Grade 7 TG SCIENCE 2nd Quarter

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UNIT 2: Living Things and Their Environment


Science is about asking questions and looking for answers.

Each of the five modules on Living Things and Their Environment for Grade 7
starts with questions that will guide students in their journey of constructing the big
ideas through activities that are interspersed in the modules. The students are
provided with opportunities to develop the inquiry skills as well as their critical
thinking, problem solving, and communication skills.

There are five modules on Life Science:

Module 1: From Cell to Organism

Module 2: Plant and Animals Cells
Module 3: Living Things Other than Plants and Animals
Module 4: Reproduction: The Continuity of Life
Module 5: Interactions

These modules deal with the levels of organization and diversity of living
components of the environment both at the organism and ecosystem levels; the
relationships among living things, and between living things and their environment;
and how living things reproduce to continue their own kind.

Most of the activities may be performed as groupwork while some may be

performed individually or with a partner. It is strongly urged that students read the
activities before performing them. It is also important that the students take note of
the safety measures.

There is also a pre/post test that should be administered before and after all
the activities in each module have been completed. The pretest results will reveal
students’ prior knowledge and alternative conceptions (if any). The posttest results
will show the extent of students’ comprehension of the concepts and their capacity to
demonstrate needed skills. The posttest can also uncover students’ misconceptions
that need to be addressed in succeeding modules.

The K to 12 curriculum spirals and increases in difficulty at each grade level

so as to provide challenges appropriate to the students’ age. The tools and habits of
inquiry that students will acquire will help them develop into scientifically literate and
productive citizens.

Unit 2


In the First Quarter, the students learned that there are different materials in
the environment. For this quarter, they will be introduced to the diverse kinds of
living things and the processes and interactions they go through. This module deals
with different kinds of living things and what they are made up of.

In the lower grades, the students have learned that the human body is made
up of organ systems that work together. In turn, these organ systems are made up of
organs whose functions are related with each other. For example, the heart and the
blood vessels are organs that facilitate the circulation of blood and nutrients to the
different parts of the body; similarly, the esophagus, stomach, and intestines work
together to carry out digestion of food. The organs are made up of even smaller
structures: the tissues and cells.

In this module, the students will be introduced to the concept of levels of

organization in an organism. They will learn in the activity titled, “What makes up an
organism?” that whatever happens to the smaller structures will affect the bigger
structures and, eventually, the whole organism. Draw out from the students the idea
that these structures work together to carry out specific functions to make the
organism meet its basic needs and survive.

Towards the end of the module, the students will recognize that all organisms
are made up of cells – the basic unit of structure and function in all living things. They
will discover more about cells in Module 2.

Key questions for this module

What are organisms?

What makes them up?


Ballpen disassembly

Below are parts of 4 different kinds of ballpens. Ask the students to identify
which part belongs to which ballpen.

Photo: Courtesy of Michael Anthony B. Mantala

A ballpen has parts like those shown in the picture below. Ask them to
identify the function of each part of the ballpen.

Other Parts

Ink Tube Cap

Barrel Shell

Photo: Courtesy of Michael Anthony B. Mantala

Have them take a closer look at the top picture on the next page. Ask them to
identify the part of the ballpen that is missing and its function. Ask them to imagine
how the ballpen will work compared to the ballpen with complete parts.

Photo: Courtesy of Michael Anthony B. Mantala

Below is a picture of a ballpen that was assembled with a part that belongs to
another ballpen. Ask the students to identify the part of the ballpen that was replaced
and its function. Ask them to imagine how the ballpen will work compared to the
original ballpen.

Photo: Courtesy of Michael Anthony B. Mantala

In this motivation part of the lesson, you used ballpens to represent structure
and function in organisms. The ballpen is made up of different parts that have
specific functions; they work together to make the ballpen perform its function.
Similarly, organisms are made up of parts that work together: organ systems,
organs, tissues, and cells.

Of course, you can use other representations. Bear in mind though, that the
use of representations has its limitations. It can help, to some extent, concretize
abstract concepts like structural organization in organisms as it can also give, to
some extent, misconceptions like using the ballpen as a representation for concepts
the apply to living things.

That said, have them discover through a discussion that like the ballpen that
is made up of different parts that work together, organ systems are made up of
organs that also work together to carry out the organ system’s task. Anything that
happens to the small parts will certainly affect the bigger parts and, eventually, the


1 What makes up an organism?

In this activity, you will ask the students to read the selection and answer the
questions that follow. The activity seeks to answer the questions: ‘What are
organisms?’ and, ‘What are they made up of?’

If you have a model or a poster of a human torso, you can show it to the class
and ask the students to check the parts closely. If not, you can direct the class to
check Figure 2 of Module 1.

Q1. What parts of the human body do you see?

They will see that the human body is made up of different parts.

Q2. To which organ systems do these parts belong?

To answer this question, have them recall the different organ systems of the
body that they have learned in the lower grades. Then, have them look at Figure 3.

Figure 3 shows some organ systems of the human body. Have them identify
the parts that make up each of the organ systems. Ask them to describe how the
different parts work together in an organ system. Have them imagine what happens
to the organism if any of the organ systems is injured or diseased.

Q3. Can you identify these organ systems?

The organ systems shown in Figure 3 are the skeletal and respiratory

Q4. How do these organ systems work together?

To answer this question, they will have to identify the functions of each of the
organ systems and describe how the function of one organ system relates to the
functions of the others. For example, the skeletal system, along with the muscular
system, functions for movement. The bones move according to the alternating
contraction and relaxation of the muscles. These movements of the skeletal and
muscular systems are coordinated by the nervous system. All these happen because

of energy that comes from the nutrients transported by the circulatory system to the
different parts of the body.

Organ systems are made up of functionally related organs. Figure 4 shows a

model of a human heart.

Q4. Refer to Figure 4. What parts of the human heart do you see?

The human heart is made up of muscles and blood vessels: the veins and
arteries. If they had advanced readings, they would probably mention auricles,
ventricles, and valves in addition to what is shown in the figure. They will have more
on these and other parts of the heart in higher Biology.

Q6. What do you think will happen to the heart if any of these parts were
injured or diseased?

An injury to any of the parts of the heart is an injury of the heart. This means,
the heart will suffer in the same way that its parts suffer.

Q7. If these parts of the heart were injured or diseased, what do you think
will happen to the organism?

As you ask this question, you can also ask them if they know of relatives or
acquaintances who have been diagnosed with heart ailment. They would probably
mention that the person is weak and experiences chest pains or difficulty in
breathing. An injury to any of the parts of the heart affects the organism – the person.

Another organ – the kidney – belongs to another organ system, the excretory
system. Like the processing you did for the heart, ask the students to check out the
picture of a model of a human kidney.

Q8. Refer to Figure 5. What parts of the human kidney do you see?

Like the heart, the kidneys are made up of muscles and blood vessels. Those
who had advanced readings may probably mention renal cortex, medulla, and pelvis
in addition to what is shown in the figure. They will have more on these and other
parts of the heart in higher Biology.

Q9. What do you think will happen to the kidneys if any of these parts were
injured or diseased?

An injury to any of the parts of the kidneys is an injury of the entire organ.
This means, the kidneys will suffer in the same way that its parts suffer.

Q10. If these parts of the kidneys were injured or diseased what do you think
will happen to the organism?

Before you ask this question, you can ask them if they know of people who
have been diagnosed with kidney problems. You can also ask how these people are

coping with the disease. They will probably mention that these people are weak and
have difficulty urinating or may have poor appetite. An injury to any of the parts of the
kidneys affects the organism – the person.

Organs themselves are made up of even smaller parts: the tissues and cells.
Guide the students through Figure 6 that shows a picture of a muscle tissue. You
should be able to draw the idea that these tissues play specific tasks to keep the
organs, organ systems, and the whole organism healthy.

Q11. What procedure can a medical doctor do to correct an injury the these

They will answer this question using what they have learned from the
interviews they made of the articles they have read.

Q12. What do you think will happen to the organs if these tissues were
injured or diseased?

The organ will suffer from an injury to the tissues.

Q13. If these tissues were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen
to the organ systems?

The organ systems will suffer, too.

Q14. If these tissues were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen
to the organism?

The organism will suffer, too. For example, a cut on the tissues of the skin is
felt by the whole organism. Anything that happens to the tissues will affect the bigger
structures they make up.

Plants are also made up of organ systems: the root and shoot systems. The
roots absorb water and nutrients; the shoot system moves them to the different parts
of the plant.

Q15. In what ways are the functions of the organ systems of plants similar to
those of animals?

Like the organ systems of animals, those of plants have parts that work
together. For example, the shoot system of plants is composed of the stem, leaves,
and flowers. The stem has tissues that allow for the transport of water and nutrients
from the roots to the leaves. The leaves on the other hand serve as structures for
photosynthesis through which, they manufacture their food. The flowers are the
reproductive organs of plants.

Q16. In what ways are they different?

Plants have only two organ systems: the root and shoot systems; whereas,
animals have complex organ systems that work directly with the other organ
systems. For example, plants do not have a nervous system that coordinates the
functions of the other organ systems of animals. Plants also do not have circulatory
and respiratory systems that move oxygen and nutrients to the different parts of the

Figure 8 shows a picture of a flower. Flowers are the reproductive organs of

plants. Together with the leaves and the stems, they make up the shoot system.

