to the site to perform

special operations (cementing, well testing, measurements).

The personnel on the field is divided into two or three crews, who relieve each other
working two l2-hour shifts or three 8-hour shifts. Each crew is composed of five or six-men
supervised by a driller, and the whole rig is under the responsibility of a tool pusher. A
handling and maintenance crew may complete this set up.

Depending on housing possibilities, personnel lives next to the work site or in desert
regions for instance, in a camp.

7.2 Off-shore drilling (figure 10)

A marine environment requires the use of specialized equipment and gives rise to special

Depending on water depth and weather and sea conditions the following are used:
• swamp barges (Texas backwater, Nigerian swamps),
• Jack-up (water depths between 20 and 100 meters) with piles that can rest on the sea
bottom and raise the platform about ten meters above the highest waves,
• fixed platforms where the drilling mast and drawworks are set, assisted by a tender ship
with all the other equipment,
• semisubmersible platforms (water depth up to 400 meters) with enormous float cases
which make them relatively insensitive to swells and waves. These platforms are moored
with 8 to 10 anchor lines or dinamically positionned,
• drilling ships either moored by anchors or dynamically positioned, i.e. auxiliary
propellors keeping the ship in position.

'0 ENSPM Fonnation Tndustrie --lFP Training

Basic drilling

drilling line






pU",,", ,
~ .. _.-
I ,~ . ""'4! J -
r ,
•.., *

FIG. 9 On shore drilling: pa1lorama

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Basic drilling


FIG. 10

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Basic drilling



FIG. 11 Drill ship "Pelican"

o ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Basic drilling

In addition to the drilling rig itself, these facilities serve several purposes and really become
floating factories. There is housing for about ninety people, a helideck for personnel transport,
a diesel electric unit supplying direct current for the drilling rig and alternating current for
different services such as :
• ballasting
• anchoring or pile-manoeuvering winch
• cranes to unload supply boats and handle drilling equipment
• small specialized units for well measurement; pumping and special operations
• a decompression chamber and a diving bell for divers.

In addition, off-shore drilling requires a complex infrastructure including, for example:

• a weather forecasting service
• a communications and marine locating system
• a supervision boat
• a relief boat
• a base on land, etc ...

8 Casing and cementing (figure 12)

The drilling program provides for casing to be run in to case the bore hole. Cement must
seal off the annulus between this pipe and the walls of the bore hole.

The tubes are screwed together and run into the bore hole when it is full of mud.

A cement-water mixture (400 to 500 liters of water to one ton of cement), whose volume
corresponds to all or part of the hole-casing annulus, is pumped down through the pipe and
then pushed up into the annulus by mud pumped in by special cementing pumps.

Special equipment shows how accurately the slurry has come to rest in the annulus.
Rubber plugs separate the cement-water mixture from the mud which pushes it up into the

After a 12 to 24 hour wait, the cement-water mixture has set and drilling can be continued
after the few dozen meters of cement left at the casing bottom have been drilled out.

Depending on cementing depth, special products can be added to the cement to adj ust its
mechanical and hydraulic characteristics. Temperatures and pressures prevailing at different
depths affect cement properties.

Large quantities (50 to 150 t) of cement are sometimes used in this operation which is
performed by specific equipment brought to the site temporarily on land, or stored and rented
permanently on off-shore units.

o ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Primary easing cementing

Circulating mud Pumping spacer and slurry DIsplacing End of job



~ ~
;:: S·
3' "

I• ~ I
v> il.
...., Centralizers

• §.
..; ~'"
~ ::

"" • Plug
pin in

0 Plug
Basic drilling

9 Fishing
In drilling for oil, difficulties called fishing sometimes crop up : rock bits break, metal
objects fall into the hole, drill pipes or drill collar threads burst, drill pipes get stuck following
a cave-in, and so on.

There is a whole range of special tools and particular techniques for getting out the "fish"
that remains in the hole and for solving different problems.

For example, the overshot (figure 13) is used to latch onto and retrieve pipes or drill
collars by tightening cone-shaped wedges on the "head" of the fish. The free part of stuck drill
string can also be unscrewed with explosives (back off shooting). This consists in lowering an
electric conductor cable inside the pipes. At the end of the cable there is a detonator, followed
by an explosive charge which is at the same level as the tool-joint that is to be unscrewed, the
drill string is rotated to the left before the charge explodes.

Sometimes if fishing is too long and costly, the hole IS plugged with cement and
sidetracking is begun above the fish .

10 Directional Drilling (figure 14)

The drilling rig can not always be located directly above the objective. This is the case
when a deposit is found under a lake or very uneven terrain.

Off-shore fields are developed by directional wells drilled from platforms. Sometimes
drilling that began vertically has to be continued directionally since the well turns out to be

In this case directional drilling techniques are used. A directional drilling profile has three
• vertical, using conventional drilling techniques,
• curved, when deviation begins and then increases as regularly as possible, using side
tracking tools (0,5 to I degree every 10 meters, by modifYing drilling parameters, to a
total value of25 to 75 degrees),
• inclined but straight going towards the objective stabilizers placed between drill collars
keep the angle of inclination constant.

The most common sidetracking bits are (figure 15) :

• the whipstock, a steel wedge placed at the bottom of the hole on which the bit rests in
order to penetrate the wall of the hole,
• the I to 2 bent sub placed above a drilling turbine, making it move laterally,
• the jet bit with only one opening used in very soft formations Getting).

Hole orientation was controlled by a photociinometer that photographs a pendulum and a

compass at the bottom of the hole giving angle and azimuth directly (figure 16).

CI ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - JFP Training

Basic drilling

Ot QMC9836

Type A packer Basket grapple

Basl«lt grapple conll'Ql

Spiral grapple

~ con lrol

Spiral grapple control "6

Basket grapple control

Baskel grapple mill

Overshot Overshot with Il8sket oontrol pecker

FIG. 13 Overshot

C ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - lFP Training

Basic drilling


J-shaped S-shaped



Target Target

FIG, 14 Profile of directional drilling

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Basic drilling

~ 0 12MC983e


" ( \
\ ','
, ,
1 'I \
" .J \ , )
1. Jetting
" >f;'

, ..... ,;;"\
2.. Jarring \

3. Rotaty driling

Deviation by jelling
(Source: REalisation des forages diriges et c()ntrole
dUlrajectoires. Editions Technip. Paril, 1985).

Whipstock-type deflecting tool

Devialion drill Mring ~' i tll n bent ~ub
~ F" ·1.".\
(Source: Smith l.l.J.

0 13MC9836


Deviation by jetting

2. Whipstock is inserted in -l 3. Hole is enlarged
the rock and small-diameter then drilled with a
drilling is initialed with hole opening and
controlled buildup assembly

Deviation drill string with a bent sub 5

o ENSPM Formation IndllSlrie - IFP Training

Basic dri]ung

Wireline 10 surface
e e
\'I\\l--1--Survey steering tool
Sperry Sun . --
"'\J •

Photograph ofinclinaison and

e • 1 ·=·
e e


extension bar Wireline drum

Muleshoe key

Full-now mule-
shoe sleeve

Slip ling

Mud motor
Recording direction by photography

Rotating bit sub

Photographic disk

0'. " - _ - lamps

Photograph of inclination and

direction (Source: SII Servco).

Floating hemisphere ~~~~~~~~~

Directional measurement tool with wireline transmission

_ -,hy
(Source: S/l Serveo).

FIG. 16

© ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Bas.ic drilling

1------ Hydraulic control lines

--f------ Slip joint

r--- Integrated marine riser

Kill line and choke lines

Flex joint

Remote control box

Hydraulic accumulators

Hydraulic connector

BOP slack

~'E::------ Casingheads


FIG. 17 B.O.P. Stack

to ENSPM Fonnatiolllndustrie - IFP Training

Fo_noN """"" Exploration & Production - Field Operations





Part III

'--------------------- © 2007 ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

I" . '''''ININO

Chapter 1 from "Well completion & Servicing"


© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

Introduction to completion
(Chapter J from "Well completion & Servicing'?

1.1 MAIN FACTORS INFLUENCING COMPLETION DESIGN ................................................... . 5
1.1.1 Parameters related to the well's purpose ............................................................................................. 5 Exploration well (in the strict sense of the word) ................................................................. 5 Confirmation or appraisal wells ...... ............ ...... ...... ........ .......... ...... ........ .......... ...... ........ ..... 6 Development wells............................................................ ................................................... 7
1.1.2 Parameters related to the environment................ ................... ................................................ ............. 7
1.1.3 Parameters related to drilling................................................. ........................... ..................... ............. 8 Type of drilling rig used......... ...... ........................... ............................................................. 8 Well profile .......................................................................................................................... 8 Drilling and casing program................................................................................................. 8 Drilling in the pay zone(s) and drilling fluid........ ........ ...... .................. .......... .............. ........ 9 Cementing the production casing ...... .......... ...... ........ ...... .................. ...... ............ ...... ...... ..... 10
1.104 Parameters related to the reservoir .................................................................................. ,.... ,.. ,........ ,.. 10 Reservoir pressure and its change ........................................................................................ 10 Interfaces between fluids and their changes ......................................................................... II Number oflevels to be produced ......................................................................................... 14 Rock characteristics and fluid type....................................................................................... 14 Production profile and number of wells required ................................................................. 14
1.1.5 Parameters related to production ........................................................................................................ 15 Safety.................................................................................................................................... 15 Flowing well or artificial lift ...... ...... .......... ........ ...... ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... 15 Operating conditions ............................................................................................................ 16
1.1.5 A Anticipated measurement, maintenance or workover operations .... ,..... " .... ,.............. ,.. ,' .... , 16
1.1.6 Parameters related to completion techniques ...................................................................................... 16
1.1.7 Synthesis: how completion is designed............................................................................................... 17

1.2 OVERALL APPROACH OF THE WELL FLOW CAPACITy.................................................. 19

1.2.1 Base equations .................................................................................................................................... 19 The case of an oil flow............................................................................ ............................. 19 The case ofa gas flow .......................................................................................................... 22 Note...................................................................................................................................... 23
1.2.2 Analysis of the different terms and resulting conclusions ................................................................... 23 Decreasing the back pressure PBH ........................................................................................ 24 Slowing down the decline in PR........................................................................................... 28 Increasing PI or C................................................................................................................. 29
1.2.3 Performance curves............................................................................................................................. 29
1.2.4 Synthesis ............................................................................................................................................. 31

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Introduction to wmpletion
(Chapfer 1 from ''Well completion & Servicing')

1.3 MAJOR TYPES OF COMPLETION CONFIGURATIONS ....................................................... 33

1.3.1 Basic requirements.............................................................................................................................. 33 Borehole wall stability.......................................................................................................... 34
1.3 .1.2 Selectivity.. ..... ...... .... ..... ... .... ... ...... ........ ... .... ... ........ ...... ... ... .... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... ....... ... ... ... ... .... 34 Minimizing restrictions in the flowpath................................................................................ 34 Well safety.............................................. ............................................................................. 34 Flow adjustment......................................... .......................................................................... 35 Operations to be performed at a later date............................................................................ 35
1.3.2 Pay zone-borehole connection: basic configurations .......................................................................... 35 Open hole completions......................................................................................................... 36 Cased hole completions........................................................................................................ 37
1.3.3 Main configurations of production string(s) ....................................................................................... 38 Conventional completions .................................................................................................... 38 Tubingless completions........................................................................................................ 43 Miniaturized completions..................................................................................................... 44

1.4 MAIN PHASES IN COMPLETION............................................................................................... 45

1.4.1 Checking and conditioning the borehole............................................................................................. 45
1.4.2 Remedial cementing.. ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ... ..... ... ... ... ............... ... ........ .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 46
1.4.3 Re-establishing pay zone-borehole communication............................................................................ 46
1.4.4 Well testing ......................................................................................................................................... 46
1.4.5 Treating the pay zone.......................................................................................................................... 46
1.4.6 Equipment installation........................................................................................................................ 47
1.4.7 Putting the well on stream and assessing performance........................................................................ 47
1.4.8 Moving the rig .................................................................................................................................... 47
1.4.9 Operations to be performed at a later date: measurements, maintenance, workover, abandonment ... 47

o Copyright 2004 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie -IFP Training

Introduction to completion


The word "completion" itself means conclusion, and more particularly in the case we are
concerned with, the conclusion of a borehole that has just been drilled. Completion is
therefore the link between drilling the borehole as such and the production phase, link which
have also to take into account considerations related to the reservoir.

As a result, completion involves all of the operations designed to make the well produce,
in particular connecting the borehole and the pay zone (including drilling in the pay zone),
treating the pay zone (if any treatment), equipping the well, putting it on stream and assessing
it. By pay zone we mean a zone consisting of reservoir rocks which contain oil and / or gas
that can be recovered.

Generally speaking, we usually consider that certain measurement and maintenance

operations in the well along with any workover jobs that might be required also come under
the heading of completion.

Completion is highly dependent on the phases that precede and follow it and is often even
an integral part of them. We can therefore say that completion begins with well positioning
and ends only at well abandonment. More specifically, one must considered that completion
starts as soon as the drilling bit reaches the pay zone even if in some cases the entity in charge
of the drilling of the pay zone is different from the one in charge of completion operations.

Whatever the operational entity in charge of well completion and workover, its actions are
greatly influenced by the way the well has been designed and drilled and by the production
problems the reservoir might cause. The "completion man" will therefore have to work in
close cooperation with the "driller" (who may both work in one and the same department),
and also with reservoir engineers and production technical staff.

tl Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Introduction to completion

1.1 Main factors influencing completion design

There are many factors influencing completion; so, we will examine the main ones here
broken down into six categories, before making a synthesis. The six types of parameters are
related to:
• the well's purpose,
• the environment,
• drilling,
• the reservoir,
• production,
• completion techniques.

1.1.1 Parameters related to the well's purpose

The purpose of drilling can vary depending on the well, with a distinction basically made
• the exploration well (in the strict sense of the word),
• confirmation or appraisal wells,
• development wells. Exploration well (in the strict sense of the word)

In the strict sense of the word, the exploration well is the first well drilled on a geological
structure located by the mean of geological and geophysic studies.

The prime objective of this well is to define the nature of the fluids (water, oil or gas) in
the reservoir rock and to get preliminary data on the reservoir, i.e. to make measurements.

As a priority, we try to define:

• the nature and characteristics of the fluids in place in the reservoir (including the water),
• the characteristics of the pay zone and more particularly the initial pressure, the
temperature and the approximate permeability and productivity.

Generally, this involves:

• making a number of measurements by means oftools run in the well on an electric cable
(wireline logging),

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie -lFP Training

Introduction to completion

• running in a temporary test string in order to carry out production testing.

During this production testing, or well testing, the aim is mainly to take samples and record
the variation in bottomhole pressure following a variation in flow rate (the well is produced at
a settled production rate Q or shut in after a settled production rate Q).

Subsequently, the well may be suspended or abandoned.

Let us point out that complications arise in working out the testing and abandonment
program for this exploration well because the required data are generally very incompletely
known and often available only at the last minute.

The information obtained from this exploration well will help to complete the data already
available from geology, geophysics, and so forth.

Based on this a decision must be made:

• either not to develop the reservoir, or
• to develop the reservoir, or
• to drill one or more further wells to obtain additional information (see following
section). Confirmation or appraisal wells

The purpose of these wells, in fact drilled during the exploration phase, is to refine or
complete the data from the exploration wells (in the strict sense of the term).

Another aim, provided time is not too limited by safety considerations, is to determine the
off-wellbore reservoir characteristics, particularly:
• the off-wellbore permeability,
• the existence of heterogeneity, discontinuity or faults,
• the reservoir boundaries, a possible water drive.

In order to do this, well testing is performed, usually over a longer period of time than for
the exploration well (in the strict sense of the term).

All the data obtained on these different wells are collected and used together to make the
first correlations between wells, thereby giving a picture on the scale of the field and no more
on scale of the well.

The following steps are then necessary:

• work out development schemes with corresponding production forecasts,
• make the decision whether to develop the field, and if the answer is yes, choose among
the schemes to draw up the development project accordingly.

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Introduction to completion Development wells

The main purpose of these wells is no more to make measurement but to bring the field on
stream, with priority going to their flow capacity.

However, it is also important to test this type of well to:

• assess the condition ofthe well and check how effective the completion has been,
• if need be, obtain further information about the reservoir.

There are different types of development wells:

• Prodnction wells
These are the most numerous, their aim is to optimize the productivity-to-price ratio.
• Injection wells
These are much less numerous, but often crucial in producing the reservoir. In
particular, some injection wells are used to maintain reservoir pressure and others to get
rid of an unwanted fluid.
• Observation wells
There are usually few or none of this type on a field. They are completed to monitor
variations in reservoir parameters (e.g. interface between fluids, pressure, etc.). Usually
observation wells have not been drilled on purpose for that; they are wells which have
been initially drilled for production or injection purpose then found unsuitable for that
and reconverted to observation.

Over a period of time, the same well can be used in different ways, for example
production, then injection (possibly after a certain shut in period).

This book deals mainly with the subject of production wells.

1.1.2 Parameters related to the environment

There may be constraints on operations due to the country or site where the well is located,
whether on land (plain or mountain, desert, agricultural or inhabited area, etc.) or offshore
(floating platform, development from a fixed platform or by subsea wellhead). Restrictions
may involve:
• difficulties in obtaining supplies,
• available space,
• available utilities,
• safety rules that have to be enforced,
• certain operations that mayor may not be possible.

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Meteorological and, if relevant, oceanographic conditions must also be taken into account.

1.1.3 Parameters related to drilling Type of drilling rig used

Although wells are sometimes completed with a specific rig that replaces the drilling rig,
the same rig is often used for drilling and for completion. The following points must be taken
into consideration:
• the characteristics of the rig,
• the type of equipment provided on it,
• any additional units (e.g. cementing) that may be available on it.

In fact, it is better to choose the drilling rig from the outset with due consideration given to
the requirements specific to completion. Well profile

Wells deviation is linked to a cluster of wellheads (on land, on a platform offshore or on

the seabed) and/or to reservoir engineering considerations (recovery efficiency, horizontal
drilling, etc.). Deviation may limit or even rule out the choice of some equipment or technique
used to work in the well. Drilling and casing program (figure l.l)

For a development well, the most important thing is to have a borehole with a big enough
diameter to accommodate the equipment that will be installed in it. In contrast, when the pay
zone drilling diameter is increased above and beyond what is required for the production
equipment, it does not boost the well's flow capacity very much.

What we are concerned with here is therefore the inside diameter that is effectively usable
in the well once all the drilling and casing phases have been concluded.

Since the diameter depends on the initial drilling program, this explains the saying that is
sometimes used: "Completion begins with the first tum ofthe bit".

As a result, the drilling and casing program must be optimized taking both drilling and
production requirements into account, without loosing sight of the flow capacity versus
investment criterion.

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Introduction to completion

26" (660mm)


i:~: Intennediate casing 1

~ +- 2400 ft (730 m)---->-

12 1/4" (311 mm)

95/8" (224 mm) <-+-- Intermediate casing 2

8112" (216mm)

Production casing

:~ .
7" (178mm)


7~ ~ 11 000 ft (3300 m}--+

53/4" (146mm) - - - - - - t o '
:..: .;::..

001DP9:~ (127 mm) ----------f~:iI:--d;:;f:l'l:,::------- :~~ooo (3~m)---->- ft

FIG. 1.1 Diameters available according to the drilling and casing program Drilling in the pay zone{s) and drilling fluid

From the time the drilling bit reaches the top of the reservoir and during all later
operations, reservoir conditions are disturbed. Because of this, problems may arise in putting
the well on stream.

In particular, the pay zone may be damaged by the fluids used in the well (drilling fluid,
cement slurry, etc.), and this means reduced productivity.

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Depending on the case, productivity can be restored relatively easily (generally true for
carbonate fonnations: limestone, dolomites, etc.). It may prove to be difficult or even
impossible for sandstone fonnations. In any case, it requires costly treatment in tenns of rig
time and of the treatment itself.

Fonnation damage should therefore not be seen simply in tenns of the cure but also in
tenns of prevention, especially when fonnation plugging is very expensive or impossible to
solve. As a result, the choice of fluid used to drill the pay zone (drilling in) is critical.

While drilling in, a number of other factors can influence production. Let us mention
problems of wellbore stability and accidental fracturing (for example during a kick control)
which may cause unwanted fluids to be produced.

Generally speaking, it is essential to find out exactly what was done during this phase. Due
consideration should more particularly be given to the events (fluid inflows, losses, etc.) that
may have occurred and how they were dealt with. Cementing the production casing

A good seal provided by the sheath of cement between the fonnation and the production
casing is a very important parameter, mainly because ofreservoir perfonnance (see following
section). It is therefore necessary to examine the way this cementing job is carried out and

1.1.4 Parameters related to the reservoir Reservoir pressure and its change

What is of interest here is not so much the initial reservoir pressure as how it varies over
time. The fact is that reservoir pressure is a key parameter in the well's natural flowing
capability. If the reservoir pressure is or becomes insufficient to offset production pressure
drawdown (particularly the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column in the well and pressure
losses), it is then necessary to install a suitable artificial lift system such as pumping the fluids
or lightening them by gas injection in the lower part of the tubing (gas lift).

If a reasonably accurate estimate of future artificial lift requirements can be made at the
time of the initial completion, an attempt is made to take them into consideration when
completion equipment is chosen. Such a procedure can make later workover easier or

The change in reservoir pressure is physically related to cumulative production (rather than
directly to time) and to the drive mechanism(s) involved (figure 1.2). To go from cumulative
production to time, the production rate is used, which is in tum related to the number of

10 Copyright 2004 ENSP;...f Fonnation mdustrie - IFP Training

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producing wells and the flow rate per well. Let us point out that there may be local regulations
restricting the production rate or the flow rate per well.

Change in pressure P/Pi (%)


\\ "--- \
Active aquifer

\ \
20 \ ,,
\ With gas-cap

Without gas-fap

o 20 40 60 80 100
Recovery (%)

FIG. 1.2 Change in the reservoir pressure versus cumulative production

Injection wells may supplement the action of natural drive mechanisms such as one-phase
expansion, solution gas drive, gas cap drive or water drive. The injected fluid maintains
pressure (or slow down the decrease ofthe reservoir pressure) and in addition flushes out the
oil (sweeping effect). Although the two functions can not be dissociated in practice, one of
them (maintaining pressure or sweeping effect) can more particularly justify this type of well.
Mostly water is injected, but gas may sometimes also have to be injected.

Do not confuse injection wells where water (or gas) is injected into the reservoir to
enhance drive (assisted drive) with:
• injection wells (in whatever layer) designed to get rid of unwanted fluids on the surface
(oily water, etc.), consequently called "dump wells";
• wells where gas is directly injected into the tubing (through the annulus) to help lift the
oil up to the surface (artificial lift by gas lift, see the document "Artificial lift" [chapter 4
from "Well completion & Servicing"]). Interfaces between fluids and their changes

The existence of interfaces between fluids (figure 1.3), in particular when they are not
controlled, cause a decrease in target fluid productivity at the same time as an increase in
unwanted fluids (water and gas for an oil reservoir, water for a gas reservoir).

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Water Water + Oil Gas + Oil

I I 001DP9926

'., ," .
.'. Gas/Oil contact

Oil limit

transition OiIIWater contact

t·::-·:':·:.:·-::··:·:,'-·:··) Gas-cap
f':":"7777'i1 Oil
~ o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I Water saturation
E:J Water

FIG. 1.3 Fluids distribution in a homogenous reservoir

Additionally, since these unwanted fluids get into the well, they must be brought up to the
surface before they can be disposed of. They therefore not only penalize well productivity but
are also instrumental in decreasing reservoir pressure.

This interface problem is more particularly critical when the viscosity of the target fluid is
more or less the same (light oil and water) or even much greater (heavy oil and water, oil and
gas) than that of the unwanted fluid.

The interfaces vary with time, for example locally around a well by a suction phenomenon
causing a cone (coning) which is related to the withdrawal rate (figure 1.4). They can also
vary throughout the reservoir depending on the amount of fluid that has already been
withdrawn and on the corresponding decrease of the reservoir pressure, allowing a gas cap
(figure \.5) or an aquifer to expand, orland passing below bubble pressure. This causes a
variation in the percentage of oil, gas and water in the produced effluent.

The reservoir configuration can accentuate the phenomenon. For example, let us mention
the case of relatively thin reservoirs where it is not possible to locate the pay zone to borehole
connection far enough from the interface. Another instance is when there is a highly
permeable drain (fissure, etc.) which makes the influx of unwanted fluid easier without letting
the target fluid be drained out of the matrix (figure 1.6).

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--. Q,il



Pay zone thickness

Thickness occupied by oil w,n
Well penetration into pay zone

FIG. 1.4 Coning

a. Stable cone b. Water
encroachment in well


'\ contact

FIG. 1.5 Interface change with cumulative production

CD matrix
(2) highly permeable ~

FIG. 1.6 Influence of a highly permeable drain on a water/oil contact

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Introduction to completion Number of levels to be produced

When there are several formations to be developed (by production orland injection), it may
be desirable to drill a well that can produce several of them rather tban just one, whether
commingled production will be allowed or not.

A suitable completion program can be examined based on what is permitted by local

regulations and without disregarding drilling or reservoir considerations. However, even ifthe
initial investment is often lower, don't forget tbe technical standpoint. Careful attention must
be paid to extra risks that are taken. In particular, workover jobs may be:
• more frequent because equipment is more complex,
• more difficult because formations are often depleted at different rates. Rock characteristics and fluid type

Rock characteristics and tbe type of reservoir fluids will directly influence completion,
especially with respect to tbe well's flow capacity, the type of formation treatments tbat have
to be considered and the production problems tbat have to be dealt witb. Let us mention the
following parameters in particular:
• the nature and composition ofthe rocks,
• the degree of reservoir consolidation,
• the extent of reservoir damage,
• tbe temperature,
• tbe fluid's viscosity,
• the fluid's corrosive or toxic properties,
• tbe fluid's tendency to emulsify or lay down deposits. Production profile and number of wells required

Choosing the production profile and therefore determining the number of wells required
are the result of a number of factors. The decision is mainly based on the following points:
• the size of the reservoir, the existing permeability barriers, the well drainage radius;
• the drive mechanisms;
• the individual flow capacity, capacity which is related to the characteristics of the
reservoir, to the characteristics of the oil and I or gas, to fluid interface problems, to tbe
drive mechanisms, to the artificial lift method involved, etc.;
• any local regulations concerning depletion rate, maximum flow rate per well, multilayer
reservoir production, etc.;
• siting constraints on tbe surface;

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• economic factors such as development costs, operating expenses, oil and / or gas sales
price, taxation, etc.

1.1.5 Parameters related to production Safety

Well equipment must comply with:

• national regulations,
• local regulations,
• company rules and regulations.

Let us simply mention the following points, the pieces of equipment been dealt with in the
document "The equipment of naturally flowing wells" (chapter 3 from "Well completion &
• the number and position of surface safety valves;
• whether there is a tubing (tubular inside the last casing and through which the well is
produced), a packer (a downhole seal between the casing and the tubing) or, in case of a
tubingless completion, a kill string (small tubular inside the casing through which the
well is produced and designed to "kill" the well, i.e. allowing a control fluid such as
brine or drilling fluid to be pumped in to exert a hydrostatic pressure that is greater than
reservoir pressure);
• whether there are subsurface safety valves or devices (tubing or tubing + annulus) and
what type they are;
• the type and specific gravity ofthe annular fluid. Flowing well or artificial lift

The advisability of artificial lift in the future must be examined right from the beginning. If
the answer is affirmative, an attempt should be made to determine which process(es) might
effectively be used. The aim is to reserve the required space both in the well and on the
surface (especially important for offshore development). If gas lift is the artificial lift method
which is chosen, it is usually possible to pre-equip the well accordingly so that workover will
not be necessary.

Basically, a well's flowing capability depends on the natural change in bottomhole pressure
versus cumulative production. However, it also depends on:
• the required flow rate;
• whether there is some sort of artificial drive (e.g. injection well);

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• the change over time in the composition of the effluent that flows into the well (gas or
water influx, for example);
• the characteristics of the pay zone, particularly in the vicinity of the wellbore (pressure
losses in the formation);
• the diameter ofthe tubing and flowlines (pressure losses);
• the pressure required for surface processing (separation pressure). Operating conditions

In addition to the separation pressure that was mentioned above, the following points also
have to be taken into consideration:
• the immediate environment, such as the available space and utilities (especially in
choosing an artificial lift method);
• operating problems, mainly those related to the type of fluid (e.g. erosion, corrosion,
deposits), or to the temperature (true for deep wells, steam injection wells, etc.);
• operations that are due to be carried out on or in the well (see following section). Anticipated measurement, maintenance or workover operations

During a well's lifetime, measurements must be made to be sure that the well is producing
properly and to monitor the way the reservoir is behaving.

Maintenance and repair operations also must be made possible for the completion system
that has been chosen and installed.

Finally, some or all of the completion system may have to be modified to match changes in
certain parameters (see earlier: reservoir pressure and therefore flowing capability, position of
interfaces, etc.). Changes can also be made in the use that the well is put to (change in the
produced formation, turning a producer into an injector, etc.).

The type of completion chosen must allow these operations to be carried out directly or to
perform workover as needed with risks and costs reduced to a strict minimum.

1.1.6 Parameters related to completion techniques

Based on the parameters mentioned above, a number of choices have to be made for
completion, for example:
• the general configuration,
• the pay zone to borehole connection,
• treatment of the formation if required,

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• the different pieces of well equipment installed,

• possible artificial lift,
• the operating procedure used to carry out completion,
• procedures for operations to be performed on the well at a later date.

However, on the one hand these choices are interdependent, and on the other hand a choice
that is made in accordance with one parameter (in drilling for example) may not be
compatible with another parameter (in reservoir engineering for example). As a result, the
completion system that is chosen is the result of a trade-off.

1.1.7 Synthesis: how completion is designed

The main purposes of a well are generally decided by the company operations management
and the reservoir engineering department:
• for exploration and appraisal wells this mainly involves the level(s) that are to be tested,
and the type and duration of the tests that are to be run;
• for development wells this basically involves the level(s) that are to be produced and the
production or injection profile required for the wells.

Based on the above, particularly for development wells, the problem is to design the best
possible completion in order to:
• optimize productivity or injectivity performance during the well's complete lifetime;
• make sure that the field is produced reliably and safely;
• optimize the implementation of an artificial lift process;
• optimize equipment lifetime;
• make it possible to modify some or all of the well's equipment at a later date without too
much difficulty so that it can be adapted to future operating conditions;
• minimize initial investment, operating costs and the cost of any workover jobs.

This may mean a compromise in the drilling and casing program or in operating conditions
or even that the objectives have to be modified if they prove to be unattainable.

As we saw previously, the data required to set up a completion system are very numerous.
We will only list the most important constraints and parameters below:
• local constraints (regulations, environment, etc.);
• the type of effluents and their characteristics;
• the reservoir and its petrophysical characteristics;
• the number of producing formations, each one's expected productivity and the

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• the available diameter and the borehole profile;

• whether it is necessary to proceed to additional operations (well stimulation, sand
control, etc.);
• whether it is necessary to implement techniques to maintain reservoir pressure (water,
gas, solvent or miscible product injection) or to lift the effluents artificially (gas lift,
pumping, nitrogen or carbon dioxide injection) immediately or at a later date;
• the eventuality of having to do any work on the pressurized well during the production
life, by wireline, or with a concentric tubular (coiled tubing or snubbing).

Completion design is based on this body of data, so every effort must be made to be sure
no important point has been disregarded, since incomplete or wrong data might lead to poor

The job is not an easy one since:

• these data are very numerous and may be interrelated,
• some of them are not very accurately known when completion is designed (sometimes
not even when completion is being carried out),
• some of them are contradictory,
• some of them are mandatory, while others can be subject to compromise.

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1.2 Overall approach of the well flow capacity

The flow capacity of a well is a crucial parameter because of its economic consequences. It
is therefore important to endeavour to assess it. However, it should be pointed out that the
flow capability evolves over time and that it unfortunately tends to decrease.

1.2.1 Base equations

The flow rate of a well depends on:

• the existing pressure difference, i.e. the reservoir pressure (PRJ and the back pressure
exerted downhole (PBR: bottomhole pressure),

• parameters that involve the type of reservoir and in-place fluids.

1.2,1.1 The case of an oil flow

Here, provided that there is no free gas and that the flow can be considered to be the radial
cylindrical steady-state type and that the fluid velocity is not too great in the vicinity of the
wellbore, the flow equation can be simplified to (figure 1.7):
Q ~ PI (PR - PBR)

where the productivity index (PI) mainly depends on the viscosity of the fluid, the
permeability of the formation itself, the disturbances in the vicinity of the wellbore and the
thickness of the reservoir.

Bo : Oil bulk volume

h : Reservoir thickness
PBH : Bottomhole pressure in well
(when flowing)
PR : Reservoir pressure
Q : Stock tank oil fiowrate (Qsto)
QBH : Bottomhole flowrate
R : Well drainage radius
fw : Wellbore radius

FIG. 1.7 Illustration of some symbols related to the flow

from the reservoir to the wellbore

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In fact the actual productivity index (PI) can be compared with the theoretical productivity
index (PItW of a vertical well at the level of the formation that would have been drilled under
ideal conditions. By this we mean without having interfered with the reservoir characteristics
in the vicinity of the wellbore (permeability especially) and with no restrictions on the
connection between the reservoir and the wellbore (open hole on all the thickness of the

If the flow is a steady-state flow, the theoretical productivity index (PIthl is equal to:

PIth = R
where: Bo: oil bulle volume (ratio between the volume occupied at bottom-hole
conditions by the oil and the gas which is in solution in it and the volume of
the corresponding oil measured in stock tank oil conditions)
h reservoir thickness
k reservoir permeability
~ viscosity of the fluid in the reservoir
R well drainage radius
rw: wellbore radius

As far as the real well is concerned, all of the disturbances in the vicinity of the wellbore
(skin effect) are lumped together under the term "S" (skin factor) and the actual PI (PI) in
steady-state and radial flow is equal to:

Furthermore, the flow efficiency (Fe) is defined as the ratio between the actual flow rate
and the theoretical flow rate that the "ideal" well would have under the same bottomhole
pressure conditions, i.e. for the same pressure losses in the reservoir and around the wellbore:

Fe=JL= PI(PR -PBR ) =~

Qth PIth (PR - PBR ) PIth

that is to say, for a steady-state and radial flow: Fe = ( ;w)
In- +S

In practice In Rlrw often ranges between 7 and 8, hence the simplified form (under the
conditions laid down at the beginning of this section):

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PI 7 8
PIth 7+S 8+S

A skin factor of 7 to 8 therefore corresponds to a flow capacity that has been divided by
two. A skin factor of 14 to 16 therefore means it has been reduced by two-thirds. In contrast, a
skin factor of -3.5 to -4 (after well stimulation for example) means that it has been doubled.

The skin factor, often considered as the effect of plugging in the vicinity of the wellbore, is
in fact the result of several factors:
Sfp due to the strictly speaking formation plugging.
Sp due to the perforations themselves (considering only the linear law part ofthe curve
of PR - PBH as a function of Q).
St due to the effect of turbulence in the perforations or in the immediate vicinity of the
wellbore (deviation with respect to the linear law); here attention should be paid to
the fact that, contrary to the other terms that are independent of the flow rate, St
varies with it (figure 1.8).
Spp due to the partial penetration effect when the formation has not been perforated
throughout its thickness.
Sd due to the deviation effect, which is generally negligible unless the well is
considerably deviated or horizontal; it should be noted that Sd is (zero or) negative
and therefore enhances flow.

A clear distinction must be made between the different factors, since the different "cures"
will require different techniques.


Difference taken
into account by S,

-- --

FIG. 1.8 Turbulence effect

Considering a value of 7.6 for Ln Rlrw (corresponding to a drainage radius of 200 m

[660 ft] for a 8" 112 drilling diameter [i.e. rw = 0.1 m = 4.25"]) and always in the case of the

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initial hypothesis (especially flow which can be considered as a steady-state and radial flow),
the following practical fonnulas can be written (see also figure 1.9 giving in this specific case
the relationship between the skin factor S and the flow efficiency Fe):

• PI( 3 ) = hem) X k(mD) with 18.7 X 7.6 = 142

m Ij/bar 18.7xBox~(cP)x(7.6+S)

heft) X k(mD)
• PI(bbl/j/psi) = 141xBo x~(cP) x(7.6+S)
with 141 X 7.6 = I 072

• Fe= 7.6


S Fe

15.2 1/3

7.6 112

0 I

-3.8 2

-3.8 o 7.6 15.2

FIG. 1.9 Relationship between the skinfactor Sand the flow efficiency Fe
(steady-state and radial flow and for Ln Rirw = 7.6) The case of a gas flow

Here, setting up an equation is more complex. The following empirical equation is often
used (especially by Americans):

Qstd = c(P~ - p~Hr with 0,5 < n < I

In this fonnula Qstd is a volume flow rate under what are tenned standard conditions and C
is mainly dependent, as is PI, on the viscosity of the fluid, the mean penneability and
reservoir thickness.

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Actually, provided that the flow can be considered to be of the radial cylindrical steady-
state type for a gas well, the following equation (termed a quadratic equation) can be
p2 _ p2 = AQ td + BQ2
RBH s std

Here A is once again mainly dependent on the viscosity of the fluid, the mean permeability
and reservoir thickness, and the higher the flow velocity, the less negligible the term BQ2 is.
Strictly speaking, one would have to use in this formula not the pressures P but the pseudo-
pressures '" taking into account the effect of the change of the compressibility factor z and
the gas viscosity J.1 when the pressure varies. Note

The formulas for cases of transient or of multiphase flow are not dealt with here since they
are much more complex to express. Even so, the factors mentioned above remain valid.

1.2.2 Analysis of the different terms and resulting conclusions

For production to occur, the bottomhole pressure must be lower than the formation
pressure. At the same time bottomhole pressure is no more than the back pressure caused by
the whole down stream circuit (figure l.l 0).

The bottomhole pressure from downstream to upstream IS therefore the sum of the
following terms:
Psep pressure required at the surface treatment facility inlet

~P fl pressure losses in the flowlines

PHfl variation in hydrostatic pressure between the process facilities and the wellhead

Mchoke: pressure losses at the wellhead choke (choke used to regulate the well flow
~Ptbg: pressure losses in the tubing between the bottom of the wellbore and the surface
PHtbg : variation in hydrostatic pressure between the wellhead and the bottom of the

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PR = Reservoir pressure
Lll'R = Pressure losses in the reservoir
PBH = Bottomhole pressure
PHtbg = Hydrostatic pressure in the tubing
Lll'tbg = Pressure losses in the tubing
.M'choke = Pressure losses in the choke
PHfl Hydrostatic pressure in the flowlines
Lll'fl = Pressure losses in the flowlines
Psep = Pressure at the surface treatment facility inlet

FIG. 1.10 Fluid patch from the reservoir to the process facilities

As long as there is a choke bean at the wellhead, it means that the well has a flow capacity
that is greater than that which is needed or authorized at the time (because of regulatory
restrictions, reservoir problems such as coning, surface processing considerations, etc.). The
problem is not a lack of flowing capability but one of regulations, connection between the
formation and the wellbore, surface processing or dispatching capacity, etc.

Let us now consider the opposite case where the well flow rate is lower than that which is
required even when there is no choke bean at the wellhead. Boosting the flow entails:
• decreasing the back pressure PBH;
• increasing PR or more commonly limiting the reservoir pressure drop, a decline due to
the volume that has already been produced;
• increasing PI or C. Decreasing the back pressure P BH

Let us see to what extent it is possible to minimize the different terms that make up PBH,
excluding M'choke.

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a) The case of an oil well

• Psep
The separation pressure first of all affects the quality of gravity separation. The velocity
of the oil droplets that are carried along by the gas depends on this pressure. As a result,
depending on the amount of gas, sufficient pressure is needed so that the gas velocity is
not excessively high.
The separation pressure also influences the thermodynamic efficiency of separation, i.e.
the amount of liquid ultimately recovered in the storage tank after multistage separation
(figure 1.11) for a given hydrocarbon mass coming into the separator, since the rest is
"lost" in the form of gas.

Gas Gas Gas

from well

Storage tank

FIG. 1.11 Multistage separation: simplified diagram

The pressure required in the first separation stage to achieve this optimum generally
ranges between 0.3 and 2.8 MPa (50 and 400 psi), at least for effluents that do not
contain too many light components.
It may be advantageous to choose a treatment pressure that is lower than this
thermodynamic optimum (at the same time remaining high enough so that the gas
velocity is not excessive). Thermodynamic efficiency is as a result naturally a little
lower, however the increased flow from the well (particularly if the PI is good) usually
more than offsets this drawback.

• LlPfi
The facilities are usually designed from the outset to minimize this term. The value is
commonly lower than 0.5 MPa (or 75 psi).
Besides the price of the flowlines, there are not normally any particular surface
constraints that would prevent the use of an appropriate flowline diameter.

• PUfi
Except in special cases, the flowline is more or less horizontal and so this term which is
governed by the topology of the site is naturally very small.

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Ictroduction to completion

• M>tbg
For low and average flow rates (less than a few hundred cubic meters per day or a few
thousand barrels per day), conventional drilling and casing programs generally allow for
enough space for the tubing so that this term is relatively small (approximately 0.5 MPa
[75 psi] for a tubing 2000 m [6 600 ftJlong).
When higher flow rates are expected or for special configurations (multiple completion,
etc.), a compromise must be found between the negative effect of pressure losses on the
well's flow capacity and the additional drilling costs entailed by a larger wellbore

• PHtbg
This is the term that accounts for the largest proportion of bottomhole pressure. For
example, it will usually range between 14 and 20 MPa for a well with 2 000 m of
vertical depth (or between 2 000 and 3000 psi for a well with 7 000 ft of vertical depth).
It is therefore an essential factor in determining whether an artificial lifting method is to
be used.
Table 1.1 summarize some practical formulas to calculate this hydrostatic pressure
depending on the vertical depth of the well (Z) and the specific gravity (SG) or density

9.81x Z(m) x SG(kg/l)

PH(MPa) Note: 1 MPa = 10 bar
9.81x Z(m) x SG (kg/l) Z(m) x SG (kgII)
PH(bar) = 100 or 10.2 Note: 1 bar = 0.1 MPa

PH(psi) = 0.052 x MW(ppg) x Z(ft)

= 0.433 x SG x Z(ft)


1 MPa = 145 psi 1 psi = 6.895 10-3 MPa

1m = 3.281 ft 1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 kg/I 8.345 ppg 1 ppg 0.1198 kg/I
1 kg/I 62.43 Ib/ft3 1 Ib/ft3 0.01602 kg/I

TABLE 1.1 Some practicalformulas to

calculate the hydrostatic pressure

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The hydrostatic pressure must be lower than the reservoir pressure for the well to be
naturally flowing; if not, artificial lift is necessary.
Even if it is lower than the reservoir pressure it can still be too high for the well to flow
at the required rate. This is because, on the one hand, bottomhole pressure involves
other terms (in particular Psep , M'f1 and M'tbg) and on the other, the difference necessary
between PR and PBH is governed by the required flow rate. If this is the case, an
artificial lift process must also be implemented, since the flow rate can thereby be
Accordingly, instead of making a distinction between flowing wells (PR > PHtbg) and
non-flowing wells (PR < PHtbg), it is more practical to make a difference between wells
that flow sufficiently (capable to flow naturally at the required flow rate) and wells that
are non-flowing or flow insufficiently (that can not flow naturally at the required rate).
The hydrostatic pressure PHtbg depends of course on the depth of the wells, but also on
the mean density of the produced effluent. Depending on what is occurring in the
reservoir (decrease of the reservoir pressure allowing the oil to lose its gas, changes in
interfaces, etc.), the hydrostatic pressure changes over time with the percentage of free
gas (favorable effect) or of water (unfavorable effect) associated with the oil.
The basic artificial lift methods used to activate production consist in lowering this term
PHtbg artificially.
Pumping, where a pump is installed in the well, causes a decrease in the height of the
liquid column resting on the formation. Here, all that is really needed is for the liquid to
be able to reach the pump, and if the pump is powerful enough it can provide the energy
required to overcome not only what remains of the hydrostatic pressure up to the
surface, but also the pressure losses downstream from the pump as well as the
processmg pressure.
With gas lift, gas is injected (directly into the tubing through the annulus of the
producing well) in order to lessen the mean density of the produced effluent, which in
turn causes a drop in hydrostatic pressure.

b) The case of a gas well

• PHtbg and PHo

Here the mean density of the effluent is much lower and consequently the hydrostatic
pressure is too. For example, a well 2 000 m deep will generally have a hydrostatic
pressure under 5 MPa (or under 700 psi for 7000 ft), provided there is no accumulation
ofliquid in the well.
In addition, as the reservoir pressure gets lower, the density of the gas also gets lower.
The problem therefore does not involve hydrostatic pressure.

