ST John Vianney Church

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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church

a very attractive, if not peculiar figure,

23rd /24th JUNE 2018 because so many people flocked to see and
BIRTH OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST hear him preach at the River Jordan. Even
the religious leaders went down from
Dear Parishioners, Jerusalem.
This weekend we celebrate the Feast John celebrated a Baptism of
of the Birth of John the Baptist, (so we miss Repentance and invited people to turn to
out the 12th Sunday of the Year). We have a God and prepare themselves for the coming
Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Vincent. His Messiah, Jesus now about to appear in their
theme is on the Priesthood and focused on midst. John pointed out Jesus: “There is the
the life and death of St John Southworth. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
He is a key patron saint of the priests of this world”. We celebrate his birth today.
Diocese of Westminster and many of you (Please take a copy of the Cardinal’s
will have visited his burial spot in Pastoral Letter).
Westminster Cathedral. It was considered
an act of treason to be a priest in England, 
Ireland, Wales and Scotland at that time in PASTORAL MEETING: On
16th century. As a result John Southworth, Wednesday last, over twenty parishioners
like many others, died a most cruel death of joined in a meeting where under Sr Devy’s
hanging, drawing and quartering at guidance, we looked at aspects of our
Tyburn, neat Marble Arch on 28th June parish life. We shared the good aspects and
1654. those where we could improve. Some notes
will be available to help us work together
Today, Cardinal Vincent asks us to to build on what we have already got; and
pray for all priests, and especially the six so move to new possibilities to continue
new priests being ordained at the building god’s Kingdom of justice, love and
Cathedral this weekend. peace in our parish.
The readings from the Prophet Isaiah BOOK-LAUNCH-SUPPORT: I would
and Acts of the Apostles relate the fact that appreciate any support at the book launch
Isaiah is called as a servant – prophet, at SOAS, Russell Square on Wednesday 11th
David, son of Jesse and John the Baptist to July at 6.30-8.30pm. It is a book produced
be for-runners preparing a “Way for the by members of the Imrali Delegation of
Lord”. which I have been associated with for many
St Luke’s account of the birth of John years. It tells the story of Abdullah Öcalan,
the Baptist shows the special ministry of the Kurdish leader, in prison now almost
John. His parents had to fight off the 20years in Imrali Island. While my
relatives and have him named John, not contribution consists of a couple of pages, I
Zechariah, after his father. John then spent feel we all have helped to create the Book,
lots of time in the wilderness, living on (more details next week).
locusts and wild honey. He must have been God bless! Fr Joe.
We would like to thank all those who
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED participated in the sponsored walk last
SACRAMENT Sunday and all who sponsored the walkers,
The first Sunday after the 11am Mass and which helped to raise the sum of £1,124.00.
Tuesdays after our 9:15am Mass Thanks to all who supplied the food and
refreshments for our delightful picnic.
Please join us in praying the Rosary
at 8.45am every weekday, PARISH BAR-B-QUE AND FAMILY FUN DAY
before the 9.15am Mass. In honour of our
Patron Saint, John Vianney;
MORNING TEAS /COFFEE Takes place Sunday, 15th July 2018
In the Parish Hall on Sunday, at 12.15pm after the 11.00am Mass.
after 9am and 11am Masses All parishioners are invited to join us in
The next Soup Run is on Tickets: Age 10+ & Adult £8
Sat. 30th June 2018: Group C Child under age 10: £5
Volunteer drivers needed will be available after all Masses.
Thanks to all who support the parish
Any enquiries please contact
Sr. Devy on 07455 544 065 or DECORATION VOLUNTEERS:
Parish Office on 020 8888 5518 We have started the work to redecorate our
Parish Halls which are in need of some
CELEBRATION OF INFANT BAPTISM attention. If you are able to give some hours
If you would like to have your child baptised to this project, please put your name on the
on the 14th July or later, the next session list at the back of the church and lend us a
will be on Monday 9th & 16th July helping hand at a time that suits you.
at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. Have a think - you don't have to be
Please contact the Parish Office to book Michelangelo to re-decorate!.
your place on the course.


