Dynamic Arrays With The Arraylist Class Chapter Xii Topics

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Chapter XII

Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class

Chapter XII Topics

12.1 Introduction
12.2 ArrayList Methods
12.3 ArrayList & Primitive Data Types
12.4 ArrayList & Generics
12.5 ArrayList & the Enhanced For.. Each Loop
12.6 The Deck Class with ArrayList
12.7 Review of the Magpie Program
12.8 Summary

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 585

12.1 Introduction

Most programming languages have one type of array. Frequently the array data
structure is - like the static array of the previous chapter - both one-dimensional
and multi-dimensional. Java has two types of arrays. Java has the static array,
shown in the last chapter, which is constructed with a fixed size that cannot be
altered during program execution. Additionally, Java has a dynamic array, which
does not require a predetermined size at instantiation and can be altered during
program execution. The focus of this chapter is on the dynamic array, which is
implemented with the ArrayList class.

You will see that the dynamic array is very different from the static array. The
dynamic array is a modern array. The ArrayList class is a class with a
constructor and lots of methods. Such is not the case with the static array. You do
see the new operator as a reminder that some object is allocating space in
memory, but there are no methods and access is only provided with some bracket
index [ ] [ ] operators. In truth the static array dates back to the early days of
programming and in many languages the array data structure works pretty much
in the manner that you saw in the last chapter.

This chapter teaches you the modern array with many methods and there should
be a question coming up. If we have a modern array, why bother with an old one.
Pick the better one of the two arrays and reject the other one. This is a reasonable
argument, but the truth is that both arrays have something to offer. By the time
you have seen program examples with both types of arrays you should know the
advantages of using each type.

Java Arrays

 Java has a static array capable of easy multi-dimensions.

 Java has a dynamic array, which is also capable of multi-

dimensions, but it is more complex.

 The ArrayList class is used for the dynamic array.

 Static arrays have no methods, but have the initializer list.

 ArrayList is a class with many methods.

586 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

12.2 ArrayList Methods

Java has an answer to the static array shortcomings, which does not allow any
change in size during program execution. It is the ArrayList class. With an
ArrayList object the quantity of elements can be altered on the fly during
program execution, which is officially known as dynamic resizing. Dynamic
resizing it great, but there are other features available. Static arrays have a
conspicuous absence of methods to enhance the data processing needs. The
ArrayList class not only handles resizing, but it also has a convenient set of
methods to manipulate data. Program Java1201.java, in figure 12.1, demonstrates
how to construct an ArrayList object and it shows how to use the add method to
add new elements to the array. New elements are added to the end of the
ArrayList object.

Figure 12.1

// Java1201.java
// This program demonstrates the <add> method of the <ArrayList> class.
// Note that each name is added to the end of the list.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1201

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

System.out.println("names contains " + names);


Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 587

ArrayList Method add


The add method allocates space for the newly enlarged array
and then stores the new array element at the end of the
ArrayList object.

You should have observed a feature of the ArrayList class that does not exist
with Java static arrays. All the elements in the array are displayed rather casually
with the use of a simple statement like System.out.println(names). This is a
serious no-no with a static array. Actually, it is not a no-no in the compile sense.
The result is not real practical. All you get is some memory address of the array
storage location.

Displaying ArrayList Elements

ArrayList elements can be accessed with various methods. It

is possible to display all the elements inside square brackets,
separated by commas by using the println method.

The toString method has been re-defined in one of the super

classes of the ArrayList class.


[Isolde, John, Greg, Maria, Heidi]

Java static arrays use the length field to store the number of elements in an array
object. A static array can access a field, because it is declared final and access is
possible without the possibility of altering the field value. A dynamic array, like
ArrayList uses a method, which alters a private field value. Program
Java1202.java, in figure 12.2, demonstrates the use of the size method.