• M'tbg and M'o

Once again because of low density of gas, gas wells are produced at much higher
volume flow rates than oil wells. Given the drilling and casing constraints, more
pressure losses must often be accepted, particularly in the tubing (2 MPa approximately
[300 psi] for a tubing 2 000 m [6600 ft]long).

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• Psep
The separator pressure is of interest for a number of reasons:
- excessively low pressure means much larger processing equipment if overly high
velocity is to be prevented;
- from a thermodynamic standpoint, processing can be easier within a certain pressure
- and more importantly, when gas is dispatched by pipeline, pressure is needed after
processing (from several tenths to over 10 MPa [several tens to over I 500 psi],
depending on the distance from the consumption node, even with booster stations
along the line).

As a result, if a gas well's reservoir pressure is inadequate to meet pressure requirements,

the extra energy is not added in the well as for an oil well, but on the surface by compressors.
Depending on the case, compressors are installed at the end of the process before dispatching,
ahead ofthe processing facilities, at the wellhead or located in all these different places. Slowing down the decline in P R

The reservoir pressure tends to get lower as the amount of produced oil (or gas) increases
and this can happen rapidly or slowly depending on the reservoir's natural drive mechanisms
(whether there is a gas cap, a water drive, etc.).

Water (or gas) injection wells can partly (or totally) offset the produced volume and
therefore partly (or totally) maintain the reservoir pressure. In this way flow capability
problems that might eventually crop up can be prevented or attenuated.

No confusion should be made between gas injection to maintain pressure (injection into
the reservoir itself, far from the production well and generally into a gas cap) and gas
injection to lift a production from a well by gas lift (injection directly into the production

Maintaining pressure by injection comes under the heading of what is called secondary (or
artificial) production (or recovery or drive). This is in contrast with primary (or natural)
production (or recovery or drive) which covers the natural mechanisms (gas cap, aquifer,
etc.). Actually, in secondary production, pressure maintenance works in conjunction with a
sweeping effect whereby the oil or gas in place is flushed by the injected fluid.

Moreover, what usually justifY pressure maintenance is the wish to limit or to avoid
reservoir problems (link to the fact to pass below the bubble pressure for example) and not the
wish to increase the flowrate; this can be obtained in a less expensive way by artificial lift
(moreover, in case of pressure maintenance by water injection, when water arrive into the
wellbore the term PHtbg increases a lot and, consequently, the pressure differential "P R - P BR"
and so the flow rate decrease).

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Introduction to completioQ Increasing PI or C

Another way of boosting a well's delivery consists in attempting to increase the

productivity index with the same pressure difference (PR - PBW on the formation.

The productivity index can be insufficient either because it is naturally poor or because it
was affected when the formation was drilled or when the well was completed.

The methods that can be implemented are as follows:

• preventive care when drilling in and during completion in order to prevent or attenuate
• processes to unplug perforations or sometimes simply reperforating (for example, when
the perforated height is insufficient),
• well stimulation methods, aiming at either unplugging the formation in the vicinity of
the wellbore (when it has been damaged) or creating a drain in the reservoir (when the
reservoir's permeability is low or very low), in particular acid well treatment and
fracturing, but also horizontal drilling,
• more particular processes aiming to decrease in-place fluid viscosity (injection of steam
or surfactants, in situ combustion, etc.).

The last ones on the list belong to what is termed tertiary production (or recovery or drive)
or Improved Oil Recovery (lOR). Their effect on the productivity index works in conjunction
with the sweeping (and pressure maintenance) effect. Note that what is known as Enhanced
Oil Recovery (EaR) covers both secondary and improved oil recovery.

1.2.3 Performance curves

For a given system (i.e. one tubing, one flowline, one separation pressure, etc.) and given
reservoir conditions (i.e. one reservoir pressure, one productivity index, etc.), the maximum
well flow rate can be determined by means ofa graph-type representation (figure 1.12).
a) Draw the IPR curve (Le. the Inflow Performance Response curve) giving the bottomhole
pressure versus the flow rate based on the reservoir pressure, i.e. for an oil:
• a straight-line segment corresponding to the part where the formula Q = PI (PR - PBH)
• a part curved downward corresponding to the part where the formula no longer applies:
because the flow in the vicinity ofthe wellbore is too fast (turbulence),
- and/or because the flow is two phase in the vicinity of the wellbore (existence of free
• note: the vertical distance between the ordinate at the origin (PR) and the IPR curve
corresponds to the pressure losses in the reservoir and around the well bore.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A - - - - - - - - .

+ PH fl + PH tbg"-_~_,",_'-:_C-:__________ ~ ~t~g:¥. _______ _


IPR = Inflow Performance Response curve

SIP = System Intake Performance curve

FIG. 1-12 IPR & SIP curves

b) On the same graph, draw the SIP curve (i.e. System Intake Performance curve) giving the
bottomhole pressure versus the flow rate based on the downstream back pressures:
• the ordinate at the origin corresponds to the sum of hydrostatic pressures (PHtbg and
PHIl) and the separation pressure (Psep);
• the rise of this curve (vertical distance between the ordinate at the origin and the SIP
curve) corresponds to the sum of the pressure losses in the tubing and in the flowline
(~Ptbg and ~Pfl);

• the maximum possible flow rate for the well is given by the intersection of these two
curves, IPR and SIP.

Any action taken on the system (well stimulation, change in tubing diameter, change in
separation pressure, etc.) means modifying one curve or the other, and therefore modifying
the operating point. As a result, analyzing the curves can help find out if the modification of
some parameter will have any perceived effect on the maximum well flow rate.

In addition, the pressure drop needed at the choke can be read directly on the graph for any
operating flow rate lower than the maximum. It is the difference in pressure between the two
curves for the flow rate under consideration.

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1.2.4 Synthesis

Depending on the context, priority can be given more directly to increasing the flow rate or
to the duration of the naturally flowing production phase, but these are just two aspects of the
same problem.

A close interrelationship can be seen between maintaining pressure, artificial lift, well
stimulation, drilling and casing program and surface processing (pressure wanted at the first
stage of separation, etc.). The choice of taking one or more actions must be made from the
standpoint of overall field development and after assessing the costs and economic

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1.3 Major types of completion configurations

The purpose of completion is to enable wells to be exploited as rationally and
economically as possible and it can involve a large number of configurations. The technical
person's job is to know how to choose the one that is best suited to the problem that needs to
be solved. Good completion can not be improvised or "off the rack", here only "tailor made"
can fill the bill. There is usually no ideal solution, but there are compromises and often the
most economical one possible is what is chosen. Attention is called to the fact that the
solution which is initially the cheapest is not necessarily the most economical in the long run,
if there is a risk it will lead to costly maintenance work. However, the opposite extreme
should also be avoided.

In selecting the type of completion, certain principles of relativity and anticipation must be
kept in mind:
• How do completion and maintenance costs compare with expected profits? Obviously a
very large field producing high quality oil with high flow rates per well warrants greater
expenditures than a small one with an uncertain future that does not produce particularly
commercial oil. For example, the average flowrate of an oil well in Arabia Saudi is
around 800 to I 000 m 3/d (5 000 to 6 000 bpd) but is smaller than 2 m 3/d (12 bpd) in
United States of America.
• How does a possible money-saving measure compare with the risks it implies? In other
words, is a given risk worth taking, given and the probability that something will go
wrong and (foreseeable consequences technical, fmancial, etc.) ?
• How will the production of the field and of the given well evolve in theory? The type of
completion chosen must either be adapted from the outset to the way production will
proceed or be capable of easy modification to meet future changes. The worst mistake,
the one that must be avoided, is to wind up in a situation that has no solution.

The configuration selected for the completion must answer some basic requirements
• on the one hand, the configuration of the pay zone-borehole connection;
• on the other hand, the configuration of the production string(s).

1.3.1 Basic requirements

Depending on the case under consideration, there may be a number of requirements, and
whatever the case some of them come up again and again. Special attention should be paid to
them. Above all, the completion configuration must be able to solve the following problems
• maintain borehole wall stability, if need be;

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• ensure selectivity of the fluid or pay zone(s) to be produced, if need be;

• create a minimum amount of restrictions in the flow path from the reservoir to and
including the process plant and so optimize the well's flow capacity;
• ensure well safety;
• allow the well flow rate to be adjusted;
• allow operations to be performed on the well at a later date (measurements,
maintenance, etc.) without having to resort to workover;
• make workover easier when it does become necessary. Borehole wall stability

This point is self-evident for wells with wall stability problems from the beginning.

For some boreholes, wall stability may deteriorate with time due to various factors
(depletion, water cut, etc.). Even in this case, it is important for the problem to be solved as
soon as the well is brought on stream to maintain technical efficiency and avoid costly
workover jobs. Selectivity

The problem may either involve one borehole that penetrates several reservoir formations
or one reservoir containing several fluids. It is necessary to understand the reservoir and its
behavior over time (particularly the changes in interfaces), especially in the second case.

The contrast in mobility (ratio between permeability and viscosity for a given fluid)
between the target fluid and the other fluids present is also a very important parameter. It is
particularly unfavorable for oil and gas (in an oil well). Minimizing restrictions in the flowpath

In the long run, all energy consumption in the form of pressure losses (whether in the
reservoir itself, at the level of the pay zone-borehole connection, in the well itself, at the
wellhead or in the flowlines) or, in the case of a polyphasic flow, due to accumulation in the
well of the heavy phase if the velocity is to small or in term of pressure required at the entry
of the process plant have a negative effect, either in terms of flow rate or natural flowing
capability. As a result, it is important to endeavor to minimize these restrictions. Well safety

Here we mean both safety during completion operations as such and also safety later on
during production. The main points that need to be taken into consideration are the pressure
(downhole pressure control during operations to prevent blowouts, and equipment's resistance
to pressure), equipment corrosion and erosion, and effluent toxicity.

10 Copyright 2004 ENSPM FonnationIndustrie - IFP Training

Introduction to completion Flow adjustment

During production it must be possible to control tbe flow of a well. In particular, reservoir
considerations or local regulations or capacity of the process plant may mean that tbe flow
must be deliberately limited. Operations to be performed at a later date

A number of measurement and maintenance operations are required in order to monitor the
reservoir and maintain the means of production, i.e. the well. This should be practicable
without having to resort to workover.

It may also be advisable to be able to carry out certain adaptations or modifications

according to tbe changing operating conditions without having to pull out tbe well equipment.

However, besides the fact tbat changing conditions are not always easy to predict, we must
also listen to reason on this point. Flexibility in completion usually goes hand in hand with a
greater degree of sophistication and consequently an increased risk of malfunctions and much
more difficult workover jobs (when they finally become necessary).

To tbe extent possible, the general design and choice of equipment must therefore be
conceived of in such a way as to make workover operations easier.

1.3.2 Pay zone-borehole connection: basic configurations

The configuration of the pay zone-borehole connection is selected to meet particularly,

among the requirements seen previously (beginning of section 1.3.1), the following
• borehole well stability,
• fluid selectivity (or, in conjunction with the equipment selected, selectivity of the pay
zone to be produced),
• minimum amount of restriction in the flow path (from the reservoir to inside tbe

There are two main types of connections between the pay zone and tbe borehole:
• open hole completions,
• cased hole completions.

Here we will only deal with the general criteria for choosing between open hole and cased
hole systems.

However, there are three essential points that should not be forgotten:

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• the perforation method (and the type of perforator) used if cased hole completion is
• the sand control method, should one be required;
• the well stimulation method, if the problem arises.

These methods and their respective implications, advantages and drawbacks are discussed
in the document "Connecting the pay zone and the borehole" (chapter 2 from "Well
completion & Servicing). Open hole completions (figure 1.13)

The pay zone is drilled after a casing has been run in and cemented at the top of the
reservoir. It is left as is and produces directly through the uncased height of the borehole. This
simple solution can not solve any problems of borehole stability, or selectivity of fluid or
level to be produced.

A variation on the system consists in placing a pre-perforated liner opposite the producing
layer. thereby keeping the borehole walls from caving in (but this does not solve the sand
control problem).

There are some special solutions for sand control but they will not be covered here (refer to
the document "Connecting the pay zone and the borehole" [chapter 2 from "Well completion
& Servicing]).


casing --,,\;91

Open hole Pre-perforated liner

FIG. 1.13 Open hole completion

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Open hole completions are used where there is only one zone which is either very well
consolidated or provided with open-hole gravel packing for sand control. This is valid as long
as there are, theoretically at least, no interface problems.

Because of this, open hole completions are seldom chosen for oil wells (a water-oil or oil-
gas interface is frequently present, from the beginning or later on; the oil-gas interface is even
more serious due to gas's high mobility as compared to oil's mobility).

On the other hand, this type of connection may be suited to a gas well. In this case, the
substantial mobility contrast between the gas and the liquids is favorable and provides natural
selectivity to produce mainly the gas (do not forget, however, that the accumulation of liquids
in the well has a very adverse effect on the well's flowing capability). Cased hole completions (figure 1.14)

After the pay zone has been drilled, a casing (or a liner in some instances) is run in and
cemented opposite the layer. Then it is perforated opposite the zone that is to be produced in
order to restore a connection between the reservoir and the well. The perforations will have to
go through the casing and the sheath of cement before they penetrate the formation. The
preceding drilling phase was stopped above the reservoir (just above or at some distance) and
an intermediate casing was then run in and cemented.



I*-_ _ Production_ _---Ji,i


IXJ:o'l- Liner hanger

(with packer)

Cemented casing Cemented liner

FIG. 1.14 Cased hole completion

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Since perforations can be placed very accurately in relation to the different levels and
interfaces between fluids, this method gives better selectivity for levels and produced fluids.
The only condition, however, is a good cement bond between the formation and the casing

As mentioned before, the special sand control solutions will not be dealt with here. It
should be pointed out, however, that a "window" may be made for sand control. This
operation consists in milling the casing for a specified height, then drilling through the cement
sheath and the adjacent part of the formation with a reamer.

Cased hole completions are mainly used when there are interface problems and/or when
there are several levels. As a result, they are very common. It is even the one which is
normally used on expansive wells in order to protect them at best from future problems.

1.3.3 Main configurations of production string(s)

These configurations basically depend on the number of levels due for production and
whether a production string (tubing) is used (conventional completion) or not (tubingless

The configuration of the production string(s) is selected to meet particularly, among the
requirements seen previously (beginning of section 1.3.1), the following requirements seen
previously (beginning of section 1.3.1), the following requirements:
• selectivity of the pay zone(s) to be produced,
• minimum amount of restriction in the flow path (from the bottom hole to and including
the Christmas tree),
• well safety,
• flow rate adjustment,
• operations to be performed on the well at a later date. Conventional completions

This is a system whereby one or more production string(s) (tubing) are used, among other
things, for safety reasons and production reasons (flow section optimization, producing
several pay zone selectivity, etc.). The rest of the equipment is not determined (whether there
is a production packer, etc.). The fundamental characteristic of the tubing is that it is located
completely inside the casing and that it is not cemented, therefore easy to replace.

a) Single-zone conventional completions (figure 1.15)

In single-zone conventional completions, the well IS equipped with a single tubing to

transport the production ofthis zone up to the surface.

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There are two main types of single zone completions, depending on whether the tubing has
a production packer on its lower end. The packer provides a seal between the casing and the
tubing, thereby protecting and isolating the casing. Depending on the constraints we
mentioned earlier, other elements are generally included in the production string. They will
not be discussed here (refer to the documents "The equipment of naturally flowing well" and
"Artificial lift" [chapter III and IV from "Well completion & Servicing"]).


H;;'I--Production strin!!---k'H
Packer (tubing)

Cemented casing

I~>,j--Single packer

With tubing and packer With tubing alone

FIG. 1.15 Conventional single zone completions

Single-zone completions with just a tubing and no production packer are used when the
only aim is, in case of polyphasic flow, to optimize the cross section area of the pipe with
respect to the flow rate to be produced in order:
• to obtain enough velocity to lift the heavy part of the effluent (for instance water or
condensate in a gas well);
• to have not a too high speed in order to limit pressure losses;
• and, thereby, to limit energy consumption in the tubing due to the hydrostatic pressure
PHtbg and the pressure losses D.PHtbg' that is to say to optimize the term PHtbg + D.PHtbg
taken as a whole.

Single-zone completions with a tubing and a production packer are the most widely used
because of:

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• the safety due to the packer (government regulations and company rules increasingly
stipulate that a packer is to be used particularly offshore in conjunction, with a
subsurface safety valve on the tubing);
• the relative simplicity in comparison with multiple or other types of completion, In
terms of installation, maintenance and workover.

b) Multiple-zone conventional completions

In the past, the technique of producing several levels all together through the same tubing
was used. It required only a minimum amount of equipment. However, the subsequent
reservoir and production problems that were experienced have caused this practice to become
much less common.

Parallel tubing string completion and tubing annulus-completion (figure 1.16)

Here several levels are produced in the same well at the same time but separately, I.e.
through different strings of pipe.

Double-zone completions are the most common, but there can be three, four and even
more levels produced separately. However, this significantly complicates the equipment that
needs to be run into the well and especially makes any workover operations much more

There are a large number of systems, but let us simply consider:

• parallel dual string completion with two tubings, one for each of the two levels and two
packers to isolate the levels from one another and protect the annulus;
• tubing-annulus completion with one single tubing and one packer, which is located
between the two levels that are to be produced, with one level produced through the
tubing and the other through the tubing-casing annulus.

Once again other elements are usually included in the production string (according to the
requirements mentioned earlier), but will not be dealt with here.

Basically this type of completion allows the development of several levels with fewer
wells and is therefore, faster. In contrast, maintenance and workover costs are higher. As such
it is particularly advantageous offshore (where drilling itself and the space required for a well
site are very costly). By taking advantage of a principal level that is being produced, it is also
used to develop one or more marginal level(s) that would otherwise not warrant drilling a

However, it should be borne in mind that the ideal completion is the simplest. It will entail
the simplest operations in terms of installation, maintenance and workover.

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Short string
~N-- Long string
Dual packer
Cemented casing

~.J----- Single packe'~---l'.r

(a) (b)

FIG. 1.16 (a) Parallel dual tubing string completion and (b) tubing-annulus completion

Tubing-annulus completions are very few and far between. Though they have good flow
capability (large cross-sections are available for fluid flow), this system does not protect the
casing, among other drawbacks.

Parallel dual tubing string completion are therefore the typical textbook example of
multiple completion. More sophisticated completions require careful study in order to avoid:
• problems in operation and production due to frequent wire line jobs,
• problems of safety and operation during workover.

Alternate selective completions (figure 1.17)

Here the idea is to produce several levels in the same well separately but one after the other
through the same tubing without having to resort to workover. Production alternates in fact
and wireline techniques are used to change levels.

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Single production string 014DP9B08


Upper packer (single


I><~I('!-Lower packer (single

r-k"l-- Landing nipple

(for plug)


(a) (b)

FIG. 1.17 Alternate selective completion

This type of completion is especially suited to:

• a situation where the potential flowrate of each level is too small to justify a specific
well for each level but is too big to allow to select a parallel dual string completion,
keeping at the same time an acceptable casing diameter;
• a situation where one of the two levels is a secondary objective (very rapid depletion,
simple observation from time to time, etc.) which would not warrant drilling a well.

Besides packers, this technology also requires extra downhole equipment such as
(figure l.l8):
• a circulating device consisting of a sliding sleeve to open or obstruct communication
ports between the inside of the tubing and the annulus (figure l.l8a),
• landing nipple allowing a plug to be set in the well (figure l.l8b).

Parallel tubing string and alternate selective completion systems can be combined. For
example two parallel tubings, each equipped for two levels in an alternate selective manner,
can produce four levels separately, provided that only two are produced at the same time.

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Introduction to completion

-Upper sub



Landing nipple
-Lower sub


a. b.

FIG. 1.18 Bottomhole equipment for alternate selective completions

a. circulating device b. landing nipple & plug Tubingless completions

A tubingless completion uses no tubing, but production flows through a cemented pipe

This rather unusual type of completion, which will be covered only briefly here, is mainly
used in certain regions and only under specific conditions.

a) Single zone tuhing/ess completions (figure 1.19a)

Production flows directly through a casing, usually of large diameter. Wells that are big
producers of trouble-free fluids can be exploited in this way with minimum pressure losses
and the lowest possible initial investment.

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Borehole ---"'~I i 015DP9808

i Several small
production casings
i , , ,',


i Selective
" ,":
::;17-777 Multiple

(a) (b)
FIG. 1.19 Tubingless completion
a. Single zone b. Multiple zone

For servlcmg considerations, a pipe of small diameter (for example, a kill string to
neutralize the well in case of workover) may be hanged in the well. The well is then produced
through the annulus and, in complement, through the service string. This system is found
particularly in the Middle East.

b) Multiple zone tubingless completions (figure 1.19b)

Production flows directly through several casings whose diameters may be very different
from one another depending on the production expected from each level.

Several levels with mediocre production can be produced in this way with a minimum
number of wells and downhole equipment, i.e. with a minimum initial investment. This is true
provided there are no safety or production problems (artificial lift, workover, etc.).

This type of completion is mainly encountered in the United States. Miniaturized completions

This system basically involves multiple-zone tubingless completions equipped with little
macaroni tubings so that each cemented casing has a conventional single or, more often,
tubing-annulus completion. It is of course highly specific and is found in the United States
like the previous type.

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Another case can also be mentioned: that of slim-hole drilled wells that are equipped with
a tubing (such as those drilled in 1982 on a field in the Paris basin, even though they are
produced with a tubingless completion system through a production casing: some 50 mm
[2 in] in diameter at nearly 1 500 m [4400 ft] depth with an original hole diameter of about
153 mm [6 in]).

1.4 Main phases in completion

Depending on the context, well completion may involve different phases and the order of
the phases can vary. The procedure below is only one among many possible solutions since
certain phases can be carried out at other times or may prove unnecessary.

Bearing in mind that the drilling in conditions are crucial for completion, we consider here
that the pay zone has already been drilled, that the open hole logging has been done and that
the casing has also already been run in and cemented if the completion is cased hole.

1.4.1 Checking and conditioning the borehole

This operation consists in checking the conditions of the borehole.

In an open hole this usually means simply running the drill bit back in hole to the bottom
and circulating in order to get a uniform mud. Sometimes the mud that was used to drill the
layer can be replaced by a completion fluid that is more appropriate for further operations.

For a cased hole the operations are more numerous:

• A drill string equipped with a bit and a scraper are run in. In order to do so, the drill
collars and part or all of the drillpipe used to drill the well may have to be laid down.
Then another string with smaller diameter components is run in.
• The top of the cement in the casing is checked with the bit (and any excess cement is
• The area where the packer is to be set is scraped, mud is circulated at the same time to
get rid of the cuttings (particles of cement and other debris).
• Completion fluid is pumped into the well at the end of circulation and the drill string is
pulled out.
• Logs are run to check the cement bond quality, for all others reservoir engineering needs
and for depth correlation purpose.

About depth correlation, a gamma ray along with a CCL (Casing Collar Locator) is usually
run. The gamma ray (rR) gives a correlation with the logs that were run in the open hole
(which generally included a gamma ray) and the CCL records the casing couplings.
Afterwards, the tools used during completion operations, for example perforating guns, can be

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depth matched with respect to reservoir levels or interfaces simply on the basis of casing
collars, or directly on the basis of yR.

1.4.2 Remedial cementing

If the cement bond quality is inadequate to handle reservoir problems (isolation of levels,
interfaces, etc.) and operations on the pay zone (well testing, treatment, etc.), remedial
cementing becomes necessary. Here the casing is usually perforated and cement is injected
under pressure opposite the area(s) that were improperly cemented.

1.4.3 Re-establishing pay zone-borehole communication

In a cased hole, the barrier consisting of the casing and the sheath of cement between the
reservoir and the wellbore must be by-passed. Except for special cases this is done before or
after equipment installation by perforating with shaped charges. This operation entails
extremely stringent safety practices related to the use of explosives. In addition, when the well
is perforated before running in the production string, care must be taken to prevent the well
from flowing from this point on, until the permanent equipment has been installed.

1.4.4 Well testing

All wells must be tested, sometimes for a short time, in order to ascertain the productivity
(or injectivity) index and any possible damage.

For a development well in an area where many other wells have already been completed, a
simple assessment at the end of completion may sometimes be enough. In contrast, for the
first development well, and even more so for appraisal and exploration wells, more thorough
testing is needed.

Based on these tests and further rock and fluid studies in the laboratory the need for
treatment and the suitability of one treatment over others can be determined.

Well testing is therefore quite often performed with temporary assemblies.

1.4.5 Treating the pay zone

Well treatment mainly encompass sand control operations and well stimulation (acidizing,
fracturing). Well testing may be necessary prior to well stimulation to establish whether the
operation is worthwhile.

Depending on the case, treatments are carried out before or after equipment installation
and may require temporary equipment.

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Introduction to completion

1.4.6 Equipment installation

Here the permanent equipment is installed in the well and is then tested. As we have
already mentioned, the equipment is installed, depending of the case, before or after the well
is perforated.

The basic conventional equipment (packer, miscellaneous downhole equipment, tubing,

wellhead) may also be supplemented by specific safety or artificial lift equipment.

1.4.7 Putting the well on stream and assessing performance

For a production well this phase requires the following: the original fluid whose density
was high enough to counter the reservoir pressure prevailing at the outset in the well must be
replaced by a lighter one. Depending on when the perforations are made (before or after
equipment installation) and according to the equipment that is installed, this operation can
take place at different time (after equipment installation or before perforation).

Putting the well on stream also includes a clearing, or unloading phase. Treatments carried
out on the layer may entail constraints during this phase (start clearing as soon as possible
after acidizing, gradual clearing in the event of sand control, etc.).

Assisted start up may prove necessary (swabbing, using a coiled tubing, etc.), not to speak
of permanent artificial lift processes.

Initial assessment of well performance is essential. It can serve to decide whether a

treatment is suitable and is used as a reference when the well's behavior is monitored later on.
Lastly it may provide a wealth of information of use for future wells.

1.4.8 Moving the rig

When the drilling or completion rig is moved, the well must always be placed under safety
conditions. The rig can be moved once all of the operations have been concluded or as soon
as the permanent equipment has been installed.

1.4.9 Operations to be performed at a later date: measurements,

maintenance, workover, abandonment

The well's behavior is monitored as time goes by and action is taken accordingly. The
decisions that were made can be checked to see if they were justified and how well they were
implemented on the site. The reservoir's behavior can also be better understood and therefore
production problems can be anticipated.

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Introduction to completion

Additionally, the well requires maintenance to keep it producing properly. It may also
undergo workover for repair or to modifY production conditions.

In order to do this the following informations are essential:

• all the operations that were carried in the well and the conditions in which they were
• all ofthe equipment installed and its characteristics.

Consequently, a detailed report should be drafted at each step and all of the information
can be entered into a computerized data bank.

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Chapter 2 from "Well completion and servicing"


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Ref. : version "a"
Chapter II : Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version "a")


2.1 DRILLING AND CASING THE PAY ZONE ............................................................................... .

2.1.1 Well safety ......................................................................................................................................... .
2.1.2 Fluids used to drill in the pay zone ..................................................................................................... 2 Constraints............................................................................................................................ 2 Completion fluids ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Drilling and casing diameters.............................................................................................................. 6
2.1.4 Casing and cementing ......................................................................................................................... 7

2.2 EVALUATING AND RESTORING THE CEMENT JOB...................... ..................................... 7

2.2.1 Evaluating the cement job ................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 Remedial cementing ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........ ....... ... ... ... .... ... ...... ........ ... ... ....... ........ ... ... ... ....... ........ ... ... .... 10 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 10 Squeeze techniques .............................................................................................................. 11

2.3 PERFORATING............................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Shaped charges ................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Main parameters affecting the productivity ofthe zone produced by perforating............................... 14
2.3.3 Perforating methods and corresponding types of guns........................................................................ 15 Overbalanced pressure perforating before equipment installation ....................................... 16 Underbalanced pressure perforating after equipment installation ........................................ 18 rcp perforating (tubing conveyed perforator)..................................................................... 19
2.3.4 Specific points in the operating technique .......................................................................................... 21 Safety.................................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 .4.2 Perforation depth adjustment................................................................................................ 22 Cleaning the perforations ..................................................................................................... 22 Monitoring the results .......................................................................................................... 25

2.4 TREATING THE PAY ZONE..................................... .................................................................... 25

2.4.1 Problems encountered......................................................................................................................... 25
2.4,1,1 Phenomena pertaining to insufficient consolidation "."."."', .. ".".".".".,.,"',.,',.".".".,,.,'",., 26 Phenomena pertaining to insufficient productivity ............................................................... 26 Means of diagnosis............................................ ................................................................... 28

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Chapter II : Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version "a")

2.4.2 Main types of remedial action for poor consolidation: sand control.................................................. 29 Why control sand ?.............................................................................................................. 29 Sand control processes ......................................................................................................... 30 Operating procedure (gravel packing in a perforated cased hole)........................................ 34
2.4.3 Main types of remedial action for insufficient productivity: well stimulation.................................... 36 Principal types of well stimulation ....................................................................................... 36 Acidizing .............................................................................................................................. 37 Hydraulic fracturing ............................................................................................................. 41

2.5 THE SPECIAL CASE OF HORIZONTAL WELLS..................................................................... 47

2.5.1 Advantages in producing reservoirs.................................................................................................... 48 Low permeability formation................................................................................................. 48 Thin formation...................................................................................................................... 49 Plugged formation................................................................................................................ 49 Effect of turbulence..................................... ......................................................................... 49 Critical flow rate................................................... ................................................................ 49 Insufficiently consolidated formation................................................................................... 50 Naturally fractured, heterogeneous formation...................................................................... 50 Secondary recovery .............................................................................................................. 50
2.5.2 Problems specific to the pay zone-borehole connection ..................................................................... 51 Pay zone-borehole connection configuration ....................................................................... 51 Running in and cementing the liner ...................................................................................... 51 Perforating............................................................................................................................ 52 Sand control......................................................................................................................... 52 Stimulation ........................................................................................................................... 53 Configuration of production string(s)................................................................................... 53

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Som [[-2
Coonecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")


The main factors that influence the way the pay zone-borehole connection is designed and
the principal configurations of the connection were discussed in the preceding chapter.

The present chapter covers:

• the different phases required to make the connection,
• the techniques that can be used and their implementation.

2.1 Drilling and casing the pay zone

Without going into considerations related purely to drilling, we will discuss only a few
particularly important points for completion.

2.1.1 Well safety

The pay zone that is going to be produced is by nature porous, permeable and contains
fluids under pressure. This means that the conditions for a blowout are all present.

As such, it is critical to be sure that the drilling fluid in the well has sufficient density to
counter the reservoir pressure before starting this phase. It is also essential to check that safety
equipment, especially the BOPs (blowout preventers), are in good condition and operate
properly, since the whole structure was designed (drilling and casing program) so that the well
would withstand the reservoir pressure.

Likewise, during all operations on the well, great care must be taken to keep kicks from
occurring. Swabbing needs particular attention when the string is being pulled out. Another
point to remember is that measures implemented to control a kick might damage the pay zone
and affect its productivity characteristics.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (vemon"an )

2.1.2 Fluids used to drill in the pay zone Constraints

a) Safety constraints

As mentioned earlier, the fluid in the well must exert higher hydrostatic pressure than the
reservoir pressure. In practice, at least for development wells, the excess pressure is generally
set at around 0.5 to 1.5 MPa (70 to 200 psi). Either a fluid loaded with solids or brine is used
to get enough specific gravity.

b) Drilling constraints

Since the fluid is used for drilling, it must have the properties that are normally required
for a drilling fluid. In particular, it must have sufficient viscosity to lift the cuttings up out of
the borehole.

c) Formation damage constraints

Because of the excess hydrostatic pressure, the fluid in the well tends to flow into the
reservoir. Although the liquid part of the fluid (the filtrate) can in fact invade the formation
easily, the solids contained in the fluid tend to remain on the borehole wall where they form a
deposit called the filter cake.

In practice the most common types of damage are:

• Formation plugging due to the solid particles in the drilling fluid that penetrate the
formation. Because of the pore diameter, plugging is usually fairly shallow and we can
hope to solve the problem if the particles manage to come back out again when the well
is put on stream or if they are soluble in acid (but this is no way always true).
• Plugging due to the action of the filtrate on the matrix itself and in particular on shale
formations (damage by swelling and dispersion of shales), or the effect on formation
wettability with the consequences on relative permeability to oil and to water.
• Plugging due to the action of the filtrate on the fluids in place in the reservoir, in
particular problems of precipitates, emulsion or sludge (a flocculated mass of heavy oil).
It should be emphasized that these cases of filtrate damage are usually irreversible.

The filter cake that is formed on the borehole wall is not particularly troublesome, at least
not in production wells. Here the flow from the formation will tend to slough the cake off the
wall. In an injection well however, it will lower injectivity considerably if it has not been
removed. On the contrary, the cake limits filtration, thereby reducing damage to a producing

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (ve~ioD"a")

The effect of plugging in the vicinity of the wellbore on the productivity index is illustrated
on the graph in figure 2.1. Even very shallow damage can be seen to cause a substantial
reduction in productivity.

Borehole diameter: 8" 112

Drainage radius: 500 m (~ 1 700 ft)

.1 ~ \\)
1,5 - f.--:::::
0,5 - -.....:. ,
I ..... .......... I r---,..A " 0.3
....... .......1
~ i'-
! J
~ "- t--
-.... --r-r-.
1'-, "'-......... ....... ......
0,1 -
k~o'0-t ~-~o,03
0,05 1"- "f.. I
, TN
1em 2,5cm 5cm lOem 25em 50cm 1m 2,5m 5m 10m
(~ 1") (~ 4") (~ 3,3') (~ 33')
TN Thickness of "plugged" zone from the borehole (8"112 drilling)
ko Natural permeability of the formation
kp Pemleability of "plugged" zone
PIa Theoretical productivity index (without "plugged" zene)
PI Real productivity index (taking into account "plugged" zone)

FIG. 2.1 Influence on the productivity index of variations in permeability

in the vicinity of the weI/bore (in radial flow)

For formations that react well to acid (usually true for carbonates), this is not too serious,
since plugging can be bypassed afterwards by attacking the formation itself with acid.

However, for those that do not react well (usually true for sandstones), since neither
formation nor plugging agents react enough the damage may well be permanent. In addition,
side reactions may make plugging worse.

Consequently in these cases prevention is essential and it is crucial to use a suitable

drilling fluid as soon as the pay zone is entered. It may also be advantageous to have a high
drilling speed and a low overpressure on the pay zone to limit the amount of filtrate that
invades the formation.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

For damage, the ideal situation would be to have in the well a fluid with no solids whose
filtrate would be compatible with the formation and the fluids in place in the reservoir.
However, it is generally necessary to add what is called temporary plugging agents to the
drilling fluid (they are either soluble in acid or unstable with temperature but they are never
100 % soluble) to reduce filtration. Moreover, when the fluid is used to drill in the pay zone,
viscosity agents are needed to give it sufficient lifting capacity to transport the cuttings.

When a fluid containing solids is used, preference should go to solids that are risk-free (not
barite, for example) and can be "readily" broken down (acidized).

Lastly while the pay zone is being drilled in, the drilling fluid must be treated in order to
remove fine-grained solids. These are produced when the solids in the fluid (originally in the
fluid or formation cuttings) are ground down. Completion fluids

This is the term for the specific fluid that is used at opposite the pay zone, it is designed to
cause the least damage possible to the reservoir. As discussed earlier, it must be pumped into
the well before the formation is penetrated, whatever the configuration chosen for the
connection between the borehole and the pay zone. This is particularly true and important for
sandstone type formations which do not react well to acid. In contrast, a little more leeway is
possible with other formations, especially carbonates.

It is often difficult to formulate a fluid which:

• does not damage the reservoir,
• provides good characteristics with respect to drilling.

The completion fluid is therefore used mainly:

• if possible or necessary as soon as the pay zone is drilled in,
• during initial completion,
• to control the well (kill the well) in order to proceed to some particular treatment,
• during workover, after the well has been produced, to repair or modify the well.

a) Characteristics required for completion fluids

Based on the main requirements (making sure the well is safe, preventing damage to the
well, cleaning the well) the following characteristics are the most important:
• specific gravity,
• viscosity,
• filtration rate,
• compatibility,
• stability,

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COllllecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• preparation and handling,

• pnce.

b) The mainjluids (Table 2.1)

Low specific gravity

These are especially foams and muds containing oil such as :

• oil-base mud,
• inverted emulsion mud (10 to 50 % dispersed water),
• direct emulsion mud (20 to 45 % dispersed oil).

Specific gravity greater than 1

• Without solids
These consist of brines (water base plus salt). It should be noted that the crystalization
point of brines depends on the type of saJt(s) and the concentration (it can be greater than
0° C or 32°P). The price increases exponentially with specific gravity.
• Low solids content
These are also brines with fluid-loss additives and viscosifiers (of the type that can be
• High solids content
These are water and viscosifier-base fluids with added weighting materials such as
calcium carbonate or iron carbonate to achieve high specific gravity. Their drawbacks
are the sedimentation risk and their high viscosity, but they are less expensive than high
gravity brines.

c) Additives

It is usually necessary to add a number of products such as :

• viscosifiers,
• defoamers,
• fluid-loss control agent,
• emulsifiers (mud containing oil, ... )
• weighting materials,
• anticorrosion additives (bactericides, antioxidants, etc).

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Connecting the pay zone and tbe borehole (version"a")

0.20 to 0.30 dense foam
~i1 base
0.80 to 0.90 diesel or crude
0.85 to 0.95 oil-base or inverted-emulsion mud
0.85 to 1 direct emulsion mud
~ater base without solids (1)
1 to 1.03 water - seawater - brackish water
1 to 1.16 fresh water + KCl
1 to 1.20 fresh water + NaCl
1 to 1.30 fresh water + MgCl,
1 to 1.40 fresh water + CaCl,
1.16 to 1.20 fresh water + KCl + NaCl
1.20 to 1.40 fresh water + NaCl + CaCl,
1.20 to 1.51 fresh water + NaCl + NaBr
1.40 to 1.70 fresh water + CaCl, + CaBr,
1.70 to 1.80 fresh water + CaBr,
1.80 to 2.30 fresh water + CaBr, + ZnBr,
Water base plus solids
1 to 1.70 fresh water + CaC03
1 to 1.80 fresh water + FeCO, (siderite)
1 to 1.80 drilling mud + CaC0 3 or FeCO,
1 to 2.30 drilling mud + barite
1 to 2.30 fresh water + resins
1 to 2.30 oil-base or inverted emulsion or direct emulsion mud
(1) Pay attention to the crystalization point. especially with mixtures.

Table 2.1 Major completionjluids on the market

2.1.3 Drilling and casing diameters

The graph in figure 2.1 shows that the productivity index increases little when the drilling
diameter increases (consider infinite permeability in the vicinity of the wellbore). The
diameter would have to be increased considerably to make any difference and this is not
technically or economically possible in drilling.

The drilling diameter is in fact important with respect to the equipment that will be
installed in the well, e.g. :
• a suitable sand control system when needed,
• a tubing with sufficient diameter for the pressure losses to be acceptable,
• several tubings if there are several layers to be produced separately,
• specific equipment such as a packer (downhole seal between the casing and the tubing),
subsurface safety valve, side pocket for a gas-lift valve (process that lightens the oil
column by injecting gas into it), centrifugal pump, etc.

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Connecting the pay zone and the bOTehole (version"a")

2.1.4 Casing and cementing

Let us point out that the most common configuration for the pay zone-borehole connection
is the cased hole. Since there is a cemented casing in this solution, selectivity of a level and/or
a produced fluid is more efficient. However, this requires that the cement bond to provide a
good seal.

In addition, to save room for the down hole equipment, it may be necessary to install a
liner. This involves problems related to liner installation and proper cementing.

As far as primary cementing is concerned, we will restrict our discussion to a reminder of

the main properties required, since the methods of monitoring and restoring the cement job
when needed will be dealt with in the following section.

The main objectives of primary cementing for a production casing are as follows:
• make it possible to select the fluid or the level to be produced and prevent fluids from
migrating between the different corresponding zones,
• keep borehole walls from caving in (along with the casing),
• protect the casing, particularly from any corrosive fluids in the formations that have been
drilled through.

The cement sheath must therefore be tight and provide appropriate mechanical properties.

2.2 Evaluating and restoring the cement job

2.2.1 Evaluating the cement job

Because of the difficulty in cementing a casing and even more so, a liner, a large number
of flaws can often be found as :
• an inadequate filling,
• an inadequate seal and/or strength

The quality of the production casing cement job is crucial in producing the well, so it is
essential to be sure that the cement job meets the required standards. However, since the
quality of the job varies as time goes by, the results of an evaluation operation are valid only
for the time when the job was evaluated.

The conditions that prevailed when the cement job was done are already a good indication.
In particular any irregularity should raise doubts about the quality of the job. However, an
absence of irregularities in the way the job was done is not enough to quality it as satisfactory,
unless the reservoir has been studied to a certain extent and there is a sufficient statistical

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a") Direct evaluation

Pressure tests and especially negative pressure tests can be taken as indications of a good
seal for a liner head or for perforations that were used for remedial cementing. It should be
emphasized that pressure tests are not particularly significant for situations at a later date
when negative pressure will prevail in the well (during production), since the filter cake acts
as a one-way valve.

In addition, even negative pressure tests are highly debatable as an indication of the seal
behind the casing itself. They only show whether the liner head or the remedial cementing
perforations have been properly cemented. The tests do not guarantee that there will be no
inflow of unwanted fluids or that there will be no interference between levels during well
testing or normal production. Indirect evaluation

Here we will deal with evaluation through logging.

Temperature logs simply give an indication of how far the cement has backed up in the
annulus and therefore of the fact that the different zones or levels have actually been covered
up. Cement hardening is an exothermic reaction. As a result, there is a higher temperature
opposite cemented zones when the cement is setting than what would be expected from the
normal geothermal gradient. However, this does not tell much about how completely the
annulus has been filled up and how good the cement bond is, i.e. about the quality of the
cement job.

Acoustic logs (and mainly logs with signals that are emitted and received) can be used to
get a better picture. The time, frequency and amplitude of sound waves are measured when
they come back to the tool after a signal has been emitted. These measurements are
interpreted according to a large number of parameters (shape of the borehole, position of the
casing, type of formation, cake, mud and cement, etc.).

Therefore, interpretation is not an easy job. Depending on the type oftool it can give:
• an overall idea of the cement-bond quality,
• the compressive strength and an image of the cement sheath.

The most common types of acoustic logs are:

• Schlumberger's CBL-VDL (Cement Bond Log-Variable Density Log),
• Schlumberger's CET (Cement Evaluation Tool).


In this tool (figure 2.2a), the transmitter generates a low frequency (20 kHz) acoustic wave
train over a short period of time. The signal is propagated through the casing, the cement and
the formation before it gets back to the receivers, one of which is located three feet
(approximately 0.9 m) away and the other five feet (approximately 1.50 m) away from the
transmitter. What is measured is therefore the longitudinal (vertical) path ofthe sound wave.

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COllJlecting the pay zone and the borehole (version'"'a")

The CBL is a recording of the amplitude and the transit time of the first sound wave that
reaches the receiver that is three feet away. The VDL is optional; it gives further information
to supplement the CBL. The complete wave train that reaches the receiver is represented on a
film by light and dark stripes, with the contrast depending on the amplitude of the positive
peaks (figure 2.2b).

If the cement job is good, the amplitude measured by the CBL is low. The VDL shows an
attenuated signal that has travelled through the casing and a strong signal that has travelled
through the formation. In contrast, when the cement job is poor, the amplitude measured by
the CBL is strong and the VDL shows a signal that has travelled through the casing in the
form of regular, highly contrasted stripes.

read by
11111111111111111111' 1I111

==--,1111,11111111,1111 I1111I
Illhllllll ,I dl I I II
'11,,::1111. I '(IlSOC)
Transmitter -~-liTin .. , I'


CBL receiver (3')

Transit time CBL VDL

VDL receiver (5')


IT 01S) CBL (mV) VDL (!.ts)

400 200 o 50 200 1200

(a) (b)
FIG. 2.2 Principle of the CEL- VDL and a standard presentation of a recording

Care is required since a large number of parameters (such as a coupling, a logging tool that
is improperly centered in the casing, fingering or a microannulus, etc.) can affect the
amplitude measurement. An attentive study of the transit time and the overall VDL picture
can help take these parameters into account for interpretation. Additionally the tool provides
only an idea of the average bond quality. This depends on the percentage ofthe circumference
where the cement has bonded and the compressive strength of the cement (so the log should
not be run until the cement has enough time to set).

