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(As modified upto the 3rd October 2012)


MUMBAI 400 004.


[Price : Rs. 18.00]

1997 : Mah. XXXVIII ]



1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Establishment of Board.
4. Incorporation of Board.
5. Constitution of Board.
6. Appointment and term of office and conditions of service of
7. Term of office of and allowances to members of Board.
7A. Establishment of Governing Council.
8. Disqualification of Chairman and members of Borad.
9. Casual vacancies.
10. Resignation of member.
11. Removal of member.
12. Meetings of Borad.
13. Vacancy of Chairman or member owing to disqualification.
14. Vacancy of member owing to absence without permission.
15. Decision on question as to vacancy.
16. Acts and proceedings not invalidated by vacancies or defects in
17. Power to invite experts and officers at meeting.
18. Constitution of Committees.
19. Board to absorb certain staff and to assume obligations of
Government in respect of matters to which this Act applies.
20. Appointment, powers and duties of Secretary, Joint and Deputy
Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Controller of Examination,
System Analysts, Finance Officers and Accounts Officers.
21. Other Officers and Servants of Board.
21A. Powers and duties of Governing Council.
22. Powers and duties of Board.
23. Powers and duties of Director of Board.
24. Powers of Government to issue directions.
H 1057—1
(ii) Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
25. Conditions of affiliation.
26. Procedure for permission.
27. Procedure for affiliation.
28. Continuation of affiliation.
29. Extension of affiliation.
30. Permanent affiliation and recognition.
31. Inspection of institutions and report.
32. Withdrawal of affiliation or recognition.
33. Conferment of Autonomous Status.
34. Equivalence and Eligibility.
35. Closure of Institution.

36. Application of Board assets.
37. Boards Fund, its custody and investment.
38. General application of Fund.
39. How Fund shall be drawn against.
40. Allotments to Regional Offices.
41. Preparation of annual budget estimates.
42. Annual accounts and audit.
43. Inspection and Inquiry.
44. Information, returns, etc. to be furnished by Board.

45. Manner of exercise of powers delegated to Committee.
46. Power of Board to make regulations.
47. First Regulations.
48. Power of Board to make by-laws.
49. Interpretation in case of doubt.
50. Duties of and assistance from Polytechnic and Diploma Leval
51. Protection of action taken in good faith.
52. Members, officers and employees of Board to be public servants.
53. Savings.
54. Power to remove difficulties.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 1
Education Act, 1997.
(This Act received the assent of the Governor on the 3rd August,
1997 ; assent was first published in the Maharashtra Government Gazette,
Part IV, Extraordinary, on the 6th August 1997.)
Amended by Mah. 1 of 2003 (27-11-2002) †
Amended by Mah. 30 of 2006 (9-1-2006) †
An Act to provide for establishment of a State Board to regulate matters
pertaining to Diploma Level Technical Education in the State of
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for establishment of a State
Board to regulate matters pertaining to Diploma Level Technical
Education in the State of Maharashtra and for other matters connected
therewith hereinafter appearing ; It is hereby enacted in the Forty-
eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows :—
1. (1) This Act may be called the Maharashtra State Board of Short title,
extent and
Technical Education Act, 1997. commence-
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Maharashtra. ment.
(3) This section shall come into force at once; and the remaining
provisions of this Act shall come into force on such date 2 as the
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- Definitions.

