Geology of The Kitsault Molybdenum Deposit, British Columbia

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Vol. 80, 1985, pp. 57-71

Geology of the Kitsault Molybdenum Deposit, British Columbia


AmselcoExplorationInc., 90 W. Grove Street,Suite100, Reno,Nevada89509


The Kitsault molybdenumdepositis related to the 54-m.y.-old Lime Creek Intrusive

Complex which is hosted by sedimentaryrocks along the eastern margin of the Coast
Plutonit Complex.The Alice Arm intrusiverocks,of which the Lime Creek Complexis a
member,are probablyrelatedto the latestintrusivephaseof the CoastPlutonicComplex.
The Lime CreekComplexis a seriesof nestedstocksthat intrudethe BowserLakeGroup
graywackesand argillitesof Jurassicage.A broadzoneof biotite hornfelsdevelopedin the
sedimentaryrocksasa resultof the intrusiveactivity.The oldestmemberof the Complex
is the East Lobe. It in turn is followedby the Border, Southern,and Central stocks,and
the Intramineral dikes and the related NortheastPorphyry. These intrusionsvary from
diorite of the East Lobe to quartz monzoniteof the NortheastPorphyry, suggestinga
differentiationtrend. Postminerallamprophyreand basaltdikesare common.
Mineralizationis relatedto the Central stockand NortheastPorphyry.The molybdenite
shell generallyoccupiesthe contractzone of the Central stock. Quartz-pyrite,with or
without, scheeliteveinsoccurson the hangingwall of the molybdenitezone, while barren
quartzveinsoccupythe footwall.A seriesof postmolybdenite
veinshave a northeasttrend and a greater lateral extent than any other vein type. Four
ages of mineralizationhave been identified. The first three are molybdenitebearing,
whereasthe last consistsof polymetallicsulfides.
Hydrothermalalterationis directlyrelatedto the mineralization.A centralsilicifiedzone
occurson the footwallsideof the molybdenitezone.There is a closecorrelationbetween
molybdeniteand potassiumsilicate alteration.Peripheralto the molybdenitezone and
associated with the quartz-pyriteveins,phyllic alterationis common.All alterationis vein
related as envelopeswith the intervening areas being altered to propylitic to argillic
There appearto be severalsignificantsimilaritiesand dit{•rencesbetween the Kitsault-
type depositsand thoseof the Climax type (White et al., 1981). The similaritiesappearto
be in the styleandnatureof the intrusiveactivityand associated hydrothermalevents.Both
types of depositsare characterizedby multiple igneousand hydrothermalevents.Another
commonfeature is the presenceof intramineral dikes and related stocks.The significant
differencesappearto be the smallersize and lower grade of the Kitsault deposit,which
may have had a smallerand lessconcentratedhydrothermalsystem.The other significant
differenceis in the compositionof the sourceintrusions.The Kitsaultdepositsare charac-
terized by siliceousquartz monzonitesand granodioriteswhereasthe Climax-typedeposits
are characterizedby rhyolitesand granites.Alterationand trace elementassemblages are
similarin both typesof depositsexceptthat alterationis not aspervasiveandtrace elements
are not asabundantin the Kitsaultdeposits.

Introduction pendedin August1972 due to a weakmolybdenum

market.Total productionfor the five yearsof oper-
THE Kitsaultmolybdenumdepositis approximately
135 km northeastof PrinceRupert,BritishColumbia,
ationwasapproximately 10,400tonsof molybdenum.
In 1973, ClimaxMolybdenumCorporationof British
and 6 km southeastof the Kitsaulttownsite(Fig. 1).
Columbiapurchasedthe property from Kennecott
The mine site is approximately600 m above sea
Copper Corporationand renamed it the Kitsault
level, in an area of extremetopographicrelief that
is modifiedby numerousswamp-covered benches.
were undertakenby Climax, leadingto a decision
During 1956 the Kitsault molybdeniteshowings
were broughtto the attentionof KenncoExploration to return the propertyto production.
(Western), a subsidiaryof Kennecott Copper Cor-
poration. Kennco acquired the property in 1957, Regional Geology
and formedBritishColumbiaMolybdenum,Ltd., in The Kitsault depositis within the Intermountain
1963 to begin development of the ore deposit. tectonicbelt, more specificallythe westernmargins
Mining operationsbegan in 1967 but were sus- of the Bowserbasin,approximately2 km eastof the

0361-0128/85/377/57-1552.50 57


Formation• Alice
LakeGroup • Basalt
Plutonic ScaleI:250•000

FIG. l. Geology of the Alice Arm area and location of the Kitsault deposit.

CoastPlutonicComplex.The regionis one of intense from a few centimeters to 15 m, with graywacke

igneousactivity much of which is related to the comprisingapproximately80 percentof the forma-
Coast Plutonic Complex and numerous younger tion, argillite approximately19 percent, and con-
eventsup to andincludingRecentplateau-typelava glomerateand limestoneapproximately1 percent.
•OWS. The BowserLake Group lithologieshave been re-
The oldestexposedrocksin the region are mem- gionally metamorphosed to greenschistfacies. A
bers of the Lower to Middle JurassicHazelton typicalgraywacke consists
of about35 percentcrystal
Formationwhich cropsout north of Alice Arm and and rock fragmentsin a fine-grainedmatrix. Frag-
the Illiance River (Fig. 1). Here the Hazelton For- mentsrangefrom 0.1 up to 10 mm, with an average
mation consistsof volcanicbreccia, tuff, conglom- of about 0.6 mm, and occur in a matrix that has a
grainsizeof approximately
erate, and andesiticflows,all of which are regionally 0.02 mm. Argillitehasa
metamorphosed to greenschist facies. compositionsimilarto graywackeexcept that the
The Hazelton Formation is unconformablyover- grainsizeis muchfiner.
lain by the Upper Jurassicto Lower Cretaceous The CoastPlutonicComplexis a northwest-trend-
BowserLakeGroup(Richards,1983), whichconsists ing belt of metamorphicand intrusive rocks, the
of interbeddedgraywackeand argillite (locallyre- easternmarginof which consists predominantlyof
ferred to as micrograywacke),and minor conglom- granodioriteto quartz monzoniteplutons. In the
erateandlimestone.Individualbedsvary in thickness Alice Arm area, quartz diorite, granodiorite,and