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ConDeCting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a'')


This tool has got eight high-frequency transmitter-receivers (500 kHz) located on a
horizontal plane. This time, the attenuation of the casing's radial (horizontal) resonance is
analyzed according to the eight sectors. The attenuation depends on whether cement is present
in the sector and on its compressive strength.
The tool provides three main recordings STRENOTH
(figure 2.3) :
• the average casing diameter and whether it
is out of round,
• the maximum and minimum compressive
strength (averaged out over a height of four
feet and a horizontal sector of 45°),
• an "image" of the cement sheath.

The image consists of eight traces (one for

each sensor) varying between lighter and darker
depending on the compressive strength of the
cement in each sector. Shades range from white
(no cement) to black (good cement). In order to
improve the presentation, shading is gradually
interpolated between the tracks corresponding to
the different sensors (see figure 2.3).

The tool also has the asset of being insensitive

to any microannulus less than 0.1 mm thick. On
the other hand it does not characterize the
cement-formation bond quality as well.

FIG. 2.3 Standard presentation of a CET recording

2.2.2 Remedial cementing Introduction

The basic method used to restore an inadequate primary cement job consists in positioning
cement slurry inion the defective zone:
• possibly by circulating (when the problem is incomplete filling for example),

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C~g the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• but more commonly by pumping under pressure (squeeze), with the slurry subjected to
differential pressure.

It is the differential pressure that allows the slurry to cover the defective zone by the
process of the liquid base filtering into the formation. A cement cake is thereby formed on the
wall. As such it is necessary to :
• monitor the growth of the cake,
• allow it to form evenly on all of the permeable areas.

In addition to restoring a primary cement job, the method can also be used in workover in
• restore isolation between zones,
• reduce the proportion of water or gas produced due to coning,
• isolate a water or gas zone,
• abandon (temporarily or permanently) a pay zone,
• repair a leaky casing. Squeeze techniques

In practice, due consideration must be given to the limitations inherent to the combination
• the injection technique (squeeze) chosen,
• the string used and the procedure involved in positioning the slurry on the zone to be

a) High-pressure squeeze

The principle of this technique is to deliberately fracture the zone to be treated behind the
casing so that the slurry can pass through the perforations and fill up the existing annular

However, a large number of drawbacks are involved:

• the position and direction of the fracture are not controlled,
• the cement entering the fracture is "lost" since it does not contribute to the hydraulic seal
between the casing and the formation,
• it is difficult to seal the fracture all throughout its extension : the displaced mud is
present in front of the cement.

As a result, low-pressure squeeze is usually preferred (see following section), though

high-pressure squeeze still has a number of applications:
• channels behind the casing that do not communicate directly with the perforations,
• a microannulus that is impervious to slurry but not to gas,

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehoLe (version"a'')

• slurry hydrostatic pressure causing fracturing,

• fluids loaded with plugging solid present in the well (that have not been eliminated).

b) Low-pressure squeeze

The technique consists in forcing the slurry into spaces that communicate with a permeable
formation (voids with no exit can not be filled with cement) but with a pressure lower than
the fracture pressure, in other words usually at low flow rate. The water alone is forced out of
the slurry, with the cement particles forming a cake.

This is possible only if the perforations and channels are free of plugging fluids (which
require prior removal) and if the formation is permeable enough. Consequently an injectivity
test will have to be run beforehand to be sure that the operation can be performed with
downhole injection pressure lower than the fracture pressure.

Sometimes pumping is continuous but more commonly it is on a stop and start basis
(hesitation squeeze figure 2.4). In this connection:
• a small volume (50 to 300 liters or 10 to 100 gallons) of slurry is pumped in and the
corresponding pressure increase is noted,
• pumping is halted for a specified time (10 to 15 minutes) and the pressure drop caused
by the slurry entering the formation is noted (during this time the slurry is losing water),
• the cycle is repeated x times.

In this way pumping is easier (it is difficult to pump continuously at a sufficiently low flow
rate so that the fracture pressure is not exceeded) and there is more time for the cement cake
to develop.

Hesitation squeeze is however dangerous if there is still any slurry in the string. If the
slurry thickening time is not long enough, the cement may set inside the pipe.

No pressure


L..-_...J1 Waiting 019DP9808

FIG. 2.4 Pressure vs time diagram (during hesitation squeeze)

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (versioo"a")

2.3 Perforating
The aim of perforating is to re-establish the best possible connection (through the casing
and the sheath of cement) between the pay zone and the borehole when the chosen
configuration is cased hole.

Although perforating was done originally by bullets and even though in some very special
cases other techniques such as hydraulic perforation may be advantageous, today shaped
charges are used almost exclusively.

An effective connection depends largely on the choice of the perforation method and of
the type of support or gun.

2.3.1 Shaped charges

The shaped charge is made up of five components (figure 2.5) :
• the main explosive charge,
• a cavity covered with a cone-shaped metal liner,
• a primer charge (fuse),
• a detonating cord,
• a case.

Main explosive charge Case or container

Primer charge

J..---- Core-shaped metal liner

Detonating cord
(point of initiation) 026DP98IJ8

FIG. 2.S A shaped charge

When it is detonated, a high velocity (approximately 7 000 mls [20 000 ftls]) jet of gas
shoots out ofthe tip along the axis of the cone due to the metal liner.

A perforation is the result of the jet impinging on the target material in front of the charge.
It is produced by the jet's pressure (approximately 30 000 MPa [5 . 106 psi]) and depends on
the length and width of the jet. Because of this, there will be some commotion in the vicinity
of the perforation, the rock will be fractured and considerably compressed.

The jet of gas is followed by a slug (the melted residue of the metal cone) which travels
much more slowly (approximately 300 to 1000 mls [1 000 to 3 000 ftls]). The slug as such is
of no importance, except that it may obstruct the end of the perforation.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (ve~ioD"a")

By varying the type and angle of the metal cone, perforation diameter can be prioritized
over penetration depth and vice versa.

Shaped charge performance is also dependent on :

• the amount of explosive load,
• the distance between the shaped charge and the target,
• the density of the target.

For example, a charge the size of a hen's egg containing approximately 22 g (3/4 oz) of
explosive can give a perforation about I cm (0.4 in) in diameter and 25 cm (10 in) penetration
depth through the casing, cement sheath and into the formation. Performance is characterized
according to the API RP 43 standard which is discussed in the next section (API: American
Petroleum Institute, RP : Recommended Practice).

2.3.2 Main parameters affecting the productivity of the zone produced by


A lot of parameters affect the productivity, especially:

• the distribution of perforations over the producing zone: the perforation pattern is
chosen according to reservoir considerations (interfaces and their variations, facies, etc) ;
• the perforation penetration: penetration is mainly dependent on the explosive load, the
shape and type of cone, the clearance between the cone and the casing and therefore the
size ofthe gun in relation to the casing and the number of shot direction (figure 2.6) ;
• the characteristics of the crushed zone;
• the number of shot directions;
• the perforation diameter;
and, above all :
• the number of perforations effectively opened.

A fact that is unfortunately often overlooked is that the important thing is not the shot
density but the number of effective perforations (in other words, that penetrate sufficiently
into the formation and are not plugged up). Though there is a relationship with the shot
density, it is mainly the conditions of firing and cleaning (see section that are
determining. Wells have been known to have less than I to 10 % of the perforations
effectively flowing.

In most instances a density of I to 4 Shots Per Foot or SPF (3 to 13 shots per meter) is
enough. A density of 4 SPF (13 shots per meter) will in fact give a productivity index on the
same lines as in an open hole.

A higher shot density may however be useful in reducing pressure losses In the
perforations themselves and in their immediate vicinity, for example when:

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"'a")

• the volume flow rate per meter or foot of producing layer is very high (turbulence
• it is necessary to use a sand control process (see section 2.4.2).


'---- Casing

FIG. 2.6 Effect of the gun size and the number ofshot directions on penetration

2.3.3 Perforating methods and corresponding types of guns

The choice of the method is the result of a tradeoff between:
• well constraints:
- reservoir pressure (normal or high pressure),
- type of effluents: oil, gas, water, with or without HzS,
whether there was any previous plugging,
reservoir thickness, porosity, permeability and homogeneity,
situation of the casing and the cement job,
risks of sand intrusion,
whether the well is a producer or an injector,
• and optimum perforating conditions (which are not necessarily compatible with one
another) :
underbalanced shooting (1 to 2.5 MPa [150 to 350 psi] for an oil well, more for a gas
- clean fluid in the well,
- large-diameter perforator loaded with high-performance charges,
- at least two shot directions,
- perforation clearing as soon as possible after shooting.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

We will restrict our discussion to the three most conventional basic methods:
• positive or overbalanced pressure perforating before equipment installation,
• reverse or underbalanced pressure perforating after equipment installation,
• TCP perforating (Tubing Conveyed Perforator) run in on the end of the tubing. Overbalanced pressure perforating before equipment installation

Perforations are made before running the downhole equipment (tubing, etc.) while the well
is full of completion fluid exerting hydrostatic overpressure to counter reservoir pressure
(figure 2.7).

Here a large gun can be run in directly through the casing (casing gun) with the following
• large explosive loads,
• multiple shot directions with close clearance and consequently good geometric
characteristics, particularly penetration.



Cable to lWl:K....I·

" 112 casing

Large shaped:--.~.,.",""'" .Production

charge gun >'" zone
, ; '.

FIG. 2.7 Overbalanced pressure perforating before equipment installation

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a'')

However, since perforating occurs under overbalance conditions, the perforations are
plugged up by the completion fluid present in the well (but since the pay zone has been drilled
previously, it is easier to use a fluid that can cope with this problem). Thereafter it will be
more difficult to get all the perforations to behave actively (see section : Cleaning the
perforations) and this may consume a lot of rig time.

In addition, for further operation (running in downhole equipment, replacing the BOPs by
the production tree, etc.) safety conditions will not be as good since the borehole and the pay
zone have already been connected.

Retrievable carriers are used (figure 2.8) that normally allow a shot density of up to 4 SPF
(13 per meter) and even more, particularly for sand control (12 SPF), and shot angles of 90°,
120° or 180° depending.

These guns are leakproof, offer good reliability and leave no debris in the well. Their unit
length ranges from 1.80 m to 3.30 m (6 to 11 ft) and they can be assembled. They are run in
by electric cable and the different component guns can be fired selectively. However, the
length that can be run in at one time is limited (approximately 10 m [30 ft] or less, depending
on the shot density, the well profile, etc.).

Hight shot Standard density


Shot Charge API RP - 43 test: Section II
GunOD of shot per ft weight
directions EH TCP CFE
(in) (SPF) (g) (in) (in)
Standard 33/8" 4 4 14 0,35 11 ,33 0,87
density 4" 4 4 22 0,46 13,01 0,84
~un 5" 4 4 22 0,83 12,50 0,82
Higb shot 5" 3 12 22 0,50 9,91 0,62
density 5 112" 3 12 22 0,49 10,33 0,73
2un 6" 3 12 22 0,47 10,60 0,75

FIG. 2.8 Retrievable casing gun type carriers

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a") Underbalanced pressure perforating after equipment installation

Perforations are made after well equipment has been run in and once the production tree
has been installed, with the well full of a "light" fluid (i.e. which exerts a hydrostatic pressure
lower than the reservoir pressure). The guns are run into the well through the tubing (through
tubing gun) by means of an electric cable through a lubricator (figure 2.9).

Because of the pressure underbalance, plugging is reduced or even avoided during and
after firing. Additionally, since all the well equipment is in place there are no added safety
problems and the well is ready to be cleared.

However, the guns are small in diameter compared to the casing since they must pass
through the tubing. The charges are smaller and consequently the penetration is shallower and
shots can be fired in only one direction because of the clearance.


-----Pressure control

JiU.,"';'--,. 2" 7/8 tubing


Brine, oil-_~~
through-tubing gun

FIG. 2.9 Underbalanced pressure perforating after equipment installation

Small diameter retrievable carriers can be used (figure 2. lOa) but the charges are a major
drawback as far as penetration is concerned. In addition, the guns have a tendency to expand
when they are fired and retrieval through the tubing may prove to be problematical.

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connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"B.")

This is why semi or fully expendable carriers are used (figure 2.10b) that can carry larger
loads, but:
• leave debris in the well,
• cause more deformation in the casing and cement sheath,
• do not protect the charges from the well's pressure and temperature, and as a result the
charges efficiency is a little more restricted.

Scallop Enerjet
Shot Charge API RP - 43 test: Section II
GunOD ofshot per ft weight
directions EH TCP CFE
(in) directions (SPF) (g) (in) (in)
13/8" 1 4 1.8 0.25 2.18 0.81
Scallop 1 11116" 1 4 3.2 0.29 3.91 0.80
2 118" 1 ou2 4 6.5 0.33 7.56 0.80
27/8" 1 ou 2 4 14.0 0040 9.50 0.76
Enerjet 1 11116" 1 4 11.0 0.34 6.22 0.90
2118 " 1 4 13.5 0.36 9.12 0.79

FIG. 2.10 Carrier of the through tubing gun type

a : Scallop b: Enerjet TCP perforating (tubing conveyed perforator)

Here the guns are run in directly with the tubing (figure 2.11a). This method combines the
advantages of the first two since:
• large diameter guns can be run in,
• they can be fired with underbalanced pressure and with the permanent well equipment in
place if so desired.

Very long stretches of casing can also be perforated in one single operation (several tens or
even hundreds of meters [one hundred to over one thousand feet]), high shot density can be
used, considerable pressure underbalance can be applied, the guns can be run in highly
deviated wells, etc.

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CODnecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

However, there are some drawbacks that are far from negligible:
• With permanent equipment in the well, if access is required opposite the pay zone for
wireline jobs (production logs, reperforating, etc.), it is necessary to release the gun after
shooting and let it fall to the bottom of the well (figures 2.11 b and c). This will entail
extra costs because a "trash dump" has to be drilled (an extension of the borehole below
the producing stratum, which serves to collect all the objects and items such as
sediments, etc. that are accidentally or deliberately left in the bottom of the well during
completion or production so that said objects and items cause the least possible trouble
because they are located below the pay zone).
• Charges' temperature resistance and performance decrease with time ; here, since they
are run on the tubing rather than with a cable, a lot more time is required to get them to
the bottom of the well.
• It is impossible to check that all the charges have been fired except by pulling out the
• If the guns are not fired, pulling out the tubing is time-consuming and causes safety


1I'<::1#1t- Slick line

ft~l Tool to operate the
gun-drop sub
Mechanical gun-drop sub
(upper part)
Mechanical gun-drcp sub
t t (lower part) I
Detonating bar

t-- Firing head I

Perforating guns

(a) (b) (c)

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

FIG. 2.11 TCP perforating

a. Firing. b. Dropping the gun. c. Producing.

In practice TCP guns are mainly used with a temporary string:

• To perforate before equipment installation when a long stretch of casing is involved or
when large-diameter perforations are required with a high shot density (for sand control
by gravel packing for example).
• To perform a cased hole well test of the DST type (Drill Stem Test: test carried out with
test tools run on drillpipes) and perforations in one single operation, with a subsequent
gain in safety and time, provided the recorders are not damaged by the shock waves
from the explosion ofthe charges.

2.3.4 Specific points in the operating technique

Without giving the detail of the operating technique we would like to touch on some
particularly important points:
• safety,
• adjusting perforation depth,
• cleaning perforations,
• monitoring the results. Safety

Shaped charges are dangerous by nature and using them requires compliance with safety

a) Electrical system check before perforating

The aim of checking up the electrical system is to prevent any risk of eddy currents
(equipment is earthed, no welding allowed, no improvised electrical wiring, etc.)

b) Basic safety

Perforating operations are not performed:

• during storms (for the same reasons as previously mentioned),
• at night, except if the reservoir is already known and provided appropriate measures
have been planned (emergency evacuation procedure, adequate lighting, etc.).

When the operation is carried out with overbalanced pressure before equipment
installation, basic safety is ensured by :
• the completion fluid in the well,
• the drilling BOPs,
• a high-pressure pump connected to the well on stand-by.

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Coonecting the pay zone and the borehole (ve~ion"a")

In addition, the stability of the well is monitored each time the gun is fired and while
pulling out of hole.

When the operation is performed with underbalanced pressure after equipment installation,
basic safety is ensured by :
• the production wellhead along with a high-pressure pressure-tested lubricator with a
stuffing box and a BOP adapted for use with an electric cable,
• a high-pressure pump connected to the well on stand-by.

Additionally, the wellhead pressure is monitored each time the gun is fired and while
pulling out of hole.

c) Further precautions when loading, starting to run in and concluding pull out

During these phases further measures are also necessary :

• cut off all radio broadcasting (notify the base and logistics: helicopter, boats, etc.),
• get non-essential personnel out of the way,
• keep anyone from standing in the line of fire,
• take extra care while pulling out ifthere has been a misfire. Perforation depth adjustment

Perforations are not positioned by directly measuring the depth from the surface, but by
referring to the logs (electrical measurements) that were run for the reservoir department. All
the logs (some before casing was run in, some afterwards) that allow the reservoir department
to determine which reservoir zones are to be produced, are matched to a reference log. This is
usually the gamma ray (the yR measures the natural radioactivity of formations), which can be
recorded either in an open or cased hole. Once the hole has been cased a eeL (casing collar
locator, an electromagnetic tool that detects casing connections) is added to the yR. The
perforator is then run along with a eeL alone or a eeL - yR. It is therefore accurately
positioned with respect to the zone that is to be perforated. Cleaning the perforations

The state of the perforations after firing mainly depends on the method used for perforating
(overbalanced or underbalanced pressure) and on the type of fluid in place in the well.

Laboratory studies have shown that:

• When perforating underbalanced in clean brine, the perforations can be made to flow as
soon as a pressure differential is exerted. Moreover, there is only a small reduction in the
productivity index.
• In contrast, when perforating overbalanced, depending on the type of fluid in the well
and the exposure time, the required reverse pressure may be several MPa (several
hundreds of psi) and the productivity index may be considerably reduced (by up to over

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

60 %). The figures are even more unfavourable if the produced fluid is a gas instead of
an oil or if the formation permeability is middling or low (less than 100 mD).

When cleaning is required after shooting, one of the methods listed below is usually

a) Well clearing

The well is made to flow through a large diameter choke so that the perforations are
exposed to maximum reverse pressure. But, as soon as a few perforations start flowing, they
limit the reverse pressure that can be applied to the others. It is more difficult to lower the
bottomhole pressure and, as it actually becomes lower, the pressure in the reservoir near the
wellbore also tends to decrease. In addition, there would be a risk of detaching fine particles
from the matrix, not being able to get them out of the formation and having them plug up
interpore connections, especially in insufficiently consolidated formations.

b) Back surging

This technique consists in using a temporary string equipped with an atmospheric pressure
chamber on the lower end (figure 2.12). By opening the lower valve, a considerable negative
pressure is applied almost immediately to all of the perforations while the flow volume is
restricted at the same time.

Another variation consists in running in a tubing that can be filled to a certain height via a
bottomhole valve or a rupture disk. The valve or disk is opened suddenly once the equipment
is in place.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

1---+-- Upper valve
+_-+__ Atmospheric
pressure chamber
).If--+-- Lower valve

FIG. 2.12 Cleaning perforations by back surging

Note that the pressure differential that is usually recommended in the literature is quite
considerable (from 1.5 to 3.5 MPa [200 to 500 psi] for an oil reservoir whose permeability is
higher than 100 mD, from 7 to 14 MPa [I 000 to 2 000 psi] if its permeability is less than
100 mD ; while for a gas reservoir the figures are respectively 7 to 14 MPa and 14 to 35 MPa
[1 000 to 2 000 psi and 2 000 to 5 000 psi]). There is therefore a risk of destabilizing the

c) Circulation washing with a washing tool

The perforations are cleaned by circulating from one to the other beginning at the bottom
by means of a tool equipped with cups (figure 2.13). The circulating flow rate is in the range
of a few hundred liters per minute (around I BPM). This technique is mainly used when
gravel packing is due to be installed later on for sand control. It is designed to make sure that
all the perforations are open, but the circulated fluid and the fines that are stirred up may
damage the formation. Additionally, it requires a long time (besides the return trip, about 5 to
10 minutes per foot of perforations).

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")



(a) (b) (c) (d)

FIG. 2.13 Cleaning perforations with a washing tool
a. Running in. b. Washing perforations.
c. Reversing off bottom. d. Coming out of hole

d) Acid washing

Acid is injected under pressure to restore the connection between the formation and the
well bore. Acid is pumped down to bottom either before final equipment installation by using
a temporary string or after it(see section e).

In the second case, it is usually impossible to circulate (because of the presence ofa packer
and since a circulating device is not recommended for this type of operation) or to squeeze
from the surface (it would be necessary to squeeze the whole tubing of completion fluid
before the acid got to the perforations). A coiled tubing unit or, failing this, a snubbing unit
must therefore often be used.

Furthermore, acid naturally tends to penetrate the less damaged perforations and "forgets"
the others (unless acid is injected between two squeeze packers that are moved along the
height of the perforations, using a washing tool for example, or unless diverting agents such
as ball sealers are used, etc.).

e) In conclusion

Whatever the cleaning method used, the perforations are never 100 % unplugged and the
modifications brought about by treatment may even promote plugging. Additionally, each

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (versioo"a")

time that cleaning is undertaken with a temporary string, temporary plugging agents may have
to be used afterwards to restabilize the well so that the temporary string can be pulled out and
the final completion equipment can be run in.

As a result, when the formation itself is not too badly plugged up the best way of
"cleaning" the perforations is to perforate under underbalanced pressure conditions after
equipment installation to keep from damaging the perforations. Monitoring the results

No specific type of monitoring is usually done. When completion is over or sometimes

when it is under way, a well test is carried out. This helps assess the skin effect, but is nothing
more than an overall picture of damage that is the result of several factors, in particular of
formation plugging itself. Sometimes monitoring is restricted to merely gaging the flow.

Well testing andlor production logging (records of bottomhole flow rate, temperature,
noise, etc. versus depth) zone by zone would be required in order to better evaluate the
effectiveness of each perforation. However, logs are costly and also have their limits.

2.4 Treating the pay zone

2.4.1 Problems encountered

The main purpose of treating pay zone is to try to solve two problems that may even be
• insufficiently consolidated formation,
• insufficient productivity.

They are due to original intrinsic factors or factors induced during drilling, completion or
production. Several basic phenomena can be involved. Phenomena pertaining to insufficient consolidation

a) Initially insufficient consolidation

The rock may be insufficiently consolidated naturally depending on :

• the type and amount of intergranular components,
• the burial depth and therefore the pressure and the temperature that the formation has
been subjected to.

b) Modification in intergrain bond stresses

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (versioD"a")

This may be due in particular to :

• the flow rate and viscosity of the moving fluid,
• the partial transfer of some of the overburden from being supported by the pressure to
being supported by the matrix during depletion.

c) Drop in mechanical properties

"Secondary" fluids (water, water with different salinity, etc.) have a dispersing or
sloughing action on some mineral components (shales, feldspars, etc.) that help bind the
grains to each other. The result is a weakening of the formation. Phenomena pertaining to insufficient productivity

a) Low absolute permeability (initially or due to some disturbance)

Absolute permeability is a rock's permeability when it is entirely saturated with a single

one-phase fluid. It can be low either naturally or due to some damage. Fluids moving in the
pores come up against very severe conditions such as twisted interpore passageways, rough
pore walls and various minerals that can react.

A drop in absolute permeability may therefore be due to fine solid particles getting trapped
in the pores. These solids may come from the fluids used in the well during the various
operations that have been carried out (filtration, losses, injections, etc.). They may also come
from the reservoir itself. In addition to swelling and dispersion of some shales in contact with
"fresh" water, there are simple changes in salinity or flow rate which can help release particles
that are loosely attached to the walls. These particles will restrict the flow where pores narrow

Contrary to common practices, in some cases well clearing at a low flow rate gives better
results than at a high rate.

A drop in absolute permeability can also be due to precipitates if the salts in solution in the
fluids in place are incompatible with those in the fluids that penetrate the formation during the
various operations carried out in the well (including treatment).

It should be pointed out that permeability is not the same vertically and horizontally or in
all directions.

b) Low relative permeability (initially or caused by some disturbance)

When several fluids are present, the permeability to one of them is called effective
permeability (it is lower than absolute permeability and depends on the fluid's saturation). The
relative permeability is the ratio between the effective and the absolute permeability.

Relative permeability is affected by :

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• The respective saturation in the different fluids that are present, for example increased
saturation in water (due to a filtrate, injection, etc.) means a decreased permeability to
oil or to gas and an increased permeability to water (figure 2.14).
• Wettability of the walls, which means the walls' ability to be covered by a film of oil
rather than a film of water and vice versa. Oil or gas wettability lowers the
corresponding relative (oil or gas) permeability. Wettability can be influenced by the
presence of surfactants.



I 0,6


0,2 Swi I

~ I • Sw
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Pore saturation in water

FIG. 2.14 Relative permeability versus saturation

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (vel'liiOD"a")

c) High viscosity (initially or due to some disturbance)

Viscosity depends on the hydrocarbon's composition (gas, oil, heavy oil) and on
temperature. When an emulsion is formed with water, viscosity can increase
considerably. Here again the presence of surfactants is very important. Depending on the
case, surfactants can promote the emulsion's formation and stability or prevent it.

d) Effect ofperforations

Here there are mainly two factors:

• Damage to the perforation itself (crushed and compacted zone with lower permeability
around the cavity created by the explosive charge, dewatered mud in the cavity, etc.),
along with the number of perforations actually opened per unit of casing height.
• The partial penetration effect when only part of the pay zone thickness has been
perforated Means of diagnosis

A number of different means are used to diagnose the quality of the pay zone-borehole
connection in order to determine the problems that may arise as well as their causes. It is
crucial to do this to define what preventive measures should be implemented (in particular
regarding the quality and cleanness of fluids and equipment), and if need be how to choose
appropriate remedial action.

a) Study the core samples

Core samples taken when the pay zone is being drilled give some information on the
reservoir, in particular on its mineralogical, petrophysical and mechanical characteristics.

b) Study the flUids

Provided representative samples have been taken, PVT studies (Pressure, Volume,
Temperature) and other laboratory analyses (analysis of reservoir water, emulsion test, etc.)
allow the type of fluids in place and their behavior (alone or in conjunction with others) to be

c) Well testing

Besides giving the reservoir pressure figure, well testing also helps to distinguish between
low natural permeability and plugging in the vicinity of the wellbore when productivity is
insufficient. However, the origin of plugging still remains to be identified (in the formation
itself, perforation efficiency, partial penetration effect, etc.).

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

d) Well history and production records

These are a very important source of information. An attempt must be made to find out
exactly what happened during drilling, completion and production. The critical importance of
accurate and thorough operations reports can not be overemphasized.

Monitoring the variations in the water cut and the solids content in the effluent, especially
in poorly consolidated formations, can help detect potential problems or check that the
amount produced is staying within acceptable limits according to the experience gained on the

2.4.2 Main types of remedial action for poor consolidation: sand control Why control sand?

In poorly consolidated sandstone formations, grains of sand that make up the sandstone are
pulled loose from the formation and are carried off by the fluid flow. The sand causes a lot of
problems that can mean a considerable decrease in productivity and adverse safety conditions.
Costly workover operations may become necessary as a result. Some of the problems that
sand causes are listed below:
• Caves are formed (the borehole gets significantly wider because the walls slough oft)
and surrounding formations collapse, thereby decreasing productivity (surrounding
shales damaging the connection between the borehole and the pay zone). The reservoir's
cap rock may even start leaking (in the case where it is relatively thin and collapses).
• Sand accumulates in the bottom of the hole, thereby decreasing the effective height of
the well opposite the pay zone.
• Sand accumulates in the tubing, plugging the well (particularly during temporary
production shut down).
• Sand erodes the equipment, especially in the wellhead, in elbows and in the tubing, with
the attendant blowout risks.
• Corrosion is accelerated.
• Higher risks when downhole measurements are made, or they may even become
• Higher risks when fishing or workover operations are carried out.
• Deposits are laid down in the flowlines or in the process facilities equipment.

Sand production must be monitored and kept within acceptable limits so that the well can
be produced rationally.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a") Sand control processes

The basic processes can be broken down into two main categories:
• mechanical, that consist in installing a filter (by far the most common),
• chemical and physicochemical, that consist in reinforcing or stabilizing the intergrain

Whether the completion is of the open hole or cased type influences the implementation
and effectiveness of the process, and therefore the choice of the process itself.

a) Processes for open hole completion

Screens alone (figure 2.l5a)

Figure 2.l6 illustrates some types of screens. To control formation sand effectively and
limit filter plugging, the slot of the screen will usually be chosen to retain the coarsest 10 %
approximately ofthe sand, which in tum controls increasingly finer grained sand.

Although this technique gives good results for coarse sand with a relatively homogeneous
grain size, it does cause productivity to fall when the sand is fine grained or when there are
shaly intercalations (because the screen or the sand pack around the screen gets plugged).

Gravel packing (figure 2.l5b)

Gravel packing is placed against the formation and is held in place by screens. The gravel
acts as a filter and the screen serves only to keep it in place. The gravel must be clean,
calibrated with a selected grain size in relation to the formation sand.

To avoid confusion in terminology, we use the term sand for the material that makes up the
formation and the term gravel for the material that is positioned from the surface. However,
the mean diameter of the "gravel" is approximately only a millimeter (0.04 in), the general
sizing rule being that the gravel should be about six times coarser than the formation sand on
the average.

This method allows to use screens with larger slots than when screens are used alone,
thereby offering a larger cross-section to fluid flow. Permeability will also not be affected as
much as it is with the first method. As a matter of fact, when screens are used without
packing, it is mainly the fine particles that are carried off by the fluid and fill up the space
between the formation and the screen.

The borehole is usually reamed out before the gravel is positioned so that there is enough
space for a satisfactory thickness of gravel.

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Col!DeCting: the pay zone and the borehole (versioo"a")


(a) (b)
FIG. 2.15 Processes that can be used to control sand in open hole completion
a. Screens h. Gravel packing

FIG. 2.16 Screens

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (vel'liion"'a")

b) Processes for cased hole completion

A borehole-pay zone connection consisting of a perforated casing can not be considered as

a sand control process. It can of course be hoped that arches will be formed opposite the
perforations and thereby stop sand intrusions (especially if a large number of small diameter
perforations have been made). However, these arches are in fact highly unstable, they are
particularly sensitive to variations in flow rate and changes in water cut. This is why other
techniques are needed for long-lasting sand control.

Screens alone (figure 2.17a)

The critical point is when the fluid passes the restricted cross-section of the perforations,
which will be mostly obstructed by the produced sand. The sand that is retained by the screen
slots fills up the space between the screen and the casing little by little and then fills up the
Pressure losses introduced at this point are usually prohibitive for liquids (oil, water) and
so the process is normally not suitable in this case. In contrast, since gas has a very low
viscosity the process may fill the bill in gas wells, particularly when the reservoir is perforated
over considerable height and if the flow per unit of height is low.

Gravel packing (figure 2.l7b)

The critical point is the same as for screens alone, so the gravel emplacement technique
must allow the perforations to be effectively filled up with gravel while at the same time
maintaining its high permeability. For example a 20-40 mesh gravel (Le. grain diameters
ranging from 0.84 to 0.42 mm [0.033 to 0.017 in]), which is a conventional grain size, has a
permeability of about 150 darcys under surface conditions. This should be compared with the
few tens or hundreds of millidarcys that is typical of sandstone permeability.
The cross-sectional area must also be as large as possible for the fluid to pass through, so a
high shot density is recommended (conventionally up to 12 SPF, Le. 39 shots per meter, is
used), along with big hole type charges that prioritize entry diameter at the expense of
penetration depth. Here, the TCP method (Tubing Conveyed Perforator) is particularly well
suited. Another very important point is to unplug the perforations properly before installing
sand control (using a washing tool, etc.).

Consolidation (figure 2.17c)

The aim of this method is not to create a filter to retain the produced sand but rather to
reinforce or stabilize the bond between the grains of sand that make up the sandstone
formation so that they are not entrained by the fluid flow. A thermosetting resin is often
injected into the formation. Products can also be injected that tend to stabilize the components
of the intergrain cement. This is achieved mainly by lowering their sensitivity to water.
The main difficulty with these processes is to get the treatment product injected into all the
perforations. As for any injection treatment, the injected fluid tends to penetrate only the most
permeable zones and bypass the others. However, during the production phase, if just one
untreated perforation produces sand it is enough to cause the process to eventually fail !
Consequently, these processes are hardly ever used except on cased, perforated, homogeneous

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

zones. They must also extend over only a short height so that there is a small surface to treat
and a good chance of treating all of it.


(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2.17 Processes that can be used to control sand in a cased hole completion

Another difficulty in using resins is to inject enough over the total height of the treated
zone to consolidate the formation satisfactorily but not enough to reduce permeability
significantly. The resin injection method uses:
• Either a resin dispersed in a carrier fluid (solvent) : after separation the resin coats the
solid particles and gets concentrated at the contact points between the grains.
• Or a high-density resin, with the excess displaced farther inside the formation by
pumping a neutral fluid (such as diesel oil, etc.) before the resin sets.

For the treatment to be effective, the reservoir must first be unplugged (and recompacted if
it has already produced sand). Depending on the type of resin used, the in-place water must
also be eliminated. In addition, a number of additives may be needed, such as catalysts,
accelerating agents or bonding agents (resin-grain bonding).

Coated gravel process

Let us mention another process using resins. On the surface a mixture of resin and gravel is
prepared. It is pumped into the well then forced onto the formation under pressure after prior
preparation (conventionally, the perforations are washed with a washing tool). After the resin
has set, the excess in the well, in particular opposite the perforations, is drilled out.

c) Process choice

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

From the standpoint of specific performance (effective sand control, productivity index),
the best choice in most cases is gravel packing in an open hole.

However, in many cases it is necessary to case the pay zone (because of interfaces,
heterogeneous reservoirs, multiple pay zones, etc.). Cased hole gravel packing is then usually
chosen, or sometimes gravel packing with a window in the casing.

Attention is required, however, when boreholes are deviated more than 30°, problems arise
in setting the gravel pack.

Screens alone may sometimes be suitable, mainly in an open hole or in a cased hole over a
considerable perforated height, particularly when:
• sand problems are not very severe (the formation has not yet produced sand, or it is
clean and homogeneous, or the sand is coarse and homogeneous, etc.),
• the produced fluids have a very low viscosity (gases) or low viscosity with low velocity
(oil with a viscosity of around one centipoise produced at a velocity of a few centimeters
or inches per second).

The other processes (consolidation, coating) are used only for certain special cases.
Generally speaking, they are costly and implementation is tricky. They are suitable for coarse
sands and a small casing diameter, provided there is not too great a height to be treated. Operating procedure (gravel packing in a perforated cased hole)

A number of points are essential for a gravel packing operation to be a success,

• perforations (or formations) must be thoroughly unplugged before gravel packing as
such is undertaken ;
• the carrier fluid must be very clean (filtered to a few microns) ;
• the fluid circuit (tank, pump, gravel packing string, etc.) must be perfectly clean (acid
washing if necessary).

Additionally, the displacement procedure must attempt to :

• fill perforations properly with gravel,
• prevent the gravel from mixing with the formation sand,
• prevent the gravel from bridging as it would leave "empty" spaces.

The high density method is therefore preferably used whereby the gravel is conveyed by a
highly gelled fluid which allows high concentrations of sand to be kept in suspension (up to
15 pounds of gravel per gallon of fluid, i.e. 1.8 kg/I). The concentration is expressed in terms
of weight of gravel to volume of liquid and not volume of mixture.

The gravel is conveyed to the bottom of the well by circulation at a moderate flow rate of 2
to 3 BPM (barrels per minute), i.e. 300 to 450 I/min approximately. Then, it is squeezed into

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (versioo"a")

its final position. Figure 2.18 illustrates this type of operating procedure and the relevant
gravel packing string.

The low density method (concentration of 0.5 to 2 pounds per gallon, i.e. 0.06 to 0.24 kg!l)
is used in some cases, particularly in an open hole or when the volume of gelled fluid would
be too large. The sand is then positioned at a higher flow rate (to prevent sedimentation, since
the carrier fluid is not gelled). The risks of mixing with formation sand, bridging and even
faulty perforation filling are much higher.


Setting tool with

crossover port

pressure sub


Shear joint


Wash pipe

Tell-tale SCreen
Bull plug

Bridge plug

Running in High density Squeezing Reverse

equipment gravel emplaced circulation
by circulating

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

FIG. 2.18 High density gravel packing

2.4.3 Main types of remedial action for insufficient productivity well

stimulation Principal types of well stimulation

The aim of these different methods is to improve a productivity or injectivity index that is
deemed inadequate. They are designed to increase the recovery rate of reserves but not the
recoverable reserves themselves, although they can make production of a given well
profitable when it would otherwise have an insufficient flowrate.

Before undertaking a stimulation treatment, it is essential to identifY the problem properly

so as to choose the type of treatment that can actually solve it.

Furthermore, it should be pointed out that if the well's production depends of course on the
productivity index, but also on the average reservoir pressure and bottom hole back pressure.
As a result, a pressure maintenance operation, a change in tubing diameter, the
implementation of an artificial lift process, etc. may have to be considered in addition to
(or instead of) stimulation.

aj The influence of near-wellbore permeability variations on productivity

Reduced permeability in the near wellbore, even with a thin damage zone, causes a
considerable drop in productivity. In contrast, if the permeability is better (or even much
better) around the wellbore than in the reservoir, the increase in productivity is limited.

Furthermore, although it is very easy to damage a formation's natural permeability

seriously in the course of operations on the well (there are a large number of causes), on the
contrary improving the natural permeability to any significant extent is much more difficult.

bj Matrix treatment

These are treatments (acidizing, solvent injection, etc.) carried out at a pressure lower than
the formation breakdown pressure. They act only in the vicinity of the wellbore and are
effective mainly when formation plugging has occurred. If well suited to the problem, they
will in fact allow productivity to be restored.

The better the formation's natural permeability, the greater the expected increase in
productivity (if the operation is successful and in the case of the same reduced permeability
around the wellbore).

The treatments are carried out by injecting the relevant fluid at a pressure lower than the
formation breakdown pressure.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

The characteristics of the treatment fluid and the operating procedure basically depend on
the cause and extent of the damage as well as on its location. The last point is important since
the treatment fluid must remain effective while it is en route to the area due to be treated and
because it must be able to act as efficiently as it can all throughout the area.

c) Deep treatments

These treatments (mainly hydraulic fracturing) are designed for low-permeability

formations whose natural productivity is to be improved rather than restored. They consist in
extending the well radius substantially by means of a more permeable drainway in the
formation itself.

d) Other treatments

Inadequate productivity may be caused by other factors:

• when the problem is located at the perforations, washing them, reperforating (over the
same height), or adding extra perforations (increasing the perforated height) may lead to
a satisfactory result;
• when fluids are viscous or there are problems of interfacial tension, chemical injections,
steam injection or in situ combustion can be envisaged. Acidizing

a) Principle and application

Acidizing is a matrix treatment, i.e. a treatment carried out at a pressure lower than the
formation breakdown pressure, whereby acid is injected into the formation to improve well
productivity or injectivity. Actually, the process is mainly used when the objective is to
restore near-wellbore permeability after formation plugging during drilling, completion or

In this case:
• Be sure that the reduced production is really due to formation damage and not some
other factor (e.g. the well is sanding up, the water cut has risen, the reservoir is depleted
or there is interference with a nearby well).
• Depending on the cause of plugging (e.g. paraffin deposited around the wellbore of a
producing well), it may be necessary to use a solvent instead of acid.

Care should be taken as damage can be more severe after acidizing than before:
• Particularly in sandstone formations, because of the formation's deconsolidation, the
release of fine particles, or side reactions that may produce precipitates, etc.
• Additionally, whether the formation is sandstone or carbonate, because of emulsion,
water block (formation pores blocked by filtrate water, etc.), wettability inversion or
impurities carried along into the formation (said impurities may come from treatment

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Cocnecting the pay zone and the borehole (versioD~a")

fluid that is not clean enough, from the pumping system, from the tubing or from
corrosion ofthe equipment).

As a result, an acidizing treatment must not be decided on the spur of the moment, it must
be studied and carried out carefully.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

b) Types of acids used

The type of acid used depends on the type of formation rock.

Carbonate rocks

From the standpoint of acidizing, rocks with over 20 % of their components soluble in
15 % hydrochloric acid are usually considered to be carbonate rocks. Here 15 % or even 28 %
hydrocholoric acid is used. The concentration is adjusted on the site depending on the
concentration of the commercial acid (Le. about 35 %), by adding the acid to the water and
not the other way around.

Weak acids (5 % hydrochloric acid, acetic acid or formic acid), mixtures of these acids,
acid based emulsion or acid gel are also used, particularly in hot formations, to slow down the
reaction rate and thereby enhance treatment penetration depth.

These acids attack the carbonate formation directly and rapidly, but do not however react
with the plugging solids, which are circumvented to restore proper connection between the
borehole and the formation.

It should be noted that hydrofluoric acid should not be used in carbonate formations as it
causes insoluble calcium fluoride to form.

There is no accurate rule to determine the amount of acid that should be injected. Generally
speaking, 0.5 to 2 m 3 of acid solution is used per meter of formation thickness to be treated
(40 to 160 gal/ft). A cubic meter of 15% hydrochloric acid can dissolve around 200 kg of
carbonate rock (1.7Ib/gal).


From the standpoint of acidizing, rocks mainly made up of quarts, clays and feldspars,
whose solubility in 15 % hydrochloric acid is lower than 20 % are usually considered to be
sandstones. Here the most common solution is hydrofluoric acid based acids. On the site,
hydrofluoric acid is prepared by dissolving ammonium difluoride in an aqueous solution of
hydrochloric acid.

In practice, hydrofluoric acid mainly dissolves clays and feldspars (a cubic meter of 4 %
hydrofluoric acid can dissolve about 30 to 60 kg of clays [0.25 to 0.5 Ib/gal)), since the
solubilization rate of silica is too low at reservoir temperatures for it to be of any interest.
However, in the presence of carbonates (carbonates form the most common cements in
sandstones, along with silica), hydrofluoric acid reacts very quickly to give a calcium fluoride
precipitate. To prevent this, the hydrofluoric acid treatment phase is preceded by a
hydrochloric acid preflush.

Other precipitates can also be formed, such as potassium and sodium fluosilicates (when
the hydrofluoric acid concentration is high), precipitates of colloidal silica (in the presence of

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

aluminium when the hydrofluoric acid concentration decreases), or precipitates of ferric

hydroxide (when the pH becomes less acid), etc.

Additionally, the attack on intergrain cement, either during the hydrochloric acid preflush
or during the main hydrofluoric acid treatment, may cause fine particles to be released and
mechanical strength to be lost (sand influxes). This may result in a dramatic reduction in

Consequently, an acidizing operation on a sandstone formation should only be decided

after careful study and laboratory tests. In particular, it is less the solubility rate than the Acid
Response Curve (ARC), that is important. The ARC is a dynamic study that is used to
determine the influence of acid drainage on a sandstone's permeability and consolidation.

In practical terms, a sandstone acidizing treatment involves three steps that are carried out
directly one after the other without stopping:
• A preflush usually with 5 to 15 % hydrochloric acid, designed to elimate carbonates and
prevent contact between the hydrofluoric acid and formation water (where sodium,
potassium and calcium, etc. ions are present). The volume is equal to approximately half
the volume of the main treatment.
• The main treatment designed to get rid of the damage. Depending on the formation's
composition, 0.5 to 1.5 m 3 (40 to 120 gallft).of mud acid, a mixture of hydrochloric acid
(12 % normally) and hydrofluoric acid (3 %, sometimes 6 %, even to to 15 %), is
generally used per meter oftreated formation thickness.
• An overflush or afterflush to maintain an acid environment around the well and or
displace the side reactions related to the main spent acid (particularly the formation of
precipitates) to a distance of one to one and a half meters (3 to 5 ft) from the well. It
must also assist clean up. Five percent hydrochloric acid or diesel oil is commonly used
(with a volume along the same order of magnitude as the main treatment). For injection
wells, the injection water is used directly.

