SG2 Engineering Castles

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© 2011 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades ® is a Registered
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Troll Lord Games, and the Castles & Crusades, SEIGE engine, and Troll Lord Games
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ISBN: 978-1-936822-33-1 Printed in the United States of America Engineering Castles brings the wearied
Castle Keeper the tools to entice the
imagination, to create, wholesale, from scratch,
a varied array of Castles and structures.

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plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, depictions, likenesses, con- Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
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groups, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses, skills, items, 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
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other accompanying text, though not their stat blocks. Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
All text, artwork, and maps appearing in this book is property of and copyright 2011 Troll of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 4rd Printing, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord
Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Keeper, Troll Lord Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Games, and the Castles & Crusades and Troll Lord Games logos, and products published the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indi-
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2nd Printing Copyright 2007, Troll
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 cation as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement
Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compat-
ibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 3rd Printing Copyright 2009, Troll
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Lord Games; Authors Robert Doyel Stephen Chenault.
have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any
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dventure does not limit itself to the
depths of earth and stone, but calls AND HOW (but not in that order)
the seeker in, exploring all heights and
Typically, knowing what purpose some particular building serves
stretches – to the spires of looming tow-
will help determine other facets about it – a bridge, for example,
ers, to the forbidden glades deep in an-
that has no gap to straddle has little effective reason for construc-
cient heartwood and to the sunken and
tion, though one should never simply rule out “aesthetics” espe-
abandoned places lost in time. But, not
cially when high-powered egos might be involved. Therefore, the
all are hidden – some are welcoming
first and most basic answer should always retort the question “why?”
bastions for the wayward traveler, and others are the holdings of
creatures most foul; still more bear foreboding edifices, casting a
mocking shadow – be they castle, ruin or manor, each beckons a
promise of loot, a glimpse of chance, and portends fate. D100 Roll Reason
01 – 30 Shelter / Community
An aspiring Castle Keeper will often have many floor plans of
31 – 32 Personal / Pleasure [Table 1A]
places through which unsuspecting player characters will venture,
generally taking the forms of underground complexes or even wil- 33 – 66 Military [Table 1B]
derness or urban areas, but many likely do not have much stock 67 – 70 Economic / Mercantile [Table 1C]
for the “other” locales such as bastions, keeps, temples, and cas- 71 – 80 Philosophic / Religious / Educational [Table 1D]
tles. This tome will remedy that situation and provide the Castle 81 – 85 Tomb
Keeper the tools and templates to design such from nothing or, if
86 – 87 Monument
desired, to modify an existing structure with new and unknown
(which may be otherwise familiar) traits. 88 – 95 Storage [Table 1E]
96 – 00 Governmental
To start, it helps to answer very basic questions, making the need-
ed background choices which will further assist as fine details are Many times a castle will serve several purposes at once, depending
determined. Those who have read the first work, SG1: Engineer- primarily on secondary features such as individual buildings and the
ing Dungeons, will find the procedure similar – please note that personalities of the crafter. Also, a freestanding building does not nec-
the former is not needed to enjoy or use what is here. In many essarily function as it was originally intended, especially in the case of
senses, a “castle” is but a dungeon in a different sense, so an un- a previous occupant being forcibly removed or the current resident
derstanding of them is helpful but not essential. It may, at first, simply modifying to taste. Therefore, the precise purpose of any such
seem unusual that much of this work is focused on chapels or tem- endeavor should be determined in whichever way best matches the
ples, but in the real world, castle structures were often built into, needed goals for how it will be used in game – if a purely random sam-
or from pre-existing, religious institutions, these being the bases ple is desired, roll two or three times, discarding any unpalatable results.
for architectural endeavors for most of pre-Industrial history.
Shelters and communal constructions are fairly straightforward – they
are built to house and protect the occupants and are among the most
basic of structures, though they can be very complex. These types
of works nearly always exhibit trademarks of the effort to build it:
dwarfs, for example, might use specific masonry techniques when
crafting arches, whereas goblins might produce a ramshackle abode
full of half-finished interiors. There are natural expectations when
encountering such an establishment such as the master room will
be larger than those for servants, but clever (and some say insane)
builders will sometimes invert or pervert them; paranoid or curious
architects may even include secret passages or odd technology such as
revolving stairways. Basically, a shelter is a home – something is sup-
posed to live there, and the craftsmanship and layout will indicate it.

The size will also be directly related though, as in real life, there are
numerous factors to consider (what is critical here is that the place
will always be large enough to service the needs of whatever dwells
within it, though it may naturally be much bigger than actually need-
ed, perhaps even shared amongst several inhabitants) Intelligence is
a primary factor for what may be contained within these establish-
ments – a mound of mud and straw used as a lair by some animal or
other is more likely not to exhibit the same trappings that one built
by a thinking creature could, though the former might actually be
more involved (twisting hallways which are more akin to tunnels, for
example, each a labyrinthine mess connected to a central shelter.)


Self-sufficiency is paramount, if the structure is intended to house really should dive into the depths of purpose for castles of this type,
many for extended periods – this will be directly related to size and from the deranged to the civil (perhaps an elderly scribe just wants
occupancy as some castles are actually the keystones of population a cabin in the woods to relax from the grind of his occupation…) so
(that is, cities and the like spring up around, or because of, the castle be free and hold back nothing – the players will enjoy it.
itself.) Tied to that is the notion of defense, but it is possible the
dwelling is simply intended to be a “home away” or is designed as TABLE 1A: VICES
to be nearly impregnable simply by its location – this is especially D20 Activity
true in the case of high-powered magic wielders who are known for
01 – 02 Sport
their seclusion. Ideally, the craftwork will be done from immediately
available material, though wealth and ideology are often consider- 03 – 04 Hunting [Table 1A-1]
ably more important (if not the major concern), and some races 05 – 06 Gambling
may even be known across the campaign continents as using only a 07 Collecting [Table 1A-2]
specific thing, such as elfs building with living vegetation and cloud 08 – 11 Illegal Trade [Table 1A-3]
giants preferring the rarity provided by meteoric iron, for example
12 Torture
– all these seemingly minor details provide a wealth of information
regarding the castle and its inhabitants and can even act as impetus 13 – 14 Prostitution
for adventure (perhaps some noble lord needs the confiscation of a 15 Illegal Practice [Table 1A-3]
nearby mine so that mineral etherite can be extracted…) 16 Religious
Homes are usually kept and occupied, even if the owner is not pre- 17 – 19 Music / Theatre / Arts
sent (servants and guards may watch over the structure) keeping 20 Special Entertainment
it in excellent shape. Lastly, because there are castles meant to be
inhabited, they tend to not have many traps (the donjon, oubliette, Sport establishments are those built to facilitate some sort of game,
dungeon and other defensive components notwithstanding) but which may or may not involve the exchange of money; the specific
doors, especially those with locks (to restrict access from those who sport(s) enjoyed may be team oriented, such as some Cleaver: The
do not require it) are quite common. Nearly anything can be found Pit matches, or may be intended for single participation such as
inside, from the strange and bizarre to the very average – homes fishing or archery. The key factor here is that ample room for play
reflect the personalities of their owners, and castles are certainly no (and necessary removal as needed, such as offal from horse races
different, from ground to the tip of the pinnacle banner; idiosyn- or discarded corpses for death matches) will be available and likely
cratic knick-knacks and oddities are the Castle Keeper’s friends: use to contain trophies and other paraphernalia, some of which could
them liberally and as necessary to generate mood and theme. Re- be quite valuable due to obsessive collectors or even the used ma-
member also that age and disuse will take a toll, and arbitrary refuse terials. Gladiatorial combat is considered a sport and if animals or
is a veritable reality of exploration of these once-abodes. strange battles are needed, the methods of implementation will
be provided – these are usually done without magical aid, though
Virtually identical, a dwelling intended for personal or pleasurable a crafter of exceptional might may find it makes the task much
ends superficially resemble standard shelters, bearing many of the less difficult. Note, the legality of the practiced art is irrelevant,
same marks and customs, especially as pertains the various tidbits though the more unaccepted, the more hidden it will be, likely
of crafter creativity. However, some very important differences dis- to involve key phrases or other ciphers and sigils to gain entrance
tinguish the two – these constructions enjoy one very specific vice, and these areas will be more tightly secured. Some “castles” of
and that is usually to boast or epitomize exorbitance (or focus on this nature will be well established, known throughout the land
one, otherwise secretive aspect such as societal deviation) to the as the place to enjoy a particular pastime, and others will gener-
point of grotesque in many ways. These are rarely the only property ate rumors of their existence – using the finer details tends to add
owned and tend to be the embodiment of some extremely power- great depth to the setting and make it appear more alive and real.
ful individual or guild and often showcase the self-obtained glory
through trophies of all manners, even to the very staff that works When hunting, it is important to know what the target is as it typi-
(but probably does not live) within its extremes. Many times a castle cally helps to be close to the intended prey, but secluded in secrecy
dedicated to the pursuit of self-interest will be far removed from to prevent simple observation and thereby, discovery and possible
the niceties of others, though they are not precluded from being retaliation. Unlike a sporting castle, as noted before, one of this type
important parts of society, depending, again, on who has built it and most probably has its pleasures conceived outside the walls, though
what exact need is being fulfilled – for example, if a chaotic evil it is not impossible for them to be within, especially if some sort of
master of torture crafts an elaborate domicile, it could very well rest intelligent creature is stalked. For all other intents, especially con-
under the placid illusion of conformity amongst the dregs of com- cerning “winnings,” the two types are basically the same. The power
mon society, acting an unknown lair (or it could be secluded in an of the creature being hunted is also a good guideline as to what one
abandoned relic from the ancient past, unknown to any other); on may reasonably expect of the owner of the castle – someone who
the other hand, an aristocrat who wants a mobile pleasure palace routinely hunts dragons, for example, is not one to be trifled. A Cas-
to indulge in carnal theory might find it more suitable to escape in tle Keeper may decide to use the following simple table to assist in
every conceivable way, the better to find partners and avoid cap- determining the primary interest for the hunt, but it is not intended
ture should that be a necessity: the realms of possibility are virtually to be complete and should be modified for individual settings:
limitless. Unlike some other types of structures, the Castle Keeper

TABLE 1A-1: PREY is knowing the personality and goals of the adventure. To brainstorm and
provide a simple, and far from complete, guide to collecting, a baffled Castle
D100 Prey (Monster Type)
Keeper can simply determine it using the following, checking each column:
01 – 05 Aberration
06 – 35 Animal [By Species such as Deer, Shark, Tyrannosaurus, etc] TABLE 1A-2: COLLECTIONS
36 – 40 Beast Estimated Value
d20 Object Size Magical?
41 – 45 Character Race [Excludes Half-Orc] in GP / Item

46 Dragon Books / Papers 1d5 copper Scant – 1d6

1 No
/ Scrolls pieces items
47 Extraplanar
1d10 copper Sparse – 1d6
48 – 50 Fey 2 Maps No
pieces +5 items
51 – 60 Giant 1d100 silver Average –
3 Armor No
61 – 65 Human pieces 1d10 +8 items
66 – 80 Humanoid [Includes Half-Orc] 2d200 silver Large – 1d12
4 Weapons No
pieces +8 items
81- 85 Magical Beast
Armor, Spe- 3d10 gold Scant – 1d6
86 – 95 Monstrous Humanoid 5 No
cific pieces items
96 Specific Class [Wizard, Cleric, Rogue, etc]
Weapon, 5d10 gold Vast – 1d10+
97 – 98 Undead 6 No
Specific pieces 20 items
99 Vermin 1d100 gold Scant – 1d6
7 Glassware No
00 Specific Subset [Red-Eye Orc Clan, Albino Wolverines, etc] pieces items
2d100 gold Sparse – 1d6
Gambling, naturally, is a trade of luck (and in some cases, the art 8 Pottery No
pieces +5 items
of cheating) for money or other valuables, though it could be done Musical Instru- 5d100 gold Average –
for pure enjoyment, somewhat like a sport. In fact, it is a game of 9 No
ments pieces 1d10 +8 items
chance, at the purest level, but these places will always have the
Musical Instru- 1d10 x 100 Large – 1d12
odds stacked in their favor and typically offer more than the game 10 No
ment, Specific gold pieces +8 items
for diversion. Often, security, both of patrons and exchanged
funds, are paramount. Secret shelters and alcoves likely riddle the 2d10 x 100 Huge – 1d10
11 Coins No
gold pieces + 15 items
hallways, to allow guards and others means to easily access areas off-
limits to non-staff (or the very wealthy who are sometimes given their 3d10 x 100 Average –
12 Coins, Specific No
own private quarters, much removed from the common folk) and it gold pieces 1d10 +8 items
is these establishments, unlike for hunting lodges or arenas where 13 Artwork
5d10 x 100 Scant – 1d6
magic takes a major role, especially in the form of preventing, and gold pieces items
utilizing, divination. One other, oft discarded facet of these buildings Artwork, 1d100 x 100 Sparse – 1d6
14 No
is that light and ventilation are normally poor, especially if the games Specific gold pieces +5 items
involved do not need moving parts (also, unlike sport and hunting, Trophies, 1d10 x 100 Average –
the technology level of the establishment is generally higher than the 15 No
Hunting gold pieces 1d10 +8 items
surroundings, so that games like roulette are possible.) Cleanliness is 2d10 x 1000 Large – 1d12
critical as well, as like the two previously described, the tenement can, 16 Trophies, Sport No
gold pieces +8 items
and usually does, double as a place of business.
3d10 x 1000 Huge – 1d10
17 Ivory No
Facilities designed to house collections are more like museums, vaults of gold pieces + 15 items
the rare, mysterious, interesting, or valuable… at least to the thing that 5d10 x 1000 Scant – 1d6
18 Stones No
keeps the items, which may not even be objects at all. Depending greatly gold pieces items
on what is stored within, and very similar to castles meant for storage (the 1d100 x 1000 Average –
19 Drinks / Spirits No
key difference, as will be seen, is in what types of collections), these places gold pieces 1d10 +8 items
have one very simple goal: to warehouse whatever fascinates the owner. It Castle Keeper’s 1d10 x 5000 Sparse – 1d6
20 Yes
may be built as a museum, allowing the public to view, but not touch, or it Choice gold pieces +5 items
could be a personal collection kept away from the eyes of society, known
(and sometimes not, if the collection would be considered obscene or Houses of ill repute and other illegal trades such as slave pits and
untoward) or not. There is tremendous leeway given the Castle Keeper, those which act as dens for thieves and other mercenary individu-
as these structures will vary as do all individual creations, but do provide als or groups are often well defended and highly fortified, primarily
an interesting hook for adventure in many ways: perhaps someone needs because they are illegal. Customarily, a special entrance is needed,
something stored in some aloof collector’s stash, or that same individual is sometimes in the form of a spoken phrase but also in a manner of
testing general security; too, another storyline could be drawn from a col- attire or even magical methods – all others are turned away for fear
lector who is willing to pay for something not already owned, or maybe the of discovery. Guards, when present, are normally given access to
players simply break in to see what they can loot… what truly matters here certain locations within and do not necessarily know anything that


