Preliminary Design of Beam: 2. Load Calculation 3. Check Depth 2.1 Slab Load KN

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Preliminary Design Of Beam

1. effective depth calculation 2. Load Calculation 3. Check depth

L/d = (L/αβƛɣƏ) 292.31 2.1 Slab load KN Max. UDL 48.77 KN/m
Larger span 7600 23.2 Dead load ɣ*A*(t as cal.) 65.21
α 26 cont. beam Intensity of live load = 4 KN/m2 Ultimate moment(Mu) = WuL2/12
β 1 span<10 m LL 86.95 = 234.77
ɣ 1 Total 152.16 KN-m
ƛ 1 2.2 Floor Finish load KN
n Factor
Ə 1 12.5 mm thick ceiling plaster 5.5430625
αβƛɣƏ 26 25 mm thick marble floor 14.401094
Total 19.944156
Adopt ' D ' 300 2.3 Wall Load KN
clear cover 40 Dead load
ɣ Wall width
19 230 Concrete Grade M20
dia. Of steel 10 KN/m3 (mm) =
Floor / Wall Ht. 3.475 m Steel Type Fe 415
Depth 255
2.Influence area calculation Load due to wall = 115.41
a1 7.6 m Deduct 35% opening 40.39 Mu = 0.138*fck*b*d2
b1 1.6 m Total wall load 75.02
a2 7.6 m 234.77 = 0.138*20*1000*d2
b2 5.1 m Total Load = 247.12 KN d = 532.4813 mm
h1 3m Total Udl (Wu) = 32.52 KN/m adopted d = 550 mm
h2 1.25 m Factored/Ultimate load (Wu) 48.77 Width of beam assumed is 300mm
area of trapezoid 0.5(a+b)*h
A1 13.8 Adopt size of beam
A2 7.9375 B=300mm
Total area of slab (A) 21.7375 D=550mm
Secondary beam

longest span= 4.4m

approx.depth, d= 4400/26
Taking depth, D = 350mm
width =230mm

Secondary beam size = 230*350

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