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PPE 2011 Handout

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By: Engr. Joji C. Valenciano, C.E. M.C.M., S.C.

09179401831 / 09285039096

Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Control Measures

 Engineering
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
are necessary for added protection of
the workers and should be  Administrative
considered an important aspect of
the safety program in order to avoid
injuries, accidents and job related
illnesses of the workers.

Example of Engineering Control Example of Engineering Control

Machine guard Guard Rails

2” x 4” TOP RAIL
38” TO 42”

1” x 6” MID RAIL

1” x 4” TOE BOARD


Example of Engineering Control Example of Engineering Control
Traffic Control Devices, such as barriers, Lock-out and Tag-out devices
delineators, barricades, warning signs, etc.

Employer Responsibilities
Example of Administrative Control Assessment
Conduct assessment on various physical
• Safety Training hazards.
• Safety inspection , JHA, and audit
• Accident Investigation
• Implementation of safety rules, and imposition
of penalties and sanctions
• Accident & illnesses reporting and record
• Safety coordination meeting

Employer Responsibilities Employer Responsibilities

Physical hazards include:
- Sources of motion & unguarded machines
- Sources of falling and flying materials Assessment
- Vibration
Determine the various health hazards
- Sources of live cables and panels, etc.
- Sources of light radiation
- Openings
- Source of sharp objects
- Poor housekeeping
- Noise
- Temperature Extremes
- Fire

Employer Responsibilities Employer Responsibilities
Chemical hazards include:

- Vapors
Selection of PPE
- Gases
- Dusts
- Fumes appropriate
- Mists
- Acids
Biological Equipment (PPE).
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungi

Employer Responsibilities Employer Responsibilities

Provide PPE
Provide PPEs, at no cost to
Provide appropriate training.
employees Your training must include:
NOTE: If you have your * When PPE is necessary;
own personal protective * What PPE is necessary;
equipment, it must be * How to properly use your
approved by your
employer before you can
use it on the job. * How to care for your PPE;
* How to store your PPE.

Employer Responsibilities
Employer Responsibilities

Maintenance of PPE Record Keeping

Maintain the PPE, PPE Maintain records of
that cannot be the workplace
repaired, must be assessment and of
discarded and your training.

Employee Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities

Assess Potential
Attend Training Sessions
Attend all PPE training
sessions. Before you start
Note: Remember, the best any job, assess the
PPE in the world is useless real and potential
unless you know how to hazards
use and care for it!
associated with
that job.

Employee Responsibilities Employee Responsibilities

Listen and Follow Directions

Follow ALL Warnings
and Precautions Listen and follow directions
Take time to read any by your supervisor or safety
and all warnings and manager.
precautions that may
appear on tools,
equipment, chemicals,
MSDSs, and personal
protective equipment.

Employee Responsibilities

Report any and ALL
unsafe conditions you
may find in your work
area the safety manager.
REMEMBER: Safety is a
team effort!

Why Eye and Face Protection is Important The Delicate Structure of the Eye
Your eyes are very delicate. You can think of
them as the color television cameras for
your brain. Like a camera, our eyes include:
Thousands of people -A lens that focuses light;
- An iris that controls the amount of light that
are blinded each year
enters the eye;
from work related - Receptors that "pick up" the image of what
eye injuries. Injuries you see, and;
- An optic nerve that serves as a "cable" to
that could have been
transmit information from the receptors in
prevented, if only our eye to our brain.
people would have Unlike a television camera that is made of
used eye or face plastic and metal, our eye is made of soft
protection. tissues and blood vessels. Damage your
eyes, and you have big trouble. Trouble that
is often permanent.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Toxic Gases, Vapors, and
Dusts, Powders, Fumes, Liquids
and Mists Toxic chemicals in the form of
gases, vapors, and liquids can
Spraying can create small damage your eyes. Always read
airborne particles; the appropriate MSDS before
particles that can injure working with any hazardous
your eyes. material.
NOTE: Some manufacturing
processes produce hazardous
gases, vapors and liquids.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Large Objects
Large objects such as:
Flying Objects or Particles
1. swinging chains, cables
Operations such as grinding, chiseling, and ropes;
sanding, and hammering often create 2. tools that are thrown or
flying objects or particles that can fall;
damage your eyes. 3. any sharp objects such
as knives, scissors,
pencils, etc.; and
4. walking or falling into
obstructions can damage
your eyes or face.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Molten Metals
Operations which involve
or produce molten metals,
Any time you
if splashed, splattered, or work around
dripped into the eyes, electricity, there
cause severe burns and is the potential
tissue damage. for arcs and
sparks to occur.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Thermal and Lasers

