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Philippine Folktales: An Introduction: University of The Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

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Philippine Folktales: An Introduction


D a m ia n a L. E u g e n io
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

“ The art of storytelling has been cultivated in all ages and among all
nations of which we have any record; it is the outcome of an instinct
implanted universally in the human mind.” With this observation,
Edwin Sidney Hartland opens his now classic work. The Science of
Fatty Tales (Hartland 1891:2). Filipinos share this love of story­
telling, and this essay attempts to give an overall view of one form that
the folk story has taken in the Philippine setting: the folktale. But
before going any further, a clarification of terms is necessary.
In the Philippines and elsewhere, the term ‘‘ folktale ” has been
used in a broad and literal sense to mean any short narrative in prose
told orally among the folk. In this paper, however, “ folktale ” will
be used to mean only fictional folk narratives in prose, following Wil­
liam Bascom’s distinctions among “ myth, ” “ legend,” and u folk­
tale ” given below:

Myths are prose narratives which, in the society in which they are
told, are considered to be truthful accounts of what happened in
the remote p a s t . 1 hey are accepted on faith; they are taught to
be believed; and they can be cited as authority in answer to igno­
rance, doubt, or disbelief. Myths are the embodiment of dogma;
they are usually sacred; and they are often associated with theology
and ritual. Their main characters are not usually human beings,
but they often have human attributes; they are animals, deities,
culture heroes, whose actions are set in an earlier world, when the
earth was different from what it is today, or in another world such
as the sky or underworld. Myths account for the origin of the

Asian Folklore Studies, V o l.44,1985,155-177.

156 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

world, of mankind, of death, or for the characteristics of birds,

animals, geographical features, and the phenomena of nature.
They may recount the activities of deities, their love affairs, their
family relationships, their friendships and enmities, their victories
and defeats. • • •
Legends are prose narratives which, like myths, are regarded as
true by the narrator and his audience, but they are set in a period
considered less remote, when the world was much as it is today.
Legends are more often secular than sacred, and their principal
characters are human. They tell of migrations, wars, and vic­
tories, deeds of past heroes, chiefs, and kings, and succession in
ruling dynasties. In this they are often the counterparts in verbal
tradition of written history, but they also include local tales of
buried treasures, ghosts, fairies, and saints (Bascom 1965: 4—5).

Folktales are prose narratives which are regarded as fiction.

They are not considered as dogma or history, they may or may not
have happened, and they are not to be taken seriously. Neverthe­
less, although it is often said that they are told only for amusement,
they have other important functions, as the class of moral folktales
should have suggested. . . . A variety of subtypes of folktales
can be distinguished including human tales, animal tales, trickster
tales, tall tales, dilemma tales, formulistic tales and moral tales or
fables (Bascom 1965: 4).

The Philippines have a rich and varied store of folk narratives.

Their geographical location, the archipelagic nature of the country, the
numerous ethnolinguistic groups to be found in it, and the various
historical forces that have shaped the destiny of its people probably
account for this richness and variety. “A glance at the map and at the
history of the islands reveals the archipelago as a veritable ocean center
of the streams of story ” (Fansler 1937: 208).

C o l l e c t in g A c t iv it ie s

The richness of Philippine folktales is all the more impressive when

one considers that the collecting of traditional narratives in the country
began rather late. No collection was published during the more than
three centuries of Spanish rule. The only folktale published during
this period seems to be “ The Tortoise and the Monkey, ” which Dr.
Jose Rizal published in 1889, while he was in London, in a comparative
study he made between tms tale and a Japanese tale (Rizal [1889] 1959:
18 188).
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 157

We owe the first significant collections of folk narratives to Ameri­

can teachers assigned to the Philippines during the early part of the
American Occupation. Berton Maxfield and W. H. Millington, as­
signed to Iloilo and Mandurriao, in Panay, published a total of 26 Vi-
sayan legends and folktales collected from their Filipino co-teachers
and students (Maxfield and Millington 1906; 1907). Working among
the Tagalogs, Fletcher Gardner collected and published a total of 23
folktales,12 legends, 2 Tagalog versions of Cinderella, and one ver­
sion of Aladdin (Gardner 1906; 1907). Another substantial collec­
tion of Tagalog legends and folktales was that compiled in 1908 by
Lucetta K. Ratcliff, an American teacher assigned to Laguna. Circu­
lated in manuscript form for some time under the title ‘‘ The Laguna
Sketchbook, ” the collection was later expanded and published in 1949
under the title “ Filipino Folklore.” As published, it contains 22
legends and 20 folktales (Ratcliff 1949: 259-289). Three folktales were
published in 1908 by Clara Kern Bayliss (Bayliss 1908: 46-53).
The next group of significant collections came from American
anthropologists working in the Philippines. Laura Watson Benedict’s
“ Bagobo Myths ” contained 8 heroic legends,1 1 legends about the