588 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.2

// Java1202.java
// This program uses the <size> method to determine the number of elements
// in an <ArrayList> object.
// Note that the value returned by the <size> method changes when more names
// are added to the <ArrayList> object.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1202

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("names contains " + names);;
System.out.println("There are " + names.size() + " elements in the names object.");

System.out.println("names contains " + names);
System.out.println("There are " + names.size() + " elements in the names object.");

ArrayList Method size

int count = names.size();

The size method returns the number of elements of the

ArrayList object names.

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 589

Program Java1203.java, in figure 12.3, shows how individual elements of the
names object are accessed with the get method. Note how the size method
controls the loop. Any attempt to access an array element at a location that does
not exist, results in an IndexOutOfBoundsException error message, which
is precisely what happens with static arrays.

Figure 12.3

// Java1203.java
// This program shows how to access specified elements in an <ArrayList> object
// with the <get(k)> method. This compares to using [k] in static arrays.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1203

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
for (int k = 0; k < names.size(); k++)

for (int k = names.size()-1; k >= 0; k--)


590 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

ArrayList Method get
The get method accesses a specified array element. The
parameter of the get method is the index of the ArrayList
object and starts at 0.

The static array index operator is very versatile. It can be used to access array
elements for display and it can also be used to change the value of an array
element. ArrayList methods are more specialized. The get method is fine for
displaying individual elements, but another method is required to alter any values.
This job is performed by the set method. Method set requires two parameters, one
for the array element index and a second parameter for the new array element
value. Program Java1204.java, in figure 12.4, starts with five initial names and
then changes four of the names.

Figure 12.4

// This program demonstrates the <set> method of the <ArrayList> class, which
// replaces existing elements with a new object. Note that the <set> method is a return
// method that returns the last element value before it is replaced.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1204

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("names contains " + names);


System.out.println("names contains " + names);


Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 591

Figure 12.4 Continued

ArrayList Method set

The set method uses the first parameter as the index location
to find an array element and then replaces it with the value of
the second set parameter. You will get an error if you try to
access an index location, which has not been allocated yet.
The set method also returns the last value before replacing it.

Earlier in this chapter, ArrayList was advertised as a dynamic array. Dynamic in

the sense that resizing is possible during program execution. You have seen
objects grow in size by adding additional elements. Resizing also can be used to
make an array data structure smaller. Program Java1205.java, in figure 12.5,
resizes the array with the remove method. Method remove requires a single
parameter, which is the index of the array element to be removed.

Figure 12.5

// Java1205.java
// This program demonstrates the <remove> method of the <ArrayList> class to
// delete a specified list element.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1205

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

592 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

System.out.println("names contains " + names);
System.out.println("names contains " + names);
System.out.println("names contains " + names);

Figure 12.5 Continued

ArrayList Method remove

The remove method removes the array element at the index
location of its parameter and decreases the object size by one
array element.

The add method is overloaded. An earlier program example introduced the add
method with a single parameter. This single parameter provides the value of a
new array element, which is added as the last element of the array. It is also
possible to add a new element at a specified location. Be careful and do not
confuse this second add method with the set method. Method set alters the value
at a specified index. The overloaded add method inserts a new array element at a
specified index and in the process bumps elements to the next index value.
Program Java1206.java, in figure 12.6, will appear similar to the previous set
program example.

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 593

Figure 12.6

// Java1206.java
// This program demonstrates how to use the <add> method of the <ArrayList> class to
// insert new elements at a specified location.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1206

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("names contains " + names);
System.out.println("names contains " + names);
System.out.println("names contains " + names);

ArrayList Method add (second overloaded add)

The overloaded add(3,"Kathy") method adds or rather inserts
a new array element at the indicated index.

594 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

There are more methods in the ArrayList class. The six methods in this section
are AP tested methods, because they are the most common methods and allow a
wide range of data processing with a dynamic array.

It may seem that the ArrayList, with all its methods and dynamic resizing, is so
superior to the static array that there exists little justification to hang on to a type
of array that goes back to the early days of programming.