Radiation Hazards
Laser beams present a
Welding, metal new hazard in some
cutting, and working workplaces. Because there
around furnaces are different types of
exposes your eyes to lasers, check with your
heat, glare, ultraviolet, supervisor or safety
and infrared radiation. manager to determine the
Always use the type of eye protection you
proper type of eye need to use while working
protection! with lasers.

Protective Measures Protective Measures

Machine Guards
Always make sure that Work Area Barriers
guards, shields, and
Used to protect other
screens are in place and in
workers and bystanders
good working order - don't
forget to wear eye
during sanding, grinding,
protection. welding, and lathe

Protective Measures Protective Measures

Ventilation Lighting
Good lighting reduces eye strain and glare - it
Proper ventilation,
also promotes both safety and improved
along with damping productivity.
systems, can
significantly reduce
the amount of
airborne particles
that could be
hazardous to your

Protective Measures
Protective Measures
Eyewash Stations
Eyewash stations should be located within
Signs and Warnings 100 feet of your work area. If you
accidentally get something in your eyes, go
Obstructions and protruding objects should directly to the eyewash station and flush
your eyes with water for 15 minutes. Be sure
be identified and marked. Use caution when to hold your eyes open with your fingers and
working around obstructions and protruding "look" directly into the water streams. DO
NOT RUB YOUR EYES! Rubbing your eyes
objects. may scratch or embed particles into your
eyes. Once you have flushed your eyes with
water, seek medical attention immediately.
CAUTION: Some chemicals are water
reactive and become toxic when mixed with
water. Talk with your supervisor or safety
manager about the chemicals you will be
using on your job. Be familiar with the
MSDSs for all chemicals used in your job.

Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment

Safety Glasses
Surrounds the eye area, they give you
The most widely used type of eye
more protection in situations where
protection similar to regular glasses,
you might encounter splashing liquids,
though much stronger and more resistant
fumes, vapors, powders, dusts, and
to impact and heat. Equipped with side
mists. They must indicate that they are
shields for extra protection.
chemical splash goggles to be worn
for that purpose.

Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment
Face Shields Welding Helmets/Goggles
Face shields offer you full face Welding helmets provide
protection and are often used both face and eye
around operations which expose
protection. Welding
you to molten metal, chemical
splashes, or flying particles. Many
helmets/goggles use special
face shields can be used while absorptive lenses that filter
wearing a hard hat. the intense light and radiant
energy that is produced
NOTE: You should always wear
during welding operations.
safety glasses or goggles when
using a face shield for added As with face shields, safety
protection. Face shields alone are glasses or goggles should
NOT considered adequate eye be worn when using a
protection. welding helmet.

Personal Protective Equipment Contact Lenses

If you wear contacts, keep the following safety
Absorptive Lenses tips in mind.
Though you may not be a -You may not wear your contacts while using
welder, a wide variety of a full face respirator.
absorptive lenses are - Wear your contacts with caution if you work
available for use in safety in areas where you might be exposed to
glasses and goggles. fumes, dusts, powders, vapors, chemical
splashes, molten metals, or intense heat, light
These absorptive lenses
or glare-- some chemicals can react with
offer additional protection contacts and cause permanent injury.
if you must work where
there is bright light or

Contact Lenses Care of Eye Protection Equipment

- If you get anything under your contacts, take - Clean your eye protection
time to remove and clean them. Follow your equipment with mild soap and
eye doctor's instructions for cleaning and water. You may also use special
caring for your contacts. wipes that are designed for
- It is wise to keep an extra pair of contacts or cleaning protective eye
a pair of glasses handy in case you should equipment. Never use abrasive
lose or damage one of your contacts while soaps, rough paper, or cloth
you are working. towels--these items will scratch
and damage your equipment.

