Mhi 2004
Mhi 2004
Mhi 2004
00.Creed_Contents/pdf 04.8.27 6:40 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
!. Outline of the
Object of the Company
Brief History
01.Outline of the Company 04.8.24 5:43 PM ページ 5 (1,1)
■Name of the Company in Foreign Language : ●The object of the Company shall be to engage in the following business :
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
1. Building, sale, repair and salvaging and scrapping of ships and defense vessels;
■Head Office : 2. Manufacture, sale and repair of special motor vehicles, rolling-stock and special armored
16-5 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-8215 Japan vehicles;
Phone : 81-3-6716-3111
3. Manufacture, sale and repair of aircraft, space systems and missiles;
Fax : 81-3-6716-5800
4. Manufacture, installation, sale and repair of turbines, boilers, internal combustion
■President :
engines, hydraulic turbines, nuclear equipment and other power systems;
Kazuo Tsukuda
5. Manufacture, installation, sale and repair of iron and steel manufacturing machinery,
■Foundation :
ceramic machinery, mining machinery, chemical machinery, textile machinery, pulp and
July 7, 1884
paper making machinery, box making machinery, printing machinery, plastic processing
■Establishment : machinery, rubber and tire machinery, machine tools and tools, construction machinery,
January 11, 1950 refrigerating machinery, air-conditioning machinery, agricultural machinery, machinery for
cargo-hoisting and transportation, food machinery, packing machinery, blowers,
■Capital : compressors, wind tunnels, hydraulic machinery, oil hydraulic equipment, pneumatic
265.6 bil. yen (As of March 31, '04) control equipment, electric and electronic machinery and equipment, medical machinery
■Orders Received : and various other machinery, equipment and apparatus for industrial and general use;
2,662.8 bil. yen (consolidated basis, April 1, '03 - March 31, '04) 6. Manufacture, installation, sale and repair of air pollution prevention equipment, water
2,159.2 bil. yen (non-consolidated basis, April 1, '03 - March 31, '04) corruption prevention equipment, solid waste treatment equipment and other pollution
prevention and environmental improvement equipment;
■Sales :
2,373.4 bil. yen (consolidated basis, April 1, '03 - March 31, '04) 7. Manufacture, installation, sale and repair of bridges, hydraulic gates, stacks, offshore
1,940.1 bil. yen (non-consolidated basis, April 1, '03 - March 31, '04) facilities and other steel structures and various iron works;
15. All business incidental or relating to those items mentioned in the foregoing sub-
5 6
01.Outline of the Company 04.8.24 5:43 PM ページ 7 (1,1)
Mitsubishi-sha, Ltd.
■Origin of the Company Symbol
Mitsubishi Internal
Industries, Ltd. and of the 92 companies in and affiliated with the Mitsubishi Group.
Combustion Engine Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Internal
1921 Combustion Engine Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi-sha, Ltd. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Mitsubishi Aircraft Co., Ltd.
1937 1934 1928
Mitsubishi-honsha, Ltd.
7 8
02.Stockのコピー 1 04.8.30 5:51 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
@. Stock
Stock Information
Major Shareholders
Classified by Types of Shareholders
02.Stock 04.8.24 5:45 PM ページ 11 (1,1)
@. Stock
(0.27%) (0.01%)
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd.
230,812,000 6.8%
(Holder in Trust) 1999 (26.40%) (44.37%) (10.31%) (18.64%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd.
147,280,000 4.4
(Holder in Trust) (0.59%) (0.01%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. 2000 (31.03%) (37.15%) (10.08%) (21.14%)
(Holder in Retirement Benefit Trust for The Bank 125,666,000 3.7
of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.)
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 88,000,741 2.6 2001 (27.24%) (39.86%) (8.57%) (23.96%)
The Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. 63,000,000 1.9 (0.24%)
11 12
03.Directorsのコピー 1 04.8.30 5:57 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
#. Directors, Auditors
and Senior
Corporate Advisers
Board of Directors (Representative Directors)
MHI President Terms of Office
03.Directors 04.8.24 5:47 PM ページ 15 (1,1)
Chairman Takashi Nishioka* (68) Apr. '59 Joined Shin Mitsubishi Heavy-Industries, Ltd. Managing Junichi Maezawa* (60) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Jul. '89 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Director Apr. '98 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace
Systems Works of Aircraft & Special Vehicle Systems Works
Headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Jun. '99 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace
Jun. '91 General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Systems Systems Works
Works of Aircraft & Special Vehicle Headquarters Apr. '02 Managing Director, General Manager, Aerospace
Jun. '92 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Headquarters
Systems Works of Aircraft & Special Vehicle
Apr. '93 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Managing Ayao Tsuge* (61) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Systems Works Director Apr. '97 General Manager, Takasago Research &
Apr. '95 Director, Deputy General Manager, Aircraft & Development Center of Technical Headquarters
Special Vehicle Headquarters Jun. '00 Director, General Manager, Technical
Jun. '95 Managing Director, General Manager, Aircraft & Headquarters
Special Vehicle Headquarters Apr. '02 Managing Director, General Manager, Technical
Jun. '98 Executive Vice President, General Manager, Headquarters
Aircraft & Special Vehicle Headquarters
Jun. '99 President Managing Motoo Makita* (59) Apr. '67 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Jun. '00 Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi Motors Director Jun. '94 General Manager, Finance Department
Corporation Apr. '99 General Manager, Accounting Department
Jun. '03 Chairman Jun. '01 Director, General Manager, Accounting
Jun. '03 Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi Department
Corporation Apr. '02 Managing Director
Jun. '04 Held also the post of Auditor, The Tokyo Electric Jun. '02 Held also the post of Statutory Auditor, Mitsubishi
Power Company, Incorporated Motors Corporation
President Kazuo Tsukuda* (60) Apr. '68 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Managing Kazunori Ohta* (60) Apr. '66 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Dec. '95 Deputy General Manager, Takasago Machinery Director Apr. '97 Deputy General Manager, Kobe Shipyard &
Works Machinery Works
Apr. '99 General Manager, Nagoya Machinery Works Oct. '99 Deputy General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard &
Jun. '99 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Machinery Machinery Works
Works Apr. '00 General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard &
Apr. '00 Director, General Manager, Industrial Machinery Machinery Works
Division Jun. '01 Director, General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard
Mar. '01 Held also the post of Director, Kinki Coca-Cola & Machinery Works
Bottling Co., Ltd. Apr. '03 Managing Director, General Manager, Shipbuilding
Apr. '02 Managing Director, General Manager, Global & Ocean Development Headquarters
Strategic Planning & Operations Headquarters,
General Manager, Industrial Machinery Division
Oct. '02 Managing Director, General Manager, Global
Strategic Planning & Operations Headquarters
Jun. '03 President
Mar. '04 Retired the post of Director, Kinki Coca-Cola
Bottling Co., Ltd.
15 16
03.Directors 04.8.24 5:47 PM ページ 17 (1,1)
Managing Shigeharu Matsuura* (59) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Managing Tsutomu Takaoka* (58) Apr. '68 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Director Apr. '97 Deputy General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard & Director Apr. '98 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Guidance &
Machinery Works Propulsion Systems Works
Jun. '00 General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard & Apr. '02 General Manager, Nagoya Guidance & Propulsion
Machinery Works Systems Works
Jun. '01 Director, General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Guidance &
& Machinery Works Propulsion Systems Works
Apr. '03 Managing Director, General Manager, Steel Apr. '04 Managing Director, General Manager, Machinery
Structures & Construction Headquarters Headquarters
Managing Ikuro Nagata* (58) Apr. '68 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Director Mikio Sasaki (66) Apr. '60 Joined Mitsubishi Corporation
Director Apr. '99 Deputy General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery Jun. '92 Director
Works Jun. '94 Managing Director
Apr. '00 General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery Works Apr. '98 President
Jun. '01 Director, General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery Jun. '01 Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi Heavy
Works Industries, Ltd.
Jun. '03 Managing Director, General Manager, Presidential Apr. '04 Chairman
Administration Office
Director Hideo Egawa (59) Apr. '67 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Managing Osamu Wakazono* (59) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Apr. '96 General Manager, Aircraft Department of Aircraft &
Director Apr. '97 General Manager, Power Systems Project Special Vehicle Headquarters
Engineering Department of Power Systems May '99 Chief Coordinator, Presidential Administration
Engineering Center of Power Systems Office
Headquarters Jun. '99 President of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America,
Apr. '01 Deputy General Manager, Power Systems Inc.
Headquarters Jun. '02 Director, Chief Coordinator, Global Strategic
Jun. '01 Director, Deputy General Manager, Power Planning & Operations Headquarters
Systems Headquarters Held also the post of President, Mitsubishi Heavy
Apr. '04 Managing Director, General Manager, Power Industries America, Inc.
Systems Headquarters Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Global Strategic
Planning & Operations Headquarters
Retired the post of President, Mitsubishi Heavy
Managing Yoshimi Uratani* (57) Apr. '71 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Industries America, Inc.
Director Apr. '99 Deputy General Manager, Kobe Shipyard &
Machinery Works
Apr. '01 General Manager, Kobe Shipyard & Machinery
Jun. '02 Director, General Manager, Kobe Shipyard &
Machinery Works
Apr. '04 Managing Director, General Manager, Nuclear
Energy Systems Headquarters
17 18
03.Directors 04.8.24 5:47 PM ページ 19 (1,1)
Director Hideaki Omiya (57) Jun. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Director Susumu Uchida (58) Apr. '68 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Jun. '99 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Apr. '98 General Manager, Transportation & Electronics
Systems Works Department of Machinery Headquarters
Apr. '01 Deputy General Manager, Industrial Machinery Apr. '03 Deputy General Manager, Machinery
Division Headquarters
Apr. '02 Deputy General Manager, Air-Conditioning & Jun. '03 Director, Deputy General Manager, Machinery
Refrigeration Systems Headquarters Headquarters
Jun. '02 Director, Deputy General Manager, Air-
Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems
Headquarters Director Nobuo Toda (58) Jun. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Apr. '03 Director, General Manager, Air-Conditioning & Jun. '99 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace
Refrigeration Systems Headquarters Systems Works
Apr. '02 General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace Systems
Director Nobuo Kiyama (57) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace
Jun. '99 Deputy General Manager, Mihara Machinery Systems Works
Apr. '00 General Manager, Paper & Paper Converting
Machinery Operations of Paper & Printing Director Hiroshi Kan (57) Jul. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Machinery Division Apr. '99 General Manager, Finance Department
Apr. '01 General Manager, Paper & Printing Machinery Apr. '02 General Manager, Accounting Department
Division Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Accounting
Jun. '02 Director, General Manager, Paper & Printing Department
Machinery Division
Director Heki Kasugai (57) Apr. '71 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Director Ichiro Fukue (57) Apr. '71 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Oct. '99 Deputy General Manager, Kobe Shipyard &
Jun. '98 Deputy General Manager, Takasago Machinery Machinery Works
Works Oct. '01 General Manager, Entertainment & Urban
Apr. '01 General Manager, Takasago Machinery Works Complex Section of Steel Structures &
Jun. '02 Director, General Manager, Takasago Machinery Construction Headquarters
Works May '02 General Manager, Machine Tool Division
Apr. '04 Director, Deputy General Manager, Power Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Machine Tool Division
Systems Headquarters
Director Fumio Tomikawa (58) Apr. '70 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Apr. '00 General Manager, Mihara Machinery &
Transportation Systems Works of Machinery
Apr. '03 General Manager, Plant and Transportation
Systems Engineering & Construction Center of
Machinery Headquarters
Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Plant and
Transportation Systems Engineering &
Construction Center of Machinery Headquarters
19 20
03.Directors 04.8.24 5:47 PM ページ 21 (1,1)
Director Yutaka Nakahara (57) Apr. '71 Joined Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries, Inc. Director Toshiyuki Matsuoka (57) May '70 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Jun. '99 General Manager, Water Reactor Engineering Apr. '99 General Manager, Ship & Ocean Business No.1
Department of Nuclear Energy Systems Department of Shipbuilding & Ocean Development
Engineering Center of Nuclear Energy Systems Headquarters
Headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Apr. '04 Deputy General Manager, Shipbuilding & Ocean
Apr. '01 General Manager, Nuclear Energy Systems Development Headquarters
Engineering Center of Nuclear Energy Systems Jun. '04 Director, Deputy General Manager, Shipbuilding &
Headquarters Ocean Development Headquarters
Apr. '03 Deputy General Manager, Nuclear Energy
Systems Headquarters
Jun. '03 Director, Deputy General Manager, Nuclear Director Akihiko Miyakubi (57) Apr. '71 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Energy Systems Headquarters Apr. '00 Deputy General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard &
Machinery Works
Apr. '03 General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard &
Director Sunao Aoki (56) Apr. '72 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Machinery Works
Jun. '00 General Manager, Takasago Research & Jun. '04 Director, General Manager, Yokohama Dockyard
Development Center of Technical Headquarters & Machinery Works
Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Takasago Research &
Development Center of Technical Headquarters
Director Yoji Yamada (56) Apr. '73 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Apr. '01 Deputy General Manager, Nagoya Aerospace
Director Kototsugu Taniguchi (56) Apr. '70 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd Systems Works
Apr. '02 Deputy General Manager, Industrial Machinery Apr. '03 Deputy General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery
Division Works
Oct. '02 General Manager, Industrial Machinery Jun. '03 General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery Works
Division Jun. '04 Director, General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery
Jun. '03 Director, General Manager, Industrial Machinery Works
Mar. '04 Held also the post of Director, Kinki Coca-Cola
Bottling Co., Ltd. Auditor Satoru Kishi (74) Apr. '53 Joined The Mitsubishi Bank Ltd.
Jun. '83 Director
Jul. '85 Managing Director
Director Katsuhiko Yoshida (56) Apr. '70 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Jun. '88 Senior Managing Director
Apr. '02 General Manager, Industrial Vehicle Operations of Feb. '92 Executive Vice President
General Machinery & Special Vehicle Headquarters Apr. '96 Executive Vice President of The Bank of Tokyo-
Apr. '03 Deputy General Manager, General Machinery & Mitsubishi, Ltd.
