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015-FH-1002 (Rev.1) PDF

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Engineering Group

Specification Number

Flare Tip and Burner Ignition System

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
Ewidngo w 01 5-FH-1002 1 05-07-94 2 of 8


SCOPE ............................................... 3

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

SERVICE CONDITIONS .................................... 4

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8




1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture, inspection, testing and
supply of the Flare Tip and Burner Ignition System for installation at the
Facility in Kuwait.

1.2 The Flare System shall fully comply with all relevant contractual
requirements specified in the Scope of Work and Technical Specification
of the Contract.

1.3 This specification complements the data sheets for the flare systems in
which the operating conditions and other requirements are listed in detail.


2.1 The Flare System shall conform in design, materials and performance,
except where otherwise specified, with the current issue of the following
standards prevailing on the effective date of the Contract:

2.1.1 International Standards

API RP 520 Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure

Relieving Devices in Refineries.

API RP 521 Guide to Pressure-Relieving and Depressurising


API PUB 931 Disposal of Refinery Wastes Atmospheric

Manual One Emissions, Chapter 15, "Flares"

ASME 816.5 Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings

ASME 831.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping

2.1.2 Engineering Group Specifications

All equipment and accessories covered by this specification shall

comply with all relevant Engineering Group specifications of which
the following are specifically referenced in this specification:

015-AH-1001 Basic Design Criteria

015-AH-1002 International Codes and Standards

01 5-JH-1911 Standard Auxiliary Control Room Cabinets

015-JH-1903 General Instrument Specification

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet
E47Jf-m Gnwp
SpediktWn 01 5-FH-1002 1 05-07-94 4 of 8

Instrumentation Requirements for Package


Spare Parts and Maintenance Requirements

Air Blower

Standard Burn Pit Details

Noise Control Requirements

Thermal and Acoustic Insulation

Induction Motors

Packing, Marking and Documentation

Shop and Field Painting

2.2 Compliance with this specification shall not relieve the Contractor of its
responsibility to supply equipment suited to meet the specified service
conditions and applicable regulations.

2.3 Where conflicts exist between this specification and other Drawings,
standards, codes or specifications, the most stringent shall apply.


3.1 The Flare Tip and Burner Ignition System shall be suitable for continuous
operation at a desert location under high ambient temperatures and humidity.
The atmosphere at the Facility is generally dusty and corrosive and may
contain traces of hydrogen sulphide.

3.2 The Flare Tip and Burner Ignition Systems shall in all respects be suitable for
continuous operation in the service conditions stated in the Engineering
Group Specification entitled "Basic Design Criteria" (Number 01 5-AH-1001 1.


4.1 The Elevated Flare System shall be designed and constructed as a package
which shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following:

4.1.1 Flare stack with flare tip, seal, pilot burners and ignition system.

4.1.2 Flame front generator.

4.1.3 Monitoring panel.

Specification Number Rev Date Sheet

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The ground Flare System shall be designed and constructed as a unit which
shall consist of, but not be limited to the following:

4.2.1 Burn pit suitably lined with refractory, surrounded by a protective


4.2.2 Horizontal flare tip, seal, pilot burners and ignition system.

4.2.3 Flame front generator.

4.2.4 Monitoring panel.

The Flare System shall operate satisfactorily over the full range of operating
conditions from purge to maximum flow, including instantaneous flow
changes, with a sustained wind velocity from zero up to maximum values as
specified in the Engineering Group specification entitled "Basic Design
Criteria" (Number 01 5-AH-1001).

The maximum permissible radiation levels are as follows:

At grade 18370
Perimeter of sterile area 5680 W/m2
Facility Fence 2360 W/m2

(All the above, including solar radiation 950 W/m2.)

When more than one elevated flare system and/or ground flare system is
located in a common flare area, the maximum permissible radiation levels
specified above are applicable to the combined radiation from ad flare
systems in the area. However, if standby flares are provided, only one of
two mutually replaceable units shall be taken into account for determination
of the combined radiation levels.

Valves and other equipment on the flare line shall be located at a safe
distance from the flare such that routine maintenance can be carried out.

The sizing and location of flares in a common flare area shall ensure
possibility of maintenance of standby units when other units are .operating.
The radiation level at maintenance points shall not exceed 4730 W/m2,
including solar radiation of 950 W/m2.

Where stated on the data sheets, the Flare System shall be provided with
additional combustion air by means of an electric motor-driven air blower.
The blower and motor shall be in accordance with the Engineering Group
Specifications entitled "Air Blowers" (Number 015-KH-1006) and "Induction
Motors" (Number 015-PH-1908): respectively. Flares installed with the
Speclflcation Number Rev Date Sheet
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s.oeC#hM 0 15-FH-1002

facility of an air blower shall be capable of burning flare gas with or without
the blower in operation. With the blower in operation, the flare tip shall
produce a non-luminous, smokeless flame for waste gas all flow rates from
maximum down t o 15% of maximum. Trip of the blower shall not cause

The maximum allowable outlet velocity at the flare tip is 0.5 Mach.

The flare tip assembly shall be structurally designed using the design wind
velocities defined in the Engineering Group Specification entitled "Basic
Design Criteria" (Number 015-AH-1001 ).