The simple reality is that ArrayList, good and flexible as it may be, is primarily a
one-dimensional array. There exists plenty of processing that calls for two or
more dimensional processing in the real computing word. Multi-dimensional
arrays are easier to access with the static array. Furthermore, the convenience of
constructing a new array with a set of initial values, using the initializer list, is
very easy with static arrays and does not exist with the ArrayList class.

AP Computer Science Exam Alert

The ArrayList class is tested on the AP exam with the following

six methods:

int size()

boolean add(E obj)

void add(int index, E obj)

E get(int index)

E set(int index, E obj)

E remove(int index)

In the method headings above E is the data type of the Element

that is added or returned.

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 595

12.3 ArrayList and Primitive Data Types

In Chapter VI the Integer class was introduced. The Integer class is a wrapper
class, which stores int values in an object. This is very important for data
structures that can only store object values. The static array is quite relaxed about
such issues and can store both primitive types and objects. Many classes, like the
ArrayList, only store objects.

This does not mean that primitive types are off limits to an ArrayList object.
Courtesy of the Integer class program Java1207.java, in figure 12.7, does a fine
job storing int values. Try running the program with "commented-out" line,
which proves that Integer objects are not int values and cannot be treated as such,
like trying arithmetic addition.

Figure 12.7

// Java1207.java
// This program demonstrates how <int> values stored into an <ArrayList>
// object are first converted to <Integer> objects.
// The <Integer> class is called a "wrapper" class.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1207

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList();

for (int k = 1; k <= 200; k++)

int rndInt = (int) (Math.random() * 900 + 100);
numbers.add(new Integer(rndInt));
System.out.print(rndInt + " ");
if (k % 15 == 0)

int sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < numbers.size(); k++)
Integer temp = (Integer) numbers.get(k);
sum += temp.intValue();
// sum += numbers.get(k);
System.out.println("\n\nSum: " + sum);

596 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.7 Continued

The same approach can be used for other primitive data types, such as double and
boolean. These primitive types both have wrapper classes Double and Boolean,
which can be used to store simple data types as objects in the ArrayList class.

ArrayList and Primitive Data Types

The ArrayList class can only store Object values.

Primitive data type values can be stored indirectly using

wrapper classes.

The Integer class wraps int values.

The Double class wraps double values.
The Boolean class wraps boolean values.

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 597

12.4 ArrayList and Generics

Java version 5.0 solved some problems with Java classes. Prior to Java 5.0 there
was a problem with handling objects. An object stores a reference, which is a
memory address. Now at this memory address actual practical data information
can be stored of any type. However, this information can be any type and that can
cause confusion and peculiarities.

Consider program Java1208.java, in figure 12.08. This program shows an

ArrayList object which properly stores Person objects as its elements. Two
Person objects are instantiated and then added to the people object. When an
attempt is made to access individual people objects the program complains and
causes syntax errors. The error message indicates incompatible types. This may
seem to be a mystery, because only Person objects are used and how can they be
incompatible? The problem is that the actual value stored for each people object
is a reference and its data type is unknown.

Figure 12.8

// Java1208.java
// This program has no output, which does not matter, because it does not compile.
// You will see two "incompatible types" syntax errors. This may seem strange
// because the <ArrayList> object stores <Person> objects.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1208

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList people = new ArrayList();
people.add(new Person("Joe",21));
people.add(new Person("Sue",20));
Person student1 = people.get(0);
Person student2 = people.get(1);

class Person
private String name;
private int age;

public Person (String n, int a)

name = n;
age = a;

598 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.8 Continued

Prior to Java 5.0 there was, and still is, a solution to the unknown data type
problem. Program Java1209.java, in figure 12.9, is almost identical to the
previous program, but two very strategic castings are used. In each assignment
statement, Person student1 = (Person) people.get(0); the casting of the object to
(Person) provides Java with the required information.

