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Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

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To achieve
convergence of
investments in
irrigation at the
field level.

To enhance recharge
of aquifers and
introduce sustainable
water conservation
To explore the
feasibility of reusing
treated municipal
waste water for

To attract greater
private investments
in irrigation.
To promote extension
activities relating to
water harvesting,
water management
and crop alignment
for farmers and
grass root level field

Salient features
PMKSY has been formulated
Decentralized State level planning
amalgamating ongoing schemes viz.
and projectised execution'
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit
structure, in order to allow
Programme (AIBP),
States to draw up
Integrated Watershed Management
a District Irrigation Plan (DIP),
Programme (IWMP),
and a State Irrigation Plan (SIP).
On Farm Water Management (OFWM)
These plans need to be prepared
Component of National Mission on
in order to access PMKSY fund.
Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA).


It will be supervised and

monitored by Inter-Ministerial
National Steering Committee
Recently, Long Term Irrigation
(NSC) under PM with Union
Fund has been instituted
Ministers of all concerned
under PMKSY in NABARD for
Ministries. A National Executive
funding and fast tracking the
Committee (NEC) is to be
implementation of
constituted under the Chair-
incomplete major and medium
manship of the Vice Chairman,
irrigation projects.
NITI Aayog to oversee
programme implementation.

Investments will
Water budgeting happen at farm level.
is done for all sectors So, farmers know
namely, household, what is happening
agriculture and and can provide
industries. valuable feedback.

Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

Ministry of Water Resources, River

Development & Ganga Rejuvenation

Faster completion of ongoing Major

and Medium Irrigation including
National Projects

Har Khet
ko Pani Ministry of Water Resources, River
Development & Ganga Rejuvenation

Repair, restoration and

renovation of water bodies.
Command area development

Creation of new Water Sources through

Minor Irrigation (both surface and
ground water)

Strengthening carrying capacity of traditional water sources,

construction Rain Water Harvesting structures (Jal Sanchay);
Jal Mandir (Gujarat); Khatri, Kuhl (H.P.); Zabo (Nagaland); Eri,
Ooranis (T.N.); Dongs (Assam); Katas, Bandhas (Odisha and M.P.)

PMKSY Per Drop More Crop

Ministry of Agriculture

Promoting efficient water conveyance and preci-

sion Water Application Devices like drips, sprin-
klers, pivots, rain - guns in the farm (Jal Sinchan)

Extension activities for promotion of Scientific

Moisture Conservation, Crop combination, crop
alignment etc.,

(ICT) interventions through NeGP -- precision

Irrigation Technologies, on farm water
management, crop alignment etc. and also
to do intensive monitoring of the Scheme.

PMKSY Watershed Development

Department of Land
resources, Ministry
of Rural development Converging with
were consolidated under
this component

Effective management
of runoff water and Cluster Approach in
improved Soil & Moisture selection and preparation
Conservation of projects

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