All over the world people head for oceans, lakes, pools and rivers in search
of fun, freedom and excitement. Philippines is surrounded by bodies of water,
composed of over 7, 107 islands and approximately 36, 289 km of coastline. It is
one of the tourists’ spot that outshine in many different aquatic activities and
watersports such as swimming, kayaking, surfing, rowing and fishing. Watersports
is a wide range of tourism, leisure and experiences that provide the tourists, person
at leisure and sportspersons for how to spend their non-work time.
Recreational parks are widely popular across the globe. Some enjoy
exploring to beautiful places whereas others take interest in pursuing their hobbies
as a means of recreation. It needs to be made a vital component of the fast life of
the present times. Adventure and recreation in the Philippines has been a part of
the Filipino culture that is why the researcher is greatly interested in adventurous
activities and recreation and desires to share the excitement and thrills by bringing
the activities in Bulan.
The Philippines has plenty to offer when it comes to sporting, adventure and
recreation. There are a lot of exciting activities to enjoy in the Philippines with many
beaches, lakes, rivers, and waterfalls as well as its coastal waters. Some popular
sports include kayaking, rafting, boating with the views afforded while kayaking
between islets typically being breathtaking.
This study focuses on the design of the proposed Bulan Watersports and
Recreational Park.
1. What are the present situations of the proposed Bulan Watersports and
Recreational Park?
2. What are the facilities and amenities needed?
3. What are the design considerations, governing laws and ordinances
needed in the study?
4. What would be the design concept or solution of the proposed Bulan
Watersports and Recreational Park?
Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers as their
source or reference for their research studies. They could browse and get some
ideas about Watersports and Recreational Park.
To achieve the above stated goal, the researcher had formulated the
following objectives:
The proposed project will provide facilities and amenities to sustain the
needs of the guests and to be able to meet the standards in every facility and
amenity. The site is adequately obtainable in public utilities like power, water and
communication. The proposed study will allow its users to go around and be able
to explore most of the site. This will provide a greater potential towards the
development of the entire site in order to entice more people.
The following terms used in this study are defined contextually and
operationally for the understanding of the readers.
This chapter presents the methods and procedure used in the study. This
includes research methods, information or data gathering instruments
implemented in pursuing the proposed study.
In the conduct of the proposed study, the researcher used the descriptive
method to provide detailed information of the important features of the study and
the methods and procedures used to arrive with the solution analysis and
treatments leading to answer the existing problems.
Sources of data can be defined through printed materials like books and
magazines, taken from internet researches, site observation, documentary and
data analysis from library were also conducted. Other pertinent data were also
gathered through actual visits on related structures, opinions and all other potential
sources of information that can contribute to a new knowledge and implications of
the study. Data about the site were gathered from the Municipal Assessors Office
of Bulan for the lot number and location of the site. All possibilities of references
will have included to support subordinate results.
To attain reliability and accuracy, the study started the research by
gathering information to have project title. The researcher consulted with the
individuals and agency concerned that have useful knowledge on the proposed
study. Site visit and actual observation were conducted to know the existing
facilities and road networks and the condition of the site.
All data were utilized in gathering information for the proposed study. Some
of the instruments are records of personal interviews with authorized person or
individuals related to the proposed study. Most of the information were gathered
from the internet for the review of related literature, to get additional information
about planning and formulated design solutions. The researcher also used camera
phone for photography to support the information throughout the study.
Republic of the Philippines
F.Y. 2017-2018
2017 – 2018
Submitted by:
Romelyn G. Gustuir