Care of Eye Protection Equipment Vision Exams

- Always keep your eye protection

Let's face it. You only have two eyes,
equipment in good working and they must last you a lifetime.
condition. If it is damaged, have it As you age, your eyes will change.
repaired or replaced. These changes can affect your
- Store your eye protection
safety at work and at home. So, it's a
equipment in a sanitary, cool, dry
area away from moisture. good idea to take a little time each
- Read the manufacturer's year for a vision exam.
directions and warnings before
using any eye protection

Why Respiratory Protection is Important

Hazardous materials can

enter your body in three
1. Ingestion
2. Skin Absorption
3. Inhalation

The Breathing Process

A origin of chewing gum -Whenever you take a breath, oxygen
rich air is taken into your body
through your mouth and nose, goes
down your windpipe and into your
-In your lungs, there are tiny air sacs
called alveoli.
-These delicate air sacs then transfer
the oxygen that is in the air into your
blood. At the same time the oxygen is
being absorbed into your
bloodstream, carbon dioxide is being
transferred from your bloodstream
into the air sacs.

Lung Damage Potential Hazards

Inhaling hazardous
materials damages the Dusts
delicate structure of your Dusts are formed
lungs. Lungs that have whenever solid
been damaged are more material is broken
susceptible to respiratory
down into tiny
diseases. These diseases
particles. Dusts are
often cannot be cured,
and eventually lead to often produced during
death. sanding and grinding

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Vapors Fogs are vapors which
Vapors are substances have condensed into tiny
that are created when a airborne particles or
solid or liquid material droplets. An example of
evaporates. Materials a hazardous fog would
that evaporate easily at be an insect fogger used
room temperature to rid industrial and
include paint thinner, residential areas of ticks
solvents, and gasoline. and fleas.

Potential Hazards
Potential Hazards

Mists & Sprays Gases may have an
Mists and sprays are odor, but many do not.
very small droplets of Gases may be heavier
liquid material than air, or lighter than
suspended in the air. air, but in either case,
They are often can travel for great
produced by spray and distances undetected.
coating operations.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Fumes can occur
Smoke is made up of small
whenever a metal,
particles produced by the
plastic, or polymer is
incomplete combustion of
subjected to a high
any material that has carbon
heat during such
in it. Smoke is often
processes as
produced during processes
welding and
that require high heat or
burning as part of the
manufacturing process.

Types of Respirators Selecting the Correct Respirator

There are two major categories of respirators:
The first step in selecting the correct respirator is
1. Air Purifying Respirators
These types of respirators include: to determine the level of hazard that is posed by
- Air Purifying Disposable Particulate Masks; the environment in which you will be working. To
- Air Purifying Half Mask Respirators; do this, you must be able to answer four basic
- Air Purifying Full Face Mask Respirators; questions:
- Gas Masks; and
- Powered Air Purifying Respirators. 1. What type of contaminant is present?
2. Supplied Air Respirators
These types of respirators include:
2. What is the form of the contaminant?
- Airline Respirators;
- Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus; 3. How toxic is the contaminant?
- Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). 4. What is the concentration of the contaminant?

Selecting the Correct Respirator

Inspection Before Use
In addition to determining the level of hazard that
Look for:
is posed by the environment, you must also
consider: - Cracks or chips in the faceplate;
- Cracks or holes in the breathing
1. How long will you be exposed to the tube or airlines;
contaminant? - Worn or frayed straps;
2. What is your individual sensitivity to the - Worn or damaged fittings;
contaminant? - Bent or corroded buckles; and
- Dirty or improperly seated
3. What are your individual requirements? valves.
- Do you wear glasses?
If you find anything wrong with
- Do you have a beard or other facial hair?
your respirator, do not use it.
- Do you wear dentures? Have it repaired or replaced
- Will you have to wear other protective immediately.

Donning the Respirator Fit Testing the Respirator
1. With one hand, hold the Positive Pressure Test
respirator to your face. Begin by closing the respirator's
2. While holding the respirator exhalation valve by covering it
in place, slip the head harness with your hand, then breathe out
over your head. slowly. The facepiece will bulge
out slightly. Hold your breath for
3. Adjust and tighten the head
about 10 seconds. If during this
harness straps until the
time no air leaks from around the
respirator fits snugly to your
facepiece, you know you have a
face. The best way to tighten a
good fit. If you do not have a
respirator is to tighten the
good fit, readjust the head
straps from the bottom up.
harness straps, and repeat the
pressure test.

