Six Sigma Broucher

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(Batch 7)

Conducted by:
SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai
Indian Statistical Institute,
Room No 320, 3rd Floor Old C G O Building
101 Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020:
Tel 22014588 / 22004574
email: [email protected]
Globalization has intensified competition, worldwide. Competitive pressure is forcing
the Organizations to look for the ways and means for improving their processes so that
Quality of the products and services improve, wastes reduce and customer satisfaction
Improved Customer Satisfaction is the goal of today. It cannot just happen. The
methodology of modern initiatives is at integrating all operations throughout the
corporation to make them produce their outputs right first time. Everything from the
receipt of enquiry, internal and external communication, information systems, and customer
support and down to the level of logistics services must be done correctly to achieve
operational excellence and thereby enhancing satisfaction of the customers.
Implementation Program covers variety of processes related to manufacturing and services
including but not limited to distribution operations, warehousing and inventory
management, hospitality, health care, electronics equipment manufacturing, electronics
component manufacturing, boiler industry to printed circuit board industry, banking to
insurance business and what not.
Your Organization shall benefit from this program regardless of products you make or
services you offer. This initiative involves everyone in the organization from the CEO to
the shop floor personnel.
The Indian Statistical Institute with its vast hands-on experience in these
methodologies assists organizations in integrating piece meal Quality efforts into an
overall effective organization-wide initiative that becomes a powerful leverage to take
competition by horn.
Present Scenario:
Organizations have been implementing Six Sigma to improve business results. All over
the world including India, organizations have claimed that Six-Sigma implementation
has resulted in savings of billions of rupees within few years of implementation. And
this news has made all the Chief Executives interested in implementing the Six Sigma –
nothing wrong with their ambition. But everybody has not achieved success. Many of
them are struggling to make progress. One of the major constraints is a qualified
professional and this course aims to develop them.
Course Description:
Black Belts are the critical cores of every Six Sigma Implementation. Black Belt experts
are groomed in Six Sigma methodology and advanced statistical tools. They are the
change agents and the leaders, the project managers and the problem solvers. The
program on Black Belt based on Six Sigma Methodology prepares candidates to lead
project teams. Although the candidates do not need to be statisticians, they need to be
willing to use statistical tools for Six Sigma implementation. They can come from all
functions of any type of organization. After completing the training programme,
participants immediately apply the concepts and tools taught during their classroom
instructions to their real-time improvement projects leading to dramatic increases in
both productivity and profitability of organizations.
Target Participants:
Heads of Strategic Business Units, Managers / Executives from various functions with
minimum 6 month specialized training in Quality Management Areas for 6 months or
certified Green Belts.
SQC & OR Unit, Mumbai, Indian Statistical Institute, Room No 320, Old C G O
Building, 101 Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020.
Programme schedule:
The program on Black Belt based on Six Sigma Methodology consists of two modules
spread over four months and consists of total marks: 200 ( 2 Projects: 100 and Final
Examination: 100). Each candidate should score at least 70% in each of the above. A
certificate will be given after completion of the projects and examination

Phase - 1: August 24-27, 2010 Phase - 3: October 27 - 29, 2010

Phase - 2: September 20-23, 2010 Phase - 4: November 24 - 26, 2010
Faculties: Experienced faculties of SQC & OR Division having in-depth
experience in implementing Six Sigma in Various organisations like L&T, Reliance,
BHEL to name a few.
Course Fees: Rs.40, 000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand only) + 10.3% Service Tax
as applicable per participant (The charges includes course material, Lunch, tea/coffee
and 2 times project guidance at office). In case there are 3 participants from the same
organisation we will give 10% discount
Registration: Please fill up the enclosed nomination form and send it to us
Latest by August 17, 2010
Indian Statistical Institute

• The Indian Statistical Institute is a quasi central organization under the Ministry of

• It is declared by an Act of Parliament as an Institute of National Importance.

• Over the years the Institute has grown as a multi-disciplinary organization.

• It functions as a University empowered to award degrees upto Ph.D.; as a

Corporation in undertaking large scale projects; as a Firm of Consultants to
industries to improve Quality, Reliability and Efficiency and as a Meeting place

Role & Function of SQC & OR Division

• The pioneer and leader in blending statistical theory with practice and
institutionalizing the continuous improvement process into a sustaining system.

• To strengthen national economy through continual search for excellence in Quality.

• To disseminate the basic concepts and techniques for Quality Improvement by

organizing Training programs, Workshops and In-house programs.

• To develop highly skilled professionals capable of self actualization.

• To help industries in their efforts to cope up with the growing challenge of global
competition through implementation of quality system based on ISO-9000 series,
ISO-14000, QS-9000 standards, Six Sigma & World Class Manufacturing.

• To continually develop and improve methodologies through applied research efforts to

attain International Standards in services provided.

• To provide solutions to the problems pertaining to the entire gamut of complex

Business Decision Processes with the aid of Statistics and Operations Research

Challenges Undertaken
The Division has successfully dealt with many challenging problems in the following areas:
Design and development, Production scheduling, Process development & control, Process
optimization, Line balancing, Production line maintenance, Optimal utilization of raw
material, Inventory planning, Reliability analysis & prediction, Sales forecasting etc.
covering a wide range of industrial and service sectors.
The Division has its share of contribution in the development and improvement of
methodologies for real life problems. They include Optimal sampling and inspection
procedure, Optimizations in manufacturing, Warranty cost analysis, Taguchi methods
of Quality Engineering, Optimum scheme for oil exploration, Debugging procedure in
software development etc.
At present SQC & OR Division, Indian Statistical Institute, assisting more
than 20 organisations like L&T, Reliance, Ashok Leyland, BHEL, in
implementing Six Sigma.
August - November 2010

Organization :

Mailing Address :

Contact Person :

E-mail :

Phone : Fax :

Details of the participants attending the program:

1. Name :
Position :
2. Name :
Position :
3. Name :
Details of DD/Cheque attached (Rs.44,120/-) per participant incl. Service tax
@10.3%) in favour of “Indian Statistical Institute” payable at Mumbai
Amount : ________________
DD/Cheque No. :_________________ Date :________________
Bank :_________________ Branch :________________
Signature :
Name :
Date :
*Xerox copy of this form may be used in case of more participants
Please e-mail the form to : [email protected]
or send to : Program Director
SQC & OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute
Room No,320, 3 Floor, Old CGO Bldg. 101, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400
02Tel. 022 – 22014588 / 22004574 email : [email protected],

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