A320 (Cfm56 v2500) - b1-b2 Ptrv6
A320 (Cfm56 v2500) - b1-b2 Ptrv6
A320 (Cfm56 v2500) - b1-b2 Ptrv6
This aircraft type-specific Practical Training Record (PTR) has been produced for use by Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Licence
(AMEL) holders to show practical training evidence to obtain an EASA Part-66 Aircraft Type Rating. The PTR meets all of the
requirements as detailed in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1149/2011, dated 21 October 2011 and EASA Part-66 Appendix III.
This training is intended to be performed by an appropriately approved engineer or an appropriately qualified instructor during
maintenance activities on the aircraft specified above.
Servicing aspects.
Introduction to system’s operation and indications.
Location of the main systems, major assemblies and system components.
Introduction to the system’s operational and functional checks and tasks.
Introduction to the use of special tooling.
Practical Training must have been started and completed within the 3 years preceding the application for a type rating
The objective of this PTR is to enable the student to gain the required competence in performing safe maintenance, inspections
and routine work according to the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for
the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks. It includes the
awareness of all technical literature and documentation for the aircraft, the use of specialist/special tooling and test equipment for
performing removal and replacement of components and modules unique to type, including any on-wing activity. This will:-
Introduce the engineers to the tasks described in the aircraft manufacturer’s official publications;
Introduce the engineers to carrying out the aircraft line and base maintenance and safety procedures.
2. This practical training is based on procedures, demonstration or on actual performance of the task whichever is more
3. The Aircraft Technical Publications – Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM) – will be used as a reference.
4. Some additional maintenance tasks may be carried out that are not listed in this schedule. These should be hand written in
the space provided on page 54.
Each category (B1 or B2 or B1/B2 combined) should be completed in no less than 10 Days (60 hours) but it may vary depending on
(and subject to justification to the competent authority):
Providing always that the appropriate number of tasks as defined below are completed by all participants regardless of experience.
In order to successfully complete this PTR it is a requirement that no less than 50% of all tasks per category listed be completed
with at least one task being completed per ATA Chapter. Where B1/B2 combined practical training is being provided it is a
fundamental requirement that no less than 50% of all tasks for both categories listed be completed with at least one task being
completed per ATA Chapter.
Student Name______
Page 5 of 57
TSI 001-4-1
Rev 6 September 2013
Tasks to be completed shall be representative of the aircraft and systems both in complexity and in the technical input required to
complete that task. While relatively simple tasks may be included, other more complex tasks shall also be incorporated and
undertaken as appropriate to the aircraft type.
If the student is unable to carry out any of the recommended tasks then a suitable alternative task must be identified that
is at least equal to the original task in complexity and technical input which can be carried out and identified in the space
provided on page 54 of this Practical Training Record. Additional sheets may be added as necessary.
In the event that some tasks are completed either in the classroom or in a simulator, this must be identified by inserting either “CLA”
or “SIM” into the space provided for inserting the aircraft registration.
When the candidate has completed the required tasks, he/she must undergo a Practical Assessment, conducted by an
appropriately approved and qualified Assessor. This will evaluate the knowledge and skills of the student.
After the required tasks have been completed, an assessment must be performed, which must comply with the following:
(a) The assessment shall be performed by designated assessors appropriately qualified and authorised;
(b) The assessment should focus on the competencies relevant to the aircraft type and its maintenance which will include, as
a minimum, the following:-
i. Environmental awareness (act safely, apply safety precautions and prevent dangerous situations);
ii. Systems integration (demonstrate understanding of aircraft systems interaction – identify, describe, explain,
plan, execute);
iv. Using reports and indications (the ability to read and interpret);
v. Aircraft documentation – finding and handling. The student should be able to identify the appropriate
aircraft documentation, navigate, execute and obey the prescribed maintenance procedures);
vii. Attitude and behaviour of the student whilst working in an aircraft engineering environment.
The Assessment is carried out by the authorised Assessor completing the Assessment Form (AF1) attached at appendix I of this
Record. In order to complete this form the authorised Assessor shall select a task or number of tasks (not exceeding 5) which is/are
sufficient to evaluate the criteria listed in paragraph (b) above. Both the number of and the nature of the specific tasks selected may
be different for each individual student depending on their respective experience. Details of the selected tasks and the relevant ATA
chapter number must be recorded in the space provided.