(a) “ appointed day ” means the date on which the remaining

provisions other than section 1 of this Act come into force under
sub-section (3) of section 1 ;
(b) “ Board ” means, the Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education established under section 3 ;
(c) “ bye-laws ” means bye-laws made by the Board under section 48 ;
(d) “ Diploma Level Technical Education ” means such Technical
Engineering education which follows the Secondary, Higher
Secondary, Engineering, or Technology Diploma Education, as the
case may be, to attain Diploma or Post-Diploma or Post-Graduate
Diploma or Advanced Diploma Level Engineering or Technology or
Management or any other education specified by the Board ;
[(d-a) “ Director ” means Director of the Maharashtra State Board
of Technical Education appointed under section 6(1);]
(e) “ Examination” means one or more examinations conducted by
the Board ;
For Statement of Objects and Reasons, See Maharashtra Government Gazette,
Extraordinary, Part V, Page 478.
† This indicates the date of commencement of Act.
1 st day of April 1999, vide G. N., H. and T. E. D., No. EXM. 2596/2148/(3-96)/TE-
2, dated the 30th March 1999.
This clause was inserted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 2 (a).
H 1057—1a
2 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(f) “ Government ” means the Government of Maharashtra ;
[(f-a) “ Governing Council ” means the Governing Council of
the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education established
under section 7A;]
(g)“ Head of Institute ” or “ Principal ” means the Head of the teaching
staff of a Polytechnic or Diploma Level Institution recongnised by the
Board, by whatever name designated ;
(h) “ Polytechnic or Institution ” means an institution imparting
Diploma or Post-Diploma or Post-Graduate Diploma or Advanced
Diploma in Engineering or Technology or Management Education
recognized by the Board under this Act ;
(i) “ prescribed ” means prescribed by regulations made under
this Act ;
(j) “ region ” means the area comprised in each of the three regions
as specified in the Scheduled to this Act;
(k) “ regulations ” means the regulations made by the Government
under section 47 and by the Board under section 46 ;
(l) “ teacher ” means a member of the teaching staff (other than
Principal or the Head of Institute of a Diploma Level Institution)
recognised by the Board.
Establish- 3. The Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,
ment of
Board. establish for the purposes of this Act a Board to be called the Maharashtra
State Board of Technical Education.
Incorpora- 4. The Board established under section 3 shall be a body corporate
tion of
Board. having perpetual succession and a common seal,and shall have power to
contract, to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable and
immovable, and to do all things necessary for the purpose of this Act and
may sue and be sued by its corporate name.
Constitution 3
[5. (1) The Board shall consist of,—
of Board.
(a) the Director, Technical Education, Maharashtra State as the
Chairman ;
(b) the Director, Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
as the Member-Secretary; and
(c) the following members, namely :—
Class A - Ex-officio Members
(i) The Chairman of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary
and Higher Secondary Education or his nominee not below the
rank of the Chairman of the Divisional Board ;
(ii) The Director of lndustries, Maharashtra State or his nominee
not below the rank of Joint Director ;
This clause was inserted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s..2 (b).
These words were substituted for the word “ Board ”, ibid ; s. 3.
This section was substituted ibid ; s. 4.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 3
Education Act, 1997.
(iii) One representative of the State Nodal Centre for National
Technical Manpower Information System ;
(iv) The Regional Officer (Western Region) of All India Council
of Technical Education, New Delhi ;
(v) The Director, Board of Apprenticeship Training (Western
Region), Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources
Development ;
(vi) The Joint Secretary to Government, Higher and Technical
Education Department or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy
Class B - Nominated Members
(i) One senior most Principal from Government Engineering
Colleges in the State, to be nominated by the Goverment.
(ii) Two members to be nominated by the Govemment from
amongst the Principals and Heads of Institutes, one each from
Government or aided and un-aided Polytechnics, of whom at least
one shall be a woman.
(iii) Two members to be nominated by the Government from
amongst the teachers, one each from Government or aided and
un-aided Polytechnics, of whom at least one shall be from Backward
Class Community.
(iv) Three members to be nominated by the Government from
the professional bodies, one from each revenue region by rotation.
(v) Six members to be nominated by the Government from
amongst the associations of Industries, who are enterpreneurs of
Small Scale Industries, Information Technology, Biotechnology,
Gems and Jewellery, Pharmacy and Hotel Management, at least
two of whom shall be from out of the Mumbai and Pune regions :
Provided that, a person shall cease to hold office as a member of
the Board, as soon as he ceases to hold the post, designation or
office, as the case may be, by virtue of which he is so appointed and
such person shall inform the Chairman in writing of his having so
ceased to be the member of the Board, within a week therefrom.
(2) The names of the person other than the ex-officio members,
who have been nominated, from time to time, as members of the
Board, shall be published by the Government in the Official Gazette.
Mah. (3) On the publication of the Maharashtra State Board of Technical
1 of
2003. Education (Amendment) Act, 2002, the existing members of the Board
shall be deemed to have vacated their offices on the said date.]
[6. (1) The Board shall have a Director who shall be appointed by Appointment
the Government from amongst the Joint Directors of Technical Education and term of
office and
of the Government having minimum experience of not less than two conditions
years in the post of Joint Director or the post equivalent thereto. of service of
(2) The Director shall hold office for a term of five years from the
date of the publication of his name in the Official Gazette.
This section was substituted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 5.
4 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(3) Nothing in sub-section (2) shall affect the power of Government
to transfer, in the exigencies of public service, the Director to any
other post under Government during such term ; and if the Director,
is superannuated in the service of the Government he shall cease to
be the Director, unless his services are extended or he is re-employed
in the service of the Government and he is not transferred to some
other post.
(4) The Government may, from time to time, extend the term of
office of the Director of the Board, so, however, that the aggregate
period of the term shall not exceed ten years.
(5) The Director shall be an employee of the Government,
equivalent to the status of the Joint Director of Technical Education
of the Government and other conditions of service of the Director
shall be such as may be determined by the Government.
(6) Where a temporary vacancy of the Director occurs by reason of
leave, illness or other cause, the Government may appoint another
person to be the Director].
Term of 7. (1) The member of the Board, other than the ex-officio
office of and
allowances member, shall hold office for a term of 1[ five years ] from the
to members date on which their names are published in the Official Gazette.
of Board.
(2) The term of office of outgoing member shall extend to, and expire
with, the day immediately preceding the date on which the names of
their successors are published in the Official Gazette.
(3) The members shall be entitled to such compensatory allowances
as may be determined by regulations.
Establish- 2
[7A. (1) The Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,
ment of
Governing establish the Governing Council which shall be an apex body to control
Council. and monitor the matters pertaining to Diploma level technical education
and examination at State level.
(2) The Governing Council shall consist of the following, namely :—
(i) The Minister of Higher and Technical . . President ;
Education, Maharashtra;State.
(ii) The Minister of State for Higher and . . Vice-President ;
Technical Education.
(iii) The Secretary, Higher and Technical . . Member ;
Education Department or his nominee,
not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
(iv) Three Industrialists nominated by the . . Members ;
(v) The Director of Technical Education, . . Member ;
Maharashtra State.
These words were substituted for the words “ four years ”, by Mah. 1 of 2003. s. 6.
Section 7A was inserted, ibid, s. 7.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 5
Education Act, 1997.
(vi) The Secretary, Maharashtra State . . Member;
Board of Technical Education.
(vii) The Director, Maharashtra State . . Ex-officio Member
Board of Technical Education. Secretary.
(3) The names of the persons other than the ex-officio members, who
have been nominated, from time to time, as members of the Governing
Council, shall be published by the Government in the Official Gazette.
(4) The term of the nominated members of the Governing Council
shall be for a period of five years unless terminated earlier by the State
(5) The Governing Council shall meet not less than twice in every
year, and a period of not more than six months shall intervene between
two successive meetings.
(6) The nominated members shall receive such allowances, as may
be determined by the Government, for meeting the personal expenditure
in attending the meetings or in performing any other functions as
8. A person shall be disqualified for being appointed or nominated Disqualifi-
cation of
as, or for continuing as, the Chairman or a member of the Board or any Chairman
Committee appointed under this Act,— and
(a) if he directly or indirectly, by himself or his partner has any share of Board.
or interest in any work done by order of, or in any contract entered into
on behalf of the Board ;
(b) if he is a person against whom an order of removal from office has
been made under section 11:
Provided that, a person against whom such order is made, shall not
be deemed to have been disqualified under this clause, if five years, or
such lesser period as the Government may specify, has elapsed from the
date of his removal from office.
9. All casual vacancies in office of the members of the Board, Casual
[,Governing Council] or any Committee constituted by the Board shall vacncies.
be filled as soon as may be, by nomination or appointment, as the case
may be; and the person nominated or appointed in a vacancy shall hold
office so long only as the member in whose place he is nominated or
appointed would have held it, if the vacancy had not occurred.
10. A member of the Board, 2[ the Governing Council, ] except the Resignation
of member.
ex-officio member, may resign his office at any time by tendering his
resignation in writing to the Chairman of the Board [ or the President

