Mit - Recruitment of Teaching Fellow
Mit - Recruitment of Teaching Fellow
Mit - Recruitment of Teaching Fellow
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for temporary Teaching Post for various Departments /
Division at Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044. The applicants
should have the following qualifications.
S.No. Name of the No. of Essential Qualification - First Class (UG and PG Degree) (M.S. Salary
Department Post from Institute of IIT / NIT / IISc / Anna University may be (Per Month)
/ Division considered in place of M.E. / M.Tech
1. Automobile 3 B.E. / B.Tech Automobile Engineering / Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
M.E. / M.Tech Automobile Engineering / CAD & CAM / CIM /
Manufacturing Engineering
Note : The Applicant should have a degree in Automobile
Engineering either at UG or PG Level
2. Computer 2 B.E. / B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering /
Technology Information Technology
M.E. / M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering /
Information Technology
3. Electronics 5 B.E. / B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering
Engineering M.E. / M.Tech Communication & Networking /
Communication Systems / Wireless
Technologies / VLSI Design & Embedded
System / VLSI Design / Applied Electronics Rs. 20,000/-
4. Production 4 B.E. / B.Tech Mechanical Engineering / Production
Technology Engineering / Manufacturing Engineering /
Industrial Engineering
M.E. / M.Tech Production Engineering / Manufacturing
Engineering / CIM / Thermal Engineering / IC
Engine / R&AC / Industrial Engineering
5. Applied 7 B.Sc. Mathematics
Science and M.Sc. Mathematics / Applied Mathematics /
Humanities Equivalent
( Posts in M.Phil Mathematics
Maths, 3 B.Sc., Physics
Physics M.Sc Physics / Applied Physics / Equivalent
Chemistry) M.Phil Physics
8 B.Sc. Chemistry
M.Sc. Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Equivalent
M.Phil Chemistry
Desirable - 75% and above or CGPA of 8.5 in 10 point scale in UG and PG.
Two years Teaching / Research / Industrial Experience.
In case there are more number of applicants, a written test will be conducted to short list / select the
candidates for interview.
The duly filled application in the prescribed format along with copy of degree and all other necessary
certificates should be submitted at the following address in person or by post on or before 04.07.2018 (Wednesday),
5.00 p.m. to
The Dean,
Madras Institute of Technology Campus,
Anna University, Chromepet,
Chennai - 600 044.
3. E.mail id (Valid :
and functional)
4. Mobile Number :
(valid and
5. Nationality :
6. Community : OC BC MBC SC ST
7. Gender :
________ ________
Years Months
9. Educational Qualifications (s):
10 Additional Qualification (s) (including higher degree (s) / Certificates)
11. Experience
Name of the Designation Period Nature of Total Experience
Organization From To work Years Month
I declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and belief and that no related information is concealed. If any discrepancy is found at any stage, the
Madras Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University, Chennai, shall cancel my application /
selection. I am aware that this application is only for temporary post.
Place :
Date :
General Instructions:
1. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview after scrutinizing the applications.
2. The actual date and time of interview will be intimated by e-mail or by telephone to the shortlisted
3. Candidates should appear for the interview with their original certificates.
6. The positions are purely temporary and the duration is for 6 months which may be extended
9. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of information and other documents