Asphalt Concrete With Encapsulated Cbs
Asphalt Concrete With Encapsulated Cbs
Asphalt Concrete With Encapsulated Cbs
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10 authors, including:
Abbas Mohajerani
RMIT University
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h i g h l i g h t s
Encapsulation of cigarette butts (CBs) with bitumen or paraffin wax has been studied.
Inclusion of encapsulated CBs (ECB) in asphalt concrete (AC) has been investigated.
Physico-mechanical properties of AC with different % of ECB have been discussed.
AC with 10 and 15 kg/m of ECBs with bitumen satisfied all the traffic requirements.
AC with 10 kg/m of ECBs with paraffin satisfied the light traffic requirements.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Discarded cigarette butts (CBs) are among the most common types of litter found around the world. As a
Received 16 April 2017 possible solution to this problem, this study investigated the possibility of encapsulating CBs with differ-
Received in revised form 24 June 2017 ent classes of bitumen and paraffin wax, and incorporating them into asphalt concrete (AC) for pavement
Accepted 10 July 2017
construction. The idea behind encapsulation involves restricting the interaction of CBs with fluids and
thus preventing chemical translocation. This paper presents and discusses the results of two investiga-
tions. The first involved assessing the effects of incorporating different amounts of CBs (10 kg/m3,
15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3) encapsulated with different classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600) into an AC
Asphalt concrete
Pavement materials
mix manufactured with Class 170 bitumen. The second involved assessing the effects of incorporating
Bitumen 10 kg/m3 of CBs encapsulated with paraffin wax into AC mixes that were manufactured with different
Paraffin wax classes of bitumen (C170, and C320). All samples, including the control AC samples (no CBs), were tested
Cigarette butts for mechanical and volumetric properties, including stability, flow, resilient modulus, bulk density, max-
Encapsulation imum density, air voids, and voids in mineral aggregates. For the first investigation, involving encapsu-
lation of CBs with bitumen, using 10 kg/m3 and 15 kg/m3 of CBs in an asphalt mix gave results that
satisfied the requirements for light, medium and heavy traffic conditions. For the second investigation,
involving encapsulation of CBs with paraffin wax, the changes in mechanical and volumetric properties
for 10 kg/m3 CBs only satisfied the light traffic conditions for road pavements. The reduction in bulk den-
sity of AC caused by incorporating encapsulated CBs, increases the porosity, particularly when encapsu-
lating in higher grade bitumen, which, in turn, lowers its thermal conductivity. This helps reduce the
Urban Heat Island effect in urban environments.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
70 A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80
AC are constantly being investigated [1]. The reuse and recycling of Euromonitor International [19], over 5.7 trillion cigarettes were
waste materials in asphalt mixes are gaining traction in the indus- consumed worldwide in 2013; and, each year, an estimated 4.5
try, and, despite complying with the required standards, are yet to trillion butts from the annual cigarette consumption are deposited
achieve widespread adoption [42,43]. somewhere in the environment [17]. This is equivalent to an esti-
Crumb rubber from car tyres has been used internationally in mated mass of approximately 1.2 million tonnes of CBs each year
asphalt mixes for many years [36], and has been successfully recy- [32].
cled into high strength concrete slabs. Experiments have confirmed Although Euromonitor International [18] expects the global
that it improves the fire resistance in structural high strength con- cigarette market to fall by 8% between 2015 and 2050, the con-
crete slabs by reducing the spalling damage caused by fire [26]. sumption of cigarettes is expected to increase by more than 50%
Recycled glass has also been investigated for use in AC. Pioneer by 2025, mainly due to an increase in the world population
Road Services [40] confirmed that using recycled glass in asphalt [32,34,35]. This would suggest that billions of cigarettes will still
helped reduce the time for an asphalt surface to dry after it rains be on the market in the future, and will lead to a continuation of
because the glass particles provide an impervious barrier. Another a large number of CBs being deposited in the environment. In Aus-
practice; namely, the incorporation of pulverised computer circuit tralia alone, excluding illegal cigarettes on the black market, 16.2
boards, has been shown to increase the strength of AC [24]. A more billion cigarettes were consumed in 2015 [18,20], of which,
interesting waste recycling practice involves the containment of approximately, 7 billion resulted in littered CBs [9,28].
nuclear and hazardous wastes. For example, bitumen has been The impact on the environment is exacerbated by the ubiqui-
used as an encapsulation medium for radioactive waste products tous nature of CBs and long decomposition times. Plastic filaments,
in France, a technique that has been successfully practised for which are manufactured from synthetic fibres (cellulose acetate)
many decades [10]. derived from wood pulp, comprise 95% of CBs, and it is estimated
Despite the potential benefits, several concerns arise when that the decomposition of CBs varies from a couple of months to
attempting to incorporate waste materials into Hot Mix Asphalt many years depending on the environmental factors [8,23,41,44].