of the Governing Council, as the case may be, ] and such member shall
be deemed to have vacated his office as soon as the 4[Chairman or the
President, as the case may be, has ] received his resignation.
These words were inserted, by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 8.
These words were inserted, ibid s. 9 (a).
These words were inserted ibid s. 9 (b).
These words were substituted for the words “Chairman has” ibid s. 9 (c).
6 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
Removal of 11. (1) The Government may, on the recommendation of the
Board, and after making such further inquiry, as it may think
fit to make, by order, remove any member of the Board or any
Committee thereof, if such member,-
(a) has been convicted by a Court in India for any offence involving
moral turpitude ; or
(b) is an undischarged insolvent ; or
(c) has been declared physically disabled by such medical authority
as the Government may specify ; or
(d) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent Court ;
(e) is acting in a way detrimental to the aims and objects of the
Board :
Provided that, no such recommendation shall be made by the Board
or no order shall be made under clause (e) unless he has been given
a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such recommendation
or order should not be made.
(2) The Government may suo motu by order remove any member of
the Board or any Committee, nominated or appointed, whose activities
are, in the opinion of the Government detrimental to, or obstruct, the
proper functioning of the Board or of any Committee thereof :
Provided that, no member shall be removed from office unless he
has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause why such
order should not be made against him.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (1) and (2),
the nominated member of the Board shall hold office during the pleasure
of the Government and shall be removed at any time by the Government,
if it deems fit.
Meetings of 12. (1) The Board shall meet not less than twice in every
year, and six months shall not intervene between two successive
(2) The Chairman of the Board may at any time in the exigencies so
demand, and upon a written request made by not less than one-third of
the total number of members of the Board shall call a special meeting of
the Board, on a date not later than twenty-one days after the receipt of
such request by the Chairman.
Vacancy of
Chairman or
member 13. If the Chairman or a member of the Board or any
owing to Committee becomes subject to any of the disqualifications
mentioned in section 8, his office shall thereupon be declared
vacant by the Government.
Vacancy of
owing to
absence 14. If a member nominated or appointed to the Board remains
without absent without permission of the Board from three consecutive
meetings thereof, his office shall thereupon become vacant and
shall be so declared by the Chairman.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 7
Education Act, 1997.
15. In case of any dispute as to whether the office of the Chairman Decision on
or a member has become vacant under section 13 or 14, the decision of question as
to vacancy.
the Government in the matter shall be final.
16. No act or proceedings of the Board or any Committee shall be Acts and
invalid merely by reason of any vacancy in or any defect in the not
constitution of such Board or Committee. invalidated
of defects in