occurs outside their selected residence; indeed, they may not even A castle built for personal religious reasons is one that is the very
know there is more to the structure than what they patrol. In all embodiment of the faith it serves – the more public its worship
other ways, this type of building is similar to the others, save its (and worshippers), the more open and accessible it will be. Many
fundamental occupation, which a beleaguered Castle Keeper can faiths are grandiose but quiet temerity is also possible… those who
decide by rolling the following – as always this chart is a simple sam- dwell within are obviously part of the congregation, but not all
ple of possibilities and is not intended to represent the total gamut: who visit necessarily need to be so. Generally, a specific function
of faith (such as practice of a certain rite or the protection of a
TABLE 1A-3: TRADES relic) is served by such structures, but it could double as a lesser
d20 Occupation temple. It is, therefore, incumbent on the Castle Keeper to have at
least a fundamental concept of the religion. Lastly, when decorat-
01 Slaving
ing the interiors, it is common practice to include artistry (in vari-
03 – 05 Prostitution ous forms such as tapestries, murals, statuaries, etc) that reminds
06 Narcotics the believer of key stories and moments of the canon. Should a
religion have enemies (as some do), self-sufficiency is vital.
07 Forgery
08 – 12 Larceny A music, theatre, or art house, like those crafted for sports and
13 Political Agenda game, bear distinction because of their proprietor (who is very
probably a bard of renown) but are nearly always open to the pub-
14 Religious Agenda lic, serving a dual need (living and working.) They are generally
15 – 16 Assassination small, but large plazas and the like are not a needed rarity, es-
17 Warmongering pecially in civilizations that support such endeavors. Therefore,
great effort is given to internal maintenance and participation,
18 – 19 Fencing (Sale of Stolen Goods)
each section often crafted to exact specifications for both aesthet-
20 Criminal Activity (Castle Keeper’s Choice) ics and acoustics. They tend to be small, or seemingly so on the
outside expanding to allow a great number of inhabitants once the
Torture is relatively common amongst civilized populations but is
doors are opened. Also, unless the place is a stockpile of valuables
considered crude and somewhat barbaric; as such, it is not generally
(possible but not likely), security is generally light to minimal, the
wanted to be directly accessible to the average citizen and so the
only effort made to keep the wealthier patrons non-accosted by
dwellings where the activity are performed are removed, set away
the poorer. There are few reliable nuances that identify similari-
from prying eyes where the practitioner can release anything de-
ties between these edifices, but of them the most recognized are
sired. These places are normally dark inside, with little lighting and
overreaching balconies, plush chairs for the aristocracy, and elabo-
often caked with blood and other foul things, occupied by depraved
rate engravings and frescoes adorning the whole of the interior…
and sometimes deformed individuals, which says nothing of the un-
not to mention the mandatory stage. Cost of attendance can vary
fortunate victims of the art. A veritable treasure trove on physiology
hugely, depending on who is performing, what is being performed,
and psychology can be found inside the more enlightened alcoves,
where one wants to be to witness the performance, et cetera.
but they always contain items that elicit fear and knowledge of pain.
Some of these establishments have illicit reputations, as well, per-
Generally, because of their elusive nature, castle built solely to tor-
haps due to an historical event (such as a successful assassination)
ture will be obscured by the terrain but will not often have defenses
or because it acts as a front for more naughty things (often in the
of its own – the rumors and shock factors give it more than enough.
form of narcotics or prostitution, but virtually anything is possible
Somewhat related, but quite the opposite, is the prostitution house in a world populated by the imagination.) If magic is to be used,
where the majority of the population is likely to know of its pres- the building will be designed to accommodate – the private rooms
ence, but only those actively seeking its embrace dare traverse. of stars are seldom easily accessed, reserved and preserved.
A great amount of wealth and knowledge can often be procured
Special entertainment covers anything not previously discussed,
from a place such as this and so strict guidelines are given to its
and is an enormously diverse array. The building, itself, will be very
inhabitants, especially regarding who may be allowed to enter –
similar to others but the paraphernalia is dramatically different. Few
many times, it is not just anyone who may indulge and enjoy, leav-
standard practices exist save to fulfill whatever needs are present.
ing the hopeful to discover the secret; in general, the more fanciful
As a general rule, this category also encompasses those who simply
the place, the more likely the clientele will be monitored, often
wish to see if something is possible (for example, testing a new al-
under the guise of beautiful trinkets freely given. Otherwise, an
chemical recipe) or have become obsessed with something unusual
abode meant for prostitution is a lavish and expensive place…
(a historical example of this would be the Winchester House whose
or, it is an utter dive, mimicking even the most sickening torture
owner was convinced that ghosts and the like were present and so
palace. The owner is crucial to the establishment, so the Castle
built strange rooms and features to dissuade them.)
Keeper should consider goals and personality when designing.
Military establishments, perforce, are those one would likely think of as
Illegal practices, like an illegal trade, is something that society as
being rudimentary to the concept of a castle – that is, a fortified retreat
a whole forbids but does not react harshly toward, without severe
wherein the might of an army is besieged by that of another. This is
reason. The types of activities performed are similar (the same
only the most basic and simple of such endeavors, however, for there
chart is used) but are more mild, and so, the establishment is more
are many other variety that may exist, especially when considering the
accessible though far from “open.”
fantasy world at large: it could be an outpost dedicated to gathering in- hidden or forbidden society; the amount of status occupied amongst
formation regarding an approaching force or to dissuade the same from the populace will give a wide array of defensive capability: if the
nearing; the facility could simply function as a training ground, perhaps establishment has virtual lock on the peoples, it fears little from
for some rare or unusual array such as griffon cavalry or the practice of internal squabble, but if it is a struggling organization attempting to
untested magic – a great deal of the construction of the castle will be be created, there is more cause for concern… this, entirely based
based on the precise needed functions, and so it is advised to determine on whether the aims are pursuable in context of the building (for
these specifics, keeping them in mind, throughout the building process: example, even amongst the most despicable of chaotic evil settle-
to ease this, a sample table of possible (surely not a full list) reasons for ments, assassination is usually a subject of worriment by the ruler-
military presence is provided, to use as needed, noting that structures of ship, and so, even if the assassins’ guild has total dominion within
this sort usually are not relegated to a single objective. this environ, it is not likely to simply leave its doors open for anyone
to enter.) One rather common feature is, naturally, warehouses
TABLE 1B: OBJECTIVES where product can be maintained. Depending on the clout of the
D20 Objective organization sponsoring the castle, there may be advanced technol-
ogy or magic, as these places are often targeted for retribution and
01 – 07 Training, Standard
assault by thieves and worse. Also, some are highly specific, making
08 – 10 Spying entry nearly impossible save one knows the means prior to the at-
11 - 13 Presence, Defensive tempt – in cases such as this, the entire structure is usually riddled
with all manner of deceptive and dangerous devices, possibly well
14 Training, Elite
armed, and always well stocked with provisions… though, age is a
15 Testing key factor as well. The general nature of such things can be quickly
16 – 19 Presence, Offensive determined by rolling the following, once per column:
20 Detainment
D20 Guild Membership
1 Merchant Secret
2 Trade Controlled
3 Occupational Fluctuating
4 Parish Public
5 Fraternity Controlled
6 Political Fluctuating
7 Illicit Controlled
8 Occupational Controlled
9 Trade Fluctuating
10 Illicit Secret
11 Merchant Controlled
12 Parish Public
13 Fraternity Secret
14 Occupational Controlled
15 Merchant Controlled
16 Trade Fluctuating
17 Merchant Controlled
18 Occupational Public
19 Political Secret
20 Illicit Controlled

Merchant guilds are those which sell or deal in some specific item,
such as salt, iron, paper, and the like. These organizations can have
considerable influence, able to impose economic sanctions against
Economic or mercantile castles are designed to serve some sort of
an empire or settlement and cease distribution of goods as deemed
specialized need, such as acting as a store or a trade point, and are
necessary. Therefore, buildings where the members congregate are
often well defended as these are usually critical to the vitality of
usually well known, but also virtually impregnable—there may be
whatever nation or group supports it. The physical layout tends to
incredible amounts of wealth inside, as well, perhaps even more
be universally rectangular, but specific structures need not follow
than what lays in the coffers of a king. A merchant guildhall will
it – especially if the builder has a secret agenda like belonging to a
usually be in direct proportion to the clout it wields, sometimes


housing lesser factions. They will nearly always have reservoirs of whatever would result in the most fun for the setting and adventure.
goods and can call in might favors if needed; magic and technology
are usually above that of the general populace, and many employ all A political guild is one that serves some governmental or military
manner of thieves (secretly or not) to routinely test security. A guild need, whether for or against the current ruler; some seek to over-
of this type is not usually secretive, though the absolute authorities throw and are naturally (or ordinarily, more properly) secretive and
may be unknown, rumored, or even non-existent. guarded, especially if violent opposition is expected. Military-minded
guilds, such as halls for mercenaries or town militia are usually small
Guilds based on a particular trade, such as barrel-making or black- in scope, but they otherwise conform to the same standards as others
smithing are not responsible, per se, for the sales of wares, relying of the same nature and purpose. Purely political guilds are generally
on the merchants for this in many cases; instead, these act, usu- not well armed or protected, but locating them may be quite difficult.
ally, as unions of sorts, protecting the members from theft, scams
and even merchants. They are normally small, with considerable Illicit guilds are very similar to those of a particular trade or craft but
influence amongst the common folk who are often the backbone of practice an art that is considered shady at best to outright unlawful and
the organization. Buildings established are naturally reflective of the depraved at worst, including such things as grave digging (Resurrection-
needs, and generally take the form of long cabins, usually single sto- ism, as an example), execution (while legal in many environs, those
ried, and nearly always having the tools needed to practice the craft who perform the actions are often disdained and even loathed by the
inside, sometimes doubling as an institution for education on the population), assassination (this is quite different than the legal taking of
matter (making some prime candidates for looting and vandalism, another’s life), and theft, amongst a wide and diverse array of others
such as those concerning alchemy) and as such, needed precautions even more nefarious and foul – these are often fronted by good-standing
are taken in defense. Like a merchant guild, these are not normally establishments such as stores or restaurants. Because the nature of these
secretive, but it does depend a great deal on the trade. buildings are to hide or protect a guarded and often hidden subculture,
the walls and defenses are generally thick and in working order, possibly
Occupational guilds are those which do not necessitate a skill in mak- assisted with magical aid; a thieves’ guild, for example, is likely the most
ing something, but is otherwise considered a trained ability, some- lethal non-dungeon (though, in fact, it should likely be treated as such)
times bordering on the quasi-legal, such as begging, prostitution or an explorer could explore, many who enter not leaving fully intact in
hunting. The contents inside will vary greatly, but usually concentrate some manner. The specific nature of the guild is of utmost importance, as
and concern whatever activity is practiced by its constituents. It is what happens within the walls will often stay there… a fact that can give
fairly rare for an occupational guild to have much clout, but it is not the Castle Keeper any number of hooks for adventure.
impossible (such as the mason guild which may control much about
the construction and development of a civilization, for example.) In When it comes to membership, how easily one can join further helps
some games, there may even be such a thing as an “adventurers’” to decide a minimum level of security needed for their goings-on;
guild, which would be of this type – establishments built on this prem- a guild with secret membership is more likely to simply be discov-
ise are generally formidable and well-staffed. ered on accident, but one that would generally require a great deal
of effort to make in the first place, but it may be possible it exists
A parish guild is one which encompasses those of a similar religious right below the noses of others, all at the discretion of its founders
persuasion but is not necessarily a religious establishment – that is, it depending solely on why they exist at all (these details are outside
is likely a simple meeting place where no rites or other services are the scope of this work, but Castle Keepers should feel free to devel-
performed, but this, too, is not necessarily the case; some are used pre- op based on the preliminary notes and concepts previously given.)
cisely for rituals which would not, or could not, be performed properly One with controlled membership carefully monitors and prohibits
elsewhere, such as certain types of sacrifice or those which require new aspirants without some test or show; these can be dangerous
specific, controlled, conditions. These structures are, like those of events and are seldom performed within the castle itself – the more
personal use previously described, generally small and membership advanced the guild, the more likely some specific means of entry is
tightly controlled and restricted. Emblems and canon paraphernalia provided such as pass phrases or sophisticated technology and mag-
are likely to be present, as are holy texts (perhaps even those consid- ic. A fluctuating membership is one where the general population
ered apocryphal or heretical), depending mostly on what the group is aware of their existence and nearly anyone can enter and partake
intends to do – these can provide a wealth of adventure seeds for an of what is offered, but there are limits, usually due to economic or
eager Castle Keeper. Defenses, and magic use, can vary widely. The religious prejudice though social stigmas are common as well; an
same tables and methods for religious institutions (Table 1D) should example of this type would be a hunting ground where an aristocrat
be used to help the Castle Keeper determine fundamental aspects of can enter and take his fill but woe to a peasant who steps beyond
the guild which will then help greatly in finalizing important details. the iron gate. Public guild structures are naturally public – it is open
for all; these should be somewhat rare in most medieval-minded
Fraternities are societal groups dedicated to a variety of purposes: milieu, but can easily exist for such things as public baths (often
they can be educational, philosophical (hedging on the near-reli- run by religious orders) or even healing centers. Likewise, influence
gious), hobbyist (mimicking the occupational or craft guilds), or will help determine several facets – a place feared for retribution is
simply for entertainment. Status and aims are crucial – a secretive generally more secure, simply by reputation, than one which either
cabal that practices dark magic is much more likely to be well de- no one knows of, or cares. There is great leeway and overlap when
fended than one which gathers every fortnight to have a few rounds determining the features and functions of fortresses, so use combine
of stout ale. There is limitless possibility when it comes to guilds of and coalesce as fits the specific needs of the place.
this type, so the Castle Keeper should consider them and then use

Religious institutions are established, usually, for one thing – honor- Madness [Apocalypse,
ing and appeasing the deity (or deities) to which it is dedicated, in 24 Fire Altar Accepted
Obsession, Etc]
whatever form that may take, such as sacrifice of living flesh to the
25 Font Ancestry Outlawed
accumulation of enormous wealth. The faith normally has something
to say about the subject, especially for those of a natural or secretive 26 Grave Time Tolerated
nature: a temple to a god of the sun, for example, is likely to have an 27 – 29
War Accepted
open window or dome, and will usually be built somewhere that ena- Place
bles it to capture the morning light and hold it until daybreak. These 30 Heiaus Animals Accepted
constructions are nearly always littered and filled with paraphernalia 31 Heroa Arts Accepted
of all sorts related to the dogma and canon principles, and may be
Holy Place
well guarded by soldier priests or booby trapped with unearthly ability, 32 – 34 Healing Accepted
/ Site
all depending solely on what the church is – in some ways, these can
be thought of as guilds of sort, and are more grandiose (typically) than 35 Holy Well Pestilence Outlawed
those of a personal need, as they are intended to serve a wider popula- 36 Idgah Druidic Accepted
tion under most circumstances. Like other areas of fortress making, 37 Jinja Light Accepted
overlap is expected, so use as is convenient. What follows is a simple Scholarship [Writing,
breakdown of the type of religious structure that may be built, which 38 Kiwa Accepted
Literature, Poetry, Etc]
general sphere of influence it serves, and whether the faith is consid-
39 Marae Fate [Destiny, Prophecy, Etc] Tolerated
ered social, or not – of these, the final two are of most use to the as-
piring castle builder for knowing what deity is appointed will provide Philosophy [Alignment,
40 Martyria Tolerated
exquisite detail (down to the very frescoes and murals on the walls, if Monastic, Duty, Etc]
desired) as to what the place is, and looks like while the last column Love [Passion, Sexuality,
41 Mashhad Tolerated
will provide needed information regarding possible placement and Etc]
purpose, all to spark the creative seed – never use the tables as the Knowledge [Wisdom,
42 – 43 Mausoleum Tolerated
sole system, but allow your mind to be provoked into consideration. Specific Field]
Salvation [Redemption,
TABLE 1D: INSTITUTIONS 44 Mbari Outlawed
Conversion, Etc]
D100 Structure Principle Acceptance Meeting Knowledge [Wisdom,
45 – 46 Tolerated
01 – 02 Altar Deity, Specific Outlawed House Specific Field]

04 Arae Peace Tolerated 47 – 48 Minaret Death Tolerated

Baptistery / Fertility [Agriculture, Geography [River, Ocean,

05 – 06 Accepted 49 Mithraea Tolerated
Bath Vegetation, Etc] Forest, Mountain, Etc]

Celestial Body [Moon, 50 – 52 Monastery Death Accepted

07 Bomoi Tolerated
Sun, Etc] 53 – 54 Mosque Death Accepted
Wealth [Fortune, Luck, Racial (Non-Monster)
08 – 09 Cathedral Accepted 55 Naiskoi Accepted
Etc] [Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Etc]
Creation [Crafts, Inven- Population [Growth,
10 Chaitya Outlawed 56 Pagoda Tolerated
tion, Etc] Community, Culture, Etc]
Shadows [Darkness, Element, Non-Classical
11 Chancel Tolerated 57 Prachedis Tolerated
Night, Etc] [Metal, Absence, Acid, Etc]
12 Chantry Deity, Pantheon Accepted 58 – 60 Reliquary Magic Outlawed
Event [Eclipse, Dawn, 61 Reredos Strength Tolerated
13 – 14 Chapel Outlawed
Childbirth, Etc]
Deception [Mischief,
62 Retable Tolerated
Guardianship [Justice, Trickery, Forgery, Etc]
15 Chorten Tolerated
Law, Etc]
Nature [Winter, Sum-
63 Sacella Tolerated
Action, Specific [Hunt- mer, Weather, Etc]
16 – 18 Church Accepted
ing, Singing, Murder, Etc]
64 – 65 Sacred Place Magic Accepted
Action, Specific [Hunt-
19 – 20 Convent Tolerated 66 – 67 Sanctorium Magic Tolerated
ing, Singing, Murder, Etc]
68 – 70 Sanctuary Magic Tolerated
Action, Generic [Games,
21 Dagoba Outlawed Action, Specific [Hunt-
Entertainment, Etc] 71 – 73 Sanctum Accepted
ing, Singing, Murder, Etc]
Domus Ec- Action, Generic [Games,
22 Accepted Action, Specific [Hunt-
clesiae Entertainment, Etc] 74 – 76 Seminary Tolerated
ing, Singing, Murder, Etc]
Enshrine- Action, Generic [Games,
23 Tolerated 77 – 80 Sepulcher Wealth [Fortune, Luck, Etc] Tolerated
ment Entertainment, Etc]