(HMA). Studies have shown that the inclusion of waste materials Research indicates that the breakdown is at a reduced rate
into HMA can affect the volumetric and mechanical properties of when the CBs are exposed to marine or freshwater conditions
the mix [39,55,57]. However, according to a study by Kriech [29], [9]. According to EPA Victoria [16]; it takes up to 12 months for
traditional AC comprising aggregate, bitumen binder and filler CBs to break down in freshwater and 5 years in seawater. This is
has been shown to be a very benign material with little or no lea- a major environmental concern, especially considering that 85%
chate properties of concern. Whilst little research has been under- of the litter found in waterfront precincts is cigarette litter [54].
taken to examine the leachate properties of asphalt mixes Cigarette filters are designed to absorb and trap particular smoke
containing waste products, the findings suggest that the presence components, including tar and toxic chemicals [27].
of bitumen in the mix restricts their interaction with water and The difficulty of dealing with cigarette butt waste is a global
reduces the translocation of the chemical disposition [7,13,45]. issue that is faced by municipal authorities and community groups
This indicates that bitumen is an excellent material to encapsulate throughout the world. Unfortunately, the research into applica-
waste materials, such as used CBs. tions for its reuse remains in their infancy [25], and commercially
Bitumen is a highly viscous fluid derived from the distillation of viable reuse is urgently required to ameliorate the ongoing effect
crude oil with pre-existing natural wax [21,30]. The factors that arising from CB waste.
influence the effect of wax on bitumen are the bitumen’s chemical Given the low chemical reactivity of asphalt [29], and the large
composition and rheological behaviour, the exposed temperature, volume used in road and pavement construction, the addition of
and content, and the composition and crystallinity of the wax small quantities of waste materials, such as CBs, may result in
[15,58]. A study by Fazaeli et al. [21] involved analysing the influ- viable applications in construction of flexible pavements while rid-
ence of Fischer-Tropsch paraffin (FT-paraffin) wax on bitumen. The ding the environment of this waste material. This paper presents
results indicated that the performance of bitumen at high temper- and discusses the results of two investigations. The first involved
atures improved under the influence of FT-paraffin, resulting in the assessing the effects of incorporating different amounts of CBs
asphalt mixture having increased resistance to permanent defor- (10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3) into an AC mix manufactured
mation. As FT-paraffin is a flow improver, the viscosity of bitumen with Class 170 bitumen after encapsulating them with different
at high temperatures is reduced. Consequently, the mixing and classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600). The second part of the
compaction temperature of the asphalt mixture decreases, result- investigation involved assessing the effects of incorporating
ing in lower energy consumption and emissions [14,15]. According 10 kg/m3 of CBs encapsulated with paraffin wax into AC mixes
to Fazaeli et al. [21], FT-paraffin has minimal influence on bitumen manufactured with different classes of bitumen (C170, and C320).
at intermediate and low temperatures.
To avoid the possible detrimental effects from paraffin wax, it is
best that the wax content in bitumen is limited and should not 2. Materials and methods
exceed 3% [14]. In contrast, according to Wong and Li [58], in Main-
land China, three different grades (A, B and C) are used to classify 2.1. Asphalt concrete incorporated with bitumen encapsulated CBs
bitumen, with C comprising up to 4.5% paraffin wax but with the 2.1.1. Encapsulation of CBs
restriction that it can only be used for roads with lower traffic than Prior to mixing the CBs with AC, the CBs were exposed to heat in an oven at
A and B. The effects of wax on the bitumen quality and mixture 105 °C for a period of 24 h (Fig. 1). This process dried the CBs and eliminated the
performance have been reported differently. The debate on waxy moisture trapped inside them.
After drying, the second stage involved encapsulating the CBs by saturating
bitumen is further complicated by the lack of a precise definition
them in hot bitumen (heated to 150 °C). As the characteristics of the bitumen con-
for wax, the different types of wax, and the poor precision of the stitute an important factor in the encapsulation of CBs, different classes of bitumen
test methods [31,58]. were used to compare and contrast their impact on AC. The classes of bitumen used
were C170, C320 and C600 (Table 1). The C170 bitumen was provided by the Alex
1.2. Cigarette butts Fraser Group, and the C320 and C600 classes were provided by the Shell Company
Pty Ltd of Australia.
Fig. 2 below displays the CBs that were encapsulated and left to cool on baking
Cigarette butts (CBs) are one of the most common types of litter paper. It was found that soaking the CBs over a 5-min period allowed the hot bitu-
found around the world [2,9]. According to estimations from men to fully penetrate and be absorbed into the CBs.
A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80 71
Table 2
Distribution and bulk density of the aggregates used in the control mix.
When the CBs were encapsulated and added to the asphalt mix, some of the
bitumen from the CBs became mobile and contributed to the overall free bitumen
content in the asphalt mix. An excess of free bitumen in the asphalt mix would be
contrary to the mix design and likely to have an impact on the mechanical and
physical properties of the final specimen; hence, controlling the amount of bitumen
released from the CBs was paramount. To minimise the effect of excess bitumen in
the samples, the CBs were subjected to a compressive load in a press, prior to soak-
ing them in hot bitumen. The compressive load was placed onto the CBs to force the
air out of the CBs. This was done to reduce the volume of voids within the CBs to
minimise the amount of free bitumen absorbed and the amount subsequently
released into the mix. The CBs were weighed before being placed into the bitumen
and then weighed again afterwards. This allowed the exact weight of the bitumen
absorbed to be determined.
The viscosity of the bitumen is an important factor in terms of both encapsulat-
ing the toxic chemicals within the CBs and for controlling the excess bitumen in the
asphalt mix. It was theorised that when CBs are soaked in low viscosity bitumen
and added to the asphalt mix, a small amount of bitumen from the CBs would
become mobile and would increase the mechanical and physical properties of AC,
where a class C170 bitumen would have the lowest viscosity and a class C600 bitu-
men would have the highest viscosity [12].
minute. If the Marshall method was used instead of the Gyratory method, this
would be equivalent to 50 blows with the Marshall hammer. An example of some
compacted samples is shown in Fig. 4.