Buso “ who haunt graveyards forests, and rocks, ” and animal tales
(Benedict 1913:13-63). The husband-and-wife team of Fay-Cooper
Cole and Mabel Cook Cole helped enrich existing collections. Fay-
Cooper Cole’s Traditions of the Tinguian (Cole 19lbj contained mostly
myths and 15 fables. Mrs. Cole’s Philippine Folk-Tales (Cole 1916)
contained 58 legends and folktales from 11 ethnolinguistic groups, thus
becoming the first collection that aimed at a national representation.
Claude Moss, working in the Mountain Province, published Nabaloi
Tales in 1924, containing 117 tales.
But the most substantial and most scholarly collection of legends
and folktales before the war was Dean S. Fansler’s Filipino Popular
Tales (subsequently referred to as FPT), containing 64 folktales and
18 legends collected from Christian Filipino students of the University
of the Philippines from 1908 to 1914 (Fansler [1921] 1965). The tales
were carefully chosen to display to advantage the richness and variety
of tale types in the Christian Filipino folk narrative tradition. Just as
interesting as the tales in the collection are the excellent comparative
notes which Fansler provided for each tale. In these notes, Fansler
cited all the variant forms and analogues (local and foreign) witnin his
knowledge and pointed out possible influence and any striking motifs
present in the tale.
Infinitely richer than this published collection, however, was
Fansler’s manuscript collection of about 4,000 folk narratives, which
158 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

he described briefly in an article published in 193 ( フ Fansler 1937:

208-209 226-228). In this article, he tells us that he accumulated
the tales in his manuscript collection over a period of twenty-eight
years and that none of the versions in it duplicated those in his Filipino
Popular Tales, Fansler ends his article with an assessment of the
richness of his collection:

Deficient as it is, there is already available in English a wealth of

manuscript material for an historical and comparative study of
Philippine folk literature—a corpus of narratives that compares
favoraoly in size and significance with that of any other Oriental
country (Fansler 1937: 227-228).

But where is this rich collection? Part or it has survived and is safely
housed in the Main Library, University of the Philippines, in Quezon
City. However, it is to be regretted that only nineteen of the seventy-
six individual collectors’ volumes have survived. These are important,
for they contain the full texts of individual tales. These nineteen

surviving volumes contain a total of some 9 4 tales. Four other vol­
umes, entitled ‘‘ Bikol Folktales ’ 16),“ Visayan Folktales ’’ 30 ( ),

“ Tagalog Folktales” 70),and “ Folktales on Supernatural Beings”
(62) contain a total of 180 tales. So all in all, only 1,154 of the 4,000
texts of this manuscript collection have survived. The rest have not
been totally lost, however, for luckily the four research tools that Fansler
had prepared to help the student explore his collection have survived,
and one of them contains the summaries of almost all the tales in the
collection. These four research tools are:

1 . “ Story Patterns, Story Groups, Incidents, and Motifs in

Philippine Folktales.” (Subsequently referred to as SP.)
2. “ Finding-List of Philippine Folktales ” c . 1921-1922 (This
contains brief but excellent summaries of 3,395 tales).
3. “ Descriptive Index of MS and TS Collections of Philippine
Tales and Traditions.”
4. , geographic Index of the Provinces and Municipalities in
the Philippines from which the Individual Folktales in the
Fansler Collection were Obtained or Reported.”

Although the full texts, therefore, of about three-fourths of the collec­

tion have been lost, their summaries are still available in the “ Finding-
List ” (Subsequently referred to as FLPF). Some of the collections
are dated 1921 and 1922 and had been submitted as part of the require­
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 159

ments of English 16 and English 1 at the U. P.
One slender volume in the Fansler manuscript collection is entitled:
“ Philippine Folktales from the Beyer Collection of Filipiniana.” This
brings us to another manuscript collection that contains folk narratives
of all kinds—H. Otley Beyer’s “ Philippine Folklore, Customs and
Beliefs ” in 20 volumes, which had been selected from a bigger mass
of ethnographic data called “ The Philippine Ethnographic Series’”
of 150 vloumes. With Beyer’s permission, Fansler went through this
20-volume collection listed all the legends and folktales to be found in
them, and made abstracts and excerpts of more than 200 of them. The
Beyer Collection is no longer in the Philippines but in Australia. Only
stray carbon copies of parts of it have been preserved by Filipino co­
workers of Beyer. A few papers from the collection are available in
micronlm at the U. P. Main Library.
Of post-war collections, the first important ones came from the
Mountain Province. Laurence L. Wilson ran a series of miscellaneous
legends and folktales in the Baguio Midland Courier from 1947 to 1950.
Then came Fr. Morice Vanoverbergh’s excellent collections, “ Tales
in Lepanto Igorot or Kankanay as it is Spoken at Bauco ” (1951-1952)
and “ Isneg Tales ” (1955) and Fr. Francis Lambrecht’s “ Ifugao
Tales” (1955;1957). Roy Franklin Barton contributed Mythology of
the Ifugaos (1955a) and “A Collection of Igorot Legends ” (1955b).
Working among the Manuvus in Mindanao, E. Arsenio Manuel came
out with a collection of Upland Bagobo Narratives in 1961.
Since the early 1950s, the study of Philippine folk literature has
attracted the serious attention of Filipino graduate students, and many
of them have written their theses and dissertations on the subjects. In
a wide-ranging survey prepared for the First National Folklore Con­
gress held in 1972, E. A. Manuel evaluated some seventy theses and
dissertations on Philippine oral literature (Manuel 1975:12-93). About
thirty-two of them contained collections of legends and folktales from
all over the country. Although Manuel bewailed the fact that many
of the student collectors failed to use correct field methods, these theses
and dissertations added some 600 more legends and folktales to existing
since Manuel’s survey, many more theses and dissertations have
been written on oral literature. At the U. P. alone at least six master’s
theses and one dissertation brought together and classified the many
scattered folk narrative collections among the Tagalogs of Oriental
Mindoro (del Rosario 1975), the Cagayan Ibanags (Bangan 19 6 フ ),
the Ilocanos (Figueras 1977), the Tausug (Tuban 19 7), the Maranaosフ
(Adeva 1978),the Chavacanos (Semorlan 1979), and the Pangasinense
160 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