of the late Zenaida Coronel, RIP who died
Parents of the First Communion Children
recently, she was the wife of Lope and
can collect their child/children’s
mother of Chloe and Shane.
photographs before or after the 11am Mass,
Her Funeral Mass will take place here at St
John Vianney, Monday 25th June at
9:15am, followed by cremation at New
Index of the Confirmation photos are Southgate Crematorium. We remember her
available at the back of the church for you to family and friends in our prayers at this
choose too. Please write the photo number time
and place it with the money in an envelope We will remember her family and friends
with your child’s surname, and pass to Sr. in our prayers.
Devy or Germaine.
FOR CHLOE AND HER FAMILY A follow up parish meeting will take place
We are raising money for Chloe and her on Wednesday 4th July at 7:30pm.
Family. Please support by visiting: To further look at planning for the future. What are our parish resources? What are
/helpforchloe the challenges we face in the parish and the
church in general?
We hope that members of our different
groups in the parish will be able to attend
and young representatives too are welcome.
The meeting is for all of us. The future is in
God’s hands and our hands too.
The General Data Protection Regulation
On 25 May 2018, the strict rules of GDPR PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO SANTIAGO
about how data can and cannot be used We are planning to go to Santiago de
were strengthened. Compostela for a 8 days walking pilgrimage
As a member of St John Vianney, you are at the end of May 2019. We are still fine
part of the Diocese of Westminster, we are tuning the details, but need to know number
committed to keeping parishioners in order to do so.
information safe and will always be clear If you are interested in joining us or to find
about how it is used and as such your out more information,
personal details and donations will be please sign up on the clip board at the back
stored securely on the Diocese of of the church.
Westminster’s database.
We comply with data protection regulation NEW ACTIVITIES IN THE HALL
and the Fundraising Regulator’s code of
practice, and will never sell your data to KENSHO KARATE DOJO SELF DEFENCE
third parties. CLASSES - Train your Mind and Body.
You can read our full privacy policy on Every Friday evening in the Hall. 6:30-7:30 Kids and Families (£5per child)
(first lesson free for kids)
7:30-8:30pm Adults (£6per person)
FILM NIGHT Trained Martial Art Instructor: Matthew
The next Parish film night is on the For more info Tel: 07961 434 810
8th July at 5pm,
showing "Father Brown" a comedy thriller See noticeboard at the back of the church.
about the legendary detective. Starring Alec
Light refreshments will be served during the For children and adults; come learn all you
intermission. Donation of £3 is appreciated need to know about Irish dancing.
All classes are taught by
THE POPE’S WORLDWIDE PRAYER former professional dancer,
NETWORK Caroline Boyce
Please take a copy of who performed in shows such as Lord of the
the Pope’s Prayer Intentions 2018 leaflet Dance and Riverdance.
and Prayer Card, For more information,
available at the back of the church. phone 07960 220 526.
We will be using the prayers in the coming Please sign up if you are interested. Watch
weeks. this space!
Entrance Antiphon THIS WEEK WE PRAY FOR
A man was sent from God, whose name was John.
The repose of the soul:
He came to testify to the light,
John Lamont
to prepare a people fit for the Lord.
Mary Agnes Pidd
First reading Zenaida Coronel
Isaiah 49:1-6 Ellie Kimber
Sr Teresa Roseingrave
Psalm 138:1-3, 13-15 Therese Köppel
I thank you for the wonder of my being.
Edna Bartholomew
Second reading RIP
Acts 13:22-26 RIP Anniversary:
Gospel Acclamation Rosaria Luciano
Alleluia, alleluia! Ilda Noronha
As for you, little child, you shall be called Alberto Rossetti
a prophet of God, the Most High. Reuben Varughese
You shall go ahead of the Lord
to prepare his ways before him. Special Intentions:
Alleluia! Angelina Boi, Anne O’Brien, Ava Maria
Gospel Ubaka, Chloe Quillec, Con Kelleher,
Luke 1:57-66, 80 Eduardo & Angela Pane, Gail White and
Family, George Smith, Gerry Tomnay’s
Communion Antiphon Parents, Gretta Lattice, Jocelyn Luxon, John
Through the tender mercy of our God, & Kathy O’Rourke, Joe Breen, Laura Harris,
the Dawn from on high will visit us. Margaret White, Maria Terzaga, Mary
Riley, Maura & Adrian McLaughlin, Mavis
MASS & SERVICE TIMES Todd, Mr & Mrs Hergarty, Nellie O’Shea,
Monday 9.15am (Funeral for the late Niala Cattini, Odette St Guillaume, Paula
Zenaida Coronel, RIP) Smith & Family, Phil Devane, Rita
Mongelard, Sarah Namagambe, Sharon
Tuesday 9.15am
Grey, Sheila Courtney, The Ahmed Family,
Wednesday 9.15am The Fisca Family, Tom McGowan, Veronica
Thursday 9.15am Clancy, Yvonne Joseph
Friday 10am and 7.30pm [Holy Day And for the sick and those in our parish
of Obligation - Feast of SS Peter
& Paul] Birthday
Saturday 9.15am Kaia Ng Ying Kalawan
[6pm – Sunday Vigil mass] NAMES NOT LISTED ABOVE
Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am ARE LISTED IN OUR BOOK OF INTENTIONS.

Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation PARISH OFFICE HOURS

from 9:45am – 10:15am
Tues to Fri 10am-12noon, 1pm-4pm
PARISH TEAM To make an appointment
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest Phone: 0208 888 5518 or
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister email [email protected]
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Admin/Secretary
We cannot guarantee to have anyone available
outside of these hours.

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