17. The Board may invite any person who in its opinion is an expert Power to
in the field of education or any officer of the Government, to attend its experts and
meeting or of its Committee, if the subject with which the expert or officers at
officer is concerned is likely to come up for discussion or consideration meeting.
at such meeting.
18. (1) The Board shall consist of the following Committees, Constitu-
tion of
namely :— Committees.
(a) Academic Committee ;
(b) Finance Committee ;
(c) Course Committees ; not exceeding 20 ;
(d) Equivalence Committee;
(e) Special Committee.
(2) The Board may constitute such other Committees as it thinks
necessary for efficient performance of its functions.
(3) The number of members of every Committee constituted by the
Board, the term of office of its members and the duties and functions to
be discharged by such Committee shall be such as may be prescribed.
19. (1) The Board shall take over and employ such of the existing Board to
staff on the date of the establishment of the Board, except the Secretary, absorb
certain staff
Joint Secretary (Technical), Deputy Secretary (Technical), Assistant and to
Secretary (Technical) and Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations, assume
Accounts Officers and Systems Analysts, serving for the purposes of the obligations
Board of the Technical Examination, Maharashtra State (hereinafter of
referred to as “ the Existing Board ”), constituted by the Government in respect of
Resolution, Education and Social Welfare Department, No. EXM-7260- matters to
K; dated the 7th January 1963, as the State Government may direct, which this
and every person so taken over and employed shall be subject to the Act applies.
provisions of this Act and the regulations made thereunder :
Provided that,—(a) such staff gives option, within the prescribed
time limit to continue in the services of the Board ;
(b) during the period of such employment all matters relating to
the pay, leave, retirement, allowances, pension, provident fund and
other conditions of service of the members of the said staff shall be
regulated by the Maharashtra Civil Services Rules or such other rules
as may, from time to time, be made by the Government ;
H 1057—2
8 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(c) any such member shall have right of appeal to the Government
against the order of rejection, dismissal or removal from service, fine
or any other punishment.
(2) Permanent employees of the existing Board if exercise option in
favour of the Government service, they shall be absorbed within a period
of two years under the Directorate of Technical Education in any of its
offices or institution where the vacancy exists.
(3) All expenditure which the existing Board may have incurred before
appointed day in connection with any of the purposes of the existing
Board shall be deemed to be advanced towards capital expenditure by
the Government to the Board under section 37 on that date, and all
assets acquired by such expenditure shall vest into the Board.
(4) All property, moveable or immovable, and all rights, and interests
of whatsoever kind, and powers and privileges of the existing Board
shall stand transferred and shall, vest in the Board and be applied for
the objects and purposes for which the Board is constituted.
(5) All obligations incurred, all contracts entered into and all matters
and things engaged to be done, before the first constitution of the Board
by, with or for, the State Government or the existing Board for any of
the purposes of this Act, in respect of any scheme for the promotion of
the technical education in the State of Maharashtra shall be deemed to
have been incurred, entered into, or engaged to be done by, with or for,
the Board and accordingly all claims made, or suits or legal proceedings
instituted or which might have been instituted by or against the State
Government or the existing Board, as the case may be, continued or
instituted by or against the Board.
powers and 20. (1) The Board shall have the Secretary, who shall be appointed
duties of
Secretary, by the Government.
Joint and (2) The Secretary shall, subject to the control of the Chairman, be
Secretaries, the Executive Officer of the Board, and all other officers and servants,
Assistent for the time being, serving under the Board shall be subordinate to him.
Controller of (3) The Secretary shall be entitled to be present at the meetings of
Examination, the Board and shall be the Member-Secretary of the Board.
Analysts, (4) The Secretary shall exercise such other powers and perform such
Officers and other duties as may be made by regulation.
Officers. (5) The Government shall appoint the required number of technical
staff such as Joint Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries,
Controller of Examinations, System Analysts, Finance Officers and
Accounts Officers for the Board on the recommendation of the Board.
(6) A Joint Secretary (Technical), Deputy Secretary (Technical) and
Assistant Secretary (Technical), Controller of Examinations, System
Analysts, Finance Officers shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties of the Secretary as are, respectively assigned to them by the
Secretary under the general or special orders.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 9
Education Act, 1997.
(7) The Secretary, Joint Secretaries (Technical), Deputy Secretaries
(Technical) and Assistant Secretaries (Technical), Controller of
Examinations, System Analysts and Finance Officers and Accounts
Officers appointed under this Act shall be the servants of the Government,
and the salaries and allowances and other conditions of service of these
officers shall be such as may be determined by the Government.
21. (1) The Board may, will the approval of the Government, appoint Other
such other officers and servants as it considers necessary for the efficient Officers and
performance of its functions under this Act. Servants of
(2) The salaries, allowances and other conditions of service of the officers
and servants appointed under sub-section (1) shall be such as may be
determined by the Board by regulations.
[21A. Subject to the provision of this Act, the powers and duties of Powers and
the Governing Council shall be as follows, namely :— duties of
(a) to act on the matters referred by the Board and to approve the Council.
recommendations and decisions of the Board for implementation ;
(b) to prepare perspective development plan in consultation with
industry ;
(c) to approve matters related to staff regulations and approval
thereof ;
(d) to recommend the Government to carry test audit of accounts
of the Boards regularly and at such intervals as the Governing Council
may deem fit;
(e) to decide accreditation policy of the institutes ;
(f) to exercise the powers related to financial matters which are
referred by the Board ;
(g) to approve the budget recommended by the Board ;
(h) to give directions to the Board in respect of the implementation
of various policy decisions taken by the Government, from time to
time ;
(i) to approve the rules and procedures for appointment of officers
and other employees of the Board, their qualifications, terms and
conditions of services including conduct, discipline and duties, mode
of recruitment, pay scales ;
(j) to recommend the Government to conduct an enquiry in respect
of any matter concerning the proper conduct, working and finances of
the institutes under the Board. ]
22. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the powers and duties of Powers and
the Board shall be as follows, namely :— duties of
(a) to advice the Government on matters of policy relating to
Diploma Level, Technical Education in general, and on the following
matters, in particular, namely :—
(i) co-ordination between national policies and State policies in
Diploma Level Technical Education;
These words were substituted for the word “ Board ” by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 10.
Section 21A was inserted, ibid., s. 11.
H 1057—2a
10 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(ii) co-ordination between Secondary, Higher Secondary, Degree
Education and Diploma Level Education ;
(iii) to maintain uniform standard of Diploma Level Technical
Education :
(iv) to promote Industry Institute inter-action ;
(b) to lay down guiding principles for determining curricula and
syllabi and also to prepare the detailed curricula and syllabi for
Diploma Level Technical Education, for all categories, such as, regular,
sandwitch, part-time, correspondence course, yearly, semester
pattern and the like ;
(c) to prescribe and regulate standard requirements in respect of
staff buildings, furnitures, equipment, stationery and other things
required for Diploma Level Institutions ;
(d) to prescribe and develope any book as text book and reference
book or to prepare or cause to be prepared any book and print or non-
print material or to publish directly or in collaboration with any other
agency, any kind of learning material for Diploma level courses ;
(e) to prescribe the general conditions governing admission of
regular candidates and ex-candidates to the examinations and to specify
the conditions relating to eligibility, attendance, term-work and
character, on the fulfillment of which a candidate shall have a right to
be admitted to and to appear at any such examination ;
(f) to award certificates to candidates passing the Diploma final
examination ;
(g) to institute and to award scholarships, fellowships, stipends,
medals, prizes and other rewards as also to prescribe conditions
(h) to receive bequests, donations, endowments, trusts and other
transfers of any property, or interest therein, or right thereto ;
(i) to hold any property, interest or right referred to in clause (h)
above, and to manage and deal with the same ;
(j) to fix demand and receive such fees and penalties as may be
prescribed ;
(k) to call for special reports and information from the Director of
Technical Education or from officers of the Technical Education
Department of the Government, and to call for any information from
any Diploma Level Institution, recognised by the Board to ensure
maintenance and improvement in academic standard in Diploma Level
Technical Education ;
(l) to recommend measures to promote physical, moral and social
welfare of students in institutions recognized by the Board, and to
prescribe conditions of their residence and discipline ;
[ (m) to appoint the staff except the posts mentioned in sub-section
(7) of section 20 as per the regulations ; ]
Clause (m) was substituted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 12 (a).
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 11
Education Act, 1997.
(n) to constitute provident fund for the benefit of the officers and
employees of the Board ;
(o) to approve the annual financial statement pertaining to the
Board and to recommend to the 1[ Governing Council ] for sanction,
the annual budget ;
(p) to inspect and supervise generally the working of the Regional
Officer and to inspect periodically the accounts thereof ;
(q) to conduct statistical and other research or training programmes
for the purposes of design, development, implementation and
evaluation of the curriculum, teaching learning process and
examination in colloboration with any agency, within or outside India ;
(r) to appoint such Committees as it may think necessary for the
efficient discharge of its functions under this Act ;
(s) to make regulations for the purpose of carrying out effectively
the provisions of this Act ;
(t) to make bye-laws relating to matters such as procedure to be
followed by the Board, their committees and any other matter solely
concerning the Board and their Committees that are not provided for
by or under this Act and the regulations made thereunder;
(u) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as
may be conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act ;
(v) to make regulation 2[ with the approval of the Governing Council ]
for granting of academic autonomy to institute, reviewing or revoking
of autonomy granted ;
(w) to carry out all such acts as may be necessary to achieve the
