New Mbbs 16-05-2018 PDF
New Mbbs 16-05-2018 PDF
New Mbbs 16-05-2018 PDF
2.1 Title of course:
2.2 Objectives of course
i. National Goals
At the end of undergraduate programme, the medical student shall
endeavour to be able to:
a. recognize “health for all” as a national goal and health right of all citizens and
by undergoing training for medical profession, fulfil his/her social obligations
towards realization of this goal;
b. learn every aspect of national policies on health and devote himself/herself to
its practical implementation;
c. achieve competence in practice of holistic medicine, encompassing
promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of common diseases;
d. develop scientific temper, acquire educational experience for proficiency in
profession and promote healthy living;
e. Become exemplary citizen by observation of medical ethics and fulfilling
social and professional obligations, so as to respond to national aspirations.
ii. Institutional Goals
In consonance with the national goals each medical institution should evolve
institutional goals to define the kind of trained manpower (or professionals) they
intend to produce. The undergraduate students coming out of a medical institute
a. Be competent in diagnosis and management of common health problems of
the individual and the community, commensurate with his/her position as a
member of the health team at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels, using
his/her clinical skills based on history, physical examination and relevant
b. Be competent to practice preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative
medicine in respect to the commonly encountered health problems;
c. Appreciate rationale for different therapeutic modalities; be familiar with the
administration of the “essential drugs” and their common side effects;
d. Be able to appreciate the socio-psychological, cultural, economic and
environmental factors affecting health and develop human attitude towards the
patients in discharging one’s professional responsibilities;
e. Possess the attitude for continued self-learning and to seek further expertise
or to pursue research in any chosen area of medicine, action research and
documentation skills
f. Be familiar with the basic factors which are essential for the implementation
of the National Health Programmes including practical aspects of the following:
1. Family Welfare and Maternal and Child Health(MCH),
2. Sanitation and water supply,
3. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases,
4. Immunization,
5. Health Education,
6. Indian Public Health Standard (IPHS) of health at various level of service
delivery, medical waste disposal
7. Organisational & Institutional arrangements.
g. Acquire basic management skills in the area of human resources, materials
and resource management related to health care delivery; General and Hospital
Management, principal inventory skills and counselling.
h. Be able to identify community health problems and learn to work to resolve
these by designing, instituting corrective steps and evaluating outcome of such
i.Be able to work as a leading partner in health care teams and acquire
proficiency in communication skills;
j.Be competent to work in a variety of health care settings;
k. Have personal characteristics and attitudes required for professional life such
as personal integrity, sense of responsibility and dependability and ability to
relate to or show concern for other individuals.
2.5 Duration
Every student shall undergo a period of certified study extending over 4 ½ academic
years divided into 9 semesters (i.e. of 6 months each) from the date of
commencement of his study for the subjects comprising the medical curriculum to the
date of completion of examination and followed by one-year compulsory rotating
2.6 Syllabus
1. Phase Distribution and Timing of Examinations
The nine semesters of six months each are distributed to three phases as
detailed below:
Phase Semesters Examination
y Biochemistry Physiology Practicals Anatomy dissection
Thursday Physiology Biochemistry Practicals Anatomy dissection
Third Semester classes: 18 weeks
Day 8am - 9 am 9 am -12 12 noon - 1 p.m 1- 2 p.m 2 p.m - 4 p.m.
9 am -12
Day 8am - 9 am noon 12 noon - 1 p.m 1- 2 p.m 2 p.m - 4
Monday Lectures in posting Lectures in Practicals
clinical subjects Paraclinical Para clinical
Tuesday Lectures in posting Lectures in Practicals
Para clinical
clinical subjects Paraclincial
Friday Lectures in posting Lectures in Practicals
clinical subjects Paraclincial Paraclinical
Para clinical
Saturday Lectures in posting Lectures in Practicals
Para clinical
clinical subjects Paraclincial
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth & Ninth Semester classes 82 weeks
Demonstrations in
Tuesday Lectures in Clinical Lectures in Clinical Subjects
subjects posting Clinical
Lectures in Practicals/
Clinical Demonstrations in
Wednesday Lectures in Clinical Subjects Clinical Subjects
subjects posting
Clinical Practicals/Demonstrati
Thursday Lectures in posting Lectures in ons in Clinical Subjects
Clinical subjects Clinical
Friday Lectures in posting Lectures in Practicals/Demonstra
clinical Clincial tions in Clinical
subjects Subjects
Saturday Lectures in Clinical Lectures in ons in Clinical Subject
Clinical subjects posting Clinical
Note: These are suggested time tables. Adjustments where required, depending upon the
availability of time and facility, are made. (Institutional adjustments)
(A) Knowledge
Comprehend the normal disposition, clinically relevant interrelationships, functional and
cross sectional anatomy of the various structures in the body.
Identify the microscopic structure and correlate elementary ultra-structure of various organs
and tissues and correlate the structure with the functions as a prerequisite for
understanding the altered state in various disease processes.
Comprehend the basic structure and connections of the central nervous system and
analyse the integrative and regulative functions of the organs and systems. He/She shall be
able to explain the developmental basis of the major variations and abnormalities.
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles and sequential development of the
Organs and systems; recognize the critical stages of development and the effects of
common teratogen, genetic mutations and environmental hazards. He
/She shall able to explain the developmental basis of the major variations and
At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
Identify and locate all the structures of the body and mark the topography of the living
Identify the organs and tissues under the microscope
Understand the principles of Karyotyping and identify the gross congenital anomalies.
Understand principles of newer imaging techniques and interpretation of Computerized
Tomography (CT) Scan sonogram etc.
Understand clinical basis of some common clinical procedures i.e. intramuscular and
intravenous injection, lumbar puncture and kidney biopsy etc.
From the integrated teaching of other basic sciences, students
shall be able to comprehend the regulation and integration of the functions
of the organs and systems in the body and thus interpret the anatomical basis
of disease process.
Trilaminar embryo :
Intraembryonic mesoderm and folding of embryo :
Formation and circulation of placenta :
Foetal membranes :
Twinning and teratology (Structure of Umbilical cord and placenta
to be taught along with General Embryology) :
2 Gross Anatomy
(X-rays and surface marking of each region to be taken after the
dissection of the corresponding region is completed)
: 5hr
Mediastinum-Boundaries and contents : 1hr
Thoracic duct, Esophagus, Thoracic Aorta : 1hr
Veins of Thorax : 1hr
Chambers of heart-All chambers : 1hr
Splanchnic nerves, sympathetic trunk : 1 hr
Genetics : 4hr
Head& Neck : 17hr
Scalp : 1hr
Parotid Gland : 1hr
Development of face : 1hr
Pituitary gland : 1hr
Dural venous sinuses : 1hr
Cervical fascia : 1hr
Development of branchial arches : 1hr
Extra Ocular muscles : 1hr
: 1hr
T. M. Joint
: 1hr
Thyroid gland
: 1hr
Cervical Sympathetic
:: : 1hr
: 1hr
: 1hr
Eyeball, Layers-development in brief
: 1hr
Tongue : 1hr
Facial Nerve : 1hr
Middle Ear
Cerebellum : 1hr
4th Ventricle : 1hr
3rd Ventricle, Lateral ventricles : 1hr
Midbrian : 1hr
Sulci, gyri and functional areas of cortex : 1hr
White matter & Internal capsule : 1hr
Visual pathway : 1hr
Basal ganglia : 1hr
Thalamus : 1hr
Development of CNS IN BRIEF including functional Column : 1hr
I Cross Section Diagrams
A upper limb
No. Name Fig. Pg.No Book
C. Neck
Transverse section through the Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
neck at the level of cricoid(C6 62 76 15th Edn Vol-3
level) cartilage
D. Thorax
1 Horizontal section through the Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
thorax at the level of T-4 70 58 15th Edn Vol-2
E. Abdomen
Horizontal section through
1 the abdomen at the level 139 124 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
of epiploic foramen-T12 15th Edn Vol-2
Horizontal section through the
2 abdomen at the level pylorus - 128 116 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
L1vertebra 15th Edn Vol-2
Horizontal section through the Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
3 abdomen at the level of -L4 129 116 15th Edn Vol-2
F. Brain
Transverse section of spinal 6.8 80 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
1 cord showing ascending &
descending tracts.
Transverse section of medulla IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
2 at the level of Pyramidal 8.2 96
3 Transverse section of 8.3 97 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
medulla at the level of
sensory decussation
4 Transverse section of medulla at 8.4 98 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
the level of olive
5 Transverse section at the level 8.9 102 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy
of lower part of pons (at the 9th Edn.
level of facial colliculus
6 Transverse section at the level 8.11 104 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
of upper part of pons
7 Transverse section at the level 8.16 106 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
of lower part of mid brain (at
the level of inferior colliculus)
8 Transverse section at the level 8.19 108 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
of upper part of mid brain (at
the level of superior colliculus)
9 Horizontal section at the level of 282 286 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
inter ventricular foramen 15th Edn Vol-3
4 Median section through female 236 216 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
pelvis 15th Edn Vol-2
A Upper limb
1 Typical spinal Nerve 2 6 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
15th Edn Vol-1
2 Brachial plexus 24 33 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
15th Edn Vol-1
3 Structures surrounding the hip 81.5 1377 Gray’s Anatomy 41st Edn.
C Thorax
b Superolateral surface 201 221 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
15th Edn Vol-3
c Medial surface 232 250 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
15th Edn Vol-3
6 Floor of IV ventricle- posterior view 227 243 Cunningham's manual of practical Anatomy
15th Edn Vol-3
7 Sulci, gyri of cerebral hemisphere
a Superolateral surface 13.6A 182 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
b Medial surface 13.8A 184 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9th Edn.
c Inferior Surface 13.10 A 186 IB singh Text Book of Neuro Anatomy 9 Edn.
(2marks each in both Paper 1 & paper 2 should be STRICTLY limited from the above list only)
Introduction: Anterior abdominal wall muscles, inguinal canal Nerves and vessels of anterior
abdominal wall
Male external genital organs
Dissection of the loin
Abdominal Cavity Shape, Boundaries, Divisions of peritoneal cavity Ligaments of liver, Spleen
Oesophagus, Vagal trunk , Stomach
Mesentery, Superior mesenteric artery, Inferior mesenteric artery, Arterial anastomosis
in GI tract, Structure of small intestine, Large intestine
Duodenum, Portal vein, Ducts of liver Pancreas, Liver, Gall bladder, Cystic duct
Abdominal structures in contact with diaphragm Autonomic nervous system
Supra renal glands, The kidneys, Abdominal part of ureter
The diaphragm, The posteriorabdominal wall muscles,The inferior vena cava,
Lymph nodes of posteior abdominal wall, The nerves of posterior abdominal wall,
The pelvic viscera, ovaries, uterine tubes,Pelvic part of ureters
Urinary bladder, Internal surface of urinary bladder, Ductus deferens, Prostate, Male urethra,
Uterus, Rectum, Anal canal
Vessels of lesser pelvis, nerves of lesser pelvis, Obturator nerve, Autonomic nerves
The muscles of lesser pelvis, pelvic diaphragm
Joints of pelvis
Perineum :12 hrs
Ischiorectal fossa,
Perineal pouches Perineal body, Pudendal canal
Histology : 60 hrs
Connective tissue
Cartilage- Hyaline, elastic, fibro cartilage
Bone- Compact bone- C.S & L.S
Muscles- Skeletal, Smooth, cardiac
Nervous tissue- neuron, nerve fibre, sciatic and optic nerves, sympathetic, spinal ganglia
Blood vessel- Large and medium sized artery, large and medium sized vein
Lymphoid tissue- lymph node, spleen, thymus, palatine tonsil
Skin- thin, thick
Mammary gland-active &inactive
Placenta & umbilical cord
Respiratory system- trachea & lung
Nervous system- spinal cord, cerebrum cerebellum
Cornea, retina
Endocrine system- thyroid, parathyroid, supra renal, pituitary
Excretory system- kidney, ureter, urinary bladder
Reproductive system
a) Male - Testis epididymis, vas deferens, prostate
b) Female – ovary, uterus- proliferative and secretory, cervix, fallopian tube
Digestive system
Salivary glands - mucous, serous & mixed,
Pancreas, liver, gall bladder,
Tongue – filiform, fungiform & circumvallate,
Oesophagus stomach-fundus, pylorus,
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum,
Large intestine, vermiform appendix
Demonstration of karyotyping charts- Normal male, Normal female,
Down syndrome, Turner's Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome,
Chromosome spread
Reference text Books
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Cunningham's text book of Anatomy
3. Grant's Atlas of Anatomy
4. Langman's Medical Embryology- T. W. Sadler
5. Clinical Neuro Anatomy- Richard S Snell
6. Essentials of Human Embryolgy- A. K. Datta
7. Essentials of Human Genetics- Bhatnagar, Kothari and Lopa Mehta
8. Histology Atlas- De Fiore
9. Text Book of Histology -Hamilton Bailey
10. Clinically Oriented Anatomy- Keith L Moore
11. Gray's Anatomy for students- Richard L Drake
12. The Developing Human- Moore and Persaud
13. Clinical Anatomy by Regions Richard S Snell
14. Human genetics -S.D.Gangane
15. Text Book of Human Histology-Gunasekharan
University Examination
Paper I - 50 marks , Paper II – 50 marks
Surface marking
Theory-Topic Division
The broad goal of teaching undergraduate students in Biochemistry is to make them
understand the scientific basis of life processes at the molecular level and to orient them
towards the application of this knowledge in solving clinical problems
(A) Knowledge: At the end of the course, the student shall be able to;
(a) Describe the molecular and functional organization of a cell and lists its sub cellular
(c) Summarize the basic and clinical aspects of Enzymology with emphasis on diagnostic
(d) Describe digestion & assimilation of nutrients and consequences of malnutrition
(e) Integrate the various aspects of metabolism and their regulatory pathways
(f) Explain the biochemical basis of inherited disorders with their associated consequence
(g) Describe mechanisms involved in maintenance of body fluid, and pH homeostasis
(h) Outline the molecular mechanisms of gene expression and regulations, the principles of
genetic engineering and their application in medicine.
(i) Summarize the molecular concept of defenses and their application in medicine.
(j) Outline the biochemical basis of environmental health hazards, biochemical basis of
cancer and carcinogenesis
(k) Familiarize with the principles of various conventional and specialized laboratory
investigations, instrumentation analysis and interpretation of a given data.
(l) Suggest experiments to support theoretical concepts and clinical diagnosis.
(B) Skills At the end of the course, the student shall be able to
(C) Integration: The knowledge acquired in Medical Biochemistry shall help the students
to integrate molecular events with structure and function of the human body in health
and diseases.
Duration of the course: 2 semesters
Total number of hours: 240 (Lectures: 160 Hours & Practicals and Innovative sessions:
80Hrs) Innovative sessions include projects, seminars, structured discussion, integrated
teaching, formative evaluation and revision
[THEORY: 160Hrs]
PAPER 1 (90Hrs)
1 CELL (2Hrs)
2.1 PROTEINS: ** Classification of aminoacids based on structure, metabolic fate, 1Hr
nutritive value
2.5 **Tertiary and Quaternary structure ; Myoglobin, Collagen and hemoglobin; 1Hr
Protein folding in brief, Prion Diseases
2.13 LIPIDS: ** Definition, Classificationwith examples 1 Hr
* Fatty acids: Definition, Alpha and omega numbering system, Classification ;
Clinical significance of MUFA & PUFA; Essential fatty acids;Trans fatty acids
3 ENZYMES (7Hrs)
3.1 **Definition, IUBMB classification with examples, Coenzymes & Cofactors 1Hr
*Therapeutic enzymes
*Enzymes used in laboratory techniques
**HMP shunt pathway; Tissues operating , Oxidative phase in detail & mention
5.9 the 2Hrs
products of non oxidative phase,
5.10 **Significance of HMP shunt pathway,G6PD,Transketolase
5.11 **Minor sugars; Galactose metabolism & disorders ; Fructose metabolism & 1Hr
5.14 **Insulin : Receptor ,mechanism of action, insulin release , Actions of insulin 1Hr
related to metabolism in brief
6.1 **Fatty acid biosynthesis: Fatty acid Synthase complex, reactions ; Regulation ; 2 Hrs
6.3 Fatty acid oxidation:*** Beta oxidation ; Definition, Fatty acid transport 2 Hrs
6.4 &carnitine,steps.
Energetics ,regulation & disorders
6.5 **Oxidation of odd chain fatty acid & fate of propionylcoA 2Hrs
6.6 *Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid & very long chain fatty acid
*Alpha & Omega oxidation of fatty acid; in brief ; * In born errors associated
6.16 ***Metabolism of HDL **Different types of HDL &Lp(a) and their significance 1Hr
6.17 *Lipid profile; Dyslipidemia; Dietary management & role of statins 1Hr
Lipid storage disorders : NiemannPick,Taysach’;s,Gaucher’s,Fabry’sdisease in
*Dynamic state of body proteins, Body aminoacid pool; Inter organ transport
7.1 ofamino acids,* Nitrogen balance and PEM 1 Hr
7.17 * Histidine metabolism & Inborn error associated**FIGLU excretion test 1Hr
8.1 ***TCA Cycle: Final Common oxidativePathway of metabolism 2 Hrs
8.2 Reactions,regulation,energetics& inhibitors; Anaplerotic
reactions;Amphibolic role
9.1 ***Heme synthesis : Heme synthetic pathway ,regulation &effects of lead 2Hrs
9.2 poisoning
9.4 ***Heme catabolism: Formation & fate of bilirubin (uptake, conjugation, 1Hr
secretion) ;Formation & Fate of urobilinogen&stercobilinogen
9.5 ***Serum bilirubin: Types, Blood levels in healthy subjects ; Properties; 2Hrs
9.6 ***Jaundice: Definition, Classification , Causes &differential diagnosis by
biochemical tests
10.1 ***Vitamin A : Different chemical forms, dietary sources, RDA Vitamin A; 2Hrs
10.2 Absorption ,transport and storage; Functions of vitamin A ,Wald’s visual cycle
10.3 ***Vitamin D : Chemical nature , dietary sources, RDA Vitamin D; 2Hrs
10.4 Active form of vitamin D – its formation and actions
Deficiency manifestations in children and adults and its prevention
10.5 **Vitamin K: Chemical forms, dietary sources, biochemical Functions ,RDA and 1Hr
deficiency manifestations Highlight: Vitamin K administration to preterm
&Vitamin K and Prothrombin time
**Vitamin E: Chemical forms, Biochemical Functions (focus lipid peroxidation
and antioxidant function in brief) and deficiency manifestations
11.3 *Pantothenic acid, Niacin, Biotin: Chemical nature, dietary sources, RDA, 1Hr
Coenzyme form, biochemical functions , deficiency manifestations
*Folic acid: Chemical nature, dietary sources, RDA,coenzyme form,
11.4 biochemical 1Hr
functions , deficiency manifestations (One carbon metabolism along with
amino acid metabolism)
**Vitamin B12, Vitamin C: Chemical nature, dietary sources, RDA, role as
11.5 coenzymes 2Hrs
11.6 Biochemical functions, deficiency manifestations ; *Antivitamins
12 MINERALS (6Hrs)
Disorders related.
12.4 ***Iron: Dietary sources, RDA,; Absorption ,transport &storage; Causes of iron 2Hrs
12.5 deficiency & Iron deficiency Anemia ; Hereditary Hemochromatosis.