(Nelmida 1983).
Anthropologists and linguists have also collected folk narratives
in the course of their field work. The collecting done by Donn and
Harriett Hart is reminiscent of that done earlier by Fay-Cooper-Cole
and Mabel Cook Cole and has been just as productive. The Harts col­
lected folktales from three areas in the Visayas: Borongan, Samar
(1955); Dumaguetc City and Siaton,Negros Oriental (1965) and in
Siaton again in 1979; and Compostela, Cebu (1979). I have no infor­
mation as to the total number of tales the Harts collected, but the rich­
ness of their collection can be gauged by the fact that in two places
alone (Borongan town and Barrio Lalawigan), they collected 454 tales
in 1955 (Hart and Hart 1979: 310). From this rich harvest, they pub­
lished the texts of only three Cinderella tales. To my knowledge, the
Harts have not published the rest of their collected tales. The latest
information we have of their collection is that “ the tapes in Cebuano
of tales collected in Compostela have been donated to the Cebuano
Studies Center at the University of San Carlos, and tales collected in
Siaton were left at Silliman University, Dumaguete City ” (Hart 1980:
The tales collected by members of the Summer institute of Lin­
guistics, on the other hand,have been made available to us. A special
issue of Studies in Philippine Linguistics (Luzares and Hale 1978) carried
24 tales in 17 minority languages in Luzon, Palawan, Mindanao, and
Sulu. One of their members,Hazel Wrigglesworth, later came out
with An Anthology of Ilianen Manoho Folktales (1981).
A few more significant collections must be mentioned. In 1973 ,
a very valuable pre-war collection entitled “A 1932 Collection of Sulu
Folktales, ,
,by John H. Ziegler was published in Sulu Studies 2 by
Gerard Rixhon. The 24 folktales in the collection, all originally told
in the Samal language, were collected and translated by Ziegler while
he was principal of the Manila South High School Group in Tawi-
Tawi, Southern Sulu. In 1977, Antoon Postma, SVD, described his
collection of Mano-yan folklore, which contained 153 folktales, of which
he published the texts of six representative tales. Other significant
collections published in the present decade are A Treasury of Mandaya
and Mansaka Folk Literature、edited by \ilma May Fuentes and Edito
de la Cruz (1980), Mga Sugilanon sa Negros’ edited by Elena Maquiso
(1980), and The Four Friends, edited by Fr. Clement Wein SVD. ,
C l a s s if ic a t io n of P h il ip p in e F olk tales
Philippine folktales may be dividea into the following groups: animal
tales and fables; Marchen, or tales of magic; novelistic tales, or ro­
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 161

mantic tales; religious and didactic tales; humorous tales, subdivided

into trickster tales and numskull tales; and miscellaneous tales.

Animal Tales and Fables

Philippine animal tales are, as Thompson says, ‘‘ non-mythological
stories in which human qualities arc ascribed to animals, designed
usually to show the cleverness of one animal and the stupidity of anoth­
er. Their interest lies in the deceptions or the absurd predicaments
into which the animal’s stupidity leads him” (Thompson 1946: 9).
Such are the familiar tales of “ The Monkey and the Turtle ” and “ The
Monkey and the Crocodile,” which are trickster tales. In the Philip­
pines, the animal trickster is usually a monkey, more often a turtle. The
crocodile is always the dupe. In ‘‘ ri he Monkey and the Crocodile”
(FLPF 781a), the wife of a crocodile craves for the lungs of a monkey.
So the crocodile inveigles a monkev to ride on his back. In mid-stream,
the crocodilc tells the monkey that he is going to get his lungs for his
wife. Monkey: ‘‘ My lungs! I have left them on the guava tree
yonder . . . let us go back and get them.” The crocodile returns to
the shore: the monkey escapes and jeers at the crocodile. The croco­
dile then thinks of another way of capturing the monkey. When the
monkey takes a bath, the crocodile seizes one of its legs, but again the
wily monkey says: “ Do not bite my cane, my friend crocodile. This
is the only cane I have. Please let it loose.” The crocodile releases
the monkey’s leg, believing that it is indeed but a cane, and the monkey
In “ The Monkey and the Turtle, ’’ wc have the monkey and the
turtle alternately playing the role of trickster. In the first part of the
tale, the monkey plays a trick on the turtle by climbing the turtle’s
banana tree and eating all its fruits, giving none to the turtle. The
turtle retaliates by planting pointed snails or stakes around the trunk
of the tree, so that the monkey in coming down either hurts himself
badly or is killed. In versions where the moneky is not killed, the
turtle plays more tricks on the monke y."1he angry monkey finds the
turtle under a pepper plant. The turtle tells the monkey not to strike
him for he is guarding the king’s fruits. The monkey asks for some
and he burns ms mouth badly. Again the monkey finds the turtle
near a snake hole. The turtle asks him whether he would like to wear
the king’s b e l t . 1 he monkey does, and the belt turns out to be a snake.
These tricks are identical with those played by human trickster heroes,
like Pelanduk and Juan Pusong.
Other animal tale patterns are the relay race (SP 18) and the trial
among the animals (SP 462; AT 2042 A). In the first type, a slow and
162 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