objective of this Act so as to improve, extend, expand the Diploma
Level Technical Education in the State and to maintain and improve
standard of Diploma Level Technical Education ;
(x) to make regulation for granting affiliation, accredition,
autonomous status, equivalence, eligibility to institutes and reviewing
or revoking affiliation or accredition or equivalence, or autonomous
status or eligibility ;
(y) to demand and receive such fees as may be prescribed for
candidates admitted to the examination, affiliation, to accredit,
conferring autonomy, equivalence ;
(z) to conduct the examinations of the Board ;
(za) to appoint paper-setters, examiners, moderators, supervisors
and other necessary personnel for conducting examination, assessment
of candidates, performance and for compiling and release of results ;
(zb) to admit candidates for the examination according to the
regulations ;
(zc) to open centres within its jurisdiction for examination conducted
by it ;
These words were substituted for the word “Government” by Man. 1 of 2003.
s. 12 (b).
These words were inserted, ibid., s. 12 (c).
12 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(zd) to declare the result of the candidates appearing at the
examinations conducted on such date or dates as may be fixed ;
(ze) to prepare a list of candidates according to merit;
(zf) to deal with cases of use of unfair means according to the
procedure laid down;
(zg) to evaluate generally the performance of students and Institutes
in all examinations including the final examination in Diploma Level
Technical Institute ;
(zh) to call for any information from any Diploma Level Institutions
recognised by it to ensure maintenance of academic standard, to call
for special reports, and information from the Regional Joint Director
of Technical Education concerned on Diploma Level Institutions
recognized by it but not maintaining the required academic standard
and to recommend to the Directorate of Technical Education,
withdrawal of recognition granted under the administrative order of
the Technical Education Department of the Government, in cases of
poor academic results and grave academic irregularities;
(zi) to require institutions recognized by the Technical Education
Department of the Government to extend their co-operation in the
conduct of the examination and to withdraw the privileges of the
Board from any institution, which fails to place at its disposal the
facilities required to conduct examination after giving it a reasonable
opportunity of showing cause why such orders should not be made ;
(zj) to create, own, hold or hire any property or infrastructure
required for—
(i) functioning of Board office,
(ii) functioning of regional offices,
(iii) providing residential accommodation to officers and staff of
the Board;
[(zk) to plan and monitor academic performance ;
(zl) to propose the need-based courses, special courses for self-
employment, courses for rural, deprived persons and women ;
(zm) to propose to confer autonomy to deserving institutions.]
Powers and 23. (1) It shall be the duty of the 2[Director] of the Board to
duties of
[Director] ensure that the provisions of the Act and the regulations and
of Board. bye-laws made thereunder, are faithfully observed, and he shall
have all powers necessary for this purpose.
(2) In an emergency which, in the opinion of the 2[Director] of the
Board, require that immediate action should be taken, the 2[Director]
shall take such action as he deems necessary and shall thereafter report
his action to the Board at its next meeting.
(3) The 2[Director] shall exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties as may be prescribed.
Clauses (zk), (zl) and (zm) were added by Mah. 1 of 2003 s 12 (d).
This word was substituted for the word “Chairman” ibid., s. 13 (a).
This word was substituted for the word “Chairman” ibid., s. 13 (b).
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 13
Education Act, 1997.
24. (1) The Government shall have the power, after considering the Powers of
advice (if any) tendered by the Board, to issue such directions as it may Government
to issue
consider necessary in regard to all or any of the matters specified in directions.
clause (a) of section 22. The Board concerned shall comply with such
(2) The Government shall have also the right to address the Board
with reference to anything it has conducted or done, or is conducting or
doing or intends to conduct or do, and to communicate to the Board its
views in the matter.
(3) The Board shall report to the Government such action, if any, as
it proposes to take or has taken upon the communication, and shall
furnish an explanation if it fails to take action.
(4) If the Board does not take action within a reasonable time, to the
satisfaction of the Government, the Government may after considering
any explanation furnished or representation made by the Board, issue
such directions consistent with this Act as it may think fit, and the
Board shall comply with such directions.
(5) In an emergency which, in the opinion of the Government, requires
that immediate action should be taken, the Government may take such
action consistent with this Act as it deems necessary without previous
consultation with the Board and shall forthwith inform it of the action
(6) The Government may, by order in writing, specifying the reasons
thereof, suspend the execution of any resolution or order of the Board
and prohibit the doing of the action ordered to be or purporting to be
ordered to be done by the Board if the Government is of the opinion that
such resolution, order or act, is in excess of the powers conferred by or
under this Act upon the Board.
25. (1) The management applying for affiliation and management Conditions
whose institution has been granted affiliation for a period specified, shall of affiliation.
give and comply with the following undertaking,—
(a) that the provisions of the Act and regulations thereunder and
the standing orders and directions of the Board shall be observed ;
(b) that there shall be a separate local managing committee
provided for an affiliated polytechnic or institution ;
(c) that the number of students admitted for courses of study shall
not exceed the limits prescribed by the Board and the Government,
from time to time ;
(d) that there shall be suitable and adequate physical facilities
such as buildings, laboratories, libraries, books, equipment required
for teaching and research, hostels, gymnasium, as may be prescribed ;
(e) that the financial resources of the institution shall be such as
to make due provision for its continued maintenance and working ;
14 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
(f) that the strength and qualifications of teaching and non-teaching
staff of the affiliated recognised institutions and the emoluments and
the terms and conditions of service of the staff of affiliated institutions
shall be such as prescribed by the Board and which shall be sufficient
to make due provision for courses of study, teaching or training or
research efficiently ;
(g) that the services of all teaching and non-teaching employees
and the facilities of the institution to be affiliated shall be made
available for conducting examinations and for promoting other
activities of the Board ;
(h) that the directions, and orders issued by the Chairman and other
officers of the Board in exercise of the powers conferred on them
under the provisions of the Act, and regulations shall be complied
with ;
(i) that there shall be no change or transfer of the management
without previous permission of the Board ;
(j) that institution shall not be closed without previous premission
of the Board ;
(k) that in the event of disaffiliation or derecognition or closure of
the polytechnic or institution under section 32 or 35, as the case may
be, all the assets of the institution including buildings and equipments
which have been constructed or created out of the amount paid as a
grant-in-aid by the Government shall vest in the Government.
(2) No institution which is part of another Board shall be considered
for affiliation unless a “no objection certificate” is given by the parent
Procedure 26. 1 * * *
(3) The management seeking permission to open a new institution
shall apply in the prescribed form to the Member-Secretary 2[ of the
Board ] before the last day of October of the year preceding the year
from which the permission is sought.
(4) All such application received within the aforesaid prescribed time-
limit, shall be scrutinised by the Board and be forwarded to the
Government on or before the last day of December of the year.
(5) Out of the applications recommended by the Board, the
Government may grant permission to such institutions as it may consider
right and proper in its absolute discretion, taking into account the
Government’s budgetary resources, the suitability of the managements
seeking permission to open new institutions and the State level priorities
with regard to location of institutions of Technical Education :
Provided, however, that in exceptional cases and for the reasons to
be recorded in writing, any application not recommended by the Board
may be approved by the Government for starting a new Institution of
Technical Education.
(6) No application shall be entertained directly by the Government
for the grant of permission for opening new Institution of Technical
Sub-sections (1) and (2) were deleted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 14 (a).
These words were inserted, ibid ; s. 14(b).
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 15
Education Act, 1997.
27. (1) On receipt of the permission from the Government under Procedure
section 26 the Board shall consider, grant of first time affiliation to the for
new institution by following the prescribed procedure given in sub-section
(2) and after taking into account whether and the extent to which the
stipulated conditions have been fulfiled by the institution. The decisions
of the Board in this regard shall be final.
(2) For the purpose of considering the application for the grant of
affiliation, the Board shall cause an inquiry by a committee constituted
for the purpose by it.
(3) The Board shall decide,—
(a) whether affiliation should be granted or rejected ;
(b) whether affiliation should be granted in whole or part;
(c) subjects, courses of study and the number of students to be
admitted ;
(d) conditions, if any, which may be stipulated while granting the
(4) The Member-Secretary shall communicate the decision of the
Board with a copy to the Director of Technical Education, and if the
application for affiliation is granted, along with an intimation
(a) the subjects and the courses of study approved for affiliation ;
(b) the number of students to be admitted ;
(c) the conditions, if any, subject to the fulfilment of which the
approval is granted.
(5) The procedure referred to in section 26 shall apply, mutatis-
mutandis, for the permission to open new courses, additional faculties,
new subjects and additional divisions.
(6) No student shall be admitted by the institution unless the first
time affiliation has been granted by the Board.
(7) The procedure referred to in sub-sections (1) to (4) shall apply,
mutatis mutandis, for the consideration of continuation of affiliation,
from time to time.
28. The affiliated institution may apply for continuation of affiliation Continua-
for the courses of study for which affiliation was granted ordinarily six tion of
months prior to the date of expiry of such affiliation. The Board shall affiliation.
follow the procedure specified in sections 25, 26 and 27 so far as applicable
for grant of affiliation.
29. The affiliated institution may apply for affiliation for additional Extension of
courses of study. The Board shall follow the procedure as specified in affiliation.
sections 25, 26 and 27 so far as may be applicable for grant of affiliation.
30. The affiliated institution with at least six years standing as an Permanent
affiliated Institution may apply for permanent affiliation. The Board shall affiliation
consider and scrutinise the application and if satisfied that the affiliated recognition.