12.6 siu m : in brief 1Hr
14.6 **Nucleic acids: Structure and organization of DNA; Different types of DNA, 2Hrs
14.7 Different types of RNA ,difference between DNA & RNA ;*Mitochondrial DNA
14.8 *Cell cycle and ***Replication: Process of replication (prokaryotes); DNA 2Hrs
14.9 polymerase(prokaryotes & eukaryotes); Inhibitors
14.16 *Regulation of gene expression (lac operon model, gene amplification, gene 2Hrs
14.17 rearrangement)
14.19 **Applications in clinical medicine; Gene therapy ,RFLP ,DNA finger printing 1Hr
14.22 ***Mutations: Definition ,types with examples ; Mutagens ,Ame’s test 1Hr
16.1 **Biochemistry of cancer: Cell cycle, Cyclins and apoptosis. Etiology of cancer; 2Hrs
16.2 Carcinogensesis: Oncogenic virus; Oncogenes ;Tumor suppressor genes,
Topics 2 Hr
Reactions of Carbohydrates : Glucose ,Fructose,Lactose,Sucrose 4 (8hrs)
Introduction to clinical chemistry: Collection of blood samples, Anticoagulants ,
Collection of 24 hour urine sample and Urine preservatives 1(2Hrs)
Principles of colorimetry
Estimations of levels of glucose, urea, creatinine, total protein and albumin in blood 5(10Hrs)
CHART DISCUSSION Clinical cases along with biochemical test results for
interpretation and discussion
Diabetes mellitus - Cases based on diabetes mellitus, Diabetic ketoacidosis, Hyper 1(2Hrs)
osmolar nonketotic coma, Hypoglycemia ,IGT,IFG
GTT curves – Normoglycemia, Diabetes mellitus, IFG, IGT, Alimentary glycosuria,
Renal glycosuria ,Hypoglycemia 1(2Hrs)
Charts based on HbA1C &Micro albuminuria
Pancreatitis : Markers
Nephrotic syndrome,
Charts on replication fork, Xeroderma pigmentosum , HNPCC , HIV major genes &
antigens 1(2Hrs)
Charts based on enzyme inhibition: Competitive Non competitive, Suicidal
Seminars : 7
(Guide lines for evaluation.( Colleges can
make their own marking scheme) (12Hrs)
Allot 10 topics for a day.
Assign a single topic for a student for presentation lasting for 10 minutes
All the students should learn all the 10 topics. Those who present topic will
be evaluated based on the presentation; others will be evaluated either by
MCQ based post test or assignments based on the topic presented.
(10 MCQs just after the presentation part of the session or assignment
submitted within a week)
Marks: 10 marks for presentation & 10 marks for MCQ
Consider 10 % of this mark for internal assessment
which are only for guidance. Colleges can
prepare their own question bank
[By doing relevant tests (Benedict’s test, Barfoed’s test/ Alkali destruction test , it is to be
identified and reported).
ii) Related questions (2 or 3 questions may be kept on the seat as a question card) some
examples related to the above question are given below
3. What is the shape of the osazone?
Q II.i) Observe the results of these tests and suggest the identity of the sugar. Do you need
any other test to confirm the nature of the sugar? If so perform the test and confirm
Q III.i) How will you identify the monosaccharide supplied in the solution? Glucose or
Some questions related to the above question are given below Q II &Q III
4. Is there an indication for performing plasma glucose estimation in this patient? If so explain.
Q I. A retired school teacher aged 62 yrs complaining of increased thirst, hunger, passing
urine more frequently and losing weight. Urine showed glucose oxidase based strip test
1. What is the blood test required to diagnose diabetes mellitus and Do it & furnish the result.
[The examiner can discuss the value obtained, method used and possible causes of an
abnormal result at the end. ]
2. Give the diagnostic criteria of diabetes mellitus
3. What are IFG and IGT?
4. Name a blood test that reveals mean glucose level over the previous 12 weeks. What is
the level of this parameter suggestive of normal glycemic status?
5. Name one test used as a early marker of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy
Q II. A 5 year old admitted to pediatric ward due to severe diarrhea vomiting and reduced
urine output. He is dehydrated. A sample of blood is sent for investigations to assess the
renal function.
OSPE questions prepared for experiments should be observable and structured and
should be completed within five minutes.
In addition to experiment, the questions kept at the writing station will
help to derive the concealed concepts related to the experiment eg: inference /clinical
correlations/reference range etc.
A few model OSPE questions are furnished below along with check list for structuredobservations.
A set of common laboratory reagents and lab ware should be arranged at the station. Sothat students
can select the required reagents according to the OSPE questions.
Advantages OSPE:
Note: Appropriate question cards with a minimum of 3 questions, may be used at the writing station.
Total 200
3. Biochemistry by Stryer
At the end, a medical student in Physiology should be able to explain:
(a) Functions of organ systems in a normal subject.
(b) Contribution of organ systems and their integration in maintenance of homeostasis
(c) Altered physiology on exposure to stress, and during disease process
(d) Compare the normal and abnormal data; interpret the same to assess health status
(e) Physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease.
(f) Reproductive physiology as relevant to National Family Welfare programme
(g) Basic laboratory investigations relevant for a rural set up
(h) Concept of professionalism
(i) Approaches to the patient with humanity and compassion
B. Skills
At the end of the course the student shall be able to
(a) Conduct experiments designed for study of physiological phenomena
At the end of the integrated teaching, the student shall acquire an integrated
knowledge of organ structure and function and its regulatory mechanisms.
Duration of the course: 2 semesters
Total number of hours: 480
Lectures: 160 Practical: 120
Innovative session (Projects, seminars, structured discussion, integrated
teaching, formative evaluation and revision: 200
21 hrs
Blood - Functions, composition, Properties – specific gravity, viscosity – definition,
normal values & variations
Plasma proteins: 1hr
Types, Quantity, Functions, AG ratio- Importance to be given for functions -
proteins to be dealt in biochemistry
Red Blood Cells 1hr
Morphology, composition and functions, normal RBC count and variations-------
Properties – to be dealt in practical’s
Haemoglobin 1hr
outline only normal basic structure, normal content, functions, types (Hb A, Hb A2 and
F) abnormal Hbs (only two - Thalassemias & Haemoglobin S – mention only
details in Biochemistry)
Erythropoiesis 1hr
Sites (intra and extra uterine) different stages, Factors influencing & regulating
Erythropoiesis Life Span of RBC and its destruction (outline), jaundice (mention –
details in Biochemistry).
Anaemias 1hr
definition, classifications (etiological, morphological), physiological basis of
anaemias (briefly), iron deficiency anaemia, Pernicious anaemia, aplastic
anaemia, Hemolytic anaemia (briefly), Polycythemia- primary and secondary
White Blood Cells: 4hrs
Classification, morphology (details in practical classes), lifespan Properties and
functions – Neutrophil, Eosinophil, Basophil, Monocyte, Lymphocyte. Normal total
and differential count (methods in practicals), variations Leucocytosis, Leucopenia,
leukaemia (definition, mention difference from leucocytosis), agranulocytosis
Immunity 1hr
Definition, Types – innate and acquired, Humoral and cellular Mechanisms of
immune response, plasma cell, immunoglobins, autoimmune disorders, AIDS
Reticulo endothelial system ½hrs
Platelets: 1 hr
Anticlotting mechanisms in vivo -factors that limit clot formation (Protein C, Protein
S and antithrombin III) and fibrinolytic system (all in brief).
1.Pathology dept
Anaemia blood smear –Normal and abnormal -1hour
2. Transfusion medicine department
ECG 2hrs
Definition, normal values, variations Fick’s principle – mention (Methods & other
methods of measurement details not required) . Regulation of cardiac output – heart
rate - Regulation of heart rate, stroke volume – determinants, regulation
Hemodynamics: 2hrs
General principles including physical laws governing flow of blood in heart and
blood vessels not in detail)-Pressure – resistance - flow relationship, Poiseuille-
Hagen formulae, law of Laplace Laminar flow, turbulent flow, Reynold’s number,
critical closing volume Importance of peripheral resistance, venous circulation,
venous tone to be dealt with blood pressure. Regulation of blood flow
Regulation - neural and humoral.( short term, intermediate and long term)
Cardiovascular reflexes, Local regulation including auto regulation of blood flow,
vasoconstrictors and vasodilators, substances secreted by endothelium (important
Effects of gravity, Posture and Exercise on B.P Hypertension & hypotension in practicals
Regional circulation: 3hrs
Coronary, cerebral, capillary, cutaneous, splanchnic circulation
Fetal, pulmonary, renal to be taught in respective system
Circulatory shock 1hr
Types pathophysiology, stages, compensatory mechanisms
Cardio-vascular & Respiratory adjustments in
health –effect of gravity (+ve and –ve),
weightlessness (brief)
Pressure – volume relationship - 1 hr
Elastic behaviour of lungs, total and lung compliance – normal values Airway
resistance, work of breathing (brief outline –it is to overcome elastic, nonelastic
and airway resistance), factors affecting bronchial tone, 1-2 conditions where
work of breathing is increased
Pulmonary blood flow: - 1 hr
Composition of inspired air, expired air, partial pressures gas composition of Arterial
& venous blood,. Structure of blood gas barrier, factors affecting diffusion across
respiratory Membrane diffusion capacity for O2 & CO2, O2 transport in
blood,oxygenation of Hb, O2 carrying capacity, O2 content, % saturation, coefficient
of O2 utilization, Properties of Hb that facilities O2 transport O2 dissociation curve,
factors shifting curve to right and left, P50 foetal Hb, Myoglobin, carboxy Hb–
CO2 transport in blood 1 hr
Definition, types, clinical features, Oxygen therapy - Cyanosis, asphyxia and dyspnea,
Definition, CO poisoning (mention),Periodic breathing Cheyne – stokes and biots
breathing, voluntary hyperventilation
Environmental Physiology: 1hr
Effects of increased barometric pressure 1hr
Seminar/Tutorials 4hrs
Nitrogen narcosis, High pressure nervous syndrome, Oxygen toxicity
Decompression sickness (Caissons disease) Cardiovascular &Respiratory changes
during exercise - Space physiology ,effect of “G” forces on respiratory system
Artificial respiration( delete Holger Neilson method) CPR with Mannequien
Pulmonary function tests to be dealt in practicals & include in record .
Introduction to G.I. Physiology : 1 hr
General organization of G.I. tract Neural control of G.I function Enteric
nervous system, Autonomic control Mechanism of enzyme secretion by
glands in general.
Salivary Gland:-Saliva compositition, function, control of secretion. 1 hr
Conditioned and unconditioned reflexs disturbances in salivary secretion-in
anxiety and dehydration
Gastric Secretion:- Gastric juice: Composition, functions. gastricHCL 3 hrs
secretion-mechanism and regulation of secretion. Gastric juice-functions,
phases of secretion and regulation. Gastrin-functions and regulation of
secretion. Mucosal barrier, pathophysiology of peptic ulcer in breif
Pancreas , Liver and gall bladder 2 hrs
Exocrine Pancreas; Pancreatic juice: Composition, function, and regulation
of secretion (neural and humoral – CCK and secretin)-applied importance
(mention steatorrhoea)
. - Functions of Liver,Composition and functions of bile, control of secretion
Functions of gall bladder, filling and emptying of gall bladder Enterohepatic
circulation, Jaundice – prehepatic, hepatic and post hepatic in brief
Small intestine. 1hr
Composition, regulation of secretion, and functions of intestinal juice Small
intestine Functions-
Large intestine 1 hr
Functions – secretory, motor, absorptive, synthesis of short chain fatty acids.
Movements of G.I. tract. - 1hr
Movements to be taught in respective segments of GIT
Electrophysiology of smooth muscle in the GIT (revise) – BER, MMC. Peristalsis –
definition, basis, functions. Mastication – definition, muscles involved, functions
Deglutition – definition, muscles involved, stages functions & abnormalties 1hr
Gastric motility – types, regulation, abnormal movements Gastric emptying –duration,
factors affecting vomiting. 1hr
Movements of small intestine& Large intestine- Types with reference to BER
mixing, pendular, movements of villi and peristalsis.
Defecation reflex, Diarrhoea, Role of dietary fibre, bacterial flora 1hr
Seminar/tutorials 4hrs
Assignment 4hrs
Muscles: 2hrs
CSF: 2hrs
Formation, circulation, composition and functions –Lumbar puncture.
Blood brain barrier
Synaptic inhibition –types, mechanisms. Neurotransmitters – facilitatory and
inhibitory with 2-3 eg and clinical applications Factors affecting signal transmission -
Reflex action.& Sensory receptors
Sensory receptors. Classification (recent view), types (phasic and tonic), properties -
adaptation Receptor potential, comparison with action potential.
Sensory tracts - 3hrs
Different types of pain. Slow and fast pain – types of fibres, tracts and terminations.
Modulation of pain - Spinal level, supra spinal level. Visceral pain, referred pain,
radiating pain, - clinical correlates. Altered pain sensations Thalamus: connections in
relation to function only, Functions of thalamus Thalamic syndrome –
Review cross section of spinal cord – various ascending and descending Pathways
Stretch reflex – details and function Inverse stretch reflex, Reciprocal innervation,
Other poly synaptic reflexes Pathological – Babinski sign
Descending tracts. 3hrs
Muscle spindle Structure -function-regulation
General organisation, Pyramidal and extra pyramidal tracts, their functions. Mention
as medial and lateral systems, Upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons. Upper
motor neuron and lower motor neuron lesions – differences Effects of lesions at
various levels - hemiplegia, paraplegia, monoplegia
Cross section of spinal cord &Injuries of spinal cord 2hrs
Visual reflexes. Pupillary light reflex (direct and indirect) - pathway, lesion, Miosis &
mydriasis (mention).
Tests of Vision -Field of vision, Visual acuity, Color vision – definition, details of tests
in practicals
Acoustics – frequency, amplitude of sound, pitch, intensity, and quality of sound.
Functional anatomy of the ear. Functions of external, middle and inner ear - 1hr
Cochlea – structure, Organ of corti. Hair cell physiology- receptor potential. Mechano-
electrical transduction by hair cells. Endocochlear potential. Descrimination of pitch
(travelling wave theory) and intensity of sound - 2hr
Auditory pathway. Sound localization, pitch discrimination, masking of sounds. Deafness
(conduction and nerve deafness) – 1hr
Audiometry (details in practicals) - 1hr
LECTURES -20 hrs
General endocrinology& - -3hrs
Pituitary gland 4 hrs
Menstrual, proliferative and secretary phases. Ovarian, uterine and vaginal changes
during menstrual cycle. Hormonal regulation. Abnormalities of ovarian function -
anovulatory cycle, infertility. Menarche, menopause. Castration before and after
puberty -
Pregnancy & Lactation – 3hrs
Corpus luteum of pregnancy. Placenta – functions, Placental hormones.
Foetoplacental unit. Parturition – physiology of labour. Lactation Mention
Nueroendocrine reflex in Parturition & Lactation Pregnancy tests – immunological
(currently done). Hormones influencing and their actions -
Contraception: 1hr
Temporary and permanent methods in males and females, and their physiological basis -
Induction of ovulation, in vitro fertilization, Infertility (with O &G dept)
Human Physiology -76hr
1.Use and care of microscope and microscopic examination of blood
2.PCV, ESR, osmotic fragility
3.Haemoglobin estimation and blood indices
4.RBC count
5.WBC count
6.Examination of peripheral blood smear
7.Differential WBC count – normal, abnormal, anaemias
8.ABO grouping, Rh typing
9.Bleeding time, clotting time
10.Recording of BP – effects of posture and exercise
11.Recording of arterial pulse only
12.Respiratory movements demonstration
13.General examination
14.Examination of Respiratory system
15.Examination of CVS
16. Examination of higher functions and sensory system
17.Examination of Motor system
18.Examination reflexes
19.Examination of cranial nerves 1-6
20.Examination of cranial nerves 7-12
21. Revisions as required
Demonstration Only
Electro encephalogram (EEG), Electro miogram (EMG),
Electro Cardio Gram (ECG), Audiometry, Perimetry,
Reference Books
2. OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)
• Viva- 20 marks
• Practicals I& II-(20+20) =40 marks(University)
Seminars :
Guide lines:
Allot 8 topics for a day.
Assign a single topic per student for presentation that lasts 10 minutes
All the students should learn all the 8 topics to participate in the post test
session (10 questions) after the presentation session
Marks: 10 marks for presentation & 10 marks for post test
Consider 10 % of this mark for internal assessment
List of Assignment topics and Seminar topics can be prepared by the department.
Records should be maintained with marks assigned during internal assessment
Learning objectives-
Methods of
instructions -
Lecture - 30 hrs.
Practicals and
Innovative 70 hrs.
Total no of hours - 100Hrs.
Courts in India and their
4 powers. Innovative 2
Supreme court, High court,
Sessions session
court, Assistant sessions court
and (Moot
Magistrate courts. court)
B) Decomposition, modified
forms of
decomposition, estimation of
since death.
C) Common post mortem
Identification Lecture 1
A Definition. Practical 2
B) Identification of demo.
persons, dead
bodies and remains of Group
a person by
sex, age, biometry, dental discussion
features, .
A) Definition of medico legal Practical 6
clinical/pathological autopsy.
Mechanical injuries or
11 wounds. Innovative 6
B) Classification of injuries,
description of blunt force and sharp
force injuries
C)Fire arms-principles,types.
Examination and interpretation of
fire arm wounds. Comparison
Innovative 4
G) Injuries due to physical agents
and their medico legal importance:
Heat, cold electricity and
lightning. Explosion injuries.
12. Lecture 4
Asphyxial deaths: Definition,
causes, types, postmortem
appearances and medico legal
significance of violent-asphyxial
deaths like hanging,
Innovative 2
ng, choking,drowning,traumatic
Lecture 2
Human sexual functions:
14 A). Potency, sterility, virginity, Lecture 3
pregnancy, delivery.
Abortion, MTP, sterilization,
artificial insemination and
their legal aspects.
C) Sexual offences and abnormal
sexual practices.
D) Legal aspects of the
15 Infant and childhood deaths: Viability
and determination of intrauterine
age of the foetus, live birth, still
birth, dead born. Sudden infant
death syndrome, child abuse.
16. fluids: Lecture 1
A) Blood-preservation and dispatch
of samples, importance of blood
groups in disputed paternity, hazards
of blood transfusion.
l and salivary stains-
preservation, dispatch and
importance of grouping.
Principles of laboratory tests for
identification of the above and 3
interpretation of the results
A) n and brief overview
of common mental
18. Medical jurisprudence: Lecture
A) Indian medical council and Innovative
Duties and rights and privileges of a (Gp.discn) 2
consent in emergency situations.
Informed Consent as a bond of trust
between patient and the doctor.
Empowering Autonomy through
information sharing
-a) Corrosive poisons: strong o gy
mineral acids, alkalies and organic
acids-(carbolic, formic and oxalic
b)Metallic poisons: Lead, Arsenic,
c) Animal poisons-snake and
scorpion bites.
h) Insecticides: Innovative
compounds,Carbamates and
Organocholoro compounds,
Aluminium phosphide and Zinc (Gp.discn)
G)Convulsants: Strychnine.
J) Chloral hydrate.
K)Mechanical poisons.
SKILLS Level of achievement
1. Ethical and medico legal issues in clinical practice. Examples for this topic in real life
situations - Integrated learning with invited clinical faculty- giving actual patient examples
of medico-legal dilemas.
2. Child abuse.
3. POCSO Act
5. Torture medicine.
6. Lie detection.
7. Narco analysis.
8. Brain finger printing
Prescribed books
Reference books
1 . Essentials of Forensic medicine and toxicology. K.S. Narayana Reddy, 29th Edition.
2 . Modis text book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology, 23rd Edition,Lexis Nexis.