weak animal wins a race against a swift and strong one. The tale is
also intended to show the value of perseverance, the reward of meek­
ness and teamwork, and the punishment of arrogance. Animal com­
petitors in this type of tale are snail and deer, carabao and snail, horse
and snail, turtle and lizard, monkey and snail, carabao and turtle.
Tales of the pattern “ Trial among the Animals ” also belong to
what is called “ clock ” story or chain story. In this type of tale, an
animal is brought before a judge for an offense. The investigation
brings out a chain of events that finally leads to the discovery of the
culprit. In a Kapampangan tale (FPT 60a), a bird accuses the frog
before Sinukuan, the judge of animals, for being very noisy during the
night. In the trial, it is revealed that
the frog cried for help because the turtle was carrying his house
on his back;
the turtle was carrying his house because the firefly was playing
with fire; and
the firefly was playing with fire to protect herself from the sharp-
pointed dagger of the mosquito.
Since the mosquito did not have a good reason for carrying his dagger,
he was sentenced to three days’ imprisonment, during which he lost
his voice. Since then the male mosquito has had no voice and has been
afraid of carrying his dagger for fear of greater punishment. This tale
type is given an interesting twist when the accuser turns out to be the
culprit, as in the Manuvu tale, “ The Lizard and Her Young One ”
(Manuel 1961:546-547).

Another type of animal tale commonly found in the Philippines is the
fable, which carries a moral applicable to humanity.1 he fable we are
most familiar with, from our grade school readers, is ‘‘ The grasshop­
per and the Ant ” (FLPF 2854). The grasshopper spends the plen­
tiful summer months in gaiety and dancing while the frugal and in­
dustrious ant spends it working in the fields and storing grain. When
the rains come and lay waste the ricefields,the grasshopper dies of
starvation, but the ant survives. Two other examples of the beast fable
may be cited:
“ Eagle and Ant ” (SP 35). Proud bird makes fun of hardworking
ant, soars aloft, is struck by lightning, falls to ground as good meal for
the ant and his friends (FLPF 3181).
“ Horse and Carabao ” (SP 37). Horse to carabao: “ You work
too hard. Feign sickness or madness tomorrow and the master will
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 163

not make you work.” Carabao follows advice; master makes horse do
all of carabao’s work. Horse repents his interference (FLPF 1435).

The Mdrchen or Tales of Magic

Philippine Mdrchen are of great richness and variety. In his tale type
index, Fansler identifies more than a hundred story patterns and do­
minant motifs in the Mdrchen in his collection. Considering the fact
that Fansler’s collection did not include tales from the ethnic minorities,
we can expect this figure to be bigger, now that many more folktales
have been collected from such groups as the Isnegs, Ifugaos, Kan-
kanays, and Kalingas of Mountain Province, and from the Maranaos,
Tausug, Manobos, Mandayas, and Mansakas of Mindanao.
Many Philippine Mdrchen are local versions of internationally
known folktales. In this introductory survey, it is possible to give only
a small sampling of this big group. Among the most widely known
tale patterns are the following:

1. The Helpful Monkey (Puss-in-Boots) (SP 115; AT 545B)

A poor but kindhearted hero is helped by an animal to win a
beautiful and wealthy wife.
2. Swan Maiden (SP 74; AT 313; 400)
A man wins the love of a supernatural maiden by stealing her
feather dress while she is bathing. He marries her and has a
child by her. But one day while he is away, she finds her
feather dress and flies away. He goes in quest of her, under­
goes much difficulty, and recovers her only after accomplishing
impossible tasks with the aid of friendly helpers.
3. Animal Spouse (SP 122; AT 402)
Typical example: ‘‘ Chonguita, ,(FPT 29): The youngest
of three sons of a king brings home a monkey bride. Disap­
pointed king devises ways of getting rid of her by assigning
tasks to his three daughters-in-law, but Chonguita does best
in all tests. At a ball, husband is angered by Chonguita’s
insistence that he dance with her and hurls her against the
wall. Monkey changes into a beautiful woman.
Other tales of this type have: shell wife, crocodile husband,
turtle wife, fish wife, monkey husband, frog wife, cat bride.
In all these tales, the animal spouse is ultimately transformed
into a beautiful princess or handsome prince.
The Indolent Husband (SP 131; AT 563)
An indolent husband / son obtains from friendly helper magic
objects; a purse, a goat, a table, etc. but each in turn is stolen
164 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

from him by a deceitful friend, who substitutes counterfeit

articles. Finally he is given a magic cane by means of which
he recovers his magic objects and punishes the deceitful friend.
5. The Contending Lovers (SP 151;AT 653)
Type I: Three brothers go out into the world to seek their
fortune, learn a trade, and meet again after nine years. By
using their skills, they recover a kidnapped princess. They
quarrel, each one claiming the reward.
(a) “ The Three Brothers ’’ (Ilocano; FPT 12a)
Solution: King gives them half his wealth, to be divided
equally among them.

(b) “ Three Brothers of Fortune ’ (Pangasinan; FPT 12b)
Solution: King divides princess into three parts and dis­
tributes parts to three brothers. The two elder brothers throw
away their portions, but Suan, whose magic object has the
power to unite parts into a whole, gets the parts discarded by
ms brothers and unites them to his own; marries the girl.
(c) “ Pablo and the Princess ’’ (Tagalog; FPT 12c)
Solution: Shooting contest; whoever shoots the banana
heart (representing girl’s heart) in the middle will marry her.
The first two friends shoot; the third refuses to shoot at any­
thing representing the heart of the princess. Marries her.