lesser amounts of quartz monzonite are common. swarm,there may be ten to hundredsof dikes per
Wanlesset al. (1966) reported a 47 _ 1.2-m.y. date kilometer, but between swarms,lamprophyresare
for a quartz monzonite along Observatory Inlet, rare if not absent.Individual dikes vary in thickness
whereas dates from 79 to 40 m.y. from intrusive from a few centimeters to 30 m, with the majority
bodiesalongthe easternmarginof the complexhave being i to 3 m thick. Strikesof N 35 ø E to N 80 ø
been reported (Wheeler and Gabrielse,1972). In- E anddipswithin 10ø of verticalare common.These
trusionsalongthe easternmargin of the CoastPlu- swarms seem to center on the earlier intrusive
tonic Complexhave produceda hornfelsaureolein eventsin the region, and particularlyon the Alice
the Bowser Lake and Hazelton Formations as much Arm Intrusives.
as 1.5 km outward from the contact. Numerous Recent plateau-type olivine basalt
Adjacent on the eastto the CoastPlutonit Com- flows,cinder cones,and feeder dikes occurthrough-
plex are a group of 50 to 55-m.y.-old intrusions, out the area. Age dates indicate that this igneous
principallystockswith associated
molybdenite,that activity is approximatelyone million yearsold.
have been referred to as the Alice Arm Intrusives
(Carter, 1981). A commonfeatureof theseintrusions Kitsault Geology
is that the oldest phase is the most marie and the The Upper Jurassicto Lower CretaceousBowser
later phasesare more siliceous,principally quartz LakeGroup(Richards,1983) hoststhe EarlyTertiary
monzonite. Molybdenite related to the Lime Creek Lime Creek Intrusive Complex. The oldest recog-
Intrusive Complex is the best known and highest nizedmemberof the Complexis the EastLobe (Fig.
grade of this group. Other significantmineralized 2), whichis succeededby the Borderstock,Southern
systemsinclude BoundyCreek, Bell Moly, Tidewa- stock, Central stock,and NortheastPorphyry and
ter, and Ajax (Dak Biver). The other membersof Intramineral dikes. Mineralization is related to the
the Alice Arm Intrusivecontainvisiblemolybdenite lasttwo phasesof the Lime CreekIntrusiveComplex.
but in amounts that cannot be considered mineral Postmineralization lamprophyredikes and basalt
resourcesat the present time. flows are commonin and near the deposit.
West-central British Columbia and southeast At Kitsault the Bowser Lake Group consistsof
Alaskaare characterizedby numerous35-m.y.-old interbeddedargilliteandgraywackewith minorcon-
lamprophyredike swarms.Smith (1973) suggests glomerateand limestone.Individual beds vary in
that these dikes are chemicallysimilarto vogesite thickness from a few centimeters to several meters.
and spessartitebut are petrographicallyclassifiedas Regionally,the BowserLake Group hasa northwest
odinitc or spessartite.Most of the lamprophyres strikeand a steepnortheastdip, althoughthis trend
occur in northeast-trendingdike swarmsa few kilo- is interruptedby small-scale
folds.Typical graywacke
meterswide and severalkilometerslong. Within a at Kitsaultconsistsof 40 percentangularchert and


• )0.10 5'. MoS2

L/me Creek Intrusive Complex

N ::!!• Central
?.'• Southern
XxX•1Border Stock
•-• Hornfels
•Bowser LakeGroup

0 500 METERS ..... ,.;:.';..•,,.j, '


FIG. 2. Generalized geologyof the Kitsault mine area.


rock fragmentsin a fine-grainedmatrix.Argillite is area and probablyreflectsthe age of mineralization

dark gray to black and mineralogicallysimilarto the rather than the igneousevent.
graywacke.The only significantdifferencebetween The petrographyand chemistryof the Border
thesetwo rock typesappearsto be grainsizeand a stockare summarizedin Tables2 and 3. Although
lackof visiblechertin the argillite.The mineralogy this stockis more mariethan youngerintrusions,it
of both lithologiesis detailedin Table 1. is not as marie as the East Lobe. The Border stock
containsonly minor amountsof hornblende,with
Lime CreekIntrusiveComplex biotite beingthe dominantferromagnesium mineral.
Mineralogically,the stockis an equigranulargrano-
East Lobe: The East Lobe intrusion forms an diorite to quartz diorite.
eastern extension of the Lime Creek Intrusive Com- Southern stock: The Southern stock occurs in the
plex (Fig. 2). Not only is the Lobe the oldest south-central portionof the complex.The recognition
recognizedmemberof the Lime Creek Complex,it of a separateigneouseventin thisareais a departure
is the most marie.Poor exposureand limited drill from paststudies.A contractbetweenthis stockand
intersectionsmake this member of the complexthe the younger Central stock has not been observed
least understood. but is postulatedbecauseof the differencebetween
The petrographyand chemistryof the intrusion the chemistry and mineralogy of rocks from the
are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The East Lobe respectiveareas.Also,the shapeof the molybdenite
is characterizedby a higheramphibole(hornblende?) zone and its adherence to the contact of the Central
content than the other membersof the complex. stocksuggesta changein rock type in this general
This phase is an equigranularquartz diorite com- area. The presenceof a septaof Border stock(?) is
posedof subhedralto anhedralmineralgrains. yet anotherline of evidencesuggesting two separate
Border stock: Rocks of the Border stock are intrusive units.
commonalong the west and southeastmarginsof Woodcock(1964) reportsa potassium-argon age
the complex(Figs. 2 and 3). Along the northern date of 53.5 m.y. for a samplecollectedin the area
marginof the complexand for severalhundredfeet of the Southernstock.The samplelocationis only
below the surface,drilling has intersectedan intru- generally known, but no sample description has
sive member that looks similar to the Border stock. been found.
Also, in the central part of the complex,in an area The petrographyand chemistryof the Southern
where the contact between the Central and Southern stock is summarized in Tables 2 and 3. This stock is
stocksis postulated,a septaof Border stock(?) has more siliceous than the East Lobe, but more iron
also been intersectedby drilling. If all of these rich than the Central stock. The Southern stock
occurrencesare indeed Border stock, it suggests contains a higher plagioclaseand marie mineral
that this member of the complex extended over contentanda lower alkalifeldsparandquartzcontent
muchof the areanowoccupiedby youngerintrusive than the Central stock.Marie mineralsare primarily
rocks. biotite with minor hornblende.Mineralogically,the
Carter (1981) reported a 51.4 _ 1.5-m.y. potas- intrusionis an equigranularto weakly porphyritic
sium argon age date from this unit. This date is granodioritewith phenocrystsof subhedralplagio-
suspectsinceit is taken from within the mineralized claseandbiotite in a groundmassof anhedralquartz,
and opaques.
TABLE1. Typical Mineralogy of BowserLake Group Central stock: The Central stock is the earliest of
Graywackeand Argillite the molybdenum-related
the northern half of the Lime Creek Intrusive Com-
Graywacke Argillite
Mineralogy (%) (%) plex (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). Along a portion of the
western contacta septa of hornfelsseparatesthe
Plagioclase(Ans_l.•) 15 to 60 5 to 50 Central and Border stocksindicatingthat there is a
Avg. 31.3 Avg. 30 time and spacedivisionbetween thesetwo units.
Quartz and chert 20 to 55 20 to 53 Carter (1981) reported one potassium-argon age
Avg. 37.4 Avg. 36.8 date for the Central stock at 53.0_ 3 m.y. The
Sericite 1 to 15 2 to 20 sampleis from the orebody,and basedon Carter's
Avg. 8.2 AVG. 12.4 description, appears to be partly altered. Wray
Chlorite 6 to 20 2 to 20
(1972) reported a potassium-argon date of 63.2
Avg. 12.6 Avg. 112.5 +_ 2.1 m.y. for a sampleof Central stockcollected
approximately2,000 ft below the surface.Descrip-
Both rock types contain trace amountsof epidote, sphene, tions of this rock suggestthat it is only slightly
carbon,pyrite, pyrrhotite,and magnetite altered. An explanationof the two ages might be