81 – 82 Shrine Deity, Specific Tolerated As such, these facilities are generally well-armed and often protect-
ed with advanced defenses, both magical and mundane; depending
83 Spirit House Monster [Orcs, Giants, Etc] Tolerated
on how it is filled (and its value), perhaps through communal effort
84 Stupa Beasts Accepted (unneeded wheat placed in a silo perhaps) or under duress (perhaps
Dominion [Revenge, through taxation or outright theft), the location may be known.
85 Sukkah Accepted
Tyranny, Etc] Size is a very important component as well, as it is always easier to
Element, Classical [Earth, conceal a small thing than a larger one. Some will actually be used
86 Synagogue Accepted
Fire, Wind, Water] for more than one type of storage, such as food, water, and coin
Vermin [Spider, Rat, and others may be more exotic, even mimicking a prison or other
87 Tabernacle Accepted type of structure – what is important here is that the contents are
Snake, Etc]
intended to stay within the building, under all manners of attack
Merchants [Trade, Com-
88 Table Accepted or assault, until needed; obviously, the goal is not always reached,
merce, Entrepreneurs]
but the intent is very clear. Castle Keepers may find the following
Bardic [Music, Dance,
89 T’ai Miao Tolerated table useful to help determine what might be contained inside such
Lore, Etc]
a castle, using the results as a springboard for the creative process:
90 – 98 Temple War Tolerated
Individual (Non-Deity) TABLE 1E: CONTENTS
99 Thymele Tolerated
[King, Emperor, Etc] D100 Item Inventory
Demonic [Demon, Grain (Wheat, Oat, Barley,
100 Ziggurat Tolerated 01 – 02 Skim (01 – 05%)
Devil, Extraplanar, Etc] Etc)
Tombs, naturally, house the dead. They are normally reserved for 03 – 04 Preserved Meat Slight (05 – 15%)
the wealthy and powerful in life but not all are so unfortunate as to 05 – 06 Preserved Hide / Leather Fair (15 – 35%)
be disallowed such services when passing so even the lower of the 07 – 08 Spice (Not Salt) Stocked (35 – 60%)
middle class (and in some cases, even pets) might be buried within,
09 – 10 Alcohol Slight (05 – 15%)
making these very desirable targets of vandalism and theft. Nor-
mally, something will be built around a tomb, this often a church or 11 – 12 Bone / Ivory Replete (85 – 100%)
a city, but that does not need to be so – those which do tend to be 13 – 14 Workable Metal Skim (01 – 05%)
quite old and sedentary. Most are not kept as well as one would like, 15 – 16 Raw Metal Slight (05 – 15%)
making them both ideal places for undead (who are naturally at-
17 – 18 Oil Fair (15 – 35%)
tracted anyway) and as hideaways for others, such as rogue assassins
or thieves on the run. The tomb itself can be either a single building 19 – 20 Rice Stocked (35 – 60%)
or a series of them as a sort of necropolis, so the Castle Keeper will 21 – 22 Silk Slight (05 – 15%)
need to decide which to deal with. Burial tradition and rites (often 23 – 24 Cotton / Hemp Skim (01 – 05%)
determined by predominant religion in the area) helps determine
25 – 26 Livestock Slight (05 – 15%)
lesser facets, such as magical protections or traps, as well as actual
placement of the bodies – for example, it may be a sign of ill omen 27 – 28 Persons Skim (01 – 05%)
if a head is lain facing the south. Vast wealth can sometimes be ob- 29 – 30 Coinage Skim (01 – 05%)
tained, depending on who is inside, and this, too, will further help 31 – 32 Gems Slight (05 – 15%)
define details – a king laid to rest is likely to be better preserved and 33 – 34 Artwork Skim (01 – 05%)
protected than the servant girl he kept as a mistress.
35 – 36 Knowledge (Scrolls, Tomes, Etc) Fair (15 – 35%)
A monument, like a tomb, can be either a specific structure or be 37 – 38 Water Slight (05 – 15%)
composed of several lesser buildings – the purpose with it is to re- 39 – 40 Dairy (Milk, Cheese, Etc) Skim (01 – 05%)
mind those who see it (important because these will only rarely be
41 – 42 Lumber and Firewood Stocked (35 – 60%)
placed in some obscure location, unless lost to the ravages of time)
of the important deeds or actions that occurred there, or by some Preserved Fruit (Jam, Jelly,
43 – 44 Abundant (60 – 85%)
group. They are normally quite large, and may not even contain Etc)
an entrance save for general maintenance. Nevertheless, they are 45 – 46 Preserved Vegetable Skim (01 – 05%)
usually well protected, especially against outside influences such 47 – 48 Perishable Fruit Slight (05 – 15%)
as enemy nations, because they are symbols. Of those which do
49 – 50 Perishable Vegetable Fair (15 – 35%)
have entryways, a museum-like quality it probable, bearing infor-
mation that may only be possible to get while visiting, such as 51 – 52 Perishable Meat Abundant (60 – 85%)
names, dates, titles, etc of things lost to legend otherwise… this 53 – 54 Iron Rations Skim (01 – 05%)
especially true of those which have become forgotten monuments. 55 – 56 Bandages Slight (05 – 15%)

Storage is very important, especially when plague, famine, or even Medicinal Supplies (Salves,
57 – 58 Fair (15 – 35%)
Splints, Etc)
general security becomes an issue, including things like stockpiling
wealth to avoid a depression or to force one by economic hardship. 59 – 60 Poison Stocked (35 – 60%)

61 – 62 Acid Slight (05 – 15%) WHO PUT THAT THERE?
63 – 64 Personal Idiosyncrasy Skim (01 – 05%) Once it has been established what type of structure is built, it is im-
portant to understand who put it there, as this information will offer a
65 – 66 Precious Metal Fair (15 – 35%)
plethora of finer details, all usable by a Castle Keeper to add as much,
67 – 68 Livestock Feed Skim (01 – 05%) or as little, depth to the setting as desired. These entries are purpose-
69 – 70
Non-Domesticated Animal
Abundant (60 – 85%)
fully vague as the sheer amount of options is so open as to be impossible
/ Beast to contain within any single work – remember, too, in a fantasy world
71 – 72 Tools Skim (01 – 05%) where might and magic are oft mixed in equal doses, anything is virtu-
73 – 74 Weapons Slight (05 – 15%) ally possible so do not feel restrained to only these examples. Intelligent
things tend to build intelligently, while those who are simply looking for
Armor (Helms/ Shields,
75 – 76 Fair (15 – 35%) shelter may have haphazard designs, especially if rushed to completion
– this will be dealt with later, but for now, it should be clear what the
Craft Item (Barrel, Wagon, definitions are, and then the Castle Keeper should ponder what they
77 – 78 Stocked (35 – 60%)
Wheel, Etc)
mean, specifically, to their own game. One primary concern is that of
79 – 80 Paper / Papyrus Abundant (60 – 85%) location as those with the means to do so, especially a race regarded for
81 – 82 Musical Instruments Replete (85 – 100%) their particular preference (dwarfs and underground labyrinths or elfs
Spell Components (Level and deep woods haunts, for example), will generally select one that is
83 – 84 Skim (01 – 05%) beneficial to them, even if it makes construction more difficult or costly
0 – 2)
– it also means that the place is more likely to continue to be populated,
85 – 86 Holy Items / Relics Stocked (35 – 60%)
save for some unforeseen travesty. Likewise, specific races or determin-
87 – 88 Magic Items Slight (05 – 15%) ers, such as a veteran or grizzled warlord, might have ideas of their own
Alchemical Goods or when defense is considered, this most likely the absolute law when it
89 – 90 Fair (15 – 35%)
Components comes to an arcane builder and a home (even when they are simply
91 – 92 Flour Skim (01 – 05%) consulted for work on other tasks). Note, these results do not rule out
93 – 94 Salt Slight (05 – 15%) the possibility that outside assistance, such as beasts levied into service
via brute force or magic.
95 – 96 Glassware or Pottery Stocked (35 – 60%)
97 – 98 Liquid (Mercury, Blood, Etc) Abundant (60 – 85%) TABLE 2: CONSTRUCTOR
99 – 00 Castle Keeper’s Choice Skim (01 – 05%) D00 Builder
For purposes of this table, inventory refers to a percentage of total avail- 01 – 45 Intelligent Humanoid Race [Table 2A]
able stock which is currently held; factors such as age, condition of 46 – 70 Character Class [Table 2B]
building, occupancy, and others should also be consulted to assist with
71 – 80 Guild [Table 1C]
deciding exact amounts, if desired. Also, decay is quite possible so even
if stock is replete and overflowing, it does not mean it is still usable, 81 – 85 Religion [Table 1D]
especially if they have been there, unattended, for quite some time… 86 – 88 Single Individual
as Castle Keeper, you decide what you allow your players to discover – 89 – 90 Retired Adventurers
simply because something is present does not make it available.
91 Non-Intelligent Race
Lastly, governmental fortresses are those which serve those in 92 – 97 Giant or Undead [Equal Chance]
power, either as homes for the aristocracy and their entourage, or 98 Monster
even as the buildings wherein decisions are made, such as an ora-
99 Natural Conditions
tory and the like. These are always known locations, and heavily
fortified, though commoners may be allowed to enter depending 00 Castle Keeper’s Choice
on what occurs within – for example, a house of a lord is quite
When an intelligent race builds something it is with purpose and
different than a house of lords. Size is generally larger than the
reason, though it may be lacking logic if those doing so are insane
surrounding buildings. Once inside, it is quite likely to contain
(assume 1-5% of such endeavors are thusly instigated, and fill in the
numerous secret compartments or advanced techniques for con-
details as needed thereafter) and could be rushed and of poor make.
struction, quite literally no expense saved – political emblems and
They usually leave indicative markers of their presence and tend to
other objects will be rife but the ease of removal depends on what
use the same motifs and patterns, though these will often vary by
it is: statues are much more difficult to remove than paperwork.
culture or society. An intelligent race also can produce advanced
Locks will probably be evident, as will traps, but these are rarely
technology and are sometimes wary of magic use, again based on
lethal (they may be, if what they protect are vital secrets) being
the mores and ethics of the particular society (a facet much too
made of powerful magic possibly unseen anywhere else.
large to delve into for this product.) In the typical Castles and
Crusades game, there are numerous races which are classified with
intelligence, but some do not tend to build permanent shelters, in-
stead seeking to conquer those built by others – these are ignored
for the purposes here, though a Castle Keeper can certainly modify
the table as desired, especially as trends differ game to game.
TABLE 2A: RACE changes, usually minor such as added secrecy or different stone,
but the physical format is nearly identical to that of the prevailing
D00 Race
style(s) at the time of construction. However, that can be an inten-
01 – 20 Dwarf tional lure for the unwary, so players should be reminded, now and
21 – 35 Elf, Non-Drow then, that complacency is not going to let them survive long.
36 – 37 Elf, Drow
On the surface, a castle established by ex-adventurers (classed non-
38 – 39 Gnome player characters of considerable ability) would seem to be close to
40 – 41 Halfling those for a specific class, and it is true—there will be those areas where
41 – 90 Human it does indeed mimic, but also have much more, often clashing and
91 – 93 Orc
cohesively combining the needs of others; for example, whereas a strict
“fighter’s castle” might have a place to learn the art of sword-slinging, it
94 Gnoll
may not have one for combating magical opponents or a library of rare
95 – 96 Bugbear religious texts; certainly, it could, but there is one very important differ-
97 – 98 Goblin ence – the former will reflect “standard” needs, where something built
99 – 00 Kobold by ones who have actually experienced such things will have a more
acute sense of what is truly needed. This means, amongst other things,
TABLE 2B: CLASS a castle crafted by ex-adventurers is more likely to be trapped, more
likely to have treasure, more likely to have unusual guards and compan-
D00 Class
ions, and will probably be occupied in some manner – it is also subject
01 – 05 Barbarian to all kinds of unexpected things, tokens of experience, as it were.
06 – 10 Bard
Non-intelligent creatures are usually those things which create by ac-
11 – 40 Cleric
cident or because it is their nature, such as ants and others. As such,
41 – 65 Fighter these are wholly natural, though there may be remnants of manufac-
66 – 70 Assassin tured products, especially things which are reflective, weaved into the
71 Knight fabric of the construct. They rarely have much in the way of defense,
72 Paladin
per se, but there are typically numerous entrances, exits and even
ways to collapse. Most will be found underground, but it would not be
73 – 74 Ranger
impossible for one to be aquatic, for example. Essentially, these should
75 – 88 Wizard be considered more appropriately as dungeons than castles.
89 Illusionist
Giants and undead have very different considerations but either
90 Druid
will likely be far removed from normal society, and typically have
91 Monk populations comprised of like individuals housed within, making
92 – 00 Rogue an assault against the place a dangerous chance. Giants will usu-
ally build a defense where they are most comfortable, such as in
A fortification crafted by a member (or members) of a specific a mountain range or above the lesser races, on a cloud. Undead,
character class are those things usually associated with such, like however, rarely build anything – they occupy it, and usually be-
a wizard’s tower, a thief’s guildhall, or a fighter’s castle – a cleric cause nothing else will. Either will tend toward heavy magic use,
(paladin or monk, in some cases) could be considered this or the both to sustain the structure and to defend it.
religious one, at the preference of the Castle Keeper. Because of
this somewhat unique characterization, the elements and imple- A monster built fort is somewhat unique, and can be created by any
ments of the class are bound to be found: a castle built to home a sort of creature desired, such as a prysmal eye or dragon; as such,
fighter probably has a training hall, a weapons room, and so forth. these are normally lairs, but humanoid or human-like monsters
may have ulterior goals, such as acting as a trap (especially true for
Guilds or religions, as seen before, sometimes have castles and highly intelligent or cunning beasts) but the creator need not have
other buildings for their specific purposes (in the case of religions, any discernible intelligence. Here, which specific monster made
they normally always have such, save the rare faith) – it is best to the castle helps determine what could be within – a dragon for
consult the previous details, using the same table(s) to determine example could keep food for itself or its offspring. Design itself will
what sort of guild or religion is responsible. accommodate the physicality of its builder so that, for example, a
prysmal eye “castle” will likely be tubular and rounded.
Structures made by, and for, a specific individual always have the
tastes and desires of that individual in mind, even if not exactly Lastly, there are natural conditions that can cause the creation of
designed by the person – some are extremely paranoid or have an a defense, such as caves and the like, where the very terrain is the
overflow of copious egregiousness. These are the most random, and implement of defense – normally, these are added to with other
least static of any castle type, except for layout – to conserve costs structure, but the whole of the design is untouched nature. Some
and ensure the design is exactly what is wanted, individuals usually races, notably dwarfs, prefer this style, but it need not be so. Many
choose from a “list” given them by the architect (if the designer is buildings in extraplanar adventures could easily be this, as well,
to be different than the one paying for the effort), with some slight especially those of an elemental nature.
ARE WE ALONE? 12 – 16 Small Small
Once a creator of the fortification is known, it helps to know if there is 17 – 18 Medium Medium
more to the castle than itself, such as a standing settlement and popula-
19 Large Large
tion. The reasons for this are two-fold: first, if there is a settlement, then
there are more resources, both for protection and consumption, as well as 20 Metropolis Metropolis
having a wider diversity of needs to serve; secondly, such places are ripe
Scant settlements are those which have one or two buildings, aside
for adventure possibility, and should be considered cities, which is a sub-
from the castle, and can be semi-permanent. Results of few means
ject too large for complete details here – remember, either result does not
up to 4 additional structures are present, and one of small has up
guarantee that the place is actually currently occupied; it simply means it
to 10. Beyond that, medium settlements tend toward 8 – 20 added
has the means and availability. It is also possible a castle has a population,
constructions, each serving some specific purpose such as tavern
but not a settlement – in this case, the castle is a focus for those who live
or store, and the like (precise details as to what each building does
in and around it, such as a lord and vassals or that the general inhabit-
is left to the Castle Keeper.) Large results in 20 – 50 added build-
ants are migratory; it could also mean that the structure is used only for
ings, and a metropolis is any number above 50. For population, the
specific or special events – there are numerous combinations possible,
results are essentially the same, but the numbers are multiplied by
allowing a Castle Keeper to decide what is needed for the game.
a factor of 4 to 10 (or more).
D20 Settled Population
01 – 02 None None After determining who and what, it is critical to know where – after
all, if a place cannot be located, it cannot be explored, and has little
03 – 06 Scant Scant
need to be developed. Where a place is found helps determine several
07 – 11 Few Few things, such as what types of resources might be available and also
what kinds of defenses might be needed: a place built underground
does not have much to fear from flying assaults, but does need to con- Aquatic constructions are those found under waves, often nestled be-
tend with those which burrow, for example. Some of these types, es- hind, or inside, a reef or bottled, perhaps even literally, in some sort
pecially those of an aquatic nature, might be mobile or encapsulated of cocoon to prevent intrusion. They are generally swarmed with a
– if the Castle Keeper decides to use such options, generally assume diverse range of both intelligent beings, such as merfolk and animals,
any specific castle has a 1% chance of either, modified as desired for often times co-existing in strange (to surface dwellers) ways, such as
location, and then consult the results for Tables 4A or 4B. using sharks or large fish as one would a horse of cow. The population
determines many facets of the settlement, so that those with a malign
TABLE 4: TERRAIN intent will likely build a series of fortifications, housing some perilous
D00 Roll Environment tortures or corrals, and those of a peaceful or carefree spirit might be
more accommodating and open, though this is not necessarily always
01 – 02 Aerial
true as evil is often known for hiding in plain sight. Many natural
03 – 04 Aquatic facilities, such as food, water (again, not necessarily for visitors) and
05 – 10 Desert (Hot or Cold) waste disposal are available, simply due to location – lighting and
11 – 20 Forest other services might be a concern, but those who dwell here are used
21 – 40 Hills to their conditions. When it comes to color, the structures are nor-
mally very bright or translucent, producing an awe-inspiring beauty
41 – 45 Mountains
that can rival even the best of land-based cities, and sometimes elves
46 – 75 Plains and other artistically-inclined races will send diplomatic envoys to
76 Planar discover some heretofore unknown secret.
77 – 90 Ruins
Desert environments usually produce stone structures where water
91 – 99 Subterranean is considered one of the most valued possessions, so storage and use
00 Swamp or Jungle of it will generally be carefully guarded. Whether the desert or hot or
cold, the extremes experienced are always taken into consideration
Aerial castles are those found floating in the aether, high above and dealt with as possible – for example, a cold desert castle will find
the mundane dirt below. They typically are composed of cloud- some way to heat the place, such as using oil made of seal blubber.
stuff and powerful magic, sometimes originating as the castle of There are few natural resources, and so many things are imported,
some powerful being such as a wizard, giant, or dragon, growing so it is not unlikely to find odd or unusual items within one; because
outward as more clouds are either brought into service or the of this, many desert-based castles are militarily minded, used as both
natural course of time extends the foundation, weakening it en- a staging ground for attack and to ensure the reverse does no occur.
tropically – unless incredible magical might is used, it is possible Structures here are seldom open, enclosed to protect and endure
the place will evaporate, pulled apart from the base, and so, unlike the terrain itself, and are generally quite large. Finally, a desert castle
for some other locations, age and structural foundation are more sometimes appear to be mobile when in fact it is not, such as being
prominent in the inhabitants’ minds. The very nature of the struc- hidden by a mirage or aurora effect – many also have strong reputa-
ture often requires access to things unknown or very rare below, tions for powerful undead residency. Weapons of choice are things
like flying carpets or trained winged cavalry, simply to navigate, which are easy to assemble, such as nets, axes, spears, and slings,
making it practically impossible for land-based adventurers to in- but any are likely (metallic swords are uncommon, but the level of
vestigate (bear that in mind if, as Castle Keeper, it is intended to technology at hand greatly increases the chances) and the method
be the source of an adventure.) If the castle is mobile, those living of common mobility are sleds or chariots – the better to avoid get-
within will tend to be accustomed to a multitude of customs and ting stuck in the conditions of the terrain.
ideologies but may feel aloof due to infrequent contact. Gener-
ally, populations are kept low, both because of practical reasons Castles and forts built in forests usually have little to worry about
(weight concerns, availability to build, etc) and because those be- when food or water are concerned, but they are also exposed to a
ings with the ability to live here tend to be secretive, paranoid, great deal of possible attackers, which is why, many times, such things
or both; these types of dwellings typically exhibit a great amount are protected by powerful magic or hidden away, and in the case of
of importing if offered – merchants tend to be sparse but there is typical elf lore, both. The actual construction is probably made of
great need for those items which cannot be readily made, espe- timber, making it susceptible to fire or the druid warp wood spell so
cially food. Defense places a burden against enemies with means pains (such as liberal use of ironwood) are taken to ensure against
to engage, such as those with the ability of flight; depending on such simple devastation. These types of structures are normally used
the level of magic at hand, such may be used, but it is more com- for reconnaissance, but could function as larger settlements. Defenses
mon for ballistae, nets, and similar protective devices to be used, are varied and normally always include infernal machines, large bal-
the militia ordinarily armed with various ranged weapons and not listae or catapults, with individual guards using whatever weapon is of
heavily armored. Stockpiles favor food, water, and other neces- choice, ranging from crossbow to long bow and melee options. Forest
sities which are stored inward, toward the center, away from the creatures are often used to assaults, and so have a developed plan for
easily-attacked edges – this is not true for encapsulated environs, defense and aggression – they also tend to have many more types of
though the layout will make provisions accessible to the largest resources at hand, or readily available should it be desired. Also, the
population, and those with the most wealth. Like all fortifications, forces of good alignment are not known to stand idly by and let a bas-
actual design is both fluid and stagnant, much depending on who tion fall, especially to the green hands of the like as orcs or goblins, so
lives within, why, and the particular needs. there are normally always outside allies, even if unknown.