Special Vehicle Headquarters Jan. '98 President of The above
Jun. '03 Director, Deputy General Manager, General Jun. '00 Chairman of The above
Machinery & Special Vehicle Headquarters Jun. '02 Senior Adviser of The above
Mar. '04 Director, General Manager, General Machinery & Jun. '02 Held also the post of Statutory Auditor, Mitsubishi
Special Vehicle Headquarters Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Mar. '04 Held also the post of Director, Shin Caterpillar
Mitsubishi Ltd.
21 22
03.Directors 04.8.24 5:47 PM ページ 23 (1,1)
Auditor Toyoshi Nakano (68) Apr. '59 Joined The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Senior Kentaro Aikawa (77) Apr. '51 Joined West Japan Heavy-Industries, Ltd.
Corporation Corporate Sep. '80 Deputy General Manager, Nagasaki Shipyard &
Jun. '87 Director Adviser Engine Works of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Jun. '88 Managing Director Jan. '84 General Manager, Nagasaki Shipyard & Engine
Jun. '90 Senior Managing Director Works
Jun. '93 Deputy President Jun. '85 Director, General Manager, Nagasaki Shipyard &
Jun. '95 President Engine Works
Jun. '99 Chairman Jun. '87 Managing Director, General Manager, Power
Jun. '03 Held also the post of Statutory Auditor, Mitsubishi Systems Headquarters
Heavy Industries, Ltd. Jun. '88 Executive Vice President, General Manager,
Apr. '04 Senior Adviser Power Systems Headquarters
Jun. '89 President
Jun. '93 Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi Motors
Auditor Toshinori Tomita (56) Apr. '70 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Corporation
Apr. '00 Deputy General Manager, Nagasaki Shipyard & Jun. '95 Chairman
Machinery Works Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi
Jun. '03 Statutory Auditor Corporation
Jun. '99 Senior Corporate Adviser
Auditor Toyohiko Inaguma (58) Apr. '69 Joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Retired the post of Director, Mitsubishi
Jun. '98 Deputy General Manager, Kobe Shipyard & Corporation
Machinery Works Jun. '00 Retired the post of Director, Mitsubishi Motors
Apr. '02 General Manager, Machinery Administration Corporation
Department of Machinery Headquarters
Jun. '04 Statutory Auditor Senior Nobuyuki Masuda (70) Apr. '57 Joined Mitsubishi Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.,
Corporate Ltd.
Adviser Oct. '87 Deputy General Manager, Hiroshima Machinery
Works of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Dec. '89 Deputy General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard
& Machinery Works
Jul. '90 General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard &
Machinery Works
Jun. '91 Director, General Manager, Shimonoseki Shipyard
& Machinery Works
Jun. '92 Managing Director, General Manager, Machinery
Jun. '94 Executive Vice President, General Manager,
Machinery Headquarters
Jun. '95 President
Jun. '99 Chairman
Held also the post of Director, Mitsubishi
Jun. '03 Senior Corporate Adviser
Retired the post of Director, Mitsubishi
23 24
03.Directorsのコピー 1 04.8.30 5:55 PM ページ 25 (1,1)
25 26
04.Organization Chart 04.8.24 5:50 PM ページ 27 (1,1)
$. Organization Chart
1. Organization Chart
%. Statement of Accounts
05.Statement of Accounts 04.8.24 5:55 PM ページ 33 (1,1)
%. Statement of Accounts
Orders 2,500
2,349.8 2,640.3 2,424.9 2,480.9 2,662.8 3,000
received 2,000
1,500 2,000
Net sales 2,848.5 3,016.1 3,142.4 3,096.1 2,907.7 2,875.0 3,045.0 2,863.9 2,593.8 2,373.4 1,000
186.8 185.3 198.0 144.2 65.3 -23.7 74.8 78.6 115.3 66.6 0 0
income (loss) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
155.2 180.1 208.9 133.5 53.9 -89.5 63.2 67.9 78.1 29.7 Operating income (loss) Net income (loss)
income (loss) (bil.yen) (bil.yen)
250 150
Income (loss) 200 100
before income 111.6 180.3 216.9 133.5 49.0 -217.6 -5.1 48.0 66.1 50.1
taxes 150
Net income -50
77.9 103.7 123.6 60.6 18.0 -137.0 -20.3 26.4 34.3 21.7
(loss) 50
0 -150
Total assets 4,014.4 4,172.9 4,361.7 4,731.8 4,746.5 4,636.7 4,236.6 3,915.2 3,666.8 3,715.3 -50 -200
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Net assets 1,178.1 1,255.2 1,347.3 1,368.8 1,337.3 1,245.0 1,278.2 1,282.7 1,270.9 1,324.4 Total assets Net assets
(bil.yen) (bil.yen)
5,000 1,500
Debt with
664.1 702.8 755.5 1,204.0 1,249.2 1,205.3 1,090.6 1,049.9 1,122.9 1,101.2 4,000
106.8 144.6 118.7 143.2 100.2 96.4 109.7 119.1 109.8 2,000
investment 500
Depreciation 89.6 92.2 101.2 101.6 105.3 99.3 95.9 97.0 99.8 0 0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Cash flows
from operating 133.7 254.1 99.1 50.0 134.2 Debt with interest Free cash flows
activities (bil.yen) (bil.yen)
1,500 200
Cash flows
from investing -67.5 -76.1 -89.5 -106.1 -95.3 150
activities 1,000 100
Free cash 50
66.2 177.9 9.5 -56.0 38.8
flows 500 0
Note : Orders received and cash flows by fiscal year1998 are not disclosed to the public.
The amount of facilities investment and depreciation by fiscal year1994 is not disclosed to the public.
33 34
05.Statement of Accounts 04.8.24 5:55 PM ページ 35 (1,1)
%. Statement of Accounts
Return on 2.0
% 6.8 8.5 9.5 4.5 1.3 -10.6 -1.6 2.1 2.7 1.7 5.0
0.0 0.0
Return on -5.0
total % 1.9 2.5 2.9 1.3 0.4 -2.9 -0.5 0.6 0.9 0.6 -10.0
-15.0 -4.0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
income % 6.6 6.1 6.3 4.7 2.2 -0.8 2.5 2.7 4.4 2.8
ratio Operating income ratio Equity to assets ratio
(%) (%)
8.0 50.0
Equity to
assets % 29.3 30.1 30.9 28.9 28.2 26.9 30.2 32.8 34.7 35.6 40.0
ratio 4.0
Price 2.0
earnings times 26.94 30.00 21.96 28.22 99.76 -7.95 -76.41 55.10 28.00 52.30 20.0
-2.0 0.0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
yen 23.13 30.80 36.65 17.97 5.36 -40.62 -6.03 7.84 10.14 6.46
per share
Price earnings ratio
Book value
yen 349.70 372.48 399.49 405.85 396.50 369.13 378.96 380.22 376.76 393.17 100.00
per share
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
(Notes) Return on equity = net income (loss) / stockholders' equity average of the beginning and the end of period
Return on total assets = net income (loss) / total assets average of the beginning and the end of period
Operating income ratio = operating income (loss) / Net sales
Equity to assets ratio = stockholders' equity / total assets
Price earnings ratio = stock price (year-end close) / income (loss) per share
Earning per share = net income (loss) / total number of shares issued
Book value per share = Net assets / total number of shares issued
35 36
05.Statement of Accounts 04.8.24 5:55 PM ページ 37 (1,1)
%. Statement of Accounts
Orders Received by Industry Segment (Consolidated) (Unit : billions of yen) Operating income by Industry Segment (Consolidated) (Unit : billions of yen)
1999 2000 2001 2002 200 3 19
94 1995 199
6 1997
Shipbuilding & Ocean 258.6 272.7 168.1 257.0 329.9 Machinery 141.8 151.6 158.1 121.1
Development (11.0%) (10.3%) (6.9%) (10.4%) (12.4%) and plants
Power 558.1 739.1 596.0 608.3 670.7 Aerospace
Systems systems 12.3 10.4 14.7 22.3
(23.8%) (28.0%) (24.6%) (24.5%) (25.2%)
Machinery and 285.0 364.1 424.1 388.5 422.7 Shipbuilding and 23.7 13.5 14.7 -9.9
steel structures (12.1%) (13.8%) (17.5%) (15.7%) (15.9%) Steel structures
438.5 432.7 447.2 441.2 407.5
Aerospace Others 8.8 9.7 10.3 10.6
(18.7%) (16.4%) (18.4%) (17.8%) (15.3%)
Mass and Medium- 691.7 711.2 675.7 677.3 727.1
Lot Manufactured Total 186.8 185.3 198.0 144.2
Machinery (29.4%) (26.9%) (27.9%) (27.3%) (27.3%)
117.7 120.1 113.4 108.3 104.6 (Unit : billions of yen)
(5.0%) (4.6%) (4.7%) (4.3%) (3.9%)
2,349.8 2,640.3 2,424.9 2,480.9 2,662.8 19
98 19
99 200
0 200
1 2
002 2003
Total Shipbuilding & Ocean
(100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) 7.0 -0.2 -4.1 5.4 11.1 -14.9
Note : Orders Received by Industry Segment (consolidated) by fiscal year 1998 is not disclosed to the public. Development
Systems 18.6 -37.1 29.0 31.5 51.9 23.4
Sales by Industry Segment (Consolidated) (Unit : billions of yen)
Machinery and 1.7 -5.0 8.4 9.5 10.0 9.6
1994 1
99 5 1996 1997 steel structures
Machinery 1,969.1 2,096.9 2,187.3 2,187.8
and plants (69.1%) (69.5%) (69.6%) (70.6%) Aerospace 37.9 29.5 32.8 33.3 40.9 29.5
Aerospace 381.8 395.8 388.5 370.6 Mass and Medium-
systems (13.4%) (13.1%) (12.4%) (12.0%) Lot Manufactured -8.5 -18.8 0.4 -8.2 -3.4 9.8
Shipbuilding and 432.3 445.7 492.6 445.3
Steel structures (15.2%) (14.8%) (15.7%) (14.4%) Others 8.4 7.9 8.2 6.9 4.6 9.0
65.1 77.6 73.8 92.2
Others Total 65.3 -23.7 74.8 78.6 115.3 66.6
(2.3%) (2.6%) (2.3%) (3.0%)
2,848.5 3,016.1 3,142.4 3,096.1
Total (Notes) Segment information had previously been provided on the basis of the following segment classification:
(100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) Machinery and plants, Aerospace systems, Shipbuilding and Steel structures, and Others. In 1 99 8, MHI has
reclassified the segment information, considering the business scales and similarities, into Shipbuilding & Ocean
(Unit : billions of yen) Development, Power Systems, Machinery & Steel Structures, Aerospace, and Mass, Medium-Lot Manufactured
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Machinery, and Others.
%. Statement of Accounts
Orders 2,500
2,798.9 2,927.7 3,057.4 2,465.9 2,050.9 1,924.1 2,213.8 1,970.4 2,050.7 2,159.2 3,000
received 2,000
2,000 1,500
Net sales 2,503.0 2,644.1 2,733.7 2,653.2 2,479.1 2,453.8 2,637.7 2,388.6 2,171.7 1,940.1 1,000
164.3 162.6 168.4 108.5 47.6 -52.5 52.8 66.8 103.0 35.2 0 0
income (loss) 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
141.4 166.6 192.6 120.5 44.1 -91.0 46.5 59.4 65.1 7.5 Operating income (loss) Net income (loss)
income (loss) (bil.yen) (bil.yen)
200 150
Income (loss) 150 100
before income 98.0 167.0 200.6 120.5 39.2 -214.0 24.4 33.4 54.5 23.7
taxes 100 50
50 0
Net income
60.0 92.0 110.6 83.5 23.2 -126.5 15.0 22.4 30.1 5.2
(loss) 0 -50
-50 -100
Total assets 3,539.3 3,599.7 3,743.5 4,012.8 4,085.6 4,008.8 3,611.7 3,263.0 3,071.6 3,139.9 -100 -150
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Net assets 969.1 1,034.4 1,112.5 1,162.2 1,151.5 1,049.8 1,128.3 1,115.8 1,129.1 1,166.2 Total assets Net assets
(bil.yen) (bil.yen)
5,000 1,500
0 0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
39 40
05.Statement of Accounts 04.8.24 5:56 PM ページ 41 (1,1)
%. Statement of Accounts
Return on 2.0
% 6.3 9.2 10.3 7.3 2.0 -11.5 1.4 2.0 2.7 0.5 5.0
0.0 0.0
Return on -5.0
total % 1.7 2.6 3.0 2.2 0.6 -3.1 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.2 -10.0
-15.0 -4.0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
income % 6.6 6.2 6.2 4.1 1.9 -2.1 2.0 2.8 4.7 1.8
ratio Operating income ratio Equity to assets ratio
(%) (%)
8.0 50.0
Equity to 6.0
assets % 27.4 28.7 29.7 29.0 28.2 26.2 31.2 34.2 36.8 37.1 40.0
2.0 30.0
Dividend 0.0
yen 8.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 2.5 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 20.0
per share -2.0
-4.0 0.0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
payout % 44.9 32.9 30.5 40.4 145.0 − 89.4 60.2 67.1 388.3
ratio Dividend payout ratio Price earnings ratio
(%) (times)
400.0 250.00
earnings times 34.97 33.81 24.54 20.46 77.54 -8.61 103.13 64.96 31.87 218.06 200.00
ratio 150.00
200.0 100.00
yen 17.82 27.33 32.81 24.78 6.90 -37.53 4.47 6.65 8.91 1.55 50.00
per share 100.0
0.0 -50.00
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Book value
yen 287.66 306.96 329.86 344.58 341.42 311.24 334.53 330.75 334.72 346.18
per share
41 42
05.Statement of Accounts 04.8.24 5:56 PM ページ 43 (1,1)
%. Statement of Accounts
43 44
06.Personnelのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:01 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
^. Personnel
06.Personnel 04.8.24 5:59 PM ページ 47 (1,1)
^. Personnel
(Unit: person)
1994 1995 1996 1997 19
98 1
999 20
00 20
01 20
02 200
Shipbuilding & Ocean Development 6,290 6,208 5,946 5,796 5,707
Power Systems 14,414 14,441 14,163 13,949 13,665
(Unit: person)
1995 1996 1997 1998 19
99 2
000 20
01 20
02 20
03 200
List of
Divisions Sumito
Shipbuilding & Ocean Development Headquarters
Steel Structures & Construction Headquarters World
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 51 (1,1)
51 52
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 53 (1,1)
53 54
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 55 (1,1)
1965 After building “SEDCO 135A”, Japan's first offshore drilling unit, 1999 GOLAR MAZO Nagasaki FARAWAY MARITIME SHIPPING COMPANY LNGC
∼86 MHI completed 16 semi-submersible type units, 6 jack-up type units and 4 vessel EVER URANUS Kobe GREEN COMPASS MARINE S. A. Container Carrier
type units. HOKKAIDO MARU Shimonoseki KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEN KAISHA, LTD. High Speed RoRo Ship