institution has fulfilled all the conditions of affiliation satisfactorily, and
has attained high academic and administrative standards as prescribed
by the Board, from time to time, the Board shall grant permanent
affiliation to the institution.
H 1057—3
16 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
Inspection of 31. (1) Every affiliated institution shall furnish such reports,
and report.
returns and other particulars, as the Board may require for enabling it
to judge the academic standard and standards of academic administration
of the institution.
(2) The 1[ Director ] shall cause every affiliated institution to be
inspected, at least once in every three years, by one or more committees
appointed by him in that behalf.
Withdrawal 32. (1) If an affiliated institution fails to comply with the conditions
of affiliation
or of affiliation as provided in section 25, the Board may issue a notice to
recognition. the management to show cause as to why the privileges conferred on
the institution by affiliation should not be withdrawn in part or in whole
or modified.
(2) The Board shall mention the grounds on which it proposes to take
the above mentioned action and shall send a copy of the notice to the
Principal or the head of institution. It shall also specify in the notice, the
period being a period which shall not be less than thirty days within
which the management should file its written statement in reply to the
(3) On receipt of such written statement or on expiry of the period
specified in the notice issued under sub-section (1), the Board shall take
action, if any, for withdrawal or modification of such privileges.
(4) The Board shall, having regard to the interest of students studying
in the institutions, recommend to the Government the action to be taken
in this behalf and the Government shall, thereafter, proceed to implement
the recommendations.
Conferment 33. (1) The recognised Polytechnic or Institution considering itself
Autonomous eligible for autonomous status shall apply to the Secretary of Board on
Status. or before 31st August, of the year preceding the year from which the
autonomous status is applied for in the form prescribed by the Board.
(2) The Secretary shall place the applications before the Academic
Committee and the Committee shall scrutinise an application form and
decide, having referred to the criteria mentioned above, whether there
is prima facie case for consideration of the application. If the Academic
Committee decides that there is a prima facie case, it shall conduct a
local enquiry also by way of discussion with Principal, staff and students
of Polytechnic or Institute.
(3) The local enquiry shall be on the points under criteria and to
assess whether facilities exist as per norms etc. wherever specified and
additional information that the Committee may find necessary.
(4) The Secretary of the Board shall place the application and the
report of Academic Committee on scrutiny of application and local enquiry
before the Board in its meeting which shall pass a resolution recording
whether the report be accepted or rejected. If the Board rejects the
application and report by majority or unanimously and decides not to
recommend conferment of autonmous status, it shall record the reason
therefor. If the Board proposes to grant the application and recommend
This word was substituted for the word “Chairman” by Mah. 1 of 2003, s.15.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 17
Education Act, 1997.
conferment of autonomous status, it shall pass a resolution to that effect
and also specify the conditions subject to which autonomous status shall
be conferred.
(5) The Secretary of the Board shall submit within a period of one
month to the Secretary, Higher and Technical Education of Government
such recommendations of the Board alongwith a copy of the resolution
and such other records to be decided by the Board, for approval.
(6) On receiving approval from the Government for conferment of
autonomy on the applicant Polytechnic or Institute, the Secretary of the
Board shall inform the Polytechnic or Institute concerned, the matter
in writing with conditions, if any.
(7) Rejection of conferment of autonomy is also to be intimated to the
concerned Polytechnic or Institute.
The activities in sub-sections (1) to (7) are to be completed within ten
months from the last date of receipt of the applications for conferment
of an autonomy.
(8) Any guidelines, rules, regulations, etc., on autonomy provided by
All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi, from time to time,
shall become applicable to the Polytechnic or Institute seeking autonomy
and to the Polytechnic or Institute on which the status of autonomy is
already conferred.
34. (1) The institutions granted autonomy shall be required to obtain Equivalence
equivalence for their courses and programmes from the Board. and
(2) The Autonomous Institutions shall get their curriculum, teaching
and examination scheme approved by the Board, from time to time.
(3) The Board shall carry out inspection of such Autonomous
Institutions at least once in three years.
(4) The Board shall monitor all academic and examination related
activities of the Autonomous Institutions such as curriculum, teaching
examination scheme, teaching hours, academic schedule, eligibility of
candidate to appear for the examination, etc.
(5) The Governing Body and other committees of Autonomous
Polytechnic or Institution shall have representative from the Board on
such committees.
(6) The Board shall grant equivalence for the purpose of employment
education to any Diploma, Post Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma,
Advance Diploma or any such programme conducted by any Government
recognised institute under any similar Board or University or any
examination authority located in Maharashtra, outside Maharashtra or
outside India on the basis of scrutiny of curriculum.
(7) The Board shall, wherever necessary obtain equivalence for any
Dilpoma, Post Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma, Advance Diploma or any
such programme conducted by the Board from any similar Board, College,
University or any other Examination Authority within or outside India.
(8) The Board shall issue eligibility certificate on the basis of
equivalance granted to any course or programme.
(G.C.P.) H 1057—4(4,742–10-12)
18 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
Closure of 35. (1) No management of an institution shall be allowed to close
institution. down the institution without prior permission of the Government.
(2) The management desires of closing down the institution shall apply
to the Board on or before the 1[last day of April of the preceding year],
stating fully the grounds for closure, and pointing out the assets in the
form of building and equipments, their original costs, the prevailing
market value and the grants so for received by it from the Government
or from public funding agencies.
(3) On receipt of such an application, the Board shall cause to make
enquiries as it may deem fit, to assess and determine whether the
institution be permitted to effect the closure. The Board may, examine
whether the closure should be avoided by providing necessary assistance
or taking over of the Institute by the Government or transferring it to
another management.
(4) If the Board decides to recommend the closure, it shall prepare
and submit to the Government, a report on the extent of damages or
compensation to be recovered from the management and whether the
assets created utilising the funds provided by the Government or other
public funding agencies, be transferred to the Government or other
management, and the payment of compensation to the teachers and the
staff retrenched.
[ (5) If the Board has recommended the closure of the affiliated
Institution the Government may issue the order for closure.]
(6) If the Government decides to take over the institution or transfer
the same to another management the procedure to be followed shall be
such as may be prescribed by the Government.
(7) The procedure to effect the closure shall be in phases, so as to
ensure that the students already admitted to the institution are not
affected, and that the first year shall be closed first and no new admissions
shall be effected. The procedure to phase out the closure shall be such
as may be prescribed by the Government.
Application 36. All property, fund and other assets vesting in the Board shall be
of Board held and applied by it, subject to the provisions and for the purposes of
this Act.
Boards 37. (1) The Board shall have its own Fund, and the following moneys
Fund, its shall be credited thereto :—
custody and
investment. (a) fees, royalties and charges, including penalties, levied and
collected by the Board ;
(b) grants, assignments, contributions and loans, if any, made to it
by the Government ;
(c) bequests, donations and endowments or other contributions,
if any ;
(d) interest on, and sale proceeds of, any securities vested in it ;
(e) all rents and profits from the property vested in it ;
(f) other moneys received by, or on behalf of, the Board.
These words and brackets were substituted for the words “ first day of August
of the preceding year ” by Mah. 3 of 2006, s. 2 (a).
This sub-section was substituted for the orginal sub-section ibid, s. 2(b).
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 19
Education Act, 1997.
(2) The Board may keep in current or deposit account with the State
II of Bank of India or with any Schedule Bank as defined in the Reserve Bank
1934. of India Act, 1934 which holds a licence issued by the Reserve Bank of
X of
1949. India under section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, or with any
other bank approved by the Government, in this behalf, such sum of
money out of its Fund as may be prescribed and any money in excess of
the said sum shall be invested in such manner as may be approved by
the Government.
(3) Such accounts shall be operated upon by such officers of the Board
as may be authorised by it by regulation made in this behalf.
38. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Fund of the Board shall General
be applied only to the payment of charges and expenses incidental to the of Fund.
matters specified in this Act; and for any other purpose for which by or
under this Act powers are conferred or duties are imposed upon the
39. No payment shall be made by a Bank out of the Board’s Fund How Fund
except upon a cheque or letter of credit signed by an officer authorised shall be
by the Board in this behalf. against.
40. The Board shall pay, from time to time, to each regional office Allotments
such sums as the Board may determine, for enabling the regional offices to Regional
to discharge the duties and functions imposed on them by the Board for
completion of works or Development Scheme within its jurisdiction,
which are not inconsistent with this Act.
41. (1) The Board shall prepare, before such date and in such manner Preparation
of annual
as may be prescribed, the budget estimates of the income and expenditure budget
of the Board for the next financial year. estimates.
(2) The Board shall, on or after the date referred to in sub-section (1),
consider the budget estimates prepared by it and submit them as approved
by it to the Government, for its sanction. The Government may pass
such orders with reference to the budget estimates as it thinks fit, and
communicate the same to the Board. The Board shall give effect to such
42. (1) The Board shall keep accounts in such form and in such Annual
manner as prescribed. accounts
and audit.
(2) The accounts of the Board shall be audited by Auditor appointed
by the Board with the previous approval of 1[the Governing Council.]
(3) The Government may, if it thinks necessary, appoint a Special
Auditor to audit the accounts of the Board.
(4) The Auditor or the Special Auditor, as the case may be, shall
submit his report to the Board and shall forward a copy thereof to 2[the
Governing Council.]
(5) The cost of the audit under sub-section (2) or (3), if any, shall be
borne by the Board.
These words were substituted for the words “ the Government ” by Mah. 3 of
2 0 a).
0 6 , s . 6 (

