The Robinson, Faris and Wind Model
The Robinson, Faris and Wind Model
The Robinson, Faris and Wind Model
The BuyGrid framework, as it is popularly known, was introduced by Robinson, Faris and Wind in 1967. The
BuyGrid framework comprises a matrix of buyphases and buyclasses. Certain buyphases exert
disproportionately forces over certain buyclasses and are hence very important for those buyclasses. The
buyphases are:
New Tasks: These are the first-time buyers who evaluate all alternatives. Buying phases 1,2 and 3 are
the most critical for this buyclass.
Modified Rebuy: These are buyers who want to replace the product that they use with a better one.
Buyphases 3 and 4 are the most critical for this buyclass.
Straight Rebuy: The buyer in this case orders the same product that he/she has been using and does
not want any modifications. Buyphases 3,4 and 5 are the most critical.