1981 Completed 2,000m deep submersible research vehicle “SHINKAI 2000” INAZUMA Nagasaki JAPAN DEFENSE AGENCY Destroyer
1988 Completed tank ship to be used for offshore oil storage facility at Kami-Goto Islands NIPPON YUSEN KABUSHIKI KAISHA
1989 Completed the 6,500m deep submersible research vehicle "SHINKAI 6500" MITSUI O.S.K. LINES, LTD.
1990 Completed 850,000 bbls Crude Oil FSO Vessel “PUTERI DULANG” (FSO....Floating TENYO Nagasaki MINNOW MARITIMA S.A. VLCC
Storage and Offloading) MAKISHIO Kobe JAPAN DEFENSE AGENCY Submarine
1992 Completed the Draft Controlled Launcher for the Japanese Government. EUROPEAN CAUSEWAY Shimonoseki P&O EUROPEAN FERRIES (IRISHI SEA) LTD. Passenger Ferry
TRANS FUTURE 3 Shimonoseki FENG LI MARITIME CORPORATION Car/ General Cargo Carrier
1993 Completed the Deep Sea Microorganism Collecting and Cultivating System 2001 LAKSHMI Nagasaki GREENFIELD SHIPPING LNGC
(DMCCS) for Japan Maritime Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) GAS TAURUS Nagasaki MITSUBISHI CORPORATION LPGC
1994 Completed sludge dredger “KASUMIZAURUSU” for Kanto Regional Construction NEW CENTURY 1 Nagasaki TOYOFUJI SHIPPING CO., LTD. Pure Car Carrier
Bureau, Ministry of Construction HATSU EAGLE Kobe HATSU MARINE LIMITED Container Carrier
MISHIMA Shimonoseki MISHIMA VILLAGE Passenger Ferry
1995 Completed 850,000 bbls Crude Oil FSO Vessel “ANASURIA” NEW RAINBOW BELL Shimonoseki KYUETSU FERRY Passenger Ferry
1996 Completed tank ship to be used for offshore oil storage facility at Shirashima Islands 2002 PUTERI INTAN SATU Nagasaki MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION LNGC
1997 Completed a new-type Sand Drain Barge ABADI Nagasaki BRUNEI GAS CARRIERS LNGC
1998 Completed convertion work of FPSO for Japan Vietnam Petroleum Co. Ltd LYCASTE PEACE Nagasaki NIPPON YUSEN KABUSHIKI KAISHA LPGC
(FPSO....Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) OHNAMI Nagasaki JAPAN DEFENSE AGENCY Destroyer
1999 Completed 1,000M3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger “ARUANGWA” for NARUSHIO Kobe JAPAN DEFENSE AGENCY Submarine
YOSHOMARU Shimonoseki FUJI TRANS CORP. Car/ General Cargo Carrier
Mozambican Dredging Company-EMODRAGA E. P. Ferry Kyoto 2 Shimonoseki MEIMON TAIYO FERRY CO., LTD. Passenger Ferry
2000 Completed borehole reentry / observatory system “BENKEI” Ferry Fukuoka 2 Shimonoseki MEIMON TAIYO FERRY CO., LTD. Passenger Ferry
Yamato Shimonoseki HANKYU FERRY CO., LTD. Passenger Ferry
TSUKUSHI Shimonoseki HANKYU FERRY CO., LTD. Passenger Ferry
HIMAWARI No.5 Shimonoseki AKI KAIUN CO., LTD. RO/RO Ship
Ferry Oki Shimonoseki OKI KISEN CO., LTD. Passenger Ferry
55 56
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 57 (1,1)
QOthersœ List of
Vessels Completed by Mitsubishi Shipyards
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
(thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.) (thou.)(thou.)
Nagasaki domestic vessels 1 106 69 4 126 193 ー ー ー 5 336 287 ー ー ー 1 111 72 2 223 140 ー ー ー 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shipyard & Mitsub
export vessels 7 805 1,130 9 772 1,060 9 964 1,557 9 756 1,131 13 648 644 9 896 1,507 9 965 1,498 5 309 206 5 473 335 5 345 286
Works total 8 911 1,199 13 898 1,253 9 964 1,557 14 1,092 1,418 13 648 644 10 1,007 1,579 11 1,188 1,638 5 309 206 5 473 335 5 345 286 Ishikaw
Kobe domestic vessels 2 5 2 0 0 0 ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー 0 0 0 0 0 0
Shipyard & export vessels 2 106 118 4 216 232 4 274 258 4 244 236 4 208 222 5 279 255 4 277 253 3 215 202 3 228 228 5 291 319 Hitachi
Works total 4 111 120 4 216 232 4 274 258 4 244 236 4 208 222 5 279 255 4 277 253 3 215 202 3 228 228 5 291 319 Mitsui
Shimonoseki domestic vessels 7 27 15 5 20 8 9 36 15 8 53 55 10 52 27 5 43 22 2 2 2 3 24 12 3 20 9 7 102 40
Shipyard & export vessels 4 58 91 7 108 160 4 61 86 2 31 38 2 10 11 ー ー ー 5 95 66 2 31 21 2 31 16 0 0 0 NKK C
Works total 11 85 106 12 128 168 13 97 101 10 84 60 12 62 38 5 43 22 7 97 68 5 55 33 5 51 25 7 102 40
Grand total 23 1,107 1,425 29 1,241 1,653 26 1,335 1,916 28 1,420 1,714 29 918 904 20 1,329 1,856 22 1,562 1,959 13 579 441 13 752 588 17 737 645
List of Ships Newly Built by Major Japanese Shipbuilders
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Domes
No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) % No. G/T(thou.) %
12.8 13.3 13.2 14.4 8.9 12.0 13.0
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 23 1,107 29 1,241 26 1,335 28 1,420 29 918 20 1,329 22 1,562
(5.6) (5.5) (5.2) (5.6) (3.6) (4.8) (4.9)
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. 11 681 7.9 9 555 6.0 10 683 6.7 14 729 7.4 12 853 8.3 13 1,069 9.7 13 1,060 8.8
Hitachi Zosen Corporation 6 262 3.0 10 969 10.4 10 652 6.4 18 534 5.4 11 748 7.3 9 756 6.8 9 797 6.6
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 6 337 3.9 10 557 6.0 11 637 6.3 8 199 2.0 16 768 7.5 19 729 6.6 21 902 7.5
NKK Corporation 6 567 6.6 10 538 5.8 7 496 4.9 8 654 6.6 11 568 5.5 10 691 6.3 11 756 6.3
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 9 542 6.3 7 543 5.8 8 418 4.1 11 656 6.6 11 446 4.3 8 442 4.0 7 622 5.2
Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. 6 368 4.3 4 174 1.9 8 553 5.4 11 415 4.2 7 310 3.0 17 763 6.9 13 465 3.9
Total 67 3,864 44.7 79 4,577 49.2 80 4,774 47.0 98 4,607 46.6 97 4,611 44.9 96 5,779 52.3 96 6,164 51.3
100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Domestic total 692 8,648 717 9,311 687 10,149 650 9,883 601 10,272 446 11,051 457 12,020
(44.0) (41.1) (39.3) (38.7) (40.3) (39.7) (37.9)
World total 1,893 19,669 100.0 2,032 22,652 100.0 2,099 25,837 100.0 2,087 25,537 100.0 1,954 25,464 100.0 1,829 27,822 100.0 1,799 31,696 100.0
35 36.1 110
30 31.7 31.3
20 80
71.1 74.9
15 13.7 70
12.2 13.0
11.1 12.7
10.1 9.9 10.3 12.0 12.0
9.3 11.6
10 8.6 60 56.6
9.2 58.9
6.2 8.2 57.1
7.4 7.2
5 4.2 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.0 3.8 50 48.5
4.3 4.4 45.8
3.2 3.4 3.7
1.1 0.9 1.1
2.2 45.3
1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.8
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Japan World total Korea Europe China
Note: According to Lloyd's statistics 2.0ver 100 GT steel ships
19.8 19.6 24.0
20 17.4 18.1
Share of Main Shipbuilding Countries
14.7 14.4 13.7
2002 2003
Others 6.8% Others 6.4%
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Domestic total World total
Europe Europe
12.0% 10.2%
Japan Japan
35.8% 35.1%
World total World total
China 33.4mil. China 36.1mil.
6.6% GT 10.4% GT
Korea Korea
38.8% 37.9%
59 60
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 61 (1,1)
63 64
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 65 (1,1)
65 66
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 67 (1,1)
67 68
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 69 (1,1)
Delivered overseas the first 701F gas turbine with one the largest output and
Gresik, Indonesia
highest efficiency in the world (Wang Noi Stage 1 combined cycle electric power combined cycle
power plant
plant in Thailand) 1,584MW
Completed the operational research for the national project of coal gasification 1500
combined power generation of 200t/day pilot plant Wang Noi, Thailand, Stage 1
combined cycle power plant
1997 Began commercial operation of “position T” of the 330MW combined cycle power 1,306MW
plant with 501G gas turbine (MHI Takasago Machinery Works) Higashi Niigata
No.III Tohoku
Electric Power
Development Co.,
Combined cycle Tachibana wan No.2
Completed successfully the Japan’s first commercial operation of combined cycle *Kashima,
Tokyo power plant 1,050MW (2000.1) H13.1
3,180t/h 1,000 MW
power plant with Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion (PFBC) (Hokkaido Electric 1000
Electric Power Misumi No.1
Power Co., Inc.) Development Co., Unit Chugoku
Kyusyu 1,000MW
Completed successfully the commercial operation of 1,000MW coal fired power Power generation boilers
plant using Ultra Supercritical Variable Pressure (USVP) (Tohoku Electric Power Steam turbines for 50Hz use Kyushu Power Co.,
Shin Oita No.2 Unit
Steam turbines for 60Hz use
Co., Inc.) combined cycle
power plant
Delivered Japan’s largest combined cycle power plant (1,650MW) (Chubu Electric 800
Power Co., Inc.)
1998 Delivered the high efficient coal firing power plant designed considering its Chubu
environment (Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.) 700
Completed the Vacuum residue (extra-heavy oil) firing boiler (Koa Oil Co., Ltd.) *Kashima,
Tokyo Kansai Electric Power
1,950t/h Himeji No.1 plant No.5
1999 Delivered first combined cycle power plant, using world highest heat efficiency gas 600
Unit combined cycle power plant
turbine, M701G (805MW, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.) Himeji No.II
*Chita, Kansai
Delivered the world largest class (75MW) diesel power plant to Electric Power Chubu
600 MW
600 MW
Agency in Kenya. 500
2000 Delivered 1,440MW combined cycle power plant, using M701F gas turbine (Tokyo Kansai
450 MW
Electric Power Co., Inc.)
Sakaide, Shikoku
Delivered the KU diesel power plant (135MW) to Pakistani Japan Power Generation Chita, Chubu 1,225t/h
Combined cycle power plant
Yokosuka, Tokyo 1,157t/h
(Independent Power Producer, IPP). *Himeji No.II Kansai 1,060t/h
Goi, Tokyo
350 MW
2001 Delivered 50 units of MWT-1000 wind turbines to Rock River I project in U.S.A. 300
*Yokosuka, Tokyo
*Himeji No.II Kansai
325 MW
2002 Estabilished Companies for electric power supply.
Shin-Nagoya, Chubu *Himeji No.II, Kansai Minami-Yokohama, Tokyo
MHI Yokohama Power., Ltd. : Gas Engine 726t/h 250 MW LNG-fired thermal power plant
Seto Wind Hill Corporation : Wind Turbine Osaka, Kansai Yokohama, Tokyo
542t/h 175 MW
Delivered the first overseas M501G gas turbine project *Chiba, Tokyo *Osaka, Kansai
156 MW
(Ilijian combined cycle power plant (1,200MW) in the Philippines) 100
Himeji No.I Kansai
2003 Delivered the IGCC (431MW) Power plant to Nippon Petroleum Refinig Co., Ltd. 75 MW
Tsurumi No.II Tokyo 66 MW, 300t/h
Delivery record over 300 sets of KU series engines. Meiko, Chubu 250t/h
Delivered M501G combined cycle power plant successively in U.S.A.:
1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Mysitic (1,600MW) and Fore River (800MW) Note: Captions represent the names of Power Stations and Electric Power Companies
Delivered 41 units of MWT-1000A wind turbine (Combine Hills project) and 160 units and *represents new record for capacity and output at that time.
Secondary Steam
25 Mexico 136.4 2 136.4 2 Control rods Coolant
Containment vessel
Steam generator
Turbine Generator
28 Romania 70.6 1 282.4 4 353.0 5
Reactor Condenser
Control Recirculation
rods pump
29 Netherlands 48.1 1 48.1 1 Reactor
To discharge
Coolant To discharge
coolant (Seawater) canal
30 Pakistan 46.2 2 46.2 2 pump
Reactor vessel Circulating water pump Coolant
Feedwater pump
31 Armenia 40.8 1 40.8 1 Suppression pool
There are two water flows in PWR, i.e., the "reactor coolant" which circulates between
32 Iran 229.3 2 88.0 2 317.3 4 nuclear reactor and steam generator, and the "secondary coolant" which circulates
between steam generator and turbine.
33 Kazakhstan 192.0 3 192.0 3 PWR: Pressurized Water Reactor BWR: Boiling Water Reactor
5. Machinery Headquarters
75 76
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 77 (1,1)
¡Rubber and tyre machinery: Engineering and manufacture of various plant equipment and QProduction Historyœ
automated system needed for tire manufacturing such as mixers, extruders, bias cutters, Main product Order received Completion
building machines, curing presses and tire endurance tester; mixers for industrial rubber
Flue gas desulfurization plant production began in 1964.
goods. Melom Unit 1 - 2 (U. S. A.) 1978 1982
¡Packaging machinery: Corrugated cardboard casers cartoning machine, parceling machine Luo Huang Unit 1 - 2 (China) 1988 1991
and various other packaging machinery. Lamma Unit 6 (Hong Kong) 1990 1993
Mae Moh Unit 12 - 13 (Thailand) 1992 1995
¡General machinery: Oxygen VPSA plant, clean room, cold/hot isostatic press, loading arm.