2.1.4. Testing
Once the compacted samples were prepared, testing was undertaken with the
Marshall method in accordance with Standards Australia [52], AS2891.5. The Mar-
shall method involved determining the stability and flow of AC. Initially, the spec-
imens were placed in the water bath (60 °C) for 30–40 min. They were then
assembled (Fig. 5) in preparation for testing the Marshall stability and flow.
After assembly, a load was gradually applied to the specimen until the load
began to decrease. Then, the maximum load (stability) reading and flow reading
were recorded. Marshall Stability is defined as the maximum load carried by a com-
pacted specimen tested at 60 °C at a loading rate of 51 mm/min. The Marshall Flow
is defined as the vertical deformation of the specimen under load, measured from
the start of the loading to the point at which the specimen’s stability is at its peak.
Fig. 6 below displays a representation of the flow and stability using the Marshall
According to Austroads [5], after the stability and flow tests are completed with
the Marshall method, optional performance tests can be performed, such as the
Resilient Modulus test. Fig. 7 displays a sample placed in a testing rig that is ready
to be tested to determine the resilient modulus. The resilient modulus of an asphalt
sample is the characterisation of the stress-strain relationship within the material
for rapidly applied loads, and quantifies the ability of the material to spread a load
As bitumen is a ‘visco-elastic’ material [5], variations in the testing conditions, Fig. 5. Specimen and breaking head assembled to undergo Marshall testing for
particularly temperature, have a significant impact on the resilient modulus results stability and flow.
obtained. The test conditions, and the equipment and procedures for determining
the resilient modulus of asphalt samples are detailed in Standards Australia [48],
AS 2891.13.1, and are based upon the indirect tensile method. The testing procedure
involved the application of a pulse load to a specimen. The displacement was then
measured on a plane perpendicular to that of the loading plane.
After the resilient modulus test, various other tests for volumetric properties
were carried out. These included bulk density, maximum density, air void content
and voids in mineral aggregates (VMA). The bulk density of asphalt was determined
from the ratio of the mass of an oven dried sample to the volume of water displaced
by the mass of a compacted dry asphalt sample. This was done in accordance with
Standards Australia [50], AS 2891.9.2. The water temperature was maintained at
22 °C during the bulk density testing. A value of 0.998 t/m3 was used as the density
of water.
Once the bulk density testing was completed, maximum density testing was
carried out for some samples. The maximum density of asphalt is the maximum
to which a mix could theoretically be compacted if there were no air voids present,
as described in Standards Australia [53], AS 2891.7.1. In other words, it is the density
of the loose asphalt mix with air voids filled by water displacement. The equipment
required for maximum density testing comprised a pycnometer, vacuum pump,
balance, thermometer, a water bath big enough to contain the immersed pycnome-
ter and maintain a water temperature of 25 °C, and an oven to heat up the loose
samples at 105 °C for approximately 10 min before testing.
Using the bulk density results, the percentage of air voids of the samples was
Fig. 6. Flow and Stability measurements taken under testing [5].
determined. The air void content of asphalt is a measure of the rut resistance ability
of the material and can also be used to determine the suitability of the asphalt for
certain environmental conditions [5]. The percentage of air voids of an asphalt mix
is an important property to consider as its value strongly affects its durability and
Fig. 4. Some samples manufactured with CBs of 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3, 25 kg/m3 and stability. It is a representation of the amount of air trapped within an asphalt mix
no CBs (control). relative to the total volume of that particular mix. The smaller the air void content,
A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80 73
the less oxidation or ageing of the binder occurs, and the less the binder strips as 3. Results and discussion
water is unable to penetrate the mix. However, if the air void content is too low,
the mix may cause plastic flow, which, in turn, causes rutting, shoving and bleeding
of the asphalt [5]. The relationships among maximum density, bulk density and air 3.1. Asphalt concrete incorporated wit bitumen encapsulated CBs
void content are prescribed in Standards Australia [49], AS 2891.8. The results of all
the tests in this investigation were averaged from a minimum of three samples per 3.1.1. Marshall test results
test. The class of bitumen that was used with all the AC mixes for
this investigation was class 170. CBs were encapsulated with three
2.2. Asphalt concrete incorporated with paraffin encapsulated CBs
different bitumen classes, C170, C320 and C600. These bitumen
2.2.1. Encapsulation of CBs encapsulated CBs were added in different amounts to the AC
Paraffin wax (Fig. 8) was supplied by a local company in Melbourne, Australia. mix. Various types of sample were formed, which included mixes
Paraffin wax is an aliphatic hydrocarbon, which is made up of carbon chains with a with 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 of CBs in addition to a con-
length of 40–115 carbon atoms [22]. It is distinguished by large, well-formed crys-
trol group which had no CBs. The stability and flow values that
tals (Fig. 8). The paraffin wax that was used in this study had a melting point of
approximately 80 °C. were determined through the Marshall method can be seen in
In this investigation, two classes of bitumen were used to manufacture AC, class Tables 5, 6 and 7.
