Study-The Christian Counter - Matthew 6.1-18 w5
Study-The Christian Counter - Matthew 6.1-18 w5
Study-The Christian Counter - Matthew 6.1-18 w5
Matthew 6:1-18 Living a Christian Life that is authentic and having a life of prayer that reflect our true walk with
1. Christ explained in 5:14 that we are “light to the world” so why does He now warn us to
beware of practicing our righteousness before men?
In chapter 5 the emphasis is on kindness, purity, honesty and love; now the emphasis is
on almsgiving, praying, and fasting.
A.B. Bruce sums it up well when he writes that we are to “show when tempted to hide”
and “hide when tempted to show”
Giving, v 2-4
Praying, v 5-6
Instruction in Prayer, v 7-15
11. Why would Jesus feel a need to instructed people in matters of prayer?
12. What is meant by “empty phases?”
Pg 143 Jesus condemns verbosity, speaking without thinking, portrays the idea of
all words with no meaning
These individuals assume that many words “being heard by God”
13. Why does Jesus begin with declaring God in heaven?
14. If God knows our needs why do we pray?
15. Why must forgiveness be a part of our process in prayer?
16. Explain the role of temptation when going to God in prayer?
17. So is this the only way to pray? If not, why not?
Dr. Lloyd-Jones “ultimately our only reason for pleasing men around us is that we may please
ourselves.” Pg.140
Do we understand that the heart is a critical element in how we deal with all of these matters?
When our motivation is for the “rewards” even if we say it is from God our hearts is leading us
down the wrong path.
Remember, God will not be mocked. He knows all we do and why we do it.
Handouts available on Facebook, Milford Community Church
Ron Smith, 302-545-9049
Ray Bertolet, 302-245-0148
Cited Sources:
John R. W. Stott, “The Message of the Sermon on the Mount” Inter-Varsity Press, 1978