Once the tasks have been selected the assessment of them may be accomplished as follows:
Locate and Identify – The student will correctly locate and identify the aircraft systems, major assemblies and system components
and sub-components (if applicable) to the assessor with complete accuracy.
Explain – The student should be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge to verify the aircraft system is properly configured for
safe operation, and all the applicable safety precautions are complied with to prevent harm to personnel and equipment. The
student will then identify, and correctly explain to the assessor the resulting effect of operating the specified controls in all positions
and the actions to be performed, including any necessary test equipment and/or special tooling to complete the task required. The
aircraft maintenance manual procedures must be used.
Troubleshoot– The student will use appropriate tools and technical manuals to isolate any fault/defect, determine dispatch
requirements and rectify the fault.
The assessment is evaluated on a pass/fail basis. If, in the opinion of the authorised Assessor, the student meets the criteria listed
in paragraph (b) above that are relevant to each selected task the authorised Assessor will stamp off that task with his designated
Assessor Stamp.
If however, in the opinion of the authorised Assessor, the student fails to meet any of the said criteria that are relevant to a selected
task the Assessor will not stamp off that task and will instead insert the word “fail” in the space provided for the stamp. The student
will then be required to undergo a reassessment by completing another task or tasks selected by the authorised Assessor which
is/are equal to the original task both in complexity and technical input. This is subject to the proviso that no more than 5 tasks may
be used in order to meet all the said criteria.
Upon completion of both the required tasks and a successful practical assessment, the student’s original PTR will be returned to
Advanced Aircraft Training Limited by either the Practical Instructor or the Practical Assessor where it will then be processed to
ensure that all requirements for practical training have been met. Subject to this, the student will then be issued with an EASA Part
147 Practical Certificate.
All Practical Instructors and Practical Assessors verifying work in this PTR must complete an entry in the table below.
Name (as it appears on your Part 66 AML): Vasco Manuel Carvalho dos Santos
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
5 General & Maintenance checks
TVC Usage of Technical Documentation B1 & B2
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
8 Levelling and Weighing
LOC Familiarization with levelling point B1 & B2
SGH Aircraft levelling maintenance B1 & B2 08-20-00
9 Towing and Taxiing
LOC Towing points/limitations of steering B1 & B2 09-10-00
SGH Towing team – procedures B1 & B2
12 Servicing
SGH Fill hydraulic reservoir with a hand B1 12-12-29
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH IDG Servicing B1 12-13-24
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
LOC Cleaning grids of 70VU, 103VU, B2 12-21-13
106VU and 107VU
20 Standard Practices
SGH General safety practices B1 & B2 20-10-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational check of the ventilation B1 & B2 21-26-00-710-001-01
FOT Operational test of the Emergency B1 & B2 21-55-00-710-002
ram air inlet and flow control valve
closing in Ditching configuration
FOT Operational test of the manual mode B1 & B2 21-31-00-710-003
selection, manual mode pressure
control and functional test of the
manual mode cabin altitude/outflow
valve position indication
TS Failure of the Extract fan B1 & B2 21-26-00-810-810
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
MEL Cabin Pressure Automatic Control B1 & B2 21-31-01
SGH Connecting up a conditioned air B1 & B2 12-35-21-618-001
ground trolley
22 Autoflight
LOC Auto Flight system components B1 & B2 22-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT A/THR Engagement inoperative on B2 22-31-00-810-806
the FMGC 2
RI Removal / Installation of the FCU B2 22-81-12-000-001
FOT Windshear procedure B2 22-60-00-710-004
23 Communication
LOC Communication components B1 & B2 23-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the Mechanic Call B1 & B2 23-42-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the Cabin and B2 23-73-00