3. Text Book of Forensic medicine and Toxicology by Nagesh Kumar G.Rao, 2nd
Edition. Jaypee brothers Medical Publishers
4. Principles and practice of Forensic medicine.Dr.B. Umadethan 2008, Swami Law
5. Parikhs Text Book of Medical Jurisprudence, forensic medicine and Toxicology, 6th
edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors.
7 .J.B. Mukherjee’s forensic medicine and Toxicology. R.N. Karmakar 2007.
Internal assessment examinations may be conducted as per the discretion. examination per
Theory 40
Internal assessment 10
Viva 10
Total 60
Practicals 30
Intrenal Assessment 10
Total 40
Grand Total 100
1. Knowledge
i. State the infective microorganisms of the human body and describe the host parasite
ii. List pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) and describe the
pathogenesis of the diseases produced by them
iii. State or indicate the mode of transmission of pathogenic and opportunistic organisms and
their sources including insect vectors responsible for transmission of infection
iv. Describe mechanisms of immunity to infections
v. Acquire knowledge on suitable antimicrobial agents for treatment of infections and scope
for immunotherapy and different vaccines available for prevention of communicable
vi Antibiotic policy/stewardship
vii.National control programs for infectious diseases. Eg. RNTCP, Malaria control
program,STDs, NACO, Immunisation program.
viii Apply methods of disinfection and sterilization to control and prevent hospital and
community acquired infections
vii. Recommend laboratory investigations regarding bacteriological examination of
food, water, milk and air.
2. Skills
1. Plan and interpret laboratory investigations for the diagnosis of infectious diseases
and to correlate the clinical manifestations with the etiological agent
2. Identify the common infectious agents with the help of laboratory tests and determine
the efficacy of antimicrobial agents against them.
3. Perform commonly employed bedside tests for detection of infectious agents such as
blood film for malaria, filaria, gram staining, Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) staining and stool
sample of ova cyst etc.
4. Use the correct method for collection, storage, and transport of clinical specimens
for microbiological investigations.
5. .To learn to use the principles of evidence based discision making of microbiological tests.
3. Integration
Duration of the course: 3 semesters-III, IV, V Total Number of Hours: 250 Lectures: 80
Practicals: 80 Innovative sessions: 90 (Project work, Seminars, Structures discussions,
Integrated teaching, Formative evaluation, revision)
III.Virology 15 hrs
3. Replication of virus
4. Pox virus, Herpes, Adenovirus
5. Papova, Retrovirus
6. Myxoviruses
7. Picorna virus
8. Hepatitis, Miscellaneous
9. Rhabdo virus
10. Arboviruses
11. Oncogenic viruses
13. Bacteriophages
IV.Immunology 12hrs
VI.Mycology 4 hrs
1. Introduction-Classification of fungi and general principles of lab diagnosis
2. Superficial infections
3. Subcutaneous infections-Mycetoma, Rhinosporidiosis
1. Techniques Simple stain, Gram Stain, Ziehl –Neelsen stain,
Fungus Lactophenol cotton blue,
Short answer questions (10 X2) = 20 marks
Total = 40 marks
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, the learner shall be able to:
1. Know the principles of collection, handling, storage and dispatch of clinical samples
from patient, in a proper manner.
2. Perform and interpret in a proper manner the basic clinico-pathological procedures.
5. Understand normal haemostatic mechanism, the derangements of these mechanisms
and the effect on human system.
6.Understand the etiopathogenesis, the pathological effects, and the clinico pathological
of common infectious and non-infectious diseases.
7. Understand the concept of neoplasia with respect to etiology, gross and microscopic
features, diagnosis and prognosis of neoplasia in different tissues and organs of the body.
8. Correlate normal and altered morphology (gross and microscopy) of different organ
systems in
different diseases to the extent needed for understanding of the disease processes and
their clinical significance.
9. Have knowledge of common immunological disorders and their effects on human body.
Course content
1. Cell injury- 7Hrs
• Cause and mechanism: Ischemic, Toxic injury and Apoptosis
• Reversible cell injury: Types morphology, hyaline, fatty change
• Irreversible cell injury: Types of necrosis, gangrene
• Calcification: Dystrophic and Metastatic calcification
2. Inflammation and repair 7Hrs
• Acute inflammation: features, causes, vascular and cellular events.
• Morphological variants of acute inflammation
• Inflammatory cells and mediators
• Chronic inflammation: causes, types, non – specific and granulomatous with
common examples
• Wound healing by primary and secondary union, factors promoting and delaying the
process and complications.
• Acute and chronic leukemia : classification and diagnosis
• Multiple myeloma and dysproteinemias
• Blood transfusion: grouping and cross matching untoward reactions, transmissible
infections including HIV and hepatitis. Blood components
• Myelodysplastic syndrome
11. Renal & Urinary tract Pathology 3Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
• Basics of impaired function and urinalysis
• Glomerulonephritis: classification, primary Proliferative and non-proliferative,
secondary (SLE, polyarteritis, Amyloidosis, diabetes)
• Clinical presentation of renal disorders including nephritic, nephrotic syndrome, nephritic-
nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure, recurrent hematuria, CRF
Morphology of MCD, FSGS, membranous and membranoproliferative GN
• Acute renal failure: acute tubular and cortical necrosis
• Pyelonephritis, reflux nephropathy, interstitial nephrititis
• Nephrolithiasis and obstructive nephropathy
• Renal malformations (including dysplastic kidney) and polycystic kidney
• Renal cell tumors: renal cell carcinoma, nephroblastoma.
• Progressive renal failure and end stage renal disease
• Renal vascular disorders
• Urinary bladder: cystitis, carcinoma
• Urinary tract tuberculosis
13. Liver and Bilary tract pathology 5Hrs lecture +2hrs symposia
• Jaundice: types, etiopathogenesis and differentiation
• Hepatitis: acute and chronic, etiology, pathogenesis and pathology
• Cirrhosis: etiology, classification, pathology, complications
• Portal hypertension: types and manifestation
• Diseases of gall bladder: cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, carcinoma
• Tumors of liver: hepatocellular carcinoma, Metastatic tumours, tumor markers
• Skin tumors: squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma.
• Inflammatory dermatoses of skin –psoriasis, lichen planus, bullous diseases
Examinations Skills
4. Do blood grouping
5. Adapt universal precautions for self-Protection against HIV and hepatitis
a. Discussion of case studies -clinical, gross and microscopic features and other
parameters wherever applicable -to learn clinicopathological correlations inclusive of
autopsy studies and cytology slides / cases.
Clinicopathology posting Clinical pathology for two weeks may be taken from the
dept.willing to provide slots/can be arranged by reallocating the timings of theory classes
and it may be done at the level of individual Institutions in accordance with the
availability of slotsin various departments.
• Text books
• Reference books
• Practical note books
• Internet resources
Internal assessment
The internal assessment marks for Pathology are 15 for Practical and 15 for Theory Since
the minimum percentage required for appearing for University exam is 35%, the total
minimum marks required for internal assessment would be 5.5 out of 15, There need to
be a separate minimum for Practical and Theory internal assessment. The total marks for
University exam in Pathology is 150 (Theory 80 (2 papers) + Viva 15 + Practical 25 +
internal assessment 30).
Practical - 15 marks
One exam for theory at the end of each semester (viva to be conducted preferably
with each exam)
The last exam will be as per University exam pattern-theory, practical and viva
Clinical Pathology 20 10
(1 out of 6)
Blood grouping 20 10
Urine analysis 20 10
Records (4+3+3) 10
To be converted to 15 25
Marks for Record has to be added to Internal assessment in Practical only and not in
the University Practical since it will result in duplication.
University examinations
Theory 80 marks
Theory internal assessment 15 marks
Viva 15 marks
Practical 25 marks
Practical internal assessment 15 marks
Section A and B are needed in each paper only if there is no double valuation so
that each examiner can value one paper
If there is section A and Section B then the marking scheme for each paper will be as follows:
Paper I
Section A = marks
Single word type = 2 marks
Problem based structured essay = 6 marks
SAQ-4 questions = 8 marks
Short notes- 1 question = 4 marks
Section B = s
Standard/modified = 8 marks
Paper II
Section A = marks
Short notes = 4 marks
Single word type = 4 marks
Problem based structured essay = 6 marks
SAQ-2 questions = 6 marks
Section B = marks
Standard/modified = 8 marks
essay SAQ-4questions = marks
Practical-OSPE-(objective structured practical examination)
Procedure stations (15 minutes per station) (questions can be asked during the
procedure) Blood grouping
Urine analysis (including sediments demonstrated as charts)
Peripheral smear preparation (thick and thin) /staining / Hb estimation/TLC/ESR/PCV
Peripheral smear reporting (one out of 5)
Response station (spotters) (2minutes each=20 stations) (with questions)
Specimens-mounted and wet =7
Histopathology slides =6
Hematology slide =2(one bone marrow)
Cytology slide =1 (20% should be with Clinico patholologic correlation (CPC) i.e. 4 spotters in
Histogram interpretation =1
Interpretative clinical pathology charts with photos =1
Clinicopathological correlative exercise (specimens/slide combinations with clinical
history) =1 Instruments =1
The slides for histopathology will be divided into 30 for spotting and drawing in
records and 20 for demonstration in class.
There would be
For diagnosis/spotting For demonstration
10 Leiomyoma 10 NHL
11 Fibroadenoma 11 HCC
17 BCC 17 Adenomyosis/endometriosis
19 MNG 19 Bronchopneumoma
21 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
23 Osteosarcoma
24 Adenocarcinoma colon
25 Teratoma ovary
28 Tuberculoid Leprosy
29 Atheroma aorta
30 Meningioma
The specimens for histopathology will be divided into 50 for spotting /diagnosis and 23 for
demonstration categories.
There would be
For spotting /
for demonstration
1. Chronic Gastric Ulcer 1. Gangrene intestine with round worms
2. Carcinoma Stomach with omental – metastasis, cancer pain , Nociceptive. Neuropathic
pain , visceral pain
3 Lipomatous polyp intestine
4. Polyp small intestine
5 Typhoid ulcer intestine
6 Multiple Polyposis large intestine
7. Intussuception intestine
8 Gangrene intestine
9 Tuberculous ulcer intestine with stricture
10. Amoebic ulcer large intestine
11 Acute appendicitis
12. Carcinoma colon
1. Cirrhosis liver (Macronodular) 1. Fatty liver
2. Calculous cholecystitis 2. Amyloidosis liver
Amoebic liver
3. Calcifying Pancreatitis 3. abscess
4. CVC liver
5. Angioma liver
6. Hemochromatosis liver- Perls stain
1. CVC Spleen
2. Infarction Spleen
1. Carcinoma Cervix
2. Leiomyoma uterus
3. Benign cystic Teratoma ovary
4. Adenomyosis uterus
5.Adenocarcinoma uterus
6.Vesicular mole
7.Choriocarcinoma uterus
1. Carcinoma Penis
1. Fibro adenoma breast
2. Carcinoma breast
1. Retinoblastoma
2. Melanoma – Eye
1. Fibrocaseous tuberculosis lung
2. Pulmonary artery embolism
3. Lung abscess
4. Bronchogenic Carcinom
5.Lobar pneumonia
6.Hydatid cyst lung
1. Atheroma aorta with thrombus 1. Aneurysm aorta
2. Fibrinous pericarditis
3. Mural Thrombus Heart
1. Caseating TB adenitis
2. Lymphoma
1. Multinodular goitre
2. Carcinoma thyroid
1. Pleomorphic adenoma
2. Diffuse colloid goiter
3. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
4. Adenoma thyroid
1. Sequestrum 1. Melanoma deposits
2. Osteochondroma 2. Malunion
3. Giant cell tumour bone
4. Osteogenic sarcoma
1. Suppurative Meningitis
The slides for hematology will be divided into 10 for spotting and 10 for demonstration.
They would be
For spotting Demonstration
1 HMA 1 Filaria
11 A plastic anaemia
Cytology slides (for spotting)
1. Fibroadenoma
2. Granulomatous reaction lymph node
3. Squamous cell carcinoma sputum
4. Cervical smear Invasive squamous cell carcinoma
5. Adenocarcinoma in body fluids
6. Papillary carcinoma thyroid
Recommended Textbooks
Pathologic Basis of Disease-Robbins and Cotran 7th edition
Text Book of Pathology-Harsh Mohan 6th edition
General and Systematic Pathology-5th edition-JCE Underwood
Haematology-G E De Gruchy
Text and Practical Haematology MBBS-Tejinder singh
Manual of Basic Techniques for Health laboratory-WHO
I. Goal:
Practical knowledge of rational use of drugs in clinical practice will be acquired through
integrated teaching vertically with pre-clinical & clinical subjects and horizontally with
other para-clinical subjects.
Drugs used in epilepsy and neuropathic pain ; selection of appropriate drug for various
types of epilepsy and adverse drug effects
Sedative – hypnotics used currently in clinical practice, indications contraindications, adverse
effects, drug interactions
Opioid analgesics: Pharmacological actions, indications, contraindications adverse effects
and drug interactions of commonly used analgesics
NSAIDS: Pharmacological action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects and drug
interactions of commonly used drugs. WHO Analgesic ladderLadder Drugs and Emphasise
on practical application of NSAIDs, weak and strong opioids.
Drug used in the treatment of parkinson’s disease: anticholinergic agents, dopamine agonists,
MAOI, COMTI: Their indications, contraindications, adverse effects and drug interactions.
Disease modifying agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Pharmacology of ethanol and methanol poisoning
Agents used in the treatment of gout (acute and chronic)
Antidepressants use in neuropathic pain
Drugs of addiction abuse and dependence (self-study)
Drugs in manic depressive illness and psychosis General
anaesthetics; cardinal features, merits and
demerits of commonly used anaesthetics ,drug interactions
Preanaesthetic agents; uses, indications, contraindications adverse effects and drug
Local anaesthetic agents: Pharmacological basis, adverse drug reactions, indications and
complications of spinal anaesthesia
Adjuvant analgesics – and use in chronic pain
Drugs for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive enhancers – (seminar )
5 Cardiovascular System 15 hours
Anti-hypertensive drugs: MOA; adverse drug reactions drug interactions and basis of
combining commonly used drugs
Pharmacology of calcium channel blockers Drugs
affecting Renin-Angiotensin system Approaches to
treatment of myocardial infarction. Drug used in
treatment of angina pectoris.
Drug treatment of peripheral vascular disease (self-study)
Management of pain in PV diseases Pharmacology of vasodilators
and cardiac glycosides; usage in CHF
Treatment of Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial dysrhythmias, sudden cardiac
arrest and ventricular filbrillation.
Diuretics: Mechanism of action, pattern of electrolyte excretion under their influence, short
term side effects and long term complications of diuretic therapy, therapeutic uses of
diuretics; antidiuretics.
Antianaemic drugs (seminar)
Treatment of shock (seminar)
Fibrinolytics and antifibrinolytics: indications, adverse reactions.
Hypolipidemics: MOA, adverse reactions and indications
7. Respiratory system 2 hours
• Drug use in treatment of bronchial asthma
• Antitussives, expectorants & mucolytics (seminar)
8. GIT 3 hours
• Pharmacotherapy of peptic ulcer: MOA, adverse drug reactions, contraindication and
Antiemetics: MOA, uses, side effects.
Drug used in ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel
syndrome Management of constipation and diarrhoea
9. Drugs acting on Endocrine system
9 hours
•Thyroid hormones and antithyroid drugs: pharmacological action, indications,
contraindications and side effects
•Drugs use for pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus, mechanism of actions,
contraindications, precautions during the use and side effects. Management of iatrogenic
hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis.
• Sex hormones, their analogues and antagonists, uses in replacements
and pharmacotherapy. Outlining the rational for such use, C/l and side
• Pharmacological approaches to contraception, side effects, precautions during use and C/I.
• Uterine relaxants, and uterine stimulants, indications, side effects, C/I
• Hormones of adrenal cortex, their synthetic analogues, pharmacological actions,
therapeutic uses, precautions, side effects and contraindications. Hormones and drugs
affecting calcium metabolism, therapeutic indications, contraindications and side effects
• Drugs used in the treatment of infertility (self-study)
10. Chemotherapy 17 hours
• General principals of chemotherapy, rational use of antimicrobial agents, indications
for prophylactic and combined uses of antimicrobials including pre and probiotics
• Chemotherapeutic agents: penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, broad
spectrum antimicrobial agents, quinolones, sulphonamides macrolides and other newer
drugs: their mechanism of actions, s/e, indications, resistance, and drug
interactions.Drugs used for the treatment and prevention of infections – examples
Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria, Amoebiasis and other Protozoal infections, Fungal
infections, Viral infections including HIV, STD, Helminthiasis, Leptospirosis etc.
• Antiseptics, disinfectants and their use based on their pharmacological properties.
(Seminar) Anticancer drugs, mechanism of action, indications, s/e, C/I, Precautions ,
4. Acute poisoning and drug overdosage
5. Status epilepticus, febrile convulsions, acute mania
6. Acute severe asthma, acute rheumatic fever, acute gout
7. Acute colicky pains-intestinal,biliary, renal
8. Post-partum haemorrhage, uterine inertia
Other topics
1. Treatment of pain , , Assessment, classification, management, Application of WHO
– as a seminar
2. Treatment of insomnia
3. Treatment of cough
4. Treatment of fever of unknown origin (PUO)
5. Drugs used in labour
6. IV fluids
7. Clinical uses of glucocorticoids
8. P-drug or how to select a drug for a given patient in a given situation
9. Essential drugs
10. Drug therapy in special situations (pregnancy, lactation, children, geriatrics, renal
and hepatic diseases)
Details of Practicals
1. Dosage forms Oral, Parenteral, Topical & Others
2. Routes of drug administration, setting up an intravenous drip
3. Calculation of drug dosage
4. Sources of drug information-how to retrieve information
5. ADR monitoring
6. Critical appraisal of drug promotional literature
7. Essentials of Clinical trials
8. Communicating to patients on the proper use of medication.
9. Prescription writing, prescription auditing based on rational drug use and FDC
10. Essential drugs list , National List of Essential drugs for India – adults, children and why
are those particular drugs included.Controlled drugs amongst the essential list and their
11. Use of drugs in pregnancy, lactation, children and elderly
12. Use of drugs in liver disease and renal disease
13. Preparation of percentage solution
14. Preparation and use of oral rehydration solution
15. Informed Consent Form (To teach it more as a document of good communication,
trust and shared planning for care than as a legal requirement. )
16. Computer assisted learning (CAL)
17. Experimental pharmacology charts interpretation
18. Drug/drug and Drug/Food interaction.
19. Selection of P-drug
20.Irrational drug combinations, fallacies of using pre-combined drugs
Teaching-Learning methods:
Small group discussions, tutorials, project work and seminars. An overlap between
theory and practical classes will serve to reinforce and complement the two. Points not
covered in theory can be covered during practical classes.
Project work
Each student has to collect data of one clinical case and write it down as project. Topics
for Seminars (2 hours each)
1. Antianaemic drugs
2. Antitussives
3. Shock
4. Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive enchancers, neurodegenerative disorders.