170 and class 320. Paraffin wax encapsulated CBs were added to these AC mixes in According to Austroads [4], a minimum stability of 5.5 kN is
the amount of 10 kg/m3. Class 170 bitumen is normally used for light traffic appli- required for light traffic design and 6.5 kN for medium and heavy
cations, whereas class 320 bitumen is used for medium traffic applications and is
the most commonly used binder in Australia for AC [4]. The total content of bitu-
traffic designs. It can be seen in Fig. 12 that all the different mixes,
men in the AC mix constituted 5.1% by mass of total aggregates. except one, are suited for light traffic design, which is the mix that
Similar to the previous investigation involving encapsulation with bitumen, the is encapsulated with class C170 bitumen and contains 25 kg/m3 of
CBs were dried by heating them in an oven at 105 °C for 24 h. Then, the CBs were CBs. However, according to Standards Australia [46], AS2150, the
encapsulated with paraffin wax. This was done by heating paraffin wax in a pot
minimum stability requirement for light traffic is 4 kN, which
until it melted completely, then the dried CBs were added to the wax (Fig. 9(a)).
The CBs were pressed against the bottom of the pot in order to remove any air that means that all the mixes satisfy the light traffic stability require-
might be trapped inside the CBs and then simmered in the wax for 20 min. The ment. When it comes to medium and heavy traffic, it can be seen
encapsulated CBs were rolled in sand and sieved to remove any remaining wax that none of the three asphalt mix types of CBs encapsulated with
from the surface. They were then spread on a tray in a single layer to cool (Fig. 9(b)). C170, C320 and C600 bitumen from the 25 kg/m3 CB content cate-
The encapsulated CBs were cooled for several days before use to allow them to
become hard and aggregate-like so that they would contribute to the mechanical
gory satisfy the minimum requirement. All the other categories
properties of the resulting AC mixture (Fig. 10). satisfy the minimum requirements for light, medium and heavy
traffic designs.
2.2.2. Asphalt mix and sample preparation For all the mixes containing CBs encapsulated with C320 and
Preparation of the asphalt mix for this investigation was undertaken in the C600 bitumen, it can be seen that the stabilities are all higher than
same manner as the previous investigation, in accordance with Standards Australia
for the samples containing CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen.
, AS 2891.2.1. Prior to mixing, the separate components of the asphalt mix, other
than the binder, were dried to a constant mass and kept in an oven for 24 h at This is due to the effect of using a higher-grade bitumen, which
105 °C to remove any remaining moisture. The average percentage of each compo- results in higher stability.
nent used in an asphalt mix sample is shown in Table 3. The results were also used to compare the properties of samples
The dry components (aggregate and filler) and C170 bitumen binder were containing CBs in the amounts of 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3
heated to approximately 150 °C and mixed in a mechanical mixer. The mixing time
did not exceed 3 min after which the asphalt was hand mixed to ensure an even
as well as no CBs (control). The samples of mixes containing a lar-
spread of the binder. ger amount of CBs displayed a decrease in stability compared to
The samples were each placed in the compaction mould and compacted in those with smaller amounts. For example, the sample with a CB
accordance with Standards Australia [51], AS2891.2.2. A Servopac gyratory com- content of 25 kg/m3 had a lower stability than the sample with
pactor (Fig. 3) was used to compact the asphalt mix. The average characteristics
15 kg/m3, and, similarly, the sample with a CB content of 15 kg/
of the samples are given in Table 4, and the manufactured samples are shown in
Fig. 11. m3 displayed a slightly lower stability than the sample with
10 kg/m3. This decreasing trend is the result of CBs with low
2.2.3. Testing strength properties and their ability to absorb the bitumen (bitu-
The Marshall testing for stability and flow, performance tests for resilient mod- men used to bind aggregates) that was added during the mix
ulus, and tests for volumetric properties, including bulk density, maximum density design, which is necessary to encapsulate CBs.
and air void content, were performed on the samples. The stability-flow tests were
Further to the use of encapsulated CBs in AC mixes, the control
carried out using the Marshall method as per Standards Australia [52], AS 2891.5.
The setup for the stability-flow test can be seen in Fig. 5. mix (with no CBs) had a stability of 6.9 kN, which is higher than for
After the Marshall test, the resilient modulus testing was carried out in accor- the CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen, but lower than for the
dance with Standards Australia [48], AS 2891.13.1. The sample was set up as shown CBs encapsulated with C320 and C600 bitumen. This is an indica-
in Fig. 7. Once the resilient modulus testing was completed, other tests to deter-
tion that the type of bitumen used to encapsulate the CBs affects
mine the volumetric properties were undertaken in the same manner as the first
investigation. The results of all the tests in this investigation were averaged from
the stability. This supports the idea of encapsulating CBs with
a minimum of three samples per test. higher class bitumen (C320 and C600) to strengthen AC.
Three samples had a higher stability than the control mix. These
were the CBs encapsulated with C320 and C600 bitumen and CB
content of 10 kg/m3, and the CBs encapsulated with class C600
and CB content of 15 kg/m3.
It can be concluded that the more CBs used in the AC mixes, the
more the stability drops, and the higher the class of bitumen used
to encapsulate the CBs, the higher the stability. The CB contents of
10 kg/m3 and 15 kg/m3 satisfied the light, medium and heavy traf-
fic requirements; however, in respect of Austroads [4], the use of
25 kg/m3 only satisfied the light traffic requirements.
Fig. 13 above displays the results of the flow test. The values
represent the deformation a test specimen experiences when it
undergoes loading up to a point where the stability is at its peak.
Fig. 8. Paraffin wax.
74 A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80
Fig. 9. (a) Encapsulation of CBs with paraffin wax; (b) drying CBs in a single layer.
because C170 has a lower viscosity than the other bitumen classes.
Class C320 bitumen has a lower flow value than class C600, which
is due to the higher percentage of bitumen used to encapsulate the
CBs with class C600 – a higher percentage of bitumen will increase
the flow.