flight crew Interphone system
FOT Operational test of Emergency B1 & B2 23-73-00
evacuation signalling system
RI Removal / Installation of DEU A or B2 23-73-46/47
FOT Operational test of the DEU essential B2 23-73-00
power DEU’s A cut off function
FOT BITE test of the VHF system B1 & B2 23-12-00-740-001
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
LOC Electrical Power system components B1 & B2 24-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational check of GAPCU/BPCU B1 & B2 24-41-00-740-002
via CFDS
RI Removal / Installation of the GCU 1 B1 & B2 24-22-34-000-001
RI Removal / Installation of a Battery B1 & B2 24-38-51-000-001
(2PB1, 2PB2)
RI Removal / Installation of the Battery B1 & B2 24-38-34-000-001
Charge Limiter (1PB1, 1PB2)
FOT Operational test of the Battery B1 & B2 24-38-00-710-001
Charge Limiter (BCL), (with the
25 Equipment & Furnishing
LOC Equipment and Furnishing B1 & B2 25-00-00
RI Removal / Installation of Ceiling B1 & B2 25-23-41
RI Removal / Installation Utility area B1 & B2 25-23-42
RI Removal / Installation PSU B1 & B2 25-25-11
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
RI Removal / Installation Cover lights B1 & B2 25-23-48
FOT Door sill latches in FWD/AFT Cargo B1 & B2 25-52-00
FOT Power Drive units FWD/AFT Cargo B1 & B2 25-52-00
26 Fire Protection
LOC Fire Protection system components B1 & B2 26-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the Avionic smoke B1 & B2 26-15-00-710-001
detection system
FOT Operational test of the Lavatory B1 & B2 26-17-00-710-001
smoke detection system
27 Flight Controls
LOC Flight Control System Components B1 & B2 27-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
TVC THS: Inspection of gearbox magnetic B1 27-44-51
chip detector
TVC THS: check of no back wear indicator B1 27-44-51
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the Yaw Damper B1 & B2 27-26-00710-001
FOT Operational test of the Damping B1 27-96-00710-008
Measurement (Elevator)
FOT Operational test of the THS actuator B1 & B2 27-96-00-710-006
with electrical motor N3
TS Failure of the ELAC 1 B1 & B2 27-93-00-810-896
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
RI Removal / Installation of the SFCC B1 27-51-34-000-001
(21CV, 22CV)
28 Fuel Systems
LOC Fuel System components B1 & B2 28-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
TSE Fuel pumps. Left wing tank fuel pump B1 28-21-00-810-801
No1 (Outer) (21QA) system
FOT Operational test of the wing tank fuel B1 & B2 28-21-00-710-001
FOT Operational test of the Main fuel B1 & B2 28-21-00-710-007
pump system with fuel flow by
RI Removal / Installation of a Fuel Pump B1 28-21-51-000-001
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Pressurise the Blue hydraulic system B1 & B2 29-10-00-863-003
using electrical pump
FOT Pressurise the Green hydraulic B1 29-23-00-863-001
system from the Yellow hydraulic
system through the PTU with the
Yellow electrical pump
FOT Depressurise the Green and Yellow B1 29-23-00-864-001
hydraulic systems after operation of
the PTU
TS Fault of the Power Transfer Unit B1 & B2 29-23-00-810-801
SGH Connection of the isolation coupling B1 & B2 29-23-00-860-002
of the Power Transfer Unit (PTU)
30 Ice and rain protection
LOC Ice & Rain Protection Components B1 & B2 30-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the Wing ice B1 & B2 30-11-00-710-001
protection system
FOT Operational test of the Windshield B1 & B2 30-42-00-710-001
anti icing and defogging
TS Failure of a Pitot Probe B1 & B2 30-31-00-810-802
31 Indicating/Recording Systems
LOC Indicating/Recording components B1 & B2 31-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Test of the 3 axis linear B2 31-33-00
accelerometer through the MCDU
SGH Printer Servicing B1 & B2 31-35-22
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the power B2 31-33-00-710-001
interlock and status monitoring
SGH FDIMU (10TV) AIDS Software load B2 31-36-00-710-013
32 Landing Gear
LOC Landing Gear components B1 & B2 32-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH Main Landing Gear doors ground B1 & B2 32-12-00
opening and closing
SGH Nose Landing Gear doors ground B1 & B2 32-22-00
opening and closing
SGH Bleeding of brake system & reset of B1 32-42-00
Safety valve
RI Removal / Installation of Main Wheel B1 32-42-27
Brake unit