Q17. How are flowers similar to the reproductive organs of animals?

Like the reproductive organs of animals, complete flowers have male and
female parts. These parts work together to bear seeds from which new plants

Q18. How are they different?

Plants can dispense with their flowers – their reproductive organs – to

generate their kind for they can also reproduce asexually. Animals that reproduce
sexually make use of only their reproductive organs to do so.

Q19. How do the flowers, leaves, and stems help plants meet their basic

They have learned in the lower grades that plants are able to
manufacture their food through photosynthesis. They use their leaves to carry out
this process. The stem provides support to the leaves, flowers, and fruits. They also
serve as channels for the transport of water and nutrients from the roots to the
different parts of the plant. The flowers serve as their reproductive organs.

Q20. What do you think will happen to the plant if any of the parts that make
up the shoot system were injured or diseased?

Anything that happens to any of the parts that make up the shoot system of
pants will certainly affect the plant as well. You can ask them to cite examples to
highlight this connection.

The root system is another organ system of plants. In some plants, it is made
up of the primary root, the secondary roots, and the root hairs. Figure 9 shows a
picture of a root tip of an orchid.

Q21. Aside from absorbing water and nutrients, what other functions do the
roots serve?

Roots also provide anchorage to the plant.

Plants have tissues, too. You can peel off the skin of onion bulbs to show
your students what tissues look like. Tissues of onion bulbs would look like a

transparent plastic. Roots are also made up of tissues. Figure 10 shows a model of a
section of a root tip.

Tissues are made up of cells – the basic units of structure and function in
organisms. All organisms are made up of cells; they are the smallest level of
organization at which the properties of life can be carried out.

Q22. What do you think will happen to the roots if the tissues that make them
up were injured or diseased?

Q23. If the roots were injured or diseased, what do you think will happen to
the plant?

Serious damage to the root will kill the plant.

Q24. What do you think will happen to the tissues, organs, and organ
systems if these cells were injured or diseased?

When cells or tissues are injured or diseased, the higher levels of

organization that they make up are affected as well.

Q25. What do you think will happen to the organism?

The different parts that make up an organism each perform a specific

function. Anything that happens to the smallest of parts that make up an organism
will most likely affect the whole organism.


2 Levels of organization in an

For Activity 2, Levels of organization in an organism, ask the students to

complete the table on page 8 of Module 1 using the information they gathered from
their interviews with relatives or neighbors who have diseases affecting certain
organs or who know of people who have the disease. They may also use the
information from the articles that they have read in Activity 1. Have the students read
the procedure for completing the table.

The activity will help the students synthesize what they have learned about
what makes up an organism; it also serves as an enrichment activity. In each of the
boxes that correspond to the levels of organization, have them describe how the
disease affects the parts that make up each level. Opposite each level of
organization, have them cut and paste pictures (they may use the pictures that come
with the articles) that show how the disease affects the parts that make up the

different levels. Another option is to have them show it through drawing. After
completing the table, have them present their work to class.

In the last part of Activity 2, ask the students to reflect on the question, Are
there levels of organization that are bigger than the organism?

At the end of Module 1, the students should have learned the following big

o Organisms are made up of parts: organ systems, organs, tissues, and

o Whatever happens to any of these parts will affect the other parts and
the whole organism.
o We need to keep our cells and tissues healthy to make our organs,
organ systems, and the whole body healthy.
o To stay healthy, we need to eat nutritious foods; they include the plants
in our backyard and the animals in our farm.
o Like us, these plants and animals are also organisms. They have basic
needs that include proper care for them.


1. The heart pumps blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to the different parts
of the body. To which organ system does the heart belong?

A. Circulatory C. Excretory
B. Digestive D. Reproductive

2. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy
tissues and organs. What does this say about the effects of diseased cells on
the higher levels of organization in an organism?

A. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cells and does not affect any other
kind of cell.
B. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they
make up – the tissues.
C. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization they make up:
tissues, organs, organ systems, and eventually, the whole organism.
D. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism.

3. Each part of an organ system plays a specific function. Which of the following
structures does not match its function?

A. Eyes : Sight C. Heart: Circulation

B. Kidneys : Respiration D. Stomach: Digestion

4. Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants. How are flowers different from
the reproductive organs of animals?

A. Flowers have male and female parts; animals have either male or female
B. Flowers need pollinators like bees to reproduce; animals do not.
C. Flowers are shed from time to time; nothing is shed from animals.
D. There is no difference between flowers and the reproductive organs of

5. The organ systems of plants consist of the root and shoot systems. Why is it
important for these organ systems to work together?

A. To grow and survive

B. To avoid pests and other animals
C. To survive floods and strong winds
D. To survive droughts and earthquakes

6. Which of the following differentiates organs from tissues?

A. Organs make up tissues; tissues make up organs

B. Tissues make up organs; cells make up tissues
C. Organs and tissues are made up of cells.
D. Organs and tissues make up an organ system.

7. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of

life be carried out?

A. Organ system C. Tissue

B. Organ D. Cell

8. Which is the correct sequence – from biggest to smallest – of the levels of

organization in an organism?

A. Cell Organ Organ System Tissue

B. Organ Organ System Tissue Cell
C. Tissue Cell Organ Organ System
D. Organ System Organ Tissue Cell

Answer Key

1. A
2. C
Note: When cancer cells metastasize, they spread to the cells of other tissues
and organs. But even in the early stages, they start affecting nearby
cells and tissues and making them cancerous.

3. B
4. B
Note: Some animals are hermaphroditic like the earthworms. They have both
male and female parts; hence A is not the answer. Egg and sperm cells
are shed from the reproductive organs of animals from time to time;
hence, C is not the answer. Option B shows a difference between
flowers and the reproductive organs of animals; D is not the answer.

5. A
6. B
7. D
8. D


Bright Hub Education. (2009). Science Lesson Plan: Biological Organization. Middle
School Science Lessons. Retrieved January 16 2012 from

Education. (2003). The Pyramid of Life (Levels of Biological Organization). Biology

Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide. Retrieved January 16, 2012 from

Scitable by Nature Education. (2008). Biological Complexity and Integrative Levels of

Organization. Scitable Topicpage. Retrieved February 7, 2012 from

Unit 2


The module presents to the students discoveries about the cell based on
what have been observed by scientists through the microscope. It discusses
concepts that all organisms are made up of cells and that an organism can be just
single-celled (unicellular) or many-celled (multicellular). Through the module they will
be introduced to the cell, its parts and their functions, and similarities and differences
between two kinds of cells.

Key questions for this module

Are all cells the same?

If not, in what ways are they different?

Activity 1 shows how plant and animal cells look like through the illustrations
presented. Students will study and analyse these illustrations. Through these they
will also be able to observe the differences in shapes of the two cells as shown by
the figures presented. In the activity students will construct a Venn diagram to
illustrate how it can be used to differentiate plant from animal cells.

Activity 2 is an alternate activity that students can do IF YOUR SCHOOL HAS

MICROSCOPES. It will give them an opportunity to have a hands-on experience of
studying plant cells using this tool. It will also demonstrate how a stain can help in
making plant cells more visible under the microscope. In the activity students will
also draw plant cells as seen under the light microscope.

Cell Parts

Start by saying that in the earlier module, you learned that organisms have
organ systems composed of organs. These organs are made up of even smaller
parts namely, tissues and the smallest of which are the cells. Make them recall what
they have learned in Module 1 by showing them the muscle tissues, plant root
tissues and the cell models they saw in the previous module. Let them identify which
are the tissues or the cells. Or show and ask them whether an onion bulb, a stem, or
a leaf or a leaf midrib is an organ, tissue or cell. Watch out for wrong answers like,
some may still mistake tissues for cells. Make sure that they will be able to

differentiate one from the other at this point. Then, continue by asking them the
essential questions.


1 Comparing plant and animal


You may wish to use enlarged illustrations of Figures 1 and 2 during the
discussion part of the activity. Add the information that these diagrams are results of
cell studies done using the more powerful electron microscope. Researchers and
scientists put together all the cell parts they have seen under this type of microscope
in the diagrams presented.

Give time for students to study and analyse the figures. Let them examine
first the plant cell then, the animal cell. Have them describe the plant cell and its
parts by asking them how each part looks like or where they are located or the
number of a part present in a cell. Then, let students answer the questions.

Q1. Compare the shape of a plant cell with that of an animal cell as shown
in Figures 1 and 2. Answers may be: Plant cells are rectangular or
angular or rigid in shape, while animal cells are rounded and somewhat
irregular or spherical or cylindrical. Mention that there are many other
shapes of animal cells according to their functions that they will study
later in the next grade levels.

Q2. Which cell parts are found in both cells? The nucleus, plasma
membrane, cytoplasm, the mitochondrion, rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, vacuole, vesicle, ribosome/s and
lysosome are common to both plant and animal cells.

Q3. Which cell parts are present only in animal cells? The centrioles are
present in animal cells only.

Q4. Which cell parts are present only in plant cells? The cell wall and
chloroplast are present in plant cells only.

