Ninotchka Rosca Is A Filipina Feminist
Ninotchka Rosca Is A Filipina Feminist
Ninotchka Rosca Is A Filipina Feminist
a Filipina feminist, author, journalist and human rights activist who is active in AF3IRM, the Mariposa
Center for Change, Sisterhood is Global and the initiation.
Birthplace: Philippines
Nationality: Philippines
Works: Twice Blessed, State of War, Bitter country
Ninotchka Rosca
Born 1946, in the Philippines is
a Filipina feminist , author, journalist and human rights
activist who isactive in AF3IRM, the Mariposa Center
forChange, Sisterhood is Global and the
initiatingcommittee of the MARIPOSA ALLIANCE
(Ma-Al), amulti-racial, multi-ethnic women's activist
centerfor understanding the intersectionality of
class, raceand gender oppressions, toward a
morecomprehensive practice of women's liberation. As
a novelist, Rosca was a recipient ofthe American Book
Award in 1993 for her novel
Twice Blessed
. Rosca has two novels, two short story collections and
four non-fiction books. Her novel"State of War" is
considered a classic account of ordinary people's
dictatorship.She is also the author of the best-selling
English language novels
State of War
. The latter won her the 1993 American Book
Award for excellence in literature.Her most recent
book is
JMS: At Home In The World
, co-written with thecontroversial Jose Maria
Sison, who has been included in the U.S. list
of "terrorists".Rosca was a political prisoner under the
dictatorial government of Ferdinand Marcos in
thePhilippines. She was forced into exile to Hawaii,
United States when threatened with asecond arrest
for her human rights activism by the Marcos regime.
Rosca has workedwith Amnesty International and
the PEN American Center . Rosca was also a founder
andthe first national chair of the GABNet, the largest
and only US-Philippines women'ssolidarity mass
organization, which has evolved into AF3IRM. She
attended the Universityof the Philippines and lives
in Queens borough of New York City. Her lecture
schedules aremanaged by
Speak Out Now
. A huge fan of science fiction, Rosca reads four books
a week(three "light," one "heavy").Rosca was press
secretary of the The Hague International Women's
Tribunal on Japan'sWWII Military Sex Slavery which
convicted Japan's wartime era leadership for creating
andusing the Comfort Women. Rosca is particularly
concerned with the origins of women'soppression and
the interface between class, race and gender
exploitation, so that womencan move toward greater
theory building and practice of a comprehensive
genuine women'sliberation. She often speaks on such
issues as sex tourism, trafficking, the mail-order
brideindustry, and violence against women, and the
labor export component of globalizationunder
Acevedo, JobertJouquin N.
Grade 7 - Respect