Fit Testing the Respirator Monitoring Your Respirator

Negative Pressure Test
Begin by closing the respirator's You will know that your
inhalation valves with your hands,
respirator is not working when:
then breathe in slowly. The facepiece
will collapse slightly. Hold your breath -You can smell or taste the
for about 10 seconds. And if during contaminant;
this time no air leaks in from around -Breathing becomes difficult;
the facepiece, you know you have a -You become dizzy or sick
good fit. If you do not have a good fit,
readjust the head harness straps, and
-The manufacturer's
repeat the pressure test.
recommended service life of the
NOTE: It is a good idea to perform
filters or cartridges expires;
both the positive and negative
pressure tests on your respirator
before using it.

Inspect and Clean Your Storing Respirators

Respirator After You Use It
*Place it in a sealable plastic bag.
Look for: *Be sure to store your respirator
- Cracks or chips in the somewhere that is convenient for you, but
faceplate; is away from:
- Cracks or holes in the
breathing tube or airlines; - Dust;
- Worn or frayed straps; - Sunlight;
- Worn or damaged fittings; - Heat;
- Bent or corroded buckles; or - Extreme cold;
- Improperly seated valves. - Moisture.

Why Head Protection is Important

Your head is a very delicate part

of your body. In and around your
head are:
- Your eyes, with which you see;
- Your ears, with which you hear;
- Your nose, with which you
- Your mouth, with which you eat
and speak; and
- Your brain, with which you

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Impact to the Head

Falling or flying objects
Electrical Shocks
are a common cause of
head injuries. Also, Accidents
falling or walking into involving
hard objects can cause
head injuries. These
electricity result in
injuries include neck electrical shocks
sprains, concussions, and burns.
and skull fractures.

Potential Hazards How Hard Hats Protect You

Hard Hat protect you by providing the
Splashes, Spills, and Drips following features:
-A rigid shell that resists and deflects
Toxic liquids such as acids,
blows to the head;
caustics, and molten metals
-A suspension system inside the hat
can irritate and burn the eyes that acts as a shock absorber;
and skin. -Some hats serve as an insulator
against electrical shocks;
-Shields your scalp, face, neck, and
shoulders against splashes, spills,
and drips; and
-Some hard hats can be modified so
you can add face shields, goggles,
hoods, or hearing protection to them.

Types of Hard Hats Types of Hard Hats

Class A Hard Hats Class B Hard Hats

Class A hard hats are designed to: Class B hard hats are designed to:
- Protect you from falling objects; and - Protect you from falling objects; and
- Protect you from electrical shocks up to 2,200 - Protect you from electrical shocks up to 20,000
volts. volts.

Types of Hard Hats Bump Caps

Bump Caps
Class C Hard Hats Bump caps are made from
lightweight plastic and are designed
Class C hard hats: to protect you from bumping your
- Protect you from falling objects; head on protruding objects. Bump
- DO NOT protect you from electrical shocks; and caps DO NOT:
- DO NOT protect you from corrosive substances.
- Use a suspension system;
- Protect you from falling objects; or
- Protect you from electrical shocks.
WARNING: You should never
substitute a bump cap for a hard hat.

Wearing Hard Hats Wearing Hard Hats

- Inspect the shell of your hard hat for
-Always wear your hard hat while you cracks, gouges, and dents. Inspect the
are working in areas where there are suspension system for frayed or broken
potential head hazards. straps.
-Adjust the suspension inside your hard - Never paint, scratch or drill "air holes"
hat so that the hat sits comfortably, but in your hard hat.
securely on your head.

Wearing Hard Hats Caring for Your Hard Hat
-Clean your hard hat at least once a
- You may apply reflective plastic month (or as needed) to remove oil,
tape if you must work at night. grease, chemicals, and sweat that
Never use metal tape on your can collect in and around your hat.

helmet because it can conduct -You can clean your hat by soaking it
in a solution of mild soap and hot
electricity. water for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with
- Never carry personal belongings clear water, wipe, and let air dry. Or,
follow the manufacturer's
such as cigarettes, lighters, or recommendations for cleaning your
pens in your hard hat. hat.
- Because sunlight and heat can
damage the suspension of your hat,
always store your hat in a clean, dry,
and cool location.


There are NO excuses

for not wearing your
hard hat!