After students have read what a Venn diagram is, call one or two to explain if
they have understood what it is. A correct explanation would be: A Venn Diagram
shows relationships between and among sets or groups of objects that have
something in common. It uses two circles that overlap with one another. The
common things are found in the overlapping area, while the differences are in the
non-overlapping areas. You can either have students make their Venn Diagram
individually or by groups.

The Venn diagram that students made may look like the one below:

Come up with a system of correcting students’ work. An example would be

for a completely correct output like the figure above, score it 16. For any wrongly
placed part or heading subtract 1 point. Take note that cell parts present only in plant
or animal cells may be written either on the left or right side of the overlapping area.

Q5. Based on your observations and study of plant and animal cells, cite
differences and similarities between them.

Differences between plant and animal cells:

 Plant and animal cells differ in shape and in some parts. Plant cells are
rectangular or angular or rigid in shape, while animal cells are rounded
and somewhat irregular.

 Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts which animal cells do not
have. Animal cells have centrioles which plant cells do not have.

Similarity between plant and animal cells:

 Both plant and animal cells have common parts namely: the nucleus,
plasma membrane, cytoplasm, the mitochondrion, rough and smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, vacuole/vesicle, ribosomes and

End the discussion for the activity by asking students if plant and animal cells
are the only types of cells. Watch out for students who have the misconception and
might think that there are only two types of cells. Clarify that cells can be of different
kinds, plant or animal cells, bacteria, amoeba cells, etc. Inform them that these will
be dealt with in later topics or grade levels.

Proceed with the discussion about the nucleus, plasma membrane and
cytoplasm, the basic parts of the cell. The nucleus serves as the control center of the

cell. The plasma membrane is also called the cell membrane. It is semipermeable
because it permits some substances but prevents others to pass through it.

Q6. What do you think will happen to the cell if the plasma membrane does
not function properly? Without the plasma membrane, any substance
can go in and out the cell. The cell may be affected by the exit of
needed substances or entrance of unneeded or poisonous substances
that may lead to death of the cell.

Point out the cell wall and the chloroplasts, the plant cell parts which
distinguishes it from the animal cell. Mention that cell walls form the outer boundary
of plant cells and are made of cellulose a tough material. Thus, cell walls serve as
protective barrier.

Q7. What is the purpose of the cell wall in plants? The cell wall being made
of tough or rigid material gives shape and protection to plant cells.

Q8. Look at Figure 1 again. Why are there several chloroplasts in the plant
cell? The chloroplast in cells of plants is where food is made. The
greater the number of chloroplast in them makes them efficient in
making more food for the plant.

Some students may have read in other books that vacuoles/large or central
vacuoles are only found in plant cells. Clarify that vacuoles are easily seen in plant
cells because of their size. Since water also collects in the vacuoles, it pushes out
into the cell wall producing turgor pressure. This turgor pressure maintains crispness
of fresh vegetables.

In animals vacuoles are smaller and are called by some biologists as

vesicles. Some books and other reading materials say that plant and animal cells
contain vesicles that store and transport a variety of substances. In Grade 7, it is
enough that students know that plant and animal cells have parts that store and
transport different substances, some call them vacuoles, others vesicles.

Add too that lysosomes although rare are also found in plant cells. If animal
cells have these parts to digest or breakdown unneeded or trash materials, then
plant cells must have a part that can do this for them. Some biologists refer to them
as plant lysosomes or the small vacuoles in plant cells.

Regarding Q9, if students cannot relate what they have learned about
contents of some plant vacuoles to the harm they cause to the animals that eat them,
let them recall that part of the discussion in the student material.

Q9. How would vacuoles in plants serve as defense against animals that eat
them? Vacuoles in some plants may contain poison or toxic substances.
These substances can harm these animals, once eaten. So, this serve
to protect them.

The centrioles which can be found in animal cells only, are located near the
nucleus. They help organize structures during cell division.

As stated in the student module, other cell parts will be dealt with in detail in
the higher grades. Discuss the following information:

 Mitochondrion- converts energy in food to a form usable to the cell; will be

taken up again in Grade 9
 Golgi body/apparatus – sort, modify, package and distribute cell products
to where they are needed;
 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) – carry proteins to different parts of the cell;
 Rough ER – with attached ribosomes that manufacture proteins
 Smooth ER – contains no ribosomes; makes lipids(fats)
 Ribosomes – produced in the nucleus, occurs in large numbers and can
be free floating in the cytoplasm, involved in the manufacture of protein,
can be attached to the ER, thus there is a rough ER; will be taken up in
detail in Grade 10
 Nucleolus – the prominent round structure in the nucleus that produces
ribosomes; will be dealt with in Module 4 and in Grades 11 and 12


2 Investigating plant cells

If your school has microscopes/s let students perform Activity 2 for them to be
able to observe actual plant cells, the onion cells. It is a must that they do first the
activities in the section on “HOW TO USE THE MICROSCOPE” for them to be able
to do this activity.

In Step 2, check if students placed the piece of transparent onion skin on the
slide with its non-waxy side facing up.

Check students’ record of magnification of their onion cell drawings. Some

may need to go back to part “D” on “The Magnifying Power of the Microscope”.

Q10. How much are these onion cells magnified?

The answer may vary depending on the magnifying powers of the eyepiece
and objective used.

Q11. In this case, why is it not good to tilt the microscope? It is not good to tilt
the microscope while viewing a wet mount. It might cause water to spill
and flow into its mechanical parts. This will cause its parts to rust.

Q12. Describe the onion cells. The shape of onion cells are quite angular to
almost rectangular. The cytoplasm appears translucent. The nucleus is
easily seen as a dark spot, more or less rounded in shape and brownish
or dark brown in color.

Q13. Did you observe any change in the image of onion cell before and after
staining? Yes.

Q14. How did the iodine solution affect the image of the onion cell? There is a
change in the clarity of the image of onion cells and its parts. The cells
became more visible and the parts distinct. The nucleus is more
prominent or darker and brownish in color. The cell wall is clearly seen.

Q15. What parts of the onion cell can you identify? Answers may vary.
Usually, onion cell parts easily seen using the light microscope and
iodine stain are the cell wall, cytoplasm, nucleus and sometimes
plasma membrane and vacuole. Some very observant students may
ask about the prominent and still darker, inner circle inside the nucleus.
This is the nucleolus.

Some other students may ask which are the chloroplasts or why they cannot
see or identify the chloroplasts. Some might think and have that misconception that
all plant cells contain chloroplasts. Make them recall in what part of the plant is food
made. Lead them to the idea (by posing questions) that chloroplasts are not found in
onion cells because onion bulbs are growing under the soil. Onion bulbs are
specialized leaves that store food, so they are not photosynthesing or better are not
involved in the food making process. They should be able to say that not all plant
cells have chloroplasts. Only cells that produce food for the plant contain

You can ask students what is the purpose of adding iodine solution to their
onion cell preparation. Explain that iodine solution is used to stain cells. Have them
recall their observation and answer to Q14 to confirm this.

A drawing of four onion cells must be made. Labels should include the
nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, and the plasma membrane and nucleolus if observed.
Encourage them to be honest in what they have actually seen. Drawings should be
realistic, that is they must only draw what was actually observed.

Q16. Of what importance is the contribution of the microscope in the study of

cells? The microscope makes one see objects that are not seen by just
using the eyes. It enables one to see enlarged images of specimens
such as cells for a thorough study of their structure and thus, infer their

To summarize the lesson, ask some students what they have learned from it.
Check if they are able to answer the essential questions found at the beginning of
the module.


1. Which of the following parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?
A. vacuoles C. cytoplasm
B. lysosome D. vesicle

2. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
A. protect the cell
B. make food for the cell
C. excrete waste materials
D. give instruction for cell to reproduce

Questions 3 and 4 refer to the figure next page. Use numbers in your answers.

3. Which part allows or prevents substances to go into and out of this cell?

4. What part of this cell store water and maintain its rigidity?

The table below enumerates the parts that are present or absent in two kinds of

Structure Cell A Cell B

cell wall × 
plasma membrane  
Chloroplast × 
Centriole  ×
nucleus  

5. Which is a plant cell? Explain your answer.

6. Which is an animal cell? Explain your answer.

Use the following options to answer the next question.

I. absence of centrioles
II. irregular shape
III. presence of cell wall
IV. angular and rigid shape
V. absence of chloroplast

7. You are asked to identify an unknown slide. Which could help you identify it to
be an animal cell?
A. I and III C. I and IV
B. II and V D. III and IV

Questions 8 to 10 are about the figure next page. Use numbers in your answers.

8. Which part of this cell function in the excretion of waste materials?

9. Which is the control center of this cell?
10. It is the part of this cell which play a role during cell division.

The following questions can be given if Activity 2 was performed:

I. Adding iodine solution to the onion cell preparation makes the cells______.
A. big. C. less visible.
B. small. D. more visible.