It is of utmost importance to clean up the well immediately after the over/afterflush fluid
has been injected in order to limit the risk of side reactions (with formation of precipitates,
etc.) in the immediate vicinity of the wellbore. This is valid except for injection wells if water
injection is begun immediately.

c) Additives

A large number of additives are available for use in making the acid itself more effective
and, more important, in decreasing any adverse side effects. They must be determined
according to the type of reservoir and the operating conditions by laboratory testing. Only
really necessary additives should be used and the prescribed concentrations should be
complied with. Check to see that they are all compatible with each other, with the treatment
and formation fluids and with the formation itself.

The following additives can be mentioned:

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• Corrosion inhibitors to protect equipment and limit the amount of metallic salts
entrained in the acid.
• Iron-retention additives, also called sequestering or complexing agents, to prevent the
metallic salts in solution in the acid from precipitating out in the formation in the form
of hydroxides when the acid is spent.
• Demulsifiers and antisludge agents to keep viscous products from being formed that are
difficult to get rid of later on.
• Wetting agents to help the acid penetrate, then facilitate clearing out the spent acid, and
improve the contact between the acid and the formation.
• Clay stabilizers agents to keep shales from swelling or dispersing and avoid the sizeable
resulting in permeability reduction.
• Surfactants that affect surface tension forces between fluids so that in-place fluids are
readily displaced, the contact between the acid and the formation is improved and the
final clean-up is easier.
• Diverting agents : the injected acid has a natural tendency to penetrate the most
permeable zones whereas the desired effect is to act on the plugged zones instead. As a
result, physical/chemical agents are used to divert the acid from the most permeable
zones. They must also be easy to eliminate rapidly and completely.

d) Other treatment fluids used to remove plugging

Depending on the cause of plugging, acids may not always be suited, other fluids can be
more effective.

For example:
• if there is an emulsion, demulsifiers in conjunction with a slug of diesel oil may give
good results;
• if there is a salt deposit, the basic approach consists in flushing with water that may be
• if there are paraffin deposits, in general there are two solutions : either chlorine-free
solvents with the advantage that they are compatible with production, or more effective
chlorinated solvents with the drawback that they can not be dispatched with the oil
and/or gas since they are a poison for the catalysts used in refining.

When deposits are laid down in the tubing instead of in the formation, the wire line scraper
technique can be used either alone or usually with solvents.

e) Pumping the treatment fluid down to formation

The treatment can be performed before equipment installation with a temporary string, for
example a squeeze packer can be used (with a circulating sub) possibly along with a
retrievable bridge plug. This allows the treatment fluid to be circulated down the well and as a
result only a minimum volume is to be squeezed before the treatment fluid gets to the
formation. However, it may be difficult afterwards to stabilize the well in order to pull out the

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a'')

temporary equipment. As a result, temporary plugging agents may be required and there is no
guarantee they can be 100 % eliminated later on.

When a washing tool or a squeeze packer together with a retrievable bridge plug is used,
treatment can be carried out on an interval by interval basis. Otherwise, diverting agents may
have to be used, especially ifthe treatment is to cover a considerable formation height.

It may be preferable to treat the formation after final equipment installation. Since the well
is usually equipped with a tubing and a packer, it is therefore necessary to be able to squeeze
all the tubing volume before the treatment fluid comes into contact with the formation. This is
true unless a coiled tubing or snubbing unit is used. In many cases squeezing this volume
proves impossible. Before starting to pump the treatment fluid, an injectivity test must of
course be run to be sure injectivity is sufficient.

Whenever it is economically feasible, the best technique is to treat the formation after
completion with a coiled tubing unit or, failing this, with a snubbing unit. These techniques
provide the following advantages:
• the tubular can be cleaned by circulating before treatment,
• the treatment fluid can be emplaced directly in front of all the zone that needs to be
• clean up can be boosted by injecting nitrogen if necessary,
• the equipment used in the operation is pulled out under pressure without having to "kill"
the well. Hydraulic fracturing

a) Principle and application

Hydraulic fracturing is an operation to help improve fluid flow toward the wellbore. It
consists in creating a permeable drain extending as far as possible into the formation after
fracturing the rock. This process is used when the well flow rate is insufficient because of low
natural matrix permeability (a few tens of millidarcys for oil reservoirs, even less for gas
reservoirs) and not because plugging has occurred. The aim is to get enough conductivity
contrast between the fracture and the formation.

Hydraulic fracturing is suitable only for properly consolidated formations (sandstone,

carbonates) as opposed to plastic formations (shales, poorly consolidated sands). In addition,
it is a highly unadvisable process if it might allow the unwanted inflow of a nearby fluid (if
there is an interface).

In favorable cases productivity or injectivity gains stabilizing at around 3 to 4 can be

achieved (excluding the unplugging effect).

b) Description of the process

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a'')

There are five phases as described below.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

Initiating the fracture

The pressure is raised in the well by pumping a fluid into it at a flow rate higher than what
can leak off into the formation. Tensional stress is thereby generated and will initiate a
fracture in the rock perpendicular to the minimum existing compressional stress before

Development or extension of the fracture

When pumping is kept up the fracture extends more and more as long as the pumping rate
is greater than the leak off rate through the fracture faces.

At shallow depths, i.e. less than 600 m (2 000 ft), the fracture usually develops on a
horizontal plane (Fig. 2.19a) according to a more or less radial circular type of configuration.
The fracture gradient (ratio between the fracture pressure on the formation and the depth) is
about 23 kPa/m (I psi/ft).

At greater depths, in particular deeper than 1 000 m (3 300 ft), the fracture normally
develops on a vertical plane (Fig. 2.19b). In models, fractures are presumed to be either
symmetrical in relation to the well or to develop on only one side of the well. The fracture
gradient here is less than 23 kPalm,
, and its average value is held to be 16 kPaim (0.7 psi/ft).

cross section


Top view

(a) (b)
FIG. 2.19 Fracture corifiguration a. Horizontal fracturing h. Vertical fracturing

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (vemon"a )

Keeping the fracture open

There are two cases :

o In carbonate formations a fracturing fluid contammg relatively concentrated
hydrochloric acid is used. The acid etches the walls of the fracture irregularly, leaving
residual channels (worm's hole) with very high permeability when the fracture closes
back up once pumping has ceased. This is what is called acid frac.
o In sandstone formations, propping agents with very good permeability (sand, glass
beads, etc.) are mixed with the fracturing fluid (usually a high viscosity fluid). They are
carried along into the fracture by the fluid and keep the fracture from closing back up
when pumping has been stopped at the end of the treatment. Propping agents should not
be pumped in until the fracture has reached geometrical dimensions (fracture thickness
especially) that allow them to pass.

Shutting in the well

This allows the excess pressure to be resorbed when the fracturing fluid leaks off through
the walls of the fracture. It is crucial to shut in the well before the well is cleaned up when
fracturing with propping agents so that the agents can be blocked in place.

Cleaning up and bringing the well on stream

Not only the treatment fluid in the residual fracture, but also the fluid that has leaked-off
into the formation must be eliminated.

c) Typical pressure diagram

The variations in pressure when a vertical fracture is being formed are shown
schematically in figure 2.20. During pumping, a pressure peak followed by a plateau phase
can be distinguished. When pumping is stopped, it is followed by a dramatic pressure drop
then by an approximately stable pressure.

The term fracturing pressure or breakdown pressure is used to describe the value seen on
the pressure peak (it is the reference pressure). The plateau that follows corresponds to the
propagation pressure. Then the final pressure at shut in is often called instantaneous shut in
pressure, ISIP. It is often difficult to define with sufficient precision.

The pressures measured during the fracturing operation can vary considerably from this
schematic presentation:
o the pressure peak is of variable amplitude and can even disappear,
o the propagation pressure always shows a slight variation, slightly upward or downward
or even a series ofthe two trends.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

Pressure 042DP9BOB

Break-down pressure

'----------;;--------1\ End of pumping

Propagation pressu\

Instantaneous shut in pressure (ISIP) j


FIG. 2.20 Pressure variations duringfracturing (vertical fracturing)

d) Fracturingfluids

The main qualities required of a fracturing fluid are as follows:

• high viscosity and low filtration rate to get good fracture thickness and extension, and
make sure the propping agents are properly emplaced (carrying capacity of heavy
propping agents in high concentration) ;
• low friction to reduce the pumping power required during injection;
• good compatibility with the rock and the formation fluids, low insoluble solids content,
and minimum production of insoluble reaction products so that the formation is not
• readily displaceable by the reservoir oil and/or gas, low viscosity (during clean up) and
low specific gravity to facilitate clean up and production start up ;
• suited to the temperatures prevailing during the operation (viscosity depends on
temperature in addition to shear and duration).

These various properties are obtained by adding additives to the base fluid, the most
conventional of which is water. Its viscosity is increased by producing a linear or crosslinked
gel. The advantage of water is that it is a low-cost fluid that is readily available and
transportable. It poses no safety problems (fire, explosion, pollution, etc.), is easy to treat with
additives and its relatively high specific gravity (compared to degassed crude) means that the
required pumping power can be reduced. However, for the same reason, well clean-up may be
difficult if the reservoir pressure is low. Also the relative permeability to oil has been lowered
due to increased water saturation by filtration. It is important to pay attention to the quality of
the water used (concentration in chlorides, sodium bicarbonate, iron, insoluble solids,
bacteria, etc.).

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

To a lesser degree oil-base fracturing fluids (crude or gelled oils, emulsions) are used. The
advantage of this type of fluid is that it is more compatible with the formation fluids and there
is no solid residue. It has good stability, a good gel carrying capacity and its low specific
gravity helps facilitate clean-up. However, the cost is high, there are safety risks and more
pumping power is required.

There are other fracturing fluids such as foams, liquid carbon dioxide gas and acids of
course for carbonate formations (concentrated hydrochloric acid preceded by a water-base gel
to initiate and develop the fracture, hydrochloric acid in emulsion in oil or gelled, etc.).

e) Additives

The same as for acidizing, a number of additives are often needed for fracturing. The type
and concentration must be chosen carefully depending on reservoir parameters and on
operating conditions. Here again laboratory testing is critical.

Let us mention the following in particular:

• Gelling agents used to increase the base fluid's viscosity and reduce its filtration rate and
friction coefficient.
• Cross linkers designed to increase the gel's viscosity by transforming the gelling
polymer's linear structure into a three-dimensional crosslinked structure.
• Fluid-loss additives that supplement the filtrate reducing action of the gelling agents.
• Friction reducers that supplement the friction reducing action of the gelling agents.
• Diverting agents, especially when multiple fracturing is planned.
• Breakers to break down the fracturing gel after a given residence time in the formation.
• Surfactants that are sometimes needed to help the fracturing fluid flow back out of the
formation after treatment.
• Other additives such as bactericides, pH control agents, antifoaming agents, etc.
• The various additives mentioned previously for acidizing treatments can also be used for
acid fracturing.

j) Propping agents

Sand is the most common propping agent, mainly because it costs less than other products.

Also used are:

• glass beads that provide better permeability than sand but tend to shatter into fine shards
that plug up the fracture when the stress limit is attained (40 to 50 MPa [5 800 to 7 250
psi]) ;
• what are termed high-strength materials (bauxite and zirconium oxide) with better
mechanical strength (100 MPa [14 500 psi]) but whose higher specific gravity (3.7) may
cause problems of emplacement in the fracture;

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• what are called intermediate materials, that are designed to associate good strength and
acceptable specific gravity.

In actual fact the most important property for propping agents is conductivity under
bottomhole conditions, i.e. under stress, with temperature and in the presence of reservoir
fluids. Since conductivity is the product of permeability times the thickness of the fracture,
transportation and distribution of the proppant in the fracture are therefore also important
parameters. Note that there may be a contradiction between certain required properties: steel
balls that provide excellent compressional strength are too heavy to be transported properly.

Conductivity is more particularly dependent on the factors mentioned below.

• the proppant grain size,
• the actual stress on the propping agent in the fracture when producing.

g) Sizing hydraulic fracturing

Sizing the operation means aiming for the best possible productivity based on :
• the characteristics of the pay zone : productive thickness, total thickness, position of the
caprock, position of the water interface, permeability, oil, water and gas saturations, and
results of production tests;
• the status of the well and its equipment: tubing diameter, maximum allowable wellhead
pressure, cement job quality, and the scale of any workover operations that might need
to be done;
• the materials and equipment needed or available before, during and after the operation:
fluids, propping agents, tanks, blenders, pumps, well equipment and logging tools;
• the cost of materials, equipment and services.

Numerical simulation models or other methods (reference to charts, prior experience, etc.)
are used for sizing hydraulic fracturing. The true result can not be found. This leads to
simplification, but still gives orders of magnitude and shows their sensitivity to variations in
operating parameters.

The main things to be determined are :

• the degree of confinement,
• the propping agent injection plan (size, injected volume and concentration),
• the final dimensions (height, thickness and length of fracture propped up),
• the efficiency of the operation (ratio of the fracture volume over total injected volume) ;
and by means of a reservoir model:
• the gain in productivity,
• the profitability of the operation (pay-out time).

The design of the operation is detailed in a fracturing program and schedule (see below).

h) Some orders of magnitude

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (veI'liiOD"a")

Table 2.2 summarizes some orders of magnitude for vertical fractures.

vertical fractures
Pad volume m3 30 to 100
gal 8 000 to 25 000
Slurry m3 50 to 200
gal 12 000 to 50 000
Average concentration kgfm3 300 to 420
Ib / gal 2.5 to 3.5
Propping agent 103 N 150 to 800
103 1b 30 to 160
Average Row rate Ifmin 800 to 3 200
BPM 5 to 20
Pumping time h I to 10
h 1 to 10
Pumping power I kW some I 000
HP some 1 000
Fracture thickness 2 mm 5 to 20
in 0.2 to 0.8
Extension from the well axis 2 m 50 to 400
it 150 to 1200
Height 2 m 10 to 100
it 30 to 300

1. The required pumping power depends on the depth at which the fracture is created and on the pumping rate.
2. The corresponding values are highly variable depending on the characteristics of the formation and of the
pumped fluid.
Nota bene: In the case of horizontal fractures, which are much less common, the fracture thickness is only a
few millimeters and the extension (radius) is a few tens ofmeters.

Table 2.2 Orders of magnitude for vertical fractures

2.5 The special case of horizontal wells

Horizontal wells are not a new concept, since as far back as in the fifties and sixties
experimenting was already being done on drilling this type of well in the USSR especially
(the trials were fairly disappointing though in terms of productivity). In fact it was in the late
seventies and early eighties that the technique became really popular, carried along on the
wave of progress in directional drilling and the need for new oil supplies.

Horizontal wells may provide a number of advantages in exploiting reservoirs. However,

they also pose a whole series of specific problems. To solve them, traditional techniques had
to be adapted and new techniques invented. Certain points have still not found an adequate
solution today.

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Connecting the pay zone and tbe borehole (version"a")

Only those problems specific to the connection between the borehole and the pay zone will
be dealt with here. For those involved in horizontal drilling, refer to documentation on the
subject, and for those involved in operations on horizontal wells, see chapter 5, section 5.5.1.

Before looking at these advantages and specific problems, it would perhaps be advisable to
define exactly what is meant by horizontal wells. They are wells that have an inclination
inside the reservoir greater than 80° or 85° with respect to vertical. Today such wells have
been drilled with horizontal drain holes more than a thousand meters long (three thousand

2.5.1 Advantages in producing reservoirs

Depending on reservoir configuration and provided configuration is well known before

undertaking horizontal drilling, horizontal wells can:
• increase the recovery rate, mainly due to an improved productivity index,
• and/or boost the recovery ratio,
• and/or help solve certain production problems.

The main cases are presented below. Low permeability formation

In this type of reservoir, hydraulic fracturing may be performed but (in comparison with a
horizontal well) :
• fracturing is much less extensive,
• the residual permeability of the fracture is much lower,
• the orientation of the fracture is not controlled,
• the vertical extension of the fracture is hard to control, the fracture may extend out of the
formation or afford access to a zone where there is an unwanted fluid: aquifer, gas cap,

A horizontal well does not have all these drawbacks. However, the fluid must flow toward
the horizontal drain hole not only on a horizontal plane (the same as for vertical wells or
hydraulically fractured wells), but also on a vertical plane. This may be detrimental:
• if the reservoir is thick,
• if the vertical permeability is much lower than the horizontal permeability.

Except for these cases, a horizontal well gives a much better productivity index for a
low-permeability formation than a vertical well. To a lesser degree it is also better than a
hydraulically fractured well.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

However, this effect becomes partly attenuated with time, as the produced fluid comes
from reservoir zones that are farther and farther away from the horizontal drain hole.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (versjon"a")

The improvement in the productivity index (PI multiplied by 2 to 4, even I 0 if kv = kh)

• faster recovery,
• or fewer wells,
• or a lower pressure differential (PR - i>Bw (which, as we will see later, may help solve
certain production problems). Thin formation

Here a vertical well's productivity index is limited by the small contact area between the
well and the producing layer. A horizontal well can offset this (provided the vertical
permeability is not too low in relation to the horizontal permeability). Plugged formation

With the same restriction as in the preceding point, the plugging effect is attenuated by the
length of the drain hole. In fact this is only a secondary consequence of the horizontal well
that helps boost the productivity index, since a horizontal well is not drilled for this sole
reason. Effect of turbulence

A high flow rate in the near-wellbore area, a condition that is often encountered in gas
wells but also sometimes in oil wells, causes turbulence which in tum causes further pressure
losses (as much as 30 % and more of the total pressure losses).

Because of the length of the horizontal drain hole, the flow rate is reduced inside the
formation. This lessens the turbulence effect, sometimes even making it negligible. As a
result, the well's potential is improved, especially for gas reservoirs. Critical flow rate

In some reservoirs the wells must be produced at a rate lower than a critical flow rate.
Above this lower rate an unwanted fluid (water, gas) is sucked into the well by a coning

This is the case for the following:

• a gas reservoir with an underlying aquifer (a slight water inflow can be highly
detrimental in terms of back pressure on the producing layer) ;
• an oil reservoir with a gas cap (producing gas means losing part of the energy that
enables the oil to be produced) ;

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

• an oil reservoir with an underlying aquifer (unnecessary depletion due to production of

water, increase in back pressure on the producing layer, unwanted water on the surface).

Horizontal wells offer a double-barreled advantage:

• a better productivity index which allows the pressure differential on the producing layer
to be reduced, thereby limiting the influx of unwanted fluid;
• the drain hole can be kept at a maximum distance from the interface between the target
fluid and the unwanted fluid.

The outcome is a critical flow rate that may be several times greater (from 2 to 4 times)
than that of a vertical well, and therefore gives faster recovery. An additional asset is also a
better recovery ratio since the unwanted fluid remains in the formation. Insufficiently consolidated formation

In these formations sanding up is due to viscosity forces and therefore to the fluid velocity
among other causes. Because of its length the horizontal drain hole reduces velocity and, as a
result, the tendency to carry sandgrains along with the flow. However, there is no means today
of determining beforehand the critical velocity that should not be exceeded.

Moreover, a lot more sand can accumulate in the drain hole before it gets plugged up.

Finally when sand control by sand screens is implemented, the sandscreen lifetime can be
expected to be longer. Plugging occurs less quickly (lower velocity reducing fine particle
entrainment, larger inlet area) and has less effect on the productivity (longer drain hole). Naturally fractured, heterogeneous formation

Natural fractures generally develop in a vertical plane. The horizontal well is therefore the
best way to intercept the largest number of these fractures and take advantage of their
drainage capacity (provided the orientation of the fractures is known). Likewise in cases of
heterogeneous, multilayer, etc. reservoirs the horizontal well has a better chance of finding the
largest number of zones with good characteristics.

Once again, all the cases mentioned mean an improved productivity index, and the increase
can be considerable (the PI can be multiplied by 10 or even much more). Secondary recovery

Horizontal wells can enhance the efficiency of secondary recovery :

• better injection capacity,
• injection is better distributed throughout the reservoir causing less interface deformation,
less fingering and therefore slower breakthrough and better sweeping efficiency.

C Copyright ENSPM Formation lndustrie - IFP Training

Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (version"a")

2.5.2 Problems specific to the pay zone-borehole connection Pay zone-borehole connection configuration

Although most existing horizontal wells are equipped with a pre-perforated liner, all the
other configurations are possible (open hole, pre-perforated liners that are partially cemented
or have inflatable packers, liners that are cemented and then perforated).

The ideal horizontal drain hole that intercepts only one reservoir and one fluid does not
theoretically require anything more than a pre-perforated liner and may even be left in open
hole completion, if the geomechanical properties of the formation are sufficient. There are
only two exceptions : wells that need sand control and those that need to be stimulated by

In contrast, wells that have penetrated major heterogeneities, different facies, faults or
crossed several reservoirs, a gas cap, or a layer connected to a water drive may require more
suitable completion in order to isolate certain zones from each other. There are two means of
achieving this: cementing and inflatable packers.

Inflatable casing packers are commonly used in existing horizontal wells. The main
purposes are : isolating intermediate zones, for example to close a water-producing fault or a
gas-bearing zone; or dividing up the drain hole into several stretches to deal with each zone
selectively independently from the others.

Cementing should be confined to specific cases. Even though the operation poses technical
problems, it is feasible (along with the relevant perforating). However, the length to be
cemented is considerable. This means long time frame and particularly high operating costs,
which may become excessive.

In actual fact the liner will be cemented when:

• hydraulic fracturing is due to be performed,
• the non horizontal part of the well needs to be protected (going through a gas cap for
example), in this case partial cementing is enough.

Additionally, choosing the type of borehole-pay zone connection is compounded by the

fact that it depends not only on initial data but also on the way certain bottomhole parameters
vary with time. However, it is difficult for example to anticipate where the breakthrough of an
unwanted fluid (water, gas) will occur in a horizontal well. As a result it is important to
choose an initial configuration that may be adapted later on according to the well's behavior. Running in and cementing the liner

No particular difficulty is involved in running the liner in, except for centering. The
centralizer should not be so large that it impedes displacement, but it must be large enough to

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CODllecting the pay zone and the borehole (version~a")

help slide the liner in (it acts like a skid). Also, when the liner is cemented it must allow a
proper thickness of the cement sheath.

In the same way as for a vertical well, the important point about cementing is for the
annular space to be properly filled up and for the cement to bond well with the formation and
the pipe. This will give a good seal and therefore good selectivity. Perforating

First of all, remember that since the horizontal extension is long, the share of perforating
costs in the final cost of the well may be very high (the shallower the well, the higher is the
share). This may even lead to second thoughts about the advantages of having a cemented
liner. The traditional wire line perforating methods can not be used, but all the methods for
manipulating logging tools in a horizontal borehole can be applied.

TCP can of course be used, but in this case:

• the guns can not possibly be left in the bottom of the hole, and will have to be pulled
back out before running the downhole equipment;
• the guns are restricted by their capacity to "turn the comer" if the well has a small or
medium curve radius.

Especially in poorly consolidated formations, the important parameter is not to perforate

underbalanced with the largest possible charges, but rather to keep from getting stuck. To
achieve this, it is preferable to :
• limit the underbalance or even perforate overbalanced,
• use guns with a small enough diameter to allow for a washover operation,
• use centralizers and a quick-release system. Sand control

Consolidation methods do not really seem applicable because:

• just one untreated zone can make the process fail,
• treatment products need to be squeezed into the formation.
and horizontal drain hole has a very large surface area with, in addition, non homogeneous

Although gravel packing is usually the most effective sand control process in vertical
wells, the same does not hold true for horizontal wells. The effectiveness of gravel packing is
in fact closely related to a large mass of gravel all around the sand screens. This requires the
screens to be properly centered and also means that the space between them and the walls of
the hole must be properly filled with well-compacted gravel. Gravity plays a crucial role in
these parameters. Present-day procedures in horizontal boreholes are not reliable enough in
this respect.

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Connecting the pay zone and the borehole (ve~ion"a")

Therefore, the best suited process in horizontal wells is to use screens alone. The type of
screen (rolled wire, reinforced, pre-packed, etc.) should also be chosen with due consideration
to running-in conditions (curve radius, compression when the screens are pushed along the
drain hole, etc.). Stimulation

Acidizing and fracturing as such are applicable to horizontal wells.

• as for acidizing operations, it may be difficult to ensure treatment selectivity ;
• as for fracturing operations, whether with acid or with propping agents, the operation is
mainly designed for wells with cemented liners and it is useful to know in situ stresses,
since the fracture's orientation and therefore its position in relation to the horizontal
drain hole depend on them. Configuration of production string(s)

Horizontal drain holes are produced by a single zone completion, with few exceptions.

If equipment has remained simple until now, it is also mainly because when the initial
completion of a horizontal well is chosen, there are very few indications of how the well will
behave later on (for example, the places along the drain hole where an aquifer will intrude or
gas coning will appear). Under these conditions it is difficult to optimize equipment so it can
be adapted to the changing production parameters during the lifetime of the well. This may
mean modifications in the internal well equipment at a later date, i.e. a workover operation.

However, bringing a well on stream knowing full well that a workover operation may
prove necessary sooner or later is not particularly satisfactory. One of the key problems with
horizontal wells is to successfully define beforehand (before production) the completion that
will suit each well in the field for the longest time and can be "easily" modified to adapt it to
new requirements.

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F_ _ _ .TJIII
" , . TA Iil INI N O



Chapter 3 from "Well completion and servicing"


@Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

Ret. : yers i o n ~a '"
Chapter III : The equipment of naturally flowing weL1s (version "a")


3.1 GENERAL CONFIGURATION OF FLOWING WELL EQUIPMENT ................................... .

3.2 THE PRODUCTION WELLHEAD................................................................................................ 3

3.2.1 Hanging (and securing) the tubing...................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 The Christmas tree (Xmas tree) .......................................................................................................... 5

3.3 THE PRODUCTION STRING OR TUBING ................................................................................ 10

3.3.1 Tubing characteristics......................................................................................................................... 10 Nominal diameter and geometrical characteristics .... ... ......... ...... ... ... ..... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 10 Connections, threads... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ..... ...... .... ... ... ... ... ..... ... II Nominal weight ... ... ..... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................................................................... ..... 12 Grades of steel and metallurgical characteristics.................................................................. 13 Mechanical characteristics of tubing pipe ............................................................................ 13
3.3.2 Choosing the tubing ............................................................................................................................ 14

3.4 PACKERS ......................................................................................................................................... 15

3.4.1 Packer fluids (or annular fluids).......................................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 The main packer types............................................................... ......................................................... 16
3.4.3 Choosing the packer............................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.4 Permanent production packers ............................................................................................................ 17 Description of the 415 Dpacker........................................................................................... 17 Tubing to 415 D packer connection ..................................................................................... 18 Drilling out the 415 D packer............................................................................................... 20
3.4.5 Retrievable packers............................................................................................................................. 20 Hydraulically set retrievable packers ................................................................................... 20 Mechanically anchored retrievable packers.......................................................................... 20

3.5 DOWNHOLE EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................... 22

3.5.1 Circulating devices.............................................................................................................................. 23
3.5.2 Landing nipples................................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.3 Other downhole equipment................................................................................................................. 29

3.6 SUBSURFACE SAFETY VALVES........................................................... ..................................... 32

3.6.1 Subsurface controlled subsurface safety valves (SSCSV)................................................................... 32
3.6.2 Surface controlled subsurface safety valves (SCSSV) ........................................................................ 34

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Chapter III : The equipment of naturally :Bowing wells (version "a")

3.7 RUNNING PROCEDURE........................................ ....................................................................... 38

3.7.1 Preliminary operations... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ...... ... ... ... ............... ........... .... ...... ......... ......... ...... ...... .... ..... 38
3.7.2 Rnnning subsurface equipment in a well equipped with a permanent packer (packer set prior to
running the tubing).............................................................................................................................. 39
3.7.3 Main differences in running subsurface equipment when there is a hydraulic packer (run in directly
on the tubing) .. ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ...... ... ... ..... ............. ... ... ..... .... ...... ...... ... ......... ............ ... ...... 40
3.7.4 Installing the Christmas tree................................................................................................................ 41
3.7.5 Bringing the well on stream ................................................................................................................ 41
3.7.6 Moving out of the rig.......................... ...... ...... ...... ... ..................... ............ ............ ......... ...... ... ... ... ...... 41
3.7.7 Final completion report....................................................................................................................... 41

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Sum 1lI-2

In well architecture there is a wide range of equipment available to get the effiuent from
the reservoir up to the surface where it will be treated. In searching for the best compromise
between reservoir versus production requirements and constraints, the choices are governed
by four main principles:
• access to the reservoir for measurements,
• efficient transfer of the effiuents from the bottom to the surface,
• control of the effiuents on the surface,
• safety of all facilities.

The various equipment components are of course selected depending on the data collected,
the configurations determined (connection between the borehole and the pay zone, single- or
multiple-zone completion, etc.) and any artificial lift due to be performed. As a result, only
the general criteria for choice will be given here. It should also be noted that the solution that
is eventually chosen may be different from what was originally planned from a technical
standpoint because the selected equipment:
• is not available on the market or can not be obtained in the specified time limit,
• is excessively expensive,
• is different from the equipment traditionally used by the company,
• can be replaced (more or less satisfactorily) by leftover equipment in company stocks.

3.1 General configuration of flowing well equipment

From top to bottom (figure 3.1) flowing wells usually include the following production
• A production wellhead with the Christmas tree and the tubing head.
The Christmas tree comprises a serie of valves, a choke and connections. It provides a
means of controlling the effiuents, ensuring the safety of the facilities and giving
measurement tools and instruments access to the well.
Wen equipment ofnaturnlly flowing weDs

The tubing head, or tubing-head spool, accommodates the device designed to hang the
• The tubing, pipe to carry the effluents from the bottom of the well up to the surface.
Choosing the right pipe steel and through diameter contributes to the safety of the
facilities and ensures that the effluents will reach the surface as efficiently as possible.
• An annular seal or production packer, which is used first and foremost to isolate the
casing from the pressure in the well and from physical contact with the effluents which
are sometimes highly corrosive.
The choice of packer type has a considerable impact on running and setting procedures
but also on the techniques and procedures used for further work on the well in the future.
• Downhole accessories such as sliding sleeve valves and landing nipples (tubing parts
with a specially designed inside profile).
These components are incorporated into the tubing. They allow circulation between the
tubing and the annulus, or are used for installing or to make it easier to use measurement
and maintenance tools.
A good rule is to limit the number of accessories to the ones that are strictly necessary
for equipment setting, maintenance and workover operations.
• An extra safety valve, called a subsurface safety valve for high-risk wells (offshore,
subsea, gas-producers) and, more and more, for any flowing well.
It is designed to offset any failure of the Christmas tree safety valves or of the wellhead
This supplementary safety valve is incorporated in the tubing and is located
approximately 30 to 50 meters (l00 to 150 ft) below the ground level onshore or the
bottom of the sea (mud line) offshore. It is controlled from a control panel on the surface
via a hydraulic line.

For more specific requirements, other equipment may be used such as :

• perforated pipe,
• flow couplings (reinforced couplings),
• blast joints (reinforced pipes),
• safety joints,
• slip joints,
• disconnection joints (dividers).
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