Figure 12.9
// Java1209.java
// This program compiles and there is still no output. Output is not the
// issue. Understanding the correct syntax involved does matter.
// In this case lines 18 and 19 cast to the <Person> class, which makes Java happy.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1209

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList people = new ArrayList();
people.add(new Person("Joe",21));
people.add(new Person("Sue",20));
Person student1 = (Person) people.get(0);
Person student2 = (Person) people.get(1);

class Person
private String name;
private int age;

public Person (String n, int a)

name = n;
age = a;

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 599

Figure 12.9 Continued

The program may compile, but continues to warn and complain about unchecked
and unsafe operations. What is that all about? Well along comes Java 5.0 and
now Java has a better solution, which is known as generics. The selection of this
term will make more sense in a later chapter. At the instantiation of a new
ArrayList object the data type to be stored is specified. Look at Java1210.java,
in figure 12.10, and you will see the following statement:

ArrayList<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();

This statement tells Java that the new people object will only store objects of the
Person class. Casting is no longer necessary. This approach also creates an
excellent where the code makes it clear what is stored in the new array.

Figure 12.10
// Java1210.java
// Since Java Version 5.0 the "casting" solution of the last program is so old Java version".
// You can now specify - at the time that the <ArrayList> object is constructed - what is stored.
// This is called "generics" and in this case Java knows it is <Person>.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1210

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>();
people.add(new Person("Joe",21));
people.add(new Person("Sue",20));
Person student1 = people.get(0);
Person student2 = people.get(1);

class Person
private String name;
private int age;

public Person (String n, int a)

name = n;
age = a;

600 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.10 Continued

Java1210 compiles and executes without any errors and even the annoying
unchecked and unsafe operations warning has disappeared. Java is sure happy.

Program Java1212.java, in figure 12.11, shows how nicely a Java program works
with the generic feature. You now see a program, which starts with a number1
object. This object is instantiated to store Integer objects and three numbers are
stored in numbers1.

A second ArrayList object, numbers2, is instantiated with the same intention to

store int values wrapped inside Integer objects. This is followed by accessing
three elements from numbers1 and assigning all three to numbers2. This works
flawlessly without a hitch.

Figure 12.11

// Java1211.java
// This program shows another benefit of using generics.
// There are two <ArrayList> objects and both are constructed
// to store <Integer> values. After three values are entered
// in the <numbers1> object, those values are then assigned
// to <numbers2>, which works without problems.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1211

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList<Integer> numbers1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
numbers1.add(new Integer(100));
numbers1.add(new Integer(200));
numbers1.add(new Integer(300));

ArrayList<Integer> numbers2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 601

Figure 12.11 Continued

It was mentioned earlier that an array by definition is a data structure with

elements of the same type. Consider what happens when generics are not used.
Program Java1212.java, in figure 12.12, adds a Double object and an Integer
object and then finally a String object in the array. Java - without generics -
allows this practice and the resulting structure is hardly a proper array.

Figure 12.12

// Java1212.java
// Generics make sure that an array is in fact an array. An array
// is supposed to be a data structure with elements of the same type.
// This program example - which does not use generics - allows the
// list array to store three different data types.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1212

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.add(new Double(3.14159));
list.add(new Integer(200));
list.add(new String("Dubrovnik"));

Program Java1213.java, in figure 12.13, uses the proper approach to instantiate

an ArrayList object. Like before, an attempt is made to enter three different
values into the array. Java rewards the programmer with two error messages.

602 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.13

// Java1213.java
// Once generics are used, Java becomes very picky. If you want to create an
// <ArrayList> object to store <Double> values, such as is shown below, then only
// <Double> values must be added. The attempt to add one <Double>, one <Integer>
// and one <String> object results in two errors, and a lot of explanations.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1213

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>();
list.add(new Double(3.14159));
list.add(new Integer(200));
list.add(new String("Dubrovnik"));

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 603

12.5 ArrayList & the Enhanced For Loop

Since we are on the subject of Java 5.0 enhancements with generics, let us
continue and check out the special for..each loop structure. This loop structure
was first shown with the static arrays in the last chapter. It was necessary to wait
for the array structure because the for..each loop cannot work with primitive data
types. You need a data structure, like an ArrayList object.