Structures built into hills or mountains share similarities, such as Ruins, naturally, are former structures so a castle established in
access to valuable metals (usually), and less fear from aerial attack, this condition will usually take advantage of its history, which can
but must often contend with even more vicious aggressors such as be very useful when building upon an advanced technology site
dragons. They tend to have very thick and sturdy walls, making or using fragmented pieces of forgotten magic; however, this prac-
them formidable opposition for direct attack, but are at risk to sap- tice can also cause more problems than it resolves because things
ping or undercutting, and especially spells that affect stone, such as might not work as expected, or work too well. Generally, though,
earthquake. Therefore, reinforcements are used, sometimes in the ruins are used to supplant and supplement the need for raw mate-
form of cisterns (serving a double purpose), but also possible that rial which in turn makes costs much lower, and that, by its nature,
false chambers and giveaways are built. The major difference, in also creates weaknesses – for example, a former chapel that was
most cases, between a hill fort and one nestled to a mountain is destroyed by fire will likely still bear its charred scars so, if attacked
the depth of the entrance – that is, a hillside castle will probably again, it could be more vulnerable.
have parts of it which are external to the terrain, where the popu-
lace lives or works; a mountain castle, on the other hand, is more A subterranean castle is much like a dungeon – it will probably
akin to a subterranean one – the vast majority of it is inside, often have rooms which are dedicated to specific needs, few resources
very deep. Food, too, can be a challenge for a mountain defense to save those needed to simply maintain itself (and then, not neces-
obtain, and it is often difficult to have backdoor exits, though not sarily all of them, especially food that is not a type of mushroom),
impossible, so retreat may not be a possibility. Often occupied by and should be treated as such.
dwarfs and their traditional foes, the weapons used tend to be those
Swamps or jungles are difficult to build upon, usually collapsing
of traditional sort – hammers, axes, and crossbows; there tends to be
(somewhat like a ruin) several times before finally taking hold –
little use of larger siege engines, but such are not impossible.
this means that whatever is built is very sturdy and stable, usually
Plains are naturally open, making defense a major concern but a thick-walled, and not likely to be too outrageously high-storied.
huge amount of resources are available, especially food and wa- The floor plan usually follows a square or rectangular pattern but
ter. Creatures of all kinds are known to inhabit the plains, and concentric circles are not improbable. Major defenses include dis-
so resisting their advances, or encouraging them through settle- ease prevention; storage is usually for water and rare food types,
ment, can make for exciting adventure potential – many a castle but anything is possible. Used to aggressive enemies, the inhabit-
is constructed directly on a flat field, the better to see and be seen. ants are often well-skilled in the defense and routines of the castle
Naturally, this produces other issues, especially if one intends to and probably know quite a bit about local lore.
have privacy, but spells might aid with that. Because the terrain
is neither a hindrance or a benefit, per se, nearly any weapon or TABLE 4A: MOBILITY
warrior unit could be utilized, and very large siege engines are fair- D20 Roll Trigger Speed
ly common; what matters more, actually, is the current weather 1–3 Specific Condition Drift Only
(rain can be notoriously detrimental to exposed wood, for exam- 4–8 Regular Interval Slow
ple.) The construction techniques vary from primitive adobe to
high-grade stone or metal, possibly even using concrete if such 9 – 15 Regular Interval Average
a thing has been developed, which makes a major factor of de- 16 – 19 Regular Interval Fast
fense virtually negligible – fear of fire, in addition to hampering 20 Random Shift
one of the most powerful siege engines of all, the druid class (after
all, concrete would be considered a worked, or unnatural, stone, Mobile fortifications can be found anywhere in the world (decided
something which many spells fail to modify.) on an –as-needed basis, or at a flat 1% chance of occurrence), but
typically follow specific patterns, either due to individual needs or
A planar castle is a difficult thing to explain, for it can exist in a that of climate changes (i.e., one might drift to avoid the freezing
couple different ways – it could be a place that exists solely on (or cold at its present position and another to obtain congealed auro-
within) another reality or it could straddle between them, possibly ra used in the manufacture of magic items with prismatic effects.)
acting as a gateway, or a measure of things otherwise. The key fac- Of these relatively rare specimens, some simply allow movement
tor that makes them all similar, however, is that they are not con- within and of itself – this can be a hallway that alternates final
structions of the normal sort for they are, by nature, something else. destination or a sudden sporadic shifts, to nearly any other effect
What creates the structure is very important, more so than where imaginable; a castle with this quality tends to be highly magical
it is, in fact, for it could be virtually anything and can easily break and should be used with great care as they can be almost impos-
the rules of the universe, as far as the players know – for example, a sible to navigate and require tremendous effort to play smoothly
castle created on the ethereal plane might resemble the classic stair- (unfortunately, specifics fall outside the scope of this work.) Castle
case of MC Escher whereas a temple to the god of punishment on Keepers are encouraged to not be too worried with the speed of
the plane of inversion might have its walls carved from the souls of an aerial city, simply having it drift (if it is determined the city is,
those damned to eternal torment. Anything that lives within these in fact, mobile) as the game requires, but should a more specific
abodes are likely powerful, or insane, and the place may very well value become important, use the chart for all terrains (including
duplicate that effect. A Castle Keeper wishing to make a structure partial or more specific effects) noted for mobility:
of this sort should use every available imaginary tool and just create
– there does not need to be a rhyming scheme of reason. Specific condition triggers can be anything such as the 11th hour
of the 11th day (in this way, the trigger is actually a regular inter-


val as it occurs when the proper condition is met and continues to from outside conditions and factors, such as the fabled Atlantis,
do so in a standard, predictable, pattern) to the very obscure – all shrouded in a clear shell, sunk beneath the waves, or a floating
that matters is that, once the appropriate condition is met, mo- cloud realm protected from the flaring heat of the sun. It is pos-
tion is imminent; it is possible that several conditions overlap or sible for a structure to not be wholly enclosed, as the table above
contradict within a specific environment such that, for example, illustrates, or to have it be haphazard (perhaps due to age or ruin)
a thief who bears a gold coin is shifted to a guild of like-minded giving each such locale a bit more mystery and uniqueness. Ad-
individuals, but those who bear the mark of the militia find them- ditionally, the depth and clarity of the enclosure has dramatic im-
selves shunted elsewhere; be careful in placement of these as over- pact on those who live within – for example, if a dome is crafted
use can quickly have unexpected results. The range of specific to soothe the flesh from solar burn but parts of it have been worn
condition triggers is enormous (well beyond what a few notes can away, this gives the Castle Keeper a means to develop interest-
suffice) and should be treated as unique entities within the game ing hooks and adventures – maybe the party needs to repair the
mythos, used as both a means of wonder and adventure. dome, help the misfortunate affected by the loss of protection, or
even further damage it to destruction. This table should be used
A regularly scheduled interval forces movement at specific times, ac- sparingly, when the Castle Keeper wants something truly special;
cording to an established pattern, such as every third day at noon, or if wholly random determination is desired, any city has a 1 in 20
even less frequently like the first day of summer, at dawn. One does chance of being enclosed – note, defense mechanisms such as
not need anything special to trigger the event other than being pre- walls, gates, and drawbridges, and landscape features like seaways
sent – when the time comes, it is inevitable. These types of triggers and the like are not considered enclosures and are not subject
are normally “open” for a specific amount of time, which happens to to this table. When determining the details of an enclosure, the
be long enough for whatever was desired to happen – for example, if Castle Keeper should first decide on the depth of coverage – if the
an aerial city begins a slow descent during the first day of winter so to entire dwelling is protected, then filling in further information
avoid freezing over, it will continue to do so until it has reached an ac- becomes easier – one rule for all. If, on the other hand, several
ceptable altitude that ordinarily keeps it safe having, essentially been different, or even the same in other stages, exist then the task of
programmed to do such; remember, this is simply normal behavior – it designing becomes more complicated. Because this book seeks to
does not have to obey or follow these which can be the impetus for all provide guidance and inspire only, use only what fits your judg-
manner of plot twists and complications in a campaign. ment and needs, without spending unnecessary time on finer de-
tails. So, that leaves the explanation of the table:
Random triggers simply happen whenever, and however, for as
long as the Castle Keeper desires, ending prematurely or extend- A sparse enclosure is one that does not fully cover, as if left un-
ing well beyond what would be expected – it can also occur ex- finished or in a state of abandonment. The larger the area to be
actly as one might predict, but that should be unlikely. enclosed, naturally, the more obvious this feature becomes. Light
enclosures are those which affect few, but are useful and complete –
The following generally apply, no matter what form of locomotion
there just are not many of them compared to the overall size of the
is utilized – drift is very slow, nearly imperceptible, casual move-
complex. A general rule is to assume this covers 10-25%. Assum-
ment always below (and nearly just faster than) one-fourth the
ing a castle is in working order, these tend to be in good condition
cause (for example, if water current gently nudges the foundation
but are not required to be. Moderately built enclosures, like those
of an underwater edifice, those living within would likely not no-
of the light nature, are both more plentiful and generally in good
tice for some time, the whole inching along); slow pace is similar
repair, but typically show signs of wear and damage. It can be safely
but may be up to half that of its root whereas an average veloc-
assumed such things cover 25-50%. Concerning heavy enclosures,
ity would indicate motion equal, or slightly faster than, its source
things are essentially as before, with nice structures in working or-
making this and greater speeds noticeable; a fast speed is always
der, but they tend to cover more of the whole, usually in the realm
more rapid and may be double or more – it is possible that those
of 50-75%. As the name implies, a complete enclosure is one that
unfamiliar with such events become nauseated or immobile dur-
engulfs and protects thoroughly – it may not be entirely impregna-
ing progress; and lastly, a shift is as it implies – an immediate mo-
ble, but it is very durable, often in excellent shape, and considered a
tion that forces a change in location, much like a teleportation – it
key factor in defense, depending, naturally, on why it exists – these
is not detectable until after it has occurred.
types of enclosures tend toward the 75 -100% coverage.
TABLE 4B: ENCLOSURE Chaotic enclosures are those which are often unfinished; they can
D20 Completeness Transparency also be those which sporadically cease functioning and restart else-
1–4 Sparse Clear where, such as a growth of vines that serves to resist intrusion in
5–7 Light Muddy
an elven glade (maybe it acts as the entangle spell) which works in
one area but not another, though it still exists in both – basically,
8 – 10 Moderate Opaque with this type of enclosure, the Castle Keeper may designate sec-
11 – 15 Heavy Clear tors of the environment which may have different effects, none, or
16 – 18 Complete Muddy anything else desired, keeping the players on their proverbial toes
19 – 20 Chaotic Opaque as they tour. Any amount, including individual habitations, can be
thusly affected, ranging from 0-100% of a fortification. What an
Enclosures are domes, walls, and other effects that seal a build- enclosure is formed from is a key component to the entire structure
ing, or a part of it (such as an individual section like a barracks,) – for example, an underwater abode surrounded by naturally occur-

ring coral might provide an aesthetic look of its own, and may even HOW ADVANCED ARE WE?
hide a sinister poison used to dissuade an aggressive approach. Ta- When a castle or other fortification has a high degree of techni-
ble 10: Materials should be used to determine the material that
cal achievement or uses esoteric arts not found anywhere else, it
composes the perimeter. Remember that the general purpose of an makes the place very unique and allows for great customization,
enclosure is to prevent, or limit, vision – it does not have to pertain enhancing the playing experience. Likewise, if a castle is found in
to that alone, however, and may alter audio or olfactory perceptions a fairly advanced culture but is not “up to par,” it says something
as well, allowing a Castle Keeper free reign. As noted, completeness about it, perhaps that the builder is cheap, or some other state-
has many opportunities – the more a castle is wrapped in a security ment such as a refusal to use magic. So, knowing these finer de-
blanket, the less susceptible it becomes, and the opposite holds true tails not only enhance the imaginary playing field by giving more
for one that lacks any discernible protection. Sometimes, an enclo- options to introduce, it also gives a cleaner brush to stroke a story.
sure acts as a primary shield of defense, and others it doubles as an
outer perimeter, to trap those within. Castle Keepers are encour- TABLE 5: ADVANCEMENT
aged to develop the specific reasons for an enclosure.
D20 Roll Magic Technology
Keep in mind the location of the structure, those who dwell with- 01 – 02 None None
in, and why – these are primary conditions for the existence of an 03 – 06 High (Spell Level 0 – 9) Primitive / Stone Age
enclosure. Likewise, the clarity of the enclosure can serve several
07 – 12 Medium (Spell Level 0 – 5) Bronze Age
design goals – if a particular building is enshrouded in a dome that
is made from the rough hewn blackness of obsidian, the occupants 13 - 19 Low (Spell Level 0 – 2) Iron Age / Medieval
are likely to be different than those found inside one made of plain 20 Very High Advanced / Renaissance
glass. Perhaps, as in the previous example, the thick obscurity is to
prevent magical means of divination either in, or out; or perhaps If the result for magic comes as none there are extremely few, per-
it is meant to prevent onlookers, on either side, from peering, a haps only one or two, magical items to be found and these would
sort of more primitive anti-voyeur architecture – or, maybe, it is tend to be very minor in what they can do, and are more likely
just the wild humor of its original maker, a trademark of sorts. Re- to be weapons or armor than anything miscellaneous. Low magic
gardless of the specific, Castle Keepers can use this single attribute has more magical items present or even spellcasters (limited in spell
to develop evocative descriptions of the environment, especially ability as stated) with a chance of a functional miscellaneous item
if the transparency is known to change…For the purposes of this to be fund, such as a broom of cleansing. Medium magic is similar,
definition, the following is true: with more magical trinkets available, but also starts to empower
the armor and weapons more, perhaps allowing enchantments of
Having a clear transparency means that those outside and within up to +2, or even +3 for very notable figures in the castle; it is at
are able to perceive what is opposite them, the barrier itself act- this stage, as well, that spell effects unique to the castle could be
ing only as a physical demarcation of the two; the enclosure itself developed such as walls that self grease to dissuade attackers, and
may even be invisible. Muddy allows limited contact with a rough the like, but it would be rare and expensive to construct, so only
quarter to half being considered clear and the remainder opaque the most interesting of places should have them (though, arguably,
– essentially, this combines both the other definitions, usually at something like this could turn an ordinary place into something ex-
random placement. This can be of great fun to a Castle Keep- traordinary.) A place imbued with high magic has either a volume
er should a decision be reached that the enclosure is subject to of sorcerers to summon, or has many magical items to command,
movement. An opaque enclosure simply prevents perception, be- many of which are minor in scope but useful nonetheless, such as
ing impossible to penetrate without some other means, and then, a glow gem which might function as a lantern, for example; magical
perhaps not (it might serve an interesting quest to discover the arms and armor begin to become more common, even for lower-
way to break the veil, as it were;) it is possible that the opaque- grade troops, and the means to prevent attacks by forces of similar
ness is one-way, affecting only a single side of the enclosure which nature are present – there are likely even specialized defenses like a
causes the reverse to function as though it were clear. wraith-grid which can materialize anything incorporeal in structur-
ally important areas, or those of utmost privacy, like a vault. A very
WHAT ELSE DO YOU HAVE? high level of magic means that practically everyone inside has some
form of magic item, or can cast spells, and some items are probably
The resources available to a castle and its population help to de- only curios, rather than directly useful; the defenses, however, could
fine it, and why it stands, or was made – for example, a castle with be quite severe, perhaps even negating magic at a word.
a gold mine at its feet is more likely to be defended and stocked
than one which offers nothing discernible. However, this also ap- Results for technology are similar to those of magic and may even
plies to those which have ongoing or living communities, such be misconstrued as such with a sufficient stage of advancement. No
as castles at the heart of a city: are there farms or timber nearby? technology would mean there are no technical items – whatever is
Answering questions such as this helps to bring a more thorough present is in raw form; there are no tools (save for the most basic like
picture of the castle’s life, which in turns makes the game more re- a rock used as a hammer,) no doors, no locks… just nature, possibly
alistic and potentially more enjoyable. Based on terrain, and what due to a reliance on magic to compensate. A primitive stage of de-
the Castle Keeper prefers, roll as many times as needed for each velopment finds simple weapons like bows, spears, knives, and the
column (the specific resources should be determined by Table like in use, but there are no advanced implements so moving objects
1E) – if uncertain, it is suggested that 4-7 (1d4+3) rolls are made. like doors or traps are unlikely, if not impossible. At Bronze Age lev-