TABLE2. Modal Analysesof the Lime Creek IntrusiveComplex

Intrusive Border Southern Central Intramineral Northeast

minerals EastLobe stock stock stock dikes porphyry Lamporphrye


Plagioclase 55 51 55 42 45 41 38
An Ana,Anas Ana6 Anas Anas An34
Alkali feldspar 2 11 12 23 21 22
Quartz 9 17 14 21 23 30
Biotite 10 16 14 10 6 6 36
Amphibole 19 1 2 3 26
Sphene 1 1 1 1 1 tr
Apatite I 1 tr 1 tr tr
Zircon tr tr tr tr tr tr
Monazite tr tr tr tr tr
Opaques 3 2 2 2 1 1

An averageof at least five samplesper rock type

that the 53-m.y. date reflectsthe age of mineraliza- alaskites because of their lack of marlcs. However,
tion, whereasthe older datesrepresentthe period becausethe aplitic texture is most common,aplite
of intrusiveactivity. is a more suitableterm, althougha completerange
Aplite: Numerous aplite dikes are common of texturesfrom felsite to pegmatitecan be found.
throughoutthe Lime Creek Intrusive Complexand Labeling these units "dikes" is also a misnomer,
in particular in the northern and western portions sincetheir form varies from irregular pods to true
(Figs.3 and 4). Thesedikeswere previouslycalled through-going dikelikebodies.The aplitephasecuts

TABLE3. Chemistryof the Lime Creek Intrusive Complex

Border Southern Central Northeast

East Lobe stock stock stock Aplite Intramineral porphyry Lamprophyre

SiO2 56.75 67.60 64.6 68.45 74.9 66.4 68.45 65.8

A12Oa 16.70 14.75 15.5 13.85 10.0 15.0 13.95 14.7
Fe•Oa 3.45 1.40 0.76 1.13 0.2 1.7 1.80 2.7
FeO 2.85 1.80 2.7 1.40 0.15 1.8 0.62 4.1
MgO 2.75 1.35 1.3 1.15 0.15 1.6 0.71 3.3
CaO 5.55 2.75 3.4 2.80 1.2 3.1 2.25 2.0
Na•O 3.85 3.30 4.2 3.35 1.2 6.9 3.65 1.8
K•O 2.85 4.85 4.8 5.00 7.1 4.1 4.65 4.3
F 0.21 0.15 0.074 0.11 0.048 0.15 0.11 0.10


Rb 195 210 170 230 300 200 240 230

Ba 1,250 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 1,100 1,000 5,000
Co 5 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 15
Cu 65 45 <10 <10 3 12 19 30
La 20 20 30 25 20 25 20 <0
Mn 600 225 700 300 30 350 350 1,000
Nb 20 10 20 <20 <20 <20 <20 20
Sr 2,850 250 700 400 200 600 500 100
Ti 2,000 2,250 2,000 1,500 200 1,500 1,000 3,000
V 100 40 50 25 <10 45 20 70
Zn 20 100 30 60 <20 50 65 50

Rb/K20 68 43 35 46 42 54 52 53
Na•O + R20 1.20 2.69 2.65 2.98 4.42 3.55 3.69 3.05

Chemicalanalysesby SkylineLabs,Inc., Denver, Colorado,usingICP and AA techniques;reported analysesare an averageof

at leasttwo determinationsper rock type

section •

Lamprophyre Dikes
Intromineral Dikes ond
• Northeost
• Centrol
•.,• Southern
¾•-• BorderStock
: Hornfels

FIG. 3. Generalizedgeologyof the northern part of the Lime Creek Intrusive Complex.

the Central and Border stocksand is cut by the portionof the complexandhasbeenintersected by
Intramineral dikes, thus placing its apparent age only a few drill holes.Its true distributionis imper-
between the Central stock and the Northeast Por- fectly known. The Intramineral dikes occur as a
phyry, althoughit maybe a late differentiatedphase series of dikes that appear to be related to the
of the Central stock. NortheastPorphyry for the following reasons:(1)
The chemistry of the aplite is summarizedin their mineralogicaland chemicalsimilarity(Tables
Table 3. One of its distinctive characteristics is 2 and 3), (2) similarityof relative age relationships
disseminatedmolybdenitethat appearsto be a pri- with respectto molybdenummineralization,(3) the
mary rock-formingmineral.Alsopresentare incipi- abundance of Intramineral dikes near the Northeast
ent quartz veinsthat appearto have crystallizedas Porphyry and their decreasein abundanceaway
part of the magma. The presence of these two from the stock, and (4) the lack of crosscutting
featuressuggests that the aplite is a transitionphase relationships
betweenthe two units.
between a true igneousstageand the first hydro- Carter (1981) reportsa date of 53.7 _ 1.7 m.y.
thermal event. Mineralogically,the aplite has an for the Intramineraldikesand 48.3 _ 1.6 m.y. for
equigranular texture, composed of plagioclase, the NortheastPorphyry.Sincehis descriptionsug-
quartz, alkali feldspar,and minor biotite. geststhat both rocksare altered, it is possiblethat
Northeast Porphyry and Intramineral dikes: The both dateswere reset by hydrothermalevents.
NortheastPorphyry and related Intramineral dikes Petrographicand mineralogicsummariesfor both
are the youngestrecognizedmembersof the Lime unitsare presentedin Tables2 and 3. The distinctive
Creek Intrusive Complex. The NortheastPorphyry characteristic of the Intramineral dikes and Northeast
forms a stocklikebody at depth in the northeast Porphyryis their texture. Theserocksare the only