Program Java1214.java, in figure 12.14, presents three displays. The first output
is done directly with println and the names object. You have seen this before.

The second output uses the original for loop and visits every element of the
names array. The loop counter variable is used to access each array element
starting with index 0 and continue until the names.size() - 1 index.

Finally, the for..each loop is used. Note the convention of selection variable
name of type String to represent the single element. This convention provides
readability. We can now read the loop statement as: for each String element,
called name in the object names, display the value of name.

Figure 12.14

// Java1214.java
// The final program in this chapter shows three ways to display the members of an
// <ArrayList> object. Note that the <for..each> loop works very well with <ArrayList>.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Java1214

public static void main(String[ ] args)
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int index = 0; index < names.size(); index++)
for (String name: names)

604 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.14 Continued

12.6 The Deck class With ArrayList

This chapter section will be very familiar. It is a repeat of the same set of
programs that were presented in the previous chapter. The key difference is that
now the array data structure of the Deck class will be implemented with the
dynamic ArrayList class.

Making this switch is not simply a matter of replacing the static array cards
declaration with an ArrayList version. There is a major difference in array access
of individual elements. Static arrays access array elements with the [ ] index
operators. Dynamic arrays use methods.

Just to make sure let us first start and take another quick look at the Card class
code. Every member of the array is an object of the Card class. These objects are
not altered by static or dynamic array structures. The same exact Card class
declaration will be used for both array implementations.

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 605

Figure 12.15 shows the Card class version that is used for the Deck class in both
the static array and the dynamic array chapters. This version is not completely
identical to the one used for the Elevens Lab. The actual Elevens lab program
includes some features that have not been taught yet.

This class presents nothing new. It is here to give you a good look before we
investigate the new Deck class. The programs presented in this section will use
the "one class, one file" approach. This is proper program design. For one
program there will be three files involved. You will look at a Deck01 class in the
Deck01.java file, using the Card class, in the Card.java file and is tested by the
DeckTester01 class, in the DeckTester01.java file.

Figure 12.15

// Card.java 12-26-14
// This is the "unit" class that stores information about a single card.
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class Card

private String suit;
private String rank;
private int value;

public Card(String s, String r, int v)

suit = s;
rank = r;
value = v;

public String getSuit() { return suit; }

public String getRank() { return rank; }
public int getValue() { return value; }

public boolean matches(Card otherCard)

return otherCard.getSuit().equals(this.suit)
&& otherCard.getRank().equals(this.rank)
&& otherCard.getValue() == this.value;

public String toString()

return "[" + suit + ", " + rank + ", " + value + "]";

606 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

The Deck01 class, in figure 12.16, has similarities and differences with its cousins
shown in the static array chapter. The ArrayList class is right away visible and
you will see that the Card class will be used for individual elements of the cards
array. The static array starts with size 52 and the dynamic array starts empty. In a
dynamic array space is not allocated until it is needed and some value can be
stored in the space.

You may be tempted to run this file, but it is a class without a main method or
applet and can be compiled to create a class file, but cannot be executed.

Figure 12.16

// Deck01.java 12-26-14
// This is the first stage of the Deck class, as introduced
// in the previous "Static Arrays" chapter.
// This version is implemented with "dynamic arrays".
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Deck01

private ArrayList<Card> cards;
private int size;

public Deck01()
cards = new ArrayList<Card>();;
size = 0;

public int getSize()

return size;

public boolean isEmpty()

return size == 0;

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 607

The DeckTester01 class, in figure 12.17, tests the Deck01 class. You see a
memory reference for the deck object. You should then instantly recognize that
the toString method is not re-defined for the Deck01 class. Don't get confused
here. You have seen that ArrayList objects can display individual members just
fine, but we used deck in the print statement and not cards.

Methods getSize and isEmpty properly do their job and report that the array is
right now size 0 and it is true that the array is empty. It is a simple test, but it
allows us to move on and become more complex.