Overall, the results indicate that CBs encapsulated with bitu-
men classes C170, C320 and C600, and CB contents of 10 kg/m3,
15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 meet the requirements of Austroads [4].
The flow values are controlled by the quantity of CBs added to
the AC mix, and the amount and type of bitumen used to encapsu-
late CBs. CBs with flow values lower than the target flow indicate
that they are not suited for traffic design and do not meet the min-
imum standards.
Table 8 above is an extract from the Austroads Guide to Pavement
Technology Part 4B: Asphalt. It outlines the design requirements for
dense graded asphalt mixes compacted using the Marshall method
for a variety of asphalt applications. This table was used to deter-
mine the minimum allowable values for the experimental work
Fig. 10. Cooled and hardened encapsulated CBs. used in the industry. Although numerous references are available
for the analysis of these DGA mixes, this publication was used as
it is produced in Australia for the Australian asphalt industry.
The range required by Austroads [4] for the flow of a compacted
mix is from 2 mm to 4 mm (Table 8). 3.1.2. Test results for volumetric properties
It can be seen in Fig. 13 that all the values are at or within the Fig. 14 displays the results for the bulk density (Table 9)
targeted range of 2 mm–4 mm, and that only the mix containing a obtained from using the Marshall method. As can be seen, the bulk
CB content of 10 kg/m3 and encapsulated with C320 bitumen is density decreases with an increase in the amount of CBs encapsu-
below the 2 mm, with a value of 1.8 mm. The CBs encapsulated lated – the bulk density value of 2.257 t/m3 (control) decreases to
with C170 and C600 bitumen displayed values within the range as low as 2.066 t/m3 (C320 with 25 kg/m3 of CBs). Since CBs have a
of 2 mm–4 mm. Values outside the range, are generally due to lower density than the aggregates, and they replace some of the
the amount of bitumen applied and the type of bitumen used to aggregate volume in the mix, the density of the sample decreases.
encapsulate the CBs. The higher the percentage of bitumen used, All the samples have a lower bulk density value than the control,
the higher the flow. The CBs encapsulated with C320 bitumen dis- except for the CB content of 10 kg/m3 encapsulated with C600
played a drop in flow from 2.5 mm (control) to 1.8 mm and bitumen, which has a bulk density value of 2.278 t/m3.
increased as more CBs were added to the mix. Values lower than Encapsulating CBs with a class C320 bitumen, gave relatively
2 mm are not acceptable as the flow reflects the deformation of similar results to that for a sample of C170 bitumen. However,
the sample. CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen had a slightly the bulk density for CBs encapsulated with C600 bitumen, had an
higher value than those encapsulated with C600 bitumen. This is overall higher value than that for classes C320 and C170 bitumen
Table 3
Percentage of sample components used for each sample in this study.
Table 4 9
Average characteristics of samples.
Parameter Measurement
Diameter 0.1 m Control
Stability (kN)
Height 0.062 m
Volume 0.00049 m3 5 C170
Mass (after compaction) 1.114 kg
2 C600
10 15 25
Cigaree Bu Content (kg/m3)
Fig. 12. The effect of different amounts of CBs on the Marshall Stability for CBs
encapsulated with different classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600).
3.5 Control
Flow (mm)
Fig. 11. Some AC samples manufactured with paraffin encapsulated CBs. C320
Table 5 2 Min - 2mm
Marshall test results for CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen, for AC containing 0 kg/
1.5 Max - 4mm
m3, 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 of CBs.
Table 6
The maximum density values for each mix type were obtained
Marshall test results for CBs encapsulated with C320 bitumen, for AC containing 0 kg/
m3, 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 of CBs. using a loose sample made for each mix. Standards Australia [53],
AS.2891.7.1, specifies that a loose sample of 750 g is needed to con-
Sample Stability (kN) Flow (mm)
duct this experiment, however, due to equipment restraints, the
AC – 0 (Control) 6.9 2.5 pycnometer available was not able to accommodate 750 g. There-
AC – 10 (10 kg/m3 CBs) 7.1 1.8 fore, a mass of 400 g was used to proceed with this experiment.
AC – 15 (15 kg/m3 CBs) 6.8 2.0
AC – 25 (25 kg/m3 CBs) 6.3 2.4
The maximum density is essentially measured as a ratio; therefore,
the ratio between masses would be equal, and, hence, the results
would be acceptable. All the other requirements for the test were
met in accordance with the standard.
Table 7
Marshall results for CBs encapsulated with C600 bitumen, for AC containing 0 kg/m3, Theoretically, as the CB content in the mix increases, the maxi-
10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 of CBs. mum density should decrease, as the density of the CBs is much
lower than that of the aggregates, and the values should be higher
Sample Stability (kN) Flow (mm)
than those for the bulk density. According to the results displayed
AC – 0 (Control) 6.9 2.5
in Fig. 15, this trend is evident. For instance, all CB contents of
AC – 10 (10 kg/m3 CBs) 7.8 2.3
AC – 15 (15 kg/m3 CBs) 7.4 2.2 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3 have a lower maximum density
AC – 25 (25 kg/m3 CBs) 6.0 2.2 than that of the control group. However, there are some variations
in the results; for example, a CB content of 25 kg/m3 has a higher
maximum density than a CB content of 15 kg/m3 when encapsu-
lated with C170 and C320. For a CB content of 15 kg/m3, the max-
for all different amounts of CBs – this is also the case for the stabil-
imum density is higher than that for the 10 kg/m3 when
ity results. The bulk density for the CB content of 10 kg/m3 encap-
encapsulated with C600 bitumen. These variations do not affect
sulated with C600 bitumen displayed a higher value than that for
the properties of the sample, as these maximum densities are
the control, with a value of 2.278 t/m3. This could be the result of
higher than those for the bulk densities. It is evident that the type
a higher percentage of bitumen used in the mix. Overall, the sam-
of bitumen used to encapsulate the CBs influences the properties of
ple with no CBs showed a slightly higher bulk density, which is to
AC. In general, CBs encapsulated with class C600 bitumen have
be expected, as the density of CBs is lower than that of the aggre-
higher results for stability and densities than for CBs encapsulated
gates. Similarly, the results also show that the type of bitumen
with C170 and C320 bitumen. Overall, it can be concluded that the
used to encapsulate the CBs influences the properties of AC. A
maximum density of the mixes containing encapsulated CBs is
higher percentage of CBs resulted in a lower bulk density, and a
lower than for the control group since the control contains no CBs.