Occupational Noise Why Hearing Protection is Important

Hearing protection is important

because your ears are composed of
Noise is a common problem found in very delicate structures.
many workplaces. Research has shown
that high levels of noise can damage
your hearing. Losing your hearing is a
gradual process, and is less noticeable
than other types of workplace injuries.
It is, however, a PERMANENT handicap
for those who are affected.

The Ear Structure
Two Types of Hearing Loss
Whenever a sound is produced, air is
set into motion as sound waves.
- Sound is collected in the outer ear and
funneled to the eardrum. Damage to the delicate structures
- When sound waves hit the eardrum, it of your ears can result in the loss
vibrates and sends sound to the middle
ear. of your ability to hear. There are
-The middle ear amplifies the vibrations two types of hearing loss:
and sends them to the inner ear. The
vibrations stimulate hair cells in the 1. Conductive
inner ear and create an electrical
impulse. 2. Sensory
-This impulse travels to the brain along
the auditory nerve, causing the
sensation of sound.

Conductive Hearing Loss Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing
Several medical disorders cause
Loss - is caused by
conductive hearing loss. These
damage to or a disorders can be treated medically or
malfunction of the surgically. These disorders are:
outer and middle ear. -Middle ear infections
It results in a
-Perforation of the eardrum
decrease in your
hearing, but you can -Fixation of the ossicular chain
still understand -Otosclerosis

Sensory Hearing Loss Causes of Sensory Hearing Loss

Causes of sensory hearing loss are:
Sensory Hearing Loss - is - Hereditary
a hearing loss caused by - Damage to fetus
damage to or a - Aging
malfunction of the inner - Drugs
- Disease
ear, auditory nerve, or the
- Injury
brain. It makes it more - Noise
difficult to understand
Sensory hearing loss CANNOT be corrected
speech, but it does not medically or surgically. It is permanent.
result in a decrease in
As you can see from the above list, hearing loss in
loudness. the workplace would most likely be a sensory
hearing loss.

Types of Hearing Protection Devices Earplugs - Advantages & Disadvantages
The advantages of Foam and PVC
Many types of hearing earplugs are:
protection devices are 1. Small & lightweight;
available. Popular 2. Comfortable in hot
types of hearing environments; and
3. Easily used with other safety
protection devices equipment.
The disadvantages of earplugs are:
1. Foam Earplugs 1. May work loose and require
2. PVC Earplugs occasional refitting;
2. Require specific fitting
3. Earmuffs instructions; and
3. Are frequently soiled.

Earmuffs - Advantages & Disadvantages When Should You Wear a Hearing

The advantages of earmuffs are:
Protection Device?
1. Easy for your employer to
supervise the wearing of this
device; You should wear a
2. One size fits all; and
3. Fits better for longer periods
hearing protection
of time. device whenever you
The disadvantages of earmuffs are: are exposed to noise
1. May fit tight on your head;
2. Uncomfortable in a warm that is 85 decibels or
environment; and
3. Problems occur when used
greater for an 8-hour
with other equipment. period of time.

Wearing Hearing Protection Devices Wearing Hearing Protection Devices

Foam Earplugs PVC Earplugs
Foam earplugs provide the most
To insert PVC earplugs
To insert foam earplugs - Reach around the back of
your head, and gently pull your
- Reach around the back of your
head, and gently pull your ear ear back and up.
back and up. - Begin to insert the plug into
- Roll the plug into a small the ear canal.
diameter. - Work the plug well into the ear
- Insert the plug well into the ear canal using a circular motion.
canal. - Once inserted, wait a few
- Hold the plug in place for a few seconds to make sure the plug
seconds while it expands and
is securely fitted into your ear.
forms a good seal.

Wearing Hearing Protection Devices Notes on Earmuffs
Earmuffs fit over the outside of
When using earmuffs: the ears. Because their
- Make sure that the earmuffs effectiveness is limited to the
fit snugly around your ears. quality of the seal around your
- Consider using earplugs if ear, they are often not as
you wear glasses, earrings, or effective as earplugs. For this
have facial hair that would reason, a combination of
prevent the earmuffs from earplugs and earmuffs are
forming a good seal around used in some work
your ears. environments.