5. Anthelmintics
6. Calcium metabolism
7. Dermatology – drugs acting on skin and mucous membrane
8. UTI & STD
9. Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis & Eye disorders
10. Immuno Pharmacology
11. Laxatives and antidiarrhoeals
12. Alcohol
13. Osteoporosis, obesity, genetherapy
14. Heavy metal poisoning and heavy metal antagonists
15. Antiseptics
16. Superinfection, prophylactic use and misuse of antibiotics
17. Using analgesics in patients with poor renal function
18. Management of infections which are to be cared for without antibiotics – diarroheas,
URTI, Uro-genital
1. Treatment of rhinitis
2. Carminatives, digestants & antiflatulents
3. Vitamins and antioxidants
4. Vaccines
5. Drug induced blood dyscrasias
6. Treatment of vertigo
7. Other protozoal infections
8. Drugs in pregnancy and infants.
9. NO, VIP
10. Drugs of addiction
11. Drug treatment of peripheral vascular disease
12. Anterior pituitary hormones
13. Drugs used in the treatment of infertility
14. Reactive oxygen species
15. Speciality based prescriptions and the resultant Polypharmacy – the new healthcare
Paper I
(Topics: General Pharmacology, ANS, CVS, blood, diuretics, CNS, autacoids, Respiratory System
Paper II
(Topics: GIT, Hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy and miscellaneous)
I. Clinical problem ( 1) = 5 marks
II. Structured essay questions (1) = 5 marks
III. Short notes (4 x3 = 12 marks)
IV. Give reasons for the following (5 x1 = 5)
V. Specify the mechanism of action of the following drugs (3 x1 = 3)
VI. Specify the spectrum (highly susceptible organism) for the following agents (2x1=2)
VII. Give two uses and two adverse effects specific to the drug (4 x1= 4)
VIII. Name two drugs (½ x 8 = 4)
Total marks = 25 marks
Practical I -Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE)
Response stations -10
Time at each station is 5 minutes.
1. Clinical Pharmacology chart – 1 = 2 marks
2. Interpretation of experimental chart -1 = 3 marks
3. Interpretation of data (providing lab: reports) -1 = 1 mark
4. Criticize and rewrite informed consent form – 1 = 3 marks
5. ADR (clinical problem) -1 = 1 mark
6. Give an irrational prescription with wrong dosage, wrong route, wrong frequency
and inadequate supportive drugs. Exercise to correct the mistakes and form a rational
7. Demonstrate route of administration (loading syringe,cleaning,different
routes IM.IV.SC etc) or demonstrate use of Inhaler or use of eye drops, OC etc)
-1= 3 marks
Total = 10marks
Total 4 stations each student to be examined by all the four
examiners Total 15 marks
To develop a group of medical graduate who will be proactive in identifying and
responding to public health challenges the society is facing.
To bring out a group of Medical Graduates who can practice the science of medicine with
Social responsibility and social accountability and provide cost effective, value based
comprehensive health care.
To equip the students to function efficiently and effectively as first level physicians in the
community in accordance with the committed vision and mission of community
To train Medical Students with knowledge, attitude and skills required to become
doctors with empathy, and, who can effectively function as healthcare providers,
decision makers, communicators, community leaders and managers in rural and urban
3. To identify the health needs of the community in general and vulnerable groups
in particular
4. To understand the science of applied epidemiology and biostatistics and describe
their application to health and disease in the community or hospital situation
5. To understand the environmental and occupational factors in health and disease
6. To identify the role of nutritional factors in health and science
7. To understand the concept of heredity and inheritance in relation to individual
and community health
8. To understand the objectives, strategy, implementation monitoring and
evaluation of all National Health Programmes (NHP)
9. To understand the population dynamics and their impact on health and disease
10. To enumerate the principles and components of primary health care and
national health and related policies to achieve millennium development goals
11. To understand the principles and techniques in health management and health
12. To understand the social dynamics and social factors in relation to health and disease
13. To understand the Gender issues in health and diseases
14. To understand the Developmental Health Interface & health of populations.
1. To see “the human being in disease, “not the disease in Human being” and
provide health care in an environment of care and compassion
2. To safe guard human dignity, equity and solidarity adhering to professional ethics.
3. To acknowledge and respect the differences in the needs, values and cultures of
different communities.
4. To assume social responsibilities at all times and take initiative in times of
natural disasters, calamities and accidents.
5. Readiness to work in rural, tribal, urban slum areas and other constrained
situations where services are most needed.
1. To diagnose and manage common health problems and emergencies using drugs
2. To identify community Health problems, prioritize them and chalk out solutions
with local resources and community participation.
3. To deliver evidence based, need oriented, primary health care in a competent
manner in diverse settings.
4. To work effectively as a health care team member with the community hand in
hand with various sectors to bring about health promotion.
5. Use epidemiology and biostatistics as scientific tools to study the phenomenon of
health and disease and make rational decisions relevant to community and
hospital situation.
6. To collect, compile, analyze and interpret health related data for disease
surveillance and health promotion initiatives.
7. To communicate effectively and appropriately with people at large and patients
and their families in particular
8. To impart health education using appropriate tools and educational methods
with special reference to national health issues.
9. To implement, monitor and evaluate National Health Programmes.
10. Be capable of syntheses between cause and illness in the environment of
community and individual health, and respond with leadership qualities to
institute remedial measures for these.
11. To manage human resources, money, material, time and information required
for delivering health care
Horizontal as well as vertical integrated teaching are conducted with in-house sister
departments and extramural organizations (Government and non-Government) which
are involved in the delivery of primary health care, implementation of National Health
Programmes and/or running social welfare institutions.
Course Details
Duration of the course - First Semester, Third to Seventh semesters (330 hours)
Characteristics of agent, host and environmental factors in health and disease
3 and
the multi factorial etiology of disease.
13 Attitude, Behaviour, habits
14 Emotions, Frustrations, role of emotions in health & coping with emotions
15 Conflicts-internal, interpersonal & conflict resolutions, defence mechanisms
16 Stress & coping skills – integrated (Psychiatry)
17 Ethics
Confidentiality, Autonomy, Privacy, Human rights aspects of patient care
18 Learning – Types and skills
19 Development & Health interface-Poverty & Health, Health of the marginalized,
Sustainable & inclusive development
20 Gender & Health including gender based violence, Epidemiology of violence
and its prevention and control Life skill education
1 Water: Concepts of safe and wholesome water, sanitary sources of waterborne
diseases, water purification process. Water quality standards.
2 Physical, Chemical &bacteriological standards of drinking water quality and
tests of assessing bacteriological quality of water.
3 Health hazards of air, water, noise, radiation pollution.
4 Concepts of water conservation, rainwater harvesting & Global warming.
5 Concepts of solid waste, human excreta and sewage disposal.
6 Awareness of standards of housing and his effect of housing on health.
9 Life cycles of vectors and advantages and limitations of various vector control
10 Mode of action, application cycle of commonly used insecticides and rodenticides.
11 Urban waste management.
12 Recent and emerging issues in environmental health
a Stockholm
b. Basel convention
c. Kyoto Protocol. etc
13 Radiation Prevention and Control
14 Newer methods of solid & liquid waste disposal
Solar (Renewable source of energy)
1 Relate the history of symptoms with specific occupations including agricultural related
2 Employees State Insurance Act.
3. Specific occupational health hazards, their risk factors and its preventive measures.
Primary Secondary and tertiary prevention including personal protective devices
4. Concepts of ergonomics.
5. Diagnostic criteria of various occupational related diseases.
6 Other legislations related to occupational health.
7 Digital Health Computer associated Illness.
8 Occupational health in unorganized sector
9 Integrated learning on non-pharmacological management of pain Visit to
PMR department
4. Universal Precautions
1. Epidemiology of Genetic Diseases
3. Screening of Genetic Diseases
4. Prevention and Control of genetic Diseases
1. Types of Disability
Paraplegia/ Quadriplegia – as a seminar – prevention, and care of those who
have irreversible paraplegia
Physical, emotional concerns and management
Assisting in Economic self sufficiency – as a social health concern of the doctor
Role of Medical Social Workers
The student should be able to do:
1. Communication:
Should be well versed with the art of interviewing techniques to elicit the desired
& with art of counseling to counsel. The student should be able to communicate
effectively with family members at home, patients at clinics or at home; and
community. The student should also be able to communicate with individuals, family
or a group for health promotion and education, and also with peers.
2. Team Activity
Work as an effective member of the team; in planning and carrying out field work like
school health, conduct health camps ,investigation of epidemic etc.
3. Environmental Sanitation:
Able to assess environmental risk factors plan and suggest
action Able to collect water and stool samples for micro
biological analysis
Able to identify insects of public health importance, able to use effective insecticides.
Purification of water-small scale.
Vector Survey and control measures.
Newer methods of solid & liquid waste disposal
Solar (Renewable source of energy)
• Eliciting Clinico-social history and examining the patients for diagnosis and treatment.
• Assessing the severity and /or classifying dehydration in diarrhea, upper respiratory
tract infection, dog bite, leprosy, classify tuberculosis (Categorization) and STD.
• Fixing, Staining and examining peripheral smear for malaria, sputum for AFB,
hemoglobin estimation, urine and stool examination.
• Adequate and appropriate treatment and follow up of public health diseases and of
locally endemic diseases. (The Integrated Care Model of WHO for chronic conditions – 5
As – Assess, Advice, Agree, Assist, Arrange)
• Advice regarding prevention and prophylaxis against common and locally endemic
• Use of proper screening methods in early diagnosis of certain diseases, applicable at
primary care level.
• Able to detect outbreak in early stage, spot mapping, investigation of outbreak,
notification of notifiable diseases.
• Surveillance skills development, calculating various health indicators and their
6. Statistics:
7. Nutrition:
8. Occupational health:
9. Managerial Skills:
Able to make community diagnosis and take remedial measure for improving
health of community.
Organize antenatal, under five clinics, health education camps.
Ability to manage Health Management Information System, including maintenance of
health records at primary care level.
Able to show effective leadership, supervision skill not only at primary care level but
also in inter-sect oral coordination.
Ability to manage money, material and manpower at primary care level.
Ability to do cost effective analysis as per primary care needs. Ability to
implement cost containment measures in public health
Community Participation and cooperation skills. Community engagement,
community ownership for effective health care – models in India – in preventive
health, in self –help healthcare initiatives
Hemoglobin estimation
Urine examination for normal and abnormal constituents.
Thick and thin blood smear for malaria parasite examination
Peripheral smear for type of anemia
Acid fast staining
Estimation of chlorine demand and residual chlorine.
Identification of life cycle stages of various insects of public health importance
13. Transportation of injured and seriously ill patients from site of first contact.
Social Mapping
Focus group Discussion
Key informant Interview. . Local self governance bodies, Village Health, Sanitation,
Nutrition committes, recognizing local resources – dais, elders, ASHA workers, teachers,
postman [who knows to read things out]
1. Introduction
Objectives of Medical education need for value based medical education history of medicine
with reference to community medicine
Concept of Health
Concept of Diseases
Concept of control & prevention
Learning –Type & skills-How to learn effectively
Intelligence-IQ, EQ
Personality-Type interpersonal relationships
Attitude, Behaviour, Habits
Emotions, Frustrations, role of emotions in health & coping with emotions - 1hr
Conflicts-internal, Interpersonal & conflict resolutions, defence mechanisms - 1hr
Stress & coping skills-Integrated (psychiatry). Burn out and self care
Gender Health Including Gender Based Violence
Life Skill Education
2. Epidemiology
3. Communicable Diseases
Smallpox & Chicken pox
Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Diphtheria, pertussis, Meningococcal meningitis
ARI &ARI control Programme
TB-Epidemiology& Control
Viral hepatitis
Typhoid fever, Cholera & ADD
Food poisoning & Food toxicants
Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Malaria
Plague and Yellow fever
Trachoma & tetanus
STD-Syndromic approach
Emerging & Re-emerging infections
Hospital acquired infections &Health Care Waste Management
Non Communicable Diseases
Coronary Heart Diseases & Rheumatic Heart Diseases
Hypertension & stroke
Prevalence of Advanced cancer in the community and their needs
Diabetes mellitus & obesity
Blindness & control Programme
Accidents (Integrated)
Non-abandonment when disease is progressive
9. Genetics
- Importance of good communication skills
- Barriers – for the Patient and for the doctor
- Active listening
- Basic Clinical communication skills
Examples of good and poor communication as Role Play - affecting diagnosis and
Phase I 30hrs
spiritual concerns of that patient/family unit. All this is done with assigned mentorship.
Reflection and practice points
Visit to support and auxiliary health facilities
Identify a community Health Problem
Introduction to the Hospital system
Hands-on exercise on first aid
Records review
Research, Project Reports
Viva Voce
Iron deficiency anemia
Communicable diseases with National Health Programmes like
o -Tuberculosis
o -Malaria
o -Polio
o -Diarrheal diseases
o -Leprosy
o -Zoonotic diseases
o Diabetes
o Hypertension
o Stroke
o Obesity
o Cancers
o Jaundice
Paper I Marks
5 Nutrition& Genetics 10
Total 60
Paper II
Total 60
Theory Max.Marks
Theory Paper I 60
Paper II 60
Internal assessment 20
Oral 10
Total 150
2. Practical
Practical and oral should be conducted in one day
Exercise Max.Marks
Epidemiological exercise 3
Statistics 4
Diet prescription 3
Project 4
Internal assessment 20
Total 50
Prescribed Books
a. Park’s Text book of preventive and Social Medicine, K. Park (23rdedn.) Banaridas Bhanot
b. Textbook of Parasitology, Protozoology and Helminthology – Chatterji K D c.
Introduction to Health Statistics – Swaroop S E & S. Livingstone Ltd.
d. A treatise on Hygiene and Public Health – Ghosh B N Scientific Publising Company,
e. Text Book of Social & preventive medicine -Mahajan
f. Epidemiology for undergraduates – Marina Rajan Joseph – Jaypee Publishers (2007) 1st
g. Syamalan’s Statistics in Medicine (2006); National Health Programme by Jugal Kishore
h. National Health Programme by D K Taneja
i. Textbook of preventive & Social Medicine by Sunder lal, Adarsh,
Pankaj j. Textbook of preventive & Social Medicine by T Bhaskar Rao k.
Biostatistics by A Indrayan
l. Methods in Biostatistics by B K Mahajan
m. Textbook of Preventive & Social Medicine by Gupta & Ghai
n. Text book of Preventive & Social Medicine by Gupta& Mahajan
o. Essentials of Community Medicine by Suresh Chandra
p. Introduction to Biostatistics by Sathya Swaroop
q. Community Medicine with Recent Advances by AH Suryakantha
r. Principles and Practice of Community Medicine by Dr. Asma Rahim
s.Indian Primer to Palliative Care
t. Community Medicine Simplified by Sreejith P S, Paras Medical Books
Reference Books:
a. Preventive Medicine and Public Health Appleton Century Crofts – Maxcy, Kennith F
b. Preventive Medicine for the doctor in his community – Level H R & Clark E G; Mc Graw
HillBook Company
WHO Online resources
c. Theory & Practice of Public Health – Hobson W Oxford University
Press d. American P H Association Communicable Disease Control in man
e. Manson’s tropical diseases – Wilcock’s & Manson
f. Oxford test book of Public Health 4th edn.
g. Public Health & Preventive Medicine J M Last
WHO online resorsess
National health websites- mohfw, ncdc
I. Goal
The broad goal of the teaching of students in Ophthalmology is to provide such knowledge and
skills to the student that shall enable him/her to practice as a clinical and as a primary eye care
physician: and also to function effectively as a community health leader to assist in the
implementation of National Programme for the prevention of blindness and rehabilitation of
the visually impaired.
II. Objectives
3. Recognise and initiate treatment (prior to referral) for sight threatening diseases like acute
glaucoma, keratomalacia, corneal ulcer , ocular trauma, alkali/chemical injuries.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of blindness and its causation. Be an active participant in the
implementation of the National Programme for Control and prevention of Blindness
5. Integration: To provide an integrated approach towards other disciples especially ENT,
General Surgery, General Medicine etc.
The student should have knowledge on the following topics taken during their course.
IV. Topics
Acute conjunctivitis, Trachoma, Allergic conjunctivitis, Pingencula, Pterygium, Xerosis/bitot
spots, Dry eye, Angular conjunctivitis, neonatal conjunctivitis, subconj hemorrhager, D/D of
conjunctival and limbal nodule
Chronic conjunctivitis, Dry eye, Membraneous conjunctivitis, Inclusion conjunctivitis Corneal
Inflammations: Corneal Ulcers-bacterial, , fungal, viral, Mooren’s Ulcer Vitamin A Deficiency
and keratomalacia, Exposure keratitis, Neuroparlytic keratitis, Corneal blindness, Eye
banking, eye donation, Keratoplasty, Arcus senilis, Corneal oedema
Deep / interstitial keratitis, degenerations and dystrophies, Overview of keratorefractive
Scleritis, episcleritis
Iridocylitis, Panophthalmitis, Endophthalmitis
Systemic associations of uveitis,Choroiditis, Coloboma iris, ocular albinism,
Vitreous hemorrhage-causes
Synchisis syntillans, Asteroid hyalosis
Angle closure glaucoma, Open angle glaucoma, steroid induced glaucoma, lens
induced glaucoma including surgery and management
Cataract and management , cong. Conditions, surgery and complications, lens
abnormality Secondary glaucomas, Congenital glaucoma
Fundus changes in Diabetes, Hypertension, anaemias, Pregnancy induced hypertension,
Hematological disorders, Myopia
Retinal vascular diseases-
Central retinal artery occlusion, Central retinal vein occlusion, Retinal detachment
Retinopathy of prematurity, Retinitis pigmentosa, retinoblastoma
Pappilledema, Optic neuritis, Optic atrophy
Awareness of amblyopia, Types of squint
Paralytic, non-paralytic)
Common causes of proptosis, Orbital ellulites, Cavernous sinus
thrombosis Dacryocystitis-congenital, Acute, chronic, Epiphora
ectropion entropion, trichiasis, ptosis, Iagophthalmos, symblepharon, blepharitis,
Chalazion, Refractive error, Myopia, hypermetropia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia,
aphakia/pseudophakia, Anisometropia, overview of keratorefractive surgery
Chemical injuries, Open globe injuries, closed globe injuries and first aid treatment
including sympathetic injuries.
Siderosis bulbi, Chalcosis, medico legal aspects
Definition and types of blindness.
Causes of blindness
Promotion of eye donation
NPCB, Vision 2020, Eye
Symptomatic disturbances of vision, Overview of Recent advances in Ophthalmology
Lasers in Ophthalmology
Enucleation – Indication , technique
Eye & systemic diseases including AIDS
Causes of sudden /partial/ painless dimension of vision
Ocular malignancy-retinoblastoma and malignanant melanoma of choroid
Chronic side effects of systemic medication, local anaesthetics, viscoelastics, steroid and
V. Skills
j. Use effective means of communication with the public and individual to motivate for
surgery in cataract and for eye donation.
k. Establish rapport with his seniors, colleagues and paramedical workers, so as to effectively
function as a member of the eye care team.
l. Assist in speciality clinics – namely, Cornea, Retina, Glaucoma, Squint & Low Vision Aid clinic
m.v Commuicate with patients regarding common opthalmological problems, investigations
and treatment .
n.v Common ethical issues in ophthalmology and eye donation.
VI. Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall have knowledge of:
a. Common problems affecting the eye.
b. Principles of management of major ophthalmic
emergencies c. Main systemic diseases affecting the eye.
d. Effects of local and systemic diseases on patient’s vision and the necessary action required
to minimize the sequelae of such diseases.
e. Adverse drug reactions with special reference to ophthalmic manifestations
f. Magnitude of blindness in India and its main causes.
g. National programme for control of blindness and its implementation at various levels.
h. Eye care education for prevention of eye problems.
i. Role of primary health centre in organization of eye camps.
j. Organisation of primary health centre and the functioning of the ophthalmic assistant.
k. Integration of the national programme for control of blindness with the other national
health programmes.
l. Eye bank organization
m. Caring for the eye and preventing damage in an unconscious patient
VIII. Clinical teaching during posting Clinical posting in batches during 5 th& 7th
Theory Lectures, Tutorials, Group discussions, Integrated teaching, Seminars, Approx. 100
Lectures of one hour each.