II. Which of the following plant cell parts is not found in onion cells?
A. chloroplast C. vacuole
B. cell wall D. mitochondrion

Answer Key

1. C
2. B
3. 2
4. 11
5. 2 pts.– B is a plant cell because it has a cell wall and chloroplast.
1 pt. – B is a plant cell but no explanation
0 pt. – Wrong answer or no answer at all
6. 2 pts. – A is an animal cell because it has no cell wall and no
1 pt. – A is an animal cell but no explanation.
0 pt. – Wrong answer or no answer at all
7. B
8. 1
9. 8
10. 7

Answers to Optional Questions:

I. D

How To Use The Light Microscope

Humans are unable to see the cell, the tiniest part that make up all
organisms. The microscope has made possible observation of the cell, other tiny
objects and organisms.

This section will provide students with information about features and
capabilities of the light microscope. Activities on the parts as well as the function of
these parts will familiarize students with this important tool in learning science. The
module will teach and help students develop the skill in manipulating it. This will aid
them in doing a successful study of cells and other investigations in later topics and
grade levels. In this section, students will also calculate how much objects are
magnified under the microscope. Tips given on the proper use and care of the
microscope will help schools maintain the equipment for efficient and longer use.
Ultimately, the students will be able to recognize the role of microscopes in their
study of objects and organisms and enable them to understand life itself.

If your school has microscopes you can give demonstrations or let your
students do the activities with your supervision. Start by showing students the light
microscope. You can show the figure below to give idea to the students the
difference between the early microscopes and the current one being used.


mounting pin

focusing screw

Microscope constructed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)

(Philippines. Department of Education. (2009). Science and Technology II textbook. Rev. ed.
Pasig City: Instructional Materials Development Corporation)

A. Introduce students to the microscope by discussing its features and

capabilities. Have students locate the different parts of the microscope using
Figure 1 in the student material. Let them point out the parts as they go along

with the first part of the activity. Give emphasis too on the reminders or
cautions regarding the use of the microscope.

Q1. What are the functions of the base and the arm of the microscope? The
base provides support to the microscope. The arm on the other hand
supports the body tube and it is where the microscope is held.

Q2. What have you observed about the objectives? Answers can be: they
are of different lengths, they are marked with numbers followed by x,
some may say: there are three or four objectives attached to the
revolving nosepiece.

Q3. What is accomplished by turning the coarse adjustment upwards?

Downwards? Turning the coarse adjustment upwards and downwards
raises and lowers the body tube with the objectives respectively. It also
focuses or brings out the object to be observed.

Mention that in some new microscopes however, this movement raises or

lowers the stage.

Q4. What is the other function of the revolving nosepiece? It facilitates the
changing of objectives.

Q5. Which connects the eyepiece to the revolving nosepiece with the
objectives? Body tube.

Students should be able to notice that the eyepiece also may have 5x, 10x or
15x marks. Take note that the light microscope has two sets of lenses to magnify the
object that is why it is also called a compound microscope. Lenses should only be
cleaned with lens paper. A lens cleaning kit is also a good investment to maintain
usefulness of the microscope. It can be bought in photo shops.

For Step 10, if the mirror was stored properly with the concave side facing the
user the answer is No. If its position was changed, there may be a circle of light that
can be seen.

Q6. What are the two functions of the eyepiece? It is where you look
through in the microscope. It also magnifies the image of the object that
has been magnified by the objective.

Q7. Describe the function of the mirror. It reflects light up to the diaphragm,
object to be observed and lenses.

Q8. What do you notice as you change the diaphragm openings? The size
of the openings differ. The amount of light reflected also changes in that
the bigger the opening, the greater is the amount of light reflected.

Q9. What can you infer as to the function of the diaphragm? The diaphragm
regulates the amount of light reflected to the object to be viewed.

Q10. What parts of the microscope are being connected by the inclination
joint? The arm and the base of the microscope.

Q11. What does this movement do? It allows one to tilt the microscope so
viewing is possible while seated.

Emphasize to students that even if tilting of the microscope can be done, it

can cause water or liquids in wet mounts to spill and flow into the metal parts. This
can cause rusting. The microscope can be tilted when observing dry specimens and
while seated so that observing specimens will not to be tiresome.

B. Making a Wet Mount

A wet mount is a slide preparation in which the specimen is placed in a drop

of water or liquid and held between a slide and a cover slip. Water improves the
clarity of the image formed. Wet mounts however, cannot be stored for a long time
so it is also called a temporary mount. It is important for students to learn the proper
way of preparing wet mounts as they will use this in doing other investigations later.
Care must be taken that bubbles will not interfere in their observation of objects or

Q12. What makes letter “e” suitable for observation under the microscope? It
is small and thin. Specimens must be thin and small enough to allow
light to pass through for them to be viewed under the microscope.

Q13. Describe the position of the letter as seen under the microscope. The
letter is inverted.

Q14. Compare the image of the letter as seen under the microscope. The
image is larger or is enlarged as compared to the one using the eyes
only. With the microscope, the letter also appears grainy and not in
straight lines.

Q15. To which direction does the image move? It moves toward the opposite

Have the students also move the slide forward (away from them) or backward
(toward them) and ask what they have observed. They should notice that the slide
also moves to the opposite direction.

Q16. Why do you have to watch from the side when changing objectives?
Objectives are of different lengths. This is done to prevent accidental
crashing of the objectives into the slide and breakage of objective lens,
slide or cover slip.

Q17. Why should the fine adjustment be used only with the HPO? The HPO
is longer and can easily crash into the cover slip and slide.

Explain that the fine adjustment other than that it is longer compared to the
scanner and LPO, moves slower or shorter in terms of distance as in steps of stairs
which are closer to each other. The coarse adjustment in contrast moves fast and
have greater distance as in steps of stairs which are little far away from each other.

Q18. In which objective/s can you see the whole letter ”e”? It can be seen
whole under the scanner.

Have students also describe letter “e” under the LPO and HPO. Take note
that only a part of the letter can be seen under the LPO. Under the HPO only a small
portion can be seen. They may even need to move the slide to see that small portion
of the letter.

Q19. What are the advantages of using the HPO? the disadvantages? The
advantages of using the HPO are: the image is greatly magnified,
details of the letter or cell structure can be observed. Disadvantages
include: reduced field of view and the whole letter or structure cannot be

Q20. In which objective is the light darker? brighter? It is darker in the HPO
than in the LPO and scanner.

Ask students what they think of the field of view of the three objectives. They
should have observed that as the magnifying power of the objectives increase the
field of view decreases.

Q21. How much is the letter “e” you are now viewing under the scanner
magnified? under the LPO? Under the HPO? Answer depends on what
eyepiece and objective are currently used. If the eyepiece is 10x and
scanner is 5x, then it is magnified 50x or 50 times. If the eyepiece is 10x
and the LPO used is 10x, then it is magnified 100x. If the eyepiece is
10x and the HPO is 40x, then it is magnified 400x.

Q22. If a cell being observed has been magnified 200x under a 40x HPO,
what is the magnifying power of the eyepiece used? The eyepiece used
is 5x.

Q23. In what ways would the microscope contribute to the study of different
objects and organisms? The microscope gives an enlarged view of
objects and organisms. Detailed studies of their complex structure and
consequently their functions is possible using this equipment. It also
enables one to see and observe organisms that are not visible using the
unaided eye.

Silica gel is a dessicant which absorbs water or moisture. It prevents fungal

growth in microscope lenses. If you are not familiar with it, ask the Chemistry
teachers in your school about it. Silica gel packs are found in newly bought
appliances or in medicine and food bottles or containers.

The steps given in preparing for storage and practices on care and
maintenance of the microscope would develop in students responsibility in the use
and giving value to this expensive yet important science tool.


1. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?

A. eyepiece and mirror

B. eyepiece and objectives
C. objectives and mirror
D. objectives and diaphragm

Use the letters in the figure next page to answer questions 2 to 4.

2. It moves the body tube and objectives up and down.

3. Which part makes possible the changing of the objectives?

4. Which part will you adjust if the onion cell you are observing under the HPO is
not clear?

5. A plant cell is viewed using a 10X eyepiece and a 43x HPO. How much will the
cell be magnified?

6. Which should be used to observe bacteria?

A. 43x objective and a 10x eyepiece

B. 60x objective with immersion oil and 10x eyepiece
C. 60x objective and 15x eyepiece
D. 97x objective with immersion oil and 5x objective

7. What is the correct way of carrying a microscope?

8. An animal cell being observed is seen at the topmost part of the field of view
under the LPO. If you want to center the specimen, which direction should you
move the slide?

9. Which of the following can be observed using the light microscope?

A. acacia bark
B. five peso coin
C. piece of stone
D. tip of gumamela leaf

Refer to the pictures below:

A. B.

10. Which of the two above shows letter “e” seen under the microscope?

Answer Key

5. B
6. B
7. I
8. C
9. 430x or 430 times
10. D
11. Hold the arm by grasping it with one hand(right/left) and support the base
with the other hand(left/right)hand.
12. Forward or away from me or the user
13. D
14. A


Miller, K. R. & Levine, J. (2000). Biology (5th Annotated teacher’s ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Miller, K. R., & Levine, L. (2006). Prentice Hall biology. Upper Saddle River,

Morgan,J.G., & Carter, M. E. B. (1993). Investigating biology. (Annotated Instructor’s

Edition. A laboratory manual for biology. Redwood City, CA: The

My pals are here! Science 6A: Teacher’s guide (International ed.). (2010).
Singapore: Marshall Cavendish

Oram, R.F. (1994). Biology: Living systems. Teacher wraparound ed. New York:

Philippines. Department of Education. (2009). Science and Technology II Textbook.