Wei Fang (China) 1993 1995
¡Testing equipment: Wind tunnel, water basin, accelerator, fatigue and vibration testing Prunerov Ⅱ Unit 1 - 5 (Czech) 1993 1996
equipment, vehicle crash simulator, driving simulator, magnetic suspension & balance Lamma Unit 7 - 8 (Hong Kong) 1993 1997
Detmarovice Unit 1 - 4 (Czech) 1995 1998
system, laser measuring system, etc.
Teruel Unit 1 - 3 (Spain) 1994 2000
¡Laser & Electronics: Laser welding system, turbo-molecular pump, electron beam Poryong Unit 3 - 6 (Korea) 1996 2000
irradiation system, servo motor, general purpose robot, etc. Ratchaburi Unit 1 - 2 (Thailand) 1996 2000
Kangal Unit 3 (Turkey) 1994 2000
Luo Huang Unit 3 - 4 (China) 1995 2000
Chemical Plant
Zhu Zhou (China) 1999 2002
¡Chemical plants: Plants for expansive fields such as petrochemicals, fertilizer, methanol, Afsin-Elbistan B Unit 1 - 4 (Turkey) 1999 〈2004〉
DME and inorganic and other chemicals. West Burton Unit 1 - 4 (U. K.) 2000 〈2003〉
Eggborough Unit 3 - 4 (U.K.) 2002 〈2005〉
¡Oil and gas production plants: Onshore and offshore oil and gas production plants; LNG
Paradise Unit 3 (U. S. A.) 2002 〈2006〉
and LPG production, transportation and receiving facilities; Oil refineries. Chongqing Jiulong West (China) 2003 〈2005〉
¡Flue gas CO2 recovery plants: Plants for chemical industries; CO2 enhanced oil recovery Widows Creek Unit 8 (U. S. A.) 2002 2003
(CO2 EOR). Tianjin Dagang Unit 1 - 2 (China) 2003 2004
Tanjin Thermal Unit 5 - 6 (Korea) 2004 2007
¡Seawater desalination plants: Multi-stage flash (MSF) type and reverse osmosis (RO) type
Shaanxi Hancheng Second Unit 2 (China) 2004 2005
seawater desalination plants. Colbert Unit 5 (U. S. A.) 2002 2008
¡Chemical machinery and equipment: Chemical machinery and equipment including Guixi (China) 2004 2005
reactors, heat exchangers, vessels and towers. Tubular reactors and high viscosity Chemical plant
Fertilizer Plants for Asia & Middle East (6 Major orders) 1989∼ ∼ 2002
reactors, incorporating our advanced technology, are highly regarded.
Petrochemical Plants for Domestic Market & Asia, Central, South America, Middle East(25 Major orders) 1990∼ ∼〈2006〉
¡Cement plant and machineries Sulfuric Acid Plants for Asia & Central, South America(4 Major orders) 1991∼ ∼ 1998
Gas & Oil Refinery Plants for Domestic Market & Asia, Africa, Middle East (16 Major orders) 1977∼ ∼〈2006〉
77 78
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 79 (1,1)
6. Aerospace Headquarters
79 80
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 81 (1,1)
3)Ground facilities
81 82
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 83 (1,1)
Major Rockets of the World for the Launch of
Large Scale Static Satellite with the Capacity 2-6 tons
(standard type)
83 84
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 85 (1,1)
Technological effects of aircraft industry General Machinery & Special Vehicle Headquarters is in charge of trading in many products,
which are divided into four categories. They are engines, turbochargers, industrial vehicles,
and special vehicles. And we are going to contribute to the each societies for supporting and
Construction, shipbuilding
transport, information charming human lives.
systems, management
Systems engineering In the field of engines, we trade in engines of small to medium-sized diesel engines
Quality control, reliability
control and standardization
of various industries (3.0~4,000kW) which are used in various field such as for agricultural machines, generators,
Lightweight monocoque pumps and small sized ships except cars. And the other party, we also trade in gasoline
structures for vehicles
and rolling stock engines (0.5~10kW) which are used for agricultural machines, fountain machine, and mowing
Fail-safe structures for
vehicles, steel structures, Effective utilization machine, and small-sized gas turbine (375~3500kW) for decentralized power source. Engine
and facilities of resources
business is divided into two kinds of engine. One is engine unit which is supplied for final
Aerodynamics Design of vehicles, rolling
stocks, buildings, and bridges Energy saving manufacturers and the other is set products with engine which is supplied for customers
Utilization of group Pollution control immediately. In the field of turbo, we trade in turbo chargers covering from automobile to ship
materials, heat resistant
materials, and enforced Improved safety (10~1,500kW) to improve the combustion efficiency of engines and to cope with the
Aerospace technology Materials plastics for vehicles, ships, measures
and structures environmental regulation.
Carbon fiber composite Solution of transport
for golf club shafts problems As the core of industrial vehicles, we trade in forklift trucks (1~42ton) as main business. We
Electronics Compact, reliable electronics
Improved working have 3 manufacturing plants worldwide. We also trade in heavy cargoes such as automatic
& precision products
Hydraulic machinery, brakes
guided vehicles and heavy-loaded transporter, motor graders for transportation and clearing
Electric machines and bearings for Shinkansen Improved living
& machinery and vehicles environment
land, and mobile concrete pump for constructing buildings. In addition, we manufacture wheel
Automatic operation of vehicles, loaders on consignment bases, as those vehicles were transferred as of January 1,2002 to
rolling stock and ships, simulator
Shin Caterpillar Mitsubishi, Ltd. with whom we have complementary relations for business
High efficient energy formation
method, chemical processing and products.
Processing methods, adhesion welding
In the field of special vehicles, we trade in tanks and armored personnel carriers.
Corrosion technology for various
industrial applications
Gas turbine generation, ships,
Engines utilization of ground transport,
aero engine test cell
85 86
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 87 (1,1)
General Machinery
(construction machinery/ Water-cooled MITSUBISHI For
generators/industrial diesel 3.0∼4,000 diesel engine generator
drive units) sets 10 4,000
For industrial use
Water-cooled gas engine use
(generators/ 62∼2,500
gas-diesel CAT
industrial drive units)
gas engine
0.5 10
MEIKI Engine
For marine use MITSUBISHI
(main propulsion/ 10∼4,000 marine diesel
auxiliary use) engine
Physical Distribution Equipment
Forklift trucks, Heavy cargo carriers
②Engine Generating Equipment
Product name Output (kVA) Construction Machinery
Portable gasoline generator MG 0.55∼5.8 Earthmoving and : Tractors, tractor shovels, wheel loaders, motor graders
Diesel engine generator PG 20∼450 grading machinery
Portable engine generator MGP 25∼875 Concrete machinery : Concrete pumps. Hydraulic Equipment.
Diesel engine generator sets 200∼4,150 Drilling machinery : Crawler drills.
Special Vehicle
Tanks, armored personnel carries, selfpropelled howitzers, fleet engines
Product Capacity
Turbochargers 10∼1,500kW
Cogeneration system Output 40∼2,630kW
87 88
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 89 (1,1)
89 90
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 91 (1,1)
91 92
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:01 PM ページ 93 (1,1)
93 94
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:02 PM ページ 95 (1,1)
95 96
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:02 PM ページ 97 (1,1)
QOthersœ QOutlineœ
Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Products The Industrial Machinery Division provides a wide variety of equipment that are familiar to all
Total Demand in Japan (2001.10∼2002.9) of us in our daily lives.
For example, in the plastics field, we offer everything from compact epuipment to ultralarge
Showcase 74.4 (3.6%) Others 35.9 (1.7%) equipment, such as injection moulding machinery, extrusion machinery and film production
Vending machine lines.
Commercial use
Cold storage &
refrigeration equipment
air-conditioners For food products, we provide the equipment used to produce alcoholic beverages, soft
470.8 (22.6%)
246.5 (11.8%)
drinks, medicine and instant foods.
Refrigeration unit
Chilling unit Separately, the Industrial Machinery Division also offers industrial robots, which employ
Centrifugal, Packaged 48.4 (2.3%)
absorption chiller
136.2 air-conditioners advanced electronics technologies and are used for painting, moulding automatic unloader.
(6.5%) 411.1
23.9 (1.1%)
152.3 (19.8%) The division also manufactures transmission devices cleaning machines, engines for
(7.3%) Cooling tower
11.3 (0.5%) agricultural and horticultural and equipment used in a variety of other fields.
Bus air-
conditioners demand Through all these products, the common thread is our resolve to improve customers’
27.6 (1.3%) 2,088.6 productivity and promote rationalization. In a broader sense, we also aim to contribute to
billions yen Room
Automotive air-conditioners society by making life more enjoyable and convenient.
thermal systems 501.7
665.8 (24.0%)
693.4 (31.9%)
(33.2%) 501.7 QMain Productsœ
¡ Extrusion machinery: Machinery and equipment for production of biaxially oriented films
Automobile & bus
air-conditioner Residential-use and various films and sheets
¡ Textile machinery
Non-coverage (MHI Products)
(Sourced from MITI statistic) ¡ Injection moulding machinery: Medium, Oil-pressure operated MSG series, MMG series,
unit: billions of yen
Large and super-large type, Oil-pressure operated MMⅢ series, Small electric type
Roboshot- i series, MEtⅡ series, Medium electric type MEⅡ series, Large electric type em
Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Products Commercial-use air-conditioner Residential-use air-conditioner■ Automobile & bus air-conditioner
Centrifugal, absorption chiller■ Refrigeration unit■
Total Demand in Japan (1993.10∼2003.9) Cold Storage & refrigeration equipment (except Refrigeration unit) Cold Storage & refrigeration equipment■
¡ Food machinery: Bottling and canning machinery, Asceptic filling machinery, Other
2932.5 2967.3
machinery for food and beverage related products
3000 2851.8 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3
2685.3 16.8
¡ Cleaning machinery: Dry cleaning machines, Washing machines, Recycling system for
16.2 2568.2
17.7 2551.7 2491.1 2542.7
11.7 11.0
cleaning drainage
5.4 18.7 13.7 2179.8
26.9 6.3
6.1 6.3 2088.6 ¡ Industrial robots: Paint coating robots
27.4 11.2
2000 29.4 11.8
25.9 5.6
¡ Transmission devices: Stepless variable-speed gears, Planetary traction drive units, Worm
30.5 29.7 29.0 1.1
29.7 gears, Gear couplings
34.4 33.9 ¡ Engines: Small gasoline engines, Portable generator
33.2 31.1
1000 29.0 31.3 31.4
29.9 24.0
23.3 22.0 22.4 21.8 21.8 18.9 19.9 21.1 19.6 22.6
1993.10 1994.10 1995.10 1996.10 1997.10 1998.10 1999.10 2000.10 2001.10 2002.10
∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼
1994.9 1995.9 1996.9 1997.9 1998.9 1999.9 2000.9 2001.9 2002.9 2003.9
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit
※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total annual
production. (unit: billion yen)
97 98
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:02 PM ページ 99 (1,1)
101 102
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:02 PM ページ 103 (1,1)
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit
※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total annual
production. (unit: billion yen)
103 104
07.Headquarters&Divisions 04.8.24 6:02 PM ページ 105 (1,1)
519 450 450 480 531 369 274 276 288 −
Plant ※3 10 19
Total 1,217 1,123 1,055 990 827 30 7
5 11
※1 No.of employees as of April 1st each year 24.4
1 9
12 22.1
※2 Data from 1995 to 1999 is No.of employees in Kyoto Machinery Works 32 3 0
20 18.7 7 7
18.4 2003
※3 Data from 1995 to 1999 is No.of employees in Hiroshima Tool Works 4 5
15.7 5 4
※Hiroshima plant moved and integrated
2 13 32 33 to the Ritto plant.