Clinical postings
8.00 am to 9.00am - Clinical lecture
9.00am -12 noon - Case demonstration in outpatient department discussions during clinical
postings, case records, seminars, discussions, clinical exam
12-1 pm: Clinical lecture
Minimum one day per week is devoted for live operative surgery demonstration and
Separate clinical record/ log books
Clinical-30 marks
Internal assessment-20marks (theory-10; practical-10)
Total-100 marks
A. Goal
The broad goal of teaching undergraduate students Otorhinolaryngology is to ensure that they
acquire adequate knowledge, skills and attitude for optimum treatment (including
emergencies), rehabilitation of common otorhinolaryngologic disorders and assessment of the
need for referral to specialised care.
B. Objectives
Objectives are categorised as objectives for
1. Knowledge
1. Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
a. describe the basic physiology of common ear, nose and throat diseases including
b. adopt rational use of commonly used drugs, keeping in mind their adverse reactions
c. suggest common investigation procedures and interpret their findings
2. Skills
At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
a. examine and diagnose common ear, nose and throat problems including the pre-
malignant, malignant disorders of head and neck
b. manage ear, nose and throat problems at the first level of care and be able to refer
whenever necessary
c. observe and assist in carrying out minor surgical procedures like ear syringing, ear
dressing and nasal packing, tube feeding, managing and care of long term
d. assist in certain procedures such as tracheostomy, endoscopies and removal of
foreign bodies
e. communicate effectively with other members of medical profession including
nursing, para medical, technical staff and other members of health care teams in a
collaborative manner
f. communicate effectively and appropriately with patients and their attendants.
g. communicate with patients regarding common ENT problems, investigations and
treatment .
h. address common ethical issues in ENT practice
3. Attitude
At the end of the course the student shall understand the need to have the following attitudes
a. attitudes needed to work as a team member
b. attitudes needed to lead a team
c. attitudes needed to win patient confidence
d. attitudes needed for continuing improvement of clinical knowledge and skills. The
undergraduate training in ear, nose and throat will provide an integrated approach
towards disciplines, especially neurosciences, ophthalmology and general surgery.
e. Attitudes for showing compassion to the hearing impaired, tracheostomised patients
including assisting them in speech, patients with malignancies, including terminal
C. Detailed syllabus
1. Overview of course
Duration of the course-2 months (distributed in 2 semesters - first half in 6th semester and
second half in 7th semester)
PRACTICALS - 180 hrs
2. Details of lectures
2.1 Ear
2.1.1 Relevant anatomy of external middle and inner ears, auditory physiology including
pathway of hearing
2.1.2 Assessment of hearing including types of audiometry. Special mention on pure tone
audiometry, impedance audiometry, speech audiometry,otoacoustic emissions, BERA
2.1.3 Deafness - Classification, causes, investigations, disability calculation, early detection of
deafness in children and rehabilitation. Special mention of otosclerosis - its clinical features
and management, congenital deafness, cochlear implantation, learning and speech
2.1.4 Diseases of external ear: Wax, furuncle ear, otomycosis, foreign body, keratosis,
exostosis and malignant otitis externa
2.1.5 Diseases of middle ear: Acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion, chronic
suppurative otitis media - mucosal and squamosal types, clinical features, management,
complications of middle ear infections, mastoidectomy, tympanoplasty
2.1.6 Diseases of inner ear: Vertigo - classification, causes, investigations and management.
Special mention of Meniere's disease, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and acoustic
2.1.7 Miscellaneous conditions like otalgia, tinnitus, facial nerve anatomy and its disorders
2.2 Nose and paranasal sinuses
2.2.1 Relevant anatomy of nose and physiology including pathway of smell
2.2.2 Disorders of external nose and vestibule
2.2.3 Disorders of nasal septum, sub-mucous resection and septoplasty. Mention rhinoplasty
2.2.4 Rhinitis - etiology, classification and management. Special mention of allergic rhinitis,
vasomotor rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis and allergic fungal rhino-sinusitis, CSF rhinorrhoea.
2.2.5 Acute sinusitis (in detail) & chronic sinusitis (in detail). Complications of infections of
nose and paranasal sinuses
2.2.6Facio-maxillary injuries in detail
2.2.7 Nasal polyposis with emphasis on FESS, Caldwell Luc
2.2.8 Epistaxis – causes &management, granulomatous conditions of nose
2.2.9 Tumours of nose and PNS (special mention of inverted papilloma, nasopharyngeal
angiofibroma and malignancy of paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx)
2.3 Throat
2.3.1 Relevant anatomy of pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, physiology of deglutition, phonation
2.3.2 Tonsils and adenoids and their infections in detail.Special mention of quinsy, patches in
oral cavity and pharynx, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy
2.3.3 Neck space infections - Ludwig's angina, retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess,
clinical features, management and complications
2.3.4 Acute and chronic infections of larynx, laryngeal paralysis, vocal nodule, vocal polyp
2.3.5 Hoarseness - diagnosis and management, direct laryngoscopy. Mention stroboscopy,
micro-laryngeal surgery and video-laryngeal surgery
2.3.6 Stridor - diagnosis and management. Tracheostomy in detail including indications, tubes,
procedure and complications
2.3.7Benign and malignant lesions of larynx and laryngo- pharynx
2.3.8 Dysphagia - causes, investigations and management.Special mention of malignancy
2.3.9 Miscellaneous conditions like dry mouth, mouth care, oral candidiasis - prevalence,
prevention, management, reflux diseases (GERD, LPR), Plummer Vinson, HIV in ENT.
2.3.10 Foreign bodies of aero-digestive tract - diagnosis, management and complications,
endoscopies in ENT and their complications.
2.3.11Rehabilitation - swallowing, speech (including assisted speech in tracheostomised
patients) respecting and working with paramedical therapists
3. Details of practical
Clinical postings
08:00 am - 09:00 am: Clinical lecture
09:00 am - 12:00 pm: Case demonstration in out-patient department, clinical discussions
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm: Clinical lecture, Minimum one day per week is devoted to live
operative surgery, demonstration and discussion
Separate clinical record books should be kept and at least ten cases to be included
4. Text books recommended and other learning resources:
Prescribed text books
Prof Ravi Ramalingam- All India Publishers and distributors
4. Essentials of Ear, Nose and Throat- Mohan Bansal- Jaypee Publishers
5. ENT simplified: Batchi Hathiram and D S Grewal. (Bhalani publishers)
Reference Books
6. Scot Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery 7th edition - (Edward Arnold
publishers limited)
7. Logan Turner's text book of Otorhinolaryngology
8. Other resource materials Skill laboratory CDs and DVDs Internet
D. Evaluation
Evaluation must be both formative and summative to achieve the objectives mentioned
There must be internal evaluation as well as external evaluation. Evaluation will be done
through examinations.
1. Internal Examinations
Theory - 2 numbers
Exam 1: After completion of the 6th semester postings in ENT
Duration: 2 hours Topic: Otology Marks: 40
Exam 2: After completion of the 7th semester postings in ENT
Duration: 2 hours Topic: Whole subject of ENT Marks: 40
Practical - 3 numbers
Exams 1 & 2: one each at the end of the 1 month posting in semester 6 and 7
2. Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
a. Develop clinical skills (history taking, clinical examination and other instruments of
examination) in various common medical disorders and emergencies.
b. Refer a patient to secondary and/or tertiary level of health care after having instituted
primary care.
c. Perform& interpret simple routine investigation like hemogram, stool, urine, sputum and
biological examinations
d. Assist the common bed-side investigate procedures like pleural tap, lumbar puncture, bone
marrow aspiration/biopsy and liver biopsy.
e. Learn to Commuicate with patients regarding common Medical
problems, investigations and treatment .
f. Learn to address Common ethical issues in medical ward and OPD .
g. * Student should be aware of the rights of the patient, issues like autonomy, consent etc
- Integrated Care for chronic diseases– Assess, advice, agree, arrange, assist
Duration of the course :5 semesters – III, V, VI, VIII & IX
Lectures : 100
a. Basics of cell and molecular biology; DNA,RNA, Genes, mitochondria, cell
membrane, receptors; protein production and degradation
b. Cell division, cell death
c. Patterns of inheritance and common disorders, investigations, counseling
d. Stem cell therapy, gene therapy, new horizons
Exercises : Eg.The cell ; a family tree for various common inherited diseases
2. Nutrition and nutritional disorders
a. Macronutrients, dietary recommendations
b. Micronutrients-vitamins, minerals, deficiencies & excess
c. Energy balance- body fat distribution, regulation, needs, responses to over
nutrition and under nutrition, assessment of nutritional status
d. Assessment & Management of Obesity & under nutrition
e. Nutritional support in hospital, in pregnancy & lactation
Exercises: eg western vs Indian (also different parts of India) meals ; role of
fiber in diet
3. Environmental and Occupational problems
a. Environmental effects on health, alcohol, smoking, air pollution, radiation
hazards, Temperature regulation and extremes of temperature, high altitude,
under water, problems of air travel, epidemics- Triage & Resuscitation
b. Hanging, drowning, electrical injuries; lightning injury
c. Fluorosis
d. Food hygiene and poisoning
Exercises: eg how to plan an epidemiological study; Minamata disease, others
4. Poisoning
a. Evaluation of a patient with suspected poisoning,
b. Sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics;
c. insecticides, pesticides, rodenticides- organophosphorus, organochlorides, Rat
poison, Paraquat
d. Odollum
e. Acid & alkali, Ethyl & Methyl alcohol
f. Bites of venomous animals, including snakes, spiders, scorpion, wasps
g. Evaluation of a patient with suspected envenomation, general principles of
Exercises: Eg, Common poisons in the region, presentations, management;
Composition of common Tablets/ capsules/ household remedies/ chemicals
around the house and workplace- with measures to eliminate the poison
5. Immunological factors
a. Anatomy, physiology of the immune system; B & T lymphocytes,
immunoglobulin, immune reaction
b. The inflammatory response- physiology, pathology, presentations, assessment
c. Autoimmune diseases- pathology, susceptibility, assessment
d. Immune deficiency- presentation, syndromes
e. Anaphylaxis, urticaria, angioedema, transplantation immunology
6. Infectious disease
a. Viral infections-
i. with exanthem: measles, chicken pox, herpes zoster, herpes simplex 1 &
2, dengue, hand foot and mouth disease
ii. Without exanthem- influenza, mumps
iii. With rheumatological involvement- Chikungunya
iv. With GI, Respiratory, Neurological involvement
b. Bacterial infections-
i. Common gram positive infections-overview, then specifics- skin, soft
tissue, bone infections, cellulitis,
ii. Common gram negative infections- overview, then specifics
iii. Enteric infections. Salmonella including typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary
dysentery-shigella, different causes of food poisoning, cholera, C. Difficile,
iv. Respiratory infections- Sinusitis, bronchitis, diphtheria, pneumonias,
pneumocystis carinii, chlamydia
v. Mycobacterial infections- tuberculosis, Hansen’s; atypical Mycobacteria
vi. HIV infection, AIDS
1. Clinical presentations, investigations, diagnosis of HIV infections
2. The importance of pre-test & post- test counseling, breaking bad
3. Natural history and Staging of HIV
4. Antiretroviral therapy, Preventing opportunistic infections
vii. CNS-
1. Meningitis -viral, bacterial,tuberculous, fungal, how to
differentiate, management principles ; Chemoprophylaxis for
purulent meningitis
2. Parenchymal –viral encephalitis, Rabies,
3. Cerebral abscess, neurosyphilis
viii. Diseases caused by bacterial toxins- tetanus, botulism
ix. Rickettsial fevers- typhus
x. Protozoa infections. Malaria, Leishmaniosis, Amoebiasis, Giardiasis
xi. Helminthic infestations Ancylostomiasis, filariasis (Luminal & tissue
xii. Tape worms
xiii. Fungal infections.
1. Superficial- candidiasis
2. Subcutaneous- mycetoma
3. Systemic-aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis,
c. General principles of use of antimicrobial agents, abuse of antimicrobials;
antimicrobial resistance; antiviral, antifungal agents
d. Approah to a patient with suspected infection, sepsis, eosinophilia, PUO
e. Adult immunisation
7. Fluid and Electrolytes
a. Water &Electrolyte balance, hypovolemia, dehydration- assessment, correction
b. disorders of Sodium, Potassium balance, acidosis, alkalosis
8. Renal medicine
a. Functional anatomy, Structure & function of the Nephron, Clinical assessment of
the Kidney & Urinary tract; significance of examining the urine, assessing GFR,
proteinuria, investigating for renal vascular disease, infections of the urinary tract
b. Glomerular vs tubular disease, Nephrotic syndrome, acute kidney injury- causes,
complications, management; Chronic kidney disease- causes, complications,
including anemia, bone disease, management- conservative, preventing
deterioration; renal replacement therapy, renal transplantation- indications,
problems, costs
c. Pregnancy and renal disease, drugs and the kidney
9. CVS
a. Functional anatomy & physiology, cardiac Cycle, Ventricular function, Biomarkers,
Clinical assessment of the heart and circulation- ECG, chest Xray, basics of
b. Coronary circulation, coronary artery disease, its complications, angina,
myocardial infarction, management
c. Conducting system of the heart, abnormalities of cardiac rate and rhythm,
principles of identification & basic management
d. Acute Rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease, assessment, complications,
management options, infective endocarditis
e. Congenital heart disease, assessment, complications, management options
f. Myocardial disease. Myocarditis, cardiomyopathy
g. Acute & Chronic pericarditis
h. Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, management
Exercises: Cardiac cycle, normal ECG, ECG in Myocardial infarction, atrial
fibrillation, complete heart block
10. Respiratory System
a. Functional anatomy & physiology, Bronchopulmonary segments, Clinical
assessment of the lungs, control of breathing, investigations - pulmonary function
tests, imaging
b. Bronchal Asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, Lung abcess, bronchogenic Ca,
obstructive sleep apnoea
c. COPD, corpulmonale
d. Pleural diseases
e. Interstitial Lung disease
f. Respiratory failure- assessment, management
Exercises: Bronchopulmonary segments, PFTs, clinical importance
11. GIT
a. Functional anatomy & physiology, Digestion, absorption, gut hormones, Clinical
assessment & investigations of the GIT,
b. Functional anatomy & physiology, Clinical assessment & investigations of the
hepatobiliary system; interpreting Liver Function tests
c. Dysphagia, Gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer disease, gastric Ca, upper GI
d. Symptoms and signs, investigations of Diseases of the small & large gut- diarrhea,
malabsorption, lactose intolerance, infections of the small gut, irritable bowel
syndrome, ischemic of the gut
e. Inflammatory bowel disorders, diverticulosis of the large gut, tumors of the large
gut, constipation
f. Acute & chronic pancreatitis, gallstones, other GB diseases
g. Acute and chronic Hepatitis
h. Chronic liver disease
i. Assessment of a patient with jaundice, ascites, Acute liver failure, hepatic
encephalopathy, portal hypertension, portal vein thrombosis, chronic liver
j. Alcoholic, non-alcoholic liver disease, autoimmune liver disease, primary &
secondary malignancy of the liver
k. Drug- induced liver disease
l. Inherited liver diseases- Wilson’s, haemochromatosis, Gilbert’s
m. Pregnancy & the liver
n. Liver transplantation
Exercises: Liver function tests- various abnormalities; abnormalities in ascitic
12. Hematology
a. Functional anatomy & physiology, Haemopoesis, Clinical assessment &
investigations of the haemopoietic system; Iron, B12, Folate absorption,
b. Interpreting a haemogram
c. Bleeding & Clotting disorders, Tests of coagulation, Bleeding & clotting disorders,
d. Thrombotic disorders
e. Anemia- presenting features, assessment, investigations, management
f. Different types of anemia, Fe deficiency, B12, Folate, Hemolytic, anemia of
chronic disease
g. Haemoglobinopathies- assessment, sickle cell disease, thalassemias
h. Polycythemia- Primary & Secondary, presenting features, assessment,
i. High and low White cell counts- clinical assessment, investigations, management
j. High and low platelet counts- clinical assessment, investigations, management
k. Pancytopenia
l. Hematological malignancies, lymphoma, Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
m. Paraproteinemias
n. Blood products, transfusions, adverse effects, safe transfusions, stem cell
Exercises: Abnormalities in a Haemogram, blood smear
13. Rheumatology
a. Presenting problems , Clinical examination, assessment, investigations of
rheumatological disease: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, crystal
arthropathy, SLE, systemic sclerosis, seronegative spondyloarthropathies,
reactive arthritis, connective tissue diseases, vasculitis
b. Non-Pharmacological & pharmacological therapy of rheumatological disease-
principles, problems, side effects
c. Osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency
Exercises: abnormalities in the joint fluid
14. Endocrinology
a. Organization of the endocrine system, functional anatomy & physiology, clinical
presentations, overview of investigations
b. Disorders of Pituitary function
c. Thyroid gland-anatomy, physiology, abnormalities (hyper & Hypo function,
d. Adrenal glands – functional anatomy, physiology, assessment, Cushing’s,
Addison’s, Hyperaldosteronism, Phaochromocytoma
e. Calcium metabolism, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, tetany
f. Diabetes mellitus
i. Clinical presentations, examination; diabetes mellitus Types 1&2 , other
ii. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, complications
iii. Managing diabetes: Life style management, Diet and Drugs in the
management of diabetes mellitus, oral medications, insulin, incretin based
iv. Hypoglycemia, diabetes in special situations
v. Managing the complications of diabetes mellitus
Psychiatry 20Hrs
Production of X-rays
Biological changes Skeletal
Radiology Chest &
Gastrointestinal system
Hepatobiliary system
Genitourinary system
Neuroimaging modalities
Emergency Radiology
(Project work, Seminars, Structured discussion, integrated
teaching, Formative evaluation, Revision and Morning sessions)
A seminar on Pain – acute, chronic, classification, management, concept of total
pain Controlled substances – essential analgesics Pain relief as Human Right
I. Common symptoms of disease/clinical approach to
a) Pain
b) Fever
c) Respiratory symptoms
d) Pallor, Jaundice, Oedema
e) GI symptoms(Chronic constipation as a seminar – practical skills on high up enema)
f) Haematemesis, Melaena, Bleeding PR/ Haematochezia
g) Urinary symptoms
h) Neurological symptoms : headache, dizziness, vertigo, weakness, sensory loss
i) Musculoskeletal symptoms : joint swelling,
j) Weight loss and gain
III. Project
work IV.
V. Structured discussion
VI. Formative evaluation
VII. Morning sessions
VIII. Revision
At the end of the course the student should have sufficient
a) Knowledge to diagnose clinical disorders with special reference to Infectious Diseases,
nutritional diseases, outline various modes of management including drug therapy.
b) Skills in history taking, clinical examination and diagnosis. c)
d) Perform simple routine investigations
e) Assist the common bed side investigative procedures like pleural tap, lumbar puncture
Part – II
a) Medicine
Theory – two papers 60 marks each 120 marks
I. 10 marks x 1 = 10 marks
(short answers)
Section -B
III. structured question 10 marks x 1 = 10 marks
Paper – II
Section – B
Problem oriented and structured questions must be from General Medicine. There should not
be more than one question each from radiology, dermatology and psychiatry.
Ensure questions include Pain, - ethical concerns, whole person concerns, symptom
management questions are assessed along with management of the disease
-Role of Multi-disciplinary team work is assessed
OSCE (4 stations- 2.5 marks each, total 10 the objective shall be to assess the candidate on his
knowledge, psychomotor skills and communication skills.