el, many things become possible such as locks, traps, and hinges, as is ever truly impregnable. A secret is some sort of hidden or unknown
well as more sophisticated technologies in other areas, like lanterns; thing, such as the lair of an assassin guildmaster or the practice of arts
weapons and armor upgrades become apparent as well, allowing best left undone, usually whispered about and then shied from. If the
for more diverse and protected defenders. Iron Age technology is result is a cult, then it is believed a religion practices within the con-
the standard trope of many Castles and Crusades games and allows fines, but not always an evil or forbidden one – just that some strange
the full functionality one would expect of a normal medieval era faith has moved in and where there is unknown, there is fear, which is
– anything in the Player’s Handbook becomes available, but may the impetus for many great adventures; to determine specifics about
be considered taboo or “too primitive.” A very advanced technol- the faith, if desired, consult Table 1D. Following this process, naturally,
ogy would provide access to things which do not currently exist in is that some relic or artifact is nestled inside, protected by the walls and
the game setting, on the whole, such as potentially gunpowder or guardians of the castle – what powers it has will often be part of the
clocks. Technology can greatly enhance the defensibility of a castle, rumor as well. A cursed structure is one in which the inhabitants live
but magic use usually suffers, though this need not be the case – a under some vicious and malicious malady, perhaps all turning to wolves
Castle Keeper might consider having one roll on the table, and us- on the first full moon or being unable to produce another generation;
ing the inverse of the first result as that of the second so that, for what matters is that the curse is severe but not unbreakable, another
example, a no magic first result means the castle is equipped with fine start to adventure. Enchanted castle rumors are those which are ei-
advanced technology; this is not required, naturally. ther negative, such as a beautiful princess trapped in the highest tower
unable to escape, or those which have tremendous tales of magic or
WHAT DO WE KNOW? technology. Lastly, there are rumors that a monster occupation has hap-
pened, the original owners and creators pushed aside and defeated by
Inevitably, a castle that is discovered, even if only through ru- some dangerous and malign force of disaster, usually taking the shape
mor, builds a stable of stories, some of which serve to bolster it of a dragon or large army; if true, it means the defenses normal to the
and protect, and others to entice attack. What this means for a structure have probably been damaged or destroyed – it also means that
Castle Keeper and the game in general is simple – they are seeds the rumor is quickly going to become one of being empty.
to adventure, and should be treated as such. Any rumor has a 5%
chance of being true, and a 20% of being partially true (that is,
some element of the story is right, but not entirely); the remaining IS THE CASTLE OK?
percentage indicates outright false statements. After determining the where, who, why, and so forth, the last
question to decide is how – not how it was made, but how it is
TABLE 6: RUMORS currently. Is it occupied? So old that it is near ruin? Pristine and
D00 Roll Rumor untouched by time, despite being over one-thousand years old?
Answers to these can provide much-needed detail to a thriving
01 – 15 Haunted
campaign and also help finalize the castle construction process.
16 – 20 Empty
21 – 35 Stored Wealth TABLE 7: CONDITION
36 – 50 Impregnable D20 Roll Age Condition
51 – 55 Secret 01 – 04 Ancient Ruin
56 – 60 Cult 05 – 09 Several Hundred Decrepit
61 – 70 Artifact / Relic 10 – 17 Hundred Damaged
71 – 80 Cursed 18 – 19 Decades Weathered
81 – 95 Enchanted 20 Recent Pristine
96 – 00 Monster Occupation
Ancient structures are those which have survived for thousands of
Haunts are, naturally, that the edifice is filled with undead or other years, possibly containing much that has been lost to time; the con-
ghostly spirits of the departed, which may, or may not, be friendly. An struction process is usually very simple, but so much so that it con-
empty castle would mean that the entire contents, from floor to ceil- fuses the modern mind making them enigmas – there are also often
ing in every room, has been picked clean and carted away – there is many rumors regarding such places, especially those of a haunted or
absolutely nothing left; these are usually reserved for those which are cursed nature. The remaining ages should be fairly self-explanatory.
very old, or have been ransacked over and over again, but are rarely
A castle in ruin is one that rightfully should not be called one, as it
true. If there is a rumor of stored wealth, it means that the structure
is damaged beyond repair or use; one that is decrepit has extreme
supposedly houses some amount of wealth but it does not need to be
damage, but could, if expenses paid, be salvaged – defenses of such
in monetary form – it could be scrolls of knowledge, or the recipe for
things are usually moot, but may be worth the effort. One that is
making a phylactery… Impregnable fortresses are those which cannot
damaged simply means that is has been attacked and suffered for it,
be taken, and as such, are usually feared by potential attackers, often
but survived; it can be repaired over time. Weathered conditions are
to such an extent that a mistake is made which then strengthens the
those which do not display signs of physical damage, having either
reputation; it may well be that the castle is exceptionally well-defended,
not been in a war or needed to be defended, but do show other calls
or that a battle at its steps has brought defeat to the assailants and vic-
of age, such as erosion or wear. Naturally, a pristine condition means
tory to the defense, but as player characters are concerned, no place
there is absolutely no damage, of any sort, sustained.

HOW DO WE DEFEND IT? 75 – 76 Squint
A “castle” as defined by this tome will need defenses, for they are 77 – 78 Structure (Cramped Walls, Shortened Spaces, Etc)
the prey of others, the target of raids and hunts for glory, but also
79 – 80 Surprise Door
the centerpieces of campaigns, both directly involving the player
characters and the kingdoms in which they exist. It would be im- 81 – 82 Tar Pit
possible to catalog every conceivable castle defense, so a sampling 83 – 84 Teleporter
of them is provided. A Castle Keeper should decide the quantity 85 – 86 Terrain (Chasm / Water / Open Field)
and the effectiveness of each, and how many to use, based on the 87 – 88 Trap
details previously decided.
89 – 90 Tunnel System
TABLE 8: DEFENSE 91 – 92 Wall Curtain (Anti-Scrying Chamber)
D00 Defense 93 – 94 Watch Tower / Turret
01 – 02 Acid 95 – 96 Water Tower / Cistern
03 – 04 Alarm 97 – 98 Wraith-Grid
05 – 06 Arrow / Bolt Loop 99 – 00 Castle Keeper’s Choice / Anything Else
07 – 08 Barbican / Keep / Gatehouse
09 – 10 Barracks TABLE 8A: ENGINES

11 – 12 Casemates D00 Roll Siege Engine

13 – 14 Cesspit 01 – 07 Traction Trebuchet

15 – 16 Drawbridge / Turning Bridge 08 – 10 Scorpion

17 – 18 Dungeon 11 – 15 Arbalete a Tour (Arbalest)

19 – 20 Etherite 16 – 17 Pierriere

21 – 22 Fieldwork / Guardhouse / Redoubt / Sally-Port 18 – 19 Bricole

23 – 24 Fire 20 – 39 Catapult

25 – 26 Fosse / Ditch 40 Cannon

27 – 28 Free Stone / Droppable Debris 41 – 45 Fire-Flinger

29 – 30 Glacis 46 – 47 Gastraphetes

31 – 32 Grease Wall 48 – 52 Counterpoise Trebuchet

33 – 34 Horn / Communication Device 53 – 55 Siege Tower

35 – 36 Impalement 56 – 57 Turtle Tower

37 – 38 Lock 58 Sambuca

39 – 40 Machicolation / Crenellation / Embattlement 59 Vineae

41 – 42 Magic (Wall of Force, Wall of Iron, Etc) 60 – 61 Plutei

43 – 44 Man-at-Arms / Mercenary 62 – 63 Musculus

45 – 46 Mantlet 64 Petard

47 – 48 Maze / Labyrinth 65 – 71 Onager

49 – 50 Meurtriere (Murder Hole) 72 Arquebus

51 – 52 Moat 73 – 74 Corkscrew Drill

53 – 54 Mobile Barricade 75 – 80 Assault Ladder

55 – 56 Monster Allies / Animal Guardians 81 – 83 Infernal Machine

57 – 58 Net 84 – 94 Ballista

59 – 60 Outer Curtain / Warding 95 – 96 Mangonel

61 – 62 Palisade 97 – 99 Battering Ram

63 – 64 Poison 00 Underminer

65 – 66 Portcullis / Yett
67 – 68 Revetment
69 – 70 Sand Wall
71 – 72 Shell-Keep
73 – 74 Siege Engine [Table 8A]


WHAT IS THE CASTLE? – Mapping the construct 47 – 48 Kamakura / Muromachi No 1d6 + 3 1d6
After determining as much of the castle as desired, it comes to the 49 – 50 Azuchi-Momoyama No 1d6 + 6 1d6 + 1
task of putting the thoughts to paper, and bringing it to life with a 51 – 52 Edo Period No 2d6 2d4
map. This will be a relatively straightforward thing, as size, general
53 – 54 Merovingian No 2d6 + 3 2d4 + 1
layout and notes about additional structures (which could have
been obtained earlier) are used. Size is simple – every castle is at 55 – 56 Bagratid Revival No 2d6 + 6 1d10
least one sheet of standard graph paper wide; the number of rooms 57 – 58 Anglo-Saxon No 3d6 1d12
inside the stronghold further enlarge it, but may be piled on top 59 – 60 Fatimid No 3d6 + 3 1d4 + 1
of each other, as the number of stories indicates (the maximum
61 – 62 Mamluk No 3d6 + 6 1d4 + 1
included is due to the lack of exceedingly tall structures in the
milieu of the typical Castles and Crusades game world.) However, 63 – 64 Repoblación No 4d6 1d4 + 1
should a very large foundation be desired, the Castle Keeper may 65 – 66 Ottonian No 4d6 + 3 1d4 + 1
roll 1d3 for the number of additional sheets of graph paper need- 67 – 68 Ottoman No 4d6 + 6 1d6
ed, either acting as length or width; obviously additional pages are
69 – 70 Iconoclastic No 5d8 1d6 + 1
needed for each story / level of the castle drawn, and so this may
require even more if decided that the height is proportional to the 71 – 72 Early Muscovite No 5d8 + 3 1
breadth (this would be unusual, but not impossible.) To start, the 73 – 74 Middle Muscovite No 5d8 + 6 2
Castle Keeper will need to know its basic configuration: 75 – 76 Isabelline Gothic No 6d12 3
Preclassic Period /
TABLE 9: STYLE 77 – 78 No 6d12 + 3 1
Formative (Olmec)
Façade Number
D00 Historical Inspiration Stories 79 – 80 Middle Preclassic (Maya) No 6d12 + 6 2
Only? Rooms
Mesoamerican (Non-
Prehistoric (Neolithic) / 81 – 82 No 1 3
01 – 02 Yes 1 1 Preclassic)
India Cave
83 – 84 Viking No 1d3 1d4
Sumerian / Assyrian /
03 – 04 Yes 1d3 2 85 – 86 Iberian / Celtic No 1d6 1d6
Ancient Non-Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian (Old “Alien” (Easter Island /
05 – 06 Yes 1d6 3 87 – 88 No 1d6 + 3 1d6 + 1
Kingdom) Stonehenge)
Ancient Egyptian (Mid- 89 – 90 Lost Records (Atlantis / Mu) No 1d6 + 6 2d4
07 – 08 Yes 1d6 + 3 1d4
dle Kingdom) 91 – 92 Australian Pre-Colonial No 2d6 2d4
Ancient Egyptian (New 93 – 94 Non-Plains American Indian No 2d6 + 3 1d12
09 – 10 Yes 1d6 + 6 1d4 + 1
Classical (Grecian / Early 95 – 96 Plains American Indian No 2d6 + 6
11 – 12 No 2d6 1d6 +1
Roman / Herodian)
Eskimo (Inuit) /
13 – 14 Byzantine No 2d6 + 3 1d6 + 1 97 – 98 No 3d6 1d6 + 1
15 – 16 Moorish No 2d6 + 6 2d4 Castle Keeper’s Choice
99 – 00 No 3d6 + 3 1d4 + 1
17 – 18 Carolingian No 3d6 2d4 + 1 / Combination
19 – 20 Hoysala No 3d6 + 3 1d10 To help facilitate the use of these structure designs, a basic break-
1d10 down of what they encompass is provided, noting that the author
21 – 22 Romanesque No 3d6 + 6
+1 is not an architect, an archaeologist, historian or an art scholar, so
23 – 24 Norman No 4d6 1d12 these samples are brief and generic, with real world buildings listed
25 – 26 Mudéjar No 4d6 + 3 1d4 + 1 as a guide for inspiration; should you find the need to know what
a specific style means, it would be best to research the examples
27 – 28 Traditional Gothic No 4d6 + 6 1d6
provided, at least as a visual tool:
29 – 30 Decorated Gothic No 5d8 1d6 + 1
Brick Gothic / Sonder- Prehistoric (Neolithic) / India Cave: Structures of this sort
31 – 32 No 5d8 + 3 2d4 are found in the natural indents and cave formations on cliff faces
33 – 34 Renaissance No 5d8 + 6 2d4 + 1 and mountainsides, using the already existing structure as a basis
for dwelling; there is very little modification to the outlying sur-
35 – 36 Tudor / Late Medieval No 6d12 1d12
face. The interiors can be extremely vast as the whole cave com-
37 – 38 Imperial Chinese No 6d12 + 3 1d4 + 1 plex becomes home. Primitive engineers, such as unskilled humans
39 – 40 Nagara / Dravidian No 6d12 + 6 1 or those with a natural affinity for such environs (such as dwarfs,
41 – 42 Mughal No 1 2 though they would tend to make improvements), would tend to uti-
lize a castle of this variety. Some examples of this systemic approach
43 – 44 Asuka / Nara No 1d3 3
are finds such as Lascaux Caves or the Temple at Tarxien in Malta.
45 – 46 Heian No 1d6 1d4

Sumerian / Assyrian / Ancient Non-Egyptian: Built of un- Ancient Egyptian (Middle Kingdom): Building on the advance-
baked brick or clay masonry as the foundation generally built ments of previous generations, the structures of the Middle Kingdom
in step-pyramid structures, buildings of this sort eventually are similar but add limestone to the mix, providing durable and beauti-
crumble and need to be rebuilt, stacking on the former until ful artistry, such as the Temple of Karnak. Like the earlier Egyptian con-
stability and height is achieved. These are amongst the old- struction methods, basic geometric patterns are used, often interlocked
est of real world buildings. This is the fundamental system of or woven together to form very complex and enigmatic designs.
building found in desert environments for the lack of forests
or usable quarries make adobe-brick necessary. Real world ex- Ancient Egyptian (New Kingdom): This was a move away from
amples would be difficult to find, but the Gardens of Babylon the previous Egyptian styles, pyramid structures abandoned in favor
would be a good start, as would be many ancient buildings (at of earth-bound tombs, as found in the Valley of the Kings, but also
least the unmodified portions) of Damascus. Due to the rela- of great spectacle, the first Colossus (Colossi of Memnon) made and
tively primitive means used to craft buildings, one of this style a tighter focus on expansion and art infused into the buildings. Gen-
is typically rectangular, with additional rectangles acting as a erally, stone, especially limestone, was used as well as vibrant colors
new story, slowly reducing to a single point – the lowest level is both to show off and to be clearly visible against the desert sun.
always much thicker than that of the top.
Classical (Grecian / Early Roman / Herodian): There is great
Ancient Egyptian (Old Kingdom): Similar in nature to earlier variety amongst the architecture of these cultures, but the sim-
works, these utilize adobe-brick or quarried stone, often from dis- plest and easiest to use is that the architecture typically conforms
tant locations, to form epic monuments such as the Great Pyra- to the environment – a temple will be built in such a way that it
mid. Various advancements, such as the creation of the mastaba adheres to the surface, rather than supplant it. Romans were well
and ziggurat help elevate the technical ability of the creators. The known for modifying existing structures, and also for the develop-
structures made of this type are usually massive, often taking a ment of many advanced concepts such as concrete and interior
very long time to complete – perhaps in a fantasy world, the ba- plumbing, letting nature do the work (such as the Great Aque-
sis could be applied to elfs and their ilk, though the construction duct.) There are numerous artistic styles as well, but of them,
details would likely change. Many different geometric devices are one very common theme arises: sculpture. These types of castles
used to craft an edifice of this nature, but the most recognizable would normally be open, very columnar, and made of hard stone –
are those which are a square pyramid or obelisk; it is possible cir- progressively, depending on which period of history (especially as
cles and other Egyptian-like emblems were used, such as the Tau regards the Roman Empire), structures very similar to modern day
cross, but this would be the exception and not the rule. could be found. There are several surviving examples, such as the
Parthenon, which could be used as inspiration.

Byzantine: Continuing from Roman expression, at least initially, the ar-

chitecture developed a steady inclination toward the complex, especially
concerning the use of advanced geometric patterns and designs. Domes
started to appear, and the construction material started to shift toward
brick and plaster, but another very visible concept appeared – windows,
often made of alabaster. At the earlier stages, frescoes and murals were
quite common, but these were generally destroyed during the Iconoclast
period, detailed hereafter. This style is characteristic of the rule of the
Emperor Justinian and some examples still survive: Hagia Sophia and the
Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, for example. Various cross plans were
typically used by the designers, the Greek cross, due to its equidistant
placement of arms signifying perfection, was often the more desired, but
any simple shape can be extrapolated, as the architects seemed to have a
great like for using the ordinary and turning it into obscure – for example,
several square shapes may be used to form a star, which may then be
encapsulated in a rectangle topped with an elliptical dome.

Moorish: Characterized by a summation of influences, this sort of

castle structure exhibits vaulted ceilings, nearly always leading to a
dome, and complicated geometric floor plans, making great use of
circles and squares. In many ways, it is a confluence of styles, and
would most likely, in a fantasy world, be implemented by humans,
especially those who deal with a great many cultures and races.
For an example of the real world use of this design, the Alhambra
or Jannat al-’Arif‎ (The Architect’s Garden / Palace of Generalife)
makes a fine specimen. Nearly defined by the abstract use of geom-
etry, the constructions usually have elements of as many Platonic
solids as can be managed, sometimes bordering on the impossible.