These words were substituted for the words “ the Government ” ibid, s. 3(b).
H 1057—4a
20 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
Inspection 43. (1) The Govemment shall have the right to cause an inspection
and inquiry. to be made, by such person or persons as it may direct, of the Board, of
the buildings, hostels, laboratories, libraries and equipments of any
Diploma Level Institutions affiliated and accredited to the Board, of the
teaching or other work conducted by any such Polytechnic or Institute
and of the conduct of any examination held on behalf of the Board ; and
to cause an inquiry to be made in like manner in respect of any matter
connected with the Board. The Government shall, in every case, give
due notice to the Board of its intention to cause an inspection or inquiry
to be made and the Board shall be entitled to appoint a representative,
who shall have the right to be present and be heard at such inspection
or inquiry.
(2) The Government shall communicate to the Board its views with
reference to the results of the inspection or inquiry and may, after
ascertaining the opinion of the Board thereon, advise it on the action to
be taken, and fix a time limit for taking such action.
(3) The Board shall report to the Government such action, if any, as
it has taken or proposes to take upon the results of the inspection or
inquiry. Such report shall be submitted, with the opinion of the Board
thereon, within such time as the Government may direct.
(4) Where the Board does not within the time fixed, take action to
the satisfaction of the Government, the Government may, after
considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the
Board, issue such directions as it may think fit, and the Board shall
comply with such directions.
Information, 44. (1) The Board shall furnish to the Government such reports,
returns, etc., returns and statements as may be required by the Government and
to be
furnished such further information, relating to any matter connected with its work
by Board. as the Government may call for.
(2) The Government may, after considering any such report, returns
or statements or information furnished, give such directions consistent
with this Act as may be necessary, and the Board shall comply with such
Manner of 45. All matters relating to the exercise by the Board of powers
exercise of
powers conferred upon it by the Act, which have by regulation been delegated
delegated to by the Board to a Committee shall stand referred to that Committee and
Committee. the Board before exercising such powers shall receive and consider the
report of that Committee with respect to the matter in question.
Power of 46. (1) The Board may make regulations 1[with the approval of the
Board to
Governing Council ] for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions
regulations. of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, such regulations may provide for all or any of following matters,
namely :—
(a) the constitution, powers and duties of the Committees
appointed under section 18;
These words were inserted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 16.
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 21
Education Act, 1997.
(b) the subjects and curricula for the examinations ;
(c) the general conditions governing admission of regular and
external candidates for the examinations and particular conditions
regarding eligibility, attendance, term and character, on the fulfillment
of which a candidate shall have a right to be admitted to and to appear
at any such examination ;
(d) the marks required for passing in any subject and the
examination as a whole and for exemption, credit and distinction in
any subject ;
(e) the fees for admission to the examinations and other fees and
charges payable in respect of other matters connected with these
examinations ;
(f) the arrangements for the conduct of examinations and
publication of results ;
(g) the appointment of examiners, their powers and duties in
relation to the examination and their remuneration and mode of
(h) the qualifications and disqualifications of examiners ;
(i) the award of certificates ;
(j) the appointment of officers and servants of the Board in its own
office and the conditions of their service ;
(k) the constitution of provident fund for the benefit of the said
officers and servants of the Board ;
(l) the control, administration, safe custody and management in all
respect of the finances of the Board ;
(m) the date before which and the manner in which the Board shall
prepare its budget estimates ;
(n) the compensatory allowance which may be drawn by members
of the Board and the Committee appointed by them ;
(o) appointment of Officers and staff from Government and aided
and unaided Institutes or Polytechnics for smooth conduct of
examination ;
(p) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed under this
(3) No regulations made under this section shall have effect until the
same has been sanctioned by the Government.
47. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 46, the first First
regulations shall be made by the Government and they shall continue to Regulation.
be in force until new regulations are duly made by the Board.
(2) If it shall at any time appear to the Government that it is expedient
to make any new regulations in respect of any of the matters referred to
in section 46 or that any regulations referred to in sub-section (1) or
made by the Board under section 46 need to be modified or repealed,
either wholly or in part, the Government may, after consultation with
22 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
the Board and by notification in the Official Gazette, make such
regulations or modify or repeal any such regulation, either in whole or
in part. The regulations so made, modified or repealed shall take effect
from the date as the Government may in such notification specify or if
no such date is specified, from the date of publication of the said
notification in the Official Gazette, except as respects anything done or
as omitted to be done before such date.
Powers of 48. The Board may make bye-laws consistent with this Act to provide
Board to
make bye-
for all or any of the following matters, namely :—
laws. (a) the procedure to be followed at the meetings of the Board and
the Committees appointed by it and the number of members required
to form a quorum at such meetings ;
(b) any other matter solely concerning the Board and their
Committees not provided for by this Act and the regulations made
Interpreta- 49. If any question arises regarding the interpretation of any
tion in case
of doubt. provisions of this Act or of any regulations or bye-laws made thereunder,
the matter may be referred for decision to Government and shall be so
referred to the State Government, if not less than three members of a
Board so require. The decision of the Government shall be final.
Duties of 50. All affiliated and Autonomous Diploma Leval Institutions shall
assistance render such help and assist the Board as the Board may require to
from, perform and discharge its duties and functions under the Act.
and Diploma