General guidelines
Apart from bedside discussion there should be 66 hours of Innovative sessions during clinical
sessions in the forenoon session. This comprises of project work, seminars, structured
discussion, and integrated teaching.
Simple day to day problems should be given more importance.
Sessions which will improve communication skills and attitude should be given more
Pediatric casualty posting is compulsory during the final year posting. They should be posted in
Intensive care unit and new born nurseries during evening hours with due care to prevent
infections in nurseries .
There should be enough pediatric surgery case exposure during clinical sessions
The training in pediatrics should prepare the student to deliver preventive, promotive, curative
and rehabilitative services for care of children both in the community and rehabilitative services
and at hospital as part of a team in an integrated form with other subjects.
For integrated teaching the topics should be planned in advance by discussion with different
Students should have knowledge and skill to diagnose common problems in newborn and
child, identify life threatening situations and to decide when to refer to higher centers.
1. Knowledge
a) Describe the normal growth and development during fetal life, neonatal period, childhood
and adolescence and outline deviations thereof.
b) Know age related requirements of calories, nutrients, fluids, in health and disease.
c) Know the common pediatric disorders and emergencies in terms of epidemiology, etiology
pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, rational therapy and rehabilitation.
d) Know preventive strategies for common infectious diseases, malnutrition, genetic and
metabolic disorders, poisonings, accidents and child abuse.
e) Know national programs relating to child health including immunization.
f) Basic knowledge about special situations like newborn and adolescents
2. Skills
e) Provide ambulatory care to all sick children, identify indications for specialized inpatient
care and ensure timely referral of those who require hospitalization
f) Know how to write a proper prescription & referral letter. How to interpret investigations to
be stressed. They may be assigned specific tasks which will improve skills in the
management, communication and attitude towards patients.
g) To develop basic communication skill s to communicate with pediatric patents and parents.
h) Sensitive to the ethical issues while dealing with children and adolescents.
i) To take consent for procedures
Videos and simulation
Bedside clinics
Hands own procedures
Integrated sessions
Participation in procedures.
Childhood asthma, Acute Bronchiolitis, Pneumonias in children, Suppurative Lung disease,
smoking and environmental pollution, Croup syndromes
Cerebral palsy, Mental retardation, Meningitis and Encephalitis, Seizure disorders & Febrile
Disorders of kidney acute nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome, Renal failure, Urinary tract
Endocrine disorders
Malignancies in children
National programs
Common poisonings
New Born
Respiratory distress in new born
Neonatal seizures
Congenital malformations
Antenatal diagnosis and treatment
Sepsis in new born.
BFHI, IYCF, Nutritional assessment, SAM, Specific Vitamin deficiency disorders
3. Growth and development, demonstrate how to do. Common disorders of growth and
development may be demonstrated. Charting and Interpretation of growth charts
New born:
Resuscitation newborn
Assessment of gestation
Low birth weight babies
Convulsions in newborn
Jaundice in newborn
c) Jaundice
f)Loose stools
h) Convulsions
i) j)Shock
Adequate coverage of common problems for adolescents to be included
Pediatric surgery classes. They should report to the parent department after pediatric surgery
clinical sessions
Chronic conditions in Pediatrics
Instruments and procedures,
Vaccines, Growth charts, drugs, IV fluids should be shown .Common equipments should be
shown during initial postings. In final year they should get chance to use and practice them. Eg
They should be involved in simple procedures like nasogastric tube insertion, rectal drug
administration etc
Students should be involved in the social activities of department eg ORS day, Immunization
week; Breast feeding week .They should be given specific tasks in the conduction of the
programs. If possible they may be given specific task to address a community problem .eg low
vaccine coverage, how to solve?
Case Record
Separate clinical record book should be kept and at least 5pediatric cases one
newborn and one pediatric surgery cases to be written.Better to have a uniform
format for case record .
Log Book
In addition to record book, a separate log book should be maintained by students to record
daily activities, supervised by concerned Unit chief or Assistants.
Bothe case record and Log book should be compulsory.
University model clinical examinations should be conducted apart from the end posting
examinations and is compulsory.
Prescribed Books
1. Essentials of Pediatrics by O.P.Ghai
2. Clinical Examination in Pediatrics by Meharban Singh
3. Hutchison`s Clinical Methods
4. Clinical evaluation of new-born, infants and children by Dr. Sushama Bai
5. Care of Newborn by Meharban Singh
6. Nutrition & Child development by Dr. K. E. Elizabeth
Reference Books
Theory examination
• Theory
University : 40
Viva : 10
Int. Asst : 10
Total : 60
• Practicals
University exam : 30
Int. Asst. : 10
Total : 40
2. This section short notes mainly on management (From Major systems and Pediatric
3. This section short notes (2 marks each, 5 questions Mainly on growth, development,
nutrition, social pediatrics ,National programs
Clinical examination
Two cases 20 minutes each
First case 12.5 Marks
(System case. Common problems should be given importance)
Assessment to view child along with family, care giver concerns as a whole in discussing
OSCE 5 Marks
There should be three stations. Clinical scenario analysis or skill assessment stations are
desirable. Out of three stations one newborn scenario is compulsory. Better avoid newborn
babies as cases.
Marks 2 mark for newborn scenario
1.5 marks each for other 2 stations making total 5
Time 3 minutes for each station.
New born session may be made performance station e.g. demonstration of use of AMBU bag
on a manikin or performance of initial stage of resuscitation.
1. Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
a. Describe aetiology, Pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and management of common
surgical problems including emergencies, in adult and children
b. Define indications and methods for fluid and replacement therapy including blood
transfusion c. Define asepsis, disinfection and sterilization and recommended judicious use of
d. Describe common malignancies in the country and their management including prevention
e. Enumerate different types of anaesthetic agents, their indications, mode of administration,
contraindications and side effects
2. Skills
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
a. Diagnose common surgical conditions both acute and chronic, in adult and children;
b. Plan various laboratory tests for surgical conditions and interpret the results;
c. Identify and manage patients of haemorrhagic, septicaemic and other types of shock;
d. Be able to maintain patients air-way and resuscitate; i. a critically injured patient, ii. patient
with cardiorespiratory failure, iii.a drowning case.
e. Monitor patient of head, chest, spinal and abdominal injuries, both in adult and children f.
Provide primary care for a patient of burns
g. Acquire principles of operative surgery, including pre-operative, operative and post-
operative care and monitoring
h. Treat open wounds including preventing measures against tetanus and gas gangrene
i. Diagnose neonatal and paediatric surgical emergencies and provide sound primary care
before referring patient to secondary / tertiary centres
j. Identify congenital anomalies and refer them for appropriate management
k.To leran to Commuicate with patients regarding common suirgical
problems,investigations and treatment .
l.Learn to address Common ethical issues in surgical ward and OPD .
In addition to the skills referred above in items (a) to (j), he shall have observed / assisted the
a. Incision and drainage of abscess
b. Debridement and suturing open wound
c. Venesection
d. Excision of simple cyst and tumours e.
Biopsy of surface malignancy
f. Catheterisation and nasogastric intubation
g. Circumcision
h. Meatotomy
i. Vasectomy
J. Pertoneal and pleural aspirations
k. Diagnostic proctoscopy
l. Hydrocele operation
m. Endotracheal intubation n.
o. Chest tube insertion
Duration of the course: semesters -III, V, VI, VIII & IX Total
number of hours: 300
Lectures: 100.
Innovative sessions: 200
Practicals: Clinical posting as shown in the table
(Project work, Seminars, Structured discussion, integrated teaching, Formative
evaluation, Revision)
Principles of Surgery; Genetics, History of Surgery, Surgical ethics
a. Metabolic Response to Trauma,
b. Wound healing and complications,
c. Critically injured patient including Triage
d. ATLS, Poly Trauma, Disaster Management,
e. Different types of wounds and their management.
Shock: Types, pathogenesis and management, Haemorrhage, Haemostasis, Blood transfusion,
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance, Nutritional Support Pre-operative and post-operative care -
Emphasis on Intensive care & high dependency Sterilization
palate, Oral cancers and premalignant conditions, Jaw tumors, ranula, Misc -Branchial cysts and
fistula, Carotid body turnours.
Thyroid and Parathyroid Thyroglossal cyst and fistula Breast
Applied Anatomy and physiology, Investigation, Fibrocystic Diseases, Inflammation,
Diaphragm, Mediastinum, Chest Injuries; Thoracic outlet compression syndrome Heart and
pericardium, Plerura and Lungs
Gastro Intestinal Tract
Anatomy and physiology, Congenital anomalies, Dysphagia, Achalasia and other motility
Oesophageal perforation, Gastro oesophageal Reflux Diseases, Tumours Stomach and
Anatomy, physiology, embryology, Congenital, Peptic ulcer Disease(APD), Upper GI
Tumours, pyloric stenosis
Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Trauma, Liver Abscess, Cysts of the Liver, Portal
Tumours, principles and management of obstructive jaundice
Biliary system
Congenital disorders, Gall stone, Cholecystitis, Cholango carcinoma
Anatomy and physiology, Trauma -Splenic conservation, Indication for splenectomy
Anatomy, Development and Physiology, Congenital Anomalies, Acute pancreatitis, Chronic
pancreatitis includiRg calcific pancreatitis, Tumours, Surgical jaundice
Vermiform Appendix
Anatomy, Appendicitis, Neoplasm
Small and Large Intestine
Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology, Congenital disorders, Inflammatory Bowel disease
including typhoid, tuberculosis, tumors, intestinal obstruction
conservative management of malignant bowel obstruction without RT aspiration and IV fluids –
where surgery is not feasible. Chronic constipation
Rectum and anal canal
Ano-rectal anomalies, Prolapse, Haemorrhoids, Ano-rectal sepsis, fissure, fistula, Tumour
Abdominal trauma, Minimally invasive Surgery, Peritoneum and retroperitoneum, Hernia and
abdominal wall, Mesentery, surgical audit and day care surgery
Prescribed Books
Reference Books
Lecture demonstration in surgical specialities should include Orthopaedics,
Radiotherapy, Aneasthesiology, Thoracic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery,
Urology and Casualty.
The broad goal of teaching the undergraduate medical students in the field of Orthopaedics is
to make the students understand the basics of fractures and dislocations commonly
encountered and the essential treatment needed for emergency management. The common
congenital, inflammatory, metabolic, developmental, degenerative and neoplastic diseases
occurring in the bones and joints should also be familiarised.
1. Knowledge
a. Explain the principles of diagnosis, first aid, management and complications of recognised
bone and joint injuries.
b. Apply suitable methods to detect and manage common infections of bones and joint
c. Identify congenital skeletal anomalies and their referral for appropriate correction and
d. Recognize metabolic bone diseases as seen in this country
e. Explain aetiopathogenesis, manifestations, diagnosis and principles of management of
neoplasms affecting bones
2. Skills
3. Application:
Be able to perform certain orthopaedic skills, provide sound advice for skeletal and related
conditions at primary or secondary health care level
4. Integration
Integration with anatomy, surgery, pathology, radiology and Forensic Medicine is
5. Student should be aware of the rights of the patient , issues like autonomy, consent etc
Lectures : 35
Definition of a fracture, types of fractures and general Principles of management of
Complications of fractures
Open fractures and pathological fracture
Fracture clavicle
Fracture neck of humerus and shoulder dislocations
Fracture humerus (shaft) and Supracondylar fracture
Intercondylar fracture and Olecranon racture
Elbow dislocation and forearm fracture
Monteggia fracture and Galeazzi’s fracture
Colle’s fracture and fracture scaphoid
Fracture spine and traumatic Paraplegia
Fracture pelvis and Hip fractures
Fracture of femur Hip dislocation and fracture shaft of femur
Meniscus tear and fracture patella
Leg fractures
Ankle injuries, (types, classification, management, complication, named
fractures) Hand injuries
Extensor mechanism injuries of knee
Fracture of tarsal bones
Cold Orthopaedics
C.T.E.V and flat foot
Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia and Arthrgryphosis multiplex
congenita, Osteomyelitis, Septic arthritis
Tuberculosis –Spine, Hip, Knee, Elbow, Wrist and other sites
Perthe’s disease and slipped upper femoral epiphysis Rickets
and Osteomalacia
Rheumatoid arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis
Intervertebral disc prolapse.
Scoliosis and Spondylolisthesis
Bone Tumours
Osteochondroma, Simple bone cyst, Aneurysmal bone cyst, Enchondroma,
Gaint cell tumour, Osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma,
Multiple myeloma, Metastatic bone diseases,
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Nerve injuries –Radial nerve, ulnar nerve, sciatic nerve,
Amputations, Osteoarthrosis Hip, Knee, Cerebral palsy.
Symposia with clinical cases –Trauma
Fat embolism, compartment syndrome VIC
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Back pain,Commonest complaint for which patient seeks medical help
Reference Books
One week’s posting of MBBS students to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation had been
suggested during Orthopaedics / Radiology posting
1. Introduction to Physical medicine and Rehabilitation disability process and progression of
disabilities concept of Imapairment / Disability and handicap.
2. Principles of Physical therapy –various modalities and therapeutic exercises
3. Principles of occupational therapy its application in the rehabilitation of various disabilities
4. Principles of prosthesis, orthosis and rehabilitation aids
5. Pain management principle
The broad goal of teaching undergraduate medical students in the field of Radiotherapy is to
make the students understand the magnitude of the ever-increasing cancer problem in the
country. The students must be made aware about steps required for the prevention and
possible cure of this dreaded condition
1. Knowledge
The student shall be able to:
a. Identity symptoms and signs of various cancers and their steps of investigations and
b. Explain the effect of radiation therapy on humaTi beings and the basic principles involved in
c. Know about radio-active isotopes and their physical properties
d. Be aware of the advances made in radiotherapy in eancer management and knowledge of
various radio therapeutic equipment while treating a patient
2. Skills
At the completion of the training programme, the student shall be able to:
a. Take a detailed clinical history of the case suspected of having a malignant disease
b. Assist various specialists in administration of anticancer drugs and in application and use
(If various radiotherapeutic equipment, while creating a patient)
Lectures: 7
Practicals: As per schedule attached
Innovative sessions: 13 Part of clinical posting
(Project work, Seminars, Structured discussion, Formative evaluation, Revision)
1. Premedication,
2. Anaesthetic equipments,
3. IV cannulation,
4. Nonivasie & Invasive monitoring,
5. Different anaesthetic techniques,
6. Laryngoscopy, intubation,
7. Spinal and Epidural anaesthesia,
8. Regional anaesthesia,
9. Management of patient in the recovery room,
10. Resuscitation techniques,
BLS, ACLS along with when to reconsider CPR in a patient with multisystem failure
Pronging life Vs. Prolonging Death
End of Life Care Law in the country
* Structured question (clinical situation) 1x3 = 3 marks
Total 30 marks
Section B (Orthopaedics)
4. Total 30 marks
Surgery paper II
Topics included
* Essay : 1 x 5 = 5 marks
*Total 60 marks
Total marks - 120marks
Voce - 20 marks
Total for theory - 170marks
University examination
Two papers of three hours duration with 60 marks each
Surgery paper I
Topics included -GIT, -30 marks
Orthopaedics -30 marks
Surgery paper II
Topics included - Whole of general surgery (except GIT), anaesthesia, Radiotherapy, Dental-
60 marks
Total -120 marks
Scheme of Practical Examination
General Surgery: Maximum Marks: 100 Long case (Surgery) 1 x 50 = 50 marks (45 minutes)
Short case
* Surgery 1 x 20 + 5 (OSCE) = 25 marks
* Ortho 1 x 20 + 5 (OSEC) = 25 marks (10 minutes each)
Viva 20 marks (5x4 stations)
• Introduction
• Consent
• Position of patient
• Interpretation
Oral Examination - 4 examiners
Topics to be divided and all examiners to examine each student X-rays/Histopathology slides,
Instruments, Specirriens and operative surgery Data analysis & Management.
The broad goal of teaching of the undergraduate student in Obstetrics & Gynaecology is to
empower the student with the necessary knowledge in anatomy, physiology and
pathophysiology of the reproductive system and to acquire the necessary skill to manage
normal pregnancy and delivery and related problems and to diagnose and treat the common
gynaecological diseases.
The following knowledge and theoretical skills have to be acquired by the student at the
end of the course.
1. Outline the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of reproductive system and the
common conditions affecting it, including the preventive aspects.
2. To diagnose and manage normal pregnancy including pre-pregnancycare, labour, puerperium
and the problems related to these conditions.
3. To list the common causes leading to maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality and to
be aware of the remedial measures for the same.
4. Identify the use and side effects of drugs during pregnancy and to be aware of indiscriminate
use of antibiotics and other drugs during obstetric & gynaecological practice.
5. To be aware of the common indications, technique and complications of usually performed
operations like caesarean section, hysterectomy etc.
6. Learn the principles of contraception, and the various methodsand complications of
contraception, methods of medical termination of pregnancy,etc
7. To be familiar with the various National Programmes in relation to maternal and child health,
Apart from the above theoretical knowledge, the following practical skills have to be acquired
at the end of the course of studies:
8. To leran to Commuicate with patients regarding common gynecological
problems,investigations and treatment .
9.Learn to address Common ethical issues in surgical ward and OPD .
10. To be aware of legal and ethical issues specially important for the women.
11. To be sensitive to the rights and special requirements of women in the health care scenario.
12. learn the basics of evidence based gynecology
Apart from the above theoretical knowledge, the following practical skills have to be acquired at
the end of the course of studies:
• Examine a pregnant woman and diagnose abnormalities like preeclampsia, anaemia,
GDM, abnormal presentations and to make appropriate referrals if necessary.
• Conduct a normal labour and to provide postnatal care.
• Resuscitation of newborn babies.
• Perform a pelvic examination and to diagnose common gynaecological diseases.
• Examine a vaginal smear for trichomonas and fungus, and to take a pap smear.
• To offer appropriate contraceptive advice to a couple, and to assist in insertion of
• Interpret common investigation results (biochemical, histopathological, ultrasound
At the end of the training period the student must be able to provide preventive,promotive,
curative and appropriate rehabilative care of women and new born with a life cycle approach
integrate activities with other departments like community medicine and paediatrics, in
programmes like newborn care, immunization, nutrition, and other maternal & child health
and adolescent activities
General Guidelines for training:
1. Training in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology with facilities prescribed by MCI, for a
period of 24 weeks with due exposure to antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care and family
planning and general gynaecological care
2. The student should maintain a log book for clinical postings from 3 rd semester till 9th semester
and frequently verified by the faculty members.
3. Of this period of clinical instruction, not less than 4weeks be spend as resident pupil in the
4. During this period, the student shall conduct at least 10 normal deliveries under supervision,
and assist in 10 cases including abnormal deliveries and obstetric emergencies. These cases
include postnatal follow up also.