(d) “ Legend of Prince Oswaldo ’ (Tagalog; FPT 12d)
Princess marries the old man who gave the three young men
their magic oojects. Later, old man transformed into a young
Type I I : A woman is “ created ” by the combined skills of:
a laborer, who sets up tree trunk as post,
a sculptor, who carves it into a woman,
a tailor, who dresses the figure,
a priest, who prays life into her,
Who shall marry her?
King’s decision: None of them shall marry her; keeps woman
for himself.
Solution in another variant:
nrst man becomes woman’s father.
Second (third, etc.) man becomes woman’s brother(s).
Last man becomes woman’s husband.

From these international tale types, let us turn to a very wide­

spread tale, “ Carancal ” (FPT 3; SP 148),which Fansler thinks is in­
digenous to Asia. The hero is named Carancal from the fact that he is
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 165

only one span (dangkal) long when born. He becomes extraordinarily

strong and such a great eater that his parents are forced to get rid of
him. Two attempts fail (causing a tree to fall upon him and making
him dive in shark-infested waters). The hero realizes that he is not
wanted and decides to travel after asking for a big bolo with which
to protect himself. He meets three unusually strong men, overcomes
them, and takes them along as companions. Carancal and his friends
perform feats of strength. After each adventure, Carancal marries off
one companion to a princess. Carancal himself remains a bachelor,
the benefactor of his three companions who all become kings. Now
rich, Carancal visits his parents and lives with them again.
More interesting and significant than the fact that we have in the
Philippines many tales that are known internationally is the way these
tales have been Filipinized. For instance, in many versions of the
Cinderella story, the friendly helper is not a fairy godmother but the
heroine’s mother in the form of a crab. Moreover, the heroine is often
shown washing clothes in the river, a very typical household task of
Philippine village girls. Even the tasks given the heroine in one Samar
version reflects the kind of hard work that barrio people have to do:
pounding palay, slaughtering a pig and cooking it, etc. Other local
touches may be noted. The hero is not always a prince or a king. In
the Leyte version, he is “ the son of the richest man in Baybay in ”;
another, just ‘‘ a handsome young man.” The meeting with the hero,
likewise, does not always haDpen at a ball. In the majority of Philip­
pine versions, it takes place in a church. In place of a coach and horses
to take her to the ball, the heroine in a Samar version is given a golden
calesa to take her to church.
In another well known and popular folktale of the Puss-in-Boots
pattern, two striking modifications reflecting Philippine village life
may be noted. The first is that in all Philippine variants of the tale,
the helpful animal is always a monkey, just as it is always a cat in the
French, German, and Italian versions. The second is the use of the
borrowed rice measure as a trick to impress the king or father of the
heroine with the wealth of the hero. Of foreign analogues examined,
only in the Spanish version is this motif found, establishing a close
relation between our tale and the Spanish version.

Novelistic Tales
The subgroup that Fansler calls “ Novelistic Tales” corresponds to
the subclass “ Novelle ” in Aarne-Thompson's Types of the Folktale
and Katherine Briggs’ Dictionary of British Folktales and to what Stith
Thompson calls “ Novella ” in The Folktale. The novelistic tale
166 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

differs from the Mdrchen or magic tale in that in it there is no explicitly

magical or supernatural element, whereas the Mdrchen contains or
hinges upon supernatural happenings. In many tales of this group,
human wit and intelligence, rather than magic and the supernatural
win the day for the hero or heroine. Among the types of tales found
in this subgroup are:
1 . Tales featuring the clever peasant girl (SP 246; AT 875b).
In “ Sagacious Marcela, フ
” (FPT a), which tells the same story as the
metrical romance Cay Calabasa, Marcela so impresses the king with
her sagacity that he marries her to his son. She undergoes the follow­
ing tests:
King asks Marcela to cook twelve dishes out of tiny bird.
Marcela sends king a pin and asks him to make twelve spoons
out of it.
King sends sheep to Marcela asking her to sell it for six reales and
to send back both money and sheep.
Marcela cuts off wool and sells it for six reales, then sends money
and sheep back to king.
King asks Marcela to procure bull’s milk to cure him.
Marcela tells king her father gave birth to a child; king thus sees
absurdity of his order.
This clever heroine of a Kapampangan folktale has her male counter­
part in such folktales as the Tausug “Abunnawas ” (Ziegler 1932) and
the Ata Manobo “ Story About Lungpigan ” (Luzares and Hale 19 8: フ
2. Tales about a clever heroine entrapping her suitors (oP 2 " ;

AT 1 3 0 ) . 1 he virtuous and beautiful wife not only succeeds in pro­
tecting her virtue but also manages to get money from the suitors who
are attempting to seduce her and to place them in disgraceful predica­
ments. Some Christian Filipino tales of this type have lustful priests
and sacristans among the discomfited suitors and are obviously told to
satirize such characters. From the Muslim groups come some excel­
lent examples of the type, like the Samal tale, “ The Seven Cabinets, ”
in which the lady locks up her seven suitors in seven cabinets that she
has ordered for the purpose. In the Maranao tale, “ The Chaste Lady
Who Outwitted Sinners,” the heroine uses seven jars containing sticky
syrup, flour, and feathers as hiding places for her suitors.
3. Tales about a humble hero who discovers a hidden princess and
wins her by his intelligence (SP 242; AT 854). A typical example is
the Kapampangan tale, “ Is He the Crafty Ulysses? ’’ (FPT No. 21),
in which the intelligent hero finds the hidden princess by having a
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 167

