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ITEM 555.


DESCRIPTION. Furnish and place structural lightweight concrete as shown in the contract

MATERIALS. Use materials meeting §555-2. Perform additional work as follows:

A. Design. Design a lightweight concrete mixture, proportioned according to the American

Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Practice, ACI 211.2, Standard Practice for Selecting
Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete.

1. Produce a homogeneous mixture of cement, pozzolan (Fly Ash or GGBFS),

microsilica, fine aggregate, lightweight coarse aggregate, air entraining agent, normal
range set-retarding, water-reducing admixture, and water, as designed.

2. Use Type I, I/II, II (§701-01) or Type SF (§701-03) cement. Use a minimum

cementitious content of 675 lb/yd³. Use 15-20% pozzolan (§711-10, Flyash, or §711-12
GGBFS), and 6-10% microsilica (§711-11).

3. Use lightweight coarse aggregate conforming to §703-10, with a gradation in the 3/4
inch to No. 4 size designation in ASTM C330, Table 1.

4. Determine the cement content for each trial batch by means of a yield test according
to ASTM C138.
a. At least 10 working days prior to concrete placement, provide the Materials Engineer
with a copy of the trial mix design with the following data:
• Fine and coarse aggregate (saturated, surface dry condition) content in
• Cementitious content in lb/yd³.
• Water content in lb/yd³.
• Unit weight of freshly mixed concrete in accordance with ASTM C138.
• Dry unit weight in accordance with ASTM C567.
• 28-day compressive strengths.
• Batch quantities of all materials as they will appear on the batch record.
• The contractor shall provide a “target slump” suitable for the handling and
placing operations of the given project.
• The maximum w/c ratio is 0.42.

b. The Materials Engineer, or their representative, will approve the batch quantities
prior to use. Use these values to manufacture all lightweight concrete for this project,
and periodically correct the batch weights to account for changes in the fine aggregate
fineness modulus and aggregate moisture contents in accordance with Materials
Method 9.1, or current Department directives.

B. Stockpile Handling. Construct lightweight coarse aggregate stockpile(s) at the

production facility so as to maintain uniform moisture throughout the pile. Continuously and
uniformly sprinkle the stockpile(s) with water using a sprinkler system approved by the
Materials Engineer. Soak for a minimum of 48 hours, or until the stockpile has achieved a
minimum internal moisture content of 15% by weight. If a steady rain of comparable intensity
occurs, turn off the sprinkler system.

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If the rain ceases prior to the end of the wetting period, restart the sprinkling system. At the
end of the wetting period, or when a rainfall ceases beyond the end of the wetting period,
allow stockpiles to drain for 12 to 15 hours immediately prior to use.

C. Sampling of Materials. The Materials Engineer’s representative, will take a 1 liter

sample of microsilica in accordance with Materials Method 9.1, or current Department
directives, for each day’s placement for testing. Sampling of other materials will be at the
direction of the Regional Materials Engineer.

D. Batching. After the materials have been accepted for this work, determine the
proportions for concrete and equivalent batch weights based on trials made with materials to
be used in the work.

• If densified microsilica powder is used and added independently - weigh cumulatively in the
following order: cement, fly ash (or GGBFS), then microsilica. Base the batching tolerance
of ± 0.5 % on the total weight of cementitious material, for each material draw weight.

• If densified microsilica powder is used as part of blended cement - weigh cumulatively in

the following order: blended cement, then fly ash (or GGBFS). Base the batching tolerance
of ± 1% on the total weight of cementitious material, for each material draw weight.

E. Compressive Strength Determination. Achieve an average 28-day compressive

strength of 3600 psi, or greater, with no individual cylinder compressive strength less than
3000 psi.

F. Density Determination. Produce concrete with an average dry unit weight ranging
from 110 to 115 lb/ft³ when tested in accordance with ASTM C567.

CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. Apply the provisions of §555-3 and the following modifications:

A. Concrete Manufacturing and Transporting. Add the following to §555-3.01:

1. Use slump, unit weight and air tests as a control measure to maintain a suitable
consistency. Perform slump, unit weight and air tests according to Materials Method 9.2.
Determine air content by the volumetric method (roll-a- meter) as described in ASTM
C173. Air content and slump placement limits are:

Minimum Desired Maximum

Air Content (%) 5.0 6.5 8.0
Slump (inches) 2 1/2 3-5 5
If pumping of Lightweight Concrete is performed, the slump for acceptance prior to
pumping shall be within +/- 1” of the mixtures design target slump.

2. If the lightweight coarse aggregate moisture content at the time of batching is less
than saturated surface dry (SSD), introduce the coarse aggregate, along with
approximately b of the total mixing water, into the mixer and mix for a minimum of 10
minutes, then continue batching the remaining ingredients. If the coarse aggregate is in
an SSD condition, batch the coarse aggregate routinely with the fine aggregate,
admixtures, cement, fly ash (or GGBFS), microsilica, and mixing water, then mix

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3. Have the lightweight aggregate manufacturer supply a service representative at the

site for the first two days of concrete placement operations to assist in the control of
lightweight concrete mixing and placement.

B. Handling, Placing and Finishing. Handle and place concrete according to §555-3.04.

C. Testing. Test the concrete according to Materials Method 9.2. The unit weight of the
fresh concrete during placement should be compared to that which was submitted with trial
mix design. Make adjustments to the concrete mix at the batching facility based on slump,
unit weight and air tests. The Engineer will cast cylinders, in sets of 2 individual cylinders, at
a frequency of 1 set for each 50 yd³, or fraction thereof actually placed. A minimum of 1 set
will represent each day's concrete placement.

D. Curing. Cure the concrete according to §555-3.08.

E. Repairs. Make any repairs as per the provisions of §555-3.13. Proposed repairs require
Deputy Chief Engineer, Structures approval.

F. Rejection of Concrete. The Engineer will reject any concrete represented by a 28-day
cylinder set with an average compressive strength less than 3600 psi, or an individual cylinder
with a compressive strength less than 3000 psi.

G. Loading Limitations. The loading limitations of §555-3.10 apply, except that concrete
cylinder sets designated for early loading must attain an average compression strength of
3600 psi, or greater, with no individual cylinder less than 3000 psi.

METHOD OF MEASUREMENT. Apply all of the provisions of §555-4.

BASIS OF PAYMENT. Apply all of the provisions of §555-5.

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