Wing valve
Tree cap - - - - I..~::::§[l

Swab valve ---..-

Hydraulically actuated I._---Choke
upper master valve
(safety valve) ---tKlji1~
Lower master valve - -____·I~
~~~~::;~~! To control panel
Tubing-head spool ---1-tJ
Tubing hanger ---*
, Casing-tubing annulus
side outlet
Flow coupling -----1..~...J 1110---- Subsurface safety valve hydraulic
Subsurface safety valve conlrOlline
Flow coupling -----j.,
~--- Crossover sub

::::::::: 1._-- Casing

~--- Liner hanger

"Top no-go" landing ni~,pl',----B'y.jU

Circulating valve ---'i~@]

Slip joint (disconectahle)


IflJ.;<tl--- Anchor seal assembly

Packer -----ili01
r - M f - - - Mill·out extension

"Top no-go" landing nipple ---+~

I:::-of!+--- Perforated tube
"Bottom no-go" landing nipple ----+M
110---- Liner
Tubing guide shoe -----+;11-


>J--- Landing (or float) collat

Cement - - - I t
~--- Cementing shoe
011DP9904GB ==LO

FIG. 3.1 Flowing well, one pay zone

3.2 The production wellhead (figure 3.2)

The tubing must be hung and secured on the surface, and it needs a stack of valves and
other accessories on top of it to meet safety and fluid flow requirements. The choice of the
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

type of wellhead and the functions it has to fulfill are related to the following requirements
and needs:
• protection against uncontrolled flow from the well,
• well flow rate control (choking),
• periodic monitoring of the well status and/or placing the well in safe condition by
wireline tools run into the well,
• withstanding pressure and temperature during production when the well is shut in or
during exceptional operations (hydraulic fracturing, for example).

Tree cap
Swab valve

Wing valve


Cross Upper
master valve
(I'l'::..;:n'"" Lower master valve

J~~~;~~~- Tubing hanger

Casing-tubing annulus
side outlet

FIG. 3.2 Production wellhead

Well equipmect of naturally flowing wells

3.2.1 Hanging (and securing) the tubing

The tubing head (figure 3.3) rests on the upper flange of the last casing head or is
sometimes directly bored in the upper part of this casing head (compact heads). It
accommodates the tubing hanger (figure 3.4). The inside profile of the tubing head spool also
provides a seal between the casing-tubing annulus and the top of the tubing hanger when the
hanger is set in place.

The two side outlets that communicate with the annulus are closed by valves. One of these
outlets is equipped with a pressure gage to observe the annulus and monitor any anomalous
rise or fall in pressure. The other outlet is for connecting to outside piping.

The tubing hanger is usually machined to accommodate a Back-Pressure Valve (BPV) or a

plug with an integrated equalizing device (TWCV: Two-Way Check Valve), during
operations on the wellhead (figure 3.4). Present-day tubing hangers usually have an extended
neck with additional seals. Moreover, if the well is equipped with a subsurface safety valve, a
port is provided for control line hydraulic continuity.

In case of a multiple-zone completion with paralell tubing, for example a paralell dual
string completion, each string can be hung separately by a segmented hanger, a wedge in the
tubing hanger allowing to support and align the segmented hangers (figure 3.5).

3.2.2 The Christmas tree (Xmas tree)

It generally includes, from bottom to top (figure 3.2) :

o (one or) two master valves,
• a cross,
o a swab valve,
o a tree cap.

All of this is completed by one or two wing valves and a choke.

This set up allows:

o tools to be run in directly in line with the well provided a lubricator is screwed onto the
tree cap connector,
o the well to be opened or shut via the wing valve,
o the flow rate to be controlled and adjusted via the choke bean,
o the well to be placed in safe condition via the master valves.

The number of valves and their location is not fixed and must be adapted to the safety and
production requirements specific to each field. High pressures require two or even three
master valves exceptionally, high flow rates mandate installing wing valves on both lateral
outlets, and lastly some cases demand continuous use of one or both outlets on the annulus.
WeU equipment of naturally f1owinj: weUs


... -
v_ - "",\;;;-_.E

FIG. 3.4 Tubing hanger, BP V (on the left) and TWCV (on the right)

FIG. 3.3 Tubing-head spool

Well equipment ofnarurally flowing wells


FIG. 3.5 Segmented hangers for dual completion

In order to save space, a particularly critical point on offshore production facilities, solid
block production wellheads (figure 3.6) are used more and more. Here master valve and swab
valve seats and seal bores are directly machined in.

The valves used on the Christmas tree are of the gate valve type (figure 3.7).

During normal production, the lower master valve is kept open. The upper one is used to
place the well in safe condition, it is closed automatically by means of a hydraulic or
pneumatic control system (figure 3.8).
Well equipmeDt of naturally flowing well"

FIG. 3.6 Solid block Christmas tree

FIG. 3.7 Cameron type Fvalve FIG. 3.8 Cameron automatic safety valve
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

The control system for this surface safety valve, SSV, consists schematically speaking of a
piston and a return spring. It is designed so that the valve is opened by pressurizing the
control piston. At the end of the stroke, the valve is held open by maintaining the pressure on
the control piston. Hydraulic slide valves keep the pressure on the control system as long as
the parameters downstream from the valve are satisfactory.

However, as soon as the wellhead pressure comes out of the range authorized in normal
production, the pilot valve switch over and causes pressure to bleed off in the control system.
The return spring causes the valve to close. This is characteristic of a valve in the safety
positions (here closed) when there is no control signal (here the pressure on the piston of the
control system), and is termed fail safe.

The wing valve, often manual , can be motorized so that it can be remote controlled.

In service, all these valves must be or fully open or fully closed. The flow adjustment has
to be done with the help of a positive or adjustable choke ; the adjustable choke is operated by
a manual or a pneumaticlhydraulic actuator (figure 3.9).

021 DP9908

FIG. 3.9 Choke assembly

When equipment is chosen, the inside through diameters, working pressure, metallurgy
and flowhead configuration are given particular consideration:
• The inside vertical diameter must be at least the same as that ofthe tubing, the diameter
of the wing valves being in proportion with those of the tubing and the flowlines .
• The rated Working Pressure (WP) is chosen depending on the highest pressure that
could occur during the lifetime of the well , usually the shut-in wellhead pressure or the
pressure prevailing during special operations. Rated Working Pressure found on the
market are 5000 psi WP (35 MPa), 10000 psi WP (70 MPa) and now 15 000 psi WP
(100 MPa) as per standards established by the American Petroleum Institute (API).
• The metallurgy and type of seals depend on the type of effluent and its temperature, the
fire resistance and working pressure.
• Choosing the configuration as such depends on safety conditions, floor space and
production requirements.
WeU equipment ofnaturnlly flowing weUs

3.3 The production string or tubing

The production string, or tubing, is the pipe that carries the effluents from the reservoir to
the surface in producer wells and from the surface to the reservoir in injection wells. Except
in very specific cases, the tubing is utilized in conjunction with a packer, and this helps
protect the casing from the effluent. The best fluid flow is achieved by choosing the right
inside through diameter for the pipe, thereby minimizing energy consumption.

A tubing may have to be replaced in order to repair or adapt it to a change in production

parameters, such as flow rate. In this sense, the tubing should also be considered as one of the

In conjunction with a circulating device, the tubing serves, when necessary, to displace
fluids of required specific gravity and physicochemical composition in the well and/or
annulus to meet start up or well control and casing protection needs.

If the diameter governs the flow rate, the steel metallurgy and type of between-pipe
connection give the tubing a certain resistance against the effluents' chemical aggression and
physical state (liquid or gas). Lastly the grades of steel used and the thickness enable the pipe
to withstand sometimes high mechanical stress and also contribute to its corrosion resistance.

The pipe chosen to complete the well is the best trade-off between production constraints,
well parameters, and sometimes efficient management of an existing stock of tubular goods.

3.3.1 Tubing characteristics

The tubing is made of drawn, seamless pipe which is usually fitted with a coupling. In
addition to a traditional range listed in API schedules, manufacturers and vendors propose
pipe made from improved steels or special steels. This special purpose pipe is used to meet
the particular corrosion resistance requirements due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide or
carbon dioxide and water. Parameters defined by API are mainly: nominal diameter, nominal
weight, grade of steel, type of connection and length range. Nominal diameter and geometrical characteristics

a) Nominal diameter

This is the outside diameter of the pipe body, or 00, traditionally expressed in inches and
fractions of an inch. Table 3.1 gives the list of API standard nominal diameter for tubings.

in 1.050 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.063 2 3/8 2 7/8 31/2 4 41/2

mm 26.7 33.4 42.2 48.3 52.4 60.3 73 .0 88.9 101.6 114.3

Note: 2 3/8 ~ 2.375 ; 2 7/8 ~ 2.875

TAB. 3.1 API standard nominal diameter for tubings

Well equipment of naturally flowing well!

Note that there is no reason why heavy producers can not use pipe manufactured according
to casing standards (5", 5 112", and 7" in particular) to fulfill the tubing function, hence the
expression: "The tubing of this well is a 5" casing". On the contrary, tubings with a diameter
under 2 3/8" are mostly reserved for operations on the well using a concentric pipe (snubbing
operations) and are termed macaroni strings.

b) Inside diameter and thickness

The inside diameter, JD, is a result of the nominal diameter and the thickness of the pipe
and is naturally the diameter used in calculating pressure losses and velocities.

c) Drift diameter

This parameter is of foremost importance. It is the guaranted through diameter for a

mandrel containing a specified cylindrical portion (a cylindrical portion with an outside
diameter equal to the drift diameter and a length of 42 in [1.06 mD.

In other words, the drift governs the range of equipment that can be run through the tubing
whether for wireline tools, perforators, logging tools or small concentric tubings. As a result,
the pipes run in the well, as well as the accessories, must absolutely be checked to be sure
they conform to the drift.

d) Maximum outside diameter

This corresponds to the outside diameter, OD, of the connection and depends on the
nominal diameter and on the type of connection. It is a critical parameter when there are
problems of space in the casing (for example, large diameter tubing, multiple string
completions, etc.).

e) Pipe length

Because of the type of machining, each pipe naturally has a specific length. Pipe is
classified in two length ranges:
• range I : from 20 ft to 24 ft (6.10 m to 7.32 m),
• range 2 : from 28 ft to 32 ft (8.53 m to 9.75 m).

For production string spacing out operations there is also a range of short pipe, or pup
joints. API lists various lengths for these joints : 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 ft (i.e. 0.61 m, 1.22 m,
1.83 m, 2.44 m, 3.05 m, and 3.66 m respectively) . Connections, threads

There are two ways to screw pipe together:

• by using a coupling, the most common connection,
Well equipment of natw"ally fl owing .....ells

• or by means of an integral joint, the most common type of connection on small diameter

Depending on the type of connection, the seal is separated from the thread or integrated in

a) API tapered triangular threaded connections

API threads are triangular and rounded on top. The seal is made by grease trapped between
the threads, which is sufficient for low-pressure oil wells.

b) Premium joints with separate seals

Here the seal is made by a metal to metal

shoulder (figure 3.10) or sometimes by an
elastomer or teflon joint.

FIG.3.10 Tubing connection example:

New VAMjoint

c) Greasing the threads

Grease is used to lubricate the threads and protect them from corrosion. For API-type
threads system, it also provides the seal for the connection. The couplings are screwed on in
the factory with a friction factor one grease (except when otherwise specified). It is strongly
recommended to use only greases with the same coefficient on the site so that the pipe
makeup torque does not have to be modified. In this way, risks of under- or overtightening the
connection can be avoided. Nominal weight

In addition to the nominal diameter, pipe is characterized in practice by its nominal weight,
not its thickness. This corresponds to the average weight of a length of pipe, connections
included, and is expressed in pounds per foot (lb/ft or the symbol #). Pipe with different
Well equipment of naturally fLo\lomg weDs

nominal weights can be found with the same nominal diameter depending on the thickness. In
contrast, slight variations in the nominal weight indicate different types of connections (see
section Grades of steel and metallurgical characteristics

Manufacturers supply standard API grades of steel, "proprietary" grades beyond standards
and special steel for severe corrosion, particularly due to hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide.
Note that the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) publishes standards that
equipment must comply with to be considered "H2S service".

a) API standard steels and grades for tubings

The following grades are included in API schedules : H40, J55, C75, L80, N80, C90,
PI 05. However, they are not all available in all nominal diameters and weights.

Each letter is characteristic of a chemical composition and sometimes implies a thermal

treatment. The steels are produced in an open-hearth electric furnace or in a basic oxygen
converter and all contain a maximum of 0.04 % sulfur and 0.06 % phosphorus. The number
following the letter designates the minimum body yield stress guaranteed by the manufacturer
and is expressed in thousands of psi : 80, for example, corresponds to a minimum body yield
stress of 80 000 psi (approximately 550 MPa). The mechanical properties of the pipe can be
deduced from this and from the geometrical characteristics.

Grades C75, L80 and C90, termed "special corrosion", are more specifically designed for
wells with low temperature and low hydrogen sulfide concentration. They are characterized
by a maximum body yield stress that is fairly close to the minimum.

b) Improved grades of steel (proprietary grades)

To meet the needs for hydrogen sulfide resistance, vendors offer low-alloy steels whose
properties (superior to API standards) comply with NACE specifications. By way of an
example, Vallourec stocks a grade called L80 VH with a Rockwell hardness of 22. Note that
an HRC (Hardness Rockwell C) of 22 is usually the maximum hardness authorized for
standard steel to be considered H2S service.

c) Stainless, alloys and special pipe

When wells containing carbon dioxide were put on stream the oil industry started using
stainless steels. Some examples are 13 % chromium steel if there is no H2S in addition to the
C02, and duplex 22 - 25 % chromium steel when the hydrogen sulfide partial pressure is not
too high, say a few tens of kPa (some psi). For even more severe duty, high nickel content
alloys are used, mainly associated with chromium and molybdenum (Hastelloy). These
special steels can cost up to twenty five times more than carbon steel.
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells Mechanical characteristics oftubing pipe

The pipe run into the well is subjected to variable pressures and temperatures in addition to
its own weight, and these will create variations in stress.

The main parameters are :

• body yield strength, expressed in newtons, tons or pounds,
• collapse pressure, expressed in MPa or psi and based on the nominal thickness of the
• burst, or internal yield pressure, also expressed in MPa or psi, but based on the
minimum thickness authorized by the standard (87.5% of the nominal thickness).

Note that the mechanical characteristics are deduced from the nominal diameter and
weight, and from the grade. For a 3 112" tubing, 12.7 #, N80, the cross-section of the pipe is
2 375 mm2 (3.68 in2) and the thickness 9.52 mm (0,375 in). The body yield strength is
1.31 MN (294 klbf), the collapse pressure is 105.5 MPa (15 300 psi) and the bursting pressure
is 103.4 MPa (15 000 psi).

The strength characteristics that must be taken into consideration are for the weakest part
of the pipe (pipe body or connection depending on the type of connection).

3.3.2 Choosing the tubing

It may be useful to point out here that the choice of the tubing diameter has an obvious
impact on the drilling and casing program and vice versa. In a given borehole, the tubing
diameter that can be set in the production casing depends not only on the space available but
also on the accessories that are to be incorporated into the tubing string.

The flow rate per well is the key parameter. It governs the number of wells that need to be
drilled to achieve economic output ofthe field, hence the investments. This in tum conditions
the profitability of the proposed development scheme.

The first parameter that needs to be chosen is the nominal tubing diameter. Then the grade
of steel and the nominal weight are chosen based on the stress the tubing will have to
withstand during production. Thirdly, depending on the type and corrosivity of existing and
future effiuents, the type of connection and the metallurgy are selected. In fact the different
stages mentioned above overlap and sometimes make the choice of tubing a difficult job.

Table 3.2 gives an idea of the flow rates that can be contemplated in tubings in the most
popular sizes and nominal weights. These figures are put forward for the following conditions:
• oil : a pressure loss not exceeding 250 Palm (i.e. 0.25 MPa per I 000 m or 10 psi per
I 000 ft) and an average velocity of under 2 mls (6.5 fils) ;
• gas : a pressure loss not exceeding I 000 Palm (Le. I MPa per I 000 m or 40 psi per
1000 ft) and an average velocity of under 10 mls (33 fils).
Well equipment of naturnlly flowing wells

Nominal Nominal Inside Oil flow rate l Gas flow rate #

tubing Drift (for P~15 MPa
weight (1) diameter ~ 2 200 psi) (2)
(mm) (mm) (m 3/d) (10 3 Sm 3/d)
(in) (lblft) (in) (in) (bblld) (10 6 cuftld)
231S" 4.6 50.7 48.3 150 150
1.945 1.901 900 5
2 71S" 6.4 62 59.6 275 275
2.441 2.347 170 10
3112" 9.2 76 72.8 450 450
2.992 2.S67 2 SO 16
4" 10.9 88.3 85.1 700 700
3.476 3.351 440 25
4112" 12.6 100.5 97.4 1000 1000
3.95S 3.S33 630 35
5112" (3) 17 124.3 121.1 1 700 1 700
4.S92 4.767 11 00 60
7" (3) 29 157.1 153.9 3000 3 000 (4)
6.1S4 6.059 1900 105 (4)
9 51S" (3) 220.5 216.5 7 000 (4) 6 000 (4)
S.6S1 S.525 44000 (4 210 (4)
(I) Most common nominal weights, V AM threaded pipe.
(2) For higher pressures and densities, the possible gas flow rates under standard conditions can be
greater (and vice versa if they are lower).
(3) Casing pipe used as tubing.
(4) Flow is not limited by the pressure loss criterion but by the maximum velocity criterion, such that
velocity V" 2 mls (6.5 ftls) for oil or V" 10 mls (33 ftls) for gas.

t Oil: Specific gravity ~ 0.85 ; kinematic viscosity '\) ~ 5 mm2/s (cSt).

Criteria: Mfriction" 0.25 MPa II 000 m (10 psi II OOOft) and velocity V" 2 mls (6.5 ftls).
# Gas: Specific gravity ~ 0.7; dynamic viscosity J.I ~ 0.015 mPais (cP);
density p ~ 150 kg/m3 (1.25 ppg) ; pressure ~ 15 MPa (= 2200 psi) ;
compressibility factor Z ~ 0.9;
clean, sand-free gas.
Criteria: Mfri,!ion" I MPa II 000 m (40 psi 11 000 ft) and velocity V" 10 mls (33 ftls).

TAB.3.2 Tubing diameters and potential flow rates

(in connection with the conditions described above for oil! and for gaz#)

3.4 Packers
Packers are usually run in and set in the production casing or the liner. They protect the
annulus from corrosion by formation fluids and limit the pressure in the annulus so that the
casing and its cement sheath do not undergo overly wide variations in compressional stress.
The presence of a packer makes it possible to put a fluid, called packer or annular fluid, in the
Well equipment of naturally Bowing wells

annulus which also helps protect the casing. In short, the packer isolates the annulus from any
physical contact with the formation fluids and bottomhole pressure.

3.4.1 Packer fluids (or annular fluids)

Placed in the annulus, packer fluids serve mainly to protect the casing. They also allow the
differential pressure on either side of the packer to be reduced, thereby limiting hydraulic
stresses at packer level. They help counteract the casing's collapse stress and the tubing'S
bursting stress in the lower sections of the pipe.

Note also that a packer fluid can help control a well if there is a leak in the production
tubing or when the packer no longer provides a seal or has been deliberately unseated.

Fluids containing suspended solids are not used as packer fluids as the solids will settle out
and may make workover operations more difficult. In practice, depending on the required
specific gravity, brine, diesel oil or water are commonly used. In addition, these fluids are
treated with a corrosion inhibitor, a bactericide and an antioxidant.

3.4.2 The main packer types

A packer is basically defined by the setting mechanism, the seal, the means of retrieval and
the type of tubing-packer connection. They are usually classified based on the means of
retrieval as the first criterion.
• Packers are set by steel slips which, when pushed along a cone-shaped ramp, grip the
casing. A seal is provided by rubber rings squeezed out against the casing.
• Packers can be retrieved in three different ways:
Simply drilling out or milling the packer: this is the case with permanent production
Actuating shear pins or rings by pulling on the tubing. This movement releases the
anchoring slips. This is the case with retrievable packers. Some of them require a
special retrieving tool.
- Mechanically releasing without actuating shear pins or rings : this is the case for
"temporary" mechanical packers that are mainly used in special strings for well testing,
remedial cementing or acidizing, etc.
• The tubing-packer connection can be of two types:
- Rigid: the tubing is fixed onto the packer.
- Semi-free: the tubing enters the packer by means of a pipe with seal which can slide
freely up and down. This system allows the tubing to move up and down (variations in
tubing length due to "breathing"). The allowable sliding range depends on the length
of the pipe equipped with sealing elements and on its initial position. Additionally, the
downward movement is limited by a stop guard.

3.4.3 Choosing the packer

Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

The choice of packer type depends on :

• the resistance of the packer and setting mechanism to mechanical and hydraulic stresses
in the well:
- allowable differential pressure,
- allowable compression and tension at the tubing-packer connection and casing-packer
- maximum temperature for the elastomers;
• setting and retrieval procedures;
• available accessories;
• consequences and costs in initial completion and workover operations;
• the packer's reputation and the user's experience with it.

Further considerations are as follows when a packer is being chosen:

• the inside diameter of the casing,
• the packer's inside through diameter,
• elastomers' resistance to fluids,
• metallurgy (corrosion problems).

3.4.4 Permanent production packers

Permanent packers are also called drillable packers. The typical example of this sort of
packer is Baker's 415 D permanent packer (figure 3.11).
Well equipment ofnaturally flowing wells Description ofthe 415 D packer

The packer consists of an inner mandrel (1), ground

and polished inside, surmounted by a left-hand square
thread (I bis).

Outside this inner mandrel from bottom to top are:

Outer setting sleeve
• a bottom guide (2) screwed on the inner mandrel,
• lower anchoring slips (3) and their anchoring cone (4), Upper anchoring slips

• a rubber packing element (6) with lead anti-extrusion Upper anchoring cone

rings (5) and (7),

Lead anti-extruslon ring
• upper anchoring slips (9) and their anchoring cone (8),
Rubber packing element
• an outer setting sleeve (10) cotterpinned to the inner
mandrel (1). Lead anti-extrusion ring

Lower anchoring cone

A ring ratchet (11) allows the outer setting sleeve
(10) to slide down in relation to the inner mandrel (I) Lower anchoring slips

but prevents the reverse, thereby making the setting

Bottom guide
operation permanent.

This packer is entirely drillable, all the parts except

for the packing element are made of cast Iron,
magnesium, lead or bronze. FIG.3.11 Permanent production packer
WeU equipment of natW'ally fiowing weUs

It is run and set prior to running the final

tubing either on the electric cable equipped
with an appropriate setting tool, or on a drill
or tubing string with the corresponding
setting tool (figure 3.12).

There are now other permanent packers

along the lines of the 415 D. They can be set
hydraulically directly with the final
production string run into the well at the
same time. There is no longer any setting
tool, and setting is hydraulic, similar to the
method used for retrievable hydraulic packers
(see section 3.4.5).

FIG. 3.12 Simplified diagram of the permanent packer setting tool

that is run in with a pipe string Tubing to 415 D packer connection

There is a choice between the two connections described below.

a) Anchor seal assembly (figure 3. 13a)

An elastic thread fixes the tubing to the packer. A seal is provided by sealing elements.
The assembly should comprise at least two seals stacks.

b) Locator seal assembly (figure 3.13b)

This equipment has got only sealing elements and allows the tubing to slide in the packer.
However, a stop guard located in place of the thread limits the downward stroke.

The length of the locator and its initial entry length inside the packer are chosen according
to the amplitude of the movement caused by the tubing breathing during production.
Well equiplm:m of naturally Bowing wells

FIG. 3.13a Anchor seal assembly

Type EBaker

FIG. 3.13b Locator seal assembly.

Type GBaker

FIG.3.14 Typical washover mill

for a permanent packer
Well equipment of naturally ftowing wells Drilling out the 415 D packer

Once the tubing has been pulled out, the packer is drilled out in a few hours with a drill
string and a full-gage reamer or a washover mill. When the upper part of the packer and the
upper slips have been drilled out, the rest of the packer is automatically unseated and can be
released downward. It can be pushed down and left in the bottom of the well.

If no extraneous material must be left in the well, the washover mill is used in conjunction
with an inner mandrel that extends through the packer (figure 3.14). At the lower end of the
extension there is a catch sleeve to retrieve the lower part of the packer after the upper part
has been milled out. The tool features a release device used to free the drill string if the lower
part of the packer gets stuck and can not be pulled out.

3.4.5 Retrievable packers

These packers are designed to be unseated and pulled out of the well simply without
having to be milled out. Therefore they all have an incorporated mechanism so they can be
unseated. Depending on the model, they are hydraulically or mechanically set and all are
connected to the tubing permanently; however, a disconnection joint (or divider) can be
included in the tubing string above the packer (see section 3.5.3). Hydraulically set retrievable packers (figure 3.15)

These packers are set by pressurizing the production string. The setting slips (1) are located
under the seal (2), which usually consists of three rubber packing elements. The packing
elements are often of different hardness and are chosen according to setting conditions and
depth. They are separated by rings (3) that limit extrusion of the rubber. The slips keep the
packer in place and prevent it from slipping downward as long as there is some "weight" on it.
The use of hold down buttons (4) (friction buttons that are actuated hydraulically when the
pressure under the packer is higher than the annular pressure) helps to keep the packer from
slipping upward.

These packers are unseated by pulling on the tubing until tensional strain is sufficient to
shear the pins or ring (5) which are calibrated versus a tension on the tubing that is greater
than any tension that may be reached during production.

Retrievable hydraulic packers are available in the dual version (figure 3.16). The setting
and retrieving procedures are similar to those described above. Depending on the model
chosen, they are set by increasing pressure in the short string or in the long string. The packers
are unseated by pulling on the long string. Mechanically set retrievable packers (figure 3.17)

These packers are seldom used in permanent production strings. In contrast, they are
perfect for temporary stimulation, cementing and testing strings. This is because they can be
reset immediately without having to be pulled out and because they are simple to retrieve.
Generally speaking, these packers are set by compression, tension or rotating the string. They
Well equipment of naturally Bowing wells

are equipped with friction pads to release and actuate the slips by rotating 90° in a J slot.
Unseating them is very easy, usually by using the reverse of the setting procedure.
Well equipment of naturally fiowIDg wells

Running in Setting Unseating

Hold down button ® --+II--.g;!!

Anti extrusion ring @

Packing element 0)._-+

Anchoring slips (j) -*dI

Shearing ring @ --++--oa


FIG. 3.15 Baker FH hydraulic packer

a. Running in. b. Setting. c. Unseating.
Well equipment ofnatwally ftowing wells





FIG. 3.16 Dual production packer: FIG. 3.17 Mechanically set retrievable packers
Baker's model A5 a. Tension setting. b. Compression setting.

3.5 Downhole equipment

Certain particular pieces of equipment are set below and above the packer. They are chosen
because they are useful during completion, operations on the well and well control. They
often involve using wireline techniques.
Well equipment ofnaturaUy flowing wells

3.5.1 Circulating devices

The device is placed above the packer and allows the tubing and the annulus to
communicate if need be. This proves very useful when equipment is set in the well and the
well is brought on stream. It can also be used to control the well during preliminary workover
operations. Choosing the circulating system from among the tools offered by manufacturers is
mainly a question of reliability, ease of operation, compatibility with other special pieces for
well equipment and the possibility of in situ repair or reconditioning with only a small-scale
operation on the well, especially by wireline.

It should not be forgotten that any circulating system between the tubing and the annulus is
a potential source of leakage or sticking. In extreme cases, this requires all the well
equipment, or sometimes only the part up to the tubing-packer connection, to be pulled out in
order to replace it.

a) Sliding sleeve circulating valve (figure 3.1 Sa)

This type of circulating device is very common and is better known under the name sliding
side door or sliding sleeve, SSD or SS. The tubing and annulus communication is established
or cut-off by means of a sliding sleeve (I).

By means of a running tool lowered by slick line, the sleeve (1) is shifted so as to open or
close the ports (2) machined in the body of the valve (3) (see section 5.2.1 about the wireline
string and the required surface equipment). Special machining on the body allows "spring"
fingers (4) to lock the sleeve in the required position.

b) Side pocket mandrel (figure 3.ISb)

This mandrel is normally designed for artificial lift by gas lift (see chapter 4), but it is used
on a number of flowing wells. The side pocket is equipped with a dummy instead of a gas-lift
valve. When circulation is required, the dummy is fished out by wireline and replaced by a
simple ported sleeve, designed to protect the seal bores in the side pocket.

The mandrels are also used to inject chemicals into the tubing through the annulus :
demulsifying agents and corrosion inhibitors in particular. This can be done by equipping the
mandrels with injection valves that are opened by a specified value of annulus overpressure.

c) Ported landing nipple (figure 3.1Sc)

This is a specific type of landing nipple (see section 3.5.2) that features ports.
Communication is established or prohibited by a blinding sleeve equipped with seals that is
run or retrieved by wireline. The sleeve (and therefore the seals) is very easy to pull out and
replace in the event of leakage. In contrast, the through diameter restriction is rather
unfavorable if other wireline operations have to be carried out deeper.
WeU equipment of naturally flowing weUs

Let us point out that whatever the circulating system used, care must be taken when it is
opened. To prevent the wireline assembly from being ejected or subjected to an overly high
tensional stress, the tubing and annulus pressures opposite the device must be (approximately)

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 3.18 Circulating devices

a. Sliding sleeve b. Side pocket mandrel c. Ported landing nipple
WeU equipment of naturally flowing weUs

3.5.2 Landing nipples

[n order to meet measurements requirements, facilitate equipment installation or perform

other safety functions, the tubing is equipped with special pieces of equipment, called landing
nipples, where mechanical tools can be seated, usually by wireline.

The basic requirements are to :

• pressure test all or part of the tubing,
• test the tightness of the circulating device,
• pressure up the tubing to set an hydraulic packer,
• isolate the tubing for formation pressure,
• leave pressure and/or temperature measurement instruments in the well temporarily, if
possible without interfering too much with the well's production conditions.

A number of tools are available to fulfill anyone of these functions. They are usually
screwed on under a mandrel (or a lockmandrel) that keeps them in place in the landing nipple.

During completion, the location, number and type of landing nipples in the well must be
given very careful consideration and chosen according to :
• any operations that may be performed in the well at a later date,
• the loss of inside through diameter due to the landing nipple, especially for the tools that
have to be run deeper into the well.

Generally speaking, it is advisable to limit the number of landing nipples to a strict

minimum, in most cases two or three will be enough.

Several types of landing nipples exist on the market, but they all have at least two points in
common (figure 3.19):
• A locking groove allowing the tool to be mechanically locked in the landing nipple if
need be, in which case the mandrel is equipped with a lock.
• A seal bore where the seal is made between the landing nipple and the tool if need be by
means of V packing type seals mounted on the mandrel. It should be noted that the
diameter of this seal bore serves as a reference diameter for the landing nipple under the
term nominal diameter, expressed in decimals limited to hundredths of an inch (for
example 2.81" for 2.812" in reality). In order to be able to set the corresponding tool in
this landing nipple without the tool getting stuck in the tubing while it is being run in
and without the seals being overly damaged, the nominal diameter of the landing nipple
must at least be smaller than the drift of the tubing.
Well equipment ofnaturnUy flowing wellil

Landing nipple


FIG. 3.19 Landing nipple and plug

Although manufacturers supply landing nipples whose nominal diameter is standardized

with respect to tubings, landing nipple and lock profiles are, however, particular to each
company. In other words, the type of landing nipple and its brand name often condition which
tools can be set in it and vice versa unless adapters are used.

There are, however, two main categories of landing nipples that we will call "full bore"
and "bottom no-go" (table 3.3) :
o Full bore landing nipples are characterized by a through diameter that is equal to the
nominal diameter of the landing nipple, i.e. to its seal bore. It should be noted though,
that these landing nipples cause a restriction with respect to the tubing inside diameter as
such (remember that the nominal diameter of a landing nipple must be at least smaller
than the drift of the tubing).
In this category, there are the following:
- full bore simple, often called only full bore,
- full bore selective, often called only selective,
- full bore top no-go, often called only top no-go,
o Bottom no-go landing nipples are often called only no-go and are characterized by a
through diameter that is smaller than the nominal diameter of the seal bore: a shoulder
causes a restriction at the lower end.
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

Among the products available on the market, French companies commonly use those by
Baker and Otis, and to a lesser degree thoses by A VA and Cameo.

a) Full bore simple landing nipples

These landing nipples have only got a locking groove and a seal bore, they do not restrict
fluid flow other than by their nominal diameter.

The equipment is run with a running tool that keeps the locking dogs on the mandrel
retracted so as not to impede running (the same holds true for retrieving it). The equipment
can therefore pass through the other landing nipple(s) of the same nominal diameter located
above the target and the mandrel can also be termed full bore by extension.

The landing nipple where the tool is to be placed is selected as follows : the assembly
passes the landing nipple and is then pulled up. This actuates the locking dogs (or rather
disables the dog retracting mechanism). Here it is the running tool and the running procedure
that provide selectivity.

b) Full bore selective landing nipple

In addition to the features of the preceding type of landing nipple, it has a selection groove.
Selectivity is achieved by choosing the right selection key profile on the mandrel
corresponding to the inside selction profile of the landing nipple.

c) Full bore top no-go landing nipples

The upper part of these landing nipples is oversize in comparison with the seal bore. This
configuration allows a mandrel with a no-go ring of a diameter larger than that of the landing
nipple's seal bore above its packing section to stop in this landing nipple. The mandrel is then
termed top no-go and by extension the landing nipple is also often called top no-go.

d) Bottom no-go landing nipples

These landing nipples feature a machined in shoulder at the base of the seal bore. The
shoulder is called a bottom no-go and the corresponding mandrel is stopped by it. The
mandrel diameter is smaller than, but very close to, that of the sealing bore.
Well equipment of natundly flowing wells



Running tool actuates locking

dogs when pulling upward on
Otis' Type X, R
Cameo type W

Maximum mandrel 0 :
SIMPLE < landing nipple nominal 0

* also on Otis SSD type XO,



Selection key on the mandrel fits

into the selection profile of the
Otis Type S, T
landing nipple

FULL SELECTIVE = Be carefull to install them Maximum mandrel 0 :

=~ in the right order : 7 < landing nipple nominal 0



~ a) Top no-go ring on mandrel is

oversized compared to the
Baker*'" type F
I nominal landing nipple 0
Cameo type D, DB

Ava type SEL Maximum mandrel 0 :
> nominal landing nipple 0
Be careful that "
I Top no-go mandrel @ :
< tubing's drift @

** also on Baker SS type L b) Or same as full bore simple

Landing nipple (and mandrel)
with a bottom no-go ring
Baker type R
Maximum mandrel 0 :
Otis type N, XN
Cameo type DN < landing nipple
=1= i Ava type BNG nominal 0
> landing nipple bottom no-go
4-- o
Landing nipple bottom no-go 0 :
< landing nipple nominal 0

TAB. 3.3 LandinJ< nipple summary table

Well equipment ofnaturally flowing wells

3.5.3 Other downhole equipment

There is a lot of other pieces of downhole equipment. Only some of them are mentionned

Above the tubing shoe, a perforated tube can be incorporated in the tubing with a bottom
no-go landing nipple at its lower end designed to accommodate the pressure and/or
temperature recorder holder. This allows pressure measurements to be made during
production without introducing further pressure losses due to the recorder restricting the
cross-sectional area.

For multiple-zone completions, reinforced thickness pipes, called blast joints, must be used
opposite the perforated zones, to delay washing out from outside by fluids gushing out of the
casing perforations. These pipes are called blast joints (figure 3.20). The reinforced thickness
is obtained by a greater outside diameter.

Between several packers, for example in a parallel dual string completion or an alternate
selective completion, and between packer and screens in wells with sand control, a safety
joint is generally incorporated to facilitate selective pulling out of downhole equipment.

Reinforced thickness elements can also be used on either side of a tubing portion with
changes (and / or restriction) of the internal cross-sectionnal diameter, to delay the time when
the tubing is washed out from the inside, due to the turbulence. These elements are called
flow coupling (figure 3.21). Here again, the reinforced thickness is obtained by a greater
outside diameter. These elements are found:
• quite often on either side of landing nipples,
• systematically on either side of wire line type subsurface safety valve.

This subsurface safety valve (see section 3.6) is usually set:

• in the lower part of the tubing (and above the packer) if it is a subsurface controlled
subsurface safety valve,
• in the upper part of the tubing (30 to 100 m [100 to 300 ft] under the ground level
onshore, or the mudline offshore) if it is a surface controlled subsurface safety valve.
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells


__11-- Flow coupling

Blast joint -
____-- Nipple and flow control

f- e--- Flow coupling (optional)

FIG. 3.20 Blast joint FIG.3.21 Flow coupling

Above the packer (and / or between two packers if several of them), the use of a slip joint
allows variations in tubing length due to changing well conditions (temperature, pressure,
flow rate) and prevents excessive extra strains on the packer(s) and the tubing itself.

Also above the packer (or the upper packer if several of them), a disconnecting joint (or
divider) can often be used as a slip joint and allows the tubing to be pulled out without
unsetting the packer (figure 3.22). The well is kept under safe condition by setting a plug in a
landing nipple that is usually machined in the lower half-joint fixed to the packer and by
pumping a control fluid into the well. If the plug is set before the control fluid is circulated,
the fluid is prevented from coming into contact with the formation and there are fewer risks of
losses or damage.
WeUequipment of naturally Bowing weUs


Position puits Position Position

en traitement d'injection puits ferme puits en production
sous pression

FIG. 3.22 Disconnecting & slip joint

Well equipmeru ofoaturally :Howing wells

3.6 Subsurface safety valves

Depending on the environment and on the type and pressure of the produced effluent, it
may be necessary to place a SubSurface Safety Valve, SSSV, inside the well itself. It
supplements the one(s) on the wellhead if it (they) should happen to be out of order (valve
failure, wellhead tom off, etc.).

The first valves to have been used are known as storm chokes and are set in a landing
nipple in the tubing by wire line, often near the packer. They are totally independent and close
when the flow rate rises abnormally or when there is too much pressure drop across them.
This is also their main drawback, because they can not be actuated when trouble is detected
on the surface. They can not be closed deliberately unless the well flow rate is increased
dramatically, a condition that is not advisable in case there is any difficulty on the surface.
This is particularly inconvenient in gas wells, in wellhead clusters or wellheads near surface
installations, e.g. offshore among other situations.

This is why second generation safety valves were developed, the subsurface safety valves
that are controlled from the surface. They are set in the production casing at about 30 to 50
meters (100 to 150 ft) below ground level onshore or below sea bed (mud line) offshore. They
are either directly screwed onto the tubing or set in a special landing nipple. They are
connected to the surface by a small, high-pressure hydraulic control line run in along the
tubing in the annulus. The control line passes the tubing hanger and comes out at the wellhead
to be connected to a control panel that actuates the valve.

3.6.1 Subsurface controlled subsurface safety valves (SSCSV)

These valves that were often called storm chokes are now termed SSCSV (SubSurface
Controlled subsurface Safety Valves). They are set and retrieved by wireline. They close the
well following a modification in flow conditions where they are located:
• either when the ambient flow rate increases (and so the pressure loss across the valve
also increases), or
• when there is a pressure drop opposite the valve.

a) Pressure differential safety valves (figure 3.23)

These valves are designated as "pressure differential valves" or "velocity safety valves" in
catalogues and are normally open. A choke incorporated in the valve causes a pressure loss
when flowing and this tends to close the valve. A return spring tends to keep the valve open.
If the flow rate increases excessively, the supplementary pressure loss that is created induces a
closing force that is greater than that of the return spring and the valve closes.
Well equipmeDl of naturally flowing wells

b) Pressure operated safety valves (figure 3.24)

These valves are also known by the term "ambient safety valves". The closing mechanism
is controlled by a return spring and a gas chamber, and the pressure in the well acts to keep
the valve open. However, if the ambient pressure drops abnormally, it is no longer high
enough to offset the effects of the force exerted by the return spring and the gas chamber. The
valve then closes.

005DP9908 ____"' ro,,,,,,,,,,

(a) (b) (a) (b)

FIG.3.23 Pressure differential safety valve FIG. 3.24 Pressure operated safety valve
a. Open. b. Closed. a. Open. b. Closed.
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

3.6.2 Surface controlled subsurface safety valves (SCSSV)

These SCSSVs (Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves), of the "fail safe type" (i.e.
the valve is in the safe position when no pressure is applied in the control line; in this
particular case, the safe position is valve closed), are controlled from the surface by hydraulic
pressure in the control line and are "normally closed" (i.e. closed when no pressure is applied
in the control line). The control pressure acts on a jack which pushes a sleeve back thereby
opening the valve. At the same time it compresses a powerful return spring. As long as the
control pressure is kept at the set operating value, the valve remains open. However, if it falls
below a certain threshold, then the valve will close automatically solely under the effect of the
return spring.

In contrast with SSCSVs, the SCSSV does not depend directly on ambient flow conditions
in the well, but rather on one or more parameters measured at the wellhead. This also allows
the subsurface valve to be controlled via a number of safety systems connected to process
facilities. The well's safety can therefore be achieved manually or automatically whether the
trouble is directly related to the well or not: fire, explosion or impact, process problem, etc.
Depending on the degree of safety required, the wellhead safety valve alone can be closed or,
in conjunction with it, the subsurface safety valve can also be closed.

Some valves are equipped with an internal equalization device. Here, all that is required to
reopen the valves is to increase the pressure in the control line with the wellhead closed.
Otherwise it is also necessary to recompress the tubing above the valve (by means of a pump,
a nearby well, etc.).

The SCSSV closing and sealing mechanism is either a flapper valve or a ball valve. For a
long time preference was given to ball valves, mainly because of the sealing quality, even
though the sleeve weldment (pivot cage) is complex and fragile.

The SSCSVs are offered in two different versions:

• either set in a special landing nipple and retrieved by wireline, in which case they are
called "WireLine Retrievable", WLR ;
• or screwed onto the tubing and pulled out with all or part of the equipment in the well,
called "Tubing Retrievable", TR, or "Tubing Mounted", TM.

There are also special combination valves where one part is tubing retrievable and the
other is wireline retrievable.

The SCSSV usually controls only the tubing, but in wells with the annulus full of gas, and
especially in wells activated by gas-lift, double subsurface safety valves can be installed if
necessary. They close both the tubing and the tubing-casing annulus. These subsurface tubing
annulus safety valves also allow the long and dangerous decompression of an annulus full of
gas to be avoided (at a wellhead pressure of approximately 7 MPa [I 000 psi] and even more).
Wen equipment of naturally flowing wens

a) Wireline retrievable safety valves (WLR) (figure 3.25)

Installing a WLR valve restricts the inside through diameter of the tubing. In addition, the
space allotted to the operating mechanism has been reduced to a minimum so that the inside
through diameter is not excessively reduced. As a consequence, the WLR valve is rather
complex and fragile. However, most oil wells are equipped with WLR valves because it
makes well maintenance easier.

b) Tubing retrievable safety valves (TR) (figure 3.26)

It is advisable to avoid restricting the through diameter in wells with substantial production
rates. Additionally, for gas wells especially, this restriction near the surface coincides with a
zone where pressure and temperature conditions may be favorable to hydrate formation.

c) Combination valves (figure 3.27)

A sleeve, a flapper and a return spring are installed, integrated in the tubing. The jack is
off-center and set in the equivalent of a side pocket mandrel. As a result, it is readily
retrievable for maintenance by the same technique used for gas-lift valves.

d) Subsurface tubing-annulus safety valves (figure 3.28)

This system is used in gas lifted production wells, mainly offshore, and consists of two
valves, one for the tubing and the other for the annulus. Both tubing and annulus can be
opened or closed. It requires setting a second packer in the upper part of the well at the same
depth as the safety valve. A sliding sleeve allows gas to flow or prevent it from flowing into
the annulus by opening or closing the bypass of the upper packer. The sleeve is moved by a
hydraulic jack fixed on the tubing and controlled by the same hydraulic line as the tubing
safety system.
Well equipmern. of naturally flowing wel.ls

FIG.3.25 Wireline retrievable safety valve FIG. 3.26 Tubing retrievable safety valve
Well equipment of naturally flo.....ing wells

Control line

Expansion joint

Tubing safety valve

anchor C
tubing hanger <=

FIG.3.27 Combination tubing safety valve FIG. 3.28 AVA tubing-annulus safety valve
Well equipment of naturally :Rowing wells

3.7 Running procedure

A large number of factors influence the running procedure, especially the following:
• the type of pay zone-borehole connection, i.e. open hole or perforated cased hole, and
for a cased hole, when perforating is done (before or after equipment installation) ;
• any special operations that might be performed on the pay zone (sand control,
stimulation) ;
• the number of levels to be produced separately in the same well ;
• the type of equipment chosen, in particular the packer.

We will confine our discussion to proposing a procedure for the following case:
• Borehole-pay zone connection : perforated cased hole with perforating done before
equipment installation, no special operations and one single level to be produced.
• Equipment (figure 3.29) : includes in particular a permanent packer run in beforehand, a
tubing-annulus circulating device and a WLR-type surface controlled subsurface safety
valve (SCSSV).

The main differences in procedure due to the use of a retrievable hydraulic packer will be
dealt with in section 3.7.3.

3.7.1 Preliminary operations

Before the equipment is run in, several operations are carried out, including the following
main ones:
• if needed, reconditioning the wellhead (tubing-head spool installation, if not already
done; rams adaptation),
• checking the borehole with a drill string including a scrapper (tagging cement, cleaning
casing walls, remplacing drilling fluid by completion fluid),
• cased hole logging (cement bond log, correlation log, supplementary logs for reservoir
• reconditioning blowout preventers (BOPs), if necessary (to have rams corresponding to
the tubing diameter),
• re-establishing the pay zone-borehole connection by perforating.
Well equipment ofnaturally flowing wells

Tree cap --,,::5)' 096DP9808

Swab valve ---+1

Hydraulically actuated
upper master valve ---+lib)
(safety valve)

Lower master valve --;f'£':2-'~'~::;-j)

Tubing-head spool

Tubing hanger
Casing-tubing annulus
side outlet

Crossover sub ---+JJ;:1Ii---

- - - Linerhanger

Packer _ _-m!

~--- Tubing
~--- "Top no-go" landing nipple

~--- Perlorated tube

H!--- "Bottom no-go" landing nipple

Tubing gwde ,hO<O---!i:t-lJ

Iit-,----,-- lin"

1IilII1fi--- Landing (or float) collar

f - - - Float cementing shoe

FIG. 3.29 Selected case for the running procedure

3.7.2 Running subsurface equipment in a well equipped with a

permanent packer (packer set prior to running the tubing)

During these phases, the well is kept under safe conditions first of all by the completion
fluid and then:
• for the annulus, by the BOPs, by using rams that close on the tubing;
• for the tubing, by a gray valve (or any other suitable closing system) ready to be screwed
onto it (i.e. with an appropriate thread and available on the rig floor).
Well equipment of naturally flowing wells

The main phases are as listed in order below:

• Setting the packer (and its below-packer extension), generally on wireline or on
• Assembling and running the equipment (and testing while running in hole).
• Inserting the subsurface safety valve landing nipple.
• Spacing out the tubing and finishing to equip it :
Spacing out has to be done since the tubing hanger will be screwed onto the tubing
instead of a coupling. As a result, a specified length of tubing must be kept between the
two fixed points that are the packer and the tubing head.
The necessary tubings are not determined by using the packer depth and the length of the
different production string components directly. Instead the packer and its equipment are
located by stabbing in the end of the locator or anchor.
In order to eliminate this discrepancy in position, the following points are determined:
- which of the last tubings in place have to be removed,
- which new tubings and pup joints have to be added to replace them (note that when
the tubings were checked and measured on their arrival on the well site, the ones of
very different lengths were carefully set aside for this spacing out phase).
• Landing the tubing hanger in the tubing head (with a landing pipe).
• Testing the production string (tubing) as a whole and the annulus.

3.7.3 Main differences in running subsurface equipment when there is a

hydraulic packer (run in directly on the tubing)

The main phases become:

• Assembling and running the equipment (and testing while running in hole; if inside
pressure testing is done while running, the pressure must not be exerted on the packer,
so the testing plug must be set above the packer).
• Inserting the SCSSV landing nipple and finishing to run the equipment.
In contrast with the procedure described above (packer set prior to running the
equipment), it is not usually necessary to do very precise spacing out. This is because
there are no longer two fixed points (the packer and the tubing hanger depth in the
tubing head) before the tubing is run in.
• Partial testing of the production string (limited to the portion above the hydraulic
• Setting the hydraulic packer, landing the tubing hanger and testing the whole production
WelJ equipment of naturally flowing wells

3.7.4 Installing the Christmas tree

The main phases are as follows in this order:
• Replacing the BOPs by the Christmas tree.
During all the preceding phases, the BOPs contribute to well safety in addition to the
completion fluid. Before the BOPs are disconnected and removed, it is imperative to
have at least two (or even three) "safety barriers" in the well in order to maintain a
satisfactory degree of safety against blowouts.
• Testing the production wellhead.

3.7.5 Bringing the well on stream

The main phases are as follows in this order:
• Pumping in annular and clearing fluids (circulating valve opened then closed by
• Setting and testing the SCSSV.
• Clearing the well.

3.7.6 Moving out of the rig

Once the well cleared, it is put back in safe condition (closure of subsurface safety valve
and Christmas tree valves, eventually setting of BPV in the tubing hanger and I or setting of a
plug in a landing nipple incorporated in the production string). The rig can then be moved off.

In some cases, moving out of the rig is done before pumping in annular and clearing fluids
and before clearing the well. This avoids to put back the well in safe condition but the
absence of the rig can be a problem if there is any difficulty either during pumping fluids or
during clearing the well.

3.7.7 Final completion report

Well completion is not really concluded until the final report has been written. Among
other points, the report must include:
• identification of the well,
• purpose of the well,
• any important facts or events (including trouble) and the results obtained,
• the final state of the well,
• a detailed account of the operations.
Well equipment of natwally flowing wells

For the final state of the well, a detailed technical cross-section must be supplied with the
following points in particular:
• the equipment set in the well, its depth and characteristics (nominal diameter, drift,