Carolingian: Used nearly exclusively by a powerful European or canonical references as wards. Gothic, too, is likely the most popu-
family, this style was a renaissance of its own, combining Classical lar amongst the common images when one associates to a Medieval
with Byzantine, resulting in triple arched halls and the creation of era structure, relying on such examples as Reims Cathedral, Notre-
a westwork, which would eventually become the framework for Dame de Chartres, or Kölner Dom (Cologne Cathedral.)
other facades. The style is typically used for churches and other
religious structures, but it is not specific to them – the basic layout Decorated Gothic: Very similar to traditional Gothic in design, this
is that of a basilica. A real world example would be the Palatine style uses much more decoration, especially and primarily of, windows
Chapel. As these are Christian designs, the cross forms the back- – the remainder of the building process, for the most part, was fairly
bone of the floor plan, generally Latin or Greek cross in design, static, but groined vaults and high towers were often thinned and the
both for ease of construction (and price) and because of the im- use of flying buttresses used more often, even if not needed, simply as
mediate symbolism it would have provoked. a showcase of ability or wealth. Effectively, as its other name is known
by, the architecture is very flamboyant for its age. Two main examples
Hoysala: Started in India, the works of the Hoysala architects of this style are Lichfield Cathedral and Exeter Cathedral.
were an attempt to revitalize philosophy with art, retaining previ-
ous notions but expanding upon it. The outer walls are heavily Brick Gothic / Sondergotik: Favored by German and Baltic con-
decorated and ornamented; often times with scripts detailing the structors, this period of architecture is known more for the material
construction or embedded religious phrases, the structures serve of its buildings than its style, though advancements and alterations
as both places of worship and as educational centers, many times were certainly present – the lightened loads provided by changing
used as the locus of a pilgrimage. There are numerous examples from solid stone to baked brick allowed both more detailed (also
of this style in the modern world, such as Chennakesava or Hoy- a factor of the use of the chisel rather than an ax) led to higher
saleswara Temples. Many of these buildings are polygonal, having reaches and more lofty goals, dwarfing many of the structures of
numerous sides, but they do tend to have a flat face. previous years. In a game centered on fantasy, it would be easy to
see a dwarf, especially in deep lairs, or an elf fancying this style for
Romanesque: Inspired by the period of its namesake, the Romanesque it allows an enormous canvas on which to create. Typical examples
buildings are a copy of the former, sometimes using tidbits of previous of real world buildings belonging to the movement are Saint Mary’s
structures as key elements of its own—however, the use of domes and Church in Gdan’sk and Holstentor (“Holsten Gate”) in Lübeck.
different columnar styles, as well as building materials, really sets the
movement apart. The major characteristic is the use of semicircular Renaissance: Focused on Classical (especially Roman) designs,
arches, a precedent for the later Gothic style. The method also tends but refined to demonstrate mastery of symmetry, proportion, ge-
toward heavy and thick walls, high towers (for the time), and massive ometry (and other advanced mathematical concepts) and the use
ceilings, typically set in groined vaults. An example of this architectural of elements not normally found in architecture of the time, such
usage is Our Lady of Flanders’ Cathedral of Tournai. as convex naves or semicircle domes, this style was a literal rebirth
and a sort of “neo-Romanesque” (though that term is more pre-
Norman: Generally classified as “English Romanesque” this is very cisely used for a method not covered in this work.) Combined with
similar to the previous example, save for key ingredients – materials major advancements in physics and science, the buildings exhibit
used and purpose, and are generally vastly different. Whereas the many fundamentals a modern person could find appealing such as
Romanesque style is more often used for religious endeavors, the indoor plumbing or central heating – that is not to say that it was
Norman style is more often found for actual castle and fortification “new” but, given the times before its arrival, it was miraculous,
plans, and then incorporating the layout as though it were a temple. bringing the Dark Ages to an end. The plan for a typical Renais-
What this means is simple – the superficiality of the structure is sance building is that of a square, often then cut into symmetrical
that it serves some divine and bold goal, but in reality is meant to pieces, many times involving circles or smaller squares; this was
house and strengthen those within. A fine example of Norman ar- added to a movement in art of the time, linear perspective, which
chitectural principle is the White Tower (Tower of London) or the produced hallways and rooms which appear much larger than they
Rochester Castle, amongst other ecclesial buildings. truly are. Many examples of Renaissance style are found in the
world, ranging from the small to the grand – one very good exam-
Mudéjar: A merger of religious sects, forged in brick, characterizes ple is Saint Peter’s Basilica; another is the Cathedral of Florence.
this style of architecture – there are no new additions, but the use
of different concepts, such as strong religious emblems (favored by Tudor / Late Medieval: Central to this style is the use of the four-
the Christian population) and complex geometric patterns (strongly centered arch, high sloping ceilings, very tall and narrow doorways,
used by Muslim crafters) revitalized and inspired many generations small windows, and lengthy topped chimneys, provoking a some-
of construction projects. Interiors are, unlike other approaches, usu- what reminiscent style as the early Gothic works (indeed, historical-
ally highly decorated, often using different materials such as tile and ly, the Tudor style slightly predates it) but also continued well past.
plaster to create elaborate works of sophisticated art. The Castle La Buildings are usually rectangular and tend to have many, small, win-
Mota in Medina del Campo is a good example of the Mudéjar style. dows with a brief pane extending outward. Numerous examples of
the craft are extant, such as the “Old Schools” at Oxford, Hunsdon
Traditional Gothic: Characterized by its emergence from the Ro- House and Saint George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.
manesque style, Gothic built upon itself to increase height but also
thinned the walls and added “flying buttresses” to support – it is also Imperial Chinese: Philosophy tends to play a very strong role in
this style that stained glass and the use of the gargoyle as a decorative the construction of these buildings, incorporating the practice of
piece would be most likely, former styles using graven images of deific “internal alchemy” or Feng Shui, where overall balance (achieved
through bilateral symmetry) is counterbalanced with the asymme-
try of the garden or non-living space. Placement of the entrance is
critical, as one that faces the front of a plot of land, as opposed to
one that opens another direction, is considered a building of more
significance, regardless of what may be on the obverse – how one
determines the front is a matter of great debate at times, based on
the strength of the “dragon lines” which must be appeased, or con-
trolled, to dissuade certain events and conditions – improper place-
ment is considered extremely disrespectful and may lead to expul-
sion not only of those who live within, but also of those that built
it, their families, their friends, and so forth, depending on how mis-
managed the construction was and how easy it might be to repair.
Wealth tends to dictate that a building will be wider than it is tall, as
height is not a symbol of status as it is in other cultures, making this
style likable by the smaller races such as halflings or gnomes, per-
haps. To be truly considered Imperial, however, the building would
need to have a yellow-tiled roof as this was considered reserved for
royalty; likewise, color is an important facet as certain ones, such Heian: Reacting (and somewhat frightened by it) to the populari-
as black, were said to entice the gods, which is why many pagodas ty of the earlier Asuka period, this style shows a reliance and study
and religious structures share the theme. There are a plethora of into neighboring influences, such as that of India and China, each
examples available, but the Temple of Heaven, and indeed, much providing specific elements – from India, the use of shapes and
of, if not all of, the Forbidden City, would be classified as this style. forms inspired by the mandala and the use of the stupa base came
from China; these structures were nearly always built far from
Nagara / Dravidian: Representative of northern and southern India, civilizations, being monastic in nature – they are often found in
the styles are somewhat similar but also vastly different – Dravidian mountain regions, in inaccessible locales, making the construction
architecture is much older and resembles that of Assyrian make, uti- even more impressive. L-shape floor plans were common amongst
lizing step construction for the making of stupa or pyramidal shapes, the design tropes. The Hōō-dō (Phoenix Hall) is a nice example
primarily used for religious services; the inner portion is always a square, of this style from Medieval Japan.
topped with a pyramid, the entrance covered and surrounded by “gate
pyramids” – in fact, the whole structure is generally walled much like Kamakura / Muromachi: Building upon the foundations estab-
one would expect to see of a castle. Nagara, on the other hand, is more lished by earlier architects, but with an eye toward stability and en-
recent, using the same square diagrams, but with graduated projections durance especially against the face of natural disasters and defense,
to intercut and define a cruciform shape, highlighting linear eleva- both of which seemed to have been on the rise, the structures show
tion. Materials are usually those which are readily available, at the site, more support beams and reinforcement, sometimes even using an
though very wealthy individuals may have had imported components. actual foundation of stone – the traditional wood frame is retained,
There are several variations on each style, some involving the use of however, as it is was the most prominent material. Due to the nature
freestanding columns and others with teardrop domes. A good example of the structures, and external forces, there are not many remaining
of Dravidian architecture is the Thiruvannamalai Temple; a fine exam- examples of this type of construction, though Shōfuku-ji (Temple of
ple of Nagara construction is the Temple of Jagannath at Puri. the Correct Luck) in Tokyo is ironically fitting.

Mughal: Yet another amalgam of various stylistic approaches, Azuchi-Momoyama: A climate of war, where samurai and daimyo
the works of the Mughal incorporate evolved geometric patterns, were considered more important than temple and monk, helped
which was borrowed from Muslim neighbors and the aesthetics of spur the development of this architectural wave, which introduced
India, usually based on Dravidian styles, ending in a result that is two types of buildings to Japan – the castle and shoin (reception
unique – many buildings also utilized onion domes, a creation that hall or study.) Like other styles of Japan, the use of the pagoda shape
was, for most of the ancient world, a difficult task. Likely the most is somewhat mandatory, however, it is expanded to include square
famous example of this style is the Taj Mahal. bases, often extended to form outer walls leading to keeps, which
are also square, the main building rising above the lesser, and always
Asuka / Nara: Named for the place and period of political advance- in the rear of the stronghold. Some, such as Himeji Castle (perhaps
ment, the architecture of this time is mostly known for its influence one of the more famous of the style structures) have a labyrinth of
from Buddhism, which had arrived in Japan – this, in turn, led to the passages that lead to the main hall, this a purposeful defense. An-
construction of tiered pagodas, made entirely of wood, which is a dis- other, albeit much smaller, example is Matsumoto Castle.
tinguishing aspect from the rest of the world which tended to use stone
or adobe. Most of the structures were not single buildings, consisting of Edo Period: Engineered in the face of destruction, purposefully
numerous lesser buildings (in fact, one such surviving stronghold has crafted for ease of reconstruction, due to the great many fires and
41 additional structures, aside from the main complex.) One excellent invasions of the time, the buildings of the Edo Period show the same
example of this style is Tōdaiji, which is a series of edifices, rather than a thought patterns as earlier models, but also simplify the designs, re-
single construction – to many, when “traditional Japanese architecture” ducing them to the core components, and always include some sort
is considered, this is the style being considered. of storage facility, usually for lumber, this placed away from the main


building and sometimes even underground, much like a basement. timid Dynasty needed to display their wealth, ability, and domi-
One other interesting facet is that constructions derived in this style nance over their subjugated people and so massive and elaborate
can be mobile, easily moved from one location to another, because constructions began. Often, the buildings have large open court-
they are usually modular, a sort of Medieval prefabrication, in a yards, surrounded by thick walls, sometimes with interior build-
sense. One example that showcases this is Kiyomizu-dera Temple; ings, each domed and facing opposite the entrance, which in itself
another excellent choice is the Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine. is very large and often highly arched. Like other Muslim construc-
tions, geometry is a critical component, as is symmetry – start with
Merovingian: Using the simple basilica as a guide, the archi- a square and add circles, each cutting and dividing the structure
tecture of the Merovingian dynasty relied on previous works to into separate areas with their own integral purpose; decorations,
facilitate construction, taking inspiration from anything around too, are generally rich with a seeming preference for whites and
them, and sometimes from those very far away, such as Eastern blues, though gold is also not uncommon. A good sample of this
Europe or even the Middle East; most important constructions architectural style is the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo.
were made of stone, but wooden buildings were not uncommon.
There was, however, one unique entry into architectural practice Mamluk: Combining several styles to form a distinctly original one
which would be continued into later methods – the use of the reli- featuring the core elements of Egyptian, Byzantine, other Middle
quary raised to a visible height, sometimes situated on an axis, and Easter flavors (such as Persian)and inspiration from Greece and An-
others within the apse; the importance of this was twofold: first, it cient Rome, the buildings of the Mamluk Period are identifiable by
brought focus to the humanity of the faith, rather than all aspects their themes, rather than a specific, individual, style. For example,
considered divine, and secondly, it allowed those who attended an one structure may have had high interior vaulted spaces, a circular
obvious clue and evidence of their faith. Squat square designs are dome, and used of stylized repeating decorative (curvilinear or geo-
typical, an odd departure as most churches used some sort of cru- metric) patterns (sometimes called arabesque) and another might
ciform layout. Naturally, most of the buildings that fit this style are combine the use of a hypostyle base with that of a minaret. The
religious in order, but most buildings of the medieval period were common usages amongst most of them, however, is the use of frac-
as well. Some iconic stands (unfortunately, most of the structures tals, especially in art motifs but also sometimes in the very founda-
have been repeatedly rebuilt, reducing their true origin, or are in tion, forming a complex stronghold; to this is added chiaroscuro
ruin) for the style are Poitiers Baptistery, Saint Pancras in Canter- and other light effects, both as illusions and to highlight. Another
bury and Bradwell-on-Sea in Essex. important distinction is that, unlike many other periods of design,
Mamluk architecture was often highly individualized, each patron-
Bagratid Revival: Consisting of improvements and advance- ized by a wealthy noble or group, and dictated by their tastes rather
ments of traditional Armenian architectural principles, this style than tradition. To understand the Mamluk design philosophy, a
in many ways (at least arguably) was the forerunner for Gothic, good start would be The Qala’un (Qalawun Complex.)
being a direct source of inspiration, though distinctively its own –
for example, a common theme amongst the constructions is a cir- Repoblación: Arguably not a true historical period, the architec-
cular layout, rooms segregated in cells. Geometry and numerology ture of the time is still visibly unique, composed of several iden-
were considered sacred aspects, and were carried over or enlight- tifying features, taken from neighboring inspirations – 1) the use
ened to match the dominant religion of the time: Christianity, so of a basilica or central plan, sometimes with opposing apses or
the numbers three (3) and seven (7), as well as twelve (12) are concave entrances; 2) rectangular exterior with numerous semi-
especially significant. By the end of the Bagratid Revival, side apse circular patterns on the interior, either for walls or as art only; 3)
and cupola domes were emerging, influenced by a new faith that decorative use of Corinthian columns, generally in sets of three,
had spread into Europe. A fine specimen of the approach is the and 4) asymmetrical layouts, groin vaults and cupola domes form-
Cathedral of Ani, also known as Church of the Mother of God. ing the underlying ceiling. Other dominant features are apparent
too, such as the use of the swastika as an artistic emblem, or the
Anglo-Saxon: Subjected to near-constant abuse brought by Viking use of the horseshoe arch and reinforced walls (aided by buttress-
invasion, few examples of this style exist in the modern world, but of es.) Essentially, the style was a refinement of principles discovered
what is known, there is a consistent theme: most are built of wood, through ages past, improved upon with better (or more advanced)
wattle, and mud daub with stones kept for the most important locations technique. Some examples of the method are the Monastery of
such as churches or monasteries, wherein libraries and, often, food was San Miguel de Escalada and the Tower of Doña Urraca.
stored for survival. Doors and windows, often elaborated in other styles,
are left simple and somewhat primitive, bearing few, if any, decorative Ottonian: Named after an Emperor, the buildings show a con-
features – arches, when present, are typically triangular rather then the fluence of ideas, incorporating both Byzantine and Carolingian
more refined (and durable) circles found elsewhere. Another feature is, sensibilities, retaining the base basilica plan, but breaking away by
when stone was used, a lattice of masonry, called a pilaster strip which is literally having a substructure apart from the remaining pieces; in
a weave of crisscrossing stones, making it appear similar to brick. Scale some cases, as at Ottmarsheim which directly draws its influence
is often small and less grand in scope than later periods as well – the from the earlier Palatine Chapel, the floor plan also deviates, but
structures were intended to serve their need and little else. Of the ex- nearly always keeps the double ended apse, one at the frontage
isting examples, the best are likely the Church of Saint Peter and Saint and rear. For a fine specimen of the practice, Saint Bartholomew’s
Paul in Canterbury), and Saint Peter-on-the-Wall in Bradwell. Church in Liège is a good place to begin.