Lomprophyre Dikes

Northeast Porphyry Stock


FIG. 4. Generalized geologyalong section 105,200 east.


well-developedporphyriesknownat the property. ?o-

Many of the Intramineral dikes also containwall-
rock fragments. 65-

Mineralogieally,the Intramineraldikesare grano-

dioritescomposedof subhedralphenoerystsof pla- 60--

gioelase,quartz,and alkalifeldsparin a groundmass

of subhedralto anhedralplagioelase,quartz, alkali 55-

feldspar,biotite, amphibole,and accessory minerals.

NortheastPorphyryis a granodioriteto quartz mon- •__17-
zonite composedof the samegroup of phenoerysts
and groundmass mineralsas the Intramineraldikes. • 16-
The exceptionis the lack of amphibolein the North-
Brecciadikes:In the extremewesternpart of the
orebody,at leastoneintrusivebreeeiadike hasbeen
identified in drill care and float at the surface. This
dike is up to 15 em wide and consistsof fragments
of the hornfels and Lime Creek Intrusive in a I East Lobe
2_ Border Stock
siliceousmatrix. Molybdenite in the matrix and :5 Southern Stock
quartz molybdeniteveins in the fragmentssuggest •z- 4 Central Stock
that it is intramineralin age and may be the distal 5 Northeast Porphyry
end of an Intramineral dike.
Petrochemicalevolutionof the Lime Creek Intru- 6
siveComplex:Samplesof the freshestavailablerocks
of the various members of the intrusive complex
(Table •
3). There is a generalincreasein SiO2and K20 with //
a younger
age(Fig.5), whereas
CaO,and • 4
throughout thedevelopment oftheintrusive cam-g.
plex. As shownon these diagrams,there are some ,.,
trend reversalsthat may representanalyticalerror a
rather than real differences. Several trace elements
also show changeswith time (Fig. 6). Titanium I
other elementsare too erratic to identify definite o 2 :5 4 5
trends. STOCK

The chemicaldata (Table 3) suggestthat the ore-

FIG. 5. Major elementtrendswithin the Lime Creek Intrusive
producingintrusions,namelythe Central stockand Complex.
NortheastPorphyry,are slightlymore siliceousand
alkalie than the premolybdenitemembers of the
complex, suggestinga slight differentiationof the
complexwith geologictime. Modal analysesand chemicaldata for thesedikes
are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The distinctive char-
Lamprophyre dikes acteristicsof the lamprophyredikes are that they
are hornblende-biotiteporphyrieswith plagioclase
Lamprophyre dikes are commonthroughoutthe in the groundmass. Hornblendephenocrystsasmuch
Kitsault area and intrude both the Lime Creek
as 4 mm in length are common.
Intrusive Complex and the Bowser Lake Group.
These dikes vary in width from a few centimeters Extrusive rocks
to several meters and are traceable for several
hundredmetersalongstrikeand downdip.The dikes Olivine basalt flows and related feeder dikes are
generally strike northeast, dip steeply northwest, commonthroughoutthe Kitsaultarea. One basalt
and are commonlysinuous.Lamprophyresare post- flow occursjust north of the Kitsaultdeposit.These
molybdenitemineralizationbut are cut by a few flows consist of a number of separate units that
calcite veins. Carter (1981) reported a potassium- display well-developedcolumnarjointing. Carter
argon date of 36.5 4- 1.2 m.y. for a dike from the (1981) reportstwo potassium-argon
age datesfrom
Kitsault deposit. the Alice Arm flows of 1.1 4- 0.8 and 1.6 4- 0.8 m.y.

Hydrothermal and Thermal Alteration
Associatedwith the intrusionof the early members
of the Lime Creek Complexis a contactmetamorphic
1800 zone of hornfels in the argillite and graywacke.
Hydrothermal alteration associatedwith the miner-
alization can be subdivided into a central silicified
zone that is surroundedby a zone of potassium
silicate(potassic)alteration.Outward from the po-
tassic zone is a weakly developed phyllic zone.
Argillic and propylitic alterationsexistperipheralto
1400 % the phyllic zonebut are weakly developedbecause
j . they are superimposed uponthe hornfels.Generally,
the higher temperature assemblages(i.e., silicic,
potassic, andphyllic)occurasveinenvelopes.Except
in areaswhere a stockworkof veins has developed
and the alteration envelopesoverlap, argillic and
propylitic alterationare commonperipheral to the
• I000 higher temperaturealterationenvelopes.
Thermal metamorphism