outside diameter where relevant, nominal weight, type of thread and if need be the shear
value for the rings or pins to be used when the equipment is removed from the well and
other specific informations) ;
• the characteristics of the annular fluid;
• any anomalies such as the presence of a wireline fish (a fish is any tool, piece of
equipment or junk, lost or stuck in the well).

The detailed account of the operations elaborates on :

• the scheduling of operations and the value of the main parameters (packer setting depth,
test pressure, etc.) ;
• any anomalies observed and any changes made in relation to the initial completion

This body of information is extremely valuable, first of all to adapt the completion
program of following wells accordingly, and secondly if there should be any trouble or any
work done on the well later on. An incident that might seem harmless when it happens, can
provide the key to understanding and solving a problem that crops up several years later.
_ ......... """'.TIIII


Chapter 4 from "Well completion and servicing"


@ Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie -IFP Training

Ref. : version~a "
Chapter IV: Artificial lift (version"a")


4.1 PUMPING ........................................................................................................................................ .

4.1.1 Principle and types of pumping .......................................................................................................... .
4.1.2 Sucker rod pumping............................................................................................................................ 2 Principle ............................................................................................................................... 2 Downhole equipment............................................................................................................ 3 Choosing pumping parameters ............................................................................................. 8 Pumping units (PU) .............................................................................................................. 10
4.1.3 Submerged centrifugal pumping ......................................................................................................... 13 Component parts ofthe centrifugal pump ............................................................................ 13 The surface control equipment ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ............ ...... ......... IS Selecting a pump............................................................... ................................................... IS
4.1.4 Hydraulic pumping ............................................................................................................................. 16 General introduction............................................................................................................. 16 Principle ofthe plunger pump .............................................................................................. 17 Well equipment................................................................... ................................................. 17 Principle of the jet pump......................................................... ............................................. 18 The turbine pump ................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.5 The Moyno pump................................................................................................................................ 19
4.1.6 Measurements on pumped wells ......................................................................................................... 21 Measuring levels in the annulus (echometer) ....................................................................... 21 Dynamometric measurements at the polished rod ................................................................ 22 Measuring intensity in submerged centrifugal pumping....................................................... 25

4.2 GAS-LIFT.......................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.1 Principle and types of gas lift.............................................................................................................. 27 Principle............................................................................................................................... 27 Types of gas lift.................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Regarding the well.............................................................................................................................. 30 Operating conditions in continuous gas lift............................................................................. 30 Pressure gradients in producing wells .................................................................................. 32 Unloading a well at start up with unloading valves .............................................................. 33 Gas-lift valve technology...................................................................................................... 36 Tubing equipment specific to gas lift ................................................................................... 38 Kickover or positioning tools ............................................................................................... 40

© Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Sum IV-I
Chapter IV ; Artificial lift (version "a")

4.2.3 Surface equipment for a gas lifted well............................................................................................... 43 Injection system.................................................................................................................... 43 Measurements....................................................................................................................... 43

4.3 CHOOSING AN ARTIFICIAL LIFT PROCESS.......................................................................... 44

4.3.1 Economic criteria ..................................... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,', ..... ".. ,................ ,.. ,...... ,.. ,.. ,.......... ,.. ".. ,.. ,.......... ,.. ,. 44
4.3.2 Technical criteria ................................................................................................................................ 45
4.3.3 Making a decision............................................................................................................................... 46
4.3.4 Main advantages and drawbacks of artificial lift processes ................................................................ 46 Sucker rod pumping ............................................................................................................. 46 Submerged centrifugal pumping........................................................................................... 47 Hydraulic pumping............................................................................................................... 47 Continuous gas lift................................................................................................................ 48

© Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Sum IV-2
Aniiiciallift (version"a")


Artificial lift allows wells that are non-flowing or insufficiently flowing to be produced. It
is mainly designed for oil producers but the technology can also be applied to wells that
produce water for a number of different uses such as for utilities or water injection to
maintain pressure. It may prove necessary from the beginning of production for oil wells
when the reservoir does not have enough energy to lift the fluid to the surface process
facilities or when the productivity index is deemed inadequate.

Artificial lift is used in 75 % of the wells in the world excluding the U.S. and 90 %
including the U.S. There are two main processes:
• mechanical lifting by pumping,
• lessening the fluid density by mixing with gas injected in the lower part of the
production casing, or gas lift.
Note: Do not confuse gas lift, the artificial lift production process, with secondary
production which consists in injecting gas directly into the reservoir in order to
maintain pressure or improve sweep efficiency.

4.1 Pumping

4.1.1 Principle and types of pumping

In the production string (tubing) that is usually set without a production packer (a sealing
system at the bottom of the well between the casing and the production string), a pump placed
below the dynamic fluid level in the well lifts the crude up to the surface. This energy input
allows the fluid to continue on its way and relieves the pay zone of all or part of the back
pressure downstream from the pump.

Several pumping techniques can be implemented to help solve the numerous problems that
crop up such as : well productivity, type of fluid, completion, on- or offshore siting and
environment, as well as economic criteria that must be met.

The two most common pumping methods in the world are:

• sucker rod pumping: a downhole positive-displacement pump is actuated from the
surface via rods and a reciprocating system;
• centrifugal pumping by a submerged electric centrifugal pump.

10 Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Artiticiallift (version "a")

In addition to these two types there is also:

• hydraulic pumping by a downhole plunger pump coupled to a hydraulic motor, by jet
pump or by centrifugal turbine pumping.

Lastly, but much less common and designed for very viscous crudes loaded with sand and
having a high GOR :
• Moyno rotary pumping with progressing cavities.

The last two pumping methods are mainly used in the United States.

4.1.2 Sucker rod pumping Principle

The system uses a vertical positive-displacement pump consisting of a cylinder and a

hollow plunger with a valve. It is run into the tubing screwed onto the end of a rod string. The
system is actuated from the surface by a motor that drives a walking beam or a hydraulic
elevator (figure 4.1).

The pumping cycle can be broken down as follows (figure 4.2) :

• During the plunger's upstroke the plunger valve or travelling valve is closed. The
column of liquid corresponding to the stroke will be lifted up to the surface while,
relieved of the weight of the fluid, the pressure of the pay zone can then open the bottom
valve or standing valve, thereby allowing the pump barrel to fill up with effluent.
• During the downstroke the valve of the hollow plunger opens and the standing valve
closes, thereby preventing the fluid from returning into the pay zone and allowing the
plunger to return freely to its initial point at the base of the pump barrel.

The pump is single-acting and its theoretical output is equal to the volume generated by the
plunger's stroke and cross-section multiplied by the pumping rate, i.e. in a homogeneous
Q = S x N x A where: Q is the flow rate,
S is the stroke,
N is the number of strokes per time unit,
A is the area ofthe plunger.
In practice the following parameters are also involved:
• an efficiency factor,
• a coefficient depending on the units that are used.

This type of pumping is the oldest of all artificial lift methods, it is simple in design and
still widely used the world over.

C CO)))rigbt ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

Sucker rods

Liquid level ------1H valve
I'n'-l---- Plunger

FIG. 4.1 Basic configuration

of a rod pumping system FIG. 4.2 Rod pumping cycle Downhole equipment

This section deals with the following points:

• special equipment for the tubing,
• bottomhole pumps
• sucker rods,
• the pumping head.

a) Special equipment for the tubing : anchors and gas anchors

Anchoring the tubing

The pumping cycles cause static and dynamic loads on the tubing, and consequently make
it move with two effects (figure 4.3) :
a) Breathing, or a cyclic variation in length due to the weight of the fluid being transferred
alternately from the tubing to the rods and vice versa.
b) Buckling during the upstroke in the part above the pump that is under low tensile load.

This type of stress causes mechanical fatigue in the tubing along with wear and tear on the
rod string and couplings. Accordingly, the tubing must meet severe mechanical requirements
and it is recommended to anchor (figure 4.4) the tubing at the pump depth except for shallow,
low-flow rate wells. The result of immobilizing the tubing is also to increase the pump's
effective stroke at the bottom of the well.

C Copyright ENSPM Formation lndustrie - IFP Training

Anificiallift (" mion " a")



No bucking

Setting thread

Bucking Friction spring


release pins

_ _ _ _ Breathing I-=-___ ~==~
FIG. 4.3 Effect ofpumping cycle on the tubing FIG. 4.4 Mechanical anchor

Gas anchors

When gas is present in the pump it causes inadequate filling and a loss in output. In
addition gas lock may occur : when gas remains in the upper part of the pump barrel, the
plunger starts its downstroke in the gas with the valve closed and then comes up against the
liquid with a sudden impact which is propagated to the rod string. The higher the pumping
rate, the greater the impact.

The presence of free gas is mainly related to the bubble point pressure. The problem can be
solved by placing the pump far enough below the dynamic level where the height of liquid in
the annulus creates a hydrostatic back pressure that is greater than the bubble point pressure.
Consequently, this keeps gas from putting in an appearance during the plunger's upstroke.

C Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie ~ IFP Training

Anificiallift (vmion "8")

As for the consequences of gas lock, the impacts can be attenuated by reducing the
pumping rate, but the stroke or the pump diameter will need to be increased in order to
achieve the right output.

If need be, these measures can be greatly improved by a mechanical gas anchor system
chosen according to the two types of operations as discussed below:
1) The pump section end communicates with a pipe that plungges into the base of the
tubing that is closed at the bottom and opened toward the annulus in the upper part
(figure 4.5a). The system allows the effluent to separate out, since the oil has to go back
down to enter the pump, while the gas continues to migrate freely upward in the
2) The base of the pump is connected to a special packer which orients the effluent toward
the annulus above the packer. The gas can keep moving upward whereas the liquid is
taken up in the lower part of the annulus toward the pump inlet.


Gas - t..... rln./'I

Oil+ gas

FIG. 4.5 Gas anchor

a. Well without a packer
Gas anchor b. Well with a Page packer

(a) (b)

b) Bottomhole pumps (figures 4.6 and 4.7)

Bottomhole pumps are classified by API SPEC. II AX into two categories (API :
American Petroleum Institute; SPEC: specification) :
• R pumps (rod pumps or inserted pumps) which are run complete on the end of the rod
string in the tubing and anchored with a seal at the pumping depth in a specially
designed landing nipple or sometimes with a packer anchoring device . They can have a
fixed cylinder with top or bottom anchoring, or a moving cylinder and a fixed plunger
with bottom anchoring (figure 4.6) .
• T pumps (tubing pumps) : the barrel is run first in the tubing. Then the plunger is run in
screwed onto the rod string (figure 4.7). The plunger has usually got a setting and
retrieving mechanism for the standing valve at its base.
The plungers are normally made of metal but can also have synthetic sealing elements.
Plunger diameters can commonly range from 3/4" to 4 3/4" OD (outside diameter).

C Copyright ENSPM FomUition looll!ltrie - IFP Training

IV· 5
Artificial lift (\'c:rsiOli ". ")

FIG. 4.6 R pumps
a. Fixed cylinder b. Moving cylinder
FIG.4.7 T pump

and moving plunger and fixed plunger

Pump anchoring devices are made of metal or have a cup mechanism, the nipples installed
during completion are adapted to the different configurations (figure 4.8). Pump valves are
systems including a ball and a metal seat inside a closed cage. Plungers can be found with a
simple or a double valve (at the top and at the base) for a better seal.


FIG. 4.8 Anchoring devices

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Artificial lift (version " a")

c) Sucker rods (figure 4.9)

These rods are usually cylindrical drawn steel bars

with squared off stamped ends for handling and pin
shanks fitted with a box coupling on one end.

Sucker rods can also be found now with the rod

itself made of fiberglass and glued shanks made of

FIG. 4.9 End of a sucker rod

Rod sizes

Sucker rods are sized by diameter and are available:

• in 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", I" and I 1/8" for normal rods;
• in I 1/8", I 1/4" and I 1/2" for polished rods.

Common lengths are 25 and 30 feet, i.e. 7.60 m and 9.10 m, but there is also a variety of
(short) pony rods that are used for precise strings spacing out.


1) Making up the rod string

In the well, the rods screwed together make up

a rod string. It can be single size or composed of
increasingly smaller diameters the deeper down
the string goes. The effect of this make up is to
distribute the tensile stresses TUA better (TL : R string
tensile load ; A : rod cross-sectional area) better
over the total length of the string between the
bottom, which has to withstand only the fluid load
(F 0), and the top, which has to withstand the sum
of the fluid load along with the weight of the rods
in the fluid (Fo + Wrf) (figure 4.10).
FIG.4.10 Tensile stresses on a tapered rod string

At the top of the rod string, there is a polished rod that is perfectly smooth on the outside
and provides the seal for the effluent passing the wellhead by means of a stuffing box. It
should be noted that the stroke of the polished rod theoretically represents the stroke of the
plunger downhole. In actual fact though, this is not true because, if the tubing is not anchored,
its elongations compounded by dynamic inertia phenomena on the rod string (overtravel) will
give the plunger and the polished rod a different effective stroke.

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ArtificLallifl: (~·ersiOD "a")

2) Resonance in the rod string: choosing the pumping rate

In practice the pumping rate limit is under twenty strokes a minute. In addition, if a
pumping rate is synchronized with the natural vibrational frequency of the rods or with a
harmonic of the frequency, it can make the plunger bump, rapidly damaging the pump and
causing the rod string to fail.

To prevent this type of incident, an asynchronous rate is chosen.

d) The pumping head (figure 4.11)

The pumping head is located on top of the wellbead. It consists of a forged T fixed to the
tubing hanger by means of an appropriate extension. The T helps get the effluent out by a side
outlet usually consisting of 2" threaded line pipe. On the upper part of the T, there is a
stuffing box with sealing elements made of graphite or a special compound, held tight with a
threaded cap. The sealing elements are tapered and segmented so that they can be placed
around the polished rod. The stuffmg box can either be screwed onto the T or together with it
as an integral part.

FIG. 4.11 Pumping head Choosing pumping parameters

a) Depth of the pump (figure 4.12)

The pump must be located below the dynamic level which depends on :
• the bottomhole flowing pressure (PBHf) with:

PBHf = I'R - .2.

where: PR is the reservoir pressure,
Q is the required flow rate,
PI is the productivity index,
QIPI is .1.PR or the pressure loss in the reservoir and in the vicinity of the well.

• the average specific gravity (SG) of the produced effluent.

o Copyright ENS PM FonnatioDIndustrie - lfP Training

Artificia1lifl (version " a")

Note that the reservoir pressure (PRJ :

• declines with cumulative production as time goes by,
• is also used to determine the static level.

Furthermore, to limit or avoid as much as possible gas entering the pump while the effluent
passes the bubble point pressure during the plunger upstroke, it is recommended to submerge
the pump under a height of fluid in the annulus greater than that corresponding to the bubble
pressure at the pump inlet. In practice, a safety margin is added to account for fluctuations in
the dynamic level (flow impeded in the pay zone-borehole connection, variations in the
average specific gravity of the effluent, etc.)

OIground level Pressure

Static level


.-------- - ------------- f--------------------------''-------~


FIG. 4.12 Determining the depth of a pump

b) Parameters related to flow rate

The pumped flow rate depends basically on the diameter of the plunger, the pump stroke
and the pumping rate (or speed). The same flow rate can be obtained by different
combinations of these parameters. In the range offered by manufacturers, the choice is made
with due consideration given to rod mechanical fatigue in particular.

Fatigue depends mainly on the following:

• the number of cycles (pumping rate),
• the difference between the maximum tensile load during the upstroke and the minimum
tensile load during the downstroke,
• the maximum load in relation to the yield strength.

As a result, it is advantageous to prioritize stroke rather than pump diameter or pumping

rate for a given flow rate. Note that the choice of the pumping rate must also take the rod
string resonance phenomenon into account as mentioned earlier.

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Artificial lift (vcI'3ion " a") Pumping units (PU)

Pumping units are designed to actuate the rod string for a specified pumping rate and
stroke. This requires a mechanical beam system or a hydraulic elevator on the surface. The
energy is supplied by an electric motor or an engine (gas or diesel) that is regulated by an
adjustable counterweight.

a) Walking beam units

The unit consists of the following components (figure 4.13) :

• an electric motor or engine (gas or diesel),
• a gear reducer connected to the motor/engine by belts and equipped with brakes on the
inlet pulley,
• a crank and connecting rod (Pitman) system to transform the crankshaft rotation at the
reducer outlet into an alternating movement,
• a walking beam, supporting the weight of the sucker rods on one side and on the other
the adjustable counterweight,
• a horsehead accommodating the polished rod's support cables, and its arcing head which
allows the rod to remain in the axis of the well during its stroke,
• a samson post supporting the whole system.

All of the above is set on a skid and rests on a concrete base.

Counterweight --~

Pitman - - ,


Gear reducer ---.,.

Prime mover
::r-~-+- Sarnson post
Brake lever


FIG. 4.13 Walking beam unit

o Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industric - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

Function and acijustment of counterweights

The counterweights are heavy weights placed on the pump beam opposite the sucker rods
with respect to the fulcrum. Their function is to regulate the output of the motor/engine.
Statically, the effect of the counterweight CE is equal to the weight of the sucker rods in the
fluid Wrfplus half the fluid load Fo:
CE=Wrf+ O.5Fo

This means a constant stress on the motor/engine that is always in the same direction even
though the load changes direction in the horsehead during the pumping cycle.

In actual fact, the load is not static but dynamic and when the counterweights are adjusted
due consideration must be given to an impetus factor which depends on the stroke and the
pumping rate and will modify the maximum and minimum load on the polished rod. The
counterweights are adjusted based on calculations. Furthermore, it is advisable to refine the
adjusment on the site using a polished rod load diagram established by means of
dynamometric measurement during a complete pumping cycle (see section 4.1.6 :
Measurements in a pumped well).

API classification of walking beam units (figure 4.14)

I) Standard units
Most manufacturers supply units classified by API under the heading B or C depending on
the position ofthe counterweights:
• B unit: the counterweights are on the walking beam (B standing for beam),
• C unit: the counterweights are on the crank (C standing for crank).

The C unit is very widespread and is also termed a conventional unit.

FIG. 4.14 Pumping units

In addition to the position of the counterweights, the complete classification includes

performance criteria, characterized by three numbers:
• the maximum torque at the reducer outlet in thousands of inch pounds,
• the maximum load on the polished rod in hundreds of pounds,
• the maximum stroke of the polished rod in inches.

10 Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

2) Special units

In addition to these two conventional types of units, some manufacturers supply units that
are better adapted to specific problems.

b) Hydraulic units

In this type of surface unit, the hydraulic energy of pressurized oil is used to drive the
sucker rod string:
• either by rolling and unrolling a winch (figure 4.15), or
• by hoisting with a piston jack (figure 4.16) and a pressure accumulator that acts as a
couterweight (during the upstroke it adds its effect to the hydraulic pump and is inflated
again by the pump during the downstroke).

I. Cables which support the rods

2. Rod hanger
3. Drum of the winch
4. Cables which support the counterweight
5. Counterweight
6. Inversion mechanism
7. Hydraulic motor

FIG. 4.15 Long Stroke H pumping unit

(with a hydraulic winch)

1. Jack
2. Piston
3. Stroke selector
4. Hydraulic unit
5. Pilot slide valve
6. Oil tank
Polished rod


FIG. 4.16 Cylinder rod unit

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Artificial lift (version "a")

These units are more complex in design than beam units, but are nevertheless quite
advantageous offshore because of their performance despite limited floor space and bearing

4.1.3 Submerged centrifugal pumping

The centrifugal pump is run in to its depth in the casing on the end of the production
tubing. Electric energy is supplied to the motor by a cable that is unrolled and clamped to the
tubing when running in.

On the surface a special tubing head with packing elements allows the cable to come out to
a control panel. An adjustable choke serves to adjust the flow by increasing or decreasing the
back pressure on the pump. If the downhole unit should fail, the tubing and pump should be
pulled out together for repairs. Component parts of the centrifugal pump (figure 4.17)

Schematically, the pump set in the well

consists of three main parts connected
together and aligned along the same axis.
They are, from bottom to top:
Bleed valve

• the electric motor,

• the protector, or seal section, MlI-_ Check valve

to protect the motor, ~lJI-- Eleclric cable

• the pump with its intake system.

1= _ Multi.stage
cenlrifugal pump

..:.--- Gas separator


- Seal section

Ii Connection
FIG. 4.17 Electric pumping equipment
- Electric motor

a) The pump (figure 4.18)

This is a multistage centrifugal pump with the number of stages - sometimes up to several
hundred - needed to get the specified pressure head. Each stage consists of a rotary impeller

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Artificial lift (version "a")

(paddle wheel) that supplies energy in the form of velocity to the fluid to be pumped and a
static diffuser that transforms the kinetic energy into pressure energy before sending it to the
impeller located just above. The stages are stacked up inside a liner.


FIG. 4.18 Simplified diagram of a centrifugal pump

The pressure head provided by one stage depends on the diameter of the stage, the
geometry of the impeller and the diffuser and the rotary speed of the rotor. Note that in a
centrifugal pump the delivery head is independent ofthe fluid that is pumped.

The fluid coming from the annulus enters the pump through the intake section. This
section can be coupled upstream with a static baffle type or centrifugal type downhole gas
separator if there is any free gas present. The separator is designed to shunt a large part of the
gas toward the annulus to prevent pump cavitation and reduce load fluctuations on the motor.
The pump outlet or discharge head has got a coupling with an adapter that is screwed directly
onto the tubing.

Above the pump there is a check valve and a bleed valve that can be opened by dropping a
sinker bar. These accessories serve:
1) to prevent the pumped fluid from flowing back down during shutdowns,
2) to pull out the pump with the tubing empty.

b) The electric motor

This is a squirrel cage induction motor, two poles and three phases, that usually runs at
about 2 900 rpm for 50 Hz and 3 500 rpm for 60 Hz (US), at a voltage ranging from 600 to
2 400 volts and variable intensity from 20 to 120 amperes. It is enclosed in a steel housing full
of oil that lubricates the bearings, isolates the motor electrically and cools it by transferring
heat outside to the effluent coming up in the well.

to Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

Because ofthis, the motor must never be placed below the perforations, i.e. below the zone
where the produced fluid flow up the well. Moreover, an inadequate fluid flow rate can cause
abnormal heating and damage the motor.

Electric energy is transmitted to the motor by a specially designed cable, round or flat on
the outside with conductors inside a steel or Monel sheath. The round cable is normally
recommended but the flat one can be used when the space available between the pump and
the casing would cause problems during installation.

A range of conductors covers the needs of the different motors. As for the temperature
range, the motor and cable are usually designed for use up to 1500 C (300 0 F), but the limit
can be pushed up to 205 0 C (400 0 F) by a special cable sold by Centrilift.

c) The protector

Also called a seal or an equalizer depending on the manufacturer, the protector provides a
tight connection between the motor and the pump. It has a chamber filled with special oil that
creates a pressure equalizing "pad" between the motor oil and the well emuent, while the
seals keep the oil from migrating along the shaft. The protector also has a special thrust
bearing that handles the pump's axial thrust so that it is not transmitted to the drive shaft. The surface coutrol equipment

In addition to transformers, manufacturers also supply a control panel for each pump that
includes apparatuses and devices to protect the motor and provides flexibility of use such as
ammeter-recorders, overload relays, circuit-breakers, stop and re-start timers.

A system has been on the market now for a few years that is used to vary the motor speed
and consequently the pump output rate automatically. This flexibility allows wells to be
operated better when conditions such as reservoir pressure, productivity index, GOR (gas/oil
ratio) and WOR (water/oil ratio) have not stabilized yet. Selecting a pump (figure 4.19)

In principle, the centrifugal pump has little flexibility and requires the most thorough
understanding possible of present and future well performance : in particular the productivity
index, the bubble point pressure, the flow rate, and the pressure head which includes the
pressure loss by friction in the tubing and the required wellhead pressure. This total pressure
head is termed total dynamic head, TDH.

The choice of the pump will be restricted by the casing diameter first of all.

Then the pump and motor are chosen according to the performance indications published
by manufacturers and are presented in the form of curves giving the flow rate, the pump
efficiency and for one stage, the delivery head and the power absorbed for a fluid with a

10 Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (\o"ersion "a")

specific gravity of I (figure 4.19). The delivery head per stage depends on the diameter of the
system and on the geometry of the impeller and of the diffuser. The number of stages required
is the TDH divided by the delivery head per stage.

Finally, the rated power of the motor is calculated by multiplying the maximum power per
stage taken from the pump curve by the number of stages and correcting for the specific
gravity of the pumped liquid.

Delivery head
s"!dard .!norm!nce
Pump only
-..... ___
l{"<q .1 (water test, S. G= 1) efficiency

~~ .c

~ ~o::
~ only effi~ency ~ 70
;;:t(- 1 I I ..... ~
V 'N\otIor I adI brakeIbors'~ow" .....
0 1.0 50

~ r-
~ r-
0.8 40
~ 0.6 30


500 1000
BID (42

us GAL)
2~ 2500 3000
'" , ~
0.4 20
0.2 10

20 40 60 80
FIG. 4.19 Performance curve for a centrifugal pump

4.1.4 Hydraulic pumping

Artificial lift by hydraulic pumping was first implemented in 1930 in the United States. It
is widely used both there and elsewhere in the world, but has not been very popular in France
to date. General introduction

Hydraulic pumping is an application of Pascal's principle, which shows that liquids

transmit the pressure variations that they undergo integrally and at all points. Hydraulic
pumping applies this principle to artificial lift wells by transmitting pressure generated on the
surface to the bottom of a well by a working fluid in order to actuate:
• either a piston that drives a positive-displacement pump by means of an alternating
• a jet pump equipped with a choke that leads into a venturi, in order to carry the fluid
from the pay zone together with the working fluid,
• or a turbine pump where a turbine drives a centrifugal pump.

e Copyright ENSPM Fonuatioll Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "'a")

The working fluid can either be the oil from the reservoir itself, or the reservoir water or
any other compatible fluid, in particular a lighter oil or a fluid containing a fluxing product for

Historically speaking, the plunger pump came into being in 1930, before the jet pump. It
was only after the Second World War that the jet pump was used to lift production from oil
wells economically because of the progress made by American manufacturers in the materials
and manufacturing of the pump's main parts. The turbine pump is a more recent development
and is still not very widely used. Principle of the plunger pump (figure 4.20)

Schematically speaking, the hydraulic pump consists

of two connected pistons mounted on the same axis, with
each one moving in a cyliner. The upper one is the engine
piston and is actuated by the power fluid that comes from
the surface via a feed tubing. A engine valve sends the
Engine valve
fluid alternatively into the lower or the upper chamber of
the engine cylinder. Engine exhaust

Engine cyJinder
The pump piston, connected to the engine piston, sucks
the well effluent in and discharges it on the surface. The
Engine piston
pump is equipped with four check valves and is double
acting. Note that an equalizing conduit along the plunger Middle rod
axis with its outlet in a closed chamber (balance tube) Pump e~aust valve
located under the lower pump cylinder allows the moving Pump intake valve
part to work under equalized pressure. Pump piston
Pump cylinder

Balance tube

Pump seat
FIG. 4.20 Simplified diagram of a plunger pump

Generally speaking, i.e. in 90 % of the cases, the power fluid and the produced oil are
pumped out together through the same production piping. This is termed the open power fluid
system, OPF. However, the remaining percentage is the closed power fluid system, CPF,
where the power fluid and the produced fluid are pumped out separately to the surface. The
second system involves more equipment, but makes well testing easier and facilitates
production metering since the two fluids are not mixed together.

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Artificial lift ("ersion " a" ) Well equipment

Two types of completion are used to install the pump in the bottom of the well :
• fixed pump,
• free pump.

The fixed pump is run in screwed to the base of the feed tubing, the whole system
concentrically inside either the production tubing or the casing.

In the free pump system, which is becoming more widespread, the pump is used like a
pumped tool. The upper part is equipped with a fishing neck and an elastomer cup that allows
the pump to be set and retrieved by circulating.

Two choices are possible: free parallel and free casing.

The hydraulic pumping surface facilities basically work in a closed circuit. The main part
is a positive displacement pump that pumps the working fluid into the well after sucking it up
from a tank that holds the well's produced fluid. In practice, the pump is of the triplex positive
displacement type that can give high pressures of approximately 7 to 35 Mpa (1 000 to
5 000 psi) as required in hydraulic pumping.

For each type of pump there are several plunger diameters that cover a wide range of flow
rates - the working fluid and produced fluid flow rates are about the same order of magnitude.
The flow rate can be adjusted by recycling part of the fluid via a relief valve placed on the
pump. The working fluid comes from a storage tank located in a nearby production
installation or from buffer storage located at the well outlet at the beginning of the production
flow line.

The common range of pumps available on the market can give outputs of from 20 m3/day
to 800 m 3/day (125 to 5 000 bpd) with a delivery head going from I 500 m to
4500 m (5 000 to 15 000 ft). Principle of the jet pump (figure 4.21)

The working fluid gets to the nozzle under high pressure, with the pressure energy then
transformed into kinetic energy at the nozzle outlet where it comes into contact with the
produced effluent. The effluent is carried along by the high velocity of the working fluid. The
two fluids get to the throat together then to the diffuser, which transforms the kinetic energy
of the working fluid-well effluent mixture into pressure energy, thereby allowing both fluids
to reach the surface together.

Completion is usually of the free casing type. The pump is run into the well in a tubing and
set in a nipple fixed to a packer set in the casing, with all components constituting the bottom
hole assembly. The pumped effluent comes up through the annulus together with the working

Completion of the free parallel type is also possible but is less common.

C Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Trairtina:

Artifictallifl: (versioo " a")

The main advantages of this pump are:
• high flow rates and GOR,
• high mechanical reliability.

Its major drawback is its low efficiency (25 to

30 % compared to 65 to 70 % for plunger pumps). Nozzle




FIG. 4.21 Simplified diagram of a jet pump The turbine pump

The principle is that the working fluid injected into the well makes a hydraulic turbine
rotate, which in tum drives a centrifugal pump. The diagram (figure 4.22) shows one possible
configuration with the working fluid injected through the tubing and the working fluid and
produced oil returning through the casing.

The manufacturer Weir Pumps Ltd. supplies the following information:

• pump output can range up to several hundred cubic meters a day (several thousand
barrels per day),
• turbine power can range from 7.5 to 750 kW and the pump can be set in the well at
depths in excess of 3 000 m (10 000 ft)with no trouble.

4.1.5 The Moyno pump (figure 4.23)

This type of positive displacement pump with progressing cavities is the result of research
by the french engineer Rene Moineau in 1932.

It works in the following way:

o Copyright ENSPM FormatioD lndustrie - IFP Trainiog

Artificial lift (version "a")

• a rotor consisting of a steel helicoid screw rotates inside a molded elastomer stator that
has a double helix inner profile;
• the rotation generates cavities or cells that progress along the axis, which sweeps the
fluid upward in a vertical pump with a flow rate that is directly proportional to the
rotational speed ofthe helix.
~ ~


t ~


1 t
t t


FIG. 4.22 Simplified diagram of an installation FIG. 4.23 Simplified diagram of an installation
with a turbine pump with a Moyno pump

This system is marketed in the United States under the name Moyno by Robbins and
Meyer and has recently been developed under the name Rodemip by peM Vanves (France).
In the traditional version the pump is driven with an adjustable speed from 100 to 500 rpm by
a rod string. The axis of the string is fixed to a rotating head on the surface, which is mounted
on bearings and connected to an electric motor by a belt.

The advantages of this type of pump are those of a screw pump that can handle just about
• viscous fluids,
• fluids with high concentrations of paraffin,
• fluids where gas is present.

However, the problems due to the rotation of the rod string make it ill suited to high flow
rates, highly deviated wells and excessive depths (over I 200 m or 4 000 ft).

© Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

4.1.6 Measurements on pumped wells

There are three types of measurements:

• liquid levels in the annulus,
• dynamometric for rod pumping,
• amperage readings for submerged centrifugal pumping.

The location of the level in the annulus of a well without a packer is used to monitor:
• at a standstill : the height of fluid that is representative of the variations in reservoir
pressure according to its average specific gravity ;
• while running : the dynamic submergence of the pump, measured by means of a sonic
depth finder or echometer.

To check that rod pumping units with mechanical counterweights are running properly,
dynamometric measurements must also be made at the polished rod.

Lastly, amperage recorders can be found on the control panel of submerged centrifugal
pumps. They are representative of the way the electric motor is running and are consequently
indicative of pumping conditions.

The following section deals with level and dynamometric measurement techniques which
are representative of rod pumping. The use of intensity diagrams in centrifugal pumping is
also discussed. Measuring levels in the annulus (echometer)

The level of liquid is located by the reflection of a sonic echo on tubing joints and finally
on the level of the liquid itself. It is recorded on the surface in the form of electric pulses on a
strip of paperthat unrolls as a function of time.

The echometer consists of two main parts connected by a cable:

• a microphone,
• a receiver-recorder.

aJ The microphone

Screwed onto an elbow pipe at the entrance of the casing, it converts the sonic echo into
electric current. The sonic echo comes from a chamber that opens onto the casing and:
• a cartridge filled with an explosive can be fired into the chamber by means of a hammer,
• a sudden discharge of compressed gas (C02) can be sent into it by means of an air valve
from a reservoir bottle,
• or if the casing is under gas pressure (a minimum of 200 psi) the gas can be discharged
into a specially designed auxiliary chamber.

© Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (versi(1U "a")

High-frequency Low-frequency
channel channel
b) The receiver-recorder

Placed in a case, it amplifies and records the

electrical indications on an electrosensitive paper
diagram that unrolls as a function of time at a velocity
appropriated to the velocity of the sound wave. It
works by rechargeable battery or an independent 12
volt battery. Interpretation is made easier by the use of
an adjustable range selector that can "read" intervals of
10 joints of tubing.

Note: Keystone, the U.S. manufacturer, supplies an

echometer called Sonolog with a two-track
receiver-recorder, one of which gives all the
reflections from the joints, and the other more
attenuated one indicates only the important
echoes such as when the shot is fired, the liquid
level, the perforations, the tubing anchor, etc.
(figure 4.24). The two Sonolog amplifiers have
different responses that are designed to separate
the two frequency characteristics properly. This
gives clear recordings at great depths and even
under difficult conditions such as the presence
of paraffin or a partially empty casing.

FIG. 4.24 Sonolog recording

(High-frequency channel: records tubing collars and shallow fluids)

(Low-frequency channel: records principal events such as fluid, liner
and perforation) Dynamometric measurements at the polished rod

a) Purpose

It is necessary to make dynamometric measurements at the polished rod, i.e. at the junction
point between the surface unit and the pumping string, in order to monitor a beam unit rod

© Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificial lift (version "a")

pumping installation effectively. A loading diagram is recorded during a pumping cycle to

check and correct if need be the parameters that are important for proper operation such as :
• the maximum and minimum weight on the sucker rods compatible with allowable
mechanical stress,
• the effects of the counterweight on the unit and, by deduction, the torque on the reducer
outlet during the upward and downward movement, as well as the absorbed power.

In addition to these "fixed" points, the diagram patterns is also used to interpret how the
pump works downhole and detect any anomalies such as :
• leakage at the valves,
• presence of gas in the pump,
• broken or unscrewed rods,
• unseated R pumps,
• partial sticking due to sand.

b) Theoretical loading diagram (figure 4.25)

The combination of static stress (weight of fluid and sucker rods) and dynamic stress
(alternating travelling movements of variable velocity and acceleration, along with elasticity
and inertia effects) on the sucker rods can give a loading versus movement diagram that looks
like the one below for a pump filled 100 % and a medium pumping rate without any
resonance effect.

Traveling valve closing Peak load

Rod elasticity Top dead center

Bottom dead center (TOC)

Compression of gas
Travelling valve opening
Minimum load (Fluild load transfered to standing valve)

Zero load

FIG. 4.25 Theoretical dynamometric diagram pattern

Also to be noted, in addition to the loading diagram, is the counterweight line plotted when
the unit is at a standstill. In this way the torque at the reducer outlet can be checked and
rebalanced if necessary by readjusting the counterweights.

The various production anomalies on the pump and the harmonic resonance phenomena on
the rod string can give a very different image from the theoretical diagram, for example
(figure 4.26) :

© Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Artificialllii (version "a'')

BDC ~_ _? T D C Downward anomaly. The plunger starts its

stroke empty.
15t cause: gas in the pump.
2nd cause: level at the pump.

Failure of deeper rods or pump anchoring

~:___r~Lo~W~IO~OO~~: TDC The diagram is reduced to two
horizontal lines close to one another,
corresponding to low load.

Sand is present in the pump body.

Plunger is beginning to stick.

Bumping at top dead center (IDC).
Pump improperly calibrated or rod
string length improperly adjusted. The
plunger hits its upper or lower stops.

Bumping at bottom dead center (BDC).
(See above).


FIG. 4.26 Examples of dynamometric diagrams with anomalies

The measurements are made on the polished rod by a dynamometer that has been
temporarily placed between the horsehead connecting crossbeam and the polished rod clamp
(figure 4.27).

Dynamometers are highly accurate and can also keep the measured parameters on record
for computer processing.

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Artifu:iallift (version "a" )

FIG. 4.27 Installing a dynamometer Measuring intensity in submerged centrifugal pumping

a) The principle

An amperage recorder is incorporated on the pump control panel on the surface. It

indicates the intensity I of the current in the motor versus the elapsed operating time. The
diagrams are interpreted in order to monitor the pump's operating conditions.

Note that the hydraulic power supplied by the pump is mainly dependent on the flow rate,
the delivery head and the specific gravity of the pumped effluent.

b) Interpreting representative diagrams (circular diagrams involving 24 hours of recording


Normal operation
I) Under normal operating conditions, the ammeter recorder should plot a curve with an
axial symmetry and an amperage value equal to or close to the value indicated on the
nameplate. Figure 4.28 illustrates this ideal condition.
2) As long as the curve is symmetrical and constant the pump is operating properly. Any
deviation from this normal diagram is due to abnormal operation of the pump or
changes in well conditions.

Figure 4.29 shows the diagram of a unit that has stopped because of an intensity overlead.
Section A and section B of the curve show start up followed by operation with normal
amperage. Section C shows a gradual increase in amperage until it goes over the limit, then
shutdown because of an intensity overload.
Note: Do not attempt to start up again until the cause of the overload has been corrected.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

Usual causes of shutdown:

• increased specific gravity of the pumped fluid and as a result increase power and
• sand production,
• emulsion or increasing viscosity,
• mechanical or electrical problems such as overheating of the motor or equipment
• miscellaneous electrical problems.

FIG. 4.28 Normal diagram FIG. 4.29 Diagram with overloading

Pumping a slightly gassy fluid

Figure 4.30 shows the diagram of a unit that is properly rated but is pumping a slightly
gassy fluid. The variations in amperage are caused by pumping liquid and gas with different
specific gravity intennittently. This condition is often seen in conjunction with a reduction in

Gas lock in the pump

Figure 4.31 shows an amperage diagram for a pump that is gassed up and continues to
operate with a slightly lower amperage. If the amperage drops significantly the pump may

I) Section A : the pump starts up. At this time the fluid level in the annulus is high, so the
flow rate is higher (due to a lower delivery head requirement) and therefore the
amperage is higher than nonna!.

2) Section B : the curve is nonnal as long as the liquid level remains within specified

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Artificia1lift (version "a")

3) Section C : the amperage drops because the liquid level falls below specified
conditions. Then there is a variation due to the gas beginning to be released at the
pump inlet.

4) Section D shows disturbed amperage due to gas interfering because of a liquid level
near the pump inlet. If the gas lock continues to increase the amperage may drop and
trigger shutdown of the pump.

FIG. 4. 30 Diagram with a gassy fluid FIG. 4. 31 Diagram with gas lock

4.2 Gas-lift

4.2.1 Principle and types of gas lift Principle

Gas-lift is an artificial lift production technique that is used to make a non-flowing or

insufficiently flowing well come on stream by lessening the hydrostatic back pressure
between the bottom of the hole and the surface. This is done by injecting makeup gas at the
base of the production string. Types of gas lift (figure 4.32)

a) According to injection method

The gas can be injected either continuously or intermittently.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

Continuous gas-lift: natural gas is injected at a given pressure and flow rate at the base of
the production casing. This makes the density of the fluid in the casing lighter and allows the
mixture of the two fluids to rise up to the surface, thereby making the well flow again.

Intermittent gas-lift: a given volume of pressurized gas is injected at a high flow rate at the
lower part of the production casing. This flushes the volume ofliquid it contains upward. As a
result, the pressure on the pay zone decreases and it starts flowing again. The liquid
accumulating above the injection point will be flushed out in the same way.
h.';z:z::'+ Gas

(a) (b)
FIG. 4.32 Types ofgas lift
a. Continuous gas lift b. Intermittent gas lift

Limitations of continuous and intermittent gas lift

The continuous method is usually suited to wells with a good productivity index
(PI> 10 m3/dayIMpa or 0.45 bbllday/psi) and the intermittent version to wells with a low
productivity index (PI < 10 m 3/dayIMpa or 0.45 bbllday/psi). In practice, it can be seen that:
• continuous gas lift is suited to a liquid output of 30 to 3 000 m3/day (200 to 2 000 bpd) ;
• intermittent gas lift is used for outputs ofless than 80 m 3/day (500 bpd) ;
• in the overlap between 30 and 80 m 3/day (200 to 500 bpd), a low PI well will preferably
be produced with a smaller production string diameter to the benefit of increased upward
fluid velocity ;
• the efficiency of intermittent gas lift is much lower than that of the continuous method
because the energy of the compressed gas under the liquid slug is lost when the gas gets
to the surface;
• the intermittent method is the only gas lift technique possible in good producers that
have a low downhole pressure because the reservoir pressure is initially low or has been
• in summary, 95 % of gas lifted wells produce by continuous gas lift.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

b) According to the surface injection circuit

The gas used often comes from the formation GOR (gas/oil ratio) of the relevant oil
reservoir or from nearby available gas wells. Two injection circuits can then be contemplated:
• closed circuit, and
• open circuit gas lift.

I) Closed circuit means that the gas that has been used is recovered at the separator outlet.
After undergoing various possible processing stages (gasoline extraction, dehydration,
sweetening, for example), it is recompressed by a serie of compressors and reinjected
into the wells (figure 4.33).

065DP9808 Choke or controller


Gas for sale Gas for use in gas lift treatments

FIG. 4.33 Surface facilities for closed circuit gas lift

2) Open circuit involves processed gas from a

gas reservoir that is flared or marketed after
it is used.

Note: Wells may produce oil by self gas lift. As

shown in the simplified diagram
(figure 4.34), the oil from the oil reservoir is
lifted by means of the gas from a gas
reservoir located above it. The gas enters the
production string through perforations and
the injection system located between two


FIG. 4.34 Self gas lift


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Artificial lift (version "a")

c) According to the type of completion

Gas lift can be used with single- or multiple-zone completion and well production can be :
• direct, i.e. injection through the casing, production througb the tubing; or
• reverse, i.e. injection by the tubing with production through the casing.

Additionally, macaronis allow gas lift implementation by concentric completion.

4.2.2 Regarding the well Operating conditions in continuous gas lift

What must in particular be determined is the depth of the injection point, the injection
pressure and flow rate. These three parameters are interrelated. For a given flow rate, the
deeper the injection point, the less gas needs to be injected but the higber the required
injection pressure.

The final decision must take the pressure and flow rate conditions of the available gas into
consideration as well as the cost of any recompression. The economics of the system is highly
sensitive to the wellhead pressure and consequently to the separation pressure. The separation
pressure should be kept as low as possible given the separation and recompression
requirements (for closed circuit gas lift).

Figure 4.35 illustrates how the operating parameters for a well producing by gas lift are
determined on a graph, where:
H vertical depth of the zone in the well that is brought on stream,
PWH pressure required at the wellhead,
reservoir pressure,
specified liquid flow rate,
liquid productivity index,
bottomhole pressure at flow rate Q,
average flowing pressure gradient below the injection point (depends on the
amount of naturally produced gas),
G(N+I) average flowing pressure gradient above the injection point (depends on the
amount of naturally produced gas and the amount of injected gas).

The graph construction in figure 4.40 shows how the following parameters are
HI depth of the injection point,
PI gas injection pressure required at the casing head,
QI injection gas flow rate
taken from: QI = Q(N+I) - Q(N)
with: Q(N+I) : gas flow rate corresponding to G(N+I),
Q(N) : gas flow rate corresponding to G(N).

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Arti.ficiallift (version "a")

PWH To treatment
Pressu e
Injection gas +: P

Injection valve

Depth PBH


FIG. 4.35 Graph showing determination of a continuous gas lift system

In an open circuit system, the maximum possible injection depth and minimum
corresponding required injection flow rate are determined based on the available injection

In a closed circuit, the required injection pressure and the corresponding injection flow rate
are determined based on an injection depth. The power rating and therefore the cost of
recompression can be deduced from them. Based on another depth. the same thing can be
done and in this way the system can be optimized with respect to operating costs.
Optimization is no easy job since the parameters involved (PR, Q, WOR: Water Oil Ratio)
vary during the reservoir's productive life. In the intermediate period (a reservoir that is
starting its depletion phase or when depletion is underway), when the bottomhole pressure is
still much higher than the pressure used in determining the final injection depth, the pressure
required in order to inject at this depth is higher (see point B, figure 4.36). Here it is
preferable to inject the gas at a higher point (see point C, figure 4.36).

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Artificial lift (version "a")


FIG. 4.36 Determining the optimum

injection point according to the
change in bottomhole pressure
"Final" PBH "Intermediate" PBH

PA : fmal inj ection pressure,

PB: injection pressure required with "intermediate" PER and injection at final injection depth,
PC: injection pressure required with "intermediate" PBH and optimized injection depth. Pressure gradients in producing wells

The aim of gas lift is to reduce the pressure drop in the tubing when the reservoir is being
produced. The pressure drop is due to :
• the weight of the fluid on its way to the surface,
• losses by friction caused by fluid flow.

It is complex to calculate the pressure gradients because there is a two-phase flow between
the bottom and the surface with expanding gas in vertical or inclined pipe. There has been a
large body of research on two-phase flow in conjunction with laboratory and field testing.
They have been used to adapt theoretical calculations of pressure variations to real cases in
production tubings. The conclusions of these studies are presented in the form of pressure
gradients in particular.

The correlations involve the variation in pressure with depth versus variations in gas/liquid
ratio, GLR, WOR and the liquid's density for different tubing diameters. The GLR is the ratio
of an amount of gas over a given amount of liquid (oil + water). It is expressed in cubic feet
per barrel or in cubic meters per cubic meter under standard conditions. Note that even though
the GLR is a volume ratio, the American units used to measure a gas flow rate (cubic feet) or
an oil flow rate (barrels) will make the GLR expressed in American units different from the