Fatimid: Desperate to showcase their power, the rulers of the Fa- Ottoman: Directly influenced by Byzantine and Mamluk archi-

tecture, there are numerous areas which were taken and altered, Middle Muscovite: Building on the knowledge and abilities ob-
having then inspired others, such as the creation of the medrese (a tained in previous years, the central development of the Middle
school for the study of religion) and large, non-pyramidal (in fact, Muscovite Period is the tented roof, which is arched high and tri-
usually domed) government-sponsored mausoleums, called a tomb angular, to let snow and other debris fall off without damaging
monument. Generally the majority of the structure was composed the structure itself. This is not to say the designs themselves are
of baked brick, but the inner and some outer walls were typically basic, as many complex designs do exist (especially those crafted
had wooden, marble, and plaster elements, sometimes used exclu- during the reign of Ivan the Terrible), but that there was little
sively as decoration but also as key ingredients to stabilize the foun- change, save the move toward wooden components, away from
dation. There are many surviving examples of the art, such as the the more expensive and lasting stone, at least for the construc-
Hacı Özbek Mosque or Topkapı Sarayı (Topkapi Palace.) tion of religious abodes; military needs were, naturally, given the
best available treatment. Two excellent examples of this particular
Iconoclastic: Not truly a style, per se, the practitioners of Icono- style building are found in the Church of Saint John the Baptist in
clasm destroyed and modified existing objects to remove or render Kolomenskoye and Saint Basil’s Cathedral on Red Square.
their symbolism moot considering the veneration of idols (includ-
ing the statuaries of saints) in any form to be heretical, sometimes Isabelline Gothic: Taking elements of Renaissance and com-
rebuilding in completely new ways to prevent any hope of rebirth bining it with Traditional Gothic, the architects of the reign of
of the old ways. Complexes affected were often stripped of any hu- Isabella of Spain founded a tradition of their own, characterized
man figures or depiction, generally replaced with fractal images, and by the use of “el arco conopial” (a sort of curved y-shaped arch)
were also relieved of their wealth – gold and other valuables taken and basket-handled arches, but one of the most memorable pieces
from the walls, ceilings, and in some cases, even entire façade ele- implements commemorative text engraved into the structural
ments such as a dome. This did not stop the construction of new façade, which are also highly decorated usually with sculpture.
edifice; in fact, one such building, the Church of the Assumption at There are several buildings to examine to better grasp the style:
Nicaea, is a great example of Iconoclastic architecture. the Royal Chapel of Granada, the Collegium of San Gregorio in
Valladolid, or the Palace of the Infantado in Guadalajara.
Early Muscovite: Besieged by raiders on a continual basis, the
need for defense was paramount, as was dissuading attackers and Preclassic Period / Formative (Olmec): Similar to Old Kingdom
pillaging, so the creations are typically small, fortified, and glaringly principles, but separated by thousands of miles, the designs of the Pre-
nondescript on the outside, leaving the interiors with a veritable classic Period involve many step-pyramids often formed of enormous
canvas for artistic expression, sometimes covered in frescoes and stone (quarried elsewhere and moved tremendous distances) to form
murals. These Russian structures of the Early Muscovite Period are a volcano-like shape, being more conical than rectangular. The struc-
reminiscent of those of Armenia and Eastern Europe, but simpler, tures actually combine stone, wood, and other plant material (espe-
less ornate, and very typically single-domed (the ones that have cially large palm leaves) and often served several functions from reli-
multiple are actually Italian-inspired imports brought in by the gious to domestic, and sometimes war – there are even underground
czars.) Lacking much of the definitive skill needed, the structures drainage or sewage systems, highlighting a rather advanced technol-
were necessarily simple and usually composed of what could readily ogy or knowledge of construction techniques which were unknown
be found, such as limestone or “wild stone” which is roughly-hewn to the Egyptians. Another very definitive characteristic is the use of
rock cut without regard to precision; the Italian-made creations are carved busts, usually depictions of the gods (a common motif is the
typically of brick, these being built toward the close of the invasion jaguar form,) but also of rulers and their rules. Normally, a ceremonial
era. One thematic addition for nearly all fortifications of this time floor would be constructed, this usually made of basalt. A good exam-
is the use of the bell tower, serving both as guard outpost and mes- ple of Olmec philosophy can be found at La Venta.
saging center. Some examples of Early Muscovite architecture are
the Deposition Church of the Moscow Kremlin and the Troitse- Middle Preclassic (Maya): Urban planning was a critical factor
Sergiyeva Lavra (Holy Spirit Church of the Holy Trinity Lavra.) of Maya architecture, their constructions designed with city and
geography in mind, using the environment to their advantage.
Many of the buildings are square or rectangular, but always with
a high appreciation for geometric and mathematical patterns. Un-
like earlier efforts, those of this period do not tend toward extrane-
ous aesthetics, leaving decoration at a minimum (at least in many
cases.) Stone tended to replace previous wood or leaf buildings, but
Maya also utilized natural caverns for their dwellings, so a good mix
of development and cohabitation were apparent. Necessarily, the
edifices of Maya construction generally have multipurpose reasons,
usually surrounding a courtyard where games and sacrifices were
performed; regarding temples, they tend to be mostly flat-faced
with a step design in the rear, using deep and wide stones to make
walking one a chore. Interiors generally have corbelled vaults with
entrances triangular or having lintels. Some good examples of Maya
architecture include the Ruins of Palanque and Óoxmáa (Uxmal.)


Mesoamerican (Non-Preclassic): Inspired by the earlier attempts thetically pleasing. There are no real-world examples, but many depic-
and efforts of neighbors, the dwellings of Mesoamerica share similar tions of the style by various individuals are easily obtained.
themes, and incorporate much of the various styles to form a mesh
of its own. One common motif is replication of the cosmos, where, Australian Pre-Colonial: The majority of indigenous people
in the layout and orientation of substructures (the temple ordinarily were nomadic, taking whatever belongings with them on their trav-
acting as a central locus), the thought processes on how the uni- els, including their dwellings – as such, the preferences tend toward
verse worked were given physical manifestation, including through the simple and effective, often using lightweight timber and animal
the use of shapes – for example, a particularly important constella- hide as main materials as both can be used in other ways. Location
tion or event would tend to resemble a smaller temple, and those of abodes typically formed of unbaked brick, mud, or whatever was
of minor or least significance would be made of wood and the like. ground-ready usually meant pre-existing conditions, such as caves
Constructions of megalithic stelae, not unlike that of Stonehenge, and landscape features made the foundation, literally living off, and
were common. Generally the most important feature was not even in, the land; in fact, many structures incorporated traps, such as fish
a structure, but an open space – the ball court which served as a or eel, into the building itself, to increase efficacy. Technology typi-
criminal court, an arena, and a religious icon. Despite the seeming cally was low, but a strong belief in the supernatural provided many
primitive nature of the builders (who lacked metal tools), the struc- symbols and leitmotifs. Some stonework was developed and imple-
tures are quite durable and advanced, using mortar and stucco made mented. There are examples of this method found on the Barwon
from limestone. Examples of the style include the Pre-Hispanic Cit- River at Brewarrina and Lake Condah in Victoria.
ies of Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan as well as Tik’al (Tikal) Park.
Non-Plains American Indian: Dwelling in forested areas, the use
Viking: Known for their marauding more than their domestic side, of lumber was a practical necessity for those on the eastern (and
Viking buildings are similar to the lifestyle one would expect – sim- virtually everywhere but central) side of the continent, building
ple and to the point. Many houses were designed much like a ship, longhouses draped in hide and furs of native denizens; westerly,
bowed roof leading to wooden pillars that resemble oars, sometimes thick adobe, such as that used by Navajo, formed the foundations
mounted with a dragon’s head on either side to warn any that ap- of architecture for the Native Americans. Symbolism and expres-
proach. The walls are normally made of wood with a thatched roof; sion, especially for the respected creator spirits (not necessarily
it is often long and squat, the entrance being slightly extended for- gods) was often paramount as was quick and decisive defense and
ward to form a very small “T-shape.” Structures were not likely to mobility for war, both with incoming settlers and neighbors was
have more than one floor; though a basement for storage could ex- frequent. Knowing the difficulties of the environment, especially
ist, it would be somewhat unusual and likely reserved only for a very concerning drought or food shortage, meant the inhabitants pre-
powerful individual. Because the weather needed to be endured, the pared for it, often in ways beyond expectation (for example, large
strongholds are quite adapt at resisting its effects and retains heat clay cisterns might hold a reservoir of water or sealed silos contain-
well. Some specimens of the style include Fyrkat Viking Fortress in ing grain might exist to feed the population when needed.) While
Hobro and other reconstructions in Uummannaq, Greenland. not precisely the American version, the longhouses of Sarawak
on Borneo might prove useful for research purposes, at least for
Iberian / Celtic: Usually built of stone or wood, nestled in walled design and theme – for Navajo-inspired architecture, look to Di-
enclosures on hilltops, the settlements of these inhabitants tended to netah Pueblitos and numerous locations in and around Arizona.
be relatively primitive compared to their ancestry and knowledge, but
perhaps because of it (fear of conquest being one), made to be cheap Plains American Indian: Lacking some of the necessary utilities of
and easily rebuilt if needed. The buildings themselves are generally their brethren, the inhabitants of the plains made due with what they
circular or rectangular, and often made with sloped roofs, usually atop had, often incorporating hide, bone, and stone into semi-permanent
a single column. Some developments are actually carved into the hill- habitations, many times taking the shape of teepees (or tipi) or wig-
side, forming the concept of a motte, which would later be expanded wams, both basically conical in shape. Sacred sites were often enshrined
into a classical structure with motte-and-bailey. Existing examples are with sweathouses and familial ties – accustomed to war and travails,
Las Cogotas in Ávila and the Castro of Santa Tecla, in Pontevedra. even these places were made to be somewhat in flux, often well-hidden
in the environment itself, a thing called an earthlodge. Examples of
“Alien” (Easter Island / Stonehenge): Of conflicted origin, and existing structures include Crow Creek Village and many structures on
sometimes unknown purpose, these establishments vary greatly in reservations throughout the Midwest (especially Oklahoma.)
their execution save for one common denominator – the use of
megaliths, often arranged in some circular or mathematical pattern, Eskimo (Inuit) / Chukcis: On first thought, one might assume
and crafted by a people who may not have had the skill to do so, but the Eskimo or Chukcis (native inhabitants of Siberia) deal with
obviously did. The most obvious examples are the ones provided in ice and snow alone, forming only structures in the familiar igloo
the type – Stonehenge and the Remnants of Easter Island. shape (such models are intended for permanent residence – the
temporary designs are called quinzhee,) each brick made of fro-
Lost Records (Atlantis / Mu): Arguably not a true period as these zen water or cemented with whale blabber. This is somewhat
entries exist merely as legend and myth, the concepts are the important true, but there are other building styles, such as the barrow sod
thing – in this “style” technology and magic are often intermingled, be- house, a mound of earth carved into to form a manmade cavern,
ing extraordinarily advanced for the time, even beyond that capable by very similar to motte-styled designs of Medieval Europe. There
modern mankind. Usually, the buildings are a confluence of methods are also hide-based (or those with ivory and bone) components,
and styles, sometimes with rare or impossible materials, but always aes- sometimes in the form of tipi and even others that take the shape

of the standard longhouse; what matters most is that whatever Many of the above mentioned styles have pre-defined floor plans
material is available is used – nothing is left as dross, and nothing that are requisite for the structure to be considered of that style,
is discarded. Sometimes, depending on what is a needed, a natural as well as providing numerous visual clues regarding its outward
arctic condition such as a sink hole, will be used as a defensive appearance. If the style is façade only, it means the interior does
element; the cold and harshness is nearly always enough, how- not conform to the standards of the type, though it will superficially
ever, to stave off even the more durable and tenacious aggressor. appear to be so. In such cases, a number of regular polyhedral de-
Some fine examples of this method are found in Kakslauttanen signs can be used as the guiding model for the structure, or simply
Igloo Village (which, while not truly Eskimo in nature is certainly as desired by the Castle Keeper. This is the general floor plan of the
inspired by it) and many places on Greenland’s Thule area. main building; extraneous or superfluous substructure may have,
and often do, their own layout and parameters – the general size
cannot truly be determined until all the rooms (determined earlier)
are known and then crafted, and so, the Castle Keeper will need to
keep the basic symbol in mind when adding the details. In case of
conflicting or difficult designs, simplify – squares are much easier to
graph than overlapping oddities, so use only what brings comfort:


D00 Roll Sides
01 – 25 Square
26 – 35 Rectangle
36 – 40 Other Quadrilateral (Rhombus / Trapezoid / Parallelogram)
41 – 45 Triangle [Table 9A-1]
46 – 60 Ellipsoid
61 – 75 Circle
76 Concentric Circles
77 – 95 Cross [Table 9A-2]
96 Star / Pentacle / Pentagram
97 Pentagon
98 Hexagon
99 Combination
00 Non-Standard (Polygon)


D00 Roll Type
01 – 35 Right
36 – 70 Equilateral
71 – 85 Isosceles
86 – 00 Scalene


D00 Roll Type
01 – 30 Latin
31 – 40 Saint Andrews / Saltire
41 – 43 Saint Anthony / Tau
44 – 46 Greek
47 – 50 Celtic
51 Chi Rho
52 – 53 Ankh / Ansated
54 – 60 Patriarchal
61 – 63 Patee


64 – 66 Potent (Teutonic) the larger. A ring cross is simply a Greek cross surrounded by a cir-
cle whereas a broken ring is a cross which has an arm, the base, or
67 – 70 Moline
tip formed at an odd angle, or not quite touching the basic circle
71 – 73 Iotachi around it – sometimes it is called Nero’s Cross. There are other
74 – 76 Russian variations as well, but these examples hopefully provide stimulation.
77 – 80 Maltese
A castle must be built of something, and what that something is
81 – 85 Crosslet imparts certain physical characteristics to the whole of the struc-
86 Fleury ture, and also says something about the building, possibly even a
87 Botonnee hint as to its purpose. For example, a circular theater topped with
a dome made of gold will indicate a richness and wealth beyond
88 – 95 Cavalry / Graded
the means of the surrounding environs, placing it as a focal point
96 Jerusalem to all who travel toward it; but, do the same and make the dome
97 – 99 Ring nothing more than simple stone and it may be unnoticed – either
00 Broken Ring / Cross of Nero has its advantages. The durability and strength of the material also
helps to determine how large such an edifice could likely be, with-
A Latin cross is one where the bottommost stem is approximately out aid or reinforcement. Therefore, the thickness of the walls is
150% longer than the arms and apex; the arms and apex branch are critical to knowing both general size and possible height – a build-
typically of equal length. The Cross of Saint Andrew (Saltire) is a ing with many floors likely has thicker walls at the base and then
cross shaped, very similar to the Greek (in that all limbs are equally progressively thins as it grows taller. Also, very thick walls may
distant from the center making it nearly identical to the mathemati- be unnecessary, used simply as a counterpoise for hiding things
cal plus symbol) except it is titled at an angle to form an “X”-shape within, such as secret passages or even acting as additional rooms,
rather than the more traditional “T.” A Saint Anthony or Tau cross such as for storage or housing of guards. As with other aspects of
is much like a Latin cross except the top is non-existent; it is, quite the construction process, the Castle Keeper is free to utilize this as
literally, a “T.” There are variations of the Celtic cross but the one be- desired, inspired to create something wholly unique.
ing concerned here is the one with the curved end-arms, shrinking as
they reduce toward the middle; imagine four axes facing the cardinal TABLE 10: MATERIALS
directions, their hafts crossing, and that would be the basic design. A D00 Roll Material Thickness (in feet)
Chi Rho cross is one which has the Saltire as its base, but the upper-
01 Feybrick 50
most arm extends a closed loop, always to the right, in a “P”-shape.
The Ankh or Ansated is very similar to a Latin cross except the up- 02 – 11 Adobe / Unbaked Brick 20
permost arm is a loop (or eye). A patriarchal cross is very similar to 02 – 16 Clay 10
the Latin but the crossbeam is slightly longer than the top which also Hardwood (Oak, Cherry,
bears a smaller crossbeam, the length of which is usually the same as 17 – 22 10
Maple, Etc)
what it crosses; effectively, this is a merger of the Latin and Greek Softwood (Pine, Balsa, Red-
cross as it incorporates the symmetry of both. Nearly identical to the 23 – 24 20
wood, Etc)
Celtic, a patee is not rounded but straight-edged, though it has the
25 Ironwood 5
curved arms. Composed of four constituent Tau crosses, the potent
or Teutonic cross is simple and geometrically solid; these are never 26 – 30 Granite 20
angled unlike some others. Moline crosses are Greek crosses, each 31 – 37 Lime / Sandstone 10
arm ending in a “curved lip” somewhat akin to that used to make a 38 – 42 Marble 5
fleur-de-lis or flower ornament. Combining the X of the Saltire and
Soft Stone (Soapstone, Shale,
adding a single bar (an I-shape), the Iotachi cross has six points. 43 – 44 10
Alabaster, Etc)
Symbolizing a split in ideology, the Russian cross is the same as a pa- 45 – 46 Obsidian / Onyx 10
triarchal except for one small different – the base branch is crossed 47 – 48 Bone / Ivory / Keratin 10
at an angle, always downward and to the right. The Maltese cross 49 – 50 Flesh or Hide 5
is composed of four interlocked equilateral triangles, the base of
51 Distilled Torment 50
each cut into another triangular shape to form a sort of opening
at the end of each cross stem. A crosslet is a Greek cross where 52 Raw Element [Table 10A] 50
each arm, including base and vertex, has a Greek cross appended. 53 – 55 Coral / Shell 10
Fleury crosses are much like Greek crosses but tipped with a three- 56 Mushroom / Toadstool 10
prong crown at each apex. The Botonnee cross is, again, similar to
57 – 59 Vegetation / Vines / Seaweed 10
the Fleury but rather than a crown, it is three semicircles coming
together. A cavalry or graded cross is a Latin cross atop a step of 60 – 67 Baked Brick 10
three decreasing rectangles, the whole surrounded by a square. The 68 – 73 Concrete 20
cross of Jerusalem is a Greek cross with a further Greek cross in 74 – 77 Metal [Table 10B] 20
each of the four quadrants; this makes five total crosses apparent,
78 Etherite 20
the smaller ones directly proportional (usually one-quarter) that of

79 – 80 Bamboo 10
81 – 82 Ice 20
83 Lodestone / Magnetite 20
Magic Wall (Wall of Force,
84 20
Wall of Iron, Etc)
85 – 88 Mud 10
89 Cloudstuff 5
90 Liquid Dream 50
91 Chocolate / Sugar 10
92 Shadow or Light Essence 10
Fabric (Paper, Silk, Cotton,
93 – 94 20
95 – 96 Glass 10
97 – 98 Rubber or Wax 10
99 Shift Stone 10
Gemstone (Diamond, Ruby,
00 10
Emerald, Etc)

Only the nonstandard materials will be explained, as the others

are considered common enough that a Castle Keeper should be fa-
miliar with them, at least their appearance and general properties.