Thermal metamorphismis expressedasa hornfels
aureole that extendsup to 750 m away from the
intrusivecontact(Fig. 7). This aureoleis developed
in argillitesandgraywackes that are regionallymeta-
6OO morphosed to a chlorite-sericite-epidote-albite
greenschistfacies assemblage(Woodcock, 1964).
Superimposedupon the inner part of the hornfels
aureoleis a later hydrothermaloverprint.The horn-
fels itself can be subdivided into an outer weak
albite-epidotehornfelsfacies(with incipientsericite-
chlorite), a central pale-brownbiotite zone, and an
2OO inner brown biotite zone (Kamilli, 1977).
Severalmineralogicchangescan be documented
proceedingfrom the outer limit of hornfelsinward
to the stockcontact(Fig. 7). Biotite in the outer
o iI i •
Cu ;4 •5 zone first appearsas pale-brown,fine-grainedmica
STOCK replacingsericite.Towardthe stock,biotite increases
FIG. 6. Minor element trends within the Lime Creek ]nttusiYe
in abundance and size and darkens to brown or
Complex. Stocknumberssameas Figure ,5. green brown before being bleachedby the hydro-
thermal overprint. Sedimentarycarbon and chert
grain boundariesdisappeartoward the intrusive
contact. Feldspar and quartz appear to be more
Geologicsections,as illustratedin Figure 4, sug- resistantto contactmetamorphiceffects,remaining
gest that the entire Lime Creek Complexis tilted assharplydefinedgrainsmuchcloserto the igneous
to the southwest.Since the youngestintrusionsare contact, but eventually they, too, lose their grain
in the northern part of the complex, they have edgeboundaries andbecomeirregularshapes.Feld-
caused a doming and tilting that produced the sparbecomesincreasinglycloudedby fine-grained
presentgeometry.The NortheastPorphyry,which allophanebut eventuallyis completelydestroyed
is the youngestknownintrusion,alsoappearsto be leavingonly cloudyrelics.
tilted, suggesting
either a later intrusionor a regional The hydrothermaloverprint is characterizedby
deformation. severalmineralogicalchanges.Sericite is coarser,
Generally,all knownfaultsconsistof gougeand segregated in patcheswith chloriteandcalcite,and
broken rock zonesup to a few meters wide with appears to be replacing metamorphic biotite.
minor normal displacement.Even though most of Bleachedzonesoccuradjacentto veinsand consist
the faultsare postmineral,little deformationof the of pale-greenchlorite, sericite,and calcite.Epidote
orebodyis known.Mostfaultsstrikenortheastand in veinsandasmatrixreplacementsis mostabundant
dip northwest,a trend that was also followedby toward the inner part of the hornfelsaureole.The
late veinsand lamprophyredikes. assemblagechlorite, calcite, epidote, and sericite


•----•q•>0 iO% MoS2

L/me Creek Intrus/ve Complex
:.• Central
],,• Southern
xx• BorderStock
r•'1.• Hornfels
•Bowser Lake

Low grade sertclte-chiortte

contact zone

Pale brown biotite zone

Brown biotite zone

: Sedimentary
chert edges d•soppeor
Plogioclosetwinning begins
to disappear end quartz feld-
spar edges disappear.
..... Chert becomes indistinct
METERS ' "' '"'•"•;•]•';:;'
;;•" ' ----• Quartz-feldsp.r
I I I indistinct

FIG. 7. Generalizationmap showingthe distributionof hornfelssubzones.

probablyrepresentsthe propylitic zone associated ized by white clay, which is generallya combination
with hydrothermal alteration.Sincethe hydrothermal of sericiteand kaolin group minerals.Both of these
fluidswere attackinga refractorymetamorphicrock, layered silicatesreplace plagioclaseand marlcsbut
the developmentof low-temperaturehydrothermal have little or no effect on quartz and alkali feldspar.
alterationwasinhibited,thereforeproducingonly a Phyllic: Phyllic alteration occurs as envelopes
poorly developedpropyliticzone. associatedwith quartz-pyrite-scheeliteveins in a
zone that is peripheralto, and partly superimposed
Hydrothermal alteration upon, the hangingwall of the orebody(Figs. 8 and
Propylitic:Propylitic alteration is commonpe- 9). These envelopesare dark siliceouszones that
ripheral to higher temperaturevein alterationen- are seldommore than a few millimeterswide. Pyrite
velopeswithin the orebody and superimposedon and scheeliteare so erratically distributed in the
the hornfelsaureole.Propyliticalterationof hornfels veinsthat in placesthey appearto be barren quartz
is describedin the precedingsection.Within the veins.
intrusiverocks,the mostabundantpropyliticalter- Within the phyllic envelopes,the rock is com-
ation minerals are sericite and carbonate and minor pletely replacedby a fine-grainedmixtureof quartz,
chlorite and epidote. Generally, plagioclaseis re- sericite, and/or pyrite. This alteration affects all
placed by sericite and carbonate. The sericite is igneousminerals except primary quartz, although
actually a fine-grainedwhite mica that may be quartz overgrowthshave been observed.
paragonite.Biotite is commonlyreplacedby a mix- Potassic:Potassicalteration (K-feldspathization),
ture of chlorite,sericite,opaques,and epidote.The i.e., alkalifeldsparreplacementwith minorsecondary
other primary igneousminerals,quartz and alkali biotite, occursas envelopesalong the marginsof
feldspar,appear to be unaffectedby this type of barren quartz veins. With increasingalteration in-
alteration. tensity the color changesfrom a vivid pink, to a
Argillic: Argillicalterationis commonthroughout light pinkishtint, to white in the pervasivezones.
the orebody,generallyas isolatedpatchesbetween Plagioclase is the firstmineralreplaced,followedby
highertemperaturealterationtypes,althoughthere biotite. The last stage of this alteration was the
is a slight increasein intensity of this type of developmentof secondaryrims on primary alkali
alterationtoward the outer marginof the ore zone feldspar grains. Although plagioclaseis replaced
and in one strong zone in the west part of the first, most patchesof potassicalteration contain at
orebody.This latter area appearsto be fault related least a few remnants of unaltered or sericitized
andischaracterized by greenclaywhichisa mixture plagioclase.Secondarybiotite occursas small unal-
of montmorillonite and sericite.Fault-relatedargil- tered anhedralgrainsscatteredthroughoutthe more
lizationis superimposed uponthe earlierhydrother- intenselyfeldspathizedrock. Where primary and
mal alteration and may represent the alteration secondarybiotite are in closeproximity,the former
relatedto the waninghydrothermalfluids. is propylitically altered whereas the later is unal-
Typical argillic alterationassociatedwith the mo- tered, suggesting that propyliticalterationpreceded
lybdenum-bearing hydrothermalstagesis character- potassicalteration.

Line of Section


•0 I 5'0MoS2
• Phylhc
•'• Feldspathizalion
•_:•:• Silicificafion
.... Hornfels- Stock

FIG. 8. Generalized plan of hydrothermal alteration.

