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First Year First Semester Syllabus: 1. Matrices (06 Hours)

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First year First semester

1. Matrices (06 Hours)
Characteristic equation – Eigen values and Eigenvectors of a real matrix – Properties of
Eigen values and eigenvectors – Cayley-Hamilton Theorem – Diagonalization of
matrices – Reduction of a quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformation
– Nature of quadratic forms.

2. Infinite Series (06 Hours)

Sequences – Convergence of series – General properties – Series of positive terms –
Tests of convergence (Comparison test, Integral test, Comparison of ratios and
D’Alembert’s ratio test) – Alternating series – Series of positive and negative terms –
Absolute and conditional convergence – Power Series – Convergence of exponential,
logarithmic and Binomial Series.

3. Functions of Several Variables (06 Hours)

Indeterminate forms and L’ Hospital’s rule, successive differentiation of one variable and
Leibnitz theorem,
Limit and Continuity – Partial derivatives – Homogeneous functions and Euler’s theorem
– Total derivative – Differentiation of implicit functions – Change of variables –
Jacobians – Partial differentiation of implicit functions – Taylor’s series for functions of
two variables – Errors and approximations – Maxima and minima of functions of two
variables – Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers.

4. Improper Integrals (06 Hours)

Improper integrals of the first and second kind and their convergence – Evaluation of
integrals involving a parameter by Leibnitz rule – Beta and Gamma functions –
Properties – Evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma functions – Error functions.

5. Multiple Integrals (06 Hours)

Double integrals – Change of order of integration – Double integrals in polar coordinates
– Area enclosed by plane curves – Triple integrals – Volume of Solids – Change of
variables in double and triple integrals – Area of a curved surface. Mass center of gravity
and moment of inertia of two and three-dimensional bodies
First year 2nd semester

1. Vector Calculus (06 Hours)

Vector notations, Scalar and vector products, Triple products, Differentiation of vectors,
Level surfaces, Directional derivatives, gradient, divergence and curl and their physical
meaning, vector operators and expansion formulae, Line, surface and volume integrations,
Theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss, Application of vector calculus in engineering
problems, orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, expression of gradient, divergence

2. Differential Equations (08 Hours)

Differential equations of first order and higher degree, Higher order differential equations
with constant coefficient, Rules for finding C.F. and P.I., Method of variation of
parameter, Cauchy and Legendre’s linear equations.
Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients: Linear dependence of solution,
Removal of the first derivative-normal form, change of independent variable, single
integrable differential equation. Various applications of higher order differential
equations in solution of engineering problem simple harmonic motion, free forced and
damped oscillations of springs and electrical circuits.

3. Analysis of Complex Variables (04 Hours)

Limit, continuity and differentiability of function of complex variables. Analytic
functions. Cauchy-Reimann’s and Cauchy’s integral theorem, Morera’s theorem ,
Cauchy’s Integral formula, Expansion of function of complex variables in Taylor’s and
Laurent’s series, singularities and poles. Residues theorem, contour integration,
conformal mappings and its application, Bilinear transformation.

4. Numerical Methods (06 Hours)

Solution of equations in one variable, Successive substitution method, Method of false
position, Simple iterative method, Newton-Raphson method, Solution of simultaneous
linear equations; Jacobi method, Gauss – Seidal method, Finite differences and
interpolation, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration: Trapezoidal and
Simpson’s rules, Runga-Kutta Method

5. Fundamentals of Probability & Statistics (06 hours)

Elementary probability theory, Conditional probability and Bayer’s theorem,
classification, tabulation and presentation of data, Measures of location and dispersion,
Discrete and continuous probability distributions: Binomial, Poisons and Normal with
simple applications.
Second year 1st semester
1. Application of Algebra (04 Hours)
Application of Algebra in Engineering - Linear Equations
Application of Algebra in Engineering - Quadratic Equations
Lab #1: Application of Algebra in Engineering: The One-Loop Circuit
2. Trigonometry (04 Hours)
Trigonometry - One-Link Planar Robot
Trigonometry - One and Two-Link Planar Robots
Lab #2: Trigonometric Relationships in One and Two-Link Planar Robots
3. Vectors (04 Hours)
2-D Vectors in Engineering
Complex Numbers in Engineering
Lab #3: Measurement and Analysis of Harmonic Signals
4. Sinusoids, Harmonics and Matrices (04 Hours)
Sinusoids and Harmonic Signals in Engineering
Systems of Equations and Matrices in Engineering
Lab #4: Systems of Equations in Engineering: The Two-Loop Circuit
5. Derivatives (06 Hours)
Introduction to Derivatives in Engineering
Application of Derivatives - Velocity and Acceleration
Application of Derivatives - Electric Circuits
Application of Derivatives - Deflection of Beams
Lab #5: Derivatives in Engineering: Velocity and Acceleration in Free-Fall
6. Integrals (04 Hours)
Introduction to Integrals in Engineering
Application of Integrals in Static
Application of Integrals in Dynamics
Application of Integrals in Electric Circuits
Lab #6: Integrals in Engineering: Work and Stored Energy in a Spring
7. Differential Equations (04 Hours)
Introduction to Differential Equations - The Leaking Bucket
Application of Differential Equations - Mechanical Systems
Lab #7: Differential Equations in Engineering: The Leaking Bucket
Application of Differential Equations - Electrical Systems
Lab #8: Differential Equations in Engineering: Spring-Mass Vibration

Second year 2nd semester

1. Special Functions (06 Hours)
Frobenious method solution in series of ordinary differential equations, singular points.
Solution of Bessel and Legendre equations, Bessel functions, recurrence relations for Jn
(x) and generating function for Jn (x).
Legendre polynomial, Rodrigue’s formula, orthogonality properties, generating function
for Pn (x). Elliptic integrals and properties.
2. Partial Differential Equations (04 Hours)
Classification of partial differential equations, solutions of one dimensional wave
equation, one dimensional unsteady heat flow equation and two dimensional steady heat
flow equation in Cartesian and polar coordinates by variable separable method with
reference to Fourier trigonometric series and by Laplace transform technique.
3. Fourier Series (04 Hours)
Dirichlet’s conditions – General Fourier series – Odd and even functions – Half range
sine series – Half range cosine series – Complex form of Fourier Series – Parseval’s
identify – Harmonic Analysis.
4. Fourier Transform (04 Hours)
Fourier integral theorem (without proof) – Fourier transform pair – Sine and
Cosine transforms – Properties – Transforms of simple functions – Convolution theorem
– Parseval’s identity.
5. Laplace Transform (06 Hours)
Laplace transform of simple functions, first and second shifting theorems, multiplication
and t- division theorems; Laplace transforms of derivatives, integrals and periodic
Inverse of Laplace transform and convolution property. Use of Laplace transform in
evaluating complicated and improper integrals and solution of differential equations
related to engineering problems.
6. Z -Transform and Difference Equations (06 Hours)
Z-transform - Elementary properties – Inverse Z – transform – Convolution theorem -
Formation of difference equations – Solution of difference equations using Z - transform.

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