Feybrick is a material used by the creatures that give its name to build
their homes, the material itself being available only in a particular
pocket dimension that sits between realities (including the Astral and
Ethereal). As such it is both extremely difficult to procure (magical
means is required) and extremely valuable, obtained in small quanti-
Literally made of the stuff of clouds, condensed fog and the like, the
ties only. Feybrick is naturally invisible when away from this plane and
material known as cloudstuff is very light (virtually weightless) allow-
bestows a peculiar quality when crafted into something – whatever
ing it to be used in places, such as on clouds, where others would fail.
is surrounded actually gets transplanted to the home reality, much
It is able to be subjected to weather controlling magic, however, so in
like a rope trick spell, making passage of time irrelevant (those within
heavily patrolled areas, there is usually strict regulations – it is also the
cannot see or interact with those outside through any means and vice
primary building component of flying, or aerial, castles but can prove
versa); exiting to other planes is, also, not possible because it exists
cumbersome due to its near-transparency and luminosity. Often sup-
between, and unconnected to, the normal stream.
plemented with magic, cloudstuff does not support a great amount of
Natively found only on the lowest and darkest of netherplanes, weight on its own, so large quantities are needed, these often gained
where fiendish creatures delight in torturing the damned, distilled by elementals bound to servitude, making it an expensive endeavor.
torment is a semisolid black material that radiates evil and makes
Liquid dream is the residue from a victim slain by an illusion, such
even the most vibrant soul feel uneasy and filled with dread – simply
as phantasmal killer, imparted with some element of the departed’s
being within 20 feet of the substance causes one to hear anguished
psyche making it the favorite material of madmen and the truly cha-
screams and pleas for mercy; those, including ones normally im-
otic. When viewed, a construction formed of the material seems to
mune to such effects such as halflings, who come closer and attempt
shift and flicker, slowly warping into whatever decorative feature is
to touch it are affected by a cause fear spell cast at 12th level abil-
desired; for example, one might see a hallway whose walls are made
ity, strengthening with each round spent in contact at a +2 level /
of thick liquid dream as an endless spiral staircase and another as an
round. Certain types of beings are drawn to this material, and con-
open field – this is, naturally, a deception. There is a variant, much
sider it sacred so its use outside such realms is minimal at best.
rarer, that allows its creator to imbue it with preset instructions, al-
Quarried from deposits on the ethereal plane, the grey stone known lowing only these to be witnessed by others. Pricing for the material
as etherite is invaluable for protecting one’s person and belongings is generally exorbitant and in high demand by those who know of it.
from threats that originate on another plane (including passage by
Culled from living darkness or light, shadow or light essence is a mate-
spells such as teleport or even blink), for its thick defense prevents such
rialized substance which reduces and inhibits visibility making it impos-
intrusion; it does not, however, prevent vision or magical scrying, and
sible to see what is within its confines; some creatures are particularly
appears as normal stone, albeit a slightly strange color, when seen on
fond of one or the other, such as undead enjoying the presence of abso-
the Prime. It is costly to construct with, generally reserved for the
lute darkness and are more likely to be found nearby, though it is also
wealthy to protect their wealth, but some tombs and other monu-
often used in prisons or protective devices. The material itself is a re-
ments have utilized it, a better threat to ward the aggressive thief.
newable resource but few actually expend the energy needed to obtain.


Shift stone is an iridescent rock found in deep places of the world, cal nature) ranges by half or greater; if metallic objects, or those
always in minute quantities, but true veins have been found and mostly surrounded by such, are in contact with steam for extended
mined by distant (and likely powerful) dwarf miners. When used in periods of time, it is possible to become overheated and then to
the construction process, a rather unique trait is revealed – extradi- suffer hallucinations due to exhaustion.
mensional pockets are formed, making the structure much larger
than it should otherwise be: for example, a ten (10) cubic foot room Life is an element abhorred by the wicked, being both compelled
whose walls are created from shift stone might, in fact, appear and away and damaged by it when pressed into proximity; any undead
function like a room double or triple in dimensions… whichever or evil extraplanar creature that comes within 10 feet is affected by
aspect of the construct made from shift stone gets this effect so only a turn undead attempt at 12th or greater level ability with destruc-
a single portion can be affected as desired, allowing for interesting tion being possible only if the element is of high concentration.
results. Effectively, what shift stone does is allow a very large object
Contrariwise, the element of death strengthens and emboldens
to be contained without having to build a very large object. To de-
undead, acting as a desecration spell. Any undead in tight contact
termine the specific increase, a Castle Keeper should roll 1d4+1 in
is considered 2-4 HD higher for purposes of resisting turn attempts
terms of total increase (that is, from 200-500%).
and further gains regeneration at a rate of 1 hit point; if the un-
dead possessed this ability already, it is not increased. It is also
possible, if these effects are not used, to form a field of animation
D20 Roll Elemental Essence which causes any creature that dies within a certain range (usually
1 Water 100 yards) to spontaneously arise as a form of master-less undead
2 Fire (generally as a skeleton or zombie). It is entirely plausible to have
3 Earth / Stone
overlapping effects, and such are often used in the demesne of
wicked necromancers to discourage pious interlopers.
4 Air / Wind
5 Smoke / Steam / Fog Extremes of temperature, such as cold or heat are hindering, and
6 Life potentially lethal in high volume; either acts as the heat metal
(or its reverse) within 10 feet of the surface, save that it will not
7 Death
render one helpless (damage, however, does accrue but at a rate
8 Cold of 1d4 damage / turn, rather than round) – instead, reduce move-
9 Heat ment to one-quarter and consider any being not immune to auto-
10 Entropy matically lose initiative should combat ensue.
11 Ooze Pure entropy is gathered from the darkest realms and is a force of
12 Pure Magic / Force utter destruction causing anything brought near it to slowly wither
13 Lightning and disintegrate, eventually becoming non-existent. To represent
this in game terms, any creature that remains within close prox-
14 Magma / Lava
imity, generally within 30 feet of the source, starts to weaken and
15 Madness or Sound becomes damaged, losing one Hit Die for each turn of exposure;
16 Time items that are brought into contact must save or become destroyed
17 Acid (magic items must first lose their magical abilities, one at a time,
including any enhancement bonus before being subjected to de-
18 Ash
struction.) These losses are permanent without powerful magical
19 Castle Keeper’s Choice aid (restoration is not usually sufficient as this is raw, unadulterat-
20 +1 Roll [Ignore Again] ed power.) Naturally, this element is extremely powerful and used
with great irregularity as it is difficult to control or use effectively;
Elements as a whole are those which naturally reside on another a Castle Keeper should consider, very carefully, the ramifications
plane of existence and have their own denizens and ecosystems, of its use before deciding upon it as it can quickly end a campaign.
or which are critical components of the real world, such as blood
– if the construction uses pure, concentrated, element, the ef- Ooze is a natural material formed from the combination of water and
fects should be considered amplified, generally at 150% normal, earth elements, cohesively aligned to form a malleable, and sometimes,
though greater increases are certainly within the realm of reason. mobile, substance – depending on its density, it may be transparent,
The standard elements are not detailed, as the effects are fairly or incredibly dark and impenetrable by non-magical vision; regardless,
standardized and common logic dictates their uses; the rest are, one trait is always shared – it is very difficult to navigate through and is
however, in vague terms so a Castle Keeper can modify to taste. used, primarily, as an interior wall defense. Any attempt to pass through
These types of materials are generally potent so a Castle Keeper the object, whether by magical means or not, has the distance traveled
is encouraged to allow a party of intrepid adventurers opportunity considered one-eighth to one-half (effectively 2-8 times as thick) fur-
to find means to mitigate the conditions before being thrust into ther, making the process slower and more difficult.
them, perhaps turning that into an adventure on its own.
When pure magic or force is utilized as a building material, any
Smoke / Steam / Fog, depending on how concentrated it is, im- effect imaginable is possible. Costs are usually exorbitant making
pairs vision reducing visible (in all forms, except those of magi- such uses very rare, if not unique. Typical examples of a construc-

tion of this type could include the use of wall spells, such as fire, ity. It is a prohibitively expensive material and requires great re-
ice, iron, or force; other examples could include those of a purely sources to both locate and then “mine,” but for those who do, it
illusory nature, or even divine spells made permanent. is considered worth the effort. Likewise, sound is merely the same,
except it produces no visual effect – it is also, normally, found in a
Composed of the primal electrical abstraction, an item or structure different environment. For either, the concentration is critical as a
made from lightning tends to be produce magnetic fields when exposed dense amount of sound can be deafening, for example, and one of
to quantities of metal – the usual effect is similar to a telekinesis spell thick madness might cause one to become insane simply by contact.
though others are certainly possible such as actually producing lightning
bolts or shocking grasp on contact; non-ferrous and nonconductive ob- Time has one of two effects, based on how it is collected – it either
jects are generally not subject to the effects. Depending on the nature slows or hastes those nearby, often with a limit of 100 yards. It may
of how it is utilized, these types of components can also allow rapid be possible to intermingle or cause fluctuations in its use, but such
transit between locations within a larger building, without relying on should be considered experimental at worst and unique at best.
the more expensive and potentially less reliable teleportation magic. A clever Castle Keeper might use such things as a way to intro-
duce non-genre elements, perhaps using portions of StarSIEGE:
Magma or lava is very similar to ooze, save it is made of elemental fire Event Horizon or allowing a portal to the Tainted Lands.
and earth, releasing intense heat (averaging roughly 1000 degrees Cel-
sius or nearly 1800 Fahrenheit) which essentially disintegrates anything Similar to magma, the element of acid dissolves and destroys any-
directly inserted into its bowels; when it cools, a process that takes enor- thing placed within, such as those seeking to aggressively bypass
mous amounts of water of cold, it solidifies into a durable rock taking the walls. Damage is generally light, progressively worsening with
many different forms. Residual effects are the same as for heat, which exposure or density. Some creatures, such as certain types of drag-
can cause dehydration, exhaustion, and even hallucination. on, are noticeably attracted to the use of this material, as are cults
of death or destruction. It does tend to be used relatively rarely,
though especially important (and invulnerable) objects might be
encased within such a thing, to prevent casual removal.

Likewise, ash is very closely related to fog, but darker and warmer, ef-
fectively combining the traits of steam with that of fog, causing residual
damage with prolonged treatment and also impairing visual ability. It is
lightweight, and so cannot usually support loads of its own, and likely is
found near the precipice of a structure, or formed as a dome.


D00 Roll Metal
01 Mithral
02 Prysmalline
03 Adamantine
04 Meteorite
05 Abyssal Ore
06 Astral Iron
07 – 12 Gold
13 – 16 Silver
17 – 21 Copper
23 Oricalc
24 Fulminite
25 Vermeil
26 – 30 Lead
31 – 50 Iron
51 Negatium
52 Bedlam Steel
Trapped between the planes, typically obtained where the ethereal 53 Glassteel
and astral cross, the element of madness is one which directly af- 54 – 60 Bronze
fects the mind, producing strange images or sounds, perhaps haunt- 61 – 95 Steel
ing but not necessarily – the illusions could be pleasant, and are
96 Composite [+1 Roll; Ignore Again]
sometimes used for precisely that purpose, either to elicit further
euphoric reactions (perhaps in a brothel) or to lure one into placid- 97 – 00 Castle Keeper’s Choice


Made of multicolored bands that form layers of ore, prysmalline is
an enduring metal nearly as strong as steel. It is used, nominally,
for its durability, but many times (when found, which is not often),
also for its amazing magical enchantability – unlike other miner-
als, prysmalline is a natural conductor for “color magic” such as
prismatic spray and can hold the imbuement for much longer.

Meteorite, naturally, is a product of fallen celestial stone, light-

weight and used to construct highly-enchanted structures, espe-
cially aerial dwellings; it also helps in the manufacture of powerful
items and is more likely found in places where magic theory holds
higher sway than science or technology.

Mined from the pits of damnation itself, the black metal called
abyssal ore has a palpable sense of evil; simply being in touch with
the material causes sensations of hatred and fear, engulfing one
in rage – it is thus, normally, used to form defensive barracks and
the like, though at least one Prince has a throne composed of it; if
the whole structure is made of abyssal ore, an effect identical to a
desecrate spell is produced.

Astral iron, found in minute quantities on the astral plane, is a

transparent metalloid with the peculiar ability to affect divinatory
magic, either increasing or hindering, at the whim of the crafter. It
may not be used for both, and if opposites come into contact, an
electrical discharge occurs which reduces both objects to dust. Be-
ing transparent (but not invisible), it does not affect natural vision
in any way, though it may seem strange to the observer.

One of the few elemental metals not found amidst the cosmos,
copper is earth-bound and, when used in enormous amounts, pre-
vents (and possibly stores) current, allowing the structure to be A deep red alloy, vermeil is toxic, released by heat exposure, mak-
invulnerable to lightning-based attacks, or, potentially, to redirect ing it a dangerous tool to craft and a favorite of certain evil, or
them to their source if means for such are made available. Copper very defensive, beings such as red dragons or efreeti. The amount
is also generally easy to find, but difficult to smelt into pure form – of heat (expressed as damage dice) determines the severity of the
it is also a favorite of certain creatures, such as copper dragons and lethal odors emanated – as a general rule, divide the dice amount
kobolds, so maintaining a supply can prove difficult. (regardless of type) by 3 – 6 (Castle Keeper’s choice) and use that
Crafted through alchemical mastery, oricalc is a hybrid metal made as the effective spell level (or caster level for a given spell-like ef-
of parts of gold, silver, platinum and others which, when used in the fect, such as stinking cloud or cloudkill).
construction of anything further enchanted with magic, unleashes a Another of the naturally found elements, iron prevents summon-
hidden and powerful trait – whatever spell effect is released is done ing within and may cause some creatures, such as fey, to flee or
so at amplified ability, generally two-four levels higher than normal suffer residual damage over time, leading many to presume these
(the precise improvement depends a great deal on the purity of the creatures are inordinately affected by the substance. Iron is also
components used to form the oricalc.) It takes a very long time to extremely conductive and easily rusted so many pains are taken to
manufacture oricalc and there are few who know the process and of secure its stability as a building implement.
these, the secret is not shared with outsiders.
Negatium is a purple-tinted metal found only in the absence of eve-
Fulminite is a blue metal which, at times, appears white as if it is rything else, such as on planes of abeyance or limbo; when used to
laced with radiant energy; in fact, the metal is fused and solidified construct something, the defenders find it quite suitable against hose
on the anvils of certain giants (most notably storm and cloud) with a heavy reliance on magical attacks for the metal dispels and
from collected storm residue. Used in the making of defensive renders all but the most powerful moot, ineffectual. However, for all
walls, typically, and sometimes as a key component for various its impressive ability, it is physically inferior and easily cracked or de-
siege weapons, the metal showcases its quality: when striking a stroyed, making it a prime candidate for use within other defenses,
solid surface, especially one made of metal, a field of force is re- especially around key individual chambers, such as a throne or master
leased which has an effect similar to a fireball except that it is not bedroom – it is also often (or rather, as often as the rare substance can
heat but raw force; the level of the effect is variable (as a guide- be found in any quantity suitable) used in prison-making.
lines, simply roll 1d20,) however, so it is used less often than one
would expect as those who make it also fear it, for if it came into Chaotic and shifting, somewhat like a pseudo-intelligent quicksil-
the hands of lesser beings, it could be devastating. ver, bedlam steel also visually resembles the same, being a bright

silver and extremely heavy; it, too, is nearly a liquid but its great
density does provide stability (in fact, it is sometimes referred to
as ooze alloy). Unlike the more commonly found medium, bedlam
steel is both extraordinarily rare and highly regarded, at least by
most knowledgeable things, as unstable and essentially unusable.
It is not, however, for those who dare to tempt it find an interest-
ing effect: any living creature that is surrounded by bedlam steel
for an extended time is slowly transformed, in strange and unpre-
dictable ways – for the Castle Keeper, this means a great deal, for
one can simply have Creature X exhibit the forms and functions
of a completely different Creature Y, even to the point of having
abilities of things unknown.

Concerning rooms, several factors are important for a Castle

Keeper to effectively stock and utilize the room. Amongst them,
size and shape are crucial to determine placement within the
structure and so no specific guide on how to enter the rooms on
the map are given – instead, it is left to the Castle Keeper to use
their knowledge of the needs and design philosophies behind the
building to make use of the results. Rooms are normally made of
the same basic material as the whole of the general structure, but
all do not need to be so (especially where it concerns specific func-
tions like a vault) – as a simple rule, assume 10-20% of interior ar-
eas are composed of some other material; refer to the above charts
to determine the method and type. Exits, naturally, are doorways
or arches, that lead into, and out of, the room – some are con-
cealed (such as the traditional bookcase door) but are likely not;
to reflect this, assume any given door has a 1:20 chance (5%) of
being a secret door, the means of opening left entirely to the Cas-
tle Keeper, and might be trapped or locked (again, a 1:20 chance
on both, for the typical entrance; modify the likelihood based on
what purpose it serves – a door that leads to a treasure hoard is
much more likely to be trapped and/or locked.) It is further pos-
sible that a specific door is one-way; to determine this, use a 3% -
8% chance as such designs are rather atypical. For simplicity, exits
are usually cardinal in location, though the geometry of the plan
might affect the location as desired.


D100 Roll Purpose Depth Height Contents Exits
01 – 30 Residency Small Medium Empty –
31 – 40 Utility (Kitchen, Study, Library, Etc) Medium Medium Sparse 1
41 – 44 Storage (Linen / Non-Valuable) Large Small Standard 2
45 – 65 Activity (Training Room, Hobby, Etc) Medium Large Stocked 3
66 – 67 Restroom Medium Small Empty 4
68 – 70 Treasury Medium Large Sparse 2
71 – 75 Fellowship (Meeting / Religious) Medium Medium Standard 2
76 – 80 Dining Small Large Sparse 3
81 – 82 Prison / Torture Chamber Medium Medium Standard 1
83 – 84 Laundry / Closet Small Small Stocked 1
85 – 95 Throne / Business Room Small Medium Standard 3
96 – 97 Research (Planetarium, Laboratory, Etc) Medium Large Standard 4
98 – 00 Personal Large Medium Stocked –


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