Potassic alterationoccupiesthe samegeneralareas Mineralization (Table 4)

asthe higher grademolybdenitezones.Ratherthan
a zone of complete replacement this is an area The Kitsaultdepositis a stockworkof quartz veins
where potassicalterationmay occur. All variations that containsignificantmolybdeniteand pyrite with
exist from minor to total replacement of the host minor scheelite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite,
rock. This alteration zone occupies,and partly over- sulphosalts,and carbonateminerals.The mineraliza-
laps,the peripheralphylli½andthe interior silicified tion is directly related to the later phasesof the
zones. Lime Creek Intrusive Complex.Most of the pyrrho-
Silicification: Silicification is characterized by tite was formedduringthe hornfelsdevelopment,
quartzveinswith minoramountsof replacementout whereasminor amountsare presentin later hydro-
from the vein marginand by local pervasivezones. thermal veins.
Silicificationis most intense along and below the Disseminatedmolybdenitein aplitesis the earliest
footwallof the molybdenitezone. molybdenumevent. Closelyfollowingemplacement
All primary mineral phasescan be replacedby of the aplite was stageI mineralization,which con-
secondaryquartz. Primary quartz grainscommonly sistsof three typesof veining,formedfrom hydro-
haveovergrowthsin silicifiedareas.In placeswhere thermal solutionsdeveloped by the crystallization
more intensesilicificationis present,small0.05- to of the Central stock.Quartz veins that have potas-
0.02-mm rounded quartz grains form a mozaic sium feldspar alteration envelopesare the earliest
throughoutthe groundmass. recognizedveins in this group. Next came the for-
mationoœquartz-molybdenite veinswhichwere fol-
lowedby quartz-pyriteveins,with or without schee-
N lite.
After stageI, the intrusionof the NortheastPor-

• $
phyry and related Intramineral dikestook place and
wasfollowedby stageII mineralizationwhich again
consisted,ofthree types of veins similar to those of
stageI. No apparentdifferencehasbeen identified
in the order, style, or characteristics
between these
two stagesof mineralizationexceptfor the crosscut-
:505 m-
ting relationshipsof the Intramineral dikes.
Next camethe emplacementof the third vein set
(stageIII) startingwith quartz veins with associated
potassicalterationenvelopesfollowed by quartz-
• •0.1% MoS2
molybdeniteveins that are characteristicallywide
• Phyllic with ribbonsof molybdenite.Theseveinsare cut by
•,• Feldspathization quartz-pyriteveinswith or without scheelite.
o 15o METERS
_-_--_-•Silicification FollowingstageIII mineralizationare polymetallic
I I I I .... sulfideveinsof stageIV which are characterizedby
Central Stock
through-goingquartz veins that may containone or
FiG. 9. Generalized hydrothermal alteration distribution more of the following minerals:sphalerite,galena,
along section 105,200 east. chalcopyrite,lead-bismuthsulphosalts,tetrahedrite,

TABLE4. Summaryof the RelationshipbetweenPhasesof the Lime Creek IntrusiveComplexand Mineralization

Geologichistoryof the KitsaultDeposit

Glaciation--removalof upper portionsof the orebody
Basalts(1.6 ___
0.8 m.y.) dikes and flows
Lamprophyres(36.5 ___ 1.2 m.y.)

StageIV mineralization

StageIII mineralization

StageII mineralization Quartz-molybdenite

NortheastPorphyry (48.3 ___

1.6 m.y.) Intramineral dikes

Stage I mineralization

Central stock--aplites (53.3 __-1.4 m.y.)
Southern stock

Border stock

East Lobe

Jurassicto CretaceousBowserLake Formation

scheelite,molybdenite,pyrite, and carbonate.After individual grains less than 0.05 mm in diameter

the basemetal stage,fluorite veinsand then calcite disseminatedin quartz veinlets up to 5 mm wide.
veinsformed.The last-recognizedveinscontaingyp- The second most abundant occurrence is as ribbons
sumand anhydritewhich may be supergene. up to 2 mm wide within quartz veins up to 10 cm
Several other general characteristicsof the min- thick. Individualribbonswithin veinsprobablycon-
eralizationare not summarizedin the abovedescrip- tain 80 to 90 percent molybdenite.The next most
tion. Stage III banded molybdeniteveins are more abundant occurrenceis as molybdenite paint on
continuousand wider than any of the other molyb- fracture surfaces.Other occurrencesare as crystals
denite veins seen at the property. These veins are up to 5 mm in diameter disseminatedin aplite dikes
commonlyseveral centimeterswide and traceable and as rare clotsof molybdeniteup to 2 cm wide in
for tens of meters and in placesup to 100 m along the polymetallic veins. The rarest occurrence is
strike. The only other vein type that is more consis- molybdenitedisseminated in the matrixof the breccia
tent in its lateral extent is the polymetallic sulfide dikes found within the southwesternpart of the
veins, which may be traced up to a few hundred deposit.
metersalongstrike and which extend for a consid- In plan, molybdenite occursin an annular zone
erable distancebeyond the orebody. Molybdenite (Fig. 10) arounda central core of silicifiedrock. In
becomeslessabundantin quartz veins toward both section,the zonesform a vertical cylinder (Fig. 11).
the footwall and the hangingwall of the orebody. Whether these zones ever connected to form a
The few pyrite-bearingmolybdeniteveinsobserved domalconfigurationsimilarto Climax-typedeposits
at Kitsault are typically younger than the quartz- is conjectural,sincethe upper partsof the deposits
molybdeniteveinsbut slightlyolder than the quartz- have been removed by glaciation. Mineralization
pyrite veins in any one stage of mineralization. extends deeper in the southwesternpart of the
These veins probably represent a transition from deposit (Fig. 11), whereas it is shallowestin the
the molybdenitedepositionalperiod into the pyrite northeastquadrant of the orebody. The northeast
depositionalperiod. Barren quartz veins are not part of the orebodymay be partly destroyedby the
commonon the hanging-wallside of the orebody intramineralNortheastPorphyry stock.
and quartz-pyrite veins are not common on the Molybdenite zoning indicatesthat the 0.10 per-
footwall side. cent and 0.20 percent MoS2 zones are generally
Molybdenite:The mostsignificantmodeof occur- continuousthroughout the deposit (Figs. 12 and
rence for molybdenite,probablyrepresenting80 to 13). Higher grade zones,particularly the 0.30 per-
90 percent of the total molybdenite present, is as cent and0.40 percentMoS2zones,are highlyerratic,



>0 I MoS2

• Quartz-pyrde
• Quartz-molybdenite

i•.• Quartz
.... Hornfels- Stock

FIe;. 10. Generalizedplan of mineralzoning.