higher bitumen grade increased the bulk density.
76 A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80
Table 8
Design requirements for asphalt dense graded asphalt mixes [4,11].
Mix Type Design Air Voids Target (%) Stability – min (kN) Flow (mm)
Traffic Category Application
Light Wearing and base 3.0 5.5 2–4
Medium Wearing and base 4.0 6.5 2–4
High fatigue base 3.0 6.5 2–4
Heavy Wearing and base 5.0 6.5 2–4
High fatigue base 3.0 6.5 2–4
Very Heavy Wearing and base 6.0 7.0 2–4
2.3 The results for the sample containing CBs encapsulated with
C170 bitumen indicate that the air voids slightly decrease when
the CB content increases. It also correlates to a decrease in bulk
Bulk Density(t/m3)
2.2 density. This is due to the CBs occupying the spaces between the
aggregates. While the trends are not clear, it appears that the more
2.15 Control CBs incorporated into AC, the smaller the air voids. CBs encapsu-
10kg/m3 CBs lated with C320 and C600 bitumen displayed similar trends to
15kg/m3 CBs the C170 samples when compared with the control group, except
2.05 for the content of 10 kg/m3 for all bitumen classes.
25kg/m3 CBs
CBs encapsulated with C320 and C600 mostly had higher air
voids than CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen. This is due to
1.95 the properties of the bitumen used. Bitumen with low viscosity,
C170 C320 C600 such as C170, releases the bitumen inside the CBs into the voids
Bitumen used for encapsulaon of CBs between the aggregates. Whereas, bitumen with high viscosity
retains bitumen in the CBs and increases the air voids between
Fig. 14. The effect of different amounts of CBs on the Bulk Density for CBs
the aggregates. For the control group, the air voids will be greater
encapsulated with different classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600).
since the pores are free from CBs.
Fig. 16 above displays the air voids within the samples contain- 3.1.3. Resilient modulus test results
ing different amounts of CBs that have different encapsulation Table 10 presents a summary of the results obtained through
mediums (CBs encapsulated with C170, C320, C600 bitumen). the testing of a separate set of samples for the resilient modulus,
The design target range is between 3 and 6% [4], where 3% is the bulk density and maximum density. These samples were manufac-
target for light traffic and 6% is the target for very heavy traffic tured with a total bitumen content of 5.1% by mass of total aggre-
design (Table 8). The results for air voids ranges from 4.2% to gates, which constitutes C170 bitumen, 14 mm aggregate mix and
6.5%, which is higher than the design target of 3% for a light traffic CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen (see Table 11).
design. The control sample has an air void content of 6%, which The modulus of a typical Australian dense graded asphalt for
suggests that asphalt with no CBs is suited for a very heavy traffic class C170 bitumen has a range of 2500–4000 MPa and a typical
design. value of 3700 MPa [4]. These values were used to compare the
The type of traffic design depends on the air voids as well as the results obtained in this investigation.
stability and flow. The design of air voids for medium traffic ranges AC containing no CBs was found to have an average resilient
between 3% and 4%, for heavy traffic between 3% and 5%, and for modulus of 4703 MPa. For a CB content of 10 kg/m3, the resilient
very heavy traffic it is 6%, with each having its respective minimum modulus was 4414 MPa, for 15 kg/m3, it was 3387 MPa, and, for
stability [4]. The CBs encapsulated with class C600 bitumen and a 25 kg/m3, the resilient modulus was 3115 MPa (Fig. 17). It is evi-
CB content of either 15 kg/m3 or 25 kg/m3, and C320 bitumen with dent that, as more CBs are added to the asphalt mix, the resilient
a CB content of either 10 kg/m3 or 25 kg/m3, all have air void values modulus decreased. The resilient modulus for CB contents 15 kg/
of above 6%. These samples are not necessarily suited for very m3 and 25 kg/m3 are well within the resilient modulus target range
heavy traffic design since a minimum stability of 6.5 kN is of 2500–4000 MPa. For the control and 10 kg/m3 samples, the val-
required. ues were higher than anticipated with values above 4000 MPa. This
is likely to be a result of the disproportionate size and density of
Table 9
Average Bulk Density, Maximum Density, Air Voids and VMA values from the Marshall Test.