golden carriage made and having himself carried in it into the chamber
of the princess. He wins her love and marries her. This tale retells
the story of a Tagalog metrical romance, Juan Bachiller,
4. Tales about the fidelity of lovers and the vindication of the
innocent. A well known story pattern belonging to this group is the
Chastity Wager (SP 250; AT 882),of which “ The Golden Lock”
(FPT No. 30) is a typical example. A nobleman makes a wager with a
cynical young man that the young man cannot learn the secrets of his
wife in fifteen days. By treachery and bribery of the wife’s nurse, young
man is able to obtain a golden lock from the wife’s armpit. By her
cleverness, however, the wife is able to get the young man to confess that
he does not know her and has never seen her before. ‘‘ The Golden
Lock ” is a folktale version of the Tagalog metrical romance Duque ,
5. Tales in which three pieces of advice are bought and found
correct (SP 257; AT 910). A typical example is given below:
Husband absent from wife a score of years earning fortune. Be­
fore returning home, he purchases three sentences from priest:
( 1 ) Longest way round is shortest way home; (2) Don’t meddle
with what does not concern you; (3) Think well before you act.
By following these pieces of advice, he escapes robbers on journey
home; saves from life-loncr oumshment a woman under a spell;
and refrains from killing his own son who he thinks is a stranger
in the arms of his wife (FLPF 326).
It may be noted that three of the novelistic tales cited above also
have awit and corrido versions, or they have been told in the form of
long romances in verse. And indeed at the height of the popularity of
awits and corrtdos in the Philippines in the 19th and early 20th centuries,
there seemed to have been a free exchange of story material between
the awits and corridos and the folktale. Fansler reports that fifty-four
Mdrchen in his manuscript collection represent oral popular versions
of 28 awits and corridos. Donn and Harriett Hart also report that
some of the folktales they collected from Eastern Samar were called
by the informants bida, which are stories of the adventures of royal

personages in such kingdoms as Turkia Portugal, Brazil, Moscovia,
and Grandcairo ” (Hart and Hart 1966: 314). Are these folktale re­
tellings of metrical romances, or are they traditional folktales with
romance versions? They are probably both. Popular folktales like
the Cinderella story, Puss-in-Boots (‘‘ The Helpful Monkey ”) ,and
‘‘ Sagacious Marcela ’’ (Cay Calabasa) came to be tola in awit (romance)
form when awits were at the height of popular favor. On the other
168 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

hand, traditional romance stories like Rodrigo de Villas and Duque

Almanzor, printed in the vernacular and circulated as chapbooks, came
to be told orally as folktales. It is apparent that this free exchange
of story material enriched both the romance and the folktale tradi­

Religious-Didactic Tales
Philippine folktales in general are didactic. Even in tales predomi­
nantly romantic in interest, told primarily to entertain, like the Cin­
derella story, didacticism is apparent: goodness is rewarded, cruelty
and selfishness punished. There is, however, a rather large group
of folktales in which the entertainment function of storytelling is sub­
ordinated to the instructive function. Fansler labels this group “ Re­
ligious and Didactic Folktales,
” describing them as
. . . tales told primarily for the moral instruction they convey.
In a broad way, their purpose is to illustrate vividly the rewards
of virtue and the punishments of vice and folly. They include
exempla, religious fables, parables, and Mdrchen of an unmistak­
ably didactic nature. Local saints legends are treated elsewhere.
While some of these story patterns appear to be of fairly wide
currency inside and outside the archipelago, many of them, as far
as I have been able to determine, are unique or of very local circula­
tion. (“ Story Patterns . , p. 163).
Forty-one different story patterns of this type of tale were identified
by Fansler. Typical of the exempla in this group is the story “ The
Parents and Their Son ” (FLPF 921). In this tale, a pampered son
grows up to be a bandit and later chief of a gang of robbers. One
day the robbers capture the man’s aged parents and bring them before
him. He asks them to bend a guava sapling. They do so easily. He
then asks them to bend a guava tree. When they cannot, he reveals
himself to them and blames them for not having corrected him when
In the other variants of tms tale, the central motif of the bending
of the tree is preserved, but variations are introduced in the circum­
stances which bring the parents before their son. The endings also
vary. In one variant (FLPF 1143),after the “ bending the tree”
demonstration, the son accuses his father of having brought him up
badly, says he is responsible for his son’s crime. He then shoots the
father and joins a robber gang. Another variant (FLPF 2048), how­
ever, has a happy ending. The son does not become a bandit but
becomes rich after fleeing from home. Years later, poverty brings
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 169

the father to the son’s door. He does not recognize his son; the son
recognizes his father but does not immediately reveal himself. Then
one day he puts his father through the bent twig demonstration, after
which he reveals himself, gently upbraids his father for his over-indul­
gence as a parent, and begs his father’s forgiveness. The son makes
his old father’s last days happy.
Of religious fables, a typical example is the Ilocano folktale, “ Do­
mingo Bassit, ’ (SP 187),in which a little child, seeing a crucifix for
the first time, thinks Christ is a little child like him:

Pitying it, he calls it “ Little Brother, ” takes it out, feeds and

clothes it. Crucifix becomes animated; Domingo invites him to
his home. There Christ performs miracles. Domingo asks to
see Christ's home; they go to heaven; porter refuses Domingo
admittance as his time is not yet. Domingo returns to earth,
falls in front of the altar, dies, is borne to heaven by angels (FLPF

1 his tale is a close analogue of a German religious tale, “ The Heavenly

Wedding, ’ (Grimm No. 209).