Caring for Hearing Protection Devices

Caring for Hearing Protection Devices

Foam Earplugs PVC Earplugs

- When not using your foam - When not using your PVC earplugs,
earplugs, store them in a clean, store them in a clean, cool, dry place.
- If your PVC earplugs become soiled,
cool, dry place.
you can clean them with a mild solution
- If your foam earplugs become of soap and water. Rinse, then dry them
soiled, torn or stiff, discard them with a soft towel.
and ask for a new pair. - If your PVC earplugs become torn or
brittle, discard them and for a new pair.

Caring for Hearing Protection Devices

- When not using your earmuffs,
store them in a clean, cool, dry
- Always inspect your earmuffs
for cracks around the foam

Why Hand Protection is Important Potential Hazards
Take a moment to hold your hands out in Traumatic Injuries
front of you. Look at them. They are the
You can suffer a traumatic
only two hands you will ever have.
injury to your hands in many
It has been estimated that almost 20% of ways.
all disabling accidents on the job involve
the hands. Without your fingers or hands, - Tools and machines with a
your ability to work would be greatly sharp edges can cut your
reduced. hands.
- Staples, screwdrivers, nails,
Human hands are unique. No other chisels, and stiff wire can
creature in the world has hands that can puncture your hands.
grasp, hold, move, and manipulate - Getting your hands caught
objects like human hands. They are one in machinery can sprain,
of your greatest assets. And, as such, crush, or remove your hands
must be protected and cared for. and fingers.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Contact Injuries Repetitive Motion Injuries
Coming into contact with
Whenever you repeat the
caustic or toxic
chemicals, biological same hand movement over
substances, electrical a long period of time, you
sources, or extremely run the risk of repetitive
cold or hot objects can motion problems.
irritate or burn your Repetitive motion problems
often appear as a
WARNING: Toxic numbness or tingling
substances are
sensation accompanied by
poisonous substances
that can be absorbed pain and the loss of
through your skin and gripping power in your
enter your body. hands.

Simple Treatment for Repetitive Injury Preventative Measures

• Take a break; Engineering Controls
• Simple hand exercises such as Machine guards and safety
flexing the wrist and stretching mechanisms are designed to
the fingers will help. protect your hands and
WARNING: Never remove
machine guards or bypass
safety mechanisms. Check
with your organization's
lockout-tagout procedures
before attempting to put
your hands into machinery.

Preventative Measures Personal Protective Equipment
Housekeeping and Hygiene
Poorly maintained Gloves
machinery, tools, sloppy There are many type of gloves that are designed to protect
work areas, and cluttered your hands.
aisles all contribute to hand
Good hygiene includes
handwashing. Clean hands Metal mesh Leather Vinyl and Rubber
are less susceptible to gloves resist gloves neoprene gloves
infection and other skin sharp edges shield your gloves protect protect you
problems such as contact and prevent hands from your hands when
dermatitis. cuts. rough against toxic working
surfaces. chemicals. around

Padded cloth Heat resistant Latex Lead-lined

gloves gloves protect disposable gloves are
protect your your hands gloves are used to
hands from from heat and used to protect
sharp edges, flames. protect your your
slivers, dirt, hands from hands
and germs and from
vibration. bacteria. radiation

Wearing and Using Gloves Wearing and Using Gloves

-Select and use the right -Remove any rings,

kind of glove for the job. watches, or bracelets that
- Select gloves that fit. might cut or tear your
- Some gloves may be
chemical specified and -Wash your hands before
have a life expectancy- and after wearing your
discard them after the gloves.
recommended time has - Inspect your gloves
expired. before you use them. Look
for holes and cracks that
might leak.

Wearing and Using Gloves Wearing and Using Gloves

-Replace gloves that are -Avoid borrowing gloves.

worn or torn. Gloves are personal
-After working with protective equipment.
chemicals, hold your -Store gloves right side
gloved hands under out in a clean, cool, dry,
running water to rinse ventilated area.
away any chemicals or dirt - Never wear gloves
before removing the around powered rotating
gloves. equipment - drills, lathes,
-Wash cotton gloves as etc.

Other Protective Measures

Barrier Creams Other Protective Measures
- Water Repellent Creams are used to
- Forearm Cuffs are used to
protect your hands from caustic
protect your forearm.
- Thumb Guards and Finger
- Solvent-Repellent Creams are used
Cots protect only your thumb
to protect your hands from solvents,
or fingers.
oils, and other organic chemicals.
- Mittens protect your hands
- Sunscreens protect your skin from
while working around very
the damaging effects of the sun.
cold or hot materials.
- Vanishing Creams protect your skin
- Hand Pads are often found
against mild acids, and make
in kitchens and laboratories.
cleaning up easier.
Hand pads protect your
WARNING: Never substitute a barrier hands while working around
cream when you should use gloves. very hot materials.