6 13.2 6 12.5
23 11.8 7
5 29
6 34 4
10.6 Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in
10 19 31 25 13
percentage (%) unit
36 55 4
27 ※2. Figures on the column show
48 53 32
57 the amount of total annual
44 52 61
33 45 46 production. (unit: billion yen)
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit
※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total annual
production. (unit: billion yen)
※3. Figures until FY2002, due to relocation
107 108
07.Headquarters&Divisのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:05 PM ページ 109 (1,1)
*. Works
109 110
08.Works 04.8.24 6:16 PM ページ 111 (1,1)
*. Works
Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works
machineries, thus largery contributing to the development of the society. This Works is also Propellers ......................... 100 units 200 48 42
involved in the production of space equipment and nuclear equipment based on the results of Turbochargers ............... 1,200 units
long years of experience and technology. The Works is also positively engaged in the Wind Turbine Generators... 480 MW 100 37 36 49
29 30 30 39 37
34 39
development of new products and new fields such as leisure-related equipment, high speed
product carriers, fuel cells and solar cells. 0
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit
※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total annual
production. (unit: billion yen)
QArea (As of April 1, ’04)œ
Area (m2)
QProduction Facilitiesœ
Site Building
<Main Plant>
Main Plant 594,890 445,060 Shipbuilding facilities
Saiwaimachi Plant 74,310 39,565
Koyagi Plant 1,616,147 425,234 Length Breadth Draft Shipbuilding
(m) (m) (m) capacity(dwt)
Isahaya Plant 135,961 20,559
Total 2,421,308 930,418 Drydock No. 1 375 56 14 (approx.) 225,000
No. 2 (repair) 350 56 14 300,000
Nagasaki R & D Center 195,496 94,663
No. 3 (repair) 276.6 38.8 12.3 95,000
QEmployeesœ No. 1・2 324 56 − 80,000
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Quay Tategami 226 − 10.0 70,000
Hachikenya 155 − 8.5 D.T. 4,700
Main Plant 4,715 4,626 4,671 4,669 4,632 4,463 4,297 4,147 4,059 4,010
Mukojima 328 − 9.5 300,000
Saiwaimachi Akunoura 167 − 7.5 260,000
323 324 322 318 324 318 309 289 296 297
Plant Mizunoura 244 − 6.0 90,000
Koyagi Plant 2,185 2,126 2,040 2,032 2,067 2,074 2,003 1,951 1,937 1,825
Note: D.T. for displacement tonnage
Isahaya Plant 122 117 116 116 116 139 153 156 160 167
Total 7,345 7,193 7,149 7,135 7,139 6,994 6,762 6,543 6,452 6,299
456 482 466 456 447 445 438 433 426 420
R & D Center
※ No.of employees as of April 1st each year
111 112
08.Works 04.8.24 6:16 PM ページ 113 (1,1)
*. Works
Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works
Machine tools Large NC combined production milling machine Superheater & TIG automatic welder
"2 GAUNTRY PRANOMATIC" Reheater Tube Continuous bender
8,200(throad)×4,200(H)×45,000(travel)mm Shop Continuous heat-treatment equipment
Large NC lathe: 3,500φ×12,000(L)mm (No. 1 Boiler Shop) Assembling and welding robot
Large NC side-entry milling machine: 3,000φ×12,000(L)mm
Large NC vertical lathe: 8,500φ×5,000(L)mm Furnace Wall & Multiple head panel processing machine − capable of 44 welding
Large gear cutting machine: 7,500φ×2,300(B)mm Economizer Tube head simultaneous welding
Shop Automatic tube elongation equipment
Assembly Turbine-rotor large high-speed balancing test facilities Spiral fin-tube welder
Equipment Large blower test facilities, (No. 3 Boiler Shop)
Assembling and welding robot
Wind turbine-generator assembly line
Turbine governor test equipment Pipe-Header Shop High-frequency pipe bender, Automatic laser marking equipment,
(No. 1 Boiler Shop) NC header boring machine
Boiler Production 8,000-ton hydraulic press MIG automatic welder
Equipment Annealing furnace: Header nozzle welding robot
4,000(W)×3,750(H)×26,000(L)mm Electron beam welding machine
5 Mev "LINAC" non-destructive tester
200-ton capacity overhead crane Module Shop Tube header prefabrication shop
(No.3 Boiler Shop) Large sized annealing furnace;
High-tech Computer control systems assembling tester, Environmental testing 5,300(W)×3,700(H)×35,000(L)mm
Equipment equipment, Simulator training center, Ceramics production 200-ton overhead travelling crane(overhang)
equipment, Photovoltaics manufacturing equipment, Absorbent
manufacturing equipment, Fuel cell manufacturing equipment
<Koyagi Plant>
Shipbuilding facilities
Length Breadth Draft Shipbuilding
(m) (m) (m) capacity(dwt)
Dock Building 990 100 14.5∼9.55 (approx.) 1,000,000
Repair 400 100 14.5 500,000
Nagahama 190 24 − 20,000
Quay East No. 1 683 − 9.5 500,000×2
& No. 2
East No. 3 370 − 9.5 500,000
113 114
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 115 (1,1)
*. Works
Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works
division, quality vessels are manufactured like container ships, pure car truck carriers and Tunnel boring machines ... 100 units (bil.yen)
deep-sea submergence research vehicles. In the machinery division, nuclear power plants, Foundation works 500 470.1 475.8
439.9 447.5
diesel engines, steel structures, cultural and urban facilities, environmental control systems, machinery ......................... 50 units 11
14 406.8
400 387.3
construction machinery and toll collection systems among others are manufactured. Space is Diesel engines ........ 1,000,000 PS 374.4 363.4
16 13
also and area of concern. Efforts are thus made for contribution to the industrial development Nuclear power
and establishment of social infrastructures. Affluent experiences, together with sophisticated plants .................... 3,000,000 kW 300 277.0
59 15
62 60 13
technologies, are fully utilized to tackle increasing needs of the days like Intelligent Transport Environmental control 54 57
200 58 63
Systems, new energy and various kinds of robots. equipment ....................... 100 units 53
Toll collection machinery (incl.
100 14 10 10
QArea (As of April 1, ’04)œ related systems) ............... 600 lanes 8 10 12 9 8 9 10
14 14 14 16 20 17 17 22 22
Area (m )
2 16
Site Building 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit
Main Plant 669,100 403,800 ※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total annual
Futami Plant 501,100 48,500 production. (unit: billion yen)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Main Plant 5,890 5,926 5,673 5,572 5,553 5,385 4,988 4,802 4,599 4,444
Futami Plant 219 204 180 177 175 172 168 162 165 163
Taibi Plant 37 36 36 36 36 32 26 24 − −
Total 6,146 6,166 5,889 5,785 5,764 5,589 5,182 4,988 4,764 4,607
※ No.of employees as of April 1st each year
Note: Taibi Plant was consolidated into the Main Plant as of October 1, 2002.
115 116
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 117 (1,1)
*. Works
Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works
117 118
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 119 (1,1)
*. Works
Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works
*. Works
Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works
121 122
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 123 (1,1)
*. Works
Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works
123 124
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 125 (1,1)
*. Works
Hiroshima Machinery Works
125 126
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 127 (1,1)
*. Works
Takasago Machinery Works
127 128
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 129 (1,1)
*. Works
Takasago Machinery Works
129 130
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 131 (1,1)
*. Works
Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Oye Plant 2,450 2,278 2,232 2,216 2,269 2,300 2,249 2,292 2,268 2,222
473 416 423 425 421 380 354 345 329 339
Komaki South
1,387 1,354 1,315 1,238 1,231 1,298 1,294 1,265 1,235 1,240
Total 4,310 4,048 3,970 3,879 3,921 3,978 3,897 3,902 3,832 3,801
※ No.of employees as of April 1st each year
131 132
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 133 (1,1)
*. Works
Nagoya Guidance & Propulsion Systems Works
*. Works
Plant and Transportation Systems Engineering & Construction Center
Quality Large engine test cell
Assurance Helicopter GEAR-BOX test stand Kohama Plant 90 90 106 106 100
Large coordinate measuring machine Wadaoki Plant 35 40 44 73 77
Automatic scanning equipment of ultrasonic inspection Yokohama 424 401 381 373 350
Automatic eddy current inspection
Total 902 839 788 801 788
Micro focus X-ray TV system
※ 1 No.of employees as of April 1st each year
Others High-quality clean room
Printed board assembly equipment
Control device functional test equipment
Large dynamic balancing machine
Rocket engine firing test stand, Acoustics test facilities, Other environmental
test facilities, Small engine test facilities, Gas turbine generator test facilities,
Electronic equipment development facilities, Materials analysis equipment
(Materials Lab.)
135 136
08.Works 04.8.24 6:17 PM ページ 137 (1,1)
*. Works
Plant and Transportation Systems Engineering & Construction Center
50 44.9 35
31 14 10
13 0
31 2003
69 52 49
55 ※Plant and Transportation Systems
Engineering & Construction Center was
0 established in Aplil 2003, through the
1999 2000 2001 2002 integration of Mihara and Yokohama/
Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in percentage (%) unit Note: ※1. Figures in the column are in
※2. Figures on the column show the amount of total percentage (%) unit
annual production. (unit: billion yen) ※2. Figures on the column show the
※3. Figures until FY2002, due to integration with Mihara amount of total annual production.
(unit: billion yen)
137 138
09.Research & Developのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:10 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
(. Research &
09.Research & Development 04.8.24 6:23 PM ページ 141 (1,1)
Our Company's "Research & Development" has been promoted in a close combination various product fields, to offer technological support for existing products, development
between Production Headquarters & Division responsible for development of respective support for next generation products, and to develop critical technologies for future products.
products and Technical Headquarters which controls and encourages, functioning as a core, Further, for elemental technologies, ten(10) technical committees are functioning to develop
Advanced Technology Research Center and five (5) Research & Development Centers- R & D plans for each technological field and encourage the technology transfer through R &
Nagasaki, Takasago, Hiroshima, Yokohama and Nagoya. Specifically, for product D centers. Thus, the Company has been managing its "Research & Development" activities
development, ten (10) research promotion sections are functioning, as respective cores of to realize its comprehensive capabilities to the fullest.
Technical Headquarters
Advanced Technology Nagasaki Research & Takasago Research & Hiroshima Research & Yokohama Research & Nagoya Research &
Research Center Development Center Development Center Development Center Development Center Development Center
・Ships & Marine ・Nuclear Power ・Chemical Plants* ・Environment ・Refrigeration*
Structure* Plants* ・Machinery Plants* Equipment* Machinery
・Thermal Power ・Turbomachinery* ・Paper & Printing ・Steel Structures ・Plastics
System* ・ITS Machinery ・Small & Medium-sized Machinery*
・Internal Combustion ・Machine Tools ・Steel Structure Power Systems ・Food
Engine & Civil Engineering Machinery
Hydraulic Equipment* ・PEFC ・Engines
Reaction Process Chemical & Bio Technology
Fluid Dynamics
Combustion &
Heat Transfer Technology
Mechanics & Tribology Technology
Mechanical Systems
Technology Center
Manufacturing Technology
Structure, Strength &
Vibration Technology
Instrumentation & Electronic
Application Technology
Advanced Information・
Electronics **
System Control
Design Center
Note: A research promotion section has been established for each product marked*
A technical committee has been established for each technology marked**
141 142
09.Research & Development 04.8.24 6:23 PM ページ 143 (1,1)
143 144
09.Research & Development 04.8.24 6:23 PM ページ 145 (1,1)
In the MHI Group (MHI and consolidated subsidiaries), through close cooperation among tunnel, and eliminating the disorder of air flow occurring at the supporting parts
offices and R & D centers, we are energetically proceeding with R & D that will play a major ・Development of the large-scale turbo-molecular pump which has the world's first exhaust
role in strengthening the competitiveness of our products in all fields, beginning with speed of 6000 L/s
shipbuilding and ocean development, power systems, and aerospace, as well as in our future ・Development of the super-low floor Light Rail Vehicle which make municipal streetcar
business expansion. We are also vigorously engaged in R & D in response to environmental, barrier-free
resource, and energy issues. ・Development of the large-sized mobile harbor crane, which can be set and moved freely at
a port quay, and can have the ability of heavy lifting
(1) Shipbuilding & Ocean Development ・Development of the terminal management system, which controls the operation of high-
・Development of the high-performance, large-sized, and high-speed ferry which adopted efficient container cranes, automated yard cranes, and automated guide vehicle in a
the underwater electric POD propeller (the propeller which unified the motor and propeller container terminal, so that the whole container terminal can be operated effectively
and put in the waterproof container) to enhance propulsion ・Development of the rapid build overpass system, which reduces traffic congestions during
・Production completion of the large freight, high-speed, RO/RO (roll-on / roll-off) carrier, in constructions of the two-level crossing bridge in municipal areas
which cargo works are performed by vehicles running into vessel, that is suitable for modal
shift from trucks, and production of the container carrier which is high-loading and high- (4) Aerospace
performance ・Research and development of defense-related flight control system for high performance
movement, future land-to-ship missile, the main composition element of the guided missile
(2) Power Systems for ballistic missile defense (BMD), as well as future ship borne and underwater weapons
・Improvement of the performance and reliability of "G" series gas turbine ・Regarding the commercial aircraft, examination of the technical formation of composite
・Development of a high-performance, new-style steam turbine materials for 7E7 main wing, research and development of environmentally appropriate
・Joint development of the metal roof and louver (building roof installation), which embed the high-performance small airplane, and utilization development of ultra high-speed transport.
amorphous photovoltaic module, with the specialized roof manufacturers and building- ・Improvement in reliability of the H-ⅡA launch vehicle, and development of space solar
materials manufacturers power system
・Production and verification of the reactor coolant pump at newly built nuclear plant
・Technological development of inspection / repair for the light water reactor plant (5) Mass and Medium-Lot Manufactured Machinery
・Technological development of the fuel with high combustion degree ・Development of engines which promptly cleared the environmental standard of Japan, the
U.S. and Europe, as well as the development of 1-3t class forklift, which has the new
(3) Machinery & Steel Structures generation engine and the world's first active safety system to lock both mast and driving
・Development of the medical treatment equipment using 3-dimensional radiation which operation when driver is absent
irradiates and treats with the X-rays excited by the electronic beam at a cancer focus ・Development of the large-sized chiller with 5th generation microcomputer control panel,
・Development of the home use robot which performs functions such as health management, which has strengthened internal operation and communication functions by using high-
schedule management, and house-sitting, through the surveillance by the dialog or images speed CPU, and also has an improved visibility and operability by adding the 7 inches
at home color LCD. Development of the room air-conditioner which is equipped with the world's first
・Development of "MFT-8", the gas turbine for the machine drive, which is primarily used for filter to decompose allergen using enzyme. Development of the inverter-type, multi-
2 axis 25MW compressor package air-conditioner with horizontal blow of 5H.P. which realized 22% size reduction
・Development of the hard X-rays sensor which is capable of the image recognition of γray and 40% energy saving from the conventional model, as well as development of the
using CdTe element in matrix arrangement energy-saving inverter-type package air-conditioner for stores which is up to COP4.83
・Development of a System of Magnetic Suspension and Balance, which enables the (4H.P.), and 120m (8 or 10H.P.) for piping length.
examination similar to flying state, by way of surfacing the object magnetically in the wind ・Development of the electric injection molding machine, which is the industry’s largest class
145 146
09.Research & Development 04.8.24 6:23 PM ページ 147 (1,1)
of 3000t for automobile bumpers, and which realized the improvement of the molding (Unit:hundred millions of yen)
quality, by using our unique 2-platen type clamping mechanism, as well as adding center 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
press platen and inside-mold pressure waveform control using DD motor. This machine
Research and
also is space-saving by 22% compared to that of the toggle machine, and reduced cycle by 1,291 1,229 1,297 1,162 1,185 1,094 995
33% compared to that of the hydraulic machine, as well as it reduced power consumption
Note 1: Data for 1997 - 1998 are based on non-consolidated accounting, while those for 1999-2003 are based
by 60% on consolidated accounting.