GLR in metric units (1 m 3/m 3 is approximately equal to 5.6 cu ftlbbl).

It is indispensable to use the gradients to solve gas lift problems and they can be :
• applied in a computer program, e.g. :
- DIFA program (Elf) based on research by Dun and Ros,
- Camco program after Poetmann and Carpenter,
- Pepite Puits program based onjoint ELF, Total and IFP research;
• gathered together in the form of a collection of curves to be used in solving gas lift
problems by the graph method (figure 4.37).

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Artificial lift (version "a")

In the second instance, the curves are presented as described in the following section.

For a crude, a gas, water of given characteristics, for each inside diameter of tubing, for
various liquid flow rates, BSW and bottomhole temperatures, the variation in the vertical
back pressure is given according to a suite of GLR curves ranging from zero GLR (no gas) to
an optimum GLR value. The optimum value corresponds to a minimum gradient and
therefore represents the maximum amount of gas to be injected. Any further injection of gas
would introduce more pressure losses by friction than the gain in making the fluid column

The curves are convenient and quick to use. The collections supplied by manufacturers are
complete enough so that the real problem data can be adjusted with sufficient accuracy to the
theoretical data used to establish the curves. They are a must for verifications or for dealing
with special isolated cases.

FIG. 4.37 Example ofpressure curves for a producing well Unloading a well at start up with unloading valves

a) Need for extra injection points

When starting up a well with gas lift, the available gas injection pressure is much lower
than the hydrostatic pressure generated at the injection depth by the height of "dead" fluid in
the well (figure 4.38). This is true with the exception of some very special cases of shallow
wells and those with a ready source of high pressure gas. The high-gradient dead fluid may be
the gas-free effiuent or completion fluid. It will therefore be necessary, for both types of gas
lift (continuous and intermittent), to place extra injection points in the column. They are
designed to clean out the annulus and unload the dead fluid gradually in phases by gassing up
the column in stages. The aim is to make the effiuent lighter little by little until the gas can go
through the final injection port.

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Artificial lift (version "a")


Gas gradient

Dead fluid gradient

Pinj. "bottornhole" P"tubing"

FIG. 4.38 Needfor unloading valves

b) Need for unloading valves

The dead fluid could be unloaded by perforating the tubing but this would result in
excessive gas consumption and a limited final injection depth since the gas going through the
upper ports would be lost for the deepest one. This is why the production string is equipped
with unloading valves. The principle is the same as for a pressure regulating valve that opens
as soon as the gas pressure goes over a threshold that the valve is preset for. Likewise, the
valve closes when the gas pressure drops below the predetermined value.

The valves are placed along the tubing string and locked in special mandrels at
predetermined depths. The depth depends on the available injection gas pressure at the
wellhead, the gas gradient, the static gradient of the dead fluid and the tubing back pressure at
the flow rate given by the unloading GLR. However, the uppermost valve is usually placed
and set for temporary overpressure, the kick-off pressure. The valves are set for closing
pressures that decrease the deeper they are located.

This allows the following to be achieved automatically without having to modify anything
on the surface:
• the well is unloaded down to the final injection point,
• the unloading valves close as the annulus is cleared out.

The casing head pressure drops automatically because:

• there is less pressure loss with gas than with liquid through the new valve that has just
• the back pressure in the tubing falls as the tubing effluent is gassed;
• the restriction to gas flow on the surface is greater than through any ofthe gas lift valves
in the well.

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Artificial lift (version "'a")

c) Simplified analysis of start up with continuous gas liji

In the beginning, the valves are closed except for the ones that are located deep enough for
the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid to be higher than their opening pressure.

As soon as pressure is exerted on the annulus, all the valves open (figure 4.39a). The
uppermost valve is submerged. Pushed by the injection gas pressure, the annular liquid is
transferred into the tubing by the principle of communicating vessels through the open valves.
Then the first valve emerges. The gas enters the tubing and ejects the liquid that is in it. The
level keeps on getting lower in the annulus (figure 4.39b) and the liquid displaced from the
annulus into the tubing is produced gradually by gas lift from the first valve.

To separator
f-_~:......:I~tion gas

+- <Dopen
To separator
_ Choke
f--,-f-i.~tion gas
To separator
_ . Choke
r:=f,=,~tion gas

+- <D open

+-@open +-@open +-@open

+-@open +-@open

+- ®open +-®open +- ®open

~, }t, -=- ~I X. -=--

i i i !
A B c

To separator
c",==f,=,Injection gas
r .+ -

+- <Dclosed
To separator
_ Choke
I-:-:--'-~-,I~tion gas

+- <D closed
To separator
_ Choke
I-_~:......:~tion gas

+- <Dclosed

+-@open +-@closed +- @closed

+-@open +-@open +- @c1osed

+-®open +- ®open ~
+- ®open

~, }t, -=- , ,~
; i I i --=L-..l-----

FIG. 4.39 Simplified analysis of start up with continuous gas liji

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Artificial lift (~'ersiOD "an)

The process continues until the time when the second valve emerges (figure 4.39c). Then
the liquid slug between valves I and 2 is ejected from the level of the second valve . Since the
opening pressure for valve 2 is lower than for valve I, the gas pressure in the annulus
decreases and valve I closes (figure 4.39d). Then as the level continues to fall, the liquid
displaced from the annulus into the tubing is produced on the surface by gas lift from the
second valve.

The process takes place until the third valve emerges (figure 4.3ge). Then the liquid slug
between valves 2 and 3 is ejected from the level of the third valve, since valves I and 2 are

In the same way the process continues until the final injection depth is reached
(figure 4.39t), with the annulus gradually emptied and the injection point reached without any
need for a source of high pressure gas.

This well unloading operation is automatic but still requires an operator to be present. If
need be, he will monitor the changes in annulus level with an echometer. Note that until the
first valve opens the injection flow rate must be held down so that the pressure increase in the
annulus is progressive and the velocity of the liquid through the valves is not too high. [fthe
liquid velocity was too high thay might be damaged by erosion. Gas-lift valve technology

a) General description (figure 4.40)

Gas-lift valves are gas nozzles that work like on/off control valves.
A valve consists of two parts: ""'''''''
• the valve itself,
• the latch to set the valve in the valve mandrel.

General principle of a gas-lift valve

A poppet valve opens or closes on a port and sized according to

the requisite flow rate. The poppet valve is connected by a stem to the
servomotor. Most gas-lift valves have check valves at the base of the
body which have practically no resistance to the gas passing and
prevent the reverse return of the fluid, thereby keeping the annulus
from getting filled up when the well is shut in. They are also very
useful in the event of further stimulation operations at a later date.

The servomotor that allows the poppet valve to open or close on its
seat can be of two types:
• pneumatic with a bellows,
• mechanical with a spring.

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Artifkiallift (version "a")

FIG. 4.40 Gas-lift valve

b) Bellows pneumatic valve (bellows valve)

The servomotor is a bellows chamber full of pressurized nitrogen. The valve is adjusted by
choosing the nitrogen pressure in the bellows.

Opening is governed by tubing and injection pressure while closing is controlled by

injection pressure alone. The valve is termed casing operated valve (figure 4.41).

This type of valve today equips over 90 % of the gas-lift systems.

c) Spring loaded valve (spring valve)

The poppet valve and its stem are connected to a bellows with no inside pressure
(atmospheric pressure equivalent to zero) that only serves to transmit forces and is not
influenced by temperature. Downhole the opening and closing pressures are controlled by the
action of a calibrated spring.

Figure 4.42 illustrates a tubing operated type spring valve. The annulus pressure or P e'g
acts to open the valve only on the area of the valve while the tubing pressure is exerted on the
force transmitting bellows. Consequently, the casing pressure effect is much less important
than the tubing effect for opening. In addition, since the valve orifice offers a restriction to the
fluid, only the opposition between Ptbg and the spring acts to close the valve. The valve is
termed production pressure operated by manufacturers and is often called tubing operated by

t Nitrogen charge p.an

I Bellows


i Poppet valve

FIG. 4.41 Simplified diagram of acasing operated valve
FIG. 4.42 Tubing operated type
spring valve

Generally speaking, a tubing operated spring valve is suited to wells producing by parallel
dual tubing string completion:
• a common source of gas in the annulus supplies two tubing strings that produce fluids
that may have widely different characteristics (pressure, density, GLR, etc.) ;

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Artrnciallift (vClr.lion "a")

• to make it easier to control the whole system, it is usually preferable to equip one of the
tubings with casing operated valves and the other with tubing operated. Tubing equipment specific to gas lift


a) Valve mandrels

There are three main types of mandrels that are tenned :

• conventional mandrels,
• side pocket mandrels,
• mandrels for concentric valves.

Conventional mandrels (figure 4.43)

They are made from sections of tubing. The valves and

check valves are screwed on before they are run in at the base of
a ported receptacle, which allows the gas to flow from the
annulus to the tubing. This equipment was the only type used
before the side pocket mandrel was invented and is mainly
employed in the United States on shallow onshore wells where
workover costs are not prohibitive. It is a fact that any trouble
with a valve means that the well has to be killed and the
equipment pulled out.

FIG. 4.43 Conventional mandrel

Side pocket mandrels

Introduced by the American manufacturer Camco in 1954, side pocket mandrels in

conjunction with wireline operations have revolutionized gas lift technology. The mandrel
(figure 4.50), made of forged steel, is an asymmetrical tube with an aperture in it. A pocket is
connected to the aperture and has a machined valve seat at its base where there are holes
communicating with the annulus. The two ends have standard tubing threads.

Incorporated in the tubing string, the mandrels are run in empty or with dummy valves
(blind valves used to test the tubing) during equipment installation. Then the gas-lift valves
are set by wire line operations. The valves are equipped with latches that keep them in place in
the seats. In addition, packing provides a seal on either side of the injection point (figure

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Artificiallill: (version "a")

The wireline technique, that uses specific equipment to set and

retrieve valves at any time without killing the well, is totally
operational and can even be used in highly deviated wells.

Lastly, side pocket mandrels also allow the injection point

depth to be adapted as the bottomhole pressure declines.

FIG. 4.44 Gas-lift valve in a side pocket mandrel

Mandrels with concentric valves

There are also special mandrels on the market without side pockets but equipped with
concentric valves . The gas flows from the annulus into the concentric valve by ports similar to
the ones in circulating sleeves.

The concentric valve can:

• either be integrated in the mandrel and the tubing must be pulled to change the valve;
• positioned by wireline and here the valve must be pulled up to the surface if access is
required deeper by wireline.

Mandrels with concentric valves can solve a number of problems such as space available
in multiple completion, etc.

b) Other specific equipment

In addition to the packer, specific equipment can be used such as :

• check valve,
• annulus safety seal,
• tubing-head spool.

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Artificial lift (version " a")

Check valve

A check valve can be placed at the base of the tubing to prevent any possible fluid return
into the fonnation . [t is indispensable in intennittent gas lift when the reservoir is seriously

Annulus safety valve

In addition to the conventional tubing safety system, a gas lifted well can be equipped with
a further annulus safety seal (subsurface tubing-annulus safety valve). [t is in fact a packer
located in the upper part of the well. It features a bypass for the injection gas controlled by a
control line and allows the volume of gas to be kept in the annulus in the event of an accident
(wellhead failure, fire, etc.). It is mainly justified offshore where a large pressurized annular
volume is a potential danger for the environment.

Tubing-head spool (figure 4.45)

[t is necessary to be sure that the pressurized annulus can not endanger the last
intennediate casing. This can be done by equipping the base of the tubing head spool with an
X bushing type isolating joint for example.

Tubing- head spool--;::t:::~ X bushing

Casing spool - - t -

FIG. 4.45 Tubing-head spool Kickover or positioning tools

Here we are only considering the tool that allows access to the side pockets and not the
technology and basic equipment for wireline work

In the wireline string between the valve running/pUlling tool and the jar, a special kickover
tool is inserted. It is used to set the valve or to retrieve it in its side pocket. The kickover tool
is usually found in two different versions:
o with extendable anns,
o with pivoting anns.

The examples below show how each type of tool works.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

Extendable arm kiekover tool: setting a valve with Cameo's L kiekover tool (figure 4.46)

The tool is connected to the running string by a knuckle joint and is used to position and
lock a valve in a side pocket mandrel. It has two extendable centering arms fixed onto a
sliding system. In the raised position the centering arms are kept closed by a sliding bushing
that remains locked as long as the string is in a running in position. Pulling the string back out
unlocks it and allows the arms to extend. Then the tool tilts over in the space provided in the
mandrel and its axis lines up with the axis of the side pocket (figure 4.47).

FIG. 4.46 Kiekover tool FIG. 4.47 Example of using a kiekover tool
a. Running in b. Unlocking c. Pulling up d. Setting

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Artiliciallift (vtr3ion "a")

Pivoting arm kickover tool: retrieving a valve with a positioning tool (figure 4.48)

This type of tool is indispensable in highly deviated wells and works as described below
(figure 4.49).

The tool, which has a double articulation, is kept rigid in the axis of the setting string when
running in (I). When pulling back up opposite the selected mandrel, a guide stop on the tool
slides into a special sleeve placed in the upper part of the mandrel. This allows:
• the tool to be oriented properly with respect to the pocket (2),
• a spring to act and push the arm toward the side pocket (3).

In (4) the tool has latched onto the valve and in (5) the pivoting arm goes back into the
upper narrow part of the mandrel and locks back into a rigid position after the valve has been
retrieved. The assembly is pulled back up to the surface.


FIG. 4.48 Positioning tool FIG. 4.49 Retrieval of a gas-lift valve

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Artificial lift (version "a")

4.2.3 Surface equipment for a gas lifted well Injection system

a) Continuous gas lift

The special gas lift equipment is usually confined to an adjustable choke on the gas inlet
pipe upstream from the annulus valve. The adjustable choke supplies and controls the flow
rate of injected gas.

b) Intermittent gas lift

Here the special equipment is a little more complicated since the aim is to get gas
injections with a variable duration and frequency. Instead of an adjustable surface choke as in
a continuous system, what is required is a device to control the periodicity and duration of
injections. The device, called an intermitter, must also operate automatically. Measurements (figures 4.50 and 4.51)

If gas lift is to operate properly, especially during the start up phase, injection parameters,
i.e. pressure and flow rate, must be monitored on the surface.

In addition to pressure and temperature indicators that normally equip the Christmas tree,
the annulus injection line has a double tubing and casing pressure recorder. The injection flow
rate can also be checked by installing a flowmeter. Measurements are usually made using a
system with an orifice plate and a Barton type recorder.

® 029DP9925

PI }--l.--j-----1




1. Pressure indicator 2. Temperature indicator 3. Pressure recorder

4. Manual gas flow adjustment choke 5. Orifice plate 6. Flow recorder.

FIG. 4.50 Simplifted diagram of the control and regulation equipment

needed on the surface during well start up operations

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Artificial lift (version "a")

FIG. 4.51 Continuous recording of tubing and casing pressure during well start up

4.3 Choosing an artificial lift process

4.3.1 Economic criteria

The problem is to determine which artificial lift system will recover oil the fastest
(discounting) in the largest amounts (recovering reserves) at the lowest cost (profitability).
However, the over all cost of artificial lift (investment and operating costs) is not easy to

As regards investment, though it is fairly easy to calculate the cost of specific artificial lift
equipment (pump, pumping unit, compressor for gas lift, etc.), it is much more difficult to
assess the proportion of extra cost due to the artificial lift process in the initial investment. For
example, the initial completion of the well is designed when possible taking into account the
future artificial lift option that will be implemented later on. Likewise an offshore production
platform is sized with due consideration to the extra equipment required for artificial lift.

As for operating expenses, although it is relatively easy to isolate direct operating and
maintenance costs related to the artificial lift system during production, it is much harder to
foresee them ahead of time. For example, the energy expenditure specific to the artificial lift
process presupposes that the energy efficiency of the process is known beforehand, and this is

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Artificia1lift (version "a")

no easy job. Likewise maintenance and repair costs are usually based on statistical hypotheses
(established in a given region of the world on a given field) which are not necessarily
representative ofthe field under study.

Moreover, in the same way as for investment, it is not simple to allocate expenses incurred
in treating commercial production (oil and gas) or non-commercial production (water, sand
and sediments). Treatment can be influenced by the type of artificial lift chosen, as some
processes give rise to emulsion formation or foaming, or facilitate injection of corrosion
inhibitors or demulsifying agents downhole.

4.3.2 Technical criteria

Choosing an artificial lift method requires a study of all possible processes beforehand
without any preconceived notions. The aim is to determine which one is the most compatible
with the requisite production specifications (wellhead pressure and flow rate mainly) and the
constraints due to the reservoir and its environment. Three types of criteria are involved in the

The first and simplest one is related to the energy source necessary for the process, its
availability and access cost. From this standpoint processes with low energy efficiency will be
at a disadvantage in regions where energy supply is expensive. The second criterion is dual:
pump pressure head (or target pressure) and liquid flow rate to be produced, with the product
of the two representing the installed power that is needed. Note that the required pressure
head is related to the bottomhole pressure and the depth of the well.

The other criteria take into account all the different operating constraints that stem from
the following factors:
• The general environment. The state of the site, climatic conditions, the industrial
environment, safety regulations and regulationns concerning environmental protection
are involved. As a result, the choice might favor sophisticated expertise and
maintenance with better energy performance when qualified manpower is available for
repairs and maintenance at an acceptable cost. In contrast, if there is associated gas in
the field that can not be commercialized readily but provides a low-cost energy source,
this will tip the balance toward processes with lower efficiency performance.
• The infrastructure on the surface and the immediate environment. The fact that wells are
isolated or on the contrary grouped together in a cluster influences the choice of process.
Ancillary surface equipment is usually substantial, so a number of factors need to be
considered: available space and its cost, the number of equipment components,
equipment maintenance and lifetime, risks of breakdowns, means of automation,
standardization of parts, etc.
• The well architecture. Particularly the well profile, the available space, the number of
levels to be produced separately and the well depth.
• The characteristics of the effiuent that will be produced. Particularly temperature
(related to the depth of the well), the water cut, presence of free gas, corrosive
substances and sand, and viscosity.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

4.3.3 Making a decision

In practice, it is based on such qualitative and quantitative criteria that the choice of an
artificial lift process is made. They are often difficult to assess and can vary with time. It is
not easy and care must be taken not to be misled by good or bad experience in the past with
any given process. From one reservoir to another a large number of parameters can change
and technology is progressing daily. Given the uncertainties (about how the field will
perform, etc.), especially when the field needs artificial lift from the outset, a temporary
system can be selected. Be sure it does not become permanent without having been

4.3.4 Main advantages and drawbacks of artificial lift processes

The discussion is limited to the four most common artificial lift methods, i.e. :
• sucker rod pumping,
• submerged centrifugal pumping,
• plunger or jet hydraulic pumping,
• continuous gas lift,

excluding other processes which are currently more marginal such as :

• the Moyno pump,
• the turbine pump,
• intermittent gas lift. Sucker rod pumping

a) Main advantages
• The most widespread technology, relatively simple and well known in the industry.
• Well suited to low and moderate flow rates (only if the pump is not too deep, however).
• The flow rate can be changed easily (rate, stroke), flexible operation.
• Compatible with very low bottomhole pressure.
• If there is a subsurface problem, it can be solved by a relatively lightweight servicing
• Suited to isolated wells.
• Mechanical beam units are simple and durable, with low operating expenses as a result.
• Hydraulic units occupy little space and long stroke units are very useful for viscous and
gassy crudes.

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Artifidallift (version "a")

b) Main drawbacks
o Possible flow rate decreases severely with the depth required for the pump. Maximum
performance is approximately 25 m 3/day (150 bpd) at 3 000 m (10 000 ft) depth and 250
m 3/day (1 500 bpd) at 750 m (2 500 ft), depending on the maximum allowable stress on
the sucker rods.
o Reduced volumetric efficiency in wells with high GaRs.
o Beam pumping units take up too much space and are too heavy for offshore platforms.
o Initial investment cost is high for sophisticated large capacity pumps, especially for
hydraulic units.
o Major problem of sucker rod strength when there is a corrosive emuent.
o III suited to "crooked" well profiles. Submerged centrifugal pumping

a) Main advantages
o High flow rates are possible at shallow or average depths.
o Well suited to production with a high water cut.
o Surface equipment takes up little space.
o Daily monitoring problems reduced to a minimum unless the pump breaks down.
o Good energy efficiency, advantageous if there is access to an existing cheap power

b) Main drawbacks
o Output capacity strongly influenced by depth.
o Limited in temperature and consequently in depth.
o III suited to low flow rates.
o Tubing must be pulled in the event of trouble (operating costs and costly downtime,
especially offshore).
o Not usually recommended when the GaR is high or when wells are prone to gas
o Performs poorly in the presence of sand.
o Little flexibility except if variable-speed controler is used on the surface. Hydraulic pumping

a) Main advantages
o Suited to great depths and deviated wells.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

• Pump (depending on the installation) can be pumped up to the surface so that it is not
necessary to pull the tubing (savings on handling operations and downtime).
• Working fluid can serve as a carrier fluid for injecting an additive (corrosion inhibitor,
demulsifier, etc.).

And, for the plunger pump:

• The size and rate ofthe pump can easily be modified to adapt to well conditions.
• Viscous heavy crudes benefit from being mixed with a lighter working fluid.
• Production is possible with extremely low bottomhole pressures.

And, for the jet pump:

• High production flow rate is possible.
• No moving part inside the well.
• Only minor problems if sand or gas are present.

b) Main drawbacks
• Initial investment In surface equipment IS quite high and its maintenance is fairly
• High pressure pump feed circuit (with consequent safety risks).
• Well testing causes problems, especially regarding assessment of produced fluids.
• Completion with multiple tubings may be required.
And, for the plunger pump:
• Rapid wear and tear on the pump if the fluid is corrosive or abrasive.
• Efficiency drastically lowered iffree gas is present.

And, for the jet pump:

• Low efficiency, 25 to 30 % (70 % for plunger pumps).
• Need for bottomhole flowing pressure of over 3.5 Mpa (500 psi), othervise detrimental
cavitation takes place in the flow nozzle.
• Is prone to form emulsions or foam. Continuous gas lift

a) Main advantages
• Well suited to average or high flow rates. For example:
from 300 to 600 m 3/day (I 800 to 3600 bpd) in a 3 1/2",
from 2 500 to 4 000 m 3/day (15 000 to 24 000 bpd) in a 7".
• Suited to wells with a good PI and relatively high bottomhole pressure.

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Artificial lift (version "a")

• Well equipment is simple and gas lift valves can be retrieved by wireline, operating
conditions can be modified without having to pull the tubing.
• Initial investment can be low if a source of high pressure gas is available (if compressors
need to be installed, this is no longer true).
• No production problems when sand is present.
• An additive can be injected (corrosion inhibitor) at the same time as the gas.
• Suited to deviated wells.
• Suited to starting up wells.

b) Main drawbacks
• Need for bottomhole pressure that is not too low, so sometimes the artificial lift method
has to be changed at the end of the well's lifetime.
• The required injection gas volume may be excessive for wells with a high water cut.
• Need for high pressure gas, which can be costly and increases safety risks.
• Can not be applied if the casing is in bad shape.
• Gas processing facilities (dehydration, sweetening) can compound compression costs.
• Foaming problems may get worse.
• Surface infrastructure is particularly expensive if wells are scattered over a large area.
• Rather low efficiency, especially in a deep well.

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, -~
I" . l IlA 'NINO



Chapter 5 from "Well completion and servicing"


@Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - Forage' Production' Gisement

Ref. : version aa ~
Summary Chapter V: Well servicing and worlcover (version "a")


5.1 MAIN TYPES OF OPERATIONS ................................................................................................ ..

5.1.1 Measurement operations ......................................... ,........................................................................... 2 At the wellhead.................................................................. ................................................... 2 In the tubing ......................................................................................................................... 3 At the bottomhole...................................... .............................. ............... ......... ............... ...... 3
5.1.2 Maintenance operations...................... ...... ................. ....... ......... ........ ................... ......... ............... ...... 3 On the wellhead.................................................................................................................... 3 In the tubing and its equipment.. ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ........ .......... ...... ...... 3 At the bottomhole and the pay zone-borehole connection.................................................... 4
5.1.3 Workoveroperations........................................................................................................................... 4 Equipment failure............................................................ ..................................................... 4 Modifications in production conditions................................................................................ 5 Restoration or modification of the pay zone-borehole connection ....................................... 5 Change in the purpose of the well........................................................................................ 6 Fishing.................................................................................................................................. 6

5.2 LIGHT OPERATIONS ON LIVE WELLS .................................................................................. . 6

5.2.1 Wireline work ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Principle and area of application.......................................................................................... 6 Surface equipment................................................................................................................ 7 The wireline tool string ........................................................................................................ 9 Wirelinetools....................................................................................................................... II
5.2.2 Pumping.............................................................................................................................................. 15

5.3 HEAVY OPERATIONS ON LIVE WELLS .................................................................................. 15

5.3.1 Coiled tubing....................................................................................................................................... 15 Principle and area of application........................................................... ............................... 15 Coiled tubing equipment ...................................................................................................... 17 Operating considerations...................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Snubbing.......... ................................. ........................ .............................. ........................... ................. 20 Principle and area of application................................................................ .......................... 20 Snubbing equipment............................................................................................................. 21 Operating considerations...................................................................................................... 26

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Sum V-I
Summary Chapter V : Well servicing and workover (version "a")

5.4 OPERATION ON KILLED WELLS.............................................................................................. 27

5.4.1 Means of acting on neutralized wells.................................................................................................. 27
5.4.2 General procedure ofan operation...................................................................................................... 28 Preparing the well (before the servicing or workover unit arrives) ...................................... 29 Putting the well under temporarily safe conditions (before rigging up the servicing or workover
unit) ...................................................................................................................................... 30 Installing the servicing or workover unit.............................................................................. 30 Neutralizing the well............................................................................................................ 30 Replacing the Christmas tree with the BOPs........................................................................ 31 Removing completion equipment......................................................................................... 32 Downhole operations, recompletion, replacing BOPs by the Christmas tree. and start up... 32 Moving out the servicing or workover unit .......................................................................... 33
5.4.3 Depleted reservoirs ............................................................................................................................. 33 Losses and formation damage .............................................................................................. 33 Start up problems ................................................................................................................. 34

5.5 SPECIAL CASES ............................................................................................................................. 35

5.5.1 Operations on horizontal wells............................................................................................................ 35
5.5.2 Operations on subsea wells.................... ............ .................................... ....................... ...................... 37

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Sum V-2
WeU sen-icing: and workover (version "a~)


The profitability of a well as an investment venture depends on how long it is on stream

and on how much it produces. These lifetime and output are naturally due to the field's initial
characteristics. However, they are also dependent on keeping it maintained in good working
order and adapting completion properly to the constantly varying conditions prevailing in the
reservoir and the wellbore.

The term well servicing covers all of the operations that can be performed on the well itself
with either of two objectives:
• finding out how the status of the well itself or the reservoir is evolving,
• maintaining or adapting the well and keeping it in the best possible operating conditions.

By "the well itself', we mean the connection between the borehole and the pay zone, its
immediate vicinity and everything that is located in the well up to and including the wellhead.

Processes such as artificial recovery, which deal with problems on the scale of the
reservoir rather than the well, are not discussed here.

In addition, it should be remembered that operations that can or must be done over the
field's lifetime to keep the well in good working order and profitable are largely influenced by
how well the completion system was chosen.

5.1 Main types of operations

The operations that may have to be carried out on a well are numerous and can be broken
down into measurements, maintenance or workover. Measurements may involve the status of
equipment, the quality of the pay zone-borehole connection and the status of the reservoir in
the vicinity of the well. Maintenance and workover operations mainly affect equipment and
the pay zone-borehole connection.

Maintenance is the relatively simple operation that can be done with the well still
producing, i.e. under pressure, with lightweight means such as wireline units.

In contrast, workover operations entail using heavier means. They can sometimes be
carried out with the well under pressure (using a coiled tubing or a snubbing unit for
example), but usually require the well to be "killed" (i.e. placing a control fluid in the well
whose hydrostatic pressure is greater than the reservoir pressure).

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WeU servicing and workover (versiOD "a")

Although the expression "to kill the well" is commonly used, it is quite inappropriate. If a
workover is decided, it is not to kill the well but, on the contrary, to restablish satisfactory
conditions of production and to extend its life: so the expression "to neutralize the well" will
be preferred.

Servicing operations may be decided because of:

• operating considerations such as an abnormal drop in production, prematurely worn or
obsolete equipment;
• reservoir considerations such as knowing how the reservoir is evolving or how to best
adapt to its behavior;
• trouble that has cropped up when operations were carried out for the above-mentioned
reasons, for example to retrieve a "fish" (any tool, piece of equipment or other item lost
or accidentally stuck in the well).

5.1.1 Measurement operations

These may take place in a number of different locations. At the wellhead

Here measurements mainly involve pressure and temperature (or even sample taking) at
the wellhead and downstream from the choke. A variation in one or more of these parameters
means that there has been a modification in production conditions (drop in reservoir pressure,
plugging, variation in the percentage of water or gas, obstructions, etc.). The problem will be
identified with the help of the other available informations (measurements at the processing
facilities, downhole, etc.), and measures will accordingly be taken if needed. In some
instances, wells are equipped with permanent bottomhole pressure sensors and so this
parameter is directly available on the surface.

Pressure, or more exactly the lack of pressure, is also monitored at the top of the various
annular spaces to check the integrity of casing, packers (sealing system set downhole between
the casing and the production string) and production string (tubing). It should be remembered
that during well clean up or when boosting the flow rate above the maximum rate attained
before, the annular spaces (and all spaces where liquid may be trapped) have to be bled off.

For wells under sucker rod pumping, dynamometric measurements are used to monitor the
stress on the rods and the pump's operating conditions. For wells under artificial lift by sucker
rod pumping or by gas lift (a process that makes the produced fluid lighter by injecting gas in
the lower part of the production string), echometers can be used to locate the liquid level in
the annulus:
• for wells under rod pumping, pump submergence can be checked and bottomhole
pressure can be assessed;
• for wells under gas lift, it may be a help during start up or production (checking the
valve where the injected gas passes).

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

Even though they may be considered as maintenance, we also mention surface and
subsurface safety valve testing operations. In the tubing

Measurements mainly consist of calibrations to check that a wire line job is possible
(running a pressure recorder, for example) or in connection with a problem of corrosion or

In a gas lifted well, temperature well logging can also be performed with a recorder to
check that valves are working properly. At the bottomhole

The measurements can be a check of a sediment top, with or without sample taking, in
order to make sure that a tool (recorder, etc.) can be run in by wireline or to follow the
sanding up of a well. They can simply be measurements of pressure or temperature (during
production testing for example) at a specified depth, and possibly made in conjunction with
fluid (or bottomhole sediment) sampling taking for analysis.

Measurements may also be production logs : recordings of flow rate, variations in the
density of the emuent or the temperature, etc all along the produced height. Logging is used
qualitatively, and in simple cases quantitatively, to find out what each zone contributes in
terms of flow and fluid type to overall production. For example, a distinction can be made
between a well that produces 50 % water coming equally from all its perforations from one
producing 50 % water coming from only the lower perforations. Whereas in the second
example the pay zone-borehole connection can be changed to lessen water production (by
trying to blind up the lower perforations), in the first case modifying the connection will not
solve the problem.

5.1.2 Maintenance operations On the wellhead

In addition to routine operations such as adjusting the flowrate, opening or shutting in a

well, we also include lubricating valves, replacing faulty parts downstream from the master
valves, and periodic verification of surface and subsurface safety valve control systems (SSV
= Surface Safety Valve; SSSV = SubSurface Safety Valve). In the tubing and its equipment

These are operations connected with problems of deposits and/or corrosion such as
cleaning the tubing by scraping, injecting a paraffin dispersant, a hydrate or corrosion
inhibitor, etc.

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Well servicing and workover (version "a~)

Also included here is the injection right from the bottom of the well of chemicals such as
demulsifiers, anti-foaming agents, etc that make surface processes easier.

This operations may also be the exchange of equipment by wire line operations, such as a
subsurface safety valve of the WireLine Retrievable type (WLR), or a gas lift valve or the
fishing up of any item left accidentally in the well during wireline or another jobs. At the bottomhole and the pay zone-borehole connection

These are the operations to be carried out:

• by wireline, such as cleaning out the bottomhole with a sand bailler, making further
perforations, etc;
• by pumping from the surface, such as perforations acid wash, etc (but for an oil well,
this means all the well effiuent must be reinjected into the formation).

In actual fact, the operations in this category often require more complex equipment and
material and as a result will be dealt with in the following section.

5.1.3 Workover operations

Workover operations may be decided for a number of reasons. Equipment failure

a) At the wellhead

What is involved here are mainly:

• leaks at the lower master valve, tubing hanger or tie-down screws;
• damaged Back-Pressure Valve (BPV) seat;
• problems at the SCSSV line outlet: leaks or failure.

b) In the subsurface safety valve system

The following cases may occur:

• a Tubing Retrievable (TR) SCSSV is faulty, or a wireline retrievable SCSSV is faulty
and stuck;
• the landding nipple of a wire line retrievable safety valve is leaky;
• the control line is leaky or fails;
• an annular safety system is faulty.

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Well servicing and worko\"CI' (version "a")

c) In the pipe

Whether in the casing or tubing, the problems are leaks (improper makeup, corrosion), and
collapsed, burst or broken pipe. The tubing can also get partly or totally plugged up by
deposits that can not be removed by conventional wireline jobs.

d) In the downhole equipment

Let us mention in particular the following:

• leaks on equipment that has sealing elements (packer, locator, slip joint, circulating
sleeve, etc) ;
• a packer that gets accidentally unset;
• wire line jobs that were not properly carried out: stuck gas lift valve, wire line fish, etc;
• pumping problems (by sucker rods or electric pumps) : pump breakdown, broken rod,
faulty cable, etc;
• miscellaneous faulty downhole equipment: permanent sensors, etc. Modifications in production conditions

In order to get sufficient velocity to carry up the heavy phases (condensate or water in a gas
well, water in an oil well) after a drop in flow rate, it may be advantageous to reduce the
tubing diameter by changing the tubing or setting a concentric tubing. Otherwise, ifthe heavy
phase is left to build up in the tubing, it may exert too much back pressure on the pay zone.

When the well's flow capacity becomes insufficient, an artificial lift process needs to be
implemented or any existing process has to be modified. If in contrast the reservoir performs
better than initially expected, a larger output can be contemplated. This may involve
increasing the tubing diameter (if the casing size allows it) or modifying artificial lift (change
in equipment or artificial lift process). Restoration or modification of the pay zone-borehole connection

This type of operation may be waranteed in order to :

• stimulate (acid job or fracturing) a zone that is producing less than expected
• implement or restore a sand control;
• bring a new zone on stream;
• try to limit unwanted fluid inflow (water and/or gas for an oil reservoir, water for a gas
reservoir) by a remedial cementing, by isolating perforations or abandoning a zone;
• restore a cementing to avoid connection layers from communicating with each other, etc.

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Well servicing and workover (version "a") Change in the purpose of the well

When the conditions in a field have evolved, particularly when water/oil, oil/gas or
water/gas contacts (or transition zones) have progressed, a production well may be turned into
an injection or observation well (or vice versa) while the same formation is still being
produced. However, this does not necessarily entail a workover operation.

After considering field evolution, it may also be decided to shut a producing zone that is
more efficiently drained elsewhere, while opening a formation that had previously been
ignored. Depending on the well configuration, this may be done simply by operations on the
existing well, but it also may require deepening the well or sidetracking it.
Finally, the well may have to be abandoned temporarily or permanently. Fishing

When measurement, maintenance or workover operations are carried out, "fish" may
accidentally be left in the well. The problem is then to attempt to retrieve it.

5.2 Light operations on live wells

The basic method of servicing a live well is by wireline. Other methods (such as pumping,
etc.) are sometimes used.

5.2.1 Wireline work Principle and area of application

Wireline is a technique used to operate in a producing or injecting well by means of a steel

cable (usually a slick line) to enter, run, set and retrieve the tools and measurement
instruments needed for rational production.

The advantages of this technique are important:

• work can be done inside the tubing without killing the well ; by means of a lubricator
connected to the wellhead, operations can be carried out under pressure and even
without stopping production;
• operations are performed quickly due to the use of lightweight, highly mobile equipment
run by two or three specialized operators;
• money is saved because of the first two points:
- production is hardly stopped or not stopped at all,
- the pay zone is not damaged during operation (the well is not killed),
simple material and limited human resources are simple, consequently readily
implemented at relatively low cost.

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Wen servicing and wOIkover (version "a")

There are, however, a number of drawbacks and limitations:

• the work requires highly qualified personnel;
• it is risky to work in wells that are highly deviated, produce a lot of sand or have a
viscous emuent ;
• operations are impossible when there are hard deposits;
• the possibilities afforded by the wire are limited (it can only work in tension at very
moderate loads, no rotation or circulation is possible).
Wire line jobs can be classified into three different types:
• checking and cleaning the tubing or the bottomhole (inside diameter, corrosion,
clogging, sediment top, etc.) ;
• carrying out measurements (bottomhole temperature and pressure recordings, sampling,
locating interfaces, production logging, etc.) ;
• running or retrieving tools and operating in the well (setting and pulling subsurface
safety valves, bottomhole chokes, plugs, gas lift valves, etc ; shifting circulating
sleeves; fishing; perforating).

Some tools run into the well need an electric cable, in this instance the term is electric

The necessary surface and downhole equipment is covered in the following sections. Surface equipment

Whatever the operation, it will always be necessary to bring the following standard surface
equipment to the well site (figure 5.1) :
• the winch with a drum, the basic component where the wire is spooled up, which is
driven by a motor or an engine ; a depth indicator to monitor the wire going in and
coming up;
• the lubricator, which is a pipe of variable length equipped with a stuffing box sealing
around the wireline on one end and a "quick union" on the other, allows tools to enter or
be removed from well under pressure:
- the lubricator is placed above the swab valve vertically in the well axis by means of a
gin pole fixed to the wellhead by chains and collars beforehand;
- the lubricator is equipped with a valve to bleed it off at the end of the operation;
- between the base of the lubricator and the wellhead the following are located:
a) a BOP type safety valve closing around the wireline,
b) sometimes a tool trap to hold back the tools in the event the wire would fail at the
wire line socket, due to a faulty maneuvre at the end of the pulling out in the

© Copyright ENSPM Formation lndustrie - IFP Training

Well servicing and workover (version "a")

• the tensiometer, or weight indicator, that indicates the tension on the wire at the winch at
all times;
• miscellaneous equipment and material used in conjunction with this surface equipment
such as : hoisting block, hay pulley block, clamp, bleed-off hoses, etc.

Block and tack!

CLOSE·UP OF GIN POLE o Suffmg box --<R.
2" x4' lubricator --+II

handling line

Gin pole /---Httfr


3" x 8' lubricator

Connecting collar -
~anua1 winch
i==:=r /
Safety Valve:;l~lf
Hay pulley

FIG. 5.1 Surface equipment

The wireline cable is usually a slick steel wire of the "piano string" type, drawn in one
piece without any welding or brazing. The most common diameters are: 0.066", 0.072",
0.082",0.092" and 0.105" (i.e from 1.7 to 2.7 mm).

The wireline cable is delivered in reels ranging from 10 000 to 25 000 feet (3 000 to 7 500
m). The weight is normally expressed in weight per length, i.e mainly in pounds per 1 000
feet or in grams per meter. For example, the 0.072" (1.83 mm) ordinary steel wire has a
weight of 17 glm (11 Ib/l0 3 ft) and a breaking load of 4.4 kN (985 Ib) ; for a 0.092" (2.34
mm) wire, the figures are 33 glm (22 Ib/l0 3 ft) and 7 kN (1 590 Ib) respectively. The
breaking load of stainless wire amounts to only about two-thirds of this.

The stuffing box is placed on the uppermost end of the lubricator and allows the cable to
pass through into the well while providing a seal at the same time.

It consists of three assemblies (figure 5.2) :

• a lower quick union;

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Well servicing and worko'ier (version "a")

• a body with packings that can be compressed against the cable by means of the packing
nut, and a mobile safety plunger with a sealing element that comes to rest against the
main packing lower gland and seals against it if the wire should fail ;
• a sheave and its holder that can rotate on the lubricator's axis so as to line up with the
hay pulley at the Christmas tree level.

Pulley --------t:-

Packing nut -


Quick union
Plunger -----"=1--'1' 103DP9808
FIG. 5.2 Stuffing box

Located between the lubricator and the top of the wellhead, the wire line valve, or BOP
(figure 5.3), is used to isolate the first from the second by closing quickly around the wireline.
It is often necessary to have a wire line valve for safety reasons or for special operations such
as wire fishing. In contrast with the stuffing box, this safety valve, commonly called BOP
(Blow Out Preventer) is designed to be used under static conditions (wire at rest). Models
differ from one manufacturer to another, but the basic principle consists in rams with rubber
sealing elements that press against one another tightly around the wire. The rams are actuated
either hydraulically or with a handwheel.

FIG. 5.3 Double BOP The wireline tool string

The tool string is all the equipment placed above the specialized tools (e.g. for checking
and maintenance, setting and retrieving, fishing, etc.) and is used to run them in hole. It is
connected to the wire by a special socket.

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Well servicing and workover (version nan)

Even though the string's makeup depends on the job that is going to be done and the well
conditions, the tool string usually consists of:
• A rope socket (figure 5.4)
This socket is connected to the wire by means of a special knot tied inside.
• Stems or sinker bar (figure 5.5),
These are heavy bars that allow the string to be run into the well despite wellhead
pressure and friction. They also serve as percussion weights to accentuate the jarring
• A mechanical jar (figure 5.6),
Jars make it possible to hammer with the stems at the end of the stroke in order to shear
a pin in a tool (running, pulling, etc.) or for use in a maintenance or fishing operation
(scraping, etc.). No jar is used when measurement instruments such as pressure
recorders, etc are run.
• A knuckle joint (figure 5.7),
Because of its joint, though the angle is limited, the knuckle joint can provide flexibility
to the tool string (centering tools, deviated wells, etc ).

Specific equipment can be added such as a quick-lock coupling, a hydraulic jar, a kickover
tool, etc.

All of the components in the wire line string have a standard fishing neck. They are
connected to each other by sucker rod type threads that must never be greased or oiled and are
blocked energetically by hand with special tongs. The diameter of the wire line string is
chosen according to the inside diameter of the tubing and its accessories. For example, the
nominal I II2" diameter (38 mm) is well adapted to 2 7/8" and 3 112" tubings in particular.


tru:4--SPling holder

FIG. 5.4 Rope socket

a. Rope socket; b. Tying the knot

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")



FIG. 5.5 Stem FIG. 5.6 Spangjar FIG. 5.7 Knuckle joint Wireline tools

There are a large number oftools. broken down into four categories below:
• checking and maintenance tools,
• running and pulling tools,
• lock mandrels, downhole tools and other particular tools,
• fishing tools.

a) Checking and maintenance tools

These tools are screwed directly on the end of the wire line string and are designed to chek
and clean the inside of the tubing and the bottom of the well. Let us mention a few in
• Gage cutters are run in prior to any other wire line operation to check that the way is
clear. The shape of the cutter allows some types of deposits to be scraped clean (figure
• Scratchers are used to "sweep" the tubing. In the same way as when gage cutters are
used to clean the tubing, the debris has to be removed by having the well flow while
scratching is being done to limit the risk of sticking (figure 5.9).
• Swaging tools are designed to straighten tubing walls that have been slightly deformed
locally. They should be used with caution because there is a risk of getting them stuck
(figure 5.10).

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• Calipers are equipped with feelers and record the variations in inside diameter
(corrosion, deposits, etc.). Depending on the model, they record the maximum defect
found on a cross-section or defects along several generatrices.
• Sand bailers are used to take samples of sediments fill at the bottom of the well or even
to clean the bottom of the well or the head of a tool that needs to be retrieved. They are
mechanical (similar to a valve pump) or hydraulic (atmospheric pressure chamber
protected by a device that is sheared by jarring once it is on the bottomhole). They are
equipped with a check valve (figures 5.l1a and 5.l1b),

b) Running and pulling tools

These are specialized tools for installing and retrieving downhole tools. Downhole tools
are attached to the tool string by means of the standardized landing and fishing heads located
ont he upper part of each tool. Running and pulling tools work by shearing one or more pins.

Before using running and pulling tools, it is advisable to :

• know the characteristics of the downhole tool that is going to be run in or pulled out;
• check that the tool works and that it matches the downhole tool prior to running it in ;
• insert the pins that are suited for the work that is going to be done;
• be sure that the tool required for pulling the downhole tool is available before running it

c) Lock mandrels, downhole tools and other particular tools

We mention here only some tools:

• Lock mandrels that carry the tools screwed on under them. They are landed and locked
into landing nipples integrated in the tubing or sometimes directly on the tubing walls.
• Downhole tools such as plugs, equalizing subs, bottomhole chokes, subsurface safety
valves and tubing pressure test tools. Equalizing subs are inserted between the mandrel
and the plug as such and allow pressure differential to be equalized accross the plug
assembly (mandrel, equalizing sub, plug) before it is unseated and retrieved.
• Tools to operate circulating devices.
• Kickover tools to work in side pocket mandrels.
• Special instrument hangers that can be utilized without any jarring for recorders.