The Card class is actually not tested at this stage. Nowhere is an object of the
Card class constructed. Also note that there is a Card class, not Card01, Card02
andCard03. The Card class will not be altered. It is fine as it is and the same
class works for static and dynamic arrays.

Figure 12.17

// DeckTester01.java 12-26-14
// This program tests the "dynamic array" Deck01 class.
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class DeckTester01

public static void main(String[ ] args)
Deck01 deck = new Deck01();

608 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

The Deck02 class, in figure 12.18, makes the class practical. It is now possible the
add cards to the deck and it is also possible to display the individual cards that
have been added.

Figure 12.18

// Deck02.java 12-26-14
// Methods <add> and <display> are added to the <Deck02> class.
// Objects of the <Card> class can now be stored in the <cards> array.
// This version is implemented with "dynamic arrays"
// ********************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Deck02

private ArrayList<Card> cards;
private int size;

public Deck02()
cards = new ArrayList<Card>();
size = 0;

public int getSize()

return size;

public boolean isEmpty()

return size == 0;

public void add(String suit, String rank, int value)

Card temp = new Card(suit,rank,value);

public void display()

for (Card card: cards)

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 609

The DeckTester02 class, in figure 12.19, has to ability to do some better testing.
After a Deck02 object is constructed, four new cards are added to the deck. The
add method and display method is then tested along with getSize and isEmpty.

When you look at the display method in the Deck02 class, there is no evidence of
any type of output format. The cards are displayed like [Clubs, Three, 3] and this
is the result of the toString method found in the Card class.

Figure 12.19

// DeckTester02.java 12-26-14
// This program tests the <Deck02> class.
// This program tests the "dynamic array" Deck02 class.
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class DeckTester02

public static void main(String[ ] args)
Deck02 deck = new Deck02();

610 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

The Deck03 class, in figure 12.20, replaces the display method with the toString
method. Note that the code in the toString method shows an example of toString
inside toString. The Deck03 class has a cards array data structure and each
element of the cards object is a Card object.

Figure 12.20

// Deck03.java 12-26-14
// The <display> method is now replaced by the <toString> method.
// This version is implemented with "dynamic arrays".
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Deck03

private ArrayList<Card> cards;
private int size;

public Deck03()
cards = new ArrayList<Card>();
size = 0;

public int getSize() { return size; }

public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; }

public void add(String suit, String rank, int value)

Card temp = new Card(suit,rank,value);

public String toString()

String temp = "";
for (Card card: cards)
temp = temp + card.toString() + "\n";
return temp;

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 611

This sequence of the Deck class now concludes with testing the latest version in
figure 12.21. The main method is changed little from the last test. The display
method is now replaced by printing the deck object. The result is an absolutely
identical output of the last test.

Figure 12.21

// DeckTester03.java 12-26-14
// This program tests the Deck03 class.
// This program tests the "dynamic array" Deck03 class.
// *******************************************************************************
// The "Elevens" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Michael Clancy, Robert Glen Martin and Judith Hromcik.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Elevens" AP Lab file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Elevens" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class DeckTester03

public static void main(String[ ] args)
Deck03 deck = new Deck03();

612 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

12.7 Review of the Magpie Program
This one-dimensional dynamic array chapter will conclude with another look at
the Magpie, Chatbot program. This may seem odd in an array chapter, but the
inclusion of this topic will make sense shortly.

First, we need to do a quick review and look at the last version of the Magpie
program sequence, which is shown in figure 12.22.