(Rev. ed.). Pasig City: Instructional Materials Development Corporation

Reyes, V.F., & Alfonso, L. G. (1979). The microscope: Part 1. Manila: Alemar-
Phoenix Publishing House

Science and Mathematics Education Manpower Development (1998). Sourcebook

on practical work for teachers: High school biology (vol. 1). Quezon City:

Strauss, E., & Lisowski, M. (1998). Biology: The web of life (Teacher’s ed.). Reading,
MA: Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley.

University of the Philippines. Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Development (2000). Sourcebook on practical work for teacher trainers: High
school biology (vol. 2). Quezon City: Science and Mathematics Education
Manpower Project (SMEMDP).

Winchester, A. M. (1988). Bilogy laboratory Manual (7 th ed.). Dubuque,


Unit 2

This module contains activities that will introduce learners to living things
other than the animals and plants they studied in Grades 3-6, or, if they have some
knowledge about them already, bring such knowledge to the classroom to be shared,
further added to, and organized in a useful way. They will also use a magnifying lens
in their study, or even a microscope, if their school has one. Many representatives of
the groups Fungi, Algae and Bacteria are quite beneficial to humans and may cause
disease and harm too. The common members of these groups and most visible ones
will be studied first before proceeding to members that are very small in size,
needing the use of a microscope to become visible to us, hence the term
microorganisms to refer to them.

Through the activities, learners will develop their inquiry skills of observing,
communicating, inferring, comparing, classifying, and gathering, recording, and
organizing data in a table.

More than that, they will be getting to know their immediate environment
more closely so that it may be protected, conserved, and made safe and useful for
their own and the community’s benefit.

Advance preparation

1. Collect one kind of mushroom and lichen. You may usually find the latter on
trunks of trees.
2. Buy from the market ar-arusep or lato (Caulerpa) or whatever seaweed is
available locally. If you are in a mountainous or landlocked area, you may
collect green algae or lumot from rocks, ponds, or even your aquarium in
3. Allow molds to grow on some fruit peelings (banana) or a piece of moistened
4. Grow a bacterial colony on a slice of potato or kamote which you have dropped
in boiling water for 3 minutes. Do this by getting a clean cotton bud (Q tip)
wiped against your tongue or the inside of your cheek. Then streak it across
the potato surface as a big letter Z. Keep this slice inside a clean, see-through
plastic bag and seal with tape inside a dark cabinet for 2-3 days.



1 Are these also plants?

1. Recall that during the elementary grades, they learned about animals and
plants---the different kinds, their characteristics and needs. Say: “Today we will
examine some living things which may also be found in our environment. Ask
yourself the question: ‘Are they also plants?’”

2. Distribute Activity 1 and tell them to answer Q1 to Q11 initially. Show them live
specimens of mushrooms and ar-arusep (Caulerpa) or other edible algae found
in the local market, if possible. In the absence of edible seaweed, show lumot,
or the green scum that forms in shallow ponds or places that are always wet.
Give them a few minutes to observe the specimens and write down their

3. When they are done, show them a specimen of a lichen (#4 in the Student
Activity). This can be collected from trunks of trees. Tell them to answer Q12 to
Q14. Following are some photos of lichens from internet sources. Tell them
they can use their magnifying lenses.
12-04.html downloaded 9 March 2012


4. You may take photos of your own and project these. The ones shown here may
or may not be the same kinds found in your locality. Look at trunks of trees that
are in shady and moist places.

5. Then, show them the bacterial colony in the form of the letter Z on potato, the
fungus on rotting banana peel or the mold on old bread, and green algae or
lumot. Tell them to answer Q15 to Q17. Ask if they know what each is.
Encourage them to use their magnifying lenses. They will see something
similar to the following:

Q15. (a)

Photo by A. Encarnacion 2012

Q16. (b) Fungus on rotting banana peeling

Rotting banana peeling as seen Rotting banana peeling as seen

through the naked eye through a magnifying lens

(photos by R.L. Reyes)

Or, (c)

Old bread with mold seen Old bread seen with a magnifying lens
through the naked eye
(photos by R.L. Reyes)

and, (d)

Green algae or lumot in a freshwater aquarium downloaded 12 March 2012

6. Conduct a discussion of the answers they wrote. Do not give them the
answers, though you can confirm at the end, after eliciting answers from all,
those who mentioned the correct answers.

Expected answers:

Q1. Yes, it is a plant.

Q2. Mushrooms (Correct!)
Q3. Answers will vary. Example: They have “stems” and a “crown” like
miniature trees.
Q4. Yes, it is a plant.
Q5. Answers will vary. They may answer “seaweed” or the local name.
Q6. Because it’s green.
Q7. One is green, the other is white, brown, or grey.
Q8. Both have root-like, stem-like or fruit-like parts.
Q9. Answers will vary. If they have, they may describe light brown slices of
button mushrooms or pieces of black taingang daga. If it’s seaweed,
they may describe other seaweeds like guso on the cover of this
Q10. They may have eaten dishes with mushrooms or salads with seaweeds.
Q11. Answers will vary; common names are different in the different dialects.
Q12. Answers may vary; many will probably answer “plant.”
Q13. Yes.
Q14. Because its color is greenish; it has leaf-like parts.
Q15. (a) The letter Z in a different color from the potato. It’s white.
Q16. (b) Cottony, thread-like growth (on banana peel). Some may mention
amag (correct).
Or, if you showed them the moldy bread,
(c) There are tiny black dots and growth like cotton. (This is also

Q17. Dark green, slimy stuff.
Q18-19. Answers will vary depending on what the students already know or
have experienced. Elicit all the different answers then affirm the
correct ones. It is not expected that any student would guess that the Z
is a bacterial colony (Q18). Students may correctly guess Q19 (b) or (c)
as amag which both are.
Q20. (d) May be correctly identified as lumot. In English the word “moss” is
used but mosses are very small plants that have thin stems and grow
on land. Lumot are actually green algae, not plants. They float in water
or cling to wet rocks. They have no roots, stems or leaves.

Advance preparation for Day 2

Survey the school grounds beforehand so you know where to take them to
find mushrooms, puddles or rocks with algae (lumot), tree trunks with lichens and
whatever there is to find that is not recognizably or doubtfully a plant for Activity 2.



2 What other living things are

found in the school grounds?

1. Distribute Activity 2. Tell them to wear their gloves; bring tweezers, tongs, or
forceps; plastic bags or glass jars. Give them a maximum of 10 minutes
outside. Each student need only collect one living thing similar to the ones you
showed them yesterday or which they are not sure about being a plant.

In the grounds:

2. Bring them to shady, moist areas with decaying plant matter. Point out cottony,
powdery material on decaying logs and leaves as well as green stuff on wet
surfaces. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms are easy to spot and would be the
obvious choice of students to collect.

3. Prompt them to get a sample of green algae (lumot), lichens, fuzzy or hairy

Back in the classroom:

4. Allow them to describe the specimens they collected and to show their
drawings (Q1) to the class. Discuss their answers to Q2, and Q3.

Expected answers:

Q1. Drawings will vary, depending on what they collected.

Q2. Answers will depend on the exact place of collection.
Q3. Answers will depend on the conditions of the place of collection, e.g., if
it was collected in a moist, shady place, the specimen must need
moisture to live. It may be inferred that it will not thrive under intense
sunlight and dry conditions. They should also give air as a need.

5. When they have heard and seen what others have collected, tell them to
answer Q4 and Q5.

Q4. Answers will vary, but they are expected to collect something they had
seen the previous day in the classroom because you pointed out the
places where they were to go and suggested what to collect. They may
collect the same kind of living thing but of a different species or form.

6. At this point (as you discuss answers to Q4), give the names of all the
organisms they observed in Activities 1 and 2: mushrooms, molds, algae, and
lichens. Tell them that the Z in the potato is actually a bacterial colony from
human saliva. The lichen is a combination of fungus and alga.

Allow students to group the living things they have seen so far. Ask them for
their reasons for grouping together the living things. See if they see the
similarities between different kinds of mushrooms and molds and the different
kinds of algae (seaweeds) if they are by the sea, and lumot.

Q5. Their answers may include the following: Mushrooms and molds are
different from plants because they are not green; they are white, grey,
brown, black. They only have stem-like, fruit-like, and leaf-like parts just
as plants do but their bodies are very much softer and smaller.
Seaweeds may be green but they only have stem-like, fruit-like, leaf-like
parts not the real parts.

7. For their homework, tell them to find reference books or search the internet for
the big groups these organisms belong to based on the names you gave them.
The names of the big groups are Fungi, Protists or just Algae or Seaweeds,
and Monerans or just Bacteria. Lichens are combinations of a fungus and an
alga. Tell them to find out the characteristics of these groups, their uses to
humans and the environment, and negative effects, if any. Tell them they can
give other examples they find out about in the course of their readings.

Tell that what they did (collecting specimens in the school grounds) is already
part of an investigation.

8. Discuss information they gathered that may not be in agreement. Review their
sources. Give them the opportunity to evaluate and judge their sources.
Explain to them that through this process, their critical thinking skills will be

honed. There should not just be one source of information. Encourage them to
refer to several sources.