・Commercialization of "Mitsubishi EVOL", the new box making machine, which meets the
severe customer demand such as the production of various types of carton boxes each in
small lot, improvement of printing quality, and bending accuracy, as well as it accomplishes
the world fastest processing speed, i.e. speed increased by 20% compared to the
conventional machine
・Development of "M-H4050", the horizontal machining center for mass-production, which is
high-speed, high-precision, and corresponds to TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) with
increased productivity by Max.27%, as well as reduced non-cutting time
・Development of "M-V4050", the small-sized, vertical machining center, which enhanced the
performance of spindle outputs to 22kW and feed speed to 42m/min., and improved
machining performance so that it becomes adequate not only for general machining but
also for mold industry
・Development of "MVR25/MVR30", the gantry-type five face large machining center, which
targets the general machining, attains the highest performance in its class with 30kW
spindle outputs and 30m/min. feed speed, to pursuits the high-speed, high-cutting
capability, with reduced machine size and easy maintenance
147 148
09.Research & Development 04.8.24 6:23 PM ページ 149 (1,1)
500 382 385 389 393 383 331 327 282 276 255
(Year)1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total Patent rights Trade mark
149 150
10.Affiliated Companiのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:12 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
). Affiliated Companies of
Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd.
10.Affiliated Companies of~ 04.8.24 6:25 PM ページ 153 (1,1)
Utsunomiya-shi 450 100 Manufacture of MHI’s products.
Co., Ltd.
MHI Logitec Company Komaki-shi,
MHI Diesel Service Hyogo-ku, 60 100 After-sales service for MHI’s products.
50 100 After-sales service for MHI’s products. Limited Aichi
Co., Ltd. Kobe-shi
MHI Aerospace Minato-ku, Design and engineering of MHI’s
Nuclear Plant Service Hyogo-ku, Maintenance and inspection of MHI’s 50 100
80 100 Systems Corp. Nagoya-shi products.
Power Systems
Industries America, Inc. U.S.A. U.S. dollars) servicing for MHI’s products.
Mitsubishi Heavy
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Minato-ku, Installation and engineering work contracting Shinagawa-ku,
Industries Erection 450 100 Air-Conditioning & 400 100 Sales and servicing of MHI’s products.
Tokyo for MHI’s products. Tokyo
Co., Ltd. Thermal Systems
Mitsubishi Heavy
Naka-ku, Installation and after-sales service for
Industries Parking 300 100 Mitsubishi Heavy
Yokohama-shi MHI’s products. Nakamura-ku,
Construction Co., Ltd. Industries Machinery 300 100 Sales and servicing of MHI’s products.
Sales Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Environment 400 100 After-sales service for MHI’s products.
Engineering Co., Ltd.
153 154
10.Affiliated Companies of~ 04.8.24 6:25 PM ページ 155 (1,1)
Netherlands Euro) service for MHI’s products.
Management of welfare facilities used by MHI
Mitsubishi Agricultural Yatsuka-gun, Kinki Ryoju Estate Hyogo-ku,
2,866 56.8 Stocking of MHI’s products. *1 200 100 and related companies, and construction and
Machinery Co., Ltd. Shimane Co., Ltd. Kobe-shi
other work on consignment.
MHI Special Vehicles
Management of welfare facilities used by MHI
Parts Supply & Shinjuku-ku, Sales and after-sales service for MHI’s Shimonoseki Ryoju Shimonoseki-shi,
30 100 30 100 and related companies, and construction and
Technical Service Tokyo products. Estate Co., Ltd. Yamaguchi
other work on consignment.
Co., Ltd.
Management of welfare facilities used by MHI
Mitsubishi Heavy 120 Hiroshima Ryoju Estate Nishi-ku,
Bangkok Manufacture and sales of MHI’s 100 100 and related companies, and construction and
Industries-Mahajak Air (In millions of 51 Co., Ltd. Hiroshima-shi
Thailand Bhat) products. other work on consignment.
Conditioners Co., Ltd.
Management of welfare facilities used by MHI
Mitsubishi Heavy 100 Nagoya Ryoju Estate Minato-ku,
Indiana 100 100 and related companies, and construction and
Industries Climate (In millions of 100 Sales of MHI’s products. Co., Ltd. Nagoya-shi
U.S.A. U.S. dollars) other work on consignment.
Control, Inc.
155 156
10.Affiliated Companies of~ 04.8.24 6:25 PM ページ 157 (1,1)
Printing, copying and information affiliates accounted for by the equity method
Ryoin Co., Ltd. 1,000 80 communication contracting for MHI
Manufactured Machinery
MHI Finance Co., Ltd. 200 100 companies, and leasing to MHI and Toyo Engineering Shinagawa-
Tokyo 2,334 37.3 After-sales service for MHI’s products. *1
related companies. Works Ltd. ku, Tokyo
Sales of products of MHI and related
Chiyoda Lease Others 20 companies
Nagasaki-shi 500 51 companies, and leasing to MHI and
Company Limited
related companies.
Other related companies
Others 81 companies 105 companies
1. There are no companies corresponding to special subsidiaries.
2. *1 Submits financial statements.
3. Proportions of voting rights shown in parentheses are for indirect possession.
157 158
11.Statement of Oversのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:14 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
Overseas network
Overseas Sales
Major Supply Records
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 161 (1,1)
2. Overseas Sales
Consolidated Sales 2,848,526 3,016,163 3,142,471 3,096,109 2,907,761 2,875,039 3,045,023 2,863,984 2,593,894 2,373,440
( ) : The share of overseas sales in the consolidated sales (Unit : %)
163 164
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 165 (1,1)
Headquarters Year of
Area Country Product Project name Client No. of unit Description
(Division) delivery
America Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill Trico Steel Company 1996
165 166
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 167 (1,1)
Headquarters Year of
Area Country Product Project name Client No. of unit Description
(Division) delivery
China Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill (BH PLANT) Baoshan Iron & Steel Corporation 1995
China Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill Anshan Iron & Steel 2000
China Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill Thangshan Iron & Steel Group Co. 2003
167 168
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 169 (1,1)
Headquarters Year of
Area Country Product Project name Client No. of unit Description
(Division) delivery
Steel Structures Inchon No.11 & 12 LNG LNG In-ground Storage Tank
Asia Korea LNG Storage Tank Korea Gas Corporation 2001 2
& Construction Storage Tanks (140,000kl×2)
Korea Machinery Metals Machinery No.4 Cold Complex (K4C) 1996
Kwang yang steel works
Korea Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill (TSMP) 1996
Kwang yang steel works
Pakistan Diesel Diesel Goverating Plant Japan Power Generation 2000 24 18KU30(5.65MW)
Power Boiler/Steam
Pakistan Lal Pir Power Station AES 1997 1/1 1200T/H/362MW
Systems Turbine
Power Boiler/Steam
Philippines Pagbilao Power Station #1, 2 HOPEWELL 1995 2/2 1250T/H/385MW
Systems Turbine
Power Boiler/Steam
Philippines Masinloc Stage I, II PLN 1998 2/2 1050T/H/300MW
Systems Turbine
Power Gas Turbine/Steam Ilijan 1200MW Combined
Philippines KEPCO ILIJAN CORPORATION 2002 4/2/4 M501G/234MW
Systems Turbine Cycle Plant
Philippines Machinery MRT System MRTC 1999/2000 16.9km 28,000p/h
Steel Structures
Singapore Container Crane PPT Terminal PSA Corp. 1997∼1998 24 Post Panamax C/C
& Construction
Steel Structures The Esplanade theaters on
Singapore Stage Machinery System The Esplanade Co. Ltd. 2002 1 Opera Theater Concert Hall
& Construction the bay
Power Gas Turbine/Steam TUAS II 720MW Combined
Singapore TUAS POWER 2001 2/2/2 M701F3/120MW/360TH
Systems Turbine/HRSG Cycle Plant
Singapore Machinery Refuse Incinerator Tuas South Ministry of Environment 2000 6 720T/D×6
Singapore Machinery ITS ERP LTA 1998∼ Error Ratio 10-5
Power Gas Turbine/Steam Wang Noi 1300MW Combined
Thailand EGAT 1996 4/2/4 M701F/205MW/250T/H
Systems Turbine/HRSG Cycle Plant Stage I
Power Gas Turbine/Steam Wang Noi 720MW Combined
Thailand EGAT 1998 2/1/2 M701F/250MW/633T/H
Systems Turbine/HRSG Cycle Plant Stage II
Power Boiler/Steam
Thailand Ratchaburi #1, 2 EGAT 1999 2/2 2530T/H/700MW
Systems Turbine
Thailand Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill Siam Strip Mill Public Co., Ltd. 1997
169 170
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 171 (1,1)
Headquarters Year of
Area Country Product Project name Client No. of unit Description
(Division) delivery
Asia Taiwan Machinery Refuse Incinerator Hsintien Environmental Protection 1994 2 450T/D×2
Taiwan Machinery Refuse Incinerator Shulin 1995 3 450T/D×3
Environmental Protection
Vietnam Machinery Cement Plant 5,800T/D Cement Plant Nghi Son Cement Corporation 2000
171 172
11.Statement of Overseas~ 04.8.24 6:27 PM ページ 173 (1,1)
Headquarters Year of
Area Country Product Project name Client No. of unit Description
(Division) delivery
Netherlands Machinery Metals Machinery Hot Strip Mill CORUS (Hoogovens Staal BV) 2000
Others Alzeria Machinery Gas Plant LPG 6.2MMN m3/h SONATRACH 1997
173 174
12.Environment Manageのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:16 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
)@. Environment
Basic Policy on Environmental Matters and Conduct Guidelines
Environmental Protection Organization
Our Environmental Management System Program
MHI's Environmentally friendly Consideration in Technology and Products
12.Environment Managerial~ 04.8.24 6:30 PM ページ 177 (1,1)
In 1996, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) established its Basic Policy On cooperation overseas in the area of environmental protection.
Environmental Matters and Conduct Guidelines to promote further activity for environmental 7. Provide environmental training and other programs to enhance environmental awareness
protection, which the company has made a high priority ever since its founding. of all employees of the Company, and take steps to expand public relations activities, such
●Basic policy on Environmental Matters as providing environment-related information to the public and performing social
Pursuant to the express provisions of Section 1 of its Mission Statement that "The Company contribution activities.
is guided by the principle of 'customer first' and must contribute to the evolution of society
through the Company's business operations", the Company shall, as a matter of primary
importance, strive, through its R&D, manufacturing and other business activities, to play a
useful role in the development of society.
To this end, in conducting its operations, the Company shall remain aware that a business
enterprise is a member of society. The Company shall endeavor, in all aspects of its business
activities, to reduce the burden on the environment and shall gather and fully utilize its
technological capabilities for the development of technologies that will protect the
environment, thus contributing to the establishment of a society in which sustainable
development is possible.
●Conduct Guidelines
We are expected to:
1. Recognize that environmental protection is a matter of first priority in the Company's
operation, and to encourage the entire Company in its endeavors to protect and promote
the environment.
2. Define roles and responsibilities regarding environmental protection by developing and
maintaining a corporate organization suitable for environmental protection, and creating
and implementing corporate policies and procedures on environmental matters.
3. Endeavor to reduce the burden on the environment by preventing pollution, saving
resources, saving energy, reducing waste, reusing material, and recycling, in all aspects of
the Company's business activities entailing R&D, design, the purchase of raw materials,
manufacturing, transportation, use, service and disposal of the Company's products.
4. Endeavor to develop and provide advanced, highly reliable and unique technologies and
products that contribute to the solution of environmental and energy problems.
5. Comply with national and local environmental laws and regulations, going beyond mere
compliance by developing, implementing and evaluating voluntary standards where
necessary, and to endeavor to improve and promote, on a continuing basis, environmental
protection activities by establishing environmental goals and targets.
6. Endeavor to protect the environment of foreign countries by carefully examining the
consequences of the Company's business operations in foreign countries and the
Company's exportation of its products to foreign countries upon the natural and social
environment of such foreign countries, and to get actively involved in technological
177 178
12.Environment Managerial~ 04.8.24 6:30 PM ページ 179 (1,1)
To clarify our stand on environmental protection to those both inside and outside the
company, we set up an Environment Committee in 1996.
The Environment Committee guides the company, based on the annual environmental
counter-measure plans generated each year, and regularly checks up on the execution of the President
annual plans made by all divisions and works regarding company-wide environmental
In addition, the Committee has established an Environment liaison conference, an Energy
conservation liaison conference, and an Environmental protection technology liaison
conference to employ effective energy supplies and to promote energy saving activities Director
smoothly, and at the same time, to promote information sharing regarding environmental in charge of the
enviroment Headquarters
protection and related know-how. Engages in the resarch
and development of new
Also, each division and works makes and executes a proprietary environmental policy based technologies that contrib-
ute to the resolution of
on company policy and the specific characteristics of the local region and its production environmenmen-
tal problems.
activities. We have created an Environment liaison conference and an Energy conservation Enviroment
liaison conference in all division and works to draw up actual plans and to follow-up on the Committee
Duties include establishment of Headquarters
results. basic corporate policy on environ- Engages in the devel-
Executive mental matters, planning , drafting, opment of products
Office and promoting vital measures for and manufacturing
its implementation such as the plants in consaide-
ongoing organization of the envairon- ration of enviro-
mental management system, and mental issues.
guiding the company's over-
all direction on environ-
mental matters.
Company Organ
・Environment liaison
conference Divisions Works
・Energy conservation
liaison conference Set up the environmental man-
agement system to caryy out Divisions and
environmental management Works Policy
activities mathing the special
features of each production Making Orgen
facillty and the local communi- ・Environment committee
ty, through an environment at Divisions and works
committee established at
each factory.
Divisions and
Works Organ
・Environment liaison conference
in divisions and works
・Energy consevation liaison
conference in divisions
and works
179 180
12.Environment Managerial~ 04.8.24 6:30 PM ページ 181 (1,1)
3. Our Environmental Management System Program 4. MHI's Environmentally friendly Consideration in Technology and Products
Beginning with the Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works, the first recipient of ISO MHI's desire is for the 21st century to be an era that is gentle to the earth, its environment
certification in Japan among heavy industry facilities, MHI obtained ISO14001 certification for and its inhabitants.
all 13 domestic production sites. We will deliver technology and products with the above desire foremost in mind.
