Abbreviation Audio Description at %
Abbreviation Audio Description at %
Abbreviation Audio Description at %
abdo abdomen/abdominal
ac before meals
ADLs activities of daily living
A&E accident and emergency
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AKA above knee amputation
am after midnight / before midday
angio angiogram
AV atrioventricular
Ba barium
BA bowel action
Ba Meal barium meal
BCC basal cell carcinoma
bd/BD twice a day
BGL blood glucose level
BGLs blood glucose levels
BK below knee
BKA below knee amputation
BNO bowels not opened
BO bowels opened
B/P blood pressure
BSL blood sugar levels
BWO bowels well opened
C Celsius
Ca cancer/calcium
CaBG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
Card cardiac
CCF congestive cardiac failure
CCU coronary care unit
cm centimetre
CNC clinical nurse consultant
CNS central nervous system
consult consultation
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPR cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
CSF cerebro-spinal fluid
CT computed tomography
CT scan computerised axial tomography scan
CVA cerebro-vascular accident
CWMS colour‚ warmth‚ movement‚ sensation
CXR chest X-ray
D/C discharge/discontinue
DM diabetes mellitus
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DPC delayed primary closure
dpm drops per minute
Dr doctor / medical officer
DRG diagnostic related groups
DTs delirium tremens
DVT deep vein thrombosis
Dx (diag) diagnosis
g gram
GA general anaesthetic
GI gastrointestinal
GIT gastrointestinal tract
gm gram
GP general practioner
GTN glyceryl trinitrate
GTT glucose tolerance test
Hb haemoglobin
HDU high dependency unit
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HNPU has not passed urine
HNV has not voided
L litre
L) left
LA local anaesthetic
LAD left anterior descending (coronary artery)
lat lateral
LFT liver function tests
LL lower lobe
LLQ left lower quadrant
l/min litres per minute
L / min litres per minute
LMO local medical officer
LMP last menstrual period
LOC loss of consciousness
LP lumbar puncture
L&S BP lying & standing blood pressure
LUQ left upper quadrant
mane morning
mcg micrograms
MC&S microscopy, culture and sensitivity (tests)
Meds medications
mg milligram
mgs milligrams
mL millilitre, millilitres
mls millilitres
mls/hr millilitres per hour
mm Hg millimetres of mercury
mmol millimole, millimoles
MO medical officer (doctor)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MS multiple sclerosis
MSSU midstream specimen of urine
MVA motor vehicle accident
O2,O2 oxygen
O2,O2 sats oxygen saturation
O/A on admission
obs observations / vital signs
OE on examination
O,‘O’ oral
op operation
OPD outpatient’s department
OT occupational therapy
P pulse
PA per axilla
PAC pressure area care
pc after meals
PCA patient controlled analgesia
PE pulmonary embolism
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
per by
PET positron emission tomography
physio physiotherapist
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
pm after midday / before midnight
PM postmortem
PMHx past medical history
PMT premenstrual tension
POP plaster of paris
post-op post-operative
PR per rectum
pre-op pre-operative
pro re nata (derived from Latin) - as needed / when
pt patient
PT physiotherapy
PV per vagina
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PWB partial weight bearing
QA quality assurance
QID quarter in die (derived from Latin) - four times per day
R right
R) right
RBC red blood cells
rehab rehabilitation
RIB rest in bed
R)LL right lower lobe
RLQ right lower quadrant
RMO resident medical officer
ROM range of movement
R/Resp rate/Resps respirations
RTW return to ward
RUQ right upper quadrant
Rx treatment/orders/prescription
U/A urinalysis
UDB urinary drainage bag
U&E urea and electrolytes
ULQ upper left quadrant
ung ointment
UR unit record‚ patient record (UR number)
URQ upper right quadrant
URTI upper respiratory tract infection
UTI urinary tract infection
UV ultra violet
VD venereal disease
Vit K vitamin K
yr year
yrs years