Westinghouse Lighting MFB-1000 General Purpose Mercury Floodlight Spec Sheet 3-72
Westinghouse Lighting MFB-1000 General Purpose Mercury Floodlight Spec Sheet 3-72
Westinghouse Lighting MFB-1000 General Purpose Mercury Floodlight Spec Sheet 3-72
Type MFB-'1000 lvlercury maslerflood ghts
use 1000 watt merclrTy oT 1000 walt .netal
ha de la.nps for ghting park ng areas. go 1
courses, outdoor work and oad ng areas,
bui dings and monuments.
These un ls featurc a wide beam wrth the
h ghest ut zat on and smoolh candle
power trafs tion for even !m nal on. They
are avaiLab e wth ntegra ballast compart-
meft or for remole mo!nted ballast. ReJlec-
lors are formed A zak a uminunr. Hard
ename pa nt finish resists weathering
Weatherproof h nged door holds heal-
res slant lens securely. A ba asls have
exc usive Wesl ngho!se ADIIR-BlL nsu a
t on. Lamps are not nc uded.
How to Specify
-loooro Ls d oe F o o ."V B
T000 Style No cons stlng of
d 10 I I g ol o .^, .l,r ._n o'16 o
assemb y of A zak alurn num, ens assemb y
(p a n lens of f at heat and mpact res stant
g ass or pr smal c conlro lens of convex
heat res stanl q ess), lens held n an exlruded
a um num fTame and gasketed w th a s cof
rubber weather resistafl perimeter gasket,
exLerna atches and hardware of stainLess
steel, socket of porcela n, mogLr mu t ple
type w th lamp gr ps adlustab e n two
pos t ons, prew red reflector assemb y al]d a
ga van zed stee bow assemb y wh ch
mounts directly to an integra ba asi. Ba ast
sha be (spec fy sty e nurnber) cons sting
aif a cast a um num cornparlmenL witr
, q.o o... t" l- .r d. - "t .d
ware of stainiess stee.
March, 1972
Application Data 60-250 Page 2
General Purpose
Mercury Floodlight
Style I Description
FLoodlight Less Ballast
890D226G06 Ref ecro' ConlroL Le.s
890D226G07 Rel e.lor Pla n Lens H36 'l5GV c ear 6x7 r40'x123' ,12 304 34.2I6
F36 15GW/C Sla.,la.d \rvlr t€ 6 1l6d r 106o 37.200 28.5110
1000 Watt ll30 15GW/C SlandaId \!h te r 50'x 133" 20.909
MH r 0!0 6 ll30xl20o 59.liU6 7t.540
5t 25D30Gr l I 20l240 8es! !1ed-MercLr4
5125D30G12 208 Fegu rted Merc!ry
5125D30G13 277 Re9uLatea-Mercury Photometric Performance
5125D30G1,1 480 Re.ru ated Merc!ry S #890D226G07 wth H36 1 5G W /C lamp.
890D220G19 120 Beq! aled-Metal Ha de
890D 220G 20 208 8eg! aled Melal Ha de
5t 25D30G01 2.10 Beg! are.l-f,4era Ha de
5125D30G02 277 Fe!! ated M.ra ll! de
5r25D30G03 480 FeguLaterl-Meta HaL d. g,
Lamp nol inciuded'. orrler separale y
895A890G01 WaL or Po e Mo!.trng Eracket
Co m ponent o
408 8,122 H 0l
Hl h_Iz_ _-l
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aqon rr Ul
6 3 2C927 G02