Many divisions and works have already renewed their certificates, and we are continuously
Field Product New technology
updating our environmental management systems. We have increased the number of internal
audit personnel in divisions and works, and are promoting environmental instruction to Power genelation: Micro water turbine power system
Nuclear power system
educate and improve the understanding of environmental protection and energy conservation Development of fuel cell for
Solar power system, wind power
by our employees. power systems
generation system
Development of car mounted
Energy Coal gasification power sysytem
fuel cell
Status of ISO14001 Certificate Geothermal power generation system
Research of methane
Fuel cell
Production site Issue date (Registration date) Other: Biomass gasification methanol hydrate
production system
Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works Oct. 31, 1997
Noise reduction: Noise reduction equipment Low frequency noise
Soundproofing reduction technology
Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works May 22, 1998
Takasago Machinery Works Jun. 26, 1998 CO2 reduction: CO2 recovery plant CO2 recovery technology
Exhaust reduction: White smoke exhaust prevention cooling tower CO2 ocean sequestration
Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Dumptruck for tunnels CO2 air-conditioning system
Nov. 20, 1998
Headquarters Electronic toll collection system for automobiles
General Machinery & Special Vehicle Dust reduction: Electrostatic precipitator Dioxin group reduction
May 21, 1999 NOx reduction: Flue gas denitrification plant technology in exhaust gas by
Headquarters Air
Low NOx combustion system way of catalyst and
Paper & Printing Machinery Division Sep. 3, 1999 CNG forklift absorption power
SOx reduction: Flue gas desulfurization plant Development of ceramic filter
Hiroshima Machinery Works Sep. 30, 1999 Gas cleaning plant for black smoke exhaust
Double-contact-flow scrubber(DCFS) removal at starting diesel
Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works Nov. 24, 1999 VOC elimination: Solvent recovery plant engine
Nagoya Guidance & Propulsion Systems Works Dec. 18, 1999 Water area Multi-purpose oil recovery boat for open water
pollution prevention: Water cleaning unit
Decomposition treatment
Kobe Shipyard & Machinery Works Feb. 18, 2000 Water quality Reclaimed land exuding water treatment equipment
Water technology of dioxin in waste
improvement: Rinsing water recycling
High performance membrane filter treatment system
Industrial Machinery Division Apr. 1, 2000
High performance cohesive precipitation unit
Nagoya Aerospace Systems Works Aug. 8, 2000 Soil treatment: Soil-ground water purification system Harmful material (PCB, etc.)
Construction sludge recycling plant extraction-decomposition technology
Machine Tool Division Dec. 28, 2000 Waste material: Municipal waste incineration • melting system
Industrial waste incineration • carbonization • melting system Development of methane
Engineering & Construction Center (MCEC)*2 Jun. 29, 2001 Waste High efficiency waste disposal power plant fermentation technology
material Sewage sludge incineration • melting system using sanitary sludge and
*1 Includes Mihara Machinery & Transportation Systems Works. PCB hydrothermal decomposition system garbage
*2 Provision of Project Management, Engineering, Construction Management, and Procurement Services for Recycle: System for the recycling of waste into usable resources
Chemical, Environmental and Process Plant.
181 182
13.Mitsubishi Minatomのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:21 PM ページ 1 (1,1)
13.Mitsubishi Minatomirai~ 04.8.24 6:32 PM ページ 185 (1,1)
■Name ●Ocean
Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum The ocean has enormous potential for energy and resource development by
utilizing technologies such as the Shinkai 6500. As an island country, Japan
■Location takes ocean development as a significant issue. This zone will show you
Mitsubishi Juko Yokohama Building, 3-1 systems, activities, and future ocean research using the deep-sea probe
Minatomirai 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi Shinkai 6500, which can explore the unknown depths of the sea.
■Opening ●Construction
June 1, 1994 Bridges and tunnels are not simply ways to make possible the flow of transpo-
rtation but also serve as connections among the world's rich diversity of
■Outline cultures and customs.
The Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum was opened to promote public understanding Massive scale bridges and tunnels are built using vast amount of time,
that the technology supports and enriches our lives and societies, featuring a come-and- materials, and the most advanced technologies. Take a look at progressive
experience style exhibition so that the public can directly enjoy the state of the art technologies. construction technologies through models of the Yokohama Bay Bridge and a
We also promote education of children and young people, thus we open-up our facility for free shield machine.
of charge, if reserved in advance, for extra curricular activities of elementary and middle
schools. Our biggest objective is to provide the site for the young generations that shoulder ●Energy
tomorrow’s world so that they can feel the scientific technology and expand their own dreams. Electricity is an absolutely essential factor in our daily lives. This zone will
introduce you to a variety of technological forms with displays that make use
■Introduction of actual items and large-scale models related to thermal power, atomic
The museum focuses mainly on the six themes of "Environment", "Space", "Ocean" "Constrcution", energy, natural energy as well as new sources of energy. We feel it is
"Energy", and "Technologies all around us". Also, the visitors can obtain better understanding about important to consider Japan's energy sources for the 21st century and thus we
the science technology while enjoying themselves, through various experience sections such as have implemented some unique exhibits such as a display that shows, in real-
Helicopter flying simulation experience and Ships & Airplanes design experience. time, the energy generated from a solar energy panel that is situated on the
roof of the museum.
The issue of dealing with garbage and waste is deeply tied into the task of ●Technologies All Around Us
protecting the Earth's environment. This zone makes it possible for you to What kind of technologies are behind the things we use in our daily lives?
obtain a deeper understanding of disposal processes used in refuse Here you can learn the principles of such technologies by examining
incinerators and recycling systems employed to efficiently utilize natural conceptual models showing the structure, and understand the mechanisms
resources. You will be introduced to some actual measures that each one of and backgrounds of the things around us.
us can take to protect the environment of our beautiful mother Earth.
The Japanese space technology development is being watched by the world
with keen interest. This zone introduces some progressive technological
accomplishments, including actual units of the LE-7 rocket engine used in
Rocket H-Ⅱ(first all-Japanese technology rocket), and prototype of the
185 Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) of the International Space Station (ISS). 186
13.Mitsubishi Minatomのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:19 PM ページ 187 (1,1)
■Transportation Information
¡For arrival by train,
Take the JR Negishi Line or Yokohama Subway Line to Sakuragi-cho Station. From
there it's an 8-minute walk.
Take the Minatomirai Subway Line to Minatomirai Station. From the exit for Keyaki-dori
Ave. it's a 3-minute walk.
¡For arrival by car,
Please use the fee-charged parking area in the basement of the Mitsubishi Juko
Yokohama Building, in front of the exit of the Minatomirai Ramp of the Shuto
Expressway Yokohama Branch.
■Open hours
from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.(admission until 4:30 p.m.) )$. Address List
■Closed days
every Monday; at the year-end and New Year, and on specified closing days
(When Monday is a holiday, closed on Tuesday)
■Admission fees
300 yen for general, 200 yen for junior and senior high school students, 100 yen for
elementary school students; for groups (10 persons or more), each person receives a 100
yen discount
※ Free of charge for out-of-school learning of el-hi students and seniors over 65 years old
■For inquiries
Please contact Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Secretariat
TEL. 045-224-9031 FAX. 045-224-9902
187 188
14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 189 (1,1)
■Head Office 16-5, Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo Kyushu Office Fukuoka Center Bldg., 7F, 2-1, Hakataekimae 2-chome,
Phone: 81-3-6716-3111 Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Fax: 81-3-6716-5800 Phone: 81-92-441-3741
Fax: 81-92-451-1896
Technical Center 3-1, Minatomirai 3-chome,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama Hokkaido Office Hokkaido Bldg., 7F, 1 Kitanijyo Nishi 4-chome, Chuo-ku,Sapporo
Phone: 81-45-224-9888 Phone: 81-11-261-1541
Fax: 81-45-224-9901 Fax: 81-11-221-3563
■Research & Development Centers Chugoku Office Ryoko Center Bldg., 7F, 20-24, Kan-on-shin-machi 1-chome,
Advanced Technology 8-1, Sachiura 1-chome, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama Nishi-ku, Hiroshima
Research Center Phone: 81-45-771-1022 Phone: 81-82-531-4100
Fax: 81-45-771-1505 Fax: 81-82-531-4101
Nagasaki Research 717-1, Fukahori-machi 5-chome, Nagasaki Tohoku Office Toryo Bldg., 8F, 8-1, Ichiban-cho 1-chome, Aoba-ku, Sendai
& Development Center Phone: 81-95-834-2050 Phone: 81-22-264-1811
Fax: 81-95-834-2055 Fax: 81-22-225-4303
Takasago Research 1-1, Arai-cho Shinhama 2-chome, Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture Hokuriku Office Meiji Yasuda Seimei Kanazawa Bldg., 5F, 1-33, Takaoka-cho,
& Development Center Phone: 81-794-45-6700 Kanazawa
Fax: 81-794-45-6926 Phone: 81-76-231-6339
Fax: 81-76-223-2437
Hiroshima Research 6-22, Kan-on-shin-machi 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima
& Development Center Phone: 81-82-294-9821 Shikoku Office No.2 Daiya Bldg., 8F, 2-15, Kanko-dori 2-chome, Takamatsu
Fax: 81-82-294-8944 Phone: 81-87-834-5706
Fax: 81-87-835-0424
Yokohama Research 8-1, Sachiura 1-chome, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama
& Development Center Phone: 81-45-775-0782 Okinawa Office Nissei Naha Center Bldg., 7F, 12-12, Kumochi 1-chome, Naha
Fax: 81-45-770-1122 Phone: 81-98-866-1226
Fax: 81-98-866-1758
Nagoya Research 1, Aza Takamichi, Iwatsuka-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya
& Development Center Phone: 81-52-412-0199 ■Headquarters & Division
Fax: 81-52-412-5707 General Machinery 3000, Tana, Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture
& Special Vehicle Phone: 81-42-761-1101
■Domestic Office Headquarters Fax: 81-42-763-0800
Kansai Office 3-20, Tosabori 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka
Phone: 81-6-6446-4000 Air-Conditioning 1, Asahi-machi, 3-chome Nishi-biwajima-cho,
Fax: 81-6-6446-4006 & Refrigeration Nishi-Kasugai-gun, Aichi Prefecture
Systems Headquarters Phone: 81-52-503-9200
Chubu Office 1-9,Daikominami 1-chome, Higashi-ku, Nagoya Fax: 81-52-503-3533
Phone: 81-52-725-5111
Fax: 81-52-725-5080 Industrial Machinery 1, Aza Takamichi, Iwatsuka-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya
Division Phone: 81-52-412-1110
Fax: 81-52-412-1399
189 190
14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 191 (1,1)
Paper & Printing 5007, Itozaki-cho, Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture Plant and Transportation (Mihara)
Machinery Division Phone: 81-848-67-2054 Systems Engineering 5007, Itozaki-cho, Mihara, Hiroshima Prefecture
Fax: 81-848-63-4463 & Construction Center Phone: 81-848-67-2072
Fax: 81-848-67-2816
Machine Tool Division 130, Roku-jizo, Ritto, Shiga Prefecture (Yokohama)
Phone: 81-77-553-3300 3-1, Minatomirai 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama
Fax: 81-77-552-3745 Phone: 81-45-224-9288
Fax: 81-45-224-9932
Nagasaki Shipyard 1-1, Akunoura-machi, Nagasaki ■Overseas Offices
& Machinery Works Phone: 81-95-828-4121 Beijing Liaison Office Beijing Chang-fugong Center Co., LTD. No.6006 Office Building,
Fax: 81-95-828-4105 No.26 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing,
The People's Republic of China. 100022
Kobe Shipyard 1-1, Wadasaki-cho 1-chome, Hyogo-ku, Kobe Phone: 86-10-6505-4321
& Machinery Works Phone: 81-78-672-2220 Telefax: 86-10-6505-1222
Fax: 81-78-672-2245
Jakarta Liaison Office 26th Floor Jakarta Stock Exchange Building,
Shimonoseki Shipyard 16-1, Hikoshima Enoura-cho 6-chome, Shimonoseki, JI. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 52-53,
& Machinery Works Yamaguchi Prefecture Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
Phone: 81-832-66-5978 Phone: 62-21-515-3221
Fax: 81-832-67-7010 Telefax: 62-21-515-3219
Yokohama Dockyard 12, Nishiki-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama Taipei Liaison Office 19F-A, No.105, Sec.2, Tun Hua S. Rd.,
& Machinery Works Phone: 81-45-629-1201 Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C
Fax: 81-45-629-1202 Phone: 886-2-2700-3466
Telefax: 886-2-2700-3499
Hiroshima 6-22, Kan-on-shin-machi 4-chome, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima
Machinery Works Phone: 81-82-291-2112 New Delhi Liaison Office 3B, 3rd Floor, Berjaya House
Fax: 81-82-294-0260 New Friends Colony,
New Delhi-110 065
Takasago 1-1, Arai-cho Shinhama 2-chome, Takasago, Hyogo Prefecture India
Machinery Works Phone: 81-794-45-6125 Phone: 011-5102-1234
Fax: 81-794-45-6900 Telefax: 011-5102-5150
191 192
14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 193 (1,1)
Istanbul Representative Levent Harman Sok., Harmanci Giz Plaza KAT:18 D:36, ■Overseas Subsidiary Companies and Joint Ventures
Sisli 80640 lstanbul, Turkey Mitsubishi Heavy
Phone: 90-212-279-2535 Industries America, Inc
Telefax: 90-212-279-2603 (MHIA)
Headquarters 630 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10111,
Pusan Representative 8th Floor, Dong-Ah Ilbo Bldg. U.S.A.
53-11,4ga Jungang-Dong, Jung-gu Phone: 1-212-969-9000
Busan, Republic of Korea Telefax: 1-212-262-3301
Phone: 82-51-442-0801
Telefax: 82-51-462-7317 Nuclear Energy 4350 Nothern Pike, Suite E 268
Division Monroeville, PA 15146, U.S.A.
Ho Chi Minh City Unit-E, 4th Floor, OSIC Building, No.8, Phone: 1-412-374-7388
Representative Nguyen Hue Street, District 1, Telefax: 1-412-374-7377
Ho Chi Minh City,
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Flue Gas c/o URS Corporation, 600
Phone: 84-8-8243279 Desulfurization Carondelet Street New Orleans,
Telefax: 84-8-8242874 System Division LA 70130-3587, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-504-586-8111
Telefax: 1-504-599-5088
193 194
14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 195 (1,1)
Machine Tool Division 1250 Greenbriar Drive, Suite B, Addison, Hartford Office c/o Pratt & Whitney,
IL 60101, U.S.A. 400 Main Street, M/S 124-43
Phone: 1-630-693-4700 East Hartford, CT 06108, U.S.A.