• Swabbing tools to start up or to kick off the well.
• Perforators which are used to make the tubing and the annulus communicate (usually
before workover in order to neutralize the well or gas lift a well that is not appropriately
equipped). There are mechanical perforators (a punch is beaten through the tubing by
jarring) and gun perforators (an explosive charge is fired by jarring). They are used to
install a flow bean.

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FIG. 5.8 Gage cutter FIG. 5.9 Scratcher FIG. 5.10 Swaging tool

'>D_- Ball
Bleeder screw


or aluminium plate

Shear pin

b. Hydraulic

Ball holding

~i1-- Seat

a. Mechanical L-+...II

FIG. 5.11 Sand bailers

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d) Fishing tools

Despite all the careful precautions during operations, tools and tool strings sometimes
happen to get stuck and the wire line breaks. Before resorting to more complex means of
action, a number of wire line tool may sometimes solve the problem by wireline techniques.

Here again there are a large number of tools, in particular those that might be used are as
• Wireline cutters, designed to cut the wire flush with the rope socket when the wireline
string is stuck. They are dropped from the surface and the impact on the rope socket is
used to shear the wire.
• Wire line finders, used to find the upper end of a broken wireline and tamp it down (by
light jarring) to make it into a "nest" so that it is easier to fish out with a wire line grab
(see following tool). Finders are bell shaped with a diameter as close as possible to the
tubing diameter (to keep the wire from sliding by to one side). Note: when a wire fails,
it falls only a little way down in the tubing, approximately I m per 1000 m (I ft per
I 000 ft) in a 2 3/8" tubing.
• Wireline grabs, which serve to catch the wire and bring it up to the surface. They consist
of two or three branches with teeth and the diameter should correspond to the inside
diameter of the tubing (run in only after making an attempt with a finder) (figure 5.12).
• Impression blocks, designed to identify the shape and condition of the head of the fish.
They are bell shaped and filled with lead (figure 5.13).
• Overshots, which allow certain types of broken equipment to be fished, .they feature a
ball equipped with a gripple (basket, spiral) that latches onto the head of the fish from
the outside (figure 5.14).
• Magnets, used to fish out small pieces of steel. They are protected by a sliding skirt
made of antimagnetic metal when run in hole.

FIG.5.12 Wireline grab FIG. 5.13 Impression block FIG. 5.14 Overshot

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5.2.2 Pumping
A pump can be connected to the wellhead in order to inject a treatment fluid into the
tubing or the vicinity of the wellbore (corrosion inhibitors, acid for washing perforations).

In fact this practice, which may seem simple at first, is not usually well suited to oil wells.
The effluent that was initially in the tubing must be forced back into the pay zone and this is
not necessarily easy (no injectivity) or may damage the pay zone. Otherwise a circulating
device at the bottom of the well would have to be opened beforehand. However, in this case:
• Depending on the circulating device, the type of effluent, the temperature and how long
the equipment has been installed, the system may no longer be tight when it is closed
• With direct circulation, the effluent is pumped into the annulus and this will pollute the
annular fluid.
• With reverse circulation, all of the annular fluid must first be circulated out and then
replaced afterwards. In addition, some of the treatment fluid may be trapped by gravity
in the annulus between the packer and the circulating device and this can cause
problems, if it is an acid for example.

However, this practice can be advantageous for gas wells, which usually have fewer
injectivity problems, or for wells where the treatment fluid can move downhole by gravity,
migrating through the gas.

5.3 Heavy operations on live wells

We have seen that operations that can be carried out by wireline are limited in particular by
the fact that:
• it is impossible to circulate,
• it is impossible to put weight on the downhole tool or rotate,
• the wireline tensile strength is low.

Other techniques, allow work to be done on pressurized wells in the same way as wireline
does and offset some of these drawbacks to a certain extent. However, they involve larger
scale operations in terms of manpower and equipment and they can not be mobilized as
readily. Two of these techniques are coiled tubing and snubbing.

5.3.1 Coiled tubing Principle and area of application

The coiled tubing unit (figure 5.15) consists of continuous metal pipe with a diameter of
3/4" to I 112" (19 to 38 mm) or even more coiled up on a spool (or reel). It can be run in and
pulled out of a pressurized well. The pipe with the end equipped with a check valve at least
(usually), is maneuvered via an injector head through a safety system. The operation requires
a specialized team of at least three people.

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FIG. 5.15 Coiled tubing unit

Coiled tubing units can carry out a number of operations on pressurized wells rapidly
(lightweight rig, no pipe lengths to be made up, etc.) and are first and foremost a means of
circulating in the well. They are therefore used in particular to :
• make the hydrostatic column lighter prior to perforating (underbalanced perforating after
equipment installation) ;
• start up or kick off of a flowing well (after a stimulation job for example) by circulating
a "light" fluid (i.e. exerting a hydrostatic pressure that is lower than the reservoir
pressure) or by injecting nitrogen;
• implement temporary gas lift (during testing while drilling, when waiting for workover,
etc) ;
• reduce, hence optimize the flow path through the tubing (in a well with heavy phase
segregation problems after the flow rate has dropped) ;
• clean out the tubing (sand, salt, paraffins, hydrates , etc.) by circulating an appropriate
fluid (water, brine, hot oil, alcohol, etc.) ;
• clean out the bottom of the well by circulating (sand fill , etc) ;
• spot acid, solvents, etc opposite the zone(s) that need to be treated;
• inject a neutralization fluid by circulating (prior to workover, etc.).

and also, depending for some of them on the diameter of the coiled tubing:
• spot cement plugs;
• clean out hard fill and scale, with a jetting tool or a drill bit associated to a hydraulic
• do lightweight drilling out (cement plugs, etc) ;
• perform some fishing jobs (with an overshot, etc) ;

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• set a "temporary" concentric tubing to inject inhibitor, for gas lift, etc;
• perform, with a hydraulic motor, some drilling.

Let us mention the special case of horizontal wells where coiled tubing can be used to get
tools into a horizontal drain hole, in particular for well logging (in which case the electric
cable will have been placed in the coiled tubing before it is pulled up on the reel). Coiled tubing equipment (figure 5.16)

Besides the tubing itself, the equipment in a coiled tubing unit consists principally of the
• a reel,
• an injector head,
• a safety assembly,
• ancillary surface equiment : a cab, a power plant, a crane, etc.
• downhole accessories.

Coiled tubing 9 Injector head

2 Circulating sub 10 Straightener
3 Wellhead 11 Weight indicator
4 Flow bean 12 Injector crane
5 Flow line 13 Tubing reel
6 Circulation tee with back pressure 14 Control cab
choke and control valve 15 Power pack
7 BOP with 4 sets of rams 16 Trailler
8 Stripper

FIG. 5.16 Coiled tubing installation

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a) The tubing

The tubing consists of a strip of mild steel rolled cylindrically and welded longitudinally.
Unit lengths of several hundreds of meters (about a thousand feet) are butted together by
radial welding to make up coils up to 6 000 m long (20 000 ft). The outside diameter is 3/4",
1",1 114" or I 112" (19, 25, 32 or 38 mm) and even more.

b) The reel

The reel, with a diameter of about 2.5 m (8 ft), can contain approximately 6 000 m
(20 000 ft) of I" tubing. It is driven by a hydraulic motor. The tubing coiled up on the reel is
connected by a reel swivel to the rotation axis. This allows the connection with a pumping
system and enables pumping to continue while the reel is coiling or uncoiling the tubing in
the well. There is a system to sprinkle corrosion inhibitor onto the tubing when it is pulled out
of the well.

c) The irljector head

The injector head uses a drive system actuated hydraulically (a series of half slips
contoured according to the tubing diameter and mounted on two chains).

Depending on the wellhead pressure, it must be able to :

• push the tubing into the well as long as the tubing weight is not greater than the force
exerted by the pressure in the well on the total tubing cross-section;
• then to support it.

It is also equipped with a guide for the tubing (or gooseneck), a straightener, a depthometer
and a weight sensor.

d) The safety assembly

The assembly consists of a stripper (components with sealing elements) that provides a
seal in the dynamic phases (tubing being run in or pulled out) and a stack of ram-type BOPs
that fulfill the safety function in the static phases.

The stripper is located above the BOPs. The sealing element is actuated hydraulically at a
pressure that depends on the wellhead pressure. The element is in two parts and can be
changed during tripping after having closed the relevant BOP.

The BOP stack is made up of four stages, from bottom to top:

• pipe rams (that close and seal on the tubing) ;
• slip rams (that hold the tubing) ;
• cutters (that cut the tubing) ;
• blind rams (that give a total closure either over a cut tubing or by crushing the pipe).

Furthermore, there are also valves to equalize the pressure on either side ofthe rams and to
allow pumping through the tubing if it has been cut off, thereby placing the well in safety

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e) Ancillary surface equipment

Other equipment is required such as :

• A hydraulic crane with a telescopic boom or a hydraulically actuated mast to install and
retrieve the safety assembly and the injector head.
• A power pack consisting of a diesel engine driving a hydraulic pump that provides the
energy required by all the equipment.
• An adjustable height control cab placed behind the rrel in order to have a direct view of
the reel, the injector head and the safety assembly. All of the controls, gages and
warning lights needed to operate, monitor, and keep the unit safe as a whole.
• If need be, a nitrogen unit, i.e. in particular low temperature storage tanks for liquid
nitrogen, a pumping unit with a cryogenic booster pump and a heat phase converter.

j) Downhole accessories

In all operations where the coiled tubing is exposed to the well's pressure and fluids, it is
recommended to use check valves mounted on the lower end of the tubing (at least two for
safety). This helps to limit the risks in the event of a leak at the reel swivel or in the part of the
tubing that is on the surface.

Other accessories can also be used. Let us mention:

• jet tools with radial and/or end nozzles to get a better cleaning action (jet tools) ;
• hydraulic motors used with a drilling bit (however, in case of a small coiled tubing
diameter, a large part of the hydraulic power is consumed in the tubing itself before it
gets to the motor and only little weight can be put on the bit) ;
• overshots.

These accessories are connected to the tubing either by crimping or by a screwed assembly
(figures 5.17a and 5.l7b).


FIG. 5.17a Crimping splice. 0 ring sea FIG. 5.17b Screwed assembly.
Friction cone and metal/metal seal Operating considerations

The tubing works in the plastic range at the reel and at the gooseneck on the top of the
injector head (to remain in the elastic range with a I" pipe a curvature radius of approximately
5 m [17 ft] would be necessary and this is not feasible in practice). As such, pipe fatigue must
be taken into account. It is related more to the number oftimes the pipe is coiled and uncoiled

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

rather than the depth it has worked at. Experience seems to show that the pipe can be coiled
and uncoiled at least 20 to 40 times without any excessive risks in routine operations. Acid
job and other specific conditions would curtail this number. Beyond this point the pipe should
be scrapped.

The following operational limits can be mentioned:

• Even if the capacity rating of the unit allows higher speeds, it is advisable to limit speeds
to 20 m/min (65 ftlmin) when running in, 40 to 50 m1min (130 to 165 ftlmin) when
pulling out and 0.3 m/min (1 ftlmin) penetration rate in sediments (in 5 to 6 m [17 to 20
ft] stretche at the most).
• As for internal yield pressure, the limit is generally 5 000 psi (35 MPa), which allows
circulating flow rates of around 80 liters/min (0.5 BPM ; BPM : barrels per minute),
160 liters/min (1 BPM), and 240 liters/min (1.5 BPM) in fresh water for coiled tubings
with a pipe diameter of 1",1114" and 1112" respectively and a 5000 m reel (16 000 ft).
These are relatively small flows that may be too low to raise sediments properly (the
required speed is around 30 to 40 m/min [100 to 130 ftlmin] with water). Viscosified
water, foam or nitrogen slugs, etc. must then be used.
• As for collapse pressure, the limit is generally 1 000 or 2 000 psi (7 or 14 MPa) to take
into account the influence of tension or collapse strength.
• As for tension, depending on the diameter and thickness of the pipe, the limit
corresponds in fact to the weight of about 4 000 to 5 000 m (13 000 to 16 000 ft) of
tubing in air (unless the tubing is composite pipe, i.e. thinner at the bottom and thicker at
the top).

To sum up, the coiled tubing can allow circulation in the well, albeit at a moderate flow
rate, but it is limited in tensional strength and, for a small coiled tubing diameter, allows little
or no rotation (use of a downhole motor) and does not permit any weight on the downhole

5.3.2 Snubbing Principle and area of application

Snubbing is an older technique (dating back to 1928 in Louisiana) than coiled tubing
(around 1960).

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Like coiled tubing techniques, snubbing

(figure 5.18) allows a tubular to be runwith a
check valve on the end into a live well by
means of specialized handling and sealing
systems. However, instead of pipe coiled up
on a reel, it uses tubing-type pipe lengths run
in hole and made up to each other by
conventional by conventional threaded

Therefore the pipe does not work in the

plastic range (avoiding problems due to pipe
fatigue) and rotation can be transmitted from
the surface. In contrast, tripping takes longer
because the lengths of pipe have to be
screwed together and due to the procedure for
running the connections through the safety
stack on the wellhead. Operating this type of
unit requires specialized personnel usually
consisting of a head of unit and three or four
people per shift.

The snubbing unit can perform all of the

operations that the coiled tubing unit can, but
implementation is longer.

FIG. 5.18 Snubbing unit Snubbing equipment (figure 5.19)

A snubbing unit consists basically of the folloving :

• a pipe handling system,
• a wellhead safety stack,
• a hydraulic power unit.

In addition, there are the downhole accessories incorporated into the snubbing tubing.

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0460P9925 Ift-~ Dual sheave crown

Handling cable

Gin p<lle - - - - - - I I I Tong arm

Q~S~~~S1- Office and workshop

Bleed off to lIaI'''-''~ ; -JI(
Choke manifold ~ f-- Downhole tubing equipment
FIG. 5.19 Snubbing equipment layout

a) The pipe handling system

According to the wellhead pressure, the system must be able to push the pipe into the well
as long as the pipe weight is not greater than the force exerted by the pressure on the total
cross-section of the pipe. Then it must be able to support it.

Hydraulic units are commonly used with double acting jacks equipped with two systems of
slips, one stationary and the other mobile (traveling slips). The mobile system. connected to
the jack movement, usually only consist of single acting slips. The direction therefore has to
be reversed when the balance point (when the weight of the snubbing pipe is equal to the
pressure force exerted on it) is reached. Note that as long as the pipe has to be pushed into the
well (pipe weight lower than the pressure force against it). the operation is said to be in the
snub or snubbing phase or the light pipe phase. In contrast, when the pipe has to be held up
(pipe weight greater than the pressure force against it), the operation is said to be in the strip
or stripping phase or the heavy pipe phase. The stationary set of slips consists of two sets of
opposite slips that keep the pipe in place whatever the phase. It is located below the low
position of the traveling slips.

With the traveling slips closed and the stationary ones open, the pipe can be tripped over a
length corresponding to the stroke of the jacks. Then all that is required to bring the jack back
to its original position is to close the stationary slips and open the traveling slips. After the
traveling slips have been closed again and the stationary slips have been opened the operation
can continue (figure 5.20).

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Travelling • '
slips ~(-!l-h.' 111 ...,.,·1,

!i "

ii I il

: :""'rI!IIIIII~i
: "
i, I


FIG. 5.20 Snub phase running in sequence

A rotary table can be added to the unit, usually at the mobile slips. Othervise a moderate
rotation function can be achieved by means of a power swivel-type hydraulic tong.

There are two main types of snubbing units:

• long stroke units (figure 5.21 )with a stroke of approximately 11 m (36 ft) ;
• short stroke units (figure 5.22)with a stroke of approximately 3 m (8 to 10ft).

Gin pole

Lift cylinder - - . Power unit

Mast assembly

Tool box Fuel tank

Hose basket

~ Toolbox

FIG. 5.21 Long stroke unit FIG. 5.22 Short stroke unit

There is a very wide capacity range for snubbing units:

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• Hoisting capacity in the strip phase goes from 60 000 to 300 000 or even
400000 pounds (270 to 1 330 or even 1 780 kN). In the snub phase, capacity is usually
half that of the strip phase due to jack design.
• As for the diameter of the snubbing pipe, usually at least 3 1/2" and sometimes up to
7 5/8" (respectively 89 and 194 mm) are possible. Actually the snubbing unit can be
used not only to work inside the production tubing with a smaller tubular sometimes
called a macaroni, but also to pull out the production tubing.

b) The wellhead safety stack

It consists mainly of the following components (from top to bottom) :

• a stripper,
• a BOP stack with stripping preventers and a safety preventer.

The stripper (figure 5.23) provides a seal on the snubbing pipe by means of one or more
commonly two semi-rigid sealing elements that the pipe slides through. It is used up to
wellhead pressures of 1 500 to 3 000 psi (10.5 to 21 MPa approximately) depending on
whether it has one or two sealing elements. It allows tubing connections to pass through while
maintaining a seal. Integral joints (integrated in the pipe) are recommended.

FIG. 5.23 Stripper

Two ram-type stripping preventers (rams equipped with a wear packer and closing on the
snubbing pipe) allow pipe to be run in or pulled out at pressures above and beyond the
stripper's working pressure. They are also used for tools that can not pass through the
stripper's sealing elements. They are separated by a spacer spool whose height depends on the
length of the tools used and on the maxinum difference in length between the various pipes
length to be run in. Figure 5.24 illustrates the BOPs' operating sequence when running a joint
into the well. The upper stripping preventer is closed while the pipe is being run in and is
opened only to let the joint pass after the lower stripping preventer has been closed. On the
contrary, the lower preventer is left open during running in and is closed only for the joint to
pass through the other preventer.

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• (ac:\ualed by hydmubc pR"u,..,)

. BOP open

• ,..,,,.01'!_

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

Phase A B C D E

Upper stripping (j) (j)

BOP closed - opens closes -
Lower stripping (j) (j)
BOP open closes - - opens

Safety BOP open remains open during stripping

Equalizing ® @
,"'alve open closes - opens -
Bleed-off @ ®
valve closed opens - closes -
® @
Tubing run in one foot - run in - run in to
coupling between "upper"
above upper next coupling
and "lower"
stripping BOP

FIG_ 5.24 BOP sequence when running pipes into the hole

The BOPs should be actuated only after equalizing or bleeding off pressure on either side
by means of an appropriate mechanism.

A ram-type safety BOP (also closing on the snubbing pipe) completes the wellhead safety
equipment. The lowest one in the system, it must remain open during all tripping phases and
is used only in static conditions as a safety BOP. It allows the sealing elements of the
stripping BOPs and the stripper to be changed in particular, and should never be used to strip
or snub.

Other components can be included in the wellhead safety system:

• a hanger flange,
• a spherical- or annular-type BOP which is very effective but its packing element can not
be changed during an operation,

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o a shear ram BOP,

o a blind ram BOP,
o extra stripping or safety BOPs.

c) The hydraulic power unit

A diesel engine drives:

o two main pumps for the jacks;

o an auxiliary pump for the BOPs, equalizing and bleed valves, slips, the winch, etc.

d) Downhole accessories

Check valves mounted on the lower end of the pipe are mandatory for snubbing (at least
two for safety's sake). If the diameter of the pipe allows the wireline work, instead of using
check valves screwed directly onto the tubing, check valves placed in landing nipples screwed
onto the pipe can be employed. Once the pipe has been run in and a circulating head and a
wireline lubricator have been mounted, the check valves can be retrieved; in this way reverse
circulation, etc. can be performed. The check valves will naturally have to be put back into
place before the pipe is pulled out ifthere is any pressure remaining in the well.

Depending on the operation that is scheduled, different tools can be placed at the end of the
pipe: jetting tools, drilling bit with or without a hydraulic motor, fishing tools (overshot,
fishing tap, safety joint, jar, etc ). Operating considerations

When tripping begins (during the snub phase), the pipehead is compressed due to the well
pressure, with the resulting risk of buckling. Consequently, the length of unguided pipe
(i.e. generally from the stripper to the traveling slips) must be limited to less than the critical
buckling length. Otherwise the pipe will buckle and may be ejected from the well. This
situation, which depends on the wellhead pressure and on the pipe diameter, is at a maximum
at the beginning of the running in phase (no pipe weight to offset the pressure). For example,
at the beginning of the running in phase with a wellhead pressure of 10 MPa (1 450 psi), the
critical length is :
o about 4 m (13 ft) for a 1.9" (48 mm) tubing;
o about 7 m (23 ft) for a 3 112" (89 mm) tubing.

When the traveling system has only one set of single acting slips, it will have to be
reversed at the balance point. In order to go straight from a status where slips are needed in
one direction to one where they are needed in the opposite direction, it is possible to :
o start with empty pipe and fill it to "jump" over the balance point when running in ;
o use the wellhead pressure both when running in and pulling out, i.e. get the well to flow
or close it, depending whether the rest of the trip is made with the well closed or

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

The lifetime of sealing elements is highly variable. Stripper sealing elements can just as
easily allow a round trip to 3 000 m (10 000 ft) without any problem as need to be changed
every 80 m (260 ft) when pulling out a rough pipe, covered with asphalt deposits, etc. When
the trip is made using a ram-type stripping BOP, the packing element is changed every 20 to
30 pipe lengths meanwhile a spherical BOP can sometimes hold up for the whole operation
with no trouble.

Tripping speeds depend on whether the pipe is going through the stripper alone or through
the ram-type stripping BOPs. In the first case, speeds of approximately 600 m (2 000 ft) per
hour can be reached (i.e. 10 m/min [30 ftlmin] in comparison with the 20 to 40 m/min [60 to
120 ftlmin] in coiled tubing operations depending on whether the tubing is being run in or
pulled out). In the second case, the speed only reaches one quarter of this figure, i.e. 150
meters [500 ft] per hour.

In principle, no snubbing operations are done during the night : the working day starts at
dawn and ends one hour before nightfall. The BOPs are then closed, bled off and locked along
with the slips. A closed valve is screwed onto the tubing. If the operation does have to
continue after nightfall, it should last the shortest time possible and the site should be well lit.
However, the present trend seems to be toward night work and this means adequate lighting
and some restrictions on the operations that are authorized. In particular, no tubing tripping is
done in the snub phase during the night.

5.4 Operation on killed wells

For some types of servicing jobs, especially when the tubing and its equipment have to be
pulled out, it may be preferable or necessary to kill the well beforehand, i.e. place a control
fluid in the well that exerts a hydrostatic pressure greater than the reservoir pressure. Work
can then be done with the well open without any wellhead pressure.

Remind that, although the expression "to kill the well" is commonly used, it is quite
inappropriate. If a workover is decided, it is not to kill the well but, on the contrary, to
restablish satisfactory conditions of production and to extend its life: so the expression "to
neutralize the well" will be preferred.

Generally speaking, the purpose is to modify the completion configuration and the
techniques used are exactly the same as during initial completion. However, particular care
should be taken to control the well properly and to redefine the new configuration to suit
present conditions (which can be very different from initial conditions) and future conditions
(which have become easier to anticipate) as well as possible. This comment does not just
apply to completion that is rehaulled to adapt to a different well purpose, but to all workover

5.4.1 Means of acting on neutralized wells

The required means depend mainly on :

• the depth of the well ;

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

o the equipment already installed in the well ;

o the job that needs to be done.

Lightweight units, called servicing or pulling units, can be used. These rigs are mobile,
lightweight, readily installed over the wellhead and principally designed to pull out or run in
pumping rods or tubings, usually at depths of less than 2000 to 2 500 m (6 500 to 8 000 ft). In
their simplest form, they can be no more than cranes. Larger units, comparable to a certain
extent to drilling rigs, are also used and are called workover rigs. They can be lightweight,
medium or heavyweight.

The unit is chosen in relation to the planned operation depending on its technical
specifications (hoisting capacity, possibility of rotation, pumping capacity, safety and
ancillary equipment, etc.), on its daily cost and geographical availability. In practice, priority
often unfortunately goes first to geographical availability and then to daily cost. This does not
necessarily prove to be the most economical in comparison with the overall cost of the
operation (duration, results, etc.).

Whatever the type of unit, it must have the appropriate specialized equipment to be able to
complete the job in the safest and most efficient way. The required equipment includes the
following in particular:
o safety equipment: BOP, BPV, gray valve, etc.,
o high pressure pumps, storage tanks, etc.,
o hoisting, pipe makeup and fishing equipment suitable for the small diameter drill pipe
and tubing that are used in workovers,
o wireline equipment (including the corresponding fishing equipment), and even well
logging equipment.

5.4.2 General procedure of an operation

The phases and sequencing of an operation vary of course from one job to another. They
mainly depend on the equipment already installed in the well and the condition it is in, on
what needs to be done and how the operation is going to proceed in practical terms.

However, the detailed steps discussed below are generally involved:

o preparing the well (before the servicing or workover unit arrives),
o putting the well under temporary safe conditions (before rigging up the servicing or
workover unit),
o installing the servicing or workover unit,
o neutralizing the well,
o replacing the Christmas tree with the BOPs,
o removing completion equipment,
o downhole operations, recompletion, replacing BOPs by the Christmas tree, and start up,

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WeU servicing and workover (version "a")

• moving out the servicing or workover unit.

From a safety point of view, some steps are more tricky, particularly:
• installing the servicing unit,
• neutralizing the well,
• replacing the Christmas tree with the BOPs,
• "unsetting" the packer (or more exactly the moment when the casing-packer-tubing
tightness is disturbed whether the packer is unset or wether the packer is washover or
whether any other reason)

and, during the "recompletion" steps:

• perforating or reperforating,
• high pressure, etc pumping,
• replacing BOPs by the Christmas tree,
• start up,
• moving out the servicing or workover unit. Preparing the well (before the servicing or workover unit arrives)

This mainly means:

• checking the status of the well by wire line techniques (checking the tubing, tag

and sometimes:
• checking the well integrity (pressure testing, etc.),
• opening a circulating device downhole.

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Well servicing and wO!Xover (version "a") Putting the well under temporarily safe conditions (before rigging up the
servicing or workover unit)

This safety operation in fact also involves all the nearby wells (particularly if the well is in
a cluster) that might be hit when the servicing or workover unit is getting set up. It consists in
setting plugs in the tubing in order to install the servicing unit on the wellhead under optimum
safe conditions.

There are three basic ways of doing this:

• using plugs run by wireline and locked in landing nipples in the tubing (generally at the
bottom of the well, near the packer),
• closing the subsurface safety valve if there is one,
• setting a back pressure valve in the tubing hanger.

At least two (or three) of these safety barriers are normally used.

The various lines connected to the wellhead on the surface (flowlines, etc.) also have to be
isolated and dismantled and nearby equipment that might be damaged has to be bled off. Installing the servicing or workover unit

Once the well has been placed under temporarily safe conditions, the rig and all its
equipment (tank, pumps, workshop, etc.) can be set up in accordance with safety distances,
rules and regulations. However, the Christmas tree is not yet removed to be replaced by the
BOPs. Neutralizing the well

A well is considered to be perfectly neutralized when the workover fluid, whose specific
gravity is appropriate for the reservoir pressure, totally fills up the well (i.e. the inside of the
tubing, the tubing-casing annulus and the space under the packer).

The workover fluid is prepared in sufficient amounts (three times the total volume of the
well). In actual fact, the workover fluid is just a completion fluid, since the same properties
are required of it, mainly:
• to keep the well under control by its hydrostatic pressure,
• to carry up cuttings if drilling out or milling is planned,
• not to damage the formation,
• no fluid loss in the formation.

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WeU servicing and workover (version "a")

After the plugs that were set in the tubing to allow the rig to be installed on the wellhead
have been retrieved, the workover fluid is displaced in the well either by circulating or by
squeezing. Then the well's stability is observed. In some cases, neutralization is carried out
before the rig is installed. Neutralization techniques as such are dealt with in section 5.4.3.

The workover fluid used to neutralize the well is usually displaced in the well either by
circulating or by squeezing.

Except for special cases, circulating is normally the preferred way to neutralize the well.
The fluid is circulated as deep as possible in the tubing (above the packer, however) :
• either through a circulating device operated by wire line ;
• or through a perforation, perforation usually achieved with an electric cable (shaped
charges) .

The squeeze technique is used:

• when the circulating method can not be used (tubing has got a hole in it "near" the
surface, wireline is impossible because of a collapsed tubing or a fish, volume under the
tubing shoe is too large, etc.) ; or
• when injectivity is very good (true especially for gas wells).

Squeezing is done only after an injectivity test to be sure that injectivity is sufficient.

After neutralization by circulation or squeeze, the well must be observed to check that:
• there is no wellhead pressure,
• the levels are stable,
• there is no gas cutting on the surface.

Whatever the method used, there is always a certain volume left in the well where it is
impossible to place the workover fluid. This volume must be circulated as soon as the
completion equipment removal operations allow it. Replacing the Christmas tree with the BOPs

To replace the Christmas tree with the BOPs, it is necessary to have two or three safety
barriers, that is :
• On the tubing side:
- the hydrostatic barrier due to the workover fluid put in place at the previous step;
- one or two mechanical barrier: "downhole" plug and/or SCSSV and/or BPV.
• On the annulus side:
- the hydrostatic barrier due to the workover fluid if the well has been neutralized by
circulating; if the well has been neutralized by squeezing, the fluid present at this
time in the annulus is the annular fluid and, depending on its specific gravity, it
constitutes an actual safety barrier or it only decreases the differential pressure
exerted on the packer;
- two mechanical barriers: the paker and the tubing hanger.

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Well senicing and workover (version "a~)

The Christmas tree can then be dismantled at the tubing-head spool and replaced by BOPs
which will be tested. This operation should be completed as quickly as possible. As a result,
the personnel must be mobilized, all the equipment ready, appropriate handling and hoisting
equipment available, the wellhead bolts checked (mainly those of the upper flange of the
tubing head, etc. Removing completion equipment

Pulling out the downhole equipment can then start after the BPV (or other plugs that may
have been set in the well) has been retrieved. Ifthere is a kick while tripping, it is necessary to
be able to close quickly not only the annulus (with the BOP tubing rams) but also the tubing
itself. The corresponding safety device (gray valve, etc.) must be waiting on the workover rig
floor ready for use (threading compatible with tubing thread, maneuvering wrench, etc.).

The procedure as such for removing the completion equipment depends on the type of
equipment and its condition. Particularly important is the type of packer, retrievable or
permanent, and if permanent, the type of connection between the tubing and the packer (seal
alone or seal plus anchoring).

With a retrievable packer, and especially if there are any doubts as to the condition of the
tubing, it is better not to attempt to unset the packer by pulling directly on the tubing. Instead,
it is often wise to cut off the tubing a few meters above the packer (by means of an explosive
charge run in on an electric cable), then to run in drill pipe equipped with an overshot (see
section 5.4.5) to unset the packer.

As a difficulty or an incident can arise during the job whatever the care when preparing
and fulfilling the operations, a certain number of alternative must be defmed beforehand in
the workover program.

Furthermore, whatever the neutralizing method used, there is always a volume of oil and/or
gas trapped under the packer. It is important to circulate it out as soon as possible (for
example after unsetting the retrievable packer or after disconnecting the tubing-packer seal if
the packer is permanent).

Whenever tripping out, care must be taken to avoid swabbing (particularly when the packer
is pulled out) and to keep the well full (offset the volume of tubing steel by an equal volume
of workover fluid). Likewise, the well's stability must frequently be checked, and this until the
end of the operation on the well. Downhole operations, recompletion, replacing BOPs by the Christmas tree,

and start up

The techniques are the same as those used when the well was originally completed and so
they will not be developed here. Note, however, that bottomhole is usually checked
beforehand by running in a drill string equipped with a drill bit and a scraper.

C Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Well servicing and workover (version "a") Moving out the servicing or workover unit

In the same way as for initial completion, the rig can be moved out before or after the well
is brought back on stream. The same safety rules and regulations are complied with
(especially setting plugs).

5.4.3 Depleted reservoirs

Depleted reservoirs pose particular problems as soon as their reservoir pressure is such that
conventional workover fluids (brines, oil base fluids) exert a considerable overpressure.

Then the following problems are posed:

• losses and/or formation damage,
• well kick-off after operations. Losses and formation damage

The first solution is to use special light fluids, but besides foam (specific gravity from 0.1
to 0.2) there is as yet no fluid readily available on the market in the neighbourhood of the 0.2
to 0.8 range (between foam and oil base fluids). Moreover during the neutralization, and
depending on the way it is done, the bottomhole pressure is reliant on the specific gravity of
the annular fluid.

The second solution is to protect the formation with "temporary" blocking agents which
are usually products that are unstable with temperature or highly soluble in acid. The problem
with them is that they are never 100 % destructible.

The third solution consists in accepting to work with a "lost" level, i.e. with the level
somewhere in the well and not on the surface. However this causes safety problems (it is hard
to check well stability constantly) and is incompatible with operations that require circulation
(cleaning, etc.). Of course when working with a lost level, the work is not done blindly.
Especially, one will check carefully either the well stability (by echometer or, in some cases
by wireline) or the filling flow rate (to keep a downward speed of the workover fluid in the
well greater than the migrating speed of fluid comig from the formation. But if the injectivity
is good, it may lead to hudge losses and consequently to formation damage and kick-off

The fourth solution, when only the production string above the packer is involved, consists
in using equipment installed for this purpose during the original completion operation. It
allows the tubing alone to be pulled out leaving the packer and a downhole plug in an
extension in place in the well. Figure 5.25 shows this type of equipment and illustrates a
procedure that can be used in this case.

The fifth solution might be to use a unit allowing to work on a live well such as a coiled
tubing unit or a snubbing unit if they are appropriate for the job (cleaning the bottom of the
well, etc.).

Cl Copyright ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

Well serviciDg and workover (version "a")


IOOO'~~1---- Circulating device (SSD)

'\'1&Ic---- Disconnectable joint
W-IJ.<li\---- Anchor seal assembly
~II---- Packer

~I---- "Top no-go" landing nipple

~!---- "Bottom no-go" landing nipple

Procedure for pulling out the tubing:

I. A plug is set in the landing nipple of the fixed part of the disconnectable joint
(beforehand a plug can also be set in the top no-go landing nipple).
2. The circulating device is opened or the production string is perforated just above
the disconnectable joint.
3. The workover fluid is circulated into the well.
4. A BPV is set in the tubing hanger.
5. The Christmas tree is removed.
6. The BOPs are installed.
7. The BPV is replaced by a TWCV.
8. The BOPs are tested (between the TWCV and the blind rams) ; a tubing is
screwed into the tubing hanger and the pipe-ram BOP's are tested against on the
9. The tubing hanger is unlocked (tie-down screws).
10. The upper part of the production string is pulled out.

FIG. 5.25 Downhole equipment designed for partial retrieval of the production string Start up problems

The techniques described in initial completion are applicable at this stage, except that there
is usually no available kick off fluid that is light enough. In some cases, the problem does not
crop up because the purpose of the operation was to install an artificial lift system or readapt
the old one. In the other cases, it is very common to use a coiled tubing unit for nitrogen start
up or temporary gas 1ift, or, failing that, to use a wire line unit for swabbing.

In some particular cases, the rocking technique can be implemented. It supposes that the
well (well A) is not far from starting and that some other wells (wells B) with a sufficient
wellhead pressure and a gassy effluent are available. Fristly, the fluid present in the well "A"

o Copyright ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Training

Well servicing and workover(version "a")

is squeezed back in the reservoir by pressurizing the well "A" witb one ofthe wells "8". Then
the well "A" is quickly bleed off, hoping that some effluent (lighter and containing dissolved
gas) will be proceeded complementary to the squeeze fluid. In practice, it is generally
necessary to do again several times these two steps, hence tbe term rocking.

5.5 Special cases

5.5.1 Operations on horizontal wells

Except for tbe wire line, all the conventional servicing and workover methods described
previously can be used on horizontal wells. There are sometimes parameters that complicate
tbe job, such as the effect of gravity or the length of tbe horizontal drain hole. They may
require adaptations (better centering, etc.) or may restrict the type of operations that can be

Techniques other than wireline must be used to take measurements in a horizontal drain
hole. Wireline is not suited to horizontal wells, even though it can be used in deviations up to
approximately 65 to 70 0 , or even 80 0 with roller mounted tools.

First of all, the Measurements While Drilling technique (MWD). The logging tool is
incorporated in the drill string and the measurement is transmitted to the surface as drilling
progresses. Information is in tbe form of pressure pulses transiting through the drilling fluid
(or via an electromagnetic system). Conventional tools are now available (gamma ray,
resistivity, neutron, etc. logs) and research and development efforts are under way in this area.

Another technique associates the drill pipe and a conventional electric cable. This is the
Simphor (Systeme d'informations et de mesures en puits horizontaux : information and
measurement system in horizontal wells) developed by Elf Aquitaine Production and the
Institut Francais du Petro Ie and the same process has also been developed under other names
by service companies (figure 5.26) :
• conventional electric tools are fixed to the end of the drill string by a connecting sub that
allows the electric cable to be connected later on,
• the drill pipe is run in to the beginning of the zone where the logging is going to be
• a side port (with a sealing system) for the electric cable to pass through is then screwed
onto the top ofthe drill string,
• a "locomotive" equipped with cups and fixed to the electric cable is pumped through tbe
pipe pulling the cable down to the downhole connector,
• logging can be done running in and then pulling out by adding or removing extra lengtbs
of pipe.

Note that botb MWD and Simphor can only perform measurements before tbe well is

© Copyright ENSPM Fonnatioll Industrie - IFP Training

Well senricing and workover (version "a")

r-t-i- Cable

Side port



FIG. 5.26 Simphor process

The pump down stinger technique can be used either through the drill pipe or through the
tubing. The drill pipe or tubing is in place and stops before the depth where measurements are
going to be made (figure 5.27) :
• The logging tools are screwed onto the lower end of an extension consisting of
precabled pipe giving mechanical and electric continuity. The extension is long enough
to extend the drill pipe or tubing beyond the zone that is going to be logged.
• The upper end of the extension pipe is connected to the electric cable by a locomotive.
• Pumped through the pipe or tubing, the locomotive pushes the tools out of the tubular
(depending on the length of the extension) carrying the electric cable along with it.
• The tools are retrieved by pulling on the cable.

The pump down stinger technique is currently limited to small diameter tools. Moreover,
unless the injectivity is sufficient, completion must be without a packer or with two tubings to
allow the return flow of the pumped fluid. It can be applied to tools other than measurement
tools in a horizontal drain hole and in this case the cable can be eliminated; however, reverse
circulation is mandatory to retrieve the locomotive back up (completion without a packer or
with two tubings).

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")


Drill pipe or tubing




FIG. 5.27 Pump down stinger process

Another technique is to use a coiled tubing unit to push the tools down into the well. Here
the electric cable is run into the coiled tubing before it is rolled up on the reel and the tool is
connected directly to the end of the coiled tubing. The electric signal is picked up on the
surface via a rotary electric connector on the reel axis. The method is fast and easy to
implement. but limited as to the capacity to push tools. It is therefore not recommended in an
open hole. In addition, it allows only limited horizontal movements (approximately 200 m
[650 fil) when standard diameter rather than small diameter tools are used (such as production
logging tools).

The various techniques presented above are not restricted in application to horizontal
wells. They can also be used in highly deviated or difficult wells (very viscous fluid, severe
dog leg, i.e. sudden variations in deviation in one direction and then the other, etc.) where
wire line techniques can not.

5.5.2 Operations on subsea wells

Operations on subsea wells must be exception as the cost of the job is disproportionately
higher than for a wellhead above water. This is why subsea wellheads were long reserved for
extensions of satellite fields where fixed structures were not warranted and production could
be stopped if there was any trouble (to wait for a favorable weather window or for a servicing
rig to be available, etc.).

In order to cut down on operations and make them easier, the present trend is :

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

• For all equipment, from downhole equipment to wellhead control systems, to evolve
toward systems that are as simple as possible instead of complex.
• To anticipate how well conditions will change and what future needs will be in order to
extend the time between completion and workover, or workover and workover.
• To give priority to installing wet wellheads (in contact with the marine environment)
rather than dry wellheads (placed in a watertight housing at atmospheric pressure). Dry
wellheads were installed mainly in the beginnings of subsea production and today
account for less than 2 % of the subsea wellheads now in place in the world.
• To move toward systems that do not require divers for installation and maintenance;
however, installations located in water depths that are accessible to divers must be
designed so that divers can work on them without running any risks, Among the 1117
subsea trees in the world in 1996, 867 i.e. 78 % are located in the 0 to 200 meters range
(0 - 650 ft), 127 i.e. II % in the 200 to 400 meters range (650 - 1 300 ft) and 123 i.e.
11 % in water depth over 400 meters (l 300 ft) ; in 1996, 1041 subsea trees were
scheduled for installation between 1997 and 2001, among which 339 trees in water
depths between 200 and 460 m (650 - 1 500 ft), and 243 in water depths greater than 460
m (l 500 ft).

• To equip wellheads with visual displays and manual emergency controls for all
connectors and valves so that observation and action are easier for divers or Remotely
Operated Vehicles, ROV.

Servicing on the wellhead is carried out:

• either under water by ROV or divers,
• or after bringing all or part of the Christmas tree up to the surface.

Depending on the operation and on local conditions, this type of servicing requires a
floating support vessel that may vary in size.

For measurement and maintenance operations, the basic technique is wireline. Various
methods are used:
• A drill ship, a semi-submersible platform or a jack up platform, for shallow or average
water depths, and wire line operation from this support unit after installing a servicing
riser (with a lubricator), said riser being supported by the unit.
• A permanent rigid riser tensioned by a floating buoy, the wireline winch installed on the
buoy with a service boat supplying the hydraulic power.
• A permanent submerged riser tensioned by a submerged buoy (less than 15 m [50 ft1
approximately). When servicing is required a lightweight extension is installed (end of
the riser and lubricator) and work is done from the service boat.
• A submerged lubricator and automatic winch directly connected to the subsea wellhead
and hydraulically controlled from the surface from a service boat.

Some subsea wellheads have been equipped for the Through Flow Line technique (TFL).
Here the tools are run in and pulled out of the well by pumping them through the flowline
from a "nearby" production platform by means of a locomotive equipped with sealing

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Well servicing and workover (version "a")

elements rather than by wireline. It requires specific completion equipment, particularly in

order to pump the tools down and back up again (figure 5.37) :
• a double flowline,
• a TFL wellhead, a double wellhead with loops to connect up with the flowlines,
• a double tubing connected in the lower part by a circulating sub.

Workover requires remobilizing a heavyweight support unit (drill ship, semi-submersible

or possibly jack up).

Wing valves

Top valves ~===/'+l:lJ.J

Wye spool ---J

Master valves ~::±'i=i>1

Flowlines h~P~ Flowloops


Landing nipples for safety valves

Dual packer ---l-

Circulating sub

Landing nipples


FIG. 5.37 TFL equipment (one producing zone but two tubings)

© Copyright EXSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Training

~. enspm

Influence of perforation 1ength phasing find shot density Ouestion :all the other
parameters being
unchanged, taking into
SPF account the productivity
1.1 1~} 90.
ratio, will you prefer to
4 Phasing

perforate with a phasing
16) O.
ogun instead of a
0.9 ~~::::: ~/Phasing

phasing 90 0 0ne's?
u 0.8

"S 12-In. Wellbore diameter

0.7 O.4-in. Perf. diameter
No crushed zone
No damaged zone
0.6 No turbulence

0 3 6 9 12 15
Perforation length (in.) __

I ""'.

and tlow rates

Nominal Nominal Inside Drift . Oil flow rate Gas flow rate
tubing weight diameter (p=ISMPa
=2200 psi)

(rom) (rom) (m3/d) (103 Sm3/d)
(in) (lblft) (in) (in) (bblld) (l()6 ellftld
23/8" 4.6 50.7 48.3 150 ISO
1.945 1.901 900 5
27/8" 62 59.6 275 275
2.441 2.347 1700 10
31/2" 76 72.8 450 450
2.992 2.867 2800 16
4" 88.3 85.1 700 700
. 10.9
3.476 3.351 4400 25
100.5 97.4. 1000 1000
4112" 12.6
3.958 3.833 6300 35
124.3 121.1 1700 1700
5112" 17
4.892 4.767 11000 60
1S7.1 153.9 3000 3000
7" 29
6.184 6.059 19000 105
220.5 216.5 7000 6000
95/8" 47
8.681 8.525 44000 210
CRITERIA a) OIL : .6.Pfrfction :S 0.25 MPnIl 000 m (IO·psl/lOOO ft) and velocity :S 2m/s(6.Sft/s)
b) GAS : aPfrlttion :S I MPn11 000 m (40 psi /1000 ft) and velocity :S lOm/s(33ft/s)

C C<lJ»riibl ENS1'M Fanno~"" Induslrio· "","It ·I'r«!III:Uo.· GUcmm.


Ouestion'.·: in North Sea, it is commonly considered that

1million sm3/d is the economical flow rate for a gas well.

What is the corresponding diameffE' of tubing? ~
Tr.... cap~_~~
Question. •• Swab va"/e _ _~

What is the use Qftbfl Hydraulically ac:utu~~at~:e~d--4<:©~~~

upper master ~
(safety valve)

swaO-valve? Lower master valve--=;JiQ;~:::-o(> 1+ To control

Tubing-head panel
Tubing hanaer._..JJ
II side outlet

WLR type SCSSV Control line

(surface controlled subsurface -4+.fL1I'I
safety valve)
What is the purpose of Crossover sub -...;+~..i
the upper master valve

Circulating val"e----fil..iiiiJ

What equipment allows

to regulate the Landing nipple_--fHLJ

Tubing guide shoe _ __

production rate? ==-_Uner

_ _ _ Float collar
cement _ _ __
'-----_Cementing shoe ,_

• Question •

Advantages of underbalanced versus overbalanced

Drawback if perforation - guns are RIH once

completion in place?
NB:14 bar are the friction losses at the choke

Question : What is the margin ofpressure available to increase Q?

I Date


Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve (SCSSV)
for shuting of tubing below ground level or mud line

- Tubing Retrievable (TRSCSSV)
- Wireline Retrievable (WRSCSSV)

Ouestion .: list the main advantage of a


IFP iI lRAlhlJ~ii

Q1. The production gas oil ratio (GOR) is:

a) always smaller than the solution gas oil ratio (Rs) ...................................................... 0 ~
b) always equal to the solution gas oil ratio (Rs) ............................................................. 0 ~

c) always greater than the solution gas oil ratio (Rs) ....................................................... 0 ....
d) usually smaller than or equal to the solution gas oil ratio (Rs) •.•••.•••.••..•••.•••..•..•...•..•.. 0
e) usually equal to or greater than the solution gas oil ratio (Rs) ..••..•••.•...••..••..•••.••.••..•.. 0 •
Q2. On an oil well, the oil flow rate Qo depends mainly upon:
a) the reservoir pressure .......................................................................... yes D ........ no 0
b) the permeability .................................................................................. yes D ........ no 0 ~
c) the viscosity ........................................................................................ yes D ........ no 0
d) the radius of the well .......................................................................... yes D ........ no 0 li::
e) the skin factor ..................................................................................... yes D ........ no 0 ~
f) the wellhead pressure .......................................................................... yes D ........ no 0
..= •

Q3. When positive, a global skin (the one directly obtained from well test interpretation):
a) implies some damage (plugging of the formation) .................................... yes D ........ no 0
b) indicates a naturally low permeability ................................................ yes D ........ no 0 '5

Q4. Damaging: ....:::::~

a) Reservoirs can be damaged by solids one did not introduce (that
is solids which are naturally present in the rock or, if you prefer components
of the rock itself) ..................................................................................... yes D ........ no 0
b) A small thickness of the damage zone imply a small damage
skin ...................................................................................................... yes D ........ no 0 '.
Q5. By increasing the drilling diameter from 8 1/2" to 12 114", the theoretical productivity
index (for S=O) will be multiplied more or less by: ~
~ ~
~ ~
a) 1.05 .............................................. ,..... ,................................................ ,... ,................... 0
b) 1.4 .............................................................................................,............... ,................. 0
c) 2 .................................................................................................................................. 0

© Copyright 2007 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFF Training

"Well completion ft quiz

Q6. What are the main reasons to select a cased hole completion (cased hole, cemented &
perforated) compared to an open hole one?

Q7. Give a case where it is very important, if you need a cased hole completion, to perforate
with a high number of perforations per foot and with big hole charges.

16 ~

~~ ~
r:...~ Q8. In which main case do we use each of the following techniques:

- Gravel packing?

- Acidizing job
:0::: '.
~ ~
~ - Hydraulic fracturing

() Copyright 2007 ENSPM Formation Industrie - IFP Tmining

~.IF" _lRAINllliI;
"Well completion" quiz

Data for Q9 & QI0:

From a tubing design point of view (diameter selection), it is very common in a well to have
a pressure loss by friction in the tubing (for a tubing length of 4000 m [12,000 ft]):

Q9 QI0
for an fora
oil well gas well
a) smaller than 2 bar (30 psi) ..................................................... . 0 0
b) around 10 to 20 bar (150 to 300 psi) ..................................... . 0 0
c) around 30 to 50 bar (450 to 750 psi) ..................................... . 0 0
d) around 130 to 150 bar (1900 to 2200 psi) ............................. . 0 0
e) around 230 to 250 bar (3350 to 3650 psi) ............................. . 0 0 ..::::
t) around 330 to 350 bar (4800 to 5100 psi) ............................. . 0 0 ~

Ql1. What is a packer and give two main functions of a packer mentioning in each case the
main piece(s) of equipment with which the packer is associated to fulfil this function. :::
~ •





© Copyright 2007 ENSPM Fonnation Industrie - IFP Tmining

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Ouestion : indicate the main objective of well completion


I Date

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Result: _ questions12pts each: /

, ,- . / t F P. TRAININeJ -....-

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