Protection 51. No suit, prosecution, or other legal proceedings shall lie against
of action
taken in the Government, 1[ the Governing Council, ] the Board or the members
good faith. or any officer or servant of the Government 2[ or of the Governing
Council ] or of the Board for anything which is in good faith done or
purported or intended to be done in pursuance of this Act or any
regulations or bye-laws.
Members, 52. All members, officers and employees of the Board shall, when
officers and
employees acting or purporting to Act in pursuance of any of the provisions of this
of Board to Act, be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of 45 of
be public the Indian Penal Code. 1860.

Savings. 53. (a) Every Committee of the existing Board shall, as soon as
practicable, but within a period of six months from the date of
commencement of this Act, be reconstituted in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
(b) Any person holding office immediately before the appointed day
as Chairman, Secretary, Finance Officer, Accounts Officer, System
Analysts, Controller of Examinations, Joint Secretary (Technical), Deputy
These words were inserted by Mah. 1 of 2003, s. 17 (a).
These words were inserted, ibid., s. 17 (b).
1997 : Mah. XXXVIII] Maharashtra State Board of Technical 23
Education Act, 1997.
Secretary (Technical) and Assistant Secretary (Technical) to the Board
shall continue to hold the said office till the corresponding officers
appointed by Government as per the provisions of this Act.
(c) All institutions affiliated to the existing Board immediately before
the appointed day shall be deemed to be affiliated to the Board under
this Act till their affiliation is withdrawn or reconsidered under the
provisions of this Act.
(d) All the educational institutions which were entitled to any
privileges of the existing Board shall be deemed to be entitled to similar
privileges under this Act, of the Board.
(e) All benefactions accepted or received by the existing Board and
held by it immediately before the appointed day shall be deemed to have
been accepted, received or held by the Board under this Act and all the
conditions on which such benefactions were accepted, received or held
shall be deemed to be valid under this Act, notwithstanding that such
conditions may be inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act.
(f) All debts, liabilities and obligations incurred before the appointed
day and lawfully subsisting against the existing Board shall be discharged
and satisfied by the Board.
(g) Any will, deed or other document made before the appointed day,
which contains any bequest, gift, term or trust in favour of existing
Board shall, on and from the commencement of this Act, be construed
as if the Board is named therein instead of the existing Board.
(h) All references to the existing Board in any enactment or other
instruments, issued under any enactment, shall be construed as
references to the Board constituted under this Act.
(i) The appointment of examiners validly made under the orders and
subsisting immediately before the appointed day shall be deemed to have
been made under and for the purposes of this Act for the Board, and
such examiners shall continue to hold office and discharge their duties
and functions until fresh appointments are made under this Act.
(j) The service regulations applicable to the officers and employees of
the Board shall be deemed to have been prescribed under this Act and
shall, save as otherwise provided by or under this Act, continue to remain
in force, until they are superseded in accordance with the provisions of
this Act.
(k) All notices and orders made or issued by any authority and orders,
circulars of the existing Board shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act, continue to be in force and be deemed to
have been made or issued under this Act.
54. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Power to
Act, the Government may, as occasion requires but not later then two remove
years from the appointed day by order, do anything, not inconsistent
with the objects and purposes of this Act, which appears to it to be
necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty.
24 Maharashtra State Board of Technical [1997 : Mah. XXXVIII
Education Act, 1997.
[ See section 2 (j) ]

Region Area

1. Aurangabad . . Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, Beed, Dhule, Jalgaon,

Jalna, Latur, Nanded, Nashik, Osmanabad and
2. Nagpur .. Akola, Amravati, Bhandara, Buldhana,
Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Nagpur, Wardha and
3. Pune .. Kolhapur, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Raigad
Ratnagiri, Sangli, Satara, Sindhudurg, Solapur
and Thane.


(iv) Maharashtra Debt Relief Act, 1975 [1976 : Mah. III

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