5. The student shall maintain a record of the work done in the department, get it certified from
the department and submit for the Final University examination
Syllabus – Details:
SESSIONS which will improve communication skills and attitude should be given
Details of lectures:
Diagnosis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, relevant tests and the principles underlying
the tests
Antenatal care: Objectives of antenatal care routine antenatal check up, pre pregnancy care
and couselling
Assesment of period of gestation, Obstetric examination, General examination, other system
Clinical monitoring of maternal and fetal well being, detect abnormality
Common Problems in Pregnancy:
Oedema, Pruritis, heart burn, piles, varicose veins, clothing and foot ware, Exercise, sex,
Nutrition, Rest, drug in pregnancy
Drugs: Immunization, Drug prescription relevant blood examination, urine examination and
interpretation of the results & physiological changes in pregnancy Ultrasound examination
Foetal surveillance
Normal Labour
Physiology of onset of labor, fetal skull &pelvis
Mechanism of labour
Labour monitoring Partogram, CTG Labour analgesia
Induction of labor (various methods of induction-merits and demerits)
Acceleration of labor and drugs used in labor
Stages of labour, management of first of labour
Management of second stage of labour (vaginal delivery) use of restricted
Management of third stage of labor:
Active management of third stage of labor
Prevention of PPH, Management of PPH
Other complications of third stage of labor and management
immediate postpartum care, care during fourth stage of labor
Abnormal labor:
Partogram, labor abnormalities, prolonged labor, dystocia
Hypertonic contractions, hypotonic contractions and
Incoordinate uterine action
CPD, obstructed labourand Rupture uterus
Caesarean section (indications, complications)
Vaginal delivery after caesarean
Abnormal presentations and management: Occipito posterior position, Breech presentation,
transverse lie, brow/ face presentation
Abortions: Types, etiopathology, investigations and management
Recurrent pregnancy loss: causes, investigations and management
Ectopic pregnancy: etiopathology, early diagnosis, late diagnosis, clinical features,
differential diagnosis and principles of management (conservative, medical and surgical)
Trophoblastic diseases: aetiopathology, classification, clinical features, Diagnosis,
management, long term follow up and complications
Hyperemesis gravidarum: definition, aetipathology, clinical features advice and drug therapy
Abnormal puerperium: Cause clinical presentation investigations and management
Abnormal pregnancy, Medical Complicationss like hypertension, anaemia, Diabetes, Heart
disease,Liver disease, Antepartum haemorrhage, abnormalities of placenta and cord, HIV in
Multiple pregnancies
Intra uterine death
PROM (premature rupture of membranes)
Preterm labor
Post datism
Elderly primi, Grand multipara, Rh negative, Gynaecological disorders complicating
Fetus and new born:
Fetal distress: definition, diagnosis and management neonatal resuscitation
Care of new born, examination of new born and identifying congenital abnormalities
Jaundice in new born
Breast feeding
Various methods and devices, selection of patients, counselling of the Couples, follow up,
side effects, complications, and failure rates, guidelines on male and female sterilisation
Medical termination of pregnancy:
MTP Act, Legal and ethical aspects, POSCO act, methods, complications and
Operative obstetrics
Indication and steps of the procedure of episiotomy, perineal tears
Vacuum extraction, forceps delivery
Dilatatation and Evacuation
Caesarean section,
Assisted breech delivery, breech extraction External
cephalic version, internal podalic version Cervical
encirclage extra amniotic instillation& Manual
removal of placenta
Ultrasound MRI in obstetrics: diagnostic and interventional
Fetomaternal medicine: Screening for congenital abnormalities,
Blood tests (maternal and fetal) Amniotic fluid analysis,
Foetal tissue biopsy
Medical disorders in pregnancy:
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Heart diseases complicating pregnancy
Anemia in pregnancy
Diabetes in pregnancy
UTI, Hepatitis, TB- -, respiratory diseases, Chest disease complicating pregnancy
sexually transmitted diseases, Veneral disease, infections, HIV complicating
pregnancy Thyroid disorders, Immunological disorders, like SLE, APLA, and
Thrombophilia complicating pregnancy
Jaundice in pregnancy Haemorrrhage and coagulation disorders in
Obstetrics & Immunology in Pregnancy
Dummy pelvis, Mannequins Resuscitation of new born
Abnormal menstruation:
Normal menstrual cycle – physiology of ovulation and menstruation
Abnormal menstruation Definition, classification, clinical features and principles of
investigations, diagnosis and management
Amenorrhoea: Definition, classification, causes, investigations and management.
Abnormal uterine bleeding and Postmenopausal bleeding:
Definition, causes, investigations, and management
Hormonal therapy: when to give, when not to give, type of hormones with dosage, duration of
hormonal therapy, complications and contraindications for hormonal therapy Infertility: Types,
definition, causes, counselling, examination of couple and essential
investigations, ART: Various methods of assisted reproductive techniques, Setting up of ART lab
including legal and ethical issues
Genital injuries including fistulae: Causes, diagnosis, Clinical features, and principles of
management and prevention.
Genital infections: STDs, PID, HIV infection and AIDS, genital TB- etiopathology, diagnosis and
principles of management
Vaginal hygiene, common infections,
Neoplasms of Genital tract – Benign and Malignant. Aetiopathology, Clinical features,
diagnosis, principles of management, and cancer screening and preventive aspects
Abnormal vaginal discharge: Causes clinical examination, diagnosis, Investigation and
management.Counselling regarding prevention of STD’s
Correction of enterocele, diagnosis and operation for vault prolapse
Acute abdomen
Adolescent Gynaecology
Urological problems
- Pelvic Floor exercises
Minimum one day per week is devoted for live operative Surgery demonstration and discussion
Separate clinical record should be kept and at least twenty cases to be included.
During the clinical posting in Obstetrics the student should learn History taking, Diagnosis
of Normal pregnancy, physical changes in pregnancy, presentation, position, and lie etc., early
pregnancy complications. Abortion, Normal labour in the labour room.
Puerperium with stress on lactation, BFHI, common ailments of pregnancy like hyperemesis,
UTI, abnormal presentation, medical complications, III stage complications and abnormal
During the clinical posting in gynaecology. The student should learn History taking, examination,
common symptoms, applied anatomy of genital organs, physiology of menstruation and
ovulation, fibroid, Ovarian tumour, prolapse, Endometriosis, Malignancies of genital tract and
Abnormal uterine bleeding. Students should be exposed to operative procedures and diagnostic
procedures like ultrasound endoscopy etc..
During internment, the student should conduct at least 10 normal case and assist 10
normal cases, assist abnormal labour and attend all emergencies. The classes to be taken are
palpation (review), mechanism of labour and mannequein demonstration, obstetric operations
and obstetric emergencies and various obstetric drills. This period should also be used to
develop proper communication skills and attitude towards female patients
• Each students must maintain a log book carried over from 3rd semester to 9th
Structure of records to include concerns of the whole person with the disease and not just
the organ
• The record book should be submitted at the time of final average practical examination. Only
if the record book is submitted the candidate becomes eligible to appear for the clinical
Partogram should be included in the record while printing the records
Mode of action and administration of hormonal contraceptives
Contraindications for administration of contraceptives. Side effects of contraceptives.
Community Medicine: The need for Family Welfare Planning, Organization of Family
Planning service, Health Education in relating to Family Planning, counselling and consent for
variouscontraceptives, Nutrition, Physiological need of the mother, the child and the
Demography and the vital statistics
Details of Practical
Demonstration of use of IUCD, condoms and technique of NSV
Prescribed Books
1. Mudaliar and Menons Clinical Obstetrics 12th edition
2. Text book of Obstetrics by D C Dutta 8th edition
3. Text book of Gynaecology by D C Dutta 4th edition
4. Shaws Text book of Gynaecology 14th edition
5. Text book of Obstetrics by Sheila Balakrishnan (Paras Publications)
6. Test Book of Gynaecology by Sheila Balakrishnan
Reference books
7. Williams obstetrics 24th edition (MacGraw Hill)
8. Essentials of Gynaecology by Dr Lekshmy Sheshadri 1st edition (Published by Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins)
Theory-two papers of 2hr duration 40 marks each
Paper 1-(obstetrics & social obstetrics)
Section - A
Draw & label - 2 marks
SAQ (1marks x4) - 4 marks
SAQ (2marks x3) - 6 marks
Short essays (4marks x2) - 8 marks
Section – B
Essay (problem solving) - 10 marks
SAQ (1markx4) - 4 marks
SAQ (3marksx2) - 6marks
Total - 40 marks
Paper 2 - (Gynaecology, Family Welfare &Demography)
Section - A
Section –B
Scheme of Practical Examination
Maximum Marks: 50
2: Short Case- Gynaecology = 25 marks
Oral Exam
USG, CTG Partogram, Instruments, Family planning &
Operative surgery - 20 marks
Note: These are suggested time tables. Adjustments where required, depending
uponthe availability of time and facility, are made. (Institutional adjustments)
(1) To take the history and do examinations addressing the patients basic rights
and sensitivities .
(2) To document the findings properly
(3) To communicate patients problems and findings to the seniors and colleges
(4) Communicate well with the patient and the relatives/LAR
(5) Devolop empathy and therapeutic relationship to the patient
(6) To addres situations like counselling grief, angry patient, disclosure of
bad news,managing crowd etc
XV Bio ethics
1. To list basic principles of medical ethi
2.13 Records
Not applicable.
Gen Medicine 8 2 X 4 X 8 4 26
Paediatrics X 2 X 4 4 10
TB & chest 2 X X 2
Skin & VD 2 4 X X 6
Psychiatry 2 X X 2
*Radiology 2 X X 2
****Gen. Surgery 8 2 X 4 X 8 4 26
**Orthopaedics 2 X 4 X 4 10
Ophthalmology 4 X 6 X 10
Otorhinolaryngology 2 X 6 X 8
O&G &FP 8 2 X 6 X 4 4 24
Comm. Medicine 2 4 X 6 X 12
***Casualty/ Clip 2 X X 2
Dentistry 2 X X 2
The rest of the day, excluding afternoon theory classes will be casualty posting.
The Casuality/clinical pathology posting includes exposure to laboratory medicine and
infectious diseases.
Not applicable
Present in clause 2. 10 content of each subject in each year.
2.20 Journals
2.21 Logbook
Not applicable.
A student who has secured 35% marks for internal assessment in theory, practical/clinical
separately is qualified to appear for university examination provided he/she satisfies that
percentage of attendance requirement as said already.
3.4 Papers in each year
First year
2. Anatomy PaperI
3. Anatomy Paper II
4. Physiology PaperI
5. Physiology Paper II
6. Biochemistry PaperI
7. Biochemistry Paper II
Second year
5. MICROBIOLOGY- Paper I – General Bacteriology, Immunology,
Systematic Bacteriology
6. MICROBIOLOGY Paper II – Clinical Microbiology, Parasitology,
Mycology & Virology
1. Ophthalmology
2. Otorhinolaryngology
3. Community Medicine- Paper I
4. Community Medicine- Paper II
The medical colleges under the University will be divided into 6 zones. The distribution of
Zone are as follows: -
Zone A: All medical colleges in Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam districts.
Zone B: All medical colleges in Kottayam, Idukki and Pathanamthitta districts.
Zone C: - All medical colleges in Ernakulam and Alappuzha districts.
Zone D: - All medical colleges in Thrissur and Palakkad districts.
Zone E: - All medical colleges in Kozhikode, Wayanad and Malappuram districts.
Zone F: - All medical colleges in Kannur and Kasaragod districts.
The examinations are to be designed with a view to ascertain whether the candidate has
acquired the necessary knowledge, minimum skills, along with clear concepts of the
fundamentals which are necessary for him/her to carry out his/her day to day work
competently. Evaluation will be carried out on an objective basis. An examination calendar
should be prepared with designated dates for all internal and University Examinations by the
University/ Institutional Curriculum Committee every year.
The theory question papers will be designed in such a way that the questions include structured
essays, short answer questions. The theory papers in pre and paraclinical subjects will be given
due weightage to the applied aspects and clinical subjects will include questions based on basic
sciences also. The present pattern of question papers is provided along with subject wise
syllabus given in part II.
The Practical / clinical examination will be conducted in the laboratories or hospital wards.
Objective will be to assess proficiency in skills, conduct of experiment, interpretation of data
and logical conclusion. Clinical cases should preferably include common diseases the student is
likely to come across in practice. Rare cases/obscure syndromes, long cases of neurology etc.
shall not be kept for the final examination. Emphasis should be on candidate’s capability in
eliciting physical signs and their interpretation. Practical examination should be objective and
should test skills and ability to interpret the results.
Structured evaluation should be done. OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) should
be incorporated in the practical examinations. Viva/ oral include evaluation of management
approach and handling of emergencies.
Candidate’s skill in interpretation of common investigative data, x-rays, identification of
specimens, ECG, etc. also is to be evaluated.
3.6 Model question paper for each subject with question paper pattern
Answer to all questions; Draw diagrams wherever (Total marks = 50)
Essay (10 Marks )
1. Explain the renal regulation of pH . What are the laborotary data required for assessing
acid base status of a patient? Give two causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosi ( 5 + 3+
2=10 Marks.)
Short essay (2 x5 =10)
2.PCR technique and its applications in clinical medicine
9. Normal E C G in Lead II
10. Juxtaglomerular apparatus (2x2½ =5 marks)
Explain the physiological basis of the following:
V. State the differentiating features of Upper Motor Neurons and Lower Motor
Neuron lesions
VI. Comment on the tone of the muscles of the affected side
(1+1+4+2+2=10 marks)
Short Essay:
2. Give an account of visual pathway. What is the effect of a lesion of right optic tract?
3. Discuss the hormonal regulation of blood calcium level (2x5=10 marks)
4. Pathway of pain from the face
5. Theories of hearing
6. Role of nigrostrial pathway in regulating cortical activity
7. Hormonal control of lactation
8. Second Messengers (5x3=15 marks)
9. Organ of Corti
10. Hormonal changes during normal menstrual cycle. (2x2½ =5 marks)
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
2. Inversion and eversion of foot
3. Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
4. Radioulnar joints (3x5=15 marks)
First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Answer all questions.
1. A 10 year old boy was brought to the O.P with fever and difficulty in opening his
mouth and chewing. On examination there was a swelling in front of his left ear
associated with tenderness. Based on your knowledge in Anatomy answer the
following questions.
Name the structure affected in this case
Describe the coverings, surfaces and borders of the
structure Mention the structure traversing it
Give the nerve supply of the structure
(1+5+2+2=10 marks)
Write briefly on:
3. Ischiorectal fossa
4. Constituent fibres and arterial supply of internal capsule
5. Development and congenital anomalies of palate.(3x5=15 marks)
Draw neat labelled diagram of the following:
13. Structures seen posterior to the stomach
14. Transverse section through upper part of midbrain(2x2=4 marks)
QP Code:
Reg. Number:
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 2 hrs Max marks: 40
Answer all questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (7)
1. A 23 year old girl was brought to casualty with history of vomiting after consuming
a fruit which looked like an unripe mango with fibrous covering enclosing a kernel.
Pulse was irregular and weak. She died soon after. Answer the following questions.
What was she suffering from .
What are the ingredients of the poisonous fruit consumed
. How will you confirm the diagnosis .
What is the likely cause of death in such cases . (2+2+2+1=7)
Short notes: (5x3=15)
2. External autopsy findings in death due to hanging
3. Cardiovascular causes of sudden death
4. Causes of impotence in men
5. Age estimation from single tooth
6. Battered baby syndrome
Answer briefly (5x2=10)
7. Dying declaration
8. Algor mortis
9. Ingredients required for proof of negligence
10. Disputed paternity
11. Privileged communication
Differentiate between (2x2=4)
12. True and feigned insanity
13. Entrance and exit wounds of firearm discharge
Draw & Label (2x2=4)
14. Human spermatozoa
15. Gastric lavage tube
QP Code: Reg. Number: ............................
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 2 hrs Max marks: 40
Answer all questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. Read the clinical history and answer the following questions.:
A 30 year old male comes to the Medical O.P with complaints of fever of 2 weeks
duration. He has dry cough & weight loss .X-Ray reveals area of consolidation in
the apex of the right lung.
Mention the probable diagnosis and source of infection..
List the specimens to be sent for laboratory diagnosis in this case.
How will you proceed with laboratory diagnosis in this case.
How can the disease be prevented.
Mention the skin test done routinely for the diagnosis. Discuss the interpretation.
Short essays: (2x5=10)
2. Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of cholera
3. Type I hyper sensitivity reaction
Short notes: (10x2=20)
4. Clostridium difficile
5. Inspissation
6. Bacterial growth curve
7. Null cells
8. Transport medium
9. Legionella pneumophila
10. TRIC agents
11. Scrub typhus
12. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
13. Coliform count
QP Code: Reg. Number: ............................
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 2 hrs Max marks: 40
Answer all questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1. Read the clinical history and answer the following questions:
A 50 year old male presented with low grade fever of one month duration. He had
fatigue and loss of appetite. O/E there was hepatomegaly and yellowish
discolouration of sclera. He gives a history of blood transfusion three months back.
What is the probable diagnosis and causative agent.
What is the pathogenesis.
Which are the serological markers which will help in the diagnosis and
of severity of the disease.
What is the prophylaxis.
How do you treat this patient.
Name four viruses transmitted through blood transfusion. (1+2+3+2+1+1=10)
Short essays: (2x5=10)
2. Kala azar
3. Entamoeba histolytica
Short notes: (10x2=20)
4. Rhinosporidiosis
5. Prions
6. Cryptococcus neoformans
7. Tzanck smear
8. Hydatid cyst
9. Highly active anti retroviral therapy (HAART)
10. Pneumocystis jiroveci
11. Occult filariasis
12. Pathogenesis of dengue virus infection
13. Trichomonas vaginalis
QP Code: Reg. Number:
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 2 Max marks: 40
Answer all questions.
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (8)
1. Define inflammation. Describe briefly the cellular and humoral mediators of
inflammation. Mention the different morphological patterns of acute
inflammation with examples. (1+4+3=8)
Short essay: (6)
2. A 50 year old man developed sudden chest pain with vomiting. He was dysnoeic.
O/E he was febrile. ECG- showed ST elevation and T wave inversion. TC-
15,200/cmm, ESR: 40mm/hr. The patient died 12 hours later.
• What is your diagnosis and mention the reason
• What are the lab.investigations to be done at the time of admission.
• Describe the gross and microscopic features of the organ primarily involved .
• List four major complications. (1+2+2+1=6)
Short notes: (4x4=16)
3. Pathogenesis of reversible cell injury.
4. Blood grouping and cross matching.
5. Routes of metastasis.
6. CSF examination.
Answer briefly (4x2=8)
7. Ghons complex.
8. Ketonuria
9. Scurvy
10. Fat embolism
Answer in single sentence (4x½ =2)
11. Define metaplasia.
12. List two infective ulcers of the intestine
13. Define Type II hypersensitivity reaction.
14. Mention two tests for proteinuria
QP Code: Reg. Number: ............................
Second Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 2 hrs Max marks: 40
10. Plasma drug monitoring in a patient on Digoxin therapy for treatment of heart failure.
11. Fluoxetine as antidepressant drug instead of amitriptyline.
Give two uses and two adverse effects specific to the drug: (4x1=4)
12. Propranolol
13. Phenytoin
14. Heparin
15. Frusemide
Pharmacology - Paper II
Time : 2 hrs
• Answer all questions Marks : 40
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x5=10)
1. A 43 year old female presented to the casualty with drowsiness, fever, abdominal pain
and vomiting. She was a known case of type I diabetis mellitus on treatment with insulin since
the age of 10years . She had a history of upper respiratory infection two days back. On
examination she was tachypnoeic and temperature of 39o C was recorded. Lab investigations
revealed RBS of 340mg% and urine was ketone bodies positive. A diagnosis of diabetic
ketoacidosis was made.
Outline briefly the management of Diabetic ketoacidosis.
b. Enlist the different groups of oral antidiabetic drugs. Add a note on mechanism of
action of sulfonylureas
c. Enumerate the advantage of newer insulin analogues over conventional insulin.
(2 + 2 + 1 =5)
2. Classify the drugs used in the treatment of peptic ulcer. Add a note on proton pump
inhibitors. Enlist the various antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of H pylori infection.