Human Trickster Tales

The animal trickster has its counterpart in the human trickster hero.
Each region in the Philippines seems to have its trickster: Juan or
Suan of the Tagalogs and the Kapampangans; Juan Usong (Osong)
of the Bicolanos; Juan Pusong of the Visayans and of Sulu; Pilandok
of the Maranaos, etc. The trickster is none too admirable a character.
The Visayan Juan Pusong has been described as ‘‘ being deceitful and
dishonest and sometimes very cunning ’,(Maxfield and Millington
190b: 107) and as “ a scampish young Filipino trickster, whose swin­
dles, notorious escapades, and practical jokes are always amusing, fre­
quently off-color,sometimes obscene, but rarely villainuous, ’ (Hart
and Hart 1966: 315). A favorite trick that all these tricksters play on
their victims is the following:

For some offense, Juan (Pilandok, etc.) is arrested and put into
a cage, to be thrown into the sea after five days. Before the end
of that period, he is able to trick someone (usually a prince or noble­
man) into exchanging places with him by saying that he was im­
prisoned because the king (cmef, etc.) wants him to marry the
princess and he is not worthy of her. Other person is drowned.
Later Juan “ returns ” from the sea and reports to astonished
king having seen the king’s father (grandfather, etc.). The king
170 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

asks to be thrown into the sea; request is granted; Juan becomes


But though they share some qualities in common, some tricksters pos­
sess unique characteristics. Posong, trickster of Sulu, for instance,
is unique in that his victim is almost always the Sultan and his exploits
almost always consists in having illicit sexual relations with the Sultan’s
wives or other close relatives. An explanation is offered by a collector
of Posong stories: “ The Posong stories are . . . set in old Sulu when
the Sultan reigned autocratically” (Nimmo 1970: 185). It would
seem then that by the tricks that Posong is made to play on the Sultan,
the folk express their subsconscious desire “ to get even ’’ with the
As a human trickster, Pilandok is also unique to the Maranaos, for
the Tausug Pilanduk is an animal character, like the Malaysian pelanduk,
from whom it seems the name of our Maranao Pilandok has been de­
rived. The Malaysian pelanduk, or Sang Kanchil, is a mouse-deer
and is the counterpart of our animal trickster, the turtle. It must be
noted, however, that among the adventures of the Malay pelanduk are
marriage to a woman and pelanduk being transformed into a man (Ya-

apar 1977: I lb2). It would seem that it is in this human form that
the pelanduk was transmitted to the Maranaos, because the Maranao
Pilandok is always a human trickster, never an animal. Two adven­
tures attributed to both the Malay pelanduk and the Maranao Pilandok

Beating the Sultan’s gong: tiger is made to strike the “ gong ” (a

hornet’s nest) with disastrous results.
Wearing the Raja’s (Sultan’s) ‘‘ belt, ’ (snake): tiger tricked into
putting the sawa (snake) around its waist; snake nearly strangles

Of a slightly different kind are the tricks played on victims by the

trickster Guatchinango. In ouatchinango tales, so called from the
name commonly given the trickster, we see the trickster as a sharp ,
shrewd swindler, a knave. The tricks that Guatchinango and his kind
play are almost always done to cheat their victims of their money. A
typical tricK is the one in which Guatchinango inserts two silver pesos
into the rectum of his lean horse and sells mm for a big sum as a money-
dropoing animal. The gulliole purchaser becomes impoverished
and his wife dies of disappointment while Guatchinango escapes to a

distant place to enjoy his ill-gotten wealth (FLPF 1058 Iloc.).
Other Guatcmnango tricks are:
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 171

1 . Selling a magic life-restoring whistle (FLPF 738); flute (FLPF

1477e); tube (FLPF 1465), etc.
2. Selling a magic hat which pays for anything purchased at any
store or restaurant (FLPF 740).
3. Selling a magic frog which reveals by its jumping where money
is buried (FLPF 912). Trickster is Juan Tamad (Tag.).
4. Playing dead to get money (FLPF 430). Trickster is Juan
Pusong (Vis.).
5. Selling ‘‘ prophet powder, ” which turns out to be nothing
but bottled dung (FLPF 605).

Numskull Tales
The Philippines have a generous share of the world’s numskulls and
fools, and tales recounting their stupidities are an endless source of
fun and merriment in any gathering. As a matter of fact, when folk­
tales are mentioned, the type of tale that immediately comes to mind
is the Juan Tamad or Juan Loco type of tale. Not surprisingly, Fansler
found more tales (104) about Juan than about any other folktale hero.
“ Juan the Fool ” (FPT 49), a Bulacan Tagalog variant of this tale
type, is typical and recounts the following ‘‘ adventures ’’ of Juan:
1 . Mother tells Juan to choose a quiet wife. Juan brings home
a dead woman.
2. Mother says: “ Those who smell bad are dead.” Mother
smells bad; Juan buries her.
3. Juan smells bad to himself; floats himself down the river on
a raft made from banana trunks.
4. Robbers find him and make him their housekeeper. Tell
him to keep quiet. When rice pot in which he is boiling rice
“ sings,” he breaks it to silence it.
5. Sent to market to buy new earthen pots and some crabs, Juan
strings pots on rattan to be able to carry them easily and re­
leases crabs in water and tells them to go home ahead of him.
6. Robbers plan a robbery; Juan told to go under the house to
‘‘ case the joint.” Instructions: ‘‘ If you feel something hot
it is a man; if it is cold, it is a bolo.” Something warm (a
lizard) drops on mm; Juan shouts: “ Tao! Tao (Man! !’,
Man!) Robbery foiled.
If alone, the numskull can create hilarious situations, one can
imagine what happens when seven of them get together. A popular
type of numskull tale is the internationally known one about a gang
of numskulls who miscount themselves (sP 315; AT 128 ) . In a フ
172 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

Pangasinan version of this tale type, entitled “ The Seven Crazy Fel­
lows ” (FPT 9),the episode of the miscounting is only the first of many
misadventures that befall these foolish characters, as may be seen in
the list below.