Why Foot Protection is Important

Scientists and engineers for

centuries have marveled at the
design and structure of the
human foot. The human foot is
rigid enough to support the
weight of your entire body,
and yet flexible enough to
allow you to run, dance, play
sports, and to take you
anywhere you want to go.
Without your feet and toes,
your ability to work at your job
would be greatly reduced.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards
Impact Injuries
Injuries from Spills and
If you have ever Splashes
stubbed your toe, you
know that impact Liquids such as acids,
injuries can hurt. At
caustics, and molten
work, heavy objects
can fall on your feet. If metals can spill into
you work around your shoes and boots.
sharp objects, you can These hazardous
step on something materials can cause
sharp and puncture chemical and heat
your foot. burns.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Compression Injuries
Protruding nails,
Heavy machinery,
broken glass, and other
equipment, and other
sharp objects at the
objects can roll over
project site contributes
your feet. The result of
to foot injuries.
these types of accidents
is often broken or
crushed bones.

Potential Hazards Potential Hazards

Extremes in Cold, Heat, and
Electrical If not protected, your feet
Shocks can suffer from frostbite if
you must work in an
extremely cold environment.
Extreme heat, on the other
involving hand, can blister and burn
electricity can your feet.
cause severe Finally, extreme moisture in
shocks and your shoes or boots can lead
burns. to fungal infections.

Potential Hazards Preventative Measures


Oil, water, soaps, Poorly maintained

wax, and other machinery, tools,
chemicals can sloppy work areas,
cause you to slip and cluttered aisles
and fall. all contribute to foot

Personal Protective Equipment Personal Protective Equipment

Safety Shoes and Boots
There are many types of footwear that are designed to protect
your feet.

PVC Butyl Vinyl Nitrile

Steel toe Metatarsal Reinforced Latex/Rubber footwear footwear footwear footwear
footwear footwear have sole footwear footwear protects protects resists resists
protects special guards have metal resists your feet against most solvents, animal fats,
your toes that run from reinforcement chemicals and against ketones, acids, oils, and
from falling your ankle to that protects provides extra moisture aldehydes, alkalies, salts, chemicals.
objects and your toes and your foot from traction on and alcohols, water, grease,
from being protect your punctures. slippery improves acids, salts, and blood.
crushed. entire foot. surfaces. traction. and alkalies.

Personal Protective Equipment Wearing and Using Safety Footwear

Always talk with your supervisor or safety manager about the Select and use the right kind
type of footwear you should be using on your job. of footwear for the job you
are going to be performing.
Footwear should meet or
exceed the standards set by
ANSI (ANSI Z41-1991).
Electrostatic Electrical hazard Disposable footwear Avoid footwear made of
dissipating footwear are includes shower
footwear insulated with slippers, clear
leather or cloth if you work
conducts static tough rubber to polyethylene and around acids or caustics.
electricity to prevent shocks and nonwoven booties These chemicals quickly eat
floors that are burns from used in dust free through the leather or cloth,
grounded. electricity. work areas. and can injure your feet.

Wearing and Using Safety Footwear

Inspect your footwear before you use

them. Look for holes and cracks that
might leak.
Replace footwear that are worn or
After working with chemicals, hose
your footwear with water to rinse away
any chemicals or dirt before removing
your footwear.
Avoid borrowing footwear. Footwear
is personal protective equipment.
Store footwear in a clean, cool, dry,
ventilated area.

Why Body Protection is Important Body Protection

(Protective Clothing)
Construction is an
activity that is exposed • Hazards
to extreme weather
conditions, hence it is Heat
important that workers Splashes from hot metal
are protected from Impacts
such condition.

Types of Body Protection Types of Body Protection

(Protective Clothing) (Protective Clothing)
• Coveralls (chemical, working, thermal)
• Vest (traffic, life)
• Jackets (welding, working,
• Aprons (chemical, working)


Types of Body Protection
(Protective Clothing)
• Full-body Suits (fire, heat temperature)


Flame-Resistant Fireman’s Apparel Aluminized Suit


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