forminglocalizedpodsthat are not continuousover nite zone(Figs.12 and 13). Informationis sketchy
greatdistances.With depth eventhe 0.20 percent aboutpyritedistribution,but it probablyoccursin
MoS2 zone becomes less continuous. As shown on a shellthat mimicsthe shapeof the molybdenite
the crosssection(Fig. 13), the boundariesof the zoneandmayaverageapproximately 1 percent.
0.10 percent zone are generally regular, whereas Pyrrhotite:Pyrrhotiteis mostabundantlydissem-
the 0.20 percentand0.30 percentzonesare erratic inatedthroughthehornfelsaureolesurrounding the
and sinuous.Mineable reservesare placedat 115 LimeCreekIntrusiveComplexandprobablyformed
milliontonsof 0.19 percentMoS2(AMAX, 1982). duringmetamorphism. Rarequartz-pyrrhotiteveins
Pyrite: Pyrite is commonlyfound in quartz veins, are scatteredthroughoutthe Kitsaultdeposit,both
asfracturecoatings,disseminated in intrusiverocks, within the molybdenitezone and within the barren
andaserraticallydistributedclotsandaggregates in central zone. Also presentin the hornfelsaureole
polymetallicveins.Within quartz veinsand as frac- are isolated1- to 10-cm-widequartz-pyrrhotite
ture coatings,individualdisseminated grainsvary in pyrrhotiteveinsthat appearto predatethe thermal
size from less than 0.05 mm to as much as 3 ram. metamorphism andhavea moreregionalextentthan
Aggregatesof pyrite up to 2 cm wide are most do the other pyrrhotiteveins.
commonin the polymetallicveins. Pyrite is most Scheelite:Scheelitecommonlyoccursin quartz-
abundanton the hanging-wall
sideof the molybde- pyrite veinson the hanging-wall sideof the molyb-
denitc zone (Figs. 10 and 11). Individual scheelite
grainsare generallylessthan 2 mm across,have an
N averagesize of approximately1 mm, and are errat-



>0.1% Mo S2
i[•T'-•T• Quortz
- pyriteveining METERS
• Quortz -molybdenite

• Quortz veining EXPLANATION

0 150 METERS
I I I I Centrol Stock
[•] <0I0ø/a
MoS2 • 0.20-0 29%MoS2
• 0.,0-0,9
2 .'•-•'-'•1
FIG. 11. Generalizedmineralzoningalongsection105,200
FIG. 12. Ore-zoneplan for the 534-m elevation.

610m .610m

305 305 m

• (0.10
• ß OJO-O.19
• 0,20-0.29%MoS2
•:•'••0 30%MoS
o 15o METERS

F](;. 13. Ore-zone section 107,400 north.

ically disseminatedthroughthe veins.Quartz-schee- All sulfideswithin the polymetallic veins occur as

lite veins that have no apparent pyrite are less clots or concentrationsup to a few centimetersin
common. Minor amounts of scheelite have also been length, althoughin places,these veinsmay contain
detectedin the polymetallicsulfideveins.Scheelite no perceivablesulfides.
is apparentlyfree of molybdenum,as indicatedby Gangueminerals:White, green,and purple fluo-
a strong blue-white fluorescence.The approxi- rite is found in polymetallicsulfide veins, quartz
•nate grade within the scheelitezone is 0.01 per- veins, and monomineralic veins that are most abun-
cent WOa. dant in the westernpart of the deposit.The latter
Base metals: Base metals mineralization is found two vein types appear to be younger than the
predominantlyin polymetallicsulfideveins.The one polymetallicveins.
exceptionis the presenceof somegalenaintimately Calcite veins up to a few centimeterswide are
associatedwith molybdenite. Holland (1976) sum- commonthroughoutthe depositand appearto be
marized the characterand probabledistributionof the latest truly hydrothermal event identified at
galenaassociated with the molybdenite.Microprobe Kitsault.Althoughno chemicalanalysesof the car-
studiessuggestthat individualgrainsof galenahave bonatehavebeenperformed,the mineralis probably
a size of approximately10 microns.Possibly20 calcite.Gypsum-anhydrite occursasfracturecoatings
percent of the galenaoccursas inclusionsencapsu- throughoutthe depositandprobablyis of supergene
lated within the molybdenite lamella, while the origin.
other 80 percentoccursasattachments on the edges
of molybdenitecrystals.Silverappearsto be directly Genetic Synthesis
associatedwith lead, probably in solid solutionin UpperJurassic to LowerCretaceous BowserLake
the galena.Averagelead gradefor the molybdenite Formationgraywackes and argilliteshostthe Lime
zone is approximately0.026 percent, whereas the Creek IntrusiveComplex.The earliestmemberof
silver grade is approximately4.9 ppm or 0.15 oz the complexis the EastLobe, whichwasfollowed
per ton. in turn by the Border and Southernstocks.These
Late-stage polymetallic sulfide veins occur first three membersof the complexwere emplaced
throughoutthe depositbut are mostcommonin the priorto molybdenum mineralization.
western and northwesternparts. These veins may thesephasesof the complex,and possiblythe later
containany of the followingminerals:chalcopyrite, phases,is a broadaureoleof biotite hornfelsthat
tetrahedrite,pyrite, sphalerite,galena,lead-bismuth developedin the hostsedimentary rockssurrounding
sulfosalts,molybdenite, fluorite, and carbonate. the intrusive rocks.
Three lead-bismuth sulfosalt minerals, all members The firstore-relatedintrusivephasewasthe 53(?)-
of the bismuthinite-aikinite solid solution series, m.y.-oldCentralstockandrelatedaplites.Associated
havebeen identified:cosalite(2PbS.Bi2Sa),aikinite with this stockis stageI mineralization,consisting
(2PbS-Cu2S'Bi2Sa),andneyite(7PbSs'Bi2Ss'Cu2S). of a central zone of quartz veins surroundedby a