Expected answers to questions after the activity:

Q. What are the similarities among these groups? They are close to the
ground (small, e.g., the fungi and lumot). They need moisture to live.
They grow on living things or once-living things and in fact, cause decay
and decomposition, in the case of fungi.
Q. How are they different from each other? The algae are green, they
make their own food, while mushrooms are white, cream, grey and get
food from decaying living things. Lichens are often found on trunks of
trees and are greyish green.
Q. How are these big groups different from the plants studied in Grades 3-
6? These big groups are mostly smaller than plants. They have no true
leaves, true roots, true stems, true flowers.


1. On a table like the one below, allow the students to enter the information they
gathered as homework the previous day.

Expected information:

Name of Big group/ Characteristics Uses/ Harmful

living thing or Other Benefits Effects
organism Examples
Mushroom Fungi / Not green; Food; decomposes Some species
yeast, mold cannot make its living matter can cause
own food disease, e.g.
athlete’s foot,
some are
when eaten
Green algae, Protist Has green, and Food for humans; food Some
e.g. Caulerpa (Algae)/ other colors; for fish in ponds considered
or ar-arusep, Red algae, can make their pests in
e.g., own food; aquariums
Kappaphycus some are one- and recreation
or Eucheuma celled, some beaches
are multicellular
Lichen Partly fungus Algal part can Algal part provides
and partly photosynthesiz food for the fungal
alga e; fungal part part; fungal part
cannot provides a home for
the alga; acts as indi-
cator of air pollution;
lichens act as seed
bed or spore bed

Name of Big group/ Characteristics Uses/ Harmful
living thing or Other Benefits Effects
organism Examples
Molds Fungi Has root-like, Break down once Responsible
stem-like, fruit- living matter into its for spoiled
like parts; has simplest components food
Bacteria Bacteria or Can be seen Making fermented May cause
Monera only when in products: also disease like
colonies or big decomposes once- TB, diarrhea,
numbers living matter pneumonia,
some sexually
urinary tract
infection or
UTI, leprosy,

2. Teach them how to list down their references. Enabling them to seek and
gather information on their own is a valuable skill students need to learn. They
should also be engaged in evaluating credibility of various sources and
determining acceptable information. These skills are part of critical thinking.

3. Discuss disease-carrying and beneficial members of these big groups. Settle

differences by evaluating their sources.

4. End the lesson by saying they have just classified certain living things under
three big groups apart from the groups of Animals and Plants they have
learned about in the elementary grades. Say that other members of these
groups, especially the microscopic and single-celled representatives, will be
studied in the higher grades.

5. Administer the posttest.


1. The green alga, Caulerpa, and mushrooms both have some characteristics
similar to plants. What are these characteristics common to both that are also
found in plants?

I Green color for foodmaking

II Stem-like parts
III Spores
IV Fruit-like parts

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II and III D. II and IV

2. Just like many living things, fungi have certain needs to survive. What are
these needs?

I Food
II Air and water
III Sunlight and soil
IV Water

A. I and II C. I and III

B. II and III D. II and IV

3. Fungi cannot make their own food. What is the effect of their food getting

A. Decomposition of living things

B. Production of starch
C. Trapping of solar energy
D. Release of oxygen

4. What characteristic differentiates fungi, algae and bacteria from the plants
studied in Grades 3-6 aside from their small size?

A. They do not have true roots, true leaves, true stems, fruits and flowers.
B. Most do not make their own food unlike plants.
C. They are at the base of the food chain while animals are at the top.
D. They cause diseases while plants and animals have many uses.

Answer Key

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. A


Calumpong, H.P. and Meñez, E.G. (1997). Field Guide to the Common Mangroves,
Seagrasses and Algae of the Philippines. Makati: Bookmark Inc.

Carale, L., Galvez, E. & Reyes, R. (1990). Science and Technology for a Better Life
2. Biology Workbook. Makati: Basic Media Systems.

Pundasyon sa Pagpapaunlad ng Kaalaman sa Pagtuturo ng Agham, Ink. 1996.

Plants of the Philippines. 2nd Ed. Quezon City: Pundasyon sa Pagpapaunlad ng
Kaalaman sa Pagtuturo ng Agham, Ink.

Trono, G.C. Jr. (2009). Tropical Marine Macrobenthic Algae: A Lecture Series.
Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila: Department of Science and Technology,
Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development.

University of the Philippines Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Development (1993). Microorganisms in Biotechnology. Quezon City: UP

University of the Philippines Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Development (1992). Fungi. Quezon City: UP ISMED.

University of the Philippines Institute for Science and Mathematics Education

Development. (1989). Microbes: Friend or Foe?. Quezon City: UP ISMED.

Teaching Guide for Activity 3 (for schools with microscopes)


3 What do these living things look

like under the microscope?

1. Distribute Activity 3. Supervise their preparation of slides. Each group should

have slides of each of the specimens: banana peeling mold, bread mold, lumot,
bacterial colony, and lichen.

2. Help them also in the manipulation of the microscope.

For Q1, they may see something like this:

Growth on banana peeling under LPO

Photo by R Reyes

For Q2, they may see something like this:

Growth on banana peeling under HPO

Photo by R Reyes

Q3. Sample answer:

Under the LPO, I see threadlike structures and two roundish, yellowish forms.

Under the HPO, this yellowish, roundish form has smaller round things inside
and a stalk or stem-like part

Q4. Show this to students and ask them to label their drawings:

Fungal hyphae (plural of hypha) – fine branching, colorless threads;

together they form a tangled web called a mycelium
Source: downloaded 21 March 2012

The stolon is a kind of hypha connecting fruiting bodies. The stemlike part is
called a sporangiophore. The roundish yellowish shapes are sporangia (plural for
sporangium) the structures which bear the small round spores. Each spore that
lands in a warm, dark, moist place “germinates” and form hyphae all over again.

Source: downloaded 21 March 2012

3. The mold on bread is similar to the mold on the old banana peeling.


Example of Lumot

Unit 2


This module discusses the different modes of reproduction in representative plants,

animals, and microorganisms. Investigations in this module will help students
understand the different ways that organisms reproduce. At the end of this module,
students should be able to describe asexual and sexual reproduction and
differentiate the offspring resulting from each mode of reproduction.

Key questions for this module

What are the different modes of reproduction?

How can we use this knowledge to grow plants?


1 Can you grow new plants

from “eyes”?

In this activity, the potato is used as an example of a plant that can reproduce
asexually through vegetative reproduction. The potato tuber, a specialized
underground stem, is cut into pieces 2-3 days before planting to allow for the growth
of the hard and waxy layer on the cut surface to prevent rapid decomposition.

If potatoes are not readily available, you may use ginger or sweet potato for
this activity.

Possible answers to the developmental questions in Activity 1:

Q1. The cut pieces are planted with the eye pieces pointing upward to
enable the shoots to grow faster.
Q2. Answers may vary.
Q3. One potato “eye” will yield one new shoot.

Q4. Vegetative propagation is a faster way of propagating plants. A larger
number of offspring may also result in vegetative propagation. In
Activity 1, several new plants were grown from one potato plant.

Ask the students if they know of other plants that can be propagated
vegetatively. Students may give some of these possible answers: Some plants that
can be propagated vegetatively are kamote (sweet potato), cassava, ginger,
pineapple, and some ornamental plants.


2 Can one become two?

Before discussing fission, show the class how to prepare a wet mount of
Protococcus. The scrapings of Protococcus must be soaked in water three days
before the cells are studied. In this way, it will be easier to separate the cells from
the other algae and debris in the scrapings. To separate Protococcus, tease the
scrapings using two dissecting needles. The Protococcus is a green alga that may
form clusters or colonies.

Answer to the developmental questions in Activity 2:

Q5. Dividing Protococcus cells may look like these:

Q6. Paramecium and amoeba are two examples of unicellular organisms

that reproduce through fission.

You may show students prepared slides of Paramecium undergoing fission.

Introduce budding as another type of asexual reproduction. You may show

the class a slide of yeast cells. Have them describe what they see. In some cases,
they may see actual budding of the yeast cells. The smaller cell is called a bud
which detaches itself from the mother cell and grows into a mature cell. Ask the
students if they know of other organisms that reproduce by budding. Possible
responses: hydra and sponges.

Prepare ahead of time a bread mold culture before the discussion on spore
formation as a means of asexual reproduction. Expose a piece of bread for a few
days until you can observe mold growing on the bread. Spore formation is common
among the molds. Using the bread mold culture, show the class where the spores
are located.

If you have a microscope, you may prepare the bread mold for examination
under the microscope. With a dissecting needle, get a few filaments from the culture
and place them on a clean slide with a drop of water. Put a cover slip. Under the
microscope, the bread mold looks like this:

spore case


Mold with spore case

Call the attention of the students to the round structures at the tip of the stalk.
These are the spore cases containing the spores. You may crush one and show the
spores under the microscope to give the students an idea of the size and number of
spores. Ask students how important spores are. The acceptable response is: the
spores, when carried by the wind to bread or fruit, can grow into a new mold.