(1 ½ +2+1 ½ =5)
Short notes: (4x3=12)
3. Echinocandins
4. Vinca alkaloids
5. Third generation cephalosporines
6. Chloroquine
Give reasons for following : (5x1=5)
7. Combining estrogen and progesterone in oral contraceptive pills.
8. Thalidomide in the treatment of lepra reaction.
9. Bisphosphonates in treatment of osteoporosis
10. Why penicillin is not combined with tetracycline in the treatment of pneumococcal
11. Folinic acid in methotrexate toxicity
Specify the mechanism of action of the following drugs: (3x1=3)
12. Vancomycin
13. Methotrexate
14. Tamoxifen
Specify the spectrum (highly susceptible bacteria) for the following agents (2x1= 2)
15. Aminoglycosides
16. Azithromycin
Give two uses and two specific adverse effects for the following drugs (4x1 = 4)
17. British antilewisite(BAL)
18. Cyclophosphamide
19. Prednisolone
20. Vinca alkaloids
Name two drugs (1/2 x 8 = 4)
21. Tocolytics
22. Treatment of neutropenia
23. Treatment of scabies
24. Prophylaxis of HIV
25. Anti influenza drugs ( two different groups)
26. Prophylaxis of malaria
27. Live viral vaccines
28. Treatment of MDR TB
Q.P.Code: Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part I Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hours Community Medicine- Paper I Total Marks: 60
•Answer all questions
•Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1.Rahul 7th semester MBBS student while doing his community medicine stay postingin a rural
CHC, observed that there are around 25% low birth weight among newborns during 1st
quarter of 2013. He decided to find out risk factors of low birthweight. Answer the following:
·What is the type of study design he should use if study has to be completed during
the posting and mention reasons
·State the objectives of study
·Mention the methodology of study
·How will you analyze the data
2.As a MO of PHC, what are the (2+1+5+2=10)
strategies you will plan to prevent (2x5=10)
and controlmalnutrition among children under five years in your area.
3.List down therapeutic diet for 35 years old male with stage I hypertension whoseheight
is 170cm, weight is 90kg and total cholesterol is 350 mg/dL
Short answer Question: (5x4=20)
4.Social security measures
5.Categories of bio medical waste management and color code used for disposal
6.Surveillance of drinking water quality
7.Emergency contraception
8.Occupational cancer and its control
Essay: (10)
1.Raju 12 years old boy, bitten by a stray dog and was brought to you. On examinationthere
were 2 lacerated wound on the right leg and small abarations on left leg. Dogwas killed. Answer
the following:
3.As MO of the PHC you are asked to prepare a project for implementing geriatric care(both IP
& OP services) in your hospital by the panchayat. Describe the project
Q.P.Code: Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part I Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
•Answer all questions
•Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1.A 60 years old short statured female presented in the casualty with history of suddenonset of
very severe pain in the right eye with redness and marked impairment ofvision in the same eye.
She is also having systemic symptoms of headache andvomiting. She gives history of seeing
colored haloes in the past. Answer the following :
Q.P.Code: Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part I Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
Time: 2 Hours Total Marks: 40
•Answer all questions
•Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essay: (10)
1.A 16 years old male, presented with progressive nasal obstruction and sudden
onset,unprovoked, painless and profuse bleeding from nose, nasal examination showed apinkish
smooth surfaced mass filling the nose and nasopharynx – presently as a bulgein the oral cavity
and palsy of the soft palate. Answer the following :
Q.P.Code: Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
General Medicine – I
(CVS.CNS,GIT, Renal, Fluid & Electrolyte Balance, Genetics and Nutrition)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x10=20)
1. 52 years old male was admitted to the casualty with one hour history of central chest
pain, nausea and sweating. ECG showed ST segment elevation in leads II, III and AVF. Answer
the following:
_ What is your diagnosis. _ What are the complications
_ Discuss the management. _ What are the life threatening causes for acute chest pain
2. 45 years old male with polyuria and polydypsia came with fasting and post prandial
sugar reports of 140 and 240 mg/dl, respectively. Answer the following:
_ What is your diagnosis _ Describe the diagnostic criteria for this condition
_ What dietary and exercise advice you will give him _ Discuss the management
Short Notes. (2x20=40)
3. Management of Guillian-Barre syndrome (GBS)
4. Amoebic liver abscess
5. Management of status epilepticus
6. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
7. Bell`s palsy.
8. The cardiac conduction system.
9. Clinical assessment of cerebellar function
10. Thrombolysis in stroke
11. Symptoms of Crohn's disease
12. Treatment of acute bacterial menigitis
13. Management of hyperkalemia
14. Pharmacotherapy of H. pylori infection
15. Osteoporosis
16. Insulin analogues
17. Clinical features of Cushing's syndrome
18. Wilson’s disease
19. Hyperparathyroidism
20. Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
21. Enumerate the causes for massive splenomegaly
22. Graves’ ophthalmopathy
Q.P.Code: Reg. no.: …………………
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
General Medicine - II
(General Medicine Including Dermatology, Psychiatry and Radio Diagnosis)
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Essays: (2x10=20)
1. 28 years old male found in a drowsy state, was brought to casualty. On examination, pulse
was 48 per minute, blood pressure 112/68 mm of Hg, respiratory rate 28/ minute, pin-pointed
pupils, wide spread fasciculations, and bilateral rales on chest auscultation. Answer the
_ What is your diagnosis _ Discuss the patho-physiology of this condition _ What are the
complications that may occur _ Discuss the management (1+2+3+4=10)
2. 32 years old multi-para came to out patient department with exertional breathlessness
and fatigability. She had been experiencing marked craving for ‘raw rice’. On examination,
had pallor and spoon-shaped nails. Answer the following:
_ What is the most likely diagnosis _ What is the patho-physiology of this disease
_ How will you investigate this lady _ Discuss the management (1+2+3+4=10)
Short Notes. (2x20=40)
3. Management of bronchial asthma.
4. Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)
5. Prophylaxis of venous thrombosis
6. The WHO analgesic ladder
7. Methicillin resistant staph. aureus (MRSA)
8. Peripheral smear and bone marrow in megaloblastic anemia
9. Complications of leptospirosis
10. Treatment of cerebral malaria
11. Peritoneal dialysis
12. Reactive arthritis
13. Chest X-ray in cardiac failure.
14. Drug treatment of depression
15. Aminoglycosides
16. Initiation of anti retroviral therapy.
17. CSF findings in tuberculous meningitis
18. Clinical features and management of Russell’s viper bite
19. Anaphylaxis
20. DOTS therapy for tuberculosis
21. Enteral tube feeding.
22. Dengue fever.
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
General Surgery - I
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Write Section A and Section B in separate answer books(32
Pages). Do not mix up questions from Section A and Section B
QP Code: Section A – Surgery GIT Marks:30
Structured Essay: (5)
1. A 60 years old male attends the surgery outpatient department with complaints of loss
of appetite, loss of weight, and early satiety of two months duration. Answer the following:
_ What is the most probable diagnosis. _ b. What are the investigations done to diagnose
this disease. _ What are the investigations done to stage the disease.
_ What is the role of surgery in treating this patient. (1+1+1+2=5)
Short essays: (2x6=12)
2. Cholelithiasis.
3. Dynamic Intestinal obstruction
Clinical Situation (3)
4. A 32 years old male is brought to the casualty with c/o severe epigastric pain radiating to the
back, along with vomiting, following a bout of alcoholism. Discuss briefly the management of
this clinical condition.
Short Notes. (5x2=10)
5. Acute appendicitis.
6. Volvulous Sigmoid.
7. Haemorrhoids.
8. Colostomy.
9. Mesenteric cyst.
QP Code: Section B – Orthopaedics Marks:30
Essay: (6)
1. A 70 years old female attends the orthopaedics casualty with history of fall and
complains of pain right hip, inability to walk and inability to bear weight since 2 days
duration. Answer the following: _ What is the most probable diagnosis _ What is the positio
of the lower limb in this case _ What are the investigations to be done _ What happens to
Shenton’s line _ What is the immediate management _ Describe the surgical
management for this patient
Short essays: (4x3=12)
2. Spina ventosa
3. compound palmar ganglion
4. GCT
5. Fibrous dysplasia
Short Notes. (6x2=12)
6. Ulnar paradox
7. March fracture
8. Tinnel’s sign
9. Holstein Lewis syndrome
10. Carpel tunnel syndrome
11. Sprain ankle
Third Professional MBBS Part II Degree Examinations
(Model Question Paper)
General Surgery - II
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 60
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Structured Essay: (15)
1. A thirty five years old female attends the surgery out patient department with complaints of
a swelling in the front of neck along, with palpitation, increased appetite, & loss of weight.
Answer the following:
_ Discuss the specific investigations that are helpful in the
diagnosis. _ Discuss the specific treatment options available for this
_ Discuss the specific complications and their treatment, following surgery for this patient.
Essay: (5)
2. Discuss the types, the pathophysiology, and management of Shock.
Short essays: (2x4=8)
3. Flail chest.
4. Acute scrotum in a child
Short Notes. (4x3=12)
5. Tuberculous lymphadenitis.
6. Urolithiasis.
7. Phaeochromocytoma.
8. Epidural anaesthesia.
Answer briefly (10x2=20)
9. Extradural haematoma.
10. FAST.
11. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas.
12. Acute urinary retention.
13. Incisional hernias.
14. Lymphoedema.
15. Nonsurgical treatment of varicose veins.
16. Acute limb ischaemia.
17. Conservative breast cancer surgery.
18. Submandibular sialadenitis.
A 3 year old boy admitted with skin bleeds and epistaxis for the last one week. No
history of fever, fatigue, joint pain or swelling. No similar symptoms in the past or among
family members.
(a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
(c) Describe, how to differentiate these from your initial diagnosis clinically and from
investigations (4 points for each)
(d) Clinical features of marasmus
Section A
Section B
I. Essay
A 25 year old primi gravida presents with bleeding per vaginum at 36 weeks gestation.
On examination uterus tense and tender FHS absent.a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What is the differential diagnosis?
c) Describe the management?
d) What are the complications? 1+2+4+3
II. Short Answer Questions 1x4
1. Causes of polyhydramnios
2. Diagnosis of GDM
3. Cord prolapse
4. Bandl’s Ring
1. Haematocolpos
2. Cystocoele
3. Adenomyosis
4. LNG-IUS 199
III. Short Answer Questions 2x3
1. Emergency contraception
2. Irregular ripening
3. Bartholin’s Cyst
Section B
I Essay
University as teaching faculty.
2. Non medical teachers engaged in the teaching of medical students as full time teachers,
may be appointed examiners in their concerned subjects provided they possess
requisite Doctorate qualifications and five year teaching experience of medical students
after obtaining their Doctorate qualifications. 50% of the examiners (internal &
external) must be with medical qualification.
3. There shall be at least four examiners for 100 students, out of whom not less than 50%
must be external examiners. Out of the 2 external examiners one should be from
outside the state and one from outside zone under the University. Where candidates
appearing are more than 100, one additional examiner, for every additional 50 or part
thereof candidates appearing, be appointed.
4. In an extra ordinary situation the University can conduct the examination with three
examiners with at least one external examiner subject to ratification of the concerned
pass board.
5. The internal examiner in a subject shall not accept external examinership for a college
from whch external examiner is appointed in his subject.
6. There should be separate set of examiners for each college, with internal examiners
from the concerned college.
7. External examiners shall rotate at an interval of 2 years.
8. There shall be a Chairman of the Board of paper – setters who shall be an internal
examiner and shall moderate the questions.
9. Except Head of the Department of the subject concerned in a college/institution, all
other with the rank of reader or equivalent and above with requisite qualifications and
experience shall be appointed internal examiners by rotation in their subjects; provided
that where there are no posts of readers, then an Assistant Professor may be
considered for appointment as examiner.
10. The upper age limit of a person to be appointed as an examiner is 70 years.
11. After retirement from a recognized medical college the qualified examiners can be
appointed as internal examiner (provided he/she is below 70 years of age ) in the
college from where he has retired upto six months after the date of retirement if there
is shortage of qualified examiners in the department.
Present in clause2. 10 .
4.1 Eligibility for internship
Every candidate will be required after passing the final MBBS examination to undergo
compulsory rotational internship to the satisfaction of the College authorities and
University for a period of 12 months so as to be eligible for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and full registration.
4.2 Details of internship
4.2.1 General
Internship is a phase of training wherein a graduate is expected to learn
methods/ modalities for actual practice of medical and health care and
acquire skills under supervision so that he/she may become capable of
functioning independently.
Obst./Gynae. including Family Welfare 2 months
Paediatrics 1 month
Orthopaedics including PMR 1 month
ENT 15 days
Ophthalmology 15 days
Casualty 15 days
Elective Posting (1x15 days) 15 days
Note: Structure internship with college assessment at the end of the internship.
Foot Note: The Principal Regulations namely, “Regulations on Graduate MedicalEducation,1997”
were published in Part – III, Section (4) of the Gazette of India vide Medical Council of India
Notification dated 4th March, 1997 and amended vide Council notification dated 29.05.1999,
02.07.2002, 30.09.2003, 16.10.2003 & 01.03.2004.
The University shall issue a provisional MBBS pass certificate on passing the final examination.
The State Medical Council will grant provisional registration to the candidate on production of
the provisional MBBS pass certificate. The provisional registration will be for a period of one
year. In the event of shortage or unsatisfactory work, the period of provisional registration and
the compulsory rotating internship may be suitably extended by the appropriate authorities
The intern shall be entrusted with clinical responsibilities under direct supervision of a senior
medical officer. They shall not be working independently.
Interns will not issue a medical certificate or a death certificate or a medicolegal document under
their signature.
In recognition of the importance of hands-on experience, full responsibility for patient care and
skill acquisition, internship should be increasingly scheduled to utilize clinical facilities available in
District specific experiences and skills as listed in major areas:
Provided that where an intern is posted to District/Sub Divisional Hospital for training, there shall
be a committee consisting of representatives of the College/ University, the State Government
and the District administration, who shall regulate the training of such trainee;
Provided further that for such trainee, a certificate of satisfactory completion of training shall be
obtained from the relevant administrative authorities which shall be
countersigned by the Principal/Dean of the College.
Adjustment to enable a candidate to obtain training in elective clinical subjects may be made.
Each medical college shall establish links with one entire district extending out-reach activities.
Similarly, Re-orientation of Medical Education (ROME) scheme may be suitably modified to
assure teaching activities at each level of District health system which will be coordinated by
Dean of the Medical College.
Out of one year, 6 months shall be devoted to learning tertiary care being rendered in teaching
hospital/district hospital suitably staffed with well qualified staff, 3 months of secondary care in
a small District or Taluk Hospital/ Community Health Centre and 3 months in Primary Health
care out of which 2 months should be in Primary Health Centre with full attention to the
implementation of National Health Programme at the community level. One month of primary
care training maybe in the form of perceptorship with a practicing family physician or voluntary
agency or other primary health care provider.
2.2.5. Assessment for internship
The intern shall maintain a record of work in the form of a log book, which is to be
verified and certified by the medical officer under whom he works. This shall cover all
aspects including the essential skills - covering all Taxonomic Domains, Ethical skills,
Communication skills and computer skills in connection with data entry regarding
admissions and discharges - that would have to be learned during Internship training. An
assessment and grading of these skills would be made by the concerned authorities in
each department periodically. Assessment and grading of the computer skills should be
made by the HODs and entered in the log book. Performance of the skills should be
taught, supervised and certified by a member of the teaching staff.
Apart from scrutiny of the record of work, assessment and evaluation of training
shall be undertaken by an objective approach using situation tests in knowledge, skills
and attitude during and at the end of training. Based on the record of work and date of
evaluation, the Dean/Principal shall issue certificate of satisfactory completion of
training, following which the University shall award the MBBS degree or declare him
eligible for it.
Satisfactory completion shall be determined on the basis of the following score ranging
from 0 to 5.
0 – Poor, 1 –Average, 2 –Satisfactory, 3 – Good, 4 – Very Good and 5 – Excellent i.
v. Initiative, participation in discussions, research aptitude.
A score of less than 3 any of above items will represent unsatisfactory completion of
4.2.6 Rules for granting transfer during internship
8 As far as possible C.R.I should be done in the same college where the student has studied.
9 Transfer of C.R.I is not a right. But it is granted in situations where the student has
difficulty in completing the C.R.I in the college of study. A maximum number of 5% of the
permitted yearly admission of students of the college shall be allowed for transfer.
10 The Principal/ Head of the Institution will submit a Declaration to the above effect in each
case of request for transfer of CRI
11 The posting in Community Medicine [3 months] should be done in the college of study
under department of Community Medicine in all cases. Only the rest of the 9 months of
the C.R.I is allowed to be transferred.
12 For the transfer of C.R.I from one institution to another institution, NOC of college of
study and institution where C.R.I is to be completed must be obtained. The permission of
Travancore Cochin Medical Council also has to be obtained before applying to KUHS.
13 C.R.I can be done in any of the MCI recognized Medical College or recognized non
teaching hospitals in the list published by MCI from time to time.
14 The number of candidates doing C.R.I in one institution should not be more than the
maximum number approved by MCI.
15 The Government decision regarding, who can do C.R.I in a Govt. Medical College is to be
followed strictly. [currently Government permits only the students from Govt. Colleges
alone to do C.R.I in Govt. Colleges]
16 For the students doing C.R.I in Medical Colleges, the certificate should be issued by the
Principal / Dean of the college.
17 MCI regulations on Graduate Medical Education 1997 section 5vii says “provided that
where an intern is posted to District / Sub-divisional Hospital for training, this should be a
committee consisting of representatives of the college / University, the State Government
and the District administration, who shall regulate the training of such trainee. Provided
further that for such trainee a certificate of satisfactory completion of training shall be
obtained from the relevant administrative authority which shall be counter signed by the
Principal / Dean of the college”. In view of the above regulations, all non teaching
hospitals recognized for C.R.I training should have a Regulation Committee consisting of
[1] The Medical Superintendent of the concerned institutions [convener], [2] Nominee of
the nearest Govt. Medical College Principal not below the rank of Professor from a clinical
department, [3] District Medical Officer or Deputy DMO nominated by DMO.
18 In the non teaching institutions the regulating committee should verify that internship
was done in each department as specified by MCI regulations.
19 The C.R.I certificate from non teaching institutions should be approved and signed by all
the three members of the regulating committee. This certificate must be authenticated
by Principal / Dean of the Medical College study of the student before submitting to the
5.1 Check Lists for Monitoring: Log Book, Seminar Assessment etc.
Provided in the University website
Name of Supervisor :
Date :
Speech Diagnosis :
Speech Therapy :
Audiological Evaluation :
Personal Quality
7. Punctual
9. Discipline
Remarks if any:
Office seal
5.2 Any details which are not mentioned in the above will be decided by the KUHS after
considering theKUHS Act and Statues , Governing Council decisions , Guidelines of the
respective Councils , the
Government and directives of the Hon'ble Courts.
Schedule for Admission Seats filled up by Central Seats filled up by the
State Govts/Instt.
Government through all
India Entrance
Conduct of Entrance Month of May Month of May
Declaration of Result of By 5th June By 15th June
Qualifying Exam./Entrance
Ist round of To be over by 30th June To be over by 25th
Last date for joining the allotted Within 15 days from the 31st July
college and course date of allotment of seats
2nd round of counselling for To be over by 8th August Upto 28th August
allotment of seats from waiting list
Within 15 days from the
Last date for joining for date of
allotment of seats. (seats
candidates allotted seats in after 22ndAugust will be
2nd round of counselling from surrendered back to the
States /
the waiting list Colleges )
Commencement of academic Ist of August
Last date upto which students can be 30th September
admitted against vacancies arising
due to any
Note: @ Head of the College should intimate the vacancies existing after the last date
ofjoining the course by the candidate concerned in respect of the All India Quota of seats to
the DGHS within seven days and latest by 23rd of July.