tionship.During crystallizationof the Centralstock,

hydrothermalfluids collectedat some location(s)
within the solidifyingintrusivemass.At somepoint,
conditions were correct for the movement of these
fluidsupward and outward into the crystallizedand
fracturedshell of the Central stockand surrounding
fractured hornfels. The initial sites of mineral de-
positionare shownin the diagramaticsketch(Fig.
14) labeled Time 1. Quartz depositionoccurred
throughoutthe systembut was barren of sulfides
nearest the center of the intrusion. Outward from
the quartz zone, a zone of molybdenitedeposition
existed,and fartherstill, a zoneof pyrite and schee-
lite deposition.Becausescheelite is such a minor
constituentof the system,manypyrite veinsformed
without any tungsten minerals. As the system
evolved,the site of depositionretreated inward as
shown by Time 2. The evolution of the system
Site of quartz-pyrite+_scheelitedepositionwith produceda continualmigrationof the sitesof de-
ossoc[otedphyllic olterotion position toward the center, so that the sites of
Site of quortz-molybdenite deposition mineralformationretreated and producedveinsthat
Site of quorlz -k- feldspor deposition were superimposed upon previousveins as shown
veins by Time 3. Time 4 presentsthe exhaustionof the
hydrothermalsystem,showingthe crosscutting vein
relationships,thus giving the apparentrelationship
•1ii• Quortz
-+k-spor of earlyquartzveinsfollowedby quartz-molybdenite
flow followedby quartz-pyritefor any one location.
After the intrusion of the Central stock and de-
FIG. 14. Diagrammaticformationof mineralizationat Kitsault. velopmentof stageI mineralization,the Northeast
Porphyry and related Intramineral dikes were em-
placedapproximately 48(?) m.y. ago.As the North-
quartz-molybdenitezone that generally straddles eastPorphyrycrystallized,hydrothermalfluidsagain
the stockcontact.Peripheralto the quartz-molyb- were concentratedwithin the crystallizingmagma
denitezoneis a quartz-pyrite-scheelite
zone.These until a point was reached in which these fluids
zonesare typically annularin plan and probably migratedfrom their collectionarea(s)outwardinto
were arcuate in section before erosion. Potassic the surroundingfractured rock, in this case the
alteration,characterized by secondary alkalifeldspar NortheastPorphyryshell,the Centralstock,andthe
and minor disseminatedfine-grainedbiotite, in en- hornfelsaureole.Again, three vein typesdeveloped
velopeson quartz veins, occurswithin the quartz- with associatedalteration assemblagessimilar to
molybdenitezone.Interior to the potassicalteration those describedfor stageI. StageI and II mineral-
is a silicifiedzone containingabundantquartz veins izationsare identical and can only be distinguished
with minor wall-rock replacements.The quartz- in areas where Intramineral dikes exist so that the
pyrite-scheeliteveinscommonlycontainquartz-ser- crosscutting
betweencanbe identified.
icite-pyrite alteration envelopes.Although weakly After the completionof stageII, stageIII miner-
developed,this area corresponds alizationdeveloped.This stageof mineralizationis
to the phyllic al-
terationcommonin mostporphyrydeposits.Because essentiallyidenticalto stageI and II eventsexcept
the surrounding that the quartz-molybdeniteveins are wider and
rock is hornfels,propyliticalteration
is poorlydeveloped.The abovefirst three alteration containcontinuousribbonsof molybdenite.
types are usually vein envelopes,between which The lastmineralizingevent recognizedat Kitsault
the rock is either commonlypropyliticallyto argilli-consistsof the polymetallicveinsandlater carbonate
cally altered or unaltered. veins.This basemetal episodemostlikely represents
The above-described vein stageindicatesapparent the finalstageof the hydrothermalactivityat Kitsault.
vein age relationshipswith the quartz veins and The next intrusiveevent recognizedat Kitsaultis
associatedpotassicalterationbeingthe oldest,quartz- the emplacementof the 36-m.y.-old lamprophyre
molybdeniteveinsnext, followedby the youngest dike swarm.The final igneousevent at Kitsaultwas
Figure the 1.6-m.y.-oldvolcanicflowsand their connecting
vein set consistingof quartz-pyrite-scheelite.
14 is an attempt to explain this apparentage rela- feeder dikes. Recently glaciationand erosionhave

removedlarge portionsof the Lime Creek Intrusive Holland, P. T., 1976, Lead at Kitsault: Golden, Colorado, Climax
Complexand its related mineralization. MolybdenumCo., unpub.rept. May 24, 1976, 8 p.
Kamilli, D., 1977, Mineralogic changesin contact aureoles
Acknowledgments around selected molybdenum-bearingintrusions: Golden,
Colorado,ClimaxMolybdenumCo., unpub. rept. December,
The understanding of Kitsaultgeologyhasevolved 1977, 125 p.
throughthe studiesof numerousgeologists employed Richards,T., 1983, Cretaceous-Tertiarymineralization across
the Skeenaarch, westcentralBritishColumbialabs.I:Canadian
by Kennecottand Climax.Of particularnote are the Mining Metallurgy Bull., v. 76, no. 857, p. 46.
studiesby R. J. Woodcock,Robert Galbraith, David Smith, J. G., 1973, A Tertiary lamprophyre dike province in
Giles, and Nick Carter. The work done by William southeasternAlaska:CanadianJour. Earth Sci., v. 10, p. 408-
Duncan while employed by Climax Molybdenum 420.

Corporation of British Columbia deservesspecial Wanless, R. K., Stevens, R. D., Lachance, G. R., and Edmonds,
C. M., 1966, Age determinationsand geologicalstudies,K-
acknowledgment. His four yearsof effort from 1974 Ar isotopic ages, Report 7: Canada Geol. Survey Paper 66-
through1978 were instrumentalin developingmany 17, 120 p.
of the recent geologicconceptsabout the deposit. Wheeler, J. O., and Gabrielse, H., 1972, The Cordilleran
Bill'sindividualwork is an exampleof true dedication structuralprovince: Geol. Assoc.Canada Spec. Paper 11, p.
to the geologicunderstandingof an orebody. To White, W. H., Bookstrom, A. A., Kamilli, R. J., Ganster, M. W.,
date, the mostauthoritativepublicationshave been Smith, R. P., Ranta, D. E., and Steininger, R. C., 1981,
Carter (1981) and Woodcock and Carter (1976). Character and origin of Climax-type molybdenumdeposits:
Thanksare due to AMAX for permissionto publish ECON. GEOL. 75TH ANNIV. VOL., p. 270-316.
this paper. Woodcock,J. R., 1964, Geologyand geochemistry of Alice Arm
molybdenumdeposits:Kitsault,B.C., BearCreek Mining Co.
June15, July 17, 1984 unpub.CoordinatingUnit rept., June29, 1964, 169 p.
Woodcock,J. R., and Carter, N. C., 1976, Geologyand geo-
REFERENCES chemistryof the Alice Arm molybdenumdeposits:Canadian
Inst. Mining Metallurgy Spec.Vol. 15, p. 462-475.
AMAX, 1982, Annual report: Greenwich,Connecticut,36 p. Wray, W. B., Jr., 1972, Molybdenum ore potential area south
Carter, N. C., 1981, Porphyrycopperm•dmolybdenumdeposits, of Lime Creek deposits,Kitsault, B. C., British Columbia
west central British Columbia,B.C.: CanadaMinistry Energy, Molybdenum Ltd.: Kennecott Geol. ResearchDiv., unpub.
Mines PetroleumResources,Bull. 64, 150 p. rept. April, 1972, 80 p.

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