Emphasize that proper temperature, amount of moisture, and food source are
necessary for the spores to germinate. Ask the class if they know of other organisms
that can reproduce by spore formation. Possible responses: kabute (mushrooms),
shelf or bracket fungi, pako (fern).

Proceed to the discussion on asexual reproduction among animals.

Reproduction through regeneration or replacement of missing parts is also possible
among lower forms of animals. The bodies of sponges, hydra, and planaria can be
cut into several pieces and each part can become new individuals. Point out the
difference between regeneration and reproduction. Through regeneration lizards,
crabs, and lobsters can replace missing parts like tails or legs but their tails or legs
cannot regenerate the missing heads. In general, increased specialization in animals
corresponds to a decrease in capacity for regeneration.

After providing students with a wide range of common examples of organisms

that reproduce asexually, ask them to describe the offspring resulting from asexual
reproduction. Answer: Asexual reproduction gives rise to offspring that are identical
to the parents.

After the kinds of asexual reproduction have been taken up, introduce the
second mode of reproduction, sexual reproduction. Emphasize that sexual
reproduction involves sex cells or gametes. The female gamete is called egg cell or
ovum; and the male gamete is called sperm cell. A form of sexual reproduction is

called conjugation. This is exhibited by Spirogyra, Paramecium, and bread mold. If
you have a prepared slide of conjugating Paramecium and Spirogyra, you may focus
them under the microscope for students to study. Use drawings if there are no
prepared slides.

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

The flower is the reproductive structure in plants. Some plants have the male
and the female reproductive structures in one flower. Others have separate flowers
containing the male and female reproductive structures. In Activity 3, the gumamela
flower will be studied.


3 Structure of a gumamela

At the end of this activity, the students should be able to: (1) distinguish the
male and the female reproductive structures; and (2) describe the function of each
structure in reproduction.

Ask each student to bring the following: gumamela flowers (1 fresh, 1

withered, and 1 gumamela bud), scalpel or razor blade. Remind the students not to
play with the scalpel or razor blade.

To motivate the students, ask them what they think about flowers. What is
the importance of flowers? Encourage discussion of responses. Then bring around
the discussion to the biological importance of flowers. You may bring up the topic of
pollination and the role of attractive flowers.

Proceed with the activity.

Answers to the developmental questions in Activity 3:

Q6. The flower is attached to the stem by a short stalk-like structure.

Q7. The sepals provide protection to the unopened flower.

Q8. The stigma of the fresh flower feels sticky.

Q9. The stigma is sticky so the pollen grains that fall on it can better adhere
on it.

Q10. The answers may vary.

Q11. Pollen grains may reach the pistil through agents of pollination like
insects, wind, water, and humans.

Use illustrations or drawings in describing the formation of a pollen tube so
that the students will understand the process better. Talk about fertilization which
occurs after pollination. Fertilization is the fusion of the nuclear contents of the egg
and the sperm. From this union, a zygote results. In plants, the zygote or embryo is
within the seed.

Sexual Reproduction in Humans and Animals

Sexual reproduction needs two parents, a male and a female and this
involves specialized cells or gametes. The more complex species have gonads for
the production of the male and female gametes. Gametes differ in form and
structure. Use diagrams of the egg and sperm cells to facilitate the discussion on
gametes. Emphasize that gametes are microscopic cells. The method by which the
sperm comes in contact with the egg cell may be external or internal. External
fertilization usually occurs in aquatic animals. In internal fertilization, specialized
structures transport the sperm into the egg within the body of the female. Fertilization
or the union of these gametes starts the development of the new individual.

Sexual reproduction gives rise to offspring that are a combination of the traits
from its parents. Thus, the offspring differ genetically from their parents and their
siblings. These genetic differences help to ensure the survival of the species in
changing environmental conditions.


1. Which of the following structures are NOT involved in asexual reproduction?

A. Gametes C. Stem
B. Tuber B. Root

2. A farmer grew only one type of onion. All of the onion plants died from the
same disease. What can be said of this onion plant population?
A. Only a few plants were resistant to the disease.
B. All of the onion plants were resistant to the disease.
C. The onion plants were genetically identical.
D. The onion plants were genetically different from each other.

3. A farmer wants to propagate a good variety of a crop in a way which

maintained all its desirable traits. Which of the following methods should be
A. Self-pollination
B. Vegetative propagation
C. Growing seeds produced from this variety
D. Cross-pollinating this crop with another good variety and growing the
seeds resulting from the cross

4. A sperm cell unites with an egg cell to form a zygote. Which process is taking
A. Pollination C. Asexual reproduction
B. Fertilization D. Vegetative propagation

5. In sexual reproduction, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote?

A. An egg cell only C. A pollen and a sperm cell
B. A sperm cell only D. An egg cell and a sperm cell

6. Which species can produce offspring that are genetically different from their
A. A species that has few variations
B. A species that reproduces asexually
C. A species that reproduces sexually
D. A species that competes with a similar species

7. What is NOT a characteristic of sexual reproduction?

A. Gametes from two parents unite to form a zygote.
B. Offspring are genetically identical with the parent.
C. Offspring are different from their parents and sibling.
D. Genetic variability of offspring help to ensure survival in changing
environmental conditions.

Answer Key

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B


Hwa, K. S., Sao-Ee, G., & Luan, K. S. (2010). My pals are here! 6A science.
(International Ed.). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.

Philippines. Department of Education. (2009). Science and Technology II textbook.

(Rev. ed.). Pasig City: Instructional Materials Development Corporation.

Unit 2


In the lower grades, learners were introduced to the living and nonliving
things that make up the environment. They have also been introduced to the different
interactions that take place among organisms and between organisms and their
environment; they prey on other organisms for food, they have structures that help
them look for food and meet their basic needs, and they live in places where they
can be safe from bigger animals.

Some interactions are beneficial; others are harmful. There are also
interactions in which populations of organisms are neither benefitted nor harmed. All
these interactions take place in ecosystems.

All these interactions involve energy and its transformation through trophic
levels. Producers like plants convert radiant energy into chemical energy through
photosynthesis. This energy is transformed to other forms in the environment as one
organism feeds on another organism.

In this module, the students will discover that there are levels of organization
that are beyond the level of the organism.

Key question for this module

How do organisms interaction with each other and

with their environment?
How energy is transferred from one organism to the


1 What does it mean to be


In this activity, you will ask the students to identify the components of the
environment, compare the living and nonliving things, and describe how organisms
interact with each other and with their environment.

Visit your school garden or a pond near your school. On a separate sheet of
paper, ask the students to describe or draw the place.

Q1. What are the things that you see in your school garden or the pond?

Depending on the nature of your school garden or the pond, the students will
probably see rocks, soil, water, insects, and plants.

Q2. Which of these things are living? Which of these things are nonliving?

In the sample answer to Q1, the living things include the insects and plants;
the nonliving things include the rocks, soil, and water.

Q3. Observe the things that you identified as living. What do they have in

They will probably observe that the insects move and that both the insects
and plants respond to stimuli.

Q4. Observe the things that you identified as nonliving. What do they have
in common?

They will probably observe that, except for the water that is fluid, the rocks
and soil are stationary; but nonliving things do not respond to stimuli

Q5. What interactions do you observe happening among the living and
nonliving things?

They will probably observe small plants inhabiting the rocks; or ants making

Q6. What makes living things different from nonliving things?

Accept as many answers for this question as possible. Their answers may
include properties they mentioned in answering Q3 and Q4.

Have the students observe the rocks found in the school garden or the pond.
Ask them if they look like the rock shown in Figure 1 of Module 5. If so, have them
use a magnifying lens to see the details of the small plants.

Q7. What do these small plants need that is provided for by the rock?

These small plants need water and nutrients. Rocks are porous and hold
enough water to sustain the small plants’ growth; they also contain some nutrients
and minerals that the small plants need.

Q8. Where do you find these rocks that are inhabited by small plants?

Most of these rocks are found in moist places.

Q9. What other things in the environment are inhabited by these small
plants? Where do you find these things?

Some of these small plants grow on concrete walls like those shown in Figure
2; others grow on the stem of trees.

Q10. Why do you find them in these places?

These places hold enough moisture and may contain some nutrients that
support the growth of the small plants; they also get just enough filtered light. Direct
sunlight may dry up the place and cause the small plants to wither.

Q11. Do you also see small plants growing on the fences of your school?

If yes, the reason may be similar to those mentioned in the answer for

Q12. What other living and nonliving things did you see in the school garden
or the pond? Do you see them in other parts of the school? Explain your

They probably will not see rocks that are inhabited by small plants in parts of
the school that are dry. These small plants need enough moisture to live and grow.
Accept as many answers as possible to this question.

Figure 3 shows a picture of a community of plants. Different populations of

organisms that interact with each other in a given place make up a community.

Q13. Do you know of a similar place near your school where you see
communities of organisms?

The answer to this question varies depending on the other places in the
school that were visited by the students.

Q14. Are the things you find in your school garden or the pond the same
things that you find in the backyard of your house? Explain your answer.

If the physical conditions of the school garden i.e., moist and with filtered
light, are the same as the physical conditions of the backyard of the house, then
more likely, they will observe similar communities of organisms.