Sample Bitumen Class Bulk Density (t/m3) Maximum Density (t/m3) Air Voids% VMA%
AC – 0 (Control) 170 2.254 2.423 6.0 16.2
AC – 10 (10 kg/m3 CBs) 170 2.214 2.372 5.5 15.7
AC – 15 (15 kg/m3 CBs) 170 2.190 2.324 5.1 14.7
AC – 25 (25 kg/m3 CBs) 170 2.098 2.412 5.5 21.6
AC – 10 (10 kg/m3 CBs) 320 2.212 2.363 6.4 15.4
AC – 15 (15 kg/m3 CBs) 320 2.222 2.358 5.8 14.9
AC – 25 (25 kg/m3 CBs) 320 2.066 2.395 6.1 22.2
AC – 10 (10 kg/m3 CBs) 600 2.278 2.387 4.2 13.5
AC – 15 (15 kg/m3 CBs) 600 2.219 2.414 6.3 17.2
AC – 25 (25 kg/m3 CBs) 600 2.183 2.334 6.5 15.4
A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80 77
2.45 5000
2.4 4500
2.35 4000
2.25 Control
2.2 10kg/m3 CBs
2.15 15kg/m3 CBs 1500
2.1 25kg/m3CBs 1000
2.05 500
2 0
C170 C320 C600 Control 10 15 25
Bitumen used for encapsulaon of CBs Cigaree Bu Content (kg/m 3)
Fig. 15. The effect of different amounts of CBs on the Maximum Density for CBs Fig. 17. Resilient Modulus for AC incorporating different amounts of CBs and
encapsulated with different classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600). encapsulated with class C170 bitumen.
6 2.5
Density (t/m3)
5 Control
2.4 Bulk Density (t/m3)
Air Voids %
Fig. 16. The effect of different amounts of CBs on air voids for CBs encapsulated
with different classes of bitumen (C170, C320, C600).
the maximum density is greater than the bulk density. The control
sample (no CB content) was found to have a bulk density of 2.421 t/
Table 10 m3, which is a higher value than for the samples with a CB contents
Resilient Modulus, Bulk Density, Maximum Density results for CBs encapsulated with of 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 and 25 kg/m3. The values for the bulk den-
class C170 bitumen with different amounts of CB content.
sity decrease with a slight variation from 2.421 to 2.262 t/m3. This
Tests Control 10 kg/m3 15 kg/m3 25 kg/m3 is because CBs have a lower density than the aggregates that they
CBs CBs CBs replace in the mix. Overall, it was understood that the bulk density
Resilient Modulus 4703 4414 3387 3115 of a mix would decrease as more CBs were added into the AC mix.
(MPa) The maximum density results are generally consistent with the
Bulk Density (t/m3) 2.421 2.358 2.327 2.262
observations of the bulk density testing, with the maximum densi-
Maximum Density (t/ 2.546 2.464 2.434 2.352
ties being higher than the bulk densities. The maximum density of
2.546 t/m3 is higher than the bulk density of 2.421 t/m3 for the
control mix. The maximum density values decrease from 2.546
Table 11 to 2.464, to 2.434, and, lastly, to 2.352 t/m3. These values are
Average Bulk Density, Maximum Density and Air Void values. higher than the results presented previously.
Sample Bulk Density (t/m3) Maximum Density (t/m3)
Control 2.421 2.546
3.2. Asphalt concrete incorporated with paraffin encapsulated CBs
10 kg/m3 – C170 2.358 2.464
15 kg/m3 – C170 2.327 2.434 3.2.1. Marshall test results
25 kg/m3 – C170 2.262 2.352 Two bitumen classes (C170 and C320) were used to manufac-
ture three AC samples for this investigation. Two of these samples
were mixed with paraffin wax encapsulated CBs in the amount of
the CBs compared to other aggregates within the asphalt matrix. 10 kg/m3, and the other was used as the control (no CBs). The sta-
The quality of the aggregates, the amount of coarse aggregate, bility and flow values were determined through the Marshall
the binder viscosity and the quantity of binder will affect the resi- method.
lient modulus of the asphalt mix. As previously mentioned, Austroads [4] states that a minimum
In Fig. 18 above, the bulk density results obtained for the sam- stability of 5.5 kN is required for a light traffic design and 6.5 kN for
ples were between 2.262 t/m3 and 2.421 t/m3, and for the maxi- medium and heavy traffic designs. A flow with a targeted range of
mum density between 2.352 t/m3 and 2.546 t/m3, with the 2–4 mm is also required.
control densities higher than samples containing CBs. There is a Looking at Fig. 19 and Table 12, the C170 control samples were
clear representation between an increase in the CB content and a found to have a stability of 6.75 kN, confirming their adequacy for
decrease in the bulk and maximum densities. It also shows that the intended light traffic load. The addition of 10 kg/m3 of CBs
78 A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80
When it comes to medium and heavy traffic designs, they do not Sample Stability (kN) Flow (mm)
meet the requirement, as the values are below the 6.5 kN Class 170 Control (No CBs) 6.75 3.40
requirement. Class 170 with 10 kg/m3 CBs 6.37 3.45
Observing Fig. 20 and the values in Table 12, the addition of CBs Class 320 with 10 kg/m3 CBs 5.80 3.73
resulted in an increase of 0.05 mm flow in the C170 samples and
0.33 mm in the C320 samples. Both fall within the required range
of 2–4 mm. Although the AC sample manufactured with C320 bitu- 4.5
men and 10 kg/m3 of encapsulated CBs shows more of a spike in 4.0
the flow than for C170 with 10 kg/m3 of encapsulated CBs, it is 3.5
not necessarily the increase in grade that has led to the higher 3.0
Flow (mm)
increase in flow. Since C320 has a higher viscosity than C170, nor- 2.5
Maximum flow (4 mm)
mally, a decrease in flow would be expected rather than an 2.0
increase in flow. Nevertheless, the addition of 10 kg/m3 of CBs that 1.5 Minimum flow (2 mm)
are encapsulated with paraffin wax still maintains the requirement 1.0
for flow. 0.5
Class 170 control Class 170 with 10 Class 320 with 10
3.2.2. Test results for volumetric properties kg/mᶟ CBs kg/mᶟ CBs
The results determined for the maximum density, bulk density,
air voids and voids in mineral aggregates are summarised in Fig. 20. Average Marshall Flow test results for AC incorporating different classes of
bitumen and 10 kg/m3 CBs.