1 . Seven crazy fellows go fishing. When ready to go home,

they count themselves, but counter does not count self, so
they think one of them has been drowned. Old man comes
along and corrects them; takes them with him.
2. In the forest, one fool hangs hat and bag of rice on antlers of
deer, thinking it is a branch of a tree; deer runs away with
3. Sent to fetch water from a well, one fool sees reflection in the
water, nods to it; image nods back, finally fool jumps in and
4. One fool cooks chicken without removing the feathers.
5. Asked to keep flies off the face of sleeping old woman, fool
strikes at fly on nose of woman, killing her.
6. While carrying corpse to church, corpse falls off flat coffin.
Told to go back for body, fools see a live old woman by the
roadside and, thinking she is the woman they are to bury,
carry her off.
7. Woman’s husband, equally crazy, hearing her cries, says fel­
lows are only teasing her.
8. The priest, also crazy, performs burial ceremony, since as he
says, he has been paid her burial fee.
9. On way home, crazy fellows see the corpse that had fallen;
they think it is the ghost of the woman they buried. They
run away in different directions and get scattered all over

F o l k t a l e S c h o l a r s h ip
The study of folktales, like the study of folklore in general, involves
three complementary activities:(1 )collecting and recording of tradi­
tional narratives; (2) archiving, classification, and indexing; and (3)
analysis and interpretation.
1 . A survey of existing collections shows that much collecting
has been done. Still, it is apparent that collecting has not covered the
entire Philippines and that even in places reached, the collecting has
not been exhaustive. Thus more collecting should be done and done
soon and systematically, before these legends and folktales vanish into
oblivion.1 here is an acute need for a national folklore arcnives to
P H IL IP P IN E F O L K T A L E S : A N IN T R O D U C T IO N 173

serve as clearing house for all collections and to coordinate collecting

activities all over the country.
Although I listed some thirty unpublished theses and dissertations
containing folktales in a recent survey I made, there is a dearth of pub­
lished collections. So there is a need to compile, edit, and publish
anthologies, regional or national in scope, in order to make these folk­
tales known and available to the people. It is embarrassing to note
that still the only respectable and substantial national collection of
folktales we have to date is Fansler’s Filipino Popular Talesy first pub­
lished in 1921 and reprinted in 1965. Having been published abroad,
it is not easily available in the Philippines and its price is prohibitive
for the average Filipino reader. Because of this dearth of standard
national collections, we await with eagerness E. A. Manuel, s Folk­
tales of the Philippines, ,,which has long been in preparation and which
will form one volume in the series, “ Folktales Around the World, ”
edited by Richard M. Dorson.
2. Aside from Fansler’s unpublished “ Story Patterns, Story
Groups, Incidents, and Motifs in Philippine Folktales, ” the Philippines
has no tale type index. Tms work needs to be edited, completed to
include tales that have been collected from ethnic minority groups
since Fansler’s time, updated, and published. The “ binding List of
Philippine Folktales ’’ should also be published, since it contains the
summaries of more than 3,000 tales in Fansler’s manuscript collection.
3. Very few really analytic and interpretative studies of folktales
have been done. Thesis writers often merely give general descriptive
analyses of the folktales in their collections. A few noteworthy studies
may be cited, however. Rizal, s comparative study of “ The Tortoise
and the Monkey ” with its Japanese version, although short, shows a
good grasp of the comparative method. It was Fansler, in his notes
to individual tales in Filipino Popular Talesy who brought the compara­
tive method to a high degree of refinement. In addition, as Manuel
notes, Fansler’s “ careful analysis of the folktales in Filipino Popular
Tales provides a methodology for historical folKloristics . . . . In this
respect, as a pioneer, Fansler threw more light than any other scholar
in the reconstruction of the prehistory of the Philippines through folk-
loristics than has so far been attempted before and after the publication
of the book” (Manuel 1982: 111-112).
In our own time, the comparative method was used by Juan R.
Francisco in comparing Philippine folktales with their North Borneo
parallels (Francisco 1962).
Other types of folktale study have been made in recent years.
Donn and Harriett Hart made an excellent presentation of three Visa-
174 D A M IA N A L. E U G E N IO

yan texts of the Cinderella tale by first describing the cultural con­
tours of the Bisayas, specifically of eastern Samar, then discussing the
features of Bisayan folktales and story-telling practices, and finally
summarizing the relations of the three texts to published Philippine
and Indo-Malayan versions (Hart and Hart 1966: 307-33 )■ Fr. Vano- フ
verbergh analyzed the Kankanay tales he collected for what they reveal
of Kankanay culture (Vanoverbergh 19 ) . Members of the Summer フフ
Institute of Linguistics have been publishing linguistic studies of the
folktales they have collected (Wrigglesworth 1980; Elkins and Hale
So I suppose, we can say with Manuel that “ everything consid­
ered, though the results are not yet impressive, the future is bright with
promise ” (Manuel 1980: 13).


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