Telefax: 1-630-693-4710 Phone: 1-860-565-1269
Telefax: 1-860-565-9484
Los Angeles Office 100 Bayview Circle Suite 4000,
Newport Beach, CA 92660, U.S.A. Canoga Park Office c/o The Boeing Company Rocketdyne Propulsion &
Phone: 1-949-856-8500 Power 6633 Canoga Avenue MC FB-50 Canoga Park,
Telefax: 1-949-856-4469 CA 91309-7922, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-818-586-6331
Houston LNG Tank 1221 McKinney, One Houston Center, Suite 3330 Telefax: 1-818-586-0207
& Steel Structure Houston, TX 77010, U.S.A.
Systems Office Phone: 1-713-652-9250 Mitsubishi Heavy
Telefax: 1-713-652-9346 Industries Europe, Ltd.
Houston Office 1 Houston Center, Suite 3545 Head Office 3rd Floor, Thavies
1221 McKinney, Houston, TX 77010, U.S.A. Inn House, 3-4 Holborn Circus,
Phone: 1-713-652-9224 London EC1N 2HA, United Kingdom
Telefax: 1-713-652-9305 Phone: 44-20-7842-8100
Telefax: 44-20-7842-8101
Seattle Office c/o Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
P. O. Box 3707, M/S 03-EH, Seattle, Munich Branch Sonnenstr. 32Ⅳ, 80331 Munich, Germany
WA 98124-2207, U.S.A. Phone: 49-89-211079-0
Phone: 1-425-294-7656 Telefax: 49-89-211079-33
Telefax: 1-425-294-2555
Munich Branch, Sachsenfeld 2, 20097 Hamburg, Germany
Wichita Office One Learjet Way, Bldg. 5 Doc. #1 Wichita, Hamburg Phone: 49-40-23770-259
KS 67209, U.S.A. Representative Telefax: 49-40-231389
Phone: 1-316-946-3046
Telefax: 1-316-946-3570 Paris Liaison Office 3 Avenue Hoche 75008, Paris, France
Phone: 33-1-4267-6075
Fort Worth Office 4100 International Plaza, Suite 302 Telefax: 33-1-4267-9011
Fort Worth, TX 76109, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-817-737-9660 Madrid Branch C/Serrano 21, 4° Planta
Telefax: 1-817-737-2363 28001 Madrid, Spain
Phone: 34-91-577-1632
NASA Office Cyberonics Bldg. 16511 Space Center Blvd.,Suite 201, Telefax: 34-91-576-6653
Houston, TX 77058, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-281-280-0222 Praha Liaison Office Praha City Center, 4th Floor,
Telefax: 1-281-486-1024 Klimentska 46, 110 02 Praha 1, The Czech Republic
Phone: 420-2-2185-6080
Boston Office c/o Raytheon Company, T2SB6 Telefax: 420-2-2185-6089
50 Apple Hill Drive Tewsbury,
MA 01876, U.S.A. Machine Tool Technical Damsluisweg 2, 1332 EC Almere, The Netherlands
Phone: 1-978-858-5123 Service Centre Phone: 31-36-538-8140
Telefax: 1-978-858-5130 Telefax: 31-36-538-8145
195 196
14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 197 (1,1)
Mitsubishi Heavy Bangna Towers, Tower A, 8th Floor, MHI-Pornchai 24/4 Moo 7, Bangkaew, Bangplee
Industries 2/3 Moo 14, Bangna-Trad Road, K.m. 6.5 Machinery Co., Ltd. Samutprakarn 10540, Thailand
(Thailand) Ltd. (MHIT) Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540, Thailand (MPM) Phone: 66-2-316-1485
Phone: 66-2-751-9800 Telefax: 66-2-316-1506
Telefax: 66-2-751-9801
MHI Equipment Damsluisweg 2, 1332 EC, Almere
Mitsubishi Heavy 24th Floor Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza Europe B.V. (MEE) The Netherlands
Industries Philippines, Ave. Cor. Gil Puyat Ave., Phone: 31-36-538-8311
Inc. (MHIP) Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines Telefax: 31-36-538-8205
Phone: 63-2-889-3500
Telefax: 63-2-889-3491 Mitsubishi Caterpillar 2121 W.Sam Houston Pkwy. N.
Forklift America Inc. Houston, TX 77043-2305, U.S.A.
Mitsubishi Heavy (MCFA) Phone: 1-713-365-1000
Industries Australia, Pty. Telefax: 1-713-365-1818
Ltd. (MHIAU)
Head Office Level 6, 160 Queen Street,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia Mitsubishi Caterpillar Hefbrugweg 77, 1332 AM, Almere
Phone: 61-3-9670-9799 Forklift Europe B.V. The Netherlands
Telefax: 61-3-9670-4197 (MCFE) <Mailing Address>
P.O.Box 30171, 1303 AC, Almere
Air-Conditioning & Office 1, Level 2, 81 Railway Street The Netherlands
Refrigeration Division Rockdale, NSW 2216, Australia Phone: 31-36-549-4400
Phone: 61-2-9597-7977 Telefax: 31-36-549-4691
Telefax: 61-2-9597-7304
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14.Address List 04.8.24 6:34 PM ページ 199 (1,1)
Mitsubishi Caterpillar No.2, Tuas Avenue 20, Singapore 638818 MLP Canada Ltd. 126 Devon Road Brampton
Forklift Asia Pte Ltd. Republic of Singapore (MLP-C) Ontario Canada, L6T 5B5
(MCFS) Phone: 65-6862-5290 Phone: 1-905-793-3555
Telefax: 65-6861-9277 Telefax: 1-905-793-3932
Mitsubishi Heavy Haier High Tech-Industrial Estate MLP UK Ltd. Unit 12, Riverside Place
Industries-Haier No.1 Haier Road, Qingdao (MLP-UK) South Accommodation Road, Leeds,
(Qingdao) The People's Republic of China LS 9-ORQ UK
Air-Conditioners Phone: 86-532-893-8517 Phone: 44-113-240-7584
Co., Ltd. (MHAQ) Telefax: 86-532-789-8634 Telefax: 44-113-240-7605
Mitsubishi Heavy Lat Krabang Industrial Estate, Phase 3 MLP Europe S.A. 17, rue du Saule Trapu-B. P. 224
Industries-Mahajak No. 200 Moo 4, Lamplatiew, Lat Krabang, (MLP-E) Parc d'Activites du Moulin de Massy
Air Conditioners Bangkok 10520, Thailand 91882 Massy Cedex, France
Co., Ltd. (MACO) Phone: 66-2-326-0401 Phone: 33-1-69-53-68-10
Telefax: 66-2-326-0419 Telefax: 33-1-69-53-68-11
Mitsubishi Heavy No.162 Jiangcui Road, Hushan, MLP Hong Kong Ltd. Unit 1, 2nd Floor, Kodak House Ⅱ,
Industries-Jinling Jianghai District, Jiangmen City, (MLP-HK) 321 Java Road, North Point,
Air-Conditioners Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, SAR China
Company, Ltd. (MJA) The People's Republic of China Phone: 852-2887-3200
Phone: 86-750-389-0011 Telefax: 852-2887-7215
Telefax: 86-750-381-4721
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries- No.98 Heng Xing Road, ZhouCun,
Mitsubishi Heavy Heng Xing Paper Machinery Zibo, Shan Dong,
Industries Climate Co., Ltd. (MHI-HX) The People's Republic of China
Control Inc. (MCC) Phone: 0533-655-3030
Head Office 1200 N.Mitsubishi Parkway Telefax: 0533-655-6157
Franklin, IN 46131, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-317-346-5000 MHI-Duro Felguera, S.A. c/Serrano 21, 4 Planta 28001
Telefax: 1-317-346-6170 (MHI-DF) Madrid, Spain
Phone: 34-91-787-4840
Los Angeles Office 3030 East Victoria St. Telefax: 34-91-787-4845
Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-310-635-8111 MHI Technical Services 14th Floor, Robinson Summit Center, 6783, Ayala Ave.,
Telefax: 1-310-635-4588 Corp. (MTS) Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Phone: 63-2-886-6822
Detroit Office 300 Galleria Officentre Suite Telefax: 63-2-886-6838
314 Southfield, MI 48034, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-248-359-1400 CBC Industrias Pesadas Rod. D.Gabriel Paulino Bueno Couto,
Telefax: 1-248-359-1499 S.A. (CBC) Km.68-Ermida, CEP 13212-240
Jundiai, Sao Paulo Brazil (Caixa Postal 820)
MHI Automotive Climate 211-71, Qing Qiao Road, Phone: 55-11-4585-5500
Control (Shanghai) Jinqiao Export Processing Zone, Telefax: 55-11-4525-0678
Co., Ltd. (MACC) Shanghai,
The People's Republic of China MHI-IDKU LNG L.L.C. 11 Al Horeiya, 3F Alexandria, Egypt
Phone: 86-021-5899-6686 (MHI IDKU LNG) Phone: 20-3-393-5339
Telefax: 86-021-5899-6329 Telefax: 20-3-420-6061
199 200
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Mitsubishi Power 100 Colonial Center Parkway Lake Mary, Southern California 8314E. Slauson Ave. Pico Rivera,
Systems, Inc. (MPS) FL 32746, U.S.A. Material Handling Inc. California 90660, U.S.A.
Phone: 1-407-688-6100 (SCMH) Phone: 1-562-949-1000
Telefax: 1-407-688-6481 Telefax: 1-562-654-3612
Mitsubishi Engine 1250 Greenbriar Drive, Suite E Addison, MHI Service Vietnam No.2 & No.3/M3
North America, Inc. IL 60101-1065, U.S.A. Co., Ltd. (MHISV) Long Binh Tan Ward
(MENA) Phone: 1-630-268-0750 Bien Hoa City
Telefax: 1-630-268-9293 Dong Nai Province
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
MHI Injection Molding 520 Thomas Drive, Phone: 84-61-833785
Machinery, Inc. (MIMM) Bensenville, IL 60106, U.S.A. Telefax: 84-61-833787
Phone: 1-630-693-4880
Telefax: 1-630-693-0915 Rapidparts Europe B. V. Plantinawerf 4 (Rapidparts-E) 6641 TL Beuningen (Gelderland)
The Netherlands
MLP U.S.A., Inc. (MLP-A) 600 Barclay Boulevard Lincolnshire, Phone: 31-24-6570790
IL 60069, U.S.A. Telefax: 31-24-6751242
Phone: 1-847-634-9100
Telefax: 1-847-634-9109 TES Philippines, Inc. EDSA MRT DEPOT
(TESP) North Ave. cor, EDSA Quezon City,
Mitsubishi-Hitachi 500 Cherrington Parkway, Suite 300 Coraopolis, Metro Manila, Philippines
Metals Machinery USA, Pennsylvania 15108, U.S.A. Phone: 63-2-433-3022
Inc. (MHU) Phone: 1-412-269-6630 Telefax: 63-2-433-3018
Telefax: 1-412-269-6642
Cormetech, Inc. 5000 International Drive,
MCF Forklift (Shanghai) J/16 Floor, Meixin Mansions (CORMETECH) Durham, NC 27712, U.S.A.
Co., Ltd. No.728 Xizang Rd(M.) Shanghai Phone: 1-919-620-3000
The People's Republic of China Telefax: 1-919-620-3001
Phone: 86-21-6360-7105
Telefax: 86-21-6360-7107
Thai Compressor
MHI Climate Control Cenzontle No.6 Parque Industrial FINSA Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Mexico, S.A.DE C.V. Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Mexico C. P. 25900 (THACOM)
(MCC-MX) Phone: 52-844-439-1390 Office 212/62, Pattanakarn Road,
Telefax: 52-844-439-0883 Bangkok 10250, Thailand P. O. Box 16
Phone: 66-2-321-7815
FMS Equipment Rental 1810 Britmoore Road Sute 130, Telefax: 66-2-321-6054
Inc. (FMS) Houston, TX 77043
Phone: 1-713-365-1803 Factory 33/3 Moo 21, Suwintawong Road,
Telefax: 1-713-365-1443 Saladang, Bangnumprieo,
Chachoengsao 24000, Thailand
Rapidparts Inc. 2950 Walkent Court, N. W., Phone: 66-38-593-062
(Rapidparts-A) Grand Rapids, MI 49544 Telefax: 66-38-593-067
Phone: 1-616-647-2500 Saudi Factory for Industrial City Phase 2, P. O. Box 34833,
Telefax: 1-616-647-3040 Electrical Appliances Jeddah 21478, Saudi Arabia
Co., Ltd. (SELECT) Phone: 966-2-608-0255
Telefax: 966-2-637-9551
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14.Address Listのコピー 1 04.8.30 6:24 PM ページ 203 (1,1)
203 204
15.Main PR materialsのコピー 04.8.27 7:18 PM ページ 205 (1,1)
Main PR materials
Introduction of Company
Guide to Mitsubishi Corporate Overall introduction to Company’s
Heavy Industries, Ltd. Communication Dept. organization, Technologies, and Products
Guide to Works and Japanese & Each Works and Divisions/
Corporate Communication Dept. Outline of each Works and Divisions.
Divisions English
Guide to Research and Japanese & Each Research and
Development Centers/Corporate
Outline of R&D Centers. Separate
Development Centers English Communication Dept. catalogs available for six R&D Centers.
Steel Structures & Construction
Mitsubishi Civil & ・Japanese Overall introduction to products and technologies in
Administration Dept./
Architectual Engineering ・English Corporate Communication Dept. all the company’s construction divisions
・Japanese Technical Planning Detailed introduction to company's technologies
Technical Review
・English Dept. in each field, aimed at technical specialists.
Business Report
Corporate Business report in English, based on
Annual Report English
Communication Dept. consolidated accounts.
Social and
Report on company’s approach and activities
Environmental ・Japanese General Affairs Dept.
regarding Corporate Social Responsibility and
Report ・English (Enviromental Group)
environmental protection.
(CSR Report)
Company PR
Mitsubishi Minatomirai ・Japanese Communication Dept Introduction to exhibition facility of Mitsubishi
Industrial Museum ・English Mitsubishi Minatomirai Minatomirai Industrial Museum
( Industrial Museum )
表4 04.8.30 5:47 PM ページ 1 (1,1)