Figure 12.22

// Magpie01.java 12-26-14
// This "Magpie" version looks only at the "negative" response
// and considers all the different cases of a "no" substring.
// The "Magpie" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Laurie White.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Magpie" file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Magpie" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class Magpie01

public String getGreeting()
return "Hello, let's talk.";

public String getResponse(String statement)

String response = "";
if (statement.length() == 0)
response = "Say something, please.";
else if (findKeyword(statement, "no") >= 0)
response = "Why so negative?";
response = "I don't know what to say";
return response;

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 613

private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal,int startPos)
String phrase = statement.trim();
int psn = phrase.toLowerCase().indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(), startPos);

while (psn >= 0)

String before = " ", after = " ";
if (psn > 0)
before = phrase.substring(psn - 1, psn).toLowerCase();
if (psn + goal.length() < phrase.length())
after = phrase.substring(psn + goal.length(),psn + goal.length() + 1).toLowerCase();
if (((before.compareTo("a") < 0) || (before.compareTo("z") > 0))
&& ((after.compareTo("a") < 0) || (after.compareTo("z") > 0)))
return psn;
psn = phrase.indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(),psn + 1);
return -1;

private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal)

return findKeyword(statement, goal, 0);

This version of the Magpie case study was quite complicated. The program
started out comfortably asking for input and answered as follows:

If you used no the chatbot responded with: Why so negative?

If you answered anything besides no the chatbot responded with:

I don't know what to say

The variety of responses was very limited when we last looked at Magpie, but the
no problem was handled nicely. Earlier versions would consider words, like
nothing, know, notice, noel to be reasons for the why so negative response.

In an effort to focus on the NO problem, other logical responses related to family

and various random responses had been removed. Program MagpieTester01 in
figure 12.23 tests the Magpie01 class and figure 12.24 shows a sample of
responses from that execution.

614 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.23

// MagpieTester01.java 12-26-14
// This program tests the Magpie01 class.
// ************************************************************************
// The "Magpie" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Laurie White.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Magpie" file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Magpie" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MagpieTester01

public static void main(String[ ] args)
Magpie01 maggie = new Magpie01();

System.out.println (maggie.getGreeting());
Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
String statement = in.nextLine();

while (!statement.equals("Bye"))
System.out.println (maggie.getResponse(statement));
statement = in.nextLine();

Figure 12.24

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 615

Figure 12.24 Continued

There is no question that the whole NO business is handled properly. You can try
all sorts of possibilities. Have "no" at the start or at the end or by itself or in the
middle. Have no without other characters and no with quotes or parenthesis. Try it
all sorts of ways and you will find that this Magpie01 has all the different cases
covered. It is not easy to achieve that.

However, this is an array chapter and we need to put arrays to work with the
chatbot program. With an emphasis on focus, we are now returning to an earlier
Magpie program. This version, listed here as Magpie02, and shown in figure
12.25, is an early version when "no" was a problem. But it does also handle input
for family names and it does show the four random responses when family input
and no are not applicable.

In program design it is normal to totally focus on a single class and make sure that
the class works correctly. This process can be applied as well within the class.
The Magpie class is quite large and in the process of improving the capabilities of
the chatbot responses we focus on different parts of the class.

This is an array chapter and arrays are ideal for multiple responses. Right now
there are 4 random responses. Implementing these 4 responses had been done
with nested if else statements. This works fine, and it is not any problem with a
limited set of responses. What if there are 100 responses, or more? The array data
structure will be used to handle this issue in one of your lab assignments.

616 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.25

// Magpie02.java 12-26-14
// This Magpie version provides the following responses:
// 1. "Why so negative" when substring "no" is found.
// (This is the simplistic version for any "no" anywhere)
// 2. "Tell me more about your family" when relatives are found.
// 3. Otherwise one of four random responses is provided.
// The "Magpie" AP Lab is created for the College Board APCS
// curriculum by Laurie White.
// Leon Schram has altered this "Magpie" file to focus on
// CS topics as the "Magpie" Lab is integrated into the curriculum.

public class Magpie02

public String getGreeting()
return "Hello, let's talk.";

public String getResponse(String statement)

String response = "";
if (statement.indexOf("no") >= 0)
response = "Why so negative?";
else if (statement.indexOf("mother") >= 0 || statement.indexOf("father") >= 0
|| statement.indexOf("sister") >= 0 || statement.indexOf("brother") >= 0)
response = "Tell me more about your family.";
response = getRandomResponse();
return response;

private String getRandomResponse()

final int NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES = 4;
double r = Math.random();
int whichResponse = (int)(r * NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES);
String response = "";

if (whichResponse == 0)
response = "Interesting, tell me more.";
else if (whichResponse == 1)
response = "Hmmm.";