Table 13.
According to Standards Australia [46], AS2150, air voids within
an AC sample have a typical range of 3%–7% and a VMA of 15% for
sulated CBs is 4754 MPa, which is within the typical range of 2000–
light traffic design. As observed in Table 13 above, the air voids and
7000 MPa.
VMA values are within the required range. The addition of 10kg/
It can also be seen that the addition of 10kg/m3 of CBs to the
m3 CBs into the C170 sample resulted in an average decrease of
C170 bitumen sample results in a decrease in the resilient modu-
1.2% in air voids and 2.3% in VMA. However, the addition of
lus, but an increase in grade from C170 to C320 results in an
10 kg/m3 CBs into the C320 sample resulted in an average increase
increase in the resilient modulus. As discussed earlier in the previ-
of 2.7% in air voids and 3.1% in VMA. Also, it can be observed that
ous sections, the quality of the aggregates, the amount of coarse
the addition of 10 kg/m3 of CBs reduced the bulk and maximum
aggregate, the binder viscosity and the quantity of binder will also
densities for C170 and C320. However, C320 has a lower bulk
affect the resilient modulus of the asphalt mix.
and maximum density than C170. Similar to the discussion on
the encapsulation of CBs with bitumen, the addition of CBs reduces
the density and air voids, but the increase in grade from C170 to 4. Conclusion
C320 results in an increase in void content and a small reduction
in the bulk and maximum densities. The purpose of this study was to encapsulate used cigarette
butts (CBs) for the incorporation into asphalt concrete (AC). Sam-
3.2.3. Test results for resilient modulus ples of AC were manufactured with 10 kg/m3, 15 kg/m3 or 25 kg/
The results of the resilient modulus test are shown in Table 14 m3 of encapsulated CBs, in addition to a control group with no
and Fig. 21 below. CBs. Different bitumen classes (C170, C320 and C600) were used
The typical resilient modulus range for a 14 mm mix with C170 to encapsulate the CBs in order to determine how the use of a
bitumen is between 2500 and 4000 MPa, and for C320 bitumen it is higher class bitumen would affect the properties of AC. Several
between 2000 and 7000 MPa [6,38]. tests were carried out in accordance with the relevant Australian
Observing the results in Table 14 and Fig. 21, it can be seen that standards to determine the mechanical and volumetric properties
the addition of 10 kg/m3 CBs in the C170 bitumen mix resulted in a of AC. This was done for both investigations involving encapsula-
decrease in average resilient modulus of 94 MPa. However, the tion with bitumen and encapsulation with paraffin wax.
resilient modulus values for these samples were high. The average For the investigation involving bitumen encapsulated CBs, the
resilient moduli of 4590 MPa (control) and 4496 MPa (C170 with findings showed that 10 kg/m3 or 15 kg/m3 of CBs could success-
encapsulated CBs) are above the typical range of 2500–4000 MPa. fully be incorporated into AC with acceptable properties, such as
The average resilient modulus of the C320 with 10 kg/m3 of encap- flow, stability, resilient modulus, bulk density, and the percentage
of air voids. The bulk and maximum density values of CBs encapsu-
lated with C600 bitumen displayed a higher value than CBs encap-
sulated with C320 bitumen. Likewise, CBs encapsulated with C320
7.0 bitumen had greater bulk density and maximum density than CBs
6.0 encapsulated with C170 bitumen. However, these values decreased
Stability (kN)
5.0 Minimum stability for as more CBs were added, which was expected due to CBs having a
medium & heavy traffic
4.0 (6.5 kN) lower density than the aggregates they replaced. Effectively, CBs
3.0 Minimum stability for light act as larger, but lighter sized aggregate, which reduces the overall
2.0 traffic (5.5 kN) sample density. This also correlates to a smaller air void percent-
1.0 age. Air void values for CBs encapsulated with C170 bitumen were
0.0 within a target range of 3%–6%, but values were higher for C320
Class 170 controlClass 170 with 10Class 320 with 10 and C600 bitumen. This indicates that the class of bitumen influ-
kg/mᶟ CBs kg/mᶟ CBs
ences the properties of AC. Manufacturing AC samples using higher
Fig. 19. Average Marshall Stability test results for AC incorporating different classes class bitumen to encapsulate the CBs gave better results for the
of bitumen and 10 kg/m3 CBs. physical and mechanical properties.
A. Mohajerani et al. / Construction and Building Materials 153 (2017) 69–80 79
Table 13
Average values of maximum density, bulk density, air voids and VMA results.
Asphalt Sample qmax (t/m3) qBulk (t/m3) Air Voids (%) VMA (%)
Table 14 Acknowledgements
Resilient modulus test results.
Sample Resilient modulus (MPa) The authors would like to thank the Alex Fraser Group, Butt-Out
Control 4590 Australia, Enviropoles Australia Pty Ltd and the Shell Company of
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