The flare tip shall be designed to minimise flame impingement on the outside
of the tip and on any part of the support structure regardless of gas flow
rate, wind speed or wind direction.

The material of the flare tip shall be heat-corrosion resistant, e.g., AlSl
31OS, or Company-approved equivalent. All ancillaries connected to this
part of the flare shall be of the same material.

For maintenance purposes, a facility shall be provided for access to and

lowering of the flare tip of elevated flares. Access shall also be provided to
flare tip of ground flares and manholes of elevated flares.

For flare tips up to 16 in., a minimum of two pilot burners shall be provided.
Three pilot burners shall be provided for flare tips of 16 in. and greater.
Each of these burners shall be ignited by means of an individual ignition from
a flame-front generator at ground level.

The ignition lines to the pilot burners shall be stainless steel (AISI 31 6). The
top 4 m shall be AlSl 310, or Company-approved equivalent.

Each pilot shall be provided with two thermocouples. Each thermocouple

shall be dual-element type. One element of each thermocouple shall be
used, with the other terminated at the grade junction box and available as
a spare.
One stainless steel fuel gas supply line along the elevated flare stack is
required for each pilot burner. A filter shall be installed between the carbon
steel fuel gas supply line to the flare and stainless steel fuel gas supply lines
to pilots.

The pilot and igniter lines shall be piped separately in accordance with ANSI
B 31.3 between the flame front generator and the flare tips. All pipes shall
be flanged at the flame front generator and at the bottom of the tip assembly
to facilitate flare tip removal.

All necessary controls shall be provided to ensure that the required flow of
fuel gas passes to each pilot and that each pilot can be ignited individually.
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S m #

A flame-front generator shall be provided for each flare. Each package shall
contain all the necessary control valves, isolating valves, pressure gauges,
ignition chambers and piping to provide the correct gas-air mixtures for
remote ignition of the pilots.

The flare ignition control panel and components shall be suitable for
operation in hazardous or safe area, as specified in the flare data sheets.

All fuel gas and air pipework, valves and fittings comprising the flare ignition
package shall be provided terminating at flanged connections to ANSI B

Inspection shall be carried out in accordance with a program specified by the

Contractor and approved by the Company.

The Contractor or the designated Representative shall inspect all Flare

System components and their assembled units to ensure that materials and
workmanship are in accordance with applicable standards, specifications,
codes and Drawings.


5.1 The Flare System shall be started and shut down locally.

5.2 A local flame-front generator panel shall be provided. This panel shall
contain all necessary equipment and repeat indications to enable a field
startup of the system.

5.3 Thermocouple indication alarms shall be activated from each of the following

5.3.1 The loss of each thermocouple signal.

5.3.2 Both thermocouple signals lost from pilot.

5.3.3 All thermocouple signals lost (i.e., all pilots are lost).

5.4 The flame-front generator panel shall be mounted at grade at a position

determined to be safe for exposure of the operator during operation of the
flare. The flame-front generator provides a moving column of ignited gas-air
mixture which can be directed by means of hand valves to any of the pilots
on a flare.

5.5 A Flare System monitoring panel shall be provided and shall be mounted in
the un-manned auxiliary control room, which has a safe controlled
environment. The panel shall have a data communication link to the DCS.
The cabinet shall be of the same type, Approved Manufacturer and colour
as the other cabinets in the system, as referenced in the Engineering Group
Specification entitled "Standard Auxiliary Control Room Cabinets (Number

The monitoring panel shall contain as a minimum all electronic devices for
control, logic and condition monitoring, which are affected by high
temperatures. The monitoring panel may be "blind" with no indicating
devices included.

All instrumentation and controls shall terminate at segregated junction boxes

as detailed in the Engineering Group Specification entitled "lnstrumentation
for Packaged Equipment" (Number 015-JH-1909).

The prime operator interface shall be the main DCS. Dedicated page(s) shall
be allocated to display the equipment status, alarms, etc.

The alarm and trip inputs shall be integrated into the DCS and main
Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) system first-up sequences.

The selection of instruments, hazardous area execution and installation

techniques shall all be in accordance with the Engineering Group
Specifications entitled "General Instruments" (Number 015-JH-1903) and
"lnstrumentation for Packaged Equipment" (Number 01 5-JH-1909).

Stainless steel tubing double-ferrule fittings and pneumatic connections shall

be used throughout. The burner thermocouple shall be sheathed in lnconel
for the full height of the flare.

All instrumentation shall be fully mounted and piped. An air supply header
shall be provided and all users connected in accordance with the
specifications. All electronic instruments shall be wired down to skid-
mounted junction boxes, with signal segregation in accordance with the
specifications. Junction boxes at the flare base shall be protected by a
radiation shield.


As a minimum, the Approved Manufacturer shall carry out a functional test on all
instrumentation and flame-front generator prior to leaving the Works. The testing
procedure shall be approved by the Company.


For all relevant requirements, refer to the Engineering Group Specification entitled
"Packing, Marking and Documentation" (Number 01 5-UH-1001).


For all relevant requirements, refer to the Engineering Group Specification entitled
"Spare Parts and Maintenance Requirements" (Number 01 5-KH-1902).

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