Q15. How do living things interact with each other and with their

Living things have basic needs to meet in order to survive. These basic
needs: water, nutrients, sunlight (for plants), and shelter, are provided to them by
their physical environment. Living things meet their basic needs through their
interaction with their physical environment.


2 Housemate? Ecomates!

In this activity, the students will describe interdependence among the

components of the environment, explain how organisms interact with their
environment to survive, and infer what happens to organisms if their environment is
not able to provide them with their basic needs.

Guide the students through the Preparation for Bromthymol Blue (BTB)
procedure. They will set up 8 different
aquaria; the contents of which are
provided in the chart. Should you opt to 1. Add 0.1g Bromthymol Blue into
use Bromthymol Blue as an indicator for 16ml of 0.01N NaOH
the presence of carbon dioxide, you may 2. Mix in a small container
use the boxed procedure on the right. 3. Dilute to 250mL with distilled
On a separate sheet of paper, 4. Add 5 drops in 10mL of test
have the students copy Table 1. They will sample
record their observations of changes, if
any, in the things that were placed in *Adapted from
each of the aquaria.

Q16. Where did the snails and fish stay most of the time in each of the
containers each day for three days? Explain your answer.

The snails and the fish in the containers that did not have plants stayed near
the top of the water column most of the time. Snails and fish need oxygen to live.
Without plants, their only source of oxygen is the air just above the water.

Q17. What happened to the organisms in each of the containers after three

It’s very likely that the snails and fish in the containers that did not have
plants would have already died or are very weak.

Q18. In which container/s were the organisms still alive? Which organisms
are these?

It’s very likely that the organisms in the containers that have plants are still
alive. These organisms are the snails, fish, and even the plants.

Q19. What do you think will happen to the organisms in each of the jars when
left closed for a longer period of time? Why do you think so?

After a longer period of time, the organisms that were placed in the dark
would have already died. The snails, fish, and plants that were placed together in the
container that was placed in strong light would have survived.

Questions 20-22 are additional questions if you used BTB.

Q20. In which container/s did you observe change in color on each day for
three days?
Containers B1 and B2
Q21. Bromthymol blue changes color to yellow in the presence of carbon
dioxide. Which jar/s contained carbon dioxide?
Containers B1 and B2
Q22. What explains the presence of carbon dioxide in this/these container/s?
These containers had snails and fish that give off carbon dioxide.

Q23. How do plants and animals depend on each other?

The plants give off oxygen in the presence of light. The fishes and snails
need oxygen to survive. Plants need carbon dioxide given off by the fishes and snails
to survive.

What the students have observed in this activity are interactions that take
place in an aquarium. There are other kinds of interactions and interdependence
among organisms and their environment in bigger ecosystems.

Ecological Relationships


The purpose of this section is to study the how organisms interact with other
organisms in a given environment.

Teaching Tips

At a start of the lesson, explain to the students that in our environment, there
plants, animals, and microorganisms (bacteria, fungi).

There are other microorganisms such as protozoa – they are single-celled

organisms that have a true nucleus enclosed by a membrane. Some protozoa have
animal-like behavior such as, movement (e.g., amoeba and paramecium). Some
protozoa have plant-like behavior, they are able to photosynthesize, and these
include the algae.

Explain to the students that a population is a group of organisms or

individuals of the same kind (species) living in a given place and in a given time.
Have students study figure 4 and then ask:

Q24. In figure 4 below, what populations of organisms can you observe?


Populations of:

 Cotton stainer insect

 Dragon fly
 Fly
 Butterfly
 Praying mantis
 Different fungi
 Different plants




Butterfly Cotton stainer Fly Dragon fly Fungus Praying mantis

Each picture of an organism represents of the population of that organism,
e.g., cotton stainer represents the population of the cotton stainer in the given area.
A butterfly represents the population of butterflies in the area.

Explain to the students this set of populations that inhabit a certain area form
a community. Therefore, what was shown in figure 24 in the student text is an
example of a community of different populations and in turn each population is
composed of one kind of organisms. You may introduce other sample of a
community as shown in figure below. Different populations of organisms such as:
Ducks, a representative of herons (white bird), insects, tall grasses, coconut plants,
and different types of fish in water.

These populations of organisms interact among themselves. For example,

ducks stay in water for food. They eat small animals living in water. This is an
interaction between ducks and small animals. Biological interactions are the
effects organisms in a community have on one another. In the environment no
organism exists in absolute isolation, and thus every organism must interact with
other organisms and the environment.

In the student text, Figure 25 shows fern plants growing on a trunk of a Narra
tree. What kind of relationship do you think these two organisms have? Figure 25
shows an epiphytic fern attached itself on a trunk of a Narra tree without harming
the tree. The Narra tree is a host that provides a place for the fern. When it rains,
the ferns get nutrients from rotting leaves and other organic materials that collect at
the root base of the fern plant. This relationship is called commensalism -- one
organism benefits from the host organism, while the host organism is neither
positively nor negatively affected.

Q25. What other examples can you give similar to this relationship?

Barnacles and other seashells

Photos: Courtesy of Rodolfo S. Treyes

Barnacles on the shells of tahong Barnacles on the shells of talaba

Barnacles adhering to the shell of oyster or mussels (talaba or tahong): they

are crustaceans whose adults are sedentary. The motile larvae find a suitable
surface and then undergo a metamorphosis to the sedentary form. The barnacle
benefits by finding a habitat where nutrients are available. In the case of lodging on
the shell of other organisms living organism, barnacle populations does not hamper
or enhance the survival of the animals carrying them. However, some species of
barnacles are parasitic.

Orchid plants and trees

Orchid plant is an epiphytic plant species that

grows on certain woody plants (trees). Orchid draws
its nutrients from the atmosphere, not from the host
tree. Thus the orchid has no harmful effect to the
woody plant.

Another type of relationship is parasitism –

one organism lives in or on another organism (the
host) and consequently harms the host while it

Q26. What other example of parasitism do

you know?

 Hookworms consuming blood from

inside an animal's intestine.
 Tick that feed on the blood of dog

Photo: Courtesy of Rodolfo S. Treyes


3 Which eats what?

Let the students fill in the appropriate box to each of the organism.

Q27. What Q28. What is the Q29. What part of

organisms are eater? What is the body does the
Organisms involved? eaten? eater use to get its
Frog and insect The frog is the eater. The frog stretches
An insect is eaten by its tongue to catch
the frog. an insect.

Cat and mouse The cat is the eater. Cat uses its sharp
The mouse is eaten. claws to catch the
mouse and bitten
using its sharp
canine teeth.

Spider and insect The spider is the The spider uses its
eater. web to catch the
Insect is eaten. insect.

Mantis Praying mantis By grabbing the

Student may Small crawling prey with its front
search in the animals e.g., ants claw like legs and
internet what the eating it alive.
praying mantis
(Praying mantises
eat insects and
other invertebrates
such as, beetles,
butterflies, spiders,
grasshoppers, and
even spiders.)

Bird and The bird is the eater. The bird uses its
earthworm The earthworm is beak to get the
eaten. earthworm.

Students may visit a school ground or garden to make more observations.
Facilitates the students in identifying the organisms they are observing. They can
search some information in the internet.

Q30. What Q31 What is the Q32. How does the

Organisms organisms are eater? What is eaten? eater gets its food?

Explain to the students, what they have observed in this activity is predation -
- an interaction in which one organism captures another and feeds on the captured
organism. An animal that kills and eat other animal is called predator. An animal
that is killed and eaten by its predator is called a prey. Prey animals are usually
smaller and less powerful than the predator that eats it.

Energy Transfer in the Ecosystems

Plants, animals, and microorganisms eat food to get energy that enable them
to move, grow, repair damaged body parts, and reproduce.

Q33. Why plants are considered producers? Plants are capable of converting
energy from the Sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose (food).
The process is called photosynthesis, which uses water, carbon dioxide
and sunlight.

Q34. Are plants the only organisms in an ecosystems that can produce their
own food? There are also microorganisms that can photosynthesize;
examples of which are shown in Figure 8.

Q35. How do animals and humans obtain energy to keep them alive? Humans
and other animals are not capable of making their own food. They are
must eat other organisms in order to obtain their energy as well as

Q36. In the figure 9, what are organisms being eaten? Plants and plant parts
are eaten by animals.

Q37. What are the eaters? Goats, cows, caterpillar, and mouse are the eaters.

Q38. What other organisms do you know in your area that eats only plants?
Snails, grasshoppers, horses, sheep, beetles,

Q39. In figure 10, what organisms could provide energy to the snake and
chicken? The snake gets its energy by eating the mouse. The Chicken
gets its energy by eating the caterpillar.

Q40. Refer to figure 11 above. How does energy from the Sun reach the 3 rd
order consumers? Trace the flow of energy among organisms by filling
up the boxes below? The arrow ( ) pointing to the next box means
“eaten by”.


Q41. List down the organisms found in your community. Classify the
organisms according to the following categories:

Organism Producer First Order Second Order Third Order

Consumer Consumer Consumer

Answers to this question will depend on students’ data.

Q42. Construct a food chain using the organisms listed on the table above.

Answers to this question will depend on students’ data.


4 What to do with food wastes?

Before the activity review the students about the food chain. A food chain
only follows just one path as animals find food.

Food Chain


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