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 617

else if (whichResponse == 2)
response = "Do you really think so?";
else if (whichResponse == 3)
response = "You don't say.";
return response;

The program to test Magpie02, in figure 12.26, brings no surprises. The testing
programs are almost identical to the previous version. The bigger issue is to check
the output of the testing process and understand how this Magpie version works.
Figure 12.27 shows a rather lengthy testing run.

Figure 12.26

* A simple class to run the Magpie class.
* This version tests the Magpie02 class.
* author Laurie White
* version April 2012
* Divided into stages and altered December 2014 by Leon Schram

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MagpieTester02

public static void main(String[ ] args)
Magpie02 maggie = new Magpie02();

System.out.println (maggie.getGreeting());
Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
String statement = in.nextLine();

while (!statement.equals("Bye"))
System.out.println (maggie.getResponse(statement));
statement = in.nextLine();

618 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

Figure 12.27

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 619

12.8 Summary

Java has two array data structures. There is the static array, shown in the last
chapter, which cannot be resized during program execution. The static array also
does not have any methods. However, on the plus side static arrays are very
convenient for multi-dimensional arrays and they have initializer lists.

The second array, introduced in this chapter, is a dynamic array implemented with
the ArrayList class. The dynamic array can be resized during program execution
and there are many methods to process the data. The six most common methods
are shown next and they are also tested on the AP Exam.

ArrayList Method add


The add method allocates space for the newly enlarged array
and then stores the new array element at the end of the
ArrayList object.

ArrayList Method size

int count = names.size();

The size method returns the number of elements of the

ArrayList object names.

ArrayList Method get


The get method accesses a specified array element. The

parameter of the get method is the index of the ArrayList
object and starts at 0.

Any attempt to access an element at a non-existing index

results in an IndexOutOfBoundsException error.

620 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

ArrayList Method set

The set method uses the first parameter as the index location
to find an array element and then replaces it with the value of
the second set parameter. You will get an error if you try to
access an index location, which has not been allocated yet.

ArrayList Method remove


The remove method removes the array element at the index

location of its parameter and decreases the object size by one
array element.

You will get an error if you try to access an index location,

which does not exist.

ArrayList Method add (second overloaded add)


The overloaded add(3,"Kathy") method adds or rather inserts

a new array element at the indicated index.

ArrayList objects cannot store primitive data values directly. Some wrapper
class, like Integer, Double or Boolean must be used to store simple data values.

Prior to Java 5.0 a program could not tell the type of value stored in an object, like
an ArrayList object. Frequently casting was necessary to assign values. With
Java 5.0 generics are possible, which means that at instantiation the data type of
the ArrayList element is specified in a declaration like:

ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>();

Chapter XII Dynamic Arrays with the ArrayList Class 621

The enhanced for..each loop, introduced with static arrays also works very well
with dynamic arrays.

In modern Object Oriented Programming an data structure, like an array, is placed

inside a class as an object attribute. The Deck class is a good example. We start
with a unit class, like the Card class. Objects of the Card class are then used as
members of a cards array. We have seen that this cards array can be either a
static array or a dynamic array.

Once the array data structure is decided, method can be created to access and
process the array inside a Deck class. You are observing two good examples of
Object Oriented Programming. The cards array data structure, along with its
accessing methods are all contained inside one class. This is encapsulation.

The Deck class uses an existing class, the ArrayList class and there is now a has-
a relationship. The Deck class has-an object of the ArrayList class. This is
another OOP feature, called composition.

The array data structure also assists in improving the Magpie-Chatbot lab by
making random responses easier to manage by using an array to store many
responses that can be used at random.

622 Exposure Java 2015, APCS Edition 05-16-15

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