Cpe101 HW 3

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Unira, Alfred O.


1.) What is the Combination Circuit?
- Combination circuit or also known as time-independent logic circuit in the digital
circuit theory is the type of circuit that is commonly used in in Boolean Circuit in
which the output of the logic circuit is only the pure function of the present input.
Also combination circuit is a type of circuit that contains instantaneous operation and
does not have a memory and feedback loops. Also combinational logic circuit has an
output that rely on the present inputs and previous inputs, so basically when the input
changes the output of the combination circuit changes also. Lastly there are three
functions of combinational logic circuit which are the truth table, Boolean Algebra
and Logic Diagram.
A.)Truth Table of Combinational Logic Circuit

B.) Boolean Algebra of Combinational Circuit

C.) Logic Diagram of the Combinational Circuit

2.) What are the different types combination circuit? Briefly explain describe each and
include a sample diagram.
a.) Half Adder- is a type of combinational circuit that contains two inputs and two outputs.
This type of combinational circuit is made to add two single binary bits of A and B.

b.) Full Adder – it is the developed overcome of the drawback of the half adder circuit
presented above. This combination circuit contains two single binary input of A and B
and also has a carry C. This type of combination circuit contains three inputs and two
outputs. Also the Full Adder is capable of adding only two single digit binary number
along with a carry input. But in practical we need to add binary numbers which are much
longer than just one bit. To add two n-bit binary numbers we need to use the n-bit parallel
adder. It uses a number of full adders in cascade. The carry output of the previous full
adder is connected to carry input of the next full adder.
c.) 4-Bit Parallel Adder- Based on the figure below A0 and B0 represent the LSB of the four
bit words A and B. Hence Full Adder-0 is the lowest stage. Hence its Cin has been
permanently made 0 which means the operation is on addition.
d.) 4-Bit Parallel Subtractor - The number to be subtracted (B) is first passed through
inverters to obtain its 1's complement. The 4-bit adder then adds A and 2's complement of
B to produce the subtraction. S3 S2 S1 S0 represents the result of binary subtraction (A-B)
and carry output Cout represents the polarity of the result. If A > B then Cout = 0 and the
result of binary form (A-B) then Cout = 1 and the result is in the 2's complement form.

e.) Half Subtractors- it is a type of combination circuit that contains two inputs and two
outputs (difference and borrow). It produces the difference between the two binary bits at
the input and also produces an output (Borrow) to indicate if a 1 has been borrowed. In
the subtraction (A-B), A is called as Minuend bit and B is called as Subtrahend bit.
f.) Full Subtractor – it is a type of combinational circuit that contains three inputs
A,B,C and two output D and C'. A is the 'minuend', B is 'subtrahend', C is the 'borrow'
produced by the previous stage, D is the difference output and C' is the borrow output.

g.) Multiplexers- a special type of combinational circuit. There are n-data inputs, one output
and m select inputs with 2m = n. It is a digital circuit which selects one of the n data
inputs and routes it to the output. The selection of one of the n inputs is done by the
selected inputs. Depending on the digital code applied at the selected inputs, one out of n
data sources is selected and transmitted to the single output Y. E is called the strobe or
enable input which is useful for the cascading. It is generally an active low terminal that
means it will perform the required operation when it is low.
h.) Demultiplexers- performs the reverse operation of a multiplexer i.e. it receives one input
and distributes it over several outputs. It has only one input, n outputs, m select input. At
a time only one output line is selected by the select lines and the input is transmitted to
the selected output line. A de-multiplexer is equivalent to a single pole multiple way
switch as shown in fig.
i.) Decoder – is a type of combinational circuit that has an input and to a maximum m = 2n
outputs. Decoder is identical to a demultiplexer without any data input. It performs
operations which are exactly opposite to those of an encoder.

j.) 2-4 Line decoder - lock diagram of 2 to 4 line decoder is shown in the fig. A and B are
the two inputs where D through D are the four outputs. Truth table explains the
operations of a decoder. It shows that each output is 1 for only a specific combination of

k.) Encoder- is a type of combinational circuit which is designed to perform the inverse
operation of the decoder. An encoder has n number of input lines and m number of output
lines. An encoder produces an m bit binary code corresponding to the digital input
number. The encoder accepts an n input digital word and converts it into an m bit another
digital word.
l.) Priority Encoder - a special type of encoder. Priority is given to the input lines. If two or
more input line are 1 at the same time, then the input line with highest priority will be
considered. There are four input D0, D1, D2, D3 and two output Y0, Y1. Out of the four
input D3 has the highest priority and D0 has the lowest priority. That means if D3 = 1 then
Y1 Y1 = 11 irrespective of the other inputs. Similarly if D3 = 0 and D2 = 1 then Y1 Y0 =
10 irrespective of the other inputs.

3.) What are the steps in designing a combinational circuit?

a.) The first step is to understand the problem and determine the inputs and outputs stated in
the problem
b.) The next step is to derive the truth table carefully. ( just because the derived truth table
will be the basis of the outcome of the combination circuit)
c.) The next step is to derive the minimized Boolean expressions for the outputs that is
dependent on the input of the problem. ( K-Mapping can be used in this step for more
easy simplification)
d.) From the derived equations of the output, the last thing that will be done is to draw the
logical circuit of the problem.

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