Audio Fingerprinting Based On Multiple
Audio Fingerprinting Based On Multiple
Audio Fingerprinting Based On Multiple
Abstract—Audio fingerprinting techniques aim at successfully relies on the assumption that at least one of the so called subfin-
performing content-based audio identification even when the audio gerprints is invariant to noise. Although this assumption holds
signals are slightly or seriously distorted. In this letter, we propose a in mild conditions (e.g., MP3 compression, downsampling, and
novel audio fingerprinting technique based on multiple hashing. In
order to improve the robustness of hashing, multiple hash strings equalization), it fails to be valid for some seriously corrupted
are generated through the discrete cosine transform (DCT) which audio clips such as those recorded in a noisy environment, hence
is applied to the temporal energy sequence in each subband. Ex- results in a serious performance degradation.
perimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms For such reasons, some efforts have been delivered to im-
the Philips Robust Hash (PRH) algorithm [1] under various distor- prove the robustness of subfingerprints. One possible method
mentioned in [1] suggests to generate a list of most probable
Index Terms—Audio fingerprinting, content-based audio identi- candidates for each subfingerprint based on the reliability infor-
fication, discrete cosine transform (DCT), robust hashing.
mation obtained from soft coding, albeit that the reliability in-
formation is in fact not reliable and less spectacular in practical
I. INTRODUCTION implementations. Another method is to view extracting subfin-
gerprints from the spectrogram as 2-D filtering in spectro-tem-
poral domain and try to substitute the filters [7], which is empir-
Fig. 3. Overall block diagram of the fingerprint extraction stage in the MLH
Fig. 1. Overall block diagram of the fingerprint extraction stage in the PRH method.
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