FOT Operational check of Normal braking B1 & B2 32-42-00
FOT Operational check of Alternate B1 & B2 32-43-00
braking system
FOT BITE check using MCDU to ensure B1 & B2 32-61-00-710-001
gear NOT DOWN for landing
SGH Simulation of flight with the aircraft on B2 32-69-00-860-001
TS NLG Downlock Proximity sensor fault B1 & B2 32-31-00-810-824
(18GA, 19GA)
FOT BITE Test of the Landing Gear B1 & B2 32-69-00-740-001
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
TS L/G Doors selector valve system fault B1 32-31-00-810-807
33 Lights
LOC Lights Components B1 & B2 33-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Cabin general illumination (using B1 & B2 33-21-00 PB001
FOT Operational test of the PAX reading B1 & B2 33-25-00
FOT Exterior lights operation B1 & B2 33-40-00 PB001
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
34 Navigation
LOC Navigation System components B1 & B2 34-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of VOR/MKR B2 34-55-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
TS Failure of MMR 1 B2 34-36-00-810-842
35 Oxygen system
LOC Oxygen System Components B1 & B2 35-00-00
36 Pneumatic
LOC Pneumatic System Components B1 & B2 36-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
MEL HP Bleed valve (MEL) B1 & B2 36-11-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH Potable water servicing B1 & B2 12-15-38
46 Information System
NOTE: In Classic aircraft without
ATSU. ATA 46 tasks are not
possible, Therefore ACARS tasks
should be performed.
LOC Information System Components B1 & B2 46-21-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Operational test of the ACARS B2 23-24-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH APU shut down with external power B1 49-00-00-860-009
supplying the aircraft
FOT Operational test of emergency B1 & B2 49-62-00-710-007
shutdown system (with APU SHUT
TS Inlet Guide vane actuator (P21) Fault B1 49-00-81-810-851
51 Structure
TS Structure Damage Assessment B1 51-00-00 (SRM)
52 Doors
LOC Door System Components B1 & B2 52-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
TVC Cylinder door damper and B1 52-11-14
emergency operation
SGH Opening /closing FWD/AFT cargo B1 52-30-00
door with hand pump
FOT Opening/closing FWD/AFT cargo B1 & B2 52-30-00
door with Yellow hyd system
electrical pump
53 Fuselage
LOC Cabin pressure bulkheads B1 53-10-00
54 Nacelles/Pylons
LOC Pylon access doors and panels B1 54-50-00
55 Stabilisers
LOC Stabilisers access doors and panels B1 55-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
56 Windows
LOC Cockpit sliding windows operation B1 56-12-11-010-001
57 Wings
LOC Wings access panels B1 57-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Wet Motoring Check B1 71-00-00-710-002
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
RI Removal / Installation of the Fuel B1 & B2 73-21-00
MEL Fuel filter clogging B1 & B2 73-30-03
74 Ignition (CFM56)
LOC Ignition System Components B1 & B2 74-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
FOT Engine Automatic start B1 71-00-00-710-003
78 Exhaust (CFM56)
LOC Engine Exhaust Components B1 78-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
79 Oil (CFM56)
LOC Engine Oil System Components B1 79-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH Safety Precautions/Hazards B1 & B2 70-11-00 – P201
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
72 Engine Turbine (V2500)
LOC Engine Components B1 72-00-00
74 Ignition (V2500)
LOC Ignition System Components B1 & B2 74-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
75 Air (V2500)
LOC Engine Bleed system Components B1 75-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
78 Exhaust (V2500)
LOC Engine Exhaust Components B1 78-00-00
ATA Description of Task B1/B2 Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM
CH Reg. Stamp Initial ref)
SGH Manual operation of Starter Valve B1 80-11-00
Record on the following sheets any tasks that were completed but were not documented anywhere else in this pack.
ATA Description of Task Aircraft Date Instructor Student Notes (including AMM ref)
CH & Reg. Stamp Initials
I hereby confirm that I have assessed the student in relation to each of the above mentioned tasks and that in completing them the
student has demonstrated compliance with the criteria listed in the introduction to this PTR.
Instructor Comments:
Assessor Comments: